Sentencing Guidelines Manual
Prepared by the Michigan Judicial Institute
May 2021
This sentencing guidelines manual has been prepared as an
aid for those who use the guidelines enacted by the Michigan
Legislature. The manual is intended to reflect with complete
accuracy the substance of the law. However, in the event
that the manual fails to comport exactly with the law,
remember that the statute is the controlling authority.
In response to the public health emergency, the Michigan Supreme Court has
issued (and continues to issue) administrative orders affecting trial court
procedures. MJI has endeavored to summarize and synthesize these orders to
assist courts in adapting to the new requirements and limitations. Please visit our
COVID-19: Procedures Affected webpage for more information (http:// This page will remain live and updated as long as
the public health emergency exists.
GeneralInformationandInstructions for
In 2015, the Michigan Supreme Court rendered the
previously-mandatory sentencing guidelines advisory only.
People v Lockridge, 498 Mich 358 (2015).
Applying United States Supreme Court precedent, the
Court held that Michigan’s mandatory sentencing
guidelines are violative of the Sixth Amendment. To remedy
this constitutional violation, the Lockridge Court severed
MCL 769.34(2) to the extent that it makes the calculated
guidelines minimum sentence range mandatory;
additionally, the Court struck down the requirement of MCL
769.34(3) that the court articulate a substantial and
compelling reason to depart from the guidelines range.
Subsequently, MCL 769.34 was amended to omit the
substantial and compelling language and to explicitly
provide for reasonable departures. See 2020 PA 395,
effective March 24, 2021. A sentencing court may now
exercise its discretion to depart from the guidelines range
without articulating substantial and compelling reasons for
doing so, and a departure sentence will be reviewed on
appeal for reasonableness.
However, sentencing courts are still required to determine
the applicable guidelines range and take it into account
when imposing a sentence. Accordingly, the guidelines-
scoring content of this manual remains applicable, with the
caveat that the calculated guidelines range is advisory
rather than binding.
Additional references to Lockridge are included throughout
this manual where relevant. For a comprehensive
discussion of Lockridge, see the Michigan Judicial
Institute’s Criminal Proceedings Benchbook, Vol. 2,
Chapter 1.
In general, the statutory sentencing guidelines apply only to felony offenses
for which the penalty prescribed is an indeterminate sentence, and the
sentencing court retains discretion in imposing an offender’s sentence. That
is, the guidelines are not applicable to offenses for which the applicable
statute establishes a mandatory determinate penalty or a mandatory penalty
of life imprisonment for conviction of the offense. MCL 769.34(5).
Specifically, the statutory sentencing guidelines apply to felony offenses
listed in MCL 777.11 to 777.19 that were committed on or after January 1,
1999. MCL 769.34(2). The statutory sections listing the felony offenses to
which the guidelines apply contain brief descriptions of the felonies listed
there “for assistance only.” MCL 777.6; MCL 777.11 to 777.19. The
language contained in the statute defining the felony offense itself governs
application of the sentencing guidelines. MCL 777.6. The statutory
sentencing guidelines in effect on the date the offense was committed
govern the calculation of an offender’s minimum sentence. MCL 769.34(2).
When an offender is convicted of multiple offenses, a sentencing information
report (SIR) should be completed for the sentencing offense that has the
highest crime class. If there are multiple offenses that are in the highest
crime class, all of those offenses must be scored. In instances where the
sentences imposed will be served consecutively, an SIR should be
completed for every crime that will be served consecutively.
A. All seven prior record variables (PRVs) should be scored for all offenses.
MCL 777.21(1)(b). PRVs 1 through 6 refer only to an offender’s prior
convictions. Concurrent and subsequent convictions should be scored in
PRV 7, but not in PRVs 1 through 6.
B. Each PRV consists of several statements to which a specific number of
points are assigned. The statements appearing in each PRV quantify the
specific sentencing characteristic addressed by that PRV. Determine
which one or more of the statements addressed by the PRV apply to the
offender and assign the point value indicated by the applicable statement
with the highest number of points. Where no points are appropriate for a
particular PRV, a score of zero (0) should be indicated. The total number
of points assessed for all seven PRVs is the offender’s “PRV level” and
corresponds to the horizontal axis of the appropriate sentencing grid.
C. Whether a prior felony conviction or corresponding adjudication is ofhigh
or “low” severity is determined by reference to the crime class of the prior
conviction or corresponding adjudication. An offense’s crime class may be
identified by consulting the offense lists contained in this manual. All
guidelines offenses are listed in order of their MCL number (or
alphabetically by offense description) and each offense’s crime class is
noted. Prior convictions classified in M2 (second-degree murder) or in
classes A through D are “high severity” prior convictions; felonies in
classes E through H are “low severity” prior convictions. In addition, prior
convictions or adjudications punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more and not listed in any crime class may
qualify as prior high severity felony convictions; prior convictions or
adjudications punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of less than
10 years and not listed in any crime class may qualify as prior low severity
felony convictions.
D. In scoring PRVs 1 to 5, do not use any conviction or juvenile adjudication
that precedes a period of 10 or more years between the discharge date
from a conviction or juvenile adjudication and the commission date of the
next offense resulting in a conviction or juvenile adjudication. MCL 777.50.
“Discharge date” means the date an individual is discharged from the
jurisdiction of the court or the department of corrections.
Apply the “10-year gap rule” by determining the length of time between the
discharge date of the offender’s conviction or juvenile adjudication
immediately preceding the commission date of the sentencing offense. If the
time span is 10 years or more, that conviction or juvenile adjudication–and
any convictions or adjudications that occurred earlier–must not be counted
when scoring the offender’s PRVs. If the time span between the commission
date of the offender’s sentencing offense and the discharge date of the
offender’s most recent conviction or adjudication is less than 10 years, that
prior conviction or adjudication must be counted in scoring the offenders
If the offender’s most recent conviction or adjudication must be counted in
scoring his or her PRVs, and if the offender has additional prior convictions
or juvenile adjudications, determine the length of time between the
commission date of the prior conviction or adjudication first scored and the
discharge date of the next earlier conviction or adjudication. If the time span
equals or exceeds 10 years, that conviction or adjudication may not be
counted. If the time span is less than 10 years, that conviction or adjudication
may be counted in scoring the offender’s PRVs. Use the process described
above until a time span equal to or greater than 10 years separates the
discharge date of an earlier conviction or adjudication from the commission
date of the next conviction or adjudication or until no previous convictions or
adjudications remain.
If a discharge date is not available, determine the date by adding the amount
of time the defendant was placed on probation or the length of the minimum
term of incarceration to the date the defendant was convicted (not the date
the defendant was sentenced) and use that date as the discharge date.
A. The crime group of the sentencing offense determines which offense
variables (OVs) must be scored. The offenses to which the guidelines
apply are sorted into six crime groups (MCL 777.5(a)-(f)):
Crimes against a person (“Person”)
Crimes against property (“Property”)
Crimes involving a controlled substance (“CS”)
Crimes against public order (“Pub ord”)
Crimes against public safety (“Pub saf”)
Crimes against public trust (“Pub trst”)
The applicable crime group may be identified by consulting the offense lists
contained in this manual. All guidelines offenses are listed in order of their
MCL number and in alphabetical order based on offense descriptions. Along
with the MCL numbers are the crime group and crime class designations for
each offense and the statutory maximum penalty for conviction of the
B. Each OV consists of several statements to which a specific number of
points are assigned. The statements appearing in each OV quantify the
specific sentencing characteristic addressed by that OV. Determine which
one or more of the statements addressed by the OV apply to the offender
and assign the point value indicated by the applicable statement with the
highest number of points. Where no points are appropriate for a particular
OV, a score of zero (0) should be indicated. The total number of points
assessed for all OVs is the offender’s “OV level” and corresponds to the
vertical axis of the appropriate sentencing grid.
C. For all crimes against a person, score OVs 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 19, and 20. MCL 777.22(1). Score OVs 5 and 6 for homicide, attempted
homicide, conspiracy or solicitation to commit a homicide, or assault with
intent to commit murder. MCL 777.22(1). Score OV 16 for a violation or
attempted violation of MCL 750.110a (home invasion). MCL 777.22(1).
Score OVs 17 and 18 if the offense or attempted offense involves the
operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive.
MCL 777.22(1).
D. For all crimes against property, score OVs 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16,
19, and 20. MCL 777.22(2).
E. For all crimes involving a controlled substance, score OVs 1, 2, 3, 12, 13,
14, 15, 19, and 20. MCL 777.22(3).
F. For all crimes against public order, score OVs 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16,
19, and 20. MCL 777.22(4).
G. For all crimes against public safety, score OVs 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16,
19, and 20. MCL 777.22(5). Score OV 18 if the offense or attempted
offense involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile,
aircraft, or locomotive. MCL 777.22(5).
H. For all crimes against public trust, score OVs 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16,
19, and 20. MCL 777.22(4).
I. Guidelines offenses in MCL 777.18 require the commission of an
underlying offense. In those cases, score OVs for both the crime group of
the underlying offense and for the crime group of the offense as it is listed
under MCL 777.18. MCL 777.21(4)(a).
A. Substantive Offenses
Within each crime group, all offenses to which the guidelines apply are
further categorized by the seriousness of the offense. This gradation of
offense seriousness is indicated by the offense’s crime class. An offense’s
crime class is designated by the letters “A” through “H” and “M2” (second-
degree murder). M2 and A represent the most serious felony offenses, while
the letters B through H represent the remaining guidelines offenses in
decreasing order of their seriousness. An offense’s crime class roughly
corresponds to a maximum term of imprisonment for all offenses in that
same crime class:
M2 / Class A offenses Imprisonment for life or any term of
Class B offenses Imprisonment for up to 20 years
Class C offenses Imprisonment for up to 15 years
Class D offenses Imprisonment for up to 10 years
Class E offenses Imprisonment for up to 5 years
Class F offenses Imprisonment for up to 4 years
Class G offenses Imprisonment for up to 2 years
Class H offenses Jail or other intermediate sanction
In most cases, using the statutory maximum to divide the guidelines offenses
into discrete crime classes resulted in categories of offenses that shared the
same statutory maximum penalty. There are offenses that do not adhere to
the standard, however. There is no legislative authority for the division of
felonies into crime classes, and, therefore, there is no prohibition against
assigning an offense to a crime class that is inconsistent with the statutory
maximum penalty for that offense. Rather, the statutory maximum as it
appears in the statutory language defining the offense governs the upper
limit of punishment possible for conviction of that offense.
For example, MCL 409.122(3) is a crime against a person designated as a
class D felony. MCL 777.14b. According to the chart above, class D felonies
are crimes for which a maximum sentence of 10 years of imprisonment may
be appropriate. However, the maximum term of imprisonment authorized for
conviction of MCL 409.122(3) is 20 years. Although the crime class
designation will in most cases correspond to the maximum sentences listed
in the chart above, the offense just discussed exemplifies the directive of
MCL 777.6: the express language of the statute defining the offense itself
governs application of the sentencing guidelines.
B. Attempted Offenses
The sentencing guidelines apply to attempted crimes if the crime attempted
is a felony offense. MCL 777.19(1). An attempt to commit an offense falls
within the same crime group (person, property, CS, pub ord, pub saf, pub
trst) as the offense attempted. MCL 777.19(2). The attempt’s crime class is
determined by the class of the offense attempted:
Attempted offenses in classes A, B, C, or D: the attempt is a
class E offense. MCL 777.19(3)(a).
Attempted offenses in classes E, F, or G: the attempt is a
class H offense. MCL 777.19(3)(b).
Attempted offenses in class H: the guidelines do not apply to
an attempt to commit a class H offense. Attempted “H” offenses
are to be sentenced to intermediate sanctions as defined in
MCL 769.31(b).
C. Offenses Designated as “SPEC” with “Variable” Statutory Maximums
Special scoring instructions apply to offenses listed in MCL 777.18 (e.g.,
conspiracy, allowing a prisoner to escape, inducing a minor to commit a
felony, etc.). Offenses in MCL 777.18 are guidelines offenses predicated on
the offender’s commission of an underlying offense. Each offense is given a
crime group designation for purposes of MCL 777.18 and that crime group
designation may differ from the crime group designation of the offense on
which the MCL 777.18 conviction is based. In such cases, OVs for both
crime group designations must be scored.
