University of Alabama
If your conviction has been sealed, expunged, or overturned, you do not have to disclose the
conviction associated with that situation
a. Have you ever been convicted of any felony?
b. Have you ever been convicted of an offense involving physical harm to another person
or animal (whether a felony or not)?
c. Have you ever been convicted of a sexual offense (whether a felony or not)?
d. Have you ever been convicted of stalking or have you ever received a restraining order,
protective order or similar directive to avoid or to limit contact with a group or
e. Are you currently the subject of pending charges or an indictment for any of the offenses
listed above …?
a. Have you ever as a juvenile or adult been served with a criminal summons, questioned,
arrested, taken into custody, indicted, charged with, tried for, pleaded guilty to or
convicted of, or ever been the subject of an investigation concerning the violation of any
law, regulation or policy, including but not limited to any internal investigation
conducted by an employer or public agency? (Include all traffic tickets/offenses in your
answer, except that you need not list parking tickets/offenses.) No statute, court order or
legal proceeding expunging the information required herein from any record, or
dismissing, vacating or setting aside any arrest, accusation or conviction, or purporting
to authorize any person to deny the existence of such matter shall excuse less than full
b. Have you ever been a party or otherwise involved in ANY legal proceeding, civil or
a. Have you ever been formally accused, cited for, arrested for, charged with or convicted
of violating any law, including traffic violations? (All citations, arrests, charges and
convictions, whether pending or otherwise, must be noted and explained even if the
charges were dismissed, you were acquitted, plead nolo contendere or adjudication was
withheld or a conviction was expunged, dismissed, overturned or vacated.)
No ABA Accredited Law Schools in the state of Alaska.
University of Arizona
a. Have you ever been charged with, pled guilty or no contest to, and/or convicted of a
misdemeanor or felony (or the equivalent in a military proceeding or juvenile court), or
is any such charge currently pending? Please do not include traffic violations, unless they
constitute a misdemeanor, felony or involve the use of alcohol or drugs. (If yes, you must
attach an addendum fully explaining
Arizona State
a. Have you ever been arrested for, charged with, convicted of, pled guilty, or pled no
contest to a crime other than a minor traffic violation? (A violation that includes the use
of drugs or alcohol is not considered a minor violation.)
b. If you answered "yes" to question #2 above, were any of the instances felonies?
Arkansas, Fayetteville
a. Have you ever been charged with or convicted of any misdemeanor or felony? If yes, you
must submit an attachment giving full details, including dates; the court, if any; reference
to court records, if any; the facts; the disposition of the matter; and if no court records are
available, give the names and addresses of all persons involved, including counsel.
Arkansas, Little Rock
a. Have you ever been charged with, arrested for, convicted of, or plead guilty or nolo
contendere for a violation of any law?
b. Have you ever had any form of restraining order issued against you, including those that
never resulted in arrest, criminal charges, or criminal conviction?
University of California, Berkeley
a. Have you ever been convicted of any offense, excluding minor traffic and parking
violations, or is any such charge now pending against you?
University of California, Davis
a. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor offense (or the equivalent in
juvenile court)? NOTE: Conviction includes a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no
contest), or a verdict or finding of guilt, regardless of the sentence imposed by the court.
You MUST report all offenses, including those for which the record has been expunged,
and any traffic violations that resulted in a misdemeanor or felony conviction, including
Failure to Appear, Driving without a License, Driving with a Suspend License, and
Reckless Driving (or their equivalent). You do NOT need to include parking or traffic
violations that do not involve the use of intoxicants, or any arrest not resulting in a
conviction, unless the charge is still pending.
b. Are you awaiting final adjudication of any investigation or arrest?
c. Have you ever been granted immunity in lieu of criminal prosecution?
University of California, Hastings
a. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, or is any such charge now
pending against you? For purposes of this question, a conviction includes a plea of guilty
or nolo contendere, or a verdict or finding of guilt, regardless of whether sentence is
imposed by a court. Traffic violations which must be reported under this question include
Failure to Appear, Driving Without a License, Driving with a Suspended License, and
Reckless Driving, as well as all traffic violations that resulted in a misdemeanor or felony
conviction.You need not answer “yes” because of an arrest that did not result in a
conviction as long as the charges are no longer being adjudicated. You need not answer
“yes” for any arrest or conviction that has been sealed, expunged, dismissed, or set aside.
University of California, Irvine
a. Have you ever been convicted of, or is any charge now pending against you, for any
crime other than a traffic violation?
University of California, Los Angeles
a. Are there any misdemeanor, felony, or other criminal charges pending against you?
NOTE: You must promptly inform the Admissions Office in writing if any misdemeanor,
felony, or other criminal charges are brought against you between your submission of
this application and your registration at UCLA School of Law. In addition, should you
enroll at UCLA School of Law, you must promptly inform the Dean of Students in
writing if any misdemeanor, felony, or other criminal charges are brought against you
during your time as a student through graduation.
b. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony (or the equivalent in a juvenile
court)? This includes sealed convictions and all convictions where you entered a plea of
guilty or nolo contendere. You need not report traffic violations unless conviction for the
violation(s) would constitute a misdemeanor or a felony. NOTE: You must promptly
inform the Admissions Office in writing if any such conviction occurs between your
submission of this application and your registration at UCLA School of Law. In addition,
should you enroll at UCLA School of Law, you must promptly inform the Dean of
Students in writing if any conviction occurs during your time as a student through
University of Southern California
a. Have you ever been convicted of the violation of a misdemeanor or felony, or pleaded
guilty or nolo contendere to a violation of a misdemeanor or felony, whether or not the
charges were dismissed, the court entered a judgement of conviction, or the court
imposed a sentence?
b. Are there any charges pending against you?
California Western
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been apprehended, cited, arrested, taken
into custody for, charged with, indicted or tried for, or pleaded guilty or no contest (nolo
contendere) to the commission of any felony or misdemeanor or the violation of any law,
except for minor traffic violations unrelated to the use of intoxicants, or been the subject
of juvenile delinquency or youthful offender proceedings, or is any such action pending
or expected to be brought against you? Answer affirmatively even if the applicable
offense has been dismissed or expunged. 4. Provide a full explanation that specifies the
surrounding circumstances, applicable dates, and the sentencing, if any, be it
incarceration, probation, community service, community control, restitution, fine,
revocation or suspension of driving privileges, or suspension of sentence altogether.
Attach additional documentation ONLY IF your explanation exceeds the character limits
allotted. (maximum characters 5000)
Chapman University
a. Have you ever been convicted of, or pled guilty to the violation of any law or ordinance,
or the commission of any felony or misdemeanor (including any traffic violations) or is
any such charge now pending against you? (This may include but is not limited to: failure
to appear, driving without a license, reckless driving, etc. If "Yes," for each occurrence
furnish a written electronic attachment providing the complete facts, including the date,
name, and nature of the offense, the name and locality of the court, and the disposition
of the matter. The statement must accompany the application.)
Golden Gate University
a. Have you ever been convicted of the violation of a misdemeanor or felony? As used
herein, a conviction includes a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or a verdict or finding
of guilt, regardless of whether the sentence is imposed by the court.
b. Are any criminal charges of any kind currently pending against you?
Loyola Marymount University
a. CONVICTIONS: Have you ever been charged, arrested, or convicted of a misdemeanor
or felony (excluding minor traffic violations)? As used herein a conviction includes a
plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or a verdict of finding of guilt, regardless of whether
sentence is imposed by the court. You must disclose this requested information even if
the charges were juvenile convictions, the conviction was stayed or vacated, the record
was sealed or expunged, or you were told you need not disclose this information. You
must also disclose any incident that is awaiting final adjudication. If "yes," for each
occurrence furnish complete facts, including the date, name and nature of the offense, the
name and locality of the court, and the disposition of each such matter in an electronic
statement and enclose it with this application. Please refer to the Disclosures section of
the website.
Pepperdine University
a. Have you been charged, cited, prosecuted, or convicted of any crime for an offense other
than a misdemeanor or minor traffic violation? Include any instance of drunk driving
whether a felony, misdemeanor, or minor traffic violation. You need not report any
arrest, conviction or other proceeding in which the record has been ordered or is required
to be sealed, dismissed, obliterated, or otherwise expunged.
Santa Clara University
a. Have you ever been charged, arrested or convicted of a misdemeanor or felony? As used
herein, a conviction includes a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or a verdict or finding of
guilt, regardless of whether sentence is imposed by the court.This includes any charge,
arrest or conviction that may have been dropped or expunged.
Southwestern University
Full disclosure in response to the below questions is required. During the licensing process for
admission to the Bar, which includes state and federal background checks, you will need to address
similar questions. The Bar will compare your disclosures below with their information and any
inaccuracies or discrepancies may delay or prevent Bar admission.
If you answer YES to any of the questions below, provide a full explanation in an electronic
attachment to this application (found under Attachments). Full disclosure includes, but is not limited
to, the following: all criminal, disciplinary, academic or other charges (both initial and final),
convictions/rulings, sentencing terms, dates (month/year), and contextual details of the underlying
conduct or incident(s) (including their date(s) and time(s), location(s), factual circumstances, other
parties involved, and if applicable, case name, case number, jurisdiction, and copy of any decision,
decree, judgment, or order issued, etc.). To meet Southwestern’s full disclosure requirement, you
must include all charges, even if they were later dismissed, or were later reduced as part of plea
negotiations, or reduced as part of sentencing terms.
a. Have you ever been, as an adult or juvenile, cited, investigated for, arrested, taken into
custody, charged with, indicted, convicted, tried for, or pleaded guilty to, the commission
of any felony or misdemeanor or violation of any law, except minor parking or traffic
violations, or been the subject of any juvenile delinquency or youthful offender
proceedings or been party to court proceedings involving allegations of child abuse or
neglect? Please note that although a conviction may have been expunged from the records
by an order of the court, it nevertheless must be included in this disclosure. Further,
Southwestern does not consider a traffic offense to be minor if it involves, in any way,
operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or if the
applicant's conduct was reckless.
b. Are there criminal charges pending against you or are you presently under investigation
by any police department, law enforcement agency, or other government body?
Stanford University
a. Have you ever been convicted of, or is any charge now pending against you for any crime
other than a traffic violation?
University of San Diego
a. Have you ever been charged with a misdemeanor or felony (or the equivalent in a juvenile
court), is any such charge now pending, or are under investigation? In responding to this
question, please include incidents where the charge was originally a misdemeanor or
felony, but may have ultimately been reduced to a lesser charge or dismissed. Include all
incidents, no matter how minor, even if the record has been sealed, obliterated, destroyed,
dismissed or expunged. Please furnish complete facts, including the name and nature of
the offense, the date of the offense, the name and locality of the court, and the disposition
of each event using an electronic attachment.
b. Have you ever been convicted of the violation of a misdemeanor or felony? As used
herein, a conviction includes a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or a verdict or finding
of guilt, regardless of whether sentence is imposed by the court. Please furnish complete
facts including the name and nature of the offense using an electronic attachment.
University of San Francisco
a. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony or are any such charges
pending against you? This includes any conviction that may have been expunged as well
as any juvenile adjudication (IF YES, PROVIDE IN AN ELECTRONIC
University of the Pacific
If you have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor and had the charges subsequently expunged,
you must still disclose the conviction. Disclose all convictions regardless of your age at the time.
a. Have you ever received a citation for, been arrested for, charged with, convicted of, or
pled guilty, no contest, nolo contendere, or otherwise accepted responsibility for a crime,
or have you received a deferred prosecution or prayer for judgment continued, for any
criminal charge other than a minor traffic violation? This would include any charges of
driving under the influence or any other drug or alcohol related offenses.
b. Are there any criminal charges pending against you or are you presently under
investigation for a crime of any kind? (This includes any charges of driving under the
influence or other drug or alcohol related charges.)
Western State University
a. Are there any criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you? NOTE:
You must promptly inform the Admissions Office in writing if any misdemeanor, felony,
or other criminal charges are brought against you between your submission of this
application and your registration at Western State College of Law. In addition, should
you enroll at Western State College of Law, you must promptly inform the Dean of
Students in writing if any misdemeanor, felony, or other criminal charges are brought
against you during your time as a student through graduation.
b. Have you ever been, as an adult or juvenile, cited, arrested, taken into custody, charged
with, indicted, convicted, tried for, or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) to a
crime (other than a minor traffic violation), including sealed and/or expunged
University of Colorado
a. Have you ever been investigated, arrested, cited for, charged with, or convicted of any
alcohol or drug-related offenses? Include any traffic or other violations that involved
alcohol or drugs, as well as any minor in possession or open container charges. Include
all matters that have been dismissed for any reason, subject to a diversion or a deferred
prosecution program, or otherwise set aside. You do not need to disclose any incident
(including a juvenile one) that ended in the sealing or expungement of the incident by a
court. Expungement or sealing of a record is different than a dismissal as it is conducted
by a court and results in a court order.
b. Have you ever been, in the last five years, investigated, arrested, cited for, charged with,
or convicted for any traffic violation? Exclude violations disclosed in the previous
question and any parking tickets.Include all matters that have been dismissed for any
reason, subject to a diversion or a deferred prosecution program, or otherwise set aside.
You do not need to disclose any incident (including a juvenile one) that ended in the
sealing or expungement of the incident by a court. Expungement or sealing of a record is
different than a dismissal as it is conducted by a court and results in a court order.
c. Have you ever been investigated, arrested, cited for, charged with, convicted, imprisoned,
or placed on probation or parole for any offense against the law? Exclude violations
disclosed in the previous two questions. Include all matters that have been dismissed for
any reason, subject to a diversion or a deferred prosecution program, or otherwise set
aside. You do not need to disclose any incident (including a juvenile one) that ended in
the sealing or expungement of the incident by a court. Expungement or sealing of a record
is different than a dismissal as it is conducted by a court and results in a court order.
Denver University
a. Criminal Offenses Have you ever been arrested, cited for, charged with, convicted of,
imprisoned, or placed on probation or parole for any offense against the law? Do not
include parking or speeding tickets. Include all matters that have been dismissed for any
reason, subject to a diversion or a deferred prosecution program, or otherwise set aside.
You do not need to disclose any incident (including a juvenile one) that ended in the
sealing or expungement of the incident by a court. If "YES", provide (1) a statement
describing what happened in your own words. In addition to the statement (1), described
above, if you were convicted of or pled guilty to any charges (including any deferred
sentences that were ultimately dismissed), also include (2) a copy of the charging
document, complaint, indictment, or citation, (3) the disposition or sentencing order, and
(4) substantiation of successful completion of any sentences. Do not include parking or
speeding tickets.
University of Connecticut
a. Have you ever been arrested, charged and/or convicted of any criminal offense(s) in any
criminal proceeding in any jurisdiction, including a General or Special Court Martial?
This includes matters that may have been expunged or otherwise removed from your
record through completion of court ordered or approved programs. If yes, enclose a copy
of all court and/or police records confirming the disposition of the case, along with an
essay fully explaining the circumstances (see Attachments section). Your file will remain
incomplete until we receive the required documentation.
b. Are any such charges pending? If yes, enclose a copy of all court and/or police records
confirming the disposition of the case, along with an essay fully explaining the
circumstances (see Attachments section). Should any charges be filed against you after
you submit this application but before enrollment at the Law School, you must
immediately report the charges to the Admissions Office in writing. Your file will remain
incomplete until we receive the required documentation.
Quinnipac University
a. Have you ever, as a juvenile or an adult, been arrested; charged with and/or convicted of
any crime, offense or violation (other than minor non-alcohol related traffic violations)
or currently have charges pending against you? Have you ever been the respondent in a
criminal protective order or a family violence temporary restraining order?
Yale University
a. Have you ever been convicted of, or pleaded guilty or no contest to, a felony or
misdemeanor, or are there any criminal charges pending against you?
Widener University
a. Have you ever been arrested, taken into custody, or accused formally or informally of a
violation of the law for any offense other than a minor traffic violation? If "yes", you
must submit an electronic attachment to provide a detailed explanation. Your explanation
must include the nature of the offense, the facts surrounding the offense, all relevant
dates, disposition, and sanctions. If currently on probation or parole, you are ineligible
for admission to the law school. You must include any instance of driving under the
influence and offenses which have been expunged or occurred while a juvenile, including
disorderly person's offenses. Note: You have a continuing duty to update the information
you provide in response to this question. You must notify Delaware Law of any legal
violations occurring after submission of this application.
