OF THE U.S. COAST GUARD, the service’s cutters, aircraft, and boats are stand-
ing by 24/7 to respond to safety and security threats in all weather condi-
tions, day or night. As the lead federal agency in the maritime domain for law
enforcement, incident response, homeland security, and disaster management,
these specialized capabilities enable the Coast Guard to save lives, protect the
environment, enforce federal laws on the high seas, and defend the homeland.
In recent years, the Coast Guard realized several achievements with recapi-
talizing its assets.
The service christened the sixth national security cutter (NSC), Munro, in
November 2015. The fifth NSC, James, was commissioned in August 2015. The ser-
vice commissioned its 14th fast response cutter late in 2015, and 14 HC-27J aircraft
are being transferred from the Air Force and modified for Coast Guard missions.
Despite these milestones, fleet and aircraft recapitalization timelines lag
service need, endangering the ability to be “Always Ready” to prepare for,
respond to, and quickly recover from major incidents. Moving forward, the
Coast Guard will thoughtfully pursue and achieve a balanced and executable
acquisition program for the deteriorating offshore, coastal, and inland assets.
The Coast Guard operates three oceangoing icebreakers,
the newest of which, the CGC Healy (WAGB 20), commis-
sioned in July 2000, is the service’s largest ship. The Coast
Guard also operates one icebreaker on the Great Lakes – the
CGC Mackinaw (WLBB 30), which replaced an older ship of
the same name. Icebreakers are painted with an “icebreaker
red” hull to make them noticeable in ice-covered waters. One
oceangoing icebreaker, the Polar Sea, was scheduled to be
decommissioned and its parts used to help keep its sister,
Polar Star, in operation, but Congress blocked the move and
Polar Sea is still awaiting disposition.
Icebreakers, 420-foot Healy class (WAGB)
The Coast Guard’s largest ship, the CGC Healy, was launched
in 1997 and commissioned in 2000, joining the two Polar-class
icebreakers in their homeport of Seattle, Washington. The
Healy is designed to conduct a wide range of research activi-
ties, providing more than 4,200 square feet of scientific lab-
oratory space, numerous electronic sensor systems, oceano-
graphic winches, and accommodations for up to 50 scientists.
Healy is capable of breaking 4.5 feet of ice continuously
at 3 knots and can operate in temperatures as low as minus
50 degrees F. The scientific community provided invaluable
input on lab layouts and scientific capabilities during design
and construction of the ship.
As a Coast Guard cutter, the Healy is also a capable plat-
form for supporting other potential missions in the polar
regions, and is capable of accommodating two H-65 Dolphin
helicopters or one Dolphin and one H-60 Jayhawk helicopter.
Length: 420 feet
Beam: 82 feet
Displacement: 16,000 tons
Power plant: Four diesels, two shafts, 30,000
shaft horsepower (shp)
Speed: 17 knots
Range: 16,000 nautical miles at 12.5 knots;
37,000 miles at 9.25 knots
Vessel in this class:
Healy (WAGB 20), Seattle, Washington
Icebreakers, 399-foot Polar class (WAGB)
The Polar-class icebreakers, built in the 1970s, were designed
for open-water ice breaking and have reinforced hulls, spe-
cial ice breaking bows, and a system that allows rapid shifting
of ballast to increase the effectiveness of their ice breaking.
These ships are capable of continuous progress through ice
6 feet thick at a speed of up to 3 knots. The CGCs Polar Sea
and Polar Star were built to serve in the Arctic and Antarctic,
supporting science and research as well as providing resupply
to remote stations, but their capabilities also enable them to
perform search and rescue, ship escort, environmental protec-
tion, and enforcement of laws and treaties in places most ships
cannot reach. They are fully equipped for helicopter berthing
and deck operations, and can carry two H-60 Jayhawks or H-65
Dolphins. Polar Star was reactivated in December 2012 after
three years of refurbishment and modernization. Polar Sea
remains laid up while its disposition is determined. The Coast
CGC Healy
Guard is conducting requirements generation and associated
preliminary acquisition tasks for a new heavy icebreaker.
Length: 399 feet
Beam: 83.5 feet
Displacement (28-foot draft): 13,194 tons full load
Power plant: Six Alco diesels, 3,000 bhp each,
three gas turbines, 25,000 shp each, electric
drive, three shafts, 66,000 shp
Speed: 18 knots
Range: 16,000 nautical miles at 18 knots;
28,275 at 13 knots
Vessels in this class:
Polar Star (WAGB 10), Seattle, Washington
Polar Sea (WAGB 11), deactivated, Seattle, Washington
Icebreakers, 240-foot Great Lakes class (WLBB)
The CGC Mackinaw (WLBB 30), like its predecessor of the
same name, was designed specifically for the Great Lakes,
where its mission has been to keep the shipping lanes open
through as much of the winter as possible. Like the for-
mer Mackinaw (WAGB 83), the new ship is homeported in
Cheboygan, Michigan, and remains the only U.S. heavy ice
breaking resource assigned to the Great Lakes. The ship per-
forms ice breaking as well as ATON (aids to navigation), search
and rescue (SAR), law enforcement, and other missions. It has
a crew of nine officers and 46 enlisted members.
The Mackinaw features state-of-the-art navigation, com-
munication, and security systems and is able to carry a smaller
crew than its namesake. The vessel also has a 20-ton crane for
servicing aids to navigation, and an oil spill recovery system
on board. It uses two podded propulsors and a bow thruster
to provide excellent maneuverability, and is designed to
break through 32 inches of ice at 3 knots.
Length: 240 feet
Beam: 58 feet, 6 inches
Draft: 16 feet
Displacement: 3,500 tons full load
Power plant: Three 4,200-bhp ABT diesel
generators; two ABT 3,350-kw azipod
propulsion units
Speed: 15 knots
Range: 4,000 nautical miles
Vessel in this class:
Mackinaw (WLBB 30), Cheboygan, Michigan
The term “cutter” identifies a Coast Guard vessel 65 feet
in length or greater, with accommodations for a crew to
live aboard. Major cutters like the national security cutter
are capable of carrying multiple cutterboat types, including
the over-the-horizon (CB-OTH-IV) rigid-hull inflatables, and
long-range interceptors (CB-LRI-11). Polar-class icebreakers
also carry an Arctic survey boat (ASB), a polar variant of the
CB-OTH-IV, and landing craft. Most cutters more than 200
feet in length are capable of accommodating helicopters.
National Security Cutter (NSC), 418-foot Legend class
The first major cutter to join the Coast Guard as part of
the fleet recapitalization plan, the national security cut-
ter is the largest and most technologically advanced of
the service’s new cutters. At 418 feet in length, capable of
speeds up to 28 knots, with a crew complement of 122 and
a displacement of 4,500 long tons, the Legend-class cut-
ters are capable of better seakeeping and higher sustained
speeds as well as greater endurance than legacy cutters.
CGC Polar Star
CGC Mackinaw
The ships, being acquired by the Coast Guard Acquisition
Directorate, feature modern command, control, communi-
cations, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and recon-
naissance (C4ISR) capabilities and provide interoperability
with U.S. Navy systems and a common operational picture
to enhance maritime domain awareness. In addition to a
helicopter deck, the class has a stern ramp for launching
and recovering two classes of rigid-hull inflatable (RHIB)
cutterboats that deploy with the NSC: the 35-foot CB-LRI-II
and the 26-foot CB-OTH-IV. The NSC can carry a total of
three boats: one LRI-II and two CB-OTH-IVs. The first cut-
ter, Bertholf, was commissioned Aug. 4, 2008, and com-
pleted its first extended operations in 2009. The second
cutter, Waesche, was commissioned May 7, 2010. The third,
Stratton, was commissioned March 31, 2012. Hamilton, the
fourth NSC, was commissioned in December 2014. The fifth,
James, was commissioned in August 2015. The sixth NSC,
Munro, was christened in November 2014, and the seventh,
Kimball, is under construction. The Coast Guard plans con-
struction of eight national security cutters.
The NSC is armed with a 57 mm/Mk. 110 gun, which is
also employed by the Navy’s littoral combat ships, and four
M2 .50-caliber machine guns. The NSC can accommodate
two H-65s, or one H-65 or H-60 and two vertically launched
unmanned aerial vehicles, or other combinations.
