Parental Alienation Can Be Emotional Child Abuse
Parental Alienation
Can Be Emotional
Child Abuse
Ken Lewis
Director, Child Custody Evaluation Services of Philadelphia, Inc.
What is and is not parental
alienation? Here are some of its
descriptors, possible effects on
children, and tips for custody
evaluators and family court judges.
When marital discord evolves into hatred, many
couples are quick to see divorce as their best option.
Divorce may be an easy way out for the couple, but it
often wreaks havoc on the children. When parents seek
help from state courts, family court judges can appoint
mental health professionals as custody evaluators to guide
them in determining the future best interests of the
children. While these professionals are historically skilled
at identifying physical child abuse, they are beginning to
identify a more insidious form of emotional child abuse
called parental alienation. When this form of abuse
is correctly and timely identified, custody evaluators
can recommend specific strategies for success.
Parental Alienation Can Be Emotional Child Abuse
Parental Alienation vs.
Parental Alienation Syndrome
Parental alienation is frequently confused with the
parental alienation syndrome (PAS). Dr. Richard Gardner,
an American psychiatrist who died in 2003, coined the
phrase “parental alienation syndrome” in 1985 and
wrote extensively about it. He defined the syndrome as:
a childhood disorder that arises almost
exclusively in the context of child-custody
disputes. It is a disorder in which children,
programmed by the allegedly “loved” parent,
embark upon a campaign of denigration of
the allegedly “hated” parent. The children
exhibit little if any ambivalence over their
hatred, which often spreads to the extended
family of the allegedly despised parent
(“Recommendations for Dealing with Parents
Who Induce a Parental Alienation Syndrome
in Their Children,” Journal of Divorce and
Remarriage 28, nos. 3-4 [1998]).
Gardner used the term “syndrome” because of his
medical background. A syndrome is a cluster of related
symptoms. Syndromes are generally discouraged as
evidence in court because they refer to symptoms from
a collection of individuals, while the court is only
concerned with those individuals who have standing
for the matter before the court.
For Gardner, the syndrome describes the child’s
campaign of denigration against one of their parents
a campaign that is encouraged by the other parent.
It should be noted that there is no PAS when abuse or
neglect is present. PAS can only be applicable when the
“hated” parent has not abused or neglected the child
or exhibited any behavior that would justify the child’s
animosity toward that parent.
While PAS identifies a problem in the child (“a childhood
disorder”), parental alienation identifies a collection of
one parents behaviors aimed at causing the child to
become alienated from the other parent. Children can
become alienated from a parent for a variety of reasons,
such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse,
parental abandonment, adult alcoholism, narcissism, and
other reasons. Sometimes, a child may become alienated
from the parent who initiated the divorce, blaming that
parent for breaking up the family. But while these
reasons may explain why the child is alienated from the
parent, none would qualify as descriptors for parental
alienation. Parental alienation is a strategy whereby one
parent intentionally displays to the child unjustified
negativity aimed at the other parent. The purpose of
this strategy is to damage the child’s relationship with
the other parent and to turn the child’s emotions against
that other parent. This strategy has been called a
“head-trip game” (see Ken Lewis, Child Custody Evaluations
by Social Workers: Understanding the Five Stages of Custody
[Washington, DC: NASW Press, 2009], p. 44).
Parental alienation is a particular family dynamic that
can emerge during divorce in which the child becomes
excessively hostile and rejecting of one parent. This
hostility can involve transgenerational dynamics about
which evaluators and family court judges should be aware.
The remainder of this article presents:
a list of the various descriptors that identify
parental alienation;
the possible effects on the children;
parental alienation as a form of emotional
child abuse;
the ways that courts have responded to
parental alienation; and
10 tips for family court judges.
Parental Alienation Syndrome
can only be applicable when
the “hated” parent has not
abused or neglected the child
or exhibited any behavior
that would justify the child’s
animosity toward that parent.
Parental Alienation Can Be Emotional Child Abuse
Descriptors of Parental Alienation
When investigating whether parental alienation is
present, a custody evaluator looks for a variety of
descriptors concerning the targeted parent and the
alienating parent. Ten such descriptors are:
1. The child expresses a relentless hatred
for the targeted parent.
2. The childs language parrots the language
of the alienating parent.
3. The child vehemently rejects visiting the
targeted parent.
4. Many of the child’s beliefs are enmeshed
with the alienating parent.
5. Many of the child’s beliefs are delusional
and frequently irrational.
6. The child’s reasons are not from direct
experiences but from what has been told
to him or her by others.
7. The child has no ambivalence in his or her
feelings; they are all hatred with no ability
to see the good.
8. The child has no capacity to feel guilty about his
or her behavior toward the targeted parent.
9. The child and the alienating parent are in
lockstep to denigrate the targeted parent.
10. The child can appear like a normal healthy child.
But when asked about the targeted parent,
it triggers his or her hatred.
