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Installation of Curator Tool Reports
Revision Date
September 5, 2024
Martin Reisinger
Reports produced within the Curator Tool require pre-designed report files to be installed on
the user’s PC. A Curator Tool user does not have the capability within the CT to create these
report files. The files are created, typically by software developers, using other software tools.
This guide explains how to:
install the report files
edit the text files needed to coordinate the CT with the report files
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Background ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Available Report Files ............................................................................................................................ 3
Initial Step Common to all report files ................................................................................................... 4
Copy the Crystal Report (.rpt) Files onto a User’s PC ....................................................................... 4
New Report Filenames: report names never used previously .................................................................. 5
Mapping CT Reports to work with specific dataviews .......................................................................... 5
Report Manager Background .................................................................................................................... 6
Steps When Using Report Manager to Map Reports with Dataviews .................................................. 8
Manually Editing the ReportsMapping.txt (Reports Manager Alternative)........................................ 10
Examples of ReportsMapping.txt Files ................................................................................................ 10
ReportsMapping.txt File (2
Example) ........................................................................................... 11
Order Wizard Reports ............................................................................................................................. 12
AppSettings.txt .................................................................................................................................... 12
AppSettings.txt Folder location ........................................................................................................ 13
AppSettings Table on the Server ..................................................................................................... 14
If the Reports are not Listed in the Order Wizard Printing Dropdown ............................................... 15
Displaying a Curator Tool Report ............................................................................................................ 15
Create Local Report Tables Feature (v1.9.9.8 and later) ........................................................................ 16
Appendix A: Resolve the Order Wizard “Missing Reports” Issue 17
(Simplified instructions) .................................................................................................................. 17
(Details) ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix B: Changing Options for Folders (so that they display (Show hidden folders)) 19
Default File Explorer Settings .............................................................................................................. 19
Appendix C: Document Changes 21
2024 September 5 ............................................................................................................................... 21
2024 February 9 .................................................................................................................................. 21
2021 May 18 ........................................................................................................................................ 21
2018 August 31 ................................................................................................................................... 21
2017 December 5 ................................................................................................................................ 21
2017 July 5 ........................................................................................................................................... 21
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When the Curator Tool is installed on a user’s PC, report files are automatically installed during that
process. Later, it is possible to supplement or replace the report files without reinstalling the CT.
Some organizations running the GRIN-Global application may have created their own reports and may
distribute them outside of the default CT installation. In that case, you should receive directions from
your GG database administrator (DBA) on implementing these report files.
The Curator Tool works with two different file types: SAP’s Crystal Report (.rpt) files and
reports created via Microsoft’s SQL Server Reporting Services ((SQL Server Reports (.rdic) files).
Report files are not stored on the GG server,
but on the CT user’s PC.
Besides ensuring the files are installed properly on the user’s PC as required by the Curator Tool, two
other text files must be edited on the user’s PC to coordinate (map) the CT reports and its dataviews.
Beginning with v., a new CT feature, the Report Manager
, helps with the mapping of
the report files. Prior to this release, any changes or editing to the ReportsMapping.txt file were
done manually. If the organization Curator Tool users are using v., consider clicking
Report Manager] t
o jump to this section in the document.
Available Report Files
The following files are current as of January 2024. (NPGS)
The report files may be downloaded from:
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Directions for Using Report Files with the Curator Tool
The steps taken to install and set up a report file depend on whether the file has a new filename and
where the file is used within the CT. Three considerations:
A report is updated, but it uses the same filename of an existing report
New report file the filename was never used previously by the CT the new report filename
must be mapped to a dataview
The report is used within the Order Wizard
Initial Step Common to all report files
All report files must be copied to a specific folder on the CT user’s PC. The Curator Tool report files are
typically loaded in this folder:
C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports
Older versions of the CT used different folders. These directions apply to versions beginning
with CT version
Copy the Crystal Report (.rpt) Files onto a User’s PC
Report filenames have .rpt for their extension. Copy the .rpt files to the folder:
C:\Users\ username \AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports.
If any .rpt files have the same name as files already in that folder, when prompted, select Replace.
The report files may be downloaded from:
Use Windows Explorer to unzip the files in this zip file.
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New Report Filenames: report names never used previously
New report files must be mapped to dataviews.
When a developer designs a Curator Tool report, she designs it to work with one or more
dataviews. Therefore, before running a report in the Curator Tool, you must have the
respective dataview opened.
When new reports are designed, a mapping step is required.
Mapping CT Reports to work with specific dataviews
A text file, “ReportsMapping.txt,” controls the mapping of the report files to their respective Curator
Tool dataviews. In other words, the .txt file settings are necessary to coordinate report files with the
dataviews. Only dataviews with mapped reports will be abIe to be use a report.
This ReportsMapping.txt file is in the Curator Tool folder:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\
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Example of an Inventory Dataview Mapped to Reports
Example: the Inventory dataview is active; the user right-clicked after selecting a few inventory records.
