Acumatica Framework 2019 R1
| Contents | 2
Acumatica Framework Guide........................................................................7
Acumatica Framework Overview.................................................................. 8
Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform...........................................................................................8
Acumatica Framework Development Tools......................................................................... 11
Runtime Architecture of an Application Based on Acumatica Framework................................ 14
Getting Started with Acumatica Framework...............................................17
Data Querying............................................................................................................... 18
Business Logic Controller Declaration................................................................................19
Data View and Cache..................................................................................................... 20
Data Modification Scenarios.............................................................................................20
Business Logic Implementation........................................................................................ 29
Designing the Application.......................................................................... 32
Designing the Database Structure and DACs..................................................................... 32
System and Application Tables................................................................................32
Table and Column Naming Conventions................................................................... 32
Common Columns and Data Types..........................................................................34
Primary Key......................................................................................................... 35
Foreign Keys and Nullable Columns.........................................................................36
Audit Fields.......................................................................................................... 36
Concurrent Update Control.....................................................................................37
Attachment of Additional Objects to Data Records.....................................................37
Preservation of Deleted Records............................................................................. 37
Multitenancy Support.............................................................................................38
Designing the User Interface........................................................................................... 39
Development Environment Options..........................................................................39
Form and Report Numbering.................................................................................. 40
Item Grouping on the Form Toolbar........................................................................ 41
Naming the Graphs and Event Handlers............................................................................41
Graph Naming...................................................................................................... 42
Naming Conventions for Event Handlers Defined in Graphs........................................ 42
Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports..................................................43
Overview of ASPX Webpages in Acumatica Framework........................................................43
Processing of a Button Click...................................................................................44
Technical Overview of the Modern UI...................................................................... 47
Configuring Containers....................................................................................................51
Use of the DataMember Property of Containers........................................................ 52
| Contents | 3
Use of the SkinID Property of Containers.................................................................53
Use of the Caption Property of Containers............................................................... 54
Use of Multiple Data Views for Boxes in Containers................................................... 54
Configuring Tables.......................................................................................................... 55
Use of the SyncPosition Property of PXGrid.............................................................. 55
Use of the DisplayMode Property of PXGridColumn....................................................55
Use of the Type Property of PXGridColumn.............................................................. 55
Configuring Tabs............................................................................................................ 56
Conditional Hiding of a Tab Item............................................................................ 56
Configuring Boxes.......................................................................................................... 57
Use of the CommitChanges Property of Boxes.......................................................... 57
Use of the DataField Property of PXGroupBox...........................................................58
Use of the Caption Property of PXGroupBox............................................................. 58
Use of the RenderStyle Property of PXGroupBox....................................................... 59
Configuring Layout and Size............................................................................................ 59
Predefined Size Values...........................................................................................59
Use of the StartRow and StartColumn Properties of PXLayoutRule............................... 60
Use of the ColumnWidth, ControlSize, and LabelsWidth Properties of PXLayoutRule........ 62
Use of the ColumnSpan Property of PXLayoutRule.....................................................63
Use of the Merge Property of PXLayoutRule............................................................. 63
Use of the GroupCaption, StartGroup, and EndGroup Properties of PXLayoutRule........... 64
Use of the SuppressLabel Property of PXLayoutRule.................................................. 65
Maintaining Reports........................................................................................................ 67
Display of Reports.................................................................................................67
Display of Analytical Reports.................................................................................. 71
Accessing Data........................................................................................... 73
Querying Data in Acumatica Framework........................................................................... 73
BQL and LINQ...................................................................................................... 73
Data Access Classes.............................................................................................. 75
PXView and PXCache of the Data View....................................................................76
Data Query Execution............................................................................................77
Translation of a BQL Command to SQL....................................................................80
Comparison of Fluent BQL, Traditional BQL, and LINQ............................................... 85
Fluent BQL and Traditional BQL Equivalents..............................................................86
To Execute BQL Statements................................................................................... 93
To Process the Result of the Execution of the BQL Statement..................................... 96
Creating Fluent BQL Queries........................................................................................... 97
Fluent Business Query Language............................................................................ 97
Data Access Classes in Fluent BQL..........................................................................99
Search and Select Commands and Data Views in Fluent BQL.................................... 100
Constants in Fluent BQL...................................................................................... 102
Parameters in Fluent BQL.....................................................................................103
To Select Records by Using Fluent BQL.................................................................. 104
To Use Parameters in Fluent BQL Queries...............................................................107
Creating Traditional BQL Queries.................................................................................... 111
| Contents | 4
Traditional Business Query Language..................................................................... 111
Data Access Classes in Traditional BQL.................................................................. 112
PXSelect Classes................................................................................................. 112
The Classes That Compose BQL Statements........................................................... 114
Parameters in Traditional BQL Statements.............................................................. 116
Traditional BQL and SQL Equivalents..................................................................... 117
To Select Records By Using Traditional BQL............................................................ 119
To Filter Records................................................................................................. 121
To Order Records................................................................................................ 124
To Query Multiple Tables...................................................................................... 125
To Group and Aggregate Records.......................................................................... 127
To Use Parameters in Traditional BQL.................................................................... 127
To Use Arithmetic Operations................................................................................131
To Compose a BQL Statement from an SQL Statement............................................ 132
Creating LINQ Queries.................................................................................................. 137
LINQ in Acumatica Framework..............................................................................137
Deferred LINQ Query Execution............................................................................ 139
Fallback to the LINQ to Objects Mode....................................................................139
To Select Records by Using LINQ.......................................................................... 140
To Append LINQ Expressions to BQL Statements.....................................................143
Defining Relationships Between DACs............................................................................. 144
Establishment of a Relationship Between Two DACs.................................................144
To Define a Primary Key...................................................................................... 146
To Define a Foreign Key.......................................................................................147
Working with Data in Cache and Session........................................................................ 148
Session.............................................................................................................. 148
Session Sharing Between Application Servers......................................................... 149
Storing of Graph Data in the Session.................................................................... 151
Use of Slots to Cache Data Objects.......................................................................153
Implementing Business Logic.................................................................. 158
Working with Events..................................................................................................... 158
Event Handlers................................................................................................... 158
Execution of Event Handlers................................................................................. 159
Data Manipulation Scenarios.................................................................................161
Sequence of Events: Insertion of a Data Record..................................................... 162
Sequence of Events: Update of a Data Record........................................................ 164
Sequence of Events: Deletion of a Data Record...................................................... 166
Sequence of Events: Display of a Data Record........................................................168
Sequence of Events: Saving of Changes to the Database......................................... 168
List of Events..................................................................................................... 170
Working with Attributes.................................................................................................171
Code Reuse Through Attributes.............................................................................171
Mandatory Attributes........................................................................................... 173
Use of Attributes................................................................................................. 174
Bound Field Data Types....................................................................................... 174
| Contents | 5
Unbound Field Data Types....................................................................................175
UI Field Configuration.......................................................................................... 176
Default Values.....................................................................................................177
Complex Input Controls....................................................................................... 178
Referential Integrity and Calculations.....................................................................179
Ad Hoc SQL for Fields......................................................................................... 179
Audit Fields........................................................................................................ 180
Data Projection................................................................................................... 180
Access Control.................................................................................................... 180
Notes................................................................................................................. 180
Report Optimization............................................................................................. 181
Attributes on DACs..............................................................................................181
Action Attributes................................................................................................ 181
Attributes on Data Views..................................................................................... 182
Working with Attachments............................................................................................. 182
To Allow Attachments to a Particular Webpage........................................................182
To Display an Attached Image on the Webpage...................................................... 184
Configuring the UI from the Back End............................................................................ 185
To Configure an Input Mask and a Display Mask for a Field.......................................185
To Display a Dialog Box....................................................................................... 186
Executing Code Asynchronously..................................................................................... 188
Asynchronous Execution....................................................................................... 188
To Add a Button to the Processing Dialog Box........................................................ 193
To Not Display the Processing Dialog Box...............................................................194
Localizing Applications...................................................................................................194
Strings That Can Be Localized.............................................................................. 195
To Prepare DACs for Localization...........................................................................196
To Localize Application Messages...........................................................................196
To Work with Multi-Language Fields.......................................................................197
To Optimize Memory Consumption of Localized Data................................................199
Reusing Business Logic................................................................................................. 203
Reusable Business Logic Implementation................................................................203
Mapped Cache Extensions and the Application Database.......................................... 207
Reusable Business Logic and the Application Website...............................................208
Use of Generic Graph Extensions by the System..................................................... 210
Generic Graph Extensions Declared in Acumatica ERP.............................................. 211
To Insert Reusable Business Logic That Has Already Been Declared............................212
To Sort Multiple Generic Graph Extensions............................................................. 214
To Implement Reusable Business Logic.................................................................. 214
Troubleshooting Acumatica Framework-Based Applications.....................217
To Debug Acumatica Framework-Based Applications......................................................... 217
Glossary................................................................................................... 219
| Copyright | 6
2019 Acumatica, Inc.
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Software Version: 2019 R1
Last updated: March 14, 2019
| Acumatica Framework Guide | 7
Acumatica Framework Guide
In this guide, you can find information about how to develop applications based on Acumatica
In This Guide
Acumatica Framework Overview
Getting Started with Acumatica Framework
Designing the Application
Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports
Accessing Data
Implementing Business Logic
Troubleshooting Acumatica Framework-Based Applications
| Acumatica Framework Overview | 8
Acumatica Framework Overview
Acumatica Framework provides the application programming interface (API) and tools for developing
cloud business applications. Acumatica Framework is a part of the Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform,
which provides various opportunities for developing add-on applications that interact with Acumatica
ERP through the web services API, applications embedded into Acumatica ERP through the built-in
customization tools, and completely new applications based purely on Acumatica Framework.
In this part of the guide, you can find an overview of the Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform and the place
of Acumatica Framework in this platform. This part also includes an overview of Acumatica Framework
tools and a high-level overview of the runtime architecture of applications based on Acumatica
In This Part
Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform
Acumatica Framework Development Tools
Runtime Architecture of an Application Based on Acumatica Framework
Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform
The Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform is the platform provided by Acumatica that is used to build the
Acumatica ERP application itself, any customizations of Acumatica ERP, the mobile application for
Acumatica ERP, and applications integrated with Acumatica ERP through the web services API.
The Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform consists of a number of components, which are highlighted with light
blue in the following diagram. These components serve different purposes, which are described in detail
in this topic, and can be used either separately or combined to achieve your business purposes.
| Acumatica Framework Overview | 9
Figure: Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform
Basic Components and Tools
The base of the Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform is formed by the components and tools that provide
the basic application functionality, such as multitenancy support, role-based access, and localization
tools. These components and tools are available out-of-the-box in Acumatica ERP, any embedded in
Acumatica ERP applications, or applications based purely on Acumatica Framework applications. This
means that you do not need to worry about implementing mechanisms similar to these components
during the design or programming of your application based on the Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform.
Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform contains the basic components and tools listed in the following table.
Component or Tool Description
Role-based access A set of components responsible for user authorization, access rights
verification, and audit on the data access and business logic levels. For more
information, see Role-Based Access in the System Administration Guide.
Multitenancy A component responsible for hosting multiple tenants on a single application
server. For details about multitenancy, see Support of Multiple Tenants in
the User Guide.
Localization tools The tools that help you to perform the localization of the application to
multiple languages. For more information about localization, see Translation
| Acumatica Framework Overview | 10
Component or Tool Description
Help management
The integrated wiki-based help content editing, management, and search
system. For details about the help management system, see Wiki Overview.
Document management
The integrated document storage and management system. For details, see
Managing Attached Files.
Report Designer A separate utility (which can be installed along with Acumatica ERP or
Acumatica Framework) that you can use to design custom reports. For
details on this tool, see Acumatica Report Designer Guide.
Acumatica Framework
Acumatica Framework provides the platform API, web controls, and other tools for the development
of the UI and business logic of an ERP application. The platform API is used for the development of
Acumatica ERP and any embedded applications (that is, customizations of Acumatica ERP). Acumatica
Framework can also be used to develop an ERP application from scratch. You can find detailed
information about the development of applications with Acumatica Framework in this guide.
Acumatica Framework consists of the development tools listed in the following table.
Component Description
Platform API The API for implementing application business logic.
Web controls A set of web controls implementing access to business logic through the
web UI.
Template application The application and database structures providing frameset, layout, and
navigation services. You can deploy a template application along with the
template website by using the Acumatica Framework Configuration Wizard.
Visual Studio templates The project template for the creation of a new application and a set of page
templates that automate the creation of typical page layouts.
Application creation
A set of components to automate the creation of the application data access
classes from the database tables and the web forms during application
For details about the development tools, see Acumatica Framework Development Tools.
Acuminator is a static code analysis and colorizer tool for Visual Studio that simplifies development
with Acumatica Framework. Acuminator provides diagnostics and code fixes for common developer
challenges related to the platform API. Also, Acuminator can colorize and format business query
language (BQL) statements, and can collapse attributes and parts of BQL queries. You can find related
information and download Acuminator at Visual Studio Marketplace.
Acumatica Customization Platform
Acumatica Customization Platform provides customization tools for the development of applications
embedded in Acumatica ERP. Developers that work with Acumatica Customization Platform use the
platform API provided by Acumatica Framework.
With Acumatica Customization Platform, you can perform end-customer customizations and create
complex solutions for multiple customers. In these customizations, you can modify the user interface,
business logic, and database schema without recompilation and re-installation of the application.
Customizations are stored separately from the core application code as metadata and can be modified,
| Acumatica Framework Overview | 11
exported, or imported. Because customizations are stored separately, they are preserved with the
updates and upgrades of the core application.
For details on Acumatica Customization Platform, see Acumatica Customization Platform.
Web Services APIs
The Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform provides multiple types of web services APIs for development of
applications integrated with Acumatica ERP. These applications can perform data migration and data
import, integration of Acumatica ERP with external systems, and execution of long-running operations.
You can use the contract-based REST API, contract-based SOAP API, or screen-based SOAP API to
access the same business logic as is accessed in the UI. All types of the web services APIs can be used
with any customization applied to Acumatica ERP. The contract-based REST API supports the OpenAPI
2.0 (formerly known as Swagger 2.0) specification.
For details on the web services APIs, see Contract-Based Web Services API and Screen-Based Web
Services API.
Acumatica ERP supports the OAuth 2.0 mechanism of authorization for add-on applications that interact
with Acumatica ERP through application programming interfaces (APIs). For details on the authorization
of applications, see Authorizing Client Applications to Work with Acumatica ERP.
Mobile API
Acumatica ERP provides the Acumatica mobile application, which allows a user to work with Acumatica
ERP through the mobile devices. You can customize the mobile application by using the mobile API. For
details on the mobile API, see Working with Mobile Framework.
Acumatica Framework Development Tools
In this topic, you can find a detailed description of the development tools provided with Acumatica
Platform API
The Platform API provided with Acumatica Framework is an event-driven programming API, which is
traditional in rich GUI applications. This model covers database access, business logic, GUI behavior,
and error handling. All coding is done with only C#.
The following code gives an example of the business logic implemented in the business logic controller:
The code updates the receipt total when one of the transactions related to the receipt is updated.
public virtual void DocTransation_RowUpdated(PXCache cache,
PXRowUpdatedEventArgs e)
DocTransaction old = e.OldRow as DocTransaction;
DocTransaction trn = e.Row as DocTransaction;
if ((trn != null) && (trn.TranQty != old.TranQty ||
trn.UnitPrice != old.UnitPrice))
Document doc = Receipts.Current;
if (doc != null)
doc.TotalAmt -= old.TranQty * old.UnitPrice;
doc.TotalAmt += trn.TranQty * trn.UnitPrice;
| Acumatica Framework Overview | 12
When a user selects a document transaction in the table on a webpage and updates the settings of the
transaction, the RowUpdated event is triggered, and the code above is executed and updates the receipt
total, as shown in the following screenshots.
Figure: Update of document transaction details
Visual Web Designer Support
The Acumatica Framework Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is built on top of Microsoft Visual
Studio. However, the Acumatica Framework IDE implements its own set of web controls to generate an
advanced GUI in a web browser.
All of Acumatica Framework's web controls have the same rendering and a similar appearance in design
mode in the IDE and runtime mode in a web browser. Thus, the developer can utilize all the facilities of
the Visual Web Designer component of Visual Studio. The application developer can use the convenient
drag-and-drop mechanism to create an application form layout, to perform form visual editing, and to
set a control's properties and behavior through an intuitive graphical interface. This approach does not
require any knowledge of HTML or Java Script, yet allows the developer to create a professional and
appealing web GUI.
The following screenshots illustrate the design (left) and runtime (right) rendering.
Figure: Webpage in design and runtime mode
Master Pages, Templates, and CSS Support
The Visual Studio project and item templates provide reusable and customizable project and item stubs
that accelerate the development process, removing the need to create new projects and items from
scratch. Project templates provide the basic files needed for a particular project type, include standard
assembly references, and set the default project properties and compiler options.
Acumatica Framework distribution includes the following:
| Acumatica Framework Overview | 13
The project template for the creation of a new application
A set of page templates that automate the creation of typical page layouts
The master pages mechanism in ASP.NET allows for the creation of an application that looks and feels
consistent. Master pages define the standard appearance and behavior that is common in all application
pages. You create individual content pages that refer to the master page. When a content page is
requested, it merges with the master page to produce output that combines the layout and base
functionality of the master page with the content of the requested page.
Acumatica Framework fully supports the master pages mechanism and provides you with a set of
predefined master pages. You can design your own master pages or modify existing ones.
A web application written with Acumatica Framework supports style modification through Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS).
Application Creation Wizards
Acumatica Framework provides a set of wizards for automating the creation of data access classes and
webpages. The use of these wizards eliminates the manual steps associated with data access class
creation and data binding configuration.
The Data Access Class Generator, which is shown in the following screenshot, provides the application
developer with a way to create and modify data access classes. It implements the following
Reading the data structure from a table, SQL query, or external data source
Creating a data access class based on the data structure received from external data source
Reading the data access class structure from its definition and merging this structure with the
data structure received from the external data source
Automatic mapping of application-specific attributes based on the names of the properties of the
external data source
Figure: Data Access Class Generator
The Layout Editor, which is shown in the following screenshot, automates the creation of new web
forms. It uses metadata stored in the business logic controller and data access class to help the
application developer create new web forms or to modify existing ones. The Layout Editor wizard
implements the following features:
| Acumatica Framework Overview | 14
Reading metadata from the business logic controller and the data access class and creating a list
of controls that could be added to the webpage
Adding the controls selected by the programmer to the webpage
Updating the webpage controls with the changed business logic controller and the data access
class metadata
Figure: Layout Editor
Runtime Architecture of an Application Based on Acumatica
In this topic, you can review the architecture of an application created based on Acumatica Framework,
such as Acumatica ERP, customizations of Acumatica ERP, and applications based purely on Acumatica
An application written with Acumatica Framework has n-tier architecture with a clear separation of the
presentation, business, and data access layers, as shown in the following diagram. You can find details
about each layer in the sections below.
| Acumatica Framework Overview | 15
Figure: Application architecture
Data Access Layer
The data access layer is implemented as a set of data access classes (DACs) that wrap data from
database tables or data received through other external sources (such as Amazon Web Services). You
can generate a data access class associated with a database table with the help of the Data Access
Class Generator, which reads database metadata. When you use it, you select a table and specify the
columns that should be reflected in the data access class.
The instances of data access classes are maintained by the business logic layer. Between requests,
these instances are stored in the session. On a standalone Acumatica ERP server, session data is stored
in the server memory. In a cluster of application servers, session data is serialized and stored in a high-
performance remote server through a custom optimized serialization mechanism. For details about data
storage in session, see Session.
For details on working with the data access layer, see Accessing Data.
| Acumatica Framework Overview | 16
Business Logic Layer
The business logic is implemented though the business logic controller (also called graph). Business
logic controllers are classes that you derive from the special API class (PXGraph) and that are tied to
one or more data access classes.
Each business logic controller conceptually consists of two parts:
Data views, which include the references to the required data access classes, their relationships,
and other meta information
Business logic, which consists of actions and events associated with the modified data.
Each business logic controller can be accessed from the presentation layer or from the application code
that is implemented within another business logic controller. When the business logic controller receives
an execution request, it extracts the data required for request execution from the data access classes
included in the data views, triggers business logic execution, returns the result of the execution to the
requesting party, and updates the data access classes instances with the modified data.
For details on working with the business logic layer, see Implementing Business Logic.
Presentation Layer
The presentation layer provides access to the application business logic through the UI, web services,
and Acumatica mobile application. The presentation layer is completely declarative and contains no
business logic.
The UI consists of ASPX webpages (which are based on the ASP.NET Web Forms technology) and
reports created with Acumatica Report Designer. The ASPX webpages are bound to particular business
logic controllers. You create webpages from the templates provided with Acumatica Framework and
modify them with the help of the Layout Editor, which utilizes metadata information extracted from
the business logic controller. Reports created with Acumatica Report Designer are loaded and executed
by using the predefined business logic controller included in Acumatica Framework. For details about
processing of the reports in the system, see Display of Reports.
When the user requests a new webpage, the presentation layer is responsible for processing this
request. Webpages are used for generating static HTML page content and providing additional service
information required for the dynamic configuration of the web controls. When the user receives the
requested page and starts browsing or entering data, the presentation layer is responsible for handling
asynchronous HTTP requests. During processing, the presentation layer submits a request to the
business logic layer for execution. Once execution is completed, the business logic layer analyzes
any changes in the business logic container state and generates the response that is sent back to the
browser as an XML document.
For details on the configuration of ASPX webpages, see Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports.
Web services and mobile app pages provide alternative interfaces to the application business logic.
From the side of the business logic controller, a request from a webpage, the web services, or an mobile
app page are identical and, thus, cause the execution of exactly the same business logic.
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 17
Getting Started with Acumatica Framework
In this part of the guide, you can find the information that you may need to start development with
Acumatica Framework.
System Requirements
You can find the full list of system requirements in System Requirements for Acumatica Framework
2019 R1 in the Installation Guide.
For detailed information about the installation of Acumatica Framework, see Installing Acumatica
Framework in the Installation Guide.
Application Design
For the information about the design of the database structure and user interface of applications based
on Acumatica Framework, see Designing the Application in this guide.
Development of the Application Code
Before you begin developing application code, we recommend that you complete the following training
T100 Development: Introduction to Acumatica Framework
T200 Development: Acumatica Framework Fundamentals
For a quick overview of application programming, refer to the topics in this part of the guide.
In the Acumatica Framework Guide, you can find reference information and additional information that
is not covered in the training courses. This information is provided in the following parts of the guide:
Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports: About the development of ASPX pages
Accessing Data: About business query language (BQL) and working with data in cache and session
Implementing Business Logic: About events, attributes, long-running operations, and other topics
related to business logic development
Troubleshooting Acumatica Framework-Based Applications: About debugging the Acumatica
Framework-based applications and fixing the common errors
For a detailed description of the Acumatica Framework API, see API Reference.
Website Management
For the classic UI, if you want to adjust the position of a webpage in the site map, add a new page
to the site map, or remove a page from the site map, you configure the site map of the website, as
described in Managing the Site Map in the System Administration Guide.
If you want to modify the position of a webpage in the modern UI, add a page to a workspace, or
remove a page in the modern UI, you configure the modern UI as described in Customizing the Modern
User Interface in the System Administration Guide.
You need to grant access rights to each new page. For details on the configuration of access rights, see
Managing User Access Rights in the System Administration Guide.
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 18
You can create help topics for any application you have developed with Acumatica Framework by using
the built-in wiki-based content management system. For details on creating help topics, see Managing
In This Part
Data Querying
Business Logic Controller Declaration
Data View and Cache
Data Modification Scenarios
Business Logic Implementation
Data Querying
This system implements a custom language for writing database queries called BQL (business query
language). It is not LINQ and doesn't use it. BQL is written in C# and based on generic classes syntax,
but still is very similar to SQL syntax. It has almost the same keywords placed in the order they are
used in SQL, as shown in the following example.
Where<Product.availQty, IsNotNull,
And<Product.availQty, Greater<Product.bookedQty>>>>
If the database provider is MIcrosoft SQL Server, the framework translates this expression into the
following SQL query.
WHERE Product.AvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.AvailQty > Product.BookedQty
BQL gives several benefits to the application developer. It does not depend on database-provider
specifics, is object-oriented and extendable. An important benefit is compile-time syntax validation,
which helps to prevent SQL syntax errors.
Since BQL is implemented on top of generic classes, you need types that would represent database
tables. In the context of Acumatica Framework, they are called data access classes (DACs).
For example, to execute the SQL query from the example above, you should define the Product data
access class as shown in the following code fragment.
using System;
using PX.Data;
// Types used in BQL statements should derive from special interfaces:
// table - IBqlTable, column - IBqlField.
public class Product : PX.Data.IBqlTable
// The type used in BQL statements to reference the ProductID column
public abstract class productID : PX.Data.IBqlField
// The property holding ProductID value in a record
[PXDBIdentity(IsKey = true)]
public virtual int? ProductID { get; set; }
// The type used in BQL statements to reference the AvailQty column
public abstract class availQty : PX.Data.IBqlField
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 19
// The property holding AvailQty value in a record
public virtual decimal? AvailQty { get; set; }
// The type used in BQL statements to reference the BookedQty column
public abstract class bookedQty : PX.Data.IBqlField
// The property holding BookedQty value in a record
public virtual decimal? BookedQty { get; set; }
Each table field is declared in a data access class twice:
A public abstract class (which is also referred to as class field) to reference a field in the
BQL command
A public virtual property (which is also referred to as property field) to hold the table field
If the DAC is bound to the database, it must have the same class name as the database table.
Fields are bound to the database by means of data mapping attributes (such as PXDBIdentity and
PXDBDecimal), using the same naming convention.
The code below demonstrates an example of how to get data records from the database.
// Select Product records
PXResultset<Product> res = PXSelect<Product, Where<Product.availQty, IsNotNull,
And<Product.availQty, Greater<Product.bookedQty>>>>
.Select(new PXGraph());
// You can iterate through the result set
foreach(PXResult<Product> rec in res)
// A record from the result set can be cast to the DAC
Product p = (Product)rec;
Business Logic Controller Declaration
Working with the business data in Acumatica Framework is implemented through the business logic
controller object also referred as graph (graph is a mathematical term for a set of objects where some
pairs of objects are connected by links). A graph provides the interface for the presentation logic to
operate with the business data and relies on Data Access Layer components to store and retrieve the
business data from the database.
The following example shows the declaration of a simple business logic controller.
//Declaration of the graph
public class ProductMaint : PXGraph<ProductMaint>
//Declaration of the data view
public PXSelect<Product> Products;
//Declaration of the actions
public PXCancel<Product> Cancel;
public PXSave<Product> Save;
In this example, the graph implements the following interfaces:
Products – the data view that can be used for querying and modifying the data
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 20
Cancel – the action that discard all the changes made to the data and reloads it from the
Save – the action that commits the changes made to the data to the database and then reloads
the committed data
Data View and Cache
Data views implement the interfaces for querying the data from the database and submitting modified
data to the cache.
Data views are declared in business logic controllers as public fields of PXSelect command type, as
shown in the following code.
public PXSelect<Product> Products;
Based on this declaration, the system automatically instantiates the DAC cache.
A DAC cache object in the Acumatica Framework is the primary interface for working with individual
records from the graph business logic. It has two components and two primary responsibilities:
The Cached collection: In-memory cache that contains modified entity records. The Cached
collection is instantiated based on the corresponding DAC declaration and managed by the cache.
The controller: The cache component that implements basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete)
operations on the Cached collection and triggers a sequence of data manipulation events when
modifying or accessing the data in the Cached collection. These events can be later subscribed
from the graph to implement the business logic associated with the data modification.
The diagram below shows the internal graph structure and responsibilities of the data view and the
Figure: The graph structure
Data Modification Scenarios
In this topic, you can find the basic data manipulation scenarios that can be executed from the graph
business logic or from the user interface. Entity data manipulation through the user interface indirectly
invokes the same methods as the direct call from the business logic controller.
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 21
Querying the Data for the First Time
The data can be requested through the Select method of the data view. During this operation, the
systems executes BQL command from the data view declaration. The data returned by the BQL
command is passed to the requester. The following diagram illustrates this process.
Figure: Querying the data for the first time
Updating an Existing Record
An existing record can be updated through the Update(record) method of the data view. This method
places the modified record into the cache.
If the data record is not found in the Cached collection, the cache controller loads the data record from
the database, adds it to the Cached collection, marks it as updated, and updates it with the new values.
The search of the data record in the Cached collection and loading of the data record from the database
is based on the DAC key fields. The diagram below illustrates this scenario.
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 22
Figure: Updating the record for the first time
If the updated record exists in the Cached collection the cache controller locates it and updates it with
the new values. The diagram below illustrates this scenario.
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 23
Figure: Updating the cached (previously modified) record
Inserting a New Record
A new record can be inserted into the cache through the Insert(record) method of the data view.
The new inserted record is added to the Cached collection and marked as inserted. The diagram below
illustrates this scenario.
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 24
Figure: Inserting the new record
Deleting an Existing Record
An existing record can be deleted from the cache using the Delete(record) method, of the data view.
If the data record is not found in the Cached collection, the cache controller loads the data record from
the database, adds it to the Cached collection, and marks it as deleted. The search of the data record in
the Cached collection and loading of the data record from the database is based on the DAC key fields.
The diagram below illustrates this scenario.
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 25
Figure: Deleting the non-cached (unmodified) record
If the deleted record is found in the Cached collection, the cache controller locates it and marks as
deleted. The diagram below illustrates this scenario.
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 26
Figure: Deleting of the cached (previously modified) record
Querying Updated Data
The data can be modified and then queried again. In this scenario, the data records stored in the
cache memory are merged with the result of the BQL command execution. Data record merge is
based on DAC key fields. The final result of the Select() execution incorporates all the earlier record
modifications that have not been preserved to the database yet. The diagram below illustrates this
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 27
Figure: Querying the modified data
Persisting Changes to the Database
When the data is modified, the system has two different versions of the data: the new one stored in the
caches memory and the original one persisted in the database. At this point you have two options:
Save the new version of data to the database using the Persist() method of the graph
Discard all in-memory changes and load the original data version using the Clear() method of
the graph
From the user interface these methods are called by invocation of the Save and Cancel actions. These
actions are predefined and mapped to the Persist() and Clear() methods.
The diagram below illustrated saving of the changes to the database.
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 28
Figure: Saving the changes to the database
The diagram below illustrates discarding of all in-memory entity changes.
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 29
Figure: Discarding the changes and loading the original data
Preserving the Data Version Between the Round Trips and Handling the Subsequent Selects
from the Views
It is important to understand that a graph is a stateless object. It is discarded after each data request.
In order to preserve the modified data version between the requests, the cache controller serializes
the Cached collection into the session state and restores it later when the graph is instantiated on the
subsequent request. In this scenario, it is very important that the cache contains only the modified
entity records, not the complete entity record set.
Business Logic Implementation
Business logic is implemented by overloading certain methods invoked by the system in the process
of manipulating data. For such procedures as inserting a data record or updating a data record, the
PXCache controllers generate series of events causing invocation of the methods called event handlers.
The application is able to interfere in the series of events on different stages. For this purpose, the
application implements methods that are executed as event handlers.
Business logic can be divided into common logic relevant to different parts of the application and the
logic specific to an application screen (webpage). The common logic is implemented through event
handler methods defined in attributes, while the screen-specific logic is implemented as methods in the
associated graph.
Common Business Logic
You implement the common business logic by defining event handlers in attributes. If such attribute is
added to the declaration of a data access class, attribute logic is applied to the data records of this type
for any graph used to access this table.
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 30
There are a number of predefined attributes implemented in the framework. For example, in the
following declaration of a data field for a column, the PXDBDecimal attribute binds this field to a
database column of the decimal type.
public virtual string AvailQty { get; set; }
The attributes that bind a field to a specific data type exist for most database data types.
Another typical example of an attribute is PXUIField. It is used to configure the input control for
the column in the user interface. This allows having the same visual representation of the column
on all application screens (unless a screen redefines it). The following example shows the use of the
PXUIField attribute.
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Available Qty", Enabled = false)]
public virtual string AvailQty { get; set; }
You can also defined your own attributes, as shown in the following code.
// Application-defined attribute that implements common business logic
public class MyAttribute : PXEventSubscriberAttribute,
// An event handler
protected virtual void EventName(PXCache sender,
PXRowEventNameEventArgs e)
These custom attributes can also be added to the DAC declaration, as shown in the following example.
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Available Qty", Enabled = false)]
public virtual string AvailQty { get; set; }
For details about attributes, see Working with Attributes.
Screen-Specific Business Logic
For a specific screen, the application can redefine the common logic or extend it. For this purpose, you
should define event handlers in the graph associated with the screen. Each event handler method is tied
to a particular table or a table field via the naming convention.
For example, you can verify a value of a column as shown in the following code.
public class ProductRecalc : PXGraph<ProductRecalc>
// Event handler verifying that the value of the AvailQty column
// in Product records is greater than 0.
// It is triggered when, for instance, a Product record is updated.
protected virtual void Product_AvailQty_FieldVerifying(
PXCache sender,
PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e)
Product p = (Product)e.Row;
if (p != null && p.AvailQty != null)
if (p.AvailQty < 0)
throw new PXSetPropertyException<Product.availQty>(
| Getting Started with Acumatica Framework | 31
"Value must be greater than 0.");
For details about events, see Working with Events.
| Designing the Application | 32
Designing the Application
This part of the guide contains the design guidelines for the database schema and applications built on
Acumatica Framework.
In This Part
Designing the Database Structure and DACs
Designing the User Interface
Naming the Graphs and Event Handlers
Designing the Database Structure and DACs
This chapter covers the main aspects of database design used in Acumatica Framework.
In This Chapter
System and Application Tables
Table and Column Naming Conventions
Common Columns and Data Types
Primary Key
Foreign Keys and Nullable Columns
Audit Fields
Concurrent Update Control
Attachment of Additional Objects to Data Records
Preservation of Deleted Records
Multitenancy Support
System and Application Tables
The database of your Acumatica Framework-based application consists of the following tables:
System tables: Those that are created by default for the application template and not used to
store your application data
Application tables: Acumatica ERP tables (which exist if you have implemented customization) and
your own tables
Do not add columns to system tables or modify them in any other way. Such modifications could
corrupt the application and would be lost during the next database upgrade.
Regarding your own application tables, you have to design and create the needed tables that store your
application data. You then map these application tables to data access classes (DACs) that define the
object model of the application. In one table, you can keep data records of multiple entities, each of
which is defined as a separate data access class in the application object model.
Table and Column Naming Conventions
In this topic, you can learn how you should name tables and columns in a database that is used by an
Acumatica Framework-based application.
| Designing the Application | 33
Table Naming Conventions
When you are creating a table, you should consider the following suggestions regarding naming
Make sure that table and column names are valid C# identifiers, because these names match the
names of the classes and properties you declare in the application. Do not start a table or column
name with a digit.
Do not use the underscore symbol (_) in table or column names, because it is a reserved
symbol in Acumatica Framework. For example, TenantType is a valid column name, while
Tenant_Type is invalid.
Use singular nouns for table names. Typically, a table is mapped to a data access class that
represents the entity. For instance, the SOShipment table contains data records that represent
instances of the SOShipment entity.
: Acumatica Framework generates SQL statements with table and column names in the same letter
case (that is, uppercase or lowercase) as the corresponding data access classes and fields are
declared in the application. Also, the DAC Generator tool produces data access class declarations in
the same letter case as the tables and columns are defined in the database schema.
Use two prefixes in table names: a two-letter tenant name and then a two-letter application
module prefix. For example, the MTSVAppointment table can be used in the Services (SV)
module for the MyTenant tenant (which corresponds to the MT prefix). These prefixes help to
distinguish your application tables from Acumatica ERP tables and tables of other vendors if you
create an add-on project or extension library.
If you add a column to an Acumatica ERP table, start the column name with the Usr prefix
followed by the two-letter tenant name. For instance, you could use UsrMTColumn for the
column of the MyTenant tenant. In this case, the column will be preserved during upgrades. In
your own application tables, there are no strict requirements to start column names with any
Be sure that custom indexes on Acumatica ERP tables start with the Usr prefix followed by the
two-letter tenant name, so that the indexes will be preserved during upgrades.
Column Naming Conventions
We recommend that you use the following suffixes in column names:
ID for surrogate keys, including database identity columns, such as CustomerID
CD for natural keys, such as CustomerCD
Nbr for numbering identifiers, such as OrderNbr
Price for prices, such as UnitPrice
Cost for costs, such as UnitCost
Amt for amounts, such as FreightAmt
Total for totals, such as OrderTotal
Qty, QtyMin, and QtyMax for quantities, such as OrderQty
Date for dates, such as OrderDate
Time for time points and time spans, such as BillableTime
Pct for percents, such as DiscountPct
| Designing the Application | 34
Common Columns and Data Types
You should use the following data types for columns. In the Type Attribute on the Data Field column
in the table below, you can find the most common type attributes that are added to the corresponding
data fields in the data access class declaration.
Common Data Types
Value Data Type (SQL
Data Type
Type Attribute on the Data
Database identity int INT [PXDBIdentity]
Natural key (for example,
document number)
nvarchar(15) VARCHAR(15) with
utf8mb4 character
[PXDBString(15, IsKey
= true, IsUnicode =
Line number int INT [PXDBInt]
Short string (for example,
a name or unit of
VARCHAR(50) with
utf8mb4 character
IsUnicode = true)]
Long string (such as a
nvarchar(255) VARCHAR(255) with
utf8mb4 character
IsUnicode = true)]
Type or status identifier
(for instance, a document
int or char(1) INT or CHAR(1) [PXDBInt] or
[PXDBString(1, IsFixed
= true)] respectively
Boolean flag (for
example, active/inactive)
bit TINYINT(1) [PXDBBool]
Price or cost, monetary
decimal(19, 6) DECIMAL(19, 6) [PXDBDecimal(6)]
Amount or total,
monetary units
decimal(19, 4) DECIMAL(19, 4) [PXDBDecimal(4)]
Quantity, pieces decimal(25, 6) DECIMAL(25, 6) [PXDBDecimal(6)]
Maximum, minimum, or
threshold quantity, pieces
decimal(9, 6) DECIMAL(9, 6) [PXDBDecimal(2)]
Percent, rate (for
example, discount
decimal(9, 6) DECIMAL(9, 6) [PXDBDecimal(2)]
Weight or volume decimal(25, 6) DECIMAL(25, 6) [PXDBDecimal(6)]
Date smalldatetime DATETIME [PXDBDate]
Time span int INT [PXDBTimeSpan(DisplayMask
= "t", InputMask =
Coefficient (such as a
conversion factor)
decimal(9, 6) DECIMAL(9, 6) [PXDBDecimal(1)]
| Designing the Application | 35
Primary Key
You have to define the primary key in each application table that you create. The primary key may
consist of one column or multiple columns. The primary key must include the CompanyID column if one
is defined in the table. For details on the CompanyID column, see Multitenancy Support.
For each table, you can use one of the following typical variants of primary keys:
One key column included in the primary key in the table and set as the key in the data access
A pair of columns, with one column included in the primary key in the table and the other column
set as the key in the data access class
Multiple columns that are included in the primary key and set as the compound key in the data
access class
: In a setup table, only the CompanyID column must be included in the primary key.
One Key Column
You may use one key column for rather short tables. For instance, you can use the two-letter country
code from ISO 3166 as the key in the Country table.
A Pair of Columns with Key Substitution in the UI
If you want to represent a user-friendly key in the user interface (UI) that corresponds to a surrogate
key in the database, you can use a pair of columns and the key substitution mechanism provided by
Acumatica Framework. You can define two columns in a table, one for the surrogate key (typically the
database identity column) and one for the natural key, and set only the surrogate key as primary in
the table. In the application object model, you set the key to only the data field that is a natural key.
In this case, Acumatica Framework provides the ability to transparently work with different keys at the
database and application levels. In the UI, users work with only the natural key while the database
operates with the surrogate key (see the graphic below, which illustrates key substitution).
Figure: Key substitution in Acumatica Framework
For instance, you can define two columns in the Product table, ProductID and ProductCD.
ProductID is the identity column that is the only column included in the primary key of the table.
ProductCD is the string key of a product instance, which is entered by the user through the UI. The
ProductCD column isn't included in the primary key and is handled as the unique key column by
Acumatica Framework.
| Designing the Application | 36
Multiple Column Key
A compound key consisting of multiple columns may be used for complex entities. For instance, you
can include two columns, DocType and DocNbr, in the primary key for the Document table. In the
DocDetail table, you may use DocNbr and DocDetailNbr as the compound primary key. The
corresponding data fields should be also set as the key fields in the data access class.
Foreign Keys and Nullable Columns
In the database, you have to define the primary key in each application table that you create. The
primary key defines the unique data record identifier, which provides table-level integrity of data.
There are no strict requirements to define column-level constraints and foreign keys in application
tables. Whether you define the constraints at the database level depends on the design approach you
use. At a higher level of the application object model, which is represented by data access classes,
you can flexibly define any level of constraints, including default values, nullable fields, and parent-
child relationships between data access classes. If you aren't sure whether a column should allow a null
value, you can allow null values for it in the database. Later, in the data access class, you can make the
data field either required or nullable; you can even make the field required on one page and optional on
: For Boolean and decimal columns, we recommend that you define default values either in the database or
in data access classes. This simplifies the application code by helping to avoid checking of values for nulls
multiple times.
Audit Fields
Audit fields keep meta information on the creation and the last change of a database record. Audit fields
are updated automatically by the framework.
To enable the tracking of audit data for a particular table, you should add the columns listed below
to the table and declare the corresponding audit data fields in the data access class. You have to add
the corresponding type attribute to each audit field. If the audit columns are properly created in the
database table and the corresponding data fields are declared in the data access class, Acumatica
Framework automatically updates audit data in these fields every time a data record is modified from
the application. The audit column parameters and DAC attributes are given below.
Audit Columns
Database Column
Data Type (SQL
Data Type
Type Attribute on the Data
CreatedByID uniqueidentifier;
not null
CHAR(36) with
ASCII character set;
not null
CreatedByScreenID char(8); not null CHAR(8) with
ASCII character set;
not null
CreatedDateTime smalldatetime;
not null
DATETIME; not null [PXDBCreatedDateTime]
LastModifiedByID uniqueidentifier;
not null
CHAR(36) with
ASCII character set;
not null
LastModifiedByScreenIDchar(8); not null CHAR(8) with
ASCII character set;
not null
| Designing the Application | 37
Database Column
Data Type (SQL
Data Type
Type Attribute on the Data
not null
DATETIME; not null [PXDBLastModifiedDateTime]
Concurrent Update Control
You can add the SQL Server time stamp column to a table to make Acumatica Framework able to
handle concurrent updates. The corresponding time stamp data field should be declared in the data
access class. If the time stamp data field is declared, Acumatica Framework handles the time stamp
column automatically. Acumatica Framework checks the row version every time the row is modified. We
recommend that you add the time stamp column, with the parameters shown in the following table, to
all tables of your application.
