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Read the instructions, keep them safe, pass them on if you pass the breadmaker on.
Remove all packaging, but keep it till you know the breadmaker works.
Follow basic safety precautions, including:
This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and
persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of
experience and knowledge if they have been supervised/instructed and
understand the hazards involved.
Children shall not play with the appliance.
Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be done by children unless they
are older than 8 and supervised.
Keep the appliance and cable out of reach of children under 8 years.
Don’t connect the appliance via a timer or remote control system.
If the cable is damaged, return the appliance, to avoid hazard.
¬ The surfaces of the appliance will get hot.
b Do not use this appliance near bathtubs, showers, basins or other vessels containing water.
Don’t touch internal surfaces till your breadmaker has cooled down fully.
Keep clear of the vents in the sides and back of your breadmaker.
Don’t plug your breadmaker in till after you’ve placed the ingredients into the loaf tin and fitted it
into your breadmaker.
Unplug your breadmaker before inserting or removing the loaf tin.
Sit your breadmaker on a stable, level, heat-resistant surface.
Leave a clear space of at least 5cm all round your breadmaker when in use.
Don’t use your breadmaker near or below curtains or other combustible materials.
Don’t cover your breadmaker or put anything on top of it.
Unplug your breadmaker when not in use, before moving and before cleaning.
Don’t use accessories or attachments other than those we supply.
Don’t use your breadmaker for any purpose other than those described in these instructions.
Don’t use metal or sharp tools on the loaf tin or paddle.
Don’t use your breadmaker if it’s damaged or malfunctions.
1. Window
2. Control panel
3. Handle
4. Loaf tin
5. Shaft (inside loaf tin)
6. Paddle
` Dishwasher safe
Before using your breadmaker for the first time, wash the inside of the loaf tin and paddle with hot, soapy
water. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
Wipe the inside and outside of your breadmaker with a damp cloth or sponge.
Menu Z
Use the menu button to select one of the 12 programs. Options are basic, French, wholewheat, cake,
sweet, dough, jam, sandwich, gluten free, fastbake I, fastbake II and speciality. See PROGRAMS for
more information.
Crust Colour
Use the crust colour button to select the crust colour you are making. The t in the display will show the
selected colour. The options are:
g Light (display shows <program number> + L), r Medium (display shows <program number> + P), h
Dark (display shows <program number> + H)
Only the basic, French, wholewheat, sweet and sandwich programs allow you to select the crust colour.
When selecting a program, the display will show the program number along with the letter L, P or H to
show which crust colour is selected for that program (e.g. 2P for the French bread program with a medium
colour crust).
Use the size button to select the size of loaf you want. The s in the display will show the selected size. The
options are:
Small (500g),
Medium (750g), g Large (1kg).
Only the basic, French, wholewheat, sweet and sandwich programs allow you to select the loaf size.
This button starts or stops the program. Press and hold for 2 seconds to stop a program that is currently
Timer T +
You may use the timer to set the finishing time for certain programs up to 13 hours ahead. Only the basic,
French, wholewheat and sweet programs allow you to use the timer. See USING THE TIMER for more
Audible alert
The basic, wholewheat, and sweet programs have an audible signal that alerts you if you want to add dry
ingredients such as nuts, raisins, etc. during baking.
Basic For basic white bread, or recipes based on white bread dough.
This program makes French-type bread, with a lighter texture and crispier crust. Recipes
suitable for this program don’t normally use butter (or margarine) or milk.
Wholewheat The heavier flour needs preheating for about 30 minutes before kneading.
Wholewheat/wholemeal loaves tend to be smaller and denser.
Cake This program is for cake and batter recipes, which generally use baking powder or
baking soda as the raising agent rather than yeast.
Sweet This program is used for sweeter bread recipes, often containing fruit.
Dough This program uses the breadmaker as a mixing/kneading machine.
Jam This program preheats the ingredients then boils them. This is the basic method for
making fruit based jam.
Sandwich This program provides a loaf with a loose texture and a thin crust, ideal for making
Gluten-free Gluten-free bread uses other substances to give the dough elasticity and bounce.
Gluten-free loaves tend to be denser and coarser than bread made with strong flour.