Length: 418 feet
Beam: 54 feet
Displacement: 4,500 long tons full load
Power plant: Combined diesel and gas (CODAG);
one 30,565 SHP gas turbine engine and two
9,655 HP diesel engines
Speed: up to 28 knots
Range: 12,000 nautical miles
Armament: Mk. 110 57 mm gun; Phalanx 20 mm
close-in weapon system; Mk. 53 decoy launching system
(NULKA); and four M2 .50-caliber machine guns
Vessels in this class:
Bertholf (WMSL 750), Alameda, California
Waesche (WMSL 751), Alameda, California
Stratton (WMSL 752), Alameda, California
Hamilton (WMSL 753), Charleston, South Carolina
James (WMSL 754) Charleston, South
Munro (WMSL 755), christened November
2015, future homeport Alameda, California
Kimball (WMSL 756) under construction,
future homeport Honolulu, Hawaii
Midgett (WMSL 757) planned; long lead-time
materials ordered, future homeport Honolulu, Hawaii
CGC Waesche
High Endurance Cutters,
378-foot Secretary class (WHEC)
Highly versatile and capable of performing a variety of mis-
sions, these cutters operate throughout the world’s oceans.
Because of their high endurance and their capabilities, sim-
ilar to those of Navy warships, Secretary-class cutters occa-
sionally deploy as part of Navy carrier battle groups. CGC
Hamilton (WHEC 715), commissioned in 1967, was first of the
class, which formed the mainstay of the Coast Guard from the
1970s into the 2010s.
The Secretary-class cutters are ideally suited for long-range,
high-endurance missions, and for fulfilling the maritime security
role, which includes drug interdiction, illegal immigrant inter-
ception, and fisheries patrol. The ships are powered by diesel
engines and gas turbines, in a combined diesel and gas (CODAG)
plant, and have controllable pitch propellers. Equipped with a
helicopter flight deck, retractable hangar, and the facilities to
support helicopter deployment, these 12 cutters were intro-
duced to the Coast Guard inventory in the 1960s, and seven
remain in service. The entire class was modernized through
the Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization (FRAM) program
between 1985 and 1992, modernizing their helicopter flight
deck facilities, radars and other sensors, and fire-control systems.
With a crew of 160, each displaces 3,340 tons. Each is capa-
ble of accommodating a single HH-65 Dolphin helicopter.
Secretary-class cutters have been given upgraded C4ISR
capabilities under the Deepwater project. The Chase and
Hamilton were transferred to the Nigerian and Philippine
navies, respectively, in 2011. The Dallas and Jarvis were
decommissioned in 2012 and transferred to the Philippine
and Bangladeshi navies, respectively. Gallatin was decom-
missioned in March 2014 and has since been transferred to
the Nigerian navy. Rush transfered to the Bangladeshi navy
in May 2015. Ships of the class will continue to be retired as
national security cutters enter the fleet.
Length: 378 feet
Beam: 43 feet
Displacement: 3,340 tons full load
Power plant: Two diesel engines 3,500 bhp each/two gas
turbine engines 18,000 shp each, two shafts 36,000 shp
Speed: 29 knots
Range: 2,400 nautical miles at 29 knots or 9,600
miles at 19 knots (on gas turbines); 12,000
nautical miles at 14 knots (on diesels)
Armament: One Mk. 75 76 mm gun; two Mk. 38
25 mm guns; one Phalanx CIWS; two .50-caliber
machine guns; two SRBOC launchers
Vessels in this class:
Mellon (WHEC 717), Seattle, Washington
Boutwell (WHEC 719), San Diego, California
Sherman (WHEC 720), San Diego, California
Morgenthau (WHEC 722), Honolulu, Hawaii
Munro (WHEC 724), Kodiak, Alaska
Midgett (WHEC 726), Seattle, Washington
Offshore Patrol Cutter
Offshore patrol cutters (OPCs) will provide the midrange
capability in the Coast Guard’s layered defense concept,
filling the role between the NSC and FRC and replacing
the service’s two classes of aging medium endurance cut-
ters. The OPC is to feature increased range and endurance,
more powerful weapons, a larger flight deck, and improved
C4ISR equipment, and will accommodate aircraft and boat
operations in higher sea states. Using a two-phase acqui-
sition strategy that emphasizes affordability as a major
requirement, the service awarded three Phase I contracts in
February 2014 for preliminary and contract design (P&CD)
to Bollinger Shipyards Lockport LLC (Lockport, Louisiana);
Eastern Shipbuilding Group Inc. (Panama City, Florida); and
General Dynamics, Bath Iron Works (Bath, Maine). At the
end of the 18-month Phase I period, the Coast Guard will
select one team to develop Phase II detail design and con-
struction of the first OPC of a planned 25-ship class.
295-foot Cutter Eagle (WIX)
The tall ship Eagle is a three-masted sailing barque with
21,350 square feet of sail, homeported at the Coast Guard
Academy, New London, Connecticut. It is the only active
(operational) commissioned sailing vessel in the U.S. mari-
time services. Seventh in a line of cutters to bear its name, the
CGC Eagle was built in 1936 by Blohm and Voss in Hamburg,
Germany, as a training vessel for German naval cadets.
CGC Midgett
CGC Eagle
It was taken as a war prize in 1946, commissioned into Coast
Guard service as the Eagle, and sailed from Bremerhaven,
Germany, to New London, Connecticut. The Eagle serves as a
seagoing classroom for approximately 175 cadets and instruc-
tors from the academy. On the Eagle, cadets apply the navi-
gation, engineering, and other skills they develop in classes
at the academy.
Eagle’s hull is built of steel, four-tenths of an inch thick. It
has two full-length steel decks with a platform deck below
and a raised forecastle and quarterdeck. The weatherdecks
are 3-inch-thick teak over steel. When at home, the Eagle is
moored at the Fort Trumbull State Park on the Thames River.
Eagle began the first phase of a four-year refit and renova-
tion program at the Coast Guard Yard in Curtis Bay, Maryland,
Sept. 26. The work will proceed in phases so that training
periods at sea can continue. The first phase includes main-
tenance of the rudder, hull and rigging, lead ballast replace-
ment, and berthing area renovations.
Length: 295 feet
Beam: 39 feet
Displacement: 1,824 tons full load
Power plant: Diesel, one shaft, 1,000 bhp,
21,350-square-foot sail area
Speed: 10 knots under power;
16 knots under sail
Range: 5,450 nautical miles under power
Vessel in this class:
Eagle (WIX 327), New London, Connecticut
(refitting at Coast Guard Yard in Curtis Bay,
Medium Endurance Cutter
282-foot Alex Haley class (WMEC)
The cutter Alex Haley (WMEC 39) is a one-of-a-kind Coast
Guard ship, named for the service’s first chief journalist, who
later wrote Roots and won a Pulitzer Prize.
Commissioned in 1971 as the Navy salvage and rescue ship
USS Edenton (ATS 1), the vessel was transferred to the Coast
Guard in November 1997 for conversion into a medium endur-
ance cutter. The cutter’s primary missions are law enforce-
ment, domestic fisheries enforcement, and SAR in Alaskan
waters. With a crew of 99, the ship can accommodate a single
H-65 Dolphin or MH-60 Jayhawk.
Length: 282 feet
Beam: 50 feet
Displacement: 3,000 tons full load
Power plant: Four Caterpillar diesels, two shafts;
bow thruster
Speed: 16 knots
Range: 10,000 nautical miles at 13 knots
Armament: Two Mk. 38 25 mm cannons; two
.50-caliber machine guns
Vessel in this class:
Alex Haley (WMEC 39), Kodiak, Alaska
Medium Endurance Cutter
270-foot Famous class (WMEC)
The first of 13 Famous-class cutters, the Bear (WMEC 901),
entered service in 1983, and these ships have become a famil-
iar sight on the world’s oceans ever since. Together with the
CGC Alex Haley
14 Reliance-class vessels, Famous-class cutters are the ser-
vice’s primary tools for law enforcement, counterdrug, and
SAR missions. These ships are the most modern and advanced
medium endurance cutters, with a modern weapons and sen-
sor suite. They have long been equipped with a Command,
Display, and Control (COMDAC) computerized ship control
system that was significantly updated in the 1990s and makes
these ships effective with smaller crews. Famous-class ships
operate with a crew of 100.