After selecting the Reports menu option, five reports that have been associated with the inventory
dataview are listed:
When reports are displayed in the Order Wizard’s Printing dropdown, a second .txt file, the
AppSettings.txt file, must also be configured. See AppSettings.txt details.
Report Manager Background
Beginning with v., a new feature, the Report Manager, helps with the mapping of the report
files. Prior to this release, any changes or editing to the ReportsMapping.txt file were done manually.
The ReportsMapping.txt file is stored in a specific folder --
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool:
(substitute with the valid yourusername relevant to your computer. In older versions, the
folder was different.)
The Curator Tool’s Report Manager provides a graphical interface in which users can now associate
report files, either Crystal Reports (.rpt) or SQL Server Reports (.rdic) files, with specific dataviews.
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However, the user must manually edit the AppSettings.txt file when the report is to be
displayed in the Order Wizard’s Printing dropdown or in the Viability Wizard.
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Steps When Using Report Manager to Map Reports with Dataviews
The Curator Tool’s Report Manager provides a graphical interface in which users can now associate
report files, either Crystal Reports (.rpt) or SQL Server Reports (.rdic) files, with specific dataviews.
The Report Manager dialog box uses a score to sort the dataviews associated with a Crystal Report
(.rpt). The score basically indicates how many of the required fields in the report are available in the
dataview. 100% is ideal. Dataviews with scores less than 50% are not displayed automatically in the
Report Manager, but a Show All option exists.
In the following example, the 3x3_Jar_Label.rpt is highlighted in the left panel. The right panel shows
that it has been mapped to the “Get_Inventory” dataview.*
* Dataviews used by the CT are typically titled with the prefix “GET_“ as in GET_INVENTORY, whereas
CT users will usually refer to them solely by the name following the prefix.
To associate a dataview to a report, highlight the report in the left panel and then click the checkbox(es)
for the desired dataview(s).
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In the following example, a specialized site inventory dataview, used by the NPGS W6 site, originally has
no report files associated with it. In the second image, the user will select that dataview, and from that
point onward, the report will work with that dataview, as shown in the 3
image below.
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Manually Editing the ReportsMapping.txt (Reports Manager Alternative)
Besides using the CT’s Report Manager option, the ReportsMapping.txt file can be manually edited to
relate a .rpt file with a dataview. For example, the .txt file below was modified to associate the
site_w6_inventory dataview with the 1x3_Freezer_Label report:
When editing the statements, use a semi-colon and then the dataview name, as shown above.
Examples of ReportsMapping.txt Files
The statements in the ReportsMapping.txt file indicate the relationship of the .rpt file to the dataview.
In the example below, the 3x3_Jar_Label.rpt file works with the get_inventory Dataview Name.
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ReportsMapping.txt File (2
The ReportsMapping.txt file statements indicate the relationship of the .rpt files to the dataview.
Remember to edit for the respective user name.
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports\1x3_Freezer_Label.rpt =
get_inventory; site_w6_inventory
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports\1x3_Jar_Lid_Label.rpt =
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports\1x3_Prepack_Label.rpt =
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports\1x3_Zebra_Viability_Label.rpt =
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports\3x3_Extra_Bag_Label.rpt =
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports\3x3_Jar_Label.rpt = |
get_inventory; site_w6_inventory
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports\3x3_Packet_Label.rpt =
order_wizard_get_packet_label; order_wizard_get_order_request_item; get_inventory
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports\Cooperator - Users at a Site.rpt =
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports\Order-Packing General.rpt =
order_packing2; order_packing; order_packing_nsgc
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports\Order-Packing
General_woSMTA.rpt = order_packing2; order_packing; order_packing_nsgc
C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\Reports\Order-Picking.rpt =
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Order Wizard Reports
The AppSettings.txt file is an additional file that is needed to coordinate the Order Wizard with the .rpt
files. This AppSettings.txt file affects various CT features, but here we are only interested in reports. This
.txt file must indicate which .rpt files can be used by the Order Wizard’s Printing dropdown.
Near the bottom of the AppSettings.txt file, a line begins with a # Order Wizard that line is a
comment. The reports listed in the Order Wizard Printing dropdown need to be indicated, separated by
semi-colons, as shown above.
if a .rpt file indicated in the AppSettings.txt file is not in the CT’s Reports folder, it will be
ignored and not display in the Order Wizard’s dropdown. In the example above, that is true
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except for the three highlighted files:
In addition to the CT Order Wizard Printing dropdown, the AppSettings.txt file is also used to
control certain CT user settings such as customized treeview names, virtual node definitions,
and a few miscellaneous application setting definitions.
