High Impact Indicators:
A Thematic Approach Part 2
(Reasoning through Language Arts,
Science, and Mathematical Reasoning)
Resources for the Adult Education Practitioner
Webinar Handbook, November 28, 2018
Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
High Impact Indicators: A Thematic Approach Part 2
Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
3209 Virginia Avenue - Fort Pierce, FL 34981
Phone 772-462-7409 E-mail info@floridaipdae.org
This training event is supported with
federal funds as appropriated to the
Florida Department of Education, Division
of Career and Adult Education for the
provision of state leadership professional
development activities.
Rod Duckworth, Chancellor
Career and Adult Education, Department of Education
Carol Bailey, Director
Adult Education
June Rall, Director of IPDAE
Tamara Serrano, Project Support Specialist for IPDAE
Resources Developed and Designed By
Anne Morgan, Trainer for Florida IPDAE
Table of Contents
Guiding Questions ..................................................................................... 3
Are They Correct? ..................................................................................... 4
Answers: Are They Correct 1 and 2 ........................................................... 6
Card Set: True, False or Unsure? .............................................................. 7
Answers: Card Set Activity......................................................................... 8
Introduction to the Scientific Method Worksheet ...................................... 10
Answer Key: Introduction to the Scientific Worksheet .............................. 12
A Few Websites in Science to Get You Started! ...................................... 13
Resources for the GED
and ABE Math Classroom ................................ 14
Guiding Questions
Think about the following guiding questions as you participate in today’s session. Write down
your thoughts and be prepared to share your ideas.
My Thoughts
9 -16
Are They Correct?
1. Emma claims:
Is she correct? Explain your answer fully:
2. Susan claims:
Is she correct? Explain your answer fully:
3. Tonya claims:
Is she correct? Fully explain your answer:
If you roll a fair number cube four
times, you are more likely to get 2,
3, 1, 6 than 6, 6, 6, 6.
If a family has already got four boys,
then the next baby is more likely to be a
girl than a boy.
Are They Correct?
1. Andrew claims:
Is he correct? Explain your answer fully:
2. Stephen claims:
Is he correct? Explain your answer fully:
3. Madeline claims:
Is she correct? Fully explain your answer:
Adapted from Mathematics Assessment Project http://map.mathshell.org/stds.php?standardid=1163
A spinner has 4 sections - red,
yellow, green, and blue. The
probability of getting the red
section is 0.25.
In a group of ten students the probability
of two students being born on the same
day of the week is 1.
The school bus will either be on time
or late. The probability that it will be
on time is therefore 0.5.
Answers: Are They Correct 1 and 2
Adapted from Mathematics Assessment Project
Assessment Task: Are They Correct? 1
1. This statement is incorrect. It highlights the misconception that all events are
equally likely. There are many factors (e.g. the season) that will influence the
chances of it raining tomorrow.
1. Assuming that the sex of a baby is a random, independent event equivalent to
tossing a coin, the statement is incorrect. It highlights the misconception that later
random events can ‘compensate’ for earlier ones. The assumption is important:
there are many beliefs and anecdotes about what determines the gender of a baby,
but ‘tossing a coin’ turns out to be a reasonably good model
2. This statement is incorrect. This highlights the misconception that ‘special’ events
are less likely than ‘more representative’ events.
Assessment Task: Are They Correct? 2
1. This statement is incorrect. It is not known whether the four sections on the
spinner are in equal proportion. The probability of getting the red section would
only be 0.25 if this were the case.
2. This statement is true. There are more students than days of the week.
3. This statement is incorrect. There are many factors that could affect whether or not
the school bus is on time. There is also a chance that the bus is early.
Card Set: True, False or Unsure?
If you roll a six-sided number cube
and it lands on a six
more than any other
number, then the
number cube must be
When randomly selecting four
letters from the alphabet, you are
more likely to come up with
D, T, M, J
W, X, Y, Z.
If you toss a fair coin five times and
get five heads in a row, the next
time you toss the coin it is more
likely to show a tail than a head.
There are three outcomes in a
soccer match: win, lose,
or draw. The probability
of winning is
therefore 1/3.
When two coins are tossed there
are three possible outcomes:
two heads, one head, or no heads.
The probability of two heads is
therefore 1/3.
Scoring a total of three with two
number cubes is twice as likely as
scoring a total of two.
In a ‘true or false?quiz with ten
questions, you are
certain to get five correct
if you just guess.
The probability of getting exactly
two heads in four coin
tosses is ½.
