1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1
1.2 The Commission=s Terms of Reference ...............................................................1
2. THE NATURE AND STRUCTURE OF THIS REPORT .........................................................3
3. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................4
4. PROCESS AND PROCEDURE ..............................................................................................5
STADIUM .......................................................................................................................8
6. THE VENUE: ELLIS PARK STADIUM.................................................................................9
6.5 The Joint Operation Centre (JOC)........................................................................13
6.6 The Scaffolding: Erected specifically for the day in question............................14
6.7 The Railings............................................................................................................15
6.8 Suites and access thereto.....................................................................................16
APRIL 2001........................................................................................................................16
7.1 Ellis Park Stadium Management. ........................................................................16
7.2 Kaizer Chiefs. ........................................................................................................17
7.3 Orlando Pirates. ...................................................................................................18
7.4 Contracted security companies. ..........................................................................18
7.4.1 Wolf security .............................................................................................18
7.4.2 Associated Prevention Services ..............................................................19
7.4.3 Stallion Events Management ...................................................................19
7.4.4 Diligence Services Holdings ......................................................................20
7.5 Soccer bodies. .......................................................................................................20
7.5.1 South African Football Association (SAFA). ............................................20
7.5.2. The National Soccer League (NSL). ..........................................................21
7.6 The South African Police Services (SAPS)............................................................21
7.7 The Johannesburg Metropolitan Council............................................................22
7.8 Soccer supporters.................................................................................................22
8. PRE-EVENT HISTORY: RELEVANT EXPERIENCES OF THE PAST...............................22
8.1 Kaizer Chiefs v Orlando Pirates : Orkney, 1991 .................................................23
8.2 Kaizer Chiefs v Orlando Pirates : Ellis Park Stadium,
10 October 1998...................................................................................................24
8.2.1 The Version of the South African Police Services ..................................24
8.2.2 Kaizer Chiefs Version.................................................................................27
8.2.3 The Version of the Premier Soccer League.............................................28
8.2.4 The version of Ellis Park Stadium Management .....................................29
8.3 Orlando Pirates v Kaizer Chiefs: First National Bank Stadium, 29 November
APRIL 2001 GAME ........33
9.1 Operational Meetings............................................................................................33
9.2. Classification of the game.....................................................................................42
9.3 The Mobile Screen..................................................................................................43
10.1 Traffic congestion and the blockade of the stadium by abandoned vehicles..48
10.2 The sale of tickets for the game..........................................................................50
10.3 The announcement that tickets were sold out; and the re-action of the
crowd thereto........................................................................................................53
10.4 The Crush...............................................................................................................55
10.5 The use of teargas, or similar substance.............................................................59
10.6 Stoppage of the game ..........................................................................................66
10.7 The tragedy............................................................................................................66
11.1 Poor Forecast of Match Attendance....................................................................67
11.2 Failure to learn from the lessons of the past......................................................69
11.3 Failure by the role players to clearly identify and designate areas of
responsibility. .......................................................................................................69
11.4 Absence of overall command of the Joint Operation Centre............................72
11.5 The inappropriate and untimely announcement that tickets were sold out...74
11.6 Failure to adhere to FIFA and SAFA guidelines..................................................75
11.7 Unbecoming spectator behaviour........................................................................76
11.8 Sale of tickets at the venue and unreserved seating.........................................78
11.9 The use of teargas or a similar substance...........................................................80
11.10 Corruption on the part of certain members of security personnel..................80
11.11 Dereliction of duty: ...............................................................................................81
11.12 Failure to use the big screen.................................................................................83
11.13 Inadequate public address system......................................................................85
11.14 Failure by the Public Order Police Unit to react timeously and effectively .......86
12. GENERAL REMARKS..........................................................................................................87
12.1 The attitude of certain members of Private Security Companies.....................87
12.2 Castle complimentary tickets................................................................................89
1.1_ Mr President, on 20 April 2001, following injuries to scores of people and
the tragic loss of lives at a soccer match between Kaizer Chiefs Football
Club and Orlando Pirates Football Club at Ellis Park Stadium in
Johannesburg on 11 April 2001, you established a commission of inquiry
into the incident; you also appointed me to chair the commission. Adv I
A M Semenya SC, was subsequently appointed additional member.
1.2 The Commission=s Terms of Reference
The Commission=s terms of reference are published in Government
Gazette No 22246 of 20 April 2001, Regulation Gazette no 7053:
AA.The Commission shall inquire into, make findings and report on the
following matters:
1. The facts that led to the disaster on 11 April 2001 at Ellis Park
Stadium, in particular:
1.1_ the events that took place on the day in question;
1.2_ factors which preceded the event and which led to the
tragedy; and
1.3_ whether there was any mismanagement on the part of
2. The Commission shall report and make recommendations on how a
similar occurrence is to be prevented in future.
1. These terms of reference may be added to, varied or amended from
time to time.
2. The Commission shall commence with its duties forthwith.
3. The Commission shall have the power to publish interim reports
4. The Commission shall be subject to and be conducted in terms
of the provisions of the Commissions Act No 8 of 1947, as amended,
and the regulations published thereunder.@
2.1 This is merely an interim report; secondly, it will not include
recommendations as to what steps should be taken to prevent a similar
tragedy from happening again. This particular aspect requires further
research, consultations, comparative studies etc. In the meantime,
however, it has been decided to release an interim report given the
public=s anxiousness, particularly as to what led to the tragedy.
Thirdly, in order not to burden the report, no attempt will be made to
summarise the evidence, except where absolutely necessary.
Adv Semenya SC concurs with the report.
2.2 No Executive Summary has been prepared, it being hoped that the
detailed index will make the contents of the report readily accessible.
2.3 Apart from the Introduction, this report deals with the following:
2.3.1 Acknowledgments.
2.3.2 Process and Procedure.
2.3.3 The subject of the inquiry.
2.3.4 The Venue: Ellis Park Stadium.
2.3.5 The role players and their respective areas of responsibility on
11 April 2001.
2.3.6 Relevant experiences of the past.
2.3.7 Events prior to, and preparations for, the 11
April 2001 game.
2.3.8 Some of the material events found to have occurred on the day
of the match.
2.3.9 Factors which preceded the event and which led to the
tragedy, and mismanagement.
2.3.10 A few general remarks
We consulted with a number of people in the United Kingdom who are experts
on the safety and security of the game of soccer and its administration. We
also read some of the publications on the matter, including reports of two
commissions of inquiry into similar disasters in that country, namely, the Inquiry
by the RT Hon Lord Justice Taylor into the Hillsborough Stadium Disaster on 15
April 1989; and the Committee of Inquiry into Crowd Safety and Control at
Sports Grounds chaired by Mr Justice Popplewell. We were able to visit two
stadia in that country. We also had the benefit of a report by a commission of
inquiry, chaired by the late Rodger Sishi, into the Orkney soccer disaster which
occurred in 1991 when the same teams met. The list is not complete.
4.1 Following the publication of the Government Gazette constituting the
Commission, several interviews were held with the media for wider
publicity; the purpose was to invite members of the public and role
players to make inputs into the work of the Commission. Wide spread
publicity was given by the media to the processes of the Commission,
for which I express my appreciation.
4.2 Meetings were also held with the legal representatives of the role
players to arrange days for the hearing of oral evidence. Despite the
inevitable difficulties in reconciling the availability of the different
participants and the urgency with which the matter had to be
addressed, we were able to settle such dates. I record the
Commission=s indebtedness to the legal representatives in this respect.
A special word of thanks must also go to Adv Attwell and his team that
included Advocates Ledwaba and Gangadu. They did good work in
leading evidence on behalf of the Commission; the same must be said
about the police who were assigned to assist the Commission. Another
word of thanks must go to the secretariate of the Commission.
4.3 The hearings commenced on 16 July 2001. There were, inevitably, a
few adjournments in between. In the end, evidence was heard over
a period of about 10 weeks. A total of 47 witnesses testified. Some
of them had to relive their traumatic experiences of the night in
question, as also to endure what was sometimes an inordinately long
cross-examination. I am grateful for their input; the same goes for the
relatives and friends of the victims who appeared before the
4.4 In the course of the inquiry, it became necessary to conduct a formal
inspection in loco and to make various observations which turned out
to be highly enlightening. I express my appreciation to the assistance
given by the Ellis Park Stadium management in facilitating and
arranging the inspection in loco.
4.5 I record my thanks to Mr Trevor Phillips of the United Kingdom, the
former Chief Executive Officer of the Premier Soccer League, for making
time to come to South Africa specifically for the purpose of testifying
before the Commission.
