Best Practices for Integrating
Zscaler™ Security Analytics &
Logging Capabilities into the
Security Operations Workow
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Table of contents
Overview 4
SOC Goals and Key Processes 4
Real-time Event Monitoring, Classication, and Triage 4
Threat Assessment, Prioritization, and Analysis 5
Incident Response, Remediation, and Recovery 5
Vulnerability Assessment, Audit, and Compliance Management 5
Adversary Behavior and MITRE ATT&CK Framework 6
Zscaler Cloud: Defense in Depth Threat Protection Capabilities 6
Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) Logging Architecture 7
Nanolog and Nanolog Streaming Service (NSS) 7
Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) Analytics 8
Dashboards 8
Insights and Logs 8
Reports 9
Zscaler Nanolog Streaming Service (NSS) 10
Dissecting a Weblog 12
Content Filtering (URL Filtering and File Type Control) Logs 14
Malware Protection (Reputation, AV, Yara) Logs 15
Advanced Threat Protection (Reputation, IPS [web]) Logs 16
Sandbox – Known Malicious (Cloud Effect) Logs 17
Sandbox – Submissions (Unknown) Logs 17
Mapping actions/events to engines and policy reason 17
Dissecting a Firewall Log 18
Zscaler API 19
Zscaler Alerts 20
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Security Operations Best Practices 20
Security Policy Best Practices 20
Security Log Analysis Best Practices 20
Security Log Reporting Best Practices 23
Security Operations Incident Response Best Practices 28
Zscaler Alerts Subscription Best Practices 29
Conclusion 33
Appendix A – Threat Detection Use Cases and Examples 33
Phishing Attacks 33
Detection of Malware 36
Advanced Persistent Threat 41
Insider Threat 43
Threat Detection using Advanced Cloud Sandbox 44
Appendix B – Zscaler Integrations with Third-Party Security Intelligence and Automation Tools 47
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Analytics 47
Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) 47
Threat Intel Platform 48
Firewall 49
Endpoint (EDR) 49
Table of contents
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
As security threats continue to advance, security operations have become a necessary function for protecting
our digital way of life. Security teams require continuous improvement in operations to identify and respond
to fast-evolving threats, including high-delity intelligence, contextual data, and automation prevention
workows. They must leverage automation to reduce strain on their analysts and execute the mission of the
Security Operation Center (SOC) to identify, investigate, and mitigate threats.
In this guide, we’ll help you establish the key processes and best practices to enable your security operations
to detect emerging threats and respond effectively and quickly. At every step along the way, we’ll show you
how you can integrate Zscaler’s security analytics and logging capabilities to optimize your policies to power
your SOC, including processes for preventing, logging, detecting, investigating, and mitigating threats.
This rst installment of a three-part series focuses on leveraging Zscaler logs for analytics and incident
investigation using the Zscaler dashboard, and dissecting security logs exported via the Nanolog Streaming
Service (NSS) to a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system. Subsequent documents will
detail the Zscaler technology partnership and API integrations with SOC tools such as SIEM, SOAR, CASB, TIP,
etc., for automated response, remediation, and threat hunting.
SOC Goals and Key Processes
Security operations can be dened more broadly as a function that identies, investigates, and mitigates
threats. The four main functions of security operations are:
Real-time event monitoring, classication, and triage
Threat assessment, prioritization, and analysis
Incident response, remediation, and recovery
Vulnerability assessment, audit, and compliance management
In this section, we’ll outline the key Zscaler capabilities for each of these processes. Later, we’ll go into much
further depth with detailed tips on settings, policies, and approaches for using Zscaler throughout the incident
response lifecycle.
Real-Time Event Monitoring, Classication, and Triage
The initial triage is an important step to collect, correlate, and analyze log data to nd a “signal in the noise.
Key indicators of compromise (IoCs) can be found within user activity, security events, and rewall allow/
block, among others. In addition, specic sequences and combinations of these events in specic patterns
can signal an event that requires your attention.
As threats and anomalous activities are detected in your environment, Zscaler Internet Access™ (ZIA™)
security engines generate logs which are sent to Nanolog clusters in real time. These logs can be viewed/
analyzed within the Zscaler dashboards, insights, and logs, and can also be exported to your SIEM through
Nanolog Streaming Service (NSS).
Zscaler Nanolog is a verbose record in a compressed format that includes rich threat context and other useful
information for event classication and threat hunting.
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Threat Assessment, Prioritization, and Analysis
Prioritization is the key to success in any endeavor, and it’s even more critical in cybersecurity. Prioritizing
events help the security operations team to focus on those that could be the most impactful to business
operations and maintaining business continuity. At this stage, it is the responsibility of your security
operations team to review and respond to any activity that indicates an adversary has inltrated
your environment.
Powered by threat intelligence from the Zscaler ThreatLabZ research team and numerous threat intelligence
feeds from partners, including the Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP), Zscaler can detect the
specic indicators that signal activity of specic adversary tools, methods, and infrastructure in use and
proactively protect against new vulnerabilities.
The log includes elds to identify the engine that generated the event, threat name, type of threat, risk score,
matching rule, action taken, and other information to help you quickly analyze, identify, categorize and
prioritize the events.
Incident Response, Remediation, and Recovery
The faster you can detect and respond to an incident, the more likely you are to be able to contain the damage
and prevent a similar attack from happening in the future. At this stage, the security operations team is
responsible for identifying and segmenting the user and network that are impacted and taking remediation
steps to recover. The more data points and evidence you have will help in making that determination and
acting quickly. In some cases, the security operations team may only be responsible for incident response,
with other teams handling remediation and recovery.
Zscaler simplies remediation and recovery by helping you detect events quickly, so you can respond in
time to help prevent further damage. Tools, such as the asset discovery and device posture assessment
capabilities with Zscaler Client Connector, deliver updated and detailed information about your assets. User/
location proles allow you to quickly deploy policy as well as identify and isolate impacted users.
Additionally, Zscaler’s API capabilities and integrations allow threat correlation and automated response via
partner security solutions, such as SIEM, SOAR, and EDR, that are typically used in a security
operations workow.
Vulnerability Assessment, Audit, and Compliance Management
The best security outcome is preventing an attacker from ever inltrating your system. It’s optimal to nd and
x vulnerabilities and miscongurations before an attacker exploits them to gain access to your environments.
Running vulnerability scans, conguration audits, and generating compliance reports are some of the most
common audit activities for SOC teams looking to nd these vulnerabilities and miscongurations. Keep in
mind that these assessments will only identify technical vulnerabilities rather than procedural ones.
From the dashboard, Zscaler allows you to generate on-demand and scheduled reports that provide
information tailored for audiences like auditors, executive management, security operators, and others to
show compliance, user-level risk exposure, policy miscongurations, and recommended security
policy settings.
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Adversary Behavior and the MITRE ATT&CK Framework
MITRE ATT&CK is an adversary model and framework for describing the actions an adversary may take to
compromise and operate within an enterprise network. The framework denes adversarial tactics, techniques,
and procedures (TTPs), and categorizes them based on the sequence of steps involved in an attack.
Associating logs/activities to MITRE ATT&CK tactics can be helpful when identifying the stage of an attack
and preventing the attacker’s progress. To learn more about MITRE ATT&CK and how Zscaler integrates
ATT&CK into ZIA, refer to this white paper here.
Zscaler Cloud: Defense-in-Depth Threat Protection Capabilities
ZIA is a cloud-delivered secure internet and web gateway as a service. ZIA is built on a highly scalable, truly
distributed, multitenant, purpose-built TCP forward proxy architecture, designed for full content inspection,
including SSL decryption. For more information about ZIA, refer to the ZIA datasheet.
The Zscaler cloud platform is expertly positioned to disrupt the kill chain. For inbound threats, a layered
approach helps stop threats from reputation-based blocking while providing advanced behavioral analysis.
For outbound protection, Zscaler can deliver complete protection from botnet callbacks and malicious
outbound activity, disrupting data exltration and malware attempting to persist within the network.
Figure 1. ZIA security engine alignment with the MITRE ATT&CK framework tactics.
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Zscaler security services include Advanced Threat Protection (ATP), Browser Control, Browser Isolation,
Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Data Loss Prevention (DLP), DNS Security, File Type Control, Next-Gen
Firewall Control, Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Control, Malware Protection, Sandbox, SSL Inspection, URL
Filtering and Cloud App Control.
Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) Logging Architecture
Nanolog and Nanolog Streaming Service (NSS)
For all user trac, the Zscaler Nanolog service creates a verbose log line at the close of the connection. Unlike
a typical proxy log, Nanolog includes rich threat context and other useful information for threat hunting.
Zscaler Nanolog consolidates logs from all users, locations, and devices globally into a central repository
determined by customers. Administrators can view and mine transaction data by user, device, application,
and location in real time. Logs are stored for 180 days in the Zscaler Nanolog servers in North American or
European locations specied by customers.
