www.broadview-il.gov Winter 2018
I want to begin by wishing
every resident of Broad-
view a happy, healthy and
peaceful holiday season.
This is a time for family,
community and rest after
a long and fruitful year.
In the seasons spirit of
peace and cooperation,
I’m proud to say that the
Village of Broadview is
working together like
never before to deliver
eective services and build a vibrant community.
Our focus for the new year will be economic de-
velopment. I’m proud to say that in my short time
as mayor we’ve already welcomed several new
businesses to Broadview, including another grand
opening this quarter. In the year to come, I hope to
continue cutting ribbons on diverse new businesses
that will enrich our community. If you’re interested in
opening a small business here in Broadview, feel free
to reach out to Village government – were here to
help in any way we can.
I also want to congratulate all of the honor roll stu-
dents at our ne elementary schools. Good education
is vital to building a thriving community, and I’m so
proud of the students, teachers and administrators
who work every day in our schools. I hope to continue
partnering with our school system in the coming year
as we all work to make Broadview ourish.
I’m happy to say that that work has kept us very busy
over the last few months. On the next pages, you’ll see
a photographic record of the hard work we’ve been
doing at the Village of Broadview. We welcomed a new
addition to our police force, opened up a new business
(a wonderful popcorn shop), met with elected leaders
like Senator Kimberly A. Lightford, Commissioner
Richard Boykin and State Rep. Chris Welch, visited a
reservoir maintained by the Metropolitan Water Rec-
lamation District, and stopped by Roosevelt School.
These are the kinds of things we do every day to make
sure Broadview stays a wonderful place to live.
Again, please have my best wishes for a happy holiday
season and a fruitful new year.
Mayor Katrina Thompson
Mayor Katrina Thompson
Snow Parking Restrictions
Village Ordinance prohibits street parking during the snow season, or after a two-inch
snowfall, until after the streets have been cleared by Village plows.
In addition, parking in municipal lots after a two-inch snowfall is prohibited until after the
lot has been cleared by Village plows.
The Police Department is authorized to have vehicles in violation of snow parking or-
dinances towed. The vehicle owner will be responsible for all towing and storage costs
associated with these illegally parked vehicles.
Seaso’s Greetings!
Warming-up Your Car for Thieves
New Squad Cars
Holiday Safety
Operation Santa Claus
As the weather changes, remember that thieves are always
looking for unique opportunities to commit their crimes.
Thieves know that people warm up their cars in the winter
and go back into their homes for 5-10 minutes (usually before
work in the morning). Thats all the time they need to steal
your car. For this reason, its actually illegal to leave a car run-
ning and unattended.
And remember also that 95% of our vehicle burglaries occur
to vehicles that were left unlocked by the owner. Don’t think
your car is safe just because its in your driveway or because
items of value are out of sight in your glove compartment; if your doors are
unlocked, that’s the rst place a thief will look. This winter, lets be safe. Lock those doors!
The Police Department has begun acquiring new squad
cars. So far, we have taken delivery of one 2018 Ford
Explorer, with at least 2 more on the way. Chief Eugling
sought input from his Ocers when considering design
options for the graphics and we are very pleased with
the nal results. We hope you agree.
Just a few things to remember as we get closer to the
Be sure to schedule package deliveries for a time
when someone will be home. Thieves have been
known to follow UPS or FedEx truck
around, looking for opportunities to
Women - If you carry a purse, never
leave it in a shopping cart while you’re
shopping. Thieves know your attention
is on the merchandise, and they can
easily walk away with your personal
Note the 1-800 number on the back of your credit
cards, so that if you lose one or if it is stolen, you
can quickly call the bank to have the card canceled.
Place your new purchases in the trunk of your car
while you shop, so that thieves won’t be tempted
to break a window and make o with your gifts.
If you have boxes from expensive electronics after
Christmas, don’t leave those boxes by the curb
on garbage day. Doing so advertises to criminals
whats inside of your home
Happy Holidays!
Chief Kevin Eugling
Planning for Operation Santa
began in October, and we are
looking forward to a spectacular
event again this year.
Operation Santa is an event that
honors Broadview families and
seeks to ensure that they have a
wonderful holiday season.