District of Columbia
American University
a. Please list any current criminal charges pending against you in any jurisdiction as well as
any instance when you have been convicted or found guilty of a criminal charge(s). In
answering these questions, please disclose any relevant pending charges, convictions, or
plea agreements for any felonies, misdemeanors, or other criminal offenses, including
any charge of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You do
not need to disclose traffic violations unless they resulted in incarceration, or in actual
criminal charges, convictions, or plea agreements. You also do not need to disclose any
charge or conviction that has been expunged or sealed by order of a court, provided you
have a copy of the order in your possession which you can provide to Washington College
of Law upon request.
Catholic University
a. Have you ever been charged with any traffic or criminal violations or been a party to any
lawsuit? Respond yes, even if the charges are pending, or were dismissed, resulted in a
conviction, a guilty plea, a nolo contendere plea, probation before judgment or a
requirement that conditions be fulfilled as part of a diversion or alternative sentencing
program. If "yes," please explain fully in an attachment or use an electronic attachment
that gives the disposition of the matter(s).
University of District of Columbia
If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, you must provide an additional statement
which includes:
the date(s) of the incident(s)
the original charge or citation
the specific nature of the incident
a detailed explanation of the relevant facts/circumstances
how the matter was resolved (including any reduced charges or lesser included offences)
any supporting documentation Simply providing copies of court documents does not satisfy this
requirement. Your answers to these questions are confidential and will only be used for the
determination of your character and fitness to practice law except as required by Bar Examiner
disclosure, a court order, or other legal matters.
NOTE CAREFULLY: The Admission Committee wishes to emphasize to applicants that failure to
disclose an act or event described here can be more serious than the act itself. Many state bar
associations require a candidate to reveal all criminal or disciplinary charges, even if expunged. If
in doubt, always err on the side of full disclosure. You must disclose all matters requested on this
law school application, even if you have been advised otherwise by anyone else, including legal
counsel. That means that once you disclose matters even when an arrest did not lead to a charge, a
charge was reduced or dismissed, you were acquitted or found guilty, adjudication was withheld,
deferred, or diverted, or a conviction was reversed, set aside, or vacated. Disclose all convictions
regardless of age at the time. Full disclosure means that you avoid answers and supplemental reports
that are vague, superficial, misleading, evasive or only partly true.
a. Have you ever been cited, charged with, arrested for, convicted of, or plead guilty or nolo
contendere to a violation of any law? You must report all violations, even if those
violations have been expunged. Repeated moving violations, unpaid parking tickets, or
driving while intoxicated or impaired are viewed by some jurisdictions as serious
offenses and should be reported here. If you answer yes, please provide a detailed
explanation including dates, what led up to the event(s), outcome, and current perspective
on what happened. Please remember to include supporting documentation.
a. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense, or is any charge now pending against
you for any crime other than a traffic violation?
George Washington
a. Have you ever been convicted of or pled guilty or no contest to a criminal charge (felony,
misdemeanor, or other), including any charge of operating a motor vehicle under the
influence of alcohol or drugs, but not including minor traffic charges? You need not
disclose any charge or conviction that has been expunged or sealed by order of a court, a
copy of which order you have in your possession.
b. Are there any criminal charges (felony, misdemeanor, or other) pending against you?
The disclosure requirement means you must disclose matters even when an arrest did not lead to a
charge, a charge was reduced or dismissed, you were acquitted or found not guilty, adjudication was
withheld, deferred, or diverted, or a conviction was reversed, set aside, or vacated. Disclose all
convictions regardless of age at the time. Full disclosure means providing a written statement that
is clear, detailed, and completely true as well as supplemental official organization reports (i.e.,
complete police or administrative documents related to the matter).
Full disclosure consists of a written statement detailing the facts of the situation written to address
the: “WHO” “WHAT” “WHEN” WHERE” “HOW” and “WHY”. Also, it should include all
official documentation from the state or administrative body involved in the matter (i.e., court
records, arrest records, letters from academic institution officials). The submission of supplemental
official organization reports in lieu of a written answer from the applicant is not acceptable. If there
are multiple infractions that may impact criminal liability and academic sanctions, you are required
to provide only one explanation per incident. You are required to disclose even if you have been
advised otherwise by anyone else, including legal counsel. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO
ACTION. Please maintain proof of expungement.
3. Have you EVER (either as an adult or juvenile) been charged or convicted of the violation of a
law for any offense? Include, without limitation, all felonies, misdemeanors, and major traffic
offenses (e.g., DUI/DWI offenses, repeated speeding offenses [more than 5], etc.). You may NOT
omit offenses that were dropped, dismissed, or reduced. You may omit offenses that were expunged
or sealed by official court action. Even if you perceive a matter to have been minor or to have
happened a long time ago, you MUST disclose this information.
4. Are there any criminal charges currently pending against you? If you answered yes, please add
a statement explaining the offense. Remember to include supporting documentation.
Also, if you answer “yes” to Character and Fitness questions 1 or 2 above, you must provide an
additional statement that includes:
a. the date(s) of the incident,
b. a complete copy of the original charge or citation,
c. a detailed explanation of the relevant facts/circumstances and specific nature of the incident,
d. how the matter was resolved (including any reduced charges or lesser included offenses); pending
matters will require additional information and/or resolution, and
e. any supporting documentation.
Providing copies of court documents alone does not satisfy the disclosure requirement. Your
answers to these questions are confidential and will only be shared externally as required by the
state board of law examiners, a court order, or other legal process.
Ave Maria University
a. Have you ever been charged with, arrested for, pleaded guilty to, or been convicted of
any crime other than a minor traffic violation? Details on parking tickets may be
excluded but moving violations, including speeding tickets, must be fully disclosed.
Please disclose this information even if the charges were dismissed or you were acquitted,
the conviction was stayed or vacated, the record was sealed or expunged, or if you were
advised not to disclose this information.
b. Are there any criminal charges pending against you?
Barry University
a. Felony Offense(s) Answer the following question "Yes" or "No." If yes, an addendum
addressing the issue must be included. In your entire life, have you ever been arrested,
detained, or restrained, taken into custody, or accused formally or informally of a felony,
whether or not the charge was later reduced to a misdemeanor, other lesser charge or
dismissed? If yes, provide a copy of the final disposition and a complete explanation of
the circumstances leading to the arrest, the subsequent action taken by the authorities,
and the final disposition, including information about the conviction, incarceration,
probation, and restoration of civil rights.
b. Misdemeanor Offense(s). Answer the following question "Yes" or "No." If yes, an
addendum addressing this issue must be included. In your entire life, have you ever been
arrested, detained, or restrained, taken into custody, or accused formally or informally of
a misdemeanor offense? If yes, provide a complete explanation of the circumstances
leading to the arrest(s), the subsequent action taken by authorities, and the final
disposition, including conviction, incarceration, and probation.
c. Sealed or Expunged Records. Answer the following question "Yes" or "No." In your
entire life, have you ever had any record expunged or sealed by a court or any other
authority or institution? If yes, provide a complete explanation of the underlying
circumstances regarding the record(s) sealed or expunged.
University of Florida
If your records have been expunged pursuant to applicable law, you are not required to answer Yes
to question 3, 4 or 5 with respect to that particular charge. It is your responsibility to know whether
your records have been expunged. You should be aware that a state Board of Bar Examiners
investigation into your fitness to practice law can extend beyond the scope of this question (as well
as questions 1 and 2), and you might be required to disclose expunged records as well as any
convictions or charges that you are required to disclose in answering these questions
a. Have you ever been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of, or pleaded guilty or nolo
contendere to, a crime or traffic violation (other than a traffic violation resulting in a fine
of $200 or less that did not result in revocation or suspension of your driver's license)?
b. Are there any criminal charges pending against you?
c. Are you currently on probation or parole, in a deferred prosecution program, required to
perform community service obligations, or required to pay restitution or a fine in any
criminal matter?
Florida A&M
a. In your entire life, have you been arrested, detained, restrained, taken into custody or
accused, formally or informally, of violating a law or ordinance? Please include all
matters, including juvenile and traffic violations resulting in a fine of $200 or more,
regardless of final disposition (dismissal, acquittal, expungement, sealed or other
resolutions). If you answer "yes", please attach a statement providing detailed
information regarding the nature of the offense and its disposition, including all relevant
material, dates and facts as a Character and Fitness attachment. In addition, official
documents pertaining to the incident(s) are required. Official documents include, but are
not limited to, court documents, copies of the citation, letter of good standing from the
university, letter from the university regarding academic or disciplinary sanctions and the
completion of sanctions, etc. Official documentation must include the final disposition
of the incident to be valid.
Florida Coastal
If your answer to any of the following questions is "yes," you must submit to the Florida Coastal
School of Law a detailed explanation of all incidents and also provide the Florida Coastal School
of Law with copies of all official documents (from the university/college and/or court) explaining
the final disposition of all proceedings.If your records have been expunged or sealed pursuant to
applicable law, you are not required to answer "yes" to question 1 with respect to that particular
charge. It is your responsibility to know whether your records have been expunged or sealed
pursuant to applicable law. You should be aware that a state Board of Bar Examiners' investigation
into your fitness to practice law can extend beyond the scope of this question (as well as questions
2, 3, 4, and 5), and you might be required by a state Board of Bar Examiners to disclose expunged
or sealed records as well as any convictions or charges that you are required to disclose in answering
these questions.
a. In your entire life, have you ever been arrested, detained, restrained, given notice to
appear, taken into custody, or accused formally or informally of a violation of law or
ordinance? You should disclose each instance even though the charges may have been
dismissed, or you were acquitted, adjudication was withheld, or a conviction was
reversed, set aside, or vacated. Traffic incidents should be disclosed in question 2.
b. In your entire life, have you ever been charged with a violation of a traffic law or
ordinance that resulted in a fine of $200 or more, charged with a traffic violation that
resulted in time spent in jail, or had your driver's license or your driving privileges
revoked or suspended?
c. Are there any charges of violating the law currently pending against you?
Florida International
All official documentation explaining the current or final disposition of the proceedings may be
requested at a later date.
a. Are you currently the subject of any criminal or disciplinary proceedings? You should
disclose each instance, regardless of sanctions or outcomes, here or in the attachment
b. Have you ever been arrested, detained or restrained, taken into custody, or accused
formally or informally of a violation of law or ordinance (whether or not the record has
been sealed or expunged)? You should disclose each instance, regardless of sanctions or
outcomes, here or in the attachment section.
c. Have you been charged with a traffic violation that resulted in a fine of $200 or more or
that resulted in a suspension or revocation of your driver’s license? You should disclose
each instance, regardless of sanctions or outcomes, here or in the attachment section.
d. Have you been arrested, charged, or convicted of driving while intoxicated or under the
influence of drugs? You should disclose each instance, regardless of sanctions or
outcomes, here or in the attachment section.
Florida State
a. Violation of Law Duty to Disclose: Have you ever been arrested, detained or restrained,
given a notice to appear or taken into custody for the violation of a law or ordinance?
You should disclose each instance even though the charges may have been dismissed,
you were acquitted, adjudication was withheld, or a conviction was reversed, set aside,
or vacated. However, if your records were expunged pursuant to applicable law, you are
not required to answer yes to this question. If your answer to this question is YES, please
read the following carefully. You MUST include by electronic attachment to this
application a full statement of relevant facts for each incident. In addition to your written
account of the incident(s), you MUST furnish the College of Law with copies of all
official documents explaining the final disposition of the proceedings. If your answer
changes from a NO to a YES after you have submitted your application, you are obligated
to notify the Admissions Office of the change and include the written statement and
official documentation regarding the incident as part of your application.
b. Violation of Law Duty to Disclose: Have you ever been arrested, detained or restrained,
taken into custody or accused of driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence of
alcohol or drugs, driving with an unlawful blood alcohol level or charged with vehicular
manslaughter or vehicular homicide? You should disclose each instance even though the
charges may have been dismissed, you were acquitted, adjudication was withheld, or a
conviction was reversed, set aside, or vacated. However, if your records were expunged
pursuant to applicable law, you are not required to answer yes to this question.If your
answer to this question is YES, please read the following carefully. You MUST include
by electronic attachment to this application a full statement of relevant facts for each
incident. In addition to your written account of the incident(s), you MUST furnish the
College of Law with copies of all official documents explaining the final disposition of
the proceedings.If your answer changes from a NO to a YES after you have submitted
your application, you are obligated to notify the Admissions Office of the change and
include the written statement and official documentation regarding the incident as part of
your application.
c. Violation of Law Duty to Disclose: Have you ever been charged with a traffic violation
that resulted in a fine of $200 or more, charged with a traffic violation that resulted in
time spent in jail, or had your driver license or your driving privileges revoked or
suspended? You should disclose each instance even though the charges may have been
dismissed, you were acquitted, adjudication was withheld, or a conviction was reversed,
set aside, or vacated. However, if your records were expunged pursuant to applicable law,
you are not required to answer yes to this question.If your answer to this question is YES,
please read the following carefully. You MUST include by electronic attachment to this
application a full statement of relevant facts for each incident. In addition to your written
account of the incident(s), you MUST furnish the College of Law with copies of all
official documents explaining the final disposition of the proceedings.If your answer
changes from a NO to a YES after you have submitted your application, you are obligated
to notify the Admissions Office of the change and include the written statement and
official documentation regarding the incident as part of your application.
University of Miami
a. In keeping with regulations for admission to the Bar, you are required to answer this
question completely, irrespective of any statute, administrative rule, court order or legal
or administrative proceeding expunging or sealing the information required herein from
any record or purporting to authorize any person to deny the existence of such matters,
and irrespective of any advice from any source, including legal counsel, that such
information need not be disclosed. Incidents that are pending must also be disclosed. You
are required to update your application to the School of Law when the pending matter is
resolved. Have you ever been charged with a crime resulting in conviction, probation,
community service, withhold of adjudication, pre-trial diversion, jail sentence or
revocation/suspension of your driver’s license? This requires disclosure of all traffic
offenses for which the penalty was a fine actually paid of $200 or more.
Nova Southeastern
a. Have you ever been charged with or convicted of a criminal offense, whether a felony,
misdemeanor, or other violation of the law, or had your driver's license suspended or
revoked for any reason? Minor traffic violations and parking violations do not need to
be disclosed. DUI is not considered to be a minor traffic violation and must be disclosed.
If yes, provide a complete statement of the circumstances surrounding each occurrence,
including dates, charges, course of the matter, and locations involved.
St. Thomas
Applicants must provide full disclosure as requested below. Applicants must disclose an incident
under this section even if the charges were dropped, dismissed, referred to a pretrial intervention
program, deferred prosecution, and/or for which the records have been sealed or expunged. St.
Thomas University School of Law may revoke an acceptance if the applicant fails to make full
a. In your entire life, have you ever been arrested, detained, or restrained, taken into custody
or accused formally or informally of a felony whether or not the charge was later reduced
to a misdemeanor or other lesser charge? If you answer yes, for each instance, (a) provide
a detailed explanation of the circumstances, including the date(s), the charge, the
arresting agency, city and state of the arrest, and the subsequent action taken by the
authorities; (b) explain whether there are any pending charges against you, and whether
you are currently serving or subject to any kind of probation, deferred prosecution
program, or reporting for community service obligations associated with any criminal
matter; and (c) attach a copy of the arresting or charging document, police investigation
reports, and the disposition order.
b. In your entire life, have you ever been arrested, detained, or restrained, taken into
custody, or accused of driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence of alcohol
or drugs, driving with an unlawful blood alcohol level, or charged with vehicular
manslaughter or vehicular homicide? If you answer yes, for each instance, (a) provide a
detailed explanation of the circumstances, including the date(s), the nature of the charge,
case number and court name, and the disposition of the case, including the sentence; (b)
explain whether there are any pending charges against you, and whether you are currently
serving or subject to any kind of probation, deferred prosecution program, or reporting
for community service obligations associated with any criminal matter; and (c) attach a
copy of the arresting or charging document, police investigation reports, and the
disposition order.
c. Other than those incidents disclosed and explained in questions 1 and 2 above, since the
date of your 16th birthday, have you ever been arrested, detained, or restrained, given a
notice to appear, or taken into custody for the violation of a law or ordinance or for
committing a delinquent act? If you answer yes, for each instance, provide: (a) a detailed
explanation of the circumstances, including the date, the nature of the charge, case
number and court name, and the disposition of the case, including the sentence; (b)
explain whether there are any pending charges against you, and whether you are currently
serving or subject to any kind of probation, deferred prosecution program, or reporting
for community service obligations associated with any criminal matter; and (c)attach a
copy of the arresting or charging document and the disposition order.