Zscaler Nanolog powers our analytics capabilities—dashboards, insights, and reporting—to provide real-time
visibility into user and threat activity.
Zscaler also supports forwarding this log to your on-premises or cloud SIEM in near-real time using NSS,
enabling real-time alerting, correlation with the logs of your rewall and other devices, and long-term local
log archival.
Figure 2. Zscaler Nanolog and Nanolog Streaming Service (NSS) Architecture
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ZIA Analytics
Visibility is key to security operations and investigations. Context-rich threat logs provide useful information
for analysis, remediation, and threat hunting. ZIA provides multiple tools for log analysis. These include:
Dashboards for near-real-time visibility into your organization’s internet trac and threats
Insights and logs for analyzing trac from Nanolog clusters through charts
Reports for analyzing data through a wide range of standard reports, based on your organizations
subscription, with the ability to create up to 500 custom reports as well.
Role-based administration enables you to granularly control what different admins can do and their access
level in the ZIA Admin Portal. These include dashboard View Only or Full Access, Policy Settings, Trac
Forwarding settings, etc., and hierarchy to ensure that admins do not create conicting policies and settings.
Learn more at:
Multiple dashboards provide different views to track internet usage and quickly take action when you see
anomalous trends or security threats. The Zscaler service provides the following predened dashboards that
are relevant to security operations:
Web Overview dashboard provides a high-level view of your organizations web trac including top
advanced threats.
Security dashboard provides data about the various threats that were blocked, such as viruses, spyware,
and advanced threats. Additionally, The Sandbox Patient-Zero Events widget lists patient-zero events that
occurred in your organization.
Web Browsing dashboard provides visibility into the browsing activity of your users, including top blocked
URL categories and top blocked users.
DNS Overview provides data about your organizations DNS trac.
Firewall dashboard provides data about rewall trac.
IPS Overview dashboard provides real-time visibility into your organizations IPS trac.
To learn more about default dashboards:
Insights and Logs
The Insights and Logs pages are where you can view and dene trac information when analyzing trac
through charts and accessing corresponding Nanolog data. Insights allow you to interactively drill down to
specic transactions and are available for the following:
Web Insights and Logs provide access to log data related to web transactions and security events, such as
the URLs that were requested, Page Risk Index scores for each, the number of bytes sent and received,
and more.
Mobile Insights and Logs provide access to log data related to web transactions and security events, such
as the URLs that were requested, Page Risk Index scores for each, the number of bytes sent and received,
and more for mobile trac.
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Firewall Insights and Logs provide access to log data related to rewall policy applied, network
transactions, client and server details, and network services and applications.
DNS Insights and Logs provides access to data such as the DNS request and response details. You can use
data types and lters to dene the DNS trac information you want to view.
Threat Insights page allows you to view organization-specic threats in the form of visual paths from
origins to targets. You can choose to view threat statistics in a 2D map or a 3D globe.
Tunnel Insights and Logs provide access to data about GRE and IPSec tunnels, such as their health, status,
and authentication and encryption algorithms.
SaaS Security Insights and Logs provide access to log data related to web transactions and security events
specic to SaaS applications/tenants congured.
To learn more about how to use Insights to analyze trac:c-
The Zscaler Nanolog service provides real-time log consolidation across the globe, so you can view every
transaction performed by your users regardless of their location. From the Insights page, you can view the
logs by clicking on the Logs tab or by clicking on a specic item in the chart and choosing “View Logs.” Logs
are stored for 180 days in Zscaler Nanolog servers. You can also apply lters to narrow down the list or to nd
transactions, such as those associated with a specic user or URL. The logs can be exported as a CSV le.
The Reporting page is where you can view and generate pre-dened reports targeted at specic executive/
department/use case. Pre-dened reports are available for the following:
Executive Insights Report provides an organizations key contacts with a monthly overview of the trac
volume and security posture of your organization.
CIPA Compliance Report is an interactive report that provides information on the top URL categories that
are blocked from the Legal Liability class, and the top users and domains blocked from accessing obscene
or harmful material.
Company Risk Score Report allows organizations to monitor and assess their organizational, location, and
user-level risk exposure.
Company Summary Report is an interactive report that provides information tailored for audiences such as
the CIO and CSO of your organization.
Security Policy Audit Report allows you to view your security policy settings and improve them by following
best practice guidelines.
Quarterly Business Review Report provides customers with extensive insight into how Zscaler is helping
protect their network, quarter to quarter. It helps customers observe emerging trac trends and the types of
threats that Zscaler is blocking.
SaaS Asset Summary Report allows you to view a summary of SaaS Security API-based discovery and
remediation activities. This serves as the starting point when investigating what data is affected and
identifying risky users.
SaaS Assets Report shows you the current state of your les and email messages. It also allows you to see
the activity for any particular le or email message all in one place.
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Anomaly Detection Report (new in Release 6.1) helps you identify potential data exltration events
and malicious insiders with a high-condence detection of anomalous user behavior and organization-
level anomalies.
Additionally, Interactive Report supports real-time interactive analysis and presents a wide range of standard
reports such as The Company Summary Report (CSO). Furthermore, you can view details such as the specic
URLs that users requested, risk score of each URL, and more. Scheduling reports delivers standard and
custom reports for regular distribution to specied recipients.
Zscaler Nanolog Streaming Service (NSS)
Zscaler NSS offers two streams of highly compressed logs that can be streamed to your SIEM:
NSS for Web: Streams web and mobile trac logs.
NSS for Firewall: Streams logs from the Zscaler next-generation rewall.
The web and mobile trac logs and the rewall logs are stored in the Nanolog in the Zscaler service cloud.
The logs are encrypted and streamed in a highly compressed format to reduce the bandwidth footprint. An
organization must deploy an NSS Virtual Machine (VM) that unscrambles the logs, applies the congured
lters to exclude unwanted logs, converts the ltered logs to the congured output format so they can be
parsed by your SIEM, and then streams the logs to your SIEM over a raw TCP connection.
We recommend deploying at least one NSS for web and mobile logs and another NSS for rewall logs. Each
NSS opens a secure tunnel to the Nanolog in the Zscaler cloud.
NSS for Weblogs
NSS for Weblog stream is a verbose record in a compressed format that includes rich threat context and other
useful information for remediation and threat hunting. It includes more than 100 elds. You can congure NSS
feeds to selectively lter and send logs for web proxy, tunnel, SaaS security logs, and alerts to your SIEM as
separate feeds.
Streams of events are generated for the below log types:
Proxy Logs: All access logs processed by Zscaler proxy including IPS (web) logs
Tunnel Logs: Up/Down tunnel events and summary usage statistics
SaaS Security Logs: Cloud access security broker (CASB) events generated for SaaS applications
Alerts Logs: System alerts for events such as connectivity loss
NSS for Firewall Logs
NSS for Firewall Log stream includes rewall and DNS logs in a compressed format. You can congure NSS
feeds to selectively lter and send logs for rewall, DNS, and alerts to your SIEM as separate feeds.
Streams of events are generated for the below log types:
Cloud Firewall logs: All access logs processed by Zscaler Cloud Firewall including IPS (non-web) logs
DNS logs: Logs for DNS trac where DNS trac is sent via Zscaler
Alerts: System alerts for events such as connectivity loss
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IPS Web vs. IPS Non-Web
IPS for Web included in Advanced Threat Protection is a signature-based engine that detects threats coming
from web trac (HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP), such as cross-site scripting, botnet, command-and-control trac,
embedded/malicious web pages, etc.
IPS for non-Web included in Firewall is a signature-based engine that detects network-level intrusions over all
ports and protocols. This includes protection for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DNS, TCP, UDP, and IP-based ports and
protocols. IPS Control also enables you to create granular rules for specic users, groups, departments, and
so on. You can enable IPS Control on a per-location basis.
Detected threats for web trac will show in Weblog and non-web trac will show in Firewall log. Detected
threats for both web and non-web trac will show in Firewall Insights > Logs. Threats detected from web-
only trac also appear in the Security Dashboard. Threats detected from non-web trac also appear in the
IPS Dashboard.
Note: Web IPS policy is applied rst followed by non-Web IPS.
NSS Deployment
An organization can deploy the NSS instance on-premises, on an ESX Virtual Machine, on an EC2 Instance, on
AWS, or on Microsoft Azure. NSS deployment guides for these platforms are below:
Syslog Formats
Zscaler supports many syslog formats. This includes industry-standard formats and the ability to create
custom log strings. The Common Event Format (CEF) and Log Event Extended Format (LEEF) are two primary
standards used by SIEMs. To learn more:
NSS Feeds
An NSS feed species the data from the logs that the NSS will send to the SIEM. Each feed can have a
different list of elds, a different format, and different lters. You can add one or more feeds for the logs and
one feed for alerts. You can add up to eight NSS feeds for each NSS.