For example, MCL 777.18 includes an offense identified as MCL 750.157c.
MCL 750.157c prohibits an individual from recruiting or inducing a minor to
commit a felony and under MCL 777.18, MCL 750.157c is designated as a
crime against a person. This crime group designation under MCL 777.18
“person” remains the same no matter what offense forms the basis for
charging the offender with violating MCL 750.157c. Suppose an offender is
convicted under MCL 750.157c of inducing a minor to commit third-degree
arson. Third-degree arson, MCL 750.74, is a class D crime against property
for which the statutory maximum penalty is 10 years of imprisonment. MCL
777.16c. The crime designation of the underlying offense (third-degree
arson) differs from the crime group of the offense under MCL 777.18
(inducing a minor, MCL 750.157c). A violation of MCL 750.157c is a crime
against a person, whereas a violation of MCL 750.74 is a crime against
property. When the crime group under MCL 777.18 differs from the crime
group of the underlying offense, score OVs appropriate to the crime group of
the underlying offense and OVs appropriate to the crime group designation
under MCL 777.18. MCL 777.21(4)(a). In the example just discussed, score
OVs for crimes against a person and crimes against property.
The crime class for a guidelines offense under MCL 777.18 is determined by
the crime class of the underlying offense(s). MCL 777.18 offenses are
identified on the crime lists included with this manual as having a crime class
of “SPEC.” When there is only one underlying felony offense for an offense
under MCL 777.18, use that felony’s crime class. When there is more than
one underlying felony offense, use the crime class of the felony offense with
the highest crime class designation. When none of the underlying offenses is
a felony offense, use crime class G. MCL 777.21(4)(b). Because the
penalties authorized by statute for conviction of the underlying offenses vary
from offense to offense, the statutory maximum penalty for “SPEC” offenses
is indicated as “Variable.”
D. Habitual Offender Sentencing
The nine sentencing grids in MCL 777.61 to 777.69 represent the proper
sentence ranges for offenders not being sentenced as habitual offenders. No
separate grids reflecting the recommended sentence ranges for habitual
offenders exist in the statutory provisions governing felony sentencing.
However, statutory authority exists for determining the upper limit of a
habitual offender’s recommended minimum sentence by adding a specific
percentage of the range calculated for first-time offenders to the upper limit in
the cells of the existing sentencing grids. MCL 777.21(3)(a)-(c). The
sentencing grids published in this manual are comprehensive grids and
include the minimum sentence ranges recommended under the guidelines
for all offenders – both first-time and habitual.
The appropriate sentence ranges for habitual offenders are calculated as
Second Habitual Offender (HO2) – increase the upper limit of
the appropriate cell by 25%.
Third Habitual Offender (HO3) increase the upper limit of
the appropriate cell by 50%.
Fourth Habitual Offender (HO4) increase the upper limit of
the appropriate cell by 100%.
A. Using the Sentencing Grids
Sentencing grids for all offenses to which the guidelines apply are located in
MCL 777.61 to 777.69. There are nine different grids, one each for crimes in
classes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, and one for second-degree murder (M2).
Each sentencing grid is divided into “cells” corresponding to the number of
offense variable (OV) levels and prior record variable (PRV) levels applicable
to the crime class represented in the grid. An offender’s recommended
minimum sentence range is indicated by the numeric range in the cell
located at the intersection of the offender’s “OV level” (vertical axis) and
“PRV level” (horizontal axis) on the appropriate sentencing grid. MCL
777.21(1)(c). The recommended minimum sentence in each cell is
expressed by a range of numbers (in months) or life imprisonment (“L”).
Specific cells in some sentencing grids are differentiated from other cells by
their classification as prison cells, straddle cells, and intermediate sanction
1. Prison cells are those cells for which the minimum sentence
recommended exceeds one year of imprisonment. Prison cells are
those cells that are unmarked in the sentencing grids, i.e., not
shaded (as are straddle cells) and not asterisked (as are
intermediate sanction cells). When an offender’s OV and PRV
levels place him or her in a prison cell, a minimum sentence within
the range indicated in the cell is an appropriate sentence.
Under MCL 769.12(1)(a), a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years’ imprisonment must be
imposed if a fourth habitual offender has been convicted of three or more prior felonies or felony
attempts, including at least one “[l]isted prior felony” as defined in MCL 769.12(6)(a), and the
offender is convicted of committing or conspiring to commit a subsequent “[s]erious crime” as
defined in MCL 769.12(6)(c).
These commonly-used terms are not, however, expressly used in statutes governing application
of the sentencing guidelines.
2. Straddle cells are those cells in which the lower limit of the
recommended range is one year or less and the upper limit of the
recommended range is more than 18 months. MCL 769.34(4)(c).
Straddle cells appear shaded in the sentencing grids. When an
offender’s OV and PRV levels place him or her in a straddle cell, a
minimum sentence within the range indicated in the cell OR an
intermediate sanction (with or without a jail term of not more than
12 months) is an appropriate sentence. Id.
3. Intermediate sanction cells are those cells in which the upper
limit recommended by the guidelines is 18 months or less. MCL
769.34(4)(a). These cells are marked with an asterisk in the
sentencing grids. When an offender’s OV and PRV levels place
him or her in an intermediate sanction cell, an intermediate
sanction is required “unless the court states on the record
reasonable grounds to sentence the individual to incarceration in a
county jail for not more than 12 months or to the jurisdiction of the
department of corrections for any sentence over 12 months.” Id.
B. Additional Sentencing Considerations
1. Where the guidelines range will violate a statutorily mandated
minimum sentence, the sentencing judge must sentence the
offender to the minimum sentence mandated by statute. This is
not a departure. MCL 769.34(2)(a).
2. The minimum sentence may not in any case (including a
departure) exceed two-thirds of the statutory maximum sentence.
MCL 769.34(2)(b).
3. Where the recommended minimum sentence under the guidelines
falls in an intermediate sanction cell, an intermediate sanction
must be imposed “unless the court states on the record
reasonable grounds to sentence the individual to incarceration[.]”
MCL 769.34(4)(a). Where the recommended minimum sentence
under the guidelines falls in a straddle cell, a minimum sentence
within the range or an intermediate sanction—with or without a
term of not more than 12 months in jail—must be imposed, absent
a departure. MCL 769.34(4)(c)(i)-(ii).
4. If a statute mandates a minimum sentence for an offense and the
statute authorizes the sentencing judge to impose a sentence that
is less than that minimum sentence, imposing a sentence that
exceeds the recommended sentence range but is less than the
mandatory minimum sentence is not a departure from the
guidelines. MCL 769.34(2)(a).
5. The calculated guidelines range is advisory only. A judge has
discretion to depart from the guidelines range without articulating
substantial and compelling reasons to do so, but must justify the
sentence imposed in order to facilitate appellate review, and the
sentence imposed must be reasonable. MCL 769.34(3); People v
Lockridge, 498 Mich 358, 391-392 (2015).
“A court may depart from the appropriate sentence range established under
the sentencing guidelines . . . if the departure is reasonable and the court
states on the record the reasons for departure.” MCL 769.34(3).
A departure sentence is reasonable if it fulfills the principle of proportionality
test that was in place under People v Milbourn, 435 Mich 630 (1990), and
reaffirmed in People v Babcock, 469 Mich 247, 263 (2003), and People v
Smith, 482 Mich 292, 304-305 (2008), for sentences imposed under the
former judicial sentencing guidelines. People v Steanhouse, 500 Mich 453,
473 (2017), aff’g in part and rev’g in part 313 Mich App 1 (2015). A departure
sentence is not presumptively unreasonable. Steanhouse, 500 Mich at 474-
475. The Court of Appeals in Steanhouse noted that the following principles
historically guided courts in fashioning a proportionate sentence:
A sentence must take into account the nature of the offense
and the background of the offender, and it must be
proportionate to the seriousness of the circumstances
surrounding the offense and the offender.
Departures are appropriate where the guidelines do not
adequately account for important factors legitimately
considered at sentencing, and where the recommended range
under the guidelines is disproportionate, in either direction, to
the seriousness of the crime.
The extent of the departure may violate the principle of
Relevant factors may include, among others, (1) the
seriousness of the offense; (2) factors not considered by the
guidelines, such as the relationship between the victim and the
aggressor, the defendant’s misconduct while in custody, the
defendant’s expressions of remorse, and the defendant’s
potential for rehabilitation; and (3) factors that were
inadequately considered by the guidelines in a particular case.
See Step V for additional discussion of departure sentences.
Steanhouse, 313 Mich App at 45-46, citing People v Houston, 448 Mich 312,
321, 323-324 (1995); Milbourn, 435 Mich at 636, 651, 656-657, 659-660.
If the judge imposes a minimum sentence that is longer or more severe than the
appropriate sentence range, the court must advise the defendant on the record
and in writing that he or she may appeal the sentence as provided by law on
grounds that it is longer or more severe than the appropriate sentence range.
MCL 769.34(7).
This list is not meant to be exhaustive. Some prior record variables and offense variables
are subject to definitions and instructions unique to those variables.
Adjudication: An adjudication is a finding of responsibility in a juvenile matter. An
adjudication includes an adjudication set aside under MCL 712.18e or one that
has been expunged.
Aircraft: The term as defined in MCL 259.2. MCL 777.1(a).
Cell: The intersection of an offender’s OV level and PRV level in a sentencing
Conviction: A “conviction” is an adjudication of guilt in a criminal matter. A
conviction includes assignment to MCL 762.11 (Holmes Youthful Trainee Act) and
convictions set aside (expunged) under MCL 780.621—MCL 780.624.
Prior conviction: A conviction that was entered on the offender’s
criminal record before the commission date of the sentencing offense.
Concurrent conviction: A conviction arising from the same course of
conduct as the sentencing offense.
Subsequent conviction: A conviction that was entered on the offender’s
criminal record after the commission date of the sentencing offense and
is unrelated to the conduct from which the sentencing offense arose.
Crime group: All offenses to which the guidelines apply are categorized as
belonging to one of six particular crime groups. The crime groups are: crimes
against a person (person); crimes against property (property); crimes involving a
controlled substance (CS); crimes against public order (pub ord); crimes against
public safety (pub saf); and crimes against public trust (pub trst). MCL 777.5(a)-(f).
Crime class: All offenses to which the guidelines apply are classified as
belonging to one of nine crime classes depending on crime type and seriousness.
The crime classes are second-degree murder (M2) and classes A, B, C, D, E, F,
G, and H.
Departure: A departure is defined by statute as a sentence imposed that is not
within the appropriate minimum sentence range established under the sentencing
guidelines. MCL 777.1(b); MCL 769.31(a).
The appropriate minimum sentence range will sometimes be outside the indicated
cell range. There are four statutorily correct or appropriate sentences outside of
specific cell ranges that are not departures. They are: 1) when a mandatory
minimum sentence is required, 2) when the cell exceeds the two-thirds limitation,
3) when a jail sentence is below a cell range in an intermediate sanction cell, and
4) when a jail sentence is below a cell range in a straddle cell.
Felony: A “felony” means a violation of a penal law of this state for which the
offender, upon conviction, may be punished by death or by imprisonment for more
than one year, or an offense expressly designated by law to be a felony.
Convictions under federal law or the law of states other than Michigan are to be
considered felony convictions if the offense was punishable by more than one
year of incarceration or, when the statutory penalty is not available, if the crime
was designated as a felony in the convicting jurisdiction at the time of the prior
Grid: Each sentencing grid provides a recommended minimum sentence range
for combinations of the OV and PRV levels for each crime classification.
Guidelines minimum sentence range (guidelines range): The set of numbers
(in months or LIFE) in each grid cell, which the judge may use to determine the
offender’s minimum sentence (absent a departure or other statutorily required
Homicide: Any crime in which the death of a human being is an element of that
crime. MCL 777.1(c).
Intermediate sanction: Any sanction, other than imprisonment in a county jail,
state prison, or state reformatory, which may lawfully be imposed. MCL 777.1(d);
MCL 769.31(b). Intermediate sanctions include, but are not limited to, one or more
of the following:
1) Inpatient or outpatient drug treatment or participation in a drug treatment
2) Probation with any probation conditions required or authorized by law.
In People v Lockridge, 498 Mich 358, 364-365 (2015), the Michigan Supreme Court rendered the
previously-mandatory sentencing guidelines advisory only.
