Part One: Anthology LPs:
1: Souvenir of First Canadian Demonstration [of] Columbia Long-Playing Records, Toronto, January 1949. [One
side is blank; the reverse features “I Can Hear It Now” by Edward R. Murrow. Numbers on label are:
“D234-1” and “C16211”. Filed before the letter A in Anthology section.
7 Poets Reading: S.Y. Agnon, Dalia Ravikowitz, Avraham Shlonsky, Amir Gilboa, Haim Guri, and Natan Zach all
reading their work in Hebrew [RCA Victor ISR-0008]. Text on sleeves entirely in Hebrew. Some abrasions
to both sleeves.
10 + 2: 12 American Text Sound Pieces: Charles Amirkhanian, Clark Coolidge, John Cage, John Giorno, Anthony
Gnazzo, Charles Dodge, Robert Ashley, Beth Anderson, Brion Gysin, Liam O’Gallagher, Aram Saroyan
(Arch Records, Stereo 1752).
Album of Modern Poetry: British and American: An Anthology Read By The Poets, vol. 1: Robert Frost, Wallace
Stevens, John Crowe Ransom, Marianne Moore, T.S. Eliot, Edwin Muir, William Carlos Williams,
Robinson Jeffers, Robert Graves, Conrad Aiken, Archibald MacLeish, Henry Reed, Muriel Rukeyser (Audio
Arts AA 3308 originally released by the Library of Congress).
Album of Modern Poetry: British and American: An Anthology Read By The Poets, vol. 2: Allen Tate, Oscar
Williams, W.H. Auden, Theodore Spencer, Richard Eberhart, Stephen Spender, Ogden Nash, Merrill Moore,
William Empson, Gene Derwood, George Barker, Vernon Watkins, Roy Fuller (Audio Arts AA 3309).
Album of Modern Poetry: British and American: An Anthology Read By The Poets, vol. 3: Edgar Lee Masters,
Louise Bogan, Stanley Kunitz, Léonie Adams, Robert Lowell, Theodore Roethke, James Wright, Jean
Garrigue, Richard Wilbur, e.e. cummings, W.R. Rodgers, Edwin Denby, Edwin Honig, Howard Nemerov,
Ruth Herschberger, Joseph Bennett, Ted Hughes, John Thompson, W.S. Merwin (Audio Arts AA 3310)
[The 3 LPs were alleged to have been issued as a boxed set with its own catalogue number].
All Things Considered: 16 Essays By Mumia Abu-Jamal, with comments by Alice Walker, Cornel West, Martin
Sheen, Assata Shakur, Sister Helen Prejean, Howard Zinn, Dr. Joyce Elders, William Kunstler, Dorothy
Allison, Ronald Hampton, John Edgar Wideman, Ramona Africa, Juan Gonzalez, Robert Meeropel, Justice
Bruce Wright, Manning Marable, Judi Bari (Virus 221).
And None Shall Make them Afraid: Produced by the United Jewish Appeal As A Souvenir of the 1974 National
Conference. The album features a number of celebrities who appeared at a fundraiser in New York City in
December 1973, one of whom was the author Elie Wiesel. (UJA 74 B).
Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry, Selected, Edited, and Read by George Abbe (Scholastic Records SL
9735) [unless George Abbe is a poet, there are no poets actually reading on this album] {comes complete
with booklet}.
Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry, Selected, Edited, and Read by George Abbe (Scholastic Records SL
9735) [unless George Abbe is a poet, there are no poets actually reading on this album] {comes complete
with booklet}. Second copy.
Anthology of English Verse (Volume 1): poems by long dead poets read by actors except for one poem by A.E.
Houseman read by C. Day Lewis (Folkways FL 9891).
Anthology of Negro Poets: Langston Hughes, Sterling Brown, Claude McKay, Margaret Walker, and Gwendolyn
Brooks (Folkways FL 9791). Includes a small brochure with biogs of the poets and info on the venues and
dates of the recordings by Arna Bontemps.
Anthology of Negro Poets in the USA Read By Arna Bontemps [Note that no poets read on this album] (Folkways FL
Anthology of Negro Poets in the USA Read By Arna Bontemps [Note that no poets read on this album] (Folkways FL
9792). Second copy.
Anthology of XIX Century Poets [the poems by Longfellow and Whittier are read by Donald Hall] (Spoken Arts SA
963). Filed under “Hall, Donald.”
Anthology of 20
Century English Poetry (Part 1): poems by long dead poets (such as Thomas Hardy) read by
several actors but also contains brief readings by C. Day Lewis and Edith Sitwell. Sitwell reads only her
own work; Lewis reads one poem only, that a poem by Thomas Hardy. (Folkways FL 9886).
Anthology of 20
Century English Poetry (Part 2): Richard Church, C. Day Lewis, John Betjeman, Vernon Watkins,
W.R. Rodgers, Roy Fuller, Henry Reed, and Laurie Lee (Jupiter/Folkways FL 9887).
Anthology of 20
Century English Poetry (Part 3): Kingsley Amis, Thomas Blackburn, Charles Causley, Donald
Davie, D.J. Enright, Thom Gunn, John Heath-Stubbs, Ted Hughes, Elizabeth Jennings, Philip Larkin,
Edward Lucie-Smith, George MacBeth, Peter Porter, Vernon Scannell, John Wain (Folkways FL 9879).
Antologia Oral: Poesia Hispanoamericana Del Siglo XX/Oral Anthology: Spanish-American Poetry Of The 20
Century: A Careful Selection Of Poems By The Best Poets Of The Present Times. Recorded by Octavio
Corvalan (Folkways FL 9926). Includes an extensive booklet in which Corvalan, an academic at Rutgers
University, gives a general background to Spanish-American poetry at mid-century, and then provides
translations for each of the poems he reads on this disc. He has made a curious but highly interesting
selection. Seams split.
Appendix Once Removed: Ann Southam; sean o’huigin; bp nichol (Black Moss 45 rpm; no catalogue number)
[presumably a promotional disc].
Artistry In English: William Faulkner Reading His Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech and from “As I Lay Dying” and
Tennessee Williams Reading “The Glass Menagerie” and three of his poems. Produced by Caedmon
Records and Released by the Educational Record Club, complete with booklet (Two catalogue numbers are
given: AE 18, and TC 1035).
Authors and Actors: Edgar Wallace, A.E.W. Mason, Rebecca West, Alfred Noyes (Rococo 4014).
Better An Old Demon Than A New God: William S. Burroughs, Jim Carroll, John Giorno, Anne Waldman (Giorno
Poetry Systems GPS 033).
Big Ego: Helen Adam, Laurie Anderson, Robert Ashley, Jim Brodey, Otis Brown, William S. Burroughs, Jackie
Curtis, Mona DaVinci, Kenward Elmslie, The Fugs, John Giorno, Philip Glass, Anthony J. Gnazzo, Ted
Greenwald, Steve Hamilton, Bernard Heidsieck, Joe Johnson, Michael Lally, Denise Levertov, Robert
Lowell, Meredith Monk, Eileen Myles, Frank O’Hara, Claes Oldenberg, Joel Oppenheimer, Ron Padgett,
Ishmael Reed, Ed Sanders, Harris Schiff, Patti Smith, Lorenzo Thomas, Steve & Gloria Tropp, Anne
Waldman, Larry Wendt, Robert Wilson, and Christopher Knowles. Album photo and design by Les Levine.
(Giorno Poetry Systems GPS 012-013).
Biting Off The Tongue Of A Corpse: Helen Adam, John Ashbery, Ted Berrigan, William S. Burroughs, John Cage,
Edwin denby, Diane di Prima, Robert Duncan, John Giorno, Kenneth Koch, Denise Levertov, Frank O’Hara,
Charles Olson, Ed Sanders, Charles Stein, Gary Snyder, and John Weiners (Giorno Poetry Systems, no
catalogue number).
Black America: A History of Black America in Word & Song vols. 1-5: This is a beautifully produced boxed set of 5
LP albums, two of which feature creative writers. On one LP James Baldwin gives a personal description of
growing up. On another LP, Langston Hughes recites “12 Moods For Jazz”. Each writer is alotted both
sides of each LP. Includes 12-page illustrated booklet. (Buddah Records BLK 1-5).
Born To Live: Hiroshima. Compiled and Edited by Studs Terkel (Folkways FD 5525). Features the voices of
several contributors including these authors: Lillian Smith; Simone de Beauvoir, James Baldwin, Gwendolyn
Brooks, Sean O’Casey, Nicolai Pogodin, John Ciardi, Bertrand Russell, Buckminster Fuller, Arthur C.
Clarke, and Carl Sandburg.
Brains Trust, The: Selections from the famous BBC programme featuring many celebrities including the writer Sir
Julian Huxley and the publisher Sir Harold Nicolson (Argo PLP 1119).
Brains Trust, The: Selections from the famous BBC programme featuring many celebrities including the writer Sir
Julian Huxley and the publisher Sir Harold Nicolson (Argo PLP 1119). Second copy.
Caedmon Library of 4 Modern Poets: W.H. Auden, e.e. cummings, Dylan Thomas, T.S. Eliot (TC 1019, TC 1045,
TC 1018, TC 1017).
Caedmon Speaking of the Best for 25 Years: W.H. Auden, Anthony Burgess, Arthur C. Clarke, e.e. cummings, John
Dos Passos, T.S, Eliot, William Faulkner, Robert Frost, Joseph Heller, Ernest Hemingway, Aldous Huxley,
James Joyce, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Ogden Nash, Ezra Pound, Bertrand Russell, Carl Sandburg, Anne
Sexton, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Gertrude Stein, Dylan Thomas, J.R.R. Tolkien, John Updike, Peter Ustinov,
Kurt Vonnegut, Tennessee Williams (Caedmon SP 25). Inscribed by the two founders of Caedmon: “To
Greg, thanks for guarding the memories of 50 years. Barbara Holdridge.” Also: “For Greg. Who’s
made the 50
anniversary of Caedmon for me by remembering why Caedmon was foundedand by
whom. Marianne Mantell.” The two women were intrerviewed by me at the 2002 International Festival of
Authors at Harbourfront.
Caedmon Treasury of Modern Poets: T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yeats, W.H. Auden, Edith Sitwell, Dylan Thomas, Louis
MacNeice, Robert Graves, Gertrude Stein, Archibald MacLeish, e.e. cummings, Marianne Moore, William
Empson, Stephen Spender, Conrad Aiken, Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens, Richard
Eberhart, Ezra Pound, Richard Wilbur (Caedmon TC 2006).
Canadian Novelists and Canadian Poets: (on Side One): Morley Callaghan, Mordecai Richler, Margaret Laurence;
(on Side Two): Dorothy Livesay, Al Purdy, Irving Layton, Earle Birney (Ontario Ministry of Education,
Correspondence Education Branch, no catalogue number, produced in 1971). [This LP was possibly
produced by Earle Toppings, long associated with arts-and-education radio station CJRT in Toronto (and in
1999-2000 he was the Chair of the Board of the Harbourfront Reading Series). The few written accounts
that I have seen of this series of interviews with the authors describe the interviews as having been produced
on cassette audio tape (and Earle Toppings, when I asked him about this LP, was unaware of any LP
version), but this LP, which has its own professionlly produced “Ministry of Education” label, was
presumably issued at the same time or prior to the audio cassettes. The sleeve, a solid blue in colour, has no
artwork but appears to be the original, heavier-than usual sleeve.].
Canadian Poets I: Earle Birney, George Bowering, Leonard Cohen, Irving Layton, Gwendolyn MacEwen, John
Newlove, Al Purdy, Phyllis Webb (CBC Publications) [I have two editions of this album: one sleeve is
predominantly bright orange-yellow in colour; the other is predominantly black].
Century: two-record vinyl version of a 1967 CBC radio program featuring actors reanacting seminal moments in
Canadian history (script by Jopseph Schull, written for this radio program), along with recordings of eminent
Canadians offering their thoughts on Canada in its Centennial year. Among the latter is Irving Layton (and
possibly other creative writersthere are no liner notes indicating who or what is on the records). (no
catalogue number cited.). Sleeves feature a thousand-word essay written for the vinyl recording by noted
historian Frank Underhill.
Columbia Literary Series [special boxed set of 12 LPs also containing a hefty booklet detailing the history of how
and when the recordings were made]. Contains albums by Somerset Maugham (ML 4752); Aldous Huxley
(ML 4753); John Collier (4754); Sacheverell Sitwell (ML 4755); John Steinbeck (ML 4756); Katharine
Anne Porter (ML 4757); Edith Sitwell (ML 4759); Christopher Isherwood (ML 4760); Truman Capote (ML
4761); Edna Ferber (ML 4762); Sir Osbert Sitwell (ML 4763); and William Saroyan (ML 4758).
Contemporary English Literature, Vol. 1 Poetry and Prose Read By The Authors: Robert Graves, Elizabeth
Jennings, Edith Sitwell, C. Day Lewis (Folkways FL 9888).
Contemporary English Literature, Vol. 2 Poetry and Prose Read By The Authors: Laurie Lee, Christopher Logue, C.
Northcote Parkinson (Folkways FL 9889).
Conversations Regarding The Future Of Architecture. Collected and edited by John Peter in 1956. Architects
recorded are Ernest Kump, Gordon Bunshaft, Eero Sarinen, Philip Johnson, Mies van der Rohe, Walter
Gropius, and Richard J. Neutra (Reynolds Metals Company, no number cited).
Cricket And Other Friends: Featuring The Voices of Clifton Fadiman, Richard Wilbur, T.S. Eliot, John Ciardi, Sam
Levenson, Arnold Lobel (produced by Cricket Magazine in 1974; no catalogue number or record label).
Cricket And Other Friends: Featuring The Voices of Clifton Fadiman, Richard Wilbur, T.S. Eliot, John Ciardi, Sam
Levenson, Arnold Lobel (produced by Cricket Magazine in 1974; no catalogue number or record label).
Second copy. [library pocket attached to back sleeve].
Deutsch fur Deutsch: Ein Sprachkurs fur Zeitgenossen von Ludwig Harig & Michael Kruger Wagenbachs
Quartplatte Vierzehn [Kruger is both a renowned author as well as publisher in Germany].
Diamond Hidden in the Mouth of a Corpse, A: William S. Burroughs and the John Giorno Band (Giorno Poetry
Systems Records GPS 035).
Disconnected: John Ashbery, Charles Amirkhanian, Amiri Baraka, Bill Berkson, Paul Blackburn, Joe Brainard,
Michael Brownstein, William S. Burroughs, John Cage, Jim Carroll, Tom Clark, Clark Coolidge, Gregory
Corso, Robert Creeley, Diane di prima, Ed Dorn, Larry Fagin, Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Frank Lima,
Michael McClure, Gerard Malanga, Bernadette Mayer, Frank O’Hara, Charles Olson, Peter Orlovsky,
Maureen Owen, Ron Padgett, John Perrault, Charles Plymell, Ed Sanders, Jack Spicer, Lorenzo Thomas,
Chogyam Rinpoche, Diane Wakoski, Anne Waldman, Philip Whalen, John Weiners (Giorno Poetry Systems
Doce Poetas En Sus Voces: Vicente Aleixandre, Damaso Alonso, Gerardo Diego, Leopoldo Panero, Luis Rosales,
Luis Felipe Vivanco, Gabriel Celaya, Gloria Fuertes, Jose Garcia Nieto, Jose Hierro, Manuel Alcantara,
Carlos Murciano (Aguilar GPE 10 100).
Dreamers of Dreams: Readings by American actors of literary work by Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Morley Callaghan et
alia. No authors speak on this disc. It is interesting both as an educational disc, and for what was considered
suitable literary material for high schools in 1971.
Earplay [plays for radio]: Harvey Jacobs, Benjamin Bradford, LaVerne Kehr, Larry Reed, Barbara Paul, Barry
Garelick, James Damico (Madison, Wisconsin: WHA Radio, 1972).
East Village Other, The: Gerard Malanga, Allen Ginsberg, Peter Orlovsky, Tuli Kupferberg, and Ishmael Reed.
Also appearing on this album are Andy Warhol and The Velvet Underground. The founder of The Velvet
Underground, Lou Reed, as a student of Delmore Schwartz at Syracuse University. Another member of the
band, John Cale, was a friend and collaborator with John Cage. The band was formed in late 1964, and,
within months, Andy Warhol became the Manager of the group. This album was recorded and pressed in
1966. The back sleeve features a brief essay, written for this LP, and reflective of its era in vocabulary and
tone, by Allan Katzman, a poet, pioneer Yippie, and founder of The East Village Other, the first underground
newspaper in the USA.
Eleven Canadian Poets: F.R. Scott, Douglas Barbour, Michael Doyle, P.K. Page, Francis Sparshott, Marya
Fiamengo, Earle Birney, Sharon Stevenson, Stephen Scobie, Ralph Gustafson, Michael Ondaatje. (J.M.
Lebel Enterprises; album was made in 1973). Autographed by Michael Ondaatje.
English As A Second Language: Charles Bukowski; Dennis Cooper; Henry Rollins et alia (Freeway Records; no
catalogue number) [seams split].
Evening Of International Poetry, An: First International Book Fair Of Radical Black And Third World Books
Presents: Abdillatif Abdalla; John Agard; James Berry; Valerie Bloom; Edward Brathwaite; Accabre
Huntley; Mahmood Jamal; Linton Kwesi Johnson; Christopher Laird; E.A. Markham; Jack Mapanje; Odia
Ofeimun; Oku Onuora; Okot p’Bitek; Cecil Rajendra; Pedro Perez Sarduy; Mushtaq Singh; Michael Smith;
and Frederick Williams (Alliance Records PLP 001). Double album with photos of fourteen of the authors.
Experiments in Disintegrating Language: Konkrete Canticle: Charles Verey, Neil Mills, Thomas A. Clark, Paula
Claire, Bob Cobbing, Michael Chant (Arts Council of Great Britain AC 1971).
Fear of Drowning, The: A Poetry Album. with Todd Toussaint, Chris Goode, Mike Love, Sherrie Feight, David B.
Livingstone, Stuart Dybek, Sarah J. Smith, Kelly Jacob, Lynne Drury, Michael Cergizan, Arnold Johnston,
Quentin Sherwood, Tom Kirkman, Patricia Smith, Ann Kullenberg, Herbert Scott, has the insert. (Mad
Quieen Records, no number cited). Side seam split.
Finlandsvenska Diktarroster 2 [“Swedish-speaking Finnish Poets Reading, vol. 2”]: Claes Andersson, Anna
Bondestam, Jorn Donner, Hans Fors, Erik Grannvik, Lars Hulden, Tove Jansson, Ralf Nordgren, Peter
Sandelin, Henrik Tikkanen, Gosta Agren (FSF 2).
First Recorded Sounds, The: Original Thomas A. Edison Historical Recordings (Mark56 Records 723). No creative
writers are heard, but we do hear Sir Arthir Sullivan.
Five Yorkshire Poets: Jeff Nuttall, Mike Haywood, George Kendrick, Glyn Hughes, and W. Price Turner
(BBC/Yorkshire Arts Association. No catalogue number).
Five Yorkshire Poets: Jeff Nuttall, Mike Haywood, George Kendrick, Glyn Hughes, and W. Price Turner
(BBC/Yorkshire Arts Association. No catalogue number). Second copy. Lower seam split.
Four Kingston Poets in a Reading Prepared for the National Arts Centre [Ottawa]: Tom Marshall, Stuart
MacKinnon, Gail Fox, David Helwig.
Frya Ryska Poeter [Four Russian Poets]: Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Anna Akhmatova, Bulat Okudzjava, Andrei
Voznesensky (Sveriges Radio RELP 5018).
Gargoyle: [This would seem to be an LP version of the UofT literary magazine. It is “Edited” by Tim Inkster. Side
One: Barry Hunter, Harold Moros, Larry Smith, Bill Reach, Tim Inkster, Ian Young, Ron Puschak; Side
Two: Ian Young, Doug Watters, John Naslan. No catalogue number. Seems to have never had a proper
cardboard sleeve; does have a foldout paper sleeve with abstract art in black and white.
Gathering of Great Poetry for Children, A, vol.2: Carl Sandburg, Robert Graves, e.e. cummings, Robert Frost, T.S.
Eliot (Caedmon TC 1236).
Genius In Words And Music: Brief readings of literature by Dylan Thomas, T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, and Michael
MacLiammoir as well as by actors (Columbia Special Products, no catalogue numberpossibly used for
promotional purposes only) [ex-library copy with slight damage to front sleeve caused by removal of library
Golden Treasury: Guillaume Apollinaire, Jean Cocteau, Paul Eluard, Louis Aragon (Spoken Arts SA 801).
Golden Treasury: Paul Valéry, Paul Claudel, Saint-John Perse, Francois Mauriac (Spoken Arts SA 923).
Golden Trasury of Great Music And Literature For Young People: Volume 10: Great Poetry. Edited and with an
Introduction by Louis Untermeyer. Poems read by Alexander Scourby (New York: Arthur Shimkin
Enterprises, 1961). I have two states of this LP. The first would seem to have been a boxed set. It contains
loose leaf sheets with info about the texts of the poems being read. The second state is a straightforward LP,
which is still shrinkwrapped.
Golden Trasury of Spanish American Verse Compiled And Read By [Mexican poet] Manuel Duran (Spoken Arts
SA 839) [Apart from Manuel Duran himself, no other voices are heard].
Great American Speeches [no volume number]: Read by Melvyn Douglas, Vincent Price, Ed Begley, Carl Sandburg
(Caedmon TC 2016). Sandburg reads Abraham Lincoln’s “The Cooper Union Speech” and “The Gettysburg
Address”. This is a 2-record set.
Great American Speeches, vol.4: William Faulkner, Carl Sandburg (Caedmon TC 2035).
Great Campaigners 1928-1960, The. Hoover, Roosevelt et alia [no creative writers] (RCA, no number cited. )
Great Moments, Voices, Music Of The 20
Century (Album Set productions GT-3). Features the voices of many
eminent persons, including the authors Winston S. Churchill, Robert Frost, and Sinclair Lewis.
Hark! The Year!: A Recorded Scrapbook Of Famous Personalities And Historical Events From Two Centuries!
Narrated by Frederic March. Music score by Nathaniel Shilkret. Features the actual voices of Florence
Nightingale, Thomas Edison, William Jennings Bryan, Lillian Russell, Enrico Caruso, John Barrymore,
Robert E. Peary, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, General Pershing, Marshal Foch, Vladimir Lenin,
William Howard Taft, Henry Cabot Lodge, Will Rogers, Billy Sunday, Douglas Fairbanks Sr., W.C. Fields,
Aimee Semple McPherson. Bobby Jones, Jack Dempsey, Knut Rockne, Babe Ruth, Charles Lindbergh,
Calvin Coolidge, Jimmy Walker, Herbert Hoover, Mahatma Ghandi, George Bernard Shaw, Albert Einstein,
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Kenneth Landfrey (Capitol Records S282).
Hemingway: A Portrait: E. Hemingway, Malcolm Cowley, Morley Callaghan, Archibald MacLeish, Sylvia Beach
(CBC Records)
Here Today: Poems by 45 Contemporary Poets (Part 1): Kingsley Amis, Charles Causley, Ted Hughes, Bernard
Kops, C. Day Lewis, Michell Raper, Vernon Scannell, Stevie Smith, John Heath-Stubbs, Anthony Thwaite
(Spoken Arts SA 944)
Here Today: Poems by 45 Contempoary Poets (Part 2): Thomas Blackburn, D.J. Enright, Zulfikar Ghose, Bernard
Kops, Michell Raper, Vernon Scannell, Anthony Thwaite, John Wain (Spoken Arts SA 945)
Hey Blue!: A Collection From Australian Poets With Jill Forster and John Stanton (EMI Australia; no catalogue
History Speaks, Volume One: O. Henry, Robert Browning, Amelia Earhart, Arthur Conan Doyle, James Whitcomb
Riley (Gotham Records, no catalogue no.)
History Speaks, Volume Two: Alfred Lord Tennyson, Sarah Bernhardt, Leo Tolstoy, Rudyard Kipling. (Gotham
Records, no catalogue number)
Hommes et Faits du Xxe Siecle en 1974 Nous Avons Vecu Cela (HF 50): This is a news documentary record with
clips from news broadcasts of 1974. Among the celebrities and politicians on the LP are two creative
writers: Alexander Solzenitsyn who speaks in French, as does, of course, Marcel Pagnol.
Honneur des Poetes, L’: Francois Mauriac, Paul Eluard, Louis Aragon, Albert Camus (Folkways FL 9944).
I Can Hear It Now: 1919-1932, Volume 3. Narrated by Edward R. Murrow. Several voices are heard on this LP, but
none of them is a creative writer. (Columbia ML 4340).
I mechd ned wissn: Schamberger, Stossel, Kusz: Drei Nurnberger Dichter lesen aus eigenen Werken (Erlkonig
Schallplatten ERL 2005). Autographed by Gunter Stossel.
Insel Gaste, Die: Luise Rinser, Dietrich Kittner, Dieter Hildebrandt, Werner Schneyder and Host Bienek appear on
this two-LP album of recordings of authors who spoke at a once-famous-in-Germany (but now-defunct)
bookshop in Stuttgart. The other authors on this recording are mostly politicians. Rinser read in 1966;
Kittner in 1973; Hildebrandt in 1976; Schneyder in 1976; and Bienek in 1967. (No catalogue numberLP
produced privately for the bookshop).
Invitation To German Poetry Read by Lotte Lenya: This is a single album of poetry selected by two American
academics, Gustave Mathieu and Guy Stern. Lenya, the wife of Kurt Weill, reads the work. Enclosed is a
book (not a booklet) with biographical essays about each of the authors on the album and the text of the
poems which are read (Dover Publications, no catalogue number).
Journees de Mai 68, Les: Par Les Journalistes de R.T.L. (Philips 77.757) This a a documentary LP, featuring clips
from radio news accounts of the student riots of 1968 in Paris. The LP has only one creative writer: Jean
Paul Sartre, who discusses “la violence” on May 12, 1968.
Jupiter Anthology of 20
Century English Poetry, Part One: poems by several authors read by actors and 2 authors:
C. Day Lewis and Edith Sitwell. (Jupiter JUR 00A1).
Leicht & Literarisch: Gottfried Benn, Wolf Biermann, and Wolfgang Neuss (Philips 6422001).
Life Is A Killer: Amiri Baraka, Williams S. Burroughs, Jim Carroll, Jayne Cortez, Four Horsemen, John Giorno,
Brion Gysin, Rose Lesniak, Ned Sublette. (Giorno Poetry Systems GPS 027). [Note that the readings by
Baraka, Carroll, Cortez and the Four Horsemen were recorded in Toronto and are from the film Poetry in
Motion by Ron Mann.].
Literary And Dramatic Recordings Dedicated To Pushkin: Bilingual sleeve on front and back. Appears to feature
readings of their own poems and of the poems of others by Vassily Aksyenov, David Kugiltinov, V.
Yakhontov, D. Zhuravlev, and D. Samoilov and possibly other authors.
Literary And Dramatic Recordings: Sergei Yursky Reads Pushkin, Pasternak, de Maupassant, M. Zoshchenko, and
A.A. Milne. Note that this is a companion volume to the title above. Yursky is an actor and is not,
apparently, an author.
Literature: Poems And Prose: This album accompanies the textbook Reading Poetry, used in the course
“Introduction to Literature” as part of The Open University. Side One of the album features poet Frances
Horovitz reading an unspecified “Sonnet” by William Shakespeare, as well as “Morning Song” by Sylvia
Plath, “Snow In The Suburbs” by Thomas Hardy, “After Great Pain” by Emily Dickinson, “The Return” by
Ezra Pound, and “A Farm Picture” by Walt Whitman. Side Two features James Joyce reading the end of
Part 1 of Finnegans Wake, and the biographer Michael Foot speaking at the 1973 Labour Party Conference.
Little Treasury of Twentieth Century British Poetry, A, vol. 1: Edwin Muir, Robert Graves, Herbert Read, W.H.
Auden, Stephen Spender, W.R. Rodgers, Vernon Watkins, Roy Fuller, George Barker (Colpix Records PS
Little Treasury of Twentieth Century American Poetry, vol.2: William Carlos Williams, Allen Tate, Ogden Nash,
Robert Penn Warren, Richard Eberhart, Robert Lowell, Gene Derwood, Howard Nemerov (Colpix Records
PS 1001)
Live in the West: The Four Horsemen: Rafael Barreto-Rivera, Paul Dutton, Steve McCaffery, bp Nichol (Starborne).
London Poets: Fleur Adcock, Gavin Ewart, Richard Freeman, Peter Porter (no publisher cited; no catalogue
number). Sleeves designed by Richard Freeman.
London Poets: Fleur Adcock, Gavin Ewart, Richard Freeman, Peter Porter (no publisher cited; no catalogue
number). Sleeves designed by Richard Freeman. Second copy.
Lyrics: Texte und Musik: Ernst Jandl, Manfred Schoof, Will Quadflieg, Ulrich Wildgruber, Helmut Heissenbuttel,
Carla Bley, Jack Bruce, Karin Kiwus, Sabine Mayer, Max Volkert Martens (Cosmos Records NSV 1412).
Lyrics: Texte und Musik Live: Dieter Hildebrandt, Matthias Koeppel, Uli Becker, Eberhard Blum, Jurg Laederach,
Wolfgang Neuss, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Heiner Muller, Volker Kuhn, Oskar Pastior, Darie Cardyn.
Lyrik Der Zeit 2: Hans Arp, Paul Celan, Walter Hollerer, and Gunter Grass (Pfullingen, Germany: Verlag Gunter
Neske, no date). No catalogue number.
John Masefield Story-Telling Festival, The, Nov 1, 3, amnd 4, 1972 (Boys and Girls House, no number cited).
Meaford Tank Range: Owen Sound: Michael Dean, David Penhale, Steven Smith, Richard Truhlar (Wild Press
[1977]). This 45 rpm record was released in 2 ways: it was enclosed as part of the cirlox-bound book called
Meaford Tank Range (Wild Press, 1977). This book contains words and drawings by the four members of
Owen Sound. The record was also released as a solo record in a handsome green sleeve.
Minutes To Go: Hommage A William S. Burroughs: William S. Burroughs. Jean Cocteau, Jacques Derrida (Interior
Music IM001).
Morrison Street: A Spoken Word Anthology: Robert Creeley, Robert Trammel, Michael Helsem, Tim Seibles, Patty
Turner, Pat Clendenin, Michael Simms, Jacques Natanson, Joe Ahearn, Harold Epstein, Karen X, Tim
Cloward, Jim O’Bryan, Jenny Keller, Sheryl St. Germain, Anne Waldman, Octavio Solis, Eva Spork (Paris
Records, no cat. Number [recorded 1986-7])
National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights: Allen Ginsberg and Kate Millet are the only authors
among many other speakers from from various disciplines who spoke at the rallies associated with this
march and who were recorded on this album. Inner sleeve features several photos taken on the march and a
long text describing this march and other similar marches held throughout the USA. (Magnus Records, no
catalogue number; LP issued 1979).
One World Poetry: Ed Sanders, Richard Murphy, Ad Zuiderent, Lizzy Sara May, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Miguel
Algarin, Vincente Zito Lema, Barbara Barg, Avant Squares, John Giorno, Dick Higgins, Henri Chopin, Ton
Lebbink, Mazisi Kunene, Michael Gibbs, Jim Carroll, Bob Weir, Bernard Heidsieck, Simon Vinkenoog,
H.H. ter Balkt, Hans Plomp, Mignon van Ingen, Remco Campert, Judith Herzberg, Leo van der Zalm, J.
Bernlef, Elly de Waard, Hans van de Waarsenburg, Wiel Kusters, Frank. M. Arion, Johnny van Doorn,
William S. Burroughs, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, David Henderson, Franco Beltranetti, Diane di Prima, Michael
McClure, Ken Kesey, Uli Becker, Alfred Miersch (Giorno Poetry Systems Records GPS 028-129)
Original Read-In For Peace In Vietnam, Recorded At Town Hall, New York [sometime in 1967]: Stanley
Kauffmann (Master of Ceremonies), Alan Dugan, Alfred Kazin, Susan Sontag, Galway Kinnell, Denise
Levertov, William Gibson, Jules Feiffer, Louis Untermeyer, William Styron, Hortense Calisher, Robert
Lowell, Lenore Marshall, Arthur Miller, Joel Oppenheimer, William Melvin Kelley, Walter Lowenfels,
Norman Mailer, Fritz Weaver, Muriel Rukeyser, Bernard Malamud, Stanley Kunitz, Lilliam Hellman,
Harvey Swados (Broadside Records BR 452) [LP possibly issued with a booklet; my copy has no booklet].
Our Fathers Who Aren’t In Heaven: Don Bajema, Henry Rollins, Hubert Selby Jr., Lydia Lunch (Widowspeak
Productions [1990]).
Panjandrum: Lennart Bruce, George Ushanoff, David Gitin, Anthony Shonwald, Robert Bly, David Bullen, John
Logan, George Hitchcock, Patrick Todd, Dennis Koran, Allen Ginsberg, Nanos Valaoritis, Don Cushman,
and John Harriss. Boxed LP features text of the poems (i.e., those read on the album ) printed on heavy
cardstock (unbound), seemingly as the first issue of a periodical called Panjandrum edited by Dennis Koran.
Also enclosed: printed copies of correspondence between Warren Peace of the “U.S. Record Club” and
James Grauerholz, executor of the William S. Burroughs estate regarding the LP records of Burroughs. No
catalogue number.
Paroles de Romandie: Charles-Albert Cingria, Blaise Cendrars, Paul Budry, Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz, Emile
Jacques-Dalcroze, and Rene-Louis Pichaud. [These noted Swiss creative writers appear at some length on
this rare album, along with other notable Swiss creative spirits from the worlds of music, the military, and
performing artsincluding Le Corbusier. Produced by Radio suisse romande and Radio TV Je vois tout.
No catalogue number.].
Pirelli Poems From The 1968 Calendar (This is a 7-inch record produced as a promotional device for Pirelli Tires
to complement the firm’s legendary calendar. The record features work by Pierre Ronsard, E.B. Browning
and Robert Herrick, and the Japanese poets Kakinomoto No Hitomaro; Yamabeo Akihito; Lady Otomo No
Sakanoe; Fujiwara No Sadaiethese latter translated by Kenneth Rexroth, Karan Singh, and Allen
Ginsberg.. No indication of who is reading the poems. The record sleeve features type only (i.e., no graphic
images) against a white background and owes nothing to the calendar. No catalogue number).
Pleasure Dome: An audible anthology of modern poetry read by its Creators: T.S. Eliot, Marianne Moore, e.e.
cummings, William Carlos Williams, Ogden Nash, W.H. Auden, Dylan Thomas, Elizabeth Bishop
(Columbia ML 4259) -- I also have another edition of this same album with the catalogue number
“Columbia Special Products 91A 02049”).