Fastbake I
Fastbake II
These programs cut the baking times to 55 and 80 minutes respectively. However,
your bread will be smaller, denser, and coarser than normal, and any additional
ingredients (raisins, nuts, etc.) may be crushed, or unevenly distributed. The water
temperature should be at 45 - 50ºC to help speed up the process.
Speciality This program is specially designed for the malt loaf recipe.
1. Sit the breadmaker on a stable, level, heat-resistant surface. Don’t plug it in yet.
2. Open the lid and remove the loaf tin.
3. Fit the paddle to the shaft in the bottom of the loaf tin (Fig B).
4. Measure the ingredients and have them all to hand ready to add to the loaf tin.
1. Place the ingredients into the loaf tin. Put them into the tin in the order that they are listed in the
recipe. Don’t let the yeast come into contact with the sugar or the salt. Add it last on top of the other
ingredients keeping it away from the sugar and the salt.
2. Fit the loaf tin into your breadmaker (FIG C) and close the lid.
3. Plug in your breadmaker then use the menu button to select the program you want.
4. Select the loaf size (if the program allows) using the size button. Select the crust colour (if the
program allows) using the crust colour button.
5. Set the timer if you are going to use it. See USING THE TIMER.
6. Press the start/stop button once to start the program. Your breadmaker will beep and the light on
the control panel will come on. The colon (:) in the display will flash to let you know the program is
The program will start and the remaining time will be shown on the display. Once the program has
finished, your breadmaker will beep. We recommend that you remove the bread as soon as it is baked
but if you are unable to, there is a keep warm feature available on the basic, French, wholewheat,
sweet, sandwich, gluten-free, fastbake I or fastbake II programs. This will keep the bread warm for 1
hour. After the hour is up, it will beep several times, then switch off. If you don’t want to use the keep
warm feature, press and hold the start/stop button for 2 seconds to stop your breadmaker.
Have a look at the dough through the window after about 30 minutes of kneading (15 minutes for the
gluten-free program). If you spot any unincorporated ingredients round the walls of the loaf tin, use a
non-metallic soft spatula to ease them away from the walls back into the dough.
Don’t open the lid unless you absolutely have to – then close it again as soon as possible.
Only the basic, French, wholewheat and sweet programs allow you to use the timer. You may use the
timer to set the finishing time up to 13 hours ahead (this includes the recipe time).
1. Decide when you want your bread to be ready (e.g. 6 p.m.)
2. Check the current time (e.g. 7 a.m.)
3. Calculate the difference between the two times (e.g. 11 hours)
4. Use the + and - buttons to change the time shown on the display from the program time to the time
you’ve just worked out (e.g. 11 hours)
5. When you’ve set the time press the start/stop button.
Don’t use the timer with a recipe containing fresh milk, yoghurt, cheese, eggs, fruit, onions, or
anything else that might go off if left for a few hours in a warm moist environment.
If you’re using the timer, it’s even more important to make sure that the yeast (or baking powder/
baking soda) and the water or other liquids are well separated.
1. Press the start/stop button. The display will revert to program number and duration.
2. Unplug your breadmaker.
3. Put on oven gloves and carefully open the lid. Beware of escaping steam.
4. Use the handle to remove the loaf tin.
5. Turn the loaf tin upside down and shake it to release the bread. If the bread won’t come out, run a
heatproof plastic or wooden spatula round the inside of the loaf tin – don’t use anything metal or
sharp, to avoid scratching the non-stick surface.
6. Put the bread on a wire tray to cool.
7. Put the loaf tin on a heatproof mat and leave it to cool.
8. Check that the paddle isn’t embedded in the loaf. If it is, use something blunt (to avoid damaging the
paddle) to gently ease the paddle out of the bread.
As it cools, moisture in the bread evaporates, drying it out and firming it up. For best results, let the
bread sit for 20-30 minutes before cutting.
Cutting the bread while it’s still warm and moist may make it soggy.
Your bread won’t keep like commercially manufactured bread. It’s best eaten fresh, but you can store it for
a couple of days at room temperature in a polythene bag with the air squeezed out. To freeze bread, let it
cool, put it in a polythene bag, try and squeeze as much air as you can from the bag then seal it. Don’t put
bread in the fridge because it will go stale even faster.