In answering questions on The Florida Bar application, the Board of Bar Examiners states that
applicants are warned that no statute, court order, or legal proceeding withholding adjudication,
expunging the information required herein from any record, sealing the records which contained the
information required herein, or dismissing, vacating or setting aside any arrest, accusation or
conviction, or purporting to authorize any person to deny the existence of such matters shall excuse
DISCLOSED. It is further required that records will have to be unsealed and released to the Board
of Bar Examiners even if sealed or expunged.
a. In question #2, you should disclose each instance even though charges may have been
dismissed, or you were acquitted, or adjudication was withheld, or a conviction was
reversed, set aside, or vacated. If you have any charges pending or active warrants for
your arrest, you are required to answer yes. This question includes periods before you
turned 18. If your records were expunged pursuant to applicable law, you may not be
required to answer yes, but you should carefully read the Character and Fitness
Disclosure below. A Dismissal is not an expungement. You must include any traffic
violations (even those you believe to be minor) if the violation resulted in a jail sentence,
suspension, or revocation of driver's license, or a fine of more than $200.00. Any arrest,
including a written arrest, charge or conviction of driving while intoxicated or under the
influence of drugs or alcohol must be disclosed, regardless of sanctions or outcome. If
you are unsure whether to answer "yes," we strongly recommend answering "yes" and
fully disclosing all incidents. In addition to a bar examination, there are character, fitness,
and other qualifications for admission to the bar in every U.S. jurisdiction. Applicants
are encouraged to determine the requirements for any jurisdiction in which they intend
to see admission by contacting the jurisdiction. Addresses for all relevant agencies are
available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners. If you answer yes, you
must attach or send us your full statement of relevant facts and attach a copy of the final
court documentation (disposition, DMV record) or arrange for a copy to be emailed or
mailed to the Office of Admissions and Student Financial Planning. Have you ever been
arrested, detained, or restrained; taken into custody; or accused formally or informally of
a violation of law or ordinance?
Atlanta’s John Marshall
a. Excluding parking violations, have you ever been cited (including the paying of fines,
even as a juvenile), detained, arrested, formally accused, or prosecuted for the violation
of any law? Note: You must disclose each instance even though the charges may have
been dismissed or you were acquitted or allowed to plead nolo contendere or an
adjudication was withheld, or you were pardoned or a conviction was reversed, set a side
or vacated, or the record sealed or expunged and regardless of whether or not you have
been told by anyone, including a judge or a lawyer, you do not need to disclose such an
instance. You must provide documentation of each instance.
Emory University
a. Have you ever been accused of, reprimanded for, detained for, or charged with any
criminal offense or school conduct violation, regardless of the outcome? This includes
any criminal accusations, including traffic offenses, except for parking violations. This
also includes any reprimands or social actions while in college, or any educational setting
since high school (such as noise violations).
b. Please disclose even if any charges were dismissed, or if you were acquitted or allowed
to plead nolo contendere, or if the conviction was reversed, set aside, or vacated, or if the
record was sealed or expunged. You must disclose regardless of whether you have been
told you need not disclose any such instance.
University of Georgia
a. Excluding only parking violations, have you ever been detained, arrested, formally
accused, cited, or prosecuted for the violation of any law? You must disclose each
instance, even if the charges were dismissed; you were acquitted; you pled nolo
contendere; adjudication was withheld; your conviction was reversed, set aside, or
vacated; or the record was sealed or expunged.
Georgia State University
a. EXCLUDING ONLY PARKING VIOLATIONS, have you ever been detained, arrested,
formally accused, cited or prosecuted for the violation of any law (including ALL traffic
citations, such as speeding, reckless driving, running a red light or stop sign, failure to
yield, etc.)? If YES, electronically attach a statement, including at least the following
information for each instance: date, description of the offense(s), and disposition.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must disclose each instance even if the charges have been
dismissed, or you were acquitted, or allowed to plead nolo contendere, or adjudication
was withheld, or a conviction was reversed, set aside or vacated, or the record sealed or
expunged and regardless of whether you have been told you need not disclose any such
instance. This includes all juvenile charges. Such instances do not necessarily disqualify
you from admission to law school. All circumstances are carefully considered by the
College of Law Admissions Committee.
Mercer University
In accordance with standard requirements for bar admission, you must disclose each instance even
though the charges may have been dismissed or you were acquitted or allowed to plead nolo
condendere or adjudication was withheld or a conviction was reversed, set aside, or vacated or the
record sealed or expunged regardless of whether you have been told by anyone, including a judge
or a lawyer, that you need not disclose any such instance.
In addition to the character and fitness requirements listed above, any conduct or behavior that could
call into question your ability to practice law in a competent, ethical, and professional manner,
including the inappropriate use of social media, may result in denial or revocation of admission.
a. Have you ever been detained, arrested, formally accused, cited, or prosecuted for the
violation of any law (excluding traffic offenses)?
b. Excluding parking violations, have you ever been cited or charged with any traffic
violation within the last 10 years [including violation(s) to which you were allowed to
enter a "nolo contendere" plea]?
University of Hawaii
a. Have you ever been convicted of a crime (other than a minor traffic violation but
including DUI, DWI, etc.)?
b. Are there criminal charges pending against you or are you presently under investigation?
University of Idaho
a. Have you ever been arrested, served a summons, cited, questioned, indicted, taken into
custody, charged, tried, or investigated for a felony, misdemeanor, infraction (including
traffic tickets), or probation violation? (Include all incidents as a juvenile or adult, no
matter how minor the charge, guilty or not, exonerated or not, whether or not sentencing
was withheld, excluding only non-moving traffic violations that resulted in a penalty less
than $25.00. You must include criminal and/or juvenile matters that have been
University of Chicago
a. Have you ever been charged with or convicted of any crime or offense other than a minor
traffic violation? This includes any charges, complaints, or citations that were filed
against you as a juvenile or as an adult, formal or informal, pending or closed, dismissed,
expunged, sealed, or subject to a diversionary program, and includes any charges,
complaints, or citations that you reasonably expect to be brought against you. If so, please
provide all material facts and an explanation of the circumstances.
a. Have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or received a period
of supervision for, any offense other than a minor traffic or parking violation, or is any
charge now pending against you concerning such an offense? (A "minor traffic violation"
is a violation for which only a citation was issued, e.g., speeding. You must report any
other traffic offense, including any offense in which acting under the influence of a drug
or alcohol was an element of the offense.) You must disclose each instance, regardless of
whether a conviction was reversed, set aside or vacated, or the record sealed or expunged.
If yes, give details on an electronic attachment, including a description of the incident,
the exact charge, and final resolution.
a. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or is there now pending against you any
indictment, criminal information or criminal complaint charging a felony offense?
b. Have you been detained, arrested, summoned into court, cited, indicted, adjudicated
guilty or convicted in any criminal, municipal, military or juvenile proceeding? If yes,
you must disclose each instance even though the charges have been dismissed or you
were acquitted or adjudication was withheld or a conviction was reversed, set aside,
vacated or the record sealed or expunged and regardless of whether you have been told
you need not disclose any such instances.
University of Illinois
a. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense, either as a juvenile or as an adult, or
is there now pending against you any indictment, criminal information, or criminal
complaint? This includes matters that have been expunged or sealed.
UIC John Marshall
a. Have you ever been formally or informally detained, restrained, cited, summoned into
court, taken into custody, arrested, accused, charged, convicted, placed on probation,
placed on supervision, or forfeited collateral in connection with any offense against the
law or an ordinance, or accused of committing a delinquent act, other than a minor traffic
or parking violation? A "minor traffic violation" is a violation for which only a citation
was issued, e.g. speeding less than 25 mph over the limit or other moving violations,
however any traffic violation charged as a misdemeanor, involving felonious conduct or
involving a fine of $350 or more must be reported. Other traffic offenses, including any
in which acting under the influence of a drug or alcohol was an element of the offense,
must be reported. NOTE: Please answer regardless of the final disposition. If your answer
is "Yes," please state the facts fully on a separate attachment and attach a copy of the
arresting officer's report, complaint, indictment, trial disposition, sentencing documents
and appeal documents (see Attachments section). If alcohol or drugs were involved, you
must also attach the order of disposition and documents substantiating successful
completion of any sentence or condition imposed. You must disclose each instance even
if charges were not formally brought against you, were dismissed, you were acquitted,
adjudication was withheld, or your conviction was reversed, set aside or vacated. You
must disclose these instances regardless of whether you have been told that you need not
disclose any such instance, your case was expunged or sealed, or the instance is in any
other way subject to non-disclosure. You may be requested to provide additional
information if you are accepted.
Loyola University, Chicago
a. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense or accepted/admitted responsibility
(such as by paying a fine) for a criminal citation other than a minor traffic violation (fine
$200 or less)? You are not required to disclose arrests that did not result in a criminal
charge or citation, or criminal charges or citations (or juvenile adjudications) that have
been dismissed, expunged or sealed. You must disclose any criminal charges or citations
that are pending against you at the time of this application.
Northern Illinois
a. Have you ever, including when you were a juvenile, been formally or informally
detained, restrained, cited (including traffic citations in the last ten years but not parking
tickets), summoned into court, taken into custody, arrested, accused, charged, convicted,
placed on probation, placed on supervision, or forfeited collateral in connection with any
offense against a law or an ordinance (including any sealed or expunged incidents)?
Northwestern University
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been cited, arrested, taken into custody,
charged with, indicted, convicted or tried for, or pleaded guilty to, the commission of any
felony or misdemeanor or the violation of any law, except minor parking or traffic
violations, or been the subject of any juvenile delinquency or youthful offender
proceeding? (If yes, explain on a separate sheet or electronic attachment.) Please note
that although a matter may have been expunged from the records by an order of a court,
it nevertheless should be disclosed in the answer to this question. Also, you should have
available and be prepared to submit or exhibit copies of police and court records
regarding any matter you disclose in reply to this question.
Southern Illinois
NOTE: Full disclosure is required for any charges against you, including those that have been
dismissed, and those for which you were acquitted, adjudication was withheld or deferred, a
conviction was reversed, set aside, or vacated, any records were sealed or expunged, you received
court supervision, or you pled guilty or nolo contendere to the charge, and regardless of whether
you have been previously told that you do not need to disclose any such instance.
a. Have you ever been charged or convicted of any crime or offense, including
misdemeanors and felonies, or is there now pending against you any indictment, criminal
information, or criminal complaint charging a felony or misdemeanor offense, excluding
minor traffic offenses? This includes offenses that have been expunged from your record
or instances in which the records have been sealed. It includes offenses for which you
were charged or convicted when you were a juvenile or adult. Your duty to disclose all
offenses for which you have been charged or convicted exists irrespective of any legal
advice you receive suggesting you are not required to disclose the offense.
Indiana University, Bloomington
must attach a statement of explanation for each question you answered yes to, giving full details,
including the facts and the disposition of the case. You must divulge all arrests, citations, tickets,
and charges either as an adult or juvenile, regardless of the final disposition. This explanation must
also include details of incidents that have been expunged from your record. You must disclose all
incidents where you were formally or informally taken into custody, detained, arrested, restrained,
cited, summoned into court, accused, charged, convicted, placed on probation, or supervision in
connection with any offense against the law or ordinance.
a. As a juvenile or adult, have you ever been arrested for, convicted of or accused of any
violation of law that have not been expunged or sealed by a court? Include ALL criminal
offenses, e.g., felonies, misdemeanors, infractions, speeding tickets and other traffic
offenses, regardless of the final disposition. You must disclose all incidents where you
were formally or informally taken into custody, detained, restrained, cited, summoned
into court, arrested, accused, charged, convicted, placed on probation or suspension in
connection with any offence against the law or ordinance.
Pursuant to Indiana Code §35-38-9, you are under no obligation to disclose expunged
offenses to the law school as part of your application for admission. However, you are
strongly encouraged to do so. Many state bars, including Indiana, require disclosure of
expunged and/or sealed records for assessing character and fitness for admission to the
bar. As such, admission to law school and completion of JD requirements does not
guarantee that you will be able to sit for or be admitted to the Indiana bar (or another
state's bar). Please note that expungement and dismissal are distinct and all offenses that
have been dismissed must be disclosed.
Indiana University, Indianapolis
must attach a statement of explanation for each question you answered yes to, giving full details,
including the facts and the disposition of the case. You must divulge all arrests, citations, tickets,
and charges either as an adult or juvenile, regardless of the final disposition. This explanation must
also include details of incidents that have been expunged from your record. You must disclose all
incidents where you were formally or informally taken into custody, detained, arrested, restrained,
cited, summoned into court, accused, charged, convicted, placed on probation, or supervision in
connection with any offense against the law or ordinance.
a. As a juvenile or adult, have you ever been arrested for, convicted of or accused of any
violation of law that have not been expunged or sealed by a court? Include ALL criminal
offenses, e.g., felonies, misdemeanors, infractions, speeding tickets and other traffic
offenses, regardless of the final disposition. You must disclose all incidents where you
were formally or informally taken into custody, detained, restrained, cited, summoned
into court, arrested, accused, charged, convicted, placed on probation or suspension in
connection with any offence against the law or ordinance.
Pursuant to Indiana Code §35-38-9, you are under no obligation to disclose expunged
offenses to the law school as part of your application for admission. However, you are
strongly encouraged to do so. Many state bars, including Indiana, require disclosure of
expunged and/or sealed records for assessing character and fitness for admission to the
bar. As such, admission to law school and completion of JD requirements does not
guarantee that you will be able to sit for or be admitted to the Indiana bar (or another
state's bar). Please note that expungement and dismissal are distinct and all offenses that
have been dismissed must be disclosed.
Notre Dame University
a. Have you ever been arrested, charged with, or convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or
other crime? This includes charges that are pending, or to which you have plead "guilty"
or "no contest."
Drake University
a. Have you ever been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any violation of criminal,
administrative, or military law (including any deferred, expunged, or sealed judgments)?
This question includes, but is not limited to, all alcohol-related incidents. However, the
question is not meant to include minor traffic violations.
b. Are there any criminal charges pending against you?
University of Iowa
a. Have you ever (either as an adult or juvenile) been cited or arrested for, charged with, or
convicted of any violation of the law? (You must disclose each instance, even if you were
granted any type of pretrial diversion, even if filed charges were dismissed; even if such
charges resulted in a deferred adjudication; even if you were acquitted of such charges;
or even if such charges resulted in a conviction that was reversed, set aside, vacated, or
expunged. You need not, however, disclose speeding or parking violations.)
University of Kansas
a. Have you ever had a protective or restraining order entered against you?
b. Have you ever been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of a felony, misdemeanor or
infraction other than a traffic violation (include diversions, sealed or expunged records,
and juvenile offenses)?
c. Have you ever had your driver's license suspended or revoked, or have you ever been
arrested for, charged with, or convicted of a traffic violation involving alcohol or a
controlled substance? (include diversions, sealed or expunged records, and juvenile
d. Have you ever been a party to bankruptcy proceedings, had a tax lien filed against you,
or been a party to any other civil or criminal proceeding related to unpaid financial
Washburn University
a. Despite whether the record has been expunged, have you ever been summoned charged,
arrested, taken into custody, or indicted for driving under the influence of alcohol or any
other controlled substance?
b. Despite whether the record has been expunged, other than listed above, have you ever
been issued a citation, notice to appear or summons, charged, arrested, taken into custody,
or indicted for any felony, misdemeanor, or infraction of the law excluding minor traffic
University of Kentucky
a. Have you ever been arrested, charged with, or convicted of any crime, including juvenile
offenses or any offense or crime that resulted in expunged records (including, but not
limited to, driving while intoxicated or impaired, traffic violations, moving violations, or
parking violations)? If so, give dates and full details in an attachment (see Attachments
b. Have you ever been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any military offense,
including any offense that resulted in expunged records (including, but not limited to,
driving while intoxicated or impaired, traffic violations, moving violations, or parking
violations)? If so, give dates and full details in an attachment (See Attachments section).
