Introduction 4
1.1. About Panzerdogs 4
1.2. About Lucky Kat 5
Gameplay 6
2.1 Core Gameplay 6
Core Game Loop 6
Leveling up 7
2.2 Platforms 8
2.3 Game Modes 8
Tournaments 8
Idle mode 9
2.4 NFTs 10
Avatars 10
Tanks and Tank Parts 11
Crafting 11
Tokenomics 13
3.1 Pillars 13
Initial holders are rewarded 13
Play to earn 13
No Pay to Win 14
Low barrier of entry 14
3.2 $PANZR token 14
3.2.1 Usage $PANZR 14
Marketplace 14
Battle Pass 14
Governance and DAO 15
Staking 15
Events / tournaments 15
Crafting 15
3.2.2 $PANZR Issuance 16
3.2.3 $PANZR Supply 16
Play to earn 17
Staking 17
Team 17
Early supporters 17
Community 17
Advisors 17
IDO 18
3.3 $SCRAP 18
3.3.2 $SCRAP Issuance 18
3.3.1 Usage of $SCRAP 19
3.3.3 Supply of $SCRAP 19
About the team 20
1. Introduction
1.1. About Panzerdogs
Panzerdogs is a Solana NFT gaming project where users can own each in-game
asset and use them to battle against each other in tanks. Think Brawl Stars, but with
tanks and play to earn mechanics.
Our focus is game first, then blockchain. By using blockchain technology, we believe
players of Panzerdogs will have a new way of interacting with gaming. Together
with the community we are building a game that is accessible for a wide audience
and fun to play.
1.2. About Lucky Kat
Made by Lucky Kat Studios. An award winning game studio from the Netherlands
with a proven track record of excellent games. Lucky Kat specializes in mobile & web
games in the categories casual, mid-core and hypercasual. Our games have over 100
million downloads on the App Store and Google Play and we have been featured
multiple times as Game of the Week on these platforms.
Apple CEO Tim cook visiting Lucky Kat Studios office
Our next challenge is in the crypto space. We truly believe in the transition of games
to web3 and that users should be able to own each in-game asset.
2.1 Core Gameplay
Gameplay is skill based with players landing and dodging shots against each other.
You control the tank by using keyboard controls and the mouse for moving and
shooting. On mobile we plan to use the twin stick control scheme.
Playing Panzerdogs requires owning NFTs: Tank Parts and dog avatars. Tank Parts
create the Tanks that are controlled in-game. Holding dog avatars unlocks extra
rewards and benefits in-game depending on its rarity (see the crafting section).
Avatar holders will get early access to beta versions and are able to play the
Bootcamp demo released on the live date of the avatar mint.
Core Game Loop
Players go through a typical game loop like this:
1. Players prepare their tanks and resources for battle
2. Players go into PVE or PVP battles.
3. Players earn XP and additional rewards for winning. With enough XP they
level up, receive tokens and/or prizes from Battle Pass.
4. Players use their newly received resources to craft or purchase new Tank
Parts. Back to step 1.
For those who find step 2 too time consuming or enjoy more passive gameplay,
various other activities can also be performed in-game. Such as the daily missions
which, for example, can give rewards for as simply as logging in.
Leveling up
Activity in the game is measured by leveling up. Leveling is done by receiving certain
amounts of XP (experience points). Players are rewarded with XP for:
Playing PVE modes
Playing PVP modes
Completing daily missions
And other in-game activities
2.2 Platforms
The game is designed to function on both desktop and mobile browsers. Desktop
will be the focus first, and a mobile browser version will be released later. Players
will be able to easily enter the game by opening the web page. Native iOS and
Android versions may follow depending on the app store's guidelines accepting
in-game cryptocurrency transactions.
2.3 Game Modes
PVE, or “Player versus Environment”, is the mode where players play missions with
various objectives against AI controlled enemies. The PVE game mode will be
available for everyone free to play. This mode will consist of a set of missions that
are fun and easy to complete and will guide the user on how to play the game.
PVP, or “Player versus Player”, is the mode where players battle online against other
human players. There will be PVP modes that will incentivize different motivations
for users. The basic version will be deathmatch. Other game modes that are planned
are capture the flag and team deathmatch.
Winners are entitled to rewards in the form of tokens and XP, though the losing
team will also receive XP at the minimum. Losing matches is not meant to
discourage players.
Skilled players are able to participate in periodic tournaments where top players are
able to earn rewards. For more information, please see the Play to earn section.
Idle mode
More modes will be added as the game will be continuously expanded, such as an
idle mode where players "stake" their dog avatars to complete missions and return
with rewards automatically over time. Or even let the dog avatar participate in PVP
as an AI.
2.4 NFTs
A player imports their unique dog avatar and a tank from the wallet. Owning an
avatar is required to play the main PVP mode and participate in crafting. The avatar
is based on a set of unique traits and a rarity overview will be available on the
Example of a unique avatar with some rare traits
Once the player completes all missions in PVE mode, they may receive a low tier,
non-unique dog avatar to get them started in other modes. These low tier dog
avatars are in contrast with the dog avatars minted on the website, which have more
benefits in-game and are much more unique looking.