Poet Speaks No.1, The: James Reeves, David Jones, William Plomer, and C.Day Lewis (Argo RG 451). Includes
interviews with each of the authors. Essay on back sleeve by Peter C. Orr.
Poet Speaks No.3, The: John Heath-Stubbs, Thomas Blackburn, Lawrence Whistler, John Press, Julian Ennis (Argo
RG 453) (I also have another edition of this album PLP 1083 Mono).
Poet Speaks No.4, The: Tony Connor, Thomas Kinsella, Elizabeth Jennings, Peter Redgrove (Argo 454; I also have
a pressing where the sleeve (seam split) says the catalogue number is Argo PLP 1084 mono, record four).
Poet Speaks No.5, The: Ted Hughes, Peter Porter, Thom Gunn, and Sylvia Plath (Argo 1085 Mono).
Poet Speaks No 6, The: John Arden, Michael Baldwin, Taner Baybars, Patricia Beer, George Mackay Brown, John
Fuller, Michael Harnett, Hamish Henderson, David Holbrook, James Liddy, George MacBeth, Christopher
Middleton, Adrian Mitchell, Ruth Pitter, Herbert Read, Edward Thomas, Anthony Thwaite, Rosemary
Tonks, David Wevill (Argo PLP 1086 Mono).
Poet Speaks No.7, The: John Betjeman, Robert Graves, Stephen Spender, Kathleen Raine, William Empson, Patric
Dickinson, R.S. Thomas, Hilary Cooke, W.H. Auden, Basil Bunting (Argo RG 517).
Poet Speaks No.8, The,: Philip Larkin, Roy Fuller, Laurie Lee, Charles Causley, Ken Smith, Jon Stallworthy, Dom
Moraes, Geoffrey Hill, Charles Tomlinson, Jon Silkin (Argo PLP 1088 Mono).
Poet Speaks No.9, The: Hugh MacDiarmid, Sydney Goodsir Smith, Iain Chrichton Smith, Norman MacCaig, Austin
Clarke [i.e., the Irish Austin Clarke], Seamus Heaney [is this his first recording? He was only 27 when the
recording was made in Belfast on Sept. 7, 1966], Louis MacNeice (Argo RG 519).
Poet Speaks No.10, The: Edmund Blunden, Andrew Young, Edwin Muir, Geoffrey Grigson, John Wain, Dannie
Abse, George Barker, W.S. Graham, Christopher Logue, Edward Lucie-Smith, Edward Brathwaite, B.S.
Johnson (Argo RG 583 Mono).
Poetry 1900 To 1965: This record accompanies the anthology Poetry 1900 To 1965 edited by George MacBeth, in
Longmans’ English Series. The LP features Ted Hughes reading “Humming Bird” by D.H. Lawrence and
“Vergissmeinicht” by Keith Douglas and his own “Hawk Roosting”; George MacBeth reading from “The
Witnesses” by W.H. Auden and from “My Sad Captains” by Thom Gunn; Stevie Smith reading from her
“Not Waving But Drowning”; and Frances Horovitz reading “edge” by Sylvia Plath (Longmans 34155).
Poetry International [London, 1969]: W.H. Auden, Ogden Nash, Miroslav Holub, Robert Bly, Austin Clarke,
Edward Brathwaite, Janos Pilinszky, Derek Walcott, Yannis Ritsos, Vasko Popa (Recorded at the Poetry
International, organized by Ted Hughes, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, 1969) [complete with booklet]
(ArgoMono MPR 262/3).
Poetry International [Rotterdam, 1973]: William M. Roggeman, Jurgen Becker, Hugh MacDiarmid, Tomas
O’Canainn, Allen Ginsberg, Jean-Clarence Lambert, Homero Aridjis (Rotterdam Poetry International private
label; no catalogue number).
Poetry Olympics, Vol. 1: John Cooper Clarke, Roger McGough, Heathcote Williams, Attila The Stockbroker, Fran
Landesman, Miles Davis Landesman, Seething Wells, Liz Lochhead, James Berry, Elizabeth Smart, David
Henderson, Michael Horovitz (All Round Records ARRLP 1). Recorded in 1982.
Poetry Out LoudNumber Three: Patricia Harleman, Klyd Watkins, Linda Watkins, Bernard Heidsieck (Out Loud
Records OLP 103)[presumably there were two previous albums of this “LP magazine”].
Poets For Peace: Daniel Berrigan, Louise Bogan, Mark Van Doren, Helen Gahagan Douglas, Richard Eberhart,
Abbie Huston Evans, Gloria Foster, Anne Fremantle, Paul Goodman, Ned O’Gorman, Thich Nhat Nanh,
Barbara Howes, Galway Kinnell, Stanley Kunitz, Robert Lowell, Arthur Miller, Anais Nin, Bink Noll,
Marian Seldes, W.D. Snodgrass, John Hall Wheelock, Richard Wilbur, Marguerite Young (Spoken Arts
Polyphonix 1: Energy Is Eternal Delight: Tahar ben Jelloun, Julien Blaine, Jean-Francois Bory, Francois Defresne,
Jean-Pierre Faye, Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Michel Giroud, Valeria Magli, Brion
Gysin, Joel Hubaut, Corrado Costa, Nanni Balestrini, Bernard Heidsieck, Jean Jacques Lebel, Taylor Mead,
Gherasim Luca, Michele Metail, Jerome Rothenberg, Sahli, Angeline Neveu, Peter Orlovsky, Maurice
Roche, and Dyali Karam. Note that this 2-record set claims to be the highlight moments from the first three
Poesie Directe poetry festivals held 1979-1981. Front sleeve features of a nice group photo of many of the
participants. This album, copyrighted 2002, seems to be be a repressing of the 1982 original. (Giorno Poetry
Systems; no catalogue number).
Program Fur Millionen: Original-Dokumentation Zum Thema 50 Jahre Deutscher Rundfunk: Bertholt Brecht, Karl
Valentin, Thomas Mann, Rabindrinath Tagore, and Winston Churchill are the authors who appear on this 3-
album boxed set celebrating 50 years of German radio.
Prose and Poetry Enrichment Records, Album Four: Heywood Hale Broun Jr., Ogden Nash (The L.W. Singer
Company, A Dvision of Random House Inc., Pressed by Colombia Records) [This is a 2-record set; no
catalogue number].
Quarterly: An album of poems by various authors read by people who may be unknown poets or who may be
unknown actors. [Quarterly, the magazine, was established in 1928 as a publication of the Student
Government Association of Montclair State College in Upper Montclair NJ. This LP would seem to be a
spoken version of the 1975 edition of the magazine.].
Radio Canada International Transcription: Alice Munro reads “Forgiveness In Families” and Clark Blaise reads
“Words For The Winter.” (CBC E-1012 and E-1013).
Radio Canada International Transcription: Gwendolyn MacEwan Reads “Mystras—The Search For The Great
White Horse” and Alden Nowlan reads “Good Sir, I Say, Don’t Die!” (CBC E-1008 and E-1009).
Radio Canada International Transcription: John Metcalf reads “Flowers That Bloom In The Spring”and Dave
Godfrey reads “A New Year’s Morning On Bloor Street.” (CBC E-1002 and E-1003).
Radio Canada International Transcription: Norman Levine reads “The Visit” a and Austin Clarke reads “The
Collector” and (CBC E-1004 and E-1005).
Radio Canada International Transcription: Rudy Wiebe reads “Son Of McDougall” and Marian Engel reads “Ruth
And Rosebud.” (CBC E-1010 and E1011).
Revolutions Per Minute (Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, no number cited). William S. Burroughs is the only creative
writer heard on this two-record set but there are some other eminences from other art disciplines such as Les
Levine, Joseph Beuys, and Buckminster Fuller.
San Francisco Poets: William Everson [Brother Antoninus], Kenneth Rexroth, Robert Duncan, Lawrence
Ferlinghetti, Michael McClure, Philip Whalen, Allen Ginsberg, James Broughton, Josephine Miles, Jack
Spicer (no catalogue no.).
Six Toronto Poets: W.W. Eustace Ross, Raymond Souster, James Reaney, Anne Wilkinson, Margaret Avison, Jay
Macpherson (Folkways FL 9806).
Smack My Crack: William S. Burroughs, Nick Cave, and the John Giorno Band (Giorno Poetry Systems GPS (no
catalogue number).
Songs By Soviet Authors: [The songs are composed by Mark Fradkin. While based on the poems of several Soviet
poets, none of the poets appears to speak or sing on the LP] (Russian pressing with catalogue designation in
Sound Bites From The Counter Culture: Hunter S. Thompson, Eugene McCarthy, Bob Guccione Jr., Timothy leary,
Abbie Hoffman, Henry Rollins, Jello Biafra, Danny Sugerman, Jim Carroll (Atlantic Records 82088-1).
Sound Of Fame, The: Thomas Edison, Sir Arthur Sullivan, Sergei Rachmaninoff et alia (no authors). Issued by the
Thomas Alva Edison Foundtion to commemorate the installation of Edison in the Hall of Fame for Great
Americans at New York University on June 4, 1961 (no catalogue number).
Sounds Like: Endre Farkas, Tom Konyves, Claudia Lapp, Stephen Morrissey, Ken Norris, Richard Sommer, Peter
Van Toorn, Pat Walsh (Véhicule).
Spoleto Festival: This album is a sampling of artists from various disciplines who have appeared at Spoleto over the
years. The literary arts are represented by Ezra Pound and Allen Ginsberg reading from their own work.
(Mercury Stereo SR2-9133).
Svenska Diktarröster: Jan Fridegard & Tage Aurell [reading in Swedish] (Swedish Society LT 33115).
Svenska Diktarröster: Bo Bergman, Anders Österling, Sigfrid Siwertz, Bertil Malmberg (Swedish Society LT
Svenska Diktarröster: Artur Lundkvist, Gunnar Ekelöf, Erik Lindegren, Karl Vennberg [reading in Swedish]
(Swedish Society LT 33116).
Talking About Theatre: Noel Coward, Harold Pinter, Kenneth Tynan, Peter Ustinov (Argo RG 279).
Talking About Theatre: Noel Coward, Harold Pinter, Kenneth Tynan, Peter Ustinov (London 5717).
Talking About Theatre: Noel Coward, Harold Pinter, Kenneth Tynan, Peter Ustinov (London 5717). Second copy.
Temps Que Nous Vivons, Le: Les Archives Sonores Du Monde, Numero 3: features excerpts from radio broadcasts
recorded for the first time on LP. The authors included are Boris Pasternak, Louis Aragon, Sir Winston
Churchill, and Francois Mauriac (Paris: Disques Pretoria. No catalogue number.
This I Believe: Helen Keller and Carl Sandburg appear briefly along with other celebrities who discuss personal
philosophies. (Columbia Masterworks SL-192).
This Is Paris: features several speakers of whom André Maurois and Winston Churchill are the only creative writers
(Vox PL 7170).
Three Angels, The: Original Beat Poetry From Gregory Corso, Peter Orlovsky, And Allen Ginsberg. (BBE. No
catalogue number). Recorded in London in 1992. This is a limited edition, two-record LP, limited to
1000 copies of which this is number 569.
Three Japanese Poets: Ryuichi Tamura, Shuntaro Tanikawa, and Yuzuru Katagiri. English translations read by
Gary Snyder and Harold Wright (Japan Society of New York. No catalogue number.
Today’s Poets, Volume 1: Donald Hall, Louis Simpson, Joseph Langland, Robert Francis (Scholastic Records
11001). Includes a booklet describing the goals for the series of albums, along with photos and biographical
information about the poets in this album, the complete text of the poems read on this album, and, and on
the back page, the poets who appear on Volume 2 and on Volume 3.
Today’s Poets, Volume 1: Denise Levertov, Robert Creeley, James Wright, David Ignatow (Scholastic FS 11003).
Today’s Poets, Volume 5: Robert Bly, Galway Kinnell, Michael Benedickt, John Logan (Scholastic FS 11005).
Totally Corrupt, (Giorno Poetry System Records LP GPS 008-009) Two-record set. Charles Bukowski, Ed Dorn,
William S. Burroughs, Sylvia Plath, John Giorno, Michael McClure, Michael Brownstein, Jackie Curtis, Ed
Sanders, Anne Waldman, Amiri Baraka, Ken Kesey, Jackson MacLow, Charles Amirkhanian, William
Carlops Williams, Allen Ginsberg, Frank O’Hara, Taylor Mead, Jack Spicer, John Cage, Tom Weatherly,
Joanne Kyger, Charles Olson, W.S. Merwin, Maureen Owen, Jerome Rothenberg, Ted Berrigan, Susan
Howe, Rochelle Owens, Bill Knott, Tony Towle, Bernard Heidsieck, and Peter Orlovsky.
Treasury of American Jewish Poets, Vol. 2: Lenore G. Marshall, Louis Zukofsky, Stanley Kunitz, Hy Sobiloff, Karl
Shapiro (Spoken Arts SA 1146).
Treasury of American Jewish Poets, Vol. 6 Allen Ginsberg, Richard Howard, John Hollander, Mark Strand (Spoken
Arts SA 1150).
Treasury of American Jewish Poets, Vol.7: Grace Schulman, Sandra Hochman, Marilyn Hacker, Philip Schultz
(Spoken Arts SA 1151).
Treasury of 100 Modern American Poets, vol.1: Edgar Lee Masters, James W. Johnson, Gertrude Stein, Robert
Frost, Carl Sandburg (Spoken Arts SA 1040).
Treasury of 100 Modern American Poets, vol.1: Edgar Lee Masters, James W. Johnson, Gertrude Stein, Robert
Frost, Carl Sandburg (Spoken Arts SA 1040). Second copy.
Treasury of 100 Modern American Poets, vol 3: Ezra Pound, William Rose Benet, John Hall Wheelock, H.D.
(Spoken Arts SA 1042).
Treasury of 100 Modern American Poets, vol 4: Robinson Jeffers, Marianne Moore, John Crowe Ransom, T.S.
Eliot, and Conrad Aiken (Spoken Arts SA 1043).
Treasury of 100 Modern American Poets, vol 7: Allen Tate, Léonie Adams, Yvor Winters, Oscar Williams,
Langston Hughes (Spoken Arts SA 1046).
Treasury of 100 Modern American Poets, vol 8: Theodore Spencer, Ogden Nash, Countee Cullen, Merill More,
John Holmes, Richard Eberhart (Spoken Arts SA 1047).
Treasury of 100 Modern American Poets, vol.12: Randall Jarrell, John Berryman, Owen Dodson, Jean Garrigue,
Ruth Stone, Hollis Summers (Spoken Arts SA 1051).
Treasury of 100 Modern American Poets, vol. 13: John Ciardi, Peter Viereck, John Malcolm Brinnin, Robert
Lowell, Gwendolyn Brooks, William Jay Smith (Spoken Arts SA 1052).
Treasury of 100 Modern American Poets, vol. 15: Anthony Hecht, James Dickey, Louis Simpson, Denise Levertov,
Philip Booth, and W.D. Snodgrass (Spoken Arts SA 1054).
Twelve Contemporary Poets at the 1966 Houston Poetry Festival: Robert Bly, Robert Creeley, Richard Eberhart,
Don Hall, Galway Kinnell, Carolyn Kizer, W.S. Merwin, Josephine Miles, Gary Snyder, William Stafford,
May Swenson, Reed Whittemore (National Council of Teachers of English).
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: Louise Bogan, Marianne Moore, Paul Engle, Allen Tate (Library of Congress
Recording Laboratory PL-2) [ex-library, otherwise fine].
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: John Gould Fletcher, John Malcolm Brinnin, William Carlos Williams,
Robert Penn Warren (Library of Congress Recording Laboratory PL-4) [ex-library, booklet missing,
otherwise fine].
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: William Meredith, Yvor Winters, Randall Jarrell, Karl Shapiro (Library of
Congress Recording Laboratory PL-7) [ex-library, otherwise fine].
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: Herbert Read, Phelps Putnam, John Berryman, Horace Gregory (Library of
Congress Recording Laboratory PL-8) [ex-library, booklet missing, otherwise fine].
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: Theodore Roethke, Witter Bynner, Robert Fitzgerald, Marya Zarurenska
(Library of Congress Recording Laboratory PL-10) [ex-library, booklet missing, otherwise fine].
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: Robert Lowell, Conrad Aiken, William Empson, Archibald MacLeish
(Library of Congress Recording Laboratory PL-11) [ex-library, booklet missing, otherwise fine].
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: Muriel Rukeyser, Howard Baker, Leonie Adams, Janet Lewis (Library of
Congress Recording Laboratory PL-12) [ex-library, booklet missing, otherwise fine].
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: Stephen Vincent Benet, Edwin Muir (Library of Congress Recording
Laboratory PL-23) [ex-library, booklet missing, otherwise fine].
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: Robert Hillyer, John Hall Wheelock (Library of Congress Recording
Laboratory PL-25) [ex-library, otherwise fine].
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: I.A. Richards, Oscar Williams (Library of Congress Recording Laboratory PL-
26) [ex-library, booklet missing, otherwise fine].
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: John Ciardi, W.D. Snodgrass (Library of Congress Recording Laboratory PL-
27) [ex-library, booklet missing, otherwise fine].
Twentieth Century Poetry In English: Nine Pulitzer Prize Poets Reading Their Own Poems: Archibald MacLeish,
Peter Viereck, Theodore Roethke, Richard Wilbur, Robert Penn Warren, Stanley Kunitz, W.D. Snodgrass,
Phyllis McGinley, Alan Dugan (Library of Congress Recording Laboratory PL-29) [ex-library, booklet
missing, otherwise, fine].
Ultimatum [recording of selected readings at Ultimatum: The Montreal Urban Poetry Festival, May 1-5, 1985]: John
Giorno, A.M. Weiss, Alan Lord, Colette Tougas, Genevieve Letarte, Mario Campo (Psyche Industry records
PIR-09) (My album may be part of a limited edition; it is hand numbered No. 211).
Uproar Tapes, The, Volume One: Eric Bogosian, David Cale, Ethyl Eichelberger, Karen Finley, Ann Magnuson,
Richard Price (Antilles Records, no cat no.).
Voice Of The Poet: Selected Poems For Radio Read By The Poets: Jerome Rothenberg, June Jordan, Marge Piercy.
Diane Di Prima, Reed Whittemore, Al Young, Clarence Major, Donald Hall, Alan Dugan, Denise Levertov,
Mark Strand, Lucille Clifton, Anne Waldman, and Maxine Kumin (National Public Radio: no catalogue
number). Note that this record was intended “for broadcast use only” that is, it was not released for sale to
the public.
Voices: An Anthology On Six Long-Playing Records Of Sounds, Music, Song And Speech, Presented in Association
With Penguin Education: The Third Book/Record Two (Argo PLP 1117). With booklet. Seams split on 2
Voices of Radio: RTE 1926-1976: (EMI RTE 50): Brendan Behan, Austin Clarke, Sean O’Casey, Frank O’Connor,
Máirtín Ó Cadhain, and Micheal MacLiammor are the creative writers heard on this LP.
Voices Of The Angels: Charles Bukowski, Dennis Cooper, and Wanda Coleman read brief passages of their work on
2 LPs that feature an assortment of California pop musicians of varying fame. Recorded 1982. (Freeway
Records, no cat. No.).
Voices Of The 20
Century. Written and produced by Bud Greenspan. Narrated by Henry Fonda (Coral CRL
57308). Features short, early recordings of Sarah Bernhardt, George Bernard Shaw, Rudyard Kipling,
Winston S. Churchill, George M. Cohan, and Helen Keller.
Voix de 8 Poetes du Canada: Alain Grandbois, Anne Hébert, Gilles Hénault, Roland Giguerre, Jean-Guy Pilon, Rina
Lasnier, Yves Prefontaine, Paul-Marie Lapointe (Folkways FL 9905).
Voix de 8 Poetes du Canada: Alain Grandbois, Anne Hébert, Gilles Hénault, Roland Giguerre, Jean-Guy Pilon, Rina
Lasnier, Yves Prefontaine, Paul-Marie Lapointe (Folkways FL 9905). Second copy.
Wagenbachs Quartolatte: Wolf Biermann, Johannes Bobrowski, F.C. Delius, Erich Fried, Gunter Bruno Fuchs,
Stephan Hermlin, Jakov Lind, and Christoph Meckel (Berlin: Klaus Wagenbach Verlag, n.d.).
Warum Is Die Banane Krumm?: Peter Bichsel, Wolf Biermann, Gunter Bruno Fuchs, Gunter Herburger, Ernst Jandl,
Reinhard Lettau, Christa Reinig, and Peter Ruhmkorf (Wagensbach Quartplatte 7).
What Passing Bell: C. Day Lewis and others (whom I presume are actors) read poetry and prose by deceased authors
in commemoration of the 50
anniversary of of the outbreak of the first world war (Argo RG 385).
Wisdom, vol. 1: Conversations with Carl Sandburg, Nehru, Harlow Shapley and Jacques Lipshitz (Decca DL 9083).
Wisdom, vol. 2: Conversations with Sean O’Casey; David Ben-Gurion; Bertrand Russell; Frank Lloyd Wright
(Decca DL 9084).
World Record, The: Readings at the St. Mark’s Poetry Project 1969-1980: John Ashbery, Amiri Baraka, Bill
Berkson, Ted Berrigan, Joe Brainard, Ray Bremser, Jim Brodey, Michael Brownstein, Steve Carey, Tom
Clark, Clarl Coolidge, Robert Creeley, Victor Hernandez Cruz, Fielding Dawson, Edwin Denby, Kenward
Elmslie, Larry Fagin, Allen Ginsberg, John Godfrey, Ted Greenwald, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Dale Herd,
Anselm Hollo, Kenneth Koch, Rochelle Kraut, Joanne Kyger, Gary Lenhart, Steve Levine, Robert Lowell,
Jamie MacInnis, Bernadette Mayer, Eileen Myles, Howard Norman, Alice Notley, Maureen Owen, Ron
Padgett, Michael Palmer, F.T. Prince, Carl Rakosi, Charles Reznikoff, Bob Rosenthal, Ed Sanders, Harris
Schiff, Lorenzo Thomas, Tony Towle, Anne Waldman, Lewis Marsh, John Weiners, Jeff Wright (no
catalogue number).
World’s Great Poets, vol. 2: Stephen Spender, Charles Tomlinson, P.J. Kavanagh (CMS 618)but see next item.
World’s Great Poets, vol 2: Alfonso Gatto, Vittorio Sereni (SP 414MB) [N.Bsee below: World’s Great Poets, vol.
7: it would seem that this LP is the earliest printing, since it feature the typo of the misnumbered volume,
that is, this sleeve says it is volume 2 when it is really volume seven.].
World’s Great Poets, vol. 4: Rafael Alberti, Homero Aridjis (CMS 620).
World’s Great Poets, vol. 5: Jose Emilio Pacheco, Octavio Paz, Tamara Godoy (CMS 621).
World’s Great Poets, vol. 6: Giuseppe Ungarotti, Nelo Risi, and Mario Luzi (CMS-622).
World’s Great Poets, vol. 7: Alfonso Gatto, Vittorio Sereni (CMS-623).
World’s Great Poets, vol. 7: Alfonso Gatto, Vittorio Sereni (CMS-623). Second copy.
You’re A Hook: The 15 Year Anniversary of Dial-a-Poem (1968-1983): Laurie Anderson, William S. Burroughs,
Jim Carroll, Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Philip Glass, Lenny Kaye, Patti Smith, Frank Zappa (Giorno
Poetry Systems GPS 030).
You’re the Guy I Want to Share My Money With : William S. Burroughs, John Giorno, Laurie Anderson (Giorno
Poetry Systems 020-021).
Zeit-Zeichen: 50 Jahre Radio In Der Deutschen Schweiz: Max Frisch, Winston Churchill, Karl Jaspers, and Thomas
Mann are the authors who appear on this 3-LP boxed set commemorating fifty years of Swiss German-
language radio.
Part Two: Authors on Solo, or near-solo LPs:
Aasen, Arne Paasche: Landet er Ditt! [Arne P. Aasen reads his own poems in Norwegian] (TNBL 902).
Achard, Marcel: Discours sous la Coupole (LVA 38).
Achard, Marcel: Jean De La Lune (Decca 100.125/126). This is a double album featuring the complete three-act
play with the author himself playing one of the lead roles. Album made in 1957.
Achard, Marcel: Voulez-vous jouer avec môa? (LVA 24)
Agee, James: James Agee: A Portrait (Caedmon TC 2042).
Aiken, Conrad: Conrad Aiken Reading (Caedmon TC 1039).
Aiken, Conrad: Conrad Aiken Reads From His Own Works (CMS-677).
Aiken, Conrad: Conrad Aiken Reads From His Own Works: Yale Series of Recorded Poets (Decca DL 9128).
Aiken, Joan: Necklace of Raindrops, A (Caedmon TC 1690).
Aiken, Joan: Wolves Of Willoughby Chase, The (Caedmon TC 1540).
Alberti, Rafael: Poesias De Rafael Alberti En Las Voces De Rafael Alberti, Nuria Espert, Adolfo Marsillach
(LaPalabra Aguilar GPE 12 104). Also enclosed: a booklet from the record company publishing the poems
read on this LP.
Aldiss, Brian: Frankenstein Unbound (Alternate Recordings 5911).
Allen, Steve: Poetry Of Love, The. Read by Steve Allen (Coral Records CRL 57198).
Allen, Steve: Steve Allen At The Piano (Columbia B-286). This is an unusual double seven-inch album with two 45
rpm records. For some reason they are called “extended play” recordings, although they are meant to be
played at 45 rpmperhaps the fact that there are two records explains the phrase.
Allen, Woody: Standup Comic (Casablanca Record and FilmWorks. No catalogue number).
Amichai, Yehuda: Amichai reads 3 of his poems on this album, and the rest of the disc is comprised of his poems
sung by “The Brothers and The Sisters.” Text on sleeves is completely in Hebrew (Hed-Arzi BAN 14928).
Amis, Kingsley: Kingsley Amis AND Thomas Blackburn: Poets Reading No.7 (Jupiter JEP 0C29). Seven-inch
Anderberg, Bengt: Himlakärlek (Spell Records; no cat. No).
Andersen, Benny, and Povl Dissing: Svantes Viser (Abra Cadabra Metronome MO BP 7739).
Andersen, Benny: Benny Andersen Laeser Benny Andersen (Borgens Forlag SLP 1217).
Andersen, Benny: Sange Fra Bornenes Teater (Play 9520).
Anderson, Lee: Lee Anderson (Decca DL 9133).
Anderson, Lee: Lee Anderson Reads Nags Head: Yale Series Of Recorded Poets (New Haven, Conn: Carillon
Records, 1960). (YP 310).
Anderson, Maxwell: Tryout, A Series Of Private Rehearsal RecordingsIncluding Actual Performances by Kurt
Weill and Ira Gershwin, With A Written Tribute by Maxwell Anderson. {N.B. that Maxwell Anderson’s
essay-tribute is written on back of sleeve and that he does not actually speak on the record itself. This LP
also contains a selection from a rare musical, One Touch of Venus, with lyrics by Ogden Nash and music by
Kurt Weill.] (Heritage LP H-0051).
Anderson, Poul: Seven Tales of the Space Age (Caedmon TC 1643).
Andres, Stefan: Wir Sind Utopia (Munich: R. Piper & Co Verlag, no date; no catalogue number).
Angela [Angela Denis Simpson]: Angela [a six-year old black poet from New York City reading her own work]
(Spectrum 5001).
Angelou, Maya: Miss CalypsoMaya Angelou [recorded November 1956] (Liberty Records LRP 3028 Spectra-
sonic Sound] [Bottom seam of sleeve is split; some damage to back sleeve in removing price sticker; front
sleeve is very good].
Angelou, Maya: Poetry Of Maya Angelou, The (GWP ST 2001). On the back sleeve is an essay by James Baldwin
written specifically for this album.
Anouilh, Jean: Antigone (LVA 1) [library pockets on front of sleeve].
Anouilh, Jean: Antigone (LVA 1) [near mint condition]. Second copy.
Anouilh, Jean: Ardèle ou la Marguerite (LVA 10) [sleeve is only so-so]. Second copy.
Anouilh, Jean: Ardèle ou la Marguerite (LVA 10) [sleeve is very good].
Anouilh, Jean: Cécile ou l’École des Pères (LVA 6).
Anouilh, Jean: Medee (La Voix de l’Auteur LVA 31).
Apollinaire, Guillaume: Guillaume Apollinaire Dit Par Denis Manuel, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Danielle Volle, et la
Voix d’Apollinaire (Disques Ades 19.021). Front cover features a 1916 drawing of Apollinaire by Pablo
Picasso and inside sleeves feature two more drawings of the author by Picasso.
Apollinaire, Guillaume: Hommage a Guillaume Apollinaire avec la voix d’Apollinaire (Disques Ades 7018-7019).
Boxed set. Booklet enclosed. Also included are the voices of Paul Leautaud and Blaise Cendrars.
Aragon, Louis: Aragon Parle de Paul Eluard: Allocution prononcee par Aragon le 7 mail 1965 pour l’inauguration
du Lycee Paul Eluard a Saint-Denis (Barclay 88003 S). Inner sleeves contain the complete text of Aragon’s
lengthy speech.
Aragon, Louis: Elegie a Pablo Neruda: Testamento de Otono (RCA Cavalier Stereo FTL1 0096). Includes
selections of Aragon and of Neruda speaking.
Aron, Raymond: Raymond Aron Nous Confie: “L’Histoire De Notre Temps: 1930-1967” (Hugues Desalle 58 FT
67). Ten-inch record. Note that the back sleeve lists the previous fifty-seven records in this series which
includes dozens of the leading authors of France in the middle of the 20
Arreola, Juan Jose: Juan Jose Arreola: Primera Reedicion (Voz VivaUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de
Mexico, no catalogue number).
Arreola, Juan Jose: Juan Jose Arreola: Segunda Edicion (Voz Viva de Mexico/Universidad Nacional Autonoma de
Mexico VV-12).
Artmann, H.C.: H.C. Artmann Liest “Kein Pfeffer fur Czermak” (Intercord Litera 26 551-2 H). East German
Asch, Sholem: Statement 1952 (Folkways FTS 35503).
Asimov, Isaac: Foundation’s Edge (Caedmon TC 1710).
Asimov, Isaac: Isaac Asimov Reads His “The Robots of Dawn” (Caedmon TC 1732).
Asimov, Isaac: Mayors from Foundation (Caedmon TC 1527).
Asimov, Isaac: Mule from Foundation and Empire Read by The Author (Caedmon TC 1661).
Asimov, Isaac: Nightfall (Conde Nast; no catalogue number).
Atwood, Margaret: Journal of Susanna Moodie Read by Mia Anderson, The (CBC Canadian Poets 2).
Atwood, Margaret: Margaret Atwood (Caedmon TC 1537).
Auden, W.H.: Antiworlds [Auden et alia read their translations of the poems of Voznesensky] (filed under
Auden, W.H.: British Poets of Our Time: W.H. Auden: Poems Read By The Author (Argo Mono PLP 1193).
Auden, W.H.: Evening of Elizabethan Verse and Its Music: W.H. Auden and the New York Pro Musica Antiqua,
with notes by W.H. Auden (Columbia Masterworks ML 5051).
Auden, W.H.: Selected Poems Read By The Poet (Spoken Arts SA 999-HS).
Auden, W.H.: W.H. Auden Reading In Memory Of W.B. Yeats; In Praise Of Limestone; Seven Bucolics; And Other
Poems (Caedmon TC 1019).
Auden, W.H.: W.H. Auden Reading In Memory Of W.B. Yeats; In Praise Of Limestone; Seven Bucolics; And Other
Poems (Caedmon TC 1019). Second copy.
Auden, W.H.: W.H. Auden Reading In Memory Of W.B. Yeats; In Praise Of Limestone; Seven Bucolics; And Other
Poems (Caedmon TC 1019). Third copybut with different cover art on sleeve
Auden, W.H.: W.H. Auden Reads A Selection of His Poems (Argo RG-184).
Auden, W.H.: W.H. Auden Reads A Selection of His Poems (Spoken Arts SA 780).
Auden, W.H.: Yeats and Auden (Open University A306 Twenieth Century Poetry OU24 Stereo) [filed under Yeats].
Ayres, Pam: Pam Ayres (Galaxy GAL 6003).
Ayres, Pam: Thoughts Of A Late-Night Knitter (EMI Columbia SCX 6595).
Ayres, Pam: Will Anybody Marry Me? (EMI 3216 Stereo).
Bach, Richard: Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, Read by the author Richard Bach. [Boxed Set
includes Complete Hardcover Edition of Illusions and one 12-inch LP] (Caedmon).
Bach, Richard: Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Caedmon TC 1639).
Bachmann, Ingeborg: Ingeborg Bachmann Liest Ingeborg Bachmann (DG 2570025).
Baker, Richard: Voice of Britain, The. Calendar Series 1966. Commentary spoken by Richard Baker. (Bemrose &
Sons, no number cited).
Baldwin, James: A Rap On Race: Margaret Mead and James Baldwin: A Recorded Dialog (CMS 641/2).
Baldwin, James: James Baldwin Reading from Another Country (Calliope CAL 18) [this is a 7-inch record played
at 33 1/3 rpm].
Baldwin, James: James Baldwin Reading from Giovanni’s Room (Calliope CAL 11)[this is a 7-inch record played at
33 1/3 rpm).
Baldwin, James: James Baldwin Reading from Giovanni’s Room and Another Country (CMS-517).
Baraka, Amiri: Black Academy of Arts & Letters, First Annual Awards Banquet (Sussex Records, no catalogue
number) [a record of Baraka’s acceptance speech for an award] [filed under “James, C.L.R.”].
Barker, Eric: Big Sur and Other Poems; Eric Barker Reads His Poetry (SWN Corp Stereo 967787) [features a long
essay on the sleeve by Henry Miller praising Eric Barker].
Barlach, Ernst: Ernst Barlach (Litera 8 60 175).
Barshay, Bernard: More Stories Of The Depression (Folkways FL 9785). Booklet enclosed contains complete text
of the three stories read by Barshay, as well as a photo of the author and a brief biography.
Barth, Karl: Liebe, Die (EVZ 30-160).
Barth, John: John Barth Reads From Giles Goat-Boy (CMS-551).
Barzun, Jacques: The Care And Feeding Of The Mind (Spoken Arts SA 713).
Barzun, Jacques: The Care And Feeding Of The Mind (Spoken Arts SA 713). Second copy.
Baudelaire: Fleurs Du Mal, Les. Read in French by Eva La Galienne and Louis Jourdan (Caedmon TC 1029). Also
enclosed: a booklet with the complete text of the poems in French.
Bauer, Wolfgang: Wolfgang Bauer Liest “Mikrodramen” (Intercord Litera 26 553-8 H). East German pressing.
Bazin, Hervé: Nous Confie (Select SMM-733.045).
Beattie, Ann: Spectacles (Caedmon TC 1786).
Becher, Johannes R.: Deutschland, Meine Trauer, Du, Mein Frohlichsein (Litera 8 60 148).
