Kind of Business
Fee Per
Petty Food Business Operators
Manufactures or sells any kind of food by himself/herself,
Petty retailer, hawker, itinerant vendor, temporary stall, Thela,
Sweets Shop, Juice Stall etc.
e.g Gol gappa stall, fruits/vegetables vendors, snacks stall, Tea Stall,
Samosa, Bread pakoda, retail shops, Temporary Food Stalls like
Chinese food stall, South Indian Food etc.
Temporary or fixed stall or food premise involved in preparation,
storage, distribution and sale of food products that can be served as
a snacks/ tea/coffee and similar variants.
Hawker - Selling packaged or freshly prepared food by travelling
(usually on foot or movable carts) from one location to other
Annual Turnover
upto Rs. 12 Lacs
Rs. 100
Dairy Units including Milk Chilling Units
Dairy processing means handling, processing, manufacturing,
packing, storing, distribution & transportation of milk and milk
More than 50,000
Liters of Milk per
Central License
Rs. 7500
Note: Registration for Petty Milkman, Milk Vendors, License for
rest according to Eligibility criteria
More than 2500 MT
of Milk Solid Per
10001 50,000 Ltrs
of Milk per day
State License
Rs. 5000
501 MT 2500 MT
of Milk Solids per
501 10,000 Ltrs of
Milk per day
State License
Rs. 3000
2.5 MT 500 MT of
Milk Solids per
Upto 500 Ltrs of
Milk per day
Rs. 100
Upto 2.5 MT of Milk
Solids per annum
Vegetable Oil Processing Units
Vegetable oil processing means processing of vegetables to produce
vegetable oils by the process of solvent extraction/expeller and
refining including oil expeller units.
More than 2 MT per
Central License
Rs. 7500
1-2 MT per day
State License
Rs. 5000
Below 1 MT per day
State License
Rs. 3000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Slaughtering House
Slaughtering means a process of transporting, stunning, butchering,
dressing, processing, storing & distribution of live animals/poultry
Large Animals: More
than 50
Small Animals: More
than 150
Poultry Birds: More
than 1000
Central License
Rs. 7500
Meat shop, Chicken Shop, Mutton Shop
Lamb Meat etc.
Large Animals: 3 to
Small Animals: 11 to
Poultry Birds: 51 to
State License
Rs. 2000
Large Animals: 2
Small Animals: 10
Poultry Birds: 50
Rs. 100
Meat Processing
Meat processing means further processing of slaughtered
animals/poultry birds into meat & meat products, packaging, storing
& transportation of meat & meat products.
More than 500 Kg
Meat per day
More than 150 MT
Meat per annum
Central License
Rs. 7500
Fish processing means handling, processing of fish, manufacturing of
fish products, packing, storing, distribution & transportation of fish
and fish products.
Upto 500 Kg Meat
per day
Upto 150 MT Meat
per annum
State License
Rs. 3000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
All Food Manufacturing/ Processing units other than Dairy Units,
Vegetable Oil, Meat Processing and Slaughtering Houses
Manufacturing/Processing Unit means a person/entity which owns
or operates an establishment that manufactures or processes a food
More than 2 MT per
Central License
Rs. 7500
This term includes, but is not limited to contract manufacturers,
contract packers and other entities that manufactures or processes a
food product.
No Grains, Cereals
or Pulses Milling
Manufacturing or processing means each step in conversion of raw
material derived from livestock and agricultural produce into
products for intermediate or final consumption. The process includes
procurement, receipt, preparation, Manufacturing/processing,
packaging, storage, distribution & transportation of food products.
Repacking means packing of food product into different sizes with
labeling after doing minimal processing as required like sorting,
101 Kgs/Ltrs 1 MT
per Day
All Grains, Cereals,
Pulses Milling units
without any limit
on Production
State License
Rs. 3000
grading, sieving etc. from wholesale packages. The food product is
not manipulated & the composition or formulation is not affected or
1MT 2 MT per Day
State License
Rs. 5000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Production capacity
upto 100 Kgs/Ltrs
per day
Proprietary Food
No restriction on
production capacity
Central License
Rs. 7500
Novel Food
With prior Product Approval/ NOC from FSSAI
No restriction on
production capacity
Central License
Rs. 7500
Storage - Cold/Refrigerated
Cold/refrigerated storage is an activity where refrigerated/ frozen
food products in packed or unpacked condition is stored for further
distribution in refrigeration/ freezing storage facilities.