Buy flour labelled “strong” or “bread”. These flours contain more gluten than ordinary baking flour. Gluten
is the protein that gives the bread its structure and texture. It retains the carbon dioxide produced by the
yeast putting the elasticity into the dough.
Other flours include strong brown or “Farmhouse” flour, strong wholemeal, and whole wheat bread
making flours (note that “wholemeal” and “wholewheat” are the same). These flours contain lower levels of
gluten than strong white flour so brown loaves tend to be smaller and denser than white loaves.
Gluten-free flours do not contain the protein that strengthens and binds dough in baking. Additives such
as Xanthan gum are used as a substitute to the gluten naturally found in wheat flours. We recommend a
commercially available gluten-free bread flour mix suitable for bread machines. It is important to note that
gluten-free doesn’t necessarily mean wheat free.
During bread making, yeast creates carbon dioxide gas which forms bubbles which are trapped in the
dough making it rise. Only use dried yeast marked “fast action”, “instant, “easy bake”, “quick” or similar.
Most yeasts that are branded as suitable for bread machines will work well. Don’t use fresh yeast in your
breadmaker. Check the “best before” date on yeast.
The liquid ingredient is normally water although milk can also be used. Water makes a crispier crust. Milk
gives a softer crust with a velvety texture. The liquid should be warm (34-38ºC). Too hot or too cold will
inhibit the yeast. One simple method is to add 2 parts of cold liquid to 1 part boiling. For example, if the
recipe requires 300g of water, add 200g of cold water to 100g of boiling water. The result will be at just the
right temperature. Don’t use milk if you are going to use the timer. It might curdle before the bread
making process starts.
Where used, these make the dough more tender and enhance the flavour, giving the finished loaf a richer
quality. They help to retain moisture, making the bread keep fresh longer. We don’t recommend using any
type of low fat spread.
Sugar adds flavour and texture, and helps with browning the crust. Honey, syrup, or molasses may be used
instead of sugar, provided the liquid ingredient is adjusted to compensate.
Salt helps to control the growth of the yeast. Without salt, the bread could rise too much, then collapse. It
also adds to the flavour. Keep it away from the yeast till the last minute, or it might inhibit the yeast.
Eggs are used in some recipes to make your bread richer and more nutritious, add colour, and help with
the structure and texture.
The recipes in this booklet have been designed specially for this breadmaker.
If you want to experiment, use the recipes as a guide, but vary the ingredients, vary the quantities,
taste the results. Keep notes. Write down what changes you make, and you’ll build up a range of
recipes which suit your taste. Keep notes of the not-so-successful ones too so you know what not to
do next time.
You’ll find its best to change only one ingredient at a time – if you change more than one, you won’t
know which one was responsible for the effect you got.
If you already have bread recipes, or find recipes in other publications, compare them with the
recipes given here, to find out which program to try first, then experiment for the best results.
Be careful with quantities when using other recipes. For the first trial, don’t fill the loaf tin above
about a quarter full, certainly not as much as a third full. If you overfill it, the rising bread may push
the lid off.
Each ingredient in a recipe is important. It is vital for the best results that you measure ingredients
1. Use cooks measuring spoons for ingredients given in teaspoons (tsp) or tablespoons (tbsp). For
accuracy, use the back of a knife to level off the ingredient (FIG A) rather than leaving it heaped.
2. For liquid measures, electronic scales are much more accurate than the lines on a measuring jug so
weigh them. We’ve shown the liquid in the recipes as grams (g), rather than millilitres (ml)
3. If you’re using a recipe from elsewhere, replacing millilitres (ml) of liquid with grams (g) will help with
accuracy and consistency (1 gram = 1 millilitre).
Note: The Basic program will beep after 22 minutes to remind you if you want to add nuts, raisins, etc. to
your breadmaker if your are using them in your recipe.