Evaluating Statements About Probability 2: 2015 MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
Answers: Card Set Activity
Collaborative Activity: True, False or Unsure?
A. If you roll a six-sided number cube and it lands on a six more than any other
number, then the number cube must be biased.
False. This statement addresses the misconception that probabilities give the
proportion of outcomes that
occur. With more information (
How many
was the cube rolled?
How many
more sixes were thrown?) more advanced
mathematics could be used to calculate the
that the number cube was
biased, but you could never be 100% certain.
B. When randomly selecting four letters from the alphabet, you are more likely to
come up with D, T, M, J than W, X, Y, Z.
False. This highlights the misconception that ‘special’ events are less likely than
‘more representative’ events. Students often assume that selecting the ‘unusual’
letters W, X, Y and X is less likely.
C. If you toss a fair coin five times and get five heads in a row, the next time you toss
the coin it is more likely to show a tail than a head.
False. This highlights the misconception that later random events ‘compensate’ for
earlier ones. The statement implies that the coin has some sort of ‘memory’. People
often use the phrase ‘the law of averages’ in this way.
D. There are three outcomes in a soccer match: win, lose, or draw. The probability of
winning is therefore 1 out of 3.
False. This highlights the misconception that all outcomes are equally likely,
without considering that some are much more likely than others. The probabilities
are dependent on the rules of the game and which teams are playing.
E. When two coins are tossed there are three possible outcomes: two heads, one head, or
no heads. The probability of two heads is therefore 1 out 3.
False. This highlights the misconception that all outcomes are equally likely, without
considering that some are much more likely than others. There are four equally likely
outcomes: HH, HT, TH, TT. The probability of two heads is 1 out 4.
F. Scoring a total of three with two number cubes is twice as likely as scoring a total of two.
True. This highlights the misconception that the two outcomes are equally likely. To
score three there are two outcomes: 1, 2 and 2, 1, but to score two there is only one
outcome, 1, 1.
G. In a ‘true or false?’ quiz with ten questions, you are certain to get five correct if you just
False. This highlights the misconception that probabilities give the exact proportion of
outcomes that will occur. If a lot of people took the quiz, you would expect the mean
score to be about 5, but the individual scores would vary.
Probabilities do not say for certain what will happen; they only give an indication of the
likelihood of something happening. The only time we can be certain of something is
when the probability is 0 or 1.
H. The probability of getting exactly two heads in four coin tosses is .
False: This highlights the misconception that the same size is irrelevant. Students often
assume that because the probability of one head in two coin tosses is , then the
probability of n heads in 2n coin tosses is also . In fact the probability of two out of
four coin tosses begin heads is .
This can be worked out by writing out all the sixteen possible outcomes:
This may be calculated from Pascal’s Triangle:
Note: Students are not expected to make this connection.
Introduction to the Scientific Method Worksheet
Long ago, many people believed that living things could come from nonliving things.
They thought that worms came from wood and that maggots came from decaying
meat. This idea was called spontaneous generation. In 1668, an Italian biologist,
Francesco Redi, did experiments to prove that maggots did not come from meat.
One of his experiments is shown below.
Redi placed pieces of meat in several jars. He divided the jars into two groups. He
covered the first group of jars with fine cloth. He left the second group of jars
uncovered. Redi observed the jars for several days. He saw flies on the cloth of the
covered jars, and he saw flies laying eggs on the meat in the uncovered jars. Maggots
appeared only on the meat in the group of jars left uncovered.
1. Which is not a step in the scientific method?
a. Problem or question. c. Ask other people for their opinion.
b. Research. d. Arrive at a conclusion.
2. What was the problem in Redi’s experiment?
a. How do maggots appear in meats?
b. How do worms appear in wood?
c. Is spontaneous generation a valid explanation for maggots in meats?
d. All of the above are examples of problems
3. What do you think his hypothesis was?
a. Maggots grow through spontaneous generation.
b. Maggots come from eggs laid by flies.
c. Maggots find their way into woods and meats.
d. The problem cannot be solved.
4. How did he test his hypothesis?
a. He placed food in two jars, covering one jar and leaving the other
b. He placed food in two jars and left both jars uncovered.
c. He placed food in two jars and covered both jars.
d. He put food in one jar and no food in a second jar.
5. What was the variable in his experiment?
a. Covering both jars.
b. Covering one jar and leaving the other uncovered.
c. Leaving both jars uncovered.
d. There was no variable in this experiment.