Armament includes a Mk. 75 76 mm fully automatic gun
capable of firing up to 80 rounds per minute. The Shipboard
Command and Control System (SCCS) uses radar, LORAN
(long range navigation), and GPS (Global Positioning System)
technologies. SCCS is an integrated and sophisticated sys-
tem that brings the ship’s electronic resources together to
facilitate operations.
Famous-class cutters are able to land, launch, and service
the H-65 Dolphin, and some can also operate the Jayhawk.
A Dolphin and a five-member aviation detachment usually
deploy with the ship. The cutter’s active stabilization sys-
tem extends the operating parameters of the cutter aircraft
team by providing a stable platform for flight evolutions
during rough sea conditions. This allows the cutters to serve
the vital role of search and rescue in almost any storm or
location. For law enforcement boardings, these cutters carry
a 23-foot over-the-horizon cutterboat and a 19-foot rigid-
hull inflatable boat.
Under the Mission Effectiveness Project (MEP), Famous-
class cutters received capability enhancements, major main-
tenance, and replacement of obsolete, unsupportable, or
maintenance-intensive equipment, which included install-
ing improved C4ISR suites. The Reliance-class ships also
underwent MEP. All 270-foot cutters finished their MEP in
September 2014, ensuring their operational reliability until
their replacement by the offshore patrol cutter.
Length: 270 feet
Beam: 38 feet
Displacement: 1,820 tons full load
Power plant: Two 3,650-hp V-18 Alco diesel engines,
two shafts
Speed: 20 knots
Range: Just under 3,800 nautical miles at 19.5
knots; 9,900 nautical miles at 12 knots
Armament: One Mk. 75 76 mm gun, two .50-caliber
machine guns, two SRBOC launchers
Vessels in this class:
Bear (WMEC 901), Portsmouth, Virginia
Tampa (WMEC 902), Portsmouth, Virginia
Harriet Lane (WMEC 903), Portsmouth, Virginia
Northland (WMEC 904), Portsmouth, Virginia
Spencer (WMEC 905), Boston, Massachusetts
Seneca (WMEC 906), Boston, Massachusetts
Escanaba (WMEC 907), Boston, Massachusetts
Tahoma (WMEC 908), Kittery, Maine
Campbell (WMEC 909), Kittery, Maine
Thetis (WMEC 910), Key West, Florida
Forward (WMEC 911), Portsmouth, Virginia
Legare (WMEC 912), Portsmouth, Virginia
Mohawk (WMEC 913), Key West, Florida
Seagoing Buoy Tender, 225-foot Juniper class (WLB)
Juniper-class buoy tenders are seagoing Coast Guard cut-
ters responsible for maintaining short- and long-range ATON
such as fixed structures and buoys. They have replaced the
aging Balsam class of World War II-era buoy tenders. Buoy
tenders provide light ice breaking in ice-laden domestic
waters. Buoy tenders are multi-mission vessels, and conduct
maritime law enforcement, homeland security, and defense
CGC Thetis
operations, as well as provide search and rescue assistance
should the need arise.
The 225-foot Juniper’s twin diesel engine propulsion sys-
tem supplies the speed and maneuverability necessary to
tend coastal and offshore buoys in exposed locations. Perhaps
the most important advance is the use of a new Dynamic
Positioning System (DPS). DPS uses a differential GPS to fix
positions. Using this technology, the crews are able to main-
tain the vessel’s position within a 10-meter circle in winds
of up to 30 knots and waves of up to 8 feet. The Juniper-
class cutters are to undergo mid-life renovation under the
In-Service Vessel Sustainment (ISVS) project.
Length: 225 feet
Beam: 46 feet
Displacement: 2,000 tons
Buoy deck area: 2,875 square feet
Power plant: Two Caterpillar 3608 diesels, one shaft,
6,200 bhp
Speed: 15 knots
Range: 6,000 nautical miles at 12 knots
Armament: Two .50-caliber machine guns
Vessels in this class:
Juniper (WLB 201), Newport, Rhode Island
Willow (WLB 202), Newport, Rhode Island
Kukui (WLB 203), Honolulu, Hawaii
Elm (WLB 204), Atlantic Beach, North Carolina
Walnut (WLB 205), Honolulu, Hawaii
Spar (WLB 206), Kodiak, Alaska
Maple (WLB 207), Sitka, Alaska
Aspen (WLB 208), San Francisco, California
Sycamore (WLB 209), Cordova, Alaska
Cypress (WLB 210), Pensacola, Florida
Oak (WLB 211), Charleston, South Carolina
Hickory (WLB 212) Homer, Alaska
Fir (WLB 213), Astoria, Oregon
Hollyhock (WLB 214), Port Huron, Michigan
Sequoia (WLB 215), Apra Harbor, Guam
Alder (WLB 216), Duluth, Minnesota
Medium Endurance Cutter, 210-foot Reliance class
The 14 Reliance-class cutters work alongside the Famous-
class ships, carrying out primarily law enforcement and search
CGC Spar
CGC Diligence
and rescue missions. The 210-foot ships were the first true
post-World War II Coast Guard cutters. Outwardly, these ships
reflect evolving Coast Guard operations during the latter part
of the 20th century – sleek lines, flight decks, and a high pilot-
house giving the bridge crew excellent all-around visibility.
They do not have a helicopter hangar but can operate a single
H-65 Dolphin on deck. It has a crew complement of 77.
Although lightly armed, these cutters were designed to
carry additional armament including a 3-inch gun, a total of
six .50-caliber machine guns, an SQS-17 sonar (later sugges-
tions included using an SQS-36), an anti-submarine projec-
tor (Hedgehog), and/or two torpedo launchers. None of this
armament was ever actually installed.
From 1986 to 1996, ships of this class underwent a midlife
maintenance availability to upgrade machinery and equip-
ment. There were 16 Reliance-class cutters, but budget cuts
prompted the decommissioning of the Courageous (WMEC
622) and the Durable (WMEC 628) in 2001.
To prolong the longevity of the remaining cutters, the
Coast Guard began the MEP in 2005 to increase operational
availability by installing capability enhancements, perform-
ing major maintenance, and replacing obsolete, unsupport-
able, or maintenance-intensive equipment. The successful
conclusion of the MEP in September 2014 ensures the opera-
tional reliability of these cutters until replacement by the off-
shore patrol cutter.
Length: 210 feet
Beam: 34 feet
Displacement: 1,000 tons
Power plant: Two Alco 16V-251 diesel engines,
two shafts, 5,000 bhp
Speed: 18 knots
Range: 6,100 nautical miles at 12 knots
Armament: One Mk. 38 25 mm cannon and two
.50-caliber machine guns
Vessels in this class:
Reliance (WMEC 615), Kittery, Maine
Diligence (WMEC 616), Wilmington, North Carolina
Vigilant (WMEC 617), Patrick Air Force Base, Florida
Active (WMEC 618), Port Angeles, Washington
Confidence (WMEC 619), Port Canaveral, Florida
Resolute (WMEC 620), St. Petersburg, Florida
Valiant (WMEC 621), Miami Beach, Florida
Steadfast (WMEC 623), Warrenton, Oregon 137
Dauntless (WMEC 624), Galveston, Texas
Venturous (WMEC 625), St. Petersburg, Florida
Dependable (WMEC 626), Little Creek, Virginia
Vigorous (WMEC 627), Little Creek, Virginia
Decisive (WMEC 629), Pascagoula, Mississippi
Alert (WMEC 630), Warrenton, Oregon
Coastal Buoy Tender, 175-foot Keeper class (WLM)
The 175-foot Keeper-class coastal buoy tenders are a new
era in buoy tending, equipped with Z-drive propulsion units
instead of the standard propeller and rudder configuration.
The propulsion units are designed to independently rotate
360 degrees. Combined with a thruster in the bow, they give
the Keeper-class cutters unmatched maneuverability.
With state-of-the-art electronics and navigation systems
including DPS, which uses differential GPS and electronic
chart displays, it is possible to maneuver and position navi-
gation aids with a smaller crew. Carrying a crew of 24, ships
in this class are named for well-known lighthouse keepers.