Louisville University
a. Have you ever been arrested, charged or cited for any criminal offense? This includes
felony, misdemeanor and juvenile offenses, even if the record has been sealed or
expunged. This does not include speeding, parking or other minor traffic violations,
unless resulting in probation or revocation of driving privileges.
Northern Kentucky University
a. Have you ever been arrested, charged with, or convicted of any crime, or military
offense? (This includes felonies, misdemeanors, juvenile offenses, major traffic
violations such as driving while intoxicated or impaired, or repeated moving violations.
Matters that have been expunged, sealed, or subject to a diversion program must still be
b. Have you ever been a party to or otherwise involved in an incident that resulted in charges
or allegations that you committed abuse, neglect or violence against another?
c. Have you ever been charged with fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, forgery or other act of
dishonesty in any civil, criminal, administrative, or other proceeding?
Louisiana State University
a. Have you ever been charged with and/or convicted of stalking, cyberstalking, rape, or
sexual battery? (You are required to report all incidents, regardless of how minor (except
for traffic and/or parking violations, provided they are few in number); regardless of
whether you were a juvenile or an adult at the time of incident; regardless of whether the
case against you was dismissed or was otherwise disposed of in some manner other than
by a conviction (e.g., by your participation in a “diversion” program); regardless of
whether the record of the incident was sealed, expunged, or otherwise removed from the
public records; and regardless of whether you were advised that you are not required to
disclose the incident. If you are not sure about the nature or the disposition of a particular
charge, you must make a diligent effort to discover it and, having done that, report the
results of your effort.)
b. Are there any criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you? (You must
report all charges, regardless of how minor; regardless of whether you were a juvenile or
an adult at the time of the incident that gave rise to the charges; and regardless of whether
you were advised that you would not be required to disclose the incident.)
Loyola University, New Orleans
a. Have you ever been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, ticketed, and/or convicted of any
violation of the law other than a minor traffic violation? Have you ever been discharged
from the military less than honorably? Is there any action currently pending adjudication?
You are also required to disclose offenses which have been expunged, purged, sealed,
obliterated, dismissed, or when the records have been destroyed, regardless of whether
you have been told that you need not disclose any such event. This information will also
be required to be disclosed by state bar authorities in many states along with a copy of
your application to law school. If your answer is yes, please electronically attach a full
explanation of the reasons for and circumstances surrounding the incident(s), including
the dates, disposition of all of the charges, and your current view on these past incidents.
b. Were you involved in any disciplinary or criminal incidents involving alcohol or illegal
substances? Several states, including Louisiana, have Lawyers Assistance Programs
through their state bar offices that may institute a recovery contract based on character
and fitness reports and disclosures. In a written statement, please provide the full
explanation and include what steps have been taken to avoid further incidents involving
alcohol or illegal substance.
Southern University
A university, in Louisiana, may inquire on an initial application form about a prospective student's
criminal conviction history relative to any conviction for the following crimes enumerated in
Louisiana Revised Statutes: 14:40.2 (stalking), 40.3 (cyberstalking), 41 (rape), 42 (aggravated
rape), 42.1 (forcible rape), 43 (simple rape), 43.1 (sexual battery), and 43.2 (second degree sexual
battery) or an offense under the laws of another state or under any military, territorial, foreign, tribal,
or federal law that is equivalent to any of these offenses. If a university elects to deny admission
based on any such conviction, it shall notify the person, who may appeal the decision to the entity
that considers the university's disciplinary matters.
a. Have you ever been convicted of any of the offenses as stated above? If yes, please attach
a separate sheet with an explanation and certified copies of court documentation. NOTE:
Your responses to question 4 must include matters that have been dismissed, expunged,
subject to a diversion or deferred prosecution program, or otherwise set aside.
b. Are there any criminal charges for the crimes listed in question 4 pending against you?
If yes, please attach a separate sheet with an explanation.
Tulane University
The Tulane Law School Admission Committee requires complete disclosure regarding any violation
or alleged violation of law (including traffic offenses) and regarding any university disciplinary
actions, including a fully descriptive narrative of the event or events. In some cases, committee
members may request additional information and/or supporting documentation.
a. Have you ever been charged with, arrested for, convicted of, pled guilty or nolo
contendere for a violation of any law? For purposes of questions 4 and 5, you should
include offenses that resulted in purged, sealed, obliterated, dismissed, or destroyed
records, regardless of whether you have been told that you need not disclose any such
event, including traffic offenses. These will also be requested by state bar authorities in
many states. If you are not sure about the nature or the ultimate disposition of a particular
charge, you are advised to make full disclosure, as a subsequent finding that you failed
to disclose relevant information could have disqualifying consequences. If your answer
to either question concerning violations of the law is yes, please electronically attach a
statement marked "Character/Fitness: Legal" with a full explanation of the reasons for,
and circumstances surrounding, your arrest or conviction, or any pending charges. Be
sure to provide the dates of the events you are disclosing along with a full description of
what took place.
University of Maine
If you answer "Yes" to ANY of the following questions, you MUST provide a full and complete
explanation in an attachment, clearly answering the question, including the ultimate disposition.
Your file will remain incomplete if this addendum is not attached. If you have any past or pending
criminal charges, you must provide all court documents and police reports.
a. Have you ever had a complaint filed against you in any civil, criminal, or administrative
forum alleging fraud, dishonesty, deceit, misrepresentation, forgery, or legal
b. Have you ever been cited for, charged with, arrested for, or convicted of any alcohol or
drug-related traffic violation, other than a violation that was resolved in juvenile court?
c. Have you been cited for, arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any moving traffic
violation during the past ten years? (Omit parking violations.)
d. Has your driver's license in any state ever been suspended or revoked?
e. Have you ever, as an adult, been cited for, arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any
violation of any law (except traffic violations)? Note: This answer should include matters
that have been expunged or subject to diversionary action. This answer should not include
any violations that were resolved in juvenile court.
f. Are there criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you?
University of Baltimore
a. Have you ever been charged with a crime, other than a minor traffic violation, for which
the charges have not been expunged? (In Maryland, expungement is not automatic. It
requires the filing of a petition with the Court. A result of a Probation Before Judgment
in a Maryland Court must be reported unless the charge was expunged.) If yes, explain
fully on a separate sheet or electronic attachment, specifying the nature of the offense(s),
date the offense(s) occurred, name and locality of the court(s), and the sentence(s)
b. If yes, are there any judgments against you that are pending or have been satisfied? If
yes, explain fully on a separate sheet or electronic attachment.
University of Maryland
For any affirmative answer, please electronically attach a statement marked “Character and Fitness.”
Your answer should include the date and location (city, town and state) of each incident, a
description of the incident, and a full explanation of the circumstances surrounding and the
resolution of each event. The University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law reserves
the right to request additional information from you, including further explanation concerning the
incidents in question, court records, documents, or any other relevant information.
For purposes of the next two questions, you should include offenses that resulted in purged, sealed,
obliterated, dismissed, expunged, or destroyed records, regardless of whether you have been told
that you need not disclose any such event. This includes traffic offenses of all kinds, with the
exception of the occasional parking ticket. This information will also be requested by state bar
authorities in many states. If you are not sure about the nature or the ultimate disposition of a
particular charge, you are advised to make full disclosure, as a subsequent finding that you failed to
disclose relevant information could have disqualifying consequences. The failure to disclose an act
or event is often more significant, and can lead to more serious consequences, than the act of event
itself. Failure to provide truthful answers, or failure to inform the Office of Admissions of any
changes to your answers, may result in revocation of admission or disciplinary action by the Law
School, or denial of permission to practice law by the state in which you seek admission to the bar.
a. Have you ever been arrested or charged, formally or informally, and without regard to
the result, with a violation of any law? (If yes, please attach an explanation of the
circumstances, including relevant details.)
b. Are any charges pending or expected to be brought against you for the violation of any
law? (If yes, please attach an explanation of the circumstances, including relevant
Boston College
a. Have you ever been convicted of a felony (or its equivalent in the applicable jurisdiction)
that has not been vacated?*
b. Within the past five years, have you been convicted of, or released from incarceration
for, a misdemeanor (or its equivalent in the applicable jurisdiction), other than for a first
offense for drunkenness, simple assault, speeding, a minor traffic violation, affray, or
disturbance of the peace?* An applicant with a sealed record on file with the
commissioner of probation may answer "no record" with respect to an inquiry herein
relative to conviction
Boston University
If the answer to any of the following questions is yes, please provide a detailed explanation,
including a summary of the allegations and any sentence imposed. The Admissions Committee may
require copies of court documents in addition to your explanation. NOTE: Bar examiners may
require other information that we are not permitted to seek under Massachusetts statutes
a. Have you ever been convicted, without such conviction being vacated, of a misdemeanor
for which the sentence was imprisonment?
b. Have you ever been convicted, without such conviction being vacated, of a felony?
c. Have you been convicted of any misdemeanor within the past five years?*
Harvard University
a. Have you ever been convicted of, or pled guilty or no contest to, any felony or
misdemeanor, other than: • an arrest or other detention that did not result in a conviction,
or in which a conviction was vacated; • a first conviction for any of the following
misdemeanors: drunkenness, simple assault, speeding, minor traffic violations, affray or
disturbance of the peace; or • any misdemeanor conviction that occurred more than five
years before your application for admission, unless you were also sentenced to
imprisonment, or were convicted of any additional offense within the five year period.
Note that you are not required to answer “yes” to this question, or provide an explanation,
if the criminal adjudication or conviction has been expunged, sealed, annulled, pardoned,
destroyed, erased, impounded, or otherwise ordered by a court to be kept confidential.
University of Massachusetts
a. Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
b. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor for which you were sentenced to
c. Have you been convicted within the past five years of a misdemeanor for which you were
not subject to incarceration? You will be required to reveal if you have been charged with
or been the subject of any investigation for a felony or misdemeanor other than a minor
traffic charge to state bar examining agencies as part of the application process for taking
the bar exam. The University of Massachusetts School of Law cannot guarantee that
successful completion of the law degree program will permit you to be admitted to the
bar in any jurisdiction. Before applying for admission to law school, you are advised to
contact the Bar Examiners of the jurisdiction(s) in which you intend to practice to
determine if a prior conviction or other character and finess issue will affect bar
New England University
a. Have you ever been a) convicted of a felony for which the conviction has not been
vacated or expunged or b) convicted of a misdemeanor for which you were sentenced to
imprisonment and for which the conviction has not been vacated or expunged or c)
convicted of a misdemeanor within the past five years, for which the conviction has not
been vacated or expunged, excluding however a first conviction for drunkenness, simple
assault, speeding, minor traffic violations, affray, or disturbance of the peace? Note:
Some states' bars require disclosure of much fuller information relating to criminal
proceedings, including information that was subsequently expunged or sealed. If yes,
submit an attachment describing the nature of the conviction, the circumstances involved,
the sentence imposed, and the court in which the case was heard.
Northeastern University
a. Have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty or no contest to, any felony or is any felony
charge currently pending against you?
b. Within the past five years, have you been convicted of, or released from incarceration
for, a misdemeanor (or its equivalent in the applicable jurisdiction), other than for a first
offense for drunkenness, simple assault, speeding, minor traffic violations, affray, or
disturbance of the peace?
c. Have you ever been the subject of any charges, complaints or grievances (formal or
informal), alleging that you engaged in the unauthorized practice of law, including any
now pending?
Suffolk University
a. Excluding offenses committed as a juvenile, have you ever been: arrested, charged, or
been the subject of any investigation for a felony or misdemeanor or other criminal charge
other than a minor traffic charge? If yes, state the dates, courts, details and results in an
electronic attachment.
Western New England
a. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? (Without the conviction later being vacated
or sealed.)
b. Other than a first conviction for drunkenness, simple assault, speeding, minor traffic
violations, affray, or disturbance of the peace, have you been convicted of a misdemeanor
within the five years preceding the date of this application, or been convicted of a
misdemeanor, at any time, where a sentence of imprisonment was imposed? (Without the
conviction later being vacated or sealed.)
Detroit Mercy University
For the purposes of answering the questions below, your entire criminal history is relevant,
including matters in which courts have labeled "non-public." Applicants who respond "yes" to
questions 4-11, must submit complete explanations of each incident that include the specific dates,
causes, circumstances, and outcome of the incident as well as register of action and court records.
If a register of action or court record is not accessible, please attach an additional statement
explaining why the document was not provided and who was contacted in attempt to obtain the
document. The Detroit Mercy Law Admissions Committee will not review an application for
admission until it receives supporting statements and documentation.
a. Are there any criminal charges against you which are currently pending?
b. Are there any criminal charges against you for which you are currently on supervised or
unsupervised probation?
c. Are there any criminal charges against you in which sentencing has been delayed or not
disposed of?
d. Are there any criminal charges against you in which a pretrial diversion program has not
been completed?
e. Are there any criminal charges against you in which there is any other nonfinal status?
f. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor offense? Include any
conviction resulting from an appearance in court in which a judge or jury made a finding
of guilt, or in which a guilty plea or nolo contendere plea was accepted by the court.
Exclude driving convictions that do not require a court appearance, and which are or
would be presently treated as civil infractions under the provision of the Michigan Motor
Vehicle Code, or under similar provisions in other states. Disclose all convictions
stemming from originally charged driving offenses that retain criminal status, such as all
alcohol or drug-related offenses and reckless or felonious driving, or convictions for
driving while privileges are suspended or revoked.
g. Have you ever entered a guilty plea or a no contest plea to a criminal offense which was
taken under advisement, taken in connection with a pretrial diversion program, or
otherwise did not result in a conviction?
h. Have you ever had a criminal record expunged or set aside?
University of Michigan
a. Have you ever been convicted of a crime (following a jury or bench trial, a guilty plea,
or a nolo contendere plea), or charged with a criminal offense that was later dismissed as
a result of a plea bargain or alternative sentencing arrangement, or are such criminal
charges pending or expected to be brought against you? Include misdemeanors and
criminal infractions, as well as any interaction with a law enforcement agency that
resulted in payment of a fine or order of community service. Do not include minor traffic
violations or civil infractions or citations for which jail time was not a potential penalty
Michigan State University
If you answer yes to any question in this section, you must submit an addendum. Label this statement
as "Character and Fitness Addendum" and include your name and the date the account was written.
The Character and Fitness Addendum should include the date, location (city/state), a brief
description of all incidents, and a full account of the outcome including, if applicable, the location
of the court with jurisdiction over the matter. Official final disposition documentation or any
corresponding police reports for each incident are helpful, and in some cases required by the
Admissions Committee.
a. Have you ever been cited, arrested, taken into custody for, indicted for, charged with,
convicted of, or pled guilty to violation of any law or been the subject of a juvenile
delinquency or youthful offender proceeding? (MSU Law requires disclosure of all traffic
violations excluding parking violations, although repeated parking violations should be
included if they resulted in misdemeanor charges. The entry of an expungement or any
order sealing or purporting to authorize any person to deny the existence of such matters
does not relieve you of the duty to disclose the matter in this application).
Wayne University
a. Have you ever been charged with, arrested for, convicted of, pled guilty or nolo
contendere for a violation of any law and/or are there any charges pending or expected
to be brought against you? (For purposes of this question, a conviction includes a verdict
or finding of guilt, regardless of whether sentence is imposed by the court.) You should
also disclose offenses that resulted in purged, sealed, obliterated, dismissed, or destroyed
records, regardless of whether you have been told that you need not disclose any such
event. These will also be requested by state bar authorities in many states. If you are not
sure about the nature or the ultimate disposition of a particular charge, you are advised
to make full disclosure, as a subsequent finding that you failed to disclose relevant
information could have disqualifying consequences.