3) Residential probation.
4) Probation with special alternative incarceration.
5) Mental health treatment.
6) Mental health or substance abuse counseling.
7) Participation in a community corrections program.
8) Community service.
9) Payment of a fine.
10) House arrest.
11) Electronic monitoring.
Juvenile: A person over whom the Juvenile Division of the Probate Court or the
Family Division of the Circuit Court has or had jurisdiction at the time of
Misdemeanor: A “misdemeanor” means a violation of a penal law of this state
that is not a felony, or a violation of an order, rule, or regulation of a state agency
that is punishable by imprisonment or by a fine that is not a civil fine. Convictions
under federal law or the law of states other than Michigan are to be considered
misdemeanor convictions if the offense was punishable by one year or less of
incarceration or, when the statutory penalty is not available, if the crime was
designated as a misdemeanor in the convicting jurisdiction at the time of the prior
Off road vehicle (ORV): The term as defined in MCL 324.81101. MCL 777.1(e).
Offense variables (OVs): The factors that are used to evaluate the seriousness
of the offense and to determine the offender’s OV score.
OV level: An offender’s OV score determines the offender’s OV level. Depending
on the specific sentencing grid, the OV levels are designated by roman numerals
from I to VI along the vertical axis of the grid. The OV level’s numeric designation
increases as the offender’s OV point total increases. The severity of the
corresponding penalty increases successively from OV levels I through VI.
OV score: The total number of points scored for all OVs applicable to the
sentencing offense.
Prior high severity felony conviction: A prior high severity felony conviction is:
(1) a conviction for a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D or for a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that corresponds to a crime listed in class
M2, A, B, C, or D if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was
committed; (2) a conviction (entered before the sentencing offense was
committed) for a felony punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of 10
years or more that is not listed in class M2, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H; or (3) a
conviction (entered before the sentencing offense was committed) under federal
law or the law of another state for a felony punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more that does not correspond to a crime listed in
class M2, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H. MCL 777.51(2).
Prior high severity juvenile adjudication: A prior high severity juvenile
adjudication is: (1) a juvenile adjudication for conduct that would be a crime listed
in class M2, A, B, C, or D if committed by an adult or for conduct that would be a
felony under federal law or the law of another state that corresponds to a crime
listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D if committed by an adult if the order of disposition
was entered before the sentencing offense was committed; or (2) an adjudication
(entered before the sentencing offense was committed) for conduct that if
committed by an adult would be a felony punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more that is not listed in class M2, A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
or H; or (3) an adjudication (entered before the sentencing offense was
committed) for conduct that if committed by an adult would be a felony under
federal law or the law of another state punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more that does not correspond to a crime listed in
class M2, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H. MCL 777.53(2).
Prior low severity felony conviction: A prior low severity felony conviction is: (1)
a conviction for a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H or for a felony under federal
law or the law of another state that corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G,
or H if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed;
or (2) a conviction (entered before the sentencing offense was committed) for a
crime punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of less than 10 years that
is not listed in class M2, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H; or (3) a conviction (entered
before the sentencing offense was committed) under federal law or the law of
another state for a crime punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of less
than 10 years that does not correspond to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, D, E,
F, G, or H. MCL 777.52(2).
Prior low severity juvenile adjudication: A prior low severity juvenile
adjudication is: (1) an adjudication for conduct that would be a crime listed in class
E, F, G, or H if committed by an adult or for conduct that would be a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that corresponds to a crime listed in class
E, F, G, or H if committed by an adult if the order of disposition was entered before
the sentencing offense was committed; (2) an adjudication (entered before the
sentencing offense was committed) for conduct that if committed by an adult
would be a crime punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of less than 10
years that is not listed in class M2, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H; or (3) an adjudication
(entered before the sentencing offense was committed) for conduct that if
committed by an adult would be a crime under federal law or the law of another
state punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of less than 10 years that
does not correspond to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H. MCL
Prior misdemeanor conviction: A conviction for a misdemeanor under a law of
this state, a political subdivision of this state, another state, a political subdivision
of another state, or of the United States if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(a).
Prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication: A juvenile adjudication for conduct
that if committed by an adult would be a misdemeanor under a law of this state, a
political subdivision of this state, another state, a political subdivision of another
state, or of the United States if the order of disposition was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(b).
Prior record variables (PRVs): The factors used to evaluate the offender’s
criminal history and determine the offender’s PRV score.
PRV level: An offender’s PRV score determines the offender’s PRV level. An
offender’s PRV level is represented on the horizontal axis of each sentencing grid
and is designated by capital letters from A to F according to the offender’s PRV
point total. PRV level A represents the column with the least number of points and
PRV level F represents the column with the highest number of points. As with the
OV level values, the severity of penalty increases with an offender’s transit from
PRV level A up to PRV level F. The point values corresponding with PRV levels A
through F are the same for all nine sentencing grids so that an offender’s criminal
history is equally weighted no matter what the severity of the sentencing offense.
PRV score: The total number of points scored for all seven PRVs.
Snowmobile: The term as defined in MCL 324.82101. MCL 777.1(f).
Truth in sentencing (TIS): A designation of those felony offenses that are
subject to disciplinary time if committed on or after December 15, 1998. Persons
convicted of TIS offenses committed on or after December 15, 1998, do not earn
disciplinary credits and must serve at least the complete minimum sentence
imposed by the court in a secure facility before becoming eligible for parole, with
the exception of a few offenses for which there is Special Alternative Incarceration
eligibility. Prisoners subject to TIS will be assessed “disciplinary time” for
institutional misconduct, which is not added directly to the minimum sentence but
is submitted to the parole board for its consideration in granting or denying parole.
TIS is extended to all felony offenses committed on or after December 15, 2000.
Vehicle: The term as defined in MCL 257.79. MCL 777.1(g).
Vessel: The term as defined in MCL 324.80104. MCL 777.1(h).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
Prior High Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.51
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.51(1)(a).
A “prior high severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.51(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(b).
1 prior high severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.51(1)(c).
No prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(d).
Prior Low Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.52
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
4 or more prior low severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.52(1)(a).
A “prior low severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.52(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
3 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(b).
2 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(c).
1 prior low severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.52(1)(d).
No prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(e).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
Prior High Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.53
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(a).
A “prior high severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.53(2).
* The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(b).
1 prior high severity juvenile
adjudication. MCL 777.53(1)(c).
No prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
Prior Low Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.54
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not scored for current offenses.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
6 or more prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(a).
A “prior low severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed**:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007***) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.54(2).
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
*** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 5 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 3 or 4 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(c) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 4 or 5 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 2 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(d) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 2 or 3 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(c).
1 prior low severity juvenile adjudication.
MCL 777.54(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(f)
(formerly MCL 777.54(1)(e)*).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
Prior Misdemeanor Convictions or Prior Misdemeanor Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.55
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
7 or more prior misdemeanor convictions
or prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor conviction” is a conviction:
• for a misdemeanor offense under Michigan law or
the law of a political subdivision of Michigan, or
under the law of another state or a political
subdivision of another state, or under the law of the
United States,
• if the conviction was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” is a juvenile
• for conduct that, if committed by an adult, would be
a misdemeanor under Michigan law or the law of a
political subdivision of Michigan, or under the law of
another state or a political subdivision of another
state, or under the law of the United States,
• if the order of disposition for the juvenile
adjudication was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(b).
5 or 6 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(b).
3 or 4 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(c).
2 prior misdemeanor convictions or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudications.
MCL 777.55(1)(d).
1 prior misdemeanor conviction or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudication. MCL
No prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(f).
Special Instructions for PRV 5:
• A prior conviction used to enhance the sentencing offense to a felony may not be counted under PRV 5.
MCL 777.55(2)(a); MCL 777.55(2)(b).
(For offenses committed on or after October 1, 2000*) Only the following may be counted as “a prior
misdemeanor conviction” or “a prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” for purposes of scoring PRV 5:
a prior misdemeanor conviction or prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication that is an offense against a
person or property, a controlled substance offense, or a weapon offense, MCL 777.55(2)(a),** and
all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating or
attempting to operate a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled
substance, MCL 777.55(2)(b).***
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count a prior misdemeanor conviction or juvenile adjudication under former MCL 777.55(2)(a) “only if it is a crime against a person or property, a controlled
substance crime, or a weapon offense enumerated in . . . MCL 750.222 to [MCL] 750.239a.” See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
*** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count “all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating a vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled substance.” Former MCL 777.55(2)(b). See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
Relationship to Criminal Justice System
MCL 777.56
Offender is a prisoner of the department
of corrections or serving a sentence in jail
(including an individual who is an
escapee). MCL 777.56(1)(a); MCL
• PRV 6 assesses points based on an offender’s
relationship to the criminal justice system at the time the
sentencing offense was committed.*
• The appropriate point value under PRV 6 should be
assessed against an offender who is involved with the
criminal justice system in another state or the United
States. MCL 777.56(2).
• “Delayed sentence status” includes (but is not limited
to) assignment or deferral under MCL 333.7411
(deferral for certain controlled substance offenses),
MCL 600.1076(4) (deferral involving drug treatment
courts), MCL 750.350a (deferral under limited
circumstances for parental kidnapping), MCL 750.430
(deferral for impaired healthcare professionals), MCL
762.11—MCL 762.15 (assignment to youthful trainee
status), and MCL 769.4a (deferral under limited
circumstances for domestic assault). MCL
* See People v Johnson (Angelo), 293 Mich App 79, 85 (2011); People v Endres, 269 Mich App 414, 422-
423 (2006).
** See 2004 PA 220, effective January 1, 2005 (inserting MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii) (referring to deferral under
MCL 600.1076(4)) and MCL 777.56(3)(a)(iv) (referring to deferral under MCL 750.430) and redesignating
former MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii)-(iv) accordingly).
Offender is incarcerated in jail awaiting
adjudication or sentencing on a
conviction or probation violation. MCL
Offender is on parole, probation, or
delayed sentence status or on bond
awaiting adjudication or sentencing for a
felony. MCL 777.56(1)(c).
Offender is on probation or delayed
sentence status or on bond awaiting
adjudication or sentencing for a
misdemeanor. MCL 777.56(1)(d).
Offender has no relationship to the
criminal justice system. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
Subsequent or Concurrent Felony Convictions
MCL 777.57
Pts The offender has:
2 or more subsequent or concurrent
felony convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(a).
• The appropriate point value under PRV 7 should be
assessed if the offender was convicted of multiple felony
counts or was convicted of a felony after the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.57(2)(a).
• A conviction for felony-firearm may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(b).
• A concurrent felony conviction that will result in a
mandatory* consecutive sentence may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after March 1,
2003**) A concurrent felony conviction that will result
in a consecutive sentence imposed under MCL
333.7401(3) may not be counted under PRV 7. MCL
* The word “mandatory” was added to MCL 777.57(2)(c) by 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
1 subsequent or concurrent felony
conviction. MCL 777.57(1)(b).
No subsequent or concurrent felony
convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(c).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 1
Aggravated Use of Weapon
MCL 777.31
OV 1 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
A firearm was discharged at or toward a
human being or a victim was cut or stabbed
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(a).
• Each person who was placed in danger of injury or
loss of life is counted as a victim for purposes of scoring
OV 1. MCL 777.31(2)(a).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assigned
points for the presence or use of a weapon, all offenders
must be assigned the same number of points. MCL
• Score five points if an offender used an object to
suggest the presence of a weapon. MCL 777.31(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after October 23,
2001**) Score five points if an offender used a chemical
irritant, a chemical irritant device, a smoke device, or an
imitation harmful substance or device. MCL
• Do not score five points if the conviction offense is a
violation of MCL 750.82 (felonious assault) or MCL
750.529 (armed robbery). MCL 777.31(2)(e).
• “Chemical irritant,” chemical irritant device,”
“harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,”
“harmful radioactive device,” and “imitation harmful
substance or device” are defined in MCL 750.200h.
MCL 777.31(3)(a).**
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.31(3)(b).**
* See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, inserting MCL 777.31(1)(b) and relettering former MCL
777.31(1)(b)-(e) as MCL 777.31(1)(c)-(f).