Beck, Julian: Money, Sex And Theatre: Dialectics of Liberation: International Congress [this is one of twenty-three
LPs which are presumably edited recordings of the proceedings. Allen Ginsberg was one of the other
notable participants but his remarks are on other LPs of the series.] (DL-15).
Beecher, John: Report To The Stockholders (Folkways FL 9779).
Beecher, John: To Live and Die in Dixie (Broadside BR 470).
Beerbohn, Max: Music And Voices From The Height Of The British Empire (Horizon P 11841). The LP features an
excerpt from a talk by Beerbohm called “Music Halls of My Youth” recorded in 1942. Other voices on the
album are not authors (although it is worth noting that Lord Baden-Powell talks about and gives the Wolf
Cub Grand Howl).
Beerbohn, Max: Sir Max Beerbohm Reading His Own Works: “The Crime”; “London Revisited” (Angel 35206).
Behan, Brendan: Brendan Behan Sings Irish Folksongs and Ballads (Spoken Arts 760).
Behan, Brendan: James Joyce Society Presents Brendan Behan On Joyce At The Gotham Book Mart, The (Folkways
FL 9826).
Behan, Dominic: Singing Streets, The: Childhood Memories of Ireland and Scotland With Evan MacColl and
Dominic Behan (Folkways FW 8501) [top seam is split] filed under Evan MacColl.
Beinteinsson, Sveinbjorn: Edda (this is a rare 2-CD set in which the noted poet (1924-1993) chants and recites eddas
in the manner of the ancient Icelanders and Vikings. The booklet accompanying the CD is in 4 languages,
including English).
Bellow, Saul: Herzog Excerpts (Caedmon TC 1584).
Benchley, Robert: Discussing Swing Music [in 1938]. 7-inch record played at 33 1/3 rpm. This is a re=ssue of a
1938 78-rpm record. (Rare Record Guild, cat no. 125).
Benét, Stephen Vincent: Recordings Of Poets [with Edwin Muir] (Lib. Of Congress Recording Lab PL 23).
Benet, Stephen Vincent: Stephen Vincent Benét Reading His Ballad of William Sycamore, etc. (Caedmon TC 1337).
Benet, Stephen Vincent: Stephen Vincent Benét Reading His Ballad of William Sycamore, etc. (Caedmon TC 1337).
Second copy.
Benn, Gottfried: Die Neue Literarische Saison (no sleeve, no catalogue number). 10-inch record.
Benn, Gottfried: Gottfried Benn Liest Gedichte Und Prosa (DG 41 003 LPS). Features as well a Foreword spoken
by the author Albrecht Fabri. 10-inch record.
Bennett, Alan: 40 Years On [with original West End cast] (Decca LK 4987 Mono).
Bennett, Alan: Beyond The Fringe (Parlophone-EMI Mono; PMC 1145).
Bennett, Alan: Beyond The Fringe ‘64 (Capital Reissue ST 11654).
Bennett, Alan: House At Pooh Corner, The by A.A. Milne. Read by Alan Bennett (BBC Records, Mono Rec 493).
Recorded in 1984.
Bergengruen, Werner: Werner Bergengruen spricht eigene Werke (Telefunken PLB 6219). This is a 10-inch record.
Bergman, Bo: Bo Bergman (Sveriges Radio/RELP 5013).
Bergman, Ingmar: Käbi Laretei spelar musiken till Ingmar Bergmans filmer [Käbi Leretei plays music from Ingmar
Bergman’s films]: Mozart, Chopin, Handel, Scarlatti. (Proprius 7809) [Bergman is on the front sleeve of
this disc listening to Laretei play. Bergman, in addition to be a leading film director is, of course, a
Berrigan, Daniel: America Is Hard To Find: Poetry By Daniel Berrigan and a Rock Mass [recorded Feb 27 March
2, 1970] (MultiTrax; no catalogue number).
Berton, Pierre: Story of the Klondike, The (Folkways FP 7108). Berton wrote and narrated the text. This is a 10-
inch record.
Betjeman, John: Betjeman’s Banana Blush (Famous Charisma Label).
Betjeman, John: Golden Treasury Of John Betjeman: Selected Poems Read By The Author, The (Spoken Arts SA
Betjeman, John: Golden Treasury Of John Betjeman: Selected Poems Read By The Author, The (Spoken Arts SA
710). Second copy.
Betjeman, John: Golden Treasury Of John Betjeman: Selected Poems Read By The Author, The (Spoken Arts SA
710). Third copy.
Betjeman, John: Sir John Betjeman Reading His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1557).
Betjeman, John: Sir John Betjeman Reading His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1557). Second copy.
Betjeman, John: Sir John Betjeman’s Britain [poems of Betjeman set to music (Charisma CAS 1130).
Betjeman, John: Summoned By Bells (Argo PLP 1069 Mono).
Betjeman, John: This Record Was Made (Argo PLP 1067).
Bibb, Leon: Foment. Ferment. Free...Free (RCA Victor LSP 4202).
Biermann, Wolf: 4 Neue Lieder (Wagensbach Quartplatte 3). 7-inch record.
Biermann, Wolf: Aah-ja! (CBS 80-188).
Biermann, Wolf: Bildkiller, Die (Eigelstein Schallplatten. No catalogue number).
Biermann, Wolf: Chausseestrasse 131 (Wagenbachs Quartplatten 4).
Biermann, Wolf: Eins in die Fresse, mein Herzblatt (CBS 88502).
Biermann, Wolf: Es Gibt Ein Leben Vor Dem Tod (CBS 81 259). Two-record LP.
Biermann, Wolf: Friedemsclown, Der (CBS (82-262).
Biermann, Wolf: Im Hamburger Federbett (EMI).
Biermann, Wolf: Liebeslieder (CBS 80-982).
Biermann, Wolf: Lieder (CBS 54-430).
Biermann, Wolf: Warte nicht auf bessre Zeiten (CBS 65.753).
Biermann, Wolf: Wolf Biermann (Ost) zu Gast bei Wolfgang Neuss (West) (Philips 843.742 PY). Near mint
Biermann, Wolf: Wolf Biermann (Ost) zu Gast bei Wolfgang Neuss (West) (Philips 843.742 PY) [Part of top sleeve
has become unglued]. Second copy.
Birney, Earle: Earle Birney Reads His Own Narrative Poem “David” (Photofolios, Creston, B.C. QC-86) {I
checked the copy of this disc held by the Fisher Rare Book Library; their copy has a paper inner sleeve only
for the record; in other words, there would seem to have never been a cardboard sleeve for this record which,
I suspect, was recorded by Birney in the 1960s for distribution to friends only. [This is a 7-inch record;
inscribed by Birney to Ray Souster].
Birney, Earle: Nexus and Earle Birney, vol.1 (Nexus).
Birney, Earle: Nexus and Earle Birney, vol.2 (Nexus).
Birney, Earle: Nexus and Earle Birney, vol.3 (Nexus).
Bissett, bill: Awake in th Red Desert (no catalogue number). This LP was issued in conjunction with a book of the
same title: Awake In The Red Desert (Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1968). Paperback original.
Bissett, bill: Luddites (Wet Carrel Records WC-100).
Bissett, bill: Medicine My Mouth’s On Fire is a book by bissett which has a 7-inch record in a sleeve in the inside
back cover of the book. My book states that it is a second printing [mine is dated 1975]. The first edition
appeared in 1974.
Bissett, bill: Nowhere To Play (no catalogue number).
Bivet, Camille: Camille Biver & Georgette Noguet (La Voix de son Maitre G.B.P. 72). Seven-inch disc. Inscribed
by Bivet, one of Luxembourg’s most internationally famous authors, and his wife with whom he
collaborated in the writing and production of many works for the theatre.
Blackburn, Thomas: Kingsley Amis AND Thomas Blackburn: Poets Reading No.7 (Jupiter JEP 0C29). Seven-inch
record. Filed under Amis.
Blackmur, R.P.: R.P. Blackmur Reads From His Own Works (Decca DL 9134).
Blanding, Don: Twelve Great Poems From “Vagabond’s House” (Tempo Record Co.; no catalogue number)
[autographed by Blanding].
Blanding, Don: Twelve Great Poems From “Vagabond’s House” (Tempo Record Co.; no catalogue number)
[autographed by Blanding]. Second copy.
Blitzstein, Marc: Marc Blitzstein And His Theatre Compositions (Westminster Spoken Arts 717).
Blixen, Karen [Dinesen, Isak]: Daguerrotypier (Ex Libris EXL 20.014).
Blixen, Karen [Dinesen, Isak]: En Batale (Ex Libris EXL 20.039).
Blixen, Karen [Dinesen, Isak]: Farah (Ex Libris EXL 20.038).
Blixen, Karen [Dinesen, Isak]: Indledning (Gyldendal Grammofonplader, no catologue no.).
Blomberg, Erik: Erik Blomberg (RELP 5012) [flip side of an LP also featuring Karin Boye. Filed under Boye,
Blyton, Enid: Noddy On His Travels, Told By Enid Blyton (EMI 7EG 8493). This is a 7-inch 45rpm extended play
Blyton, Enid: Noddy Stories Told By Enid Blyton, Number 2 (RCA 7EG 8282). This is a 7-inch Extended Play
Bogan, Louise: Louise Bogan Reads From Her Works: Yale Series Of Recorded Poets (Decca DL 9132).
Bogner, Franz Josef: Fabel Haftes (Zytglogge SLP-30-147).
Bogosian, Eric, Richard Price [et alia who are not creative writers]: Uproar Tapes, The, Volume One (Antilles, no
catalogue number).
Bogosian, Eric: Eric Bogosian (Neutral-10).
Bogosian, Eric: Eric Bogosian (Neutral-10). Second copy.
Boll, Heinrich: Heinrich Boll Liest “Die Schwarzen Schafe” (DG 34 032). 7-inch record. No sleeve.
Bombeck, Erma: Family That Plays Together, The (Warner Bros Records; no catalogue number).
Bond, Michael: Bear Called Paddington, A (Caedmon TC 1580).
Bond, Michael: Paddington Turns Detective And Other Stories Read By The Author (Caedmon TC 1622).
Bourget, Francois Ducaud: Francois Ducaud Bourget interprète ses poèmes (Editions Castalie. No catalogue
Bowles, Chester: Chester Bowles in Conversation with Arnold Michaelis (MGM E3701 RP).
Bowles, Paul: Paul Bowles Reads “A Hundred Camels In The Courtyard”. This is a limited edition version with
linen sleeves, containing an essay signed by Paul Bowles. (Cadmus Editions, no catalogue no.).
Bowles, Paul: Paul Bowles Reads “A Hundred Camels In The Courtyard”. This is the trade edition of this album
(i.e., traditional cardboard sleeves, no autograph). (Cadmus Editions, no catalogue no.).
Boyd, Malcolm: Are You Running With Me, Jesus?: Prayers by Malcolm Boyd Read By The Author (Columbia CS
Boyd, Malcolm: Are You Running With Me, Jesus?: Prayers by Malcolm Boyd Read By The Author. Guitar
Accompaniment By Charlie Byrd (Columbia CL 2548). “Promotional Album” decal attached to front sleeve.
Boye, Karin: Karin Boye (1900-1941) (RELP 5012) [flip side of an LP featuring Erik Blomberg. Filed under Karin
Bradbury, Ray: Martian Chronicles (Mark 56 Records).
Brathwaite, Edward: Islands (Argo PLP 1184/5).
Brathwaite, Edward: Masks (Argo PLP 1183)
Brathwaite, Edward: Rights of Passage (Argo PLP 1110 mono) (Record One) Punched hole upper right.
Brathwaite, Edward: Rights of Passage (Argo PLP 1111 mono) (Record Two) Punched hole upper right.
Brathwaite, Edward: Rights of Passage (Argo PLP 1111 mono) (Record Two) Second copy.
Brautigan, Richard: Listening to Richard Brautigan (Harvest ST 424) [includes a very brief reading by Michael
Brecht, Bertolt: Bentley on Brecht (Folkways FH 5434).
Brecht, Bertolt: Bertolt Brecht Singt Zwei Songs Aus Der Dreigroschenoper (no catalogue number. Issued by
Suhrkamp Verlag). Seven-inch record with oversized sleeve.
Brecht, Bertolt: Brecht Before the Committee on Un-American Activity (Folkways FD 5531).
Brecht, Bertolt: Brecht On Brecht. Starring George Voskovec et alia. Arranged and translated by George Tabori
(Columbia 02S 203). Brecht sings “Mortitat” from Threepenny Opera, and this double album also features
several excerpts from his appearance before the U.S. Senate. Voskovec and Tabori, of course, were also
noted playwrights.
Bredel, Willi: Willi Bredel Liest Aus Seiner Novelle “Frulingssonate.” (Litera 8 60 022).
Bredel. Willi: Fruhlings Sonate: Eine Novelle gelesen von Willi Bredel (Litera-Bestell-Nr. 8 60 022).
Brooks, Gwendolyn: Gwendolyn Brooks Reading Her Poetry (Caedmon TC 1244).
Brooks, Terry: Sword of Shannara (Caedmon TC 1567).
Brown Jr., Oscar: Between Heaven and Hell (Columbia CL-1774)[Mono].
Brown, George Mackay: Orcadian Poet George Mackay Brown Reads His Poems and A Story, The (Claddagh CCA
Brown, Marcia: Stone Soup (Weston Woods Picture Book Parade PBP 2003).
Bruce, Lenny: Lenny Bruce Is Out Again (Philles Records PHLP-4010).
Buber, Martin: Martin Buber Liest Aus Der Heiligen Schrift Israels (Christophorus CGLV 73936)
Buchwald, Art: Sex And The College Boy (Capitol T 2205).
Buck, Pearl S.: The Chinese Children Next Door (Bestselling Books BSB 100).
Buckley, William F.: National Review Presents Addresses By William F. Buckley and L. Brenty Bozell (NR-1)
[limited edition] [sleeve seams are only so-so].
Budgen, Frank: My Friend James Joyce (Decca Mono LK 400). Recorded on February 2, 1961.
Bukowski, Charles: Charles Bukowski Reads His Poetry (Takoma 7073).
Bukowski, Charles: Hostage (No catalogue number. Rhino Records)
Bunting, Basil: Bunting reads 5 of Yeats’ poems on: Yeats and Auden (Open University A306 Twenieth Century
Poetry OU24 Stereo) [filed under Yeats].
Burgess, Anthony: Anthony Burgess Reads “A Clockwork Orange” (Caedmon TC 1417).
Burgess, Anthony: Anthony Burgess Reads “A Clockwork Orange” and “Enderby” (Spoken Arts SA 1120).
Burgess, Anthony: Anthony Burgess Reads “The Eve of St. Venus” (Caedmon TC 1442).
Burroughs, William S. and Gus van Sant: Elvis Of Letters, The (TK Records, no catalogue number).
Burroughs, William S. and John Giorno: William S. Burroughs and John Giorno: A D’Arc Press Selection (Giorno
Poetry Systems, no ctalague number).
Burroughs, William S. and Kurt Cobain: The “Priest” They Called Him (Tim/Kerr Records. No catalogue number)
[This is a 10-inch disc].
Burroughs, William S.: [The Clash]: Combat Rock (Epic/CBS. No catalogue number) [Burroughs is said to have
written at least one song for this group].
Burroughs, William S.: Break Through in Grey Room (Sub Rosa 33005).
Burroughs, William S.: Call Me Burroughs: Excerpts From “The Naked Lunch” And “Nova Express” (ESP 1050).
Burroughs, William S.: Doctor Is On The Market, The (Interior Music IM003).
Burroughs, William S.: Nova Excerpts Read By The Authors At The English Bookshop in Paris, 1965 [this is a 7-
inch record originally included in Aspen Magazine, Nos. 5-6; I have the record but no sleeve [was there a
sleeve?] or the magazine itself; the flip side features a reading by Alain Robbe-Grillet recorded in Paris in
Burroughs, William S.: see Revolutions Per Minute in the anthology section; Burroughs is the only creative writer
recorded along with several people from various other arts, including Les Levine and Buckminster Fuller.
Burroughs, William S.: Road To The Western Lands, The. “This work revolves around the words and voice of the
late William S. Burroughs…Presented here are seven sound constructions derived and mutated from the
original sources….” (Triloka Records. No catalogue number).
Burroughs, William S.: Words Of Advice For Young People (Island Records, 1993). The vendor who sold this to
me alleged that it was a promotional copy which is why, he said, it had no distinctive sleeve but rather just
this generic black sleeve. I have my doubts. Alas, a search of the web found only one image of the LP, and
this image also featured a black generic sleeve. So maybe……
Burroughs, William S.: You’re the Guy I Want to Share My Money With (Giorno Poetry Systems 020-021) [filed
under “Y” in Anthology LPs].
Cabada, Juan de la: Cuentos (Casa de la Americas/Palabra de esta America 49).
Cage, John: Empty Words (Parte III). (Italy: Abraxas, 2003). This is a three-hour long reading from the third part
of Empty Words which John Cage read in 1977 at the Tearo Lirico in Milan. The audience grew increasingly
restless until several of the students in attendance rioted. This boxed set includes a collection of writings and
drawings by Cage, and photographs of the event.
Caldwell, Erskine: An Informal Hour With Erskine Caldwell (Spoken Arts 721).
Caldwell, Erskine: Where the Girls Were Different (Spoken Arts SA-721).
Callado, Antonio: Novela y Testimonio (Casa de las Americas No. 42) [Cuban import].
Camp, L. Sprague de: Conan: The Bloodstained God and The Curse of the Monolith (Moondance Productions;
“Special Limited Edition” of 1500 copies).
Campbell, Roy: San Juan de la Cruz/St. John Of The Cross (Folkways FL 9865). Note that Campbell does not
speak on this album. Rather, these are his translations from the Spanish. The translations are read by Khigh
Dhiegh. Includes a booklet with the full text in Spanish and English of all the poems which are read.
Camus, Albert: Albert Camus Lit “L’Etranger” (Disques Ades 16.029).
Camus, Albert: Albert Camus Reading in French: La Peste, La Chute, L’Eté, L’Etranger (Caedmon TC 1138).
Camus, Albert: Albert Camus Vous Parle (Festival FLD 19) [N.B. this is a 10-inch record).
Camus, Albert: Albert Camus…Le Mythe de Sisyphe lu par l’auteur (Philips A 76.723 R). Ten-inch record.
Camus, Albert: His Works And His Voice (FRL 1534). 10-inch record.
Camus, Albert: Presence de Albert Camus: Textes et commentaires dits par l’auteur (Archives de la Radio-
Diffusion Television Francaise RTF TS 30 LA 606). Features a front-cover line portrait of Camus and other
incidental artwork by Maurice Tapiero specially commissioned for this boxed set. Camus reads excerpts
from L’Etranger, Noces, La Peste, L’Homme Revolte, Caligula, and La Chute. The discs also feature Camus
reading an essay on Combat, and excerpts from press conferences and interviews he gave on a variety of
topics. This copy formerly belonged to novelist David Gilmour, whose autograph and address in ink are on
the inside label.
Camus, Albert: Presence de Albert Camus: Textes et commentaires dits par l’auteur (Archives de la Radio-
Diffusion Television Francaise RTF TS 30 LA 606). Features a front-cover line portrait of Camus and other
incidental artwork by Maurice Tapiero specially commissioned for this boxed set. Camus reads excerpts
from L’Etranger, Noces, La Peste, L’Homme Revolte, Caligula, and La Chute. The discs also feature Camus
reading an essay on Combat, and excerpts from press conferences and interviews he gave on a variety of
topics. Second copy.
Cannon, Melissa A.: Turn On To Words (Graded Press, no number cited). 7-inch record played at 33 1/3 rpm
Record pressed onto a sheet of plastioc rather than on vinyl. Plain white sleeve.
Capote, Truman: Children On Their Birthdays (Caedmon TC 1771) [this album is also found in the Columbia
Literary Series boxed set (ML 4761) see Anthology section of this list].
Capote, Truman: House Of Flowers. Based on a short story by Truman Capote. Book and Lyrics by Truman
Capote. Music by Harold Arlen. The back sleeve features an essay by Capote explaining the evolution of
the musical from short story to Broadway stage. Capote’s voice is NOT on this album (United Artists Stereo
UAS 5180).
Capote, Truman: In Cold Blood (RCA VDM-110).
Capote, Truman: Truman Capote Reading His “A Christmas Memory” (United Artists UAL 3621).
Capote, Truman: Truman Capote Reading His “The Thanksgiving Visitor” (United Artists 6682).
Carco [Francois Carcopino-Tusoli]: Carco Evoque Le Chat Noir et Bruant (RCA Victor 430.131 S).
Carco [Francois Carcopino-Tusoli]: De Blanche A Pigalle: Evocatioon Commentee par l’Auteur (RCA F 430 005
Careme, Maurice: Maurice Careme Et Les Enfants (Palette Stereo 2341 014). Inscribed in red ink in 1975 by the
renowned Belgian author to two unknown women.
Carpentier, Alejo: Alejo Carpentier (Voz Viva de America Latina/Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Carroll, Jim: Catholic Boy (Atco SD-38-132) [“Promotional Copy” label attached].
Carroll, Jim: Dry Dreams (Atco SD-38-145) [“Promotional Copy” label attached].
Carroll, Jim: Dry Dreams (Atco SD-38-145) [Regular Release].
Carroll, Jim: I Write Yor Name (Atlantic 80123-1) [“Promotional Copy” label attached].
Causley, Charles: Causley Reads Causley From His “Collected Poems 1951-1975 (Sentinel SENS 1028).
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand: Vous Parle (Festival FLD 149M).
Ceselli, Juan Jose: El Paraiso Desenterrado (Ten Records Mono 20112). Possibly inscribed. Lower hinge starting
to split.
Chabrol, Jean Pierre: Histoires naturelles de Jean Pierre Chabrol (Arion 30 S 063).
Chabrol, Jean Pierre: Jean-Pierre Chabrol Raconte… (Barclay 80257 S). Double album with several photos (by
Robert Doisneau) of Chabrol in the Chamborigaud countryside made famous by his novels. Also includes
printed testimonials to Chabrol by Francois Mauriac, Georges Brassens, and Pierre Mac Orlan. In turn,
Chabrol speaks on the record about Brassens, Aragon, Mac Orlan and others.
Charters, Samuel: Of Those Who Died (Folkways FL 9732).
Cheever, John: Swimmer and The Death of Justina, The (Caedmon TC 1668).
Churchill, Winston S.: BBC Scrapbook 1945, The: With The Actual Voices Of Sir Winston Churchill [and others
who are not creative writers]. (Philips Mono 6382 044).
Churchill, Winston S.: Coronation Day: Highlights of the Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II,
June 23, 1953. Recorded by direct line by the BBC. This is the only recording authorized by the Earl
Marshall. [Includes the post-Coronation speech of Sir Winston Churchill].
Churchill, Winston S.: Famous “I Can Hear It Now” Album, The: Winston Churchill: Authorized Recording Of His
Actual Speeches: Narrated By Edward R. Murrow: With the Voices Of Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight
Eisenhower, Neville Chamberlain (Columbia KOL 7000 [formerly KL 5066]).
Churchill, Winston S.: Historic Voices and Music from World War II (American Heritage, no number cited).
Churchill, Winston S.: I Can Hear It Now: Winston Churchill (Philips Microgroove SPL 100).
Churchill, Winston S.: Life And Times Of Dwight D. Eisenhower, The: With The Actual Voices Of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Winston S. Churchill, Bernard Montgomery, John Daly And Others
Churchill, Winston S.: Sir Winston S. Churchill: Escape From The Boers. Read by Patrick Horgan (Greenwich,
Conn.: Listening Library A 1628). Note: Churchill is not heard on this album.
Churchill, Winston S.: Sir Winston Churchill, vol. 9: Post-War Planning (ALP 1561).
Churchill, Winston S.: This Is Paris (an album featuring several people talking about Paris, of whom Maurois and
Winston Churchill are the only creative writers) {filed under Anthology LPs “T”} (Vox PL 7170).
Churchill, Winston S.: Voice Of Winston Churchill, The (Decca Mono/LXT 6200).
Churchill, Winston S.: We Shall Never Surrender: Excerpts From The Late Sir Winston Churchill’s Historic
Speeches With A Special Narration By Ray Sonin Of “Calling All Britons” Fame (Toronto: Arc Sound A
Churchill, Winston S: Winston S. Churchill: First Honorary Citizen of the United States (Colpix Records PS 2000).
Ciardi, John: As If (Folkways FL 9780).
Ciardi, John: I Met A Man (Pathways of Sound POS 1031).
Ciardi, John: John Ciardi Reads “You Read To Me, I’ll Read To You” (Spoken Arts SA 835). Original sleeve art by
Edward Gorey.
Ciardi, John: John Ciardi Reads “You Read To Me, I’ll Read To You” (Spoken Arts SA 835). Original sleeve art by
Edward Gorey. Second copy.
Ciardi, John: This Strangest Everything, v. 1 (Spoken Arts SA 956).
Ciardi, John: This Strangest Everything, v. 2 (Spoken Arts SA 957).
Ciardi, John: You Know Who (Spoken Arts SA 914).
Clark, John W.: The Poems of John W. Clark (Gryphon GR-901).
Clarke, Arthur C.: 2010: Odyssey Two Read By The Author (Caedmon TC 1709).
Clarke, Arthur C.: Arthur C. Clarke Soundbook, Read by The Author (Caedmon SBR 121).
Clarke, Arthur C.:2001: A Space Odyssey (Caedmon TC 1504).
Clarke, Austin: Beyond The Pale: Austin Clarke Reads His Own Poetry (Claddagh CCT 2).
Clarke, John Cooper: Disguise In Love (CBS Stereo SBP 237274).
Claudel, Paul: His Works and His Voice (Period FRL 1531) [10-inch record].
Claudel, Paul: Paul Claudel Vous Parle (Festival FLD 49 M). 10-inch record.
Cocteau, Jean: Colette (Ducretet-Thomson 300 V 078). Front of sleeve features a drawing of Colette by Cocteau.
Cocteau, Jean: Jean Cocteau: Auteurs du 20e Siecle (Philips Deluxe P 77.080 L). Features Cocteau reading a
previously unpublished text.
Cocteau, Jean: Maries de la Tour Eiffel, Les: Spectacle de Cocteau (Disques Adès 15-501).
Cocteau, Jean: Oedipus Rex. Music by Igor Stravinsky. Text by Jean Cocyeau. Narrated by Jean Cocteau
(Columbia ML 4644).
Cocteau, Jean: Orphée (LVA 8).
Cocteau, Jean: Parents Terribles, Les (LVA 2).
Cocteau, Jean: Portraits-Souvenir [in French] (LVA-23).
Cocteau, Jean: Portraits-Souvenir [in French] (LVA-23). Second copy.
Cocteau, Jean: Reading in French (Caedmon TC 1083).
Cocteau, Jean: Reading in French (Caedmon TC 1083). Second copy.
Cocteau, Jean: Self-Portrait [in French] (Caedmon TC 1199).
Cocteau: Jean: Vous Parle (GMS-disc 7084) [my copy has the album but not the text booklet which presumably
came with the original].
Cohen, Leonard: Best Of Leonard Cohen (Columbia PC 34077). Issued 1975.
Cohen, Leonard: Night Magic (7-inch record; 45 rpm; RCA PB 40171).
Cohen, Leonard: Night Magic (7-inch record; 45 rpm; RCA PB 40171). Second copy.
Cohen, Leonard: Night Magic (RCA Saravah PL 70743 (2)).
Cohen, Leonard: Night Magic (RCA Saravah PL 70743 (2)). Selection Officielle Cannnes 1985. Disque
promotionelleInterdit a la vente. Note that front and back sleeves are completely different from the
trade version of this LP.
Cohen, Leonard: Songs From A Room (Columbia CS 9767).
Cohen, Leonard: Songs Of Leonard Cohen (Columbia CL 2733).
Cohen, Leonard: Songs Of Love And Hate (CBS SBP 233952).
Coleman, Wanda: Black & Blue News (Idiot Savant Records WSP 26-1).
Colette: Colette Reading Gigi, Selections [and] Chéri, Selections (Caedmon TC 1020).
Colette: Colette Reads [Selections from Gigi and Chéri] (Caedmon TC 1020) [I have 2 copies: one in excellent
condition; the second copy has the booklet that came with the LP, but the sleeve that used to be attached to
the back of the sleeve was torn from the sleeve with some minor damage to the sleeve as a result].
Colette: Colette Reads Colette In French (Caedmon 1020). Near mint copy except for two discrete ex-library
labels. See Caedmon 1020 above.
Colette: Colette Vous Parle (Festival FLD 34). Ten-inch record.
Colette: Colette Vous Parle (Festival FLDX 34).
Colette: Colette Vous Parle (Select SC-13.017, Mono).
Colette: Colette: Auteurs du 20e Siecle (Philips A 76.721 R). 10-inch record.
Colette: Pages Choisis (Librairie Hachette 320-E-873) [Colette does not seem to speak on this album although her
photo comprises the entire front sleeve].
Collier, John: John Collier (Columbia MasterworksThe Columbia Literary Series, ML 4754) [see also the boxed
set of the Columbia Literary Series for the same album].
Colum, Padriac: Golden Treasury of Irish Verse, The: Read by Padriac Colum (Spoken Arts SA 706).
Colum, Padriac: Meeting of James Joyce Society On October 23, 1951. Includes “Finnegans Wake: Reading
Explanations From First and Last Pages.” Also “Peaches Browning, New Patience Mookse and The
Gripes” by Prof. Joseph Campbell. Also Reading and Discussion on “Exiles” and “Pomes Pennyeach” by
P. Colum. Also James Joyce Reading Anna Livia Plurabelle (Folkways FP 93-94) [Seams of the boxed
sleeve are split].
Colum, Padraic: Padriac Colum Readings From His Irish Tales and Poems (Folkways FL 9737).
Connelly, Marc: Album of Stars, Vol.2 [Connelly acts in a scene from his play The Farmer Takes A Wife] (Decca
DL 9009).
Cook, Robin [as Derek Raymond]: Dora Suarez: From The Novel By Derek Raymond (Robin Cook); Extracts Read
By The Author (Clawfist Hunka LP6; EFA LP 17006).
Cooper-Clark, John: Me And My Big Mouth (Epic EPC 84979).
Cortazar, Julio: Julio Cortazar Por El Mismo (AMB 123-25).
Cortazar, Julio: Julio Cortazar (Vox Viva de America Latina/Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico VVAL-
Cortazar, Julio: Readings By Julio Cortazar (Library of Congress HPL-4) [this album seems to have been compiled
by the Library of Congress from several recordings made of Cortazar by Ediciones Minotauro of Buenos
Aires] {My copy is an ex-library copy, otherwise fine}. Booklet enclosed.
Cortez, Jayne: Maintain Control (Bola Press BP-8601).
Cortez, Jayne: Unsubmissive Blues (Bola Press BP-8001).
Courtenay, Gordon: Poems and Melodies From Harbour Lights (Celeste MA-2232) [Volume 5, Tome One].
Coward, Noel: Critic, The [Noel Coward and Mel Ferrer starring in Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s “The Critic”]
(Decca DL 9154).
Coward, Noel: Critic, The [Noel Coward and Mel Ferrer starring in Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s “The Critic”]
(Decca DL 9154). Second copy.
Coward, Noel: Greatest Hits, vol. 1 (Stanyan SR 10025).
Coward, Noel: Joan Sutherland Sings Noel Coward, conducted by Richard Bonynge, With Guest Appearance by
Noel Coward (London OS 25992).
Coward, Noel: Noel & Gertie (RCA Victor LCT-1156).
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward (1899-1973) (Stanyan SR 10068).
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward (1899-1973) (Stanyan SR 10068). Second copy.
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward Album, The (Columbia Masterworks MG 30088).
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence “We Were Dancing” (Monmouth MES/7042).
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward and Margaret Leighton in Bernard Shaw’s “The Apple Cart”, “Interlude”; and
“Poems” by Noel Coward (Caedmon TC 1094) [This is the first time that Coward ever read poems he had
written himself.].
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward and Margaret Leighton in Noel Coward Duologues (Caedmon TC 1069).
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward and Margaret Leighton in Noel Coward Duologues (Caedmon TC 1069). The sleeve
of this second copy is black and white.
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward At Las Vegas (Columbia Masterworks ML 5063) [sleeve is partly split at bottom and
defaced slightly with magic marker] [this is the original 1955 American release].
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward At Las Vegas: Recorded In Actual Performance At Wilbur Clark’s Desert Inn, Las
Vegas, Nevada (CBS Mono BPG 62426). The sleeve was printed in England and the text on the back of
sleeve may also be unique to the English pressing.
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward In New York (Columbia Masterworks ML 5163) [this is the original 1956 USA
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward Reading From His Poetry (Caedmon TCE 125). Seven inch record, made in 1959.
Front sleeve is a full portrait of Coward by Yosef Karsh.
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward: The Master Sings (MFP Mono 1111).
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward: The Revues (EMI SHB44).
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward’s Theatre (Ace of Diamonds/Decca SDD 2206).
Coward, Noel: Noel Coward’s Theatre (Ace of Diamonds/Decca SDD 2206). Second copy.
Coward, Noel: Noel CowardA Talent To Amuse (EMI Parlophone PMC 7158).
Coward, Noel: Special Event, A (DRG Records SL 5180). Front sleeve has a full portrait of Noel Coward by Al
Hirschfield. Back sleeve features an essay by Coward (written for this record) explaining how he came to
write this ballet. Coward sings several songs.
Coward, Noel: Together With Music: Noel Coward and Mary Martin: An Archive Recording of the Entire Brilliant
Television Event Made During The Actual Television Broadcast (DRG Records DARC-2-1103).
Coward, Noel: Words And Music Of Noel Coward (World Record Club T 835). Coward does not sing or speak on
this album, but Joyce Grenfell is among those who do appear.
Creeley, Robert: Robert Creeley Reads (London: Turret Books/Calder & Boyars, 1967). Paperback original and 7-
inch record of Creeley reading his poems. Autographed.
Crossley-Holland, Kevin: Battle of Maldoon and Other Old English Poems Translated by Kevin Crossley Holland,
The (Argo ZPL 1058 Stereo) [Crossley-Holland does not read or speak on this album but the sleeve does
contain an essay by Crossley-Holland (the translator) on his translation.].
Crossley-Holland, Kevin: Beowulf in a translation by Kevin Crossley-Holland with Kevin Crossley Holland et alia
Directed by Peter Orr (Argo ZPL 1057 Stereo).
Crossley-Holland, Kevin: Beowulf Translated By Kevin Crossley Holland [read by Kevin Crossley-Holland] (Decca
ZPL 1057 Stereo) [top seam split].
Crowley, Aleister: Untitled album with black sleeve and golden pentagram at centre. This LP, limited to 418 copies
for sale, and released in 1986, is a collection of spoken recordings made by Aleister Crowley. The original
recordings were done on wax cylinders. There are two covers to this album: one is black, and the other is a
dark blue. The center label for the record came with no holes punched through; so in order to play the record
the first time, the paper had to be punctured. The material on this record has subsequently been released in
various forms from various different sources. This is one of the rarest records in my collection.
