Ask for a Donation as an Adult with T1D
Email Subject: The mission behind my miles
Dear Friends and Family,
You may know that I have type 1 diabetes, a serious autoimmune disease that I need to manage vigilantly. Every
day, I have to check my blood glucose, give myself insulin and carefully count the carbs in everything that I eat.
T1D doesn’t hold me back from doing what I love to do, but it’s still something I can never ignore and would
never wish on anyone else.
I’m participating in the JDRF Ride and fundraising for JDRF because JDRF is leading the way in scientific
breakthroughs that will make it safer and easier to live with T1D, until there are cures.
I would love if you would consider supporting my JDRF Ride by making a donation through my personal
fundraising page. I’ve set my fundraising goal high, but with your support, I’ll make it to that finish line strong.
[insert link here]
Thank you for your support.
With gratitude,
Ask for a Donation - General
Email Subject: Help me reach my JDRF Ride Goal
Dear Friends and Family,
This year, I'm participating in the JDRF Ride to fund research to find cures for type 1 diabetes. I’ve started training
for a bike ride that I know will challenge me physically and mentally, but I know it will be worth every mile I ride to
raise important funds for T1D research.
Type 1 diabetes is a serious autoimmune disease that impacts millions of people and cannot be prevented or
cured – yet. To manage their T1D, people regularly monitor their blood-sugar level, inject or infuse insulin
through a pump, and carefully balance those doses with eating and daily activities to prevent uncomfortable,
and even dangerous, side effects. Every single day.
JDRF is leading the fight against T1D by funding research, advocating for policies that accelerate access to new
therapies, and providing a support network for millions of people around the world impacted by T1D. But they
can’t do it without our support.
I’ve set my fundraising goal high and would love for you to help me get there by Ride Day. No donation is too
small and every dollar truly makes a difference. Making a donation is easy! Simply click on the link below to
donate any amount you’d like. [insert link here]
With gratitude,
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Asking Donors for Support
Fundraising Email / Letter Examples
Ask for a Donation - Corporate Support Letter
If you are a business owner or leader within your organization, use this letter template to request
support from your employees, vendors, or customers.
Dear [personalized name],
[Share your personal story (Example: Our family has been deeply involved with JDRF since 2015, when
our son Ethan was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) at the age of eighteen.)] JDRF is the world's
leading non-profit organization dedicated to the fight against type 1 diabetes (T1D). So many of the
advancements in treatment, and the promising research to cure and prevent T1D have been the direct
result of JDRF’s passion and laser focused commitment.
T1D is a serious autoimmune disease that is diagnosed in children and adults. Managing T1D is a 24-
hour job that often causes stress and sleepless nights. Living with T1D means there are no days off, no
breaks and currently there is no cure. To help support JDRF’s mission to create a world without T1D,
[include your organization’s plan for support here].
We are in an unprecedented period of progress when promising science is advancing rapidly, and now
is the time to help bring T1D to the finish line. Your tax-deductible gift will drive many of these therapies
to the market as quickly as we can.
To donate, please follow this link to my profile page: [insert link here]
JDRF’s mission is to create a world without type one diabetes. I sincerely hope you will join us as we
strive for the ultimate goal – a cure.
Best always,
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Asking Donors for Support
Fundraising Email / Letter Examples
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Asking Donors for Support
Fundraising Letter Example