Standardizing the Professional Title of Medical Laboratory Professionals
A Position Paper of
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) and the American
Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification (ASCP BOC)
The following sponsoring and participating societies of the ASCP BOC Board of Governors (BOG) support
this position paper: AABB, American Association of Pathologists’ Assistants (AAPA; Association of Genetic
Technologists (AGT); American Society of Cytopathology (ASC); American Society for Clinical Laboratory
Science (ASCLS); American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), American Society for Microbiology
(ASM); Clinical Laboratory Management Association (CLMA); National Society for Histotechnology (NSH).
Problem Summary
The medical laboratory profession has played an integral role in patient care, diagnosis, and treatment
for approximately a century. There is, however, a lack of understanding among the public as well as
other health care professionals of who we are, the nature of our work, and the critical influence
laboratory data has on diagnosis and treatment. In addition, these groups do not comprehend the level
of education and training necessary to achieve competency as a Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS).
Laboratory professionals feel a lack of respect from other healthcare professionals who should view us
as peers. This may be due, in part, to the fact that we have limited direct patient interaction and/or that
laboratories are often ‘invisible’ behind locked doors, in the basement, in separate buildings, or off site.
Interpretation of federal regulations governing standards for laboratory personnel has allowed those
with insufficient laboratory-related education and training to perform moderate and complex testing,
further diminishing the profession and confusing the health care community regarding required
credentials for laboratory professionals.
Another aspect to this problem is that many educational programs closed in the 1990s, resulting in a
workforce shortage that has lasted more than 20 years. In response, managers and administrators have
hired non-Medical Laboratory Scientist credentialed individuals to perform laboratory testing.
To further complicate this situation, our professional credentials, how we refer to ourselves, how others
refer to us, and the job/position titles for similarly educated individuals are not consistent. We refer to
ourselves as Medical Technologists or Clinical Laboratory Scientists or Medical Laboratory Scientists,
depending on degree program, certification, or job title. Job titles often do not reflect current
professional credential designations. Some facilities use Medical Technologist while others have
adopted the current professional credential designation of Medical Laboratory Scientist. Individuals use
casual, non-professional terms such as ’med tech’, ‘lab tech’, or ‘tech’ in referring to laboratory
professionals. Unlike physicians, nurses, physical therapists, or other health care professionals, we have
not adopted a single identity/title that in turn denotes us as a recognizable profession.
These factors contribute to a crisis in our professional identity not only within, but also external to the
medical laboratory profession. Our name is important. Adopting a unified term is one step toward
controlling our professional destiny. If we don’t refer to ourselves in a consistent, recognizable,
professional manner, how can we expect the public and other health care professionals to regard us as a
single profession, to acknowledge our professional identity, and to recognize the fundamental part we
play in the health care team?
To summarize, - what’s in a name? Everything important to our profession -- our professional identity,
as well as recognition from the healthcare team, administration, government agencies, and the public.
In addition, it affects recruitment to, and retention in, our profession. It is time we move to one name --
Medical Laboratory Scientist.
NOTE: This position paper focuses on the title for those with a baccalaureate degree. Individuals who
have an associate degree and who have successfully met the requirements of a national certification
program have minimal problems with consistency of title and will not be addressed in this paper.
History of our name
One problem causing confusion about our identity is rooted in our professional history. We have
changed our professional title and certification multiple times. Unlike other professions, we currently
have multiple credentialing agencies, each with different titles and requirements to qualify for their
examinations. Table 1 in the Appendix provides a comprehensive look at titles and certification
agencies. Although some of the credentials listed are no longer available, individuals still use them when
representing themselves as members of the profession. Several key points in our professional history
illustrating the nomenclature changes are listed below.
1926 – ASCP resolution was passed to appoint a “Committee on the Registration of Laboratory
Technicians” to define a technician and to differentiate classes of technicians.
1928 - permanent ASCP Board of Registry was created to issue certificates of registration. They
adopted the classification of Laboratory Technician and Medical Technologist based upon
minimum qualification standards.