4.6 At the conclusion of the evidence, the legal representatives of the
various role players submitted written argument. They were also
invited to make oral submissions if so advised. Their arguments were
constructive, objective and of tremendous help to the Commission.
4.7 Given the nature of the mandate and the fact that this unfortunate
incident was a repeat of similar tragedies in other parts of the world,
we visited a few authorities in charge of football in the United Kingdom
to learn from their experiences. The co-operation, understanding,
assistance and compassion given by the people we met was invaluable.
Special thanks must also go to the then South African High
Commissioner in London, Ms Cheryl Caroulus and her staff; they
facilitated the Commission=s work in that country.
5.1 During the early evening of Wednesday 11 April 2001 a large crowd of
people descended onto the Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg, to watch
a soccer match between Kaizer Chiefs Football Club (Kaizer Chiefs) and
Orlando Pirates Football Club (Orlando Pirates). The event was to turn
into the worst soccer disaster the country had known. A stampede
ensued. At the end of it all, 43 people had lost their lives and scores
had sustained injuries of varying degrees.
5.2 The game was a Premier Soccer League fixture. There had been two
previous unsuccessful attempts to schedule the match for earlier dates;
the problem was fixture congestion and the clash between national
call-ups of the teams= players and the league=s fixtures. The game
was very crucial as the outcome thereof had the potential to determine
the league=s championship of that particular season. The two teams
were themselves amongst potential champions. For this reason, there
was bound to be a large number of spectators; especially because the
two teams have the most supporters in South Africa and are both
based in Johannesburg.
5.3 The match was a so-called home fixture for Kaizer Chiefs which had Ellis
Park Stadium as its home ground. It is accepted practice in soccer that
home fixtures offer an added advantage to the home team in certain
respects: for example, the team would hope to attract a larger number
of supporters at such a venue and would be much more familiar with
the pitch; on the other hand, such a team incurs certain security
What follows is a broad description of the Ellis Park Stadium, with reference to
some of its features relevant to this inquiry.
6.1 Ellis Park Stadium lies east of Johannesburg in the Doornfontein area.
It is one of the premium stadia in the country with a capacity of about
sixty thousand (60 000) spectators. Adjacent to it is the Johannesburg
Stadium, also a superb facility designed along the lines of leading
international venues. Ellis Park Stadium forms part of what is
otherwise known as the Ellis Park Sporting Precinct. The precinct is a
world-class sports, recreation and entertainment venue. It is located
within walking distance of Johannesburg Central Business District and
the densely populated neighbourhoods of Berea and Hillbrow. It is
easily accessible by road and rail and offers some of the best sporting
facilities in the world. The precinct is bordered by Charlton Terrace in
the north, Bertrams Road in the east, Miller Street in the south and a
railway line and Siemert Road in the west. The areas immediately
adjacent to the precinct are affected by activities within it; in
particular, the businesses and industries between Miller Street and
Bezuidenhout Street, and the Egoli Triangle, to the south of the
precinct. Its facilities are centred around the African Plaza, a
landscaped pedestrian area and are surrounded by seven-and-a-half
hectares of open space. Designed to cater for up to 150 000 people at
any given time, the precinct (not the stadium) offers facilities for a very
wide cross-section of the community on a sustained basis.
6.2 The Ellis Park Stadium does not, however, have any formal parking for
spectators, except for some areas that are reserved for AVIP@ parking.
On event days, the streets surrounding the stadium are congested with
parked vehicles and most businesses and industries in the area hire out
their parking to spectators.
6.3 Ellis Park Stadium has an outer perimeter fence that runs from the
middle of the northern stand next to the Upper Ross Street, around the
east side to South Park Street next to gates 7, 8 and 9. There are
other sections of the fence along Ove Street to Upper Railway Street
and certain sections of the perimeter along Staib and Currey Streets.
B The one entrance to the stadium lies on the south-west side of the
stadium, closest to gates 10, 11 and 12. It is at this point that a
fair amount of spectators including those who use the railway gain
access into the stadium.
B Lying to the north-east corner of the stadium is the main gate which
is closest to gates 4, 5 and 6. The majority of spectators use this
entrance to enter the stadium. The stadium management has
always been aware that this entry point normally gets congested
during matches that draw a large number of spectators; the same
applies, to a lesser extent, to the entry in the south-west side.
B Between the outer perimeter fence and the stadium proper(property
otherwise belonging to the local Municipality) is a large area that
accommodates spectators en route to various gates at each corner
of the stadium.
6.4 The Commission has been told that Ellis Park Stadium is accredited by
FIFA, SAFA, SARFU and the IRB as a suitable test venue. It has a
Sony Jumbo Tron screen, an Advertisement Scroll, an Internal and
External Public Address System, a Medical Surgery Unit, a Media
Centre, an Individual Telephone Services for thirty-two media personnel
(accommodating fifty internally), a South African Police Services charge
office, a Joint Operation Centre, two spotter kiosks, thirty-four internal
food and refreshment kiosks, a ticket printing and issuing office and
eight change rooms. For night games it has a lighting lux level of one
thousand six hundred and four standby generators for emergency, and
additional electrical requirements. The stadium has electronic
evacuation roller shutter gates which can be controlled jointly and
individually by either an electronic switch, or manually.
6.5 The Joint Operation Centre (JOC)
6.5.1 Ellis Park Stadium had a purpose built Joint Operation Centre
(JOC) situated on the northern stand of the stadium. The
room had a glass face giving a wide view around the stadium
save a small section underneath it and the top sides of the
northern side of the stadium on either side. Behind the JOC
was another room that was used to house additional
members of the joint operations team. The JOC was fitted
with a transmitter and a radio. Since the incident the JOC
has been moved to the southern side of the stadium, rebuilt,
refurbished and even better equipped.
6.5.2 Seated in the JOC on 11 April 2001 were: a representative of
Ellis Park Stadium who was manning additional radios for two
security companies, a representative of the Visible Policing
unit of the South African Police Services, representatives of
two security companies and a Premier Soccer League
representative (the latter is alleged to have been present for
only a very short period of time). There was also a
representative of the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police.
6.6 The Scaffolding: Erected specifically for the day in question
The stadium management erected scaffolding for the day to create
additional channeling of spectators towards gates 4 and 5. It must be
said that the scaffolding was a potential safety hazard. Moreover, the
area where the scaffolding was erected serves, according to the
stadium design, as an exit point during evacuation. The video footage
of the emergency rescue operations shows an ambulance whose access
to the pitch could have been impeded by the scaffolding at the tunnel
entrance. To suggest that ambulances were not meant to come onto
the pitch does not excuse the creation of a potential hazard and
6.7 The Railings
There were some railings at each corner of the lower terraces of the
stadium. These were made of metal and were affixed to the concrete
stairs that run from the top of the gangway to the bottom section of the
stadium. The stated purpose of the railings was to separate the
sections of the stadium as well as to offer support as a handrail. The
railings in the north-east corner were damaged when some of the
victims got trapped and crushed against them. The railings were
therefore a potential safety hazard.
6.8 Suites and access thereto
The stadium has several suites. The suite areas represent
approximately ten thousand (10,000) of the sixty thousand (60,000)
seats offered by the stadium.
Given the history of Ellis Park as a rugby stadium, the majority if not
nearly all of the privately owned suites belong to companies whose
main interest is rugby as opposed to soccer. In most instances where
soccer is staged at Ellis Park, many suites remain unoccupied with the
result that they are referred to as a Aring of shame@. This must be
because whereas a large number of soccer fans would be congested in
the open grand stands, these suite areas would remain unoccupied.
ON 11 APRIL 2001
7.1 Ellis Park Stadium Management.
Ellis Park Stadium Management had contracted several security
companies to offer specialised security services for that day; it also had
to provide its own security team,emergency medical services at the
stadium, and the room referred to above as the Joint Operation Centre
(JOC) in which parties charged with security would be represented; the
management was also tasked with the printing, issuing and distribution
of tickets and the co-ordination of the operational meetings. The above
were only some of the responsibilities of the Ellis Park Stadium
management in relation to that game.
7.2 Kaizer Chiefs.
The club used the stadium as its home ground. The relationship
between Kaizer Chiefs and Ellis Park is ad hoc; however, it is said to be
loosely governed by a document entitled AEllis Park Stadium
Promoter=s Guide@. There is a serious dispute between Kaizer Chiefs
and Ellis Park Stadium management as to who was in overall charge of
security, each contending that it was the other. As will appear later,
this situation did have a negative effect on the maintenance of security
on the day in question.
7.3 Orlando Pirates.
It was the visiting team. The team carried no real security
responsibilities, besides providing a contingent of security personnel,
including the head of its own security, as a component of the Premier
Soccer League security team.