This event is made possible
through a strong partnership between the
Village of Broadview, Broadview Police Department,
Broadview Fire Department, Broadview Park District
Broadview Public Library and Broadview Wesleyan
Church, but also relies on generous donations from
Broadview residents and businesses.
e Ne
As the weather changes, remember that thieves are always looking
for unique opportunities to commit their crimes. Thieves know that
people warm up their cars in the winter and go back into their homes
for 5-10 minutes (usually before work in the morning). Thats all the
time they need to steal your car. For this reason,
its actually illegal
to leave a car running and unattended
And remember also that 95% of our vehicle burglaries occur to
vehicles that were left unlocked by the owner. Don’t think your car
is safe just because its in your driveway or because items of value
are out of sight in your glove compartment; if your doors are
unlocked, that’s the first place a thief will look. This winter, lets be
safe. Lock those doors!
New Squad cars:
The Police Department has begun acquiring new squad cars. So far,
we have taken delivery of one 2018 Ford Explorer, with at least 2
more on the way. Chief Eugling sought input from his Officers when
considering design options for the graphics and we are very pleased
with the final results. We hope you agree.
and Broadview Wesleyan Church, but also relies on generous
donations from Broadview residents and businesses.
Just a few things to remember as we get closer to the holidays:
Be sure to schedule package deliveries for a time when
someone will be home. Thieves have been known to follow
UPS or FedEx truck around, looking for opportunities to
Women - If you carry a purse, never leave it in a shopping
cart while you’re shopping. Thieves know your attention is
on the merchandise, and they can easily walk away with
your personal items.
Note the 1-800 number on the back of your credit cards,
so that if you lose one or if it is stolen, you can quickly
call the bank to have the card canceled.
Place your new purchases in the trunk of your car while
you shop, so that thieves won’t be tempted to break a
window and make off with your gifts.
If you have boxes from expensive electronics after
Christmas, don’t leave those boxes by the curb on
garbage day. Doing so advertises to criminals whats inside
of your home
Planning for Operation Santa began in October, and we are looking
forward to a spectacular event again this year.
Operation Santa is an event that honors Broadview families and
seeks to ensure that they have a wonderful holiday season.
This event is made possible through a strong partnership between
the Village of Broadview, Broadview Police Department, Broadview
Fire Department, Broadview Park District Broadview Public Library
2 708.681.3600
Community Engagement
Department News
Holiday and Winter Safety Tips A Time of Giving
On September 28th we hosted our annual Pub-
lic Safety Open House event! This was a largest
attendance in years! We appreciate all the support
we received from Mayor Thompson and her sta.
Both Police Chief Eugling and Chief Kenny Thank
everyone whom attended. The explorers raised
money for camp with the sale of hot dog and the
Fire Department was able to share an extrication
demonstration, extinguisher education, and a live
burn to show the advantages of sprinklers. Please
remember this years slogan “Have two ways out”!
Continue to practice re safety.
On February 17th, from 9:00am to Noon, we will be
hosting a Friends and Family CPR class to celebrate
Heart Healthy Month with the Red Cross. Please
make you reservation for the class by calling, Chris Mazurkiewicz, CPR
educator, at 708-343-6124.
On December 15th, administrative Assistant Kris Murphy will be graduating from
the Illinois Fire Service Administrative Professionals class. Over the past four
months she attended classes that helped her become edu-
cated in Fire Department shared resources, basic reghting
skills, emotional support, group dynamics, computer pro-
grams and so much more!
On January 20th be sure to congratulate Fireghter Deme-
trius Nolan, as he has passed his probationary year and is now a full-time
member of the Broadview Fire Department.
During the Winter driving conditions can become
dicult. Help us respond to emergencies by pulling
to the right side of the road prior to our emergency
vehicles approaching. The weight of our vehicles make
it dicult to make sudden stops. Be prepared for emer-
gencies by keeping your sidewalk and stairs free of ice
and snow, so that we may safely get a patient the care
they need.
Remember to keep your Christmas Tree watered and
away from outlets. A dry Christmas Tree can ignite
quickly. Make sure your replace has been cleaned
and inspected. Soot and creosol from last years res,
can create a re in your ume. Don’t forget to blow out
candles when you retreat to bed or exit your home.