Refer to the following help articles for conguring NSS feeds:rewall-logs
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NSS Feed Output Format
Feed Output Format denes the elds that will be displayed in the output. For each NSS feed/log type, there
is a default feed output format populated when you add a new feed and select the log type. You can edit the
default list; if you choose Custom as the Field Output Type, change the delimiter as well.
For all possible elds and formats, refer to the below links:rewall-logs
We recommend following the general guidelines for NSS feeds and feed formats provided in the following
help article:
Dissecting a Weblog
The weblog provides access to log data related to web transactions and security events. Weblog provides
threat context that is spread over 100 elds. Broadly, there are ve different categories of security logs that
can be dissected from the weblog for investigation:
Content Filtering (URL Filtering & File Type Control)
Malware Protection (Reputation, AV, Yara)
Advanced Threat Protection (Reputation, IPS [web])
Sandbox – Known Malicious (Cloud Effect)
Sandbox – Unknown (potential zero-day)
While there are many elds included in the weblog for each category, in general, the following key elds can be
used to search/identify the ve different categories of security logs mentioned above for your investigation:
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Weblog Field Web Insights Field Description & Example
Ruletype Policy Type
Policy type (applies only to Block rules, not Allow) e.g., File Type
Control, Data Loss Prevention, Sandbox
Rulelabel Rule Name
Name of the rule applied (applies only to Block rules, not Allow)
e.g., URL_Filtering_1
malwareclass Threat Class
The class of malware that was detected in the transaction e.g.,
malwarecat Threat Category
The category of malware that was detected in the transaction e.g.,
Adware, Trojan, Sandbox Malware
urlclass URL Class Class of the destination URL e.g., General Surng, Privacy Risk
urlcat URL Category
Category of the destination URL e.g., Entertainment, Adult
Themes, Games
letype File Type
Type of le associated with the transaction e.g., RAR Files, ZIP,
Windows Executables
leclass File Class
Type of le associated with the transaction e.g., Active Web
Content, Archive Files, Audio
threatname Threat Name
The name of the threat that was detected in the transaction e.g.,
reason Policy Action
Action that the service took and the policy that was applied, if the
transaction was blocked e.g., Virus/Spyware/Malware Blocked;
Not allowed to browse this category
You can also use the “reason” eld to distinguish between reputation block vs. content-based block (e.g.,
“IPS block outbound request: botnet command-and-control trac” vs. “reputation block outbound request
malicious URL”).
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Weblog Field Insights Field Description & Example
ssldecrypted SSL Inspected
Tells you whether the transaction was SSL inspected or not
e.g., Yes or No
referrer Referrer URL
HTTP referer URL e.g.,
Gateway location or sublocation of the source e.g.,
The MD5 hash of the malware le that was detected in the
transaction or the MD5 of the le that was sent for analysis
to the Sandbox engine
riskscore URL Class
The Page Risk Index score of the destination URL. The
service computes risk for each page by weighing several
factors; the range is 0 to 100, from the lowest to the
highest risk e.g., 10
Additionally, you can use “protocol” as a key eld to identify/search for stealthy threats that use
Content Filtering (URL Filtering and File Type Control) Logs
Analyzing Content Filtering Logs can identify trac blocks due to policy violations, such as URL category not
allowed, or File type, such as EXE les, are not allowed to be downloaded.
The following key elds and search parameters are useful when dissecting the weblog to identify trac blocks
due to URL category ltering policy violation:
urlcat=<predened>, <custom> or <TLD>
Sample URL Filtering Log
The following elds may also be useful for your investigation:
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The following key elds and search parameters are useful to dissect the weblog to identify trac blocks due
to File Type Control policy violation:
leclass=“Executable, Archive, Oce,…
letype=“exe, exe64, py,…
Sample File Type Control Log
Additionally, if for any reason, we cannot parse or scan the le content, e.g., corrupt archive, password
protected, unable to determine the le type, etc., a special eld “unscannabletype” shows the reason for the
scan failure. You can use this eld to search/identify the les that were not scanned.
unscannabletype=“Unscannable”, “Undetectable”, “Encrypted/Password Protected”
Sample Unscannable File Log
Malware Protection (Reputation, AV, Yara) Logs
Analyzing the Malware Protection Log helps the security team identify potential threats, such as policy
violators, malicious le downloads, or compromised users/endpoints/devices, and take corrective action
before the threat becomes widespread. This type of log includes malware detection verdicts, namely le
reputation, antivirus and Yara le scanning for les transferred over HTTP(S).
The following key elds and search parameters are useful to dissect the weblog to identify trac blocks due
to malware: ruletype=“AV”
Additionally, you can use the “malwarecator “malwareclass” eld to search / identify threats blocked in a
specic malware category or malware class:
malwarecat=“Adware,” “Archive Bomb,“Backdoor,” “Dialer,“Downloader,“Exploit,“Macro Virus,
“MalwareTool,“Other Malware,” “Other Spyware,” “Other Virus,“Password Stealer,“Ransomware,“Trojan,
“Unrecognized Virus,“Unwanted Application,” “Worm,” “None”
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e.g. malwareclass=”Virus”, “Spyware”
You can also use the “reason” eld to search/identify malware blocks.
Sample Malware Protection Log
Advanced Threat Protection (Reputation, IPS [web]) Logs
Analyzing the Advanced Threat Protection log helps security teams identify potential threats, such as
malicious destinations/contents/trac patterns, phishing, command-and-control trac, compromised users/
endpoints/devices, and vulnerable and potentially unwanted applications, and take corrective action before
threats become widespread. This type of log includes cloud IPS and reputation-based engine detection of
advanced threats. Reputation-based detection looks for suspicious destination IPs, domains, or URLs, and
leverages Page Risk Index which calculates the risk of a page in real-time by identifying malicious content
within the page. The IPS engine uses signature-based detection and has a high delity rate. IPS botnet
callback is high condence as it is written based upon communication patterns. Some threats, such as
browser exploit, SSH tunneling, and cookie stealing can only be detected by IPS.
You can use the “reason” eld to search/identify advanced threat blocks and differentiate between “reputation
vs. “IPS” blocks.
The following key elds and search parameters are useful for dissecting the weblog to identify trac blocks
due to advanced threats: ruletype=“AdvThreatProtection
Additionally, you can use the “urlcat” or “urlclasseld to search/identify threats blocked in a specic URL
category or URLs that are classied as advanced security risk: urlclass=“Advanced Security Risk”
urlcat=“Adv Security,” “Phishing,“Botnets,“Malicious URLs,” “Peer-to-peer,” “Unauthorized Communication,
“Cross-site Scripting,“Browser Exploit,” “Suspicious Destinations,“Suspected Spyware or Adware,
“WebSpam,” “PageRisk,” “Adware/Spyware Sites,” “Cryptomining”
Sample Advanced Threat Protection Log
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Sandbox – Known Malicious (Cloud Effect) Logs
The Sandbox environment is used to detonate unknown le samples to determine if theres malicious
behavior. When les are submitted to the Sandbox for analysis, the end user may be quarantined or allowed
to download the le, which is determined by customer-specic sandbox policies. This type of log includes
verdicts for unknown les submitted to the sandbox that the sandbox determined to be malicious.
The following key elds and search parameters are useful to dissect the weblog to identify trac blocks due
to sandbox determined malicious behavior: ruletype=“BA
malwarecat=“Sandbox Malware”, “Sandbox Adware”, “Sandbox Anonymizer”
Sample Known Sandbox Malicious log
If your organization has Advanced Cloud Sandbox and API license, you can get a Sandbox Detail Report based
on the MD5 parameter that you retrieve from your logs in the SIEM. If the MD5 is not included in the log, you
can add the key eld “bamd5” to your feed to retrieve it from the weblog. You can use the Cloud Sandbox API
to retrieve a full detail report for the MD5 hash. Please refer to the API reference link below for syntax on how
to retrieve this report:
Sandbox – Submissions (Unknown) Logs
The Sandbox environment is used to detonate unknown le samples to determine if theres malicious
behavior. When les are submitted to the Sandbox for analysis the end user may be quarantined or allowed
to download the le, which is determined by customer-specic sandbox policies. This type of log includes
unknown les submitted to the sandbox and will go through the sandbox execution phases.
The following key elds and search parameters are useful for dissecting the weblog to search/identify les
that have been submitted for sandbox analysis:
malwarecat=“Sent for Analysis”
Mapping Actions/Events to Engines and Policy Reason
The “reason” eld included in the weblog is a verbose descriptor of event type and engine that detected the
threat event. There are over 100 possible values that map nicely to individual security/policy engines. For
example, “Malware block: malicious le” is detected by “Malware Protectionengine, “IPS block inbound
response: anonymization site” is detected by Cloud IPS in “Advanced Threat Protection” engine, and so on.