The Time Stamp Column
Database Column
Data Type (SQL
Data Type
Type Attribute on the Data
TStamp timestamp; not
not null
Attachment of Additional Objects to Data Records
You can attach additional objects to a data record—for instance, attach a text note or an uploaded file
or multiple uploaded files to a data record.
You turn on or off support for data record attachments for each particular table individually. To turn
on support for data record attachments, add a column that stores the global data record identifier
(typically, NoteID) to the table and declare the corresponding field in the data access class. For more
information on uploading files through an application page, see To Display an Attached Image on the
Webpage. See below for the parameters of the global identifier column and the attribute that should be
added to the corresponding DAC field.
The Global Data Record Identifier Column (NoteID)
Database Column Data Type (SQL
Data Type
Type Attribute on the Data
Global data record
identifier (typically
named NoteID)
CHAR(36) [PXNote]
Preservation of Deleted Records
Acumatica Framework provides a low-level mechanism (which is performed on the database level) for
preserving deleted data records in the database. With this mechanism, when an application initiates
the deletion of a data record, the data access layer generates an SQL query that marks the data record
as deleted but does not permanently remove the data record from the table. When data records are
selected from the table, the data access layer generates the SQL query, which returns only data records
that are not marked as deleted. The data records that are preserved in this way can be restored.
You can turn on or off the preservation of deleted data records for each table individually. To preserve
data records in a particular table, add the DeletedDatabaseRecord column to the table and do
not declare the data field in the data access class. When a data record is deleted in the table, the
framework automatically preserves the deleted data record transparently to the application developer.
| Designing the Application | 38
The DeletedDatabaseRecord Column
Database Column Data Type (SQL
Data Type
Type Attribute on the Data
DeletedDatabaseRecordbit; not null TINYINT(1); not
Not declared in DAC
Multitenancy Support
Multiple tenants can work on the same instance of an Acumatica Framework-based application with
completely isolated data. The application looks identical to all tenants, but each tenant has exclusive
access to its data only. Data is isolated at the lowest level of the application, in the data access layer
that executes SQL queries for the tenant of the user who is currently signed in.
Multitenancy Support
The following graphic illustrates how different logical tenants work with the Acumatica Framework-
based application in a multitenant configuration. They work with the same application but have isolated
data access, as if they are working with different database instances.
Figure: Multitenant Acumatica Framework-based application
Multitenancy support is turned on or off for each particular table individually. To turn on multitenancy
support for a table, add the CompanyID column to it and include the column in the primary key
(see the column parameters in the table below) and all indexes. The CompanyID column is handled
automatically by the framework and should not be declared in data access classes. If a table doesn't
have the CompanyID column, all data from the table is fully accessible to all tenants that exist in the
database. For more information, see Support of Multiple Tenants.
The CompanyID Column
Database Column
Data Type (SQL
Data Type
Type Attribute on the Data
CompanyID int; not null;
included in primary
key and all indexes
INT; not null;
included in primary
key and all indexes
Not declared in DAC
Support for Shared Data Access Between Tenants
Acumatica Framework provides shared data access in a multitenant configuration. Acumatica
Framework supports a hierarchy of logical tenants that may work with a combination of shared and
individual data. In shared access mode, every tenant may work with its individual copy of a data
record; copies differ by CompanyID. All copies represent the same logical object in the application but
different data records in the database. For instance, each tenant may use the individual settings of the
The graphic below shows a possible multitenant configuration with shared data access between Tenant
1, Tenant 2, and Tenant 3. The users of Tenant 2 have access to the data of all three tenants. The users
| Designing the Application | 39
from each of the other two tenants have access to their company's individual data only. Physically, the
data of all three tenants is stored in a single database instance.
Figure: Shared data access in a multitenant Acumatica Framework-based application
Support for shared data access is turned on or off for each particular table individually. To turn on
support for shared data access for a table, add the CompanyMask column to the table (see the column
parameters in the table below). The CompanyMask column is handled automatically by the framework
and should not be declared in data access classes. If a table doesn't have the CompanyMask column,
shared data access is not available for this table.
The CompanyMask Column
Database Column
Data Type (SQL
Data Type
Type Attribute on the Data
CompanyMask varbinary(32),
not null, default
not null, default
Not declared in DAC
CompanyMask is a 32-bit mask. In this mask, each two bits correspond to each tenant. The first of
these two bits specifies whether the record may be read by this tenant, and the second bit specifies
whether the record may be written to by this tenant. For example, suppose that CompanyMask is set
to 0xBE02 for a record. That is, it specifies the following mask: 10 11 11 10 00 00 00 10, which
designates that the record may be both read and written to by the tenants with company IDs 2 and 3,
the record may be read by the tenants with IDs 4 and 5 and the system tenant (which has ID 1), and
the record may not be read or written to by other tenants.
CompanyMask: 10 11 11 10 00 00 00 10
CompanyID: 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5
The default value of CompanyMask is 0xAA, which means that the record may be read by all tenants.
Designing the User Interface
This chapter summarizes the webpage design and style conventions used in Acumatica Framework.
In This Chapter
Development Environment Options
Form and Report Numbering
Item Grouping on the Form Toolbar
Development Environment Options
To create stand-alone applications with Acumatica Framework or develop customizations for Acumatica
ERP, the environment where you install and use Acumatica Framework, should meet particular
requirements that are described in System Requirements for Acumatica Framework 2019 R1.
| Designing the Application | 40
Web Forms Designer Settings
We recommend the following settings for the Microsoft Visual Studio environment to ensure a uniform
webpage appearance:
1. Under the Tools > Options > Web Forms Designer > CSS section, set the following options:
Font and text: CSS (classes)
Padding and borders: CSS (classes)
Floating, positioning, and sizing: CSS (inline styles)
Bullets and numbering: CSS (classes)
Background: CSS (classes)
Margins: CSS (classes)
2. Under the Tools > Options > Web Forms Designer > CSS Styling section, select Auto Style
Application, and specify the following settings:
Only reuse classes with the prefix "auto-style": Selected
Use width and height attributes for image instead of CSS: Selected
Use <strong> and <em> for bold and italic text: Cleared
Use shorthand properties when generating styles: Selected
Change positioning to absolute for controls added using Toolbox, paste, or drag
and drop: Selected
Design Mode Settings
We also recommended that you use the following settings of the Design mode of ASPX pages in Visual
View > Visual Aids > CSS Display:none Elements: Cleared
View > Visual Aids > CSS Visibility:hidden Elements: Cleared
Form and Report Numbering
In this topic, you can find the guidelines for form and report numbering in Acumatica ERP.
Form Numbering
When you are numbering forms in Acumatica ERP, use the following conventions:
| | | |_ Subscreen Sequential Number
| | |___ Screen Sequential Number
| |_____ Screen Type:
| 10: Setup
| 20: Maintenance
| 30: Data Entry
| 40: Inquiry
| 50: Processing
| 60: Reports
|_______ Two-Letter Module Code
Report Numbering
When you are numbering reports in Acumatica ERP, use the following conventions in addition to those
outlined above:
| Designing the Application | 41
|____ Report Type:
61: Review Reports (Reports for document review prior to release)
62: Register Reports (Reports used to print audit information
on processed documents or entities)
63: Balance Reports (Reports reflecting current or historical
balance information)
64: Forms (Printed webpages)
65: Inquiry Reports (Reports that provide status information
required for operational management)
66: Statistical Reports (Reports that provide statistical or
historical information)
Item Grouping on the Form Toolbar
Menu items can be grouped on the form toolbar to keep a reasonable number of buttons on the toolbar.
When you are building the menu structure, use the menus described below.
Data Entry Forms
Actions: Use this menu to group the operations that give the user the ability to process the
document, including the actions that navigate to related data entry forms (with the system filling
in appropriate settings) so users can quickly create linked documents. For example, see the
Enter Payment/Apply Memo action on the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form. The most
frequently used operations can be placed on the toolbar outside any groups as separate buttons
that provide quick access to the actions. For example, notice the Release action on the Invoices
and Memos form.
Reports: Use this menu to group the actions that open related Report Designer reports and
printable forms of documents.
Inquiries: Use this menu to group the actions that navigate to related inquiry forms.
Inquiry Forms
Actions: Use this menu to group the operations that give the user the ability to navigate to
related data entry forms.
Reports: Use this menu to group the actions that open the related Report Designer reports.
Maintenance Forms
Actions: Use this menu to group the operations that update the settings of the master record and
navigate to related data entry forms.
Reports: Use this menu to group the actions that open related Report Designer reports.
Inquiries: Use this menu to group the actions that navigate to related inquiry forms.
Naming the Graphs and Event Handlers
In this chapter, you can find the naming conventions for the graphs and event handlers.
In This Chapter
Graph Naming
Naming Conventions for Event Handlers Defined in Graphs
| Designing the Application | 42
Graph Naming
When you are creating business logic controllers (graphs), use the following suffixes in the names of the
graphs, depending on the types of the webpages they are used for:
Maint: For the graphs for maintenance pages that are helper pages used for the input of data
on the data entry and processing pages, and for the graphs for the setup pages that provide the
configuration parameters for the application. For example, CountryMaint can be the name of
the graph for the Countries maintenance page, which provides editing of the list of countries.
Entry: For the graphs for data entry pages that are used for the input of business documents.
For example, SalesOrderEntry can be the name of the graph for the Sales Order data entry
page, which provides the basic functionality for working with sales orders.
Inq: For the graphs for inquiry pages, which display a list of data records selected by the
specified filter. For example, SalesOrderInq can be the name of the inquiry page named Sales
Order Inquiry, which provides the list of documents selected by the specified customer.
Process: For the graphs for processing pages that provide mass processing operations. For
example, SalesOrderProcess can be the name of the Approve Sales Orders processing page,
which provides mass approval of sales orders.
Naming Conventions for Event Handlers Defined in Graphs
In Acumatica Framework, you must adhere to the naming conventions for an event handler to be
implemented in a graph or graph extension. The name of the event handler must include the event type
and the object to be processed by the handler.
The name of a data record event handler must have the following segments, which are separated by
the _ symbol:
1. The name of the DAC declared in the server
2. The name of the record event supported by the server
Therefore, the name of a data record event handler must be in the following format:
DACName_EventName (such as SOOrder_RowSelected).
The name of a data field event handler must have the following segments, which are separated by the _
1. The name of the DAC declared in the server
2. The name of the data field declared within the DAC whose name is specified in the first segment
3. The name of the field event supported by the server
Therefore, for a field event handler, the name must be in the following format:
DACName_FieldName_EventName (such as SOOrder_CustomerID_FieldUpdated).
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 43
Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports
In this part of the guide, you can find information about how the webpages of Acumatica ERP or an
Acumatica Framework-based application work and how to configure the ASPX code of these webpages.
You can also find a brief overview of reports.
In This Part
Overview of ASPX Webpages in Acumatica Framework
Configuring Containers
Configuring Tables
Configuring Tabs
Configuring Boxes
Configuring Layout and Size
Maintaining Reports
Overview of ASPX Webpages in Acumatica Framework
In Acumatica Framework-based applications, you can configure the appearance of webpages from the
front end (that is, by configuring ASPX pages) and from the back end (that is, by using the attributes
and events provided by the Acumatica platform).
In this chapter of the guide, you can find information about how to create the ASPX code of the
webpages. This chapter also includes a technical overview of the user interface of an Acumatica
Framework-based application. For information about the configuration of the UI from the back end, see
Configuring the UI from the Back End.
Technical Overview of the User Interface
The user interface of Acumatica ERP or an Acumatica Framework-based application uses the same core
technologies. To learn how the user interface works, see Processing of a Button Click and Technical
Overview of the Modern UI. You can find a detailed description of the user interface in Acumatica ERP
Interface Guide.
Configuration of ASPX Webpages
You can configure the appearance and behavior of webpages by using the properties of the ASPX
objects that can be used on the Acumatica ERP or Acumatica Framework webpages. For details on how
to work with the ASPX code of the webpages, see the following topics:
To configure containers, such as PXFormView, PXGrid, PXTab, PXTreeView, and PXPanel:
Configuring Containers
To configure tables (PXGrid and PXGridColumn): Configuring Tables
To configure tabs (PXTab and PXTabItem): Configuring Tabs
To configure boxes, such as PXTextEdit, PXCheckBox, and PXGroupBox): Configuring Boxes
To configure the layout (PXLayoutRule) and size of controls: Configuring Layout and Size
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 44
Processing of a Button Click
When a user clicks a button on an ASPX page, such as the Save button on the toolbar of a form, the
webpage creates a postback HTTP request to the server. When processing the request, the application
server does the following: commits changes (if required by the operation initiated by the user),
executes the operation, and collects data for the response. Then the application server sends the
response to the webpage, which renders the new data. The following diagram illustrates this process,
which is described in more detail in the sections of this topic.
Figure: Processing a button click
Sending of the HTTP Request
When the user clicks a button on a webpage, the page creates an HTTP request to the server. The
request includes the following information:
The values of the key fields of the record currently displayed on the page
The changes that have been made to the data on the page
The information on the command that was initiated by the user—the data source ID and the
callback name
The PXDataSource.TypeName property defines the graph that processes data for the page. When the
application server receives the request, the server creates a new instance of the graph to process
the data of the request. The properties of PXDSCallbackCommand, such as CommitChanges and
RepaintControls, indicate which operations should be performed on the server in addition to the
operation initiated by the user.
The diagram below shows how the HTTP request is sent to the server.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 45
Figure: Sending the HTTP request
Commitment of Changes to the Cache
If the callback command initiated by the user has the CommitChanges property set to true or the
CommitChangesIDs property specified, the server commits the changes before executing the command.
The graph instance commits the changes to the cache in the order in which the data views are defined
in the graph, as shown in the following diagram.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 46
Figure: Committing changes
Execution of the Command
After the changes have been committed, the graph instance executes the operation initiated by the
user, such as saving data to the database. You can find details on the sequence of events raised when
data is inserted, updated, deleted, or saved to the database in Data Manipulation Scenarios.
Collection of the Data for the Response
When the command execution is completed, the application server does the following:
1. If the RepaintControls or RepaintControlIDs property of PXDSCallbackCommand specifies any
controls to be repainted after the command is executed, the application server includes in the
response all information that is necessary to repaint these controls on the webpage. (By default,
the value of the PXDSCallbackCommand.RepaintControls property is All, which means that all
controls on the page are repainted.)
2. The application server executes the Select method for each data view of the graph.
Sending of the HTTP Response and Rendering of the Controls
The application server sends the response to the page. The response includes data in XML format; the
parameters that are necessary for the controls to be repainted are specified in JSON format, as shown
in the following fragment of the response.
<Control ID="ctl00_phF_form_edDocType"
Props="{items:&quot;INV|Invoice|1;DRM|Debit Memo|1;CRM|
Credit Memo|1;FCH|Overdue Charge|1;SMC|Credit WO|1&quot;,
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 47
value:&quot;FCH&quot;}" />
<Control ID="ctl00_phF_form_edRefNbr" Props="{value:&quot;AR005254&quot;}" />
The scripts in the browser (the scripts from PX.Web.UI.Scripts) find the controls to be repainted
by IDs and repaint these controls by using the data provided in the response. Most of the scripts in
PX.Web.UI.Scripts contain a class that works with one control. For example, px_textEdit.js includes
the PXTextEdit class, which works with the PXTextEdit control.
Exceptions to the Process
For the buttons not found on the main toolbar, the process described in this topic may slightly differ.
For example, for the table toolbar buttons, which perform actions on particular rows of grids, the scripts
translate the data in XML format, which is returned in the response, to HTML format by using XSLT.
For the buttons in dialog boxes (the PXSmartPanel control), no commit of changes is performed.
Whether data is selected from the database depends on the particular dialog box. The data that is
returned from the server is in HTML format.
Technical Overview of the Modern UI
Acumatica ERP provides two versions of its user interface: the modern UI, which is introduced in
Acumatica ERP 2017R1, and the classic UI, which was available in previous versions. In this topic, you
can find a technical overview of the modern UI.
For more details on the elements of the modern UI, see Modern Acumatica ERP User Interface in the
Interface Guide.
Technologies in the Modern UI
The modern UI is a new webpage frame that can be used for navigation between Acumatica ERP forms
instead of the classic UI navigation, which provides the site map that users use to navigate between
With the modern UI, the Acumatica ERP form is located in the inner frame, which is completely
independent of the modern UI frame. The webpage renders the navigation elements of the modern UI
and the forms separately by using different technologies. The work of Acumatica ERP forms is based
on the ASP.NET Web Forms technology, while the modern UI uses the ASP.NET MVC technology with
the Razor view engine. Therefore, regardless of whether a user selects the modern UI or the classic UI
for navigation between Acumatica ERP forms, the forms themselves work in the same way and use the
same business logic.
The server side of the modern UI uses the ASP.NET Web API framework. The client side uses the
React library, which is a JavaScript library, to render main menu items, workspaces, tiles, and other
navigation elements of the modern UI.
Work of the Modern UI
The following diagram shows how the browser renders the modern UI elements. This process is
described in more detail in the remaining sections of this topic.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 48
Figure: Rendering of the Modern UI
Request of main.cshtml
The browser retrieves main.cshtml, which is an ASP.NET MVC view, by sending the HTTP GET
request. On the server side, this request is processed by the MainController.Main() method
(PX.Web.UI.Frameset.Controllers), which creates a System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult object that
renders a view to the response. The returned view contains the basic skeleton of the webpage, which
includes the calendar control, the search control, and the empty menu.
Request of the Menu Structure
The getSiteMap function in site.js uses jQuery to send an AJAX request to ASP.NET Web API of
the application server. On the server side, this request is processed by the SiteMapController class
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 49
: To match the incoming request to the appropriate processing classes, the system uses the
ASP.NET MVC attribute routing. For example, the SiteMapController class is annotated with the
[FramesetRoutePrefix("sitemap")] attribute, which defines the "frameset/sitemap" route.
To get the site map structure, the SiteMapController class uses the SiteMapRepository class, which
implements the ISiteMapRepository interface. The SiteMapRepository class fetches different entities
of the modern UI and assembles them in one structure, which is then passed to the browser. The
system serializes the structure to JSON format by using the standard ASP.NET Web API classes.
The SiteMapRepository class uses other classes that have the Repository suffix in their names,
such as TileRepository and WorkspaceRepository, to retrieve the entities that are used in the
modern UI. These classes are completely independent from the database. To fetch the entities from
the database, the Repository classes use the classes that implement the IEntitySet interface
(PX.Web.UI.Frameset.Model), such as ScreenEntitySet. The classes use the MUIGraph graph to fetch
data from the database. (The graph performs only simple data operations, and does not contain any
complicated business logic). For each entity, there is a DAC that is used to access data in the database.
The DACs correspond to the following database tables, which are used to store data for the elements of
the modern UI.
Database Tables
Table Description
MUIWorkspace Stores information about the workspaces in the application. For more information
on the workspaces, see Workspaces in the Modern UI in the Interface Guide.
MUIFavoriteWorkspaceStores information about the workspaces that have been pinned to the main
menu. The workspaces that are not included in this list are displayed when a user
clicks the More Items menu item. For details about the main menu, see Main
Menu in the Modern UI in the Interface Guide.
MUIArea Stores information about the areas to which workspaces belong. Areas are used
to group workspaces in the More Items menu by types.
MUISubcategory Stores information about the categories of Acumatica ERP forms. Categories are
used to group forms in a workspace by types. For details on the categories, see
MUIScreen Stores information about the locations of the Acumatica ERP forms in the modern
UI. The table is connected to the SiteMap table by the NoteID column.
MUIPinnedScreen Stores information about the Acumatica ERP forms pinned to workspaces.
MUIFavoriteScreen Stores information about the Acumatica ERP forms that have been added to
MUITile Stores information about the tiles in workspaces. A tile is a special button on a
workspace that you click to open a form or report with predefined settings. For
details on the tiles, see Tiles.
MUIFavoriteTile Stores information about the tiles that have been added to favorites.
MUIUserPreferencesStores information about the position of the main menu, which can be on the left
of the browser page (default) or on the top of the browser page.
The following diagram illustrates the process of retrieving data for the modern UI.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 50
Figure: Retrieval of the site map
Rendering of the Modern UI Elements
The main script that is used to render the modern UI is site.js. It contains classes that use the React
library to render modern UI elements. Each such class includes the render method, which uses React
classes to render the element. The following tables lists the main classes and their methods.
The Classes for Rendering the Modern UI
Class Description
Renders the main menu (which contains the list of workspaces). For more
information on the main menu, see Main Menu in the Modern UI in the Interface
In addition to the render method, the class has the following methods:
onClick: Processes the clicking of the Edit and Delete buttons for the items
of the main menu in Menu Editing mode.
onClickFav: Processes the clicking of the Pin button in a workspace.
onDragStart, onDragOver, onDragLeave, and onDrop: Process operations
related to dragging the items of the main menu in Menu Editing mode.
For details on menu editing, see Menu Editing Mode in the Modern UI.
Renders the tiles in the workspaces. For details about the tiles, see Tiles in the
Interface Guide.
In addition to the render method, the class has the following methods:
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 51
Class Description
onClick: Processes the clicking of the Edit and Delete buttons for the tiles
in Menu Editing mode and clicking of the Favorite button.
onDragStart, onDragOver, onDragLeave, and onDrop: Process operations
related to dragging the tiles in Menu Editing mode.
For details on menu editing, see Menu Editing Mode in the Modern UI.
Renders a list of forms in a workspace. For the information about workspaces,
see Workspaces in the Modern UI in the Interface Guide.
In addition to the render method, the class has the following methods:
onClick: Processes the clicking of the Edit and Delete buttons for a form in
a workspace in Menu Editing mode.
onClickFav: Processes the clicking of the Favorite icon for a form in a
onClickPin: Processes the clicking of a check box when a user selects a
form in a workspace in Menu Editing mode.
For more information on menu editing, see Menu Editing Mode in the Modern UI.
Renders all lists of forms in a workspace. For details about workspaces, see
Workspaces in the Modern UI in the Interface Guide.
In addition to the render method, the class has the following methods:
getItemsInCol, arrangeLinks, and arrangeLinks2: Arrange links to
forms in lists.
onDragStart, onDragOver, onDragLeave, and onDrop: Process operations
related to dragging the links to forms in a workspace in Menu Editing mode.
The site.js script also contains webpage event handlers, such as handlers for button-clicking events,
which use jQuery to handle the events.
Customization of the Modern UI
An administrator can configure the modern UI to fit the work purposes of the organization, as described
in Customizing the Modern User Interface in the System Administration Guide.
To change the styles of the elements of the modern UI, the developer can change the CSS related to
these elements.
If a developer has added a new form or report to the Acumatica ERP site in a customization project, the
location of the form in the modern UI is included in the customization project along with the SiteMap
customization project item, which is created either automatically or manually for the new item. For
details, see To Add a New Custom Form to a Project and To Add a Custom Analytical Report to a Project
in the Customization Guide. For the custom generic inquiries and dashboards, the information about the
location in the modern UI is included in the GenericInquiryScreen and Dashboard customization project
items, respectively.
Configuring Containers
In this chapter, you can find information about the configuration of different types of containers, such as
PXFormView, PXGrid, PXTab, PXTreeView, and PXPanel.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 52
In This Chapter
Use of the DataMember Property of Containers
Use of the SkinID Property of Containers
Use of the Caption Property of Containers
Use of Multiple Data Views for Boxes in Containers
Use of the DataMember Property of Containers
If you need to find out which data view provides data for a control container on a form, perform a
search to find the DataMember string in the appropriate ASPX code. The DataMember property is used
to bind a control container of a form to a data view defined in the business logic controller (BLC, also
referred as graph) of the form. The property value is the name of the data view.
Container Types That Have the DataMember Property
In Acumatica Framework, DataMember is used to specify a data view for the following container types:
: The PXTreeView container is not supported by the tools of the Acumatica Customization Platform.
By default, a nested container inherits the DataMember property from the parent container. If a nested
container is PXFormView, PXGrid, or PXTab, it can be bound to another data view.
If the DataMember property is available for other ASPX objects, it has a special purpose. For example,
you can specify the DataMember property for a PXSelector lookup control to define the appropriate
data view for the grid of the lookup window.
Property Value
Each DataMember property value can correspond to any data view name of the BLC. Any data view
except for the main data view can be used by an unlimited number of containers. The main data view
must be bound to a single container.
For a container to contain a box for a data field, the container must be bound to a data view declared
within a BLC for the following reasons:
A data field is declared in a data access class (DAC). An instance of the DAC record can exist in
the cache of a BLC that contains the declaration of a data view with the DAC reference in the BQL
Each time a data record is selected in the container, the container creates a callback to the
PXDataSource control that is specified in the DataSourceID property of the container. The data
source control creates a remote procedure call to the application server to execute the Display
operation on the data view that is specified as the DataMember for the container. The data view
checks the existence of the record in the cache; if the check fails, the data view executes the BQL
request and stores the obtained record in the cache.
The data view provides all data exchange operations with the database, cache, and PXDataSource
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 53
Use of the SkinID Property of Containers
In the code of Acumatica ERP, predefined skins are used to assign a style and a set of toolbar buttons
to a container. The SkinID property of a container specifies which of these skins the system should
apply to the container. A skin is specific to a particular container; you cannot share a skin setting
between containers of different types. If you do not set the SkinID property, the container uses the
default skin, if one is defined.
Predefined Skins
The following table lists and describes the predefined skins that are recommended to use for the
PXFormView, PXGrid, and PXPanel containers.
SkinID Description Example
PXFormView Transparent Is used to display a simple form container that
has no caption and cannot be collapsed.
The form container
on the Financial
Details tab item of the
Bills and Adjustments
(AP301000) form
PXGrid Attributes Is used to display a simple grid without a toolbar.
The grid contains a predefined set of rows, which
can be edited.
The Attributes grid on
the Attributes tab item
of the Non-Stock Items
(IN202000) form
Details Is used to render a detail grid in a master-detail
data entry page. The grid has a toolbar that
holds the default actions, such as Refresh, Add,
Remove, Fit to Screen, and Export to Excel;
it can also hold custom actions. The grid has no
caption and paging is allowed.
The grid on the 1099
Settings tab item of
the Accounts Payable
Preferences (AP101000)
Inquire Is used to display data without rows being added
or removed. The grid has a toolbar that contains
the Refresh, Fit to Screen, and Export to Excel
default actions and can contain custom actions.
The grid has no caption, and paging is allowed.
The grid on the
Attributes tab item
of the Customers
(AR303000) form
Primary Is used to display an editable primary grid that
does not contain its own toolbar. To work with the
grid, the user applies the action buttons of the
form toolbar. The grid has no caption, and paging
is allowed.
The grid on the Entry
Types (CA203000) form
PrimaryInquireIs used to display a primary grid without the
availability to edit data. The grid does not contain
its own toolbar. To work with the grid, the user
applies the action buttons of the form toolbar,
which does not contain the Add, Delete, and
Switch Between Grid and Form buttons. The
grid has no caption, and paging and filtering are
The grid on the
Release AP Documents
(AP501000) form
ShortList Is used to display a small grid with a few records
inside a form view. The grid has a toolbar that
contains the Refresh, Add, and Remove default
The Sales Categories
grid on the Attributes
tab item of the Non-
Stock Items (IN202000)
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 54
SkinID Description Example
PXPanel Buttons Is used in dialog boxes to display a horizontal row
of buttons with right alignment.
The group of buttons in
the Add PO Receipt
dialog box, which opens
if you click the Add
PO Receipt button
in the toolbar of the
Document Details
tab item of the Bills
and Adjustments
(AP301000) form
Transparent Is used to group controls in a form container. The
panel has no caption.
The group of controls on
the Template Settings
tab item of the Order
Types (SO201000) form
Use of the Caption Property of Containers
If you plan to use a container in the mobile site map, we recommend that you specify a unique name
for the Caption property of the container. Then in the mobile site map, you can refer to the container
by the specified caption in the Name attribute of the <sm:Container> tag, as the following code shows.
<sm:Container Name="ValueOfTheCaptionProperty">
Otherwise, in the WSDL schema, the API web service assigns to the container the name of the first child
element. If you use this name in the mobile site map, an error may occur after the container content is
reordered because the container name might be changed in the WSDL schema.
Use of Multiple Data Views for Boxes in Containers
The Acumatica Customization Platform supports the use of multiple data views for controls in the same
container of an ASPX page.
For example, you can create a container and set the DataMember property to the name of the data view
that provides most of the fields for boxes in the container. If you also want to create a control for a data
field that cannot be accessible through that data view but can be accessible through another data view
of the same graph specified in the TypeName property of the PXDataSource control, you can specify the
required data view immediately in the DataField property, as follows.
<px:PXField ... DataField="DataViewName.FieldName" />
The following code snippet shows how to use the MyDataView, AnotherDataView, and
OnceMoreDataView data views declared in the same graph or in extensions for the graph to define
boxes for data fields in a PXFormView container on an Acumatica ERP form.
<px:PXFormView ... DataMember="MyDataView" ...>
<px:PXNumberEdit ... DataField="MyField_01" />
<px:PXSegmentMask ... DataField="MyField_02" />
<px:PXDateTimeEdit ... DataField="AnotherDataView.FieldName" />
<px:PXTextEdit ... DataField="MyField_05" />
<px:PXSelector ... DataField="OnceMoreDataView.OtherFieldName" />
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 55
Configuring Tables
In this chapter, you can learn how to configure tables (grids) on webpages by using the PXGrid and
PXGridColumn ASPX objects.
In This Chapter
Use of the SyncPosition Property of PXGrid
Use of the DisplayMode Property of PXGridColumn
Use of the Type Property of PXGridColumn
Use of the SyncPosition Property of PXGrid
If a form contains a grid and the form toolbar includes an action to process a single record that is
highlighted in the grid, the action delegate method must have a reference to the highlighted record in
the cache.
To use the Current property of a PXCache object to access the record highlighted in a grid, the Current
property must be synchronized with record highlighting in the grid. To force the system to provide this
synchronization, you have to set the SyncPosition property of the PXGrid container to True.
: If you need to make an action button on the toolbar unavailable, when a grid is empty, you should set
the DependOnGrid property of the appropriate PXDSCallbackCommand object in the PXDataSource
control to the value that is specified in the ID property of the PXGrid element.
Use of the DisplayMode Property of PXGridColumn
The Acumatica Customization Platform supports the following values for the DisplayMode property of a
column in a grid.
Value Description
Value Default value. An indicator that the column cell contains the value of the field.
Text If there is a description defined for the field, an indicator that the column cell
contains the description of the field.
Hint If there is a description defined for the field, an indicator that the column cell
contains both the value and the description of the field.
: The priority of the Type property is higher than the priority of the DisplayMode property. If the Type
property is set, for example, to CheckBox, the DisplayMode property is ignored.
Use of the Type Property of PXGridColumn
The Acumatica Customization Platform supports the following values for the Type property of a column
in a grid.
Value Description
NotSet The default value. An indicator that the field value is displayed in the column as a
plain string that is formed based on the field data format.
CheckBox An indicator that the field value is displayed in the column as a check box, which
is selected if the field value is True.
HyperLink An indicator that the field value is displayed in the column as a hyperlink.
DropDownList An indicator that the column cell is rendered as a drop-down list that contains all
the values specified for the referred data field.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 56
Value Description
Icon An indicator that the field value contains an image URL and is displayed in the
column as the referred image.
The following code fragment defines the grid columns on the Automation Schedule Statuses
(SM205030) form.
<px:PXGridColumn AllowUpdate="False" DataField="LastRunStatus" Width="40px"
Type="Icon" TextAlign="Center" />
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="ScreenID" DisplayFormat="CC.CC.CC.CC"
Label="Screen ID" LinkCommand="AUScheduleExt_View" />
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="Description" Label="Description" Width="200px" />
<px:PXGridColumn AllowNull="False" DataField="IsActive" Label="Active"
TextAlign="Center" Type="CheckBox" Width="60px" />
In the code, the Type property for the LastRunStatus data field (which corresponds to the Status
column shown in the screenshot below) is set to Icon. Because the field value contains the image URL,
the column cell displays the referred image.
For the IsActive data field (which corresponds to the Active column), the Type property is set to
CheckBox. As you can see in the screenshot, the column cells are rendered as check boxes.
Figure: Viewing different types of columns on the Automation Schedules form
Configuring Tabs
In this chapter, you can learn how to configure tables on webpages by using the PXTab and PXTabItem
ASPX objects.
In This Chapter
Conditional Hiding of a Tab Item
Conditional Hiding of a Tab Item
You can use the Visible property of the PXTabItem element to set the visibility of the tab item.
However, if you need to set the dependency of a tab item's visibility from a condition, you should use
the VisibleExp and BindingContext properties of the PXTabItem element.
VisibleExp Property
The VisibleExp property contains a condition expression that defines a Boolean value used to set the
visibility of the tab item. The expression must consist of two parts and an operator to compare these
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 57
parts. The expression can contain the values of controls that belong to the container specified in the
BindingContext property.
BindingContext Property
The BindingContext property defines the ID of the container of the controls whose values can be used
in the expression of the VisibleExp property.
As an example of the conditional hiding of a tab item, on a form with form and tab containers, if
you need to set the visibility of a tab item to depend on a check box of the form container, you can
define the VisibleExp and BindingContext properties of the PXTabItem element, as illustrated in the
following ASPX code snippet.
<px:PXFormView ID="form" ...>
px:PXCheckBox ... ID="myControlID" ... />
<px:PXTab ...>
<px:PXTabItem ... BindingContext="form" ...
VisibleExp="DataControls[&quot;myControlID&quot;].Value == true">
In the code above, the expression uses the DataControls .NET property of the form object as a
dictionary to find the needed control by the specified ID.
Configuring Boxes
In this chapter, you can find information about the configuration of different types of boxes, such as
PXTextEdit, PXCheckBox, and PXGroupBox.
In This Chapter
Use of the CommitChanges Property of Boxes
Use of the DataField Property of PXGroupBox
Use of the Caption Property of PXGroupBox
Use of the RenderStyle Property of PXGroupBox
Use of the CommitChanges Property of Boxes
If you need to process the value in a box every time the user changes this value, you need to set the
CommitChanges property of the box to True to enable callbacks for the box.
If callback is enabled for a box in a container on a page, the user has changed the box value, and focus
is no longer on the box on the page, the container immediately collects all the modified data and a
callback is created to pass the data to the PXDataSource control of the page (see the diagram below).
The PXDataSource control creates a remote procedure call to the application server to execute the
Update operation with the modified data on the data view that is specified as the DataMember property
for the container. The data view executes the sequence of events for update of a data record (for
details, see Sequence of Events: Update of a Data Record) on the data in the cache object of the
business logic controller. The cache object raises the events that you can handle to process the modified
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 58
Figure: Usage of the CommitChanges property to process a modified data
Use of the DataField Property of PXGroupBox
You use a group box to display a data field with a list attribute as a set of radio buttons, where one
radio button is used to display and select each single constant value of the field. To bind a group
box to a data field, you have to specify the name of the data field in the DataField property of the
PXGroupBox element in the ASPX code, as follows.
<px:PXGroupBox ... DataField="<Field Name>" ...>
Attention: The group box must contain a radio button for each value defined in the list of the field.
In the DataField property of the PXGroupBox element, you can specify the name of a data field that is
accessible through another data view of the same graph. See Use of Multiple Data Views for Boxes in
Containers for details.
Use of the Caption Property of PXGroupBox
You can define a caption for a group box by using the Caption property of the PXGroupBox element in
the ASPX code as follows.
<px:PXGroupBox ... Caption="Example of Group Box Caption" ...>
If the RenderStyle property of a PXGroupBox element is set to Simple, the Caption property is
ignored. See Use of the RenderStyle Property of PXGroupBox for details.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 59
Use of the RenderStyle Property of PXGroupBox
To define the style of a group box on the form, you have to select a value of the RenderStyle property
of the PXGroupBox element in the ASPX code, as follows.
<px:PXGroupBox ... RenderStyle="StyleName" ...>
The Acumatica Framework supports the following RenderStyle values for the PXGroupBox element.
Name Description Example
Fieldset Indicates that the group of radio
buttons can be displayed with a caption
in the same style as in a grouping
layout rule.
RoundBorder The default value. Indicates that the
group of radio buttons can be displayed
with a caption in a rounded border.
Simple Indicates that the group of radio
buttons can be displayed without a
caption and border.
Configuring Layout and Size
In this chapter, you can learn how to configure the layout of webpages by using the PXLayoutRule
ASPX object and how to configure the size of ASPX controls.
In This Chapter
Predefined Size Values
Use of the StartRow and StartColumn Properties of PXLayoutRule
Use of the ColumnWidth, ControlSize, and LabelsWidth Properties of PXLayoutRule
Use of the ColumnSpan Property of PXLayoutRule
Use of the Merge Property of PXLayoutRule
Use of the GroupCaption, StartGroup, and EndGroup Properties of PXLayoutRule
Use of the SuppressLabel Property of PXLayoutRule
Predefined Size Values
You can use the predefined values described in the table below for the following properties:
ColumnWidth, LabelsWidth, and ControlSize of the PXLayoutRule component
LabelsWidth and Size of a control
Predefined Values
The following table shows the values in pixels that correspond to the predefined constants.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 60
Predefined Value ColumnWidth LabelsWidth and ControlSize
of a Layout Rule; LabelsWidth
and Size Properties of a Control
XXS 100px 40px
XS 150px 70px
S 200px 100px
SM - 150px
M 250px 200px
XM 300px 250px
L 350px 300px
XL 400px 350px
XXL 450px 400px
Setting of Predefined Values
Note the following points about setting the predefined sizes of controls and their labels:
For any property for which there are predefined values, you can specify a value in pixels, such as
55px. (This format is mandatory if you don't use abbreviations, because the property value can be
defined only in pixels.)
There is no predefined value for the Width property of a control. Therefore, you can specify a
value for this property by typing any value in pixels, such as 55px. Before specifying the Width
property value for a control, you must define the Size property value for the control as Empty.
: The Width property is declared in ASP.NET. The Size property is declared in Acumatica
Framework, so you can use the predefined values.
Use of the StartRow and StartColumn Properties of PXLayoutRule
In this topic, you can find information how to organize controls on a webpage into rows and columns.
Default Layout
By default, the system places all the controls of a container into a column within the first row, as shown
in the diagram below. To do this, the system initially sets to True the StartRow property value for the
uppermost PXLayoutRule component in a container.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 61
Figure: The default layout of controls of a container on a form
The controls continue to be placed within a single column until you add a layout rule with the
StartColumn or Merge property value set to True.
Important: For the proper layout, the StartRow property value must be set to True for the uppermost
PXLayoutRule component of a container.
Splitting of Controls into Columns
You can place controls in multiple columns within a row by adding PXLayoutRule components with the
StartColumn property value set to True. This property creates a new column of controls within the
current layout row, as the following diagram shows.
Figure: Creation of a new column
The first control under this rule is the highest control in the column.
Splitting of Controls into Rows
Every new PXLayoutRule component that has the StartRow property value set to True initializes a new
independent placeholder of controls, which are placed in a single column by default. To place controls in
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 62
multiple columns within the new row, you should include in the placeholder a new layout rule with the
StartColumn property value set to True, as shown in the following diagram.
Figure: Creation of a new row
Sizes of Rows and Columns
Because the values of the ColumnWidth, ControlSize, and LabelsWidth properties are never inherited
from the previously declared PXLayoutRule component, you might need to define these properties
exclusively for every new row and column.
Use of the ColumnWidth, ControlSize, and LabelsWidth Properties of
You can use the PXLayoutRule components to define the sizes for every control (that is, its input area)
and its label within a column, group, or merged set of controls.
Required Properties
Every PXLayoutRule component that has the StartRow or StartColumn property value set to True must
have one of the following sets of properties defined:
LabelsWidth and ControlSize
LabelsWidth and ColumnWidth
The following diagram illustrates the meaning of the LabelsWidth, ControlSize, and ColumnWidth
Figure: Use of the layout rule properties to define control sizes
: You should not set property values for both ColumnWidth and ControlSize for the same
PXLayoutRule component; in this case, the system would use the value of the ControlSize property.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 63
Setting of the Size
Please note the following points about setting the sizes of controls and their labels:
The values of the ColumnWidth, ControlSize, and LabelsWidth properties must be defined
exclusively for every PXLayoutRule component; they are never inherited from the previously
declared one.
You can change the size of a single control or its label by defining values for the Size, Width, and
LabelsWidth properties of the control. Property values that are set for a control have a higher
priority than the property values of the PXLayoutRule component.
You can assign a predefined size abbreviation (such as XXS, L, or XL) for the ColumnWidth,
LabelsWidth, and ControlSize properties of a layout rule and the LabelsWidth and Size
properties of a control. (See Predefined Size Values for details.)
The PXDateTimeEdit and PXNumberEdit control types have a predefined Width property value,
which you cannot change by setting the ColumnWidth or ControlSize property values for the
appropriate PXLayoutRule component. To change the width of this control, set a value for the
Size or Width property of the control.
Use of the ColumnSpan Property of PXLayoutRule
You specify the ColumnSpan property value for a PXLayoutRule component by manually typing the
number of columns spanned by the first control placed below the rule.
As an example of the use of the ColumnSpan property, the form container on the Customers
(AR303000) form has three columns of boxes, and there is a layout rule with the ColumnSpan property
set to 2 in the first column. This property forces the system to make the box span two columns, as
shown in the following screenshot.
Figure: The box that spans two columns on the form
A PXLayoutRule component with the ColumnSpan property value specified is handled as follows:
The LabelsWidth property value is always inherited from the previously declared PXLayoutRule
component that has the StartRow or StartColumn property value set to True.
If a value for the ColumnWidth or ControlSize property is specified for the component, this value
is ignored.
Use of the Merge Property of PXLayoutRule
Merging means placing controls so that they are horizontally aligned. Horizontal alignment is performed
for the controls that are placed between a layout rule with the Merge property set to True and any other
subsequent layout rule. Therefore, to cancel merging for all of the following controls, you have to add a
PXLayoutRule component with or without the Merge property specified.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 64
As an example of the use of the Merge property, the Billing Settings tab item on the Customers
(AR303000) form has three pairs of merged check boxes in the Print and Email Settings group. This
property forces the system to render the boxes in one column, as shown in the following screenshot.
Figure: The boxes merged into a single column on the form
A PXLayoutRule component with the Merge property value set to True is handled as follows:
If the ColumnWidth property value is set for the same PXLayoutRule component, the value is
The default values for the ControlSize and LabelsWidth properties are inherited from the
previously declared PXLayoutRule component with the StartRow or StartColumn property value
set to True. You can override these property values, if necessary, by specifying the ControlSize
and LabelsWidth property values from the predefined list of options. (See Predefined Size Values
for details.)
Use of the GroupCaption, StartGroup, and EndGroup Properties of
You can organize controls in a container within groups to make users' work more logical.