Plain White Bread
Step Ingredient
i 500g j 750g k 1kg
1 Water 190g 260g 360g
2 Olive oil 15g (1 tbsp) 22g (1½ tbsp) 30g (2 tbsp)
3 Salt 8g (1 tsp) 12g (1½ tsp) 16g (2 tsp)
4 Caster sugar 15g (1 tbsp) 22g (1½ tbsp) 30g (2 tbsp)
5 Dried milk powder 6g (1 tbsp) 8g (1¼ tbsp) 12g (2 tbsp)
6 Strong white bread flour 350g 500g 600g
7 Yeast 4g (1¼ tsp) 5g (1¾ tsp) 7g (2¼ tsp)
Multi-Seeded White Bread
Step Ingredient
i 500g j 750g k 1kg
1 Water 180g 260g 320g
2 Olive oil 15g (1 tbsp) 22g (1½ tbsp) 30g (2 tbsp)
3 Salt 6g (¾ tsp) 8g (1 tsp) 12g (1½ tsp)
4 Caster sugar 15g (1 tbsp) 22g (1½ tbsp) 30g (2 tbsp)
5 Dried milk powder 12g (2 tbsp) 18g (3 tbsp) 24g (4 tbsp)
6 Mixed seeds 80g 120g 160g
7 Strong wholewheat flour 60g 90g 120g
8 Strong white bread flour 300g 330g 420g
9 Yeast 4g (1¼ tsp) 5g (1¾ tsp) 7g (2¼ tsp)
Classic French Loaf
Step Ingredient
i 500g j 750g k 1kg
1 Water 190g 285g 360g
2 Salt 8g (1 tsp) 12g (1½ tsp) 16g (2 tsp)
4 Strong white bread flour 360g 545g 700g
5 Yeast 4g (1¼ tsp) 5g (1¾ tsp) 6g (2 tsp)
Note: The Wholewheat program will beep after 47 minutes to remind you if you want to to add nuts, raisins,
etc. to your breadmaker if your are using them in your recipe.
Wholewheat Bread
Step Ingredient
i 500g j 750g k 1kg
1 Water 200g 300g 400g
2 Olive oil 15g (1 tbsp) 23g (1½ tbsp) 30g (2 tbsp)
3 Salt 6g (¾ tsp) 10g (1¼ tsp) 16g (2 tsp)
4 Caster sugar 12g (2 tsp) 16g (1 tbsp) 20g (1½ tbsp)
5 Dried milk powder 6g (1 tbsp) 9g (1½ tbsp) 12g (2 tbsp)
6 Strong wholewheat bread flour 150g 225g 300g
7 Strong white bread flour 150g 225g 300g
8 Yeast 1g (½ tsp) 2g (¾ tsp) 3g (1 tsp)
Granary Bread
Step Ingredient
i 500g j 750g k 1kg
1 Water 190g 280g 350g
2 Butter 16g 20g 32g
3 Salt 8g (1 tsp) 10g (1¼ tsp) 14g (1¾ tsp)
4 Caster sugar 8g (1¼ tsp) 12g (2 tsp) 16g (2½ tsp)
5 Granary bread flour 330g 500g 600g
6 Yeast 3g (1 tsp) 5g (1½ tsp) 7g (2¼ tsp)
Fruit Cake
Step Ingredient Quantity
1 Lemon juice 3g (¾ tsp)
2 Free range eggs (small) 2
3 Vanilla extract 2g (¼ tsp)
4 Butter (melted) 38g
5 Mixed dried fruit 132g
6 Plain flour 188g
7 Soft brown sugar 113g
8 Cinnamon 2g (¼ tsp)
9 Nutmeg 1g (¼ tsp)
10 Baking powder 7g (1 ½ tsp)
Note: If the butter isn’t melted, the recipe won’t work. If, during the first 30 minutes of the
program, ingredients stick to the walls of the loaf tin, use a soft spatula to help incorporate
them into the mixture. Once the program finishes, leave the cake in your breadmaker for 15-20
minutes with the lid closed. The residual heat will complete the cooking of the cake.
Chocolate Bread
Step Ingredient
i 500g j 750g k 1kg
1 Milk 200g 300g 400g
2 Olive oil 15g (1 tbsp) 23g (1½ tbsp) 30g (2 tbsp)
3 Free range egg, lightly beaten 1 2 3
4 Vanilla extract 1g (½ tsp) 2g (¾ tsp) 3g (1 tsp)
5 Salt 8g (1 tsp) 12g (1½ tsp) 16g (2 tsp)
6 Caster sugar 30g (2 tbsp) 45g (3 tbsp) 60g (4 tbsp)
7 Cocoa powder 25g 40g 50g
8 Strong wholewheat bread flour 300g 450g 600g
9 Yeast 4g (1½ tsp) 5g (1¾ tsp) 7g (2¼ tsp)
Chocolate chips (dark, milk or
white or a mixture)*
150g 210g 300g
* Add the chocolate chips when your breadmaker beeps.