Although not classified as icebreakers, these ships can move
through 9 inches of ice at 3 knots.
Length: 175 feet
Beam: 36 feet
Displacement: 845 tons
Power plant: Two Caterpillar 3508TA diesels,
two Ulstein Z-drive, 2,040 bhp
Speed: 12 knots
Range: 2,000 nautical miles at 10 knots
CGC George Cobb
Vessels in this class:
Ida Lewis (WLM 551), Newport, Rhode Island
Katherine Walker (WLM 552), Bayonne, New Jersey
Abbie Burgess (WLM 553), Rockland, Maine
Marcus Hanna (WLM 554), South Portland, Maine
James Rankin (WLM 555), Baltimore, Maryland
Joshua Appleby (WLM 556), St. Petersburg, Florida
Frank Drew (WLM 557), Portsmouth, Virginia
Anthony Petit (WLM 558), Ketchikan, Alaska
Barbara Mabrity (WLM 559), Mobile, Alabama
William Tate (WLM 560), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Harry Claiborne (WLM 561), Galveston, Texas
Maria Bray (WLM 562), Atlantic Beach, Florida
Henry Blake (WLM 563), Everett, Washington
George Cobb (WLM 564), San Pedro, California
CGC Pamlico
Inland Construction Tenders (WLIC)
The Coast Guard’s inland construction tenders are broken
into three classes, all designed for the construction, repair,
and maintenance of fixed ATON and all operating on inland
waters. The 160-foot WLICs are single units without barges.
The 75-foot WLICs push either a 68- or 84-foot construction
barge. The one 100-foot WLIC pushes a 70-foot construction
barge. The barges are equipped with cranes and other ATON
equipment to drive piles and work the smaller-sized buoys.
The earliest of these tenders date to the 1940s and have
crews of 13 to 15.
Length: 160 feet
Beam: 30 feet
Displacement: 411 tons
Power plant: Two Caterpillar D379 diesels, two shafts,
1,000 bhp
Speed: 11 knots
Range: 1,205 nautical miles at 6.5 knots
Vessels in the 160-foot WLIC class:
Pamlico (WLIC 800), New Orleans, Louisiana
Hudson (WLIC 801), Miami Beach, Florida
Kennebec (WLIC 802), Portsmouth, Virginia
Saginaw (WLIC 803), Mobile, Alabama
Length: 100 feet
Beam: 24 feet
Displacement: 178 tons
Power plant: Two Caterpillar 3412, two shafts, 1250 bhp
Speed: 10 knots
Range: 1,200 nautical miles at 7 knots
Vessel in the 100-foot WLIC class:
Smilax (WLIC 315, oldest commissioned cutter),
Atlantic Beach, North Carolina
Length: 75 feet
Beam: 22 feet
Displacement: 145 tons
Power plant: Two Caterpillar D353, two shafts, 750 hp; or
two Caterpillar 3412 or V1312TI, two shafts, 1,250-1,350 hp
Speed: 10 knots
Range: 1,050-1,300 nautical miles at 9 knots;
2,400-2,500 nautical miles at 5 knots
Vessels in the 75-foot WLIC class:
Anvil (WLIC 75301), Charleston, South Carolina
Hammer (WLIC 75302), Mayport, Florida
Sledge (WLIC 75303), Baltimore, Maryland
Mallet (WLIC 75304), Corpus Christi, Texas
Vise (WLIC 75305), St. Petersburg, Florida
Clamp (WLIC 75306), Galveston, Texas
Hatchet (WLIC 75309), Galveston, Texas
Axe (WLIC 75310), Morgan City, Louisiana
Ice Breaking Tug, 140-foot Bay class (WTGB)
The 140-foot Bay-class cutters are single-screw tugs used
primarily for domestic ice breaking duties. They are named
after American bays and are stationed mainly in the north-
eastern United States and the Great Lakes. They use a low-
pressure-air hull lubrication or bubbler system that forces air
and water between the hull and ice. This system improves
ice breaking capabilities by reducing resistance against the
hull, thereby reducing horsepower requirements. A 120-foot
ATON barge augments the CGCs Bristol Bay and Mobile Bay.
The Bay-class cutters have begun a mid-life renovation pro-
gram under the In-Service Vessel Sustainment (ISVS) project
to renew the most elderly or vulnerable components.
Length: 140 feet
Beam: 37.5 feet
Displacement: 662 tons full load
Power plant: Two Fairbanks-Morse diesel
engines, electric drive, one shaft, 2,500 shp
Speed: 14.7 knots
Range: 1,500 nautical miles at 14.7 knots; 4,000
nautical miles at 12 knots
Vessels in this class:
Katmai Bay (WTGB 101), Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Bristol Bay (WTGB 102), Detroit, Michigan
Mobile Bay (WTGB 103), Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Biscayne Bay (WTGB 104), St. Ignace, Michigan
Neah Bay (WTGB 105), Cleveland, Ohio
Morro Bay (WTGB 106), New London, Connecticut
Penobscot Bay (WTGB 107), Bayonne, New Jersey
Thunder Bay (WTGB 108), Rockland, Maine
Sturgeon Bay (WTGB 109), Bayonne, New Jersey
River Buoy Tenders (WLR)
The Coast Guard operates 18 tenders of 75-foot and 65-foot
lengths on rivers in the western United States, deploying
ATON buoys and day boards to mark river channels and to ease
CGC Penobscot Bay
the efficient flow of commerce. WLRs push barges equipped
with cranes that work ATON. Some WLRs are equipped with
“jetting” devices that are used to set and anchor buoys in
rivers with sandy or muddy bottoms. The barges are an inte-
gral part of the ATON mission. Barge lengths vary: 90 feet, 99
feet, and 130 feet.
Length: 75 feet
Beam: 22 feet
Displacement: 175 tons
Power plant: Two Caterpillar 3412 diesels,
two shafts, 1,024 bhp
Speed: 10 knots
Range: 600 nautical miles at 10 knots
Vessels in this class:
Kankakee (WLR 75500), Memphis, Tennessee
Greenbrier (WLR 75501), Natchez, Mississippi
Length: 75 feet
Beam: 22 feet
Displacement: 140 tons
Power plant: Two Caterpillar D353 diesels,
two shafts, 660-750 hp; or two Caterpillar
3412, two shafts, 1,250 hp
Speed: 10 knots
Range: 3,100 nautical miles at 6.5 knots
Vessels in this class:
Wedge (WLR 75307), Demopolis, Alabama
Gasconade (WLR 75401), Omaha, Nebraska
Muskingum (WLR 75402), Sallislaw, Oklahoma
Wyaconda (WLR 75403), Dubuque, Iowa
Chippewa (WLR 75404), Buchanan, Tennessee
Cheyenne (WLR 75405), St. Louis, Missouri
Kickapoo (WLR 75406), Vicksburg, Mississippi
CGC Sangamon
CGC Greenbrier
CGC Elderberry
Kanawha (WLR 75407), Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Patoka (WLR 75408), Greenville, Mississippi
Chena (WLR 75409), Hickman, Kentucky
Length: 65 feet
Beam: 21 feet
Displacement: 145 tons
Power plant: Two Caterpillar D353 diesels,
two shafts, 660-725 hp
Speed: 10 knots
Range: 3,500 nautical miles at 6 knots
Vessels in this class:
Ouachita (WLR 65501), Chattanooga, Tennessee
Cimarron (WLR 65502), Buchanan, Tennessee
Obion (WLR 65503), Owensboro, Kentucky
Scioto (WLR 65504), Keokuk, Iowa
Osage (WLR 65505), Sewickley, Pennsylvania
Sangamon (WLR 65506), East Peoria, Illinois
Inland Buoy Tenders, large-small (WLI)
Length: 100 feet
Beam: 24 feet
Displacement: 174 tons full load
Power plant: Two diesels, two shafts, 600-660 bhp
Speed: 10.5 knots
Range: 2,000-2,700 nautical miles at 7 knots
Vessels in this class:
Bluebell (WLI 313), Portland, Oregon
Buckthorn (WLI 642), Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Length: 65 feet
Beam: 17 feet
Displacement: 71 tons
Power plant: Two GM diesels, two shafts, 400 hp (WLI
65401); one GM diesel, one shaft, 300 hp (WLI 65303)
Speed: 9 knots (WLI 65303); 11.3 knots (WLI 65401)
Range: 1,700 nautical miles at 6 knots; 1,500
nautical miles at 5 knots (WLI 65303)
Vessels in this class:
Bayberry (WLI 65400), Long Beach, North Carolina
Elderberry (WLI 65401), Petersburg, Alaska
The diverse range of Coast Guard duties is reflected dramati-
cally by the number and variety of its patrol boats, which are
assigned to most of the service’s missions. Island-class cutters
are high-speed vessels that offer an operating radius of almost
1,000 nautical miles, making them highly effective for illegal
immigrant interdiction operations (AMIO) and a range of other
duties. However, the Island class are aging, and are being
replaced by the fast response cutter. Eighty-seven-foot Marine
Protector-class vessels have an IEBS (integrated electronic
bridge system) and a stern-launched rigid-hull inflatable boat
useful for various duties including carrying boarding crews.