Please keep you hydrants free and clear of snow.
We don’t always have to give expensive gifts, the best
gift we can give is The Gift of Hope. The Gift of Hope is
all about organ donation. Visit lifegoeson.com for more
Blood donations through Lifesource is a great way to
give during the holidays as well. We host blood drives
here at the rehouse in the Spring, but feel free to
visit their locations to continue to support the need at
We are available for blood pressure checks, everyday
from 8:00am to 6:00pm in our lobby.
Have a Happy Holiday and Thank You for letting us
serve our community!
Chief Tracy Kenny
Fire Department Winter Newsletter.
Community Engagement
On September 28th we hosted our annual Public Safety Open House event! This was a largest
attendance in years! We appreciate all the support we received from Mayor Thompson and her
staff. Both Police Chief Eugling and Chief Kenny Thank everyone whom attended. The
explorers raised money for camp with the sale of hot dog and the Fire Department was able to
share an extrication demonstration, extinguisher education, and a live burn to show the
advantages of sprinklers. Please remember this years sloganHave two ways out”! Continue to
practice fire safety.
On February 17th, from 9:00am to Noon, we will be hosting a Friends and Family CPR class to
celebrate Heart Healthy Month with the Red Cross. Please make you reservation for the class
by calling, Chris Mazurkiewicz, CPR educator, at 708-343-6124.
Department News
On December 15th, administrative Assistant Kris Murphy will be graduating from the Illinois Fire
Service Administrative Professionals class. Over the past four months she attended classes that
helped her become educated in Fire Department shared resources, basic firefighting skills,
emotional support, group dynamics,
omputer programs and so much more!
On January 20th be sure to congratulate Firefighter Demetrius Nolan, as he has passed his
probationary year and is now a full-time member of the Broadview Fire Department
4 708.681.3600
Fire Department Winter Newsletter.
Community Engagement
On September 28th we hosted our annual Public Safety Open House event! This was a largest
attendance in years! We appreciate all the support we received from Mayor Thompson and her
staff. Both Police Chief Eugling and Chief Kenny Thank everyone whom attended. The
explorers raised money for camp with the sale of hot dog and the Fire Department was able to
share an extrication demonstration, extinguisher education, and a live burn to show the
advantages of sprinklers. Please remember this years sloganHave two ways out”! Continue to
practice fire safety.
On February 17th, from 9:00am to Noon, we will be hosting a Friends and Family CPR class to
celebrate Heart Healthy Month with the Red Cross. Please make you reservation for the class
by calling, Chris Mazurkiewicz, CPR educator, at 708-343-6124.
Department News
On December 15th, administrative Assistant Kris Murphy will be graduating from the Illinois Fire
Service Administrative Professionals class. Over the past four months she attended classes that
helped her become educated in Fire Department shared resources, basic firefighting skills,
emotional support, group dynamics,
omputer programs and so much more!
On January 20th be sure to congratulate Firefighter Demetrius Nolan, as he has passed his
probationary year and is now a full-time member of the Broadview Fire Department
Fire Department Winter Newsletter.
Community Engagement
On September 28th we hosted our annual Public Safety Open House event! This was a largest
attendance in years! We appreciate all the support we received from Mayor Thompson and her
staff. Both Police Chief Eugling and Chief Kenny Thank everyone whom attended. The
explorers raised money for camp with the sale of hot dog and the Fire Department was able to
share an extrication demonstration, extinguisher education, and a live burn to show the
advantages of sprinklers. Please remember this years sloganHave two ways out”! Continue to
practice fire safety.
On February 17th, from 9:00am to Noon, we will be hosting a Friends and Family CPR class to
celebrate Heart Healthy Month with the Red Cross. Please make you reservation for the class
by calling, Chris Mazurkiewicz, CPR educator, at 708-343-6124.
Department News
On December 15th, administrative Assistant Kris Murphy will be graduating from the Illinois Fire
Service Administrative Professionals class. Over the past four months she attended classes that
helped her become educated in Fire Department shared resources, basic firefighting skills,
emotional support, group dynamics,
omputer programs and so much more!
On January 20th be sure to congratulate Firefighter Demetrius Nolan, as he has passed his
probationary year and is now a full-time member of the Broadview Fire Department
Fire Department Winter Newsletter.