To learn more:
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Dissecting a Firewall Log
The Firewall Log provides access to log data related to NGFW, DNS, and IPS (non-web) transactions and
security events. IPS events are sent along with Firewall events. DNS events are sent in a separate feed.
Firewall log provides threat context that is spread over 50 elds. Broadly, there are three different categories
of security logs that can be dissected from the rewall log for investigation:
Firewall (session, device, network services and applications, destination)
IPS (non-web)
While there are many elds that are included in the rewall log for each category, in general, the following
key elds can be used to search/identify the different categories of security logs mentioned above for
your investigation:
Firewall Log
Firewall Insights
Log Field
Description & Example
Rulelabel Rule Name
Name of the rule that was applied to the transaction
e.g., Recommended Firewall Rule
Network Service The network service that was used e.g., HTTP, DNS
The network application that was accessed e.g., Skype
cdip / cdport
Client Destination
IP / Client
Destination Port
Client Destination IP/Port
e.g.,, 53
tsip Client Tunnel IP
Tunnel IP address of the client (source) e.g.,
Country Country of the destination IP address e.g., United States
IPS Rule Name
Name of the IPS policy that was applied to the
Firewall session e.g., Default Cloud IPS Rule
Threat Category
Category of the threat in the Firewall session
by the IPS engine e.g., Botnet Callback
threatname Threat Name
Name of the threat detected in the Firewall session by the IPS
engine e.g., Win32.Trojan.DNSpionage
Server IP
URL category that corresponds to the server IP address
e.g., Internet Services
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
DNS Log Field
DNS Insights
Log Field
Description & Example
reqtype DNS Request Type
DNS record being requested e.g., A record
Fully Qualied Domain Name (FQDN) in the DNS request
DNS Response DNS response e.g.,
Server Port
Server port of the request e.g., 53
IP Domain
URL Category of the FQDN in the DNS request
e.g., Professional Services
Zscaler API
Zscaler supports a number of open APIs for customer utilization, which include read and write functions. The
cloud service API gives you programmatic access to the following Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) features:
Creating and downloading an audit log report of policy changes made in the ZIA Admin Portal
and in the API
Getting admin roles and managing admins
Getting and updating VPN credentials for specic locations
Getting Sandbox Detail Reports
Managing individual users, groups, and departments
Managing IPSec VPN tunnels for SD-WAN partner integrations
Managing locations and sub-locations
Managing root certicates, Certicate Signing Request (CSRs), and intermediate certicate chains
Managing and updating URL Categories
Managing URL white lists and black lists
Full specications for the Zscaler API can be found here:
The Zscaler Cloud Sandbox service provides an additional layer of security against unknown and zero-day
threats and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) through Sandbox analysis, an integrated le behavioral
analysis. When les are submitted to the Sandbox for analysis the end user may be quarantined or allowed to
download the le, which is determined by customer specic sandbox policies. To learn more:guring-sandbox-policy
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
The results of the sandbox detonations can be of signicant interest to customers, as a malicious verdict
may indicate a user is compromised and/or engaging in behavior introducing risk to themselves and the
customer’s business. As such, Zscaler has made full Sandbox reporting a feature of the product, and this
includes the capability to pull API detailed sandbox post-detonation reports.
If your organization has Advanced Cloud Sandbox, you can open a Sandbox Detail Report based on the MD5
parameter that you retrieve from your logs in the SIEM. To learn more:
Audit Logs
As administrators access the Zscaler console, and make changes within the console, an Audit log is
generated. These events often need to be archived outside of Zscaler, and Zscaler has made these events
available via the Zscaler API.
Zscaler Alerts
Alert subscription service provides the ability to send email to specic individuals when certain events occur,
such as when a security or access control event, system and compliance violation alert, or patient-zero event
occurs. To learn more about alerts and how to dene an alert, refer to the help text article:
Security Operations Best Practices
Security Policy Best Practices
Malware Protection Policy:
Congure a malware protection policy to protect your organization from viruses, trojans, worms,
malware, ransomware, unwanted applications, adware/spyware, etc.
Enable both inbound and outbound trac inspection.
Security exception – we recommend blocking password-protected les and unscannable les if these
types of les are not in day-to-day use in your organization.
Follow the Recommended Malware Protection Policy.
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) Policy:
Congure an ATP policy to protect your organization from fraud, botnet activity, unauthorized
communication, cross-site scripting (XSS), command-and-control trac, risky applications, such as ToR
and BitTorrent, phishing sites, suspicious destination (country), and other malicious objects and scripts.
Page Risk setting – this is a Suspicious Content Protection (Page Risk Index) value and is calculated
dynamically for every web page in real time. This score is then evaluated against the value that you set.
The recommended setting is 35. You can set it to a different value based on your organizations risk
aversion. Higher value means more risk.
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Security exceptions – You can use “Do Not Scan Content from these URLs” setting to add URLs of
sites you do not want scanned, such as your organizations public site or other trusted sites that may
be failing due to antivirus, anti-spyware, or anti-malware policies. The service allows users to download
content from these URLs without inspecting the trac. To learn more:
Follow the Recommended Advanced Threat Protection Policy.
Browser Control Policy:
Browser vulnerability protection – Congure a browser control policy to warn users from going out to
the internet when they are using outdated or vulnerable browsers, plugins, and applications.
Browser blocking – To reduce the risk of older, vulnerable browsers being used, we recommend
blocking the use of older browser versions.
File Type Control Policy:
Congure a le type control policy to block executable le downloads from uncategorized websites,
caution against download from any URL category, block executable le uploads to any URL category,
and block undetectable le types.
Follow the Recommended File Type Control Policy.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP):
Congure a DLP policy to protect your organization from data loss, which can be leaked through web
mail, cloud storage, social media, and a variety of other applications.
Firewall Control Policy:
Congure rewall ltering policy to dene which types of trac are allowed from specic sources and
to specic destinations. By default, the Zscaler rewall allows all non-HTTP/HTTPS trac from your
network to the internet.
Allow only specic services that are needed and block everything else, for example, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS.
Block unused protocols in your environment, for example, SSH, TFTP.
Block insecure protocols, such as POP3, IRC, Telnet, FTP.
Follow the Recommended Firewall Control Policy.
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Control:
IPS (non-web) uses signature-based detection, which is a high-condence engine to control and protect
your trac from intrusion over all ports and protocols.
Default logging for IPS is set to aggregate, which groups together individual sessions based on { user,
rule, and network service } and records them periodically.
If you need full logging that logs all sessions of the rule individually, enable this by editing the default
IPS policy and selecting Aggregate under Logging.
Once you have congured your IPS policy, you can Enable IPS Control on a per-location basis when
enabling Firewall.
Follow the Recommended IPS Control Policy.
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
URL Filtering and Cloud App Control Policy:
Congure URL ltering to limit your exposure to liability by managing access to web content based on a
sites categorization.
Congure Cloud App Control to granularly control access to only sanctioned cloud applications and
related activities, such as instant messaging (e.g., Google Hangouts, chat, and le transfer), social
networking (e.g., Facebook viewing and posting), streaming media (e.g., YouTube viewing/listening and
uploading), webmail (e.g., Yahoo webmail viewing, sending, and sending attachments).
By default, Cloud App Control takes precedence over the URL ltering policy. To change this behavior
and apply the URL ltering policy even if it has already applied a Cloud App Control policy, enable
Allow Cascading to URL Filtering under Administration > Advanced Settings.
Enable the Newly Registered Domain lookup setting to use it in URL ltering policy.
Congure URL ltering policy to caution the user when visiting uncategorized URLs, newly registered
domains, or misc/unknown categories.
Follow the Recommended URL & Cloud App Control Policy.
SSL Inspection:
We recommend enabling SSL decryption and inspection for all possible trac as more and more
malware is hidden within encrypted trac.
Dene a “Do not inspect SSL” list:
i. Per compliance requirements of customer or local government
ii. Sites that require client certicate-based authentication
iii. Sites that perform certicate pinning
iv. IDP URLs, such as Okta, Azure AD
Enable SSL inspection through location settings: ZIA Admin Portal > Administration > Location
Management > (Location Policy) > Enable SSL Inspection.
Enable SSL inspection for road warrior clients through SSL Inspection Settings: ZIA Admin Portal >
Policy > SSL Inspection > Policy for Zscaler Client Connector section.
If SSL inspection is disabled, use the “If SSL inspection is disabled, block https to these sites” setting to
block HTTPS to high-risk URL categories.
We recommend enabling the “Block Undecryptable Trac” setting.
To learn more about SSL inspection, refer to About SSL Inspection.