Fast Response Cutter (WPC), 154-foot Sentinel class
The Sentinel class is a key component of the Coast Guard’s
recapitalized fleet and is critically needed to replace the aging
110-foot Island-class patrol boat fleet. The first cutter in this
class, Bernard C. Webber, was delivered in February 2012. To
honor past Coast Guard members, each cutter in this class will
be named for one of the service’s many enlisted heroes.
These cutters will be able to deploy independently to
conduct the service’s missions, such as port, waterway, and
coastal security; fishery patrols; drug and illegal immigrant
law enforcement; SAR; and national defense operations.
The cutters’ C4ISR suites will be completely interoperable
with U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, Department of Defense, and
Department of Homeland Security assets.
The 154-foot cutters have a speed of more than 28 knots,
and are based on an existing patrol boat design from
Damen Shipyards. This vessel class is planned for a total of
58 patrol boats.
Manufacturer: Bollinger Shipyards Inc.
Parent craft designer: Damen
Length: 154 feet
Beam: 25 feet
Displacement: 353 metric tons
Power plant: Two 4,300 Kw MTU diesel engines
Speed: 28-plus knots
Endurance: five days
Crew: 24 (four ofcers, 20 enlisted)
Armament: One stabilized 25 mm machine gun
mount and four non-stabilized crew-served
.50-caliber machine guns
Vessels in this class:
Bernard C. Webber (WPC 1101), Miami Beach, Florida
Richard Etheridge (WPC 1102), Miami Beach, Florida
William Flores (WPC 1103), Miami Beach, Florida
Robert Yered (WPC 1104), Miami Beach, Florida
Margaret Norvell (WPC 1105), Miami Beach, Florida
Paul Clark (WPC 1106), Miami Beach, Florida
Charles David Jr. (WPC 1107), Key West, Florida
Charles Sexton (WPC 1108), Key West, Florida
Kathleen Moore (WPC 1109), Key West, Florida
Raymond Evans (WPC 1110), Key West, Florida
William Trump (1111) , Key West, Florida
Isaac Mayo (1112) Key West, Florida
Richard Dixon (1113) San Juan, Puerto Rico
Heriberto Hernandez (1114) San Juan, Puerto Rico
Under Construction:
Joseph Napier (1115), San Juan, Puerto Rico
Winslow Griesser (1116) San Juan, Puerto Rico
Richard Patterson (1117), San Juan, Puerto Rico142
CGC Bernard C. Webber
Joseph Tezanos (1118), San Juan, Puerto Rico
Rollin Fritch (1119) Pascagoula, Mississippi
Lawrence Lawson (1120) Pascagoula, Mississippi
John McCormick (1121), Ketchikan, Alaska
Bailey Barco (1122), ordered, Ketchikan, Alaska
Benjamin Dailey (1123 ) ordered
Donald Horsley (1124) ordered
Jacob Poroo (1125 ) ordered
Patrol Boat, 110-foot Island class (WPB)
The Coast Guard 110-foot Island-class patrol boats are
modified versions of a well-regarded British-designed patrol
boat. These ships have excellent range and seakeeping capa-
bilities, but are wearing out rapidly and are to be replaced by
the fast response cutter.
Seventeen 110-foot WPBs were renovated under the Mission
Effectiveness Project (MEP) to ensure the 110-foot WPB fleet
remains a reliable entity until the arrival of the FRC. The
MEP was completed in 2012. Built in the late 1980s, they are
equipped with advanced electronics and navigation equipment.
WPBs are being decommissioned as more fast response cutters
join the fleet.
Length: 110 feet
Beam: 21 feet
Displacement: 154-165 tons
Power plant: Two Alco-Paxman Valenta diesel engines,
5,820 bhp; WPB 1338-1349: Caterpillar 3516 diesel
engines, 5,460 bhp
Speed: 28 to 30 knots
Range: 3,380 nautical miles at 8 knots
Armament: One Mk. 38 25 mm cannon;
two .50-caliber machine guns
Vessels in this class:
Farallon (WPB 1301), Valder, Alaska
Maui (WPB 1304), Manama, Bahrain
Ocracoke (WPB 1307), South Portland, Maine
Aquidneck (WPB 1309), Manama, Bahrain
Mustang (WPB 1310), Seward, Alaska
Naushon (WPB 1311), Ketchikan, Alaska
Sanibel (WPB 1312), Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Edisto (WPB 1313), San Diego, California
Sapelo (WPB 1314), San Juan, Puerto Rico
Matinicus (WPB 1315), San Juan, Puerto Rico
Nantucket (WPB 1316), Atlantic Beach, North
Baranof (WPB 1318), Manama, Bahrain
Chandeleur (WPB 1319), Ketchikan, Alaska
Cushing (WPB 1321), San Juan, Puerto Rico
Cuttyhunk (WPB 1322), Port Angeles, Washington
Drummond (WPB 1323), Miami, Florida [San Juan, PR?]
Key Largo (WPB 1324), San Juan, Puerto Rico
Monomoy (WPB 1326), Manama, Bahrain
Orcas (WPB 1327), Coos Bay, Oregon
Sitkinak (WPB 1329), Miami, Florida [Bayonne, NJ?]
Tybee (WPB 1330), Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Washington (WPB 1331), Apra Harbor, Guam
Wrangell (WPB 1332), Manama, Bahrain
Adak (WPB 1333), Manama, Bahrain
Liberty (WPB 1334), Auke Bay, Alaska
Anacapa (WPB 1335), Petersburg, Alaska
Kiska (WPB 1336), Hilo, Hawaii
Assateague (WPB 1337), Apra Harbor, Guam
Grand Isle (WPB 1338), Gloucester, Massachusetts
Key Biscayne (WPB 1339), Key West, Florida
Kodiak Island (WPB 1341), Atlantic Beach, North Carolina
Galveston Island (WPB 1349) Honolulu, Hawaii
CGC Liberty
Coastal Patrol Boat (WPB),
87-foot Marine Protector class
The Marine Protector is an innovative, multi-mission class
of vessel capable of performing search and rescue, law
enforcement, fishery patrols, drug interdiction, illegal immi-
grant interdiction, and homeland security duties up to 200
miles offshore. The 73 cutters in this class carry an 11-per-
son crew and are capable of achieving a maximum continu-
ous speed of 25 knots. The class offers numerous improve-
ments over the former 82-foot Point-class vessels, including
improved seakeeping abilities (up to sea state 5), enhanced
habitability, and compliance with current and projected envi-
ronmental protection laws. The Marine Protector class also
employs an innovative stern launch and recovery system using
aluminum-hulled cutterboats propelled by inboard diesel-
powered waterjets. The vastly larger pilothouse is equipped
with an integrated bridge system, including an ECDIS (elec-
tronic chart display system), which interfaces with surface
search radars used by U.S. warships. Four were built specifi-
cally to protect Navy ballistic missile submarines while they
are in transit in and out of Kings Bay, Georgia, and Bangor,
Washington. Production was completed in 2009.
