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National Circumstances
Climate change is one of the
greatest existential threats of our
time. The Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC)’s Sixth
Assessment Report concluded
that the impacts of climate change
are more apparent, and will aect
us more severely, than previously
thought. The world must rally to
make deep cuts in emissions if we
are to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
As a small, low-lying island city-state in the
tropics, Singapore is especially vulnerable
to the adverse effects of climate change,
notably the heightened risks of extreme
weather events, urban heat stress, and rising
sea levels. As Singapore has to import most
of our resources, we will be affected by rising
global pressures on food, energy and raw
materials. Although Singapore only accounts
for around 0.1% of global emissions, we have
been an early and committed contributor to
global efforts to address the climate crisis. In
the early 2000s, we switched from fuel oil to
natural gas, the cleanest form of fossil fuel,
to decarbonise our electricity generation. We
also pursued energy efciency improvements
and other environmental protection measures
across all sectors of our economy.
To meet our climate commitments,
Singapore will continue to nd innovative
ways to reduce emissions whilst remaining
competitive in the face of our geographical
constraints. Singapore is small, low-lying,
highly urbanised, and has limited access to
alternative energies like wind or hydro-electric
power. Despite these constraints, we have
accelerated our deployment of solar power to
the best of our ability, and forged international
and regional partnerships to explore clean
energy imports and work on needle-moving
low-carbon technology and solutions. Our
The 26
Conference of the Parties (COP-
26) to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
held in Glasgow in 2021 laid a rm foundation
for accelerated climate action. As part of
the Glasgow Climate Pact, Parties were
requested to revisit and strengthen the
2030 targets in their Nationally Determined
Contributions (NDCs) as necessary to align
with the Paris Agreement temperature goal,
and urged to communicate long-term low-
emissions development strategies (LEDS)
toward just transitions to net zero emissions
by or around mid-century, taking into
account different national circumstances.
Singapore has reviewed our climate targets,
policies and strategies, and has updated
them in this addendum, which builds on
our LEDS submitted in 2020, Charting
Singapores Low Carbon and Resilient
Future. This document has been prepared
by agencies in the Singapore Government
under the Inter-Ministerial Committee
on Climate Change (IMCCC), taking into
account views from academia, industry and
members of the public that were gathered
through stakeholder engagements.
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comprehensive suite of policies and actions
to achieve our climate goals are outlined in
the Singapore Green Plan 2030.
Singapores Climate
The early and collective efforts of businesses,
individuals and the Government have borne
fruit. Singapore met our commitment to
reduce emissions to 16% below business-
as-usual (BAU) levels by 2020, made in 2009
ahead of the Copenhagen Summit, achieving
a 32% reduction below BAU levels. In March
2020, we also submitted our rst update to
our 2030 NDC and our LEDS under the Paris
Agreement. At that time, our LEDS pledged
to halve emissions from our 2030 peak to
33 MtCO
e by 2050, with a view to achieving
net zero emissions as soon as viable in the
second half of the century.
Since then, accelerating global momentum
on climate action has given us the condence
to further enhance our LEDS pledge.
Countries and corporations worldwide have
signicantly increased their investments and
research in decarbonisation technologies,
and there have been positive developments
in international cooperation in areas such
as global carbon markets and regional
power grids. In the light of these global
developments and progress made on the
domestic front, Singapore announced that
we will further update our 2030 NDC and
enhance our long-term emissions trajectory:
60 MtCO
Net zero by 20502030
Illustrative diagram of Singapore’s net zero
emissions trajectory.
Given Singapores national circumstances
— we are a resource-constrained and
alternative energy-disadvantaged city-
state — these are ambitious targets. We
are committed to doing our part as a
responsible member of the international
community. Our ability to full our pledges,
like all Parties, will depend on the continued
international commitment by Parties to the
Paris Agreement and their climate pledges.
The targets will also be contingent on the
maturity of decarbonisation technologies
and effective international cooperation.
To achieve net zero by 2050, Singapore
is accelerating the low-carbon
transition for industry, economy and
society through four key thrusts:
Catalysing business transformation;
Investing in low-carbon technologies;
Pursuing effective international
cooperation; and
Adopting low-carbon practices.
They are supported by the carbon tax, as a
key enabler of this transition.
Second update to 2030 NDC:
To reduce emissions to around
60 MtCO
e in 2030 after
peaking emissions earlier.
Updated LEDS: To achieve
net zero emissions by 2050.
