v.1.0 Nov. 2022
Purpose or Need
Description of Change
Value Solution
Plan Business Analysis Approach
To dene an appropriate method to conduct business analysis activities.
Ensure the efcient performance of all
business analysis activities with a stakeholder-
supported approach.
A dened business analysis approach that
includes planned activities, tasks, and
Typically involves sponsors, project managers,
domain subject matter experts, regulators, and
any additional stakeholders identied.
Frequently used techniques:
Business Cases;
Financial Analysis;
Functional Decomposition;
Item Tracking;
Risk Analysis and Management.
Refer to the BABOK Guide v3 for the
complete list of techniques.
Plan Business Analysis Approach describes the overall method that will be followed when performing business
analysis work, what business analysis tasks will be performed, how and when business analysis tasks will be
performed, and the business analysis deliverables that will be produced.
Input Task Output or Deliverable
Plan Business
Business Analysis
Reference (Guidelines and Tools)
The following resources, if they exist, can be used to
transform the inputs into the outputs:
Business Analysis Performance Assessment
from previous initiatives;
Business Policies;
Expert Judgment;
Methodologies and Frameworks;
Stakeholder Engagement Approach.
© 2022 International Institute of Business Analysis.
Certications: ECBA, CCBA, CBAP – Refer to the BABOK® Guide for study purposes
The Plan Business Analysis Approach provides a plan to follow in business analysis activities.
This task is equally important for an adaptive approach. Shorter-term execution steps are planned and aligned with what
needs to be created during each iteration. This means repeating planning activities during each iteration and focusing on
near-term delivery goals.
See Guide to Product Ownership Analysis – Sec 4.3 POA and Agile Planning Horizons
Task Inputs and Outputs
v.1.0 Nov. 2022
Purpose or Need
Description of Change
Value Solution
Plan Stakeholder Engagement
To plan an approach for establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with the stakeholders.
Understanding who the stakeholders are, the
impact of proposed changes on them, and the
influence they may have on the change is vital
to understanding what needs and expectations
must be satised by a solution.
A dened stakeholder engagement approach
that includes the list of the stakeholders, their
roles and responsibilities, main characteristics,
and also a collaboration and communication
Typically involves sponsors, project managers,
domain subject matter experts, customers,
and anyone that will impact or be impacted by
the initiative.
Frequently used techniques:
Document Analysis;
Organizational Modelling;
Scope Modelling;
Stakeholder List, Map, Persona.
Refer to the BABOK Guide v3 for the
complete list of techniques.
Plan Stakeholder Engagement describes identifying which stakeholders are relevant to the change, what is
their role in the change, what are their main characteristics, what information business analysis professionals
need from them, what information they need from business analysis professionals, and the best way to
collaborate with them, having in mind their communication needs.
Input Task Output or Deliverable
Business Analysis
Reference (Guidelines and Tools)
The following resources, if they exist, can be
used to transform the inputs into the outputs:
Business Analysis Performance Assessment;
Change Strategy;
Current State Description.
© 2022 International Institute of Business Analysis.
Certications: ECBA, CCBA, CBAP – Refer to the BABOK® Guide for study purposes
Effectively engaging stakeholders is critical for a success.
Example: Consider a business data analytics initiative where data is sourced, assessed, and analyzed to drive key
insights. Getting approval for a team’s recommendations often depends on how engaged stakeholders have been
throughout the process.
See Guide to Business Data Analytics 2.1.2 Identify and Understand the Stakeholders
Task Inputs and Outputs
v.1.0 Nov. 2022
Purpose or Need
Description of Change
Value Solution
Plan Business Analysis Governance
To dene how decisions are made about requirements and designs, including reviews, change control,
approvals, and prioritization.
Clarifying who decides what and when helps
ensure that decisions are made properly and
consistently during the initiative.
A dened governance approach that includes
the list of decision-makers, a description of the
change control, prioritization, and approvals
Typically involves sponsors, project managers,
domain subject matter experts, regulators, and
any additional stakeholders identied.
Frequently used techniques:
Document Analysis;
Organizational Modelling;
Process Modelling;
Refer to the BABOK Guide v3 for the
complete list of techniques.