Sandbox Policy:
Congure a sandbox policy to inspect unknown les and block unknown and zero-day threats.
You can use Quarantine or Allow & Scan policy actions depending on your risk tolerance vs. your
performance requirement.
We recommend conguring Quarantine action for executables and Oce document downloads
from high-risk categories, such as nudity, pornography, anonymizer, miscellaneous, or unknown
categories, etc.
We recommend conguring Allow & Scan for all other le types followed by P-0 alert setup.
Follow the Recommended Sandbox Policy.
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Block non-rfc compliant HTTP trac through ZIA Admin Portal > Administration > Advanced
Settings page.
Enable auto proxy forwarding for HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/DNS/RTSP/PPTP when they are using non-default ports
through ZIA Admin Portal > Administration > Advanced Settings page.
Security Log Analysis Best Practices
ZIA Dashboards, Insights, and Logs:
1. Dashboards show near real-time data. You can start with a Security Dashboard as a place to monitor
threat events, rollover a chart to obtain more info and pivot to Logs or Insights from the events
directly by clicking on the event as it occurs.
2. Use “Role-based administration” to dene an admin role and ensure only authorized users have
access to dashboards and at appropriate levels, such as View Only or Full Access.
3. Customizing Dashboards: You can customize the dashboard by adding, editing, or deleting widgets
to view the events that you are interested in. Adding a Threat Category” custom dashboard helps
with a quick view of all different threat category events for your organization. If you are interested in
a specic threat category view, such as phishing events, you can use the “Phishing” lter under
Advanced Threat Super Category” data type to create a customized widget as shown in the table below.
You can also edit the default dashboard to include additional lters that you want to include. For example, add
a “Location” if you are interested in seeing the events specic to that location or use “Protocol” as a lter to
look for stealthy threats that use HTTP, HTTPS, or SSL.
4. Dashboard Refresh: We recommend that you set your dashboards to automatically refresh every 15
minutes. This prevents your session from timing out and also keeps the information in your window
up to date. Go to Administration > My Prole to enable automatic refresh.
5. To add a widget to a dashboard, click the Add Widget icon. You can add widgets for web, mobile,
rewall, and DNS events. A dashboard can contain up to 12 widgets.
6. Insights and Logs pages allow access to the Nanolog data that includes rich threat context spread
over 70+ elds. As a best practice, you can start from the dashboard events and pivot to the Logs and
use lters to narrow down your search or access directly from the Insights section under Analytics
Tab and clicking on Logs.
7. While there are many lters that are available in the Insights log, in general, it is a best practice to
start with one or more of the following key lters and include others, such as user, location, etc., to
narrow the search further.
NSS Best Practices
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Web Insights Log Filter Usage
Advanced Threat Super Category
Use this lter to limit the data to a specic advanced
threat category, such as “Adware/Spyware Sites,” “Browser
Exploit,“Cross-site Scripting,” “Crypto Mining & Blockchain,
Policy Type and Rule Name
Use this lter to view transactions matching specied
policy type and the congured rule name.
Use this lter to view le downloads based on the Sandbox
result: Sandbox Adware, Sandbox Anonymizer, Sandbox
Benign, Sandbox Malware, Sent for Analysis
Threat Category
Use this lter to limit the data to a specic threat
category, such as “Exploit,” “Proxy,“Ransomware,
“Trojan,” “Worm,” etc.
Threat Super Category
Use this lter to limit the data to a specic threat super
category, such as “Malware” or “Virus,etc.
Threat Class
Use this lter to look for transactions associated with a
specic threat class, such as “Advanced Threats,” “Viruses
& Spyware.
Threat Name
Use this lter to look for transactions associated with a
specic threat that you are particularly interested in.
Unscannable Type
Use this lter to look for le scan failures due to
reasons, such as “Encrypted File,” “Undetectable File,” or
“Unscannable File.
URL Category
Use this lter to limit the data to a specic URL category.
You can choose to include or exclude certain categories.
Use this lter to search for stealthy threats that use HTTP,
Web Insights Log Filters:
For more data types and lters:lters
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Mobile Insights Log Filter Usage
Mobile Application Category
Use this lter to limit the data to a specic mobile
application category, such as “Malware App,“Social
Networking,“Streaming Media,“Vulnerable App,etc.
Mobile Device Type
Use this lter to limit the data to trac associated with a
specic type of mobile device, such as “Apple iPad,” “Google
Android,” “Samsung Galaxy S,“Windows Mobile,” etc.
Use this lter to limit the data to trac to protocols of the
mobile trac, such as “HTTP,” “HTTPS,” “SSL,” etc.
Firewall Insights Log Filter Usage
Client IP/Port
Use this lter to limit the display to a specic client source/
destination IP address or port.
Client Tunnel IP
Use this lter to limit the display to a specic client
tunnel IP address.
Server IP/Port
Use this lter to limit the display to a specic server
source/destination IP address or port.
Mobile Insights Log Filters:
Firewall Insights Log Filters:
For more data types and lters:lters
For more data types and lters:rewall-data-types-and-lters
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
DNS Insights Log Filter Usage
DNS Request Type
Use this lter to limit the data to the trac associated
with a specic type of DNS request.
DNS Response
Use this lter to limit the data to the trac associated with
a specic DNS response including DNS error codes.
IP Domain Category
Use this lter to limit the data to the trac associated with
the URL category of the requested domain.
Requested Domain
Use this lter to limit the data to the trac associated with
the domain for which DNS resolution was requested.
Server IP/Port
Use this lter to limit the data to trac associated with a
specic server IP address or server port.
Tunnel Insights Log Filter Usage
Tunnel Source/Destination IP
Use this lter to view metrics associated with a specic
source/destination IP address.
Tunnel Type
Use this lter to view metrics based on different types
of tunnels, such as GRE and IPSec.
DNS Insights Log Filters:
Tunnel Insights Log Filters:
For more data types and lters:lters
For more data types and lters:lters
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Saas Security Insights Log Filter Usage
Application Category
Use this lter to limit the data to a specic SaaS application
category, such as “CRM,” “Email,” “File,” “Repository.
Use this lter to limit the data to a specic SaaS application,
such as “Box,” “Dropbox,” “Google Drive,” “OneDrive,
“ShareFile,” “SharePoint.
DLP Dictionary
Use this lter to see the dictionary that triggered the
event, such as “Credit Cards,” “Social Security Numbers, Data,etc.
DLP Engine
Use this lter to view scans associated with specic DLP
engines, such as “Credit Card Numbers,“HIPAA,” “PCI,
“Social Security Numbers,” etc.
Incident Type
Use this lter to view scans associated with a specic
incident type, such as “DLP” or “Malware Detection.
Use this lter to view scans associated with a
specic tenant.
Threat Category
Use this lter to view scans associated with a specic threat
category. These threats are detected by Malware Protection.
Threat Super Category
Use this lter to view scans associated with a specic
threat super category, such as Advanced Threat,” “Malware
Detection,“Sandbox,” “Spyware,” or “Virus.
SaaS Security Insights Log Filters:
For more data types and lters:
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Deploy NSS on AWS or Azure for seamless Zscaler cloud-to-SIEM cloud integration.
2. The default NSS weblog feed output format includes more than 30 elds. You can add more elds by
following the NSS Feed Output Format: Weblogs.
3. In general, it is recommended to include no more than 50 elds in the NSS feed to accommodate for
syslog message size limits. However, if your SIEM is able to ingest larger message sizes, you can
congure more than 50.
Security Log Reporting Best Practices
1. Use role-based administration to ensure that only authorized admins are allowed to generate reports.
2. Run the Security Policy Audit Report to make sure all recommended settings are followed.
3. Run the “Which users had advanced threat incidents” report from Interactive Reports > Standard
Reports > Security Threats section periodically to identify risky users and do further investigation on
those specic users using either Web Insights or SIEM.
4. Run the “Top threat names” report from Interactive Reports > Standard Reports > Security Threats
section periodically to spot web as well as non-web threat trends, such as the start of a phishing
campaign or command-and-control/botnet activity and pivot to logs to do further investigation using
either Web Insights or SIEM.
5. Run the “Distribution of Trac by Protocol” report from Interactive Reports > Standard Reports
> Secure Browsing section periodically to spot threat trends in encrypted vs. unencrypted
protocols. For example, if you see more threats being blocked under “SSL,” it’s time to
reevaluate your SSL decryption policy to include more trac for SSL inspection.
6. Run the “Firewall Application & Services Overview” report from Interactive Reports > Standard
Reports > Firewall Activity section periodically to spot any unusual application or volume of trac
that is suspicious and do further investigation using either Web Insights or SIEM.