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Charting Singapores
Net Zero Future
The following sections outline the current
plans and policies that Singapore has put
in place to chart our way to net zero. We
will continue to update our measures and
strategies over time.
To support businesses in their
decarbonisation journeys, the Government
has introduced a suite of measures to help
companies improve energy efciency, reduce
emissions, and seize opportunities in the
green economy. The Resource Efciency
Grant for Energy and the Energy Efciency
Fund support businesses in improving
the energy efciency of their industrial
facilities, so as to reduce emissions, lower
operational costs, and increase business
competitiveness. We are also supporting
local enterprises, particularly Small and
Medium Enterprises (SMEs), in building
long-term capabilities in sustainability and
capturing green growth opportunities through
the Enterprise Sustainability Programme.
The Sustainable Jurong Island report
articulates our aspirations to transform
Jurong Island into a Sustainable Energy
& Chemicals (E&C) Park that operates
sustainably and exports sustainable
chemicals globally. By 2050, we plan for
Jurong Island to increase the output of
sustainable products by four times from
2019 levels, and achieve at least 6 MtCO
of carbon abatement per annum from low-
carbon solutions.
To help companies build up their competitive
advantage in the green transition, the
Government will closely partner with them
to develop, pilot, and eventually adopt
emerging low-carbon technologies to drive
decarbonisation in our industries.
Singapore is studying emerging low-carbon
technologies like hydrogen, carbon capture
utilisation and storage (CCUS), and advanced
geothermal systems. These can enable
decarbonisation at scale for hard-to-abate
sectors. Under the Low-Carbon Energy
Research (LCER) Funding Initiative, we have
awarded S$55 million to support 12 research,
development and demonstration projects
on low-carbon hydrogen and CCUS. We are
setting aside another S$129 million for the
next phase of the programme.
Low-carbon hydrogen has emerged as a
key potential decarbonisation pathway for
Singapore, given its possible applications as
an alternative fuel and industrial feedstock.
Although many hydrogen technologies
are still nascent, Singapore is taking steps
to prepare for hydrogen deployment. Our
National Hydrogen Strategy is organised
around ve key thrusts:
Experimenting with the use of
advanced hydrogen technologies at
the cusp of commercial readiness
through pathnder projects;
Investing in research and
development (R&D) to unlock key
technological bottlenecks;
Pursuing international collaboration
to enable supply chains for
low-carbon hydrogen;
Undertaking long-term land and
infrastructure planning; and
Supporting workforce training and
development of our broader hydrogen
economy, so that Singaporeans will be in
good stead to capture new opportunities
in the global hydrogen economy.
The power sector accounts for almost 40% of
our emissions today. We are pressing ahead
with ambitious solar deployment plans to
achieve our target of at least 2 gigawatt (GW)-
peak by 2030, which will generate enough
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energy to meet around 3% of Singapores
total electricity demand in that year.
Although solar power is Singapores most
viable renewable energy alternative, its
scale-up is fundamentally limited by
our land constraints. Nevertheless, the
Government will continue to review our
longer-term strategies for maximising
solar power, and actively invest in R&D
and test-bedding to increase efciency
and optimise space utilisation, including
through the deployment of oating solar
farms and vertical panel installations.
To enhance the resilience of our energy
supply and power grid, the Energy Market
Authority (EMA) appointed Sembcorp to
build, own and operate Energy Storage
Systems (ESS) with 200 megawatt-hours
(MWh) of energy storage capacity and 200
megawatts (MW) of discharge capacity. Once
it is operational, it will be the largest ESS
deployment in Southeast Asia, and one of the
fastest of its size to be deployed.
We are also exploring possible CCUS
deployment pathways. Carbon dioxide
captured from industrial facilities in
Singapore could be sequestered in suitable
sub-surface geological formations, utilised
as feedstock for synthetic fuels or as
building materials through mineralisation.
Singapore will continue to monitor
technological and market developments,
and scale up deployment as pathways
become techno-economically viable.
Given our national circumstances,
Singapore is highly dependent on
effective international cooperation for
the success of our decarbonisation
measures. While we continue to prioritise
domestic efforts to reduce emissions,
we will need to pursue collaboration with
international partners to access regional
and global mitigation opportunities to
meet our ambitious climate goals.
This is why Singapore actively fosters
effective international cooperation on climate
action. Singapore has played an active role
in supporting the multilateral framework
of cooperation on climate change under
the UNFCCC, including co-facilitating the
negotiations at COP-26 that nalised the
Article 6 rulebook of the Paris Agreement.