AppSettings.txtFolder location
When the report is used within the Order Wizard, the report must also be identified in the
AppSettings.txt file. This .txt file is also in the Curator Tool folder:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool\
The Order Wizard has a Printing dropdown feature that looks similar to the following (your report
names may differ):
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The statement below, when included in the AppSettings.txt file, affects which reports will display in the
Order Wizard dropdown:
OrderWizardCrystalReports = Order-Packing by Accession Number.rpt; Order-Packing by Accession.rpt;
Order-Packing Disclaimers.rpt; Order-Packing General with Origin.rpt; Order-Packing General.rpt;
Order-Packing NSGC.rpt; Order-Picking.rpt; 3x3_Packet_Label.rpt
In some situations, the AppSettings.txt file will have a # symbol preceding the code. (The # causes the
code to be treated as a comment.) When that is the case, delete the leading # symbol and the code will
work properly after you restart the Curator Tool. The Order Wizard Printing dropdown will display the
reports included in the statement.
AppSettings Table on the Server
A table that contains some default settings that control each user’s individual settings exists on
the server. When the user’s PC contains an AppSettings.txt file with similar statements, the
user’s AppSettings.txt file statements supersede the statements in the server’s AppSettings
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If the Reports are not Listed in the Order Wizard Printing Dropdown
In the folder C:\Users\Marty.Reisinger\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool
Check that the .rpt files are in the folder Reports
edit the file: ReportsMapping.txt (either edit manually, or use the Report Manager on the CT
edit the file: AppSettings.txt (manually edit)
Displaying a Curator Tool Report
To use a report with a dataview, you will:
Switch to, or open the dataview that correlates to the respective report you intend to produce
In the dataview, select the record(s) that are to be included in the report
Right-click; select Reports...
Select the report from the list of relevant reports:
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Create Local Report Tables Feature (v1.9.9.8 and later)
Beginning with CT version, a new feature was added to the Curator Tool.
When the Create Local Report Tables option is selected, a copy of the records in the active
dataview is saved to a database on your PC:
This screen was produced using SQL Server Management Studio. These sample data tables are
now ready to be used by a tool such as Crystal Reports. The CT does not make reports directly.
GG documentation does not include directions on how to create Crystal Reports files
since this is beyond the scope of the typical genebank staff person. Resources on
the internet are limited.
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Appendix A: Resolve the Order WizardMissing ReportsIssue
To fix the issue of reports not displaying in the user’s Order Wizard:
(Simplified instructions)
In File Explorer, go to:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\GRIN-Global\Curator Tool
Edit the file: AppSettings.txt
Scroll through the file until Near At the bottom, there is a line that begins with a # symbol delete the #
the line should read:
OrderWizardCrystalReports = Order-Packing by Accession.rpt; Order-Packing by Inventory with
The Order Wizard has a Printing dropdown feature that looks similar to the following (your report
names may differ):
The statement below, when included in the AppSettings.txt file, affects which reports will display in the
Order Wizard dropdown:
OrderWizardCrystalReports = Order-Packing by Accession.rpt; Order-Packing by Inventory with
Origin.rpt; Order-Packing by Inventory.rpt; Order-Packing General.rpt; Order-Packing Inventory by
Accession.rpt; Order-Packing Picking List by Inventory.rpt; Order-Packing Picking List by Plant.rpt;
Order-Packing NSGC.rpt; 3x3_Packet_Label.rpt
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In some situations, the AppSettings.txt file will have a # symbol preceding the code. When that is the
case, delete the leading # symbol. If that code is not there, copy the highlighted text and place at the
bottom of the AppSettings.txt file. The code should then work properly after you restart the Curator
Tool. The Order Wizard Printing dropdown will display the reports included in the statement.
The AppSettings.txt file is in the PC's Users folder (in the example shown here, the user is MartyR):
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Appendix B: Changing Options for Folders (so that they display
(Show hidden folders))
Unfortunately, in its wisdom, Microsoft a long time ago decided to hide certain folders as well as file
extensions. In the default view, the folder C:\ProgramData is hidden:
Whenever I get a new PC, I immediately change 3 of the default settings. I use File Explorer extensively,
so I change the settings for "Display full path," "Show hidden files," and "Hide extensions for known
types" to be able to see “hidden” folders and files.
Default File Explorer Settings
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Preferred settings which you can make the default for the entire PC:
To make the display options apply to all folders, select the Apply to Folders button:
The C:\ProgramData should display. You may need to close the File Explorer window and then reopen
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Appendix C: Document Changes
2024 September 5
Expanded text wrt Report Manager
Included links bookmarks to the Report Manager section
2024 February 9
Updated text and the location of .rpt files
Major reorganization of document to reflect Report Manager in CT
2021 May 18
Updated the location of the ZIP file for the .rpt files
2018 August 31
Edited substantially to reflect the changes to a 64-bit platform and the move to different folders
on the CT user’s PC
2017 December 5
changed the source zip file to
2017 July 5
changed the source location for the reports zip file to…