Cuccia, Ron, Ron Cuccia and The Jazz Poetry Group (Takoma Records; no catalogue number).
Cummings, e.e. and Luciano Berio: Circles. Note that cummings’ voice does not appear on this LP but it is the first
recording of this piece based on cummings’ work by one of the most important composers of the last half of
the 20
century. The LP also features a musical piece by John Cage sung by Cathy Barbarian, and a musical
piece by Sylvano Bussotti also sung by Barbarian with Berio playing the piano (Mainstream MS/5005).
Cummings, e.e.: e.e. cummings Reads His Collected Poetry 1920-1940 and Prose (Caedmon TC 2080).
Cummings, e.e.: e.e. cummings Reads His Collected Poetry 1943-1958 (Caedmon TC 2081).
Cummings, e.e.: e.e. cummings Reads His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1017). First state sleeve.
Cummings, e.e.: e.e. cummings Reads His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1017). Second state sleeve.
Cummings, e.e.: Seven Poems [my copy is contained within a brown generic thick inner sleeve rather than a
traditional outer sleeve. The label reads “ ‘Seven Poems’ by e.e. cummings read by Mr. Cummings.
Distributed by Harcourt Brace & Co. New York. Recorded and manufactured by Decca Records Inc., New
York. Copyright 1926 by Boni & Liverright, Inc. Copyright 1923 by e.e. cummings. This might be a
promotional LP distributed by his book publisher].
Cummings, e.e.: Six Nonlectures: Nonlecture 1 (Caedmon TC 1186).
Cummings, e.e.: Six Nonlectures: Nonlecture 1 (Caedmon TC 1186). Second copy.
Cummings, e.e.: Six Nonlectures: Nonlecture 2 (Caedmon TC 1187).
Cummings, e.e.: Six Nonlectures: Nonlecture 3 (Caedmon TC 1188).
Cummings, e.e.: Six Nonlectures: Nonlecture 4 (Caedmon TC 1189).
Cummings, e.e.: Six Nonlectures: Nonlecture 5 (Caedmon TC 1190).
Cummings, e.e.: Six Nonlectures: Nonlecture 6 (Caedmon TC 1191).
Curnow, Allen: Landfall in Unknown Seas (Kiwi Record LD-2).
Dahl, Roald: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Caedmon TC 1476).
Dahl, Roald: James And The Giant Peach (TC Caedmon TC 1543).
Danner, Margaret: Langston Hughes and Margaret Danner: Writers of the Revolution (Black Forum BB 453) [filed
under Langston Hughes].
Davie, Donald: Donald Davie Reading At Stanford (produced by Stanford University; no catalogue number).
Davis, Gwen: Music To Read “The Pretenders By....Provocative and Sexy Music Inspired By The Bestselling Novel
(Philips PHS 600-327) [this is a novelty item, in that Gwen Davis, the author of “The Pretenders” does not
speak on the LP. I have never seen another LP made specifically as select background for the reading a
specific book].
Dehn, Paul: Virtue In Danger. Book and Lyrics by Paul Dehn (Decca Mono LK 4536). While Dehn’s voice is not
heard on this album, this is the original cast recording, and the back sleeve features a short essay written by
Paul Dehn.
de la Mare, Walter: Walter de la Mare Speaking And Reading (Caedmon TC 1046). This would seem to be the
older of the two states of this LP.
de la Mare, Walter: Walter de la Mare Speaking And Reading (Caedmon TC 1046). Unlike previous item this front
sleeve mentions that the LP runs at 33-1/3 rpm and the back sleeve features a different photo of the author
and other minor differences.
Derwood, Gene: Poems of Gene Derwood (Spoken Arts SA 736).
Dickey, James: James Dickey Reading His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1333).
Dickey, James: Poems of James Dickey 1957-1967 (Spoken Arts SA 984).
Dickinson, Emily: Julie Harris As The Belle of Amherst: Based on The Life of Emily Dickinson (TelEd, no cat no;
this album seems to have been produced solely for use by high school teachers in conjunction with a PBS
broadcast of Harris’s performance [circa 1967?]).
Dobie, J. Frank: An Informal Hour With J. Frank Dobie (Spoken Arts SA 722).
Donaldson, Stephen R.: White Gold Wielder (Caedmon TC 1717).
Doren, Mark Van: Hearing Poetry, vol. 1 (Caedmon TC 1021).
Doren, Mark Van: Hearing Poetry, vol. 2 (Caedmon TC 1022).
Doren, Mark Van: Mark Van Doren Reads From His Collected and New Poems (Folkways FL 9782).
Dorfler, Peter: Peter Dorfler Spricht (Christophorus-Verlag Herder Freiburg/Eine Langlauf-Schallplatten CLP
72113). Ten-inch record.
Dos Passos, John: U.S.A., Selections from the 42
Parallel read by, inter alia, John Dos Passos (Caedmon TC
3002). This is a three-record boxed set.
Dowling, Allan: Poems of Allan Dowling (Gryphon GR 905).
Doyle, Arthur Conan: The Actual Voices of [with Kipling and Shawthis is probably a pirate label] (Audio
Rarities) [filed under “Actual” in Anthologies].
Draper, Ruth: Art of Ruth Draper, The: Church In Italy/An English House Party (Spoken Arts SA 798).
Draper, Ruth: Art of Ruth Draper, The: Italian Lesson/Three Generations In A Court of Domestic Relations/The
Scottish Immigrant (Spoken Arts 779).
Draper, Ruth: Art of Ruth Draper, The: Italian Lesson/Three Generations In A Court of Domestic Relations/The
Scottish Immigrant (RCA Victor LM-1859).
Drouet, Minou: Minou Drouet dit ses poemes (CEP 351). 10-inch record.
Druten, John Van: John Van Druten: “The Voice of the Turtle” etc. (Spoken Arts SA 718).
Duchamp, Marcel: “Some Texts from L’Infiniti (1912-1920)” read by the author. [this is a 7-inch record originally
included in Aspen Magazine, Nos. 5-6; I have the record but no sleeve [was there a sleeve?] nor do I have the
magazine itself. Duchamp’s reading is the second track on the A-side of the record also featuring Rochard
Duchamp, Marcel: “The Creative Act”: a Paper presented to the convention of the American Federation of Arts at
Houston Texas April 1957, but issued in 1967 in New York by Aspen Magazine. [this is a 7-inch record
originally included in Aspen Magazine, Nos. 5-6; I have the record but no sleeve [was there a sleeve?] nor do
I have the magazine itself.].
Dudek, Louis: The Green Beyond (CBC Learning Systems).
Duguay, Raoul: V’la l’Quebec (Pathe Marconi SP 435). Not for sale to the public.
Duhamel, Georges: Georges Duhamel Vous Parle (Festival FLD 38). [10-inch record].
Duhamel, Georges: Georges Duhamel Vous Parle (Festival FLDX 38).
Duhamel, Georges: Georges Duhamel Vous Parle (Period FRL 1535) [10-inch record].
Dupree, Nancy: Letter To Young Sisters and Other Poems (Folkways FL 9748).
Duras, Marguerite: Nous Confie (Select SMM-733.043).
Durrell, Lawrence: Grecian Echoes (LVA 1003-1004).
Durrell, Lawrence: Greek Poems (Jupiter JEP 0C28). Seven-inch record. Includes Jupiter booklet with text of
poems, including the poem “Aphrodite: which he reads although it had yet to appear in a book.
Durrell, Lawrence: Irish Faust, An (LVA 201).
Durrell, Lawrence: Love Poems of Lawrence Durrell (Spoken Arts SA 818).
Durrenmatt, Friedrich: Friedrich Durrenmatt Liest Eine Kurzfassung Seiner Komodie “Herkules Und Der Stall Des
Augias” (DG. no catalogue number). This recording from 1957 seems to lack the sleevewhat I seem to
have is a complex inner sleeve (or booklet) comprised of an autobiographical essay by Durrenmatt, the
complete text of what is read on the album, and cartoon drawings by Durrenmatt done for this booklet. It is
just possible that what I have was issued as is for shipment by mail to subscribers to the DG Literary LP
Durrenmatt, Friedrich: Therese Giehse Spricht Durrenmatt und Brecht (mit Friedrich Durrenmatt). (Heliodor
Stereo 2571 011).
Dutton, Paul: Blues, Roots, Legends, Shouts & Hollers (Starborne).
Eberhart, Richard: Richard Eberhart Reading His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1243).
Eberhart, Richard: Richard Eberhart Reads From His Own Works: Yale Series of Recorded Poets (Decca DL 9145).
Edfelt, Johannes: Johannes Edfelt läser egna dikter och tolkningar (Sveriges Radio RELP 1047).
Edgerton, Clyde: Walking Across Egypt: Songs and Readings from the Books “Raney” and “Walking Across
Egypt” by Clyde Edgerton (Flying Fish Records FF434).
Ehbauer, Michl: Michl Ehbauer liest seine Baierische Weltgschicht Kap.1-6 (Teldec, Telefunken, Decca NT 879
{6.21349 AF}).
Ekelöf, Gunnar: Gunnar Ekelöf läser “Tag Och Skriv” (Bonniers BFB EP 5002) (N.B. that this is a 7-inch record).
Ekelöf, Gunnar: Gunnar Ekelöf läser egna dikter (RELP 1024).
Eliot, T.S.: Four Quartets (Caedmon TC 1403).
Eliot, T.S.: Four Quartets (EMI Records CLP 1115). Recorded under the auspices of the British Council. Note
that back sleeve contains a short introductory essay written by Eliot for this recording.
Eliot, T.S.: Four Quartets (Spoken Arts/Argo 765). Read by Robert Speaight
Eliot, T.S.: Poems of T.S. Eliot, The (Open University A306 Twenieth Century Poetry OU23 Stereo).
Eliot, T.S.: T.S. Eliot Reading Poems and Choruses (Caedmon TC 1045).
Eliot, T.S.: T.S. Eliot Reads His Four Quartets (Angel Records 45012).
Eliot, T.S.: T.S. Eliot Reads Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (Spoken Arts SA 758).
Eliot, T.S.: T.S. Eliot Reads Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (Argo RG 116).
Eliot, T.S.: T.S. Eliot Reads Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (Argo RG 116). Second copy.
Eliot, T.S.: Thomas Stearns Eliot Reading His Own Poetry As Originally Recorded for the Poetry Room Harvard
College Library, in 1930 and in 1945. Associate professor F.C. Packard Jr., Editor. [This LP seems to be
an LP re-issue of the 78s published earlier by Harvard. The LP was issued in 1951. My copy seems to have
its original, all-red, heavy duty, educational instiution sleeve. Both sleeve and recrd are in mint condition.].
Eliot, T.S.: Thomas Stearns Eliot Reading His Poems, No.3: “The Hollow Men”. [This is a strange album. The
sleeve has more a thick inner sleeve than a traditional LP outer sleeve, and the inner sleeve is generic and
brown with no printing on it at all. The label on the LP reads: “The Harvard University Press Phonograph
Records, Professor Frederick C. Packard Jr., Editor...Fibre or thorn needles should be used for best results.
As originally recorded for the Department of English, Harvard University. Published by the Harvard
University Press, with the permission of Harcourt Brace & Co., New York, publishers of “T.S. Eliot Poems
1909-1925”. This record copyrighted by the President and Fellows of Harvard College, March 1934. SS-
5052.” But see next item.
Eliot, T.S.: Waste Land And Other Poems, The (Spoken Arts 734).
Eliot, T.S.: Waste Land, The (Caedmon TC 1326).
Ellison, Harlan: Harlan! Harlan Ellison Reads Harlan Ellison (Alternate World Recordings AWR 6922).
Ellison, Harlan: Harlan! Harlan Ellison Reads Harlan Ellison (Alternate World Recordings AWR 6922). Second
copy. [serious wear on one corner has erased sleeve printing].
Eluard, Paul: Voix de Paul Eluard, La (Le Chant du Monde LDX 6033). This record won the Grand Prix du Disque,
and features a line drawing of Eluard by Picasso.
Empson, William: William Empson Reading Selected Poems (Marvell Press LPV 3).
Engle, Paul: Seven Ages Of A City: Song Of The Cedar [this is an opera with libretto by Paul Engle recorded by the
WMT TV Stations March 16, 1959 at Coe College; Paul Engel does not speak on the LP presumably].
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus: Buchmesse 1962 (Philips W 1213 E). Seven-inch record. Enzensberger reads on this
disc, apparently as one of many eminent artists appearing at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 1962. Gottfried Benn
also speaks on this record. As well, there are performances by musicians Miles Davis and Dave Brubeck;
Igor Stravinsky also speaks, apparently in conjunction with a performance of his The Rite of Spring
conducted by Bruno Walter.
Erhardt, Heinz: Noch’n Gedicht und andere Schwaenke aus heiterem Himmel (Telefunken Club Edition Marcato 34-
Erhardt, Heinz: Profile (Teldec 6.24029 AL).
Evans, Maurice: Ten Cities (Time, no catalogue number). Recorded in 1961. Evans, an actor, reads articles about
avrious cities, originally written for Life Magazine. Among the articles are “Venice,” “Kyoto,” “Singapore,”
and “Moscow” by James Morris (later Jan Morris); “London” by John Betjeman, and “Kuala Lumpur” by
Han Suyin.
Everson, William [Brother Antoninus]: Savagery of Love, The: Brother Antoninus Reads His Poetry (Caedmon TC
Fabio, Sarah Webster: Jujus Alchemy of the Blues (Folkways FL 9714).
Fabio, Sarah Webster: Together to the Tune of Coltrane’s “Equinox” (Folkways FL 9715).
Fabrizi, Aldo: Il Tramviere. Recited by Aldo Fabrizi. 78 rpm . Produced in 1943 and made in Italy. In original
sleeve. (Columbia DQ 2684). Beloved, hugely popular Italian comic character actor/writer/director, in
music halls and variety shows for much of his early career. Fabrizi entered films in 1942 and often wrote and
directed his own productions. He also won international acclaim in the Roberto Rosselinni's neorealist
drama Roma, citta aperta (1946), in which he played a priest who bravely defies the fascist regime. Heavy in
heart and girth, he performed primarily in Neopolitan films for over four decades. Such notable post-war
films include To Live in Peace (1946), Professor My Son (1946), Flesh Will Surrender (1947), Escape Into
Dreams (1948), Immigrants (1949), Cops and Robbers (1951), Five Paupers in an Automobile (1952), Of
Life and Love (1954) and The Teacher and the Miracle (1957), all co-written by Fabrizi. A master of the
double take, he adapted equally well to comedy and drama, but did not earn much recognition in America.
He devoted much of his time in later years to the culinary arts, writing several cookbooks and poetry about
cooking. He died of a heart ailment in his 85th year.
Fadiman, Clifton: Prose And Poetry Enrichment Records: Album Six to Accompany “Prose and Poetry of
England.” Fadiman “narrates” a history of British literature, that is, he introduces recitations by actors of
literary texts from various periods of English literature.
Fast, Howard: Howard Fast Reads Howard Fast: Stories Of Early America (CMS 518).
Fast, Howard: Howard Fast Reads Howard Fast: Stories Of Early America (CMS 518). Second copy.
Faulkner, William: Artistry In English: William Faulkner Reading His Nobel Acceptance Speech And As I Lay
Dying AND Tennessee Williams Reading The Glass Menagerie And Three Of His Poems (Educational
Record Club AE 18). Includes booklet with biographical entries and pedagogical devices for teachers of
these two authors. Second copy filed in Anthology section under “Artistry In English.”
Faulkner, William: William Faulkner Reads From His Works (Caedmon TC 1035) [sleeve features Faulkner’s name
carved as if in stone in Roman serif lettering].
Faulkner, William: William Faulkner Reads From His Works (Caedmon TC 1035) [sleeve features Faulkner’s name
carved as if in stone in Roman serif lettering]. Second copy.
Faulkner, William: William Faulkner Reads From His Works (Caedmon TC 1035). Third copy. [sleeve is only in
fair condition].
Faulkner, William: William Faulkner Reads From His Works (MGM E3617 Arc).
Fencott, P.C.: Blues, Roots, Legends, Shouts & Hollers (Starborne) [filed under Dutton, Paul].
Ferber, Edna: A Reminiscence of “Showboat” Read by the Author (Caedmon TC 1719).
Ferber, Edna: Edna Ferber (Columbia MasterworksThe Columbia Literary Series, ML 4762) [same LP is
included the boxed set of Columbia Literary Series].
Ferlin, Nils: Ferlin 60 AR Nils Ferlin läser egna dikter (Gazell FEP-1) [N.B. that this is a 7-inch record).
Ferlin, Nils: Nils Ferlin läser egna dikter (Gazell GMG-1220).
Ferlin, Nils: Nils Ferlin läser egna dikter (RELP 5015).
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence: Fantasy Records Hi-Fi Sampler. Ferlinghetti reads “Statue of Saint Francis”, the only
literary element on this record (Fantasy Records, no number cited).
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence: Poetry Readings in the Cellar [filed under Rexroth, Kenneth] (Fantasy Records 7002).
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence: Tentative Description of a Dinner To Promote The Impeachment of President Eisenhower
and Other Poems by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (Fantasy 7004).
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence: Tyrannus Nix? (Fantasy 7014).
Fitts, Dudley: A.A. Milne’s “Winnie Ille Pu” (Latin Translation By Alexander Lenard) Read by Dudley Fitts
(Pathways of Sound 1027).
Fitts, Dudley: Dudley Fitts Reads From His Works (CMS 675).
Fitts, Dudley: Yale Series of Recorded Poets Dudley Fitts (Carillon Records YP303).
Fitzgerald, Robert: Robert Fitzgerald Reads From His Illiad: The Yale Series of Recorded Poets (CMS 674/2).
Forss, Harald: Jag är nyansernas älskare: Harald Forss, Tor Bergner, Bertil Boo, Volume 2 (Polydor 2462 146
Forster, E.M.: Road From Colonus Read by E.M. Forster (Argo PLP 1152).
Fouchet, Max-Pol: Raconte (Barclay 88.005 S). Contains a 500-word essay about Fouchet by Yves Berger. The
essay reproduces Berger’s handwritten text.
Fouchet, Max-Pol: Raconte (Barclay 88.005 S). Contains a 500-word essay about Fouchet by Yves Berger. The
essay reproduces Berger’s handwritten text. Second copy.
Fowke, Edith: O’Canada: A History In Song. Sung by Alan Mills. Notes by Edith Fowke. (Folkways FP3001).
Copyright 1956. Booklet by Fowke enclosed.
Francis, Robert: Robert Francis Reads His Poems (Folkways FL 9729).
Frankenberg, Lloyd: Round of Poems Selected and Read by [poet] Lloyd Frankenberg, A (Columbia Masterworks
ML 5148) [Frankenberg also edited the Colmbia Masterworks LP called Pleasure Dome (ML 4259)].
Friedman, Kinky: Kinky Friedman (ABC/Dunhill Records. No catalogue number).
Friedman, Kinky: Lasso From El Paso (CBS 34304).
Friedman, Kinky: Lasso From El Paso (CBS 34304). Second copy. This copy bears a printed stamp on the back
sleeve which says “Demonstration: Note For Sale.”
Friedman, Kinky: Sold American (Vanguard VSD 79333).
Frisch, Max: Andorra (DG. No catalogue number). This is a boxed set of two LPs which are a record of a
production featuring some of the leading German-language actors of the day. There is also an oversize
brochure which, in addition to extensive text in German, has good photos of the actors and stills from the
stage production on which this recording is based. Frisch does not speak on this album.
Frisch, Max: Max Frisch Liest Aus Seinem Roman “Mein Name Sei Gantenbein” (Heliodor Stereo 2571014).
Frost, Robert: Classics of American Poetry for the Elementary Curriculum (Caedmon TC 2041) [Frost reads
Frost, Robert: Robert Frost in Recital (Caedmon TC 1523).
Frost, Robert: Robert Frost Reading His Own Poems on Long Playing Records (two 10-inch discs] “Recorded and
Processed On Vinylite by RCA. Produced and distributed by The National Council of Teachers of English”.
No catalogue number.
Frost, Robert: Robert Frost Reads His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1060Microgroove)[label on record features outer
“wheel” comprised of 4 sections: 2 opposing sections are white, one is blue and one is green.].
Frost, Robert: Robert Frost Reads The Poems of Robert Frost (Decca DL 9033).
Frost, Robert: Robert Frost Reads The Poems of Robert Frost (MCA Records MCA-2056).
Frost, Robert: Robert Frost: Yale Series Of Recorded Poets (Carillon Records YP320).
Frost, Robert: Twentieth Century Poetry in English: Robert Frost. Contemporary Recordings of Poets Reading
Their Own Poems Selected and Arranged by the Consultants in Poetry in English and Issued by The Library
of Congress Under a Grant from The Bollingen Foundation. (The Library of Congress Recording
Laboratory P L6).
Frost, Robert: Untitled (Library of Congress Recording of 20
Century Poets).
Fuchs, Gunter Bruno: Ein Ohr wascht das andere (Wagensbach Quartplatte 19).
Fuchs, Gunter Bruno: Gunter Bruno Fuchs liest Gedichte & Anderes (Munich: Hanser Verlag). This is a 7-inch
Fuentes, Carlos: Carlos Fuentes (Voz Viva de Mexico/Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico VV-20).
Fuller, Buckminster: Clock Is Stopping, The (Cook Laboratories, no catalogue number). This is a four-album boxed
set manufactured in 1976. Also enclosed: a foil-stamped piece of heavy paper with words printed in one
side, and a further piece of paper from which is to be cut a pinwheel for overlaying onto the words.
Gallimard, Claude: Les Secrets d’une Réussite (Collection Francais De Notre Temps Sous La Patronage de
l’Alliance Francaise). 7-inch record.
Ganztold, Carmen Bernos de: Prayers From The Ark (Folkways FL 9727).
Garner, Alan: Stone Book Quartet, The: Tom Fobble’s Day (Argo ZDSW 727).
Garnett, Gale: Audience With The King Of Wands: Gale Garnett And The Gentle Reign (Columbia CS 9625).
Garnett, Gale: Gale Garnett and the Gentle Reign (Columbia CS 9760).
Garnett, Gale: Lovin’ Place (RCA Victor 47-8472). 7-inch record.
Garnett, Gale: Many Faces of Gale Garnett, The (RCA LSP 3325).
Garnett, Gale: We’ll Sing in the Sunshine (RCA LSP 2833).
Garnett, Gale: We’ll Sing in the Sunshine (RCA 47 8388). 7-inch record. Lacks original 45rpm sleeve.
Genet, Jean: Scenes from “The Blacks” etc. Including selections from “Thief’s Journal” Read By The Author
(Caedmon TC 1134).
Genevoix, Maurice: Genevoix Parle: Le Brame des Cerfs (Dunod 18 F T 63). Note that this is a 7-inch record.
Geraldy, Paul: Toi et Moi (LVA 4). Second copy.
Geraldy, Paul: Toi et Moi (LVA-4). [Front cover has a 2-inch tear, and there is some ink smudging on back of
Geraldy, Paul: Toi et Moi (Vega Stereo 19.144).
Geraldy, Paul: Vous et Moi (LVA 16).
Geraldy, Paul: Vous qui Passez (LVA 18).
Gide, André: André Gide Vous Parle (FLD 4 M). 10-inch record.
Gide, André: André Gide Vous Parle (FLDX 4).
Gide, André: André Gide Vous Parle (Select Mono SC-13.011). Note that this album also contains an homage to
Gide written and spoken by Francois Mauriac.
Gide, André: André Gide: His Works and His Voice (Period FRL 1532)[10-inch record]
Gide, André: Entretiens avec Jean Amrouche (Disques Ades 7032/7033). Boxed set. Includes a booklet of photos.
Ginsberg, Allen: Allen Ginsberg Reads Kaddish (Atlantic 4001 Verbum Series).
Ginsberg, Allen: Allen Ginsberg Reads Kaddish (Atlantic 4001 Verbum Series). Second copy.
Ginsberg, Allen: Archetypes (MGM-no cat. No.).
Ginsberg, Allen: First Blues (John Hammond Records; no catalogue number) [“Demonstration—Not For Sale].
Ginsberg, Allen: Ginsberg’s Thing (Douglas Recording SD-801).
Ginsberg, Allen: Howl And Other Poems (Beat Goes Poetry BGP 1018). English edition, made in West Germany.
Back sleeve features a long and illuminating essay by Ginsberg on the origins of Howl and its prosody, and
commentary on the making of this record.
Ginsberg, Allen: Howl And Other Poems (Fantasy 7013) [sleeve is near mint but the record has several small
Ginsberg, Allen: Lion For Real, The (Island-no cat. No).
Ginsberg, Allen: Lion For Real, The (Island-no cat. No). Second copy.
Ginsberg, Allen: Lion For Real, The (Island-no cat. No).Third copy, this with the record company’s stamp on the
rear sleeve indicating that this is a promotinal copy.
Ginsberg, Allen: With Still Life (Local Anesthetic Records; no catalogue number).
Giono, Jean: Jean Giono Vous Parle (Festival FLD 150 M). 10-inch record.
Giorno, John and William S. Burroughs William S. Burroughs and John Giorno: A D’Arc Press Selection (Giorno
Poetry Systems, no ctalague number). Filed under Burroughs.
Giorno, John: Diamond Hidden in the Mouth of a Corpse, A, (Giorno Poetry Systems GPS 035).
Giorno, John: John Giorno and Anne Waldman (Giorno Poetry Systems GPS 010011).
Giorno, John: Like A Girl, I Want You To Keep Coming (Giorno Poetry Systems GPS 040) [also features William S.
Giorno, John: Rasberry & Pornagraphic Poem, 1967 (Giorno Poetry Systems, no catalogue number) [cover by Les
Giorno, John: Smack My Crack (Giorno Poetry Systems GPS 038) [also features William S. Burroughs].
Giorno, John: You’re the Guy I Want to Share My Money With (Giorno Poetry Systems GPS 020-021).
Giovanni, Nikki: Legacies: The Poetry of Nikki Giovanni Read By Nikki Giovanni (Folkways FL 9798).
Giovanni, Nikki: Legacies: The Poetry of Nikki Giovanni Read By Nikki Giovanni (Folkways FL 9798). Second
Giovanni, Nikki: Like A Ripple On A Pond (niktom NK 4200). Decal stating “Promotional Copy: Not For Sale” on
front sleeve. Illustrated inner sleeve.
Giovanni, Nikki: Like A Ripple On A Pond (niktom NK 4200). Illustrated inner sleeve. Second copy.
Giovanni, Nikki: Nikki Giovanni and the New York Community Choir (NikTom Records NK 4200).
Giovanni, Nikki: Way I Feel, The (Niktom Records (NK 4201).
Giovanni, Nikki: Way I Feel, The (Niktom Records (NK 4201). Second copy.
Giovanni, Nikki: Truth Is On Its Way (Right On Records RRO 5001) sleeve features a black and white ¾ profile of
Nikki Giovanni at its centre, with cartoon-like streamers in many colours emanating from the photo].
Giovanni, Nikki: Truth Is On Its Way (Right On Records RRO 5001) [sleeve is severely water-damaged; sleeve
features a black and white ¾ profile of Nikki Giovanni at its centre, with cartoon-like streamers in many
colours emanating from the photo]. Second copy.
Giovanni, Nikki: Truth Is On Its Way: (Right On Records RRO 5001) This is probably a reissue of the LP above.
This sleeve features a face-on photo of a black baby; the face fills almost the entire front sleeve. The title is
in white ink while the author’s name is in yellow.].
Giovanni, Nikki: Truth Is On Its Way: (Right On Records RRO 5001) This is probably a reissue of the LP above.
This sleeve features a face-on photo of a black baby; the face fills almost the entire front sleeve. The title is
in white ink while the author’s name is in yellow.]. Second copy.
Giraudoux, Jean: Homenaje A La memoria De Jean Giraudoux, Un (BBC London Transcription Service). Note that
this is a 10-inch record played at 78 rpm. Recorded circa 1944.
Glaze, Andrew: Galway Kinnell and Andrew Glaze (Poseidon Society 1003) [filed under Kinnell, Galway].
Godden, Rudi: Erinnern Sie Sich…? (Polydor E 76 529). Seven-inch record.
Golden, Harry: Harry Golden (Vanguard VRS-9102).
Goldman, Leo: Three Against Fate (Stage Earth Productions SEP-M1).
Goldstein, Roberta: The Wood Burns Red (Asch Records AH 9709).
Goodman, Florence Jeanne: Florence Jeanne Goodman in a reading of her poetry: A retrospective selection 1951-
1981 (gee tee bee Records; no catalogue number)
Gool, Reshard: Reshard Gool Reads From The Nemesis Casket (Square Deal).
Grass, Gunter: Blechtrommel Ortlich Betaubt Auszuge gelesen vom Autor, Die. Artwork for the front of sleeve by
Gunter Grass (DG 2571112).
Grass, Gunter: Dokumente 65: Eine Jahreschronik von Horst Siebecke. Features radio highlights from the year
1965, including a broadcast by Gunter Grass (Marcato 73 380 K W).
Grass, Gunter: Gunter Grass Liest Aus Seinem Roman “Ortlich Betaubt Und Lyrik (DG 2575 002).
Graves, Robert: Green Sailed Vessel (Claddagh CCT 14).
Graves, Robert: Love Respelt (Columbia OL-6400).
Graves, Robert: Olivo, El (Ediciones Arxipelag de la Universitat de Palma de Mallorca; no catalogue number)
[music, by a Majorcan friend of Graves, based on the poems of Graves; sleeve features snapshots of Graves
on Majorca].
Graves, Robert: Robert Graves Reads From His Poetry & From “The White Goddess” (Caedmon TC 1066).
Graves, Robert: Robert Graves Reads Selected Poems (Argo RG 191).
Graves, Robert: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, translated by Edward Fitzgerald, Read by Robert Speaight; Alternative
translation by Robert Graves, Read by Robert Graves (Spoken Arts SA 965).
Gray, John: Billy Bishop (Tapestry).
Gray, Richard: Poems of Francis Thompson Read By Riochard Gray (Spirit 1002).
Gray, Richard: Poems Of Gerard Manley Hopkins Read By Richard Gray (Spirit SP 1001).
Gray, Simon: Butley (Caedmon TRS 362) [This is the original sound track recording of the film, directed by Harold
Pinter, starring Alan Bates and Jessica Tandy, based on Gray’s award-winning play. Directed by Harold
Pinter. Simon Gray, however, does not speak on this 3-record set.]. Inscribed and dated with locale by
Simon Gray.
Green, Paul: In Abraham’s Bosom (Spoken Arts SA 719) [I have a second copy of this album with a front sleeve
featuring a Rodin-esque crayon bust of an African male adolescent, and a left border in pseudo-leather. The
author’s name is in black sans-serif type while the title is in red ink. Two corners of this album have been
cut as though to remove someone’s signature.
Grenfell, Joyce: Joyce Grenfell: Words by Joyce Grenfell. Music by Richard Adinsell (EMI Records CLP 1810).
Grenfell, Joyce: Joyce Grenfell Collection, The: Words by Joyce Grenfell. Music by Richard Adinsell (EMI
Records OU 2149 Mono)..
Grenfell, Joyce: Joyce. Words by Joyce Grenfell. Music by Richard Adinsell (EMI SX 6362). Mono.
Griffiths, Trevor: Reds [movie soundtrack; screenplay written by Trevor Griffiths and Warren Beatty] (Columbia; no
catalogue number).
Gudmundsson, Tomas: Gunnar Gunnarsson + Tomas Gudmundsson lesa yr verkum sinum [filed under Gunnarsson]
(Parlophone-Odeon CPMA 19).
Guest, Edgar: Heap O’Livin (Prescott Records PR-1000).
Guillen, Nicolas: En La Voz De Nicolas Guillen: El Son Entero (Coleccion Los Poetas No 4). Note that back sleeve
features an essay written for this LP by Rafael Alberti.
Guillen, Nicolas: Nicolas Guillen (Voz Viva de America Latina/Universidad Nacional de Mexico VVAL-26).
Guillen, Nicolas: Poemas de Nicolas Guillen por su autor [recorded in Chile in July 1967] (Astral VBP 216).
Guillen, Nicolas: Poet Laureate of Revolutionary Cuba (Folkways FL 9941).
Guillevic, Eugene: Poemes et Chansons (Disques Alvares C.483).
Guitry, Sacha: Ecoutez Bien, Messieurs (London International TW 91060) [Guitry stars in this, his own play acted
completely in French].
Guitry, Sacha: Esprit De Paris, L’ (London LL899). Same record and sleeve as Pensées de Sacha Guitry. The
difference in titles results from the front sleeve having one possible title and the back sleeve another. Record
is in French but sleeve is in English.
Guitry, Sacha: Pensées de Sacha Guitry (London LL 899). Same record and sleeve as L’Esprit De Paris. The
difference in titles results from the front sleeve having one possible title and the back sleeve another.
Guitry, Sacha: Yvonne Printemps et Sacha Guitry (FALP 50040).
Gullberg, Hjalmar: Hjalmar Gullberg (RELP 5011).
Gunnarsson, Gunnar: Gunnar Gunnarsson + Tomas Gudmundsson lesa yr verkum sinum (Parlophone-Odeon
CPMA 19).
Guthrie, A.B.: A.B. Guthrie Reading From “The Big Sky (Caedmon TC 1439).
Gysin, Brion: Bruits de Beaubourg (Alga Marghen. No catalogue number). This LP was released in 2001. Gysin
decided to make an audio record of the construction of the Pompidou Centre (aka the Beaubourg) in 1977
but seems not to have released his recording in any public format, thereby making this LP its first release.
Gysin, Brion: Orgy Boys (Hat Musics 3504).
Gysin, Brion: Poem Of Poems (Alga Marghen. No catalogue number). This LP was released in 1998 in an edition
of 630 copies. It is the first release in record form of a 1958 performance recorded live on a Uher reel-to-reel
tape recorder. The front sleeve of this LP features a detail of Roller Poem by Gysin, and an unusual photo of
Gysin on the back sleeve.
Hacker, Marilyn: The Poetry and Voice of Marilyn Hacker (Caedmon TC 1501).
Hadas, Moses: Cicero: Commentary and Readings in Latin and English by Moses Hadas (Folkways FL 9975).
Booklet enclosed.
Hadas, Moses: Cicero: Commentary and Readings in Latin and English by Moses Hadas (Folkways FL 9975).
Booklet enclosed. Second copy.
Hadas, Moses: Daphnis and Chloé: Moses Hadas Reading His Introduction and Translation (Folkways FL 9980).
Hadas. Moses: Caesar: Introduction with readings in Latin and in English translation by Moses Hadas (Folkways
97/6) [complete with booklet by Hadas].
Hadas: Moses: Introduction to The Latin Language (Folkways FL 9972).