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001, inserting MCL 777.31(2)(d), relettering former MCL
777.31(2)(d) as MCL 777.31(2)(e), and adding former MCL 777.31(3) (now MCL 777.31(3)(a)). See also
2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, adding MCL 777.31(3)(b) and amending former MCL 777.31(3)
(redesignated MCL 777.31(3)(a)). Consult former versions of MCL 777.31 for crimes committed before
April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002*) The victim was
subjected or exposed to a harmful biological
substance, harmful biological device,
harmful chemical substance, harmful
chemical device, harmful radioactive
material, harmful radioactive device,
incendiary device, or explosive device.
MCL 777.31(1)(b).
A firearm was pointed at or toward a victim
or the victim had a reasonable apprehension
of an immediate battery when threatened
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(c) (formerly MCL
The victim was touched by any other type of
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(d) (formerly MCL
A weapon was displayed or implied. MCL
777.31(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No aggravated use of a weapon occurred.
MCL 777.31(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 2
Lethal Potential of Weapon Possessed or Used*
MCL 777.32
OV 2 is scored for crimes against a person, crimes against property, and crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL
Pts Instructions
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after October 23, 2001*) The offender
possessed or used a harmful biological
substance, harmful biological device,
harmful chemical substance, harmful
chemical device, harmful radioactive
material, or harmful radioactive device.
MCL 777.32(1)(a).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assessed
points for possessing a weapon, all offenders must be
assessed the same number of points. MCL 777.32(2).
(For offenses committed on or after October 23,
2001*) “Harmful biological substance,” “harmful
biological device,” “harmful chemical substance,”
“harmful chemical device,” “harmful radioactive
material,” and “harmful radioactive device” are defined
in MCL 750.200h. MCL 777.32(3)(a).
“Fully automatic weapon” means a firearm employing
gas pressure or force of recoil or other means to eject an
empty cartridge from the firearm after a shot, and to
load and fire the next cartridge from the magazine,
without renewed pressure on the trigger for each
successive shot. MCL 777.32(3)(b) (formerly MCL
• “Pistol,” “rifle,” or “shotgun” includes a revolver,
semi-automatic pistol, rifle, shotgun, combination rifle
and shotgun, or other firearm manufactured in or after
1898 that fires fixed ammunition, but does not include a
fully automatic weapon or short-barreled shotgun or
short-barreled rifle. MCL 777.32(3)(c) (formerly MCL
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.32(3)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.32(3)(c)*).
* See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001, inserting MCL 777.32(1)(a) and MCL 777.32(3)(a); adding
“or used” to the introductory paragraph in MCL 777.32(1) and to all point-allocation subsections;
redesignating former MCL 777.32(1)(a)-(e) as MCL 777.32(1)(b)-(f); and redesignating former MCL
777.32(3)(a)-(c) as MCL 777.32(3)(b)-(d).
The offender possessed or used* an
incendiary device, an explosive device, or a
fully automatic weapon. MCL 777.32(1)(b).
The offender possessed or used* a short-
barreled rifle or a short-barreled shotgun.
MCL 777.32(1)(c).
The offender possessed or used* a pistol,
rifle, shotgun, or knife or other cutting or
stabbing weapon. MCL 777.32(1)(d).
The offender possessed or used* any other
potentially lethal weapon. MCL
The offender possessed or used* no weapon.
MCL 777.32(1)(f).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 3
Physical Injury to Victim
MCL 777.33
OV 3 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The shaded area in the chart below represents a point value that is not scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
A victim was killed. MCL 777.33(1)(a); see
also MCL 777.33(2)(b).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assessed
points for death or physical injury, all offenders must be
assessed the same number of points. MCL 777.33(2)(a).
• Score 100 points if death results from the commission
of a crime and homicide is not the sentencing offense.
MCL 777.33(2)(b). Any crime in which the death of a
human being is an element of the crime is a “homicide.”
MCL 777.1(c).
(For offenses committed on or after September 30,
2003*) Score 50 points if death results from the
commission of a crime and the offense or attempted
offense involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV,
snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive and any of the
following apply:
• the offender was under the influence of or visibly
impaired by the use of alcoholic liquor, a controlled
substance, or a combination of alcoholic liquor and
a controlled substance, MCL 777.33(2)(c)(i);
• the offender had an alcohol content of 0.08 grams
or more (or, beginning October 1, 2021, 0.10
grams or more) per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210
liters of breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine, MCL
777.33(2)(c)(ii); or
• the offender’s body contained any amount of a
controlled substance listed in schedule 1 under
MCL 333.7212 or a rule promulgated under that
section, or a controlled substance described in MCL
333.7214(a)(iv), MCL 777.33(2)(c)(iii).
• Do not score five points if bodily injury is an element
of the sentencing offense. MCL 777.33(2)(d) (formerly
MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
• “Requiring medical treatment” refers to the necessity
for treatment and not the victim’s success in obtaining
treatment. MCL 777.33(3).
* See 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003. See also 2013 PA 24, effective May 9, 2013.
** See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after September 30, 2003*) A victim was
killed. MCL 777.33(1)(b); see also MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after October 1, 2000,** and before
September 30, 2003*) A victim was killed,
where death results from the commission of
a crime and the elements of the offense or
attempted offense involve the operation of a
vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft,
or locomotive under the influence or while
impaired causing death. Former MCL
777.33(1)(b); former MCL 777.33(2)(c).
Life threatening or permanent incapacitating
injury occurred to a victim. MCL
777.33(1)(c) (formerly MCL
Bodily injury requiring medical treatment
occurred to a victim. MCL 777.33(1)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(1)(c)**).
Bodily injury not requiring medical
treatment occurred to a victim, where bodily
injury is not an element of the sentencing
offense. MCL 777.33(1)(e) (formerly MCL
777.33(1)(d)**); MCL 777.33(2)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
No physical injury occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.33(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 4
Psychological Injury to Victim
MCL 777.34
OV 4 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.34(1)(a).
Score ten points if the victim’s serious psychological injury may
require professional treatment. The fact that treatment has not
been sought is not conclusive. MCL 777.34(2).
* This statement was added to MCL 777.34(1) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
For a conviction under MCL 750.50b,
serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to the owner
of a companion animal. MCL 777.34(1)(b).*
No serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.34(1)(c).
OV 5
Psychological Injury to Member of Victim’s Family
MCL 777.35
OV 5 is scored only for crimes against a person. Score only if the sentencing offense is homicide, attempted homicide,
conspiracy or solicitation to commit a homicide, or, for offenses committed on or after October 1, 2000,* assault with
intent to commit murder. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a
victim’s* family. MCL 777.35(1)(a).
• Score 15 points if the serious psychological injury may
require professional treatment. The fact that treatment
has not been sought is not conclusive. MCL 777.35(2).
• Score OV 5 only if the sentencing offense is homicide,
attempted homicide, conspiracy or solicitation to
commit a homicide, or, for offenses committed on or
after October 1, 2000,* assault with intent to commit
murder. MCL 777.22(1). Any crime in which the death
of a human being is an element of the crime is a
“homicide.” MCL 777.1(c).
*See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000, amending MCL 777.22(1) to add assault with intent to
commit murder to the list of offenses to which OV 5 applies, and amending MCL 777.35(1)(a)-(b) to
replace the phrase “homicide victim’s” with the word “victim’s.
No serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a
victim’s* family. MCL 777.35(1)(b).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 6
Offender’s Intent to Kill or Injure Another Individual
MCL 777.36
OV 6 is scored only for crimes against a person. Score only if the sentencing offense is homicide, attempted homicide,
conspiracy or solicitation to commit a homicide, or, for offenses committed on or after October 1, 2000,* assault with
intent to commit murder. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
The offender had premeditated intent to kill
or the killing was committed while
committing or attempting to commit arson,
criminal sexual conduct in the first or third
degree, child abuse in the first degree, a
major controlled substance offense, robbery,
breaking and entering of a dwelling, home
invasion in the first or second degree,
larceny of any kind, extortion, or kidnapping
or the killing was the murder of a peace
officer or a corrections officer. MCL
• Unless the sentencing court has information that was
not presented to the jury, an offender’s OV 6 score must
be consistent with a jury verdict. MCL 777.36(2)(a).
• Ten points must be scored if a killing is intentional
within the definition of second-degree murder or
voluntary manslaughter, but the death occurred in a
combative situation or in response to victimization of
the offender by the decedent. MCL 777.36(2)(b).
• Score OV 6 only if the sentencing offense is homicide,
attempted homicide, conspiracy or solicitation to
commit a homicide, or, for offenses committed on or
after October 1, 2000,* assault with intent to commit
murder. MCL 777.22(1). Any crime in which the death
of a human being is an element of the crime is a
“homicide.” MCL 777.1(c).
• If points are assessed against the offender under OV 6,
ten points may not be scored under OV 17. MCL
*See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000, amending MCL 777.22(1) to add assault with intent to
commit murder to the list of offenses to which OV 6 applies.
The offender had unpremeditated intent to
kill, had the intent to do great bodily harm,
or created a very high risk of death or great
bodily harm knowing that death or great
bodily harm was the probable result. MCL
The offender had intent to injure or the
killing was committed in an extreme
emotional state caused by an adequate
provocation and before a reasonable amount
of time elapsed for the offender to calm or
there was gross negligence amounting to an
unreasonable disregard for life. MCL
The offender had no intent to kill or injure.
MCL 777.36(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 7
Aggravated Physical Abuse
MCL 777.37
OV 7 is scored only for crimes against a person. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after January 5, 2016**) A victim was
treated with sadism, torture, excessive
brutality, or similarly egregious conduct
designed to substantially increase the fear
and anxiety a victim suffered during the
offense.* MCL 777.37(1)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed before
January 5, 2016**) A victim was treated
with sadism, torture, or excessive brutality
or conduct designed to substantially increase
the fear and anxiety a victim suffered during
the offense.* Former MCL 777.37(1)(a).
(For offenses committed on or after April 22,
2002*) Each person who was placed in danger of injury
or loss of life is a victim for purposes of scoring OV 7.
MCL 777.37(2).
• “Sadism” is “conduct that subjects a victim to extreme
or prolonged pain or humiliation and is inflicted to
produce suffering or for the offender’s gratification.”
MCL 777.37(3) (formerly MCL 777.37(2)(b)*).
* See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002. 2002 PA 137 deleted the term “terrorism” from the lists of
offender behavior contained in MCL 777.37(1)(a)-(b); however, the conduct previously defined as
“[t]errorism” in former MCL 777.37(2)(a) is still contemplated by OV 7 (“conduct designed to substantially
increase the fear and anxiety a victim suffered during the offense”).
** See 2015 PA 137, effective January 5, 2016.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after January 5, 2016**) No victim was
treated with sadism, torture, excessive
brutality, or similarly egregious conduct
designed to substantially increase the fear
and anxiety a victim suffered during the
offense.* MCL 777.37(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed before
January 5, 2016**) No victim was treated
with sadism, torture, or excessive brutality
or conduct designed to substantially increase
the fear and anxiety a victim suffered during
the offense.* Former MCL 777.37(1)(b).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 8
Victim Asportation or Captivity
MCL 777.38
OV 8 is scored only for crimes against a person. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
A victim was asported to another place of
greater danger or to a situation of greater
danger or was held captive beyond the time
necessary to commit the offense. MCL
• Each person who was placed in danger of injury or
loss of life is a victim for purposes of scoring OV 8.
MCL 777.38(2)(a).
• Zero points must be scored if the sentencing offense is
kidnapping. MCL 777.38(2)(b).
No victim was asported or held captive, or
the sentencing offense is kidnapping. MCL
777.38(1)(b); MCL 777.38(2)(b).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 9
Number of Victims
MCL 777.39
OV 9 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
Multiple deaths occurred in a homicide
case. MCL 777.39(1)(a); MCL
(For offenses committed before March 30, 2007*)
Count each person who was placed in danger of injury
or loss of life as a “victim” for purposes of scoring OV
9. Former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(For offenses committed on or after March 30,
2007*) Count each person who was placed in danger of
physical injury or loss of life or property as a “victim”
for purposes of scoring OV 9. MCL 777.39(2)(a).