Fruit and Cinnamon Bread
Step Ingredient
i 500g j 750g k 1kg
1 Water 180g 270g 360g
2 Butter 15g (1 tbsp) 22g (1½ tbps) 30g (2 tbsp)
2 Salt 8g (1 tsp) 12g (1 ½ tsp) 16g (2 tsp)
3 Golden caster sugar 32g (2 tbsp) 48g (3 tbsp) 64g (4 tbsp)
4 Ground cinnamon 2g (¾ tsp) 3g (1 tsp) 5g (1½ tsp)
5 Strong white flour 350g 500g 600g
6 Yeast 4g (1¼ tsp) 5g (1¾ tsp) 7g (2¼ tsp)
7 Mixed dried fruit* 140g 200g 280g
* Add the fruit when your breadmaker beeps.
Pizza Dough
Step Ingredient Quantity
1 Water 250g
2 Olive oil 15g (1 tbsp)
3 Salt 8g (1 tsp)
4 Caster sugar 30g (2 tbsp)
5 Strong white bread flour 400g
6 Yeast 5g (1½ tsp)
7 Mixed herbs (optional) 1g (1 tsp)
Remove from the loaf tin, work into a ball on a floured surface, then leave to rest under a clean cloth for
about 15 minutes. If the dough is sticky, add a little extra flour and it’ll form a nice ball as you work it in.
Roll into a pizza base and add your preferred toppings, then bake in a preheated oven at 200°C/40F/Gas
mark 6 for 15 to 20 minutes, till the crust is golden brown and the toppings are fully cooked.
Do not open the lid while the program is running. Cut larger berries into approx. 1cm pieces. Mix all the
ingredients together, then add to the loaf tin.
Strawberry Jam
Step Ingredient Quantity
1 Strawberries, cut into aprrox. 1cm pieces 500g
2 Jam sugar 150g
3 Pectin powder 7g (1 ½ tsp)
4 Lemon juice 10g (2 tsp)
Mixed Berry Compote
Step Ingredient Quantity
1 Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries 500g (total)
2 Lemon juice 5g (1 tsp)
3 Caster sugar 100g
4 Vanilla extract 1g (½ tsp)
White Sandwich Loaf
Step Ingredient
i 500g j 750g k 1kg
1 Milk 250g 300g 400g
2 Olive oil 15g (1 tbsp) 23g (1½ tbsp) 30g (2 tbsp)
3 Salt 8g (1 tsp) 12g (1½ tsp) 16g (2 tsp)
4 Caster sugar 24g (1½ tbsp) 32g (2 tbsp) 48g (3 tbsp)
5 Strong white bread flour 370g 450g 600g
6 Yeast 4g (1½ tsp) 5g (1¾ tsp) 7g (2¼ tsp)
Gluten-Free White Bread
Step Ingredient Quantity
1 Water 180g
2 Olive oil 30g (2 tbsp)
3 Cider vinegar 5g (1 tsp)
4 Free range egg whites 150g
5 Salt 8g (1 tsp)
6 Caster sugar 30g (2 tbsp)
7 Gluten-free bread flour mix 300g
8 Gluten-free baking powder 2g (½ tsp)
9 Yeast 7g (2¼ tsp)
Gluten-Free Rosemary and Garlic Bread
Step Ingredient Quantity
1 Water 180g
2 Olive oil 30g (2 tbsp)
3 Cider vinegar 5g (1 tsp)
4 Free range egg whites 150g
5 Garlic purée 12g (1 tsp)
6 Salt 8g (1 tsp)
7 Caster sugar 30g (2 tbsp)
8 Garlic granules 5g (1 tsp)
9 Rosemary, chopped 8g (4 tsp)
10 Gluten-free bread flour mix 300g
11 Gluten-free baking powder 2g (½ tsp)
12 Yeast 7g (2¼ tsp)
Gluten-Free Dill and Onion Bread
Step Ingredient Quantity
1 Water 160g
2 Olive oil 30g (2 tbsp)
3 Cider vinegar 5g (1 tsp)
4 Free range egg whites 150g
5 White onion, finely diced 50g
6 Dried onion granules 10g (2 tsp)
7 Salt 8g (1 tsp)
8 Caster sugar 30g (2 tbsp)