6. What do you think Redi’s conclusion was?
a. Living things come from other living things.
b. Living things are created through spontaneous generation.
c. He did not have enough data to arrive at a conclusion.
From: Florida IPDAE’s Lesson Plans for GED
Preparation Science
Answer Key: Introduction to the Scientific Worksheet
1. Which is not a step in the scientific method?
a. Problem or question. c. Ask other people for their opinion.
b. Research. d. Arrive at a conclusion.
2. What was the problem in Redi’s experiment?
a. How do maggots appear in meats?
b. How do worms appear in wood?
c. Is spontaneous generation a valid explanation for maggots in meats?
d. All of the above are examples of problems
3. What do you think his hypothesis was?
a. Maggots grow through spontaneous generation.
b. Maggots come from eggs laid by flies.
c. Maggots find their way into woods and meats.
d. The problem cannot be solved.
4. How did he test his hypothesis?
a. He placed food in two jars, covering one jar and leaving the other
b. He placed food in two jars and left both jars uncovered.
c. He placed food in two jars and covered both jars.
d. He put food in one jar and no food in a second jar.
5. What was the variable in his experiment?
a. Covering both jars.
b. Covering one jar and leaving the other uncovered.
c. Leaving both jars uncovered.
d. There was no variable in this experiment.
6. What do you think Redi’s conclusion was?
a. Living things come from other living things.
b. Living things are created through spontaneous generation.
c. He did not have enough data to arrive at a conclusion.
A Few Websites in Science to Get You Started!
ABC Science. News, video clips, games, and lots of activities for the science classroom from the
American Broadcasting Company.
Annenberg: The Habitable Planet. The Habitable Planet is a multimedia course for high school
teachers and adult learners interested in studying environmental science. The Web site provides
access to course content and activities developed by leading scientists and researchers in the field.
Annenberg Science in Focus: Force and Motion. Explore science concepts in force and motion
and come away with a deeper understanding that will help you engage your students in their own
explorations. With science and education experts as your guides, learn more about gravity, friction,
air resistance, magnetism, and tension through activities, discussions, and demonstrations.
BBC Science. From space to the human body to, this interactive site allows learners to discover
many different facets of science. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn
Cells Alive. This site can be used by teachers and students. Lots of great interactivity and resources
on the basics of cells. https://www.cellsalive.com/notfound.htm
Discovery Channel. The website has lots more information than even the channel. Lots of
interactivity with excellent videos, interactivity, and high-level games. http://www.discovery.com
Exploratorium Online. Since 1993, the Exploratorium was one of the first science museums to
build a site on the World Wide Web. The site contains over 15,000 articles and displays including
interactivity regarding science. http://www.exploratorium.edu
How Stuff Works. Ever wondered why a cd works? How about the ten myths about the brain? How
about what would happen if you put sugar in your gas tank? An interesting science site filled with
real-world information. http://www.howstuffworks.com
Interactive Websites for Teaching Science. Just click on one of the topics and explore the myriad
of resources on the World Wide Web. http://interactivesites.weebly.com/science.html
National Science Teachers Association. Don’t forget the professional organization for science
teachers. This site has lots of ideas, lessons, and scientific updates.
Newton’s Apple. NEWTON'S APPLE is a production of Twin Cities Public Television from a grant
from the 3M Foundation. The site is filled with free videos for use in many different areas.
Nye Labs.com This is indeed “Bill Nye, the science guy” with lots of activities and applications for
science. https://www.billnye.com/
PBS: Science & Nature. Highlights and background information on every Science-based PBS
program on the air; check out the Science for the Classroom link. http://www.pbs.org/science
Steve Spangler. This site has lots of free experiments and videos for use in the classroom
The Why Files. University of Wisconsin, Board of Regents. Real world articles to support all areas
of science. Click on the “Why Files in Education.” http://whyfiles.org/teach
Understanding Science. The Understanding Science website is a fun, free resource that aims to
accurately communicate what science is and how it really works. It provides “an inside look at the
general principles, methods, and motivations that underlie all of science.
Resources for the GED
and ABE Math Classroom
Interactive sites for Education. Lower level math activities
Math is Fun. High School Statistics and Probability Common Core Standards-games, puzzles,
Khan Academy
Home School Math- Online games and resources for probability
Mathematical Monk. Probability Primer- a series of videos
Math-Aids.com. Create your own math worksheets for probability by grade level
Kuta Software. Worksheets and explanations