Grouping of Controls
To group multiple controls within a column, generally you have to add two PXLayoutRule components
that have the following properties set to define the first and the last controls in the group, respectively:
GroupCaption and EndGroup: To create a group with the caption specified in the GroupCaption
StartGroup and EndGroup: To create a group without a caption
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 65
: You can specify both the GroupCaption property and the StartGroup property for a PXLayoutRule
component that starts a group.
For example, by specifying the GroupCaption property value for the corresponding PXLayoutRule
components placed above a control, you start the group of controls and set up the header for the
group. You should also add a PXLayoutRule component with the EndGroup property value set to True
below (in the code) the last control that is included in the group.
You end a group by using a PXLayoutRule component with a GroupCaption, StartGroup, or EndGroup
property specified. Therefore, if there is another group that starts immediately below a group, you can
omit the layout rule that ends the upper group, as shown in the third column of the row displayed in the
example in following diagram.
Figure: Possible use of layout rules with grouping properties
The system works as follows for all PXLayoutRule components with the GroupCaption or StartGroup
property value specified:
If the GroupCaption, StartGroup, or EndGroup property is set for a PXLayoutRule component,
the system ignores the ColumnWidth property value specified for the component.
The default values for the ControlSize and LabelsWidth properties are inherited from the
previously declared PXLayoutRule component with the StartRow or StartColumn property value
set to True. You can override these property values, if necessary, by specifying the ControlSize
and LabelsWidth property values in the layout rule that starts a group. (See Predefined Size
Values for details.)
Use of the SuppressLabel Property of PXLayoutRule
Every control for a data field contains both a label and the input area of the control. The label is
displayed left of the input area, except with check boxes; the label of a check box is displayed right
of the input area of the check box. When you add a check box to a form, the check box control is
automatically aligned both left and right with other input controls in the appropriate column. As a
result, the area of the form left of a check box is empty.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 66
SuppressLabel Property
To hide the labels of the controls placed within a column, you should set the SuppressLabel property
value of the PXLayoutRule component of the column to True. Then within the column, all check boxes
are placed without any space to the left of the input control.
: If needed, you can left-align a check box in the column by setting to True the AlignLeft property of the
control. Also, you can set the SuppressLabel property value to True for any other control to hide its label.
The SuppressLabel property affects all of the controls of the group that are placed under the
PXLayoutRule component with the True value of this property. The SuppressLabel property value must
be defined for every PXLayoutRule component for the controls placed beneath the component and
included in the same column; this property is never inherited from the previously declared property.
: The SuppressLabel property value is never applied to PXLayoutRule components that have the
ColumnSpan property value specified.
The Parent Info group on the Billing Settings tab item on the Customers (AR303000) form is initially
displayed with Parent Account displayed, as shown in the following screenshot.
Figure: A group of controls with labels
If you set the SuppressLabel property of the group layout rule to True, the label of the Parent
Account box is hidden and all check boxes are displayed without any space to the left of the check
boxes, as shown in the following screenshot.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 67
Figure: The same group of controls after applying the SuppressLabel property to the group
Maintaining Reports
In Acumatica Report Designer, you can create custom reports or modify existing reports and then use
these reports in Acumatica ERP or an Acumatica Framework-based application. For more information on
the creation of the custom reports with the Report Designer, see Acumatica Report Designer Guide.
In this chapter, you can find details about how the system renders reports in Acumatica ERP.
In This Chapter
Display of Reports
Display of Analytical Reports
Display of Reports
In this topic, you can find information about how Acumatica ERP displays reports that are created with
the Acumatica Report Designer.
What a Report Is
A report is an RPX file (which is created with the Acumatica Report Designer) that contains the report
schema in XML format—that is, the description of the data that should be displayed in the report and
the description of the report layout.(See the following diagram.) The description of the data of the
report includes the following: the database tables that provide data for the report, the relationships
between these tables, the parameters that can be specified before the report is run, and the filtering
and grouping parameters. The report layout is a tree of headers, details, and footers.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 68
Figure: Report schema
Reports can be saved in files on disk, or in the UserReport table of the database of an Acumatica ERP
instance. (The UserReport table uses the file name of the report as a key and stores the schema of the
report in XML format in the Xml column.)
The saved report can be published on an Acumatica ERP site—that is, added to the site map and to any
applicable workspaces so that the users can work with the report.
For details on creating reports with the Acumatica Report Designer, see the S130 Reporting: Inquiry,
Report Writing, Dashboards training course.
Acumatica ERP provides the following ways to run a report that you have created by using the
Acumatica Report Designer:
From a report form, which is added to the site map, when the user clicks the Run Report button
on the form toolbar
From a maintenance or entry form, when the user clicks the action button whose name is
associated with the report name
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 69
How the Report Is Launched from the Report Form
When a user opens the report form, the webpage performs the POST HTTP request to the
ReportLauncher.aspx page, passing the name of the report file as the ID query string parameter of
the request, as shown in the following example.
The ReportLauncher.aspx page contains the PXReportViewer control, whose JavaScript objects
and functions are designed to obtain the report data and display the data on the form, and the
PXSoapDataSource control, which is used to retrieve data for the report.
On the server side, an instance of the PX.Web.UI.PXReportViewer class processes the request as
1. Loads the report schema from the file on disk or from the database (by using the LoadReport
method) to a PX.Reports.Controls.Report object (which stores the report schema in memory
and provides the methods for working with this schema).
2. If the report schema is loaded successfully, performs the following:
a. Instantiates a PX.Reports.Web.WebReport object that will store data of the launched
report and assigns an instance ID to WebReport.
b. Binds the Report object to the data source that is specified by the PXSoapDataSource
control of the ASPX page. The PX.Web.UI.PXSoapDataSource class instantiates a
SoapNavigator object, which will be then used to retrieve data for the report from the
The server returns an XML response with the report parameters to display and with the ID of the
instance of WebReport in the session. The browser displays the report parameters and other options on
the report form.
The following diagram illustrates how the report form is launched.
Figure: Launch of the report form
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 70
How the Report Data Is Retrieved
After the user has selected the values of the parameters of the report and clicked the Run
Report button on the form toolbar of the report form, the webpage sends the GET request to
PX.ReportViewer.axd on the server with the ID of the WebReport instance in the session (which was
created when the report was launched), as shown in the following example.
To process the request, the server invokes the Render method of the WebReport class, which launches
the generation of the report as a long-running operation in a separate thread. For details on how the
long-running operation is processed for a report, see Processing a Report as a Long-Running Operation.
To retrieve the data of the report from the database, the system uses the
PX.Data.Reports.SoapNavigator object (to which a reference is stored in the Report
object). SoapNavigator instantiates a PXGraph object (without a type parameter) and
composes a BQL command as an instance of the PX.Data.Reports.BqlSoapCommand class.
BqlSoapCommand inherits from the PX.Data.BqlCommand class and is optimized for retrieving
data for the reports. BqlSoapCommand has the IndexReportFields method, which uses the
PX.Data.PXDependsOnFieldsAttribute attribute to get the dependent fields of the report recursively.
For details on how BQL commands are used to retrieve data from the database, see Translation of a
BQL Command to SQL.
The system processes the data and creates a ReportNode object. That is, the system creates the
sections of the report based on the data retrieved from the database and on the report schema from
the Report object, and calculates all formulas inside the sections. Then the system uses the resulting
ReportNode object, which contains all sections with all needed values, to render data in the needed
How the Report Data Is Displayed
After the long-running operation has completed, the PXReportViewer control displays the report on the
report form.
If a report is displayed in HTML format and the user turns the pages of the report, the webpage sends
the GET request to PX.ReportViewer.axd. The query string parameters of the request are the ID of the
report in the session and the number of the page, as shown in the following request URL.
The format in which the report is displayed (either PDF or HTML) is specified in the OpType query string
parameter of the request, as shown in the following request URL.
If a user turns the pages of the report or changes the format of the report, the system creates the
results of the report from the ReportNode object stored in the session by using the renderer for the
needed format. That is, the system does not retrieve the data of the report from the database and does
not processes this data to create a ReportNode object once again.
How the Report Is Launched from the Maintenance or Entry Form
On a form, when a user clicks the action button to generate a report, the data source control of the
form creates a request to the Acumatica ERP server to execute the action delegate defined for the
button. The server creates an instance of the graph, which provides the business logic for the form and
invokes the action delegate method. The action delegate obtains from the form the data required to
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 71
define the report parameters and throws an exception of the PX.Data.PXReportRequiredException
type with the report ID and these parameters. The system processes the exception, saves the report
parameters to the session, and redirects the user to the ReportLauncher.aspx page.
The ReportLauncher.aspx page loads the report schema and instantiates a WebReport object, as
described in How the Report Is Launched from the Report Form. Instead of retrieving the values of
report parameters from the webpage, the system opens the report with the parameters stored in the
session. The system retrieves data for the report, as described in How the Report Data Is Retrieved.
Display of Analytical Reports
In this topic, you can find information about how Acumatica ERP displays analytical reports.
What an Analytical Report Is
An analytical report is a specific type of report that you can construct in Acumatica ERP by using the
Analytical Report Manager (ARM) toolkit. You will likely want to use the ARM toolkit rather than the
Acumatica Report Designer to create the following types of reports:
Financial reports that display data that is posted to the general ledger accounts and accumulated
in the General Ledger module. The system gets the data of the general ledger accounts from the
GLHistory table of the database.
Project accounting reports that display data that is accumulated in the Project module. The
system gets the data for these reports from the PMHistory table of the database.
For details on analytical reports, see the F350 Reporting: Analytical Reports training course.
The schema of analytical reports are stored in a set of database tables that have RM prefix in their
names, such as RMReport, RMRowSet, and RMColumnSet. The analytical report is identified in the system
by its code, which you specify in the Code box on the Report Definitions (CS206000) form. The report
code is stored in the ReportCode column of the RMReport table.
The schema of an analytical report can include the position of the report in the site map so that the
users can work with the report. To run the report, a user clicks the Run Report button on the form
toolbar of the report form.
How the Analytical Report Is Launched from the Report Form
When a user opens the report form of an analytical report, the webpage performs the POST HTTP
request to the RMLauncher.aspx page, passing the report code with .rpx appended as the ID query
string parameter of the request, as shown in the following example.
The RMLauncher.aspx page contains the PXReportViewer control, whose JavaScript objects
and functions are designed to obtain the report data and display the data on the form, and the
ARmDataSource control, which is used to retrieve data for the analytical report.
On the server side, the system (by using an instance of the PX.Web.UI.PXReportViewer class)
processes the request as follows:
1. Loads the parameters of the analytical report from the database (by using the LoadReport
method) to a PX.Reports.Controls.Report object as follows:
a. The system retrieves the data source of the report viewer as an instance of the
PX.CS.RMReportReader class, which is a graph (derived from PXGraph<RMReportMaint,
RMReport>) that implements the PX.Report.ARm.Data.IARmDataSource interface.
b. By using the GetReport method of IARmDataSource, the system retrieves the parameters
of the analytical report from the database to the PX.Reports.ARm.ARmReport object.
| Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports | 72
c. By using the CreateReport method of the PX.Reports.ARm.Data.ARmProcessor class,
the system creates a Report object with the parameters retrieved from the ARmReport
2. If the report parameters are loaded successfully, performs the following:
a. The system instantiates a PX.Reports.Web.WebReport object that will store data of the
launched report and assigns an instance ID to WebReport.
b. The system initializes the ProcessMethod field of the WebReport object with the
processing function for analytical reports.
The server returns an XML response with the report parameters to display and with the ID of the
instance of WebReport in the session. The browser displays the report parameters on the report form.
How the Data of the Analytical Report Is Retrieved
After the user has selected the values of the parameters of the analytical report and clicked the
Run Report button on the form toolbar of the report form, the webpage sends the GET request to
PX.ReportViewer.axd on the server with the ID of the WebReport instance in the session (which was
created when the report was launched).
To process the request, the server invokes the Render method of the WebReport class, which launches
the generation of the report as a long-running operation in a separate thread. For details on how the
long-running operation is processed for a report, see Processing a Report as a Long-Running Operation.
To retrieve the data of the analytical report from the database, the system uses the
PX.Objects.CS.RMReportReaderGL (for financial reports) and PX.Objects.CS.RMReportReaderPM (for
project accounting reports) extensions of the PX.CS.RMReportReader graph.
How the Report Data Is Displayed
After the long-running operation has completed, the PXReportViewer control displays the analytical
report on the report form.
| Accessing Data | 73
Accessing Data
The topics in this part of the guide explain how an application based on Acumatica Framework can
access data from the application database and the data stored in the session.
In This Part
Querying Data in Acumatica Framework
Creating Fluent BQL Queries
Creating Traditional BQL Queries
Creating LINQ Queries
Defining Relationships Between DACs
Working with Data in Cache and Session
Querying Data in Acumatica Framework
In Acumatica Framework, you generally use business query language (BQL) to query data from the
database. BQL statements represent specific SQL queries and are translated into SQL by Acumatica
Framework, which helps you to avoid the specifics of the database provider and validate the queries at
the time of compilation. Acumatica Framework provides two dialects of BQL: traditional BQL and fluent
BQL. For details about these dialects, see Creating Traditional BQL Queries and Creating Fluent BQL
To query data from the database, you can also use language-integrated query (LINQ), which is a part
of .NET Framework. In the code of Acumatica Framework-based applications, you can use both the
standard query operators (provided by LINQ libraries) and the Acumatica Framework-specific operators
that are designed to query database data.
This chapter explains the aspects that are common to traditional BQL, fluent BQL, and LINQ and
provides a high-level comparison of the approaches for querying data in Acumatica Framework.
In This Chapter
Data Access Classes
PXView and PXCache of the Data View
Data Query Execution
Translation of a BQL Command to SQL
Merge of the Records with PXCache
Comparison of Fluent BQL, Traditional BQL,
and LINQ
Fluent BQL and Traditional BQL Equivalents
To Execute BQL Statements
To Process the Result of the Execution of the
BQL Statement
When a data request occurs, the system creates an instance of a business logic controller (also referred
as a graph). The graph contains the data views that you define in code. In these data views, you define
| Accessing Data | 74
the queries to be executed to retrieve the requested data by using business query language (BQL),
which is provided by Acumatica Framework. You also use BQL to define the data queries directly in code
and in attributes.
BQL is written in C#; it is based on generic class syntax, which is similar to SQL syntax. Thus, BQL has
almost the same keywords as SQL does, placed in the order in which they are used in SQL. BQL offers
several benefits to the application developer. BQL does not depend on the specifics of the database
provider, and it is object-oriented and extendable. Also, BQL provides compile-time syntax validation,
which helps to prevent SQL syntax errors.
You can also use language-integrated query (LINQ) provided by the System.Linq library when you
need to select records from the database in the code of Acumatica Framework-based applications or if
you want to apply additional filtering to the data of a BQL query. However, you still have to use BQL to
define the data views in graphs and to specify the data queries in the attributes of data fields.
Fluent BQL and Traditional BQL
Acumatica Framework provides two dialects of BQL: fluent BQL and traditional BQL. Traditional BQL was
the initial language for data queries in Acumatica Framework; it provides the benefits described above.
Fluent BQL provides the following advantages as compared to traditional BQL:
It is easier to read and edit fluent BQL queries than traditional BQL queries because each section
of a fluent BQL query does not depend on the others and can appear in only specific places of
the query. Also, fluent BQL queries contain fewer commas and angle brackets and do not use
numbered classes (such as Select2 or Select6).
You do not need to select a suitable class for a fluent BQL query (such as PXSelectOrderBy<,> or
PXSelectJoinOrderBy<,,>); instead, you simply start typing the command, and IntelliSense in
Visual Studio offers continuations that are relevant for the current query state.
For a detailed list of differences between the dialects, see Comparison of Fluent BQL, Traditional BQL,
and LINQ.
The following code shows an example of a data view written in fluent BQL.
And<Product.availQty.IsGreater<Product.bookedQty>>>.View products;
The following code shows the same data view written in traditional BQL.
Where<Product.availQty, IsNotNull,
And<Product.availQty, Greater<Product.bookedQty>>>> products;
Suppose the database provider is Microsoft SQL Server. Acumatica Framework translates the fluent and
traditional BQL queries shown above into the following SQL query, where [list of columns] is the
list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product
WHERE Product.AvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.AvailQty > Product.BookedQty
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For
details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To configure a LINQ query, you can use the following variants of syntax:
Query expressions, which use standard query operators from the System.Linq namespace
(such as where or orderby) or Acumatica Framework-specific operators from the
| Accessing Data | 75
PX.Data.SQLTree namespace (such as SQL.BinaryLen, which is shown in the following
example of this syntax).
ProductMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProductMaint>();
var goods = from p in graph.Select<Product>()
p.ProductCD.Length == 5 &&
p.GroupMask.Length == 4 &&
(p.WorkGroupID & 0b10) != 0
select new
Len = p.ProductName.Length,
BLen = SQL.BinaryLen( p.ProductName) + 1,
Explicit (method-based) syntax. The arguments of the methods used in this syntax are lambda
expressions. In these expressions, you can use the standard C# operators and Acumatica
Framework-specific operators from the PX.Data.SQLTree namespace (such as SQL.BinaryLen,
which is shown in the following code). The code below is equivalent to the query expression
shown above.
ProductMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProductMaint>();
var goods = graph.Select<Product>()
.Where( p =>
p.ProductCD.Length == 5 &&
p.GroupMask.Length == 4 &&
(p.WorkGroupID & 0b10) != 0)
.Select( p => new
Len = p.ProductName.Length,
BLen = SQL.BinaryLen(p.ProductName) + 1,
p.GroupMask, p.WorkGroupID
Data Access Classes
The classes that represent database tables in Acumatica Framework are called data access classes
(DACs). You derive these classes from the PX.Data.IBqlTable interface. The name of a class is usually
the same as the name of the database table to which it provides access (except with the DACs that
have the PXTable or PXProjection attributes, which change the default binding of DACs to database
tables). We recommend that you add to each DAC the PXCacheName or PXHidden attribute to specify
whether and how the DAC is available in generic inquiries and reports.
For each table column, you add a data field to the corresponding data access class by declaring the
following members:
A public abstract class (which is also referred to as a class field)
You use this class to reference the table column in a business query language (BQL) statement.
The declaration of the class field is different in the fluent BQL dialect than it is in the traditional
BQL dialect. For details about the declaration, see Data Access Classes in Fluent BQL and Data
Access Classes in Traditional BQL. We recommend that you use the fluent BQL style of DAC
declaration because it can be used both in fluent BQL and in traditional BQL. The style of class
field declaration is not important for queries defined with language-integrated query (LINQ).
A public virtual property (which is also referred to as property field)
| Accessing Data | 76
You bind the data field to the table column by specifying the type attribute that is derived from
the PXDBFieldAttribute class, such as PXDBString, and specifying the name of the column
as the name of the property. If you don't need to bind the property to a database column (for
example, if you want the value of the property to be calculated from the database fields), you
specify an unbound type attribute, such as PXDBCalced. You assign the property a name that
starts with an uppercase letter. For the lists of bound and unbound type attributes, see Bound
Field Data Types and Unbound Field Data Types.
You use the property, which, in the system, holds the column data of the table, in the queries
defined with LINQ. In the SQL command generated from BQL, the framework explicitly lists
columns for all bound data fields defined in the DAC. For the unbound data fields whose property
attribute defines a BQL command, if this data field is used in a BQL query, the system translates
the BQL command of the property to SQL when the BQL query is translated to SQL. For more
information on the translation of BQL to SQL, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
The following code shows an example of the Product DAC declaration in the fluent BQL style.
using System;
using PX.Data;
public class Product : PX.Data.IBqlTable
// The class used in BQL statements to refer to the ProductID column
public abstract class productID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<productID>
// The property holding the ProductID value in a record
[PXDBIdentity(IsKey = true)]
public virtual int? ProductID { get; set; }
// The class used in BQL statements to refer to the AvailQty column
public abstract class availQty : PX.Data.BQL.BqlDecimal.Field<availQty>
// The property holding the AvailQty value in a record
public virtual decimal? AvailQty { get; set; }
PXView and PXCache of the Data View
You define a data view with a class derived from the PXSelectBase class, such as SelectFrom<>.View
in fluent BQL and PXSelect<> in traditional BQL. When a graph executes a data view, the graph creates
the following objects:
The PXView object, which contains the BQL command that corresponds to the data view
The PXCache<Node> objects whose type parameter is defined by the data access classes (DACs)
that are used in the BQL command
The PXView object uses the BQL command to retrieve data from the database and stores the retrieved
data in the PXCache object. The data view stores references to the corresponding PXView object and the
PXCache object of the main DAC of the data view, as shown in the following diagram.
| Accessing Data | 77
Figure: Example of relationships between classes
Data Query Execution
The system executes a data query in the following stages, which are described in detail below:
Stage 1: When a developer executes a BQL statement in code, Acumatica Framework configures a
delayed query.
Stage 2: If a language-integrated query (LINQ) statement is appended to the BQL statement,
Microsoft LINQ configures the expression tree, which includes the delayed query.
Stage 3: When the developer casts the result of the query to a data access class (DAC) or an
array of DACs, the system does the following:
3a: If the result of the query contains the expression tree created by LINQ, the system
configures the SQL query tree that corresponds to the LINQ expression tree, and executes
the SQL query tree.
3b: If the result of the query is created only by BQL, the system configures the SQL query
tree for the delayed query and executes this query tree.
The whole process is illustrated in the following diagram.
| Accessing Data | 78
Figure: Data query execution
Configuration of a Delayed Query
In code, you execute a business query language (BQL) statement in one of the following ways:
You declare a data view (a PXSelectBase-derived class) as a member in a graph, and you specify
this data view as the data member of the webpage control. The system uses this data view for
basic data manipulation (inserting a data record, updating a data record, and deleting a data
record) and executes the data view by calling the Select() method.
You use the static Select() method of a PXSelectBase-derived class with a graph object as
the parameter.
You dynamically instantiate a PXSelectBase-derived class in code and execute it by using its
Select() method. (You provide the graph object as a parameter to the class constructor.)
You instantiate a class derived from the BqlCommand class (such as a Select class in traditional
BQL or FromSelect in fluent BQL), create a PXView object that uses this BqlCommand class, create
a graph object, and call one of the view's Select() methods.
| Accessing Data | 79
When the Select() method is executed, Acumatica Framework does the following:
1. Configures a delayed query by creating a PXDelayedQuery instance. The PXDelayedQuery
instance contains a reference to a PXView object, which contains references to PXGraph and the
BqlCommand object to be executed.
2. Caches the delayed query by using the PXContext.SetSlot method. (For details on the slots,
see Use of Slots to Cache Data Objects.)
3. Returns a PXResultset<T> object whose type parameter is set to the DAC specified as the
type parameter of the SelectFrom class (in fluent BQL) or as the first type parameter of the
PXSelect class (in traditional BQL). This result set contains information about the delayed query.
You can iterate through the result set in a foreach loop, obtaining either DAC instances or PXResult<>
instances. A PXResult<> instance represents a tuple of joined records from the result set. PXResult<>
can be cast to any of the DAC types joined in the BQL statement. For more information on the use of
the PXResultset<T> class, see To Process the Result of the Execution of the BQL Statement.
Configuration of the LINQ Expression Tree
Because the PXResultset<T> class implements the IQueryable<T> interface, developers can modify
PXResultset<T> by using LINQ. If the developer appends LINQ statements to a result set, Microsoft
LINQ incorporates the result set as an instance of the SQLQueryable<T> class in the LINQ expression
tree. The resulting expression tree is an instance of the SQLQueryable<T> class, which contains
references to an instance of PXGraph, Microsoft LINQ expression tree, the base PXResultset<T>, and
an instance of PX.Data.SQLTree.SQLQueryProvider.
Execution of the Delayed Query
Once you cast the result of the execution of the Select() method to a DAC or an array of DACs, or if
you iterate through the DACs in the result by using the foreach statement, the system performs the
following steps:
1. The system calls the PXDelayedQuery.GetRows method for the delayed query of the result set.
This method internally calls the PXView.Select() method for the data view referred to in the
delayed query.
2. If the select delegate is provided, inside the PXView.Select() method, the system invokes the
select delegate by using the PXView.InvokeDelegate method and saves the result in the query
cache of the graph. (The query cache stores the result set obtained by the execution of a specific
BQL command.)
3. Inside the PXView.Select() method, the system searches for the requested records in the
query cache by using the PXView.LookupCache method. If no records are found, the system
requests data from the database by using the PXView.GetResult method. For details on the
retrieval of records from the database, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
4. The system merges the records retrieved from the database or from the query cache with the
modified records stored in PXCache by using the PXView.MergeCache method. For details about
the merge, see Merge of the Records with PXCache.
5. The system saves the result of the query in the query cache by using the PXView.StoreCached
6. The system returns the result as a List<T> type.
Execution of the LINQ Expression Tree
Once you iterate over the LINQ expression tree, the system performs the following steps:
1. The system calls the SQLQueryProvider.Execute() method, which builds the
Remotion.Linq expression tree based on the Microsoft LINQ expression tree and calls
| Accessing Data | 80
Remotion.Linq.QueryModel.Execute() method with the PX.Data.SQLTree.SQLinqExecutor
instance as a parameter.
2. The system builds the SQL query tree from the Remotion.Linq.QueryModel by calling the
SQLinqExecutor.ExecuteCollection<T>() method. In this method, the system executes the
SQLinqQueryModelVisitor.VisitQueryModel() method, which does the following:
a. Calls the SQLinqQueryModelVisitor.VisitMainFromClause() method, which builds the
SQL query tree for the BQL statement that corresponds to the base PXResultset<T> of
the query. This method internally calls the BqlCommand.GetQueryInternal method, which
is described in Translation of a BQL Command to an SQL Query Tree.
b. Builds the SQL query tree for the rest of the Remotion.Linq expression tree by calling
the methods of SQLinqQueryModelVisitor for particular clauses and the columns
included in the result of the query. If the system cannot build the SQL query tree for
particular elements of the Remotion.Linq expression tree, the system falls back to the
execution of the delayed query for the base BQL statement. For details about the fallback,
see Fallback to the LINQ to Objects Mode.
3. Within the SQLinqExecutor.ExecuteCollection<T>() method, the system uses the built SQL
query tree to request the data from the database. For details about how the SQL query tree is
translated to the SQL text that is passed to the database, see Translation of the SQL Query Tree
to SQL Text.
4. The system merges the records retrieved from the database with the modified records stored in
PXCache. For details about the merge, see Merge of the Records with PXCache.
5. The system returns the result as a List<T> type.
Translation of a BQL Command to SQL
When the system executes a delayed query and calls the PXView.GetResult method to retrieve
the data from the database, the system converts the business query language (BQL) command
(PX.Data.BqlCommand) to the SQL query tree (PX.Data.SQLTree.Query), applies the needed
restrictions on the SQL query tree (such as company and branch restrictions), and then converts the
SQL query tree to the text of the SQL command for the target database type. This process is described
in detail in the following sections.
Translation of a BQL Command to an SQL Query Tree
To request the SQL query tree of the command, the system recursively calls the following methods:
1. PXView.GetResult
2. PXGraph.ProviderSelect
3. PXDatabaseProviderBase.Select
4. BqlCommand.GetQuery
The BqlCommand.GetQuery method calls the BqlCommand.GetQueryInternal method, which uses other
methods as follows to prepare the SQL query tree:
1. If the BQL command contains aggregation, the BqlCommand.AppendAggregatedFields method
appends to a new Query instance the SQL expressions (PX.Data.SQL.SQLExpression) that
correspond to the fields that are surrounded with appropriate aggregation functions. If the BQL
command does not contain aggregation, the BqlCommand.AppendFields method appends to a
new Query instance the SQL expressions that correspond to the fields to be selected. The fields
to be selected are the DAC fields that subscribe to the OnCommandPreparing event and are not
restricted by PXFieldScope.
2. For each Join clause, the IBqlJoin.AppendQuery method adds to the Query instance the
Joiner instance that corresponds to the Join clause.
| Accessing Data | 81
The IBqlJoin.AppendQuery method obtains the type of Join and, for all classes in
the On clause that implement the IBqlCreator interface, successively executes the
IBqlCreator.AppendExpression method, starting from the On class and then proceeding
with enclosed classes, such as the Where classes and comparison classes. For the DAC fields
(IBqlField-derived classes), the BqlCommand.GetSingleExpression method obtains the SQL
3. For all classes in the Where and GroupBy clauses that implement the IBqlCreator interface,
the system successively executes the IBqlCreator.AppendExpression method, which appends
to the Query instance the SQL expression that corresponds to the classes. For the DAC fields
(IBqlField-derived classes), the BqlCommand.GetSingleExpression method obtains the SQL
4. The IBqlOrderBy.AppendQuery method adds to the Query instance the list of OrderSegment
instances that corresponds to the OrderBy clause.
For each sorting class (a IBqlSortColumn-derived class) in the OrderBy clause, the
IBqlSortColumn.AppendQuery method adds to the Query instance the OrderSegment instance
that corresponds to the sorting column. For the DAC fields (IBqlField-derived classes), the
BqlCommand.GetSingleExpression method obtains the SQL expression. If the original BQL
statement does not specify ordering, the system adds to the Query instance sorting by the DAC
key fields (in ascending order).
The following diagram shows the conversion of a BQL command to an SQL query tree.
| Accessing Data | 82
Figure: Conversion of a BQL command to an SQL query tree
SQL Tree Expression of a Field
To obtain the SQL tree expression of each field of the BQL command, the BqlCommand instance creates
a PXCache instance that corresponds to the data access class (DAC) to which the field belongs. The
PXCache instance generates the OnCommandPreparing event with the specified PXDBOperation type
| Accessing Data | 83
(which specifies the type of the database operation). The attribute assigned to the DAC field (that
is, the attribute that implements the IPXCommandPreparingSubscriber interface) handles the event
and returns the PX.Data.SQLTree.SQLExpression instance that corresponds to the field or to the
BQL statement that is defined by the field attribute. (For example, the PXDBCalced and PXDBScalar
attributes define BQL statements.)
The following diagram shows how BqlCommand obtains the SQL tree expression for the fields of a BQL
Figure: Retrieval of the SQL tree expression for the fields of a BQL command
Translation of a BQL Command with Parameters to an SQL Query Tree
Before the system requests the SQL query tree of a BQL command, the PXView object retrieves the
values of the parameters used in the query as follows:
For a field with FromCurrent appended (in fluent BQL) or specified in the Current parameter
(in traditional BQL), the PXView object retrieves the field value from the Current object
of the PXCache object. If the current field value is null, the PXView object triggers the
FieldDefaulting event handlers and retrieves the default value from the PXDefault attribute
value (if any).
: The default value is not retrieved if FromCurrent.NoDefault is appended to the field (in fluent
BQL) or if the Current2 parameter is used (in traditional BQL).
For a field with AsOptional appended (in fluent BQL) or specified in the Optional parameter, if
the explicit field value is specified, the PXView object triggers the FieldUpdating event, whose
handlers can transform the external presentation of the field value to an internal value (for
example, transform ProductCD to ProductID). If the field value is not specified, the PXView
object retrieves the field value from the Current object of the PXCache object. If the current field
value is null, the PXView object triggers the FieldDefaulting event and retrieves the default
value from the PXDefault attribute value (if any).
: The default value is not retrieved if AsOptional.NoDefault is appended to the field (in fluent
BQL) or if the Optional2 parameter is used.
When BqlCommand creates the SQL query tree that corresponds to the BQL command,
IBqlCreator.AppendExpression (which is implemented by the ParameterBase<Field> class)
includes the parameters in the SQL query tree. After BqlCommand has created the SQL query tree that
corresponds to the BQL command, the system inserts into the SQL query tree the actual values of the
parameters retrieved by PXView.
| Accessing Data | 84
Translation of the SQL Query Tree to SQL Text
A PXGraph instance stores information about the target database type in its SqlDialect property.
SQLTree.Query has the Connection property, which is responsible for the conversion of the SQL query
tree to the SQL text in the format of the target database. To convert the SQL query tree to text, the
system does the following:
1. Calls the SQLDialect.GetConnection method of the graph instance to retrieve the needed
2. Passes this Connection instance to the SQLTree.Query.SQLQuery method, which converts the
SQL query tree to the text for Microsoft SQL or MySQL, depending on the passed Connection.
Merge of the Records with PXCache
For the queries defined with business query language (BQL) or with BQL and LINQ, the system merges
the records retrieved from the database with the modified records stored in PXCache as follows:
1. If the query is read-only, the result set is not merged with any PXCache object. The system
returns the data records as they are currently stored in the database.
: A query is read-only if the IsReadOnly property of the underlying PXView object is true.
For example, the traditional BQL statements that use aggregation or are based on one of the
PXSelectReadonly classes are read-only. The fluent BQL statements that have .ReadOnly
appended are read-only.
2. If the query is not read-only and contains filtering by data access class (DAC) fields by using
LINQ (that is, only the values in specific columns of the database tables are returned in the
results of the query), the system checks whether the primary key fields of the primary DAC
(the first DAC in the BQL statement) are returned in the results of the query. If the primary key
fields are not in the results, no merge with any PXCache object is performed. If all primary key
fields are in the results, the result set is merged with the PXCache object that corresponds to the
primary DAC.
3. If the query is not read-only, does not contain filtering of DAC fields by using LINQ, and does not
contain joins, the result set is merged with the contents of the appropriate PXCache object, and
the system returns the result set updated with the modifications stored in PXCache.
4. If the query is not read-only, does not contain filtering by DAC fields by using LINQ, and joins
data from multiple tables, the result set is merged with only the PXCache object that corresponds
to the first table of the BQL statement. The PXResultset<> object, which represents the
result set, contains objects of the generic PXResult<> type. This type can be cast to the data
access classes (DACs) that represent the joined tables. The instance of the primary DAC to
which PXResult<> is cast contains the records from the database that are updated with the
modifications stored in PXCache. Casting PXResult<> to a joined DAC returns the instance
that contains values from the database and has no relation with the PXCache instances of the
corresponding DAC types.
The following diagram illustrates the database records being merged with PXCache.
| Accessing Data | 85
Figure: Merge with PXCache
Comparison of Fluent BQL, Traditional BQL, and LINQ
In this topic, you can learn the main differences between the queries defined with fluent business query
language (BQL), traditional BQL, and language-integrated query (LINQ).
Comparison of Fluent BQL, Traditional BQL, and LINQ
Characteristic Fluent BQL Traditional BQL LINQ
The queries can be used to define data
views in graphs.
Yes Yes No
The queries can be defined in code. Yes Yes Yes
The queries can be defined in DAC field
Yes Yes No
DACs are used to define database
tables in the queries.
Yes Yes Yes
The queries can be used for dynamic
query building.
Yes Yes Yes
The queries can be parsed and modified
by the direct use of reflection—that is,
by Type.GetGenericArguments().
No Yes No
Clauses (such as Join, Where,
Aggregate, OrderBy, and On) can be
used separately of the query.
No Yes No
The query language includes numbered
classes (such as Select2 and Select6).
No Yes No
| Accessing Data | 86
Characteristic Fluent BQL Traditional BQL LINQ
Each subsequent element of the query
is passed as a generic parameter of the
previous one.
No Yes No
To create a query, a developer needs to
select a suitable command overload.
No Yes No
IntelliSense can offer continuations that
are relevant for the current query state.
Yes No Yes
The queries use strongly typed
expressions, which makes compile-time
type checks possible.
Yes No Yes
The queries can contain explicit
brackets in conditions.
Yes No; the Where
clause can be used
You can specify particular columns of
the tables to be selected.
Yes; you have to
use PXFieldScope
Yes; you have to
use PXFieldScope
The query is not executed until it is
iterated over.
Yes Yes Yes
Fluent BQL and Traditional BQL Equivalents
The fluent business query language (BQL) library defines the equivalents of traditional BQL classes
listed in the following tables.
You can use the converter from BQL to fluent BQL available on GitHub (
to convert the previously defined BQL queries to fluent BQL.
Data View Declarations
: All data views that contain aggregating are read-only.
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
SelectFrom<>.View PXSelect<>
SelectFrom<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectReadonly<>
SelectFrom<>.OrderBy<>.View PXSelectOrderBy<,>
SelectFrom<>.OrderBy<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectReadonly3<,>
SelectFrom<>.AggregateTo<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectGroupBy<,>
SelectFrom<>.AggregateTo<>.OrderBy<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectGroupByOrderBy<,,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.View PXSelect<,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectReadonly<,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.OrderBy<>.View PXSelect<,,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.OrderBy<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectReadonly<,,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.AggregateTo<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectGroupBy<,,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.AggregateTo<>.OrderBy<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectGroupBy<,,,>
| Accessing Data | 87
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].View PXSelectJoin<,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].View.ReadOnly PXSelectReadonly2<,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].OrderBy<>.View PXSelectJoinOrderBy<,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].OrderBy<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectReadonly3<,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].AggregateTo<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectJoinGroupBy<,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<>.View PXSelectJoin<,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectReadonly2<,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<>.OrderBy<>.View PXSelectJoin<,,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<>.OrderBy<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectReadonly2<,,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<>.AggregateTo<>.View.ReadOnly PXSelectJoinGroupBy<,,,>
Select Commands
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
SelectFrom<> Select<>
SelectFrom<>.OrderBy<> Select3<,>
SelectFrom<>.AggregateTo<> Select4<,>
SelectFrom<>.AggregateTo<>.OrderBy<> Select6<,,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<> Select<,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.OrderBy<> Select<,,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.AggregateTo<> Select4<,,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.AggregateTo<>.OrderBy<> Select4<,,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins] Select2<,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].OrderBy<> Select3<,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].AggregateTo<> Select5<,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].AggregateTo<>.OrderBy<> Select6<,,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<> Select2<,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<>.OrderBy<> Select2<,,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<>.AggregateTo<> Select5<,,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<>.AggregateTo<>.OrderBy<> Select5<,,,,>
| Accessing Data | 88
Search Commands
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
SelectFrom<>.SearchFor<> Search<>
SelectFrom<>.OrderBy<>.SearchFor<> Search3<,>
SelectFrom<>.AggregateTo<>.SearchFor<> Search4<,>
SelectFrom<>.AggregateTo<>.OrderBy<>.SearchFor<> Search6<,,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.SearchFor<> Search<,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.OrderBy<>.SearchFor<> Search<,,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.AggregateTo<>.SearchFor<> Search4<,,>
SelectFrom<>.Where<>.AggregateTo<>.OrderBy<>.SearchFor<> Search4<,,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].SearchFor<> Search2<,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].OrderBy<>.SearchFor<> Search3<,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].AggregateTo<>.SearchFor<> Search5<,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].AggregateTo<>.OrderBy<>.SearchFor<> Search6<,,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<>.SearchFor<> Search2<,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<>.OrderBy<>.SearchFor<> Search2<,,,>
SelectFrom<>.[Joins].Where<>.AggregateTo<>.SearchFor<> Search5<,,,>
Join Clauses
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
.InnerJoin<Table>.On<> InnerJoin<Table,On>
.InnerJoin<Table>.On<>.NextJoin InnerJoin<Table,On,NextJoin>
.InnerJoin<Table>.On<>.SingleTableOnly InnerJoinSingleTable<Table,On>
.LeftJoin<Table>.On<> LeftJoin<Table,On>
.LeftJoin<Table>.On<>.NextJoin LeftJoin<Table,On,NextJoin>
.LeftJoin<Table>.On<>.SingleTableOnly LeftJoinSingleTable<Table,On>
.RightJoin<Table>.On<> RightJoin<Table,On>
.RightJoin<Table>.On<>.NextJoin RightJoin<Table,On,NextJoin>
.RightJoin<Table>.On<>.SingleTableOnly RightJoinSingleTable<Table,On>
.FullJoin<Table>.On<> FullJoin<Table,On>
.FullJoin<Table>.On<>.NextJoin FullJoin<Table,On,NextJoin>
| Accessing Data | 89
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
.FullJoin<Table>.On<>.SingleTableOnly FullJoinSingleTable<Table,On>
.CrossJoin<Table> CrossJoin<Table>
.CrossJoin<Table>.NextJoin CrossJoin<Table,NextJoin>
.CrossJoin<Table>.SingleTableOnly CrossJoinSingleTable<Table>
.CrossJoin<Table>.SingleTableOnly.NextJoin CrossJoinSingleTable<Table,NextJoin>
Where Clause
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
.Where<UnaryOperator> Where<UnaryOperator>
.Where<Operand.Comparison> Where<Operand,Comparison>
.Where<Operand.Comparison.NextOperator> Where<Operand,Comparison,NextOperator>
.Where<UnaryOperator.NextOperator> Where2<UnaryOperator,NextOperator>
Aggregate Clause
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
.AggregateTo<Function> Aggregate<Function>
.AggregateTo<TFunctions>.THaving Aggregate<TFunctions,THaving>
.Having<TCondition> Having<TCondition>
GroupBy<Field> GroupBy<Field>
GroupBy<Field>, NextAggregate GroupBy<Field,NextAggregate>
Max<Field> Max<Field>
Max<Field>, NextAggregate Max<Field,NextAggregate>
Min<Field> Min<Field>
Min<Field>, NextAggregate Min<Field,NextAggregate>
Sum<Field> Sum<Field>
Sum<Field>, NextAggregate Sum<Field,NextAggregate>
Avg<Field> Avg<Field>
Avg<Field>, NextAggregate Avg<Field,NextAggregate>
Count Count
Count<Field> Count<Field>
OrderBy Clause
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
.OrderBy<List> OrderBy<List>
| Accessing Data | 90
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
Field.Asc Asc<Field>
Field.Asc, NextSort Asc<Field,NextSort>
Field.Desc Desc<Field>
Field.Desc, NextSort Desc<Field,NextSort>
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
Field.FromCurrent Current<Field>
Field.FromCurrent.NoDefault Current2<Field>
Field.AsOptional Optional<Field>
Field.AsOptional.NoDefault Optional2<Field>
@P.AsBool Required<Field>, where the property field of
Field has the bool type
@P.AsByte Required<Field>, where the property field of
Field has the byte type
@P.AsShort Required<Field>, where the property field of
Field has the short type
@P.AsInt Required<Field>, where the property field of
Field has the int type
@P.AsLong Required<Field>, where the property field of
Field has the long type
@P.AsFloat Required<Field>, where the property field of
Field has the float type
@P.AsDouble Required<Field>, where the property field of
Field has the double type
@P.AsDecimal Required<Field>, where the property field of
Field has the decimal type
@P.AsGuid Required<Field>, where the property field of
Field has the Guid type
@P.AsDateTime Required<Field>, where the property field of
Field has the DateTime type
@P.AsString Required<Field>, where the property field of
Field has the string type
Argument.AsBool Argument<bool?>
Argument.AsByte Argument<byte?>
Argument.AsShort Argument<short?>
Argument.AsInt Argument<int?>
Argument.AsLong Argument<long?>
Argument.AsFloat Argument<float?>
| Accessing Data | 91
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
Argument.AsDouble Argument<double?>
Argument.AsDecimal Argument<decimal?>
Argument.AsGuid Argument<Guid?>
Argument.AsDateTime Argument<DateTime?>
Argument.AsString Argument<string>
Logical Operators and Brackets
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
And<UnaryOperator> And<UnaryOperator>
And<Operand.Comparison> And<Operand,Comparison>
And<Operand.Comparison>.NextOperator And<Operand,Comparison,NextOperator>
And<UnaryOperator.NextOperator> And2<UnaryOperator,NextOperator>
Or<UnaryOperator> Or<UnaryOperator>
Or<Operand.Comparison> Or<Operand,Comparison>
Or<Operand.Comparison>.NextOperator Or<Operand,Comparison,NextOperator>
Or<UnaryOperator.NextOperator> Or2<UnaryOperator,NextOperator>
Not<UnaryOperator> Not<UnaryOperator>
Not<Operand.Comparison> Not<Operand,Comparison>
Not<Operand.Comparison.NextOperator> Not<Operand,Comparison,NextOperator>
Not<UnaryOperator.NextOperator> Not2<UnaryOperator,NextOperator>
Brackets<UnaryOperator> Where<UnaryOperator>
Brackets<Operand.Comparison> Where<Operand,Comparison>
Brackets<Operand.Comparison.NextOperator> Where<Operand,Comparison,NextOperator>
Brackets<UnaryOperator.NextOperator> Where2<UnaryOperator,NextOperator>
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
Table.field.IsEqual<TOperand> <Table.field, Equal<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsNotEqual<TOperand> <Table.field, NotEqual<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsGreaterEqual<TOperand> <Table.field, GreaterEqual<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsGreater<TOperand> <Table.field, Greater<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsLessEqual<TOperand> <Table.field, LessEqual<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsLess<TOperand> <Table.field, Less<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsLike<TOperand> <Table.field, Like<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsNotLike<TOperand> <Table.field, NotLike<TOperand>>
| Accessing Data | 92
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
Table.field.IsBetween<TOperand> <Table.field, Between<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsNotBetween<TOperand> <Table.field, NotBetween<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsNull <Table.field, IsNull<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsNotNull <Table.field, IsNotNull<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsIn<TOperand> <Table.field, In<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsNotIn<TOperand> <Table.field, NotIn<TOperand>>
Table.field.IsInSub<TSearch> <Table.field, In2<TSearch>>
Table.field.IsNotInSub<TSearch> <Table.field, NotIn2<TSearch>>
Table.field.IsIn<TConst1, ..., TConstN> <Table.field, In3<TConst1, ..., TConstN>>
Table.field.IsNotIn<TConst1, ..., TConstN> <Table.field, NotIn3<TConst1, ...,
Case, When, Then, and Else Operators
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
Operand.When<Condition> Case<Condition,Operand>
Arithmetic Operations and Operations with Strings and Dates
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
Op1.Add<Op2> Add<Op1, Op2>
Op1.Subtract<Op2> Sub<Op1, Op2>
Op1.Multiply<Op2> Mult<Op1, Op2>
Op1.Divide<Op2> Div<Op1, Op2>
Op1.Concat<Op2> Concat<Op1, Op2>
Op1.IfNullThen<Op2> IsNull<Op1, Op2>
Op1.NullIf<Op2> NullIf<Op1, Op2>
Date1.Diff<Date2>.Years DateDiff<Date1, Date2, DateDiff.year>
Date1.Diff<Date2>.Quarters DateDiff<Date1, Date2, DateDiff.quarter>
Date1.Diff<Date2>.Months DateDiff<Date1, Date2, DateDiff.month>
Date1.Diff<Date2>.Weeks DateDiff<Date1, Date2, DateDiff.week>
Date1.Diff<Date2>.Days DateDiff<Date1, Date2,>
| Accessing Data | 93
Fluent BQL Traditional BQL
Date1.Diff<Date2>.Hours DateDiff<Date1, Date2, DateDiff.hour>
Date1.Diff<Date2>.Minutes DateDiff<Date1, Date2, DateDiff.minute>
Date1.Diff<Date2>.Seconds DateDiff<Date1, Date2, DateDiff.second>
Date1.Diff<Date2>.Milliseconds DateDiff<Date1, Date2,
DatePart<Date>.Year DatePart<DatePart.year, Date>
DatePart<Date>.Quarter DatePart<DatePart.quarter, Date>
DatePart<Date>.Month DatePart<DatePart.month, Date>
DatePart<Date>.Week DatePart<DatePart.week, Date>
DatePart<Date>.WeekDay DatePart<DatePart.weekDay, Date>
DatePart<Date>.Day DatePart<, Date>
DatePart<Date>.DayOfYear DatePart<DatePart.dayOfYear, Date>
DatePart<Date>.Hour DatePart<DatePart.hour, Date>
DatePart<Date>.Minute DatePart<DatePart.minute, Date>
DatePart<Date>.Second DatePart<DatePart.second, Date>
To Execute BQL Statements
To send a request to the database, you call the Select() method of a PXSelectBase-derived class and
cast the result of the query execution to a data access class (DAC) or an array of DACs, as described in
this topic. The Select() method can accept additional parameters if a business query language (BQL)
statement includes parameters.