Summarized, the benefits for holding an avatar are:
A fun representation of the player during PVP
Allows Tank Part crafting
Crafting benefits such as higher crafting speeds and trait inheritance odds
depending on the avatar traits (For early supporters)
Eligible for Tank and token airdrops (For early supporters)
Early access to the bootcamp demo and other beta releases (For early
Tanks and Tank Parts
The tank will consist of three components: turret, body, track. This will generate
unique tanks with stats and abilities. The three components form the Tank that is
playable in-game. Tank Parts will be available for trading so that users can
customize their own tanks. The Panzerdogs marketplace will support individual Tank
Parts or bundles of 3 Parts that represent a full Tank.
Tank parts come in different tiers of rarity that may affect gameplay:
Common - Slight shifts in statistics, no abilities
Uncommon - Slightly more significant than above
Rare - Slightly more significant than above, chance for changes in abilities
Epic - Slightly more significant than above, chance for changes in abilities
Legendary - Dramatic shifts in statistics or ability changes. - Exceedingly rare
and only crafted.
More tiers may be added for balancing and stimulating the economy
The different stats and abilities of Tank Parts create unique play styles and will offer
both advantages and disadvantages in a "rock-paper-scissors" kind of way. Players
are encouraged to collect or craft many different Tank Parts to expand their arsenal.
Players will be able to craft and generate higher tier Tank Parts using their dog
avatars. When the player meets all requirements for crafting, their dog will start
constructing the new tank part. The more dog avatars a player has, the more
crafting that can be done in parallel. Having unique dog avatars with rare traits will
help generate rare Tank Parts as well.
For more details, see the Crafting section under Tokenomics.
Tanks are made up of 3 Tank Parts
Players will be able to purchase LAND in the Panzerdogs world. This will allow
players to own a plot of LAND and develop it as they see fit. LAND will be limited in
supply. LAND development in Panzerdogs means players will be able to create their
own levels, add unique tileset and assets, host their own events and custom game
modes etc! Creation will be made accessible to everyone using tools that will be
simple to use.
We are currently mapping out more details with our advisors, such as the layout,
passive earning structure etc.
3. Tokenomics
Our experience in midcore and casual mobile games has taught us it can be tough to
revolve free-to-play economics using only one type of currency. Panzerdogs
requires at least one token that lowers the barrier to entry and allows players to
receive as rewards for playing the game ($SCRAP) and a premium token ($PANZR)
that functions as the main currency to purchase in-game items and equipment, as
well as allowing passive earnings with mechanics such as staking.
Both are SPL tokens, where $PANZR is a deflationary token with a finite supply and
$SCRAP a variable supply that is earned by interacting with the game.
Panzerdogs offers not only real-time action gameplay, but also opportunity and fun
with the $PANZR token. Token utility includes staking, governance and more which
are discussed in later sections. Other gameplay modes will be continuously
developed where $PANZR and $SCRAP can be earned both actively and passively.
3.1 Pillars
Initial holders are rewarded
Whether holders are active players or not, the team will continuously create
incentives for the NFT and token holders and raise their economic value.
Play to earn
Play to earn is a revolutionary concept in the gaming world. People who play
Panzerdogs are rewarded for their time spent in-game, interacting with the NFTs
and being involved in the community. The players leveling up the most are tracked
on leaderboards and top players will qualify for the $PANZR rewards pool. These
rewards are given at the end of a season coinciding with the duration of the Battle
Players are also able to craft in-game items as new NFTs. They will be able to
choose to continue to craft with them, use them in-game or sell them on the
marketplace for $PANZR.
No Pay to Win
Holders of NFTs and tokens are rewarded with more variety in gameplay, less
waiting for timers and other incentives with passive earnings. Not for getting
massive advantages over other players. Every player has a fighting chance to win
Low barrier of entry
Players will be able to play Panzerdogs with as least friction as possible. Initial
holders of dog avatars will get early access to the game and qualify for getting extra
rewards. Starting tanks will be available on game launch at low cost and future
gateways for free players will be developed. The eventual plan is for all players to
be able to join in, even if they have no prior knowledge of cryptocurrency. Getting
interested and understanding the value of NFTs is one of our goals by introducing
Panzerdogs to the general public.
3.2 $PANZR token
3.2.1 Usage $PANZR
The marketplace will be used for players to do premium in-game purchases as well
as trade NFTs with other players. Players can sell the Tanks and Tank Parts that they
have crafted. A 5% commission is taken on all transactions. Tank Parts will
continuously be developed by the Team and limited/premium editions may appear
on the marketplace. Earnings from premium drops and fees will flow back into the
Panzerdogs treasury.
Battle Pass
Panzerdogs will introduce battle passes as incentive for players to play and earn
new items. Players who want to benefit from the battle pass without spending too
much time may spend $PANZR to level up and receive exclusive premium rewards.