• Score 100 points only in homicide cases. MCL
777.39(2)(b). Any crime in which the death of a human
being is an element of the crime is a “homicide.” MCL
* See 2006 PA 548, effective March 30, 2007.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) 10 or more victims
were placed in danger of physical injury or
death, or 20 or more victims were placed in
danger of property loss. MCL 777.39(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) 10 or more
victims were placed in danger of injury or
loss of life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(b);
former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) 2 to 9 victims were
placed in danger of physical injury or death,
or 4 to 19 victims were placed in danger of
property loss. MCL 777.39(1)(c).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) 2 to 9 victims
were placed in danger of injury or loss of
life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(c); former
MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) Fewer than 2
victims were placed in danger of physical
injury or death, or fewer than 4 victims
were placed in danger of property loss.
MCL 777.39(1)(d).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) Fewer than 2
victims were placed in danger of injury or
loss of life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(d);
former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 10
Exploitation of Vulnerable Victim
MCL 777.40
OV 10 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving controlled substances. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Predatory conduct was involved. MCL
• The mere existence of one or more of the factors
described in MCL 777.40(1) does not automatically
equate with victim vulnerability. MCL 777.40(2).
• “Predatory conduct” is “preoffense conduct directed at
a victim, or a law enforcement officer posing as a
potential victim,
for the primary purpose of
victimization.” MCL 777.40(3)(a).
• To “exploit” a victim is “to manipulate a victim for
selfish or unethical purposes. Exploit also means to
violate [MCL 750.50b] for the purpose of manipulating a
victim for selfish or unethical purposes.” MCL
• “Vulnerability” is “the readily apparent susceptibility
of a victim to injury, physical restraint, persuasion, or
temptation.” MCL 777.40(3)(c).
• “Abuse of authority status” means “a victim was
exploited out of fear or deference to an authority figure,
including, but not limited to, a parent, physician, or
teacher.” MCL 777.40(3)(d).
* The phrase “[o]r a law enforcement officer posing as a potential victim” was added to MCL 777.40(3)(a)
by 2014 PA 350, effective October 17, 2014.
** The second sentence in this definition was added to MCL 777.40(3)(b) by 2018 PA 652, effective March
28, 2019.
The offender exploited a victim’s physical
disability, mental disability, or youth or
agedness, or a domestic relationship, or the
offender abused his or her authority status.
MCL 777.40(1)(b).
The offender exploited a victim by his or
her difference in size or strength, or both, or
exploited a victim who was intoxicated,
under the influence of drugs, asleep, or
unconscious. MCL 777.40(1)(c).
The offender did not exploit a victim’s
vulnerability. MCL 777.40(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 11
Criminal Sexual Penetration
MCL 777.41
OV 11 is scored only for crimes against a person. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Two or more criminal sexual penetrations
occurred. MCL 777.41(1)(a).
• All sexual penetrations of the victim by the offender
arising out of the sentencing offense must be counted in
scoring OV 11. MCL 777.41(2)(a).
• Multiple sexual penetrations of the victim by the
offender extending beyond the sentencing offense may
be scored in OVs 12 or 13.* MCL 777.41(2)(b).
However, any conduct that is scored under OV 11 may
not also be scored under OV 12, MCL 777.42(2)(c), and
any conduct that is scored under OV 11 may also be
scored under OV 13 only if the conduct is an offense that
is related to membership in an organized criminal group
or, for sentencing offenses committed on or after
April 1, 2009,** that is gang-related, MCL 777.43(2)(c).
• Any conduct that is scored under OV 11 must not be
scored under OV 12.* MCL 777.42(2)(c).
• Any conduct that is scored under OV 11 may also be
scored under OV 13* only if the conduct is an offense
that is related to membership in an organized criminal
group or, for sentencing offenses committed on or
after April 1, 2009,** that is gang-related. MCL
The one penetration that forms the basis of a first- or
third-degree criminal sexual conduct offense must not be
counted for purposes of scoring OV 11. MCL
* OV 12 addresses criminal acts that occur within 24 hours of the sentencing offense and will not result in a
separate conviction. MCL 777.42(2)(a). OV 13 accounts for an offender’s pattern of criminal conduct over a
period of five years, regardless of whether the crimes resulted in convictions. MCL 777.43(2)(a).
** See 2008 PA 562, effective April 1, 2009.
One criminal sexual penetration occurred.
MCL 777.41(1)(b).
No criminal sexual penetration occurred.
MCL 777.41(1)(c).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 12
Contemporaneous Felonious Criminal Acts
MCL 777.42
OV 12 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving crimes against a
person were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(a).
• A felonious criminal act is contemporaneous if both of
the following circumstances exist:
• the criminal act occurred within 24 hours of the
sentencing offense, MCL 777.42(2)(a)(i), and
• the criminal act has not resulted, and will not
result, in a separate conviction, MCL
• Violations of MCL 750.227b (possession of a firearm
during the commission of a felony or possession and use
of a pneumatic gun in furtherance of committing or
attempting to commit a felony) should not be counted
when scoring OV 12. MCL 777.42(2)(b).
• Conduct scored in OV 11 must not be scored under OV
12. MCL 777.42(2)(c).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving crimes against a person were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(b).
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(c).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving a crime against a person was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(d).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(e).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving any other crime was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(f).
No contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(g).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 13
Continuing Pattern of Criminal Behavior
MCL 777.43
OV 13 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after October 1, 2000*) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more sexual
penetrations against a person or persons less
than 13 years of age, and the sentencing offense
is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
777.43(1)(a); MCL 777.43(2)(d).
• In scoring OV 13, all crimes within a five-year period,
including the sentencing offense, must be counted,
without regard to whether the offense resulted in a
conviction. MCL 777.43(2)(a).
• The existence of an organized criminal group may be
reasonably inferred from the facts surrounding the
sentencing offense, and the fact of the group’s existence
is more important than the presence or absence of
multiple offenders, the age of the offenders, or the
degree of sophistication of the organized criminal group.
MCL 777.43(2)(b).
• Do not consider conduct scored in OVs 11 or 12,
except for offenses related to membership in an
organized criminal group or (for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) that are gang-
related. MCL 777.43(2)(c).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
October 1, 2000*) Score 50 points only if the sentencing
offense is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one controlled substance
offense arising out of the criminal episode for which the
offender is being sentenced may be counted when
scoring OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(e).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one crime involving the same
controlled substance may be counted under OV 13. For
example, conspiracy and a substantive offense involving
the same amount of controlled substances cannot both be
counted under OV 13. Similarly, possession and delivery
of the same amount of controlled substances may not be
counted as two crimes under OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(f).
continued on
next page
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to causing,
encouraging, recruiting, soliciting, or coercing
membership in a gang or communicating a
threat with intent to deter, punish, or retaliate
against another for withdrawing from a gang.
MCL 777.43(1)(b).
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against a person. MCL 777.43(1)(c) (formerly
MCL 777.43(1)(a)*; formerly MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before December 28, 1999***)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against property. Former MCL 777.43(1)(d)*.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving a combination of 3
or more crimes against a person or property or a
violation of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
777.43(1)(d) (formerly MCL 777.42(1)(b)*;
formerly MCL 777.42(1)(c)**).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to
membership in an organized criminal
group. Former MCL 777.43(1)(c)*; former
MCL 777.43(1)(d)**.
* 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** 2008 PA 562, effective April 1, 2009.
*** 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
**** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of
felonious criminal activity involving a
combination of 3 or more crimes against a
person or property. Former MCL
777.43(1)(b)*; former MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1,
2003****) The offense was part of a
pattern of felonious criminal activity
involving a combination of 3 or more
violations of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after December 28,
1999***) The offense was part of a pattern
of felonious criminal activity involving 3 or
more crimes against property. MCL
777.43(1)(f) (formerly MCL 777.43(1)(d)*;
formerly MCL 777.43(1)(e)****).
No pattern of felonious criminal activity
existed. MCL 777.43(1)(g) (formerly MCL
777.43(1)(e)*; formerly MCL
OV 14
Offender’s Role
MCL 777.44
OV 14 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
The offender was a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(a).
• Consider the entire criminal transaction when
determining the offender’s role. MCL 777.44(2)(a).
• If three or more offenders were involved, more than
one offender may be determined to have been a leader.
MCL 777.44(2)(b).
The offender was not a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(b).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 16
Property Obtained, Damaged, Lost, or Destroyed
MCL 777.46
OV 16 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. Score for a crime against a person
only if the sentencing offense is a violation or attempted violation of MCL 750.110a (home invasion). See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
For a conviction under MCL 750.50, the
property was 25 or more animals. MCL
• In multiple offender or victim cases, the appropriate
points may be determined by adding together the
aggregate value of the property involved, including
property involved in uncharged offenses or charges
dismissed under a plea agreement. MCL 777.46(2)(a).
• Use the value of the property to score OV 16 in cases in
which the property was obtained unlawfully, lost to the
lawful owner, or destroyed. If the property was damaged,
use the monetary amount appropriate to restore the
property to pre-offense condition. MCL 777.46(2)(b).
• The amount of money or property involved in admitted
but uncharged offenses or in charges dismissed under a
plea agreement may be considered in scoring OV 16.
MCL 777.46(2)(c).
• Score OV 16 for a crime against a person only if the
sentencing offense is a violation or attempted violation
of MCL 750.110a (home invasion). MCL 777.22(1).
* This statement was added to MCL 777.46(1) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
** Before December 28, 1999, this provision referred to “[t]he property destroyed (emphasis
supplied). See 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
For a conviction under MCL 750.50, the
property was 10 or more animals but fewer
than 25 animals. MCL 777.46(1)(b).*
Wanton or malicious damage occurred
beyond that necessary to commit the crime
for which the offender is not charged and
will not be charged. MCL 777.46(1)(c).
The property had a value of more than
$20,000.00 or had significant historical,
social, or sentimental value. MCL
The property** had a value of $1,000.00 or
more but not more than $20,000.00. MCL
The property** had a value of $200.00 or
more but not more than $1,000.00. MCL
No property was obtained, damaged, lost, or
destroyed or the property had a value of less
than $200.00. MCL 777.46(1)(g).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 17
Degree of Negligence Exhibited
MCL 777.47
OV 17 is scored only for crimes against a person. Score only if the offense or attempted offense involves the operation
of a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
The offender showed a wanton or reckless
disregard for the life or property of another
person. MCL 777.47(1)(a).
• If points are assessed against the offender under OV 6,
ten points may not be scored under OV 17. MCL
• Score OV 17 only if the offense or attempted offense
involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV,
snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive. MCL 777.22(1).
Definitions for “aircraft,” “ORV,” “snowmobile,”
“vehicle,” and “vessel” are provided in MCL 777.1.
The offender failed to show the degree of
care that a person of ordinary prudence in a
similar situation would have shown. MCL
The offender was not negligent. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 18
Operator Ability Affected by Alcohol or Drugs
MCL 777.48
OV 18 is scored only for crimes against a person and crimes against public safety. Score only if the offense or attempted
offense involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
The offender operated a vehicle, vessel,
ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive*
when his or her bodily alcohol content was
0.20 grams or more per 100 milliliters of
blood, per 210 liters of breath, or per 67 mil-
liliters of urine. MCL 777.48(1)(a).
• For purposes of scoring OV 18, “any bodily alcohol
content” is either of the following:
• an alcohol content of 0.02 grams or more but less
than 0.08 grams***** (or, beginning October 1,
2021, 0.02 grams or more but less than 0.10 grams)
per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210 liters of breath,
or per 67 milliliters of urine, MCL 777.48(2)(a), or
• any presence of alcohol within a person’s body
from the consumption of alcoholic or intoxicating
liquor other than the consumption of alcoholic or
intoxicating liquor as part of a generally recognized
religious service or ceremony, MCL
• Score OV 18 only if the offense or attempted offense
involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV,
snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive. MCL 777.22(1);
MCL 777.22(5).