7.4 Contracted security companies.
They were Stallion Events Management (Pty) Limited (that subcontracts
Viper Reaction Unit), Diligence Services Holding (Pty) Limited, Wolf
Security Group (Pty) Limited, and Associated Prevention Services (Pty)
Ltd (APS) - a subsidiary of Associated Intelligence Network.
7.4.1 Wolf security
It was to control access into the stadium proper and the
suites. It deployed two (2) special events managers and three
hundred and two (302) special events officers who would be
dressed in an identifiable outfit. Their function was to control
access into the stadium by tearing the tickets of the
spectators, and routing spectators through into the stadium.
The personnel were to man each turnstile on the outside and
the inside.
7.4.2 Associated Prevention Services
It deployed twelve (12) members who would look after the
AVIP@ areas; there was also a representative in the JOC. To
that number would be added sixty (60) reaction officers.
7.4.3 Stallion Events Management
It deployed one hundred and forty-five (145) control officers,
sixteen (16) armed guards, two (2) additional armed guards
for the administration building and seventy (70) reaction unit
members in and around the stadium. The responsibility of this
company was to man the gates of the outer perimeter and the
parking area; it would also provide reaction units (Viper) that
would defuse small conflicts whenever they arose.
7.4.4 Diligence Services Holdings
It deployed eighteen (18) people in total whose responsibility
was to ensure the security of the field, tunnel, change rooms
and all the bars.
7.5 Soccer bodies.
7.5.1 South African Football Association (SAFA).
It is the national body in control of the game of soccer
throughout the country, both professional and amateur. It is
affiliated to the world body, FIFA.
7.5.2. The National Soccer League (NSL)
It falls under the jurisdiction of SAFA, and runs professional
soccer in the country, including the Premier Soccer League
(PSL) whose fixture the game was. PSL was to provide one
hundred and fifty (150) security personnel whose responsibility
was to help at the outer perimeter, to assist with crowd
control as well as the channeling of spectators at ticket selling
points. Its security comprised a team from Kaizer Chiefs and
Orlando Pirates each. PSL contends that the security
personnel it deployed on the day was far in excess of two
hundred and fifty (250). It insists, however, that its security
personnel were merely to act as Amarshals@.
7.6 The South African Police Services (SAPS).
SAPS had to be present to ensure law and order in and around the
stadium and to prevent crime. The Public Order Policing unit was to
maintain public order whenever it was threatened. The Visible Policing
unit (Vispol) were responsible for crime prevention and were in uniform.
There was also a mounted corps and a bomp disposal unit.
7.7 The Johannesburg Metropolitan Council.
The council was to provide its police to ensure a smooth flow of traffic,
including the prevention of obstructive and random parking of vehicles.
The council also had a disaster management unit, which was also
primed to deal with emergencies.
7.8 Soccer supporters.
This was a very important constituency and played a major role that
night. A huge crowd turned up, with people coming from different
parts of the country.
Many witnesses testified about their experiences during previous clashes
between the two teams.
8.1 Kaizer Chiefs v Orlando Pirates : Orkney, 1991
Kaizer Chiefs played Orlando Pirates in a friendly match in 1991 at
Orkney. A stampede occurred in which forty one people were killed and
many injured. Following the disaster, the National Soccer League
instituted a commission of inquiry under the chairmanship of the late
Roger Sishi. The following were some of the recommendations by that
8.1.1 that stairways, access ways and landings should be kept clear
at all times to avoid impeding pedestrian movement;
8.1.2 that in view of the fanatical support that Kaizer Chiefs and
Orlando Pirates enjoy, it is essential to employ adequate
numbers of security personnel whenever the two teams play
against each other;
8.1.3 that security personnel should always be visible to the
8.1.4 that security personnel should always be positioned where
they can have a clear and unobstructed view of the
spectators and can monitor the latter=s behaviour.
8.2 Kaizer Chiefs v Orlando Pirates : Ellis Park Stadium,
10 October 1998
Problems occurred at this game and the police were forced to use
rubber bullets. The role players involved had different versions,
particularly as to what caused the rioting.
8.2.1 The Version of the South African Police Services
The records of the SAPS indicate that the game was marred
by various incidents of violence, including damage to property.
The match was played on a Saturday afternoon. Records also
indicate that whereas the capacity of the stadium was about
sixty thousand (60,000), an estimated ninety thousand
(90,000) spectators turned up. The SAPS points in a report
that among factors that led to the violence were the following:
B The fact that the PSL security personnel allowed
spectators through the gates after corruptly receiving
monies from them, resulting in ticket-holding spectators
being unable to enter the stadium;
B more spectators were allowed into the stadium despite
the fact that the stadium was already full;
B thousands of complimentary tickets were used, thus
swelling the numbers far beyond the projections;
B the issuing of complimentary tickets was apparently
B the aisles, gangways and passages were congested with
spectators making the management, policing and
evacuation of spectators difficult;
B spectators became unruly at 15:00, breaking down the
perimeter fence and the entrance gates when access to
the stadium was being restricted;
B when the police attempted to drive the spectators away
from the perimeter fence they were pelted with bottles
and stones; in response, the police fired rubber bullets
and used shields and tonfas;
B the PSL security officials were untrained and were believed
to have been drawn generally from lay members of the
public and could therefore not manage a crisis situation;
PSL security officials were more interested in watching
the game than in attending to their responsibilities;
B soccer has a culture of selling tickets shortly before the
event resulting in the ticket selling points being unable to
cope with the pressure brought onto them.
8.2.2 Kaizer Chiefs Version
Kaizer Chief=s account of events is that whereas the stadium
capacity was sixty thousand (60 000), comprising fifty
thousand (50 000) on the open stands and ten thousand (10
000) on the suites, approximately twenty thousand (20 000)
more spectators than the capacity of the stadium arrived at
the venue. The pre-event operational plans had emphasised
that the capacity of the stadium would not be exceeded and
Ahouse-full@ signs were posted at 15:00.
Thousands of spectators who had bought tickets earlier found
it difficult to get into the stadium as most of the gates were
closed; ticket and non-ticket holders blocked the AVIP@ gate
and vehicles could not access the stadium. In frustration,
spectators coming from the Ellis Park Station started stoning
AVIP@ cars; windows of the ticket selling cubicles were
damaged and the cubicles set alight; spectators broke down
the perimeter fences, and entry gates into the stadium were
damaged; the unoccupied suites were also damaged.
8.2.3 The Version of the Premier Soccer League
There was massive damage to property during the event.
Spectators broke through the perimeter gates, set alight ticket
offices, broke stadium gates, barged into suite areas and in general
caused mayhem and chaos. A ticket pre-sale campaign during the
week preceding the event did not help as only thirteen thousand (13
0 00) tickets had been sold by the Friday before the match.
Compounding the problem was that most people who had bought
their tickets in advance arrived late at the stadium, as did those
without tickets.
The PSL also recorded that there were approximately a hundred
thousand (100,000) spectators on the day of the match, which
number was far in excess of the capacity of the stadium. There
were injuries, but no fatalities were reported.
8.2.4 The version of Ellis Park Stadium Management
The Ellis Park Stadium Management record of the events indicates
that whereas the capacity of the stadium was sixty thousand
(60,000), comprising fifty thousand (50,000) seats and ten
thousand (10,000) seats in the suites, the attendance for the match
was between eighty thousand (80,000) and one hundred thousand
(100,000). Only fourteen thousand (14,000) tickets were sold
during the week prior to the match, with thirty-six thousand
(36,000) available for sale on the day of the match. When capacity
was reached, ticket sales were stopped and the supporters reacted
by storming and breaking through the perimeter gates, setting
alight ticket offices, ripping out stadium gates and barging into suite
areas; damage to the stadium was between two hundred thousand
rand (R200,000.00) and two hundred and fifty thousand rand
Ellis Park blamed the situation on the poor quality of the services of
members of the PSL security; it was said that they were
inexperienced, and not able to cope with the intensity of such a
8.3 Orlando Pirates v Kaizer Chiefs: First National Bank Stadium,
29 November 2000
Several witnesses before the Commission also testified about this
game. It was played on a Wednesday night on 29 November 2000 at
the First National Bank Stadium, Johannesburg; a massive stadium
popularly referred to as ASoccer City@. Evidence shows that the selling
of tickets started at 17:30. The sale was slow and only started picking
up at approximately 19:45 when a crowd of about fifteen thousand
(15,000) to twenty thousand (20,000) arrived. There were thirty-four
(34) cashiers.
The game started while a large number of spectators was still in the
process of buying tickets, causing enthusiastic spectators to climb the
perimeter fence in order to get into the stadium; others tore the fence
down. Some of the spectators who gained entry in this way had tickets
but were too impatient to get in through the turnstiles.