7. Run the Company Risk Score report daily:
to understand your organizations overall security risk exposure score, risk score trend, risk score
compared to others in the same industry and overall cloud customer;
to identify events that contributed to a high risk score, such as botnet activity, malicious content,
phishing, etc.;
to identify top risky users, their behavior, and their contribution to the risk score, including the top 1%
riskiest users who contributed the most to the risk score;
» You may nd it useful to run this report periodically to nd the top risky users/locations and pivot to
the Web insights log or SIEM to do further investigation on them.
8. Run the Anomaly Detection report daily:
to understand your organizations anomalous user activity summary and threat activity;
to spot potential data exltration events, malicious insider activity, and suspicious activity;
to identify anomalous user behavior, such as correlated le uploads/downloads trends, sanctioned vs.
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
unsanctioned application usage, impossible travel scenario for login attempts, data leakage
attempts, etc.;
to identify organization-level anomalous activity, such as anomalous upload and dsownload trac
patterns when using cloud applications;
to identify top users who contributed to these anomalous behaviors compared to peer users within the
group who have similar application access and usage patterns;
» You may nd it useful to run this report periodically to nd the top risky users/locations and pivot to
Web Insights Log or SIEM to do further investigation on them.
9. Use Custom Reports to see events that you are interested in. Some of the weekly reports that
customers are usually interested in include:
File Upload Report, which lists the users who have uploaded les in the past week, which sites they have
uploaded them to, and what the le names/types were.
Executable Download Report, which lists the users that have downloaded an executable or script le in
the past week, which sites they downloaded them from, and what the le names/types were.
Example: Interactive Reports > Custom Reports > New Report > choose Web > Add Filter File Share
Activity > Add Filter Upload / View / All, Add more lters, such as users and Add a Widget.
10. Run Sandbox Files Found Malicious Report weekly to highlight unknown les that were sent to the
Sandbox for analysis and found to be malicious.
Security Operations Incident Response Best Practices
1. Botnet activity detection:
Look for the Botnet Callback category in the Advanced Threats widget under Security Dashboard and
click View Logs.
Look for high-condence content blocks by searching for “IPS block inbound response: botnet
command-and-control trac” or “IPS block outbound request: botnet command-and-control trac” in
the reason weblog eld or Policy Action Insights eld.
For lower-condence blocks (reputation-based), you can search for “Reputation block outbound request:
botnet site” in the reason weblog eld or Policy Action Insights eld. Check out the policy reason
string article.
Congure Botnet Callback alert to receive an email when botnet callback activity is detected.
Note: Reputation block based on destination IP, domain, or URL is prone to “False Positives” as a given
sites reputation changes may be delayed.
2. Phishing activity detection:
Look for the Phishing category in the Advanced Threats widget under Security Dashboard and click
View Logs.
Use Top Users/Locations for Advanced Threats widget to see which user is targeted the most with
advanced threats, such as phishing.
You can also create a custom dashboard widget to view top users who are targeted for phishing by
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
selecting “User” as “Data Type” and selecting “Phishing” under the “Advanced Threat Super
Category” lter.
From the weblogs, search for “Phishing” or “WebSpam” URL Category in Advanced Threat
Protection Logs.
Look for high-condence content blocks by searching for "IPS block inbound response: phishing
content” in the weblog reason eld or Policy Action Insights eld.
Look for a reputation-based block using “Reputation block outbound request: phishing site” in the
reason weblog eld or Policy Action Insights eld.
You can also congure an Alert for “Phishing” to receive an email when phishing activity is detected and
reaches a certain threshold, such as 100 occurrences within ve minutes.
3. Detecting suspicious outbound connections:
Create a custom dashboard widget for Network Services under Firewall Overview Dashboard to look for
any suspicious service(s) in use, such as SSH.
Search the rewall logs/insights for unusual “Network Application” or “Network Service” being used,
such as SSH.
From the rewall logs, search for unusual applications/services in the “nwapp” or “nwsvc” elds.
From the weblogs, search for “Suspicious Destination” URL Category in Advanced Threat
Protection logs.
4. Data exltration activity detection:
Exltration over alternative protocol – look for unusual volume of data exchanged in alternate protocols,
such as FTP, SMTP, DNS, SMB, etc.
Exltration over HTTP/S – look for abnormal volumes of data exchanged.
Look for uncommon data ows, such as “client sends signicantly more data than the server,client
maintains long connection and consistently sends xed size data packets or at regular intervals,” etc.
Look for data transfer over encrypted archives that are suspicious.
Search the rewall logs/insights for unusual “Network Application” or “Network Service” being used,
such as FTP, DNS, SMTP, SMB, etc., for large amount of data transfers/unusual volumes.
From the weblogs, search for protocols, such as FTP, DNS, SMTP, SMB, etc., and Suspicious
Destinations URL Category in Advanced Threat Protection logs.
Congure DLP policy to block sensitive data exchanged, such as credit card numbers.
5. Detect potentially unwanted applications in use – Tor, proxy, anonymizer, or peer-to-peer apps
Look for the “Peer-to-Peer” or “Unauthorized Communications” category in Advanced Threats widget
under Security Dashboard and click View Logs.
Use the Top Users/Locations for Advanced Threats widget to see which user is a top threat who uses a
peer-to-peer anonymizer application, such as Tor or unauthorized communications.
You can also create a custom dashboard widget to view Top Users who use peer-to-peer application
or unauthorized communication by selecting “User” as “Data Type” and selecting “Peer-to-Peer” or
“Unauthorized communication” under “Advanced Threat Super Category” lter.
From the weblogs, Search for the “Peer-to-Peer” or “Unauthorized Communication” URL Category in
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Advanced Threat Protection Logs
Congure to block Tor trac under Advanced Threat Protection policy if it is not a sanctioned app to use
in your environment.
6. Detect malicious tunneling activities – IRC tunneling, SSH tunneling, DNS tunneling
From the weblog or Insights log, look for high-condence content blocks by searching for “IPS block
inbound response. IRC use/tunneling” or “IPS block outbound request. IRC use/tunneling” or “IPS block:
SSH use/tunneling” in the reason eld in weblog or Policy Action eld in Insights.
Look for “DNS Tunnels” Category in DNS Overview Dashboards and click View Logs.
To learn more about DNS Tunnel Detection:
7. Detect malicious domain fronting activities:
Ensure TLS inspection is enabled for all trac.
Add “df_hostname” weblog eld to your NSS feed format.
Search & Compare this eld value with the actual “host” eld value for any discrepancy.
Create an alert in the SIEM that runs a case-insensitive comparison between “host” (the HTTP host
header) with “df_hostname” (the SNI) and aggregate the result based on the df_hostname to reduce the
number of alerts.
Note: Domain fronting can be used for genuine purposes as well. You should rst study the results of
the recommended alert and optimize the search to reduce false positives.
8. Malware activity detection:
Start from the Viruses & Spyware category in Security Dashboard and click View Logs.
Use the Top Users/Locations for Viruses & Spyware widget to see which user is targeted with the most
with malware.
From the weblog, search for “Malware block: malicious le” in the reason weblog eld or Policy Action
in the Insights eld.
Look for a reputation-based content block using “Reputation block outbound request malicious URL” in
the reason weblog eld or Policy Action eld in Insights.
Look for user activities and logs around the time block was reported to see if there was any other
suspicious activity that may have been successful.
9. Detect insecure protocols in use:
Start from the Firewall Overview Dashboard to see any insecure applications being used that are in the
top usage, such as HTTP, FTP, etc.
Search for insecure/unencrypted protocols in use, such as “FTP, HTTP, IMAP, IRC, Telnet, POP3, etc.,
under the Network Services lter in Firewall Insights or “nwapp” or “nwsvc” eld in the rewall log.
Run the “Distribution of Trac by Protocol” report from Interactive Reports > Standard Reports >
Secure Browsing section periodically to spot threat trends in encrypted vs. unencrypted protocols.
10. Use the Zscaler Threat Library to drill down on threat names.
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
11. Sandbox activity – unknown les:
Look for “Sent for Analysis” in the “malwarecat” weblog eld. Even as a Basic Sandbox customer, we
would send a subset of your les for sandbox analysis.
To view the verdict, you would need to pivot to the Zscaler “Web Insights” Log View and do a search for
the MD5 hash or leverage the Sandbox Report Dashboard.
You can also use Sandbox Report API to get details of the Sandbox-analyzed les using the MD5 hash.
12. Sandbox activity – found malicious les:
Run Sandbox Files Found Malicious Report weekly. To run this report, go to:
ZIA Admin Portal > Analytics > Choose Sandbox Files Found Malicious from
Sandbox Activity Report drop-down.
Use SOAR/IR workow to scan for the MD5 via EDR for the presence of this malware and who
downloaded it previously.
P-0 alert – set up automatic IR workows in response to high-delity P-0 email alerts (help article).