9 Dried dill 3g (1 tsp)
10 Gluten-free bread flour mix 300g
11 Gluten-free baking powder 2g (½ tsp)
12 Yeast 7g (2¼ tsp)
Gluten-Free Cheese and Chive Bread
Step Ingredient Quantity
1 Water 180g
2 Olive oil 30g (2 tbsp)
3 Cider vinegar 5g (1 tsp)
4 Free range egg whites 150g
5 Fresh chives, finely chopped 8g (1 tsp)
6 Salt 8g (1 tsp)
7 Caster sugar 30g (2 tbsp)
8 Cracked black pepper 3g (1 tsp)
9 Gluten-free bread flour mix 300g
10 Gluten-free baking powder 2g (½ tsp)
11 Yeast 7g (2¼ tsp)
12 Mature cheddar* 120g
* Add the cheddar when the display reads 2:24 (after 30 minutes).
Gluten-Free Multi Seeded Bread
Step Ingredient Quantity
1 Water 180g
2 Olive oil 30g (2 tbsp)
3 Cider vinegar 5g (1 tsp)
4 Free range egg whites 150g
5 Salt 8g (1 tsp)
6 Caster sugar 30g (2 tbsp)
7 Golden linseeds 10g (2 tsp)
8 Brown linseeds 10g (2 tsp)
9 Pumpkin seeds 20g (4 tsp)
10 Sunflower seeds 20g (4 tsp)
11 Chia seeds 10g (2 tsp)
12 Gluten-free bread flour mix 300g
Step Ingredient Quantity
13 Gluten-free baking powder 2g (½ tsp)
14 Yeast 7g (2¼ tsp)
Most seeds can be used in this recipe, but make sure that the total weight of the seeds you use is equal to 70g.
White bread
Step Ingredient Quantity
1 Water (at 45 - 50ºC) 300g
2 Olive oil 20g (1 tbsp + 1 tsp)
3 Salt 12g (1½ tsp)
4 Caster sugar 22g (1 tbsp + 1 tsp)
5 Strong white bread flour 470g
6 Dried milk powder 8g (1 tbsp + 1 tsp)
8 Yeast 6g (2 tsp)
White bread
Step Ingredient Quantity
1 Water (at 45 - 50ºC) 400g
2 Olive oil 30g (2 tbsp)
3 Salt 16g (2 tsp)
4 Caster sugar 32g (2 tbsp)
5 Strong white bread flour 630g
6 Dried milk powder 12g (2 tbsp)
8 Yeast 7g (2¼ tsp)
Malt Loaf
Step Ingredient Quantity
Olive oil
15g (1 tbsp)
3 Salt 8g (1 tsp)
4 Dried milk powder 6g (1 tbsp)
5 Plain flour (not ‘bread’ or ‘strong flour) 450g
6 Sultanas 200g
7 Honey 24g (1 tbsp)
8 Malt extract 50g (2 tbsp)
9 Black treacle 40g (1½ tbsp)
10 Yeast 4g (1½ tsp)
If you discover you’ve made a mistake after starting, press the start/stop button and hold it down for 2
seconds to stop the breadmaker. Sort out the problem, then restart the breadmaker.
Don’t leave it too long because if the program is substantially into the cycle before you stop it, the results
will be affected. In that case it may be better to stop the program, discard the ingredients, and start again.
Error Message E01
If the breadmaker is too hot, the display will show the message E01. If this happens, press the start/stop
button for 2 seconds, remove the loaf tin, and let your breadmaker cool down to room temperature before
trying again.
Power Loss
If you suffer from a power loss lasting less than 7 minutes, your breadmaker will carry on when power
is restored, and the program time will be extended by the duration of the power cut.
This also works if you unplug the breadmaker or switch it off accidentally.