In his report on the incident to the Chairman of Orlando Pirates, the
head of the team=s security described the events of that day as follows
(taken verbatim from the report):
AThe game started to play 20:00. The spectators started to show up
at around 19:30 and during that thirty minutes before kick-off B twenty
thousand (20 000) spectators were seen outside the stadium trying to
enter through the turnstiles. The gates were turning very slowly
because of the counting. Three gates were forced open and we
managed to control it again. When I was busy at the stadium, Mr
Thidiela (the then head of the PSL security) approached me and said
that I must open all the emergency gates that the spectators must gain
free entry. I refused his request and after fifteen minutes Oupa, who
is second in charge of security, came to me and reported that there are
two gates being forced open by the spectators outside. Oupa was
supposed to handle this matter.
We have tried very hard to control the spectators who had arrived later
thirty to fifteen minutes to kick-off time. The emergency gates at FNB
stadium were not so strong and the spectators managed to push it open
but we tried very hard and closed the gate. Mr Chairman, I want you
to know that the night game between Pirates and Chiefs it is always the
case with spectators. Last year between the Chiefs and Pirates at Ellis
Park a similar scene happened that the spectator arrive thirty minutes
before kick-off. Even at the game between Chiefs and Sundowns at
Johannesburg stadium the same thing happened. Mr Chairman, I am
requesting you not to allow the big games to be played at night because
some were shot by the police, some injured, some died at Ellis Park
The witness continued (taken verbatim from the report):
AAs the security members, having analysed the situation regarding
night games, particularly involving Kaizer Chiefs on the 29 November
2000 and the Rothmans replay, it appears it will always be problematic
dealing with spectators when they arrive. Spectators= arrival and queue
to buy tickets started heavily from 17:15 on both occasions this is
mainly because some come from far away and could not make it earlier
as it was during the week and they had work commitments.
It is a known fact that games of this nature generate a lot of
spectator=s interest and it will be advisable to play on a weekend.@
APRIL 2001
9.1 Operational Meetings.
9.1.1 On 27 March 2001 the following role players held a meeting in
preparation for the game: Ellis Park Stadium Management,
representatives of Kaizer Chiefs, PSL, South African Police
Services, Stallion, AIN, Diligence, Wolf, Metro Traffic
Management, Pick it Up Environmental and Johannesburg
Sport. The minutes reflect that the meeting dealt with issues
such as the number of security personnel required and
equipment to be deployed. Notable in the minutes is that the
Visible Policing unit would deploy a hundred and fifty (150)
members plus one (1) who was to sit in the Joint Operation
Centre. The Public Order Policing unit would deploy twenty
five (25) members and four razor wire vehicles. Kaizer Chiefs
(clearly reference to PSL security) was to deploy two
hundred and sixty (260) security personnel. The meeting also
discussed the possible use of a big screen.
The minutes of the meeting, as amplified by the transcript,
also indicate that there was consciousness on the part of the
role players present that gates 4, 5 and 6, which are situated
on the north-eastern side of the stadium where the main
entrance is, had always been a problematic area. The minutes
state in so many words that there are huge problems in
respect of those gates at big games. This is what appears in
the transcript:
AJVR: Mr Chairman can I just raise a few problems at the
risk of being a pain in the butt? We=re shooting
ourselves in the foot there at gates 4, 5 and 6 with
every big match. We know now what a trend is and
we still keep on doing what we were doing we
don=t have enough tickets booths. At every single
match there we need the police to come and help us
out because they break the gates down because
there are too many people and too little Y that the
one problem, the second problem is that Y. But the
bulk of our people come through that gate, the bulk
of the stadium comes through there and 12
(referring to the booths) is not enough. The
problem is really, soccer is Y. When we started
doing soccer the people used to come in at 08:00 in
the morning to come watch the game at 16:00 in
the afternoon. Now when a game is 20:00 at night
they arrive at 19:00. When we=ve got 20 000
arriving at 19:00 we just don=t have enough gates
to get them through as simple as that. And we are
all fine there is no shouting and screaming until the
main match starts when that whistle go they break
the gates down. I mean it happens to us every
match and we just ride it through and we are being
ACC: I do not think it=s the problem at the ticket offices as
such, but it=s the whole areas where they go in,
they go straight to gates 4, 5 and 6 and that=s the
AJVR: I have a different problem concerning those gates. If
you have a sound system that we use at gate 4 and
I put in one of my black guys, its superb. What we
do is, when the guys come in they just naturally, all
stream to gate 4. Once that gets too crowded we
close gate 4 and send them around to gate 3, 2, 4,
5 rather 5, 6 and 7. But to do that we need a good
sound system and that sound system is not good
enough. Is there anything you can do about that.
Bearing in mind by that the guys are coming in with
bugles and its mad house. But if you are really able
to talk to those guys we can actually channel them
it goes a lot faster and there is no injuries that the
one thing and so far we have been pretty lucky but
we are going to have some injuries at some stage.@
AGS: Ok so to recap there, what you are saying is not
necessarily a number of tickets being sold for a
period, its actually accessing the stadium through 4,
5 and 6.@
AJVR: The problem really starts with Arnie and them
because the amount of people that want to come
through at the same time when the match starts the
first big balls up is with them and I=m not saying
with them but once again there is too many guys
that want to get through the gate at rush. Up until
then they are pretty okay. Once they hear the
whistle and people start shouting they want
through. Then when they get through it=s a run to
get to our gate and that where the whole thing just
gets worse.@
AAW: Bearing in mind we=ve got YY when we open up
North Park Lane we got 22 lanes that will let people
through they=ve only got 3 to get into it is a
AST: You actually need to physically close that gate
otherwise the guys will stand at gate 4 and they will
try to get into that gate 4.@
AGS: And now the question is should we not only open that
later so that the guys would normally all the way
through move around move around B so we just
open it up so that the sitting in that area only gets
filled in that last slot.@
Apart from the problems around gates 4, 5 and 6 the following matters
were also considered: that the Public Order Police unit would deploy
Nyala vehicles and also provide razor wire for deployment if necessary;
mounted police; the provision of additional ticket selling booths; the
erection of a big screen in the North Park Lane area; the pre-sale of
tickets through an expanded network; the installation of a public
address system outside the stadium.
9.1.2 On 3 April 2001 a second operational meeting was held. Once
more, there were representatives of the various role players,
with the notable exception of both PSL and Public Order
Policing representatives.
The minutes of that meeting reflect, amongst others, the
following: that the number of police members (Vispol) was
reduced from a hundred and fifty (150) to a hundred (100);
the public address system was to be upgraded to enable the
announcers to channel spectators through the correct gates;
Kaizer Chiefs was to arrange additional megaphones; the
possibility of utilising the big television screen at the
neighbouring Johannesburg Stadium in the event of massive
spectator overflow was to be discussed with the relevant
people; Mr C Coetzee (the Ellis Park head of security) was to
co-ordinate a meeting of all the role players to discuss specific
requirements of the Joint Operation Centre, as also to describe
the role of each participant.
9.1.3 The third and final operational meeting was held on 10 April
2001. The Visible Policing unit increased their number from
a hundred (100) to a hundred and twenty-five (125)
members. Public Order Policing increased their number from
twenty five (25) to fifty (50) with twenty (20) members on
standby. PSL security reduced their own number from two
hundred and sixty (260) to a hundred and fifty (150). The
management of traffic was to be the responsibility of the
Metropolitan Police who, according to the minutes of the
meeting, were to deploy forty-five (45) members, plus one
(1) in the Joint Operation Centre. Their skeleton staff was to
be on duty from 07:00, and the perimeter to the stadium was
to be closed at 14:00.
Also discussed were the following: once more, the use of a
sound system outside the stadium; a big screen at the
Johannesburg Stadium; the use of room N523 by official
spotters inside the stadium; that Kaizer Chiefs would have one
person in the Joint Operation Centre and another in the
spotters room with a radio. There was to take place a briefing
of PSL security on the afternoon of the day of the game; razor
wire would be brought; Stallion Security would bring an extra
reaction team for deployment inside the stadium; ticket selling
booths would be moved to outside of the perimeter fence; Mr
Coetzee, head of the Stadium=s security, would facilitate a
meeting where Joint Operation Centre requirements would be
9.2. Classification of the game
The minutes (and transcripts) refer to the terms AA category@ and
(occasionally) Afull house@ apparently synonymously. In their ordinary
meanings, these would mean - in terms of Ellis Park Stadium - ? 60, 000
spectators. During evidence before the Commission, however,
witnesses referred to a further AA plus@ category, meaning a sixty
thousand (60,000) spectator game at Ellis Park Stadium: AA@ category
simpliciter now only referred to a crowd attendance of forty to forty five
thousand (40- 45,000) (i.e a number safely below an ordinarily
understood Afull house@ capacity), for which lower figure various of the
parties later at the Commission hearing claimed they had in fact
planned; this despite the fact that some witnesses acknowledged that
they expected a real full house.