Hall, Donald: Anthology of XIX Century Poets [the poems by Longfellow and Whittier are read by Donald Hall]
(Spoken Arts SA 963).
Hall, Donald: Pleasures of Poetry, The, (Spoken Arts SA 1100).
Hall, Donald: Treasury of John Greenleaf Whittier Read by Donald Hall (Spoken Arts SA 906).
Hamilton, Edith: Echoes of Greece (Spoken Arts SA 928).
Handke, Peter: Radio Play (Creation-no cat. No.).
Hanh, Thich Nhat: Cry of Vietnam (Compassionate Arts; no catalogue number) [the sleeve claims that Hanh is one
of the leading poets of South Vietnam].
Hansberry: Lorraine Hansberry Speaks Out: Art and the Black Revolution (Caedmon TC 1352).
Hansen, Martin A.: Fortaeller (Louisiana/Gyldenda; Grammofonplader: no catalogue number).
Harron, Donas Charlie Farquharson: First Police Festival of Music: In Concert at the National Arts Centre,
Ottawa (Summer Sound SR 2011). Autographed by Charlie Farquharson.
Hard, Walter: Walter Hard, Vermont Poet (no publisher cited, no number cited).
Hart, Moss: My Initial Glimpse of Broadway (Spoken Arts SA 725).
Hausmann, Manfred: Manfred Hausmann Spricht (Christophorus-Verlag CLP 72114). Ten-inch record.
Hawkes, John: John Hawkes Reading At Stanford (Produced by Stanford University; no catalogue number).
Hazoumé, Paul and Paul Lomami-Tchibamba: Les Precurseurs (Radio France Internationale (no catalogue number).
Hazoumé is regarded as the first black African to write a full-length novel.
Heaney, Seamus and John Montague: Northern Muse, The (Claddagh CCT-4). Filed under “Heaney, Seamus.”
Heard, Gerald: Gerald Heard In The Sum And The Substance: A Dialogue On Contemporary Values With Herman
Harvey. The flip side has an interview by Herman Harvey with actor Lew Ayres (no number cited. Modern
Learning Aids).
Heard, Gerald: Indications (World Pacific Records WP 1268).
Heard, Gerald: Reflections (World Pacific Records WP 1255).
Heard, Gerald: Reflections (World Pacific Records WP 1255). Second copy.
Hearst, James: Things As They Are (no catalogue number). Hearst published at least 5 books of poetry, and was a
professor at the State College of Iowa from 1941 until at least 1963. This album, his first, was presumably
issued by Iowa friends of the author, circa 1964.
Heidegger, Martin: Satz der Identitat, Der: Auggenommen in der Stadhalle Freiburg am 27 Juni 1957 (Verlag
Gunther Neske Pfullingen, no catalogue number).
Heidsieck, Bernard: Poème-Partition “X” (Alga Marghen, AM-C2VS012-LP)[one of an edition of only 300 copies].
Heidsieck, Bernard: Vaduz (Alga Marghen, AM-H3VS009-LP)[one of an edition of only 200 copies of this LP].
Hein, Piet: Het Kijkglas Moet Vol Zijn (Tania JG 23). This is a 7-inch record.
Hein, Piet: Het Kijkglas Moet Vol Zijn (Tania JG 23). This is a 7-inch record. Second copy.
Hein, Piet: Piet Hein Laeser Egne Digte Og Kumbels Gruk I (Louisiana/Gyldendal RCA LPNA 7). 10-inch record.
Hein, Piet: Piet Hein Laeser Egne Digte Og Kumbels Gruk II (Louisiana/Gyldendal RCA LPNA 8). 10-inch record.
Heine, Heinrich: Deutschland Ein Wintermarchen. Gesprochen von Lutz Gorner. Mit Vollstandigem Text Und 16
Zeichnungen von Carlo Shellemann (Dortmund: Verlag Plane, 1977). Heine, of course, is not on this disc
but it is an elaborate LP dedicated to the legendary poet, and a live recording of the reading by others of
many of his poems.
Hell, Richard: Go Now (Tim Kerr Records, no catalogue number). Ten-inch record.
Heller, André and Helmut Qualtinger: Heurige und gestige Lieder (Mandragora, no catalogue number).
Heller, André: A Musi! A Musi! Wienerlieder des 18., 19., und 20 Jahrhunderts (Intercord 27.760-8) [varnish is
peeling from back sleeve].
Heller, André: André Heller’s erste LP aus dem Jahre 1968 (United Artists UAS 29.041.1).
Heller, André: Basta (Mandragora INT 160.110).
Heller, André: Das War (BASF Stereo 20.21391-9).
Heller, André: Marilyn Monroe Du Du Du (BASF Stereo 0611969-0). 7-inch record.
Heller, André: Nr. 1 (Amadeo AVRS 9255 Stereo).
Heller, André: Platte (1970) (Amadeo AVRS 9265 Stereo).
Heller, André: Schnucki, ach Schnucki (Intercord 22 365-1 N). 7-inch record
Heller, André: Stimmenhören (Direct Metal Mastering) RCA-IC.066) [features a psychedelic front sleeve).
Heller, André: Verwunschen (Amiga Stereo 8 55 874 16,10M).
Heller, André: Verwunschen (Mandragora INT 160.152) [contains extensive booklet].
Heller, André: Verwunschen (Mandragora INT 160.152) [contains extensive booklet]. Second copy.
Heller, André: Verwunschen (Mandragora INT 160.152) [contains extensive booklet]. Third copy.
Heller, André: Verwunschen (Mandragora LC 5897). 7-inch record.
Heller, Joseph: Joseph Heller Reads Catch 22 (Caedmon TC 1418)
Hemingway, Ernest: Ernest Hemingway Reading (Caedmon TC 1185)
Hemingway, Ernest: Hemingway: A Portrait (see under anthology LPs)
Henderson, Hamish: Freedom Come All Ye: The Poems and Songs of Hamish Henderson read by the poet and sung
by Atté et alia (Claddagh CCA-7).
Henisch, Peter: Peter Henisch liest “Lumpazimoribundus” (Litera Intercord 26 552-0 H)
Hentoff, Nat: Pete Hamill’s Massacre At My Lai. Narrated by Rosko. Commentary by Nat Hentoff Long and
original essay as liner notes by Nat Hentoff. (Polydor 2424 007).
Herbert, Frank: Dune Trilogy Soundbook Read By The Author (4 LPs) (Caedmon SBR 116)
Herbert, Frank: Dune: The Banquet Scene Read By The Author (Caedmon TC 1555)
Herbert, Frank: Frank Herbert Reads His God Emperor of Dune (Caedmon TC 1694)
Herbert, Frank: Sandworms of Dune Read By The Author (Caedmon TC 1565)
Hermodsson, Elisabet: Vad gör vi med sommaren, kamrater? (Propius Böcker & Musik PROP 7724).
Hermodsson, Elisabet: Vakna med en sommarsjäl (Caprice CAP 1134).
Hernandez, Miguel: Poesias De Miguel Hernandez En Las Voces De Nuria Espert, Augustin Gonzalez, and Jose-
Miguel Velloso (La Palabra GPE 12 102). The voice of Hernandez is not heard on this LP. Note that a 30-
page booklet with the poems which are read is enclosed.
Hesse, Hermann: Hermann Hesse Liest (Suhrkamp, no catalogue number).
Hiebert, Paul: Paul Hiebert Reads Sarah Binks (Menno Classics MS-102). The back sleeve notes that Hiebert made
this recording in 1972. Hiebert’s reading comprises all of side one. Side two is comprised of a Canadian
actor, John Friesen, reading the non-fiction memoirs of a cellist.
Highwater, Jamake: Anpao: An American Indian Odyssey (Folkways FC 7776).
Hojholt, Per: Gittes Monologer: Laest Af Forfatteren (Edition After Hand; no catalogue number).
Hojholt, Per: Gittes Monologer: Nye Gitte monologer (Olga 83003).
Hojholt, Per: Hjaelp! (Teldec Mouse record LP 10004).
Hollander, John: John Hollander Reads His Own Works: Yale Series of Younger Poets (Decca 9143).
Hollander, John: John Hollander Reads His Own Works: Yale Series of Younger Poets (Decca 9143). Second copy.
Hollander, John: Yale Series of Recorded Poets John Hollander (Carillon Records YP316).
Hooft, Oren Aan: Camerata Trajectina (Eurosound VNM RS 1002).
Horace: Odes of Horace: Eighteen Odes of Qintus Horatius Flaccus Read in Latin By Dr. John F.C. Richards
(Folkways SL 9968) [complete with booklet].
Huelsenbeck, Richard: Four Poems From Phantastiche Gebete, read by the author, recorded in New York City in
1967 [[this is a 7-inch record originally included in Aspen Magazine, Nos. 5-6; I have the record but no
sleeve [was there a sleeve?] or the magazine itself. The flip side features a reading by Marcel Duchamp]
Filed under Duchamp.
Hughes, Langston and Sterling Brown: Sterling Brown and Langston Hughes (Folkways FL 9790). Includes an
illustrated sheet with an introductory essay about the authors by Arna Bontemps. Cover art by Jacob
Hughes, Langston and Sterling Brown: Sterling Brown and Langston Hughes (Folkways FL 9790). Includes an
illustrated sheet with an introductory essay about the authors by Arna Bontemps. Cover art by Jacob
Lawrence. Second copy.
Hughes, Langston and Sterling Brown: Sterling Brown and Langston Hughes (Folkways FL 9790). Includes an
illustrated sheet with an introductory essay about the authors by Arna Bontemps. Third copythis with with
library sticker scars on front sleeve.
Hughes, Langston: Black Verse: 12 Moods for Jazz, The [LP and sleeve are only in fair condition] (Buddah BDS
Hughes, Langston: Dream Keeper And Other Poems Of Langston Hughes Read By The Author (Folkways FC 7104).
10-inch record.
Hughes, Langston: Glory Of Negro History, The (Folkways FC 7752). Complete with booklet.
Hughes, Langston: Langston Hughes and Margaret Danner: Writers of the Revolution (Black Forum BB 453).
Hughes, Langston: Langston Hughes and Margaret Danner: Writers of the Revolution (Black Forum BB 453).
Second copy.
Hughes, Langston: Rhythms of the World, The (Folkways FC 7340).
Hughes, Langston: Weary Blues (Verve VSP/VSPS-36). This album features Hughes reading 33 poems with
eminent jazz musicians playing behind him. Most of the music was composed specifically for these
readings, and even includes improvised material by Charles Mingus.
Hughes, Ted: Battle of Aughrim By Richard Murphy, The, read by Ted Hughes et alia (Claddagh CCT 7).
Hughes, Ted: Crow (Claddagh CCT9-10).
Hughes, Ted: John Wain AND Ted Hughes: Poets Reading No.5 (Jupiter JEP 0C27). Seven-inch record. Filed
under Wain.
Hughes, Ted: Poetry and Voice of Ted Hughes, The (Caedmon TC 1535).
Hughes, Ted: Selections from Crow and Wodwo Read by the Poet (Caedmon TC 1628) [ex-library copy, otherwise
Husch, Hans Dieter: Nacht-Vorstellung (Intercord 180.008).
Huxley, Aldous: Aldous Huxley Reading From “Brave New World” [in the boxed set Columbia Literary Series]
(ML 4753) was a separate sleeve ever made for this LP?
Huxley, Aldous: Speaking Personally (Caedmon TC 2074).
Inge, William: Bus Stop (Caedmon TC 1772).
Ionesco, Eugene: Chairs, The [with Ionesco as “The Orator”] (Caedmon TRS 323-M: a two-record set).
Ionesco, Eugene: Chairs, The [with Ionesco as “The Orator”] (Caedmon TRS 323-M: a two-record set). Second
Ionesco, Eugene: Chaises, Les (LVA 15) [the entire album is the voice of Ionesco].
Ionesco, Eugene: Vase, La (LVA 27).
Isherwood, Christopher: Christopher Isherwood Reads (Pelican LP 2004).
Isherwood, Christopher: Christopher Isherwood Reads From His “Goodbye to Berlin” (Caedmon TC 1752).
Isherwood, Christopher: Christopher Isherwood Reads From His “Goodbye to Berlin” [part of the boxed set of
albums in the Columbia Literary Series] (ML 4760) was a separate sleeve under the Columbia label ever
made of this LP?
Isherwood, Christopher: Selections from the “Bhagavad-Gita” Read by Zia Mohyeddin With an Introduction Read
by Christopher Isherwood (Caedmon TC 1249).
Isou, Isidore: Poemes Lettristes 1944-1999 (Alga Marghen, no cata;pgue number). Pressing limited to 500 copies.
Jackson, Shirley: “Daimon Lover, The”, and “The Lottery” As Read By Shirley Jackson (Folkways FL 9728).
Jackson, Shirley: “Daimon Lover, The”, and “The Lottery” As Read By Shirley Jackson (Folkways FL 9728).
Second copy.
Jaeger, Frank: Djaevelens Instrument (Louisiana Gyldendal Grammafonplader LGLP 3004). Back sleeve features
an original essay by Neils Barfoed.
James, Clive: Charles Charming’s Challenges: On The Pathway To The Throne (DLART 3).
James, Clive: Charles Charming’s Challenges: On The Pathway To The Throne (DLART 3). Second copy.
James: C.L.R.: Black Academy of Arts & Letters First Annual Awards Banquet (Sussex Records; no catalogue
number) [James makes a speech while accepting an award]
Janeway, Elizabeth: Woman’s Role In Society: Elizabeth Janeway, Novelist, Interviewed by Selma Greenberg
(Classroom Materials Company CM 1176)
Jarrell, Randall: Bat Poet (Caedmon TC 1364)
Jarrell, Randall: Randall Jarrell Reads and Discusses His Poems Against War (Caedmon TC 1363).
Jaspers, Karl: Werden wir richtig informiert? (Frankfurt: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Frankfurt/Main
Jimenez, Juan Ramon: Juan Ramon Jimenez Reading His Poetry in Spanish (Caedmon TC 1079)
Jimenez, Juan Ramon: Poesias De Juan Ramon Jimenez En Las Voces De Berta Riaza, Fernando Fernan Gomez,
and Augustin Gonzalez (La Palabra GPE 12 106). The voice of Jimenez is not heard on this LP. A 30-page
booklet with the poems of Jimenez which are read is enclosed.
Johannessen, Matthias: Dagur Ei Meir Morgunn I Mai (Falkinn FA-049)
John Paul II: Live In America: Official Commemorative Recording (Bethlehem BA-5555).
Johnson, Denis: Spoken Arts Treasury of Jonathan Swift’s “Gulliver’s Travels” Read by Denis Johnston (SA 856).
Jones, David: Readings From “The Anathemata” (excerpts), “In Parenthesis” (excerpts), and “The Hunt” (Argo
RG 520).
Jones, Gwyn: Horizons West: A Series of Talks By Gwyn Jones (BBC Transcription Service.
Jones, James: James Jones Reads James Jones (CMS-552).
Jong, Erica: Fear of Flying (Spoken Arts SA 1140).
Jordan, June: Things That I Do In The Dark (Spoken Arts SA 1142).
Joyce, James: James Joyce Reading “Ulysses” and “Finnegans Wake” (Caedmon TC 1340).
Joyce, James: Meeting of James Joyce Society On October 23, 1951. Includes “Finnegans Wake: Reading
Explanations From First and Last Pages”. Also “Peaches Browning, New Patience Mookse and The
Gripes” by Prof. Joseph Campbell. Also Reading and Discussion on “Exiles” and “Pomes Pennyeach” by
P. Colum. Also James Joyce Reading Anna Livia Plurabelle (Folkways FP 93-94) [Seams of the boxed
sleeve are split] [filed under Padriac Colum].
Kaleko, Mascha: Mascha Kalenko Spricht Mascha Kaleko (Decca DSD 13709). Ten-inch record.
Kant, Hermann: Hermann Kant Liest “Der Dritte Nagel.” (Litera 8 60 383).
Kant, Hermann: Hermann Kant Liest “Der Dritte Nagel.” (Litera 8 60 383). Second copy.
Kant, Hermann: Hermann Kant liest aus seinem Roman “Die Aula” (Litera 8 60 129).
Kaschnitz, Marie Luise: Marie Luise Kaschnitz liest Gedichte und Erzahlungen (Heliodor Bibliothek 2571-015).
Kavanagh, Patrick: Almost Everything Written & Spoken by Patrick Kavanagh (Claddagh CCT 1).
Keens-Douglas, Paul: One To One: Paul Keens-Douglas Live At The Little Carib (Tim Tim 111; PK-D 003 Mono).
Keens-Douglas, Paul: Tim Tim: The Dialect Of Paul Keens-Douglas (Keensdee Records PK-D 001). Recorded live
(1976?) in Port of Spain, Trinidad. Manufactured in Barbados.
Kelley, William Melvin: William Melvin Kelley Reads His Own Works (CMS-525).
Kempowski, Walter: Walter Kempowski Aus “Tadelloser & Wolf” und “Uns geht’s Ja Noch Gold” Gelesen Vom
Autor (DG Stereo 2570 006).
Kenney, Nick: Nick Kenney Reads Nick Kenney (Dot Records 3427).
Kerouac, Jack: Jack Kerouac Collection, The. This is a boxed set of four LPs, three of which are reissues of albums
which were first commercially released in 1959and one LP which appears for the first time, featuring
excerpts from a 1958 Brandeis University conference titled “Is There A Beat Generation?” and selections
from Kerouac’s appearance with Steve Allen on the “Tonight Show”. The reissues, which replicate the
original sleeves, are of the albums “Poetry For The Beat Generation” and “Blues And Haikus” and
“Readings By Jack Kerouac On The Beat Generation.” The booklet which accompanies the boxed set
features several photos as well as essays of varying length (most of which seem to have been written for this
booklet) on Kerouac by such authors as Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs, Gerald Nicosia, Jan Kerouac,
Steve Allen, and Michael McClure. The booklet also contains a very good history of the recording sessions
of the original three albums.
King, Alexander and Margie King: Love And Hisses (United Artists UAL 3116).
King, Alexander: Alexander King Reads From His Bestseller “Mine Enemy Grows Older” And Other Stories
(Urania Records UX 120).
Kinnell, Galway: Galway Kinnell Reads [with Andrew Glaze] (Poseidon Society 1003).
Kinnell, Galway: Poetry and Voice of Galway Kinnell (Caedmon TC 1502).
Kinsella, Thomas: Fair Eleanor, O Christ Thee Save: Poems by Thomas Kinsella (Claddagh CCT 6).
Kipling, Rudyard: The Actual Voices of [with Conan Doyle and Shawthis is probably a bootleg record] (Audio
Rarities) [filed under “a” in Anthology LPs].
Kipling, Rudyard: Kipling. Read by Michael Bates, Richard Johnson, and Patrick Wymark (Argo Mono PLP 1055).
Note: Kipling is NOT heard on this album.
Knef, Hildegard: Das Urteil (Philips 6641 320). While best-known as one of the finest actors in postwar Germany,
Knef also wrote an autobiography and the novel Das Urteil, a large passage of which she reads on this LP.
Knef, Hildegard: Singt Cole Porter (Decca Stereo 6315).
Knowles, John: John Knowles Reading from A I Piece [with William Styron] (CMS-521) [filed under Stryon, Wm.].
Koch, Kenneth: Kenneth Koch Reading His Poems (Spoken Arts SA 1154).
Kosinski, Jerzy: Selected Readings From “The Painted Bird” Read ByThe Author (CMS 516).
Kramer, Aaron: Serenade (Folkways FL 9703).
Kroetz, Franz Xaver: Franz X. Kroetz Liest “Wunschkonzert” Von Franz Xaver Kroetz (Intercord LiteraSeries 26
554 6H).
Kromer, Helen and Frederick Silver: For Heaven’s Sake! (New York: Christian Society for Drama, 1961). No
catalogue number.
Kross, Jaan: [Reading poems in Estonian on an LP with Ellen Niit. Filed under Niit.].
Kunitz, Stanley: Antiworlds [Kunitz et alia read their translations of the poems of Voznesensky] (Columbia OL-
6590) filed under Voznesensky.
Kunitz, Stanley: Stanley Kunitz Reads From His Own Works: Yales Series of Recorded Poets (Decca DL 9131).
Kupferberg, Tuli: No Deposit, No Return (ESP Records ESP 1035).
Kupferberg, Tuli: Tuli And Friends (Shimmy Disc, no cat. Nnumber.).
Kurtz, Aaron: Marc Chagall (Folkways FL9949).
Ladik, Katalin: Phonopoetica (no label or catalogue number) [she is a Serbian sound poet; this 7-inch record was
produced in Belgrade in 1976].
Lagerlöf, Selma: Selma Lagerlöf (Sveriges Radio RELP 5009).
Lainez, Manuel Mujica: Manuel Mujica Lainez: Por El Mismo (Documentas 123-6). Includes his reading of his
own translation of five sonnets by Shakespeare. Some water staining to front sleeve upper left.
Lambeth, Lavon: Spoken Emotion: Man And His Awareness (VEL LL-101).
Lamont, Corliss: Author Corliss Lamont Sings (Folkways FS 3567)
Lara, Jesus: Poesia Y Prosa (Casa de la Americas/Palabra de esta America 31).
Larkin, Philip: High Windows: British Poets Of Our Time: Philip Larkin (Argo Mono PLP 1202). Essay on back
sleeve written for this LP by Clive James. Sleeve split along top edge.
Lasnier, Rina: Ecrivains du Québec No. 2 (Fides; no cat. No.).
Laurence, Margaret: Songs from the Novel “The Diviners” (Heorte Music/Quality Records).
Laws, John: Just You and Me Together Love: Poems of John Laws Set to Music by Henry Mancini (RCA, AFL1-
2362 Stereo).
Laxness, Halldor: Tveir Pjodskorungar Islenzkra Bokmentta (Parlophone-Odeon Mono CPMA 9).
Layton, Irving: Audio Recording of Layton reading from “The Improved Binoculars” apparently before the book
was published. The recording was made, it would seem, in New York City circa the summer of 1956. The
LP itself seems to be a non-commercial release, perhaps sent to the participants beforehand. For some
reason, my copy ios enclosed within a sleeve for an event which has nothing to do with Layton, although he
has autographed the front sleeve.
Layton, Irving: Irving Layton at Le Hibou (Posterity PTR 13001).
Layton, Irving: Untitled [with cover by Harold Town] (Caedmon ML-7002).
Leacock, Stephen: John Drainie Reads Stephen Leacock (Melbourne SMLP 4015).
Leautaud, Paul: Annees d’Apprentissage Littéraire, Les: Entretiens de Robert Mallet et Paul Léautaud (RTF
Disques Ades 13.102).
Leautaud, Paul: Betes, Les: Entretiens de Robert Mallet et Paul Léautaud (RTF Disques Ades 13.106).
Leautaud, Paul: Enfance, L’: Entretiens de Robert Mallet et Paul Léautaud (RTF Disques Ades 13.101).
Leautaud, Paul: Entretiens de Robert Mallet et Paul Leautaud: Les Poetes d’Aujourd’hui: Le Petit Ami (Disques
Ades 19.025).
Leautaud, Paul: Entretiens de Robert Mallet et Paul Leautaud: Les Poetes d’Aujourd’hui: L’Enfance ET Les Annees
d’Apprentissage Litteraire (Disques Ades 19.023).
Leautaud, Paul: Mort, La: Entretiens de Robert Mallet et Paul Léautaud (RTF Disques Ades 13.105).
Leautaud, Paul: Petit Ami, Le: Entretiens de Robert Mallet et Paul Léautaud (RTF Disques Ades 13.104).
Leautaud, Paul: Poetes d’aujourd’hui, Les: Entretiens de Robert Mallet et Paul Léautaud (RTF Disques Ades
Lee, Dennis: Alligator Pie (Caedmon TC 1530).
Lee, Laurie: Laurie Lee Reads From “Cider With Rosie” [complete with booklet] (Argo ZSW-593-5).
Lee, Laurie: Poets Reading No.3: Laurie Lee and Chtistopher Logue: A Jupiter Recording (JEP 0C16) [NB that this
is a 7-inch record].
LeGuin, Ursula K.: Gwilian’s Harp (Caedmon TC 1556).
LeGuin, Ursula K.: Ones Who Walk Away From Omelos (Alternate World Recordings 7476).
Leiber, Fritz: Gonna Roll The Bones (Alternate World Recordings AWR 3239).
Lenz, Siegfried: Deutschstunde: Siegfried Lenz Liest Aus Seinem Roman (DG 1140 046)
Lenz, Siegfried: So Zartlich War Suleyken: Siegfried Lenz Liest Funf Masurische Geschichten (DG 140 033).
Lessing, Doris: Golden Notebook (Caedmon TC 1753).
Levine, Philip: Poetry and Voice of Philip Levine, The (Caedmon TC 1503).
Lewis, C. Day: Anthology of English Verse, Volume One, [Read by C. Day Lewis and some actors]. (Folkways FL
Lewis, C. Day: Battle of Aughrim By Richard Murphy, The, [read by C.D. Lewis, Ted Hughes, et alia] (Claddagh
Lewis, C. Day: British Poets of Our Time: C.Day Lewis (Argo Mono PLP 1187).
Lewis, C. Day: C.Day Lewis Reads From His Own Works (Decca DL 9139).
Lewis, C. Day: Conversation Pieces (Folkways FL 9880) [note that Day Lewis is the only author among several
other peoplepresumably actorsreading various literary texts on this album.].
Lewis, C. Day: Georgics of Virgil Read by C. Day Lewis (Argo RG 27) [remainder punch holeotherwise sleeve is
in excellent condition].
Lewis, C. Day: Georgics of Virgil Read by C. Day Lewis (Spoken Arts SA 733) [sleeve in poor condition].
Lewis, C. Day: Junior Anthology of English Verse, The: Volume 2. Reading by C.Day Lewis and several actors (jur
Lewis, C. Day: People Past And Present: Thomas Hardy. Devised by John Carroll. Readings by C. Day Lewis and
actors. (Argo Stereo ZPL 1164).
Lewis, C. Day: Poetry of C. Day Lewis (Spoken Arts SA 1068)
Lewis, C. Day: Poets Reading No.1. [Day Lewis reads 4 poems and Edith Sitwell reads 4 poems. Record is filed
under “Sitwell”. (Jupiter Recording JEP 00C1) [Note that this is a 7-inch record].
Lewis, C. Day: Voice and Pen of C. Day Lewis (Saga PSY-30004)
Lewis, Janet: Janet Lewis Reading At Stanford (no catalogue number).
Lewis, Sinclair: “Mr President” From FDR To Eisenhower (RCA Victor Red Seal Records. LM 1753). Sinclair
Lewis is one of many voices commenting on specific presidents but he is the only creative writer in the
Lewis, Wyndham: artscanada Presents “Wyndham Lewis Recalled.” Marshall McLuhan Recalls Lewis AND
Wyndham Lewis Reads His Poem “Song Of The Militant Romance” From “One-Way Song (Faber & Faber
1933; Methuen 1960. Recorded at Harvard University, 1940. This 7-inch record was included with the
magazine artscanada, November 1967, Volume XXIV, No.11.
Lewis, Wyndham: Ultramarine (Les Disques du Crepuscle TWI 890).
Lifshin, Lyn: Offered By Owner: Lyn Lifshin Reading Her Own Poems (NSA 703)
Lindsay, Vachel: Vachel Lindsay Poetry [Read by his son] (Caedmon TC 1216)
Lindsay, Vachel: Vachel Lindsay Reading “The Congo”, “Chinese Nightingale” and Other Poems (Caedmon TC
1041) [librarian’s brief handwritten notes on front sleeve, otherwise fine]
Lindsay, Vachel: Vachel Lindsay Reading “The Congo”, “Chinese Nightingale” and Other Poems (Caedmon TC
1041) [near mint copy]
Lindsay, Vachel: Vachel Lindsay Reading His Poem “The Chinese Nightingale” part 4 and part 5 [no side numbers
shown on label] [10-inch records]
Lindsay, Vachel: Vachel Lindsay Reading His Poem “The Congo” [marked as Side 15 and 16] [10-inch record]
Lindsay, Vachel: Vachel Lindsay Reading His Poems “General William Booth Enters Into Heaven”; also “The
Moon’s The North Wind’s Cooky” [marked as sides 31 and 32] {10-inch record}
Lindsay, Vachel: Vachel Lindsay Reading His Poems “The Flower Fed Buffaloes”; also The Chinese Nightingale”
part 1, 2, and 3 [marked as sides 27 and 28] {10-inch record} ------ all 4 of these 78 rpm Vachel Lindsay
records are labelled “The National Council of Teachers of English” and “as originally recorded for
William Cabell Greet” and “Contemporary Poets Series D9-CB-1904” with the final four digits of this
latter number changing according to the record in question. Because the sides are actually numbered
on three of the four records, it would seem that there were many more than just four 78s of Lindsay
reading (or possibly Lindsay and other poets reading. The Vachel Lindsay recordings are dated
Lindt, Marion: Marion Lindt spricht (Munich: Grafe und Unzer Verlag). This is a 7-inch record played at 45 rpm.
Lingen, Theo: Erinnerung An Theo Lingen (Litera 8 65 336). East German pressing.
Lipchitz, Jacques: Jacques Lipchitz In The Sum And The Substance: A dialogue On Contemporary Values With
Herman Harvey. The flip side has an interview by Herman Harvey with muscian Gregor Piatgorsky (no
number cited. Modern Learning Aids).
Lobel, Arnold: Frog And Toad Are Friends (Newberry Award Records NAR 3090) [NB, the author does not read on
this album)
Logue, Christopher: Death Of Patroclus, The: Book XVI Of Homer’s “Iliad”. Adapated by Christopher Logue.
Read by Christopher Logue and Vanessa Redgrave among other actors (77 Records 77LT 12/1).
Logue, Christopher: Death Of Patroclus, The: Book XVI Of Homer’s “Iliad”. Adapated by Christopher Logue.
Read by Christopher Logue and Vanessa Redgrave among other actors (77 Records 77LT 12/1). Second
Logue, Christopher: Poets Reading No.3: Laurie Lee and Christopher Logue: A Jupiter Recording (JEP 0C16) [NB
that this is a 7-inch record] [filed under Laurie Lee]
Logue, Christopher: Red Bird Jazz And Poetry (Parlorphone GEP 8765). This is an extended-play 7-inch record of
Logue reading his poems with the Tony Kinsey Quintet.
Longley, Michael: Words Alone: Michael Longley & Derek Mahon Read Their Own Poems (Outlet Recording
Company AOL5000).
Loos, Anita: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (original Broadway cast album) (Columbia ML 4290)
Lopez, Barry: River Notes: The Dance Of Herons (Wind Over The Earth Records, no catalogue number).
Lorca, Federico Garcia: Federico Garcia Lorca Poems. Read by Alan Wheatkey (Argo Westminster SWN 18098)
Lorca, Federico Garcia: Poesia y Drama (Caedmon TC 1067) [Note that Garcia Lorca does not read on this
albumrather, poems are read by Maria Douglas and Raul Dantes, presumably actors)
Lowell, Robert: Benito Cereno. Presented by The American Place Theater. Directed by Jonathan Miller. Boxed
set iof 2 LPs with large booklet documenting the production.(Columbia DOL 319). Lowell does not speak
on this album.
Lowell, Robert: Reading, A (Caedmon TC 1569)
Lowell, Robert: Twentieth Century Poetry in English: Robert Lowell Reading His Own Poems (Library of Congress
PL32-33) [front sleeve features a yellow-green duotone of a US Civil War army marching, over which is
printed in black Lowell’s face] {ex-library copy}. Booklet enclosed.
Lunch, Lydia: Oral Fization: Spoken Word (Widowspeak Productions; no cat. No.).
Lundbye, Vagn: Hvalsange (Radius, no catalogue number). Recorded in 1983.
Lurie, Toby: Word Music (CMS 615).
Lurie. Toby: Mirror Images: The Poetry of Toby Lurie (Accent ACS 5079).
MacCaig, Norman: The Way I Say It (Claddagh CCA-4).
MacColl, Evan: Singing Streets, The, : Childhood Memories of Ireland and Scotland with Evan MacColl and
Dominic Behan (Folkways FW 8501) [top seam is split].
MacDiarmid, Hugh: Drunk Man Looks At The Thistle, A, (Claddagh 1-2).
MacDiarmid, Hugh: Hugh MacDiarmid (Claddagh Records CCT5). Lower right corner is bent and torn.
MacDiarmid, Hugh: Hugh MacDiarmid Reads His Own Poetry (Claddagh Records CCT5) [NB that the sleeve has
substantial water damage but record seems unscratched].
MacDiarmid, Hugh: Legend And The Man, The: Readings From Burns And MacDiarmid By Hugh MacDiarmid
(Major Minor Records, MMLP31)
MacDiarmid, Hugh: Whaur Extremes Meet (Tuatha TU1).
MacEwan, Gwendolyn: Open Secret (Toronto: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1972).
MacLeish, Archibald: Archibald MacLeish Reads His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1009). First state sleeve.
MacLeish, Archibald: Archibald MacLeish Reads His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1009). Second state sleeve.
MacLeish, Archibald: Archibald MacLeish Reads His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1009). Second state sleeve.Second
MacLeish, Archibald: Eight Noted Americans Examine “The National Purpose.” Features speeches by Adlai
Stevenson, Walter Lippmann, Billy Graham, Archibald MacLeish, Albert Wohlstetter, David Sarnoff,
Clinton Rossiter, and John Gardner. Produced [in 1960] as a public service in cooperation with Life
Magazine and the New York Times by the Westinghouse Broadcasting Company. Introduced by John
Jessup. Boxed set of four LPs. Some seam-splitting to one edge.
MacLeish, Archibald: Emerson’s Essay on Education read by Archibald MacLeish (Caedmon TC 1358).
MacLeish, Archibald: Great American Fourth of July Parade, The, [first recording of the world premiere of this
play written by MacLeish, April 1975; MacLeish apparently does not speak on the record] (CBS P 13246).
MacLeish, Archibald: JB (RCA Victor Living Stereo). Note that MacLeish wrote an Introductor essay especially for
this recording. The essay is published in the fulsome booklet which accompanies this LP set, and MacLeish
reads this essay for this recording. The rest of the recording is comprised of the Elia Kazan production of the
Pulitzer Prize-winning created specifically for this albumunder the personal supervision of the author. The
lead actors were Raymond Massey, Christopher Plummer, and James Daly. The booklet also contains a
number of photos from the stage version of the play with the same actors and director. The records and
booklet are contained in a decorous slipcase with a faux-spine mimicing a leather-bound book.
MacLeish, Archibald: Reads His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1009).
MacLeish, Archibald: Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience read by Archibald MacLeish (Caedmon TC 1263).
MacLeish, Archibald: Walden Read by Archibald MacLeish (Caedmon TC 1261).
MacLiammoir, Michael: Canterbury Tales, The: The Miller’s Tale AND The Pardoner’s Tale. Read in Modern
English by Stanley Holloway and Michael MacLiammoir (Caedmon TC 1130).