Length: 87 feet
Beam: 19.4 feet
Displacement: 91 tons full load
Speed: 25 knots
Range: 900 nautical miles
Power plant: Two MTU 8V diesel engines
Vessels in this class:
Barracuda (WPB 87301), Eureka, California
Hammerhead (WPB 87302), Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Mako (WPB 87303), Cape May, New Jersey
Marlin (WPB 87304), Fort Myers Beach, Florida
Stingray (WPB 87305), Mobile, Alabama
Dorado (WPB 87306), Crescent City, California
Osprey (WPB 87307), Port Townsend, Washington
Chinook (WPB 87308), New London, Connecticut
Albacore (WPB 87309), Little Creek, Virginia
Tarpon (WPB 87310), Tybee Island, Georgia
Cobia (WPB 87311), Mobile, Alabama
Hawksbill (WPB 87312), Monterey, California
Cormorant (WPB 87313), Fort Pierce, Florida
Finback (WPB 87314), Cape May, New Jersey
Amberjack (WPB 87315), Port Isabel, Texas
Kittiwake (WPB 87316), Honolulu, Hawaii
Blackfin (WPB 87317), Santa Barbara, California
Bluefin (WPB 87318), Fort Pierce, Florida
Yellown (WPB 87319), Charleston, South Carolina
Manta (WPB 87320), Freeport, Texas
Coho (WPB 87321), Panama City, Florida
Kingfisher (WPB 87322), Mayport, Florida
Seahawk (WPB 87323), Carrabelle, Florida
Steelhead (WPB 87324), Port Aransas, Texas
Beluga (WPB 87325), Little Creek, Virginia
Blacktip (WPB 87326), Oxnard, California
Pelican (WPB 87327), Abbeville, Louisiana
Ridley (WPB 87328), Montauk, New York
Cochito (WPB 87329), Little Creek, Virginia
Manowar (WPB 87330), Galveston, Texas
Moray (WPB 87331), Jonesport, Maine
Razorbill (WPB 87332), Gulfport, Mississippi
Adelie (WPB 87333), Port Angeles, Washington
Gannet (WPB 87334), Dania, Florida
Narwhal (WPB 87335), Corona Del Mar, California
Sturgeon (WPB 87336), Grand Isle, Louisiana
Sockeye (WPB 87337), Bodega Bay, California
CGC Crocodile
Ibis (WPB 87338), Cape May, New Jersey
Pompano (WPB 87339), Gulfport, Mississippi
Halibut (WPB 87340), Marina Del Rey, California
Bonito (WPB 87341), Pensacola, Florida
Shrike (WPB 87342), Port Canaveral, Florida
Tern (WPB 87343), San Francisco, California
Heron (WPB 87344), Sabine, Texas
Wahoo (WPB 87345), Port Angeles, Washington
Flyingfish (WPB 87346), Boston, Massachusetts
Haddock (WPB 87347), San Diego, California
Brant (WPB 87348), Corpus Christi, Texas
Shearwater (WPB 87349), Portsmouth, Virginia
Petrel (WPB 87350), San Diego, California
Sea Lion (WPB 87352), Bellingham, Washington
Skipjack (WPB 87353), Galveston, Texas
Dolphin (WPB 87354), Miami, Florida
Hawk (WPB 87355), St. Petersburg, Florida
Sailfish (WPB 87356), Sandy Hook, New Jersey
Sawfish (WPB 87357), Key West, Florida
Swordfish (WPB 87358), Port Angeles, Washington
Tiger Shark (WPB 87359), Newport, Rhode Island
Blue Shark (WPB 87360), Everett, Washington
Sea Horse (WPB 87361), Portsmouth, Virginia
Sea Otter (WPB 87362), San Diego, California
Manatee (WPB 87363), Corpus Christi, Texas
Ahi (WPB 87364), Honolulu, Hawaii
Pike (WPB 87365), San Francisco, California
Terrapin (WPB 87366), Bellingham, Washington
Sea Dragon (WPB 87367), Kings Bay, Georgia
(Navy owned)
Sea Devil (WPB 87368), Bangor, Washington (Navy owned)
Crocodile (WPB 87369), St. Petersburg, Florida
Diamondback (WPB 87370), Miami Beach, Florida
Reef Shark (WPB 87371), San Juan, Puerto Rico
CGC Hawser
Alligator (WPB 87372), St. Petersburg, Florida
Sea Dog (WPB 87373), Kings Bay, Georgia (Navy owned)
Sea Fox (WPB 87374), Bangor, Washington
(Navy owned)
65-foot Small Harbor Tug (WYTL)
Built between 1962 and 1967, the small, 65-foot harbor
tugs are multi-mission cutters that have the distinction of
being used only on the East Coast, from Maine to Virginia.
With a crew of six, their primary missions are domestic ice
breaking, port security, search and rescue, and law enforce-
ment operations on rivers and in littoral areas. They are capa-
ble of breaking ice up to 12 inches thick.
Length: 65 feet
Beam: 16 feet
Displacement: 72 tons full load
Power plant: One diesel, one shaft, 500 bhp
Speed: 10 knots
Range: 850 nautical miles at 9.8 knots; 2,700
nautical miles at 5.8 knots
Vessels in this class:
Capstan (WYTL 65601), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chock (WYTL 65602), Baltimore, Maryland
Tackle (WYTL 65604), Rockland, Maine
Bridle (WYTL 65607), Southwest Harbor, Maine
Pendant (WYTL 65608), Boston, Massachusetts
Shackle (WYTL 65609), South Portland, Maine
Hawser (WYTL 65610), Bayonne, New Jersey
Line (WYTL 65611), Bayonne, New Jersey
Wire (WYTL 65612), Saugerties, New York
Bollard (WYTL 65614), New Haven, Connecticut
Cleat (WYTL 65615), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Coast Guard vessels under 65 feet in length are classified
as boats and usually operate near shore, on inland water-
ways, or attached to cutters. The service has about 1,680
altogether, although the number fluctuates. These craft
include heavy weather response boats, special purpose
craft, ATON boats, and cutter-based boats. Sizes range from
64 feet in length down to 12 feet. The new emphasis on
homeland security has produced a corresponding empha-
sis on smaller, fast boats such as the Response Boat-Small
and Response Boat-Medium. An added capability for the
ATON forces is the procurement of new work boats that
replaced those that have exceeded their economic service
life and are no longer cost effective to maintain. The new
boats brought into service are ATON Boat-Small (AB-S), a
20-foot aluminum hull with a range of 70 nautical miles,
and ATON Boat-Skiff (AB-SKF), a 16-foot aluminum hull with
a range of 50 nautical miles. Both boats are outfitted with
standard electrical systems and ample working deck space.
Coast Guard boats include:
47-foot Motor Life Boat (MLB)
The 47-foot MLB is primarily designed as a fast-response
rescue vessel in high seas, surf, and heavy weather environ-
ments. But the unique feature of this boat is that it can self-
right in only 30 seconds if knocked over by waves or surf.
With state-of-the-art electronically controlled engines, fuel
management systems, and integrated electronics suite, the
47-foot MLB has become the ideal platform for operations
in extreme sea and weather conditions. The 47-foot MLBs
are planned to undergo refit and renovation under the
In-Service Vessel Sustainment (ISVS) project. There are cur-
rently 117 MLBs in inventory.
45-foot Response Boat-Medium (RB-M)
The 45-foot RB-M is being procured to replace the 41-foot
utility boat (UTB). It is an all-aluminum boat that has a wire-
less crew communication system and is powered by twin
diesel engines and water jet propulsion. Unlike the 41-foot
UTB, the RB-M has the ability to self-right if it should ever
capsize. This feature allows the RB-M to operate in higher
seas, ensuring the crew (and rescued survivors) comes
home safely. For example, RB-M’s survivability parameters
are 12-foot seas and 50 knots of wind, whereas the UTB’s
limits are 8-foot seas and 30 knots of wind. The RB-M has
a top speed in excess of 40 knots and cruises at 30 knots,
compared to the 41-foot UTB top speed of 26 knots. All 174
RB-Ms have been delivered.