Effects of Parental Alienation
on the Children
Parental alienation is a form of emotional child abuse.
The potential impact of this abuse on a child’s life can
be devastating. Some of the frequently listed effects
of parental alienation have been reported in the child
welfare literature, including:
an impaired ability to establish and maintain
future relationships;
a lowering of the child’s self-image;
a loss of self-respect;
the evolution of guilt, anxiety, and depression
over their role in destroying their relationship
with a previously loved parent;
lack of impulse control (aggression can turn
into delinquent behavior); and
educational problems, disruptions in school.
Family therapists who have treated alienated children
have classified the problem as a “parent-child relational
problem,” as outlined by the American Psychiatric
Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (4th ed.).
Parental Alienation and Emotional
Child Abuse in State Statutes
Children who suffer from emotional abuse often
elude the legal assistance of the child protection
system. For example, this emotional abuse is usually
invisible to teachers and social workers and even
the family court judge. The alienated child will talk
with the judge in language and syntax similar if
not identical to the way the alienating parent talks.
While the targeted parent often appears anxious,
depressed, or angry, the alienating parent appears
relaxed, composed, and, therefore, credible.
The normative framework of the child protection
system does not always include the emotional abuse
of children. For the majority of states, the physical
health and safety of children are focal points in
determining whether abuse or neglect has occurred.
Nonetheless, 48 states include emotional abuse or
maltreatment in their abuse definitions. (Emotional
maltreatment is not included in statutory definitions
in Georgia and Washington, but it can be found
elsewhere in their statutes.)
Parental alienation is a
strategy whereby one parent
intentionally displays to the
child unjustied negativity
aimed at the other parent.
The purpose of this strategy
is to damage the child’s
relationship with the other
parent and to turn the
child’s emotions against
that other parent.
Parental Alienation Can Be Emotional Child Abuse
Samples of Statutory Denitions in the
United States and Canada
A child who is suffering serious emotional damage, or is
at substantial risk of suffering serious emotional damage,
evidenced by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal,
or untoward aggressive behavior toward self or others,
as a result of the conduct of the parent or guardian.
W.I.C. §300 subd. (c) 2000 [Welfare and Institutions Code].
“‘Serious mental harm’ means an injury to a child’s
mental condition … that is not necessarily permanent
but results in visibly demonstrable manifestations
of a substantial disorder of thought or mood which
to recognize reality.MCL 750.136b (1)(g).
Punishment for serious mental harm is prescribed:
A person is guilty of child abuse in the rst degree
if the person knowingly or intentionally causes serious
physical or serious mental harm to a child. Child abuse in
for not more than 15 years.MCL 750.136b (2).
“Persons guilty of neglect or endangerment (include)
a parent … who endangers the child’s … health by: …
permitting a child to be placed in a situation likely
to substantially harm the child’s … emotional health.
Minn. Stat. § 609.378, Subdivision 1 (a)(2)(b)(1) (2005).
“'Substantial mental harm' means an injury to the …
emotional condition of a child as evidenced by
an observable and substantial impairment of the
ability of the child to function within his normal
range of performance or behavior.”
Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 200.508, 4 (e) (2006).
North Dakota
child mental injury … is guilty of a class C felony
except if the victim … is under the age of six
years in which case the offense is a class B felony.
N.D Cent. Code, § 14-09-22.1 (2013).
“‘Mental injury” means an injury to the … emotional
stability of a child as evidenced by an observable …
impairment in his ability to function within a normal
range of performance.
Wyo. Stat. § 14-3-202 (A) (2006).
The best interests of the child shall be the paramount
consideration of the … court in all proceedings … .
[R]elevant matters shall [include] … the childs
opportunity to have a parent-child relationship as a
wanted and needed member within a family structure
… [and] the … emotional … needs of the child and
the appropriate care … to meet such needs.”
The Child and Family Services Act, 1985, C.C.S.M. c. C80 2(1)(a) & (b)
[Continuing Consolidation of the Statutes of Manitoba].
No person having charge of a child shall permit
the child to suffer from a mental, emotional or
developmental condition that, if not remedied,
could seriously impair the child’s development.
Ontario Child and Family Services Act, R.S.O. 1990,
Chapter C.11 sec. 79 (2)(b)(ii).
Parental Alienation Can Be Emotional Child Abuse
Whether “mental harm,” “mental injury,” “emotional
instability,” “emotional endangerment,” “emotional
damage,” or some other phrase, it is clear that
emotional child abuse is a statutory crime. When
one parent intentionally encourages the child to
turn against the other parent, he or she is employing
parental alienation as a strategy.
When this strategy is used by one parent in hopes of
alienating the child against the other parent, it is
tantamount to teaching the child how to hate. Canadian
Judge John H. Gomery put it eloquently this way:
Hatred is not an emotion that comes naturally to a child.
It has to be taught…. Defendant has deliberately
poisoned the minds of his children against the mother
that they formerly loved and needed” (Stuart-Mills, P. v.