Singapore also collaborates actively with
international partners, such as the UNFCCC,
the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the
UN Environment Programme (UNEP), ASEAN
and city-networks such as the C40, on the
sharing of best practices and experiences on
climate change and green growth issues.
Singapore is an advocate of close bilateral,
regional and plurilateral cooperation, and has
signed agreements with various partners to
strengthen collaboration on carbon markets,
green nance and low-carbon technologies.
On carbon markets, for example, Singapore
has signed Memoranda of Understanding
(MOUs) with countries such as Indonesia,
Colombia, Vietnam, Brunei and Morocco
on carbon credits collaboration aligned
to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
On the energy front, enhancing regional
energy connectivity, including through the
ASEAN Power Grid, is one initiative that
can enhance economic development,
energy security and sustainability in the
region. As a pathnder to the ASEAN
Power Grid, Singapore has begun importing
hydroelectric power from Laos, using existing
interconnections via Thailand and Malaysia,
as part of the Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia-
Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMP-
PIP). Our aim is to import up to 4 GW of low-
carbon electricity from beyond our shores by
2035, which is expected to make up around
30% of Singapores total supply. In addition to
working with our regional neighbours on the
LTMP-PIP, Singapore has signed MOUs with
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countries like Australia, Cambodia, Chile, Lao
PDR, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Japan, to
collaborate on areas including regional power
grids and low-carbon solutions.
In October 2022, Singapore signed our rst
Green Economy Agreement — and the world’s
rst green agreement of its kind — with
Australia to further accelerate both countries’
transitions towards a green and sustainable
future. In support of broader global climate
action, Singapore has also committed
to initiatives such as the Powering Past
Coal Alliance, Global Methane Pledge, and
Greening Government Initiative.
Transport Sector
Singapore has one of the most
comprehensive and innovative systems in
the world for managing vehicle ownership
and usage. Since 2018, we have kept our
private vehicle population growth at zero.
The Government aims to phase out internal
combustion engine vehicles and have
all vehicles running on cleaner energy by
2040. To encourage the adoption of electric
vehicles (EVs), we have various incentives to
lower the upfront and running costs of an EV.
We are also expanding our public EV charging
infrastructure, with a target of 60,000
charging points nationwide by 2030.
At the same time, we are continuing to
invest signicantly in our public transport
and active mobility infrastructure to
encourage Walk-Cycle-Ride (WCR) modes
of travel. Our target is for 9 in 10 peak
period journeys to be WCR journeys by
2040, with 9 in 10 of these WCR journeys
to be completed in less than 45 minutes.
Building Sector
Singapore is accelerating our transition
towards a low-carbon built environment.
Under the Singapore Green Building
Masterplan, we have set three ambitious
80% of buildings by gross oor
area (GFA) to be green by 2030;
80% of new developments (by
GFA) to be Super Low Energy (SLE)
from 2030 onwards; and
80% improvement in energy efciency
(compared to 2005 levels) for best-
in-class green buildings by 2030.
Our key strategies include raising the
sustainability standards of existing
buildings, driving the adoption of SLE
standards for new buildings, and pushing
the boundaries of energy efciency
through research and innovation.
Singapore is also implementing district-level
sustainability measures and solutions in
areas such as Jurong Lake District (JLD),
a new growth area in western Singapore
that aspires to become a world-class
sustainability district. JLD aims to achieve
net zero emissions for new developments
around 2045. To meet this target, all new
developments in JLD will be required to meet
SLE standards, with some achieving Zero
Energy standards as technology improves,
and will be required to use the district
cooling system, which improves energy
efciency. We will also maximise solar energy
deployment on buildings. To support green
mobility, 85% of all trips are targeted to be
through WCR modes of travel by 2035. 40%
of land in JLD will also be set aside for green
spaces and water bodies that will cool the
district and serve as recreational spaces.
SLE buildings refer to buildings that have achieved at least a 60% improvement in energy efciency compared to 2005 levels.
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Household Sector
Singapore has taken steps to reduce energy
consumption of the household sector, which
accounts for about 16% of our total electricity
consumption. The Minimum Energy
Performance Standards — which have been
progressively tightened over the years — raise
the energy efciency of household appliances
such as refrigerators, air-conditioners, and
clothes dryers. To help consumers make
more informed purchasing decisions, the
Government has also progressively expanded
the Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme to
cover an increasing variety of appliances.