Storage Capacity of
More than 10,000
Central License
Rs. 7500
Storage Capacity
Upto 10,000 MT
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Storage Atmospheric Controlled + Cold
Controlled Atmosphere storage is an activity where food products in
packed or unpacked condition is stored for further distribution in
controlled atmosphere storage facilities. A controlled atmosphere,
generally used for storage of dry commodities & agricultural produce
Storage Capacity of
More than 1,000 MT
Central License
Rs. 7500
Storage Capacity
Upto 1,000 MT
State License
Rs. 2000
in which the concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen,
as well as the temperature and humidity of a storage room are
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Storage Without Atmospheric Controlled + Cold
Storage is an activity where food products in packed or unpacked
condition is stored for further distribution in storage facilities, also
called warehouses, godowns, etc
Storage Capacity of
More than 50,000
Central License
Rs. 7500
Storage Capacity
Upto 50,000 MT
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Transporter (having a number of specialised vehicles like insulated
refrigerated van/wagon, milk tankers etc.)
Transportation is an activity of transporting food products (both
packed and bulk) from one location to another in vehicles/containers
including specialized vehicles like insulated refrigerated van/ wagon,
oil/milk tankers etc.
Food Trucks are also covered in this category
More than 100
Vehicles and
Turnover more than
Rs. 30 Crores per
Central License
Rs. 7500
Upto 100 Vehicles
and Turnover upto
Rs. 30 Crores per
State License
Rs. 2000
Single Vehicle and
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Wholesale is an activity in the distribution channel where food
product is procured in bulk and then sold to resellers/retailers rather
than to consumers.
Turnover more than
Rs. 30 Crores per
Central License
Rs. 7500
Turnover upto Rs.
30 Crores per
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Distribution is an activity in the distribution channel where food
product is distributed from the original place of manufacture to the
person who makes the final delivery or sale of the food product to
the ultimate consumer.
Turnover more than
Rs. 20 Crores per
Central License
Rs. 7500
Turnover upto Rs.
20 Crores per
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Supply is an activity in the distribution channel where food product is
Turnover more than
Rs. 20 Crores per
Central License
Rs. 7500
provided to the consumer as per the requirements raised by the
Turnover upto Rs.
State License
Rs. 2000
20 Crores per
Turnover upto Rs.
Rs. 100
12 Lacs per annum
Retail is an activity where food products is procured from a
manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler and sold to the ultimate end
E.g. Retail Shop/ Fish/ Meat/Poultry shop/ seller/Sweet
Shop/Snacks/Confectionery or Bakery Shop
Turnover more than
Rs. 20 Crores per
Central License
Rs. 7500
Turnover upto Rs.
20 Crores per
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Marketing (self) means promoting food product of a brand in the
market which is owned by the self.
Marketing (Third Party) means promoting food poduct of a brand in
the market which is not owned by the self.
Turnover more than
Rs. 20 Crores per
Central License
Rs. 7500
Turnover upto Rs.
20 Crores per
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Hotel is a commercial establishment providing lodging, meals, and
other guest services.
In general, to be called a hotel, an establishment must have a
minimum of six letting bedrooms, at least three of which must have
attached (ensuite) private bathroom facilities.
Five Star and Above
Central License
Rs. 7500
Three Star and Four
State License
Rs. 5000
One Star, Two Star
or Hotel without
Star Rating by
Ministry of Tourism
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Restaurant and Bars
Restaurant is a type of food service operation which prepares, serves
food and drinks to customers in exchange for money. Meals are
generally served and eaten on the premises, but many restaurants
also offer take-out and food delivery services, and some offer only
take-out and delivery.
Turnover more than
Rs. 20 Crores per
Central License
Rs. 7500
Turnover upto Rs.
20 Crores per
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Canteen or Cafeteria is a dining area in an institution/ establishment
serving food (being prepared in the premises or procured from other
location or source) to individuals associated with or visiting the
Turnover More than
Rs 12 Lacs per
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Food Service Establishment involved in preparation, storage, serving
and /or transport of food for consumption of a group at a venue of
ceremony/celebration /ritual/institution.