13. Sandbox activity – known malicious les
Look for “Sandbox Malware” or “Sandbox Adware” or “Sandbox Anonymizer” in the “malwarecat” weblog
eld. In case a le had been previously sent for analysis (by any Zscaler customer) and was found to be
malicious, we will indicate the Sandbox verdict in this weblog eld.
Files that were sent for analysis and had no known reputation or weren’t blocked by one of our AV
engines could be considered high risk.
You can also extract IOCs from Sandbox Detail Report API.
14. Pivot from Threat Insights Globe to your SIEM. Some customers display the Zscaler Threat Insights
Globe on a large screen in their SOC. It is refreshed every 24 hours and you may nd it useful to get a
quick snapshot of the active threats in your environment.
To learn more:
15. Retrospective threat detection – whenever you detect a security block (reputation, AV engine,
advanced threat), you may nd it useful to look back a few days (or even months!) for the rst
sightings of the MD5 hash/domain/URL/IP indicator to identify the patient-zero event and how long a
threat may have been lingering on your network.
16. Whenever you detect a security block (reputation, AV engine, advanced threat), you may nd it useful
to look for user trac activity and logs around the time the block was reported to see if there was any
other malicious activity that succeeded.
Zscaler Alerts Subscription Best Practices
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. As a best practice, congure alerts to receive an email for the following high risk security activities:
Botnet callback with a threshold
Incoming malware/spyware/viruses
Phishing with a threshold
Sandbox adware, anonymizer, malware with a threshold
Suspicious destination
Patient-zero alert
2. You can create up to 128 alerts.
3. After the alerts are dened, you can use the “Publish Alerts” to subscribe to alerts and send emails to
different recipients based on the alert category and severity.
Zscaler’s unique architecture secures customers with comprehensive coverage and extensibility to enable a
defense-in-depth approach.
Visibility into user trac and security activity is key for a SOC team to be able to identify, isolate, and respond
to security threats. The Zscaler Nanolog service provides consolidated threat logs from all users, locations,
and devices globally into a central repository that is determined by customers in which administrators can
view and mine transaction data by user, device, application, and location in real time. Zscaler Nanolog is a
very verbose record in a compressed format that includes rich threat context and other useful information for
event classication and threat hunting.
These logs power our analytics capabilities, such as Dashboards, Insights, and Reporting to provide visibility
into user and threat activity in real time. Zscaler also supports forwarding this log to your on-premises or
cloud SIEM in near-real time using NSS (Nanolog Streaming Service), enabling real-time alerting, correlation
with the logs of your rewall and other devices, and long-term local log archival.
In addition, the best practices outlined in this article will help you make the best use of the capabilities
provided to identify threats and respond to them faster.
Appendix A–Threat Detection Use Cases and Examples
Phishing Attacks
Phishing typically involves the use of spoofed and customized messages that appear to be for genuine
business purposes designed to lure users into giving sensitive information. Such messages contain malicious
links or attachments. Phishing can be targeted, which is known as spearphishing. With spearphishing, a
specic individual, company, or industry will be targeted by the adversary.
MITRE ATT&CK Relevant Tactics, Techniques, and Sub-Techniques
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Zscaler security logs useful for detecting phishing attacks are:
Advanced Threat Protection: Phishing websites/Domain/IP detection reputation based
Sandbox: Unknown File attachments
Using Web Insights
The following key elds and search parameters are useful for ltering the Insights log to identify
phishing attempts:
Policy Type="Advanced Threat Protection", URL Category="WebSpam"
Policy Type="Advanced Threat Protection", URL Category="Phishing", URL Class="Advanced Security Risk"
Using NSS Weblog
Sample Web Insights Search for Phishing Attempts
Initial Access
Phishing (3)
Spearphishing Attachment
Spearphishing Link
Spearphishing via Service
Zscaler Detection Engines
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sample NSS Weblog search for Phishing Attempts
Anti-spam ltering
Regular phishing defense protection checks
Regular phishing security awareness (based on audit of successful cases and active ones over the net)
Incident Response Team trained and ready to handle cases (cases, process, users aware of who to join)
Restrict web trac to suspicious URL categories and higher Page Risk URLs
Upgrade alert level
Inform affected/aligned users
Run antivirus
Preventive Maintenance:
This step includes all actions taken to make successful attacks more dicult, including regularly maintaining
and updating existing systems; updating rewall policies; patching vulnerabilities; and whitelisting, blacklisting
and securing applications.
The following key elds and search parameters are useful to dissect the NSS weblog to
identify phishing attempts:
ruleType="AdvThreatProtection", urlCat="WebSpam"
ruleType="AdvThreatProtection", urlCat="Phishing", urlclass="Advanced Security Risk"
Prevention/Mitigation Suggestions
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Command and Control
Application Layer Protocol (4)
Web Protocols
File Transfer Protocols
Mail Protocols
Communication Through Removable Media
Data Encoding (2)
Standard Encoding
Non-Standard Encoding
Data Obfuscation (3)
Junk Data
Protocol Impersonation
Dynamic Resolution (3)
Domain Generation Algorithms
Fast Flux DNS
DNS Calculation
Encrypted Channel (2)
Symmetric Cryptography
Asymmetric Cryptography
Fallback Channels
Ingress Tool Transfer
Multi-Stage Channels
Non-Application Layer Protocol
Non-Standard Port
Protocol Tunneling
Detection of Malware
Botnets and Command-and-Control Trac
Command and control is a tactic used by adversaries to communicate remotely with the systems under their
control within a victim network and may use a multitude of techniques to establish control with various levels
of stealth. Adversaries commonly attempt to mimic normal, expected trac to avoid detection.
MITRE ATT&CK Relevant Tactic, Techniques and Sub-techniques
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Proxy (4)
Internal Proxy
External Proxy
Multi-hop Proxy
Domain Fronting
Remote Access Software
Trac Signaling (1)
Port Knocking
Web Service (3)
Dead Drop Resolver
Bidirectional Communication
One-Way Communication
Zscaler Detection Engines
The Zscaler security logs that are useful for detecting command-and-control trac are:
Advanced Threat Protection: Botnet/Command-and-control trac/Reputation block
Sandbox: Unknown le attachments
Using Web Insights
The following key elds and search parameters are useful for ltering the Insights log to identify botnets/
command-and-control trac:
Advanced Super Threat Category= “Botnet Callback”
Policy Type="Advanced Threat Protection", URL Category="Botnet Callback"
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Using NSS Weblog
The following key elds and search parameters are useful to dissect the NSS weblog to identify botnets/
command-and-control trac:
ruleType="AdvThreatProtection", urlCat="Botnets"
ruleType="AdvThreatProtection", urlCat="Botnets", urlclass="Advanced Security Risk"
reason=“IPS block outbound request: botnet command and control trac”
reason=“Reputation block outbound request: botnet site”
Sample Web Insights Search for Botnet/Command and Control Trac
Sample NSS Weblog search for Botnet/Command and Control Trac
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Prevention/Mitigation Suggestions
Keep antivirus software up to date
Keep operating system and patches up to date
Educate users not to click on suspicious links or download attachments from unknown sources
Scan the network to ag any abnormalities or suspicious activities
Investigate (nd the infection vector and check if some other asset might be compromised)
Antivirus scan
Rebuild machine
Malware Trojan/RAT/Password Stealer/Worm
A trojan is a type of malicious code or software that looks legitimate but can take control of your computer.
Zscaler Detection Engines
The various Zscaler detection engines useful for detecting malware trojan/RAT/password stealer/worm are:
Malware Protection (reputation, AV, Yara)
Advanced Threat Protection (reputation, IPS)
Using Web Insights
The following key elds and search parameters are useful for ltering the Insights log to identify malware/
trojan/RAT/Password Stealer/Worm attempts:
Policy Type="Advanced Threat Protection", “Malware Protection
Threat Super Category="Virus"
Threat Category=”Macro Virus," “Malware Tool,“Password Stealer,” “Trojan,” “Worm,“Unrecognized Virus,
“Other Virus,” “Other Malware,” “Boot Virus”
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Using NSS Weblog
The following key elds and search parameters are useful to dissect the NSS weblog to identify malware/
trojan/RAT/password stealer/worm attempts:
ruleType="AV" malwareclass="Virus"
malwarecat="Trojan." "Macro Virus,” “Malware Tool," "Password Stealer," "Worms," "Unrecognized Virus"
reason="Malware block:malicious le"
urlclass="Advanced Security Risk"
urlcat="Malicious URLs", "Suspected Spyware or Adware"
urlclass="Advanced Security Risk"
Sample Web Insights Search for Malware Trojan
Sample NSS Weblog search for Malware Trojan
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Prevention/Mitigation Suggestions
Keep your antivirus up to date
Keep your operating system and patches up to date
Don’t download or install software from a source you don’t trust completely
Investigate (nd the infection vector and check if some other asset might be compromised)
Antivirus scan
Rebuild machine
Advanced Persistent Threat
Malware Ransomware
Adversaries may encrypt data on target systems or on large numbers of systems in a network to interrupt
availability to systems and network resources. This may be done in order to extract monetary compensation
from a victim in exchange for decryption or a decryption key (ransomware) or to render data permanently
Zscaler Detection Engines
The Zscaler detection engine useful for detecting malware ransomware is:
Malware Protection (reputation, AV, Yara)
Using Web Insights
The following key elds and search parameters are useful for ltering the Insights log to identify ransomware
Threat Category=” Ransomware”
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Using NSS Weblog
The following key elds and search parameters are
useful for dissecting the NSS weblog to identify
cryptomining attempts:
ruleType="AV", malwareclass="Virus", malwarecat=
"Ransomware", reason="Malware block:malicious le"
Sample Web Insights Search for Ransomware
Sample NSS Weblog search query for Cryptomining
Prevention/Mitigation Suggestions
Keep your antivirus up to date
Keep your operating system and patches up to date
Don’t download or install software from a source you don’t trust completely
Investigate (nd the infection vector and check if some other asset might be compromised)
Antivirus scan
Immediately secure backup data or systems by taking them oine
Contact law enforcement
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Insider Threat
Track malicious activity, such as cryptomining, that uses corporate resources.