According to SAFA guidelines, PSL was supposed to be in overall charge
of security at a game of this magnitude.
9.3 The Mobile Screen
9.3.1 The minutes of the operational meeting of 27 March 2001
reflect a discussion about the use of a big mobile screen that
could be situated at the North Park Lane. The minutes read:
AMD: Mr Chairman if I can recommend we have done it in
the past (addressing the situation of spectators who
come too late to buy their tickets) we put a big
screen outside in North Park Lane then the guys who
(are) late don=t get agitated they can watch the
game (if) they are a little bit late. It takes the
pressure off B they turn not to Y.@
AGS: I understand that is quite expensive.@
ARH: Ja, but it is crucial.@
AEC: Ja, we used that as a solution at Kings Park before
but it cost us a good forty or fifty grand.@
AJVR: I just have one problem with that big screen Mr
Chairman. I agree that while guys are buying the
tickets it=s great, but once he has bought his ticket
he doesn=t give a damn about the big screen and
that=s when our problem comes. Because the big
screen is right over there and he wants to get in
AAW: Mr Chair I would disagree with that because we work
North Park Lane and that thing since prior to us
having the big screen and do not understand
obviously its huge financial implication but prior to
that these guys used to come here and break down
the gates every game. As soon as that big screen
went up we never had that problem again.@
AST: I don=t have a problem with that but maybe we just
have to talk to Chiefs and then let=s go 50/50 on
the big screen otherwise we put in the big screen
and there goes our money for the night.@
9.3.2 During the discussions of the operational meeting of 3 April
2001 the meeting addressed the issue of a big screen in the
following terms:
ARH: For that game, will have more people for the crowd
management part of it. Particularly on the north
side, we can also adjust it depending on how the
ticket sale go and also the screen will help.@
AGS: So a lot will depend on the screen?@
ARH: Yes.@
9.3.3 In the discussions of the operational meeting of 10 April 2001
the meeting further addressed the issued of a big screen in
the following terms:
APN: Is the big screen going to be at the ticket sale offices
at North Park Lane?@
AGS: At this stage it=s not.@
AVC: Is there anything at the Johannesburg stadium?@
AGS: We had a meeting with them, he=s got to come back
to us if we can turn it on or not. The problem that
they have got is that they are setting up for Greace,
they=re putting the equipment in there and they
want it locked off. So that takes that big screen out
of it then. We=ve had quotes and need to talk
about it straight after this, but they tell me it=s an
expensive exercise.@
ANM: Mr Chairman have you been quoted for the big
screen? Is that what you said?@
AGS: Yes. I think the decision will be made straight after
this, as the cost decision. What we try to do to
relieve part of the pressure, by creating more
turnstiles or opening accesses. But we know that
that definitely helps us a lot. But it=s a financial
APN: On the issue of the screen, Mr Chairman, what it
does is it relieves the pressure from the ticketing.
Traditionally they leave it the last minute, and when
we get a huge rush on the ticketing, and the screen
was over there so that the people, when the game
started, they can take their time and buy the tickets.
To relieve that pressure. Pressure on other two
gates, into the precinct and into the stadium that
remains constant. But we don=t have the screen
then we are going to need, Y. I think Thami=s
people will have to manage that, because we won=t
be able to unless we bring in additional.@
AGS: Well we=ve touched on the ticketing, maybe we can
talk about it further. But it is a point. It makes
sense to have the screen, but it will have a cost
implication for Kaizer Chiefs.@
9.3.4 It is clear from the aforegoing that at all the three operational
meetings, the possible use of a big screen was discussed;
despite this, in the end it was never used.
10.1 Traffic congestion and the blockade of the stadium by
abandoned vehicles
10.1.1 According to the evidence, by approximately 19:00 the roads
leading to the stadium were congested with vehicular traffic.
The lane designated for AVIP@ entrance was blocked.
Witnesses who used vehicular transport told of immense
difficulties in reaching the stadium; the result was late arrival
at the stadium. The Chief Executive Officer of the Premier
Soccer League, despite using the AVIP@ lane, took more than
an hour to reach the stadium, a distance that would have
ordinarily taken him a mere fifteen minutes.
10.1.2 Evidence also shows that due to crowd pressure at the AVIP@
gate, the security personnel in charge decided to close it;
this caused traffic congestion. Many cars were abandoned
randomly making access to the stadium impossible. Some
traffic officers were themselves unable to drive around the
stadium; it was also impossible to use tow-away trucks to
remove offending vehicles as the trucks were themselves
closed in.
10.1.3 The congestion on the access roads also hampered
emergency and medical services vehicles that were called in
to assist with rescue operations.
10.1.4 The Metropolitan Police tried to blame the congestion and the
blockade on the drivers who had illegally parked their motor
vehicles in the way. It was also suggested that even if a
large contingent of the Metropolitan Police had been
deployed, the situation would still have been un-controllable.
There is no explanation, however, why the problem was
allowed to occur in the first place.
10.2 The sale of tickets for the game
10.2.1 The number of spectators who turned up for the match of 11
April 2001 was later said to be in the order of some eighty
thousand (80,000). Approximately less than four thousand (4
000) tickets were pre-sold. The majority of the spectators
bought their tickets on the day of the game.
10.2.2 Ellis Park Stadium management contends that by midday of 11
April 2001 it had printed sixty-two thousand (62,000) tickets.
It had offered to Kaizer Chiefs two thousand five hundred
(2,500) tickets that were to be pre-sold at the Kaizer Chiefs
village. The reason for printing sixty two thousand (62,000)
tickets (more than the stadium capacity) was to ensure
supply to those ticket booths that would outsell others. It
was expected, the commission was told, that the tickets
actually sold would not be allowed to exceed the capacity of
the stadium.
10.2.3 According to the reconciliation, tickets printed and sold by the
stadium management is fifty seven thousand six hundred and
forty (57,640) and three thousand nine hundred and fourteen
(3 914) were returned as unsold.
10.2.4 What causes some concern about Ellis Park Stadium=s
contention regarding the printing and the selling of the tickets
is that whereas sixty two thousand (62,000) tickets were
printed, the evidence points to some fifty-two thousand five
hundred and twenty-six (52,526) tickets having been sold and
three thousand nine hundred and fourteen (3,914) returned.
The two positions are not reconcilable, leaving as they do
approximately four thousand (4 000) tickets unaccounted for.
10.2.5 Compounding the difficulties with Ellis Park Stadium=s
contention is evidence suggesting that at 17:00 on 11 April
2001 Kaizer Chiefs representatives requested the printing and
issuing of two thousand (2 000) additional tickets when
realising that the ticket booths were fast running out of
supply in the face of a large number of spectators. Kaizer
Chiefs say this request was met, despite the fact that Ellis
Park had in the past shown some reluctance to print
additional tickets under similar circumstances. There was a
second request for yet additional two thousand (2 000)
tickets thirty (30) minutes after the initial one, which was
also met. Therefore, approximately four thousand (4 000)
tickets were issued to the Kaizer Chiefs representative by
18:00 on the day. In this connection evidence by a
representative in the Joint Operation Centre was that they
heard some announcement over the Ellis Park Stadium radio
that the tickets had been sold out and that more tickets were
being printed. However, Ellis Park management argues that
4000 additional tickets could not have been printed within
such a short time because their ticket printing machines are
only capable of printing one thousand (1 000) tickets per
10.3 The announcement that tickets were sold out; and the re-
action of the crowd thereto.
10.3.1 According to evidence, at about 19:15 announcements were
made that the tickets had been sold out, and that the stadium
was full; spectators were urged to go back home. The
announcement was not heeded; the crowd on the south-
western side was then diverted to the northern side for the
tickets, causing the security to allow people into the inner
perimeter for this purpose. The result was that large
numbers of people moved to the northern side where they
would have to go through gates 4, 5 and 6 after buying their
tickets. A combination of these people with those who had
rushed in over the collapsed perimeter fence on the north,
created a wave of people the security personnel could not
stop. They all pressed towards the direction of the above
gates, particularly gate 4. Although Public Order Policing
deployed the razor wire between the collapsed perimeter
fence and the stadium in reaction, this was in some respect
too late as thousands of people had already forced their way
into the stadium. The entrance gates were ripped apart and
a large number of spectators, estimated in the thousands,
rushed into the stadium causing damage to, inter alia the
roller gates.