Turnover More than
Rs 20 Crores per
Central License
Rs. 7500
Turnover upto Rs.
20 Crores per
State License
Rs. 2000
Food Vending Agencies
Sale of packaged/fresh food from a temporary or fixed stall/cart/
machine by an individual or by automation.
More than 100
Vending Machines
and/or located in
two or more
Central License
Rs. 7500
Upto 100 Vending
Machines in only
one State/UT
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
or Upto 12 Vending
Machines in only
one State/UT
Rs. 100
Food service establishment generally located near roadside/highway
involved in processing, storing, packaging and selling of food to
customers for consumption
Boarding houses serving food
A building providing food and lodging for paying guest.
Banquet halls with food catering arrangements
A specified area such as hall which is used for the purpose of hosting
parties/ ceremonies involved in preparation and serving of food to
customers for consumption.
Home Based Canteens/ Dabba Wallas
An individual or establishment involved in distribution of packed
meals (usually packed lunch) from food service establishments such
as home based caterer or restaurants to customers.
Permanent/ Temporary stall Holder
A stand/booth/compartment/small covered area being used for
preparation and /or sale of freshly prepared or packaged food for
Turnover more than
Rs. 12 Lacs per
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs 12
Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
consumption. This structure maybe temporary or permanent (fixed).
Food stalls/ Arrangements in religious gatherings/ fairs etc
A stand/booth/compartment/small covered area being used for
preparation and /or sale or distribution of freshly prepared or
packaged food being offered as Prasad in a religious institution.
Importers importing food items including food ingredients and
additives for
commercial use
Import is an activity where articles of trade from a foreign source is
brought into a domestic market in the course of trade
Importing any type
of food product with
no limit on the
Central License
Rs. 7500
Food Business Activities at premises of Central Govt Agencies such
Storage, Wholesale, Distribution, Retail etc
Documents for License as per the business activity Storage,
Wholesale, Distribution, Retail
No limit on Capacity
or Turnover
Central License
Rs. 7500
Departmental Canteens at the premises of Central Govt.
Food Service Establishment involved in preparation and serving of
food for
consumption of a group of individuals working or visiting central
Turnover More than
Rs. 12 Lacs per
Central License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
Food Business Activities at premises of Airport/Seaport such as
Storage, Wholesale, Distribution, Retail etc
Food Service Establishment involved in preparation and serving of
food at
Documents for License as per the business activity Storage,
Wholesale, Distribution, Retail
No limit on Capacity
or Turnover
Central License
Rs. 7500
Mid day Meal Caterer
The Midday Meal Scheme is a school meal programme of the
Government of India designed to better the nutritional standing of
school-age children nationwide. The programme supplies free
lunches on working days for children in primary and upper primary
classes in government, government aided, local body, Education
Guarantee Scheme, and alternate innovative education centres,
Madarsa and Maqtabs supported under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, and
National Child Labour Project schools run by the ministry of labour.
Caterer preparing and transporting food to institutions under
Midday meal scheme.
Turnover More than
Rs 20 Crores per
Central License
Rs. 7500
Turnover upto Rs.
20 Crores per
State License
Rs. 2000
Mid Day Meal Canteen-
Canteens serving food under mid day meal scheme in Schools
Turnover More than
Rs 12 Lacs per
State License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
a) Documents for License for 100% Export Oriented Units
b) Documents for License for Trader/Merchant Exporter
c) Documents for License for Manufacturer Exporter
No limit on Capacity
or Turnover
Central License
Rs. 7500
Caterers/Restaurants/Canteens/Hawkers/Petty Retailers at the
premises of Railway Stations or under the control of Indian
Turnover More than
Rs. 12 Lacs per
Central License
Rs. 2000
Turnover upto Rs.
12 Lacs per annum
Rs. 100
E-commerce also known as electronic commerce or internet
commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using
the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these
transactions. Ecommerce is often used to refer to the sale of physical
products online, but it can also describe any kind of commercial
transaction that is facilitated through the internet.
No limit on Capacity
or Turnover
Central License
Rs. 7500
Head Office/Registered Office
Food Business Operators having food business activities in two or
more States/UTs have to declare one Head Office/Registered Office.
Documents for Head office License only
Documents for Head Office License along with Food Business Activity
No limit on Capacity
or Turnover
Central License
Rs. 7500