Cryptomining Malware
Cryptomining malware refers to a malware program that is developed to take over a computers resources
and use them for mining cryptocurrency without a user’s explicit permission.
Zscaler Detection Engines
The Zscaler detection engine useful for detecting cryptomining is:
Advanced Threat Protection (IPS)
Using Web Insights
The following key elds and search parameters are useful for ltering the Insights log to identify
cryptomining attempts:
Policy Type="Advanced Threat Protection"
URL Category= “Crypto Mining & Blockchain
Sample Web Insights Search for Cryptomining
Using NSS Weblog
The following key elds and search parameters are useful for
dissecting the NSS weblog to identify cryptomining attempts:
The following parameters are useful for dissecting security logs:
ruleType="AdvThreatProtection", urlCat="Cryptomining",
urlclass="Advanced Security Risk", reason="IPS block”
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sample NSS Weblog search query for Cryptomining
Prevention/Mitigation Suggestions
Monitor the network for suspicious activity
Incorporate cryptomining threat into your security awareness training
Install anti-cryptomining extension on web browsers
Investigate (nd the infection vector and check if some other asset might be compromised)
Antivirus scan
Rebuild machine
Threat Detection using Advanced Cloud Sandbox
Detecting Unknown Malware
Most security solutions rely on some form of signature to detect malicious trac. Sandboxing uses dynamic
analysis to monitor le behavior in an isolated environment to protect users from zero-day threats. Zscaler
Cloud Sandbox uses advanced behavioral analysis techniques to nd and block unknown malware threats.
Zscaler Cloud Sandbox is architected to provide inline protection to block threats before they enter your
network. Malicious les are instantly blocked, quarantined, or agged based on your dened policies.
Zscaler Detection Engines
The Zscaler detection engine useful for detecting unknown and potential zero-day malware is:
Using Web Insights
The following key elds and search parameters are useful for ltering the Insights log to identify unknown les
sent to sandbox:
Policy Type="Sandbox"
Threat Category= “Sent for Analysis,“Sandbox Adware,“Sandbox Anonymizer,” “Sandbox Malware”
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sample Web Insights Search for Sandbox Malware
Using NSS Weblog
The following key elds and search parameters are useful for dissecting the NSS weblog to identify unknown
les sent to the sandbox:
malwarecat="Sent for Analysis," “Sandbox Malware,” “Sandbox Adware,” Sandbox Anonymizer”
reason="Allowed - No Active Content,“Quarantined,” “Sandbox block inbound response: malicious le,
Allowed and No Scan
If your organization has Advanced Cloud Sandbox and an API license, you can get a Sandbox Detail Report
based on the MD5 parameter that you retrieve from your logs in the SIEM. If MD5 is not included in the log,
you can add the key eld “bamd5” to your NSS feed to retrieve it from the weblog. You can use the Cloud
Sandbox API to retrieve a fully detailed report for the MD5 hash. Please refer to the API reference link below
for syntax on how to retrieve this report.
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Prevention/Mitigation Suggestions
Implement patch management
Use a Host Intrusion Protection System (HIPS)
Use only essential applications
Contain – host-level and network-level
Preserve volatile data
Sample NSS Weblog search to nd Unknown les sent to Sandbox
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Appendix B–Zscaler Integrations with Third-Party Security Intelligence and
Automation Tools
Zscaler’s Technology Partner Program advances customers’ objectives for greater security and cloud agility
by streamlining integration with leading technology solutions. Zscaler integrates with the following security
operations technology partners to enable ecient and effective risk and compliance management with
information enrichment and automation.
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Analytics
By using NSS, Zscaler customers can send weblog data to their SIEM system to facilitate log correlation
from multiple sources, thus allowing organizations to analyze trac patterns across their entire networks.
Additionally, organizations can leverage weblog data in the SIEM to conduct extended historical analyses (> 6
months). Zscaler customers can also ensure compliance with regulatory mandates through local log archival.
Zscaler integrates with a number of SIEM partners for a seamless integration.
AT&T AlienVault -
BT -
Gigamon -
IBM Security -
SecBI -
Splunk -
Sumo Logic -
WitFoo -
Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR)
Zscaler supports integrations with leading SOAR platforms, which help SOC teams enforce and automate
event lookups, reputation checks and blocking actions with Zscaler. By delivering a streamlined SOAR and
Zscaler workow, security teams can ensure real-time enforcement of updated policies and better protection
of users, on- or off-network.
Zscaler integrates with a number of SOAR partners for a seamless integration.
D3Security -
Demisto -
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
LogicHub -
SecBI -
Siemplify -
Splunk Phantom -
Swimlane -
Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIPs)
The Zscaler ThreatLabZ research team analyzes a number of leading threat intel feeds alongside the 150B+
transactions and 100M+ blocked attacks that occur every day in the Zscaler cloud in order to continually
update detections and product features for the benet of all Zscaler customers.
Additionally, Zscaler integrates with leading TIPs to ensure SOC teams can easily operationalize the threats
that matter within their Zscaler installation. Zscaler automatically consumes user-dened IOCs from TIPs to
help enforce real-time policies and ensure all branch oces, and all users on- or off network, get complete
protection from emerging threats and targeted attacks.
Zscaler integrates with the below TIP partners for a seamless integration:
Anomali -
Intsights -
Recorded Future -
SecLytics -
The Zscaler Cloud Security Platform provides full inline CASB functionality to protect all users, on- or off-
network, and gives you real-time visibility into all incoming and outgoing trac along with granular controls.
In addition to Zscalers own out-of-band visibility and control capabilities for SaaS applications, Zscaler
has partnered with select CASB vendors to help joint customers perform risk assessments and enforce
application control on their cloud services and shadow IT.
Zscaler integrates with the below CASB partners for a seamless integration:
Bitglass -
Microsoft -
McAfee -
Proofpoint -
©2021 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved. Zscaler™, Zero Trust Exchange™, Zscaler Internet Access™, ZIA™, Zscaler Private Access™, and ZPA™ are
either (i) registered trademarks or service marks or (ii) trademarks or service marks of Zscaler, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Any other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. V.030321
Zscaler, Inc.
120 Holger Way
San Jose, CA 95134
+1 408.533.0288
About Zscaler
Zscaler (NASDAQ: ZS) accelerates digital transformation so that customers can be more agile, efficient, resilient, and secure. The Zscaler Zero
Trust Exchange protects thousands of customers from cyberattacks and data loss by securely connecting users, devices, and applications in any
location. Distributed across more than 150 data centers globally, the SASE-based Zero Trust Exchange is the world’s largest inline cloud security
platform.. Learn more at or follow us on Twitter @zscaler.
Enterprises rely on multivendor rewall management tools to ensure that all rewalls in the environment
consistently enforce corporate policies to manage risk. Leading rewall management partners integrate with
Zscaler through APIs to review rules and track changes for compliance audit and access analysis.
Zscaler integrates with the below rewall partners for a seamless integration:rewall-policy-management
Firemon -remon.pdf
Skybox Security -
Endpoint (EDR)
Zscaler enables endpoint-to-cloud security through integrations with leading Endpoint Protection Platforms
(EPPs) and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions. With these integrations, Zscaler can control
connectivity to corporate assets by validating the endpoint’s security posture and isolating infected devices
via API integrations to prevent lateral movement of threats. Zscaler shares and receives threat intelligence
from EPP/EDR clouds to deliver endpoint reporting to enterprise customers.
Zscaler integrates with the below endpoint protection partners for a seamless integration:
VMware Carbon Black