1929 - original draft of Rules & Regulations of the American Registry of Medical Technologists
was published in the Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine and was entitled: “The Registry
of Technicians – Proposed Working Scheme”. The section “Classification of Laboratory
Technicians” identified the Medical Technologist and Laboratory Technician. (The detailed
section ‘requirements for eligibility’ is analogous to the current ASCP BOC eligibilities for
1931 - use of initials L.T. (Laboratory Technician) and M.T. (Medical Technologist) after the
registrant’s name was instituted. The parenthetical “ASCP” after L.T. and M.T. was adopted to
clearly identify ASCP certification.
1933 - designation “Registered Medical Technologist” was restricted to college graduates. In
the early years of the profession, the name Laboratory Technician was used interchangeably to
mean both Laboratory Technicians AND Medical Technologists.
1936 - title “Laboratory Technician” was discontinued. All subsequent registrants were
designated “Medical Technologists”.
1939 - other organizations started to develop examinations and nomenclature for the
profession. Over the years, this included American Medical Technologists (AMT), International
Society for Clinical Laboratory Technology (ISCLT), and American Association of Bioanalysts
(AAB). AMT has maintained the term Medical Technologist, as has AAB. The federal
government also provided an examination (now discontinued) to allow individuals to become
Clinical Laboratory Technologists CLT(HEW). See Table 1 in the Appendix for the complete listing
of agencies and titles.
1977 - National Certification Agency for Medical Laboratory Personnel (NCA) was formed by the
American Society for Medical Technology (ASMT) as an independent certification body. NCA
used the designations of Clinical Laboratory Technician (CLT) and Clinical Laboratory Scientist
(CLS) as their designations for MLT and MT respectively.
2009 - NCA and the ASCP Board of Registry (BOR) unified to become a single certification
agency, known as the ASCP Board of Certification (BOC). Under the auspices of this new single
certification agency, the professional credential designations for the profession became Medical
Laboratory Scientist (MLS) and Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT).
Educational requirements, program and degree names
Educational requirements to sit for the credentialing examination have also been an issue. At
one time a baccalaureate degree was not required, only a specified number of college
credits/hours. In 1973, ASCP Board of Registry (BOR) began to require a baccalaureate degree as
part of the educational requirements to sit for the Medical Technologist (MT) credentialing
examination. Some credentialing organizations, however, still do not require this crucial minimal
educational qualification.
Educational institutions or hospitals have changed the names of programs or departments over
the years to mesh with the professional credential designations. Not all, however, have made
the change. See Table 2 in the Appendix for a breakdown of current program titles. There is also
lack of a standardized degree title designated to those who earn a bachelor’s degree in a
laboratory profession. Therefore, graduates can have different degree titles on the diploma and
may refer to themselves based on degree title rather than credential title.
Federal Regulations
Federal government regulations have further complicated the evolution of our professional
name and identity. Under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) passed by
Congress in 1988 individuals with a bachelor’s degree in a biological, chemical or physical
science may legally function as personnel who test human samples in hospitals, public health
settings, and in reference laboratories. In turn, human resource departments and laboratory
managers have created their own job categories for these individuals or, even worse, have
placed them in the same job category as the credentialed MLS. Just recently, the Center for
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) clarified their interpretation of CLIA 88, stating that a
bachelor’s degree in nursing is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in biology or MLS for the
purpose of performing high complexity laboratory testing. Those with specific MLS education
and certification maintain there is a difference in educational content compared to other
science bachelor’s degrees. Few believe there is equivalence in preparedness, test
performance, decision-making and problem-solving skills. Although recent data demonstrating
the value of MLS education and certification are lacking, literature from the 1990s is supportive
of these differences.
Workforce shortage and hiring of non-MLS in the laboratory
Another aspect to this nomenclature problem is that many educational programs closed in the
1990s, resulting in a workforce shortage of appropriately educated and trained individuals that
continues to this day. Numbers of graduates have not kept up with the vacancies. The most
recent ASCP Vacancy Survey reported vacancy rates between 5.68% and 11.48%, depending on
laboratory department. In turn, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has projected an 11%
increase in job growth (combined MLT and MLS) of about 35,000 new positions between 2018
and 2028. In response to current shortages, managers and administrators have hired non-MLS
credentialed individuals to perform laboratory testing. These individuals may have a bachelor’s
degree in a biological or chemical science, but no specific medical laboratory training and no
certification. In many cases, they have no educational background in the scientific or quality
assurance concepts so inherent in MLS education -- only on-the-job training in one area of the
laboratory. The certified MLS and MLT should be distinguished from other laboratory workers.