Cher, A. J., Sup. Ct. Quebec, District of Montreal [1991]).
Parental alienation can be administered in mild or
extreme amounts, or anything in between. In its extreme
form, it can be defined as criminal behavior, consistent
with the various state definitions presented above.
How the Courts Have Responded
to Parental Alienation
Courts in different states have responded to parental
alienation in different ways. Basically, there have been
four categories of these responses.
Criminal Response. Some states make interference
with custody a criminal offense. For example, New
Jersey makes interference a crime of the third degree
that may lead to imprisonment for three to five years
or a fine of $7,500 or both. All states make emotional
child abuse or maltreatment of a child a criminal
offense. Some extreme cases of parental alienation
may warrant this response.
Civil Remedies. All courts can impose civil sanctions
by way of contempt-of-court orders. When a parents
strategy of parental alienation endangers the child’s
relationship with the other parent, some of the possible
civil remedies may be economic sanctions against
the alienating parent or short incarceration time for
contempt of court.
Custody Responses. All courts that have initial
custody jurisdiction have the authority to modify
previous custody orders. Responses to parental alienation
have been to deny initial custody (order a parental
alienation evaluation, deny custody to the alienating
parent); to modify visitation (extend visits between
the child and the alienated parent, establish supervised
visitations); and to modify previous custody (temporary
modification of custody for specific time periods,
permanent modification of custody, reverse custody).
Therapeutic Responses. Family law’s innovations
and reforms have become the showcase for therapeutic
jurisprudence. Parental alienation cases provide
opportunity to demonstrate how the strategy of
replacing the “punishment” role of the courts with the
therapeutic “fix-the-problem” approach can advantage
children. Evaluation and therapy are earmarks of the
therapeutic response to parental alienation.
The court could order an evaluation of the child to
determine whether parental alienation is operative
in a case and, if so, at what level is it operative.
The court could order individual therapy
for the alienator.
The court could order family therapy
in mild cases.
Parental alienation therapy by a specialist could
be ordered by the court in extreme cases.
When the strategy [of parental
alienation] is successful,
the emotional consequences
to the child can be damaging
and may rise to the level
of criminal behavior.
Parental Alienation Can Be Emotional Child Abuse
Ten Tips for Custody Evaluators and Family Court Judges
Tip #1 There is no parental alienation when there
is reasonable justication for the child to
express negativity against one parent.
Tip #2 Parental alienation can be a strategy used
by the custodial parent, the noncustodial
parent, or both parents.
Tip #3 Parental alienation is nearly impossible
when the child is an infant.
Tip #4 The beginning stage of parental alienation is
difcult to begin in the childs late teen years.
Tip #5 Parental alienation can be operative on
one sibling, while not operative on the
other siblings.
Tip #6 If parental alienation is suspected or alleged,
it should be assessed by a custody evaluator
experienced in the matter.
Tip #7 Extreme parental alienation should be
considered emotional child abuse and
referred criminally.
Tip #8 Often parental alienation can be reduced
or eradicated by ordering more time
between the child and the targeted parent.
When a child spends frequent positive
time (primary experience) with one parent,
it is less likely that the other parents
parental alienation strategy will be successful.
Tip #9 Parental alienation case law is growing;
family court judges should become familiar
with cases in their jurisdictions.
Tip #10 Identify mental health professionals in family
court jurisdictions who have expertise in
parental alienation.
Parental Alienation
Bench Card
Parental Alienation Descriptors
1. The child expresses a relentless hatred
for the targeted parent.
2. The child’s language parrots the language
of the alienating parent.
3. The child vehemently rejects visiting the target-
ed parent.
4. Many of the child’s beliefs are enmeshed
with the alienating parent.
5. Many of the child’s beliefs are delusional
and frequently irrational.
6. The child’s reasons derive from what has
been told to the child by others.
7. The child has no ambivalence about his
or her negative feelings; they are all hatred.
8. The child feels no guilt about his or her negativ-
ity toward the targeted parent.
9. The child and the alienating parent are in
lockstep to denigrate the targeted parent.
10. The child can appear like a normal healthy
child, but, when asked about the targeted
parent, it triggers his or her hatred.
Effects of Parental Alienation
on the Alienated Child
1. An impaired ability to establish and maintain
future relationships.
2. A low self-image.
3. A loss of self-respect.
4. Over time: guilt and depression for destroying
the relationship with a previously loved parent.
5. Lack of impulse control. Aggression can turn
into delinquent behavior.
Court’s Possible Responses
During Child Custody Litigation
1. Enter order to determine whether parental
alienation is operative and, if so, at what level.
2. Order individual therapy for the alienator.
3. Order family therapy in mild cases.
4. In more severe cases, order parental
alienation therapy by a specialist.
Caution: If possible, parental alienation should be
addressed in its early stages. It is signicantly more
difcult to treat if it progresses over time and grows
more intense.