Community Engagement
On September 28th we hosted our annual Public Safety Open House event! This was a largest
attendance in years! We appreciate all the support we received from Mayor Thompson and her
staff. Both Police Chief Eugling and Chief Kenny Thank everyone whom attended. The
explorers raised money for camp with the sale of hot dog and the Fire Department was able to
share an extrication demonstration, extinguisher education, and a live burn to show the
advantages of sprinklers. Please remember this years sloganHave two ways out”! Continue to
practice fire safety.
On February 17th, from 9:00am to Noon, we will be hosting a Friends and Family CPR class to
celebrate Heart Healthy Month with the Red Cross. Please make you reservation for the class
by calling, Chris Mazurkiewicz, CPR educator, at 708-343-6124.
Department News
On December 15th, administrative Assistant Kris Murphy will be graduating from the Illinois Fire
Service Administrative Professionals class. Over the past four months she attended classes that
helped her become educated in Fire Department shared resources, basic firefighting skills,
emotional support, group dynamics,
omputer programs and so much more!
On January 20th be sure to congratulate Firefighter Demetrius Nolan, as he has passed his
probationary year and is now a full-time member of the Broadview Fire Department
Friendly Reminders...
Preparing Your House for the Fall/Winter Seasons
Business Licenses
1) Get your furnace or heating system checked.
2) Check roof – Repair damaged, loose, missing shingles.
3) Caulk around all windows and doors.
4) Clean gutters and downspouts.
5) Test your sump pump.
6) Verify that all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are functioning properly.
7) Make sure your snow blower is working properly. Restock on items as sand, salt, and ice melt.
Please refer to www.Broadview-il.gov - Building Code
Business licenses and registrations expire on Decem-
ber 31 of each calendar year.
All business, commercial and industrial activities in the
village of whatever nature except those listed in section
3-1A-2 of this chapter are required to obtain a license
to operate. No person, rm or corporation not other-
wise licensed by this code except those engaged in a
business listed in section 3-1A-2 of this chapter shall
engage in any commercial, business or industrial activ-
ity of whatever kind in the village without rst having
obtained a business license as provided in this chapter.
Application for a business license shall be made in
conformance with the requirements of section 3-1-2
of this chapter relating to application for licenses. (Ord.
2003-02, 3-3-2003)
A. Application And Inspection Procedures:
7. No license shall be issued to any person, business, or
entity indebted to the village unless and until such in-
debtedness is paid to the village, or until the corporate
authorities discharge such indebtedness in accordance
with the terms and conditions xed by the corporate
A. Annual License: All annual licenses or registration
shall terminate on December 31 of the calendar year.
The village clerk shall mail all licensees a statement of
the time of expiration of licenses held by the licensees
three (3) weeks prior to the date of expiration. The fail-
ure to send out such notice or the failure of the licens-
ee to receive it shall not excuse the licensee from the
failure to obtain a new license or a renewal thereof, nor
shall it be a defense in any action for operating without
a license.
B. Payment Of Fees: The fees shall be paid at the time
the license or registration is issued. When an applicant
has not engaged in business until after the expiration of
part of a current year, the license fee shall be prorated
monthly and the fee paid for such period during which
the business has been or will be conducted.