To Execute a BQL Statement That Defines a Data View
When a webpage requests data, you do not need to execute a data view manually; the system executes
each data view automatically. If you need to manually execute a BQL statement that defines a data
view, do the following:
1. Declare a data view as a member in a graph.
2. Execute the data view by calling the Select() method of a PXSelectBase-derived class.
3. Cast the result of the query execution to a DAC or an array of DACs, or iterate through DACs
in the result by using the foreach statement. The following sample code shows the approach
of iterating through DACs. For details, see To Process the Result of the Execution of the BQL
// Business logic controller (graph) declaration
public class OrderDataEntry : PXGraph<OrderDataEntry, SalesOrder>
// A data view declared as a graph member
public SelectFrom<SalesOrder>.
OrderBy<Asc<SalesOrder.orderNbr>>.View Orders;
public void SomeMethod()
// An execution of the data view in code
foreach(SalesOrder so in Orders.Select())
// The SalesOrder record selected by a data view can
| Accessing Data | 94
// be modified and updated through the Update() method.
so.OrderTotal = so.LinesTotal + so.FreightAmt;
// Update the SalesOrder data record in PXCache
To Execute a BQL Statement Statically
To execute a BQL statement statically, do the following:
1. Execute a BQL statement by using the static Select() method of a PXSelectBase-derived
class. Provide a graph object as the parameter of the method.
2. Cast the result of the query execution to a DAC or an array of DACs, or iterate through DACs
in the result by using the foreach statement. The following sample code shows the approach
of iterating through DACs. For details, see To Process the Result of the Execution of the BQL
// Business logic controller (graph) declaration
public class OrderDataEntry : PXGraph<OrderDataEntry, SalesOrder>
public void SomeMethod()
// Execution through the static Select() method
foreach(SalesOrder so in
To Execute a BQL Statement Dynamically
To execute a BQL statement dynamically, do the following:
1. Dynamically instantiate a data view in code. You should also provide the graph object as a
parameter to the data view constructor.
2. Execute the data view by using the Select() method of the instance of a PXSelectBase-derived
3. Cast the result of the query execution to a DAC or an array of DACs, or iterate through DACs
in the result by using the foreach statement. The following sample code shows the approach
of iterating through DACs. For details, see To Process the Result of the Execution of the BQL
// Business logic controller (graph) declaration
public class OrderDataEntry : PXGraph<OrderDataEntry, SalesOrder>
public void SomeMethod()
// Dynamic instantiation of a data view
PXSelectBase<SalesOrder> orders =
new SelectFrom<SalesOrder>.
// An execution of a dynamically created BQL statement
foreach(SalesOrder so in orders.Select())
| Accessing Data | 95
To Execute a BQL Statement with Parameters
Use parameters (such as AsOptional, FromCurrent, and @P.As[Type] in fluent BQL and Optional,
Current, and Required in traditional BQL) to pass specific values to a BQL statement, as shown in the
following example. For more details on how to construct a BQL statement with parameters, see To Use
Parameters in Fluent BQL Queries and To Use Parameters in Traditional BQL.
// Declaration of a BLC
public class ReceiptDataEntry : PXGraph<ReceiptDataEntry, Document>
// When a screen associated with this BLC is first opened,
// the Optional parameter is replaced with the default DocType value.
public SelectFrom<Document>.
Where<Document.docType.IsEqual<Document.docType.AsOptional>> Receipts;
// The FromCurrent parameters are replaced with the values from
// the Current property of the PXCache<Document> object.
public SelectFrom<DocTransaction>.
OrderBy<Asc<DocTransaction.lineNbr>> ReceiptTransactions;
public void SomeMethod()
// Select documents of the same DocType as the current document
// has, or of the default DocType if the current document is null.
PXResult<Document> res1 = Receipts.Select();
foreach(Document doc in res1)
// Select documents of the "N" DocType.
PXResult<Document> res2 = Receipts.Select("N");
foreach(Document doc in res2)
// Use parameter values from the current document.
PXResult<DocTransaction> res3 = ReceiptTransactions.Select();
foreach(DocTransaction docTran in res3)
// Use the @P.AsString parameter to provide values in code.
// The result set here is the same as the res2 result set.
PXResult<Document> res4 =
.Select(this, "N");
foreach(Document doc in res4)
To Execute a BQL Statement in a Data View Delegate
If the data requested from the database cannot be described by a declarative BQL statement,
implement the data view delegate that is used instead of the standard Select() logic to retrieve data
from the database; this data view delegate must satisfy the following requirements:
The data view delegate must have the same name as the data view except for the first letter,
which must be lowercase.
The data view delegate must return IEnumerable, as shown in the following example.
| Accessing Data | 96
: If the data view delegate is not defined or it returns null, the standard Select() logic is
The following sample code defines a data view delegate.
// A view declaration in a graph
public SelectFrom<BalancedAPDocument>.
// The data view delegate
protected virtual IEnumerable documentlist()
// Iterating over the result set of a complex BQL statement
foreach (PXResult<BalancedAPDocument, APInvoice, APPayment, APAdjust> res in
// Casting a result set record to DAC types
BalancedAPDocument apdoc = (BalancedAPDocument)res;
APAdjust adj = (APAdjust)res;
// Checking some conditions and modifying records
return new PXResult<BalancedAPDocument, APInvoice, APPayment>(
apdoc, res, res);
To Process the Result of the Execution of the BQL Statement
Select() returns the PXResultset<T0> object. The type parameter (T0) is set to the first table
selected by the business query language (BQL) statement, and PXResultset<T0> is a collection of
PXResult<T0> objects. You can iterate through the result set in a foreach loop and obtain either data
access class (DAC) instances or PXResult<> instances. A PXResult<> instance represents a whole
result set record and can be cast to any of the DAC types joined in the BQL statement.
To Get the Objects of the Primary DAC
In the foreach loop, cast each PXResult<T0> object in the collection to an object of the main DAC.
The PXResult<T0> object is implicitly converted to the T0 class. In the following sample code, records
are selected from the Document table.
// Result set records are implicitly cast to the Document DAC.
foreach(Document doc in SelectFrom<Document>.View.Select(this))
| Accessing Data | 97
To Get the Objects of Joined DACs
1. In the foreach loop, cast each PXResult<T0> object in the collection to the needed
PXResult<T0, T1, T2, ...> object, where T0, T1, T2, and other type parameters are joined
DACs from the BQL statement. The PXResult<T0, T1, T2, ...> type must be specialized with
the DACs of all joined tables.
2. Cast each PXResult<T0, T1, T2, ...> item to any of the listed types to get the object of this
The following sample code shows how to process the result set of a BQL statement joining two tables.
// The static Select() method is called to execute a BQL command.
PXResultset<OrderLine> result =
// Iterating over the result set:
// PXResult should be specialized with the DACs of all joined tables
// to be able to cast to these DACs.
foreach(PXResult<OrderLine, SalesOrder> record in result)
// Casting a result set record to the OrderLine DAC:
OrderLine detail = (OrderLine)record;
// Casting a result set record to the SalesOrder DAC:
SalesOrder order = (SalesOrder)record;
Creating Fluent BQL Queries
To query data from the database, you use the business query language (BQL), which has two dialects:
fluent BQL and traditional BQL.
In this chapter, you can find information on how to create fluent BQL queries. For general information
about data querying, see Querying Data in Acumatica Framework. For details about building queries
with traditional BQL, see Creating Traditional BQL Queries.
In This Chapter
Fluent Business Query Language
Data Access Classes in Fluent BQL
Search and Select Commands and Data
Views in Fluent BQL
Constants in Fluent BQL
Parameters in Fluent BQL
To Select Records by Using Fluent BQL
To Use Parameters in Fluent BQL Queries
Fluent Business Query Language
Fluent business query language (BQL), which is described in this topic, is a dialect of BQL that is more
similar to SQL than traditional BQL is. You can find all classes that can be used in fluent BQL in the
PX.Data.BQL and PX.Data.BQL.Fluent namespaces.
| Accessing Data | 98
Fluent BQL Structure
Fluent BQL uses nesting of generic classes. That is, each section of a fluent BQL query does not depend
on the other sections and can appear in only specific places of the query. The order of the sections is
shown in the following code.
SelectFrom<> is the only mandatory part of the query. You can add to the query any number of Join
sections and the Where<>, AggregateTo<>, and OrderBy<> sections of the query, depending on whether
you need the corresponding clauses of the query.
The query defined with fluent BQL as described above is equivalent to the Select command in
traditional BQL. To compose a query for different purposes (such as to define a data view or to define
a Search command in an attribute constructor), you need to prepend additional elements to the query
or append them to the query, as described in Search and Select Commands and Data Views in Fluent
BQL. You can find the equivalents of traditional BQL in fluent BQL in Fluent BQL and Traditional BQL
SelectFrom<> Section
In the SelectFrom<> section of the query, you use the SelectFrom<> class, which uses a data access
class (DAC) as the type parameter. For details on DACs, see Data Access Classes in Fluent BQL.
Join Sections
Each Join section of the fluent BQL query consists of the following components:
The join type (InnerJoin<>, LeftJoin<>, RightJoin<>, FullJoin<>, CrossJoin<>) with the
joined DAC as the type parameter.
The joining condition (On<>). This condition is not specified for CrossJoin<>.
The single table modifier (SingleTableOnly). This optional part of each Join section forces
optimization if a DAC used in the query has the PXProjection attribute.
The following code fragments show the Join sections with different types of joins.
Fluent BQL queries can contain any number of Join sections.
Where<> Section and On<> Subsection
Conditions in the query are defined in the Where<> section and the On<> subsections of the Join
sections. The conditions can contain the following nested components:
Comparisons, such as Table.field.IsEqual<TOperand>
And<> subsections
Or<> subsections
Brackets<> subsections
| Accessing Data | 99
The following code fragments show examples of an On<> subsection and a Where<> section.
AggregateTo<> and OrderBy<> Sections
The AggregateTo<> and OrderBy<> sections of a fluent BQL query accept non-empty arrays of the
specific base type as the only generic parameters. To make it easier for developers to write and read
of the queries, fluent BQL includes groups of aliases that embed certain array usage. These aliases are
pregenerated for arrays with up to 32 elements.
The AggregateTo<> section can also include an optional Having<> subsection. In this subsection, you
include conditions that can contain only logical operators, constants, parameters, and aggregated fields
(that is, the fields with .Averaged, .Summarized, .Maximized, .Minimized, or .Grouped appended).
The following code fragments show examples of AggregateTo<> and OrderBy<> sections.
.AggregateTo<Sum<field1>, GroupBy<field2>, Max<field3>,
Min<field4>, Avg<field5>, Count<field6>>.
.OrderBy<field1.Asc, field2.Desc, field3.Asc>
Data Access Classes in Fluent BQL
The data access classes (DACs) that are used in fluent BQL differ from the DACs that are used in
traditional BQL in the declarations of the class fields. For the general information about the declaration
of DACs for both traditional BQL and fluent BQL, see Data Access Classes.
Each class field of a DAC (that is, each public abstract class of a DAC) is strongly typed, which
makes it possible to perform compile-time code checks in Visual Studio. You derive class fields not from
the IBqlField interface (as you would in traditional BQL) but from the specific fluent BQL classes that
correspond to the type of the property field as shown in the following table. You assign the class field a
name that starts with a lowercase letter.
Type of the Property Field Type of the Class Field
bool BqlBool.Field<TSelf>
byte BqlByte.Field<TSelf>
short BqlShort.Field<TSelf>
int BqlInt.Field<TSelf>
long BqlLong.Field<TSelf>
float BqlFloat.Field<TSelf>
double BqlDouble.Field<TSelf>
decimal BqlDecimal.Field<TSelf>
Guid BqlGuid.Field<TSelf>
DateTime BqlDateTime.Field<TSelf>
| Accessing Data | 100
Type of the Property Field Type of the Class Field
String BqlString.Field<TSelf>
byte[] BqlByteArray.Field<TSelf>
The following code shows an example of the Product DAC declaration.
using System;
using PX.Data;
public class Product : PX.Data.IBqlTable
// The class used in BQL statements to refer to the ProductID column
public abstract class productID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<productID>
// The property holding the ProductID value in a record
[PXDBIdentity(IsKey = true)]
public virtual int? ProductID { get; set; }
// The class used in BQL statements to refer to the AvailQty column
public abstract class availQty : PX.Data.BQL.BqlDecimal.Field<availQty>
// The property holding the AvailQty value in a record
public virtual decimal? AvailQty { get; set; }
Simultaneous Use of DACs in Fluent BQL and Traditional BQL
The DAC fields declared in fluent BQL style can be used in traditional BQL queries without any
The class fields that are defined in the traditional BQL style (as described in Data Access Classes) can
be used in fluent BQL queries if you wrap these fields in the Use<>.As[Type] class, where [Type] is
one of the following: Bool, Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Decimal, Guid, DateTime,
String, or ByteArray.
The following code shows the definition of the availQty class field in the traditional BQL style and its
use in a fluent BQL comparison.
public class Product : PX.Data.IBqlTable
public abstract class availQty : PX.Data.IBqlField
public virtual decimal? AvailQty { get; set; }
View AvailableProducts;
Though the DAC fields in the traditional BQL style can be used in fluent BQL queries, we recommend
that you use the fluent BQL style of DAC declaration for simplicity.
Search and Select Commands and Data Views in Fluent BQL
You can use fluent business query language (BQL) to define data views and specify Select and Search
| Accessing Data | 101
Data Views
You can use any of the following approaches to define a data view:
Use the PXViewOf<> class before the fluent BQL query, as shown in the following code example.
Where<Product.isActive.IsEqual<True>>>.ReadOnly ActiveProducts;
The DACs that are specified as type parameters in PXViewOf<> and SelectFrom<> must be the
same; this is checked by the compiler. You can omit .BasedOn<> if you want to declare a view
that selects all records from one table. You append .ReadOnly to the view definition if you need to
define a read-only data view.
Append .View to the fluent BQL query, as shown in the following code example.
Where<Product.isActive, Equal<True>>.View.ReadOnly ActiveProducts;
You append .ReadOnly to the view definition if you need to define a read-only data view.
The data views defined with fluent BQL are equivalent to the corresponding traditional BQL data views.
For the full list of equivalents, see Fluent BQL and Traditional BQL Equivalents. Also, the fluent BQL data
views have the same static methods as the traditional BQL data views have.
Select Commands
The query defined with fluent BQL, as described in Fluent Business Query Language, is equivalent to the
Select BQL command. For the full list of equivalents, see Fluent BQL and Traditional BQL Equivalents.
Search Commands
You can use any of the following approaches to define a Search BQL command:
Use the SearchFor<> class before the fluent BQL query, as shown in the following code example.
Append .SearchFor<> to the fluent BQL query, as shown in the following code example.
The Search commands defined with fluent BQL are equivalent to the corresponding traditional BQL
commands. For the full list of equivalents, see Fluent BQL and Traditional BQL Equivalents.
Dynamic Query Building
Because SearchFor<> and SelectFrom<> are derived from the BqlCommand class, they can be used
in dynamic query building through the WhereAnd, AppendJoin, and OrderByNew functions. However,
fluent BQL commands (which are derived from the FbqlCommand class) aren't decomposed by
BqlCommand.Decompose() directly. That is, the Decompose function checks whether a command has a
FbqlCommand type, retrieves the type of its underlying BqlCommand, and decomposes this underlying
BqlCommand command. Therefore, the elements of the array produced by the Decompose function are
components of the BqlCommand, and are not components of the passed FbqlCommand.
PXViewOf<TBqlTable> also supports all dynamic query building actions that the traditional BQL PXView
| Accessing Data | 102
Constants in Fluent BQL
You can use predefined constants (such as integer Zero, datetime Now, Today, and MaxDate, string
StringEmpty, and the Boolean values True and False) in fluent BQL queries without any changes.
If you need to use a custom constant in a fluent BQL query, you define this constant by using the class
that corresponds to the C# type of the constant. The following table lists the constant classes that
correspond to C# types.
C# Type Fluent BQL Type
bool BqlBool.Constant<TSelf>
byte BqlByte.Constant<TSelf>
short BqlShort.Constant<TSelf>
int BqlInt.Constant<TSelf>
long BqlLong.Constant<TSelf>
float BqlFloat.Constant<TSelf>
double BqlDouble.Constant<TSelf>
decimal BqlDecimal.Constant<TSelf>
Guid BqlGuid.Constant<TSelf>
DateTime BqlDateTime.Constant<TSelf>
String BqlString.Constant<TSelf>
The following code shows an example of the decimal_0 constant declaration.
public class decimal_0 : PX.Data.BQL.BqlDecimal.Constant<decimal_0>
public decimal_0()
: base(0m)
Simultaneous Use of Constants in Fluent BQL and Traditional BQL
The predefined constants and the constants defined as described in the previous section can be used in
traditional BQL without any changes.
The constants defined in the traditional BQL style (that is, derived from the Constant<Type> class)
can be used in the fluent BQL queries if you wrap these constants in the Use<>.As[Type] class, where
[Type] is one of the following: Bool, Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Decimal, Guid,
DateTime, or String.
The following code shows the declaration of the decimal_0 constant in traditional BQL style and its
use in a fluent BQL comparison.
publicclass decimal_0 : Constant<Decimal>
public decimal_0()
: base(0m)
| Accessing Data | 103
View records;
Although the constants in the traditional BQL style can be used in fluent BQL queries, we recommend
that you use the fluent BQL style of constant declaration for simplicity.
Parameters in Fluent BQL
If you need to specify values in a fluent business query language (BQL) statement, you use fluent BQL
parameters, which are replaced with the needed values in the translation to SQL. For details about
how BQL statements with parameters are translated to SQL, see Translation of a BQL Command with
Parameters to an SQL Query Tree.
In this topic, you can find a description of the fluent BQL parameters and the difference between them.
Use of the Current Value of the Field from PXCache
To insert into the SQL query the field value of the Current object from the PXCache object, you append
.FromCurrent to the field name in a fluent BQL query. If the Current object from the PXCache object
is null, FromCurrent retrieves the default value of the field. If you do not need to retrieve the default
value if the Current object is null, you need to append .FromCurrent.NoDefault to the field name in
a fluent BQL query. In this case, the system doesn't retrieve the default value and inserts null.
: FromCurrent is the equivalent of the Current parameter in traditional BQL.
FromCurrent.NoDefault is the equivalent of the Current2 parameter in traditional BQL.
By using the current field value from PXCache in the declaration of a data view, you can refer to another
view to relate these data views to each other. A typical example is referencing the current master
record on master-detail webpages. For details on how the current field value is used, see To Relate
Data Views to Each Another.
Insertion of a Specific Value into the Query
To insert a specific value into the SQL query, you use the @P.As[Type] classes, where [Type]
corresponds to the C# type of the parameter. The following table lists the fluent BQL types that
correspond to C# types.
C# Type Fluent BQL Type
bool @P.AsBool
byte @P.AsByte
short @P.AsShort
int @P.AsInt
long @P.AsLong
float @P.AsFloat
double @P.AsDouble
decimal @P.AsDecimal
Guid @P.AsGuid
DateTime @P.AsDateTime
String @P.AsString
: @P.As[Type] is the equivalent of the Required parameter in traditional BQL.
| Accessing Data | 104
By using these classes, you can pass values to the SQL query, as described in To Pass a Field Value to
the SQL Query and To Pass Multiple Field Values to the SQL Query.
Insertion of an Optional Value into the Query
To insert an optional value into the query, you append .AsOptional to the field name in a fluent BQL
query. If you specify an explicit value for this parameter during the execution of the BQL statement,
AsOptional uses the specified value. If you don't specify an explicit value for this parameter during
the execution of the BQL statement, AsOptional works similarly to FromCurrent—that is, retrieves the
field value of the Current object from the PXCache object and uses the default value of the field if the
Current object is null. You can append .AsOptional.NoDefault to the field name in a fluent BQL
query to make the system not use the default value and insert null.
: AsOptional is the equivalent of the Optional parameter in traditional BQL. AsOptional.NoDefault
is the equivalent of the Optional2 parameter in traditional BQL.
By using AsOptional, you can pass the external presentations of the values to the SQL query, as
described in To Provide External Presentation of the Field Value to the SQL Query.
Insertion of a Value from the UI Control into the Query
To insert a value from the UI control into the SQL query, you use the Argument.As[Type] classes,
where [Type] corresponds to the C# type of the inserted value. The following table lists the fluent BQL
types that correspond to C# types.
C# Type Fluent BQL Type
bool Argument.AsBool
byte Argument.AsByte
short Argument.AsShort
int Argument.AsInt
long Argument.AsLong
float Argument.AsFloat
double Argument.AsDouble
decimal Argument.AsDecimal
Guid Argument.AsGuid
DateTime Argument.AsDateTime
String Argument.AsString
By using the Argument classes, you can pass values to the data view delegates. For more information
on how to use the Argument classes, see To Pass a Value from a UI Control to a Data View.
To Select Records by Using Fluent BQL
You can select records from the database by constructing a fluent business query language (BQL)
statement. To construct a fluent BQL statement, you use the SelectFrom<> class and append the
needed clauses to the statement.
This topic describes how to compose Select statements by using fluent BQL. For details on how to
adjust these statements to define data views or to specify Search commands in fluent BQL, see Search
and Select Commands and Data Views in Fluent BQL.
| Accessing Data | 105
: In a SelectFrom<> class, you configure a query to the database. The actual request to the database
is performed once you cast the result of the query execution to a DAC or an array of DACs, or when you
iterate through DACs in the result with the foreach statement. For details, see Data Query Execution.
Before You Proceed
Make sure that the application database has the database tables from which you are going to
request data, and that the application defines the data access classes (DACs) for these tables. For
more information on defining DACs, see Data Access Classes in Fluent BQL.
Add references to PX.Data.dll and PX.Data.BQL.Fluent.dll in the project.
Add the following using directives to your code.
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
using PX.Data.BQL;
To Compose a Fluent BQL Statement
1. Type the SelectFrom<> class with the needed DAC as the type parameter.
For example, suppose that you need to convert the following SQL statement to fluent BQL.
SELECT Product.CategoryCD, MIN(Product.BookedQty) FROM Product
INNER JOIN SupplierProduct
ON SupplierProduct.ProductID = Product.ProductID
ON Supplier.AccountID = SupplierProduct.AccountID
WHERE (Product.BookedQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.AvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.MinAvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND(Product.Active = 1
OR Product.Active IS NULL)
AND(Product.BookedQty > Product.AvailQty
OR Product.AvailQty < Product.MinAvailQty))
OR Product.AvailQty IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY Product.CategoryCD
ORDER BY Product.UnitPrice, Product.AvailQty DESC
You start the corresponding fluent BQL query as follows.
2. If you need to include JOIN clauses in the query, for each table that you want to join, do the
a. Append to the statement one of the Join classes—such as InnerJoin, LeftJoin,
RightJoin, FullJoin, or CrossJoin, which are directly mapped to SQL JOIN clauses.
b. Append to the statement the On<> clause with the joining conditions. Adhere to the
following rules when you specify the conditions:
Use the And<>, Or<>, and Brackets<> classes to logically connect the conditions
and comparisons.
To specify the fields that should be used in the conditions, use the class fields
defined in the DAC, such as Product.productID. (The name of the field class starts
with a lowercase letter. Do not confuse it with the property field, which has the
same name but starts with an uppercase letter.)
If you need to use constants in the fluent BQL statement, use one of the predefined
BQL constants or your own constant. (For details on using constants, see Constants
in Fluent BQL.)
| Accessing Data | 106
If you need to specify the values of the parameters at run time, use the fluent BQL
parameters. For information about parameters, see Parameters in Fluent BQL. For
information about how to use parameters, see To Use Parameters in Fluent BQL
In the sample code that has been presented in this topic, you would add two Join classes to the
statement, as follows.
3. If you need to include a WHERE clause in the query, append the Where<> clause to the statement
and specify the conditions as follows:
Use the And<>, Or<>, and Brackets<> classes to logically connect the conditions and
To specify the fields that should be used in the conditions, use the class fields defined in
the DAC, such as Product.productID. (The name of the field class starts with a lowercase
letter. Do not confuse it with the property field, which has the same name but starts with
an uppercase letter.)
If you need to use constants in the fluent BQL statement, use one of the predefined BQL
constants or your own constant. (For details on using constants, see Constants in Fluent
If you need to specify the values of the parameters at run time, use the fluent BQL
parameters. For information about parameters, see Parameters in Fluent BQL. For
information about how to use parameters, see To Use Parameters in Fluent BQL Queries.
In the sample code that has been presented in this topic, you would append the Where<> clause
to the statement, as follows.
4. If you need to group or aggregate records, append the AggregateTo<> clause to the statement
and specify the grouping conditions and aggregation functions by using the GroupBy clauses and
the Min, Max, Sum, Avg, and Count aggregation functions.
In the sample code that has been presented in this topic, you would append the AggregateTo<>
clause to the statement as follows.
| Accessing Data | 107
5. If you need to order records, append to the statement the OrderBy<> clause with the Asc<> and
Desc<> classes as the type parameters.
In the sample code that has been presented in this topic, you would append the OrderBy<>
clause to the statement as follows.
To Use Parameters in Fluent BQL Queries
If you need to specify values in a fluent business query language (BQL) statement, you use fluent BQL
parameters, which are replaced with the needed values in the translation to SQL. For details about
how BQL statements with parameters are translated to SQL, see Translation of a BQL Command with
Parameters to an SQL Query Tree.
You may need to use BQL parameters to relate data views to each other, to pass field values to the
SQL query, to pass the external presentations of the values to the SQL query, or to pass values from UI
controls to the SQL query.
To Relate Data Views to Each Another
To relate data views to each another, in a data query, use the field value of the Current object from the
PXCache object, as shown in the following sample code.
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
// The view declarations in a graph
SelectFrom<Document>.View Documents;
In this code, there is a many-to-one relationship between the DocTransaction and Document data
access classes (DACs), and this relationship is implemented through the DocNbr and DocType key fields.
The data views in the code connect the Document and DocTransaction records.
| Accessing Data | 108
: Acumatica Framework translates the fluent BQL query of the second view in the sample code to the
following SQL statement. In this SQL query, [parameter1] is the DocNbr value and [parameter2]
is the DocType value retrieved from the Current property of the DocTransaction cache; [list of
columns] is the list of columns of the DocTransaction table.
SET @P0 = [parameter1]
SET @P1 = [parameter2]
SELECT * FROM DocTransaction
WHERE DocTransaction.DocNbr = @P0
AND DocTransaction.DocType = @P1
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Pass a Field Value to the SQL Query
To pass a specific value to the SQL query, do the following;
1. Use the @P.As[Type] class of the needed type in the BQL statement, where [Type] is one of
the following: Bool, Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Decimal, Guid, DateTime,
or String.
2. Specify the needed value as the Select() method argument. The value passed to Select()
must be of the same type as the type of the specified field.
: The @P.As[Type] class must be used only in the BQL statements that are directly executed in the
application code. The data views that are queried from the UI will not work if they contain this class.
The code below shows the execution of a BQL statement with a specific value passed in code.
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
using PX.Data.BQL;
// Suppose an event handler related to the Product DAC
// is being executed.
Product product = (Product)e.Row;
// Select the Category record with the specified CategoryCD.
Category category =
Select(this, product.CategoryCD);
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous fluent BQL query to the following SQL statement. In
this SQL query, [parameter] is the value of the product.CategoryCD variable at the moment the
Select() method is invoked; [list of columns] is the list of columns of the Category table.
SET @P0 = [parameter]
SELECT * FROM Category
WHERE Category.CategoryCD = @P0
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Pass Multiple Field Values to the SQL Query
To pass multiple values to the SQL query, do the following:
1. Use multiple @P.As[Type] classes of the needed type in the fluent BQL statement, where
[Type] is one of the following: Bool, Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Decimal,
Guid, DateTime, or String.
| Accessing Data | 109
2. Specify the needed values as the Select() method arguments in the order in which the
parameters are specified in the BQL statement. The number of @P.As[Type] classes must match
the number of parameters passed to the Select() method.
: The @P.As[Type] classes should be used in only the BQL statements that are executed in the
application code.
The following code shows an example of a fluent BQL statement with two Required parameters.
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
using PX.Data.BQL;
// Suppose an event handler related to the DocTransaction DAC
// is being executed.
DocTransaction line = (DocTransaction)e.Row;
Document doc =
Select(this, line.DocNbr, line.DocType);
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous fluent BQL query to the following SQL statement, where
[list of columns] is the list of the columns of the Document table.
SET @P0 = [line.DocNbr value]
SET @P1 = [line.DocType value]
SELECT * FROM Document
WHERE Document.DocNbr = @P0
AND Document.DocType = @P1
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Pass a Value from a UI Control to a Data View
To pass a value from a UI control to a data view, do the following:
1. Define a data view with the Argument.As[Type] class, where [Type] specifies the data type of
the expected value, as shown in the following sample BQL query.
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
OrderBy<Asc<TreeViewItem.parentID>>.View GridDataSource;
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous fluent BQL query to the following SQL statement.
In this SQL query, [parameter] will contain the value received from the UI control and passed to
the Select() method; [list of columns] is the list of columns of the TreeViewItem table.
SET @P0 = [parameter]
SELECT [list of columns] FROM TreeViewItem
WHERE TreeViewItem.ParentID = @P0
ORDER BY TreeViewItem.ParentID
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query.
For details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
| Accessing Data | 110
2. Define the data view delegate with parameters through which you can access the values passed
from the UI. (You can find more information on how to use data view delegates in To Execute a
BQL Statement in a Data View Delegate.)
: When a BQL statement with the Argument parameter is executed in code, the value must be
specified in the parameters of the Select() method.
To Provide External Presentation of the Field Value to the SQL Query
To substitute a value in the SQL query, do the following:
1. Add the PXSelector attribute with a substitute key to a DAC field, as shown in the following
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
new Type [] {
SubstituteKey = typeof(Product.productCD))]
public virtual int? ProductID { get; set; }
In this example, PXSelector replaces the ProductID field in the user interface with the human-
readable ProductCD field. In the UI control for this field, the user enters a ProductCD value.
The PXSelector attribute implements the FieldUpdating event handler, which replaces the
ProductCD value with the corresponding ProductID value.
2. Use the AsOptional class to select records by the external presentation of the field value, as
shown in the following code for OrderLine records.
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
// p is a Product data record.
// To select OrderLine records, pass the ProductCD value
// to the Select() method.
PXResultset<OrderLine> details =
Select(this, p.ProductCD);
3. In the Select() method, provide values for all AsOptional, @P.As[Type], and
Argument.As[Type] parameters up to the last @P.As[Type] or Argument.As[Type] parameter in
the fluent BQL statement, as shown in the following sample code.
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
// P is a Product data record.
// od is an OrderLine data record.
// At least three values (in addition to the graph reference) must
// be passed to the Select() method below.
// The second AsOptional parameter here will be replaced with the
// default UnitPrice value.
PXResultset<OrderLine> details =
| Accessing Data | 111
.Select(this, p.ProductCD, od.ExtPrice, od.UnitPrice);
: Acumatica Framework translates the fluent BQL query in the code to the following SQL statement,
where [list of columns] is the list of columns of the OrderLine table.
SET @P0 = [line.ProductID value or default]
SET @P1 = [line.ExtPrice value]
SET @P2 = [line.UnitPrice value]
SET @P3 = [Default TaxRate value]
SELECT [list of columns] FROM OrderLine
WHERE OrderLine.ProductID = @P0
AND OrderLine.ExtPrice < @P1
AND OrderLine.UnitPrice > @P2
AND OrderLine.TaxRate = @P3
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query.
For details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
Creating Traditional BQL Queries
To query data from the database, you use the business query language (BQL), which has two dialects:
fluent BQL and traditional BQL.
In this chapter, you can find information on how to create traditional BQL queries. For the general
information about BQL, see Querying Data in Acumatica Framework. For details about building queries
with traditional BQL, see Creating Traditional BQL Queries.
In This Chapter
Traditional Business Query Language
Data Access Classes in Traditional BQL
PXSelect Classes
The Classes That Compose BQL Statements
Parameters in Traditional BQL Statements
Data Query Execution
To Select Records By Using Traditional BQL
To Filter Records
To Order Records
To Query Multiple Tables
To Group and Aggregate Records
To Use Parameters in Traditional BQL
To Use Arithmetic Operations
To Compose a BQL Statement from an SQL
Traditional Business Query Language
When you compose a query with the traditional business query language (BQL), you work with the
following classes:
The classes that correspond to database tables (data access classes) and columns. For details on
data access classes, see Data Access Classes in Traditional BQL.
The classes that define data views in a graph and select data from the database in code
(PXSelect classes). For more information on these classes, see PXSelect Classes.
The classes that compose BQL statements, such as Select, Search, Where, OrderBy, And, and
Add. For more information on these classes, see The Classes That Compose BQL Statements.
| Accessing Data | 112
The classes that pass parameters to BQL statements, such as Current, Required, Optional,
Argument. For details on BQL parameters, see Parameters in Traditional BQL Statements.
Data Access Classes in Traditional BQL
The data access classes (DACs) that are used in traditional BQL differ from the DACs that are used in
fluent BQL in the declarations of the class fields. For details about the DAC declaration, see Data Access
You derive each class field of a DAC (a public abstract class of a DAC) from the IBqlField
interface and assign it a name that starts with a lowercase letter.
The following code shows an example of the Product data access class declared in traditional BQL style.
using System;
using PX.Data;
public class Product : PX.Data.IBqlTable
// The class used in BQL statements to refer to the ProductID column
public abstract class productID : PX.Data.IBqlField
// The property holding the ProductID value in a record
[PXDBIdentity(IsKey = true)]
public virtual int? ProductID { get; set; }
// The class used in BQL statements to refer to the AvailQty column
public abstract class availQty : PX.Data.IBqlField
// The property holding the AvailQty value in a record
public virtual decimal? AvailQty { get; set; }
Simultaneous Use of DACs in Traditional BQL and Fluent BQL
The class fields declared in traditional BQL style cannot be used in fluent BQL queries.
The class fields that are defined in the fluent BQL style (as described in Data Access Classes in Fluent
BQL) can be used in traditional BQL queries without any modifications. Therefore, we recommend that
you use the fluent BQL style of DAC declaration.
PXSelect Classes
In traditional business query language (BQL), you define a data view or request database data in code
by using one of the PXSelect classes (that is, the classes derived from PXSelectBase).
PXSelect Classes
The instances of PXSelect classes are complex objects containing the following:
A reference to the PXView object instantiated to process the data query
A reference (through the PXView object) to the Select object, which is the business query
language (BQL) command to be executed
A reference to the graph
A reference to the cache of the data access class (DAC) type that is specified in the first type
parameter of PXSelect
That is, through the PXSelect classes, you can execute the BQL command and interact with the cache,
as illustrated in the following diagram.
| Accessing Data | 113
: Do not confuse the PXSelect classes with the Select classes. PXSelect is an aggregate of the data
view, cache, and graph. You can use PXSelect classes to read, write, update, and delete records in the
scope of a graph. Select classes simply represent BQL commands. You cannot read records by using a
BQL command without instantiating a data view. For more information on the Select classes, see The
Classes That Compose BQL Statements.
Types of PXSelect Classes
The first type parameter of all PXSelect classes is a data access class (DAC) generally bound to a
database table. The resulting SQL query selects records from this table. Other type parameters (such
as Where, OrderBy, Join, and Aggregate) are optional and represent clauses that can be added to the
basic select statement.
Depending on the clauses that will be used in a query, you select the appropriate variant of the
PXSelect class.
For example, if you need to use the Where, OrderBy, and Join clauses, you can use the
PXSelectJoin<Table, Join, Where, OrderBy> class to create the query, as shown in the following
BQL sample code.
LeftJoin<Table2, On<Table2.field2, Equal<Table1.field1>>>,
Where<Table1.field3, IsNotNull>,
: Acumatica Framework translates this statement to the following SQL query, where [list of
columns] is the list of columns of the joined tables.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Table1
LEFT JOIN Table2 ON Table2.Field2 = Table1.Field1
ORDER BY Table1.Field1
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
For more information on how to use the BQL clauses, see To Select Records By Using Traditional BQL.
If you need to retrieve data as it is currently stored in the database, you use one of the PXSelect
classes that has Readonly in its name, such as the PXSelectReadonly<Table> class, or any of the
PXSelect classes that use aggregation, such as the PXSelectGroupBy<Table, Aggregate> class.
Otherwise, the data retrieved from the database can be merged with the data currently stored in the
| Accessing Data | 114
cache. For more information on how the data is merged with the cache, see Merge of the Records with
The List of PXSelect Classes
Acumatica Framework provides the following PXSelect classes:
PXSelect<Table, Where, OrderBy>
PXSelect<Table, Where>
PXSelectGroupBy<Table, Aggregate>
PXSelectGroupBy<Table, Where, Aggregate, OrderBy>
PXSelectGroupBy<Table, Where, Aggregate>
PXSelectGroupByOrderBy<Table, Aggregate, OrderBy>
PXSelectGroupByOrderBy<Table, Join, Aggregate, OrderBy>
PXSelectJoin<Table, Join, Where, OrderBy>
PXSelectJoin<Table, Join, Where>
PXSelectJoin<Table, Join>
PXSelectJoinGroupBy<Table, Join, Aggregate>
PXSelectJoinGroupBy<Table, Join, Where, Aggregate, OrderBy>
PXSelectJoinGroupBy<Table, Join, Where, Aggregate>
PXSelectJoinOrderBy<Table, Join, OrderBy>
PXSelectOrderBy<Table, Join, OrderBy>
PXSelectOrderBy<Table, OrderBy>
PXSelectReadonly<Table, Where, OrderBy>
PXSelectReadonly<Table, Where>
PXSelectReadonly2<Table, Join, Where, OrderBy>
PXSelectReadonly2<Table, Join, Where>
PXSelectReadonly2<Table, Join>
PXSelectReadonly3<Table, Join, OrderBy>
PXSelectReadonly3<Table, OrderBy>
The Classes That Compose BQL Statements
This topic contains an overview of the classes that you use to compose business query language (BQL)
statements inside PXSelect and to define attributes of DACs.