MacLiammoir, Michael: Faerie Queene And Epithalamion Of Edmund Spenser, The. Read by Michael
MacLiammoir (Caedmon TC 1126).
MacLiammoir, Michael: Faerie Queene And Epithalamion Of Edmund Spenser, The. Read by Michael
MacLiammoir (Caedmon TC 1126). Second copy.
MacLiammoir, Michael: Importance of Being Oscar, The (Columbia OL 5690).
MacLiammoir, Michael: I Must Be talking To My Friends: Michael MacLiammoir Introducing Ireland’s Poets,
Wits, And Revolutionaries In An Entertainment (Argo Mono SW 505).
MacLiammoir, Michael: Ireland Free (Spoken Arts SA 749).
MacLiammoir, Michael: Michael MacLiammoir in the Edwards-MacLiammor Dublin Gate Theatre Production of
“The Importance Of Being Oscar (Part 2)” (CBS Classics 61160).
MacLiammoir, Michael: Richard Brinsley Sheridan “The Rivals” with Dame Edith Evans, Michael MacLiammoir
et alia (Caedmon Mono TC 2020 M).
MacLiammoir, Michael: Shakespeare “King Lear” Hilton Edwards & Michael MacLiammor Dublin Gate Theatre
Production (Spoken Arts SA 784).
MacLiammoir, Michael: Shakespeare “Merry Wives of Windsor” with Michael Macliammoir and Anthony Quayle
(Shakespeare Recordin Society/Caedmon SRS 203).
MacLiammoir, Michael: Shakespeare “Othello” Hilton Edwards and Michael MacLiammoir Dublin Gate Theatre
Production (Spoken Arts SA 783).
Macliammoir, Michael: Stravinsky: The Soldier’s Tale, with Rudolph Nureyev, Glenda Jackson and Michael
MacLiammoir (Argo ZNF 15).
MacNeice, Louis: Homage to Dylan Thomas (Argo PLP-1060 [filed under Thomas, Dylan]. [Louis MacNeice et alia
speaking and reading].
MacNeice, Louis: Homage to Dylan Thomas (Westminster XWN 18076) [filed under Thomas, Dylan]. [Louis
MacNeice et alia speaking and reading].
MacNeice, Louis: Louis MacNeice Reads From His Own Works/Yale Series of Recorded Poets (Decca DL 9141)
sleeve is hold punched in three different places.
MacNeice, Louis: Louis MacNeice Reads Selected Poems (Argo Mono PLP 1065).
Mahon, Derek: Derek Mahon Reads His Poetry (Claddagh CCT 11).
Mahon, Derek: Words Alone: Michael Longley & Derek Mahon Read Their Own Poems (Outlet Recording
Company AOL5000). Fuiled under “Longley, Michael.”
Mailer, Norman: Bullfight (CBS-32-A5-0007-1).
Mailer, Norman: Norman Mailer Reads Norman Mailer (Prestige 7682).
Mailer, Norman: Norman Mailer Reads Norman Mailer (Prestige Lively Arts LA 30009).
Maillet, Antonine: La Sagouine (London XDEF-1090).
Malamud, Bernard: Bernard Malamud Reading “The Mourners” [with Philip Roth] (CMS-520).
Malraux, André: Antimemoires: Entretiens Avec Pierre de Boisdeffre. Archives Sonores de la radio-diffusion
Television Francaise (Disques Ades 13.110).
Malraux, André: Hommage de la France a Jean Moulin: Discours prononce par M. Andre Malraux, Ministre d’Etat
en presence de du General de Gaulle, President de la Republique Francaise (RTF, no catalogue number).
Malraux, André: Paris Liberé (Philips Medium R 76.471 R). ten-inch record.
Malraux, André: Questions que posent les Antimemoires, Les: André Malraux répond aux jeunes (Select SC-13.027
Manger, Jürgen Von: Stegreif-Geschicten (Philips 48.014.L)
Mann, Thomas: Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull: Musterungsszene Gelesen Von Thomas Mann (Eterna 8
60 001).
Mann, Thomas: Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull: Musterungsszene Gelesen Von Thomas Mann (Eterna 8
60 001). Second copy.
Mann, Thomas: Bekenntnisse Des Hochstaplers Felix Krull (Litera 8 60 001). This pressing and sleeve seem to
postdate the Eterna 8 60 001 pressing with equivalent data.
Mann, Thomas: Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull: Musterungsszene Gelesen Von Thomas Mann (Deutsche
Grammaphon Gesellschaft 43004).
Mann, Thomas: Eisenbahnungluck, Das (deutsche Schallplattenclub C 05). Ten-inch record.
Mann, Thomas: Schwere Stunde: Der Dichter spricht (Telefunken PLB 6160).
Mann, Thomas: Selections From His Writings Read In German By The Author, Read In English By Max Adrian
(Caedmon TC 2032).
Mann, Thomas: Selections From His Writings Read In German By The Author, Read In English By Max Adrian
(Caedmon TC 2032). Second copy.
Mann, Thomas: Thomas Mann liest aus seinem Roman “Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull (Frankfurt: S.
Fischer Verlag, n.d.). [the front sleeve is slightly different from the front sleeve of S. Fischer Verlag M33,
and the back sleeve is substantially differenthowever, both records would seem to have the same content
as Eterna 8 60 001].
Mann, Thomas: Thomas Mann liest aus Tonio Kruger (DG-43070)
Mann, Thomas: Thomas Mann liest die Musterungsszene aus seinen Roman Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers.Felix
Krull (Ariola-Athena 70066 KW). [Same as Eterna 8 60 001?]
Mann, Thomas: Thomas Mann liest die Musterungsszene aus seinen Roman Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix
Krull (the record label seems to be S.F.V. [which is presumably S. Fischer Verlag] M33). Sleeve is in poor
condition. [Contents same as Eterna 8 60 001?].
Mann, Thomas: Thomas Mann liest reads lit Felix Krull (Eurodisc 88 521 XAW). Back sleeve features trilingual
Mann, Thomas: Thomas Mann Liest Thomas Mann (DG 2755 008). Boxed set of four LPs.
Mann, Thomas: Thomas Mann Reading in German (Caedmon TC 1004) I have three copies of this. Two would
seem to be the originals, in that they have a blue background overprinted with crossed burgundy-coloured
keys and black medieval-looking keys in the style of the early 1950s. These two are actually titled
“Selections From His Writings Read By The Author” whereas the third LP with the TC number 1004 is titled
“Thomas Mann Reading In German” and features a light brown front sleeve with an image of an early
Christian man chained to the top of a small island with a fish in lower left of image. All three have the same
essay by Monika Mann on the back sleeve.
Mann, Thomas: Thomas Mann spricht Uber Die Entstehung Der “Buddenbrooks” Aus Einem Rundfunkvortrag.
Danksagung anlasslich Der Verleihung Der Ehrenburgerrechte Der Stadt Lubeck “Die Fischer Von Sankt
Dunstan” Aus “Der Erwahlte.” (Frankfurt: S. Fischer Verlag, 1975). No catalogue number.
Mann, Thomas: Thomas Mann spricht “Das Eisenbahnungluck” und “Das Wunderkind” (Litera 8 60 113).
Mann, Thomas: Thomas Mann spricht: Versuch uber Schiller (DG 43005).
Mannion, Michael B.: Michael B. Mannion: The Bard Of Kensington (Tuba Records TUBA 1). Inscribed to two
different parties.
Mansfield, Katherine: Garden Party Bliss Read by Celia Johnson (Caedmon TC 1133). Ex-library.
Marcel, Gabriel: Stimmen Der Denker; Gehorsam Und Treue (Freiburg: Christophorus Verlag: CLX 72 169). 10-
inch record.
Marquand, John P.: Late George Apley (CMS-585)
Marquand, John P.: Sun, Sea and Sand (CMS-586/2)
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia: La Voz de Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Colecciones HJCK serie literaria, volumen xxiii lp
Marshall, Lenore G.: The Poems of Lenore G. Marshall (Spoken Arts SA 746)
Martin, Steve: Comedy Is Not Pretty (Warner Bros. No catalogue number).
Martin, Steve: Comedy Is Not Pretty (Warner Bros. No catalogue number). Second copy.
Martin, Steve: Comedy Is Not Pretty (Warner Bros. No catalogue number). Third copynote that this copy carries
on the front sleeve a large decal with a warning (signed “Steve”) to alert potential buyers about the language
on the record.
Martin, Steve: Comedy Is Not Pretty. “Special Radio Sampler From The Album”. Promotional CopyNot for
Martin, Steve: Let’s Get Small (Warner Bros. No catalogue number).
Martin, Steve: Let’s Get Small (Warner Bros. No catalogue number). Second copy.
Martin, Steve: Steve Martin And The Toot Uncommons (Warner WBS 8577). This is a seven-inch record made in
1978 which features a photo of Martin playing an electric guitar on the sleeve front and back.
Martin, Steve: Wild and Crazy Guy, A (Warner Brothers; no catalogue number).
Masefield, John: “Fortune of the Sea, The” and “The Wanderer’s Image” (Argo PLP 1068 Mono).
Masefield, John: “Fortune of the Sea, The” and “The Wanderer’s Image” (Argo PLP 1068 Mono) Second copy
seam split
Masefield, John: Fox’s Day, A (Argo RG 224)
Masefield, John: Homage to Shakespeare (Argo 2629 NF4) [an album featuring several noted actors and critics
reading passages from Shakespeare; Masefield is the only creative writer among the participants; he reads
Milton’s “Sonnet to Shakespeare”]
Masefield, John: John Masefield Reading Sea Fever (Caedmon TC 1147).
Masefield, John: John Masefield Reads “The Story of Ossian” (Argo RG 178).
Masefield, John: John Masefield Reads “The Story of Ossian” (Spoken Arts SA 755).
Masefield, John: John Masefield, English Poet Laureate, Reads His “Western Hudson Shore” (Folkways FL 9843).
Masefield, John: John Masefield, O.M., Reads “Fortune of the Sea (Argo RG 230)
Mason, James: “A Shropshire Lad” and Other Poetry of A.E. Housman read by James Mason (Caedmon TC 1203).
Mason, James: Mary Shelley Frankenstein abridged. Read by James Mason (Caedmon TC 1541).
Mason, James: Poetry Of Browning (Caedmon TC 1048).
Mason, James: Robert Browning: My Last Duchess And Other Poems Read By James Mason (Caedmon TC 1201).
Masten, Ric: Living, Dying, and Carrying On (Dept of Education and Social Concern, Boston, Mass., Mono 72875).
Matras, Christian: 15 Yrkingar (no record label cited, no catalogue number). Includes the inner sleeve in mint
condition on which the text of the poems which are read are printed.
Maugham, W. Somerset: “The Happy Couple” and “The Wash Tub”: A Distinguished Author Reading From His
Work: W. Somerset Maugham (Columbia LP Record ClubLimited Edition, Not For SaleBonus Record.
“This long-playing record is your bonus from the Columbia LP Record Club and is available only to club
members.” (CB-13).
Maugham, W. Somerset: “The Three Fat Women of Antibes” and “Gigolo and Gigolette” Read By The Author W.
Somerset Maugham (Caedmon TC 1721).
Maugham, W. Somerset: Columbia Literary Series (Columbia ML 4752) this album is also included in the boxed
set of the Columbia Literary Series.
Mauriac, Francois: Francois Mauriac (Festival FLD 74 M). 10-inch record.
Mauriac, Francois: Francois Mauriac (Philips A76.714R).
Mauriac, Francois: Francois Mauriac Entretiens Avec Jean Amrouche (RTF Disques Ades 7039 and 7040). Boxed
set. Contains eleven, documented, loosely-bound photographic plates showing several views of the author
and artistic protraits of the author).
Mauriac, Francois: Francois Mauriac: His Works and His Voice (Period FRL 1529) [10-inch record].
Maurois, André: This Is Paris (an album featuring several people talking about Paris, of whom Maurois and
Winston Churchill are the only creative writers) (Vox PL 7170) [filed under “T” in Anthology LPs].
Mayakovsky, Vladimir: Good! Poem Of October (Melodia). This boxed set of 2 ten-inch discs seems to date from
the 1950s. There is a one-page description (with mirror Russian and English texts) of the history of this long
poem which celebrates the 10
anniversary of the Russian revolution. All text on the box and record labels
is in Russian. From my pitiful knowledge of Russian, it appears that the text is read by a famous Russian
actor rather than by Mayakovsky.
McCaffery, Anne: White Dragon, The:The Dragonriders Of Pern: From Chapters 3,4,5, and 6 (Caedmon TC 1596).
McCaffery, Anne: White Dragon, The:The Dragonriders Of Pern: From Chapters 3,4,5, and 6 (Caedmon TC 1596).
Second copy.
McCord, David: The Pickety Fence & Other Poems By David McCord Read By The Poet (Pathways of Sound POS
McDonough, John T.: Charbonneau and Le Chef (CBC/Radio Canada DM 1-2) [This is a 2-album recordingwith
the original castof an adaptation of the famous play by McDonough. The adaptation was first aired on the
CBC on June 30, 1968. This record includes an Introduction written by the author but spoken by an actor.
The entire back sleeve is given over to an essay by F.R. Scott on the significance of the play.].
McGough, Roger: Summer With Monika (Island ILPS 9551).
McKuen, Rod: About Me (Pickwick SPC-3189).
McKuen, Rod: Black Eagle, The (Stanyan Records 5087).
McKuen, Rod: Desire Has No Special Name (Everest 3208).
McKuen, Rod: Earth, The (Warner Brothers Mono W 1705).
McKuen, Rod: Grand Tour Recorded Live (2XS 1947).
McKuen, Rod: Greatest Hits of Rod McKuen (Warner Bros ST-92042).
McKuen, Rod: In A Lonely Place (Kapp KS-3538).
McKuen, Rod: In The Beginning: Rod McKuen Narrates His Poetry and Sings (Sunset SUS 5273).
McKuen, Rod: In Search Of Eros (Epic BN 26370).
McKuen, Rod: In Search Of Eros (Epic BN 26370). Second copy.
McKuen, Rod: Prolific Composer Rod McKuen Sings His Own (RCA Victor Dynagroove LKPM 3424).
McKuen, Rod: Rod McKuen At Carnegie Hall: His Birthday Concert Recorded Live April 29, 1969 (Warner Bros
McKuen, Rod: Single Man, The, Rod McKuen Sings and Reads Rod McKuen (RCA Victor LSP-4010) [my copy is
marked with felt pen scribblings].
McKuen, Rod: Try Rod McKuen In The Privacy Of Your Own Home: A Sampling Selected From His Bestselling
Stanyan Albums (Stanyan 5020). Issued 1970.
McKuen, Rod: Unknown War, The (album produced by Rod McKuen, SRP-201)
McKuen, Rod: Very Warm (Decca DL 74969).
McKuen, Rod: Written In The Stars (Decca/Vocalion Stereo VL 73884).
McLuhan, Marshall: artscanada Presents “Wyndham Lewis Recalled.” Marshall McLuhan Recalls Lewis AND
Wyndham Lewis Reads His Poem “Song Of The Militant Romance” From “One-Way Song (Faber & Faber
1933; Methuen 1960. Recorded at Harvard University, 1940. This 7-inch record was included with the
magazine artscanada, November 1967, Volume XXIV, No.11. Filed under “Lewis, Wyndham.
McLuhan, Marshall: Medium Is The Message, The (Columbia Stereo 9501MonoCL 2701).
Mead, Margaret: Margaret Mead In The Sum And The Substance: A Dialogue On Contemporary Values With
Herman Harvey. The flip side has an interview by Herman Harvey with geochemist Harrison Brown (no
number cited. ModernLearning Aids).
Mencken, H.L.: H.L. Mencken Speaking (Caedmon TC 1082).
Mencken: H.L.: Henry L. Mencken Interviewed by Donald Howe Kirkley Sr. (Library of Congress Recording
Laboratory PL18-PL19).
Mencken: H.L.: Henry L. Mencken Interviewed by Donald Howe Kirkley Sr. (Library of Congress Recording
Laboratory PL18-PL19). Second copy.
Menzel, Willem: Menzel-Willem spricht, Der (Munich: Grafe ynbd Unzel Verlag). This is a 7-inch record played at
45 rpm.
Merril, Judith: Survival Ship (Caedmon TC 1593).
Merwin, W.S.: W.S. Merwin Reading His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1295).
Michener, James: Tales of the South Pacific (Caedmon TC 1648).
Millay, Edna St. Vincent: Edna St. Vincent Millay Reading Her Poetry (Caedmon TC 1123).
Millar, Gertie: Gertie Millar In Our Miss Gibbs & The Quacker Girl Plus Other Successes (World Records/EMI
SH.186 Mono).
Miller, Arthur: After The Fall (Mercury Records OCM 4 2207). Miller does not speak on this four-album boxed set.
Rather, this is a recording of the original production starring Jason Robards (this production was also the
inaugural theatrical production at the Lincoln Center), directed by Eliza Kazan. Included is an extensive
booklet with many photos taken from the rehearsals (including some of Miller on stage discussing the
production with Kazan) and the play as staged. Boxed in an attractive slipcase. Also enclosed: The
Saturday Evening Post, February 1, 1964 which contains the complete text of the play (prior to its
publication in book form), an Afterword by Arthur Miller written for this Saturday Evening Post edition, as
well as several photos from the world premiere in New York at the Lincoln Center.
Miller, Arthur: Arthur Miller Reading From “The Crucible” (Spoken Arts SA 704).
Miller, Arthur: Arthur Miller Reading From “The Crucible” (Spoken Arts SA 704). Second copy.
Miller, Arthur: Death Of A Salesman. With members of the Original Cast. Narration by Arthur Miller (Decca
MCA2-4182). This is a two-record set of the original production of the play, directed by Elia Kazan. In
order to accommodate the time limits of the LP format, Miller cut sections of the play and “narrated” the
missing portions.
Miller, Arthur: Enemy Of The People, An: An Adaption of Henrik Ibsen’s Play (Caedmon TRS 349). This three-
record set includes a discussion of the play by Arthur Miller with the acclaimed theatre director and critic
Harold Clurman.
Miller, Henry: Henry Miller Recalls and Reflects (Riverside RLP 7002/3).
Miller, Henry: Henry Miller Recalls and Reflects (Riverside RLP 7002/3). Second copy.
Miller, Henry: Interview With Henry Miller Recorded June 1962 (Folkways FL 9724) [I have one copy with a
sleeve in very good condition and another copy with no sleeve].
Miller, Henry: Jabberwhorl Cronstadt, “an episode from the novel Black Spring, told by the author Henry Miller.
Written in Clichy, France, 1933-36. Recorded at Nepenthe, his nearest neighbor with electricity, in Big Sur,
California, June 1949. Made in New York City.” Also contains “Third or Fourth Day of Spring, an episode
from the novel Black Spring.” I bought this two-record setand its companion volume, known as Folio II
[see next item]on November 30, 2002 at the Academy Vinyl Record Shop (on 10
Street in NYC) for
$175 (U.S. funds). The people who made the record were, apparently, the neighbours of Henry Miller.
However, since they were relatively new to the record business, and because the LP had just been invented,
they miscalculated the size of sleeve necessary to accommodate the two records intended for each sleeve, and
so, rather than risk splitting the original sleeves which are in near-mint condition, I have stored them in
plastic sleeves along with the original sleeves.
Miller, Henry: Jazz Passacaglia “from the book The Colossus Of Maroussy, told and informally introduced by the
author Henry Miller, plus A Letter From London, a recorded humorous greeting sent to Henry Miller by his
friends Lawrence Durrell and Alfred Perles. Written in Greece and New York, 1940, and recorded at
Nepenthe his nearest neighbor with electricity, in Big Sur, California, June 1949. Made in New York City.”
Miller, Henry: Life As I See It [In conversation with Ben Grauer] (Offbeat Records 4901).
Miller, Henry: Smile At The Foot Of The Ladder, The, (La Voix de l’Auteur LVA 204).
Milligan, Spike: Paul Gallico’s “The Snow Goose.” A Musical Setting Adapated And Narrated By Spike Milligan
(RCA RS 1088 Stereo [1976 pressing]).
Milligan, Spike: Paul Gallico’s “The Snow Goose.” A Musical Setting Adapated by Spike Milligan, Narrated
ByPaul Reid (RCA KKL1-0243 Stereo [1977 pressing]. Note that Milligan’s voice does not appear on this
Milligan, Spike: Very Best Of The Goons-1, The (Capitol EMI DT-6429).
Mills, Kenneth: Alive at Ontanoka (Sun-Scape).
Mills, Kenneth: Given To Praise: The Spontaneous Poetry Of Kenneth G. Mills (Sun-Scape Records Stereo
Milner, Joe: That Affair (Surprise Records ILP 1007).
Mitchell, Adrian: Smith, Stevie & Adrian Mitchell: British Poets Of Our Time (Argo PLP 1188 Mono) [filed under
Smith, Stevie].
Mitchell, Adrian: Tell Me Lies [Adian Mitchell wrote the lyrics]. My copy is the Peter Brook Production (GRE-
GAR Records GGS-5000)filed under Mitchell.
Mitchell, Adrian: Tyger: A Celebration of William Blake By Adrian Mitchell. The National Theatre Presentation
(Red Seal SER 5612).
Moberg, Vilhelm: Vilhelm Moberg (RELP 1210).
Molinari, Ricardo E.: Poemas. Inside sleeve features a bilingual text describing this noted Argentine poet in this
handsome two-sleeved production. (Antonologia Sonora. No catalogue number).
Momaday, M. Scott: Day Of Poets Reading Their Own Poetry, A (California Association of Teachers of English, no
catalogue number). This LP records a number of allegedly well-known Calfornia poets at the St. Francis
Hotel in San Francisco, Feb 6-8, 1970: Mary Frances Claggett; Michael Harper; Lynn Strongin; Ann
Stanford; Helen Berryhill; M. Scott Momoday; Arthur Lerner; Rosalie Moore Brown; and Stan Rice. Of
these, the only one to become internationally renowned is Momaday.
Montague, John and Seamus Heaney, Northern Muse, The (Claddagh CCT-4) [filed under Heaney].
Monterroso, Augusto: Cuentos y Fabulas (Casa de las Americas No. 57) [Cuban import].
Montherlant, Henry de: Nous Confie (Select 733.049).
Montherlant, Henry de: Vous Parle (Festival FLDX 73).
Montherlant, Henry de: Vous Parle (Select SC-13.019).
Moody, Raymond: Slum Flower (Raymond Moody Memorial Society, no catalogue no.).
Moon, Sheila: Sheila Moon Reads What Manner of Man & Other Poems (Guild for Psychological Studies, no cat.
Moon, Sheila: Sheila Moon Reads What Manner of Man & Other Poems (Guild for Psychological Studies, no cat.
No.). Second copy.
Moore, C.L.: Shambleau (Caedmon TC 1667).
Moore, Marianne: Marianne Moore Reading Her Poems And Fables From La Fontaine (Caedmon TC 1025).
Moore, Marianne: Marianne Moore Reading Her Poems And Fables From La Fontaine (Caedmon TC 1025).
Second copy.
Moore, Mavor: Anne of Green Gables [lyrics by Mavor Moore et alia] Charlottetown Festival Production (Ready
Records LR 045).
Moore, Mavor: Anne of Green Gables [lyrics by Mavor Moore et alia] apparently not the Charlottetown Festival
Production (Columbia ELS-354).
Morency, Pierre: Une journée chez les oiseaux (Choquette Z002).
Morgan, Edwin and Alexander Scott: A Double Scotch (Claddagh CCA-5).
Moricz, Zsigmond: Moricz Zsigmond 1879-1942 (Hungaroton SLPX 13832-33). All text in Hungarian.
Muir, Edwin: Recordings of Poets (Library of Congress).
Muller, Heiner: Heiner Muller Liest “Wolokolamsker Chaussee I-V (Litera 8 65 441). Library sleeve on front
Muraille, Gerard: Cinquieme Saison, No.55 (Spring-Summer 1962). This is a literary periodical (edited by the noted
poet Henri Chopin) which contains on the inside back cover a sleeve containing a 7-inch record on which
Muraille reads his poems. The contents page of the periodical features an ink inscription by Henri Chopin.
Muschg, Adolf: Baiyun Oder Die Freundschaftsgesellschaft Läufer Und Brűcken Eine Unveroffentliche Erzahlung
Ausschnitte Aus Der Lesung In Hoser’s Buchhandlung Am 4 Oktober 1979 (Hoser’s Buchhandlung,
privately produced)
Nabokov, Vladimir: Lolita And Poems Read By Vladimir Nabokov (Spoken Arts SA 902).
Nabokov, Vladimir: Lolita And Poems Read By Vladimir Nabokov (Spoken Arts SA 902). Second copy--with small
library sticker still visible.
Nash, Ogden: Christmas With Ogden Nash Read by Ogden Nash (Caedmon TC 1323).
Nash, Ogden: Christian Morenstern: The Gallows Songs: A Selection Translated By Max Knight, Read By Ogden
Nash (Caedmon TC 1316).
Nash, Ogden: Everybody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen (RCA VDM 114).
Nash, Ogden: Fanciful World of Ogden Nash (Capitol W-1570).
Nash, Ogden: Ogden Nash Reads Ogden Nash (Caedmon TC 1015).
Nash, Ogden: Ogden Nash’s Reflections On A Wicked World (Caedmon TC 1307).
Nash, Ogden: Parents Keep Out (Caedmon TC 1282).
Nathan, Leonard: Confessions of a Matchmake: Poetry by Leonard Nathan (Fantasy 7015).
Neihardt, John Gneisenau: Flaming Rainbow (United Artists UA-LA 157-53).
Neihardt, John Gneisenau: Wonder Of It All, The, (Roto Records RC 1044).
Neruda, Pablo: 20 Poemas de Amor Y Una Cancion Deseperada (Odeon LDC-36350).
Neruda, Pablo: 20 Poemas de Amor Y Una Cancion Deseperada (Philips 9683 PL)
Neruda, Pablo: Chili De Pablo Neruda, Le (Dicap Pathe Marconi EMI C062-81546)
Neruda, Pablo: Joyas de la Poesia (Orfeon LP JM 114). Note that this is a 3-album set. One the first two records,
actors read various oems. The third LP is mostl;y Pablo Neruda reading his own work, Made in Mexico
with all text in Spanish.
Neruda, Pablo: Pablo Neruda Reads His Poems In Spanish (Spoken Arts SA 1114). Front sleeve phot of Neruda is
by Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Neruda, Pablo: Pablo Neruda Reading His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1215).
Neruda, Pablo: Pablo Neruda: Jean-Louis Barrault, Maria Casares, Francois Maistre, Laurent Terzieffavec la voix
de Pablo Neruda (Le Chant du Monde G.U. LDX 7-6031).
Neruda, Pablo: Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) (Hungaroton SP 60004). This is a 7-inch record.
Nichol, bp: Appendix (Black Moss Press, RM 101). 7-inch record. Nichol reads seven poems on Side A. On side B
sean’ohuigin and Ann Southam read two poems. It is not known whether there was a printed paper sleeve
for this record. My copy has an aging blank sleeve which may have been the original sleeve.
Nichols, Mike; and Elaine May: Examine Doctors (Mercury MG 20680).
Nicholson, Norman: Norman Nicholson AND Tony O’Connor: British Poets Of Our Time (Argo Mono PLP 1191).
Niit, Ellen: [Reading poems in Estonian on an LP with Jaan Kross. Filed under Niit].
Nin, Anais: Diary of Anais Nin, A: Volume One: 1931-1933, (Spoken Arts SA-995).
Nin, Anais: Diary of Anais Nin A:, Volume Two: 1934-1936 (Spoken Arts SA-996).
Norman, Birger: Speleka (CEWE Records CW-3004).
Norman, Birger: Tva nutidspoeter: Birger Norman & Stig Sjödin (Pogo Plattan PPLP 109).
Novak, Helga: Fibelfabel aus Bibelbabel oder Seitensprunge beim Studium der Mao-Bibel (Luchterland/DG 2574-
001 Stereo).
Nowland, Alden: Alden Nowlan’s Maritimes (CBC T-57193).
Nummi, Lassi: Runoja [Nummi reads his work in Finnish] (no label or catalogue number)
O’Brien, Edna: Some Irish Loving: A Selection (Argo ZDSW 728 Stereo).
O’Casey, Sean: Juno and The Paycock [Introduction spoken by the author] (Cyril Cusak Productions, Angel
Records, no cat. No) [this would seem to be the original edition: the boxed sleeve features a dull blue series
of dots like an enlargement of a halftone, with the title and cast members typeset in an island-catouche in the
O’Casey, Sean: Juno and The Paycock [Introduction spoken by the author] (Cyril Cusak Productions, Seraphim IB-
6014) [this would seem to be a later pressing: the boxed sleeve features a green background, with a frontal
photo of O’Casey’s face].
O’Casey, Sean: Juno and The Paycock [Introduction spoken by the author] (Cyril Cusak Productions, Seraphim IB-
6014) [this would seem to be a later pressing: the boxed sleeve features a green background, with a frontal
photo of O’Casey’s face]. Second copy.
O’Casey, Sean: Sean O’Casey Reading From His Works: Juno And The Paycock [Scenes]; Pictures In The Hallway
[a section]; Inishfallen, Fare Thee Well [a section]. (Caedmon TC 1012note that this is a different album
and different sleeve from the following items which have the same Caedmon number).
O’Casey, Sean: Sean O’Casey Reading from “Juno and the Paycock” vol. 1, (Caedmon TC 1012).
O’Casey, Sean: Sean O’Casey Reading from “Juno and the Paycock” vol. 1, (Caedmon TC 1012). Second copy.
O’Casey, Sean: Sean O’Casey Reading from “Juno and the Paycock” vol. 1, (Caedmon TC 1012). Third copy.
O’Casey, Sean: Sean O’Casey Reading Scenes from “Juno and the Paycock” (Caedmon TCE 156). 7-inch record.
O’Connor, Edwin: Last Hurrah, The. Selections Read by Edwin O’Connor (CMS 574).
O’Connor, Edwin: The Edge of Sadness (CMS-578).
O’Connor, Frank: Frank O’Connor Reading Two Complete Stories (Caedmon TC 1036).
O’Connor, Frank: Frank O’Connor Reading Two Complete Stories (Caedmon TC 1036). Second copy.
O’Connor, Frank: James Joyce by Frank O’Connor (Folkways FL 3894).
O’Connor, Tony: Norman Nicholson AND Tony O’Connor: British Poets Of Our Time (Argo Mono PLP 1191).
Filed under “Nicholson, Norman.”
O’Doherty, Brian: Invitation To Art (Spoken Arts SA 763).
O’huigin, sean: Sky-Sails: Text and electronic music by Ann Southam and sean o’huigin (Mhic music company MH-
Oboler, Arch: Lights Out, Everyone...An Exercise in Horror Written and Directed by Arch Oboler (FDS ST1763).
Odeman, Robert T.: Alltagistnichtgrau, Der (Trelefunken 13-304). This is a 10-inch record.
Odeman, Robert T.: Damen bitte weghoren: Trobert T/ Odeman spricht Robert T. Odeman (Telefunken TSF 13-
011). This is a 7-inch record.
Odeman, Robert T.: Verse eines dreisten Zeitgenossen (Telefunken 13-008). This is a 7-inch record.
Okudzhava, Bulat: [title in Cyrillic], autographed.
Okudzhava, Bulat: [title in Cyrillic] [lyrics from films]
Oliva, Oscar: Oscar Oliva (Voz Viva de Mexico: Serie Fronteras, no cat. Number).
Olson, Charles: Charles Olson Reads From Maximus Poems IV, V, VI (Folkways FL 9738)
Orlan, Pierre Mac: Les Nuits de L’Armee. “Presentation documentaire de Pierre Mac Orlan de l’Academie
Goncourt.” Extensive notes about the music and songs on back sleeve written by Pierre Mac Orlan (Philips
P 76.120 R.
Orlovitz, Gil: Rooster And Other Poems Of Gil Orlovitz Read By The Poet, The (Spoken Word SW-120).
Overland, Arnulf: Arnulf Overland Leser Egne Dikt (RCA LPNA 2). 10-inch record.
Pagnol, Marcel: Discours Sous la Coupole (LVA 37).
Pagnol, Marcel: Fanny (Editions CMF).
Pagnol, Marcel: L’Elixir du Père Gaucher d’Alphonse Daudet: Dialogue et Commentaire de Marcel Pagnol (CMF
Paley, Grace: Grace Paley Reads The Little Disturbances of Man (Spoken Arts SA 1144).
Panduro, Leif: En Svinehoring Oplevet Af Leif Panduro, with Poul and Jorgen Ifversen (Tono29022). Ten-inch
Parker, Dorothy: Poems & “Horsie”: An Informal Hour With Dorothy Parker (Spoaken Arts SA 726).
Parker, Dorothy: World Of Dorothy Parker, The: Dorothy Parker Reads Her Own Short Stories, Verse, And A Book
Review (Verve V-15029).
Parker, Dorothy: World Of Dorothy Parker, The: Dorothy Parker Reads Her Own Short Stories, Verse, And A Book
Review (Verve V-15029). Second copy.
Parks, Gordon: Gordon Parks’ “The Learning Tree”: Excerpts from the novel read by the author (Scholastic
Records FS 11009).
Patchen, Kenneth: Fables: The Funny Fables Of Kenneth Patchen Read By Kenneth Patchen (Green Tree Records.
No catalogue number).
Patchen, Kenneth: Kenneth Patchen Reads His Love Poems (Folkways FL 9719).
Patchen, Kenneth: Kenneth Patchen Reads His Poetry With The Chamber Jazz Sextet (Cadence CLP-3004).
Patchen, Kenneth: Kenneth Patchen Reads with Allyn Ferguson (Discovery DS 858).
Patchen, Kenneth: Kenneth Patchen Reads With Jazz in Canada (with the Alan Neil Quartet) (Folkways FL 9718).
Complete with booklet describing this jazz-poetry sesssion in Vancouver.
Patchen, Kenneth: Selected Poems of Kenneth Patchen Read by Kenneth Patchen (Folkways FL 9717).
Paton, Alan: Cry, The Beloved Country (Caedmon TC 1605).
Patten, Brian: Brian Patten Reading His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1300).
Patten, Brian: Sly Cormorant, The (Argo ZSW 607).
Paz, Octavio: Poesia [Selecion]: Voz Del Autor (Voz Viva de Mexico UNAM 33/34). Includes extensive and
oversized booklet.
Pedroni, Jose: Jose Pedroni Por El Mismo: Sus Poemas Y Su Voz (AMB Documentos 123-5). Recorded in June
Peebles, Melvin Van: As Serious As A Heart-Attack (AM Records SP-4326).
Peebles, Melvin Van: Brer Soul (AM Records SP-4161).
Peebles, Melvin Van: Sweet Sweetback’s Baadassss Song, An Opera (original cast sountrack album from the film)
(Stax Records Stereo STS-3001).