10.3.2 Amongst those who went through in such an unauthorised
manner were both valid ticket holders and non-ticket holders.
Probabilities are that some of the spectators who stormed
their way into the stadium did so when they realised that
their prospects of obtaining valid tickets were nil. It is, in this
respect, important to remember that among the supporters
of Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates were people who had
come from all over the country. The reaction of such people
ought to have been foreseeable; more so if they had expected
to find tickets at the stadium on the day of the match. A
crush was to follow.
10.4 The Crush
10.4.1 After control at the perimeter fence was lost between 19:15
and 20:10: the stadium was bursting at its seams; thousands
of spectators accessed the stadium without going through the
control points, as the gates including the roller shutter doors
had been broken. With a large number of people going
through gate 4, people were pushed and crushed.
10.4.2 The following contemporaneous record kept by a
representative of Wolf Security in the Joint Operation Centre
gives an overview of the situation:
B at 19:10: there was a message through to his radio
indicating that the tickets were sold out at 19:00 and that
there were still thousands of spectators outside the
B at 19:30: gates 5, 7 and 8 were being closed and there
was total chaos.
B at 19:40: total chaos and people were being Athrown from
B at 19:45: gate 4 was broken open, the fence at gate 6 was
broken down, roller gates at gate 7 and all other roller
gates were broken open.
B at 19:55: total chaos with all gates broken and the place
being broken down everywhere.
B at 20:05: the police were contacted and arrangements
made for extra police. There was chaos all over.
B at 20:30: several people dead and disaster management
was called in.
B at 20:45: 24 people dead and hundreds injured.
10.4.3 Witnesses gave deeply moving accounts as to what happened.
Take for example the story of one man who was with his two
young children. They had tickets which allowed them in and
they had duly entered through gate 4. They proceeded to the
vomitory leading into the sitting area of the pavilion. As they
reached the first set of stairs that sharply inclined
downwards, there was a sudden push by a large group of
spectators thrusting them forward. He lost his grip on the
one child but managed to protect the other against the
mounting pressure from people who were falling all over
them. He later realised that one child had been crushed to
death. One woman told how she was trampled upon and lost
consciousness in the process. Another witness related how
he took a cellular telephone from a friend and contacted
emergency police in desperation from where he was in the
stadium. This has been proved to be true as a transcription
of his conversation with the police operator was handed in as
an exhibit. The same witness also testified that when he
realised that there were problems he tried in vain to attract
the attention of the security personnel by setting alight a
piece of newspaper. He also says objects were thrown onto
the pitch for the same reason; again, to no avail. All these
things happened in the north-eastern corner of the pavilion.
The representative of Associated Prevention Services in the
Joint Operation Centre recorded on her contemporaneous
notes that she saw a burning newspaper among the
spectators and that she drew the attention of the PSL
representative in the centre to the incident. She states that
the PSL representative merely looked at the incident and did
not think much of it. Although the PSL representative
concerned disputes this evidence, it is, on the probabilities,
10.5 The use of teargas, or similar substance
10.5.1 A Captain Molapo was at the stadium that evening as head of
Orlando Pirates security team. He says that once the crowd
became rowdy, got out of control and pushed their way
through gate 4 into the scaffolding, a member of one security
company called on a member of another security company to
Aput them under teargas@ or uttered words to that effect.
He says teargas was then discharged. As this issue was
hotly contested, it is necessary to summarise the evidence
briefly and then give reasons why it is likely that the
allegations are true.
10.5.2 The Captain describes the person who gave these instructions
as a white male, with a white eye-patch. This description led
to one Kruger being mentioned as the person who had an
eye-patch that night. When he was asked to stand up during
the hearing, Captain Molapo pointed him out. He was at the
stadium that night and did have an eye-patch, although he
says it was a black one.
10.5.3 According to Captain Molapo, a teargas canister was
detonated and thrown amongst the people who were already
in the scaffolding, causing a stampede. Captain Molapo says
he actually saw some smoke. He knows teargas. He
described the uniform of the team whose member discharged
the teargas. It became common cause that the uniform was
that of Viper Security. From the video footage, it became
clear that the witness could only be referring to a member of
this team. He says members of the team carried on their
persons what looked liked teargas canisters. He also
described their helmets. The captain said that he was a few
meters away from Kruger when the call was made.
10.5.4 The captain also referred to a prior incident at the same venue
during which the same witness sprayed some substance into
the face of a spectator. That spectator turned out be a
Provincial Deputy-Commissioner of SAPS who also testified
before the Commission; amongst other things, he confirmed
the incident. That incident is of course not necessarily proof
of the truth of the allegations of 11 April 2001 levelled
against Kruger.
10.5.5 The video footage viewed does not conclusively show teargas
canisters on the persons of members of the concerned team.
The helmets on the footage do not appear to be exactly as
described by the captain; however, the pictures are not
conclusive on this point either, particularly to someone who
is not familiar with the variety of helmets of that nature.
10.5.6 Reference must also be made to the evidence of one
spectator, a so-called ANo 1" supporter of Orlando Pirates.
He was seated on the southern side of the stadium. He says
he and others caught the smell of teargas at some stage just
before the game started. They gesticulated to the officials
that there was some smell of teargas. He says Kaizer Chiefs
supporters seated on the western side of the stadium, must
have also caught the teargas smell because they too were
gesticulating to the same effect.
10.5.7 On the video footage, some of the spectators were seen
covering their noses. But counsel pointed out that it is
clear, at least from other footages, that these people were on
the southern or south- western side of the stadium, as
opposed to the northern side where teargas was allegedly
10.5.8 A voice from one of the television commentators is clearly
heard from the video sound track saying that they were
having a repeat of the Zimbabwe situation. It is common
cause that this was reference to an incident in Zimbabwe in
2000 at a soccer stadium during a World Cup qualifying game
between that country and South Africa when teargas was
fired into the crowd inside the stadium. The commentator
does not say why he made this remark. It is fair to say,
however, that one of the reasons was the sight of people
covering their noses.
10.5.9 Evidence was given to contradict the allegations against Mr
Kruger, as well as the use of teargas. Mr Kruger testified and
denied the allegations. He also denied that he had a white
eye-patch; he had a black one on. He says even in the
darkness of night he uses a black one. He admits though,
that at one stage he was in the vicinity of gate 4. He says he
could not have given instructions to a member of another
security company. His task that night was limited to carrying
a two-way radio communicator for his own team, though he
was not the team leader.
10.5.10 Mr Kruger was hardly a convincing witness. He totally
underplayed the role and relationship he had had or still had
with the Ellis Park stadium as on 11 April 2001. It is common
cause that he is the son-in-law of the head of the Ellis Park
security; that he had been to events at Ellis Park in the past
and been seen in the company of his father-in-law; that he
had worked for Ellis Park before - something he only admitted
during cross-examination. The reasons given for his bizarre
conduct after the game had been stopped to put on a
different bib are not convincing; a bib which was for that
matter, the uniform of a security company of which he was
not an employee. He could not remember whether the bib
was put on top of his own, or whether his had already been
taken off.
10.5.11 There were also other witnesses who said that they did not
see any evidence of teargas having been used. The
implicated security company also denies that it had teargas.
Nothing further needs to be said about them in the light of the
following: the situation was very fluid that night; it is
impossible to determine whether any two people - except
those who moved inseparably at all times - were at the same
point at exactly the same time; moreover, all the times
mentioned were mere estimates; the crowd was large and
disorderly, making observation difficult.
10.5.12 Reference must also be made to a medical report by one of the
doctors who attended some of the victims that night. She
says in her report that Aone of the victims had to be treated
for teargas effects.@ It is common cause that the doctor=s
report does not constitute her own finding to that effect, but
that she merely recorded the patient=s account. Even so the
report is still of some value because it is proof of the fact
that teargas was mentioned that very same night and is not,
as was suggested, a recent fabrication.
What may not be clear is whether what was used was actually teargas,
and if so, of what nature; for example, whether it was of the same
nature as the one used by the police. The probabilities are, however,
that a gaseous irritant, the exact nature of which is not necessary to
determine, was discharged as alleged.
10.6 Stoppage of the game
The game started shortly after 20:00. From all accounts, it is clear that
at the time it started many people had already been injured and lives
lost. Eventually, rescue operations were launched. Some of the victims
were taken from the stand and made to lie behind the northern goal
posts while the match was still in progress. It took the then Chief
Executive Officer of the PSL to stop the game; this was at about 20:40.
Victims were shown on the screen in the stadium - a wise move which
made the spectators appreciate why the game had to be stopped. More
bodies and the injured were brought onto the field. The medical and
paramedical teams sprang into action.
10.7 The tragedy.
Many people were crushed to death, and even more injured. The
majority of the victims were on the north-eastern side of the pavilion.