Overview of the Classes
Almost all classes that compose BQL statements are derived from the IBqlCreator interface, which
inherits from the IBqlVerifier interface. These interfaces provide the following key methods:
IBqlCreator.AppendExpression(): Used during a BQL command preparation to translate a
BQL statement into an SQL tree expression, which is then produces the SQL text to be sent to
| Accessing Data | 115
the database maintenance server. For more information on how this method is used during BQL
statement execution, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
IBqlVerifier.Verify(): Used during the merge of the records with PXCache to evaluate a
condition on a record retrieved from the database or calculate an expression with the record. For
details on the merge, see Merge of the Records with PXCache.
Depending on the purpose of each BQL class, the class also implements the methods of the interfaces
derived from the IBqlCreator interface. For example, the aggregation functions—such as Sum, Avg,
Min, and Max—implement the methods of the IBqlFunction interface.
The high-level overview of BQL class inheritance is illustrated in the following diagram. For descriptions
of the interfaces and classes, see the API Reference.
Figure: BQL commands
| Accessing Data | 116
The sections below describe the classes derived from the BqlCommand class.
Select Classes
The Select classes, which are derived from the BqlCommand class, represent BQL commands and select
all bound fields of the DAC and the unbound fields with specific attributes, such as PXDBCalced.
: More specific, the Select classes select all DAC fields that are decorated with the attributes that
subscribe to the PXCommandPreparing event. For details on which fields are selected, see Translation of a
BQL Command to SQL.
In a BQL expression based on Select, the first type parameter is a DAC, as shown in the following
sample BQL statement.
The Select classes can parse themselves into SQL and provide methods for modifying the BQL
command. However, you cannot directly use the Select class to execute the BQL query. Typically, you
use Select in attributes in DACs, such as the PXProjection attribute.
Search Classes
The Search classes, which are derived from the BqlCommand class, select one field of a DAC (while the
Select classes select multiple fields).
In a Search-based statement, the first type parameter is a DAC field, as shown in the following sample
BQL expression. This expression selects the Product.unitPrice field.
These classes can parse themselves into SQL and provide methods for modifying the BQL command.
However, you cannot directly use the Search class to execute the BQL query. Typically, you use Search
in attributes in DACs, such as the PXSelector attribute. (PXSelectorAttribute requires a Search class
and not a Select because the lookup control, which is configured by this attribute, displays precisely
one field (usually a key field), which is what Search returns.)
BqlCommand Classes
The BqlCommand classes represent BQL commands. The system uses the following types of BqlCommand
BqlCommand: This base class for the Select and Search classes is used by the system during the
processing of data queries on the data entry forms.
BqlGenericCommand: This class, which is derived from the BqlCommand class, is used by the
system during the processing of generic inquiries.
BqlSoapCommand: This class, which is derived from the BqlCommand class, is used by the system
during the processing of reports. For details on report processing, see Display of Reports.
The main purpose of BqlCommand classes is to convert BQL commands to SQL text. The
BqlGenericCommand and BqlSoapCommand classes provide additional methods for generic inquiry and
report processing.
Parameters in Traditional BQL Statements
If you need to specify values in a business query language (BQL) statement, you use BQL parameters,
which are replaced with the needed values in the translation to SQL. For details, how BQL statements
with parameters are translated to SQL, see Translation of a BQL Command with Parameters to an SQL
Query Tree.
In this topic, you can find the description of the BQL parameters and the difference between them.
| Accessing Data | 117
Current and Current2
The Current parameter, as well as the Current2 parameter, inserts the field value of the Current
object from the PXCache object in the SQL query. If the Current object from the PXCache object is
null, the Current parameter retrieves the default value of the field, while the Current2 parameter
doesn't retrieve the default value and inserts null.
By using the Current or Current2 parameter in the declaration of a data view, you can refer to another
view to relate these data views to each other. A typical example is referencing the current master
record on master-detail webpages. For details on how the Current and Current2 parameters are used,
see To Relate Data Views to One Another.
The Required parameter inserts a specific value into the SQL query.
By using the Required parameters, you can pass values to the SQL query, as described in To Pass a
Field Value to the SQL Query and To Pass Multiple Field Values to the SQL Query.
Optional and Optional2
The Optional parameter works similarly to Current (as well as the Optional2 parameter works
similarly to Current2) if you don't specify an explicit value for this parameter during BQL statement
execution. However, you can also pass an explicit value of the parameter to the SQL query.
By using the Optional or Optional2 parameters, you can pass the external presentations of the values
to the SQL query, as described in To Provide External Presentation of the Field Value to the SQL Query.
The Argument parameter passes values from UI controls to the SQL query.
By using the Argument parameters, you can pass values to the data view delegates. For more
information on how to use the Argument parameter, see To Pass a Value from a UI Control to a Data
Traditional BQL and SQL Equivalents
The traditional business query language (BQL) library defines the following SQL function equivalents.
Note that the use of the BQL equivalents may slightly differ from the use of the corresponding SQL
functions. For details on each BQL class, see the API Reference.
Correspondence Between SQL and BQL
SQL Traditional BQL
ON On, On2
| Accessing Data | 118
SQL Traditional BQL
GROUP BY Aggregate, GroupBy
Aggregation Functions
ISNULL IsNull<Operand1, Operand2>
CASE Switch, Case
Arithmetic Operations
(Operand1 + Operand2) Add<Operand1, Operand2>
(Operand1 - Operand2) Sub<Operand1, Operand2>
(Operand1 * Operand2) Mult<Operand1, Operand2>
(Operand1 / Operand2) Div<Operand1, Operand2>
-Operand Minus<Operand>
= Equal
<> NotEqual
> Greater
< Less
<= LessEqual
<= GreaterEqual
| Accessing Data | 119
SQL Traditional BQL
IN In, In2, In3
NOT IN NotIn, NotIn2
Logical Operators
AND And, And2
OR Or, Or2
NOT Not, Not2
Other constants Now, Today, Tomorrow, True, False, Zero,
StringEmpty, MaxDate
Full-Text Search Functions
To Select Records By Using Traditional BQL
To select records from the database, you can construct a business query language (BQL) statement.
To construct a BQL statement, you use one of the generic PXSelect classes. You select the needed
PXSelect class depending on the statement you need to compose, as described in the sections of this
: In a PXSelect class, you configure a query to the database. The actual request to the database is
performed once you cast the result of the query execution to a DAC or an array of DACs, or iterate through
DACs in the result with the foreach statement. For details, see Data Query Execution.
Before You Proceed
Make sure that the application database has the database tables from which you are going to request
data, and that the application defines the data access classes (DACs) for these tables. For more
information on defining DACs, see Data Access Classes in Traditional BQL.
To Select All Records from a Database Table
To select all data from one database table without applying any filtering conditions or ordering, use one
of the PXSelect classes that has DAC as the only type parameter, such as the PXSelect<Table> or
PXSelectReadonly<Table> class, as shown in the following sample BQL statement.
In this BQL statement, you are selecting all data records (with the values of all bound fields) from the
Product table.
: For example, suppose that the Product table has two columns, ProductID and UnitPrice. In
this case, Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query. The
| Accessing Data | 120
framework adds ordering by the DAC key field (in ascending order) to the end of the SQL query because
the BQL statement does not specify ordering.
SELECT Product.ProductID, Product.UnitPrice FROM Product
ORDERBY Product.ProductID
To Filter Records
To filter records in the database table to be retrieved, construct a BQL statement with conditions by
doing the following:
1. Use one of the PXSelect classes that has the Where type parameter, such as PXSelect<Table,
Where>. For the full list of PXSelect classes, see PXSelect Classes.
2. Specify the filtering conditions by using the Where clause, as described in To Filter Records.
3. To specify the fields that should be used for filtering, use the class fields defined in the DACs,
such as Product.productID. (The name of the field class starts with a lowercase letter. Do not
confuse it with the property field, which has the same name but starts with uppercase letter.)
The following sample BQL statement selects all data records from the Product table that have the
specified value in the ProductID column.
Where<Product.productID, Equal<Required<Product.productID>>>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query. In this SQL
query, [list of columns] is the list of columns of the Product table; [parameter] is the value
passed to the Select() method of the PXSelect class, which is called when the BQL query is executed.
SET @P0 = [parameter];
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product
WHERE Product.ProductID = @P0
ORDERBY Product.ProductID
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Order Records
To order records in the database table to be retrieved, construct a BQL statement with ordering by
doing the following:
1. Use one of the PXSelect classes that has the OrderBy type parameter, such as
PXSelectOrderBy<Table, OrderBy> or PXSelect<Table, Where, OrderBy>. For the full list of
PXSelect classes, see PXSelect Classes.
2. Use the OrderBy clause to order records, as described in To Order Records.
3. To specify the field that should be used for filtering, use the class field defined in the DAC,
such as Product.productID. (The name of the field class starts with a lowercase letter. Do not
confuse it with the property field, which has the same name but starts with uppercase letter.)
The following sample BQL statement selects all Product data records and sorts them by the UnitPrice
field in ascending order.
PXSelectOrderBy<Product, OrderBy<Asc<Product.unitPrice>>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query, where [list
of columns] is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product
| Accessing Data | 121
ORDER BY Product.UnitPrice
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Query Multiple Tables
To join multiple tables, construct a BQL statement by doing the following:
1. Use one of the PXSelect classes that has the Join type parameter, such as
PXSelectJoin<Table, Join> or PXSelectReadonly2<Table, Join>.
2. In the Join type parameter of the PXSelect class, use one of the Join clauses—such as
InnerJoin, LeftJoin, RightJoin, FullJoin, or CrossJoin—that are directly mapped to SQL
JOIN clauses, as shown in the following sample BQL statement. For more information on the use
of Join clauses, see To Query Multiple Tables.
On<OrderDetail.orderNbr, Equal<SalesOrder.orderNbr>>>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query, where
[list of columns] is the list of columns of the joined tables.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM SalesOrder
INNER JOIN OrderDetail
ON OrderDetail.OrderNbr = SalesOrder.OrderNbr
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query.
For details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Aggregate Records
To group or aggregate records, construct a BQL statement by doing the following:
1. Use one of the PXSelect classes with the Aggregate type parameter, such as
PXSelectGroupBy<Table, Aggregate>.
2. In the Aggregate type parameter of the PXSelect class, specify the grouping conditions and
aggregation functions by using the Aggregate<Function> class, the GroupBy clauses, and
the Min, Max, Sum, Avg, and Count aggregation functions, as shown in the following sample
BQL statement. For more information on the use of the grouping conditions and aggregation
functions, see To Group and Aggregate Records.
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query.
SELECT Product.CategoryCD,
[MAX(Field) for other fields]
FROM Product
GROUP BY Product.CategoryCD
To Filter Records
You construct business query language (BQL) statements with filtering conditions by using the Where
clause in a PXSelect class that has the Where type parameter. (For more information on selecting
the PXSelect class, see To Select Records By Using Traditional BQL.) One Where clause can contain
multiple conditions chained to one another by logical operators (Or, And, and Not) and nested Where
clauses (these nested clauses are equivalent to placing conditions in brackets).
| Accessing Data | 122
Typically, you construct a BQL statement with a condition to compare one field with another field or a
constant, or to check if the field value has been specified (that is, to compare the field value with null).
You can also use multiple conditions in the Where clause.
To Compare a Field with Another Field
To compare one field with another field in the Where clause, do the following:
1. Select the comparison class that you need, such as NotEqual, Greater, or Less.
2. Specify the compared field in the first type parameter of the Where class and the comparison in
the second type parameter, as shown in the following sample BQL statement.
PXSelect<Product, Where<Product.bookedQty, Greater<Product.availQty>>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query, where
[list of columns] is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product WHERE Product.BookedQty > Product.AvailQty
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query.
For details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Compare a Field with a Constant
To compare a field with a constant in the Where clause, do the following:
1. Select the comparison class that you need, such as NotEqual, Greater, or Less.
2. Select one of the predefined constants—that is, the BQL class derived from the Constant<Type>
class (such as Boolean values True and False, integer Zero, datetime Now, Today, and
MaxDate, and string StringEmpty), or define your own constant as a class derived from the
Constant<Type> class.
3. Specify the compared field in the first type parameter of the Where class and the comparison in
the second type parameter, as shown in the following sample BQL statement.
PXSelect<Product, Where<, Equal<True>>>
: Acumatica Framework translates this BQL statement to the following SQL query, where [list
of columns] is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product WHERE Product.Active = CONVERT(BIT, 1)
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query.
For details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Compare the Field Value with Null
To check whether a field value is specified, you compare the field value with null in one of the following
To check that the field is null, use the Where<Operand, Comparison> class, as shown in the
following sample BQL statement.
PXSelect<Product, Where<Product.bookedQty, IsNull>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query, where
[list of columns] is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product WHERE Product.BookedQty IS NULL
| Accessing Data | 123
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For
details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To check that the field is not null, do one of the following:
Use the Where<Operator> class and the logical operator Not, as shown in the following
sample BQL statement.
PXSelect<Product, Where<Not<Product.bookedQty, IsNull>>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query,
where [list of columns] is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product WHERE NOT (Product.BookedQty IS NULL)
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL
query. For details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to
Use the Where<Operand, Comparison class, as shown in the following sample BQL
PXSelect<Product, Where<Product.bookedQty, IsNotNull>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query,
where [list of columns] is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product WHERE Product.BookedQty IS NOT NULL
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL
query. For details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to
Important: The predefined constant Null cannot be used in the Where clause with Equal to select
records with null fields. The Null constant is used in Switch conditions.
To Use Multiple Conditions in One Where Clause
To specify multiple comparisons in one Where clause, do one of the following:
To specify multiple comparisons that are connected with the same logical operator, use the
Where<Operand, Comparison, NextOperator> class and specify its type parameters as follows:
In the first type parameter, specify the first compared field.
In the second type parameter, specify the first comparison, such as NotEqual, Greater, or
In the third type parameter, specify the logical operator, such as And, And2, Or, or Or2. You
can chain any number of comparisons to one another by using binary operators with three
type parameters, as shown in the following sample BQL statement.
Where<Product.bookedQty, Greater<Product.availQty>,
Or<Product.availQty, Less<Product.minAvailQty>,
Or<Product.availQty, IsNull>>>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query,
where [list of columns] is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product
WHERE Product.BookedQty > Product.AvailQty
| Accessing Data | 124
OR Product.AvailQty < Product.MinAvailQty
OR Product.AvailQty IsNull
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL
query. For details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to
To write more complex conditional expressions with logical operators of different types, use
nested Where or Where2 clauses. For more information on writing complex BQL statements, see To
Compose a BQL Statement from an SQL Statement.
To Order Records
You construct business query language (BQL) statements that include ordering of records by using
the OrderBy clause in one of the PXSelect classes that has the OrderBy type parameter. (For more
information on selecting the PXSelect class, see To Select Records By Using Traditional BQL.)
By default, if the BQL statement does not specify ordering, Acumatica Framework adds ordering by the
data access class (DAC) key fields (in the order of field declaration) in ascending order to the end of the
SQL query. You can order the records by one column or multiple columns, or by a condition.
To Order Records by One Column
To order records by one column in ascending or descending order, use the OrderBy class and the
Asc<Field> or Desc<Field> class, as shown in the following sample BQL statement.
PXSelectOrderBy<Product, OrderBy<Asc<Product.unitPrice>>>
In this statement, all Product data records are selected and are sorted by the UnitPrice field in
ascending order.
: Acumatica Framework translates this BQL statement to the following SQL query, where [list of
columns] is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product
ORDER BY Product.UnitPrice
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Order Records by Multiple Columns
To order records by multiple columns, use the OrderBy class and the Asc<Field, NextField> or
Desc<Field, NextField> class, as shown in the following sample BQL statement.
OrderBy<Asc<Product.unitPrice, Desc<Product.availQty>>>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query, where [list
of columns] is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product
ORDER BY Product.UnitPrice, Product.AvailQty DESC
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
| Accessing Data | 125
To Order Records by a Condition
To sort data records according to a condition, put the Switch clause inside Asc or Desc in OrderBy, as
shown in the following sample BQL statement.
Switch<Case<Where<Product.availQty, Greater<Product.bookedQty>>, True>,
In this statement, the records with AvailQty values less or equal to BookedQty values are ordered first.
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query, where [list
of columns] is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product
WHEN Product.AvailQty > Product.BookedQty THEN 1
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Query Multiple Tables
You construct business query language (BQL) statements that join multiple tables by using one of the
Join clauses in one of the PXSelect classes that has the Join type parameter. (For more information
on selecting the PXSelect class, see To Select Records By Using Traditional BQL.) In BQL statements,
you can join multiple database tables by using the following clauses directly mapped to SQL JOIN
InnerJoin returns all records where there is at least one match in both tables.
LeftJoin returns all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table.
Where there are no matched records from the right table, null values are inserted.
RightJoin returns all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table.
Where there are no matched records from the left table, null values are inserted.
FullJoin returns all records when there is a match in one of the tables.
CrossJoin returns the entire Cartesian product of the two tables.
To Join Two Tables (Inner Join, Left Join, Right Join, or Full Join)
To join two tables, use one of the Join clauses with two type parameters (such as InnerJoin<Table,
On>) and the On<Operand, Comparison> or On<Operator> class to specify a conditional expression for
joining, as shown in the following sample BQL statement.
On<OrderDetail.orderNbr, Equal<SalesOrder.orderNbr>>>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query, where [list
of columns] is the list of columns of the joined tables.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM SalesOrder
INNER JOIN OrderDetail
ON OrderDetail.OrderNbr = SalesOrder.OrderNbr
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
| Accessing Data | 126
To Cross-Join Two Tables
To cross-join two tables, use the CrossJoin<Table> class, as shown in the following sample BQL
PXSelectJoin<Product, CrossJoin<Supplier>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query, where [list
of columns] is the list of columns of the joined tables.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product CROSS JOIN Supplier
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Join Multiple Tables
To specify multiple join clauses, use the following instructions:
Use a Join clause with three type parameters (such as InnerJoin<Table, On, NextJoin>).
Each subsequent join clause is specified as the last type parameter of the previous join clause, as
shown in the following sample BQL statement.
On<OrderDetail.orderNbr, Equal<SalesOrder.orderNbr>>,
On<Employee.employeeID, Equal<SalesOrder.employeeID>>>>>
: Acumatica Framework translates this BQL statement to the following SQL query, where [list of
columns] is the list of columns of the joined tables.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM SalesOrder
INNER JOIN OrderDetail
ON OrderDetail.OrderNbr = SalesOrder.OrderNbr
LEFT JOIN Employee
ON Employee.EmployeeID = SalesOrder.EmployeeID
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For
details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
Use the On conditions to specify conditional expressions for joining, as shown in the following
sample BQL statement. In subsequent join clauses, the On conditions can refer to fields from any
joined table, and can contain any number of conditions chained by logical operators as in filtering
On<OrderDetail.orderNbr, Equal<SalesOrder.orderNbr>>,
On<Employee.employeeID, Equal<SalesOrder.employeeID>>,
On<Product.productID, Equal<OrderDetail.productID>,
And<Product.unitPrice, Equal<OrderDetail.unitPrice>>>>>>>
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query, where
[list of columns] is the list of columns of the joined tables.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM SalesOrder
INNER JOIN OrderDetail
ON OrderDetail.OrderNbr = SalesOrder.OrderNbr
LEFT JOIN Employee
ON Employee.EmployeeID = SalesOrder.EmployeeID
ON (Product.ProductID = OrderDetail.ProductID AND
| Accessing Data | 127
Product.UnitPrice = OrderDetail.UnitPrice)
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For
details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Group and Aggregate Records
You construct business query language (BQL) statements that group and aggregate records by using
the Aggregate clause in one of the PXSelect classes that has the Aggregate type parameter. (For more
information on selecting the PXSelect class, see To Select Records By Using Traditional BQL.)
To Group and Aggregate Records
To group and aggregate records, follow the instructions below:
1. Specify all grouping conditions (the GroupBy clause) and aggregation functions (such as Min,
Max, Sum, Avg, and Count) in the Aggregate clause, as shown in the following sample BQL
statement. Fields specified in GroupBy clauses are selected as is; an aggregation function is
applied to all other fields. The default Max function is used if no function is specified for a field. If
a data field has the PXDBScalar attribute, NULL is inserted for that field.
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query.
SELECT Product.CategoryCD,
[MAX(Field) for other fields]
FROM Product
GROUP BY Product.CategoryCD
2. If necessary, insert another GroupBy clause or aggregation function as the second type
parameter of the previous GroupBy clause or aggregation function, as shown in the following
sample BQL statement.
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query.
SELECT Product.CategoryCD, Product.StockUnit,
SUM(Product.AvailQty), SUM(Product.AvailQty), MIN(Product.UnitPrice),
[MAX(Field) for other fields]
FROM Product
GROUP BY Product.CategoryCD, Product.StockUnit
To Use Parameters in Traditional BQL
You may need to use BQL parameters if you need to relate data views to each other, to pass field values
to the SQL query, to pass the external presentations of the values to the SQL query, or to pass values
from UI controls to the SQL query. For more information on the BQL parameters, see Parameters in
Traditional BQL Statements.
To Relate Data Views to One Another
To relate data views to one another, use the Current parameter, as shown in the following sample code.
// The view declarations in a graph
PXSelect<Document> Documents;
| Accessing Data | 128
Where<DocTransaction.docNbr, Equal<Current<Document.docNbr>>,
And<DocTransaction.docType, Equal<Current<Document.docType>>>>>
In this code, there is a many-to-one relationship between the DocTransaction and Document data
access classes (DACs), and this relationship is implemented through the DocNbr and DocType key fields.
The views in the code connect the Document and DocTransaction records.
: Acumatica Framework translates the BQL query of the second view in the sample BQL code to the
following SQL statement. In this SQL query, [parameter1] is the DocNbr value and [parameter2]
is the DocType value taken from the Current property of the DocTransaction cache; [list of
columns] is the list of columns of the DocTransaction table.
SET @P0 = [parameter1]
SET @P1 = [parameter2]
SELECT * FROM DocTransaction
WHERE DocTransaction.DocNbr = @P0
AND DocTransaction.DocType = @P1
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Pass a Field Value to the SQL Query
To pass a specific value to the SQL query, use the Required parameter in the BQL statement and
specify the needed value as the Select() method argument. The value passed to Select() must be of
the same type as the type of the specified field.
: The Required parameter should be used only in the BQL statements that are directly executed in the
application code. The data views that are queried from the UI will not work if they contain Required
The code below shows the execution of a BQL statement with the Required parameter.
// Suppose an event handler related to the Product DAC
// is being executed
Product product = (Product)e.Row;
// Select the Category record with the specified CategoryCD
Category category =
Where<Category.categoryCD, Equal<Required<Category.categoryCD>>>>
.Select(this, product.CategoryCD);
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL query to the following SQL statement. In this SQL
query, [parameter] is the value of the product.CategoryCD variable at the moment the Select()
method is invoked; [list of columns] is the list of columns of the Category table.
SET @P0 = [parameter]
SELECT * FROM Category
WHERE Category.CategoryCD = @P0
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Pass Multiple Field Values to the SQL Query
To pass multiple values to the SQL query, use multiple Required parameters in the BQL statement and
specify the needed values as the Select() method arguments in the order in which the parameters
are specified in the BQL statement. The number of Required parameters must match the number of
parameters passed to the Select() function.
| Accessing Data | 129
: The Required parameters should be used in only the BQL statements that are executed in the
application code.
The following code shows an example of a BQL statement with two Required parameters.
// Suppose an event handler related to the DocTransaction DAC
// is being executed
DocTransaction line = (DocTransaction)e.Row;
Document doc =
Where<Document.docNbr, Equal<Required<DocTransaction.docNbr>,
And<Document.docType, Equal<Required<DocTransaction.docType>>>>>
.Select(this, line.DocNbr, line.DocType);
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL query to the following SQL statement, where [list
of columns] is the list of columns of the Document table.
SET @P0 = [line.DocNbr value]
SET @P1 = [line.DocType value]
SELECT * FROM Document
WHERE Document.DocNbr = @P0
AND Document.DocType = @P1
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query. For details
on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Provide External Presentation of the Field Value to the SQL Query
To substitute the value in the SQL query, do the following:
1. Add the PXSelector attribute with a substitute key to a DAC field, as shown in the following
new Type [] {
SubstituteKey = typeof(Product.productCD))]
public virtual int? ProductID { get; set; }
In this example, PXSelector replaces the ProductID field in the user interface with the human-
readable ProductCD field. In the UI control for this field, the user enters a ProductCD value.
The PXSelector attribute implements the FieldUpdating event handler, which replaces the
ProductCD value with the corresponding ProductID value.
2. Use the Optional parameter to select records by the external presentation of the field value, as
shown in the following code for OrderDetail records.
// Product data record obtained
Product p = ...
// Selecting OrderDetail records: ProductCD value is passed
// to the Select() method.
Where<OrderDetail.ProductID, Equal<Optional<OrderDetail.ProductID>>>>
.Select(this, p.ProductCD);
3. In the Select() method, provide values for all Optional, Required, and Argument parameters
up to the last Required or Argument parameter in the BQL statement, as shown in the following
sample code.
// Related OrderDetail and Product records obtained
| Accessing Data | 130
OrderDetail od = ...
Product p = ...
// At least three values (in addition to graph reference) must
// be passed to the Select() method below.
// The second Optional parameter here will be replaced with the
// default UnitPrice value.
PXResultset<OrderDetail> details =
Where<OrderDetail.productID, Equal<Optional<OrderDetail.productID>>,
And<OrderDetail.extPrice, Less<Required<OrderDetail.extPrice>>,
And<OrderDetail.unitPrice, Greater<Required<OrderDetail.unitPrice>>,
And<OrderDetail.taxRate, Equal<Optional<OrderDetail.taxRate>>>>>>>
.Select(this, p.ProductCD, od.ExtPrice, od.UnitPrice);
: Acumatica Framework translates the BQL query in the code to the following SQL statement,
where [list of columns] is the list of columns of the OrderDetail table.
SET @P0 = [line.ProductID value or default]
SET @P1 = [line.ExtPrice value]
SET @P2 = [line.UnitPrice value]
SET @P3 = [Default TaxRate value]
SELECT [list of columns] FROM OrderDetail
WHERE OrderDetail.ProductID = @P0
AND OrderDetail.ExtPrice < @P1
AND OrderDetail.UnitPrice > @P2
AND OrderDetail.TaxRate = @P3
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query.
For details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Pass a Value from a UI Control to a Data View
To pass a value from a UI control to a data view, do the following:
1. Define the PXSelect data view with the Argument parameter whose type parameter specifies the
data type of the expected value, as shown in the following sample BQL query.
Where<TreeViewItem.parentID, Equal<Argument<int?>>>,
OrderBy<Asc<TreeViewItem.parentID>>> GridDataSource;
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL query to the following SQL statement. In this
SQL query, [parameter] will contain the value received from the UI control and passed to the
Select() method; [list of columns] is the list of columns of the TreeViewItem table.
SET @P0 = [parameter]
SELECT [list of columns] FROM TreeViewItem
WHERE TreeViewItem.ParentID = @P0
ORDER BY TreeViewItem.ParentID
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query.
For details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
2. Define the data view delegate with the parameters through which you can access the values
passed from the UI. (You can find more information on how to use data view delegates in
: When a BQL statement with the Argument parameter is executed in code, the value must be
specified in the parameters of the Select() method.
| Accessing Data | 131
To Use Arithmetic Operations
Arithmetic operations—such as Add<Operand1, Operand2>, Sub<Operand1, Operand2>,
Mult<Operand1, Operand2>, Div<Operand1, Operand2>, and Minus<Operand>—are used
primarily in attributes to calculate the value of a field from other fields. Arithmetic operations can also
be used as operands in Where and OrderBy clauses in business query language (BQL) statements.
To Use Arithmetic Operations in Attributes
To calculate an expression in an attribute, do the following:
1. Compose the expression by using arithmetic operations. For example, you can calculate product
reorder discrepancy by using the following BQL expression, where the decimal_0 constant
represents the 0 decimal value. IsNull returns the first argument if it is not null or the second
argument otherwise.
Sub<Sub<IsNull<Product.availQty, decimal_0>,
IsNull<Product.bookedQty, decimal_0>>,
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query.
-((ISNULL(Product.AvailQty, .0) - ISNULL(Product.BookedQty, .0))
- Product.MinAvailQty)
2. Use the calculated expression in an attribute (such as PXDBCalced) to define a calculated field
that is not bound to a database column, as shown in the following sample code.
// Data field definition in a DAC
Sub<Sub<IsNull<Product.availQty, decimal_0>,
IsNull<Product.bookedQty, decimal_0>>,
public virtual decimal? Discrepancy { get; set; }
To Use Arithmetic Operations in BQL Statements
To use arithmetic operations in a conditional expression in a BQL statement, do the following:
1. Compose the expression by using arithmetic operations. For example, you can calculate product
reorder discrepancy by using the following BQL expression, where the decimal_0 constant
represents the 0 decimal value. IsNull returns the first argument if it is not null or the second
argument otherwise.
Sub<Sub<IsNull<Product.availQty, decimal_0>,
IsNull<Product.bookedQty, decimal_0>>,
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query.
-((ISNULL(Product.AvailQty, .0) - ISNULL(Product.BookedQty, .0))
- Product.MinAvailQty)
2. Use the calculated expression in a BQL statement, as shown in the following example.
Sub<Sub<IsNull<Product.availQty, decimal_0>,
IsNull<Product.bookedQty, decimal_0>>,
| Accessing Data | 132
: Acumatica Framework translates the previous BQL statement to the following SQL query, where
[list of columns] is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product
WHERE -((ISNULL(Product.AvailQty, .0) - ISNULL(Product.BookedQty, .0))
- Product.MinAvailQty) <> .0
Acumatica Framework explicitly enumerates the columns of the database table in the SQL query.
For details on which columns are enumerated, see Translation of a BQL Command to SQL.
To Compose a BQL Statement from an SQL Statement
If you are familiar with the construction of SQL statements, you may want to first construct an SQL
statement and then translate it to business query language (BQL). You can follow the instructions
described in this topic to translate SQL statements to BQL statements.
To Translate an SQL Statement to BQL
To translate an SQL statement to BQL, do the following:
1. Construct an SQL statement that selects the data you need.
For example, suppose that you need to convert to BQL the following SQL statement. In this SQL
query, we use the * sign to indicate that all columns of the Product table should be selected.
INNER JOIN SupplierProduct
ON SupplierProduct.ProductID = Product.ProductID
ON Supplier.AccountID = SupplierProduct.AccountID
WHERE (Product.BookedQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.AvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.MinAvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND(Product.Active = 1
OR Product.Active IS NULL)
AND(Product.BookedQty > Product.AvailQty
OR Product.AvailQty < Product.MinAvailQty))
OR Product.AvailQty IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY Product.UnitPrice, Product.AvailQty DESC
2. Replace the names of columns with the names of class fields that correspond to the columns in
data access classes (DACs). That is, change the uppercase letter in the name of each column
to the lowercase, as shown in the following sample code. In this sample code, the changes are
shown in bold type.
INNER JOIN SupplierProduct
ON SupplierProduct.productID = Product.productID
ON Supplier.accountID = SupplierProduct.accountID
WHERE (Product.bookedQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.availQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.minAvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND( = 1
AND(Product.bookedQty > Product.availQty
OR Product.availQty < Product.minAvailQty))
OR Product.availQty IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY Product.unitPrice, Product.availQty DESC
| Accessing Data | 133
3. If your SQL statement contains constants, replace it with either one of the predefined constants
or your own constant. (For details on using constants, see To Compare a Field with a Constant
and the description of the Constant<ConstType> class.) If you need to change the values of the
constants at runtime, replace the constants with parameters, as described in To Use Parameters
in Traditional BQL.
4. Find the JOIN, WHERE, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY clauses that you have in the SQL statement.
Depending on the included clauses, select one of the PXSelect classes, and replace SELECT *
FROM with this class in your SQL statement. For details on selection of the PXSelect class, see
To Select Records By Using Traditional BQL. For the list of all PXSelect classes, see PXSelect
In the sample code that has been presented in this topic, you would use the
PXSelectJoin<Table, Join, Where, OrderBy> class, and you would change the sample code
as follows. (The changes are shown in bold type.)
INNER JOIN SupplierProduct
ON SupplierProduct.productID = Product.productID
ON Supplier.accountID = SupplierProduct.accountID,
WHERE (Product.bookedQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.availQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.minAvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND( = 1
AND(Product.bookedQty > Product.availQty
OR Product.availQty < Product.minAvailQty))
OR Product.availQty IS NOT NULL,
ORDER BY Product.unitPrice, Product.availQty DESC>
5. If your SQL statement includes JOIN clauses, do the following:
a. Replace the last JOIN clause with the corresponding BQL Join clause. You would change
the sample code of this topic as follows. (The changes are shown in bold type.)
INNER JOIN SupplierProduct
ON SupplierProduct.productID = Product.productID
ON Supplier.accountID = SupplierProduct.accountID>,
WHERE (Product.bookedQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.availQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.minAvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND( = 1
AND(Product.bookedQty > Product.availQty
OR Product.availQty < Product.minAvailQty))
OR Product.availQty IS NOT NULL,
ORDER BY Product.unitPrice, Product.availQty DESC>
b. Chain other JOIN clauses to one another, as described in To Query Multiple Tables. You
would change the sample code of this topic as follows. (The changes are shown in bold
ON SupplierProduct.productID = Product.productID,
ON Supplier.accountID = SupplierProduct.accountID>>,
WHERE (Product.bookedQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.availQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.minAvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND( = 1
| Accessing Data | 134
AND(Product.bookedQty > Product.availQty
OR Product.availQty < Product.minAvailQty))
OR Product.availQty IS NOT NULL,
ORDER BY Product.unitPrice, Product.availQty DESC>
c. Replace each ON clause, as follows:
For a single condition or groups that start with a simple condition, replace the ON
clause with On.
For groups that start with a group of conditions, replace the ON clause with On2.
With these replacements, the sample code used in this topic would be changed to the
following code. (The changes are shown in bold type.)
On<SupplierProduct.productID = Product.productID>,
On<Supplier.accountID = SupplierProduct.accountID>>>,
WHERE (Product.bookedQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.availQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.minAvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND( = 1
AND(Product.bookedQty > Product.availQty
OR Product.availQty < Product.minAvailQty))
OR Product.availQty IS NOT NULL,
ORDER BY Product.unitPrice, Product.availQty DESC>
6. If your SQL statement includes a WHERE clause, replace the WHERE clause and each pair of
parentheses that encloses each group of conditions in the WHERE clause with a Where, Where2,
Not, or Not2 clause, as follows:
Where is used for groups that start with a simple condition.
Not is used for groups that start with a simple condition but are preceded with the logical
Where2 is used for groups that start with a group of conditions.
Not2 is used for groups that start with a group of conditions but preceded with the logical
With these replacements, the sample code used in this topic would be changed to the following
code. (The changes are shown in bold type.)
On<SupplierProduct.productID = Product.productID>,
On<Supplier.accountID = SupplierProduct.accountID>>>,
Where2<Where<Product.bookedQty, IS NOT NULL
AND Product.availQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.minAvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND Where< = 1,
AND Where<Product.bookedQty > Product.availQty,
OR Product.availQty < Product.minAvailQty>>,
OR Product.availQty IS NOT NULL>,
OrderBy<Asc<Product.unitPrice, Desc<Product.availQty>>>>
7. In each BQL Where or On clause, replace the logical operators (either AND or OR) to And, Or,
And2, or Or2, as follows:
| Accessing Data | 135
a. Replace the last AND or OR in each BQL Where or On clause with the And or Or operator,
respectively, as shown in the following code. (The changes are shown in bold type.)
On<SupplierProduct.productID = Product.productID>,
On<Supplier.accountID = SupplierProduct.accountID>>>,
Where2<Where<Product.bookedQty, IS NOT NULL
AND Product.availQty IS NOT NULL
AND Product.minAvailQty IS NOT NULL
AND Where< = 1,
And<Where<Product.bookedQty > Product.availQty,
Or<Product.availQty < Product.minAvailQty>>>>,
Or<Product.availQty IS NOT NULL>>,
OrderBy<Asc<Product.unitPrice, Desc<Product.availQty>>>>
b. In each BQL Where or On clause, if the AND or OR is located before a simple condition,
replace it with And or Or, respectively. If the condition is preceded by NOT, wrap it in Not.
With these replacements, the sample code used in this topic would be changed to the
following code. (The changes are shown in bold type.)
On<SupplierProduct.productID = Product.productID>,
On<Supplier.accountID = SupplierProduct.accountID>>>,
Where2<Where<Product.bookedQty, IS NOT NULL,
And<Product.availQty IS NOT NULL,
And<Product.minAvailQty IS NOT NULL,
AND Where< = 1,
And<Where<Product.bookedQty > Product.availQty,
Or<Product.availQty < Product.minAvailQty>>>>>>,
Or<Product.availQty IS NOT NULL>>,
OrderBy<Asc<Product.unitPrice, Desc<Product.availQty>>>>
c. In each BQL Where or On clause, if the AND or OR is located before a group of conditions,
replace it with And2<Operator, NextOperator> or Or2<Operator, NextOperator>,
respectively. The first parameter in a logical operator is Where (or Where2). If the
condition is preceded by NOT, place Not before a group in a Where clause. The following
sample code implements these changes (shown in bold type).
On<SupplierProduct.productID = Product.productID>,
On<Supplier.accountID = SupplierProduct.accountID>>>,
Where2<Where<Product.bookedQty, IS NOT NULL,
And<Product.availQty IS NOT NULL,
And<Product.minAvailQty IS NOT NULL,
And2<Where< = 1,
Or< IS NULL>>,
And<Where<Product.bookedQty > Product.availQty,
Or<Product.availQty < Product.minAvailQty>>>>>>>,
Or<Product.availQty IS NOT NULL>>,
OrderBy<Asc<Product.unitPrice, Desc<Product.availQty>>>>
8. In each Where or On clause, replace the groups that use arithmetic operations with the
corresponding BQL operators, as described in To Use Arithmetic Operations.
| Accessing Data | 136
9. In each Where or On clause, replace each comparison with the corresponding comparison
operator, such as Equal, Greater, or IsNull. For more information on constructing comparisons,
see To Filter Records.
The following sample code includes these changes (shown in bold type).
On<SupplierProduct.productID, Equal<Product.productID>>,
On<Supplier.accountID, Equal<SupplierProduct.accountID>>>>,
Where2<Where<Product.bookedQty, IsNotNull,
And<Product.availQty, IsNotNull,
And<Product.minAvailQty, IsNotNull,
And2<Where<, Equal<True>,
Or<, IsNull>>,
And<Where<Product.bookedQty, Greater<Product.availQty>,
Or<Product.availQty, Less<Product.minAvailQty>>>>>>>>,
Or<Product.availQty, IsNotNull>>,
OrderBy<Asc<Product.unitPrice, Desc<Product.availQty>>>>
10. Align logical operators of the same level so that they have the same indentation and so that
each simple condition is placed on a separate line. Do not add line breaks before nested Where
11. If your SQL statement includes the GROUP BY clause, do the following:
a. Replace the GROUP BY clause with the Aggregate clause.
b. Chain the GroupBy clause and aggregation functions (such as Min, Max, Sum, Avg, and
Count) to one another as described in To Group and Aggregate Records.
12. If your SQL statement includes the ORDER BY clause, do the following:
a. Replace the ORDER BY clause with the OrderBy clause. The following sample code shows
this change (with changes shown in bold type).
On<SupplierProduct.productID, Equal<Product.productID>>,
On<Supplier.accountID, Equal<SupplierProduct.accountID>>>>,
Where2<Where<Product.bookedQty, IsNotNull,
And<Product.availQty, IsNotNull,
And<Product.minAvailQty, IsNotNull,
And2<Where<, Equal<True>,
Or<, IsNull>>,
And<Where<Product.bookedQty, Greater<Product.availQty>,
Or<Product.availQty, Less<Product.minAvailQty>>>>>>>>,
Or<Product.availQty, IsNotNull>>,
OrderBy<Product.unitPrice, Product.availQty DESC>>
b. Chain the Asc and Desc operators to one another, as described in To Order Records. The
following sample code shows this change (with changes shown in bold type).
On<SupplierProduct.productID, Equal<Product.productID>>,
On<Supplier.accountID, Equal<SupplierProduct.accountID>>>>,
Where2<Where<Product.bookedQty, IsNotNull,
And<Product.availQty, IsNotNull,
And<Product.minAvailQty, IsNotNull,
And2<Where<, Equal<True>,
Or<, IsNull>>,
And<Where<Product.bookedQty, Greater<Product.availQty>,
| Accessing Data | 137
Or<Product.availQty, Less<Product.minAvailQty>>>>>>>>,
Or<Product.availQty, IsNotNull>>,
OrderBy<Asc<Product.unitPrice, Desc<Product.availQty>>>>
13. Check that the final statement is correct by doing the following:
Check that all lines except the last line of the BQL statement end with a comma.
Ensure that the number of closing angle brackets equals the number of opening angle
Creating LINQ Queries
To query data from the database, you can use language-integrated query (LINQ), which is a part
of .NET Framework. In the code of Acumatica Framework-based applications, you can use both the
standard query operators (provided by LINQ libraries) and the Acumatica Framework-specific operators
that are designed to query database data.
In this chapter, you can find information on how to create LINQ queries. For the general information
about data querying, see Querying Data in Acumatica Framework.
In This Chapter
LINQ in Acumatica Framework
Deferred LINQ Query Execution
Fallback to the LINQ to Objects Mode
To Select Records by Using LINQ
To Append LINQ Expressions to BQL
LINQ in Acumatica Framework
You can use language-integrated query (LINQ) provided by the System.Linq library when you need to
select records from the database in the code of Acumatica Framework-based applications or if you want
to apply additional filtering to the data of a BQL query. However, you still have to use business query
language (BQL) to define the data views in graphs and to specify the data queries in attributes of data
fields. For details about BQL, see Creating Fluent BQL Queries and Creating Traditional BQL Queries.
For more information about the differences between LINQ and BQL, see Comparison of Fluent BQL,
Traditional BQL, and LINQ.
Data Access Classes in LINQ
In LINQ expressions, to access data from the database tables, you use data access classes (DACs). For
details on DACs, see Data Access Classes.
You use property fields of DACs when you need to specify table columns in LINQ expressions. (The
name of the property field starts with an uppercase letter. Do not confuse it with the class field, which
has the same name but starts with lowercase letter.)
Query Syntax
To configure a LINQ query, you can use the following variants of syntax:
Query expressions, which use standard query operators from the System.Linq namespace
(such as where or orderby) or Acumatica Framework-specific operators from the
PX.Data.SQLTree namespace (such as SQL.BinaryLen, which is shown in the following
example of this syntax).
ProductMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProductMaint>();
var goods = from p in graph.Select<Product>()
| Accessing Data | 138
p.ProductCD.Length == 5 &&
p.GroupMask.Length == 4 &&
(p.WorkGroupID & 0b10) != 0
select new
Len = p.ProductName.Length,
BLen = SQL.BinaryLen( p.ProductName) + 1,
Explicit (method-based) syntax. The arguments of the methods used in this syntax are lambda
expressions. In these expressions, you can use the standard C# operators and Acumatica
Framework-specific operators from the PX.Data.SQLTree namespace (such as SQL.BinaryLen,
which is shown in the following code). The code below is equivalent to the query expression
shown above.
ProductMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProductMaint>();
var goods = graph.Select<Product>()
.Where( p =>
p.ProductCD.Length == 5 &&
p.GroupMask.Length == 4 &&
(p.WorkGroupID & 0b10) != 0)
.Select( p => new
Len = p.ProductName.Length,
BLen = SQL.BinaryLen(p.ProductName) + 1,
p.GroupMask, p.WorkGroupID
For details about composing LINQ queries, see To Select Records by Using LINQ. In the code examples
of this guide, we use explicit syntax.
Simultaneous Use of LINQ and BQL
The Select method of all PXSelect classes of Acumatica Framework return PXResultset<T0>, which
implements the IQueryable<PXResult<T0>> interface. That is, you can work with the query
expression defined with BQL by using LINQ. The following code shows an example of additional filtering
of data of the BQL query.
//BQL statement
var Products = new PXSelect<Product,
Where<Product.productCD, Like<string_D>>>(graph);
//Use of LINQ for the result of the BQL query
var goods = Products.Select()
.Where(p => p.GetItem<Product>().StockUnit == "item");
//Execution of the query
foreach (var good in goods) {
var prod = good.GetItem<Product>();
However, you cannot work with the query defined with LINQ by using BQL.
For details about how to use LINQ and BQL simultaneously, see To Append LINQ Expressions to BQL
| Accessing Data | 139
Deferred LINQ Query Execution
Queries defined with LINQ in Acumatica Framework implement the IQueryable interface—that is,
for these queries, the system generates expression trees and executes the queries only when they are
iterated over. For details about query execution, see Data Query Execution.
Execution of the LINQ Query in Code
To execute the query, you do one of the following:
Call the ToList or ToArray method for the query, as shown in the following code.
//query is a LINQ expression.
var data = query.ToList();
Iterate the query by using the foreach statement, as shown in the following code.
//query has the IQueryable<Product> type.
//Product is a DAC.
foreach (Product record in query)
Explicit Merge of Records with PXCache
The system merges with PXCache the records the system has retrieved from the database by using the
LINQ queries, as described in Merge of the Records with PXCache.
You may need to explicitly merge the records retrieved from the database with a particular PXCache
object. To merge the records with PXCache explicitly, you use the Merge method, as shown in the
following code example.
ProductMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProductMaint>();
var query = new PXSelectReadonly<Product>(graph).Select()
.Select(r => r.GetItem<Product>())
.Where(p => SQL.Like(p.ProductName, "%d%") && p.StockUnit != null)
.OrderBy(p => p.ProductID);
var result = query.Merge(p => p).ToArray();
You also can specify that the query should not be merged with PXCache by using the ReadOnly method,
as shown in the following code example.
ProductMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProductMaint>();
var query = new PXSelect<Product>(graph).Select()
.Select(r => r.GetItem<Product>())
.Where(p => SQL.Like(p.ProductName, "%d%") && p.StockUnit != null);
.OrderBy(p => p.ProductID);
var result = query.ReadOnly().ToArray();
Fallback to the LINQ to Objects Mode
With LINQ, you may not be able to filter records by using custom C# functions. For example, suppose
that your C# function filters records by a regular expression, which cannot be converted to standard
SQL functions. If the system cannot convert a custom C# function in a LINQ statement to an SQL query
tree, the system falls back to LINQ to Objects mode—that is, the system executes the data query in
memory, which can lead to degradation of the application's performance.
The following code shows an example of a situation when the system falls back to LINQ to Objects
mode. In this example, the system selects from the database all records from the CRCase table, and
| Accessing Data | 140
then, in memory, orders the retrieved records by the Date column and selects the records that satisfy
the condition specified by using the MyHelpers.IsHighPriority function.
// MyHelpers.IsHighPriority is a custom function.
var results = graph
.OrderByDescending(c => c.Date)
.Where(c => MyHelpers.IsHighPriority(c));
foreach (CRCase case in results)
: If the system falls back to LINQ to Objects, only the results of the base PXSelectBase query are
merged with PXCache as described in Merge of the Records with PXCache. The Merge and ReadOnly
methods do not affect the merge of records with PXCache for the queries that caused fallback.
The LINQ fallback is supported in Acumatica Framework for compatibility with previous versions. The
system writes to the trace log about all situations in which the system falls back to LINQ to Objects
mode. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you investigate the trace log for such issues and fix the
issues in one of the following ways:
Remove the custom C# functions that cause fallback so that the full query is executed in the
Append the AsEnumerable() method to the part of the query that can be converted to SQL, and
add after it the conditions that include custom C# functions. In this case, the system does not
waste resources trying to build the SQL query tree for the whole query. Instead, the system builds
the SQL query tree for the part of the query that has AsEnumerable() appended and performs
the corresponding request to the database, while the custom C# conditions of the query are
processed in memory. For example, the code example above can be modified as follows.
// MyHelpers.IsHighPriority is a custom function.
var results = graph
.OrderByDescending(c => c.Date).AsEnumerable()
.Where(c => MyHelpers.IsHighPriority(c));
foreach (CRCase case in results)
: The system executes the following SQL query for the code above, where [list of columns] is
the list of columns of the CRCase table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM CRCase
To Select Records by Using LINQ
To select records from the database by using language-integrated query (LINQ), you use the standard
query operators (provided by LINQ libraries), as described in this topic. In the LINQ queries, you use
the property fields of DACs to specify the columns of database tables. (The name of the property field
starts with an uppercase letter. Do not confuse it with the class field, which has the same name but
starts with lowercase letter.)
: After you have composed a LINQ expression, to execute the query defined by this expression, you
have to call the ToList or ToArray method for the query, or iterate the query by using the foreach
statement. For example, the following code executes the query defined by a LINQ expression.
//query is a LINQ expression
| Accessing Data | 141
var data = query.ToList();
For details about the execution of LINQ expressions, see Deferred LINQ Query Execution.
Before You Proceed
Add the using directives shown below to your code.
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.SQLTree;
using System.Linq;
Make sure that the application database has the database tables from which you are going to
request data, and that the application defines the data access classes (DACs) for these tables. For
more information on defining DACs, see Data Access Classes.
To Filter Records
To filter records in the database table to be retrieved, construct the LINQ expression by using the
Where LINQ method and the needed conditions. In the conditions, use the property field defined in the
DAC, such as Product.ProductID.
The following LINQ expression uses the C# logical operators (||, &&, and !) to define multiple
ProductMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProductMaint>();
IQueryable<Product> query = graph.Select<Product>().Where(prod =>
prod.BookedQty > prod.AvailQty
|| prod.AvailQty < prod.MinAvailQty
|| prod.AvailQty == null);
: This LINQ expression is equivalent to the following SQL query. In this SQL query, [list of columns]
is the list of columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product
WHERE Product.BookedQty > Product.AvailQty
OR Product.AvailQty < Product.MinAvailQty
OR Product.AvailQty IsNull
To Order Records
To order records to be retrieved from the database table, construct the LINQ expression by using the
OrderBy or OrderByDescending LINQ method and the needed property fields of the DAC, such as
The following sample LINQ expression selects all Product data records and sorts them by the
UnitPrice field in ascending order.
ProductMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProductMaint>();
IQueryable<Product> query = graph.Select<Product>().OrderBy(prod => prod.UnitPrice)
.ThenByDescending(prod => prod.AvailQty);
: This LINQ expression is equivalent to the following SQL query, where [list of columns] is the list of
columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product
ORDER BY Product.UnitPrice, Product.AvailQty DESC
To Query Multiple Tables
To join multiple tables, construct the LINQ expression by using the Join, LeftJoin, GroupJoin, and
FullJoin LINQ methods and the needed property fields of DACs, such as SalesOrder.OrderNbr.
| Accessing Data | 142
The following sample LINQ expression performs an inner join of the SalesOrder and OrderDetail DACs
by the OrderNbr field.
SalesOrderEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<SalesOrderEntry>();
var query = graph.Select<SalesOrder>()
ord => ord.OrderNbr, ordDet => ordDet.OrderNbr,
(ord, ordDet) => new { SalesOrder = ord, OrderDetail = ordDet });
: This LINQ expression is equivalent to the following SQL query, where [list of columns] is the list of
columns of the Product table.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM SalesOrder
INNER JOIN OrderDetail
ON OrderDetail.OrderNbr = SalesOrder.OrderNbr
To Group or Aggregate Records
To group or aggregate records, do the following:
1. Construct the LINQ expression by using the GroupBy LINQ method and the needed property
fields of the DAC, such as Product.CategoryCD. (The name of the property field starts with an
uppercase letter. Do not confuse it with the class field, which has the same name but starts with
lowercase letter.)
2. Append to the expression the Select LINQ method.
: You have to use the Select method after GroupBy to eliminate the number of requests that the
system performs to the database.
The following sample LINQ expression groups the records of the Product table by the CategoryCD
ProductMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProductMaint>();
var query = graph.Select<Product>().GroupBy(prod => prod.CategoryCD).
Select(group => new { CategoryCD = group.Key });
: This LINQ expression is equivalent to the following SQL query.
SELECT Product.CategoryCD
FROM Product
GROUP BY Product.CategoryCD
To Select Particular Columns of Records
To select particular columns, specify the corresponding property fields of DACs in the Select clause.
The following example selects the values of the ProductCD and AvailQty fields for all records of the
Product table.
ProductMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProductMaint>();
var results = graph.Select<Product>()
.Select(p => new { ProductCD = p.ProductCD, AvailQty = p.AvailQty });
: The system executes the following SQL query for the code above.
SELECT Product.ProductCD, Product.AvailQty FROM Product
| Accessing Data | 143
To Append LINQ Expressions to BQL Statements
By using LINQ, you can work with a query expression that is defined with BQL. In this topic, you can
find out how to apply additional filtering to a BQL statement and join a table to a BQL statement by
using LINQ.
Before You Proceed
Add the using directives shown below to your code.
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.SQLTree;
using System.Linq;
Make sure that the application database has the database tables from which you are going to
request data, and that the application defines the data access classes (DACs) for these tables. For
more information on defining DACs, see Data Access Classes.
To Append LINQ Expressions to BQL Statements
To append LINQ expressions to BQL statements, do the following:
1. Configure a BQL query derived from PXSelectBase either in fluent BQL or in traditional BQL.
2. Call the Select() method of PXSelectBase, and append the LINQ query to the result. Because
the result of the Select() method call is a PXResultset<> object, you need to cast it to a DAC
type by using the PXResult.GetItem<DacType>() method or direct casting.
The following example appends LINQ joining and filtering to a BQL query.
using PX.Data;
using PX.Data.SQLTree;
using System.Linq;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
ProductMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProductMaint>();
//Configure a BQL query
var products = new SelectFrom<Product>.
//Append joining and filtering by using LINQ
var goods = products.Select().Join(graph.Select<SupplierProduct>(),
p => p.GetItem<Product>().ProductID,
sp => sp.ProductID,
(p, sp) => new { p = p.GetItem<Product>(), sp }
).Where(sp => sp.p.UnitPrice >= 0 && sp.sp.LastPurchaseDate == null);
//Execute the query
foreach (var item in goods)
: The system executes the following SQL query for the code above. In this SQL query, [list of
columns] is the list of columns of the Product and SupplierProduct tables.
SELECT [list of columns] FROM Product
INNER JOIN SupplierProduct
ON Product.ProductID = SupplierProduct.ProductID
WHERE Product.ProductCD LIKE 'D' AND Product.UnitPrice>=0
AND SupplierProduct.LastPurchaseDate IS NULL
| Accessing Data | 144
Defining Relationships Between DACs
In this chapter, you can learn how to define relationships between data access classes (DACs) by using
the special classes for primary and foreign keys.
In This Chapter
Establishment of a Relationship Between Two DACs
To Define a Primary Key
To Define a Foreign Key
Establishment of a Relationship Between Two DACs
To define a relationship between two tables, you need to define the primary keys of the parent and child
tables. Also, in the child table, you need to define the foreign key that refers to the primary key of the
parent table.
In the code of an Acumatica Framework-based application, you can define this relationship as follows:
To define a primary key of a table, for the set of key fields of the data access class (DAC) that
corresponds to the table, you set the IsKey property of the data type attribute to true.
To define a foreign key of a table, in the DAC that corresponds to the table, you mark the
field that contains the foreign key with one of the following attributes: PXForeignReference,
PXSelector, or PXParent.
To select a record from the database by its primary or foreign key, you can use a Select statement in
business query language (BQL) or use the methods of the attributes mentioned above.
Another way to define a relationship between two tables is to use the classes and methods that are
specially designed for the definition of primary and foreign keys. This approach, which is described in
this topic, provides the following advantages:
These classes provide static information that a compiler can use to identify errors in the code.
You can use runtime information about primary keys to select records by their keys.
These classes and methods have no other meanings and use cases; conversely, the
PXForeignReference, PXSelector, and PXParent attributes can be used for other purposes.
These classes and methods are optimized for the selection of records from the database;
therefore, using them improves database access performance on record selection.
Definition of a Primary Key
You define a primary key of a DAC by using the PrimaryKeyOf<Table>.By<keyFields> class. With this
class, you can define simple keys (with one key field) and compound keys (with up to five key fields).
In the primary key definition, you have to define the public Find method, which calls the protected
FindBy method. A definition of a compound key is shown in the following example.
using PX.Data.ReferentialIntegrity.Attributes;
public partial class SOLine : PX.Data.IBqlTable
public class PK : PrimaryKeyOf<SOLine>.By<orderType, orderNbr, lineNbr>
public static SOLine Find(
PXGraph graph, string orderType, string orderNbr, int lineNbr)
=> FindBy(graph, orderType, orderNbr, lineNbr);
public abstract class orderType : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
| Accessing Data | 145
public abstract class orderNbr : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public abstract class lineNbr : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
Definition of a Foreign Key
You can define a foreign key based on the primary key of the referenced table, as shown in the
following code.
//Definition of the primary key
public partial class SOOrder : PX.Data.IBqlTable
public class PK : PrimaryKeyOf<SOOrder>.By<orderType, orderNbr>
public static SOOrder Find(
PXGraph graph, string orderType, string orderNbr) =>
FindBy(graph, orderType, orderNbr);
public abstract class orderType : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public abstract class orderNbr : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
//Definition of the foreign key based on the primary key
public partial class SOLine : PX.Data.IBqlTable
public class SOOrderFK : SOOrder.PK.ForeignKeyOf<SOLine>
.By<orderType, orderNbr> { }
public abstract class orderType : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public abstract class orderNbr : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
Selection of a Record by Key Fields
If a primary key is defined for a DAC, you can select a record by using the values of the key fields of
the record, as shown in the following example.
SOLine line = SOLine.PK.Find(
this, split.OrderType, split.OrderNbr, split.LineNbr.Value);
: The Find method encapsulates a PXSelectReadonly<Table,
Where<...>>.SelectWindowed(graph, 0, 1, keys) call. Therefore, the code above can replace
the following code written using BQL.
SOLine line = PXSelectReadonly<SOLine,
Where<SOLine.orderType, Equal<Required<SOLine.orderType>>,
And<SOLine.orderNbr, Equal<Required<SOLine.orderNbr>>,
And<SOLine.lineNbr, Equal<Required<SOLine.lineNbr>>>>>
>.Select(this, split.OrderType, split.OrderNbr, split.LineNbr);
You can also select a record by using a record of the same type with the key fields specified, as shown
in the following example.
InventoryItem actualItem = InventoryItem.PK.Find(this, notActualItem);
If a foreign key is defined for a DAC, you can select the parent and child records, as shown in the
following code.
//Selection of the parent record
SOOrder order = SOLine.SOOrderFK.FindParent(this, soLine);
//Selection of the child records
IEnumerable<SOLine> lines = SOLine.SOOrderFK.SelectChildren(this, soOrder);
| Accessing Data | 146
Use of Primary and Foreign Keys in Attributes
You can use static foreign keys, defined as described in Definition of a Foreign Key, for the configuration
of the PXForeignReference and PXParent attributes, as shown in the following example.
public partial class SOLine : PX.Data.IBqlTable
public class SOOrderFK : SOOrder.PK.ForeignKeyOf<SOLine>
.By<orderType, orderNbr> { }
public class InventoryFK : InventoryItem.PK.ForeignKeyOf<SOLine>
.By<inventoryID> { }
public abstract class orderType : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public virtual String OrderNbr { get; set; }
public abstract class orderNbr : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public virtual Int32? InventoryID { get; set; }
public abstract class inventoryID : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
Because all primary keys, which are defined as described in this topic, implement the IPrimaryKey
interface, you can use primary and foreign keys in the scope of custom attributes, as shown in the
following example.
public class SomeAttribute : PXEventSubscriberAttribute, ...
private readonly IPrimaryKey _pk;
public SomeAttribute(Type pkType)
_pk = (IPrimaryKey)Activator.CreateInstance(pkType);
public void SomeHandler(PXCache cache, PXSomeEventArgs e)
IBqlTable row = _pk.Find(cache.Graph, e.NewValue);
_pk.StoreCached(cache.graph, row);
row = _pk.Find(cache.Graph, row);
To Define a Primary Key
You can define the primary key of a data access class (DAC) by using the
PrimaryKeyOf<Table>.By<keyFields> class. With this class, you can define simple keys (with one
key field) and compound keys (with up to five key fields) and select records by using these keys, as
described in this topic.
To Define a Simple Primary Key and Select a Record by This Key
1. In the DAC, declare a PrimaryKeyOf<Table>.By<keyFields> descendant with the public Find
method, which calls the protected FindBy method, as shown in the following code.
using PX.Data.ReferentialIntegrity.Attributes;
public partial class InventoryItem : PX.Data.IBqlTable
public class PK : PrimaryKeyOf<InventoryItem>.By<inventoryID>
| Accessing Data | 147
public static InventoryItem Find(PXGraph graph, int inventoryID)
=> FindBy(graph, inventoryID);
public abstract class inventoryID : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
2. Use the primary key to select a record, as shown in the following code.
InventoryItem item = InventoryItem.PK.Find(this, soLine.InventoryID.Value);
To Define a Compound Primary Key and Select a Record by This Key
1. In the data access class (DAC), declare a PrimaryKeyOf<Table>.By<keyFields> descendant
with the public Find method, which has the needed number (up to five) of key fields. The
Find method must call the protected FindBy method with the same number of key fields, as
shown in the following code.
using PX.Data.ReferentialIntegrity.Attributes;
public partial class SOLine : PX.Data.IBqlTable
public class PK : PrimaryKeyOf<SOLine>
.By<orderType, orderNbr, lineNbr>
public static SOLine Find(
PXGraph graph, string orderType, string orderNbr, int lineNbr)
=> FindBy(graph, orderType, orderNbr, lineNbr);
public abstract class orderType : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public abstract class orderNbr : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public abstract class lineNbr : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
2. Use the compound primary key to select a record, as shown in the following code.
SOLine line = SOLine.PK.Find(
this, split.OrderType, split.OrderNbr, split.LineNbr.Value);
To Define a Foreign Key
You can define a foreign key based on the primary key of the parent data access class (DAC) and select
records by this key, as described in this topic.
To Define a Foreign Key and Use It to Select Records
1. In the DAC of the parent table, define the primary key, as described in To Define a Primary Key.
The following code shows an example of the definition of the primary key that is used in the
following code examples in this instruction.
public partial class SOOrder : PX.Data.IBqlTable
public class PK : PrimaryKeyOf<SOOrder>.By<orderType, orderNbr>
public static SOOrder Find(
PXGraph graph, string orderType, string orderNbr)
=> FindBy(graph, orderType, orderNbr);
public abstract class orderType : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public abstract class orderNbr : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
| Accessing Data | 148
2. In the DAC of the child table, define the foreign key based on the primary key of the parent
table, as shown below.
public partial class SOLine : PX.Data.IBqlTable
public class SOOrderFK : SOOrder.PK.ForeignKeyOf<SOLine>
.By<orderType, orderNbr> { }
public abstract class orderType : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public abstract class orderNbr : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
3. Use the foreign key to select the parent record or child records, as shown in the following code.
//Select the parent record
SOOrder order = SOLine.SOOrderFK.FindParent(this, soLine);
//Select the child records
IEnumerable<SOLine> lines = SOLine.SOOrderFK.SelectChildren(this, soOrder);
Working with Data in Cache and Session
In this chapter, you can learn how to store graph data in the session and use slots to cache data
In This Chapter
Session Sharing Between Application Servers
Storing of Graph Data in the Session
Use of Slots to Cache Data Objects
The Acumatica ERP server creates a separate session for each browser tab or window that opens an
Acumatica ERP form.
The server creates the first session for a user after the user authorization when the starting form is
loading. Then the server does the following:
Saves the user authorization data (.ASPXAUTH) and the session ID (ASP.NET_SessionID) in the
browser cookies for the website URL
Creates the shared session data to be used for the Acumatica ERP forms opened in new browser
tabs and windows
Saves the shared session data in the storage that is specified in the website configuration
When the user opens a form of Acumatica ERP in a new browser tab, the server creates a new session
that is based on the previous session data. To access the shared data, the server uses the session ID
from the cookies, which are added to the request by the browser.
The following diagram shows how the server of Acumatica ERP manages the shared session data that is
used for multiple sessions of a single user.
| Accessing Data | 149
Figure: Use of shared data for multiple sessions of a user
If the session data has been changed during the processing of a request, the server updates the data in
the shared session data store. For example, if the user clicks Copy on a form toolbar to copy the form
data, the data is stored in the shared session, so that it is accessible for the Paste action in another
session of the same user.
To distinguish different sessions that have the same ASP.NET_SessionID, the server adds to each
new session a unique identifier that consists of the W character and a number value wrapped in
parentheses. In the browser, you can see such an identifier in the site URL, as with the bolded part in
the following example: http://localhost/MySite/(W(3))/Main.aspx?ScreenId=AR301000.
Session Sharing Between Application Servers
To achieve horizontal scalability and fault tolerance, an application written with Acumatica Framework
can be configured to run in a cluster of application servers behind a load balancer. With this
configuration, it is not possible to predict the application server that will receive the next request from
the client. In this model, session specific data must be shared between the application servers.
The following diagram shows difference in storing session data on a stand-alone server and in a cluster.
On a stand-alone Acumatica ERP server, session data is stored in the server memory. In a cluster of
application servers, session data must be serialized and stored in a high-performance remote server,
such as Redis or Microsoft SQL.
| Accessing Data | 150
Figure: Storing session data on a stand-alone server and in a cluster
The cost of serialization and the amount of data that need to be shared between application servers is
often the main challenge to scaling complex business applications horizontally.
Acumatica Framework implements the following techniques to address issues related to session-state
management without sacrificing performance, fault tolerance, or scalability:
Objects on the application server are created on each request and disposed after the request
execution. The application state is preserved in the session through the serialization mechanism.
Data serialized into the session is minimized to store only modified data (inserted, deleted, held
and modified records). (Serialization and retrieval times are directly proportional to the size of the
serialized data.)
The rest of the data is extracted from the database on demand and built around the session data.
(A custom algorithm that extracts only the data required for the current request execution from
the database is implemented.)
A custom serialization mechanism is implemented to serialize only relevant data and reduce
the amount of service information. (The standard serialization mechanism implemented in the
Microsoft .NET platform is generic and cannot be optimized when used for a specific task.)
Hash tables, constraints, relations, and indexes concerned with the execution of business logic are
created strictly on demand. This technique allows the user to avoid execution of these operations
on each request if not needed. (Creation of indexes, constrains, hash tables, and relations
consumes a significant amount of CPU and runtime memory.)
| Accessing Data | 151
Storing of Graph Data in the Session
Acumatica ERP keeps all modified data records in the cache. Therefore, you do not change a data
record in the database directly when you modify its value in the user interface.
: The system commits the changes to the database in the following cases:
The user clicks Save.
A request is sent through the Web Service API.
The Actions.PressSave method is invoked on the graph instance.
The PXAutoSaveAttribute attribute is defined for a data access class. As a result, the
PXCache<>.Unload method automatically stores in the database all the changes of the appropriate
data records at the end of each round trip.
A graph instance exists on the server only while a user request is being processed, and it is destroyed
right after this processing. The following diagram shows that a graph instance is created to process a
user request on the Acumatica ERP server and destroyed once processing is completed.
Figure: Processing of user requests
In the diagram above, the blue rectangles labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4 indicate the lifetime of graph instances.
After a graph instance completes the processing of a request, the system stores the graph state in the
session. It also stores the inserted, deleted, held, and modified records of the cache that are required
to restore the state and data of the graph for the processing of the subsequent user request on the
same Acumatica ERP form.
: On a stand-alone Acumatica ERP server, session data is stored in the server memory. In a cluster of
Acumatica ERP servers, session data must be serialized and stored in external high-performance session
state storage. (For more information on storing session data in a cluster, see Session Sharing Between
Application Servers.)
For a user request on an Acumatica ERP form, the following operations are executed in the system:
1. The application server creates a graph instance that is specified in the TypeName property of the
PXDataSource control of the form. (For more information about the initialization of graph views,
caches, actions, and event handlers, see Initialization of an Event Handler Collection.)
| Accessing Data | 152
2. If the user session contains graph data that has been stored during a previous request, the
system loads the graph state and the cache data from the session.
3. The graph instance processes the requested data on the data view that is specified in the ASPX
code in the DataMember property of the control container for the data to be processed. To
process the data, the system invokes the ExecuteSelect, ExecuteInsert, ExecuteUpdate,
or ExecuteDelete method of the graph, based on the request type. The invoked method
implements the logic of the appropriate scenario to add the request data to the cache and to
execute the event handlers defined for the data fields and records in the cache. (See Data
Manipulation Scenarios for details.) The cache then merges the data retrieved from the database
with the data restored from the session, and the application accesses the data as if the entire
data set had been preserved from the time of the previous request.
4. The graph instance returns the request results to the PXDatasource control of the form.
5. The system stores in the session the graph state and the modified data of the cache.
: Because the graph instance is no longer being used by the application server, the .NET
Framework garbage collector then clears the memory allocated for the graph instance.
While a graph is instantiated, all the cached data of the graph is saved in the appropriate PXCache
objects that are created in the graph instance based on the data access class (DAC) declarations. To
preserve the modified entity data between user requests, the cache controller saves the Updated,
Inserted, Deleted, and Held collections of each PXCache object in the session.
The following diagram shows how the graph state and cache data are stored in the Session object.
Figure: The graph data stored in the session
In the diagram above, notice the following:
The items of the graph instance are stored in the GraphInfo collection of the Session object as a
key-value pair, where the key is equal to the full name of the graph.
The items of a PXCache object are stored in the CacheInfo collection of the Session object as a
key-value pair, where the key consists of the following parts separated by the $ symbol:
1. The full name of the graph
| Accessing Data | 153
2. The full name of the DAC
: When you instantiate a graph from code, the system will not load data from the session, because you
may want to perform redirection or other processing. You can direct the system to load this data by using
the PXPreserveScope class, as the following code snippet shows.
using (new PXPreserveScope())
GraphName graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<GraphName>();
Use of Slots to Cache Data Objects
If you have to cache a data object from your code, you can use the slots provided by the PXContext
and PXDatabase classes. By using these slots, you can cache any type of data object without
A slot provided by the PXContext class exists in the memory of the application server only during the
current HTTP request. Therefore, you can use these slots for quick data exchange between different
server modules while the server processes a single request.
A slot of the PXDatabase class is stored in the server memory until you clear the slot. Therefore, you
can use such a slot to cache a data object for a long time—for example, to read the cached data during
a future HTTP request.
If a PXDatabase slot is used to cache the data that is obtained from the database tables, you can use a
special API to automatically update the data in the slot when any of these tables has been changed.
For detailed information on using slots, see the sections of this topic.
Caching Data in PXContext Slots
If you need to keep a data object during a single HTTP request, we recommend that you cache the
object in a slot provided by the PXContext class.
You can use the following public static methods of the class to save a data object in a slot.
Method Description
public static ObjectType
(ObjectType value)
Stores the specified data object under the key that is created on
the base of the object type.
public static ObjectType
(string key, ObjectType
Stores the specified data object under the key that is defined by
the first parameter.
The following example shows how you can save the MyData object in the slot of the current HTTP
context under the key that is the same as the object type.
To get a data object that is cached in the current HTTP context, you can use the following methods of
the PXContext class.
Method Description
public static ObjectType
Returns the data object that is cached under the key that is created
on the base of the object type.
| Accessing Data | 154
Method Description
public static ObjectType
(string key)
Returns the data object that is cached under the specified key.
The following example shows how you can get from the slot of the current HTTP context the MyData
object that is cached under the MyData22 key.
var MyData = PXContext.GetSlot<MyDataType>("MyData22");
The following diagram illustrates how you can use a data object cached by using a slot provided by the
PXContext class.
Figure: Caching data in a slot of the PXContext class
You do not need to delete the data saved in the PXContext class slots, because the system deletes
these slots from the server memory along with the data of the current HTTP context created for the
current request.
Caching Data in PXDatabase Slots
If you need to keep a data object in the server memory for a long time, we recommend that you cache
the object in a slot provided by the PXDatabase class.
You can use the following public static methods of the class to cache a data object in a slot and to get
the cached object from the slot.
Method Description
public static ObjectType
(string key, params
Type[] tables)
If the PXDatabase slots contain a valid data object of the specified
type saved under the key defined by the first parameter, returns
this data object. Otherwise, the method creates a new object of the
specified type, saves this empty object in the slot under the key
defined by the first parameter, and returns the data object that is
used by the calling code to save the needed data. The list of the
table types specified in the params parameter is used to invalidate
the slot if any table of the list has been changed in the database.
| Accessing Data | 155
Method Description
: If this method is used to cache a data object of an ObjectType
class inherited from the IPrefetchable<> interface, the
GetSlot<> method invokes the Prefetch method of the object
without a parameter.
public static ObjectType
Parameter> (string key,
Parameter parameter,
params Type[] tables)
Is used for caching a data object of an ObjectType class inherited
from the IPrefetchable<> interface to provide automatic update
of the object in the slot. If the PXDatabase slots contain a valid
data object of the specified type saved under the key defined by
the first parameter, the method returns this data object. Otherwise,
the method does the following:
1. Creates a new object of the specified type
2. To create or update data in the object, invokes the Prefetch
method with the parameter specified in the second
3. Saves this object in the slot under the key defined by the
first parameter
4. Returns the data object to the calling method
The list of the table types specified in the params parameter is used
to invalidate the slot in the case if any table of the list has been
changed in the database. The use of this method is described below
in the Automatically Updating Data in a PXDatabase Slot section.
The following example shows how you can use the GetSlot<ObjectType> (string key, params
Type[] tables) method to cache data under the MyData key in the slot of the PXDatabase class.
Dictionary<string, string[]> dict =
PXDatabase.GetSlot<Dictionary<string, string[]>>(
"MyData", typeof(Table1), typeof(Table2), typeof(Table3));
lock (((System.Collections.ICollection)dict).SyncRoot)
List<string> myList = new List<string>();
string key = "myListKey";
dict[key] = myList.ToArray();
After the data object has been cached, you can access the object by using the following instruction.
Dictionary<string, string[]> dict =
PXDatabase.GetSlot<Dictionary<string, string[]>>(
"MyData", typeof(Table1), typeof(Table2), typeof(Table3));
You can clear a slot provided by the PXDatabase class by means of the following public static methods
of the class.
Method Description
public static void
(string key, params
Type[] tables)
Sets to null the value of the slot that has the specified key.
| Accessing Data | 156
Method Description
public static void
Sets to null the value of each slot that is provided by the
PXDatabase class.
The following example shows how you can clear the slot created in the example above.
"MyData", typeof(Table1), typeof(Table2), typeof(Table3));
Automatically Updating Data in a PXDatabase Slot
If a data object that is to be cached depends on data in the database, we recommend that you
inherit the object class from the IPrefetchable<> interface and develop in this class the Prefetch
method, to provide automatic updating of data in the object. Then the GetSlot<ObjectType,
Parameter>(string key, Parameter parameter, params Type[] tables) method of
the PXDatabase class will use the Prefetch method to update the data in the slot, if required. (See the
description of the method in Caching Data in PXDatabase Slots.)
For example, suppose that you need to develop a data provider that selects data from multiple tables
of the database and caches the data in PXDatabase slots. To do this, you can develop the provider class
based on the following code.
public abstract class MyProvider : ProviderBase
// Here you can add abstract definitions for all the methods of
// the PXDatabaseMyProvider class
public class PXDatabaseMyProvider : MyProvider
private class MyDataObject : IPrefetchable<PXDatabaseMyProvider>
public MyDataType MyData = new MyData();
public void Prefetch(PXDatabaseMyProvider provider)
// Here you can implement the code to generate data of the MyData object.
private MyDataObject MyDataObj
return PXDatabase.GetSlot<MyDataObject, PXDatabaseMyProvider>(
this, typeof(Table1), typeof(Table2), typeof(Table3)
/* ,... Add here the types of all tables, any change in which
should make the slot invalid. */ );
// Here you need to add the code for all the methods that are defined
// in the MyProvider abstract class.
// These methods can be used to manage the MyData object.
The code above contains declarations of the following classes:
| Accessing Data | 157
The MyProvider abstract class, which derives from the
System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase public abstract class and is used to define
implementation of the PXDatabaseMyProvider class.
The PXDatabaseMyProvider class, which contains the following:
The MyDataObject private class, which derives from the
IPrefetchable<PXDatabaseMyProvider> interface and contains the following members:
The MyData data object to be cached
The Prefetch method, which creates or updates the data object
An implementation of the methods that are declared in the MyProvider abstract
class and used to manage to the MyData object. To access the data object stored in
the database slot, in these methods, you can use the MyDataObject property of the
PXDatabaseMyProvider class, as the following instruction shows.
MyDataObject data = MyDataObj;
For the code above, the following diagram shows how the data object is cached and automatically
updated in the PXDatabase slot.
Figure: Automatic update of the cached data
: If you have discovered that a PXDatabase slot returns legacy data, you can invoke the
SelectTimeStamp() public static method of the PXDatabase class to invalidate all the PXDatabase
slots that contain data obtained from the database tables that have been changed. Then the GetSlot
method invokes the Prefetch method and updates the data in the slot.
| Implementing Business Logic | 158
Implementing Business Logic
The topics in this part of the guide explain how to implement business logic of an application based on
Acumatica Framework.
In This Part
Working with Events
Working with Attributes
Working with Attachments
Configuring the UI from the Back End
Executing Code Asynchronously
Localizing Applications
Reusing Business Logic
Working with Events
The Acumatica Framework provides its own event model in which events related to the manipulation of
data records and data fields are raised in a particular order within certain scenarios. An event handler is
a method invoked by the Acumatica Framework once the corresponding event is raised.
By implementing event handlers, application developers can add business logic for the manipulation of
data within business logic controllers (BLCs). This business logic includes the validation and calculation
of field values, the management of data records (inserting, updating, or deleting), the checks for
duplicate records, and the implementation of the presentation logic of the user interface.
In This Chapter
Event Handlers
Execution of Event Handlers
Data Manipulation Scenarios
Sequence of Events: Insertion of a Data Record
Sequence of Events: Update of a Data Record
Sequence of Events: Deletion of a Data Record
Sequence of Events: Display of a Data Record
Sequence of Events: Saving of Changes to the Database
List of Events
Event Handlers
The Acumatica Framework raises events in the context of a graph. An event handler can be
implemented in a graph, as well as in an attribute of a data field.
| Implementing Business Logic | 159
Graph and Attribute Event Handlers
Graph event handlers are defined as methods in a business logic controller (BLC) class for a particular
data access class (DAC) or a particular DAC field. See the topics in the PX.Data Delegates section in the
API Reference for each event for an example of a graph event handler declaration.
Attribute event handlers are defined as methods in attribute classes. The logic of the event handlers
is attached to all DAC objects or data fields annotated with these attributes. The attribute in which an
attribute event handler is implemented must be derived from the PXEventSubscriberAttribute class
and must implement the interface of the IPX<EventName>Subscriber form (where <EventName>
is replaced with the name of the needed event), as shown in the following example.
// The attribute implements handlers for the FieldVerifying
// and RowPersisting events
public class MyAttribute : PXEventSubscriberAttribute,
public virtual void FieldVerifying(PXCache sender,
PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e)
public virtual void RowPersisting(PXCache sender,
PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
Execution of Event Handlers
In this topic, you can find information about how event handlers are executed and how to add and
remove event handlers at run time.
Execution of Event Handlers
All event handlers for a particular event share the same PXCache instance that has raised this event.
The system creates a PXCache instance to control the modified data records of a particular data access
class (DAC) type. The PXCache instance is always available as the first argument in an event handler;
the second argument provides the specific data that corresponds to the event.
Once an event is raised, the order in which the associated event handlers are executed may differ. For
some events, the chain of graph event handlers is executed before the attribute event handlers are; the
attribute event handlers are executed only if the Cancel property of the event arguments doesn't equal
true after the execution of the graph event handlers.
For other events, the attribute event handlers are executed first, and the graph event handlers are
executed next. The topics in the PX.Data Delegates section in the API Reference for each event shows
the order in which the system invokes handlers for a particular event.
Dynamic Addition of Event Handlers
A business logic controller (BLC) includes the collections of graph event handlers for all events except
CacheAttached. Each of these collections holds event handlers for a particular event and has the
same name as the event. (You can find more information about how these collections are initialized in
the Initialization of an Event Handler Collection section in this topic.) By using the methods of these
collections, you can add and remove graph event handlers in code at run time.
A method added as an event handler must have the signature of a graph event handler, but doesn't
need to follow the naming convention for graph event handlers. If you want to add a method as an
| Implementing Business Logic | 160
event handler, you invoke the AddHandler<>() method on the corresponding collection. For example,
if the event is related to a row, it is invoked as follows.
The event is invoked as follows if it is related to a field.
When the AddHandler<>() method is invoked, event handlers are added to the collection as follows:
Event handlers are added to the beginning of the collection for any event whose name ends with
ing except the RowSelecting event.
Event handlers are added to the end of the collection for any event whose name ends with ed and
for the RowSelecting event.
To remove a handler, you should invoke the RemoveHandler<>() method.
Initialization of an Event Handler Collection
On each round trip, the PXGraph() constructor does the following while it initializes a graph instance:
1. Creates the Cashes, Views, and Actions collections and other required collections. All of these
collections are initially empty.
2. If the graph instance is being created on the Acumatica ERP server for the first time:
a. Obtains the metadata of this graph from the appropriate assembly (which is PX.Objects
for most graphs in the application).
b. By using the metadata, emits the InitializeDelegate method, which is designed
to subscribe event handlers and to initialize graph views, caches, and actions. To
process the metadata for the fields declared in the graph, the constructor invokes the
PXGraph.ProcessFields static method. To process the metadata of the methods that
are defined in the graph, the constructor invokes the PXGraph.ProcessMethods static
The ProcessMethods method processes the metadata of the methods that are declared
in the graph and all extensions of the graph. According to the naming convention for
event handlers, the _ symbol is a separator, so this method tries to split the name of each
processed method into segments. If the name of the processed method has fewer than two
segments or more than three segments, the processed method is skipped.
If the name of the processed method adheres to the naming convention for record
event handlers, the processed method is added to the _EventsRow collection of the
PXCache<DACName> object that is instantiated in the graph instance based on the DAC
declaration. For example, the SOOrder_RowSelected event handler is added to the
_EventsRow collection of the PXCache<SOOrder> cache object as an element with the
RowSelected key.
If the name of the processed method adheres to the naming convention for field event
handlers, the processed method is added to the EventNameEvents collection of the
PXCache<DACName> object. For example, the SOOrder_CustomerID_FieldUpdated
event handler is added to the FieldUpdatedEvents collection of the
PXCache<SOOrder> cache object as an element with the CustomerID key.
c. Saves the graph metadata and the InitializeDelegate emitted method in the
Acumatica ERP server memory as the GraphStaticInfo static object shared for the entire
application instance.
| Implementing Business Logic | 161
3. From the GraphStaticInfo static object, invokes the InitializeDelegate method, which
initializes graph views, caches, and actions; the method also adds event handler delegates to the
appropriate event handler collections of the relevant PXCache objects.
The following diagram shows how an instance of the PX.Objects.SO.SOOrderEntry graph uses the
PX.Objects assembly metadata to add the SOOrder_CustomerID_FieldUpdated()
event handler (described in the graph and graph extensions) to the FieldUpdatedEvents collection of
the PXCache<SOOrder> cache object.
Figure: Addition of an event handler to the appropriate collection
In the collection, the CustomerID field name is used as a key, and the delegate of the event handler
sequence for the field processing is used as a value.
Data Manipulation Scenarios
Most events are raised within common scenarios related to the manipulation of data records. The
scenarios are invoked by Acumatica Framework when users perform certain actions in the user
interface, when the corresponding requests are made to the web services API, and when special
methods are executed within the business logic controller (BLC).
The following diagram shows how different types of event handlers are invoked.
| Implementing Business Logic | 162
Figure: Use of event handlers while the basic data operations are processed
For details on how Acumatica Framework processes the basic data operations, see the following topics:
Sequence of Events: Insertion of a Data Record
Sequence of Events: Update of a Data Record
Sequence of Events: Deletion of a Data Record
Sequence of Events: Display of a Data Record
Sequence of Events: Saving of Changes to the Database
Sequence of Events: Insertion of a Data Record
The figure below illustrates the sequence of events raised during the insertion of a data record.
| Implementing Business Logic | 163
Figure: Insertion of a data record
The system inserts a data record—as an instance of a data access class (DAC)—when a user creates
a new data record in the user interface, a request to insert a record is sent to the web services API,
or the Insert() method of a data view is called in code. The data record is actually inserted into
the PXCache object that corresponds to the DAC of the data record. The inserted data record has the
Inserted status and is available through the Inserted and Dirty collections of the PXCache object.
| Implementing Business Logic | 164
When a data record is inserted, data field events are raised for each data field in the following order:
1. FieldDefaulting
2. FieldUpdating if the e.Cancel property equals true
3. FieldVerifying
4. FieldUpdated
Next, the following data record events are raised:
1. RowInserting (If the e.Cancel property is true, no further events are raised.)
2. RowSelected
3. RowInserted
The instance of the inserted data record is available in the e.Row property of event arguments.