25-foot Response Boat-Small (RB-S)
Brought into service in 2003 to replace shore-based non-
standard boats, the RB-S features a reinforced bow, full
shock-mitigating seating, and a large cabin. It can tow up
to 10 tons, operate in winds up to 25 knots and seas of up 146
47-foot Motor Life Boat
to 6 feet, and has a range of 150 nautical miles. The second-
generation boats (RB-S II) are now in production and will
replace the original RB-S classes. The RB-S IIs are 29 feet long
and have a range of 220 nautical miles. Approximately 268
RB-S boats are in service.
32-foot Transportable Port Security Boat (TPSB)
Operated by Port Security Units (PSUs), which are com-
posed of Reserve and active-duty personnel, the TPSB pro-
vides for defense readiness operations in the United States
and when PSUs are deployed overseas. It travels at 43-plus
knots, and carries a .50-caliber machine gun and two M60
machine guns. There are 52 in operation.
16- to 64-foot Aids to Navigation Boats
These boats assist in maintaining the nearly 50,000 naviga-
tion aids on the marine transportation system. They include
the 64-foot Self-Propelled Barge that primarily operates on
protected rivers and protected waters; 55-foot aluminum hull
that can operate in moderately rough weather in coastal and
inland waters; 49-foot Stern Loading Buoy boat that supports
the short-range ATON mission; 26-foot Trailerable ATON boat
that serves as the workhorse for ATON teams; 20-foot ATON
Boat-Small; and 16-foot ATON Boat-Skiff.
18- to 64-foot Special Purpose Craft
The special purpose craft are designed to meet specific
mission requirements or provide a capable and safe asset in
a unique operating environment. A few of these boats are:
64-foot Screening Vessel; 52-foot Heavy Weather; 42-foot
Near Shore Lifeboat; 36-foot Boarding Team Delivery; 33-foot
Law Enforcement; 24-foot Shallow Water; skiffs that can be
used to support natural disaster response; and ice boats that
are used for conducting ice rescues.
33-foot Special Purpose Craft
25-foot Response Boat-Small
14- to 38-foot Cutter-based Boats
The cutterboats provide fast and effective surface capabili-
ties that, in most cases, enable cutters to interdict boats on
the high seas and conduct boardings. Included in this asset
base are: 38-foot Arctic Survey Boat; 36-foot Long Range
Interceptor; 24- to 19-foot Cutterboat-Large; 24-foot ATON-
Large; 24-foot and 26-foot Over-The-Horizon cutterboats;
18-foot ATON-Medium; 17-foot Cutterboat-Medium; and
13-foot Cutterboat-Small, just to name a few.
27-foot Utility Boat-Medium
With a closed cabin, these aluminum-hulled boats are used
for law enforcement, search and rescue, or ATON missions.
They are being replaced by standard boats.
17- to 28-foot Utility Boat-Light (UTL)
With generally an open cabin, these boats are either fiber-
glass or aluminum hulled and are assigned to ATON cutters
and shore units.
The Coast Guard operates 202 fixed-wing and rotary-wing
aircraft – airplanes and helicopters – to support its work as a
law enforcement arm, a military service branch, and a seafar-
ing service. Nearly all Coast Guard aircraft have some role in
homeland security operations, and some are now armed.
The Coast Guard operates its aviation fleet on the principle
that it cannot afford a fleet of aircraft intended solely for
specialized missions, and has concentrated on aircraft that
can carry out a wide range of diversified missions.
HC-144A Ocean Sentry, Medium Range Maritime
Patrol Aircraft (MPA)
A medium-range maritime patrol version of the EADS
CASA CN 235-300M cargo aircraft, the HC-144A is perform-
ing missions previously carried out by the HU-25 fleet as
well as surveillance, rescue, and transport roles performed
by the HC-130Hs. The HC-144A – equipped with a new com-
mand, control, communications, computers, intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) suite, radar and EO/
IR sensor mission systems pallet – is designed to serve as an
on-scene command platform for SAR and homeland security
operations and perform transport missions.
The Coast Guard has accepted delivery of 17 Mission System
Pallets (MSP), a roll-on, roll-off suite of electronic equipment
that enables Ocean Sentry aircrews to compile data from the
aircraft’s multiple integrated sensors and transmit and receive
classified and unclassified information with other aircraft, sur-
face vessels, and shore facilities. With multiple voice and data
communications capabilities as well as satellite communica-
tions, the MSP contributes to the common tactical and operat-
ing pictures.
The HC-144A provides extended on-scene loitering capa-
bilities while also being capable of performing maritime
patrol, law enforcement, SAR, disaster-response, and cargo
HC-144A Ocean Sentry
and personnel transport missions. The Ocean Sentry also is
capable of maintaining secure communications with the
Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security
and allied forces.
The Coast Guard completed planned work under this proj-
ect with the delivery of its 18th HC-144A in September 2014.
Ocean Sentries are currently operating from Coast Guard Air
Stations Mobile, Alabama; Cape Cod, Massachusetts; Miami,
Florida; and Corpus Christi, Texas. Procurement has ended in
light of the acquisition of 14 C-27J Spartans.
Power plant: Two 1,750 shp (1,305 kW)
General Electric CT7-9C3 turboprop engines
Maximum cruising speed: 236 knots
Range: up to 2,000 nautical miles
(depending on configuration)
Range with payload: (6,000 pounds)
1,000 nautical miles (cargo configured)
Max endurance: 11.0 hours
Maximum takeoff weight: 36,380 pounds
Dimensions: Length, 70 feet, 2 inches;
wingspan, 84 feet, 7 inches
HC-144 Air Stations:
CGAS/CG Aviation Training Center Mobile, Alabama
CGAS Miami, Florida
CGAS Cape Cod, Massachusetts
CGAS Mobile, Alabama
CGAS Corpus Christi, Texas
HC-27J Medium Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft
The Coast Guard is integrating 14 ex-U.S. Air Force C-27J
Spartan aircraft into its medium-range surveillance air-
craft fleet, to work alongside the HC-144A Ocean Sentry.
The C-27Js are already outtted with weather radar and
military communications equipment capable of supporting
transport and other Coast Guard missions. All 14 aircraft are
planned to be modified with a standard Coast Guard fixed-
wing Mission Systems Pallet, an integrated surface search
radar, electro-optical/infrared sensors, and night vision gog-
gle capability.
Length: 74 feet, 5 inches
Wingspan: 94 feet, 2 inches
Height: 31 feet, 8 inches
Weight: 70,000 pounds
Speed: 290 knots
Range: Up to 2,674 nautical miles
Endurance: 12 hours
Ceiling: 30,000 feet
C-37A Gulfstream V
HC-27J Spartan
C-37A Gulfstream V Command and Control Aircraft
The service operates two Gulfstream V aircraft as its prin-
cipal command and control transport for senior Coast Guard
and Department of Homeland Security ofcials. On long
flights, the C-37A can carry 12 passengers and a crew of four
with a range of 6,500 nautical miles, all with considerable
fuel efciency. The C-37A enjoys commonality of parts and
supplies with more than a dozen C-37As operated by the
other military branches.
Power plant: Two 14,750-pound thrust BMW-
Rolls-Royce BR710-48 turbofan engines
Max cruising speed: Mach 0.885/459 knots
Certified ceiling: 51,000 feet
Range: 5,500 nautical miles
Gross weight: 90,900 pounds
Dimensions: Wingspan, 93 feet, 6 inches; length, 96 feet,
5 inches; height, 25 feet, 10 inches
C-37A Air Station:
CGAS Washington, D.C. (Ronald Reagan Washington
National Airport)
HC-130H Hercules and HC-130J Super Hercules, Long
Range Surveillance (LRS) Aircraft
The Coast Guard currently operates a long-range turboprop
aircraft fleet consisting of 22 HC-130H Hercules and six HC-130J
Super Hercules. However, the HC-130H Hercules aircraft are
reaching the end of their useful service lives. The Coast Guard
conducted a limited sustainment and enhancement proj-
ect to modernize systems on its HC-130Hs and is continuing
with the acquisition of the more capable and cost-effective
HC-130J. Under the direction of the Department of Defense
Authorization Act for fiscal year 2014, seven HC-130Hs will be
transferred to the U.S. Forest Service following modification by
the U.S. Air Force. The remaining HC-130Hs will be systemati-
cally retired as the HC-130Js are accepted into service.
