This policy and procedure has been revised to establish for the Virginia Institute of Marine Science
(VIMS) the process by which cellular telephones and service are to be requested and approved for
purchase, and to establish guidelines for the use of cell phones.
A VIMS wide Cellular Share Plan becomes effective June 1, 2005. The Virginia Information
Technology Association (VITA) has finally granted VIMS an exception from purchasing cellular
service through the Commonwealth’s Alltel Contract. In addition, VITA has approved the use of
Verizon Wireless products and service through the Federal Supply Systems (FSS) GSA Contract.
In accordance with Commonwealth Accounting Policies and Procedures (CAPP) Manual Topic
20310, the acquisition and use of cellular telephones must be authorized prior to purchase by the
Director/Dean for VIMS) or their designee.
Authorization designation shall be:
Virginia Institute of Marine Science – Telecommunications Manager
Policy and Procedure
The Telecommunications Manager must approve all cellular equipment and service
purchases. A Dean, Director, Department Head or Administrator via an Application shall
submit written requests for new cell phones or the transfer of existing cellular service for
Authorization to Purchase/Transfer Cellular Service. The approval form must state the type
of cellular phone and the service plan required. The Telecommunications Manager will
create one (1) Purchase Order to cover all approved Verizon Wireless users.
VITA’s general telephone procedures state the Commonwealth provided telephone services
are to be used for conducting official business only, and should not be used for personal
purposes. Any personal use of a VIMS cell phone should be consistent with the
Department of Human Resource Management Policy No. 1.75 regarding Use of Internet
and Electronic Communications Systems, which is extended to include cell phone usage for
VIMS. Reasonable and limited personal use of the cell phone will no be subject to
reimbursement to the agency.
Individuals using personally owned cellular telephones may be reimbursed for business
calls when shown to be cost beneficial or out of necessity. In the event that free minutes
are used for business calls, individuals are not allowed reimbursement for these calls.
Agencies are responsible for safeguarding telephones. Due to the mobility of the cellular
telephone, the Offices of Property Control will record this equipment in to the Fixed Asset
System as a controlled asset. Cellular phones will not be capitalized but will appear on a
department’s inventory listing.
Policy Effective Date
June 1, 2005