No one other than a nurse, physician, dietitian, physical therapist (PT) or occupational therapist
(OT) would be allowed to perform the duties of these professionals. Neither is there any
confusion about who these professionals are. No one would be given the job title of nurse or PT
or OT without specific educational degree. Neither should this be the case for the medical
laboratory profession.
As is evident, our professional history demonstrates a lack of a standardized credential. We have a
checkered past with respect to professional name and credential. At one time, the title technician was
applied to all; at other times there was a distinction. This has resulted in a situation in which there is no
standardized nomenclature among employers leading to confusion for pay grade, educational programs,
regulatory agencies, certification agencies, and the public. We have allowed shorthand references such
as ‘med tech’, ‘lab tech’, and ‘just a tech’ to cause further ambiguity to our professional identity. The
designation for laboratory professionals needs to be standardized and broadly communicated.
Given these challenges and threats to the profession, we need to identify and adopt a standardized
credential and title for those with education (baccalaureate degree) and training in the medical
laboratory sciences. Names of educational programs and job titles should parallel the credential. It is
also important that those with MLS education and certification be distinguished from those with a
bachelor’s degree in a science and no certification.
support the designation of Medical Laboratory Scientist for all who have graduated with a
baccalaureate degree and have successfully met the requirements of a national certification
support the designation of Medical Laboratory Technician for those who have graduated with an
associate degree and have successfully met the requirements of a national certification
encourage all educational programs to adopt the term Medial Laboratory Science or Medical
Laboratory Technician - as appropriate - as the formal designation for programs to further
establish the continuity between educational program and professional credential.
encourage, support, and endorse all efforts to use the job title of Medical Laboratory Scientist
for those with a baccalaureate degree who have successfully met the requirements of a national
certification program.
encourage, support and endorse all efforts to use the job title of Medical Laboratory Technician
for those who have an associate degree and who have successfully met the requirements of a
national certification.
support and endorse all efforts to find alternate job titles for those with any education and
training other than what has been stated above.
In summary, ASCLS and the ASCP BOC acknowledge the importance of standard nomenclature to link
educational program, credential, and job title. We realize to move the entire Medical Laboratory
Science professional body in this direction is a substantial undertaking. Managers and human resource
departments at hospitals, reference laboratories, and public health facilities will need to re-evaluate and
rename job categories and titles. Educational programs may need to change the title of their program
which may involve significant resources at the institutional and state level. Most importantly, individuals
will need to rethink how they refer to themselves and consistently use the title Medical Laboratory
We would not make this proposal and suggest the laboratory community go to this effort if we believed
the status quo was an advantage to the profession. These changes will not resolve all of the issues
related to lack of recognition from other health care professionals. They will not assure that everyone
recognizes and values the laboratory’s integral role in providing care every day. However, this initiative
for a single professional designation and title is a step in the right direction and will help to cement our
professional identity and control our professional destiny. In turn, it will clarify the role we play in
patient care for other health care professionals, the public, and ourselves. It is in a name!
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Table 1. Certification and Licensure Agency Designations for Laboratory Staff in 2019
Organization Title Designations
American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB)
Medical Technologist
Laboratory Technician
AAB Board of Registry* NA
American Medical Technologists
Medical Technologist
Medical Laboratory Technician
ASCP Board of Certification
Medical Laboratory Scientist
(under mandatory CMP)
Medical Technologist (voluntary
Medical Laboratory Technician
(Health & Human Services)
National Credentialing Agency for
Laboratory Personnel (NCA)
California State License
Clinical Laboratory Scientist
Medical Laboratory Technician
New York State License
Clinical Laboratory
Clinical Laboratory Technician
*Formerly ASCLT Credentialing Commission
- Credentials no longer available: Registered Medical Technologist; RMT (ISCLT) and Registered Laboratory Technician; RLT (ISCLT)
– Credential no longer available: Clinical Laboratory Technologist; CLT (HEW)
– Credentials no longer available. Merged with ASCP. Formerly: Clinical Laboratory Scientist; CLS (NCA) and Clinical Laboratory Technician;
Table 2. Program Designations from NAACLS
NAACLS Program Designations
Medical Laboratory Science Programs
Medical Laboratory Technician Programs