Western Michigan University
If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you will be required to submit a character and
fitness summary form (emailed after application submission) where you will fully state the details
of the incident(s), including dates and outcomes. You will also be required to provide official
documentation pertaining to the reported incident(s). Official documentation may include but is not
limited to police reports, a final register of actions, final dispositions, certificates of completion, or
receipts of fines paid. If documents cannot be procured, you will be asked to provide verification in
writing from the source that a particular record is not available. Current driving records may be
required for incidents related to driving or loss of license. Official documentation can be submitted
with your application or sent after the application has been submitted.
a. In your entire life as an adult OR a juvenile have you: been convicted of, or pleaded guilty
or no contest or otherwise admitted responsibility to, or agreed to deferred adjudication
or adjournment in contemplation of dismissal of, or conceded that a prosecuting authority
had sufficient evidence to convict you of, or had a criminal conviction expunged, set
aside, sealed, or otherwise declared confidential for the violation of any law or ordinance
other than a minor parking or traffic violation? A minor traffic or parking violation refers
to an instance where only a citation was issued such as a speeding ticket. All careless and
reckless driving offenses, or any misdemeanor traffic offenses involving drugs or alcohol,
or any offenses that result in the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license, are
NOT considered minor and must be disclosed.
b. Are you currently a party to any proceeding that could result in fines, incarceration,
probation, or civil forfeiture, other than minor traffic or parking violations? (Civil
forfeiture means your property or money is taken because of a crime.) A minor traffic or
parking violation refers to an instance where only a citation was issued such as a speeding
ticket. All careless and reckless driving offenses, or any misdemeanor traffic offenses
involving drugs or alcohol, or any offenses that result in the suspension or revocation of
your driver’s license, are NOT considered minor and must be disclosed.
c. Have you been arrested in the last five years?
University of Minnesota
a. Have you ever in your entire life been charged with, or arrested for, the violation of any
law? This includes moving violations (traffic tickets), misdemeanors, felonies, and
administrative charges. You must disclose the requested information even if the charges
were dismissed or you were acquitted, the conviction was stayed or vacated, the record
was sealed or expunged, or you were told at the time that you would not need to disclose
in the future.
Mitchell Hamline University
a. Have you ever in your life been charged with the violation of any law, including traffic
laws? (Exclude paid parking tickets.) You must disclose this requested information even
if the charges were dismissed, you were acquitted, the conviction was stayed or vacated,
the record was sealed or expunged, or you were a juvenile. If you answered "yes," you
must provide a complete explanation.
St. Thomas University
a. Have you ever been charged with, cited for, arrested for, pleaded guilty to, or been
convicted of a violation of any law, other than a minor traffic violation or paid parking
violation? You must disclose this information even if the charges were dismissed or you
were acquitted, the conviction was stayed or vacated, the record was sealed or expunged,
or you were told by a judge or attorney, that you need not disclose this information.
b. Are there any criminal charges pending against you?
University of Mississippi
a. Have you ever been charged with, arrested for, convicted of, or pleaded guilty or nolo
contendere to a violation of any law? This includes minor traffic violations, charges of
driving under the influence, or any other drug- or alcohol-related offenses and any
expunged offenses. You should also disclose offenses which resulted in purged, sealed,
obliterated, dismissed or destroyed records, regardless of whether you have been told that
you need not disclose any such event. These will also be requested by state bar authorities
in many states. If "yes," please attach a statement explaining the circumstances of each
incident, whether such incident is still pending, and if not, its resolution
Mississippi College
If you answer YES to any of the following questions, YOU MUST explain the circumstances of
each incident, whether such incident is still pending, and if not, the incident's resolution. In
accordance with the standard requirements for the bar admission, you must disclose every incident
even if the charges were dismissed, if you were acquitted, if adjudication was withheld, or if a
conviction was reversed, set aside, vacated or expunged.
a. Have you either as an adult or a juvenile, been charged with, arrested for, convicted of,
and/or pled guilty or "no contest" to any crime or violation of the law? For bar admission
purposes, these should include matters which may have been expunged or been subject
to a court diversionary program. (Please NOTE: Traffic violations should be addressed
in questions below.)
b. Have you ever been charged or convicted or pled guilty to any drug or alcohol related
traffic violation?
c. Have you been charged with any moving traffic violations, including speeding tickets,
during the past seven years?
University of Missouri
a. Other than minor traffic violations, have you ever been arrested for any violation of the
law? If yes, in an attachment, name the offense, the date and describe the circumstances
(see Attachments section). (This would include arrests for driving under the influence of
alcohol or any other substance.) Note: You must disclose the information requested in
this question even if you received a deferred prosecution, a suspended imposition of
sentence, the conviction was stayed or vacated, or the record (including but not limited
to proceedings in juvenile court, family court, or any court of general jurisdiction) was
b. Are there any criminal charges currently pending against you? If yes, in an attachment,
please name the offense and describe the circumstances (see Attachments section).
University of Missouri, Kansas City
If the answer to any of the questions is yes, please provide a supplemental statement accurately and
fully describing the incident. If the matter has been concluded (for example, if a charge or claim
was brought against you and the proceedings relating to it have been completed), please explain
how it was resolved. If the matter is not completed (for example, if a charge or claim is still pending),
please explain the situation and how and when you expect it to be resolved. For every question, if
the answer is currently ‘no’ but there have been events that you believe may cause the answer to
change to ‘yes,’ you should disclose that.
a. Have you ever been arrested, charged, cited, issued a summons, taken into custody, or
been convicted for the violation of any law? You must disclose every instance in which
this has occurred even if charges ultimately were not brought against you or were
dismissed, you were acquitted, you received a suspended imposition of sentence, the
conviction was stayed or vacated, you were placed on probation, you were granted
deferred adjudication, you participated in any type of pretrial diversion, or the record was
sealed or expunged. You must disclose every incident regardless of whether you were an
adult or a juvenile at the time. You must disclose every incident regardless of whether
you have been advised by any source (such as legal counsel) that you need not disclose
the incident. No statute, court order, or legal proceeding withholding adjudication,
expunging or sealing any record, dismissing, vacating, or setting aside an arrest, charge,
or conviction shall excuse less than full disclosure of the incident in this application. The
incidents that must be disclosed include (but are not limited to) any violation relating to
alcohol or controlled substances (such as driving under the influence, driving while
intoxicated, minor in possession, public intoxication, or possession or use of false
identification). You may exclude violations of traffic laws (such as speeding tickets or
parking tickets) unless the violation resulted in time spent in jail, issuance of an arrest
warrant, or revocation or suspension of your driver’s license.
Saint Louis University
a. Have you ever been convicted, cited, arrested, charged, summoned or taken into custody
for the violation of any law? (Please exclude incidents listed in 2 & 3 above and also
exclude minor traffic or parking violations wherein the fine did not exceed $250.)
b. Have you ever been a party to any criminal, civil or administrative proceeding? (Please
exclude incidents listed in 2, 3, & 4 above.)
Washington University, Saint Louis
a. Have you ever been charged with and/or convicted of a criminal offense, including any
matters that may have been expunged, or received anything other than an honorable
discharge from the military? (Applicants do not need to disclose speeding tickets.)
University of Montana
a. Have you ever been found guilty of or pled guilty or no contest to a crime? NOTE: this
question means that you must disclose, regardless of whether a matter is or ever was of
record (including expunged records, deferred prosecutions, and deferred impositions of
sentence), (1) all criminal offenses committed at or after age 18, (2) all traffic offenses
occurring within the last five years, and (3) all felony criminal offenses committed as a
Creighton University
a. Have you ever been charged, arrested or cited (as an adult or a juvenile) for any crime
other than a minor traffic violation? You must include all offenses involving alcohol.
Disclosure is required regardless of the disposition, whether the record was sealed or
expunged, or whether you were told you did not need to disclose such events.
University of Nebraska
a. Have you ever been ticketed, cited, charged with or arrested for a crime other than a
minor traffic violation? Check "yes" even if the offense was expunged from your record,
you went through a pre-trial diversion program, your record was sealed or you were told
you did not need to disclose the matter. If "yes," please explain in detail the nature of the
crime, the circumstances surrounding the ticket, citation, charges or arrest and the
disposition (see Attachments section).
University of Nevada
a. Have you ever been convicted of a crime or adjudicated delinquent, or are there any
criminal charges pending against you? (You need not report either juvenile matters for
which records have been sealed or minor traffic violations.)
New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire
Under New Hampshire law, applicants are not required to include expunged and annulled offenses.
Applicants bear the responsibility to ensure that each charge has actually been expunged or annulled
by a court of law.
a. Have you ever been arrested or charged with any offense by complaint or indictment, or
convicted of a crime, or are any charges now pending against you? "Convicted of a crime"
includes pleading guilty to any charge, a deferred judgment or deferred sentencing
arrangement. "Offenses" includes felonies, misdemeanors, and motor vehicle violations.
This does not include minor traffic or parking tickets, unless there are three (3) or more
in a twelve (12)-month period. You are not required to include any arrest or charge that
has been expunged or annulled by a court of law. (See note above.) Failure to disclose an
arrest, charge, or conviction that has not been annulled or expunged can lead to
disciplinary action and revocation of an admission offer.
New Jersey
Rutgers University
a. Are there any criminal or disciplinary charges pending or expected to be brought against
b. Have you ever been cited for, charged with, taken into custody for, arrested for, indicted,
tried for, pled guilty to, or convicted of, the violation of any law (other than a minor
traffic violation) or been the subject of a juvenile delinquent or youthful offender
proceeding or received a conditional discharge, adjournment in contemplation of
dismissal, or pretrial diversionary program? (NOTE: driving while intoxicated or
impaired, driving without insurance, reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident,
and driving while suspended are not considered minor traffic offenses for the purposes
of this question).The entry of an expungement or sealing order does not relieve you of
the duty to disclose the matter on this statement. This includes any juvenile record. You
may indicate the existence of such an order in your explanation. If yes, please include an
official statement of charges and dispositions.
Seton Hall University
a. Have you ever been cited for, charged with, taken into custody for, arrested for, indicted,
tried for, pled guilty to, or convicted of the violation of any law (other than a minor traffic
violation) or been the subject of a juvenile delinquent or youthful offender proceeding or
received a conditional discharge, adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, or pretrial
diversionary program? (Note: driving while intoxicated or impaired, driving without
insurance, reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, and driving while suspended
are NOT considered minor traffic offenses for the purposes of this section). The entry of
an expungement or sealing order does not relieve you of the duty to disclose the matter(s)
on this statement. You may indicate the existence of such an order in your explanation.
If "yes", you must complete the "Character and Fitness" attachment explaining the nature
of the proceeding and full details, including a narrative of facts, dates, name and location
of court, and disposition.
b. Have you ever been charged with fraud, larceny, embezzlement, misappropriation of
funds, misrepresentation, perjury, false swearing, conspiracy to conceal, or a similar
offense? If yes, you must complete the "Character and Fitness" attachment explaining
the nature of the proceeding and full details, including a narrative of facts, dates, name
and location of court, and disposition.
New Mexico
University of New Mexico
a. Have you ever had disciplinary action taken against you by any government, military,
administrative, or licensing agency? NOTE: Any reversal on appeal, expungement,
pardon, or other similar action must be disclosed and explained.
b. Have you ever been arrested or otherwise charged, formally or informally, with a
violation of the law (other than a minor traffic violation)?
c. Are any criminal or disciplinary charges currently pending against you?
New York
University at Albany
The statement should include dates, exact name and location of courts (if any), and final disposition
of all matters. Proof of final disposition is preferred, when availabe. If not available, please explain
the reason.
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been cited, arrested, taken into custody,
charged with, indicted, convicted, tried for, or pleaded guilty to, the commission of any
felony or misdemeanor or the violation of any law, except minor parking or traffic
violations, or been the subject of any juvenile delinquency or youthful offender
processing, including matters that have been expunged or dismissed?
a. Criminal Sanction: Have you ever, either as an adult or juvenile, been arrested for, or
convicted of any felony or misdemeanor or the violation of any law other than minor
parking violations? (Note: Records sealed under court order or matters that have been
expunged or subject to a diversionary program must be disclosed. You may submit a
copy of any certificate of relief from disabilities or a certificate of good conduct in
connection with a conviction.)
b. Other Criminal or Non-Criminal Charges: Are there any criminal or non-criminal charges
pending or expected to be brought against you?
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been cited, issued a summons, arrested,
taken into custody, charged with, indicted, pleaded guilty to, tried for or convicted for
the commission of any felony or misdemeanor or the violation of any law, including
traffic laws, except minor parking violations, or been the subject of any juvenile
delinquency or youthful offender proceeding? Note: The expungement or sealing of a
record or the dismissal of any charge does not relieve you of the duty to disclose the
matter in this application. You may include the existence of an expungement, sealing or
dismissal in your explanation.
b. Are there any suspensions or criminal charges currently pending against you?
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been cited, arrested, charged with,
indicted, convicted or tried for, or pleaded guilty to, the commission of any felony or
misdemeanor or the violation of any law, except minor parking violations, or been the
subject of any juvenile delinquency or youthful offender proceeding? This should include
matters that may have been expunged from the records or subject to a diversionary
program. Please note that you should have available and be prepared to submit or exhibit
copies of police and court records regarding any matter you disclose in reply to this
question. If you answered "Yes," you must attach a detailed, complete, and truthful
explanation, including a statement of the charge(s), the disposition thereof and the
underlying facts. Please answer honestly, irrespective of any advice you may have
received to the contrary.
b. Are there any criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you?
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been cited, ticketed, arrested, taken into
custody, charged with, indicted, convicted or tried for, or pleaded guilty to, the
commission of any felony or misdemeanor or the violation of any law, or been the subject
of any juvenile delinquency or youthful offender proceeding? Traffic violations that
occurred more than ten years before the filing of this application need not be reported,
with the exception of alcohol or drug-related traffic violations, which must be reported
in all cases irrespective of when they occurred. Do not report parking violations. If yes,
describe the incident(s) below. Although a conviction may have been expunged from the
records by an order of a court, it nevertheless should be disclosed in the answer to this
question. For example, if you were charged with shoplifting, only received a fine, and
the charge was expunged, you must disclose; or, if you were charged with, but not
convicted of, possession of an illegal substance, you must disclose; or if you received a
traffic violation as a minor for possession of alcohol, you must disclose. Also, you should
have available and be prepared to submit or exhibit copies of police and court records
regarding any matter you disclose in reply to this question.
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been cited, ticketed, arrested, taken into
custody, charged with, indicted, convicted or tried for, or pleaded guilty to, the
commission of any felony or misdemeanor or the violation of any law, or been the subject
of any juvenile delinquency or youthful offender proceeding? Traffic violations that
occurred more than ten years before the filing of this application need not be reported,
except alcohol - or drug - related traffic violations, which must be reported in all cases,
irrespective of when they occurred. Do not report parking violations. Note: Although a
conviction may have been expunged from the records by order of a court, it nevertheless
should be disclosed in the answer to this question.
b. Have you ever been a complainant, party or witness to or otherwise involved in any civil
or criminal action, proceeding or investigation?
a. Have you ever, either as a juvenile or an adult, been charged with or convicted of any
crime, offense, violation (other than a minor traffic violation), or have any charges
pending? You must include matters that have either been expunged or dismissed. Please
provide details, including relevant parties involved, description of the incident,
disposition of the incident(s), photocopy of any official court documentation, and
information related to post-sentence events (pardons, etc.).
New York Law
a. Have you ever, as an adult or a juvenile, been cited, arrested, taken into custody, charged
with, convicted of or tried for, or pleaded guilty to, the commission of any felony or
misdemeanor or the violation of any law, except for minor traffic violations, or been the
subject of juvenile delinquency or youthful offender proceeding, or is any such action
pending or expected to be brought against you? If you answer yes, attach a supplemental
statement that states the charge or charges, the disposition thereof, and the underlying
facts, as well as the dates and locations involved and the penalty imposed, if any. We
seek your statement and do not wish to receive court documents or letters from counsel.