C. Advance Payment: No such payment of any license
fee in advance of the issuance of the license in due form
shall entitle or authorize any person to any of the rights
or privileges conferred by the issuance of any license
or to the opening or maintaining of any business or
establishment contrary to any of the provisions of this
chapter. (Ord. 2003-02, 3-3-2003)
It shall be the duty of any person conducting a licensed
business in the village to keep his license posted in
plain view on the premises used for such business at all
times. (Ord. 2003-02, 3-3-2003)
www.broadview-il.gov 5
David Upshaw
6 708.681.3600
High Honor Roll
Honor Roll
First Name Last Name Grade
Lillian Bahena 3
Payton Cain 3
Joseph Caradine 3
Rory Falconer 3
Benjamin Figueroa 3
Kendall Gary 3
Isaac Gomez 3
Ariana Hernandez 3
Kamiya Mister 3
Casandra Moore 3
Emily Ramirez 3
Ryan Scott 3
Mia Taylor 3
Tynia Thrasher 3
Kordae Walker 3
Oscar Arellano 4
Antonio Beavers 4
Emily Brown 4
Jania Byrd 4
Na’Kiah Campbell 4
Raymond Carmichael 4
Jarrell David 4
Xion Dorsey 4
Aniyah George 4
Zaria Goins 4
Le’Keith Gooden Jr. 4
Daniel Herrera 4
Amiyah Hopson 4
First Name Last Name Grade
Mekhi Johnson 4
Koi Kattler 4
Andrew Lacy 4
London Langford 4
Keily Mares 4
Jeremiah Martin 4
Ariana McDaniel 4
Anthony Mitchell 4
Dereon Neal 4
Shyla Norwood 4
Amorie Peart 4
Jordan Roberts 4
Jonathan Robertson 4
Amber Robinson 4
Deshaun Shavers 4
Jordan Shorter 4
Nevaeh Stevenson 4
Jayden Styles 4
Giselle Tapia 4
Eliana Taylor 4
Kyra Thomas 4
Brianna Valdez 4
Joham Vazquez 4
Noah Williams 4
Aaliyah Bell 5
LaReesia Brown 5
Mariah Buchanan 5
Dalyce Cross 5
First Name Last Name Grade
Cyncere Falconer 4
Mariah Roberts 4
Princess Washington 4
Aaliyah Younger 4
JeNae Phillips 5
Sara Dorsey-Thurman 6
Mya Harrison 6
First Name Last Name Grade
Jaylen Howery 6
Amber Arnold 8
Edgar Herrera 8
Chelsea Love 8
Nathan Love 8
Tristen Norman 8
Jerome Phillips 8
Dr. Sonya Spaulding - Principal John Knobbe - Assistant Principal
2400 South 18th Avenue
Broadview, IL
(708) 345-3110
Fax: (708) 345-2923
First Name Last Name Grade
Patterson Daniels 5
Gabriel Delgado 5
Amyiah Dunbar 5
Alyssa Edwards 5
Brycen Grove 5
Dominick Hale 5
Taylor Harrell 5
Chanti Harvey 5
Ayana Haynes 5
Journey Johnson 5
Charm Kattler 5
Zamora Lewis 5
Lorenzo Moore 5
Amari Owens 5
Yulan Pearson 5
Rayvin Pickens 5
Diani Prescott 5
Mukisa-Philip Randal 5
Aarik Reed 5
Soraya Segovia 5
Amaree Smith 5
Brooklyn Stephens 5
Kaliah Thomas 5
Emmanual Thrasher 5
Sarae Turner 5
Trinity Williamson 5
Diamond Argudin 6
Aubrey Chavira 6
Jaiden Gary 6
Jeery George 6
Donte Hudson 6
Alexander Istrate 6
Jalen Johnson 6
Alexander McLendon 6
Andreas Miller 6
Jessica Mojarro 6
Adam Myles 6
Jaylen Purnell 6
Namari Shepherd 6
First Name Last Name Grade
Xavier Vazquez 6
Ryne Washington 6
Stephen Bailey 7
KeyOndre Benson 7
Kimberly Brown 7
Rebecca Calcote 7
Noe Chacon 7
Alana Evans 7
Kendall Grinstead 7
Angel Harvey 7
Courtni Kimbrell 7
Damian Prescott 7
Sussy Reyna 7
Jorie Robertson 7
Joshua Robinson 7
Justin Taylor 7
Aminna Williams 7
Kenya Williams 7
Sebastian Arredondo 8
Marquell Blakemore 8
Maiya Brown 8
Juan Cerda 8
Emmanuelle Christin-Walker 8
Amari Giles 8
Jalen Glasco 8
Anaya Haynes 8
Sammie Johnson 8
Sammy Johnson 8
Destiny Jones 8
Heaven Manning 8
Cierra Martin 8
Jada McPherson 8
Kaliyah McPherson 8
Kyan McQuitter 8
Trinity Norman 8
DeJanae Rouse 8
Julius Starks 8
Courtney Jones 4
Jayden Lawrence 8
Byron Lindsay 4
Honor Roll
www.broadview-il.gov 7
Roosevelt Elementary School
1927 S. 15
Ave Broadview, IL
Kimberly Wright Principal Tarita Lowery
sistant Principal
Honor Roll Student Q1
Luis G. Gudino – 5
Roosevelt Elementary School
1927 S. 15th Avenue
Broadview, IL
Kimberly Wright - Principal Tarita Lowery - Assistant Principal
High Honor Roll
First Name Last Name Grade
Luis G. Gudino 5
Village of Broadview
2350 South 25th Avenue
Broadview, Illinois 60155-3827
Village President
Katrina R. Thompson
Village Clerk
Kevin McGrier
Village Administrator
LeTisa Jones
Finance Director
Timothy Hicks, CPA
Thomas Hood
Judy Abraham
Tara Brewer
Judy Brown-Marino
John Ealey
Verina Horne
Sherman C. Jones
Village Attorney
Del Galdo Law Group, LLC
Village Hall
2350 South 25th Avenue
Broadview, Illinois 60155-3827
(708) 681-3600
Monday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday, Thursday
& Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 2:00pm
Village Meetings
Mayor, Trustees & Committees meet on the 1st & 3rd Monday each month at 7:30pm.