This tragedy started unfolding well before the game started. The
injured were ferried by ambulances and a helicopter to hospital. The
game was abandoned a total of 43 people lost their lives, and 158 were
injured. Post-mortem reports indicate the death in each case as due to
crush or stampede.
The points herein made are not dealt with in any order of importance.
Secondly, subject to what is said in paragraph 11.1 below, no single factor can
be said to have been decisive: the disaster was the result of a combination of
all of them, each having contributed to a lesser or greater extent.
11.1 Poor Forecast of Match Attendance
On their own version, all the role players grossly underestimated
possible attendance.
The records of the South African Police Services estimated that the
match would be attended by about fifty thousand (50, 000) spectators.
The three operational meetings held by the role players state that the
number of spectators would be between forty five thousand (45,000)
and fifty thousand (50,000). It is a mystery why this mistake was
made, given in particular the following: the fact that each team enjoys
a huge support; the history of rivalry between the two teams; their
positions at the time on the league=s log, and the fact that both teams
were based in Johannesburg where the stadium was. This was going
to be a crucial game, the results of which could decide the
championship. The match had all the ingredients for attracting a very
large number of people.
Such a gross underestimation of possible attendance, must be seen as
the fundamental cause of the tragedy: no plans were in place to deal
with a capacity crowd, let alone a crowd in excess thereof (as it turned
out to be the case).
11.2 Failure to learn from the lessons of the past.
There has been some failure to put past experiences to good use.
Similar or near similar incidents are discussed in paragraph 8 above; a
repetition is not necessary here. Such failure was not necessarily
intentional or malicious; rather, it was in all likelihood the result of a
false sense of security resulting from the fact that a preceding game
between the two teams had gone off smoothly. Failure to heed lessons
acquires special importance, given the fact that some recommendations
are going to come from this Commission. It would be unfortunate if the
experiences of 11 April 2001 were also to be ignored. All the role
players were remiss in not adequately taking previous experiences into
account in their planning during the operational meetings.
11.3 Failure by the role players to clearly identify and designate
areas of responsibility.
In some cases, there was either a disagreement or a confusion as to
areas of responsibility. This resulted in certain security functions either
not being carried out properly or at all:
11.3.1 There is a notable disagreement as to whose responsibility it
was to secure the outer perimeter fence against any possible
violation by spectators. There were three possible role
players responsible for this: the PSL security, Stallion and the
Public Order Policing. However, none of them accepted this
responsibility. The PSL security contended that it had only
marshalling responsibilities; Stallion, although identified in the
operational plans as the entity charged with this task, saw
their responsibilities as being limited only to manning access
gates along the perimeter fence. The Public Order Policing
unit, for their part, contended that their responsibility in that
regard would arise only once public order was threatened;
that is, they had no duty to act pro-actively or to guard the
fence. The result was that nobody acted pro-actively to
prevent the outer perimeter fence from being breached. Once
the breach occurred, thousands of people rushed in and
control of the situation was lost. That was the beginning of
the stampede towards the gates.
11.3.2 No one was tasked with or accepted the responsibility of
monitoring the crowd inside the stadium. There were two
possible role players for this task (none of whom accepts this
responsibility): PSL security or members of Diligence Security
S PSL security: according to the minutes of the meeting of
10 April 2001, a suite N523 was to be used by two
spotters, one of whom was to come from the PSL security.
The function of the spotters was to look out for problems
that might arise in the pavilion. It is difficult to
understand how two spotters could effectively monitor a
crowd of about sixty thousand (60,000) spectators.
S Diligence Security Company: some of their employees
were deployed at various places along the field with
supervisors moving from the one half of the field to each
corner. However, they perceived their responsibility as
being no more than ensuring that spectators did not
invade the pitch during play. To this end their
observations were limited to the first five rows of seats
from the pitch, and around the field. Precisely because
there was no effective monitoring of the crowd in the
pavilion, trouble in the north-east corner was not picked
up early enough, nor were the distress signals by the
spectators such as the burning of newspapers and the
throwing of objects. The result was that the situation
worsened and despite this, play commenced and
continued for about 40 minutes before it was stopped.
11.4 Absence of overall command of the Joint Operation Centre
B The evidence is compelling that there was no particular person in
overall command of the Joint Operation Centre, or of the entire
event, who would receive all the information and take a decision.
Instead, there was a collection of independent heads of security
groupings all of whom, to this day, deny that they carried ultimate
responsibility; nobody had the final authority to issue commands
from the centre. This was a glaring weakness in the security
S The evidence shows that the joint operation centre was there by
name only, in that the persons therein did not operate in a
collective or co-ordinated manner; at least, not in the way that they
should have. The individuals who manned the centre were persons
with no authority to take any corrective action on their own if any
was needed. They conceived their responsibilities as being no more
than to receive and relay messages.
S There was also no proper co-ordination of information received in
the centre by representatives of different companies or the police.
Most senior personnel responsible for safety and security were at
various places around the stadium without properly communicating
with each other or sharing vital information that would inform
corrective strategies.
11.5 The inappropriate and untimely announcement that tickets
were sold out
S The evidence indicates that at approximately 19:15 the stadium
manager asked a senior Metropolitan Police representative to
announce around the stadium that the tickets were sold out, that
the stadium was full and that people were urged to go home and
watch the game on television. The announcement, we were told,
was made as a stratagem to discourage the many spectators who
could not be accommodated in the stadium. The announcement
was made without prior consultation with, or warning to, the Public
Order Policing unit, or some of the other role players. It should
have been realised from previous experiences that whenever a large
crowd of spectators realised that they would not gain access into
the stadium, they would become agitated and try to force their way
in. This is exactly what happened, resulting in the loss of control
over the crowd.
S It is conceivable that had the stadium manager consulted all the
role players prior to the announcement being made, pre-emptive
measures could have been taken such as the early deployment of
the razor wire, the strategic positioning of security personnel
around the perimeter fence and the deployment of mounted police.
11.6 Failure to adhere to FIFA and SAFA guidelines
S Both FIFA and SAFA guidelines are specific that a game should not
start until the situation inside and outside the stadium is under
control. Yet evidence shows that when the game started, there
were still thousands of spectators outside the stadium; many
places around the stadium were being vandalised; the gates were
being ripped open; security personnel had been overwhelmed by
the crowd; non-ticket carrying spectators were gaining access into
the stadium; security was reporting total chaos outside the
stadium; ticket-booths had been attacked and cashiers escorted
under armed guards back to places of safety and terraces, stair-
and gangways were crowded with spectators. It is clear that the
commencement of the game was therefore in violation of the
guidelines. The problem was that, due to lack of co-ordinated
information, some of the officials inside the stadium, including the
referee and senior soccer officials, were not aware of the scenario
outside the stadium. It was not until 40 minutes into the game
that the Chief Executive Officer of PSL, upon realising the tragedy,
stopped the game. The argument that delaying kick-off could also
have caused rioting is not acceptable; it all depends on how a given
situation is handled.
11.7 Unbecoming spectator behaviour
11.7.1 South African soccer spectators were described as being
amongst the world=s best behaved. The compliment and the
accolade is valid for the vast majority of spectators and at
most game attendances. It is also true, though, that South
African soccer has recorded occasions of massive damage to
property. The reasons for bad spectator behaviour are often
the result of frustration when access to the stadium is, for
one reason or another, denied, with many of the spectators
having come from far; after all every person going to a
stadium hopes to gain access.
11.7.2 However understandable the anger and frustration may be it
is not acceptable behaviour to storm the stadium with
consequences of damage to property and serious possibility
of bodily harm to other spectators. The behaviour is
reprehensible and deserves censure in the strongest of terms.
There is, moreover, evidence that some of the spectators
arrive at a stadium, without tickets, very close to the time of
the commencement of the game. In the result, pressure is
brought to bear on the ticket-selling offices, the marshalls, the
security companies, the police and on the flow of people into
the stadium. This is exactly what happened on 11 April 2001.
There is also evidence that some people parked their vehicles
randomly, blocking the roads.