Definitions for aircraft,” “ORV,”
“snowmobile,” “vehicle,” and “vessel” are provided in
MCL 777.1.
continued on
next page
The offender operated a vehicle, vessel,
ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive*
when his or her bodily alcohol content was
0.15 grams or more but less than 0.20 grams
per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210 liters of
breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after September 30, 2003**) The offender
operated a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmo-
bile, aircraft, or locomotive while the
offender was under the influence of alco-
holic or intoxicating liquor, a controlled sub-
stance, or a combination of alcoholic or
intoxicating liquor and a controlled sub-
stance; or while the offender’s body con-
tained any amount of a controlled substance
listed in schedule 1 under MCL 333.7212, or
a rule promulgated under that section, or a
controlled substance described in MCL
333.7214(a)(iv); or while the offender had
an alcohol content of 0.08 grams or more
but less than 0.15 grams per 100 milliliters
of blood, per 210 liters of breath, or per 67
milliliters of urine or, beginning October 1,
2021, the offender had an alcohol content of
0.10 grams or more but less than 0.15 grams
per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210 liters of
breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
(Score only for offenses committed before
September 30, 2003**) The offender oper-
ated a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile,
aircraft, or locomotive* when his or her
bodily alcohol content was 0.10 grams or
more but less than 0.15 grams per 100 milli-
liters of blood, per 210 liters of breath, or
per 67 milliliters of urine, or while he or she
was under the influence of intoxicating
liquor or a controlled substance or a combi-
nation of intoxicating liquor and a controlled
substance. Former MCL 777.48(1)(c).
* Before October 1, 2000, MCL 777.48(1)(a)-(e) referred only to operation of a “vehicle[.]” Effective
October 1, 2000, 2000 PA 279 added the words “vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive” to
these subsections.
** See 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003. See also 2013 PA 24, effective May 9, 2013.
*** Before December 28, 1999, “or while he or she was visibly impaired by the use of intoxicating
liquor and a controlled substance or a combination of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance”
(emphasis supplied). See 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
**** The words “alcoholic or” were added by 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003.
***** For offenses committed before September 30, 2003, “not less than 0.02 grams or more than 0.07
grams[.]” See 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003. See also 2013 PA 24, effective May 9, 2013.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after September 30, 2003**) The offender
operated a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmo-
bile, aircraft, or locomotive while he or she
was visibly impaired by the use of alcoholic
or intoxicating liquor or a controlled sub-
stance or a combination of alcoholic or
intoxicating liquor and a controlled sub-
stance, or was less than 21 years of age and
had any bodily alcohol content. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed before
September 30, 2003**) The offender oper-
ated a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile,
aircraft, or locomotive* when his or her
bodily alcohol content was 0.07 grams or
more but less than 0.10 grams per 100 milli-
liters of blood, per 210 liters of breath, or
per 67 milliliters of urine, or while he or she
was visibly impaired by the use of intoxicat-
ing liquor or a controlled substance or a
combination of intoxicating liquor and a
controlled substance,*** or was less than 21
years of age and had any bodily alcohol con-
tent. Former MCL 777.48(1)(d).
The offender’s ability to operate a vehicle,
vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or loco-
motive* was not affected by an alcoholic
or**** intoxicating liquor or a controlled
substance or a combination of alcoholic
or**** intoxicating liquor and a controlled
substance. MCL 777.48(1)(e).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
OV 19
Threat to Security of Penal Institution or Court or Interference With Administration of
Justice or Rendering of Emergency Services*
OV 19 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
The offender by his or her conduct threatened the
security of a penal institution or court. MCL
continued on
next page
(Score only for offenses committed on or after
October 23, 2001**) The offender used force or
the threat of force against another person or the
property of another person to interfere with,
attempt to interfere with, or that results in the
interference with the administration of justice or
the rendering of emergency services. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed before
October 23, 2001**) The offender used force or
the threat of force against another person or the
property of another person to interfere with or
attempt to interfere with the administration of
justice. Former MCL 777.49(b).
The offender otherwise interfered with or
attempted to interfere with the administration of
justice, or directly or indirectly violated a
personal protection order.*** MCL 777.49(c).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002****) The offender did
not threaten the security of a penal
institution or court or interfere with or
attempt to interfere with the administration
of justice or the rendering of emergency
services by force or threat of force. MCL
* The reference to “the rendering of emergency services” in the introductory paragraph in MCL 777.49
was added by 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001.
*** The phrase “or directly or indirectly violated a personal protection order” was added to MCL
777.49(c) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
**** See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed before
April 22, 2002****) The offender did not
threaten the security of a penal institution or
court or interfere with or attempt to interfere
with the administration of justice. Former
MCL 777.49(d).
OV 20
MCL 777.49a
OV 20 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
by using or threatening to use a harmful
biological substance, harmful biological
device, harmful chemical substance,
harmful chemical device, harmful
radioactive material, harmful radioactive
device, incendiary device, or explosive
device. MCL 777.49a(1)(a).
• “Act of terrorism” and “terrorist” are defined in MCL
750.543b, and “terrorist organization” is defined in
MCL 750.543c.* MCL 777.49a(2)(a); MCL
• “Harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,” and
“harmful radioactive device” are defined in MCL
750.200h. MCL 777.49a(2)(b).
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.49a(2)(c).
*An “[a]ct of terrorism” is “a willful and deliberate act that . . . would be a violent felony under [Michigan
law], whether or not committed in [Michigan,] . . . that the person knows or has reason to know is dangerous
to human life[, and] . . . that is intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence or affect
the conduct of government or a unit of government through intimidation or coercion.” MCL 750.543b(a)(i)-
(iii). A[t]errorist isany person who engages or is about to engage in an act of terrorism. MCL
750.543b(g). A “terrorist organization” is “an organization that, on [April 22, 2002], is designated by
theUnited States state department as engaging in or sponsoring an act of terrorism.” MCL 750.543c.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
without using or threatening to use a
harmful biological substance, harmful
biological device, harmful chemical
substance, harmful chemical device,
harmful radioactive material, harmful
radioactive device, incendiary device, or
explosive device. MCL 777.49a(1)(b).
The offender supported an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
The offender did not commit an act of
terrorism or support an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against a Person
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
Prior High Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.51
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.51(1)(a).
A “prior high severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.51(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(b).
1 prior high severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.51(1)(c).
No prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(d).
Prior Low Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.52
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
4 or more prior low severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.52(1)(a).
A “prior low severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.52(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
3 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(b).
2 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(c).
1 prior low severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.52(1)(d).
No prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(e).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
Prior High Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.53
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(a).
A “prior high severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.53(2).
* The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(b).
1 prior high severity juvenile
adjudication. MCL 777.53(1)(c).
No prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
Prior Low Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.54
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not scored for current offenses.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
6 or more prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(a).
A “prior low severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed**:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007***) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.54(2).
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
*** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 5 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 3 or 4 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(c) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 4 or 5 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 2 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(d) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 2 or 3 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(c).
1 prior low severity juvenile adjudication.
MCL 777.54(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(f)
(formerly MCL 777.54(1)(e)*).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
Prior Misdemeanor Convictions or Prior Misdemeanor Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.55
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
7 or more prior misdemeanor convictions
or prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor conviction” is a conviction:
• for a misdemeanor offense under Michigan law or
the law of a political subdivision of Michigan, or
under the law of another state or a political
subdivision of another state, or under the law of the
United States,
• if the conviction was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” is a juvenile
• for conduct that, if committed by an adult, would be
a misdemeanor under Michigan law or the law of a
political subdivision of Michigan, or under the law of
another state or a political subdivision of another
state, or under the law of the United States,
• if the order of disposition for the juvenile
adjudication was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(b).
5 or 6 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(b).
3 or 4 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(c).
2 prior misdemeanor convictions or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudications.
MCL 777.55(1)(d).
1 prior misdemeanor conviction or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudication. MCL
No prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(f).
Special Instructions for PRV 5:
• A prior conviction used to enhance the sentencing offense to a felony may not be counted under PRV 5.
MCL 777.55(2)(a); MCL 777.55(2)(b).
(For offenses committed on or after October 1, 2000*) Only the following may be counted as “a prior
misdemeanor conviction” or “a prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” for purposes of scoring PRV 5:
a prior misdemeanor conviction or prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication that is an offense against a
person or property, a controlled substance offense, or a weapon offense, MCL 777.55(2)(a),** and
all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating or
attempting to operate a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled
substance, MCL 777.55(2)(b).***
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count a prior misdemeanor conviction or juvenile adjudication under former MCL 777.55(2)(a) “only if it is a crime against a person or property, a controlled
substance crime, or a weapon offense enumerated in . . . MCL 750.222 to [MCL] 750.239a.” See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
*** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count “all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating a vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled substance.” Former MCL 777.55(2)(b). See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
Relationship to Criminal Justice System
MCL 777.56
Offender is a prisoner of the department
of corrections or serving a sentence in jail
(including an individual who is an
escapee). MCL 777.56(1)(a); MCL
• PRV 6 assesses points based on an offender’s
relationship to the criminal justice system at the time the
sentencing offense was committed.*
• The appropriate point value under PRV 6 should be
assessed against an offender who is involved with the
criminal justice system in another state or the United
States. MCL 777.56(2).
• “Delayed sentence status” includes (but is not limited
to) assignment or deferral under MCL 333.7411
(deferral for certain controlled substance offenses),
MCL 600.1076(4) (deferral involving drug treatment
courts), MCL 750.350a (deferral under limited
circumstances for parental kidnapping), MCL 750.430
(deferral for impaired healthcare professionals), MCL
762.11—MCL 762.15 (assignment to youthful trainee
status), and MCL 769.4a (deferral under limited
circumstances for domestic assault). MCL
* See People v Johnson (Angelo), 293 Mich App 79, 85 (2011); People v Endres, 269 Mich App 414, 422-
423 (2006).
** See 2004 PA 220, effective January 1, 2005 (inserting MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii) (referring to deferral under
MCL 600.1076(4)) and MCL 777.56(3)(a)(iv) (referring to deferral under MCL 750.430) and redesignating
former MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii)-(iv) accordingly).
Offender is incarcerated in jail awaiting
adjudication or sentencing on a
conviction or probation violation. MCL
Offender is on parole, probation, or
delayed sentence status or on bond
awaiting adjudication or sentencing for a
felony. MCL 777.56(1)(c).
Offender is on probation or delayed
sentence status or on bond awaiting
adjudication or sentencing for a
misdemeanor. MCL 777.56(1)(d).
Offender has no relationship to the
criminal justice system. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
Subsequent or Concurrent Felony Convictions
MCL 777.57
Pts The offender has:
2 or more subsequent or concurrent
felony convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(a).
• The appropriate point value under PRV 7 should be
assessed if the offender was convicted of multiple felony
counts or was convicted of a felony after the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.57(2)(a).
• A conviction for felony-firearm may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(b).
• A concurrent felony conviction that will result in a
mandatory* consecutive sentence may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after March 1,
2003**) A concurrent felony conviction that will result
in a consecutive sentence imposed under MCL
333.7401(3) may not be counted under PRV 7. MCL
* The word “mandatory” was added to MCL 777.57(2)(c) by 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
1 subsequent or concurrent felony
conviction. MCL 777.57(1)(b).
No subsequent or concurrent felony
convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(c).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
OV 1
Aggravated Use of Weapon
MCL 777.31
OV 1 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
A firearm was discharged at or toward a
human being or a victim was cut or stabbed
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(a).
• Each person who was placed in danger of injury or
loss of life is counted as a victim for purposes of scoring
OV 1. MCL 777.31(2)(a).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assigned
points for the presence or use of a weapon, all offenders
must be assigned the same number of points. MCL
• Score five points if an offender used an object to
suggest the presence of a weapon. MCL 777.31(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after October 23,
2001**) Score five points if an offender used a chemical
irritant, a chemical irritant device, a smoke device, or an
imitation harmful substance or device. MCL
• Do not score five points if the conviction offense is a
violation of MCL 750.82 (felonious assault) or MCL
750.529 (armed robbery). MCL 777.31(2)(e).
• “Chemical irritant,” chemical irritant device,”
“harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,”
“harmful radioactive device,” and “imitation harmful
substance or device” are defined in MCL 750.200h.
MCL 777.31(3)(a).**
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.31(3)(b).**
* See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, inserting MCL 777.31(1)(b) and relettering former MCL
777.31(1)(b)-(e) as MCL 777.31(1)(c)-(f).