Plan Business Analysis Governance denes the decision makers, change control process, prioritization
approach, approval process, and information required to make a decision. It helps ensure that decisions about
requirements and designs are made properly and consistently and follow a process that ensures decision
makers have the information they need when they need it.
Reference (Guidelines and Tools)
The following resources, if they exist, can be
used to transform the inputs into the outputs:
Business Analysis; Performance Assessment;
Business Policies;
Current State Description;
Legal/Regulatory Information.
© 2022 International Institute of Business Analysis.
Certications: ECBA, CCBA, CBAP – Refer to the BABOK® Guide for study purposes
Governance processes, practices, and responsibilities are critical for different types of initiatives.
Example: Consider a business intelligence initiative where its important to promote an enterprise-wide view of
information. Supporting this involves developing infrastructure services in the organization, such as data governance and
metadata management.
See BABOK Guide – 11.2 The Business Intelligence Perspective – 11.2.1 Change Scope
Input Task Output or Deliverable
Business Analysis
Plan Business
Task Inputs and Outputs
v.1.0 Nov. 2022
Purpose or Need
Description of Change
Value Solution
Plan Business Analysis Information Management
To develop an approach for how business analysis information will be stored and accessed.
Information management helps ensure that
business analysis information is organized
in a functional and useful manner, is easily
accessible to appropriate personnel, and is
stored for the necessary length of time.
A dened information management
approach that describes how business
analysis information will be stored,
accessed, and utilized during and after the
change is completed.
Typically involves sponsors, domain subject
matter experts, regulators, and any additional
stakeholders identied.
Frequently used techniques:
Item Tracking;
Lessons Learned;
Mind Mapping;
Process Modelling.
Refer to the BABOK Guide v3 for the
complete list of techniques..
Plan Business Analysis Information Management denes how all the information developed by business
analysis professionals (including requirements and designs) should be captured, organized, stored, traced, and
integrated with other information for long-term use.
Reference (Guidelines and Tools)
The following resources, if they exist, can be
used to transform the inputs into the outputs:
Business Analysis;
Performance Assessment;
Business Policies;
Information Management Tools;
Legal/Regulatory Information.
© 2022 International Institute of Business Analysis.
Certications: ECBA, CCBA, CBAP – Refer to the BABOK® Guide for study purposes
Effectively managing information relevant to any change effort is an important element of success.
Example: From redesigning business processes — to ensuring all business data is appropriately referenced and available
in the new process — to creating enterprise-level standards around data management.
See Guide to Business Data Analytics2.6.3 Data Strategy
Input Task Output or Deliverable
Plan Business
Business Analysis
Task Inputs and Outputs
v.1.0 Nov. 2022
Purpose or Need
Description of Change
Value Solution
Identify Business Analysis Performance Improvements
To assess business analysis work and to plan to improve processes where required.
Create opportunities to understand and
improve the performance of business analysis
Business analysis performance assessment
that includes the results of the assessment,
identied root causes of variances from
the expected performance, and proposed
approaches to improve performance.
Typically involves sponsors, project managers,
domain subject matter experts, and any
additional stakeholders identied.
Frequently used techniques:
Lessons Learned;
Metrics and KPIs;
Process Analysis;
Process Modelling;
Root Cause Analysis.
Refer to the BABOK Guide v3 for the
complete list of techniques.
Identify Business Analysis Performance Improvements describes managing and monitoring how business
analysis work is performed to ensure that commitments are met and continuous learning and improvement
opportunities are realized.
Reference (Guidelines and Tools)
The following resources, if they exist, can be
used to transform the inputs into the outputs:
Organizational Performance Standards.
© 2022 International Institute of Business Analysis.
Certications: ECBA, CCBA, CBAP – Refer to the BABOK® Guide for study purposes
Improving the process of how outcomes are created is a mainstay of adaptive approaches and is equally important
for predictive and hybrid approaches. Change should only ever be embarked on, to add value. To ensure value, the
performance of the Business Analysis efforts needs to be measured.
Example: Constantly looking for ways to improve both individual and team performance allows teams to create greater
value, faster.
See Guide to Product Ownership Analysis – 5.7.2 Optimize Value Delivery
Input Task Output or Deliverable
Business Analysis
Business Analysis
Business Analysis
Task Inputs and Outputs