Governance and DAO
Holders of $PANZR may participate in voting of decisions for spendage of
community pool. The community pool can be used for organizing
events/tournaments, collabs etc. Proposals for development can be made by as well
by holders and be taken in consideration by the team.
Panzerdogs will offer staking for users who wish to hold and participate in passive
earnings. These users are entitled to a reward from the staking pool. Users
automatically unstake after the staking period and may also receive in-game items
via airdrop as reward.
Events / tournaments
Prizes can be won by players who enter events organized by DAO and Team.
Participants may need to pay a $PANZR fee to enter. The prize money is distributed
to the winners of these events, where the prize money consists of the fee collected
in the event and from the community pool. Events can include tournaments,
seasonal events, collabs etc.
Players are able fuse similar tiered items into new higher tier items (see the Tanks
and Tank Part section under Gameplay). When crafting Tank Parts, the new Tank
Part is random and may inherit properties of the old Tank Parts. A full list of traits
will be listed on the Panzerdogs website.
Crafting of Tank Parts requires $PANZR and $SCRAP. The base (lowest) tier will
require $SCRAP, and higher tiers will require an additional amount of $PANZR.
Higher tiers will come at higher costs.
Dog avatars are needed to craft items, they will start constructing and take a
number of days to build the new item. During this time the dog will be unavailable to
craft other items. The duration depends on the dog avatar's traits. Additionally,
players will be able to stake their tokens for increased crafting speeds.
Overview of $PANZR flow
3.2.2 $PANZR Issuance
Players will be able to get $PANZR by:
Airdrop to early backers who minted the first dog avatars
Buying from an exchange or sell NFTs on the Marketplace
Playing the game, winning PVP, tournaments etc
3.2.3 $PANZR Supply
Note that the total supply, distribution and unlock periods are currently being
planned out in close cooperation with advisors. Future updates on the whitepaper
will include detailed numbers. For now, we can reveal the $PANZR token will be
distributed in the following categories:
Play to earn
A rewards pool with the purpose of rewarding players for their in-game efforts. Its
main purpose is driving player motivation and creating hype. In order to distribute it
fairly, a fixed amount is released to top players every season.
Players receive rewards passively for holding on to their tokens and lock them for a
period of time.
For continued development of the game, as well as funds for legal and emergency
Early supporters
Those who supported the game in an early phase are entitled to airdrops which
include the $PANZR token. Private sales will also be held to raise funds.
Tokens will go into the community pool and will be in control by the PanzerDAO. The
DAO will make decisions on how to distribute the tokens for community growth and
will help set up events. The community will also be able to decide on the direction of
the gameplay design by voting on proposals.
Experts in crypto and community building will help steer Panzerdogs into the right
Release of $PANZR and $SCRAP tokens on a decentralized exchange. In order to
increase liquidity different pairings need to be established with high liquidity.
$PANZR distribution
Lastly, we want to emphasize that the largest portion will be distributed back to the
community in order to create a healthy and self-sustaining game and player
3.3 $SCRAP
3.3.2 $SCRAP Issuance
$SCRAP is primarily gained by playing the game. When the player levels up, rewards
are given in the form of $SCRAP.
The amount of XP received per day is capped and limits the amount that players can
level up. The XP cap depends on the amount of dog avatars that the player holds.
Players holding multiple avatars are able to gain more XP and thus more $SCRAP
within a day.
3.3.1 Usage of $SCRAP
Players collecting $SCRAP can use them to progress further in the game. A portion
of $SCRAP is burned when making in-game transactions to control its circulation
(see section below). Some purchases that can be done with $SCRAP include:
Purchase loot boxes to generate a random base-tier Tank Parts
Level up Tank Parts to unlock their abilities
Crafting & Speeding up crafting
Purchase of low tier avatars
Cosmetic slots
3.3.3 Supply of $SCRAP
Supply is variable as new $SCRAP gets minted for player efforts. An initial supply of
$SCRAP will be offered to players and exchanges to kickstart the liquidity of the
The $SCRAP that is spent by players will be sent to the game wallet. The game
wallet will burn a % of this $SCRAP to reduce supply. The rest of this $SCRAP will be
held onto and sold to exchanges to fund:
% Team fee
% Server/gas costs reserve
% of these sales will be converted to $PANZR and will be distributed among
the $PANZR staking pool
The burning mechanic of $SCRAP should ensure an organic balance in the supply of
the token.
4. About the team
Director Operations
Tech Lead
Ya Wen
Game Analyst / Data Scientist
Koh Kim
Sebastian Borget
Advisor, Co Founder & COO The
Information in this whitepaper is subject to change and should not be conceived as commitments, promises or a
guarantee by Lucky Kat or any other individual or company in this whitepaper relating to future availability of
services relating to the use of the tokens or to their future performance. The white paper is not a
recommendation to buy tokens or financial advice. We recommend doing your own due diligence. No developer
or entity involved in the creation of the platform will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated
with your use of, inability to use, or interaction with other users of the token or platform, including any direct,
indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, or consequential damages, or any loss of profits, cryptocurrency,
NFTs, tokens, or anything else of value.