Peebles, Melvin Van: Sweet Sweetback’s Baadassss Song, An Opera (original cast sountrack album from the film)
(Stax Records 2325 047)[this is the DG German pressing of the American album. The American album is
the “first edition”].
Peloquin, Claude: Eternitè (Polydor 2424-156).
Peloquin, Claude: L’Ouverture du Paradis (London Records of Canada LFS-9030).
Peloquin, Claude: Laissez-nous vous embrasser où vous avez mal (Polydor 2424-061).
Peloquin, Claude: Monsieur L’Indien (Polydor 2424-172).
Penn, Alexander: Alexander Penn reading his poetry along with his wife, the famous Israeli actor Hannah Rovina.
Text entirely in Hebrew. Splits to seams and minor wear at edges.
Perelman, S.J.: Informal Hour With S.J. Perelman, An (Spoken Arts 705).
Perelman, S.J.: Informal Hour With S.J. Perelman, An (Spoken Arts 705). Second copy.
Perelman, S.J.: S.J. Perelman Reads “Kitchen Bouquet” etc. (Spoken Arts 705).
Peterson, Len: Canadian Adventure 1967-1967. This record was created and produced by the Ontario Teachers’
Federation to celebrate Canadian history in the Centennial Year. It features a large cast of Canadian actors
reanacting scenes and personalities from our past. Among the actors is the playwright Gordon Pinsent. The
script for the entire album was written by playwright Len Peterson.
Peyre, Joseph: Jours de fete au Pays Basque: Realise au pays basque d’apres une idee de Joseph Peyre (Vega F-30-
S-3006). Features an essay of about 1000 words by Peyre and his voice introducing the record. Peyre won
the Prix Goncourt in 1935.
Pinsent, Gordon: Evening With Stephen Leacock, An: Starring John Stark, Narrated by Gordon Pinsent (CBC
Tapestry GD 7376).
Piraten, Fritiof Nilsson: Fritiof Nilsson Piraten (RELP 1171).
Plath, Sylvia: Plath (Credo Records 3). Recording of a reading Plath did on October 30, 1962 [the month she
seperated from Ted Hughes], and of an undated interview she did with Peter Orr of the British Council.
Plath, Sylvia: Sylvia Plath Reading Her Poetry (Caedmon TC 1544).
Plinth, August: August Plinth Reads From “Total Mobil” and T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” (Vox Records 11035).
Plinth, August: August Plinth Reads Selections from Pope Art (Vox Records 9888, New York 1972).
Pohjanpää, Lauri: Einar Vuorela & Lauri Pohjanpää [reading their poems in Finnish] (WS 2) [filed under
Ponce, Juan Garcia: Juan Garcia Ponce (Voz Viva de Mexico VV28). Includes extensive booklet with long essay
by Huberto Batis.
Porter, Katherine Anne: “Flowering Judas” in the boxed set of the Columbia Literary Series (ML 4757) is there a
separate sleeved version of this LP?
Porter, Katherine Anne: Selections From Her Writing Read By The Author: Noon Wine (Caedmon TC 2010).
Porter, Katherine Anne: Selections From Her Writing Read By The Author: Noon Wine (Caedmon TC 2010).
Second copy.
Porter, Katherine Anne: Selections From Her Writing Read By The Author: Pale Horse, Pale Rider (Caedmon TC
Porter, Katherine Anne: Selections From Her Writings Read by the Author: Downward Path to Wisdom (Caedmon
TC 1006).
Porter, Peter: Peter Redgrove AND Peter Porter: British Poets Of Our Time (Argo Mono PLP 1204). Essay on back
sleeve written for this record by Anthony Thwaite. Filed under “Redgrove, Peter.”
Pound, Ezra: Ezra Pound Reading His Poetry, vol. 1 (Caedmon TC 1122) [front sleeve features a light coffee
coloured background with a large woodcut of Pound in profile. Typeface of the title is in gray ink in upper
left corner].
Pound, Ezra: Ezra Pound Reading His Poetry, vol. 1 (Caedmon TC 1122) [front sleeve features a light coffee
coloured background with a large woodcut of Pound in profile. Typeface of the title is in gray ink in upper
left corner]. Second copy.
Pound, Ezra: Ezra Pound Reading His Poetry, vol.2 (Caedmon TC 1155).
Pound, Ezra: Ezra Pound Reading His Poetry, vol.2 (Caedmon TC 1155). Second copy.
Pound, Ezra: Ezra Pound Reading His Translations Of “The Confucian Odes” (Spoken Arts SA 1098).
Pound, Ezra: Ezra Pound Reading His Translations Of “The Confucian Odes” (Spoken Arts SA 1098). Second
Pound, Ezra: Hardy And Pound (Open University 22). Poems by Thomas Hardy and Ezra Pound, some read by
Ezra Pound and the others by actors.
Pound, Ezra: World’s Great Poets, The; Volume 11: Ezra Pound Reads His Cantos (Peerless PRCS 116). UK
pressing issued in 1973. Essay on back sleeve by Hugh Kenner written for this LP. This recording was
made at the Spoleto Festival Of The Two Worlds. Sleeve split at three seams.
Prevert, Jacques: Comedies Et Ballets (Voix de l’Auteur LVA 33).
Priest, Robert: Congo Toronto (7-inch record).
Priestley, J.B.: BBC Scrapbook 1940 (Fontana 493.014 FOL) [Priestley appears briefly on the album].
Priestley, J.B.: Delight [front sleeve has a black and white photo of Priestley, pipe in mouth, looking at a record
while standing next to a grammaphone player with a gigantic speaker horn. This is a UK pressing.
Argo/Spoken Arts RG 159).
Priestley, J.B.: Delight [front sleeve has a light blue duotone of Priestly in right profile, pipe in mouth. Left side of
album is a strip of purple pseudo-leather binding. This would seem to be the original pressing, dateable to
1956. (Westminster Hi-Fi Spoken Arts 716].
Priestley, J.B.: Delight [front sleeve is 4/5 covered by a olive-green duotone of Priestly; final 1/5 is a white band on
right hand side. This is an American pressing.] (Spoken Arts 716). See above item.
Proulx, Monique: Corps Accord. Songs which include singing by novelist Monique Proulx (Multi-Musique Inc.
Purdy, Al: Al Purdy’s Ontario (CBC Learning Systems; produced 1971)
Purdy, James: 63: Dream Palace Read By The Author Complete and Unabridged (Spoken Arts SA JP-4)
Purdy, James: Eventide (Spoken Arts SP-JP-4E)
Qualtinger, Helmut and K. Sowinetz: Moritaten (Unikum UN 305).
Qualtinger, Helmut and Vera Borek: Reigen-Express. Text von C. Merz und Helmut Qualtinger (Preiser Records
SPR 3275).
Qualtinger, Helmut: Helmut Qualtinger Liest Robert Neumann Aus “Vielleicht Das Heitere” Und “Die Parodien.”
(Preiser Records SPR 3188). Back sleeve of this album has photos of twelve of Qualtinger’s LPs.
Qualtinger, Helmut: Bohmische Herr Karl, Der: Helmut Qualtinger spricht Bohumil Hrabal (Preiser Records PR
Qualtinger, Helmut: Helmut Qualtinger Liest “Wien wird wieder Weldstatdt” von Helmut Qualtinger (Intercord
Litera 150.022). East German pressing.
Qualtinger, Helmut: Herr Karl, Der (Bertelsmann Schallplattenring HI-FI 51133).
Qualtinger, Helmut: Herr Karl, Der (Bertelsmann Schallplattenring HI-FI 51133). Second copy.
Qualtinger, Helmut: Herr Karl, Der (Preiserrecords LW1).
Qualtinger, Helmut: Kabarett aus Wien Mit Helmut Qualtinger (Deutsche Schallplattenclub E 039).
Qualtinger, Helmut: Karl Kraus Singt Und Liest Karl Kraus. Qualtinger Liest Karl Kraus (Preiserrecords PR 3009,
3017, 3018, 3228). Boxed set of four LPs and a booklet. Water damage to booklet and box; records are fine.
Qualtinger, Helmut: Qualtinger uber die manschlichen Schwechen (Horzu Black Label SHZP 900 BL)
Qualtinger, Helmut: Travniceks Gesgammelte Werke (Preiser Records PR 3102).
Qualtinger, Helmut: Villon ubersetzt Artmann gesprochen von Qualtinger mit Jazz von Fatty George (Preiser
Records SPR 3037) [in other words, the playwright Qualtinger reads the translations of the Austrian poet
H.C. Artmann of the French poet Francois Villon.]
Quayle, Anthony: Boswell’s “London Journal”: A Reading by Anthony Quayle (Caedmon TC 1093).
Quayle, Anthony: Four Chapters From Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens Read By Anthony Quayle (Caedmon TC
Quayle, Anthony: Great Scenes From Shakespeare’s “MacBeth” Starring Anthony Quayle (Caedmon TC 1167).
Quayle, Anthony: Katharine Cornell & Anthony Quayle [read] “Sonnets From The Portuguese” and “The Barretts
of Wimpole Street” (The Major Scenes) (Caedmon TC 1071).
Quayle, Anthony: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Tanglewood Tales: The Story Of Theseus” Read By Anthony Quayle
(Caedmon TC 1291).
Radström, Niklas: Niklas Radström (MNWP 137).
Rahming, Pat: Poetry (JBLP-1).
Rand, Ayn: Ayn Rand Reads Her Short Story, “The Simplest Thing In The World” (NBI Communications Inc. LR-
Rand, Ayn: Wreckage of the Consensus: A Lecture Given at the Ford Hall Forum, Boston, April 16, 1967 (NBI
Communications, no catalogue number).
Raworth, Tom: Little Trace Remains Of Emmett Miller (Stream Records, no catalogue number). Side seam split.
Redgrove, Peter: Peter Redgrove AND Peter Porter: British Poets Of Our Time (Argo Mono PLP 1204). Essay on
back sleeve written for this record by Anthony Thwaite.
Reed, Ishmael: Conjure (American Clavé 1006).
Rees, Ennis: Illiad and The Odyssey Of Home, The: Translated and Read by Ennis Rees (Spoken Arts SA 833).
Rees, Ennis: Song of Paul Bunyan and Tony Beaver Written and Read by Ennis Rees (Spoken Arts SA 954).
Reid, Alastair: Oddments Etc. (CMS-522).
Retamar, Roberto Fernandez: Poesia (Casa de la Americas/Palabra de Esta America 51).
Reutter, Otto: Schon war die Zeit (Polydor 21 103 EPH). 7-inch record.
Rexroth, Kenneth: Poetry and Jazz: Black Hawk (Fantasy 7008).
Rexroth, Kenneth: Poetry and Jazz: Black Hawk (Beat Goes Poetry BGP 1019). Features an essay on the back
sleeve by Rexroth about the history of poets reading with jazz bands. Note that this album also features on
the back sleeve the earliest use (1960) I have seen of the phrase “Spoken Word Poetry” to describe the genre
of authors reading their own work on vinyl records.
Rexroth, Kenneth: Poetry Readings in the Cellar [with Lawrence Ferlinghetti] (Fantasy 7002).
Reyes, Alfonso: Alfonso Reyes (Voz Viva de Mexico/UNAM; no number). Boxed set of 3 LPs and extensive
oversize booklet. Box is scuffed at edges, with 7.5 cm of scotch tape along one edge and a four digit number
written in ink felt pen in upper right of back of box.
Rifbjerg, Klaus: Rifbjerg Laeser Rifbjerg (Louisiana Gyldendal Frammafonplader, LGLP 3009). The back of the
sleeve features an original essay by Niels Barfoed.
Rinser, Luise: Luise Rinser liest aus ihrer Autobiographie “Den Wolf Umarmen” (Frankfurt: Si. Fischer Verlag,
Rinser, Luise: Luise Rinser spricht: Ein alter Mann stirbt (Freiburg: Christophorus Verlag (CLX 73-304). This is a
10-inch record.
Rivera, Diego: Diego Rivera On Record In Spanish (Caedmon TC 1065)
Robbe-Grillet, Alain: “Now The Shadow of the Southwest Column” from Jealousy read by the author [in Paris in
1967][this is a 7-inch record originally included in Aspen Magazine, Nos. 5-6; I have the record but no
sleeve [was there a sleeve?]. Nor do I have the magazine itself; the flip side features a reading by William
Robbe-Grillet, Alain: Nous Confie (Select SMM 733.044)
Robinson, Kenneth Allan: “Books and the Bad Life” (Spoken Arts SA 834)
Robinson, Lennox: Lennox Robinson Presents William Butler Yeats Plays and Memories (Spoken Arts SA 752)
Robinson, Lennox: Lennox Robinson Presents William Butler Yeats Poets and Memories (Spoken Arts SA 751)
Roche, Paul: A Poet, A Man, A Mind (Mercury SRM 1-616).
Roche, Paul: A Poet, A Man, A Mind (Mercury SRM 1-616). Second copy.
Rodgers, W.R.: Europa and the Bull; Lent; The Swan; Spring Dance: Read by the Poet (Argo RG 12).
Rodgers, W.R.: Europa and the Bull; Lent; The Swan; Spring Dance: Read by the Poet (Westminster HiFi XWN-
Roethke, Theodore:Theodore Roethke Reads His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1351).
Roethke, Theodore: Words For The Wind: Selections From The Poetry of Theodore Roethke (Folkways FL 9736).
Roethke, Theodore: Words For The Wind: Selections From The Poetry of Theodore Roethke (Folkways FL 9736).
Second copy. Sleeve is only in fair to good condition
Rogers, Will: Will Rogers Says (Columbia Masterworks ML 4604).
Rolland, Romain: Avec La Voix de L’Auteur (Philips P76.722R) [10-inch record].
Romains, Jules: Jules Romains Vous Parle (Festival FLDX 36).
Romains, Jules: Jules Romains Vous Parle (Festival FLDX 36). Second copy.
Romains, Jules: Jules Romains Vous Parle (Period FRL 1536) [10-inch record].
Rooke, Leon: The Muffins (booklet and 7-inch record published together by Porcupine’s Quill).
Roquebrune, Robert de: Ecrivains du Quebec No. 1 (Fides; no catalogue number).
Rosko: Rosko Reads “Giving Tree, The” And Other Selected Poems (Roulette Stereo SR-42061).
Rosten, Leo: Education And Return Of Hyman Kaplan, The; Read by Leo Rosten (Spoken Arts SA 950).
Rosten, Norman: Poems of Norman Rosten Read By The Poet, The (Folkways FL 9704).
Roth, Eugene: Eugene Roth Liest Eugen Roth (DG 34 009 EPLS). Seven-inch record.
Roth, Eugene: Heitere Und Besinnliche Verse (Deutscher Schallplattenclub/Telefunken D-108). Ten-inch record.
Roth, Philip: Philip Roth Reading From Letting Go (CMS-520) [filed under Malamud, Bernard].
Roussin, André: Helene ou La Joie de Vivre (LVA 7). The back of this disc is marked “Premiere Edition 1961” and
is followed by a statement of about 150 words outling the purpose of the series known as “La Voix de
l’Auteur.” Also on the back is a discophragy of the first 20 titles in the series.
Roussin, André: Main de César, La (LVA 17).
Roussin, André: Oeufs de l’Autruche, Les (LVA 14).
Rowe, Terry: To You With Love (Kates K1000).
Ruhmkorf, Peter: Kein Apolloprogramm fur Lyrik (ECM Records 2305 801 SP).
Rukeyser, Muriel: Poetry and Voice of Muriel Rukeyser (Caedmon TC 1536).
Rulfo, Juan: Juan Rulfo (Voz Viva de Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico VV-16).
Russ, Joanna: Joanna Ross, Author of the Female Man, Interpreting Her Stories (Alternate World Recordings AWR
Russell, Bertrand and Albert Einstein: Notice To The World…Renounce War Or Perish! (Audio Masterworks LPA
Russell, Bertrand: Bertrand Russell (Pye Golden Guinea GGL 0110).
Russell, Bertrand: Bertrand Russell Speaking (Caedmon TC 1149).
Russell, Bertrand: Bertrand Russell Speaking (Caedmon TC 1149). Second copy.
Russell, Bertrand: Speaking Personally (Riverside RLP 7014/7015).
Russell, Charlie: Black Drama (Folkways FL 9712).
Ryan, Richard: Ravenswood Poems (CRD 1005).
Sabata, Ernesto: Sabato: Lee: ‘Uno Y El Universo’ AND ‘Sobre heroes Y Tumbas’ (Ten Records S.R.L.: ES-501)
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de: Antoine de Saint-Exupery Vous Parle (Disc Festival GMS 7067).
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de: Antoine de Saint-Exupery Vous Parle (Festival FLD 23). Ten-inch record.
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de: Antoine de Saint-Exupery Vous Parle (Festival FLDX 23).
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de: Antoine de Saint-Exupery Vous Parle (Select SC-13.010, Mono).
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de: Antoine de Saint-Exupery: His Works and His Voice (Period Records FRL 1533) [N.B.
This is a 10-inch record].
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de: Atlantique Sud de L’Aeropostale a Concorde, L’. With the voices of novelist Joseph
Kessell, and of Consueolo and Antoine de Saint-Exupery (FCM 334).
Samuel, Maurice: Maurice Samuel Reading From His Works (Spoken Arts SA 1021).
Sanchez, Sonia: Sun Lady For All Seasons Reads Her Poetry, A (Folkways FL 9793).
Sandburg, Carl: Abraham Lincolm As Read by Carl Sandburg (Decca Gold Label Series DL 8515).
Sandburg, Carl: Abraham Lincoln in Poetry and Prose (Decca DL 9065) [features readings by Sandburg along with
Orson Welles and Walter Huston].
Sandburg, Carl: Andre Kostelanetz Conducting The New York Philharmonic in Coupland’s “A Lincoln Portrait”
[with Carl Sandburg reading from Abraham Lincoln’s speeches and letters]. (Columbia Special Service
Records 91A-02007).
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg In A Recital From His Book “The People, Yes” (Decca DL-5135) See also:
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg Reads His “The People Yes” (Caedmon TC 2023 [a two-record LP]) See
also next item.
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg In A Recital From His Book “The People, Yes (Decca Album No. 273. [N.B. that
this is a rare collection of 3 fragile shellac recordings still in their orginal sleeves, the sleeves bound into
their original book-like binding featuring a multiple exposure photo of Sandburg in profile.].
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg Reading “Fog” And Other Poems (Caedmon TC 1253).
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg Reading “How To Tell Corn Fairies When You See ‘Em” and Other Rootabaga
Stories (Caedmon TC 1159).
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg Reading From His Novel “Remembrance Rock” (Caedmon TC 2044).
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg Reading From His Novel “Remembrance Rock” (Caedmon TC 2044). Second copy.
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg Reads From His Autobiography Always The Young Strangers (Caedmon TC
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg Reads His “The People Yes” (Caedmon TC 2023 [a two-record LP]) See also:
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg In A Recital From His Book “The People, Yes” (Decca DL-5135).
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg Reads the Poems of Carl Sandburg (Decca DL 79039) [N.B. that this is a ten inch
record played 33 1/3 rpm].
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg Reads the Poems of Carl Sandburg (Decca DL 9039).
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg Sings Americana (Everest Records FS 309).
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg Sings His American Songbag (Caedmon TC 2025).
Sandburg, Carl: Carl Sandburg’s Poems for Children (Caedmon TC 1124).
Sandburg, Carl: Classics of American Poetry for the Elementary Curriculum (Caedmon TC 2041) Sandburg
makes a very brief appearance reading “Fog”.
Sandburg, Carl: Flat Rock Ballads (Columbia ML 5339).
Sandburg, Carl: Great Carl Sandburg (Lyrichord LL 66).
Sandburg, Carl: Josh White AND Carl Sandburg (Saga Society SOC 988).
Sandburg, Carl: Josh White AND Carl Sandburg (Saga Society SOC 988). Second copy.
Sandburg, Carl: Lincoln Album, A: Readings By Carl Sandburg (Caedmon TC 2015)
Sandburg, Carl: Lincoln Preface (Saturday Review Records SR 1).
Sandburg, Carl: Lincoln Preface, A, Written and Spoken by Carl Sandburg (Mark56 Records 743) [this pressing is
copyrighted 1977].
Sandburg, Carl: Lincoln’s Speeches and Letters Read by Roy P. Basler with Carl Sandburg reading at Joint Session
of Congress February 12
. 1959 (Spoken Arts 806/807).
Sandburg, Carl: New Songs From The American Songbag (Lyrichord LL4). 10-inch record.
Sandburg, Carl: Poetry of Carl Sandburg (Caedmon TC 1150) [second copy, but scratched].
Sandburg, Carl: Poetry of Carl Sandburg (Caedmon TC 1150).
Sandburg, Carl: Rootabaga Stories (Caedmon TC 1089).
Sandburg, Carl: Sandburg Reads Sandburg: From Carl Sandburg’s Collected Poems (Decca DL 7541) [N.B. that
this is a ten-inch record played 33 1/3 rpm].
Sandburg, Carl: Sandburg Reads Sandburg: From Carl Sandburg’s Collected Poems (Decca DL 7541) [N.B. that
this is a ten-inch record played 33 1/3 rpm]. Second copy.
Sandburg, Carl: Sounds Of Freedom: Patrick Henry To William Jennings Bryan. Read by Melvyn Douglas, Vincent
Prize, Ed Begley, and Carl Sandburg. Made available as a public service by the Saint Louis Post-Disptach.
Sandburg, Carl: Spotlight On Carl Sandburg (Tiara TMT 7522).
Sanders, Ed: Current Audio Magazine, Volume 1, Number 1, August-September 1972 (no number cited. Current
Audio Inc). This seems to be the only issue of this LP magazine. Among the contributors is Ed Sanders who
reads an essay he wrote for this LP titled “Manson Will Escape.”
Sanders, Ed: Fugs, The (ESP-Disk. No catalogue number) [Tuli Kupferberg plays tambourine and maracas on this
album] [This album was re-issued years after this first pressing with an almost identical sleeve by another
Sanders, Ed: The Fugs: Golden Filth (Reprise 6396) [Tuli Kupferberg also appears on this album].
Sanders, Ed: The Fugs: It Crawled Into My Hand, Honest (Warner Reprise RS 6305) [this LP also features Tuli
Kupferberg doing some vocals].
Sanders, Ed: The Fugs: Star Peace (New Rose NR 400) [Tuli Lupferberg also appears on this album].
Sanders, Ed: The Fugs: Tenderness Junction (Reprise 6280) [this LP also features Tuli Kupferberg, Allen Ginsberg
and Gregory Corso].
Sansom, Clive: Witnesses, The, (Argo DA 87).
Sarment, Jean: Leurs Débuts (Decca FMT 133589).
Sarment, Jean: Leurs Débuts (London TW 91066).
Saroyan, William: William Saroyan Talking and Trying To Read From Some Of His Novels, Plays and Stories
(Columbia Literary Series: Columbia Masterworks ML 4758)also available in the boxed set of the
Columbia Literary Series.
Sarrazin, Albertine: Albertine Sarrazin (Ades 331).
Savard, Félix-Antoine: Ecrivains du Québec No.3 (Fides; no catalogue number).
Sawyer, Ruth: Ruth Sawyer, Storyteller (Weston Woods Studios WW 701-2).
Schade, Jens August: Sjov I Danmark [reading in Danish] (Gyldendals Bogklub; no cat. No.).
Schade, Jens August: Schade: Sjov I Danmark (Sonet.SLPS 1601).
Schaller, Wolfgang: Kritik Muss Man Uben (Litera Stereo 8 65 428).
Scheibner, Hans: Scheibnerweise (RCA PL 28413).
Schevill, James: Performance Poems by James Schevill (Cambridge Records CRS 2002).
Schnurre, Wolfdietrich: Wolfdietrich Schnurre Liest Aus “Der Schattenfotograf”; “Kassiber Und Neue Gedichte”;
“Ein Unglucksfall” (DG 2891155).
Schutz, Susan Polis: Come Into The Mountains Dear Friend: Susan Polis Schutz and Summit (Blue Mountain Arts
SPR 5051).
Scott, Alexander and Edwin Morgan: Double Scotch, A (Claddagh CCA-5) [filed under Edwin Morgan].
Scott, Winfield Townley: Winfield Townley Scott Reads From His Own Works (Decca DL 9140) [my copy is
factory sealed but has a punch-hole in the sleeve].
Scott-Heron, Gil: New Black Poet, A: Gil Scott-Heron: Small Talk At 125
and Lenox (Flying Dutchman FDS-131).
Sebo, Ferenc: Enekelt Versek (SLPX 13877). Works by Attila Jozsef, Laszlo Nagy, Sandor Csoori and other noted
Hungarian poets are set to music by this leading Hungarian composerbut whether the voices of the authors
actually are heard on this LP remain to be determined.
Seferis, George: Poetry of George Seferis, The: Read in Greek by the Author and in English by the translator
Edmund Keeley (Caedmon TC 1277).
Segal, Erich: Love Story, Read by the Author (Caedmon TC 2093).
Seghers, Anna: Die Toten Bleibenjung (Litera Mono 8.60.149). East German pressing.
Seghers, Anna: Die Toten Bleibenjung (Litera Mono 8.60.149). East German pressing. Second copy.
Sendak, Maurice: Maurice Sendak’s Really Rosie [Broadway cast album] (Caedmon TRS-368).
Service, Robert: The Robert Service Story with John Cairney and Alannah O’Sullivan. This album does NOT
feature the voice of Service, but is comprised of his writing read by these two actors (REL 467).
Setterlind, Bo: Engang Blir Allting Stilla [Bo Setterlind recites his work while two musicians accompany him]
(Sirius LP 812).
Sexton, Anne: Anne Sexton Reads Her Poetry (Caedmon TC 1441) [sleeve is marred by library slip pocket
Shatner, William: Mimsy Were The Borogoves Read By William Shatner (Caedmon TC 1509).
Shaw, George Bernard: Actual Voices of, The [with Kipling and Conan Doylethis is probably a bootleg record]
(Audio Rarities) [filed under “A” in Anthology LPs).
Shaw, George Bernard: Bernard Shaw Speaks: A 1937 Short Wave Broadcast (Heritage LP H-0074) [this is a 10
inch record].
Shaw, George Bernard: Bernard Shaw Speaks: A 1937 Short Wave Broadcast (Heritage LP H-0074) [this is a 10
inch record]. Second copy.
Shaw, George Bernard: Bernard Shaw: Some Of His Broadcasts (BBC Radio Enterprises: REB 32M).
Shaw, George Bernard: Spoken English And Broken English (RCA). This would seem to be a record intended solely
for internal use at RCA. The label states that it is a “Reference recording” and handwritten notes on the label
further indicate that it is probably a unique item never intended for sale. First recorded by Linguaphone,
1927. Linguaphone is a worldwide school for teaching foreign languages.
Shepherd, Jean: Declassified Jean Shepherd, The: The People Have A Right to Know (Mercury Stereo SRM-1-615).
Shtekelis, Miriam Yalan: Poems Read by the author and also sung by Tova Ben-Zvi {Hed-Arzi Ltd., IsraelAN49-
34]. Sleeve text entirely in Hebrew.
Shtekelis, Miriam Yalan: Poems read by the author and also sung by Nama Hendel. The poems on this record are
completely different than the poems read or sung on the other album by this author. Text on sleeves entirely
in Hebrew. 10-inch record.
Silverberg, Robert: Dying Inside (Caedmon TC 1612).
Silverberg, Robert: Robert Silverberg Reads “To See The Invisible Man” (Pelican LP 2003).
Silverstein, Shel: Great Conch Train Robbery And Other Songs, The (Flying Fish Records, no catalogue number).
Silverstein, Shel: Where The Sidewalk Ends (Columbia 39611Snake Eye Records).
Simonov, Konstantin: Konstantin Simonov Reads Simonov and Other Soviet Poets Reading in Russian (Monitor MR
Simpson, Louis: Louis Simpson Reads From His Own Works (Decca DL 9146).
Simpson, Louis: Yales Series Of Recorded Poets Louis Simpson (Carillon Records YP305).
Sinan, Rogelio: Poesia Y Narracion (Casa de la Americas/Palabra de esta America 36).
Sinclair, Gordon: Will The Real Gordon Sinclair Please Stand Up (Toronto: M&S, 1966) [a 5½ inch record of
Sinclair reading “I Don’t Believe In The Bible” is in a sleeve pasted onto rear endpaper of the book, part of
the original publication.] {The book is autographed by Gordon Sinclair}.
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Isaac Bashevis Singer Reading Gimpel the Fool and The Man Who Cane Back (Caedmon
TC 1200).
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Isaac Bashevis Singer Reads In Yiddish (Caedmon TC 1202).
Sitwell, Edith: Edith Sitwell Reading From Her Poetry (Caedmon TCE 101) [Note that this is a 7-inch record].
Sitwell, Edith: Edith Sitwell Reads Her Poems (Caedmon TC 1016).
Sitwell, Edith: Excerpts from “A Poet’s Notebook”, “Notebook on Shakespeare” and “Canticle of the Rose” (ML
4759part of the boxed set of albums in the Columbia Literary Series). Was a separately sleeved version of
this LP ever issued?.
Sitwell, Edith: I (Poems by Edith Sitwell; Music by William Walton. Record Produced in Cooperation with The
Musuem of Modern Art. Edith Sitwell, Reader, with Chamber Orchestra, Frederick Prausnitz, Conductor.
Columbia Masterworks Microgroove ML 2047) This record would seem to date to 1949. [This is a 10-inch
Sitwell, Edith: I [with Peggy Ashcroft, Paul Scofield et alia. Note that Edith Sitwell does not appear on this album.]
(Argo Stereo ZRG 649).
Sitwell, Edith: I With Dame Edith Sitwell. [This record also features “Music For A Farce” by Paul Bowles]
(Columbia Masterworks ML 5241).
Sitwell, Edith: John Gielgud/Irene Worth: A Program Of Poems By Edith Sitwell (RCA Victor VDM-106). Sitwell
not speak on this album.
Sitwell, Edith: Poets Reading No.1 On this record Sitwell reads 4 poems, and C.Day Lewis reads 4 poems. (Jupiter
Recording JEP 00C1) [Note that this is a 7-inch record].
Sitwell, Edith: Program of Poems by Edith Sitwell, A [Sitwell does not read on this LP. The poems were read by
John Gielguid and Irene Worth at a special program at the 92
Street YMHA in New York. The back sleeve
has an original essay by Alan Pryce-Jones.] (RCA Victor Red Seal VDM-106 Mono and Stereo).
Sitwell, Edith: Voice of Edith Sitwell Reading Her Own Poem “Façade” To The Music of William Walton, The
(Columbia Masterworks in Cooperation with the Museum of Modern Art ML 2047) [10-inch record]
comes with an extensive booklet.
Sitwell, Edith: Walton I [also contains Noel Coward reciting Ogden Nash’s translation of “Carnival of the
Animals”] (Columbia Y 32359).
Sitwell, Osbert: Left Hand, Right Hand (ML 4763part of the boxed set of the Columbia Literary Series) Was a
seperately sleeved version of this LP ever issued?
Sitwell, Osbert: Osbert Sitwell Reading From His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1013).
Sitwell, Sacheverell: “Spain”, “Mauretania”, “Roumanian Journey” in the boxed set of the Columbia Literary
Series (ML 4755). Was a seperately sleeved version ever issued of this LP?
Sjödin, Stig: Tva nutidspoeter: Birger Norman & Stig Sjödin (Pogo Plattan PPLP 109) [filed under Norman, Birger].
Skinner, Cornelia Otis: “The Loves Of Charles II” Written and Performed by Cornelia Otis Skinner (Argo RG 384).
Skinner, Cornelia Otis: “The Loves Of Charles II” Written and Performed by Cornelia Otis Skinner (Spoken Arts
SA 813).
Skinner, Cornelia Otis: “The Loves Of Charles II” Written and Performed by Cornelia Otis Skinner (Spoken Arts
SA 813). Second copy.
Skinner. Cornelia Otis: Scenes from Shakespeare’s Plays (Camden RCA: CA:-190).
Smith, Lilian: Our Faces, Our Words (Spoken Arts SA 916).
Smith, Lilian: Strange Fruit (Spoken Arts SA 964).
Smith, Patti: Dream Of Life (Arista AL 8453).
Smith, Patti: Dream Of Life (Arista AL 8453). Second copy.
Smith, Patti: Easter (Arista AL 5-8166).
Smith, Patti: Horses (Arista AL 8158).
Smith, Patti: Radio Ethiopia (Arista AL 4097).
Smith, Patti: Wave (Arista AB 4221).
Smith, Stevie & Adrian Mitchell: British Poets Of Our Time (Argo PLP 1188 Mono).
Smith, Sydney Goodsir: The Deevil’s Waltz (Claddagh CCA8).
Smith, William Jay: Antiworlds [Smith et alia read their translations of the poems of Voznesensky] filed under
Smith, William Jay: William Jay Smith Reading His Poems For Children, Volume 1 (CMS 628).
Smith, William Jay: William Jay Smith Reading His Poems For Children, Volume 2 (CMS 631).
Snow, Michael et alia: CCMC Live At The Music Gallery, November 19, 1982 (produced by the Music Gallery as a
7-inch disc played at 33 1/3 rpm; no catalogue number; Michael Snow is one of 5 musicians who play as part
of the group known as CCMC).
Snow, Wilbert: Wilbert Snow Maine Poet (Bert and I Records #6).
Sobiloff, Hy: New Poems By Hy Sobiloff Read By The Poet (Gryphon Records GR-907).
Solshenizyn, Alexander: Prussian Nights (No catalogue number of publisher cited. Apparently issued by Radio
Publicite SA in Zurich). The epic poem was recited by the author and recorded in 1969.
Sondheim, Stephen: Into The Woods (Original Broadway cast recording) (RCA Victorno catalogue number).
Sondheim, Stephen: Sunday In The Park With George (original Broadway cast recording) (RCA Red Seal HBC1-
5042 Stereo).
Sondheim, Stephen: Sweeney Todd (original cast recording) (RCA Red Seal CBL2-3379)
Sontag, Susan: Debriefing (Tantram Press; no catalogue number).
Soupault, Philippe: Le Voyageur Magnetique. Features readings of his work by Soupault and actors. Produced on
the occasion of a Tribute to Soupault in the French city of Montreuil in 1989. The record was not for sale
but apparently issued as a commemorative gift to celebrate the poet and co-author (with Andre Breton) of the
first Surrealist text. Front cover consists solely of a photo of Soupault taken by Man Ray in 1921.
Soya, Carl Erik: Soya Laeser Soya (Sonet SLP 1227)
Speaight, Robert: Golden Treasury Of Children’s Verse. Read by Jill Balcon and Robert Speaight. Volume One.
(Spoken Arts SA 820)
Speaight, Robert: “Just So Stories” by Rudyard Kipling Read By Jill Balcoln and Robert Speaight, Volume One
(Spoken Arts SA 823 Volume One).