Notes: Although a conviction may have been sealed or expunged from the record by an
order of the court, it nevertheless must be disclosed in answer to this question. An
example of a "minor traffic violation" includes parking tickets that have been paid. A
matter that is “like” a traffic violation, but does not involve a vehicle must be disclosed.
Traffic violations involving alcohol or drugs are not minor. If you are uncertain as to
whether a matter must be disclosed in accordance with this question, please ask the Office
of Admissions and Financial Aid. We advise you to fully disclose any matter; the
outcome does not determine whether the matter must be disclosed.
New York University
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been charged with or convicted of any
crime, or charged with or found to have committed any offense (whether or not defined
as a crime), or are any such charges pending? This should include matters that have been
expunged or dismissed.
a. Have you ever been convicted of or pled guilty, no contest, or nolo contendere to a felony,
misdemeanor or a violation of any law, except for minor traffic violations? If your answer
is yes, in your description of the facts and circumstances please include the charge(s)
against you, the underlying facts of the charge(s) against you, the disposition of the
charge(s), and the sentence imposed. (This question does not require the disclosure of
adjournments in contemplation of dismissal or youthful offender adjudications.)
b. Are there any criminal charges or proceedings pending against you now?
Cardoza - Yeshiva
a. Either as an adult or juvenile, have you ever been convicted of, or pled guilty or no contest
to, a violation of any law other than a minor traffic violation such as a parking or speeding
violation? (You should include convictions or pleas that were sealed, expunged and/or
subject to a diversionary program.) Traffic violations that occurred more than ten years
before the filing of this application need not be reported, with the exception of alcohol or
drug-related traffic violations, which must be reported in all cases irrespective of when
they occurred. If you answered "yes", please provide a thorough explanation in the text
box below. (maximum characters 4000)number of characters left is displayed after the
b. Are any such charges pending or expected to be brought against you?
St. John’s
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or juvenile, been cited, arrested, taken into custody,
charged with, indicted, convicted or tried for, or pleaded guilty to, the commission of any
felony or misdemeanor or the violation of any law, except minor parking violations, or
been the subject of any juvenile delinquency or youthful offender proceeding? If yes,
please explain in a supplementary statement or electronic attachment the charge or
charges and relevant facts, including the nature of the offense, the dates and courts
involved, and the penalty imposed, if any. Please note: Although a conviction may have
been expunged or sealed by an order of a court, it nevertheless should be disclosed in
answer to this question.
SUNY Buffalo
a. Have you ever been arrested, ticketed, charged with, taken into custody, indicted,
convicted or tried for, pled guilty to, or are you currently under indictment for any felony
or misdemeanor or any violation of law? Note: Although a conviction may have been
expunged from your record by an order of the court, it does not relieve you of the duty to
disclose the matter on this statement. In addition, traffic violations including drug or
alcohol related violations need to be disclosed. Misrepresentation may result in
administrative sanctions.
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been cited, ticketed, arrested, taken into
custody, charged with, indicted, convicted or tried for, or pleaded guilty to, the
commission of any felony or misdemeanor or the violation of any law, except minor
parking violations, or been the subject of any juvenile delinquency or youthful offender
proceeding? All matters, including those dismissed or with no charges filed (after taken
into custody) must be disclosed.
b. Are there any criminal charges, other than minor parking violations, pending against you?
Any pending charge involving alcohol or controlled substances must be disclosed.
North Carolina
a. Have you EVER IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE been arrested, charged, convicted, warned,
taken into custody, or accused, formally or informally, of the violation of a law for any
offense, including, without limitation all traffic offenses {e.g. DUI/DWI offenses,
speeding, improper equipment, expired registration or inspection tags, failure to maintain
proof of insurance, failure to wear a seat belt, etc.}? You may NOT omit offenses that
were dropped, dismissed or reduced. But you may omit (i) offenses that were either
expunged or sealed and (ii) parking violations. Even if you perceive a matter to have been
minor or to have happened a long time ago, you MUST disclose the information.
b. Disclose each instance even though the charges may have been dismissed or reduced,
you were acquitted, adjudication was withheld, a conviction was reversed, set aside, or
SEALED RECORDS. You must disclose and provide us with official copies of both the
original charge or citation and the ultimate disposition, including any reduced charges or
lesser included offenses.
c. Are there any disciplinary or criminal proceedings pending against you?
a. Have you ever (i) been arrested, charged or cited for a crime or (ii) been convicted of any
offense other than a minor traffic violation? You are not required to report any matter
that has been expunged by a court of law.
a. Have you ever received a citation for, been arrested for, charged with any criminal
charge? (Criminal charges include, but are not limited to: speeding tickets, other traffic
violations, charges of driving under the influence, and/or any crime in violation of the
laws of any jurisdiction. Any and all criminal charges must be fully disclosed.) If the
answer to this question is "yes", please provide a complete explanation in the attachment
section. A complete explanation should include the name of the charge/citation, the date
and location of the incident, and the disposition (i.e., guilty, not guilty, dismissal, plea to
a lesser charge, diversion program, community service, court costs, fine, penalty, etc.).
b. Have you ever been convicted of, or pled guilty, no contest, nolo contendere, entered an
Alford plea, or otherwise accepted responsibility for a crime? Have you received a
deferred prosecution or prayer for judgment continued for any criminal charge?
(Convictions or guilty pleas may include, but are not limited to: speeding tickets, other
traffic violations, charges of driving under the influence, and/or any crime in violation of
the laws of any jurisdiction. Any and all criminal convictions or guilty pleas must be fully
disclosed.) If the answer to this question is "yes", please provide a complete explanation
in the attachment section. A complete explanation should include the name of the
charge/citation, the date and location of the incident, and the disposition (i.e., guilty, not
guilty, dismissal, plea to a lesser charge, diversion program, community service, court
costs, fine, penalty, etc.).
c. Are there any criminal charges pending against you? (Criminal charges include, but are
not limited to: speeding tickets, other traffic violations, driving under the influence, other
alcohol or drug-related charges, and/or any crime in violation of the laws of any
jurisdiction.) If the answer to this question is "yes", please provide a complete
explanation in the attachment section. A complete explanation should include the name
of the charge/citation, the date and location of the incident, and the disposition (i.e.,
guilty, not guilty, dismissal, plea to a lesser charge, diversion program, community
service, court costs, fine, penalty, etc.).
d. Have you ever been requested to appear before any investigatory agency or prosecuting
attorney for any reason or any crime that has not been listed in the previous questions? If
the answer to this question is "yes", please provide a complete explanation.
University of North Carolina
Records that have been sealed or expunged by order of a court need not be disclosed on this
a. Have you ever received a citation for, been arrested for, charged with, convicted of, or
pled guilty, no contest, nolo contendere, entered an Alford plea, or otherwise accepted
responsibility for a crime, or have you received a deferred prosecution or prayer for
judgment continued, for any criminal charge other than speeding? This would include
any charges of driving under the influence or any other drug or alcohol-related offenses.
(Records that have been sealed or expunged need not be disclosed.) If yes, please include
an attachment explaining the circumstances.
b. Are there any criminal charges pending against you or are you presently under
investigation for a crime of any kind? (This includes any charges of driving under the
influence or other drug or alcohol-related charges.) If yes, please include an attachment
explaining the circumstances.
North Carolina Central
Applicants are NOT required to disclose information concerning any arrest, criminal charge, or
criminal conviction that has BEEN EXPUNGED.
a. Have you EVER IN YOUR LIFE entered a plea of guilty, a plea of no contest, a plea of
nolo contendere, or an Alford plea to a criminal charge other than a minor traffic offense
(minor traffic-related offenses that do not need to be disclosed include: parking, traffic
infraction, or an original charge of speeding under 10mph)?
b. Have you EVER IN YOUR LIFE received a deferred prosecution or prayer for judgement
continued to a criminal charge other than a minor traffic offense (minor traffic-related
offenses that do not need to be disclosed include: parking, traffic infraction, or an original
charge of speeding under 10mph)?
c. Have you EVER IN YOUR LIFE been arrested, given a written warning (including a
citation), taken into custody, or accused, formally or informally, for an offense in
violation of law, other than a minor traffic offense (minor traffic-related offenses that do
not need to be disclosed include: parking, traffic infraction, or an original charge of
speeding under 10mph)?
d. Have you EVER IN YOUR LIFE accepted responsibility for the commission of a crime,
other than a minor traffic offense (minor traffic-related offenses that do not need to be
disclosed include: parking, traffic infraction, or an original charge of speeding under
e. Have you EVER IN YOUR LIFE ever been charged or convicted of DWl/DUI (driving
while/under the influence of drugs)?
f. Do you have any criminal charges pending against you, other than a minor traffic offense
(minor traffic-related offenses that do not need to be disclosed include: parking, traffic
infraction, or an original charge of speeding under 10mph)?
Wake Forest University
a. Have you ever been arrested, given a written warning, or taken into custody, or accused,
formally or informally, of the violation of a law for an offense other than traffic
violations? Speeding tickets and minor traffic offenses need not be disclosed.
b. Have you been charged with or convicted of DWI/DUI; or driving under the influence of
North Dakota
University of North Dakota
If the answers to any the following questions are yes, you must provide records from the agency,
court, or military office documenting the charge and the disposition of that event, including any
sanctions imposed. In addition to the documentation from the agency, court, or military office, you
must provide your own personal explanation in the text box or attach an addendum to your
application describing the events that led to the charges(s). Your file will not be considered complete
and it will not be reviewed until this documentation has been submitted. Failure to submit this
documentation in a timely manner may cause your application to be denied or withdrawn.
a. Have you ever been cited for, arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any alcohol or
drug-related traffic violation, other than a violation that was resolved in juvenile court?
b. Have you ever been cited for, arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any moving
traffic violation during the past 10 years? (Omit parking violations.)
c. Have you ever been cited for, arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any violation of
any law, other than a case that was resolved in juvenile court?
University of Akron
If you answer "yes," to any of these questions, please submit a DETAILED statement that references
the question number and that includes the following information (please be as SPECIFIC as
Date of incident and your age at the time of the incident
Parties involved
Description of incident
Result (expunged, dismissed, probation, arrest, incarceration, etc.)
Degree of misdemeanor or felony and code section (Ohio Revised Code or other state or city code
Photocopy of official court documentation, if applicable
Information related to post-sentence events (pardon, etc.)
Vague statements are NOT acceptable. Failure to fully disclose may result in dismissal from the
School of Law.
a. Are there any criminal charges pending against you?
b. Have you been arrested, charged, formally accused, cited, fined, posted bail, subject to a
restraining order, or ordered to do community service for the violation of any law
(including any juvenile or expunged matters, but excluding traffic or parking violations)?
c. Have you ever been or are you currently a party to or otherwise involved (except as a
witness) in any criminal or quasi-criminal action or legal proceeding (including, but not
limited to, a misdemeanor, minor misdemeanor, traffic offense or felony), including any
actions or legal proceedings that were dismissed, expunged, or sealed?
d. Have you ever been or are you currently a party to or otherwise involved (except as a
witness) in any action or legal proceeding in a juvenile court, including any actions or
legal proceedings that were dismissed, expunged or sealed?
e. Have you ever been summoned for a violation of any statute, regulation or ordinance?
f. Do you have any outstanding or unpaid fines, court costs, or tickets, including those for
traffic or parking violations?
g. Have you ever been granted immunity from prosecution?
h. Have you ever been cited or arrested for contempt of court for any reason, including, but
not limited to, failure to appear as a witness or answer a subpoena or a jury summons?
i. Have you been cited or fined for any moving traffic violations within the last ten years
(including moving violations that were dismissed, reduced, or removed from your
j. Have you ever been arrested for or charged with operating a vehicle while under the
influence of drugs or alcohol?
Capital University
a. Have you ever been apprehended, arrested, cited, given a ticket, charged, or convicted of
any crime or offense? Have you ever been court-martialed or charged with fraud? Have
you been cited or arrested for contempt of court for any reason including, but not limited
to, failure to appear as a witness or answer a subpoena or a jury summons? Question 1
Note: You must disclose this information even if the arrest, charge, apprehension,
citation, ticket, or conviction was later dismissed, withdrawn, reduced, dropped, or
diverted. You need not disclose incidents that occurred prior to the age of 18. You need
not disclose minor traffic offenses unless they involved the use, abuse, or possession of
alcohol, drugs, or other chemicals. You need not disclose incidents that, in fact, have
been officially expunged.
Case Western
a. As an adult or juvenile, have you ever been cited for, charged with, subject to a penalty
for, or convicted of a crime? A crime includes a misdemeanor, traffic offense, or felony
(excluding minor traffic violations for which the penalty was a fine of $150 or less).
Include traffic offenses involving driving under suspension or any in which being under
the influence of drugs or alcohol was an element of the offense, regardless of the amount
of the fine.
b. Have you ever been subject to a restraining order?
University of Cincinnati
a. Have you been cited for, arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any violation of any
law, including as a juvenile (except parking tickets)? Note: This should include matters
that have been expunged, dismissed, sealed, subject to a diversion program, or otherwise
set aside.
b. Do you have outstanding or unpaid fines, court costs, or tickets, including those for traffic
or parking violations?
c. Have you ever been charged with any alcohol- or drug-related traffic violations,
regardless of when they occurred?
d. Have you ever been charged with any moving traffic violations that were not alcohol- or
drug-related during the past ten years?
e. Are disciplinary actions or criminal charges pending against you?
Cleveland State
a. Are there any criminal charges pending against you or have you ever been convicted or
granted deferred adjudication or diversion for any offense, felony or misdemeanor,
including traffic offenses (like driving under the influence), but excluding minor moving
violations and parking tickets? (All matters must be reported, even if they were expunged
or the records sealed under the laws of any state).
University of Dayton
a. Have you ever been cited, arrested, charged, or convicted for any violation of any law
including as a juvenile, including traffic violations, but excluding parking tickets?
Ohio Northern University
a. Have you ever been charged with and/or convicted of any criminal offense other than
minor traffic violations including as a juvenile? You must answer YES even if your
record has been expunged. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to request
further documentation.
b. If you answered YES to question 1, was the incident a misdemeanor?
c. If you answered YES to question 1, was the incident a felony?
d. Are criminal charges now pending against you?
e. If you answered “yes” to number 4, are the charges pending against you misdemeanor
charges or felony charges?
Ohio State University
a. Except for minor traffic and parking violations, have you been formally charged, cited,
fined, posted bail, subject to a restraining order, or ordered to do community service for
the violation of any law? This means the original charge and not the negotiated or plea
bargained charge. This also includes juvenile, expunged, or dropped charges.
b. Are there any criminal charges pending against you?
If you answered affirmatively to any question in the Character and Fitness section, you must provide
a COMPLETE explanation, which needs to include essential information (e.g., the date, the specific
nature of the charge, the facts of the incident(s) that led to the charge(s), disposition, etc.) in your
own words. Simply providing court documents does not satisfy this requirement. Additional
information may be requested by the Admission Committee.
Toledo University
a. Have you ever been charged with, arrested for, or convicted of (either as an adult or as a
juvenile) the violation of any law? Minor traffic violations, except those involving drugs
and alcohol, need not be reported.
b. Are any criminal or traffic violations (other than minor traffic violations) currently
pending against you?
VIOLATIONS: If you answered "Yes" to any of the above character and fitness questions, please
attach a detailed statement that includes the following information for each incident. Please be as
specific as possible.
Date of incident and your age at the time of the incident
Parties involved
Description of incident and initial charge
Outcome: dismissal or conviction (state final offense if conviction); sentence (fine, probation,
incarceration, etc.)
The University of Toledo College of Law reserves the right to require documentation related to any
disciplinary actions or criminal or traffic violations, including court records.
PLEASE NOTE: It is your duty to be certain that any sealed or expunged record has in fact been
sealed or expunged. Expunged or sealed offenses, arrests, tickets, or citations need not be disclosed.
It is recommended that you obtain a copy of the Court Order expunging or sealing the record in
question. Failure to reveal an offense, arrest, ticket, or citation that is in fact not expunged or sealed
raises questions related to truthfulness in addition to questions regarding the offense itself. It is your
responsibility to notify the College of Law Admissions Office of any changes in the above answers.