Singapore will continue to provide
support to households impacted by the
low-carbon transition, through initiatives
such as the Climate Friendly Households
Programme to defray the costs of
switching to more resource-efcient
and climate-friendly appliances.
Water and Waste Sector
Singapore is embracing a shift towards
a circular economy to reduce emissions,
maximise resource efciency and resilience,
and conserve landll space. In our Zero
Waste Masterplan, the Government has
set a target to reduce by 2030 the amount
of waste sent to the landll each day by
30%. We have also introduced the Extended
Producer Responsibility (EPR) framework for
e-waste management, and plan to introduce a
beverage container return scheme by mid-
2024, as the rst phase of an EPR approach
for managing packaging waste.
We also aim to maximise energy efciency
in our water and waste treatment operations.
One key initiative in development is the co-
location of a used water treatment plant and
an integrated waste management facility,
collectively known as Tuas Nexus. It will
harness synergies from the waste and water
treatment processes to generate enough
electricity to sustain its own operations,
with any excess electricity channelled to the
national grid. Tuas Nexus is expected to be
completed in phases from 2026 onwards.
Singapore implemented a carbon tax
in 2019, becoming the rst country in
Southeast Asia to do so. The tax is applied
across all sectors, and puts a price tag on
the externality of carbon. This encourages
companies and individuals to internalise
this cost when making decisions, and at the
same time gives them the exibility to take
action where it makes the most economic
sense. The tax covers about 80% of our
carbon emissions. Revenue from the carbon
tax will be used to support decarbonisation
efforts and cushion the impact on
businesses and households, facilitating
our transition to a low-carbon economy.
Singapore announced our plans to
progressively raise the carbon tax to around
e to S$80/tCO
e (~US$36.90/tCO
to US$59.00/tCO
e) by 2030. This move
reects our commitment to step up the pace
of transformation so that we can achieve net
zero emissions by 2050. The announcement
of the revised carbon tax trajectory provides
businesses with the lead time to plan for
the transition. More broadly, it ensures
that new investments, economic activity,
and corporate and individual behaviour
will be aligned with a low-carbon future.
Singapore supports global carbon pricing.
Every tonne of carbon dioxide emitted
imposes the same social cost on the
environment, regardless of its location of
origin. An effective global carbon pricing
mechanism will enable countries to
internalise the negative externalities of
carbon emissions without compromising
their international competitiveness.
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Under the GreenGov.SG initiative, Singapores
public sector will strive to attain ambitious
sustainability targets in carbon abatement
and resource efciency. Our aim is to peak
public sector emissions around 2025 and
achieve net zero emissions around 2045,
ahead of the national target. To achieve this,
the Government intends to raise the energy
efciency of public sector premises, deploy
solar power on-site where feasible, and
eventually power public sector assets with
clean energy sources. All public sector cars
will also run on cleaner energy by 2035.
As a major consumer of goods and services,
the Government is working sustainability
considerations into government procurement
decisions and tender evaluations to inuence
our suppliers to make more sustainable
businesses choices. We are also raising
public awareness on climate change and
sustainability through our school curriculum
and community programmes. Our goal is to
inspire and enable action beyond the public
sector, by individuals and industry alike.
Everyone and Every Nation
Must Play Their Part
Despite Singapores geographical constraints
and lack of alternative energy options,
we have set an ambitious target to reach
net zero by 2050. Achieving this goal will
require signicant transformations in all
aspects of daily life, economy and society.
Our government agencies, businesses,
individuals and the community must work
together and play their part. We have a
responsibility to future generations to
ensure that Singapore remains a vibrant
and liveable city in the decades to come.
Singapore brings this spirit of cooperation
and sense of responsibility to the world
stage. No country can solve the challenges
of climate change alone. Our ability to full
our pledges, like all Parties, will depend on
the continued international commitment
by Parties to the Paris Agreement and their
climate pledges. International collaboration
and courageous global action will be needed
if we are to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C
above pre-industrial levels, and avoid the
catastrophic consequences of a warming
world. Singapore will continue to work at the
international, regional and bilateral levels to
support collective global efforts to decisively
address the challenges of climate change.
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Published By
National Climate Change Secretariat
Strategy Group, Prime Minister’s Ofce
Front Cover Image
Supertrees at Gardens by the Bay
Back Cover Image
View of Marina Bay and Marina Bay Sands
© Government of the Republic of Singapore 2022
Unless otherwise stated, all copyright and any other intellectual property rights in this publication are
owned by the Government of the Republic of Singapore. All rights reserved.