Information Sheet: Your CAS Statement explained
This explains the information contained in your CAS including why some fields are blank. You will
receive your CAS Statement by email. There is no hard copy document. You do not need to submit
your CAS Statement when applying for your visa but you will need to use the details to complete
the application form.
You should read the CAS Statement in full and check the details carefully. Contact us if you believe
the CAS Statement contains any errors (such as course end date) or omissions (such as fees paid).
You must request any necessary corrections before making your visa application. If the
information in your CAS is not correct, contact the relevant office by email:
New graduates excluding MBA, MFin and
This email address should be used to
request CAS updates only.
Student Office
MBA, MFin, PGCE, undergraduates,
visiting students, current postgraduates
international.stud[email protected]
Guide to your CAS Statement:
Your unique CAS reference number will appear at the beginning of your CAS Statement. You will
need to enter this in the relevant section of your student visa application.
The left-hand column shows the information included in your CAS, and the right-hand column
explains the information entered or left blank.
Sponsor Details
Sponsor Name
University of Cambridge is in every CAS Statement.
Sponsor Licence Number
4NUV7KB58 is unique to Cambridge.
Sponsor Full Address
The Old Schools, Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
All CAS Statements state this address as it is the address listed on the
University’s student sponsor licence.
Student Details
First Name (given name)
These fields must state the names as they appear in your passport. If the names
do not match then contact us immediately.
Other Name
Last Name (family name)
This should be as it appears on your passport.
Birth Country
This must be the same as the country named on the passport you will use with
your visa application. If this is not correct, contact us immediately.
Birth Place
This is not a required field so if it is blank it does not need amending.
This must be the same as the country named on the passport you will use with
your visa application. If this is not correct, contact us immediately.
Date of Birth
These fields are not included in your e-mail CAS Statement for security reasons.
If you have renewed your passport and not informed us, contact us immediately.
Postgraduate applicants can also view a PDF CAS Statement, including passport
number and date of birth, in Applicant Self-Service.
Course Offer
Accommodation and Fees
Is accommodation provided?
This is not a required field and CAS Statements state Unknown (even if you have
college accommodation).
Does the course fee for the
first year include
All CAS Statements state No.
Course fees charged for the
first year
The Home Office requires us to state the tuition fees for the first year only.
Therefore, the figure you see is either:
Fees for your first year (for new students); or
This shows the course you will be undertaking. If this is not correct, please
contact us immediately.
This is for internal use only.
We name the National Qualification Framework (RQF) level for your course (e.g.
BA = RQF Level 6). Your course is classified as ‘Taught’ unless you see the word
‘RESEARCH’ here (e.g. RQF Level 8 RESEARCH for a PhD).
This is normally blank unless you are studying any additional qualification
alongside your main qualification.
Use this start date in your visa application form. If you are applying for a new visa
mid-course, then the date is normally the day after your current visa expires.
This is the official end date for your course. If you think this is incorrect, contact
us immediately. All new PhD students are sponsored for four years.
All CAS Statements state Yes for full-time courses.
This is the latest date you can arrive in Cambridge to start your course.
The answer is Yes if you are studying certain science and technology subject
areas and are not exempt from ATAS clearance based on nationality. If Yes, you
must provide the ATAS clearance certificate with your student visa application.
All CAS Statements state No.
Here we name the documents used to assess your academic ability to complete
your studies. Typically, we refer to a previous qualification and, where
applicable, reference to English language assessment.
We may also include other notes here, for example an explanation of any
funding received from the University or additional course information.
External funding and funding from the Cambridge Trust will not be detailed in
your CAS.
We answer Yes/No using the information you provided. If Yes, we describe how
this course represents ‘academic progression’ from your previous UK study. If
this is not accurate, contact us immediately.
This relates to English language assessment. Normally this will state No and row
(a) below appears. If we state Yes then rows (b) and (c) below appear.
We state the following, even if you completed a language test: Higher Education
Institution (HEI) sponsor has made assessment’. This means you do not need to
include any documentary evidence of your English language proficiency with
your visa application.
This states the overall level achieved.
This names your test provider. You will have to provide evidence.
Amount outstanding for this current academic year (for students who have
already started); or
Fees due for the next academic year (for students continuing their course at
the start of the next academic year); or
Amount outstanding if you are receiving a bursary/scholarship from the
University or your College. NB the figure is zero where your
bursary/scholarship covers full fees. If this is missing, inform us and we will
update your CAS.
Boarding or Accommodation
fees charged for the first year
All CAS Statements state None.
Course fees paid to date
If you pay any or all of your fees in advance of your visa application, we will show
this here. However, we do not receive automatic notification of any payment.
Therefore you must inform us and ask your College to email us confirming the
details of this payment.
Accommodation fees paid to
Usually None unless you have made a payment to your College for
accommodation. See note above in ‘course fees paid to date’.
NB The Home Office limits the maximum accommodation payment that can be
used for visa application purposes to £1334. Therefore even if you have paid
more, the CAS will only state this maximum amount.
Primary Site of Study
The visa application will ask you to confirm your ‘Primary Site of Study’ and you
should use the details provided here. For most CAS Statements, this will be the
main address, unless you are undertaking a research course based at a
University’s Partner Institution (UPI), in which case the Partner’s details will be
listed here.
Site Address
Partner Institution
Is Partner Institution
Most CAS Statements will state No. The only exception is for research courses
either based at a University’s Partner Institution (UPI) or offered as part of a
Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) collaboration.
Partner Institution Name
This is the name of the partner institution
Partner Institution Sponsor
This is not required for a research institute but will be listed if the partner is
another university.
Partner Institution Address
This is the address of the partner institution. It will be the main site of study for
PhD students studying at one of the University’s UPIs.
Overseas Institution
Is Overseas Higher Ed
Most CAS Statements state No. The only exception is for students who are
registered at an overseas institution and are coming to Cambridge as a visiting
student. In these circumstances, we state Yes and provide details.
Overseas Institution Name
This is the name and full address of your home institution, often quoting the
main correspondence address.
Overseas Institution Address
Work Placement
Does Course have Work
Most CAS Statements state No. If Yes, then we indicate the percentage of time
you spend on placement and name where the placement occurs. Since most are
confirmed mid-course, we always state the University’s Sponsor licence address.