Failure to timely notify the Admissions Office may result in the revocation of your admission or
student disciplinary proceedings.
a. Have you ever been charged with a crime, or are any criminal charges pending or
expected to be brought against you, other than minor traffic violations? Include any
alcohol or drug-related offenses and any reckless driving offenses.
Oklahoma City
a. Have you EVER been cited for, charged with, arrested for, or indicted for ANY violation
of criminal law? Violations of criminal law include charges and tickets for speeding or
minor traffic violations, even if a fine was paid and the charges were dismissed. Include
parking violations only if you have received ten or more tickets.
b. Have you ever received deferred adjudication or probation for any violation of criminal
law, even if the offense has been expunged and does not appear on your permanent
c. Are there any criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you?
a. CRIMINAL SANCTIONS:Have you ever been charged with or convicted of any felony?
You must include deferred or sealed records. Juvenile records that have been sealed need
not be disclosed.
b. Have you ever been charged with or convicted of a crime of violence? You must include
deferred or sealed records. Juvenile records that have been sealed need not be disclosed.
c. Have you ever been charged with or convicted of a drug or alcohol related offense? You
must include deferred or sealed records. Juvenile records that have been sealed need not
be disclosed.
Lewis and Clark University
a. Have you ever been cited for, arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any violation of
any law other than a case that was resolved in juvenile court? This includes traffic
violations. If "Yes," please provide an explanation of each incident including the
resolution of the action and your reflections on each incident. Note: Include matters that
have been dismissed, expunged, subjected to a diversion or deferred prosecution
program, or otherwise set aside, except those in juvenile court.
University of Oregon
a. Including any matters that may have been expunged, except expunged juvenile matters,
have you ever been cited, arrested, charged, or convicted of a criminal offense?
b. Are there any such disciplinary actions, charges, or proceedings referenced in the three
questions above pending or expected to be brought against you?
a. As either an adult or a juvenile, have you ever been charged with, arrested for, convicted
of, or pled guilty or no contest to any infraction, violation of any law or ordinance, or for
the commission of any felony or misdemeanor? You must disclose all adjudications in
which a sentence or judgment has been withheld, deferred, expunged, or the record
sealed, regardless of whether you understood or have been told that you need not disclose
any such instance.
Drexel University
a. Since the age of 18, have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any crime or
violation, other than a minor traffic violation (i.e., parking or speeding citations) that has
not been subsequently expunged? Between the ages of 14 and 18, were you ever
convicted of or pleaded guilty to a crime involving serious bodily injury to another
person?If it has been more than 10 years since you turned 18, you need only list those
convictions that occurred in the past 10 years.
a. Between the ages of 14 and 18, were you ever convicted of or pleaded guilty to a crime
involving serious bodily harm to another person?
b. Since the age of 18, have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any crime by a
law enforcement agency, other than a minor traffic violation (i.e., parking or speeding
citations) that has not been subsequently expunged? If it has been more than 10 years
since you turned 18, you need only address those convictions or guilty pleas that occurred
within the last ten years.
University of Pennsylvania
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been arrested, charged, cited or convicted
of a crime (including misdemeanors), or cited for an infraction (including moving
violations), or is any charge now pending against you? (This should include matters that
have been expunged or subject to a diversionary program.)
Pennsylvania State University, Dickinson
a. Since the age of 18, have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any crime by a
law enforcement agency other than a minor traffic violation (i.e., parking or speeding
citations) that has not been subsequently expunged? If it has been more than 10 years
since you turned 18, you need only list those convictions that occurred in the past 10
years. Please note that nothing in this question should be interpreted to be inconsistent
with the Pennsylvania Clean Slate law.
b. Between the ages of 14 and 18, were you ever convicted of or pleaded guilty to a crime
involving serious bodily injury to another person? If it has been more than 10 years since
you turned 18, you need only list those convictions that occurred in the past 10 years.
Please note that nothing in this question should be interpreted to be inconsistent with the
Pennsylvania Clean Slate law.
c. Are there criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you by any law
enforcement agency, civil or administrative agency, or any other agency? If you answered
"yes" to this question, any and all details surrounding these circumstances must be
disclosed in an addendum to this question using the corresponding document in the
"Attachments" section of this application.
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
a. Are you currently or have you ever been arrested, charged, cited, accused, or prosecuted
for any crime by a law enforcement agency, or have you ever been the subject of any
investigation by a law enforcement agency, civil or administrative agency, professional
organization, corporation, board, or any other agency? This does NOT include summary
(minor) motor vehicle violations for which you received a citation (ticket). If you
answered “Yes” to this question, any and all details surrounding these circumstances
must be disclosed in an addendum to this question using the corresponding document in
the “Attachments” section of this application.
You must answer “yes” to this question even if: the charges were dismissed; or you were acquitted
or pardoned; or adjudication was withheld; or a conviction was reversed, set aside, or vacated. You
are not required to answer "yes" if your records have been expunged or subject to limited access
pursuant to Pennsylvania Act 56 of 2018.
b. Do you expect to be, or have you been notified or told that you will be charged, cited,
accused or prosecuted for any crime by a law enforcement agency or do you have reason
to believe or have you been notified that you are or will be the subject of any investigation
by any law enforcement agency, civil or administrative agency, professional
organization, corporation, board, or any other agency? This does NOT include summary
(minor) motor vehicle violations for which you received a citation (ticket).
a. Are there any disciplinary charges pending or expected to be brought against you? If your
answer is "Yes," please explain in an electronic attachment.
b. Are you currently or have you ever been arrested, charged, cited, accused, or prosecuted
for any crime by a law enforcement agency, or have you ever been the subject of any
investigation by a law enforcement agency, civil or administrative agency, professional
organization, corporation, board, or any other agency (including, but not limited to, the
lawyer Disciplinary Board, Attorney General's Office, government entity, law firm, etc.)?
This does NOT include summary (minor) motor vehicle violations for which you were
given a citation (ticket). Expunged or sealed convictions or sanctions MUST be
a. Are there any disciplinary, academic, or criminal charges pending or expected to be
brought against you?
b. Since the age of 18, have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any crime by a
law enforcement agency, other than a minor traffic violation (i.e., parking or speeding
citations) that has not been subsequently expunged?
c. Between the ages of 14 and 18, were you ever adjudicated delinquent of or pleaded guilty
to a crime involving serious bodily injury to another person?
Temple University
a. Have you ever been arrested, accused, charged, prosecuted, or pled guilty or nolo
contendere to a crime for an offense other than a minor traffic violation? If the answer is
yes, please detail the exact nature of the offense and the dates on a separate page or
electronic attachment and enclose with your application. This does NOT include
summary (minor) motor vehicle violations for which you were give a citation/ticket. It
does include all alcohol-related traffic citation (e.g. DUI, OWI)
Widener Commonwealth
If your record was sealed as a result of the Pennsylvania Clean Slate law, you do not have to disclose
it on the Character & Fitness section of the application.
a. Since the age of 18, have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any crime by a
law enforcement agency, other than a minor traffic violation (i.e., parking or speeding
citations) that has not been subsequently expunged? If it has been more than 10 years
since you turned 18, then you need only list those convictions or guilty pleas that occurred
in the past 10 years.
b. If you younger than 28 years of age, between the ages of 14 and 18, were you ever
convicted of or pleaded guilty to a crime involving serious bodily injury to another
person? If you are 28 or older you should answer "no" to this question since the
conviction or guilty plea occured more than 10 years ago.
c. Are there civil or criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you by any
law enforcement agency, civil or administrative agency, or any other agency?
Puerto Rico
Inter-American Puerto Rico
a. With exceptions to minor traffic violations, have you ever been convicted for violating
the law in Puerto Rico, the United States, or any foreign country?
University of Puerto Rico
a. Have you been convicted of any crime?
Rhode Island
Roger Williams University
a. Have you ever, as an adult or a juvenile, been charged with a felony, regardless of how
any such charge was disposed of or whether any conviction was expunged from your
b. Have you, within the last five years, as an adult or a juvenile, been convicted of a
c. Are there any pending criminal charges against you now? Minor, non-criminal traffic
offenses such as parking and speeding tickets need not be disclosed.
South Carolina
Charleston University
a. Have you ever been charged, arrested for, formally accused, or convicted of any traffic
or criminal offense? (i.e., underage possession, open container, simple possession, etc.)
b. Have you ever been charged with or convicted of a felony?
c. Are any criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you?
University of South Carolina
Include all disciplinary actions, charges, convictions, and traffic violations. You may exclude
parking tickets, but you must disclose all traffic violations including those you consider to be minor.
You must provide a complete record of all instances in which you have been arrested, taken into
custody, or accused, formally or informally, of a violation of the law. Include instances that were
expunged by Order of the Court and juvenile offenses, whether or not the records are sealed.
Disclose each instance even if the charges were dismissed, you were acquitted, adjudication was
withheld, a conviction was reversed, set aside, or vacated, the record was sealed or expunged, or
you participated in a pre-trial intervention program.
a. Have you ever been arrested, taken into custody, or accused, formally or informally, of a
violation of the law? Please refer to the instructions above concerning what must be
disclosed in response to this question.
b. Are any criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you?
South Dakota
University of South Dakota
a. Have you ever been charged or convicted of any felony or misdemeanor, petty or other
offense, including moving traffic violations? Include all incidents no matter how minor
the infraction, whether expunged or suspended imposition of sentence. Jevenile
proceedings must be included.
a. Have you ever as a juvenile been cited for, arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any
violation of any law? Note: Include matters that have been dismissed, expunged, subject
to diversion or deferred prosecution program, or otherwise set aside. Do not include
simple fines for parking and moving violations (e.g. speeding, failure to yield); however,
driver's license suspension and other court actions taken beyond paying a simple fine
must be disclosed.
b. Have you ever as an adult been cited for, arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any
violation of any law? Note: Include matters that have been dismissed, expunged, subject
to diversion or deferred prosecution program, or otherwise set aside. Do not include
simple fines for parking and moving violations (e.g. speeding, failure to yield); however,
driver's license suspension and other court actions taken beyond paying a simple fine
must be disclosed.
c. Have you ever been a party to or otherwise involved in any legal proceeding (civil or
Lincoln Memorial
If you answer "yes" to any of the above questions, you must fully explain the nature of each incident.
Answering "yes" to any question does not automatically disqualify an applicant from consideration
for admission. The Admissions Committee would like the opportunity to review all relevant facts
including (but not limited to) the issue(s), the offense(s), the date(s) of the offense(s), the law
enforcement agency involved and disposition, including fine(s), court costs or other penalties, etc.
Please include the corresponding question number(s) and question(s) for each explanation.
a. Have you ever been arrested?
b. Have you ever been a party to a legal proceeding?
If you answer yes to any of the following six (6) questions, you must provide relevant details of the
incident, including, but not limited to, the date of the incident, the location of the incident, and the
outcome of the incident. Failure to provide detailed information may result in the Admissions
Office requesting additional information, which will ultimately delay the admission decision.
Copies of relevant court or other documents should accompany the explanation.
Even expunged or sealed matters MUST be disclosed, unless the expunged or sealed matter was
resolved while you were a juvenile (i.e., 17 or younger).
a. Have you ever been arrested, taken into custody, formally accused, indicted, charged,
cited, or convicted (by plea agreement, no contest plea, or otherwise) in connection with
the violation of a criminal law or ordinance in any jurisdiction? The foregoing includes:
i. All adult offenses and matters that have been expunged or otherwise removed
from court records.
ii. Any delinquent act if you were fourteen (14) or more years of age at the time
of the alleged act and the conduct constituting the delinquent act, if committed
by an adult, would be a serious felony as specified in T.C.A. 37-1-154(b)(2)*
involving use of a weapon or bodily injury to the victim. If you were charged
or convicted as a juvenile with any of these serious acts, you must provide a
detailed description of the incident, even if the juvenile court matter has been
expunged, along with any documentation that may still be available, and the
disposition of the case.
iii. You must disclose all traffic violations UNLESS the traffic violation (1) did
not result in a jail sentence, (2) did not result in suspension or revocation of
your driver’s license, AND (3) did not result in a fine of $200 or more,
including court costs and fees. However, any arrest , charge, or conviction for
driving while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs must be
disclosed regardless of outcome or sanction imposed
*The conduct would specifically constitute “first degree murder , second
degree murder, rape, aggravated rape, rape of a child, aggravated robbery,
especially aggravated robbery, kidnapping, aggravated kidnapping or
especially aggravated kidnapping.”
b. Have you ever been charged with fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, forgery, or other acts
of dishonesty in any civil, criminal, administrative, or other proceeding?
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or minor, been charged with or convicted of any crime,
or charged with or found to have committed any offense (whether or not defined as a
crime), or received anything other than an honorable discharge from the military? This
should include matters that have been expunged or dismissed.
b. Are any charges pending or expected which would require you to answer "yes" to either
question above?
a. Have you ever been arrested, charged or convicted of any felony or misdemeanor,
including any charges or convictions that were expunged? Have you ever been charged
or convicted of a violation of any other law or ordinance, excluding a parking or traffic
violation? If yes, please supply a statement explaining the date and nature of the offense
and provide certified copies of the court documents related to the disposition of the
matter(s). Note: Your application will not be considered for an admission decision until
this documentation has been received.
Baylor University
Instructions for the question below: You may exclude minor traffic violations. You must, however,
report any traffic or other offenses involving alcohol, drugs, or a controlled substance, or any
offenses in which there was an attempt, successful or not, to suspend or revoke your driver's license.
List and provide a detailed explanation of each instance, including its ultimate disposition. You
must disclose each instance, even if no charges were filed, even if you were granted any type of
pretrial diversion, even if filed charges were dismissed (with or without prejudice), even if such
charges resulted in a deferred adjudication, even if you were acquitted of such charges, or even if
such charges resulted in a conviction that was reversed, set aside, vacated, or expunged.
Administrative license suspensions must also be disclosed. You must also disclose any matters
involving a failure to appear or answer any citation or warrant, whether for a traffic violation or
otherwise. Disclosure is required even if you have been informed by any source that you do not
have to disclose any such instance and even if a search of your public records made by you or on
your behalf did not disclose an instance that has in fact occurred.
a. Have you ever, either as an adult or juvenile, been ticketed for, arrested for, charged with,
or convicted of any violation of the law?
Houston University
For questions 1, 2, and 3, please forward the official documentation showing the final disposition
of the incident(s).
a. Have you ever been convicted of an offense, placed on probation, or granted deferred
adjudication or any type of pretrial diversion? You must report any such offenses
involving alcohol or drugs. You must report any failure to appear conviction resulting
from any offense. You must report any conviction for failure to maintain financial
responsibility (legally required auto insurance). You may exclude only Class C
misdemeanor traffic violations.
b. Have you, within the last ten (10) years, been arrested, cited or ticketed for, or charged
with any violation of the law? You must report any offenses involving alcohol or drugs.
You must report any failure to appear charge or warrant resulting from any such offense.
You must report any failure to maintain financial responsibility (legally required auto
insurance), arrest, citation, ticket, or charge. You may exclude only Class C misdemeanor
traffic violations.
c. Have you ever been confined by any governmental authority because you were found to
be dangerous to yourself or others?
University of North Texas, Dallas
a. Have you been arrested, formally accused, charged, cited, fined, posted bail, subject to
or currently under a restraining order, or ordered to do community service for any ANY
violation of law? You must report any and/or all offenses involving alcohol or drugs.