It would therefore be inappropriate to put all the blame on the
game organisers. South African soccer spectators need to
appreciate that their own conduct is as critical a factor as any
other in the maintenance of safety and security at the
11.7.3 It must be emphasized, however, as did several witnesses
including those from overseas, that the behaviour displayed
that night was not characteristic of South African soccer
11.8 Sale of tickets at the venue and unreserved seating
11.8.1 Failure to pre-sell tickets does not by itself lead to a tragedy
of this nature; it depends on the circumstances, such as the
popularity of a game. There is evidence that tickets were
printed, issued and sold until close to the starting time of the
game. The demand for the tickets kept on growing
particularly from 18:00. On this particular occasion, the sale
of tickets on site and on the day of the match did certainly
contribute to the problems. The game was to be held
midweek and in the evening when many people would only be
able to go to the stadium after work; it was to be a very
important (and possibly decisive) game. For these reasons,
the sale of tickets on site held potential risk. This was
compounded by the fact that seating was unreserved: at peak
hour spectators would become anxious that they might not
easily find a seat; too much movement in the stadium in
search of a seat was the result and, when a seat could not be
found, people stood in the gangways. Spectators already at
the stadium would not readily accept being turned away once
the tickets were sold out because they expected to obtain
them on site.
11.8.2 When the stadium holds rugby matches, each ticket is
allocated a particular seat. It was suggested that it was
difficult to apply this system to soccer matches. Soccer
spectators are said to be primarily from low-income groups,
and therefore not particularly suited to purchasing tickets in
advance of a match. Even admitting that many soccer
supporters come from the low-income bracket, there is
evidence that tickets had in the past been pre-sold. There
was also an attempt to explain why it was not practical to
implement a system of marked seats where soccer was
involved. It was suggested that soccer spectators of a
particular team would prefer to sit together in one pre-
designated area of the stadium. This cannot be an
insurmountable difficulty; for example, the system of colour-
coding can be used.
11.9 The use of teargas or a similar substance
A finding has already been made that teargas or a similar substance
was discharged amongst the crowd; the reasons for such a finding are
found in paragraph 10.5 above where the issue is fully dealt with. The
consequence of such an action was a panic reaction which either
caused a stampede or aggravated it.
11.10 Corruption on the part of certain members of the security
There was evidence, which could not be disputed, that some members
of the security personnel allowed people into the stadium without
tickets in return for money. Not only does this lead to the overcrowding
of a stadium, but also agitates other spectators with or without tickets;
especially the latter who are still in the queue for tickets. This corrupt
practice is a recipe for gate-crashing.
11.11 Dereliction of duty:
Evidence shows that there was dereliction of duty on the part of certain
security officials. This report limits itself to the following instances in
which there was such dereliction of duty:
11.11.1 One witness after the other stated that there were no security
officers at certain strategic points, and that as a result, there
was nobody to demand tickets upon entry; people went
through without tickets. Once this happened, pressure would
then be brought to bear on the inner entrances. The result
was that such few security officers as were found at the inner
entrance points, could not control the crowd. Furthermore,
as a consequence of such dereliction of duty some of the
spectators were able to enter the stadium with their tickets
intact, and then resell or hand them over to those outside.
We were told that upon noticing this, security officers
intervened. However, the fact is that this lapse of security
contributed towards overcrowding the stadium.
11.11.2 Failure to pick up trouble inside the stadium at the north-
eastern pavilion (where the disaster occurred). That there
was a disturbance or commotion in that area, especially rows
A 27 - B 27, cannot be denied: the video footages show this,
and the majority of victims came from there. It has already
been mentioned that the situation was so bad that bottles
were thrown onto the field and a newspaper set alight in a
desperate attempt to attract the attention of security
personnel. Spectators also shouted at the top of their voices
for help, to no avail. Despite all these attempts, and also
what ought to have been a visible commotion in the affected
area, the security personnel failed to take notice. If they
were there as they claim, the conclusion is inescapable that
they failed in the execution of their duty. It is in dispute as to
which security grouping was directly charged with this
responsibility; see, on this point, paragraph 11.3 above.
11.12 Failure to use the big screen
The overwhelming opinion on the use of the big screen was that it could
relieve the pressure caused by spectators who, because they have
arrived late, become anxious to obtain tickets before a game starts.
Indications are that the idea of using the big screen was abandoned
because of cost implications to Kaizer Chiefs; this much is clear from
the concerns expressed by a representative of the team in the
During the presentation of evidence on behalf of Kaizer Chiefs, it was
suggested that the use of the big screen was not a unanimous view and
that it was discarded because it was felt that it would have only
achieved the opposite effect. The motivation for this contention was
predicated on the fact that the television broadcast was not going to be
live, but delayed by thirty (30) minutes.
Expert evidence indicates that it is technically possible to have fed a live
coverage on a mobile screen outside North Park Lane notwithstanding
the fact that the television broadcast was going to be delayed.
There is no cogency to the contention that the live broadcast of the
game at North Park Lane would have yielded undesirable results. On
the contrary, the body of evidence is that it would have had a positive
effect on the spectators still waiting their turn to enter the stadium.
Further, the contention that the big screen would have adverse results
is not borne out by the minutes of the discussions around the issue.
The explanation that marketing and advertising considerations rendered
the deployment of this strategy unnecessary seems to be an after
thought. It is obvious that it is a position taken rather ex post facto as
an attempt to remove the embarrassment that the use of a big screen,
even though necessary, was jettisoned for financial reasons.
11.13 Inadequate public address system
S According to the minutes and transcripts of the operational
meetings, there were discussions about upgrading the public
address system outside the stadium to make it more effective.
S There were also supposed to be four (4) additional megaphones to
be arranged by Kaizer Chief=s security for use by their designated
members to address the crowd in different languages. According
to the evidence several hand loudhailers were used at various
stages of the evening but were not that effective. The public
address system was also too inadequate to convey critical
messages at material times. This breakdown of communication
with the crowd made its control difficult.
11.14 Failure by the Public Order Police Unit to react timeously and
The evidence of a representative of Wolf security company, Mr van
Rooyen, is that at about 18h50 he noticed that the situation in the area
of gate 4 was becoming a cause of serious concern; a large number of
spectators were crowding there. He was so concerned, that he called
representatives of other security companies, with the exception of the
police, to a meeting at gate 4 to discuss the situation. Subsequent to
that the outer perimeter fence and its gates were broken down and
people rushed towards gate 4; employees of the Stallion Company
whose task it was to secure the outer perimeter gates, were
overwhelmed. It was only after about 19h40 that the Public Order
Police unit eventually deployed razor wire. The evidence of Captain
Mkhwanazi, the unit=s commander that night, that there had not been
any need to deploy the razor wire earlier than it was done, cannot be
accepted. While it is not for the Commission to prescribe to the police
as to how to contain a situation, it is nonetheless clear that on this
occasion they deployed the raizor wire too late; a timeous deployment
could certainly have helped stem the tide.
12.1 The attitude of certain members of Private Security Companies
Evidence has shown that the conduct of some of the employees of
certain security companies left much to be desired.
12.1.1 Firstly there is a complaint particularly by the head of Orlando
Pirates security, that they tended to be hostile to the
spectators. In this respect, evidence was that certain
members of Wolf security company had a history of such a
tendency; they would push and manhandle people. They
showed on occasions a general disrespect for the dignity of
spectators. Their duty was to assist people; but this they did
not always do with the politeness that they should have
displayed. They also showed contempt towards the PSL
security personnel. In fact, on 11 April 2001, the latter
refused to be debriefed by Ellis Park head of security. This
kind of attitude is detrimental to the effective implementation
of crowd control measures. There was palpable tension
between PSL security and other security groupings.
12.1.2 At the game of 11 April 2001 there was an instance of open
racial discrimination committed by certain security officers.
A black person, who was in the company of his three white
friends (one of whom being the witness who testified about
this) was denied access into the inner stadium while the
friends were to be allowed in; this despite the fact that he too
had a valid ticket. This was around the time when pressure
was mounting. It took vehement protestation from his white
friends to get him in. The witness was not able to identify
the company concerned.
12.2 Castle complimentary tickets
At the commencement of each season the PSL issues to its
sponsors five thousand (5 000) complimentary tickets. The tickets
are issued in two batches of five thousand (5 000) each. Each
ticket is valid for one unspecified match at any venue throughout
the country. Following the abandonment of the match of 11 April
2001 and its re-scheduling, it was announced that spectators could
still use their tickets. A number of these complimentary tickets
were exchanged for the re-scheduled match. It was from this
process that it was realised that such tickets may well have been
used to attend the game of 11 April 2001. Incidentally, Kaizer
Chiefs say they have objected to the use of these tickets at their
games. There appears to be no system regulating where and when
the tickets will be used; therefore when the total number of
ordinary tickets for a particular game is determined in accordance
with the maximum capacity of the stadium to be used it is not
possible to predict and take into account the number of
complimentary tickets that may possibly turn up. It is obvious that
the holders of such tickets would overburden the stadium. It is not
possible to say how many holders of such tickets gained access into
the stadium on 11 April 2001; but those who did so would have
contributed towards the overcrowding of the stadium.
Signed at Pretoria on this 4th day of February 2002.
Signed at Pretoria on this 4th day of February 2002.