Sequence of Events: Update of a Data Record
The figure below illustrates the sequence of events raised during the update of a data record.
| Implementing Business Logic | 165
Figure: Update of a data record
A data record is updated when a user modifies the data record on the user interface, the request is
sent through the Web Service API, or the Update() method is invoked on the data view. Updated data
records, which the system gives the Updated status, are later available through the Updated and Dirty
collections of the appropriate PXCache object.
| Implementing Business Logic | 166
The RowUpdating event is fired before the update happens, while the RowUpdated event is fired after
the update. The developer can handle these events and has access to the updated data record and
the previous version of the data record that is kept in the PXCache object. The actual update happens
between these two events when the data record is copied to the PXCache object.
When a data record is updated, the following data field events are raised for each updated data field:
1. FieldUpdating
2. FieldVerifying
3. FieldUpdated
Next, data record events are raised as follows:
1. RowUpdating is raised. At this moment, in the e variable, which represents event data, e.Row
holds the data record version from the cache, while e.NewRow holds the updated data record.
You can still stop the update by throwing a PXException instance.
2. If e.Cancel doesn't equal true:
a. RowSelected is raised. Only the updated data record can be accessed through e.Row.
b. RowUpdated is raised. e.Row now holds the updated instance, while e.OldRow holds a
copy of the old data record with the previous values.
Sequence of Events: Deletion of a Data Record
The figure below illustrates the sequence of events raised during the deletion of a data record.
| Implementing Business Logic | 167
Figure: Deletion of a data record
A data record is deleted when a user deletes the record on the user interface, the deletion request is
sent through the Web Service API, or the Delete() method of a data view is invoked in code. As a
result of the deletion, the data record gets the Deleted status if it already exists in the database, or
the InsertedDeleted status if the record has just been inserted into the PXCache object and deletion
| Implementing Business Logic | 168
from the database is not required. The data record is later available through the Deleted and Dirty
collections of the PXCache object.
If the deletion has been initiated by a user on the UI or through the web services API, the following field
events are raised for each key data field before any other events are raised:
1. FieldUpdating
2. FieldUpdated
Next, regardless of how the deletion was initiated, data record events are raised as follows:
1. RowDeleting is raised. At this point, the developer can still stop the deletion by throwing a
PXException instance. In the e variable representing event data, e.Row holds the data record
being deleted.
2. If e.Cancel doesn't equal true:
a. RowDeleted is raised, and e.Row still holds the data record.
b. RowSelected is raised, and e.Row equals NULL.
Sequence of Events: Display of a Data Record
Each time a data record is displayed in the user interface or retrieved through the Web Service API,
the RowSelected and FieldSelecting events are raised for each data field. For both events, the
e.Row property of event arguments holds the data record that is being displayed or retrieved.
The diagram below illustrates this process in more detail.
Figure: Display of a data record
Sequence of Events: Saving of Changes to the Database
The following figure illustrates the sequence of events that are raised when a data record is saved.
| Implementing Business Logic | 169
Figure: Save (commit) of a data record to the database
While a user is inserting, updating, or deleting a data record, no changes are committed to the
database. The system stores the modified data records in the session, and you can access them
through the appropriate PXCache object. The system commits the changes to the database when
the user clicks Save in the user interface, the save request is sent through the Web Service API, or
Actions.PressSave() is invoked on the business logic controller (BLC) instance. In both cases,
the Persist() method of the graph is invoked. The Actions.PressSave() method additionally checks
that the Save action exists in the graph and is enabled. The Save action then invokes the Persist()
When changes are saved to the database, events are raised as follows:
| Implementing Business Logic | 170
1. RowPersisting is raised. At this moment, a database transaction has already been opened.
If any of the handlers sets e.Cancel to true, the process will be canceled for the currently
processed data record without an error being reported to the user. To cancel the process of
committing changes and indicate the error to the user, you should throw the PXException
2. If e.Cancel doesn't equal true:
a. RowPersisted is raised. The commit operation for the current data record (available
through e.Row in the handler) is completed, but the transaction is still open:
e.TranStatus equals Open.
b. RowPersisted is raised one more time, either with e.TranStatus equal to
Completed (if all changes have been saved successfully) or with e.TranStatus equal
to Aborted if an error has occurred and all changes have been canceled.
List of Events
In this topic, you can find the list of all events by category. You can get more information about any of
these events by navigating to the applicable topic in the API Reference.
Data Field Events
Data Record Events
Database-Related Events
Exception-Handling Event
| Implementing Business Logic | 171
Event for Overriding DAC Field Attributes
Working with Attributes
In Acumatica Framework, you use attributes to add common business logic to the application
Attributes implement business logic by subscribing to events. Each attribute class directly or indirectly
derives from the PXEventSubscriberAttribute class. In addition, an attribute class derives from
the interfaces that correspond to the event handlers it implements. For example, the PXDefault
attribute derives from the IPXFieldDefaultingSubscriber, IPXRowPersistingSubscriber,
and IPXFieldSelectingSubscriber interfaces, which means that it implements its logic in the
FieldDefaulting, RowSelecting, and FieldSelecting event handler methods.
Attributes can be added to a data access class (DAC) definition, a data view declaration in a business
logic controller (BLC), and the BLC definition itself.
For more information on each attribute, see the API Reference.
In This Chapter
Code Reuse Through Attributes
Mandatory Attributes
Use of Attributes
Bound Field Data Types
Unbound Field Data Types
UI Field Configuration
Default Values
Complex Input Controls
Referential Integrity and Calculations
Ad Hoc SQL for Fields
Audit Fields
Data Projection
Access Control
Report Optimization
Attributes on DACs
Action Attributes
Attributes on Data Views
Code Reuse Through Attributes
The following code implements the logic of updating a receipt total when a document transaction is
updated in the system.
public virtual void DocTransation_RowUpdated(PXCache cache,
PXRowUpdatedEventArgs e)
| Implementing Business Logic | 172
DocTransaction old = e.OldRow as DocTransaction;
DocTransaction trn = e.Row as DocTransaction;
if ((trn != null) && (trn.TranQty != old.TranQty ||
trn.UnitPrice != old.UnitPrice))
Document doc = Receipts.Current;
if (doc != null)
doc.TotalAmt -= old.TranQty * old.UnitPrice;
doc.TotalAmt += trn.TranQty * trn.UnitPrice;
This logic can be used in multiple forms of the application, and therefore can be moved into an
Attribute class. The attribute is used to annotate a data field in the data access class. Then it can be
reused anywhere in the code, as in the example below.
public class DocTransaction : PX.Data.IBqlTable
#region TotalAmt
public abstract class totalAmt : PX.Data.IBqlField
[PXDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.00")]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Line Total", Enabled = false)]
[DeltaMultiply(typeof(DocTransaction.tranQty), typeof(DocTransaction.unitPrice),
public virtual decimal? ExtPrice { get; set; }
In this example, the logic of updating the receipt total on an update of the transaction is implemented
inside the DeltaMultiply attribute. This logic is triggered after each update, delete, or insert
operation on the DocTransaction data access class instance and updates totals on the receipt level
in the appropriate Document data access class instance.
Acumatica Framework provides a wide range of predefined attributes that can be used for defining data
types, database mapping, referential integrity, data format validation, and default values for the field.
The following code shows an example of how you can implement the logic from the above example by
using the predefined PXFormula attribute, which is used for implementing calculations of data fields.
public class DocTransaction : PX.Data.IBqlTable
#region TotalAmt
public abstract class totalAmt : PX.Data.IBqlField
[PXDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.00")]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Line Total", Enabled = false)]
[PXFormula(typeof(Mult<DocTransaction.tranQty, DocTransaction.unitPrice>),
public virtual decimal? ExtPrice { get; set; }
Because the data access classes are shared within an application, formatting, custom logic, and any
constraints implemented in attributes are reused in each business logic controller that utilizes each data
| Implementing Business Logic | 173
access class. By reusing code through attributes, you can move shared application functionality into
attributes and avoid code duplication, while still enforcing application integrity.
Mandatory Attributes
In this topic, you can learn about the mandatory attributes of data access class (DAC) fields and
Mandatory Attributes of DAC Fields
For each field defined in a DAC, you must specify the following attributes:
A data type attribute, which is either a bound field data type attribute that binds the field to a
database column of a particular data type, or an unbound field data type attribute that indicates
that the field is unbound. For lists of these attributes, see Bound Field Data Types and Unbound
Field Data Types.
The PXUIField attribute, which is mandatory for all fields that are displayed in the user interface.
For details on the PXUIField attribute, see UI Field Configuration.
The example below demonstrates a declaration of a DAC field bound to a database column and
displayed in the user interface.
// The data access class for the POReceiptFilter database table
public partial class POReceiptFilter : IBqlTable
// The type declaration of a DAC field
public abstract class receiptType : PX.Data.IBqlField
// The value declaration of a DAC field
// Put attributes before this declaration
[PXDBString(2, IsFixed = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Type", Enabled = false)]
public virtual String ReceiptType { get; set; }
Mandatory Attributes of Actions
A declaration of a method that implements an action in a business logic controller must be preceded
with the PXButton attribute or one of its successors and the PXUIField attribute. For details on the
PXUIField attribute, see UI Field Configuration.
The example below demonstrates a declaration of an action handler.
public PXAction<SalesOrder> ViewDocument;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "View Document",
MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select,
MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
public virtual IEnumerable viewDocument(PXAdapter adapter)
| Implementing Business Logic | 174
Use of Attributes
To apply the attribute business logic to an entity, you should place the attribute on the entity
declaration. At run time, you can call the static methods of a particular attribute to adjust the
attribute's behavior.
Attributes on the Entity Declaration
An attribute may be placed on a declaration of a class or a class member, with or without parameters.
The parameters that are possible for an attribute depend on the constructor parameters and the
properties defined in the attribute. The parameters of the selected constructor are placed first without
names, and the named property settings follow them, as shown in the following example.
[PXDefault(false, PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.Nothing)]
public virtual Boolean? Released { get; set; }
Here the PXDefault attribute is created with the constructor that takes a Boolean-type parameter (set
to false). Additionally, the PersistingCheck property is specified.
Setting of Attribute Properties at Run Time
You should call static methods defined in the attribute class to change the properties at run time. The
static methods can affect a single attribute instance or multiple attribute instances related to a specific
data record or all data records in a particular cache object. The following example shows an invocation
of a static method.
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible<APInvoice.curyID>(cache, doc, true);
When calling such a method, you typically specify the cache object, a data record related to this cache
object, and the data access class (DAC) field. The method affects the attribute instance created for this
field and the specified data record. If you pass null as the data record, the method affects attribute
instances related to all data records in the specified cache object.
Bound Field Data Types
The following attributes bind a data access class (DAC) field to a database column of a specific type.
Attribute C# Data
Database Data
PXDBBool bool? bit Boolean value
PXDBByte byte? tinyint One-byte integer value
PXDBDate DateTime? datetime or
Date and time
PXDBTime DateTime? smalldatetime Time without date
PXDBDateAndTime DateTime? datetime or
Date and time values represented by
separate input controls in the user
PXDBDecimal decimal? decimal Sixteen-byte floating point numeric
value with a specific precision
PXDBDecimalString decimal? decimal A decimal value with a value selected by
a user from the list of predefined values
PXDBDouble double? float Eight-byte floating point value
PXDBFloat float? real Four-byte floating point value
| Implementing Business Logic | 175
Attribute C# Data
Database Data
PXDBGuid Guid? uniqueidentifier Sixteen-byte unique value
PXDBIdentity int? int Four-byte auto-incremented integer
PXDBLongIdentity int64? bigint Eight-byte auto-incremented integer
PXDBShort short? smallint Two-byte integer value
PXDBInt int? int Four-byte integer value
PXDBLong int64? bigint Eight-byte integer value
PXDBString string char, varchar,
nchar, or
Common string
PXDBEmail string nvarchar Email address
PXDBLocalString string char, varchar,
nchar, or
Localized string
PXDBCryptString string char, varchar,
nchar, or
Encrypted string
PXDBText string nvarchar or
PXDBTimeSpan int? int Date and time value represented by
minutes passed from 01/01/1900
PXDBTimeSpanLong int? int Duration in time as a number of minutes
PXDBTimestamp byte[] timestamp Eight-byte unique, automatically
generated binary numbers within a
PXDBBinary byte[] Arbitrary array of bytes
PXDBVariant byte[] variant Variant data type
Acumatica Framework also includes other attributes that are used in special cases to bind a DAC field to
database columns.
Unbound Field Data Types
The following table contains unbound field attributes. You use unbound attributes when you define a
custom fields of your own that are not bound to any database fields.
Attribute C# Data
PXBool bool? Boolean value
PXByte byte? One-byte integer value
PXDate DateTime? Date and time
| Implementing Business Logic | 176
Attribute C# Data
PXDateAndTime DateTime? Date and time values represented by separate input
controls in the user interface
PXDecimal Decimal? Sixteen-byte floating point numeric value with a specific
PXDouble double? Eight-byte floating point value
PXFloat float? Four-byte floating point value
PXGuid Guid? Sixteen-byte unique value
PXShort short? Two-byte integer value
PXInt int? Four-byte integer value
PXLong int64? Eight-byte integer value
PXString string String of characters
PXTimeSpan int? Date and time value represented by minutes passed from
PXTimeSpanLong int? Duration in time as a number of minutes
PXVariant byte[] Random array of bytes
UI Field Configuration
By using the PXUIField attribute, you can configure the layout of input controls and buttons. The
attribute is mandatory for all data access class (DAC) fields displayed in the user interface.
Setting of the PXUIField Attribute
You can add the PXUIField attribute in the following ways:
To a DAC field declaration to configure the field input control, as shown in the following example
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Pay Date")]
public virtual DateTime? PayDate { get; set; }
To the declaration of a method that implements an action to configure the action button, as shown
in the following sample code
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "View Document",
MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select,
MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
public virtual IEnumerable viewDocument(PXAdapter adapter)
The attribute's properties determine the control layout in the user interface. You can specify the display
name, specify whether the control is visible and available, set the error marker, and specify the access
rights to view and use the control.
| Implementing Business Logic | 177
Setting of the Properties of the PXUIField Attribute at Run Time
You can use the static methods (such as SetEnabled and SetRequired) of the PXUIFieldAttribute
class to set the properties of a control at run time. The PXUIFieldAttribute static methods can be
called in the graph constructor or the RowSelected event handlers.
: The RowSelected event handler is raised when the user interface controls are prepared to be displayed.
This happens each time the webpage sends a request to the server.
If you want to modify the Visible, Enabled, and Required properties for all detail rows in a grid, you
use the RowSelected event handler of the primary view DAC. If you want to set the Enabled property
of a field in particular row in a grid, you use the RowSelected event handler of the DAC that includes
this field.
If the grid column layout is configured at run time, you set the data parameter of the corresponding
method to null. This indicates that the property should be set for all data records shown in the grid. If
a specific data record is passed to the method rather than null, the method invocation has no effect.
: If you want to change the Visible or Enabled property of PXUIFieldAttribute for a button at
run time, you use the corresponding static methods of PXAction. You usually use these methods in the
RowSelected event handler of the primary view DAC.
Default Values
You can set the default values to data access class (DAC) fields by using the following attributes:
PXDefault: This attribute sets the default value and validates the field value when the value is
saved to the database. The following attributes are derived from the PXDefault attribute:
PXUnboundDefault behaves in the same way as PXDefault does, but the default value is
assigned to the field when a data record is retrieved from the database.
PXDBDefault: This attribute sets the default value by using the value of some source field, and
updates the value if the source field value changes in the database before the data record is
PXDefault Attribute
The PXDefault attribute provides the default value for a DAC field. The default value is assigned to the
field when the cache raises the FieldDefaulting event. This happens when a new row is inserted in
code or through the user interface.
A value specified as a default can be a constant or the result of a BQL query. If you provide a BQL
query, the attribute executes it on the FieldDefaulting event. You can specify both a constant and
a BQL query; the attribute first executes the BQL query and then uses the constant if the BQL query
returns an empty set. If you provide a DAC field as the BQL query, the attribute retrieves the value of
this field from the Current property of the cache object. The attribute uses the cache object of the DAC
type in which the field is defined.
The PXDefault attribute also checks that the field value is not null before saving a record to the
database. You can adjust this behavior by using the PersistingCheck property. Its value indicates
whether the attribute should verify that the value is not null, verify that the value is not null or a
blank string, or not perform any verification.
The attribute can redirect the error that happened on the field to another field if you set the
MapErrorTo property.
You can use the static methods of the attribute to change the attribute properties for a particular data
record in the cache or for all data records in the cache.
| Implementing Business Logic | 178
You usually set the default value to a DAC field by using the PXDefault attribute. You can set a
constant as the default value or provide a BQL query to obtain a value from the database or data
records from the cache. The default value is assigned to the field when a data record that includes this
field is inserted into the cache.
You can use the PXDefault attribute just to make the field mandatory for input by using the attribute
without parameters.
The PXDefault attribute is not suitable when the default value is retrieved from a field that can
be auto-generated by the database (such as the identity field). In this case, you should use the
PXDBDefault attribute. It updates the value assigned to the field as the default with the value
generated by the database.
For example, if you implement a master-detail relationship, you should use the PXDBDefault attribute
to bind the detail data record fields to the master data record key fields. If the master data record is
new, its identity field is set to a real value by the database when the master record is saved. So if a
detail data record is created before the master data record is saved, the detail data record field is set
to the temporary value of the master identity field. However, the PXDBDefault attribute replaces the
temporary value with the real value when the detail data record is saved to the database.
You can use the PXUnboundDefault attribute to set the default value to an unbound field. The value is
assigned when a data record is retrieved from the database (on the RowSelecting event).
Complex Input Controls
You can use attributes to configure complex input controls, such as drop-down lists and lookup controls.
Drop-Down Lists
You can use the following attributes to configure a drop-down list that represents a data access class
(DAC) field in the user interface:
PXStringList: Configures a drop-down list from which a user can select from a fixed set of
PXIntList: Configures a drop-down list where a user can select from a fixed set of values. The
control displays strings, while the field is assigned the integer value corresponding to the selected
PXDecimalList: Configures a drop-down list where a user can select from a fixed set of strings
converted to decimal values.
PXImagesList: Configures a drop-down list where a user can select from a fixed set of images.
PXDBIntList: Configures a drop-down control for an integer field. The values and labels for the
drop-down control are retrieved from the specified database table.
PXDBStringList: Configures a drop-down control for a string field. The values and labels for the
drop-down control are retrieved from the specified database table.
Lookup Controls
You can use the following attributes to configure a lookup control that represents a field in the user
PXSelector: Defines a lookup control for a DAC field that references a data record from a
particular table by holding its key.
PXCustomSelector: Serves as the base class to derive custom attributes used to configure lookup
| Implementing Business Logic | 179
PXRestrictor: Adds a restriction to a BQL command that selects data for a lookup control, and
displays an error message when the value entered does not fit the restriction. The attribute works
only with PXSelector and cannot be used with PXCustomSelector.
Segmented Key Controls
A segmented key value is a string value that identifies a data record in the system and consists of one
segment or multiple segments. A segmented key is an entity that is identified by a string (referred to
as a dimension) and associated with segments. For each segment, you can define the list of possible
values. You can create a new segment when the data records identified by the segmented key already
exist in the database.
You can use the following attributes to configure a control to input a segmented key value in the user
PXDimension: Defines an input control that formats the input as a segmented key value and
displays the list of allowed values for each key segment.
PXDimensionSelector: Defines an input control that combines the functionality of the
PXDimenstion attribute and the PXSelector attribute. A user can view the data set defined by
the attribute and select a data record from this data set to assign its segmented key value to the
field or to replace it with the surrogate key.
PXDimensionWildcard: Behaves similarly to the PXDimensionSelector attribute, but also allows
the ? character to be treated as a wildcard.
Referential Integrity and Calculations
You can use the following attributes to implement referential integrity and perform calculations at run
PXParent: Creates a reference to a parent data record. By default, when the parent data record is
deleted, all child data records that reference it are also deleted. (You can change this behavior by
using the LeaveChildren property.)
PXFormula: Calculates a field from other fields of the same data record or sets an aggregation
expression to calculate a parent data record field from its child data record fields. These
calculations happen only when the parent field is changed or a new record is inserted.
PXUnboundFormula: Calculates the value from the child data record fields and aggregates all such
values computed for the child data records into the parent data record field. These calculations
happen on every data reading.
PXDBChildIdentity: Indicates that a DAC field references an auto-generated key field from
another table, and ensures that the field value is correct after changes have been committed to
the database.
PXLineNbr: Generates unique line numbers that identify child data records in the parent-child
Note that all the attributes in the list above add server-side logic used at run time. The referential
integrity is implemented on the server side, as are the calculations. See the Ad Hoc SQL for Fields topic
for information about the attributes that enable the calculation of fields on the database side.
Ad Hoc SQL for Fields
The following attributes define the database-side calculation of data access class (DAC) fields that are
not bound to particular database columns:
PXDBCalced: Defines an SQL expression that calculates an unbound field from the fields of the
same DAC whose values are taken from the database.
| Implementing Business Logic | 180
PXDBScalar: Defines an SQL subrequest that retrieves a value for an unbound DAC field. The
subrequest can retrieve data from any bound field in any DAC.
The attributes add the provided expression and the subrequest into the SQL query that selects data
records of the given DAC.
Audit Fields
The following attributes are placed on data access class (DAC) fields used for data audit:
PXDBLastChangeDateTime: Maps a DAC field to the database column and automatically sets the
field value to the data record's last modification date and time.
PXDBCreatedByID: Maps a DAC field to a database column and automatically sets the field value
to the ID of the user who created the data record.
PXDBCreatedByScreenID: Maps a DAC field to a database column and automatically sets the field
value to the string ID of the application screen from which the data record was created.
PXDBCreatedDateTime: Maps a DAC field to a database column and automatically sets the field
value to the data record's creation date and time.
PXDBCreatedDateTimeUtc: Maps a DAC field to a database column and automatically sets the
field value to the data record's creation UTC date and time.
PXDBLastModifiedByID: Maps a DAC field to a database column and automatically sets the field
value to the ID of the user who last modified the data record.
PXDBLastModifiedByScreenID: Maps a DAC field to a database column and automatically
sets the field value to the string ID of the application screen on which the data record was last
PXDBLastModifiedDateTime: Maps a DAC field to a database column and automatically sets the
field value to the data record's last modification date and time.
PXDBLastModifiedDateTimeUtc: Maps a DAC field to a database column and automatically sets
the field value to the data record's last modification date and time in UTC.
The framework binds the DAC fields to database columns and automatically assigns field values.
Data Projection
The following attributes implement the projection of data from one table or multiple tables into a single
data access class (DAC):
PXProjection: Binds the DAC to a random data set. The attribute thus defines a named view, but
is implemented by the server side rather than by the database.
PXExtraKey: Indicates that the field implements a relationship between two tables. The use of
this attribute enables the update of the referenced table when the projection is updated.
Access Control
The group mask value indicates the access rights a user should have in order to use a data record. To
be able to set access rights for particular data records, you should use the PXDBGroupMask attribute to
mark the data access class (DAC) field that holds the group mask value.
On a substitute form, to define the inheritance of access rights for an action that is implemented in the
corresponding entry form, you can use the PXEntryScreenRights attribute.
By using the PXNote attribute, you can give users the ability to attach text notes, files, and activity
items to data records, and to search for an entity by using the full-text search index.
| Implementing Business Logic | 181
You should use the PXNote attribute in the data access class of these data records to mark the field that
stores the identifier of a note in the Note table. Notes are used to attach text to a data record. This text
is stored in the note data record in the Note table. Additionally, you can attach files or other entities
to a data record through a note. This feature is implemented through additional tables that store the
identifiers of a note and the attached entity.
The PXNote attribute can also be configured to save the specified table fields in a note. In this case,
by using the Acumatica Framework application website search, the user will be able to search the data
records by the values saved in the note.
Report Optimization
The value of an unbound data access class (DAC) field can be calculated in the property getter. The
calculation can involve other fields of the same DAC. However, when the value of the DAC field is
requested, other fields are not guaranteed to be calculated or assigned their values. These situations
are normal when the integration services are used, copy-paste functionality is used, or the field is used
in reports.
To ensure that the fields referenced in the property getter have values when it is executed, you should
use the PXDependsOnFields attribute.
Attributes on DACs
You can place the following attributes on the data access class (DAC) declaration:
PXPrimaryGraph: Specifies the graph that is used by default to edit a data record.
PXCacheName: Specifies the user-friendly name of the DAC. The name is displayed in the user
PXTable: Binds a DAC that derives from another DAC to the table having the name of the derived
table. Without the attribute, the derived DAC will be bound to the same table as the DAC that
starts the inheritance hierarchy.
PXAccumulator: Updates the values of a data record in the database according to the policies
specified in the attribute parameters.
PXHidden: Gives the developer the ability to hide a DAC, graph, or view from the selectors of
DACs and graphs, and from generic inquiries, reports, and the web services API.
The PXProjection and PXTable attributes can also mark a DAC. See Data Projection for more details.
Action Attributes
You use the following attributes to configure a button that will represent an action in the user interface:
PXButton: Serves as the base attribute for all other attributes, which give you the ability to
configure buttons. The successor attributes only set the base class properties to specific values.
| Implementing Business Logic | 182
Also, you can use the following attributes:
PXUIField: To configure the button layout and set access rights
PXEntryScreenRights: On a List as Entry Point screen, to define the inheritance of access rights
for an action that is implemented in the appropriate entry screen
Attributes on Data Views
You can place the following attributes on the declaration of a data view in a graph:
PXFilterable: Adds the control that makes it possible for a user to create filters and save them
in the database. The control is added to the grid that uses the data view to retrieve data.
PXImport: Adds the grid toobar button that a user clicks to load data from the file to the grid. The
attribute is placed on the data view the grid uses to retrieve the data.
PXHidden: Hides the data view from the selectors of data access classes (DACs) and graphs, and
from the web service API clients.
PXCopyPasteHiddenView: Indicates that the cache corresponding to the primary DAC of the data
view is not copied when the copy-paste feature is used on the webpage.
PXCopyPasteHiddenFields: Indicates that the specific fields of the primary DAC of the data view
are not copied when the copy-paste feature is used on the webpage.
Working with Attachments
In Acumatica Framework-based and customized Acumatica ERP applications, you can attach files to
the records displayed on the webpages. This chapter describes how to attach files to the records and
display the attached image files on the webpages.
In This Chapter
To Allow Attachments to a Particular Webpage
To Display an Attached Image on the Webpage
To Allow Attachments to a Particular Webpage
Users of Acumatica Framework-based and Acumatica ERP applications can attach files, notes, and
activities to master records displayed on webpages. They can also attach files and notes to the detail
records, which are displayed in table rows on webpages. In this topic, you can find information about
how to allow attachments to a particular webpage and the table rows on a specific webpage.
For more information about how a user can attach files and notes to webpages, see To Attach a File
to a Record and To Attach a Note to a Record. For information about activities, see Tasks, Events, and
| Implementing Business Logic | 183
: The extensions of the files that can be uploaded to webpages must be registered on the File Upload
Preferences (SM202550) form. If the required file types are not registered on this form, you have to add
them and save your changes. On this form, you can also define the maximum size of an uploaded file (in
To Allow Attachments to a Particular Webpage
1. In the data access class (DAC) that provides data for the webpage, add the NoteID field, as the
following code shows.
#region NoteID
public abstract class noteID : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public virtual Guid? NoteID { get; set; }
: The database table that corresponds to the DAC must contain the NoteID column with the
uniqueidentifier data type.
2. Rebuild the project.
Once you have added the NoteID field to the DAC and rebuilt the project, the following buttons
appear on the title bar of the webpage:
Notes, which users click to attach notes to the webpage
Files, which users click to attach files to the webpage
3. Optional: To change whether each of these elements is displayed on the title bar, in the ASPX
code of the webpage, specify the values of the following properties of the PXFormView control:
NoteIndicator: Indicates (if set to True) that the Notes button is displayed on the title
FilesIndicator: Indicates (if set to True) that the Files button is displayed on the title
ActivityIndicator: Indicates (if set to True) that the Activities button is displayed
on the title bar. This button, which users click to attach activities to the webpage, is not
displayed by default.
: The LinkIndicator property, which controlled whether the Help > Get Link element was
displayed on the title bar, is now obsolete. Help > Get Link is always displayed on the title bar.
To Allow Attachments to Table Rows on a Webpage
1. In the data access class (DAC) that provides data for the table rows, add the NoteID field, as the
following code shows.
#region NoteID
public abstract class noteID : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public virtual Guid? NoteID { get; set; }
: The database table that corresponds to the DAC must contain the NoteID column with the
uniqueidentifier data type.
2. Rebuild the project.
| Implementing Business Logic | 184
Once you have added the NoteID field to the DAC and rebuilt the project, the following columns
appear in the table:
: The Notes column, which users click to attach notes to the webpage
: The Files column, which users click to attach files to the webpage
3. Optional: To change whether each of these columns is displayed in the table, in the ASPX
code of the webpage, specify the values of the following properties of the PXGrid control that
corresponds to the table:
NoteIndicator: Indicates (if set to True) that the Notes column is displayed in the table
FilesIndicator: Indicates (if set to True) that the Files column is displayed in the table
To Display an Attached Image on the Webpage
In this topic, you will learn how to display an attached image file on the webpage. In Acumatica ERP,
you can find an example of an image file displayed in the UI on the Attributes tab of the Stock Items
(IN202500) form.
To Display the Attached Image on the Webpage
1. Add the NoteID field and the field that stores the path to the image to the data access class
(DAC) that provides data for the webpage on which you want to display the image, as shown in
the following code.
#region NoteID
public abstract class noteID : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
public virtual Guid? NoteID { get; set; }
#region ImageUrl
public abstract class imageUrl : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Image")]
public virtual string ImageUrl { get; set; }
: The database table that provides data for the webpage on which you want to display the image
must contain the following columns:
NoteID with the uniqueidentifier data type, to make it possible to attach images
The field (in this example, ImageUrl) with the varchar(255) data type, to store the
internal path to the attached image
2. In the ASPX code of the webpage that works with this DAC, add the PXImageUploader control
linked to the ImageUrl data field, as shown in the following code.
<px:PXImageUploader Height="320px" Width="430px"
ID="imgUploader" runat="server" DataField="ImageUrl"
AllowUpload="true" ShowComment="true"
3. Rebuild the project.
| Implementing Business Logic | 185
Configuring the UI from the Back End
In this chapter, you can find information about configuration of the user interface of an Acumatica
Framework-based application that involves not only the changing of the ASPX code of the webpage (as
described in Configuring ASPX Webpages and Reports) but also the implementation of business logic in
the corresponding graph.
In This Chapter
To Configure an Input Mask and a Display Mask for a Field
To Display a Dialog Box
To Configure an Input Mask and a Display Mask for a Field
In this topic, you can learn how to create a field on a webpage of an Acumatica Framework-based
application so that its value is displayed in a specific format and how to govern what a user can enter as
a value of this field. You can specify input and display masks for fields of the string and date and time
types. For fields of the string type, you specify only the input mask, which defines both the format in
which the user enters the value and the way the value is then displayed. For the date and time fields,
you can specify different input and display masks.
To Specify an Input Mask and a Display Mask for a String Field
1. In the data access class (DAC), add a new field or modify an existing string field as follows:
a. Add one of the string attributes (PXDBString or PXString) to the property field.
b. Specify the value of the InputMask property of the attribute. Use the following
conventions to define the mask:
C or &: The user can enter any symbol.
A or a: The user can enter any letter or digit.
L or ?: The user can enter only a letter.
#, 0, or 9: The user can enter only a digit.
>: All of the characters that follow this symbol should be in uppercase.
<: All of the characters that follow this symbol should be in lowercase.
The following example shows the use of the InputMask property.
//Users can enter only digits.
//If a user enters "1234567890", the value is displayed as "(123)
[PXDBString(10, InputMask = "(###) ###-####")]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Parameter 1")]
public virtual string Parameter1 { get; set; }
: The value is stored in the database without any formatting characters. That is, for
the code example above, if a user enters 1234567890, the field in the database for the
corresponding record will contain the same value (1234567890).
2. In the ASPX code of the webpage, add a new PXMaskEdit control or modify the control that
corresponds to the field so that it has the PXMaskEdit type, as shown in the following code
<px:PXMaskEdit ID="edParameter1" runat="server" DataField="Parameter1"/>
| Implementing Business Logic | 186
To Specify an Input and a Display Mask for a String Field at Run Time
To specify the input mask for a string field at run time, use a SetInputMask method of the PXDBString
or PXString attribute. You use the same conventions to define the mask as those described for the
InputMask property in To Specify an Input Mask and a Display Mask for a String Field.
In the following example, the input mask of the AccountMask field is changed at run time.
protected virtual void GLBudgetTree_IsGroup_FieldSelecting(PXCache sender,
PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
PXStringState strState = (PXStringState)sender.GetStateExt(
null, typeof(GLBudgetTree.accountID).Name);
strState.InputMask.Replace('#', 'C'));
To Specify an Input or a Display Mask for a Date and Time Field
1. In the data access class (DAC), add a new field or modify an existing data and time field as
a. Add one of the date and time attributes (PXDate, PXDateAndTime, PXDBDate, PXDBTime,
or PXDBDateAndTime) to the property field.
b. Specify the value of the InputMask or DisplayMask property of the attribute. Use the
standard and custom date and time format strings.
The following example shows the use of the InputMask and DisplayMask properties.
[PXDateAndTime(DisplayMask = "D", InputMask ="d")]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Parameter 1")]
public virtual DateTime? Parameter1 { get; set; }
2. In the ASPX code of the webpage, add a new PXDateTimeEdit control or modify the control that
corresponds to the field so that it has the PXDateTimeEdit type, as shown in the following code
<px:PXDateTimeEdit ID="edParameter1" runat="server" DataField="Parameter1"/>
: You can change how the PXDateTimeEdit control is displayed (whether the control shows a
calendar selector or a drop-down list with time values) by specifying the value of the TimeMode
property. The following example causes the system to display the list of time values.
<px:PXDateTimeEdit ID="edParameter1" runat="server" DataField="Parameter1"
To Display a Dialog Box
When a user clicks a button on a webpage of an Acumatica Framework-based application, you may
need to display a dialog box that displays the settings related to the action to be performed. For
example, on the Companies (CS101500) form, if you click Create Ledger, the system opens the
Create Ledger dialog box, where a user can specify the setting related to the action.
To Display a Dialog Box
1. In the graph that corresponds to the webpage, add the action and the delegate for the button
that opens the dialog box, as shown in the following example.
public PXAction<MainDAC> openDialogBox;
| Implementing Business Logic | 187
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Open Dialog Box",
MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Update,
MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Update)]
public virtual IEnumerable OpenDialogBox(PXAdapter adapter)
return adapter.Get();
In this example, the MainDAC DAC is the main DAC of the primary view of the graph; therefore,
the action is added to the toolbar of the form by default.
2. If you want to specify additional properties of the action (such as CommitChanges), in the
ASPX code of the webpage, add the PXDSCallbackCommand tag for the action and specify the
necessary properties of the tag, as shown in the following example.
<px:PXDataSource ID="ds" runat="server" ...>
<px:PXDSCallbackCommand Name="CreateLedger" CommitChanges="true"/>
3. In the graph that corresponds to the webpage, add the data view for the dialog box, as shown in
the following code.
public class DialogBoxParameters : IBqlTable
public abstract class parameter1 : IBqlField { }
[PXString(10, IsUnicode = true)]
public virtual string Parameter1 { get; set; }
public abstract class parameter2 : IBqlField { }
[PXString(10, IsUnicode = true)]
public virtual string Parameter2 { get; set; }
PXFilter<DialogBoxParameters> OpenDialogBoxView;
In this code, we add a simple DAC with two unbound fields and use a data view based on the
PXFilter class.
4. In the ASPX code of the webpage, add the PXSmartPanel container with the Key property equal
to the name of the data view you created for the dialog box, as shown in the following code. In
the PXPanel container inside PXSmartPanel, add the commit buttons of the dialog box (such as
OK, Cancel).
<px:PXSmartPanel ID="pnlOpenDialogBox" runat="server"
Style="z-index: 108;" Caption="Open Dialog Box" CaptionVisible="True"
Key="OpenDialogBoxView" LoadOnDemand="true" AutoCallBack-Command="Refresh"
AutoCallBack-Target="formOpenDialogBox" AutoCallBack-Enabled="true"
AcceptButtonID="cbOk" CancelButtonID="cbCancel">
<px:PXFormView ID="formOpenDialogBox" runat="server"
DataSourceID="ds" DataMember="OpenDialogBoxView"
<ContentStyle BorderWidth="0px"></ContentStyle>
<px:PXLayoutRule runat="server" StartColumn="True"
LabelsWidth="SM" ControlSize="M" />
<px:PXTextEdit ID="edParameter1" runat="server"
DataField="Parameter1" CommitChanges="True"/>
<px:PXTextEdit ID="edParameter2" runat="server"
DataField="Parameter2" CommitChanges="True" />
| Implementing Business Logic | 188
<px:PXPanel ID="PXPanel3" runat="server" SkinID="Buttons">
<px:PXButton ID="cbOK" runat="server" Text="OK"
CommandSourceID="ds" DialogResult="OK" />
<px:PXButton ID="cbCancel" runat="server" Text="Cancel"
DialogResult="Cancel" />
5. In the button delegate, perform a call to an AskExt method of the view specified in the Key
property of the PXSmartPanel container.
public virtual IEnumerable OpenDialogBox(PXAdapter adapter)
if (OpenDialogBoxView.AskExt() == WebDialogResult.OK &&
== false)
return adapter.Get();
When the user clicks the button on the webpage, the execution interrupts on the AskExt call and
the dialog box is displayed. After the user clicks a button in the dialog box, the AskExt method
returns the dialog box result.
6. Rebuild the project.
Executing Code Asynchronously
In this chapter, you can find information about how to process operations whose execution takes long
time. You execute these operations asynchronously in separate threads.
In This Chapter
Asynchronous Execution
To Add a Button to the Processing Dialog Box
To Not Display the Processing Dialog Box
Asynchronous Execution
An instance of a graph is created on each round trip to process a request created by the user on the
appropriate form. After the request is processed, the graph instance must be cleared from the memory
of the Acumatica ERP server. If you implement code that might require a long time to execute an action
or to process a document or data, you should execute this code asynchronously in a separate thread.
Using the PXLongOperation Class
To make the system invoke the method in a separate thread, you can use the
PXLongOperation.StartOperation method. Within the method that you pass to StartOperation, you
can, for example, create a new instance of a graph and invoke a processing method on that instance.
The following code snippet demonstrates how you can execute code asynchronously as a long-running
operation in a method of a graph.
public class MyGraph : PXGraph
public void MyMethod()
| Implementing Business Logic | 189
PXLongOperation.StartOperation(this, delegate()
// insert the delegate method code here
GraphName graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<GraphName>();
foreach (... in ...)
If you need to start a long-running operation in a method of a graph extension, you have to use the
Base property instead of the this keyword in the first parameter of the StartOperation method, as
shown in the following code snippet.
public class MyGraph_Extension : PXGraphExtension<MyGraph>
public void MyMethod()
PXLongOperation.StartOperation(Base, delegate()
// insert the delegate method code here
Using the Custom Information Dictionary
In the delegate method of a long-running operation, you can store a data object in the _CustomInfo
dictionary of the long-running operation and get the list of records processed by the method. You can
add to the dictionary any data object needed for a long-running operation by using a SetCustomInfo
The following diagram shows that each long-running operation includes the _CustomInfo dictionary,
which can contain multiple key-value pairs with custom data.
| Implementing Business Logic | 190
Figure: Location of custom data in the memory of the Acumatica ERP server
For a processing operation, the system stores the PXProcessingMessagesCollection<TTable> list
of messages in the dictionary. Each message in the list is of the PXProcessingMessage type, which
includes a string message and an error level that is of the PXErrorLevel type.
See New way to work with CustomInfo of PXLongOperation at for more
information about the use of the dictionary.
Executing a Processing Operation as a Long-Running Operation
When a user clicks an action button on a form to start a processing operation, the data source control
of the form generates a request to the Acumatica ERP server to execute the action delegate defined for
the button. The server creates an instance of the graph, which provides the business logic for the form
and invokes the action delegate method.
Because a processing operation is a long-running operation, in the action delegate method, the data
processing code must be included in the PXLongOperation.StartOperation method call as the
definition of the long-running operation delegate. When the action delegate method is executed, the
StartOperation method creates an instance of the PXAsyncResult class to hold the data and state
of the long-running operation; the method also initiates the execution of the long-running operation
delegate asynchronously in a separate thread.
If the duration of the long-running operation is longer than five seconds, the server releases the graph
instance. Then the form, which is still opened in the browser, generates requests to the server to get
the results of the long-running operation every five seconds. For such a request, the server uses the ID
of the long-running operatio to check the operation status. If the operation has completed, the server
creates an instance of the graph and restores the graph state and the cache data to finish processing
the action delegate and to return results to the form.
The following diagram shows how the server executes an action asynchronously and how it returns the
results of the action to the form.
| Implementing Business Logic | 191
Figure: Execution of an action that uses a long-running operation
Processing a Report as a Long-Running Operation
When the user launches a report, either from the report form or by clicking an action button
on the maintenance or entry form, the system redirects the user to the report launcher form
(ReportLauncher.aspx), which is designed to automatically run a report for the received parameters.
The ASPX page for this form contains the PXReportViewer control, whose Java Scripts objects and
functions are designed to get the report data and display the data on the form.
To run the report, the report launcher creates a request to the PX.Web.UI.PXReportViewer control
on the server. To process the request, the server instantiates the PX.Reports.Web.WebReport class
and invokes its Render method, which launches the report generation as a long-running operation in a
separate thread.
The resulting report data is an object of the PX.Reports.Data.ReportNode type stored in the
_CustomInfo dictionary of the current long-running operation under the DEFAULT_CUSTOM_INFO_KEY
key. To provide quick access to the report data when the user views different pages of the report, the
system saves the report data in the session as an object of the PX.Reports.Web.WebReport type.
After the long-running operation has completed, the PXReportViewer control gets the report data from
the dictionary and displays the report on the report launcher form. For details on how the report is
displayed and how the report data is retrieved, see Display of Reports.
The following diagram shows how the server generates a report asynchronously and how it returns the
resulting report data to the report launcher form.
| Implementing Business Logic | 192
Figure: Execution of an action that launches the generation of a report
Executing a Long-Running Operation in a Cluster
If Acumatica ERP is configured to run in a cluster of application servers behind a load balancer, it is not
possible to predict which application server will receive the next request from the client. In this model,
session-specific data is serialized and stored in a high-performance remote server, such as Redis or MS
SQL, to be shared between the application servers.
When the user clicks an action button on a form to start a processing operation, the load balancer
forwards the request to an Acumatica ERP server to execute the action delegate defined for the button.
The server creates an instance of the graph, which provides the business logic for the form, and invokes
the action delegate method.
When the action delegate method is executed, the StartOperation method creates an instance of the
PXAsyncResult class to hold the data and state of the long-running operation, initiates the execution of
the long-running operation delegate asynchronously in a separate thread, and stores the serialized data
of the operation in the remote storage.