Speaight, Robert: Hilaire Belloc. (Argo RG 79) Poems read by Robert Speaight, Back sleeve also features a 500
words essay by Speaight written for this LP.
Speaight, Robert: Robert Speaight Reading “Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot (Argo RG 11 Mono) [front sleeve features
a solid lime green background with black typeface].
Speaight, Robert: Robert Speaight Reads The Poems Of Oliver Goldsmith, Thomas Gray, William Collins (Spoken
Arts 849).
Speaight, Robert: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, translated by Edward Fitzgerald, Read by Robert Speaight;
Alternative translation by Robert Graves, Read by Robert Graves (Spoken Arts SA 965).
Speaight, Robert: Spoken Arts Treasury of Alexander Pope Read by Robert Speaight (SA 962).
Speaight, Robert: Spoken Arts Treasury Of John Donne Read by Robert Speaight (Spoken Arts 859).
Speaight, Robert: Spoken Arts Treasury of John Dryden Read by Robert Speaight (Spoken Arts SA 866).
Speaight, Robert: Spoken Arts Treasury Of Mathew Arnold Read By Robert Speaight (Spoken Arts SA 974).
Speaight, Robert: T.S. Eliot “The Waste Land” Read by Robert Speaight (Argo RG 10 Mono).
Speaight, Robert: T.S. Eliot “The Waste Land” Read by Robert Speaight (Argo RG 10 Mono). Second copy.
Speaight, Robert: Venus and Adonis by William Shakespeare Read by Robert Speaight and Maxine Audley (Spoken
Arts SA 942).
Spender, Stephen: Poems of Stephen Spender (Spoken Arts SA 804).
Spender, Stephen: Selected Poems Read By The Poet ( Spoken Arts SA 953).
Spender, Stephen: Selected Poems Read By The Poet ( Spoken Arts SA 953). Second copy.
Spender, Stephen: Stephen Spender Readings (Caedmon TC 1084).
Spender, Stephen: Stephen Spender Reads a Selection of his Poems (Argo RG88).
Starbuck, George: George Starbuck Reads From His Own Works: Yale Series Of Recorded Poets (Decca Records
DL 9137).
Starbuck, George: George Starbuck Reads from his Works (CMS-676).
Stave, John: John Stave Liest “Das Ausserst Gefahrliche An Einer Dogge” (Litera 8 65 352).
Steele, Gladys: Gladys Steele’s The Show: Verses Of Ogden Nash: International Interpretations (Music Library
7087). Steele was a diseuse.
Stefansson, David: Tveir Pjodskorungar Islenzkra Bokmentta [Harold Laxness also reads on this disc. Disc is filed
under Laxness] (Parlophone-Odeon CPMA-9).
Stein, Gertrude: “In Circles” [by Al Carmines; based on the words of Gertrude Stein.] Note that Stein does not
appear on this record.
Stein, Gertrude: Gertrude Stein Reads from her Works (Caedmon TC 1050).
Steinbeck, John: John Steinbeck: Columbia Literary Series (Columbia Masterworks ML 4756) also available in
the boxed set Columbia Literary Series.
Stephens, James: The Poems of James Stephens (Spoken Arts SA 744).
Stevens, Wallace: Wallace Stevens Reading His Poems (Caedmon TC 1068).
Stine, Irving: Eleven Presidents Speak: Every President From Cleveland To Eisenhower: Actual Voices From Their
Famous Speeches (Columbia, no catalogue number). This LP was NOT FOR SALE. In 1956 it was given to
buyers of televisions “compliments of your Hotpoint Hi-Fi TV dealer.” Stone does not speak on the album
but rather wrote the original essay which fills the back sleeve. Note that this essay antedates the publication
of almost all the books for which he remains famous.
Storz, Gerhard: Kleeblattschnauzer Und Andere Schwabische Maulereien Gesprochen Vom Autor, Der (Klett-Cotta
Strauss, Botho: Widmung, Die. Auszuge. Gelesen vom Autor (DG Stereo 2570205).
Strittmatter, Erwin: Erwin Strittmatter Liest: Wie Ich Meinen Grosswater Kennenlernte(Litera 8 60 229).
Stuart, Francis: Alternative Government (Claddagh CCT 18).
Studer, Norman: All The Homespun Days: A Narrative Poem (Folkways FS 3853).
Sturgeon, Theodore: Baby Is Three (Caedmon TC 1492).
Sturgeon, Theodore: Bianca’s Hands (Alternate World Recordings AWR 3340).
Sturgeon, Theodore: Fabulous Idiot, The, (Caedmon TC 1634).
Styron, William: William Styron Reading From Lie Down in Darkness [with John Knowles] (CMS 521).
Sveinsson, Einar Ol.: Readings from Icelandic Literature (Falkinn Kalp-34).
Swenson, May: Poetry and Voice of May Swenson (Caedmon TC 1500).
Synge, John Millington: Riders To The Sea/In The Shadow Of The Glen (Spoken Arts SA 743). Synge does not
appear on this album. Rather, this is a recording of a Radio Erin production of these two works. None of the
actors are cited.
Tabori, George: Brecht on Brecht (Columbia Masterworks Mono 02L 278; same album is said to be Stereo 02S 203)
[an album arranged and translated by George Tabori, starring the Czech playwright and actor George
Voskovec] filed under Voskovec.
Taggard, Genevieve: Untitled (FRLP 466 A. River Press: East Jamaica, Vermont). This is a 10-inch record made of
red translucent plastic of some type. The sleeve bears no writing or information. I have enclosed in the
sleeve a couple of pages of biography I found on the Web.
Tate, Allen: Allen Tate Reads From His Work (Yale Series of recorded poets) (Carillon Records YP300)[features a
large black and white photo of Tate turning towards the camera, sitting in a chair, smoking a cigarette).
Terkel, Studs: Earthy Side, The (PIP Records PIP-6804). Terkel wrote the essay for this LP published on the back
and inner sleeves. The LP itself is an alnthology of witty naughty bits of scatology and such from classic
authors and composers.
Terkel, Studs: Hard Times: The Story of the Depression in the Voices of Those Who Lived It: The Original Tapes On
Which The Book Was Based, Edited by Studs Terkel (Caedmon TC 2048) [Terkel’s voice does not seem to be
on this 2-record set; the album does feature a track on which José Yglesias, the novelist and essayist, gives
his boyhood memories of Ybor City, the Latin-American section of Tampa, Florida where his family were
cigar makers].
Thomas, Dylan and Edith Sitwell: Dylan Thomas And Edith Sitwell Read And Discuss Her Poetry (Caedmon TC
Thomas, Dylan: Adventures in the Skin Trade (Caedmon TC 2078).
Thomas, Dylan: Complete Recorded Stories and Humorous Essays of Dylan Thomas (Caedmon TC 3006) [library
pocket on front of sleeve].
Thomas, Dylan: Dylan Thomas Narrating Under Milk Wood With The Original New York Cast (Caedmon TC
2005Microgroove) [front sleeve features a blue background with the title printed in yellow, and with
village roofs printed as a black and white woodcut].
Thomas, Dylan: Dylan Thomas Reading From His Own Poetry (Caedmon; no catalogue number). This is a two-
record set. The front sleeve features a picture of The White Horse Tavern in New York.
Thomas, Dylan: Dylan Thomas Reading “A Few Words Of A Kind” (Caedmon TCE 150). 7-inch record.
Thomas, Dylan: Dylan Thomas Reading “Ballad Of The Long-Legged Bait” (Caedmon TCE 152). 7-inch record.
Thomas, Dylan: Dylan Thomas Reading From His Own Works (Caedmon TC 1342).
Thomas, Dylan: Dylan Thomas Reading His Complete Recorded Poetry (Caedmon TC 2014).
Thomas, Dylan: Dylan Thomas Reading King Lear (Caedmon TC 1158).
Thomas, Dylan: Dylan Thomas Reading Quite Early One Morning (Caedmon TC 1132). [confusingly, this album
is also referred to by Caedmon in some places as Vol. 5 of the series “Dylan Thomas Reading”. See
vols.1-4 below which are much more clearly marked on the sleeves as being volumes in a series.]
Thomas, Dylan: Dylan Thomas Reads A Personal Anthology (Caedmon TC 1294). [Sleeve has a light lime-green
background with typeface in red, with a charcoal drawing by Soss Melik of the head of Dylan Thomas].
Thomas, Dylan: Dylan Thomas Reads The Poetry Of William Butler Yeats and W.H. Auden, George Barker, W.H.
Davies, Walter de la Mare, D.H. Lawrence, Christopher Marlowe and Louis MacNeice (Caedmon TC
Thomas, Dylan: Evening With Dylan Thomas, An (Caedmon TC 1157) [front sleeve features photo portrait of
Dylan Thomas in black and white against middle-blue background].
Thomas, Dylan: Fifteen Poems By Dylan Thomas Read By Richard Burton (Spoken Arts/An Argo Recording 798).
Essay on back by Dame Edith Sitwell written for this record.
Thomas, Dylan: Homage to Dylan Thomas (Argo PLP 1060) [front sleeve features a black and white photo of
D.T. standing before a music stand. The left quarter of the front album sleeve has a purple
background and features the names of the participants in the Homage].
Thomas, Dylan: Homage to Dylan Thomas (Argo Westminster Recording SWN 18076). This album is comprised
of a reading of the poems of Dylan Thomas by Louis MacNeice, Hugh Griffith, Richard Burton and Emlyn
Williams. [front sleeve features a brown and cream duotone photo of the British House of Commons
and Big Ben and a gold label (about 12 cm high and 9 cm wide) with the title and contents of the LP.
This format of sleeve would have allowed Argo Westminster to print huge numbers of the duotone
sleeve, to save on costs, while printing, only as needed, the much cheaper gold label with the contents
Thomas, Dylan: Homage to Dylan Thomas (Westminster XWN 18076) [front sleeve features a black and white
photo of D.T. half-sitting in an armchair, his signature overprinted in blue.
Thomas, Dylan: In Country Heaven (Caedmon TC 1281).
Thomas, Dylan: In Country Sleep (Caedmon TCE 149). Seven-inch record, 45 rpm
Thomas, Dylan: Reading vol. 1 (Caedmon Four Front 4 FP 9000, STC 1002UK pressing) [front sleeve features a
light yellow background with the opening lines of “Fern Hill” overprinted].
Thomas, Dylan: Reading vol. 1 (Caedmon TC 1002) [Front sleeve is split horizontally: the top half is red
background with tree leaves overprinted in black; bottom half shows woodcut scene of a village
printed in black. I have one sleeve marked “Seventh Printing” and one marked “Ninth Printing”.
Thomas, Dylan: Reading vol. 1 (Caedmon TC 1002Microgroove) [front sleeve features an olive green
background with several woodcut laurel trees overprinted in black.
Thomas, Dylan: Reading vol. 2 (Caedmon TC 1018) [front sleeve features a large woodcut of a bird printed in
black and orange.].
Thomas, Dylan: Reading vol. 2 (Caedmon TC 1018) [front sleeve features a rust-brown background with
several identical woodcuts of laurel trees printed in black. Title info is in label form.].
Thomas, Dylan: Reading vol. 2 (Caedmon TC 1018) [front sleeve features a rust-brown background with
several identical woodcuts of laurel trees printed in black. Title info is in label form.] Second copy.
Thomas, Dylan: Reading vol. 3 (Caedmon TC 1043Microgroove) [front sleeve is divided horizontally into 3
equal sections: the top section is orange and black; the middle is white and black; bottom is purple
and black.].
Thomas, Dylan: Reading vol. 4 (Caedmon TC 1061) [front sleeve is modelled after the USA flag, with D.T. right
face in profile against blue background in space where the stars would ordinarily appear on an
American flag].
Thomas, Dylan: Reading vol. 4 (Caedmon TC 1061Microgroove) [front sleeve features a black and white
woodcut of D.T.’s right face in profile with a cigarette dangling from his lip.].
Thomas, Dylan: Return Journey To Swansea (Caedmon 1354).
Thomas, Dylan: Under Milk Wood [with Richard Burton and an all Welsh cast in the original BBC production]
(Argo Mono 21Record One of 2) [Front sleeve features a predominantly blue background with title in
white type in upper left corner and centre of sleeve features painting of an old man].
Thomas, Dylan: Under Milk Wood [with Richard Burton et alia] (Argo RG 21) Front sleeve features a red, white,
yellow and blue woodcut with the title “Under Milkwood” arched at top over most of the woodcut.
Album and sleeve made in England.
Thomas, Dylan: Under Milk Wood [with Richard Burton et alia] (Argo RG 22) Front sleeve features a red, white,
yellow and blue woodcut with the title “Under Milkwood” arched at top over most of the woodcut.
Album and sleeve apparently manufactured in South Africa.
Thomas, Dylan: Under Milk Wood [with Richard Burton et alia] (Argo RG 21 & 22). Double album. Front sleeve
features a red, white, yellow and blue woodcut with the title “Under Milkwood” arched at top over
most of the woodcut. Album and sleeve made in England.
Thomas, Dylan: Under Milk Wood [with Richard Burton et alia] (Spoken Arts: An Argo Recording 791/792) Top
seam split on one wing of this two album sleeve. [This would seem to be the original pressing of this
album, at least in the USA. The mailing address has no postal code or number. The front side of the
sleeve is a duotone of yellow and black and features a ¾ photo of Dylan Thomas staring directly into
the camera while leaning his right shoulder against the outside wall of a house and in front of a bush.]
Tikkanen, Marta: Arhundradets Kärlekssaga (Proprius PROP 7824).
Tillich, Paul: Paul Tillich In The Sum And The Substance: A Dialogue On Contemporary Values With Herman
Harvey. The flip side has an interview conducted by Herman Harvey with visual artist S. Macdonald-Wright
(no number cited. Modern Learning Aids).
Toklas, Alice B.: Alice B. Toklas: Readings from The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook (MG V-15017).
Tolkein, J.R.R.: Hobbit, The [starring Nicol Williamson] (Argo ZPL 1196/9).
Tolkein, J.R.R.: J.R.R. Tolkein Reads and Sings His “The Hobbit” and “The Fellowship of the Ring” (Caedmon TC
Tolkein, J.R.R.: J.R.R. Tolkein Reads and Sings His Lord of the Rings (Caedmon TC 1478).
Tolkein, J.R.R.: Lord of the Rings: The Original Sountrack Recording Composed and Conducted by Leonard
Rosenman (LORPD 2) [This album was released under another cover as LOR-1]. Tolkein does not speak on
this album.
Tolkien, J.R.R.: J.R.R. Tolkien Soundbook: J.R.R. Tolkien Reads Excerpts From “The Hobbit”, “The Lord of the
Rings”, and “Poems and Songs of Middle Earth”. Christopher Tolkien Reads “The Silmarillion—“Of
Beren and Luthien” (Caedmon Soundbook SBR 101).
Tolkien, J.R.R.: Poems and Songs of Middle Earth (Caedmon TC 1231).
Tolkein, J.R.R.: Silmarillion Of Beren And Luthien, The. Read by Christopher Tolkein (Caedmon TC 1564).
Torberg, Friedrich: Friedrich Torberg Liest Parodien Und Pamphlete (DG 168 089).
Torri, Julio: Julio Torri (Voz Viva de Mexico. No catalogue number).
Toynbee, Arnold: Fossil or Nation: The Historic Debate Between Arnold J. Toynbee and Yaacov Herzog at Hillel
House, McGill University, Montreal (Baroque Records, BD 1847/8).
Tracey, Hugh: Bird Of The Valley And Other African Stories, The (Decca Mono LK 4916).
Tralow, Johannes: Johannes Tralow liest aus seinen Romanen “Der Eunuch” und “Roxelane” (Litera 8 60 110).
Tuglas, Friedebert: [Reading his own work in Estonian] (031291-2).
Turell, Dan: Pas Pa Pengene! (Mega Records MRLP-3220)
Turell, Dan: Ud Pa Landet (Olga LP 87031)
Turrini, Peter: Peter Turrini liest “Rozznjogd” (Litera Intercord 26 561-1 H).
Turrini, Peter: Peter Turrini liest “Rozznjogd” (Litera Intercord 26 561-1 H). Second copy.
Tuwhare, Hone: Hone Tuwhare Reads “No Ordinary Sun.” (Astor Recording, no catalogue number).
Tworkov, Jack: The Camel Who Took A Walk (Picture Book Parade PBP 2003) [filed under Marcia Brown].
Updike, John: John Updike Reading From His Works “The Centaur”, “Lifeguard”, and Poems (CMS 523).
Updike, John: John Updike Reading From His Works “The Centaur”, “Lifeguard”, and Poems (CMS 523).
Second copy.
Updike, John: John Updike Reads from “Couples” etc. (Caedmon TC 1276).
Urena, Camila Henriquez: Ensayo (Casa de las Americas/Palabra de Esta America 48).
Ustinov, Peter: Grand Prix Of Gibraltar, The (Fantasy Records MPF-4507).
Ustinov, Peter: How To Be Terribly, Terribly Funny (humorous monologues by Peter Ustinov and other comic
actorsnone of them writers apart from Ustinov) (Riverside Popular Series Hi-Fi RLP 7516).
Ustinov, Peter: James Thurber: “A Curb In The Sky” and Other Stories Read by Peter Ustinov (Caedmon TC
Ustinov, Peter: James Thurber: “Many Moons” Read By Peter Ustinov (Caedmon TC 1410).
Ustinov, Peter: James Thurber: The 13 Clocks Read by Peter Ustinov (Caedmon TC 2089).
Ustinov, Peter: James Thurber: “The Unicorn In The Garden” And Other Fables For Our Time Read By Peter
Ustinov (Caedmon TC 1398).
Ustinov, Peter: Little Prince, The Read by Peter Ustinov (Argo ZSW 520-1).
Ustinov, Peter: Many Voices of Peter Ustinov in After Supper Conversation (BBC REB26M).
Ustinov, Peter: Nutcracker Suite, Between Birthdays: Verses By Ogden Nash Spoken By Peter Ustinov (Columbia
Masterworks ML 5664).
Ustinov, Peter: Nutcracker Suite, Between Birthdays: Verses By Ogden Nash Spoken By Peter Ustinov (Columbia
Masterworks ML 5664). Second copy.
Ustinov, Peter: Old Man of Lochnagar, The: Written by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales: Narrator: Peter Ustinov (Multi
Media Music Ltd; no cat no).
Ustinov, Peter: Peter Ustinov Reads His Own Works (CMS 524).
Ustinov, Peter: Peter Ustinov Reads His Own Works (Peerless PRCS 113) [British pressing].
Ustinov, Peter: Peter Ustinov Reads James Thurber's "The Great Quillow" (Caedmon TC 1411).
Ustinov, Peter: Peter Ustinov Reads The Orchestra (MRP 107).
Ustinov, Peter: Peter Ustinov Tells The Story of Babar The Elephant [i.e., Poulenc’s Opera] (Angel Stereo 36357).
Ustinov, Peter: Peter Ustinov The Brilliant Humorist Takes A Devasting Look at Sports Car Racing (Riverside
Specialty Series RLP 12-833).
Ustinov, Peter: Walt Disney Presents The Story of "Bluebeard's Ghost" Narrated by Peter Ustinov (Disneyland DQ-
Valentin, Karl & Liesl Karlstadt: 2. Folge (Ariola Eurodisc 71-809 KW).
Valentin, Karl & Liesl Karlstadt: Buchbinder Wanniger (Telefunken 45 352). No sleeve.
Valentin, Karl & Liesl Karlstadt: Muncher Originale Nr. 1 (Telefunken UX 4604). 7-inch record played at 45 rpm.
Valentin, Karl & Liesl Karlstadt: Schon war die Zeit (Polydor 21 107 EPH). This is a 7-inch record
Valentin, Karl & Liesl Karlstadt: Schonlte, Das (Kabarett Polytdor 47-815). Illustrated booklet [in German]
Valentin, Karl & Liesl Karlstadt: Unvergessen (Ariola 86-933-IW).
Valentin, Karl & Liesl Karlstadt: Unvergessen (Ariola 86-933-IW). Second copy.
Valentin, Karl: Alten Rittersleut, Die (Telefunken 6.21323).
Valentin, Karl: Aus dem wunderlichen Alltag des Karl Valentin (Litera Mono 8 60 172).
Valentin, Karl: Das Grosse Erinnerungs-Album 1.Folge (Telefunken TS 3140/1-2).
Valentin, Karl: Das Grosse Erinnerungs-Album 2.Folge (Telefunken TS 3140/1-2).
Valentin, Karl: Lach-Musaum (Ariola 279781W).
Valentin, Karl: Munchner Im Himmel, Der (Polydor 6391 Mono).
Valentin, Karl: Sein unvollstandiges Gesamtwerk mit und ohne Liesl Kalstadt (Ariola 91 694 0 StereoClub
Valentin, Karl: Trompteten-Unterricht (Munich: R. Piper & Co. Verlag).
Valentin, Karl: Unverganglich (Electrolo 7 EGW 8387). 7-inch record played at 45 rpm.
Valery, Paul: Paul Valéry (Festival FLD 81). 10-inch record.
Valery, Paul: Paul Valéry Vous Parle (Festival FLD 81 M). 10-inch record.
Valery, Paul: Paul Valéry Vous Parle (Festival FLDX 81).
Valery, Paul: Paul Valéry Vous Parle (Select SC-13.018, Mono).
Van Ostaijen, Paul: First Book Of Schmoll, The: Selected Poems 1920-1928. Foreword by E.M. Beekman.
Introduction by Gerrit Borgers. Translated from the Dutch by Theo Hermans, James S. Holmes, Peter
Nijmeijer, with an Essay by the author translated from the Dutch by Theo Hermans and Paul Vincent
(Amsterdam: Bridges Books, 1982). Paperback original. Inside back cover contains a 45 rpm record with
six songspoems by Van Ostaijen set to music (with Van Ostaijen’s authorization) by the noted Flemish
composers Karel Albert and August L. Baeyens. This is the first time these songs have been recorded,
although they were performed on notable occasions in Belgium and the Netherlands. Filed in my book
library under Van Ostaijen.
Vargas, Eva: Wenn Tristan Kommt (Intercord INT 160.076).
Vellanti, Edward Angelo: To Be Continued...Or Forgotten (J.C. Productions; no catalogue number).
Vidal, Gore: Gore Vidal's "An Evening With Richard Nixon" (Ode SP77015).
von Heiseler, Bernt: Bernt von Heiseler Liest Gedichte Und Aus Seinem Roman “Versohnung.” (Bertelsmann 56
093). Seven-inch record.
von le Fort, Gertrud: Gertrud von le Fort Spricht (Christophorus-Verlag CLX 72108). Ten-inch record.
von Rezzori, Gregor: Maghrebinische Geschichten (Decca DSC 13-901).
von Rezzori, Gregor: Maghrebinische Geschichten (Decca DSC 13-901). Second copy.
Vonnegut, Kurt: Breakfast of Champions, Abridged, Read By The Author (Caedmon TC 1602) [ex-library copy,
rubber stamped with library name, otherwise fine].
Vonnegut, Kurt: Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Reads “Cat’s Cradle” (Caedmon TC 1346).
Vonnegut, Kurt: Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Reads "Slaughterhouse-Five" (Caedmon TC 1376).
Voskovec, George: Brecht on Brecht (Columbia Masterworks Mono 02L 278; same album is said to be Stereo 02S
203) [an album arranged and translated by George Tabori, starring the Czech playwright and actor George
Voskovec, George: Brecht on Brecht (Columbia Masterworks Mono 02L 278; same album is said to be Stereo 02S
203) [an album arranged and translated by George Tabori, starring the Czech playwright and actor George
Voskovec]. Second copy.
Voskovec, George: John Gielguid’s Production of Hamlet [starring Voskovec et alia] (Columbia Mono DOL-302).
Voznesensky, Andrei: Antiworlds (Columbia Masterworks Mono OL-6590).
Voznesensky, Andrei: Voices of Yevtushenko and Voznesensky (Monitor) [filed under Yevtushenko, Yevgeny].
Vuorela, Einari: Einar Vuorela & Lauri Pohjanpää [reading their poems in Finnish] (WS 2).
Waggerl, Karl Heinrich: An Mein Fruende: Jorg Demus Spielt Schubert (Christophorus Verlag SCGLV 73818).
Waggerl, Karl Heinrich: Karl Heinrich Waggerl Liest Aus Seinen “Kalendergeschichten” (Amadeo AVRS 2021-X).
10-inch record.
Waggerl, Karl Heinrich: Und Es Begab Lich…Karl Heinrich Waggerl Liest Seine Sechs Weihnachtslegenden (DG
Wain, John: John Wain AND Ted Hughes: Poets Reading No.5 (Jupiter JEP 0C27). Seven-inch record.
Waldman, Anne: John Giorno and Anne Waldman (Giorno Poetry Systems) [filed under Giorno, John].
Waldman, Anne: Uh-Oh Plutonium! (Hyacinth Girls Music, no number cited). 7-inch record. Autographed by
Anne Waldman.
Walker, Margaret: Poetry Of Margaret Walker Read By Margaret Walker, The (Folkways FL 9795). Ex-library.
Record dealer removed library stickers leaving scars on left spine front and back; otherwise fine. Booklet
with substantial biographical info and complete text of the poems read.
Walser, Martin: Mein Schiller (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1980). This is a 10-inch record played at 33 rpm.
Warren, Robert Penn: Robert Penn Warren Reads From His Own Works (Decca DL 9148).
Warren, Robert Penn: Robert Penn Warren Reads From His Works (CMS-679).
Warren, Robert Penn: Robert Penn Warren Reads His Poetry (CMS-627).
Warren, Robert Penn: Robert Penn Warren Reads Selected Poems (Caedmon TC 1654).
Watkins, Vernon: Vernon Watkins Reads From His Works (Yale Series of Younger Poets) (CMS-681).
Watkins, Vernon: Vernon Watkins Reads From His Works (Yale Series of Younger Poets) (CMS-681). Second
Watkins, Vernon: Vernon Watkins Reads From His Works (Yale Series of Younger Poets) (Decca DL 9142).
Watmough, David: Pictures From A Dying Landscape (Kanata. No cat. no.).
Watts, Alan: Haiku (Musical Engineering Associates, no cat no.) [this would seem to be either an album that Watts
had made for himself and friends, or an album from an incredibly obscure and tiny label].
Watts, Alan: OM: The Sound Of Hinduism (Warner Bros. Records 1723).
Weiss, Peter: David Merrick Presentation of the Royal Shakespeare Company in “The Persecution and
Assassination of Jean Paul Marat as Performed by The Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under The
Direction of the Marquis de Sade,” The. [Weiss does not appear on this album] (Caedmon TRS 312S).
Weiss, Peter: Peter Weiss Reading From His Works (Caedmon TC 1131) [front sleeve features purple background
with Wm Blake etching in b&w].
Weiss, Theodore: Theodore Weiss Reads From His Works (Decca DL 9144).
Weiss, Theodore: Theodore Weiss Reads From His Works (Yale Series of Recorded Poets) (YP 315) -- seams split.
Weiss, Theodore: Theodore Weiss Reads From His Works (Yale Series of Recorded Poets) (CMS 680) [front sleeve
is predominantly blue with a b&w photo of Weiss framed by a white arched box.
Welty, Eudora: Eudora Welty Reading From Her Works "Why I Live At The P.O."; "A Worn Path"; "A Memory"
(Caedmon TC 1010).
Welty, Eudora: Eudora Welty Reads Her Stories "Powerhouse" and "Petrified Man" (Caedmon TC 1626) [Sleeve
has orange background with typeface in black and there is a black and white photo of Welty showing her
seated in a large armchair].
Welty, Eudora: Eudora Welty Reads Her Stories "Powerhouse" and "Petrified Man" (Caedmon TC 1626) [Sleeve
has orange background with typeface in black and there is a black and white photo of Welty showing her
seated in a large armchair.] Second copy.
Werup, Jacques: Den Sjunde vintern (Dragon DRLP 108).
Werup, Jacques: Jacques Werup, Fereskkvartetten, Rolf Sersam (Dragon DRLP 153).
Wheatley, Alan: Lament On The Death Of A Bullfighter And Other Poems By Federico Garcia Lorca Translated
And Read By Alan Wheatley (Argo Westminster Hi-Fi WN 18098) [bottom seam is slightly split].
White, E.B.: Here Is New York. Read by Jack Lemmon (Riverside RLP 849). White’s voice does not appear on this
Wibberley, Leonard: The Ballad of the Pilgrim Cat and The Ballad of Dopey Mick (CMS 571). This is an album for
children, although it should be noted that Wibberley also wrote and published fiction for adults, including
The Mouse That Roared, later translated into the feature film starring Peter Sellers. He also published under
the names Leonard Holton and Patrick O’Connor.
Wiesel, Elie: Elie Wiesel Reading From His Works (Spoken Arts SA 1005) [Sleeve is mostly white, with black and
white photo of Wiesel showing his right profile].
Wilbur, Richard: Antiworlds [Wilbur et alia reading their translations of the poems of Voznsensky] -- filed under
Wilbur, Richard: Candide [lyrics by Richard Wilbur; Wilbur is not heard on the record] (Columbia OL 5180).
Wilbur, Richard: Candide [lyrics by Richard Wilbur--additional lyrics by Stephen Sondheim] -- Chelsea Theatre
Center of Brooklyn Production (Columbia S2X-32923).
Wilbur, Richard: Poems of Richard Wilbur Read By The Poet, The (Spoken Arts 747) [front sleeve features black
and gold pseudo-Japanese symbols against a mostly white background].
Wilbur, Richard: Richard Wilbur Reading His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1248).
Wilbur, Richard: Richard Wilbur Reading His Poetry (Caedmon TC 1248). Second copy.
Wilbur, Richard: Tartuffe [his translation is used in this Stratford, Ontario production of Moliere's Tartuffe; Wilbur
is not heard on the record]. (Caedmon TRS 332).
Wilder, Thornton: Lecture on World Literature (Winchester-no catalogue no.).
Williams, Tennessee: Artistry In English: William Faulkner Reading His Nobel Acceptance Speech And As I Lay
Dying AND Tennessee Williams Reading The Glass Menagerie And Three Of His Poems (Educational
Record Club AE 18). Includes booklet with biographical entries and pedagogical devices for teachers of
these two authors. Filed under “Faulkner, William”
Williams, Tennessee: Tennessee Williams Reading from The Glass Menagerie (Caedmon TC 1005) [I have 2
copies of this album: one with sleeve art by Andy Warhol; one with sleeve art featuring stylized chess
Williams, Tennessee: Tennessee Williams Reads Hart Crane (Caedmon TC 1206).
Williams, Tennessee: Tennessee Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie” with Montgomery Clift, Julie Harris, Jessica
Tandy and David Wayne. Note that Williams does not appear on this album, although the accompanying
booklet contains photos of Tennessee Williams with the actors in the recording studio where this album was
made. (Caedmon TRS-S-301).
Williams, William Carlos: William Carlos Williams Reading His Poems (Caedmon TC 1047) [front sleeve features
a white background with stylized birds--one with a yellow beak and a red neck--the birds surmounted by a
yellow daisy with a red centre.].
Wilson, Angus: Angus Wilson (Verve Records MG V-15023).
Wilson: Mary: Mary Wilson Reads Her Selected Poems (PYE GSGL 10478 Stereo).
Winters, Yvor: Yvor Winters Reads From His Own Works (Yale Series of Recorded Poets) (Decca 9136).
Wismeyer, Heinrich: Mundart-Dichtungen (TST-78-503).
Wismeyer, Heinrich: Mundart-Dichtungen (TST-78-503). Second copy.
Witter, Ben: Mussiggang ist allen Gluckes Anfang (DG Stereo 413-835-1).
Wodehouse, P.G.: Anything Goes (later Broadway cast recording; book by P.G. Wodehouse et alia) (RCA Victor
Wodehouse, P.G.: Anything Goes (original Broadway cast album; musical book by P.G. Wodehouse et alia) (Epic
FLM 13100).
Wodehouse, P.G.: Jeeves, starring Terr-Thomas and Roger Livesey et alia) (Caedmon TC 1137). Wodehouse does
not speak on this record, but the back cover geatures a small essay he wrote specifically for this album.
Wolman, Gil: L’Anticoncept (Alga Marghen, no catalogue number).
Wright, James: Poetry and Voice of James Wright, The (Caedmon TC 1538).
Wylie, Betty-Jane: Beowulf: A Musical Epic (book and lyrics by Betty Jane Wylie) (Daffoldil Records 10050).
Wylie, Betty-Jane: Beowulf: A Musical Epic (book and lyrics by Betty Jane Wylie) (Leap Frog Records 1983; this is
a re-issue of the original 1974 LP).
Wyse, Lois: Are You Sure You Love Me and Love Poems For The Very Married (Flying Dutchman/Amsterdam
Records) [This is a promotional 45 rpm record--not issued for retail sale].
Yeats, W.B.: Poems of William Butler Yeats Read By William Butler Yeats, Michael MacLiammoir and Siobhan
Mckenna (Spoken Arts SA 753).
Yeats, W.B.: Poems of William Butler Yeats Read By William Butler Yeats, Michael MacLiammoir and Siobhan
Mckenna (Spoken Arts SA 753). Second copy.
Yeats, W.B.: Yeats and Auden (Open University A306 Twenieth Century Poetry OU24 Stereo).
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny: Babi Yar And Other Poems (Caedmon TC 1153).
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny: Classical Russian Poetry Read In Russian by Yevgeny Yevtushenko and in English by
Morris Carnovsky (Caedmon Tcp 2036).
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny: Showcase Album 1967, The (EBC 1967). A two-album set which features excerpts from
the television program “Showcase” broadcast from New York City. The TV show occasionally featured
writers reading their work but the only author included on his album of highlights is Yevgeny Yevtushenko.
Yevtushenko made his American TV debut on “Showcase” and for the occasion chose to recite his poem
“Babi Yar.”
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny: Voices of Yevtushenko and Voznesensky (Monitor MR 113).
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny: Yevtushenko in Readings from his New York and San Francisco Concerts (Columbia S
Yglesias, Jose: Hard Times [his voice is heard on one track of the 2-record album compiled by Studs Terkel. Filed
under “Terkel, Studs”].
Yonatan, Nathan: Yonatan reads 24 of his own poems, and his other poems are sung by Chava Alberstein. Text on
sleeves almost entirely in Hebrew. (CBS S-63292).
Young, Nedric: About Young Writers! (ECLC-100).
Zuckmayer, Carl: Carl Zuckmayer (Prieser Records PR 3187)
Zuckmayer, Carl: Carl Zuckmayer liest seine Weihnachtsgeschicte (Frankfurt: S. Fischer Verlag, n.d.).
Zylstra, Henry: Hopkins’ “The Golden Echo” And Several Other Poems Read By Henry Zylstra (Privately produced.
No catalogue number). Zylstra was a professor modererately well-known in American academia. He was
noted for the efficacy of his reading of poetry, and this album was put together by admiring students and
friends for their private distribution.