All meetings are open to the public and are held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at
2350 South 25th Avenue
Residents are encouraged to attend.
Senior Snow Removal Yard Waste Collection Ends
Sidewalk Shoveling Required
The Village of Broadview is proud to oer snow removal for
qualied seniors and handicapped residents. This program is
oered under the following provisions:
The current snowfall reaches or exceeds 2 inches.
Snow plowing is done Monday through Friday Holidays are
excluded from the program.
Driveways are NOT part of the program.
The Village assumes no liability for damage to persons or
property from snow removal.
Sidewalks and one Entry way will be plowed at random.
This program is limited in number and residents must be
screened to qualify. In order to be eligible for this program you
must be 65 years of age or older and/or permanently disabled,
and a homeowner with no able-bodied persons in your resi-
dence. There is NO Guarantee that your snow will be removed
at the time you would like. We will try, however, to accom-
modate everyones needs.
Regular yard waste collection will end on the rst snow fall.
Residents and businesses are urged to help improve walking
conditions and public safety by removing snow and ice from
sidewalks after a storm. Village ordinance requires snow and
ice to be removed from the public sidewalk within 24 hours
following any snow, sleet or freezing rain. If the snow or ice
has become so hard that it cannot be removed without
damaging the sidewalk, then sand, salt or
other abrasive material may be used to make
pedestrian travel reasonably safe. Being a
good neighbor is important, too, so property
owners are urged to help those who may need
help clearing a sidewalk. Failure to
clear a sidewalk fronting or abut-
ting one’s property could lead
to a ticket and ne.
Village Ordinance prohibits street parking during the snow season, or after a
two-inch snowfall, until after the streets have been cleared by Village plows.
In addition, parking in municipal lots after a two-inch snowfall is prohibited until
after the lot has been cleared by Village plows.
The Police Department is authorized to have vehicles in violation of snow
parking ordinances towed. The vehicle owner will be responsible for all towing
and storage costs associated with these illegally parked vehicles.
Yard waste collection ends
Regular yard waste collection will end on the first snow fall.
Senior Snow Removal
The Village of Broadview is proud to offer snow removal for qualified seniors and
handicapped residents. This program is offered under the following provisions:
The current snowfall reaches or exceeds 2 inches.
Snow plowing is done Monday through Friday
Holidays are excluded from the program.
Driveways are NOT part of the program.
The Village assumes no liability for damage to
persons or property from snow removal.
Sidewalks and one Entry way will be plowed at
This program is limited in number and residents must be screened to
qualify. In order to be eligible for this program you must be 65 years of
age or older and/or permanently disabled, and a homeowner with no able-
bodied persons in your residence. There is NO Guarantee that your snow
will be removed at the time you would like. We will try, however, to
accommodate everyone’s needs.
Sidewalk shoveling required
Residents and businesses are urged to help improve walking conditions and
public safety by removing snow and ice from sidewalks after a storm. Village
ordinance requires snow and ice to be removed from the public sidewalk within
24 hours following any snow, sleet or freezing rain. If the snow or ice has
become so hard that it cannot be removed without damaging the sidewalk, then
Public Works Reminders