If the duration of the long-running operation is longer than five seconds, the server releases the graph
instance, stores the serialized data of the graph in the remote storage, and continues processing the
long-running operation in a separate thread. When the operation has completed, this server sets the
operation status to PXLongRunStatus.Completed and updates the operation data in the remote
session storage.
| Implementing Business Logic | 193
Until the form that is still opened in the browsers obtains the request results, it generates requests to
the site URL every five seconds to get these results. On every such request, the load balancer selects
a server to be used to process the request and forwards the request to the server. The server uses the
long-running operation ID, which is usually equal to the graph UID, to check the operation's status. If
the operation is completed, the server creates an instance of the graph to finish processing the action
delegate and to return results to the form.
The following diagram shows how the data of a user session and of a long-running operation are stored
in the remote session storage of a cluster.
Figure: Execution of an action that uses a long-running operation in a cluster
To Add a Button to the Processing Dialog Box
When a user starts a processing operation on a processing form, such as the Release AR Documents
(AR501000) form of Acumatica ERP, the Processing dialog box opens, which displays the status of
the processing. When a processing operation is started, all elements of the processing form become
unavailable. If you need to make a button from the processing form available during processing, you
have to add this button to the processing dialog box, as described in this topic.
To Add a Button to the Processing Dialog Box
To add a button to the processing dialog box, you can use one of the following approaches:
For the action that corresponds to the button, in the graph, set the value of the
VisibleOnProcessingResults property of PXButtonAttribute or its descendant to true, as
shown in the following code example.
[PXUIField(DisplayName = Messages.ShowDocuments)]
[PXButton(VisibleOnProcessingResults = true)]
public virtual IEnumerable showDocuments(PXAdapter adapter)
return adapter.Get();
| Implementing Business Logic | 194
In the ASPX file that corresponds to the form, set the value of the VisibleOnProcessingResults
property of PXDSCallbackCommand to True, as shown in the following example.
<px:PXDataSource ID = "ds" Width="100%"
runat="server" Visible="True" PrimaryView="Filter"
TypeName="PX.Objects.FA.FAClosingProcess" >
<px:PXDSCallbackCommand Name = "showDocuments"
To Not Display the Processing Dialog Box
When a user starts a processing operation on a processing form, such as the Release AR Documents
(AR501000) form of Acumatica ERP, the Processing dialog box opens, which displays the status of the
processing. You can turn off the displaying of the processing dialog box and instead display the progress
and the result of the processing on the form toolbar.
To Turn Off the Displaying of the Processing Dialog Box
To not display the processing dialog box on a processing form, you can do one of the following:
To not display the processing dialog box for a custom page, override the IsProcessing property
of the graph that corresponds to the form, as shown in the following code.
public override bool IsProcessing
get { return false; }
set { }
To not display the processing dialog box for a customized Acumatica ERP form, configure the
IsProcessing property of the graph that corresponds to the form in a graph extension as shown
in the following code.
public class AllocationProcess_Extension : PXGraphExtension<AllocationProcess>
public override void Initialize()
Base.IsProcessing = false;
To not display the processing dialog box for all processing forms, add the
ProcessingProgressDialog key in the appSettings section of the web.config file of the
application set to False, as shown in the following example.
<add key="ProcessingProgressDialog" value="false" />
Localizing Applications
Acumatica Framework provides built-in localization tools that you can use to translate the user interface
and application messages to different languages. This chapter provides guidelines on how to prepare
the Acumatica Framework application for localization efforts.
| Implementing Business Logic | 195
To get the application ready for localization, you must prepare data access classes (DACs) and the
application code.
In This Chapter
Strings That Can Be Localized
To Prepare DACs for Localization
To Localize Application Messages
To Work with Multi-Language Fields
To Optimize Memory Consumption of Localized Data
Applications created with Acumatica Framework can be localized on the presentation, business logic,
and database level owing to:
Standard Microsoft.NET localization mechanism is implemented for localizing the presentation
All messages returned from the business logic layer can be localized through the dictionary
mechanism. For details about how to implement message localization in your code, see To
Localize Application Messages.
The runtime environment of Acumatica Framework supports the Unicode standard to store and
operate with data in a non-ANSI format.
Information like addresses or product descriptions can be stored in special, language-specific,
database fields and presented in the user selected language. For details on implementation of
such fields, see To Work with Multi-Language Fields.
Acumatica Framework provides a built-in utility that enables localization of the product by the end
user. Once localization is entered and applied, the application does not require any recompilation or re-
installation. Also, localization can also be exported, imported, and merged. For more information about
how to use the built-in localization mechanism, see Translation Process in the System Administration
Strings That Can Be Localized
By using the Translation Dictionaries (SM200540) form, you can add translations for the string
constants that are collected from the code of the application, and save them to the database. When a
user signs in with a specific language, the systems loads the translations and displays the translated
strings to the user. For more information on localization, see Locales and Languages.
The system collects for localization the string constants that are specified in the following items of the
The DisplayName property of the PXUIField attribute of the fields of data access classes (DACs)
The DisplayName property of the PXUIField attribute of fields and actions of a business logic
controller (BLC) object, which override the attributes of the fields and actions of a DAC
The AllowedLabels properte of the PXStringList and PXIntList attributes
The Values property of the classes that implement the ILocalizableValues interface
Captions of form, grid, and panel controls and labels of input controls, which are specified in ASPX
Titles of all nodes in the site map
Report elements (such as text box labels and diagram agendas)
public const string fields of the classes marked with the PXLocalizable attribute
| Implementing Business Logic | 196
You can also translate user input to multiple languages and store translations in the database. For more
information on the localization of user input, see To Work with Multi-Language Fields.
To Prepare DACs for Localization
When the system localizes the fields of the data access classes (DACs) and DAC names, it collects the
string constants that are specified in the following code elements:
The DisplayName property of the PXUIField attribute of the fields of DACs
The AllowedLabels property of the PXStringList attribute or PXIntList attribute of the fields of
To prepare each DAC for localization, you need to perform the steps that are described in this topic.
To Prepare Each DAC for Localization
1. Make sure the DisplayName parameter of the PXUIField attribute is specified for each visible
field in the DAC, as shown in the following example.
: If you change the DisplayName value of the PXUIField attribute on the fly (by creating your
own PXFieldState), you should localize the string independently.
public new abstract class docType : PX.Data.IBqlField{}
[PXDBString(3, IsKey = true, IsFixed = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Document Type")]
public override string DocType { get; set; }
2. Specify the values that should be displayed in drop-down lists by using the PXStringList
attribute, as shown in the following example.
public abstract class lineSource : PX.Data.IBqlField{}
[PXString(1, IsFixed = true)]
new string[] { "D", "R" },
new string[] { "Draft", "Request" })]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Line Source")]
public virtual string LineSource { get; set; }
To Localize Application Messages
For localization of the messages in the source code, the system collects the strings from the classes
that are marked with the PXLocalizable attribute.
To make your application display localized messages, you need to perform the steps, which are
described in this topic.
To Display Localized Messages in Your Application
1. Move all strings that should be translated to the public static Messages class and specify the
PXLocalizable attribute for this class, as shown in the following code.
: The exceptions to this requirement are field descriptions and list attributes in the data access
classes, which are handled separately. For details on how to make field descriptions and list
attributes localizable, see To Prepare DACs for Localization.
using System;
using PX.Data;
public static class Messages
| Implementing Business Logic | 197
public const string FieldNotFound = "The field is not found.";
public const string InvalidAddress = "The address is not valid.";
public const string AdditionalData = "Author's title: {0}; author's name:
: No hyphenation is provided by the system. During the acquisition process of localizable data, all
the new-line symbols (\n\r) are to be removed. You can use the reserved symbol (~) to cause the
insertion of a new line.
2. If the message from the Messages class is used in an error or warning message, which is
displayed when an exception of the PXException type or of a type derived from PXException
is thrown, provide a non-localized message, as shown in the following example. The system
displays the localized message automatically if there is a translation for this message in the
if (field == null)
throw new PXException(Messages.FieldNotFound);
3. If you need to receive the translation of a message from the Messages class within the
application code (for example, if the message is displayed in the confirmation dialog box, which
is displayed if you use the Ask() method of a data view in the code), use one of the following
PXMessages.Localize(): The method searches for the translation of the provided string in
the database and returns the first translation found.
string msg = PXMessages.Localize(Messages.FieldNotFound);
PXMessages.LocalizeFormat(): The method searches for the translation of the provided
string, which includes placeholders (such as {0} or {1}), in the database and returns the
first translation found.
PXLocalizer.Localize(): The method returns the translation with the given key,
which you specify in the second parameter. A string may have multiple translations; one
translation for each occurrence of the string in the application. For each of the occurrences,
a key value is created. For example, if the string is declared in a class marked with the
PXLocalizable attribute, the full qualified name of the class is the key, as the following
code shows.
string localizedMsg = PXLocalizer.Localize(
To Work with Multi-Language Fields
With Acumatica Framework, you can create fields into which a user can type values in multiple
languages if multiple locales are configured in the applicable Acumatica Framework application. For
example, in Acumatica ERP, if an instance works with English and French locales, you can specify the
value of the Description box on the Stock Items (IN202500) form in English and French. For details on
multi-language fields on Acumatica ERP forms, see Managing Locales and Languages.
To Configure a Field to Have Values in Multiple Languages
1. In the data access class (DAC) that you want to contain a multi-language field, define the
NoteID field with the PXNote attribute, as follows.
public abstract class noteID : IBqlField { }
| Implementing Business Logic | 198
public virtual Guid? NoteID { get; set; }
2. If you want to configure a field to have values in multiple languages, annotate this field with
the PXDBLocalizableString attribute. The following code shows an example of the use of the
PXDBLocalizableString attribute.
[PXDBLocalizableString(60, IsUnicode = true)]
The PXDBLocalizableString attribute works similarly to the PXDBString attribute, but unlike
the PXDBString attribute, the PXDBLocalizableString attribute can be used instead of the
PXDBText and PXString attributes.
3. If you need to give values in multiple languages to a field with the PXDBText attribute, replace
this attribute with the PXDBLocalizableString attribute and do not specify the length
parameter, as shown in the following example.
[PXDBLocalizableString(IsUnicode = true)]
4. If you need to configure a field that has the PXString attribute, which is used in conjunction
with the PXDBCalced attribute, replace the PXString attribute with the PXDBLocalizableString
attribute and set the value of the NonDB parameter to true, as shown in the following example.
[PXDBLocalizableString(255, IsUnicode = true, NonDB = true,
BqlField = typeof(PaymentMethod.descr))]
[PXDBCalced(typeof(Switch<Case<Where<PaymentMethod.descr, IsNotNull>,
PaymentMethod.descr>, CustomerPaymentMethod.descr>), typeof(string))]
To Configure the Default Value of a Multi-Language Field
If you want a multi-language field to have a default value in a specific language, use the
PXLocalizableDefault attribute instead of the PXDefault attribute and specify in its second parameter
either a BQL field or a BQL select that provides language selection.
For example, in Acumatica ERP, the SOLine line description defaulted to the appropriate
InventoryItem description based on the language that is set for a customer. The
TransactionDesr field of the SOLine DAC has the PXLocalizableDefault attribute with a second
parameter that specifies the language as follows: typeof(Customer.languageName). See the
following example of the use of the PXLocalizableDefault attribute.
PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.Nothing)]
To Obtain the Value of a Multi-Language Field in the Current Locale
If you want to obtain the value of a multi-language field in the current locale, use the
PXDatabase.SelectSingle() or PXDatabase.SelectMulti() method, and pass to it the return value
of the PXDBLocalizableStringAttribute.GetValueSelect() static method instead of passing a new
PXDataField object to it. (The PXDBLocalizableStringAttribute.GetValueSelect() method takes
three input parameters: the table name, the field name, and a Boolean flag that indicates whether
strings should be returned as text with unlimited length.)
The following code shows an example of the use of the
PXDBLocalizableStringAttribute.GetValueSelect() method.
foreach (PXDataRecord record in PXDatabase.SelectMulti<Numbering>(
| Implementing Business Logic | 199
"NewSymbol", false),
: Generally, you use the PXDatabase.SelectSingle() and PXDatabase.SelectMulti() methods
for retrieving data within the Prefetch() method of a database slot. Don't forget to add language
code to the slot key when you obtain a slot, as shown in the following example, because with the use of
PXDBLocalizableStringAttribute, the data becomes language-specific. Therefore, you need different
slot instances for different languages.
Numberings items = PXDatabase.GetSlot<Numberings>(
typeof(Numberings).Name + currentLanguage, typeof(Numbering));
To Obtain the Value of a Multi-Language Field in a Specific Language
If you want to obtain the value of a multi-language field in a specific language, use the
PXDBLocalizableStringAttribute.GetTranslation() method. Pass to the method as input
parameters a DAC cache, a DAC instance, a field name, and the ISO code of the language.
The following code shows an example of use of the
PXDBLocalizableStringAttribute.GetTranslation() method.
tran.TranDesc =
Caches[typeof(InventoryItem)], item, typeof(InventoryItem.descr).Name,
To Optimize Memory Consumption of Localized Data
To optimize the memory consumption of static data, you can move the localization data from all
customer application instances to centralized storage. By default, the localization data is kept in the
database of every Acumatica ERP instance, and the total size of this data therefore equals the number
of instances times the size of the data. If you move the localization data to centralized storage, there is
only one copy of this data.
Alternatively, you can optimize the consumption of memory by disabling localization.
Whether you set up centralized storage of localization data or disable localization, you should perform
the following steps:
1. Implement a custom translation provider. Follow the instruction in To Implement a Custom
Translation Provider or To Disable Localization in this topic depending on which way of
optimization of memory consumption you select.
2. Place the assembly file with the new provider in the Bin directory of the Acumatica ERP instance,
and add the assembly to the customization project as a File element.
3. Register the new provider in the pxtranslate element of the web.config file, as described in To
Register the New Provider in Web.config in this topic.
To Implement a Custom Translation Provider
To implement a custom translation provider, derive a class from the PXTranslationProvider class and
override the LoadCultureDictionary() method, as the following example shows.
public class DemoTranslationProvider : PXTranslationProvider
public override PXCultureDictionary LoadCultureDictionary(
string locale, bool includeObsolete, bool escapeStrings)
| Implementing Business Logic | 200
PXCultureDictionary dictionary = new PXCultureDictionary();
// Adding a general translation for some string
new PXCultureValue(locale, translation));
// Adding a special translation for some string
new PXCultureEx(resourceID, locale, translation));
return dictionary;
The LoadCultureDictionary() method returns an instance of the PXCultureDictionary type. Values
are added to objects of this type through the Append() and AppendException() methods. Append()
adds a general translation for a string. AppendException() adds a translation for a special case
(exception) identified by the resource key.
The code below defines a custom translation provider that loads the localization data from an external
Acumatica ERP database by using ADO.NET tools.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using PX.Data;
using PX.Translation;
namespace Demo.Translation
public class DemoTranslationProvider : PXTranslationProvider
private struct TranslationKey
public Guid id;
public string resKey;
public string locale;
// The connection string for the database that stores localization
// data
// Specify a specific value of the connection string
private const string connectionString = "";
// Overriding the method that returns the dictionary of
// localization data
public override PXCultureDictionary LoadCultureDictionary(
string locale, bool includeObsolete, bool escapeStrings)
string localizationValueSelect;
string localizationTranslationSelect;
InitializeSelectCommand(locale, includeObsolete,
out localizationValueSelect,
out localizationTranslationSelect);
Dictionary<Guid, string> localizationValue;
Dictionary<TranslationKey, string> localizationTranslation;
out localizationValue,
out localizationTranslation);
return CreateCultureDictionary(escapeStrings, localizationValue,
| Implementing Business Logic | 201
// Builds the SQL statement for selecting localization data
private void InitializeSelectCommand(
string locale, bool includeObsolete,
out string localizationValueSelect,
out string localizationTranslationSelect)
StringBuilder localizationValueSelectBld =
new StringBuilder("Select IDlv, NeutralValue" +
"From LocalizationValue");
if (!includeObsolete)
localizationValueSelectBld.Append(" Where IsObsolete = 0");
localizationValueSelect = localizationValueSelectBld.ToString();
StringBuilder localizationTranslationSelectBld =
new StringBuilder("Select IDlt, ResKey, Value, Locale" +
"From LocalizationTranslation");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(locale))
" Where Locale = '{0}'", locale);
localizationTranslationSelect =
// Retrieves localization data from the database by using the provided
// SQL statement
private void SelectLocalizationValues(
string localizationValueSelect,
string localizationTranslationSelect,
out Dictionary<Guid, string> localizationValue,
out Dictionary<TranslationKey, string> localizationTranslation)
localizationValue = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();
localizationTranslation =
new Dictionary<TranslationKey, string>();
using (SqlConnection connection =
new SqlConnection(connectionString))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(localizationValueSelect,
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
command.CommandText = localizationTranslationSelect;
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
TranslationKey newTranslationKey = new TranslationKey()
id = reader.GetGuid(0),
resKey = reader.GetString(1),
locale = reader.GetString(3)
| Implementing Business Logic | 202
// Fills the PXCultureDictionary object with localization data by using
// the provided dictionaries of values to translate and the
// corresponding translations
private PXCultureDictionary CreateCultureDictionary(
bool escapeStrings,
Dictionary<Guid, string> localizationValue,
Dictionary<TranslationKey, string> localizationTranslation)
PXCultureDictionary dictionary = new PXCultureDictionary();
if (localizationTranslation.Count != 0)
foreach (Guid id in localizationValue.Keys)
IEnumerable<TranslationKey> localizationTranslationKeys =
from translationRowKey in localizationTranslation.Keys
where == id
select translationRowKey;
foreach (TranslationKey key in localizationTranslationKeys)
string translationResKey = key.resKey;
string translationLocale = key.locale;
string translationValue = localizationTranslation[key];
string value = escapeStrings ?
PXLocalizer.EscapeString(translationValue) :
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(translationResKey))
new PXCultureValue(translationLocale, value));
new PXCultureEx(translationResKey,
translationLocale, value));
return dictionary;
To Disable Localization
To disable localization, implement a custom translation provider with the LoadCultureDictionary()
method that returns null, as the following code shows.
public class DemoTranslationProvider : PXTranslationProvider
public override PXCultureDictionary LoadCultureDictionary(
string locale, bool includeObsolete, bool escapeStrings)
return null;
| Implementing Business Logic | 203
To Register the New Provider in Web.config
Once the provider class is defined, register it in the web.config file by adding a new key to the
providers collection of the pxtranslate element and specifying the new key in the defaultProvider
property of pxtranslate. Use the add element to register the provider. Set the name attribute to the
key, which can be any unique value, and specify the type of the custom provider in the type attribute.
The following code shows the configuration of DemoTranslationProvider, introduced in the example
above, in the pxtranslate element of the web.config file.
<pxtranslate defaultProvider="DemoTranslationProvider">
<!--The default translation provider-->
<remove name="PXDBTranslatonProvider" />
<add name="PXDBTranslatonProvider"
type="PX.Data.PXDBTranslatonProvider, PX.Data" />
<!--The custom translation provider-->
<remove name="DemoTranslationProvider" />
<add name="DemoTranslationProvider"
type="Demo.Translation.DemoTranslationProvider, TranslationProvider"
Reusing Business Logic
In an Acumatica ERP application or an Acumatica Framework-based application, you may need to
use the same business logic in multiple places. For example, Acumatica ERP supports the calculation
of amounts in multiple currencies. Therefore, the business logic containers (also called graphs) that
implement the multi-currency logic are included in different modules of the application.
With the ability to reuse business logic in Acumatica ERP or Acumatica Framework, you can include
the main business logic of particular functionality (such as multi-currency processing) in reusable
generic graph extensions and use this logic whenever you need to. If you need to adjust this logic for
the specifics of a particular module, you can override this business logic in the implementation of this
module. For example, you can assign different names for the UI elements that are linked to the same
fields of a data access class in different modules.
In this section, you can find information about generic graph extensions.
In This Chapter
Reusable Business Logic Implementation
Mapped Cache Extensions and the
Application Database
Reusable Business Logic and the Application
Use of Generic Graph Extensions by the
Generic Graph Extensions Declared in
Acumatica ERP
To Insert Reusable Business Logic That Has
Already Been Declared
To Sort Multiple Generic Graph Extensions
To Implement Reusable Business Logic
Reusable Business Logic Implementation
Suppose that you want to use the same business logic in multiple places in your application. That is,
you have at least two graphs in which you need to insert the logic. The graphs operate with data in the
| Implementing Business Logic | 204
data access classes (DACs) and implement business logic through event handlers, actions, and other
You encapsulate the business logic that you want to reuse in a generic graph extension, which is a
graph extension that does not relate to any particular graph and can be used with any base graph. The
generic graph extension operates with data by using the mapped cache extensions, which are cache
extensions that are not bound to any particular DAC and can extend any DAC.
To connect the mapped cache extensions to a particular DAC, you use a mapping class, which maps
the fields of a mapped cache extension to the fields of a DAC. To connect the generic graph extension
to a particular base graph, in the base graph, you define an implementation class, which inherits the
generic graph extension. The following diagram shows in yellow rectangles the classes that you need to
implement to reuse the business logic.
Figure: Required classes
These classes are described in detail in the sections below. (For details on the implementation of the
classes, see To Implement Reusable Business Logic and To Insert Reusable Business Logic That Has
Already Been Declared.)
Mapped Cache Extension
A mapped cache extension is an analog of a data access class (DAC) for a generic graph extension.
In the mapped cache extension, you include the main fields that are used in the reusable business
logic implementation. You map the fields of a mapped cache extension to the fields of a base DAC by
using the mapping class, which is described in the following section. The mapped cache extension can
also include the fields that are not mapped to any base DAC fields. (For details, see Mapped Cache
Extensions and the Application Database.)
The class of a mapped cache extension inherits from the PXMappedCacheExtension abstract class,
which derives from PXCacheExtension and IBqlTable.
The declaration of a field of a mapped cache extension includes the following two required members,
which are the same as the required members of a DAC field:
| Implementing Business Logic | 205
A public abstract class (which is also referred to as class field).
You derive the class from the IBqlField interface and assign it a name that starts with a
lowercase letter.
A public virtual property (which is also referred to as property field).
You assign the property a name that starts with an uppercase letter. The system assigns the
PXMergeAttributes attribute with MergeMethod.Merge to each field of a mapped cache extension
automatically. If you define the PXMergeAttributes attribute for a field of a mapped cache
extension explicitly, the explicitly defined attribute overrides the automatically defined. You can
also define any other attributes for the property field of the mapped cache extension, or not
define the attributes at all.
The following code shows an example of a mapped cache extension.
//Mapped cache extension
public class Document : PXMappedCacheExtension
//BAccountID field
public abstract class bAccountID : IBqlField
protected Int32? _BAccountID;
public virtual Int32? BAccountID
return _BAccountID;
_BAccountID = value;
//CuryID field
public abstract class curyID : IBqlField
protected String _CuryID;
public virtual String CuryID
return _CuryID;
_CuryID = value;
Mapping Class
A mapping class is a protected class that defines the mapping between the fields of a mapped cache
extension and the fields of a DAC. In a generic graph extension, you declare a mapping class for each
mapped cache extension that you need to use in the reusable logic implementation.
A mapping class implements the IBqlMapping interface, which has the following two properties:
Extension: The mapped cache extension
| Implementing Business Logic | 206
Table: The DAC to which the extension is mapped
In the declaration of the mapping class, you also include declarations of the properties for each field of
the mapped cache extension that you want to map to a field of the DAC, as the following code shows.
//A mapping class
protected class DocumentMapping : IBqlMapping
public Type Extension => typeof(Document);
protected Type _table;
public Type Table => _table;
public DocumentMapping(Type table)
_table = table;
public Type BAccountID = typeof(Document.bAccountID);
public Type CuryInfoID = typeof(Document.curyInfoID);
public Type CuryID = typeof(Document.curyID);
public Type DocumentDate = typeof(Document.documentDate);
If the name of a property field of the DAC is the same as the name of the mapping class property,
the DAC field will be automatically mapped to the field of the mapped cache extension by the
implementation class (which is described below). If the name of a property field of the DAC differs
from the name of the mapping class field, you redefine the mapping manually in the implementation
class. If no field in the DAC has the name of the mapping class field, and no mapping is defined in the
implementation class, the field of the mapped cache extension is not mapped to any base DAC field, as
shown in the following diagram.
Figure: Mapping declaration
Generic Graph Extension
A generic graph extension is a public abstract class that encapsulates business logic that can be
used in multiple places of an Acumatica ERP application or an Acumatica Framework-based application.
The class inherits from the PXGraphExtension<TGraph> class, as the following code shows.
public abstract class MultiCurrencyGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> :
where TGraph : PXGraph
where TPrimary : class, IBqlTable, new()
In the generic graph extension, you declare the following items:
The mapping classes.
| Implementing Business Logic | 207
The protected abstract methods that return the mapping classes. You have to override
these methods in the implementation class.
The views that can have either mapping-based declaration or standard declaration. You declare a
mapping-based view by using the PXSelectExtension<Table> class.
The event handlers, actions, and other methods.
Implementation Class
An implementation class defines the implementation of a generic graph extension for a particular graph.
You declare the implementation class as a class that derives from the generic graph extension class
with the following type parameters:
The base graph to which you add reusable logic
The main DAC of the primary data view of the base graph
In this class, you can override the mapping defined by the mapping class, override other the methods
of the base class, and insert your own views, methods, and event handlers, as the following code
public class MultiCurrency : MultiCurrencyGraph<OpportunityMaint, CROpportunity>
protected override DocumentMapping GetDocumentMapping()
return new DocumentMapping(typeof(CROpportunity))
DocumentDate = typeof(CROpportunity.closeDate)
protected override CurySourceMapping GetCurySourceMapping()
return new CurySourceMapping(typeof(Customer));
public PXSelect<CRSetup> crCurrency;
protected PXSelectExtension<CurySource> SourceSetup =>
new PXSelectExtension<CurySource>(crCurrency);
protected virtual CurySourceMapping GetSourceSetupMapping()
return new CurySourceMapping(typeof(CRSetup))
CuryID = typeof(CRSetup.defaultCuryID),
CuryRateTypeID = typeof(CRSetup.defaultRateTypeID)
protected override CurySource CurrentSourceSelect()
Mapped Cache Extensions and the Application Database
The fields of a mapped cache extension that are mapped to the fields of a base data access class (DAC)
are used by the system to work with the database columns to which the fields of the base DAC are
If a mapped cache extension includes fields that are bound to database columns (with the type
attributes that are derived from the PXDBFieldAttribute class, such as PXDBString), the database
table that corresponds to the base DAC must contain these fields of the mapped cache extension. That
| Implementing Business Logic | 208
is, the database table must include the fields bound to a database column that are defined both in the
base DAC and the mapped cache extension, as shown in the following diagram.
Figure: Database schema for a DAC and mapped cache extension
Reusable Business Logic and the Application Website
If the field of a mapped cache extension is mapped to a field of the base data access class (DAC), you
can use the merged field (that is, the base field that has merged attributes of the base field and the
mapped cache extension field) to configure the UI elements of the website page. If the field of the
mapped cache extension is not mapped to a field of the base DAC, you can use the field of the mapped
cache extension in the website page, as shown in the following diagram.
| Implementing Business Logic | 209
Figure: Fields on the website page
The actions that are defined in the base graph, generic graph extension, and implementation class
are automatically added by the system on the website page, as shown in the following diagram. The
implementation class can override the actions declared in the generic graph extension.
| Implementing Business Logic | 210
Figure: Actions on a website page
Use of Generic Graph Extensions by the System
In this topic, you will learn how Acumatica ERP or an Acumatica Framework-based application works
with generic graph extensions.
Initialization of a Graph Instance That Includes Reusable Logic
During the initialization of a graph instance that includes reusable logic, the system adds to the
collection of data views the data views that are declared in the base graph, including those that are
declared in the implementation class or the generic graph extension from which the implementation
class inherits. The mapping classes define the PXCache<Table> objects in which the mapping-based
views keep data records.
Event handlers that are declared in the base graph, implementation class, and generic graph extension
are added by the system to the collections of event handlers in the corresponding PXCache object. The
event handlers defined for the fields or rows of the mapped cache extension are added to the PXCache
object of the base DAC type to which the mapped cache extension is mapped.
The following diagram illustrates the initialization of a sample OpportunityMaint graph instance that
includes reusable logic.
| Implementing Business Logic | 211
Figure: Intitialization of a graph instance
Generic Graph Extensions Declared in Acumatica ERP
The source code of Acumatica ERP includes the definitions of the generic graph extensions, which
are described in detail in the following sections. These graph extensions are declared in the
PX.Objects.Extensions namespace. You can use these generic graph extensions if you want to
include the implemented functionality in the forms of your application. For details on how to include this
functionality in your application, see To Insert Reusable Business Logic That Has Already Been Declared.
Multi-Currency Extension
If you need to work with multiple currencies on a form, you can insert an implementation of the
MultiCurrencyGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> abstract class in the graph that provides business logic
for the form. For more information on the use of multiple currencies in the system, see Currency
Management in the Financial Management Guide.
The MultiCurrencyGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> class works with the following mapped cache
Document: Represents a document that supports multi-currency
CurySource: Contains the information on the currency source
For more information on these classes, see the API Reference.
Sales Price Extension
If you need to work with multiple price lists on a form, you can insert an implementation of the
SalesPriceGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> abstract class in the graph that provides business logic for
the form. For more information on sales prices, see Managing Sales Prices in the Financial Management
The SalesPriceGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> class works with the following mapped cache extensions:
| Implementing Business Logic | 212
Document: Represents a document that supports multiple price lists
Detail: Represents a detail line of the document
PriceClassSource: Provides information about the source of the price class
For more information on these classes, see the API Reference.
Discount Extension
If you need to work with discounts on a form, you can insert an implementation of the
DiscountGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> abstract class in the graph that provides business logic for
the form. For more information on discounts, see Managing Customer Discounts in the Financial
Management Guide.
The DiscountGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> class works with the following mapped cache extensions:
Document: Represents a document that supports discounts
Detail: Represents a detail line of the document
Discount: Provides information about the discount
For details on these classes, see the API Reference.
Sales Tax Extension
If you need to apply sales taxes to amounts of a form, you can insert an implementation of the
TaxGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> abstract class in the graph that provides business logic for the form.
For more information on taxes in the system, see Taxes in the Financial Management Guide.
The TaxGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> class works with the following mapped cache extensions:
Document: Represents a document that supports sales taxes.
Detail: Represents a detail line of the document.
TaxTotal: Represents the tax total amount
TaxDetail: Represents a tax detail line
For detailed descriptions of the classes, see the API Reference.
To Insert Reusable Business Logic That Has Already Been Declared
In this topic, you can find information about how to insert an already-declared generic graph extension
in the application code.
To Add a Generic Graph Extension to a Graph
1. Review the generic graph extension that provides the business logic that you want to reuse as
a. Identify the mapped cache extensions the generic graph extension works with and the list
of their fields, and decide whether the default mapping (which is defined by the mapping
class of the generic graph extension) is suitable for the base data access class (DAC) that
you are going to use.
b. Identify the fields of the mapped cache extension that are bound to columns of a
database table, and make sure the database table that corresponds to the base DAC
includes the columns to store the data from the mapped cache extension.
2. In the code of the graph you need to add the reusable business logic to, add the public
implementation class that derives from the generic graph extension of the needed type. Use the
following types in the type parameters of the generic graph extension:
| Implementing Business Logic | 213
The base graph to which you add reusable logic
The main DAC of the primary data view of the base graph
In the following code, the MultiCurrency class extends the OpportunityMaint
graph. The MultiCurrency class derives from public abstract class
MultiCurrencyGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> : PXGraphExtension<TGraph>.
public class MultiCurrency : MultiCurrencyGraph<OpportunityMaint,
3. In the added class, override the abstract methods of the generic graph extension as follows:
In the overridden methods of the generic graph extension that return the mapping classes,
either use the default mapping of the fields of the mapped cache extension to the fields of
the base DAC or adjust the mapping.
In the other overridden methods, implement the required business logic. For details on the
implementation of the methods in the generic graph extension declared in Acumatica ERP,
see API Reference.
4. In the added class, adjust the reused business logic by doing any of the following:
Override other methods of the base class.
Add your own views, methods, and event handlers.
The following code shows a sample implementation of the MultiCurrency class, which reuses
the multi-currency business logic defined in the MultiCurrencyGraph generic graph extension.
public class MultiCurrency : MultiCurrencyGraph<OpportunityMaint,
protected override DocumentMapping GetDocumentMapping()
return new DocumentMapping(typeof(CROpportunity))
DocumentDate = typeof(CROpportunity.closeDate)
protected override CurySourceMapping GetCurySourceMapping()
return new CurySourceMapping(typeof(Customer));
public PXSelect<CRSetup> crCurrency;
protected PXSelectExtension<CurySource> SourceSetup =>
new PXSelectExtension<CurySource>(crCurrency);
protected virtual CurySourceMapping GetSourceSetupMapping()
return new CurySourceMapping(typeof(CRSetup))
CuryID = typeof(CRSetup.defaultCuryID),
CuryRateTypeID = typeof(CRSetup.defaultRateTypeID)
protected override CurySource CurrentSourceSelect()
| Implementing Business Logic | 214
To Sort Multiple Generic Graph Extensions
If you need to add multiple generic graph extensions to a graph, you need to define the order in which
the extensions are applied.
To define the order in which the generic graph extensions are applied, add the class inherited from the
Autofac.Module class and implement the sorting of the generic class extensions, as the following
code shows.
public class ServiceRegistration : Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
private class ExtensionSorting
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, int> _order = new Dictionary<Type, int>
{typeof(MultiCurrency), 4},
{typeof(SalesPrice), 3},
{typeof(Discount), 2},
{typeof(SalesTax), 1},
public ExtensionSorting()
To Implement Reusable Business Logic
If you need to use the same business logic in multiple modules of your Acumatica ERP application or an
Acumatica Framework-based application and this logic is not included in the source code of Acumatica
ERP, you can define your own generic graph extensions, as described in this topic. For the list of the
predefined generic graph extensions, see Generic Graph Extensions Declared in Acumatica ERP.
To Create a Generic Graph Extension
1. In the code of your application, define the mapped cache extensions, which inherit from the
PXMappedCacheExtension abstract class. For details on the mapped cache extensions, see
Mapped Cache Extension.
//Mapped cache extension
public class Document : PXMappedCacheExtension
//BAccountID field
public abstract class bAccountID : IBqlField
protected Int32? _BAccountID;
public virtual Int32? BAccountID
return _BAccountID;
_BAccountID = value;
//CuryID field
| Implementing Business Logic | 215
public abstract class curyID : IBqlField
protected String _CuryID;
public virtual String CuryID
return _CuryID;
_CuryID = value;
2. In the code of your application, define the generic graph extension as follows:
a. Define a class inherited from the PXGraphExtension<TGraph> class. The following code
shows a declaration of a generic graph extension.
public abstract class MultiCurrencyGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> :
where TGraph : PXGraph
where TPrimary : class, IBqlTable, new()
b. In the generic graph extension, for each mapped cache extension that you defined in the
first step, declare the protected mapping class, as shown in the following code. For
details on the mapping classes, see Mapping Class.
//A mapping class
protected class DocumentMapping : IBqlMapping
public Type Extension => typeof(Document);
protected Type _table;
public Type Table => _table;
public DocumentMapping(Type table)
_table = table;
public Type BAccountID = typeof(Document.bAccountID);
public Type CuryInfoID = typeof(Document.curyInfoID);
public Type CuryID = typeof(Document.curyID);
public Type DocumentDate = typeof(Document.documentDate);
c. In the generic graph extension, for each mapping class, declare the protected
abstract method that returns the mapping class, as shown in the following code.
protected abstract DocumentMapping GetDocumentMapping();
d. In the generic graph extension, define the views that use the mapped cache
extensions, as the following code shows. To define each view, you use the
PXSelectExtension<Table> : PXSelectBase<Table> class, where Table is a mapped
cache extension.
//A view that uses the mapped cache extension
public PXSelectExtension<Document> Documents;
| Implementing Business Logic | 216
: In the generic graph extension, you can define standard views as well as the views that
use the mapped cache extensions.
e. In the generic graph extension, define the reusable event handlers, as the following code
protected virtual void _(
Events.FieldUpdated2<Document.documentDate, Document> e)
if (e.Row == null) return;
new PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs(e.Row, e.OldValue, e.ExternalCall));
f. In the generic graph extension, implement any other business logic that you want to
reuse, such as filters and actions.
Once you have defined the mapped cache extensions and the generic graph extension, you can insert
reusable business logic to any part of your application, as described in To Insert Reusable Business
Logic That Has Already Been Declared.
| Troubleshooting Acumatica Framework-Based Applications | 217
Troubleshooting Acumatica Framework-Based
In this part of the guide, you can find information about troubleshooting the applications based on
Acumatica Framework.
In This Part
To Debug Acumatica Framework-Based Applications
To Debug Acumatica Framework-Based Applications
This topic describes how to link an Acumatica Framework-based application site to the database and
start the Acumatica Framework application in debug mode.
To Debug an Application from Visual Studio
1. In Visual Studio, open the solution of your Acumatica Framework-based application.
2. In the Site folder of the solution, open the web.config file.
3. In the connectionStrings section of the file, modify the connection string by specifying the
credentials to your development database as follows:
For a locally installed Microsoft SQL Server that uses SQL Server authentication (line
breaks are for display purposes only)
<remove name="ProjectX" />
<add name="ProjectX" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
connectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial
User Id=User_ID; Password=User_Password"
For a locally installed Microsoft SQL Server that uses Windows authentication (line breaks
are for display purposes only)
<remove name="ProjectX" />
<add name="ProjectX" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
connectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial
Integrated Security=True"/>
For a remote Microsoft SQL Server that uses SQL Server authentication (line breaks are for
display purposes only)
<remove name="ProjectX" />
<add name="ProjectX" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
connectionString="Data Source=Server_Name; Initial
User Id=User_ID; Password=User_Password"
| Troubleshooting Acumatica Framework-Based Applications | 218
4. In the system.web section of the file, set the debug attribute of the compilation element to
True, as shown in the following example.
<compilation debug="True" defaultLanguage="c#"
numRecompilesBeforeAppRestart="9999" targetFramework="4.7.1">
5. In Visual Studio, right-click the Site folder of the solution, and click Set as StartUp Project.
6. Right-click the Main.aspx file in the Site folder, and click Set as Start Page.
7. Optional: If you need to debug a server error that throws an exception, do the following:
a. On the toolbar, click Debug > Windows > Exception Settings.
b. In the Exception Settings panel, which opens, expand Common Language Runtime
Exceptions, and select the check box for the exception that is thrown (such as
8. Run the solution in the Debug mode.
| Glossary | 219
The following table contains definitions of the basic terms used in Acumatica Framework.
Term Definition
Action An interface for executing a specific operation with data that is
implemented in a business logic controller (BLC). An action is
represented by the corresponding button on the user interface.
Acumatica Cloud xRP
The platform for the development of cloud ERP applications (such as
Acumatica ERP and customizations of it), the mobile application for
Acumatica ERP, and applications integrated with Acumatica ERP by
means of the web services API.
Acumatica Customization
The part of the Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform that provides
customization tools for the development of applications embedded in
Acumatica ERP (also called customizations of Acumatica ERP).
Acumatica Framework The part of the Acumatica Cloud xRP Platform that provides the platform
API, web controls, and other tools for building ERP applications.
Acumatica Framework
A set of Visual Studio templates provided as a part of Acumatica
Framework for creating application pages and business logic controllers.
Acumatica Framework-
based application
An application created by means of Acumatica Framework tools.
Analytical report A report created with the Analytical Report Manager. For details on this
tool, see Analytical Report Manager.
Bound field A data field that represents a column from a database table. Compare to
Unbound field.
BQL statement A generic BQL class specialization that represents a specific query to the
database. The type parameters specified in the BQL statement are BQL
operator classes and DACs.
Business logic controller
A stateless controller class that is intended for the execution of business
logic on a particular application page. A BLC (also called a graph) is
derived from the PXGraph generic class.
Business query language
A set of generic classes for querying data records from the database.
Cache A collection of modified data records from the same table stored in the
user session and shared between requests.
Custom report A report created on the custom report form.
Customization of
Acumatica ERP
A modification of the user interface, business logic, and the database
scheme without recompilation and re-installation of Acumatica ERP. This
modification is packed in a customization project.
Customization project A container that holds the changes you have made during a particular
customization of Acumatica ERP.
DAC field See Field.
Data access class (DAC) A class that represents a database table.
Data entry form An application webpage that is used for the input of business
Data member A data view specified as the data source for a container of UI controls (a
form, a tab, or a grid).
| Glossary | 220
Data record A specific record retrieved from the database or created in code and
wrapped in a DAC instance.
Data view A BQL statement that the BLC uses to access and manipulate data. A
developer defines a data view in code by using PXSelect classes.
Datasource control A service control on a page that is used to bind the page to a particular
BLC. This control represents the page toolbar, which contains action
Embedded application See Customization of Acumatica ERP.
Event A way to provide notifications from Acumatica Framework to the
application. Most business logic is implemented in event handlers.
Event handler A method that is invoked by Acumatica Framework when the
corresponding event is raised.
Field (DAC field) A part of the DAC definition that typically represents a database column.
A DAC field consists of an abstract class that is used to refer to the field
in BQL and a property holding the actual field value.
Form See Webpage.
Graph See Business logic controller.
Inquiry form An application webpage that displays a list of data records selected by
the specified filter.
Integrated application A third-party application integrated with Acumatica ERP by means of
web services API.
Maintenance form An application helper webpage that is used for the input of data on the
data entry and processing pages.
Mobile API
The API that is used for customization of the Acumatica mobile
application. For a description of the API, see Mobile Site Map Reference.
Multitenant application An application in which multiple tenants use the same Acumatica
Framework-based application. For each tenant, the website looks
identical and provides the same business logic. However, each tenant
has exclusive access to the tenant's individual data and can have
restricted access to the data of other tenants.
Page template A Visual Studio template that is provided by Acumatica Framework and
used for creating application pages.
Platform API The API that is used to develop Acumatica Framework-based
applications and customizations of Acumatica ERP.
Primary BLC The BLC that corresponds to the default editing page of the data record.
This BLC is specified in the PXPrimaryGraph attribute.
Primary DAC The first data access class specified in a BQL statement.
Primary data view The first data view defined in a business logic controller.
Processing form An application webpage that provides mass processing operations.
Report Designer A visual editor for creating report forms and printable pages.
Report form An RPX page created in Report Designer that defines the form used for
generating reports in the application.
Screen See Webpage.
Setup form An application webpage that provides the configuration parameters for
the application.
| Glossary | 221
Unbound field A data field that exists only on the model level in a DAC definition, and
that is not bound to a column of the database table. Compare to Bound
Webpage A page that provides the UI of the application. Each webpage used
in the application is a declarative ASPX page created from one of the
Acumatica Framework Templates or a report form.
Web services API The API for development of applications integrated with Acumatica ERP
through SOAP or REST.