You may exclude ONLY Class C misdemeanor traffic violations. You must report any
failure to appear charge or warrant resulting from any offense.
b. Have you ever been CONVICTED of ANY offense, placed on probation, or granted
deferred adjudication or any type of pretrial diversion? You may exclude ONLY Class
C misdemeanor traffic violations. You must report any such offenses involving alcohol
or drugs. You must report any failure to appear conviction resulting from any offense,
including a failure to appear conviction resulting from a Class C Misdeameanor traffic
St. Mary’s College
a. Have you ever been convicted of and/or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere (no contest)
to any violation of the criminal laws other than a minor traffic violation? Adults who
have been charged with a crime and who accept Deferred Adjudication must report such
information under this question because the concept of Deferred Adjudication involves a
plea of guilty or no contest, and the offense cannot be erased from a person’s record. An
applicant does not need to disclose information about a juvenile record. Further, an
applicant does not need to disclose information about a criminal record that has been
sealed, ordered nondisclosed, or expunged; however, it is up to each applicant to ensure
that his/her offense is in fact expunged, ordered nondisclosed, and/or sealed under the
relevant state law. If an applicant fails to disclose information that is not in fact expunged,
ordered nondisclosed, or sealed, the applicant may be subject to disciplinary action by
the University. NOTE: You must include any offenses involving drugs or alcohol as well
as any failure to appear warrant, unless excused as described above. Important: You have
a continuing obligation to update the St. Mary’s School of Law Office of Admissions if
there is any information that would require your answer to this question to change to
University of South Texas, Houston
a. Have you ever been arrested, cited, or ticketed for, or charged with any violation of the
law? You may exclude minor traffic violations. You must report any offenses involving
alcohol or drugs, any failure to maintain motor vehicle financial responsibility (aka No
Insurance or No Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance), and any offenses in which there was
an attempt, whether successful or not, to suspend or revoke your driver's license. You
must report any failure-to-appear charges resulting from the offense.
b. Have you ever been convicted of an offense, placed on probation, or granted deferred
adjudication or any type of pretrial diversion in any jurisdiction? You may exclude minor
traffic violations. You must report any offenses involving alcohol or drugs, any failure to
maintain motor vehicle financial responsibility (aka No Insurance or No Motor Vehicle
Liability Insurance), and any offenses in which there was an attempt, whether successful
or not, to suspend or revoke your driver's license. You must report any failure-to-appear
charges resulting from the offense.
Southern Methodist University
a. Have you ever been arrested, cited or ticketed for, or charged with any violation of the
law? You must report all offenses, including offenses involving alcohol or drugs. You
may exclude Class C misdemeanor traffic violations, however you must report any failure
to appear charge or warrant resulting from any offense, including Class C misdemeanors.
An offense is not a minor traffic violation if it involved alcohol or drugs, or if there was
an attempt, whether successful or not, to suspend or revoke your driver's license as a
result of the violation.
b. Are you currently under indictment or have you ever been convicted of any offense,
placed on probation or granted deferred adjudication or any type of pretrial diversion?
You must report all offenses, including offenses involving alcohol or drugs. You may
exclude Class C misdemeanor traffic violations, however you must report any failure to
appear arrest or conviction for any offense, including Class C misdemeanors.
University of Texas
a. Have you ever been arrested and convicted of an offense, placed on probation, or granted
deferred adjudication or any type of pretrial diversion, or are there any charges pending
against you? If you answer "yes," please explain fully on a separate sheet, and upload the
attachment. No You must report: • any such offenses involving alcohol or drugs. • any
failure to appear conviction resulting from an offense. • any conviction for failure to
maintain financial responsibility (legally required auto insurance). While an applicant
does not need to disclose information about a juvenile or criminal record that has been
sealed or expunged, it is up to each applicant to ensure that their offense is in fact
expunged and/or sealed under the relevant state law. If an applicant fails to disclose
information that is not in fact expunged or sealed, the applicant may be subject to
disciplinary action by the University.
Texas A&M
It is not necessary to disclose information about a juvenile or criminal record that has been sealed
or expunged; however, it is up to you to ensure that your offense is in fact expunged and/or sealed
under the relevant state law. Mistaken belief or detrimental reliance upon the advice of a third party
(such as an attorney or judge) is no excuse for the failure to disclose a reportable offense that has
not actually been expunged or sealed. To ensure that you do not run afoul of this exception, you
should obtain a copy of the signed Motion and Order of Expungement from the court in question.
(You must report any alleged or pending charges, violations, and/or sanctions.)
a. Have you ever been arrested, cited or ticketed, charged with, convicted of, placed on
deferred adjudication, or pled guilty or pled nolo contendere (no contest) to any violation
or criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation? Note: You must report any failure
to appear resulting from any offense, including a minor traffic offense, any failure to
maintain financial responsibility (legally required auto insurance), and any attempt,
whether successful or not, to suspend or revoke your driver's license.
(You must report any violation involving the use of drugs or alcohol, regardless of the severity of
the incident.)
Texas Southern University
If you answer "yes" to question 1, you must submit official court records as well as a detailed
explanation of each instance, including its ultimate disposition. If a court or arresting/ticketing
agency is unable to provide copies of pertinent records, you must obtain a written statement so
stating from the court or agency. You must disclose each instance even if no charges were filed,
even if you were granted any type of pretrial diversion such as deferred disposition or deferred
adjudication, even if charges were dismissed, even if you were acquitted of such charges, and even
if such charges resulted in a conviction that was reversed, set aside, vacated, or expunged. If
expunged, please attach (in the Attachments Section) official court documents showing that the
charges were expunged and the date of the expungement.
a. Have you ever (either as a juvenile or adult), been charged, arrested, convicted, or granted
deferred adjudication or deferred disposition in any jurisdiction of any crime other than
a minor traffic violation? If yes, give details in a separate statement and attach to this
application in the Attachments Section.
Texas Tech University
a. Have you ever been arrested, cited or ticketed for, convicted of an offense, placed on
probation, granted deferred adjudication or any type of pretrial diversion, or charged with
any violation of the law? You must report any such offenses involving alcohol or drugs.
You must report any failure to appear charge or warrant resulting from any such offense.
You must report any failure to maintain financial responsibility (legally required auto
insurance) arrest, citation, ticket or charge. You may exclude only Class C misdemeanor
traffic violations. An applicant does not need to disclose information about a juvenile or
criminal record that has been sealed or expunged; however, it is up to each applicant to
ensure that their offense is in fact expunged and sealed under the relevant state law. If an
applicant fails to disclose information that is not in fact expunged or sealed, the applicant
may be subject to disciplinary action. If so, please explain below. If additional space is
required, please provide a separate attachment.
b. Are there any charges pending against you which, if you were convicted, would require
you to answer "yes" to the previous question? If so, please explain below. If additional
space is required, please provide a separate attachment.
Brigham Young
a. Criminal Sanctions: Are there any criminal charges now pending or expected to be
brought against you? Have you ever been arrested, cited, or convicted of any felony,
misdemeanor, or other violation, excluding minor traffic offenses, or had a warrant issued
for failure to appear, even for minor traffic offenses? Include charges to which you may
have pleaded guilty or no contest or for which you have been placed on probation or
granted deferred adjudication, even if the incident occurred when you were a juvenile
and/or the record is/has been sealed. Although a conviction may have been expunged
from your record by an order of the court, it nevertheless should be disclosed in answer
to this question.
b. Has there ever been an attempt, whether successful or not, to revoke your driver's license
based on an offense involving drugs and/or alcohol?
University of Utah
a. Have you ever been convicted of a crime or are charges pending against you? A
conviction includes a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, a plea in abeyance if it is in its
period of probation, or a verdict or finding of guilt regardless of whether a sentence was
imposed, or if the conviction has been expunged from your records. All drug- and
alcohol-related offenses must be reported. Other than drug- and alcohol-related offenses,
you are not required to report misdemeanor juvenile offenses, Juvenile felonies must be
reported. You are not required to report minor traffic offenses.
University of Vermont
Under Vermont law, you are not required to disclose sealed or expunged Vermont criminal records.
a. Have you ever, as an adult or a juvenile, been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of
any criminal or civil law regardless of disposition of any such charge? (Minor, non-
criminal traffic offenses such as parking and speeding tickets need not be disclosed.)
b. Are there any pending criminal charges against you now? Minor, non-criminal traffic
offenses such as parking and speeding tickets need not be disclosed.
While Appalachian School of Law is prohibited by Virginia statute from requiring disclosure of
information concerning arrests or charges that have been officially expunged (see Virginia Code §
19.2-392.4), state bar examiners may require that bar applicants disclose such information and
closely compare disclosures on law school applications with such disclosures on applications for
bar admissions.
a. Regardless of the outcome, have you ever been arrested, cited, ticketed for or charged
with any violation of the law, including juvenile offenses and traffic violations? (Note:
In other words, all violations of the law must be reported.)
b. Are there any disciplinary charges pending or expected to be brought against you?
George Mason University
a. Have you ever been charged with, convicted of, and/or pleaded guilty or no contest to
any violation of the criminal laws (misdemeanors and felonies) including expungement?
b. Are there any criminal charges, felony, misdemeanor or other, pending against you
which, if you were convicted, would require you to answer "yes" to the previous
question? Answer yes even if directed by an attorney not to disclose.
c. Have you ever been cited for any traffic infractions (including traffic camera infractions),
regardless of disposition? Do not include parking tickets.
Liberty University
a. Have you been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any offense(s)? (Please include
traffic violations.)
b. Are you now under charges for any violation of law?
c. Are there any criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you?
d. Are you a plaintiff or a defendant in an ongoing lawsuit?
Regent University
Applicants must disclose dismissed charges but need not disclose charges when the charge has been
expunged in accordance with applicable state law.
a. Have you been charged, arrested, convicted, fined, jailed, placed on probation, or ordered
to do community service, for the violation of any law, including traffic violations, but
excluding parking violations?
b. Have you ever been a party to a civil lawsuit, other court proceeding, or government
administrative action or proceeding?
Richmond University
a. Other than minor traffic violations, have you ever been arrested for any violation of the
law? If yes, in an attachment, name the offense and the date, and describe the
circumstances (see Attachments section). (This would include arrests for driving under
the influence of alcohol or any other substance.) Note: You must disclose the information
requested in this question even if you received a deferred prosecution, a suspended
imposition of sentence, the conviction was stayed or vacated, or the record (including but
not limited to proceedings in juvenile court, family court, or any court of general
jurisdiction) was expunged.
b. Are there any criminal charges currently pending against you?
University of Virginia
a. Have you ever been cited for, charged with, taken into custody for, arrested for, indicted
for, tried for, pled guilty to, or convicted of, the violation of any law, excluding minor
traffic or parking violations? Note: incidents involving alcohol or drug possession,
driving while intoxicated or impaired, damage to property, injury to person(s), driving
without insurance, leaving the scene of an accident, driving on a suspended license,
and/or reckless driving are NOT considered minor offenses for the purposes of this
section and should be disclosed here. This question does NOT require you to disclose
information concerning any arrest or criminal charge that has been expunged at the time
you submit this application. This question does NOT require you to disclose incidents
that were the subject of a juvenile delinquency or youthful offender proceeding.
b. Are there any charges pending or expected to be brought against you?
Washington and Lee
Though Washington and Lee University is prohibited by Virginia statute from requiring disclosure
of information concerning arrests or charges that have been officially expunged (See Virginia Code
19.2-392.4), state bar examiners may require that bar applicants disclose such information and
closely compare disclosures on law school applications with disclosures on applications for bar
admission. We therefore encourage full, voluntary disclosure
a. Have you ever been cited, ticketed, taken into custody, arrested, or prosecuted for, or
charged with, any violation of law other than (a) citations for parking violations and (b)
arrests, charges, prosecutions, or convictions that have been officially expunged in
accordance with applicable statutory provisions?
b. Have you ever entered into a plea agreement or any arrangement to avoid prosecution
other than agreements or arrangements specifically involving arrests, charges,
prosecutions, or convictions that have been officially expunged in accordance with
applicable statutory provisions?
c. Are you now the subject of a criminal or administrative investigation?
William and Mary
a. Are there any criminal proceedings pending or expected to be brought against you?
RECORDS. You must provide official copies of both the original charge or citation and
a complete and accurate explanation of the incident. Have you EVER IN YOUR ENTIRE
LIFE been arrested, charged, convicted, warned, taken into custody for the violation of a
law, court order, or for any offense, including, without limitation, all traffic offenses (e.g.
DUI/DWI/OWI offenses, speeding, improper equipment, expired registration or
inspection tags, failure to maintain proof of insurance, failure to wear a seat belt, etc.), or
formally accused of, charged with, or indicted for such violations? You may NOT omit
offenses that were dropped, dismissed or reduced. But you may omit (i) offenses that
were either expunged or sealed and (ii) parking violations. Even if you perceive a matter
to have been minor or to have happened a long time ago, you MUST disclose the
If yes, you MUST disclose and fully and accurately describe each instance even though the charges
may have been dismissed or reduced, you were acquitted, adjudication was withheld, a conviction
was reversed, set aside, or vacated. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO DISCLOSE ANY
EXPUNGED OR SEALED RECORDS. You must provide us with official copies of both the
original charge or citation and the ultimate disposition, including any reduced charges or lesser
included offenses. (maximum characters 3000)
Gonzaga University
a. Have you ever been arrested, cited for, detained for, indicted with, or convicted of any
crime, whether a felony or misdemeanor? This question requires disclosure of all criminal
matters, including: (i) all criminal motor vehicle offenses, including moving traffic
violations, for example: speeding tickets, failure to yield, and failure to provide insurance
(omit parking violations); (ii) any juvenile offense even if the record was sealed or
expunged. Disclosure is required regardless of whether a charge is pending, was dropped,
you entered a diversion program, prosecution was deferred, adjudication was deferred or
withheld, and even if there was a judgment of acquittal. If yes, provide a complete
explanation of the matter, including the initial charges and the ultimate resolution. If you
are unsure about the nature or resolution of a particular charge, it is your responsibility
to obtain the information before you respond. (If you are not sure about the nature or the
ultimate disposition of a particular charge, it is your responsibility to check with the
courts before you answer.)
b. Has a restraining order, anti-harassment order, no contact order, or the like (whether
administrative, civil, or criminal in nature) ever been requested against you? This
question includes a request/petition that may not have ultimately been granted.
Seattle University
a. Have you ever been charged or convicted of a felony, misdemeanor, or other crime?
University of Washington
a. Have you ever been cited for, arrested for, charged with, or convicted for any violation
of any law including any cases resolved in juvenile court, whether expunged or not, or is
any such charge now pending against you?
West Virginia
University of West Virginia
a. Have you ever been cited for, arrested for, charged with, pled to, or been convicted of
any violation of any criminal law other than a case that was resolved in juvenile court?
You should include matters that have been dismissed, expunged, subject to a diversion
or deferred prosecution program, or otherwise set aside. (If yes, please attach an
b. Are any criminal charges currently pending against you? (If yes, please attach an
c. Have you ever had a complaint filed against you in any domestic abuse proceeding or
been the subject of a protective order? (If yes, please attach an explanation.)
Marquette University
a. With respect to criminal charges, civil law violations, or local ordinance violations
(excluding parking violations, but including all other tickets or citations, including those
for moving violations) have you ever, as an adult or juvenile, been arrested, charged,
convicted, issued a citation, or served probation, or paid restitution or served probation
in lieu of being arrested, charged, convicted, or entering a plea (whether a plea of guilty
or no contest)? You must disclose each instance, however adjudicated, including juvenile
delinquency proceeding, criminal case, court martial, or case of an ordinance violation,
whether or not the charge and the plea or conviction differ, whether arrest, judgment,
conviction, or sentence has been withheld or expunged, or the record sealed, regardless
of whether you have been told that you need not disclose any such instance.
b. Are you presently the subject of any proceedings involving the matters addressed in 1
through 4?
University of Wisconsin
a. Criminal/Civil/Military Infractions: Have you ever been cited, arrested, charged,
convicted or sentenced for any criminal, civil, or ordinance violation, at the federal, state,
or local level? This includes, for example, any adult, juvenile, or military violations, as
well as any forfeitures. You must answer whether or not the matter was resolved in a
conviction, a dismissal, or was resolved at the same or a different level of seriousness as
the original violation. You must also answer even if a finding of guilt or sentence was
suspended or withheld, or the record was expunged or sealed.You must include all
citations and tickets, including traffic tickets, speeding tickets, and moving violations.
Only parking violations may be omitted.
b. Impaired Driving: Have you ever been arrested for, charged with, convicted of, or entered
a plea of guilty or no contest to a violation that involved driving under the influence of
alcohol or driving under the influence of drugs?
c. Pending Issues: Are any such issues currently pending, which relate to incidents
described previously? Pending issues include, for example, any incident for which you
are on probation or under supervision.
University of Wyoming
a. Have you ever been convicted of or entered a plea of guilty or no contest to any violation
of law other than minor traffic violations?