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001, inserting MCL 777.31(2)(d), relettering former MCL
777.31(2)(d) as MCL 777.31(2)(e), and adding former MCL 777.31(3) (now MCL 777.31(3)(a)). See also
2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, adding MCL 777.31(3)(b) and amending former MCL 777.31(3)
(redesignated MCL 777.31(3)(a)). Consult former versions of MCL 777.31 for crimes committed before
April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002*) The victim was
subjected or exposed to a harmful biological
substance, harmful biological device,
harmful chemical substance, harmful
chemical device, harmful radioactive
material, harmful radioactive device,
incendiary device, or explosive device.
MCL 777.31(1)(b).
A firearm was pointed at or toward a victim
or the victim had a reasonable apprehension
of an immediate battery when threatened
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(c) (formerly MCL
The victim was touched by any other type of
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(d) (formerly MCL
A weapon was displayed or implied. MCL
777.31(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No aggravated use of a weapon occurred.
MCL 777.31(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
OV 2
Lethal Potential of Weapon Possessed or Used*
MCL 777.32
OV 2 is scored for crimes against a person, crimes against property, and crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL
Pts Instructions
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after October 23, 2001*) The offender
possessed or used a harmful biological
substance, harmful biological device,
harmful chemical substance, harmful
chemical device, harmful radioactive
material, or harmful radioactive device.
MCL 777.32(1)(a).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assessed
points for possessing a weapon, all offenders must be
assessed the same number of points. MCL 777.32(2).
(For offenses committed on or after October 23,
2001*) “Harmful biological substance,” “harmful
biological device,” “harmful chemical substance,”
“harmful chemical device,” “harmful radioactive
material,” and “harmful radioactive device” are defined
in MCL 750.200h. MCL 777.32(3)(a).
“Fully automatic weapon” means a firearm employing
gas pressure or force of recoil or other means to eject an
empty cartridge from the firearm after a shot, and to
load and fire the next cartridge from the magazine,
without renewed pressure on the trigger for each
successive shot. MCL 777.32(3)(b) (formerly MCL
• “Pistol,” “rifle,” or “shotgun” includes a revolver,
semi-automatic pistol, rifle, shotgun, combination rifle
and shotgun, or other firearm manufactured in or after
1898 that fires fixed ammunition, but does not include a
fully automatic weapon or short-barreled shotgun or
short-barreled rifle. MCL 777.32(3)(c) (formerly MCL
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.32(3)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.32(3)(c)*).
* See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001, inserting MCL 777.32(1)(a) and MCL 777.32(3)(a); adding
“or used” to the introductory paragraph in MCL 777.32(1) and to all point-allocation subsections;
redesignating former MCL 777.32(1)(a)-(e) as MCL 777.32(1)(b)-(f); and redesignating former MCL
777.32(3)(a)-(c) as MCL 777.32(3)(b)-(d).
The offender possessed or used* an
incendiary device, an explosive device, or a
fully automatic weapon. MCL 777.32(1)(b).
The offender possessed or used* a short-
barreled rifle or a short-barreled shotgun.
MCL 777.32(1)(c).
The offender possessed or used* a pistol,
rifle, shotgun, or knife or other cutting or
stabbing weapon. MCL 777.32(1)(d).
The offender possessed or used* any other
potentially lethal weapon. MCL
The offender possessed or used* no weapon.
MCL 777.32(1)(f).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
OV 3
Physical Injury to Victim
MCL 777.33
OV 3 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The shaded area in the chart below represents a point value that is not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
A victim was killed. MCL 777.33(1)(a); see
also MCL 777.33(2)(b).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assessed
points for death or physical injury, all offenders must be
assessed the same number of points. MCL 777.33(2)(a).
• Score 100 points if death results from the commission
of a crime and homicide is not the sentencing offense.
MCL 777.33(2)(b). Any crime in which the death of a
human being is an element of the crime is a “homicide.”
MCL 777.1(c).
(For offenses committed on or after September 30,
2003*) Score 50 points if death results from the
commission of a crime and the offense or attempted
offense involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV,
snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive and any of the
following apply:
• the offender was under the influence of or visibly
impaired by the use of alcoholic liquor, a controlled
substance, or a combination of alcoholic liquor and
a controlled substance, MCL 777.33(2)(c)(i);
• the offender had an alcohol content of 0.08 grams
or more (or, beginning October 1, 2021, 0.10
grams or more) per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210
liters of breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine, MCL
777.33(2)(c)(ii); or
• the offender’s body contained any amount of a
controlled substance listed in schedule 1 under
MCL 333.7212 or a rule promulgated under that
section, or a controlled substance described in MCL
333.7214(a)(iv), MCL 777.33(2)(c)(iii).
• Do not score five points if bodily injury is an element
of the sentencing offense. MCL 777.33(2)(d) (formerly
MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
• “Requiring medical treatment” refers to the necessity
for treatment and not the victim’s success in obtaining
treatment. MCL 777.33(3).
* See 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003. See also 2013 PA 24, effective May 9, 2013.
** See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after September 30, 2003*) A victim was
killed. MCL 777.33(1)(b); see also MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after October 1, 2000,** and before
September 30, 2003*) A victim was killed,
where death results from the commission of
a crime and the elements of the offense or
attempted offense involve the operation of a
vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft,
or locomotive under the influence or while
impaired causing death. Former MCL
777.33(1)(b); former MCL 777.33(2)(c).
Life threatening or permanent incapacitating
injury occurred to a victim. MCL
777.33(1)(c) (formerly MCL
Bodily injury requiring medical treatment
occurred to a victim. MCL 777.33(1)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(1)(c)**).
Bodily injury not requiring medical
treatment occurred to a victim, where bodily
injury is not an element of the sentencing
offense. MCL 777.33(1)(e) (formerly MCL
777.33(1)(d)**); MCL 777.33(2)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
No physical injury occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.33(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
OV 4
Psychological Injury to Victim
MCL 777.34
OV 4 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.34(1)(a).
Score ten points if the victim’s serious psychological injury may
require professional treatment. The fact that treatment has not
been sought is not conclusive. MCL 777.34(2).
For a conviction under MCL 750.50b,
serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to the owner
of a companion animal. MCL 777.34(1)(b).*
No serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.34(1)(c).
* This statement was added to MCL 777.34(1) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
OV 9
Number of Victims
MCL 777.39
OV 9 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
Multiple deaths occurred in a homicide
case. MCL 777.39(1)(a); MCL
(For offenses committed before March 30, 2007*)
Count each person who was placed in danger of injury
or loss of life as a “victim” for purposes of scoring OV
9. Former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(For offenses committed on or after March 30,
2007*) Count each person who was placed in danger of
physical injury or loss of life or property as a “victim”
for purposes of scoring OV 9. MCL 777.39(2)(a).
• Score 100 points only in homicide cases. MCL
777.39(2)(b). Any crime in which the death of a human
being is an element of the crime is a “homicide.” MCL
* See 2006 PA 548, effective March 30, 2007.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) 10 or more victims
were placed in danger of physical injury or
death, or 20 or more victims were placed in
danger of property loss. MCL 777.39(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) 10 or more
victims were placed in danger of injury or
loss of life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(b);
former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) 2 to 9 victims were
placed in danger of physical injury or death,
or 4 to 19 victims were placed in danger of
property loss. MCL 777.39(1)(c).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) 2 to 9 victims
were placed in danger of injury or loss of
life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(c); former
MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) Fewer than 2
victims were placed in danger of physical
injury or death, or fewer than 4 victims
were placed in danger of property loss.
MCL 777.39(1)(d).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) Fewer than 2
victims were placed in danger of injury or
loss of life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(d);
former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
OV 10
Exploitation of Vulnerable Victim
MCL 777.40
OV 10 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving controlled substances. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Predatory conduct was involved. MCL
• The mere existence of one or more of the factors
described in MCL 777.40(1) does not automatically
equate with victim vulnerability. MCL 777.40(2).
• “Predatory conduct” is “preoffense conduct directed at
a victim, or a law enforcement officer posing as a
potential victim,
for the primary purpose of
victimization.” MCL 777.40(3)(a).
• To “exploit” a victim is “to manipulate a victim for
selfish or unethical purposes. Exploit also means to
violate [MCL 750.50b] for the purpose of manipulating a
victim for selfish or unethical purposes.” MCL
• “Vulnerability” is “the readily apparent susceptibility
of a victim to injury, physical restraint, persuasion, or
temptation.” MCL 777.40(3)(c).
• “Abuse of authority status” means “a victim was
exploited out of fear or deference to an authority figure,
including, but not limited to, a parent, physician, or
teacher.” MCL 777.40(3)(d).
* The phrase “[o]r a law enforcement officer posing as a potential victim” was added to MCL 777.40(3)(a)
by 2014 PA 350, effective October 17, 2014.
** The second sentence of this definition was added to MCL 777.40(3)(b) by 2018 PA 652, effective March
28, 2019.
The offender exploited a victim’s physical
disability, mental disability, or youth or
agedness, or a domestic relationship, or the
offender abused his or her authority status.
MCL 777.40(1)(b).
The offender exploited a victim by his or
her difference in size or strength, or both, or
exploited a victim who was intoxicated,
under the influence of drugs, asleep, or
unconscious. MCL 777.40(1)(c).
The offender did not exploit a victim’s
vulnerability. MCL 777.40(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
OV 12
Contemporaneous Felonious Criminal Acts
MCL 777.42
OV 12 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving crimes against a
person were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(a).
• A felonious criminal act is contemporaneous if both of
the following circumstances exist:
• the criminal act occurred within 24 hours of the
sentencing offense, MCL 777.42(2)(a)(i), and
• the criminal act has not resulted, and will not
result, in a separate conviction, MCL
• Violations of MCL 750.227b (possession of a firearm
during the commission of a felony or possession and use
of a pneumatic gun in furtherance of committing or
attempting to commit a felony) should not be counted
when scoring OV 12. MCL 777.42(2)(b).
• Conduct scored in OV 11 must not be scored under OV
12. MCL 777.42(2)(c).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving crimes against a person were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(b).
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(c).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving a crime against a person was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(d).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(e).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving any other crime was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(f).
No contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(g).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
OV 13
Continuing Pattern of Criminal Behavior
MCL 777.43
OV 13 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after October 1, 2000*) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more sexual
penetrations against a person or persons less
than 13 years of age, and the sentencing offense
is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
777.43(1)(a); MCL 777.43(2)(d).
• In scoring OV 13, all crimes within a five-year period,
including the sentencing offense, must be counted,
without regard to whether the offense resulted in a
conviction. MCL 777.43(2)(a).
• The existence of an organized criminal group may be
reasonably inferred from the facts surrounding the
sentencing offense, and the fact of the group’s existence
is more important than the presence or absence of
multiple offenders, the age of the offenders, or the
degree of sophistication of the organized criminal group.
MCL 777.43(2)(b).
• Do not consider conduct scored in OVs 11 or 12,
except for offenses related to membership in an
organized criminal group or (for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) that are gang-
related. MCL 777.43(2)(c).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
October 1, 2000*) Score 50 points only if the sentencing
offense is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one controlled substance
offense arising out of the criminal episode for which the
offender is being sentenced may be counted when
scoring OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(e).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one crime involving the same
controlled substance may be counted under OV 13. For
example, conspiracy and a substantive offense involving
the same amount of controlled substances cannot both be
counted under OV 13. Similarly, possession and delivery
of the same amount of controlled substances may not be
counted as two crimes under OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(f).
continued on
next page
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to causing,
encouraging, recruiting, soliciting, or coercing
membership in a gang or communicating a
threat with intent to deter, punish, or retaliate
against another for withdrawing from a gang.
MCL 777.43(1)(b).
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against a person. MCL 777.43(1)(c) (formerly
MCL 777.43(1)(a)*; formerly MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before December 28, 1999***)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against property. Former MCL 777.43(1)(d)*.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving a combination of 3
or more crimes against a person or property or a
violation of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
777.43(1)(d) (formerly MCL 777.42(1)(b)*;
formerly MCL 777.42(1)(c)**).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to
membership in an organized criminal
group. Former MCL 777.43(1)(c)*; former
MCL 777.43(1)(d)**.
* 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** 2008 PA 562, effective April 1, 2009.
*** 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
**** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of
felonious criminal activity involving a
combination of 3 or more crimes against a
person or property. Former MCL
777.43(1)(b)*; former MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1,
2003****) The offense was part of a
pattern of felonious criminal activity
involving a combination of 3 or more
violations of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after December 28,
1999***) The offense was part of a pattern
of felonious criminal activity involving 3 or
more crimes against property. MCL
777.43(1)(f) (formerly MCL 777.43(1)(d)*;
formerly MCL 777.43(1)(e)****).