If the power cut is more than 7 minutes, the program will fail. Unplug your breadmaker, let it cool
down, then empty the loaf tin, dispose of the ingredients, clean it, and start again.
The bread collapsed
The dough may have been too moist. Reduce the liquid in the recipe slightly.
Too much yeast was added.
The bread didn’t rise
One or more ingredients were added in the wrong quantities – accuracy is essential
The yeast could be stale—check the date.
The core of the bread is too moist
The dough may have been too moist. Reduce the liquid in the recipe slightly.
The flour may have been too heavy. This problem can occur with rye, bran and wholemeal flours.
Reduce the amount of heavy flour and replace with a similar quantity of strong white flour.
The bread has a coarse texture
Decrease the amount of liquid
Increase the amount of salt
The bread has a pale crust
Increase the sugar slightly
Increase the crust colour setting (if the program allows)
The bread has risen too much
You may have used too much yeast, try reducing it slightly.
Too much sugar can cause the bread to rise too much. Try reducing the amount of sugar. If you add
sweet/sugary ingredients such as dried fruit, honey or molasses, reduce the amount of sugar to
You might try reducing the recipe liquid as this will slow the action of the yeast.
The bread tastes bland
Try increasing the amount of salt.
Clean any spillage off the outside of the loaf tin. Spillage inside the machine will burn on to the surfaces;
spillage on the element will reduce its life.
1. Unplug your breadmaker.
2. Open the lid and let it cool down fully before cleaning.
3. Wash the loaf tin and paddle in warm soapy water, rinse, then dry thoroughly.
4. Wipe all other surfaces, internal and external, with a damp cloth. Use a little washing-up liquid if
necessary, but be sure to clean it all off, otherwise it might taint the next lot of bread.
If the paddle has stuck to its shaft, fill the loaf tin with warm water. This should soften any dough
residues and allow the paddle to be removed. Don’t leave it to soak.
If the inside of the paddle gets clogged with flour, soak it in warm water, then dig out the softened
flour with a wooden cocktail stick.
Make sure everything is dry before reusing the breadmaker or storing it away.
Don’t immerse the breadmaker in water or any other liquid.
Don’t use harsh or abrasive cleaners or solvents.
You may wash the loaf tin and paddles in a dishwasher, but we don’t recommend this, as the harsh
environment inside the dishwasher may affect the surface finishes. If you do, then you must put the
paddle, on its own, in a compartment of the cutlery basket.
To avoid environmental and health problems due to hazardous substances,
appliances and rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries marked with
one of these symbols must not be disposed of with unsorted municipal
waste. Always dispose of electrical and electronic products and, where
applicable, rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries, at an appropriate
official recycling/collection point.
If you ring Customer Service, please have the Model Number to hand, as we won’t be able to
help you without it. It’s on the rating plate (usually underneath the product).
The product isn’t user-serviceable. If its not working, read the instructions, check the plug fuse
and main fuse/circuit breaker. If it’s still not working, consult your retailer.
If that doesn’t solve the problem – ring Customer Service – they may be able to offer technical
If they advise you to return the product to us, pack it carefully, include a note with your name,
address, day phone number, and what’s wrong. If under guarantee, say where and when
purchased, and include proof of purchase (till receipt). Send it to:
Customer Service
Spectrum Brands (UK) Ltd
Fir Street, Failsworth, Manchester M35 0HS
email: support@russellhobbs.com
telephone: 0345 658 9700 (local rate number)
Please note: If you have purchased the product within the last 6 months, please contact the
retailer in the first instance to deal with any matters relating to warranty.
Defects affecting product functionality appearing within the guarantee period will be corrected
by replacement or repair at our option provided the product is used and maintained in
accordance with the instructions. Your statutory rights are not affected.
Guarantee period = 2 years from first retail purchase.
To claim an extra 1 year guarantee, register your product online within 28 days of purchase.
Register at: www.russellhobbs.co.uk/productregister/
Consumables are guaranteed only for their recommended lifecycle. Replacement/Spare parts*
are excluded and are only covered by a 1 year warranty.
* Examples include filters, removable grill plates, drip trays/crumb trays etc.
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*You must register within 28 days of purchase.