The HC-130 provides a versatile platform capable of serving
as an on-scene command-and-control platform with extended
loitering capabilities as well as performing various missions,
including maritime patrol, law enforcement, search and res-
cue, disaster response, and cargo and personnel transport.
As a surveillance platform, it provides the critical means to
detect, classify, and identify targets. For each of these missions,
the information is shared with operational forces capable
HC-130H Hercules, HC-130J Super Hercules
of interdicting drugs or migrants, protecting living marine
resources, and enforcing economic, safety, and security zones.
The HC-130 uses a powerful multimode surface-search
radar and a nose-mounted electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR)
device combined with an Airborne Tactical Workstation and
military satellite communications capability to improve mis-
sion effectiveness.
In 2001, the Coast Guard received funding for the acquisi-
tion of six HC-130Js. Full operational capability with mission-
ization was completed in mid-2010. In recent years, the service
has received additional funding for five more aircraft, three of
which were ordered through the U.S. Air Force in September
2012. These aircraft are scheduled for delivery in early 2016.
Power plant: (HC-130H) Four 4,910-hp Allison
T56-A15 turboprop engines; (HC-130J) four
5,600-hp Rolls-Royce AE2100D turboprop
engines driving six-bladed propellers
Performance: (HC-130H) Cruising speed, 280 knots/
max 320 knots; service ceiling, 33,000 feet; range,
up to 4,300 nautical miles; (HC-130J) cruising speed,
280 knots/max 362 knots; service ceiling, 39,000 feet;
range, up to 5,200 nautical miles
Weight: Maximum gross weight at takeoff,
155,000 pounds; normal max 175,000 pounds
(EWP-Emergency War Planning)
Dimensions: Wingspan, 132.6 feet; length, 99.6
feet; height, 38.6 feet; wing area, 1,734 square feet
HC-130 Air Stations:
CGAS Sacramento, California
CGAS Clearwater, Florida
CGAS Elizabeth City, North Carolina
CGAS Kodiak, Alaska
CGAS Barbers Point, Hawaii
MH-60T Jayhawk Medium Range Recovery Helicopter
An all-weather, medium range recovery helicopter simi-
lar to the Navy MH-60R and MH-60S Sea Hawk, with roots
MH-60T Jayhawk
going back to the Army’s basic H-60 Black Hawk transport,
the Coast Guard MH-60 is a medium range recovery helicop-
ter that is capable of a variety of missions. The service began
to operate the aircraft in 1990 as a replacement to the now-
retired HH-3F Pelican. The Coast Guard has 42 MH-60Ts.
Jayhawks are crewed by two pilots, a flight mechanic, and
a rescue swimmer, and can carry up to six seated survivors.
It is capable of limited shipboard operations as well as land-
based operations out to 300 nautical miles, with a 45-minute
on-scene time.
The MH-60T employs full night-vision-device capabil-
ity. Primary tactical navigation is accomplished through
blended GPS and inertial navigation system receivers.
In addition to a rescue hoist – rated for 600 pounds – the
Jayhawk is equipped with a heavy-lift external sling with
a capacity of 6,000 pounds. The MH-60 carries sensors and
equipment for SAR missions, law enforcement, and home-
land security missions. Upgrades completed in 2008 provid-
ing armed response capability precipitated an airframe des-
ignation from HH-60J to MH-60J. The MH-60T is an upgrade
of the MH-60J with “glass” cockpit, new electro-optical and
infrared sensors, new radar, and upgrades to the engines.
All MH-60Ts are equipped with Airborne Use of Force (AUF)
capabilities. These upgraded MH-60Ts are expected to serve
until 2027. The final MH-60T conversion was delivered in
February 2014.
Power plant: Two 1,560-shp General Electric
T700-GE-401C turboshaft engines
Dimensions: Rotor diameter: 53 feet, 8 inches;
length, 64 feet, 8 inches; height, 17 feet; main
rotor disc area, 2,261 square feet
Performance: Maximum speed, 180 knots; service
ceiling, 13,000 feet DA; range, 700 nautical miles
Weights: Empty, 14,500 pounds; gross weight,
21,884 pounds
MH-60 Armament: .50-caliber precision fire
weapon, M240 7.62 mm machine gun
MH-60T Units:
CGAS/CG Aviation Training Center Mobile, Alabama
CGAS Kodiak, Alaska
CGAS Sitka, Alaska
CGAS San Diego, California
CGAS Clearwater, Florida
CGAS Cape Cod, Massachusetts
CGAS Elizabeth City, North Carolina
CGAS Astoria, Oregon
MH-65D Dolphin
SATCOM capability, an integrated EO/IR system, and a night
vision goggles (NVG) heads up display (HUD) to help pilots
maintain situational awareness during nighttime opera-
tions. The MH-65Cs used by Helicopter Interdiction Tactical
Squadron (HITRON) Jacksonville, Florida, for counterdrug
operations carry an M240 machine gun and an M107 .50-cal-
iber precision fire weapon for disabling fire.
The MH-65D is the result of the latest incremental modern-
ization project, Segment 4 of a six-segment modernization
plan, which commenced in August 2010 and will extend the
aircraft’s service life through 2027. It addresses immediate
critical mission degraders as well as replacing additional obso-
lete subsystems, including the aircraft’s navigation system
and gyros, with digital GPS and inertial navigation. It adds
a new digital Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS), inte-
grated flight deck with sensor display screens, and a robust,
effective C4ISR suite. As of October 2014, 80 of the service’s
99 H-65s had been modified to Segment 4, or MH-65D stan-
dard. Segment 5 will add a secure shipboard handling, secur-
ing, and traversing system. Segment 6, which brings the fleet
to MH-65E standard, will replace the analog automatic flight
control with digital systems, and install digital weather radar
and digital glass cockpit instruments, among other modern-
ization upgrades.
Data applies to MH-65C/D.
Power plant: HH-65C – two 853-shp Turbomeca
Arriel 2C2-CG turboshaft engines
Performance: Maximum speed, 175 knots; cruising
speed, 120 knots; operational ceiling, approximately
10,000 feet; range, 375 nautical miles
Weights: Empty weight, 6,200 pounds; max gross
weight, 9,480 pounds
Dimensions: Main rotor diameter, 39 feet, 2
inches; main rotor disc area, 1,204 square feet;
length, 44 feet, 4 inches; height, 13 feet, 4 inches
MH-65C Armament: .50-caliber precision fire
weapon, M240B 7.62 mm machine gun
H-65 Air Stations:
CGAS Traverse City, Michigan
CGAS Barbers Point, Hawaii
CGAS Borinquen, Puerto Rico
CGAS Atlantic City, New Jersey
CGAS Corpus Christi, Texas
CGAS Detroit, Michigan
CGAS Houston, Texas
CGAS Humboldt Bay, California
CGAS Los Angeles, California
CGAS Miami, Florida
CGAS/CG Aviation Training Center Mobile, Alabama
CGAS New Orleans, Louisiana
CGAS North Bend, Oregon
CGAS San Francisco, California
CGAS Port Angeles, Washington
CGAS Savannah, Georgia
CGAS Kodiak, Alaska
HITRON Jacksonville, Florida
MH-65C/D Dolphin Short Range Recovery Helicopter
The H-65 Dolphin is the Coast Guard’s oldest and most
numerous current helicopter, dating to the 1980s when it was
selected for the short-range rescue mission, and one of the
service’s first helicopters without the capability to perform
water landings.
The H-65 is a short range recovery aircraft. This twin-
engine, single-rotor helicopter is certified for all weather
and night time operations, but it is prohibited from fly-
ing under known icing conditions. The strengths of this
aircraft include its speed, flexibility, and integrated elec-
tronics package. The H-65 is the Coast Guard’s standard
shipboard-deployable aircraft and operates from all flight
deck-equipped cutters. Navigation inputs are processed
through a central mission computer unit, which can gener-
ate search patterns from pilot-provided input. This mini-
mizes the attention needed to navigate the aircraft and
maximizes search effectiveness. Endurance of the H-65 is
limited, with a maximum endurance profile at 75 knots
of 3.5 hours. The aircraft can sprint at speeds up to 165
knots for short periods and sustain speeds of more than
140 knots.
An AUF capability was added to all H-65s, resulting in
their redesignation as MH-65C. The MH-65C also obtained