No pattern of felonious criminal activity
existed. MCL 777.43(1)(g) (formerly MCL
777.43(1)(e)*; formerly MCL
OV 14
Offender’s Role
MCL 777.44
OV 14 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
The offender was a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(a).
• Consider the entire criminal transaction when
determining the offender’s role. MCL 777.44(2)(a).
• If three or more offenders were involved, more than
one offender may be determined to have been a leader.
MCL 777.44(2)(b).
The offender was not a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(b).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
OV 16
Property Obtained, Damaged, Lost, or Destroyed
MCL 777.46
OV 16 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. Score for a crime against a person
only if the sentencing offense is a violation or attempted violation of MCL 750.110a (home invasion). See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
For a conviction under MCL 750.50, the
property was 25 or more animals. MCL
• In multiple offender or victim cases, the appropriate
points may be determined by adding together the
aggregate value of the property involved, including
property involved in uncharged offenses or charges
dismissed under a plea agreement. MCL 777.46(2)(a).
• Use the value of the property to score OV 16 in cases in
which the property was obtained unlawfully, lost to the
lawful owner, or destroyed. If the property was damaged,
use the monetary amount appropriate to restore the
property to pre-offense condition. MCL 777.46(2)(b).
• The amount of money or property involved in admitted
but uncharged offenses or in charges dismissed under a
plea agreement may be considered in scoring OV 16.
MCL 777.46(2)(c).
• Score OV 16 for a crime against a person only if the
sentencing offense is a violation or attempted violation
of MCL 750.110a (home invasion). MCL 777.22(1).
* This statement was added to MCL 777.46(1) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
** Before December 28, 1999, this provision referred to “[t]he property destroyed” (emphasis supplied). See
1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
For a conviction under MCL 750.50, the
property was 10 or more animals but fewer
than 25 animals. MCL 777.46(1)(b).*
Wanton or malicious damage occurred
beyond that necessary to commit the crime
for which the offender is not charged and
will not be charged. MCL 777.46(1)(c).
The property had a value of more than
$20,000.00 or had significant historical,
social, or sentimental value. MCL
The property** had a value of $1,000.00 or
more but not more than $20,000.00. MCL
The property** had a value of $200.00 or
more but not more than $1,000.00. MCL
No property was obtained, damaged, lost, or
destroyed or the property had a value of less
than $200.00. MCL 777.46(1)(g).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
OV 19
Threat to Security of Penal Institution or Court or Interference With Administration of
Justice or Rendering of Emergency Services*
OV 19 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
The offender by his or her conduct
threatened the security of a penal institution
or court. MCL 777.49(a).
* The reference to “the rendering of emergency services” in the introductory paragraph in MCL 777.49
was added by 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001.
*** The phrase “or directly or indirectly violated a personal protection order” was added to MCL
777.49(c) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
**** See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after October 23, 2001**) The offender
used force or the threat of force against
another person or the property of another
person to interfere with, attempt to interfere
with, or that results in the interference with
the administration of justice or the rendering
of emergency services. MCL 777.49(b).
(Score only for offenses committed before
October 23, 2001**) The offender used
force or the threat of force against another
person or the property of another person to
interfere with or attempt to interfere with the
administration of justice. Former MCL
The offender otherwise interfered with or
attempted to interfere with the
administration of justice, or directly or
indirectly violated a personal protection
order.*** MCL 777.49(c).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002****) The offender did
not threaten the security of a penal
institution or court or interfere with or
attempt to interfere with the administration
of justice or the rendering of emergency
services by force or threat of force. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed before
April 22, 2002****) The offender did not
threaten the security of a penal institution or
court or interfere with or attempt to interfere
with the administration of justice. Former
MCL 777.49(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Property
OV 20
MCL 777.49a
OV 20 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
by using or threatening to use a harmful
biological substance, harmful biological
device, harmful chemical substance,
harmful chemical device, harmful
radioactive material, harmful radioactive
device, incendiary device, or explosive
device. MCL 777.49a(1)(a).
• “Act of terrorism” and “terrorist” are defined in MCL
750.543b, and “terrorist organization” is defined in
MCL 750.543c.* MCL 777.49a(2)(a); MCL
• “Harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,” and
“harmful radioactive device” are defined in MCL
750.200h. MCL 777.49a(2)(b).
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.49a(2)(c).
*An “[a]ct of terrorism” is “a willful and deliberate act that . . . would be a violent felony under [Michigan
law], whether or not committed in [Michigan,] . . . that the person knows or has reason to know is dangerous
to human life[, and] . . . that is intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence or affect
the conduct of government or a unit of government through intimidation or coercion.” MCL 750.543b(a)(i)-
(iii). A[t]errorist isany person who engages or is about to engage in an act of terrorism. MCL
750.543b(g). A “terrorist organization” is “an organization that, on [April 22, 2002], is designated by the
United States state department as engaging in or sponsoring an act of terrorism.” MCL 750.543c.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
without using or threatening to use a
harmful biological substance, harmful
biological device, harmful chemical
substance, harmful chemical device,
harmful radioactive material, harmful
radioactive device, incendiary device, or
explosive device. MCL 777.49a(1)(b).
The offender supported an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
The offender did not commit an act of
terrorism or support an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
Prior High Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.51
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.51(1)(a).
A “prior high severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.51(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(b).
1 prior high severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.51(1)(c).
No prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(d).
Prior Low Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.52
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
4 or more prior low severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.52(1)(a).
A “prior low severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.52(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
3 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(b).
2 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(c).
1 prior low severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.52(1)(d).
No prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(e).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
Prior High Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.53
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(a).
A “prior high severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.53(2).
* The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(b).
1 prior high severity juvenile
adjudication. MCL 777.53(1)(c).
No prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
Prior Low Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.54
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not scored for current offenses.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
6 or more prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(a).
A “prior low severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed**:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007***) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.54(2).
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
*** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 5 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 3 or 4 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(c) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 4 or 5 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 2 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(d) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 2 or 3 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(c).
1 prior low severity juvenile adjudication.
MCL 777.54(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(f)
(formerly MCL 777.54(1)(e)*).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
Prior Misdemeanor Convictions or Prior Misdemeanor Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.55
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
7 or more prior misdemeanor convictions
or prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor conviction” is a conviction:
• for a misdemeanor offense under Michigan law or
the law of a political subdivision of Michigan, or
under the law of another state or a political
subdivision of another state, or under the law of the
United States,
• if the conviction was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” is a juvenile
• for conduct that, if committed by an adult, would be
a misdemeanor under Michigan law or the law of a
political subdivision of Michigan, or under the law of
another state or a political subdivision of another
state, or under the law of the United States,
• if the order of disposition for the juvenile
adjudication was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(b).
5 or 6 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(b).
3 or 4 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(c).
2 prior misdemeanor convictions or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudications.
MCL 777.55(1)(d).
1 prior misdemeanor conviction or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudication. MCL
No prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(f).
Special Instructions for PRV 5:
• A prior conviction used to enhance the sentencing offense to a felony may not be counted under PRV 5.
MCL 777.55(2)(a); MCL 777.55(2)(b).
(For offenses committed on or after October 1, 2000*) Only the following may be counted as “a prior
misdemeanor conviction” or “a prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” for purposes of scoring PRV 5:
a prior misdemeanor conviction or prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication that is an offense against a
person or property, a controlled substance offense, or a weapon offense, MCL 777.55(2)(a),** and
all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating or
attempting to operate a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled
substance, MCL 777.55(2)(b).***
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count a prior misdemeanor conviction or juvenile adjudication under former MCL 777.55(2)(a) “only if it is a crime against a person or property, a controlled
substance crime, or a weapon offense enumerated in . . . MCL 750.222 to [MCL] 750.239a.” See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
*** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count “all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating a vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled substance.” Former MCL 777.55(2)(b). See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
Relationship to Criminal Justice System
MCL 777.56
Offender is a prisoner of the department
of corrections or serving a sentence in jail
(including an individual who is an
escapee). MCL 777.56(1)(a); MCL
• PRV 6 assesses points based on an offender’s
relationship to the criminal justice system at the time the
sentencing offense was committed.*
• The appropriate point value under PRV 6 should be
assessed against an offender who is involved with the
criminal justice system in another state or the United
States. MCL 777.56(2).
• “Delayed sentence status” includes (but is not limited
to) assignment or deferral under MCL 333.7411
(deferral for certain controlled substance offenses),
MCL 600.1076(4) (deferral involving drug treatment
courts), MCL 750.350a (deferral under limited
circumstances for parental kidnapping), MCL 750.430
(deferral for impaired healthcare professionals), MCL
762.11—MCL 762.15 (assignment to youthful trainee
status), and MCL 769.4a (deferral under limited
circumstances for domestic assault). MCL
* See People v Johnson (Angelo), 293 Mich App 79, 85 (2011); People v Endres, 269 Mich App 414, 422-
423 (2006).
** See 2004 PA 220, effective January 1, 2005 (inserting MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii) (referring to deferral under
MCL 600.1076(4)) and MCL 777.56(3)(a)(iv) (referring to deferral under MCL 750.430) and redesignating
former MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii)-(iv) accordingly).
Offender is incarcerated in jail awaiting
adjudication or sentencing on a
conviction or probation violation. MCL
Offender is on parole, probation, or
delayed sentence status or on bond
awaiting adjudication or sentencing for a
felony. MCL 777.56(1)(c).
Offender is on probation or delayed
sentence status or on bond awaiting
adjudication or sentencing for a
misdemeanor. MCL 777.56(1)(d).
Offender has no relationship to the
criminal justice system. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
Subsequent or Concurrent Felony Convictions
MCL 777.57
Pts The offender has:
2 or more subsequent or concurrent
felony convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(a).
• The appropriate point value under PRV 7 should be
assessed if the offender was convicted of multiple felony
counts or was convicted of a felony after the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.57(2)(a).
• A conviction for felony-firearm may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(b).
• A concurrent felony conviction that will result in a
mandatory* consecutive sentence may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after March 1,
2003**) A concurrent felony conviction that will result
in a consecutive sentence imposed under MCL
333.7401(3) may not be counted under PRV 7. MCL
* The word “mandatory” was added to MCL 777.57(2)(c) by 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
1 subsequent or concurrent felony
conviction. MCL 777.57(1)(b).
No subsequent or concurrent felony
convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(c).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
OV 1
Aggravated Use of Weapon
MCL 777.31
OV 1 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
A firearm was discharged at or toward a
human being or a victim was cut or stabbed
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(a).
• Each person who was placed in danger of injury or
loss of life is counted as a victim for purposes of scoring
OV 1. MCL 777.31(2)(a).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assigned
points for the presence or use of a weapon, all offenders
must be assigned the same number of points. MCL
• Score five points if an offender used an object to
suggest the presence of a weapon. MCL 777.31(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after October 23,
2001**) Score five points if an offender used a chemical
irritant, a chemical irritant device, a smoke device, or an
imitation harmful substance or device. MCL
• Do not score five points if the conviction offense is a
violation of MCL 750.82 (felonious assault) or MCL
750.529 (armed robbery). MCL 777.31(2)(e).
• “Chemical irritant,” chemical irritant device,”
“harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,”
“harmful radioactive device,” and “imitation harmful
substance or device” are defined in MCL 750.200h.
MCL 777.31(3)(a).**
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.31(3)(b).**
* See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, inserting MCL 777.31(1)(b) and relettering former MCL
777.31(1)(b)-(e) as MCL 777.31(1)(c)-(f).
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001, inserting MCL 777.31(2)(d), relettering former MCL
777.31(2)(d) as MCL 777.31(2)(e), and adding former MCL 777.31(3) (now MCL 777.31(3)(a)). See also
2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, adding MCL 777.31(3)(b) and amending former MCL 777.31(3)
(redesignated MCL 777.31(3)(a)). Consult former versions of MCL 777.31 for crimes committed before
April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002*) The victim was
subjected or exposed to a harmful biological
substance, harmful biological device,
harmful chemical substance, harmful
chemical device, harmful radioactive
material, harmful radioactive device,
incendiary device, or explosive device.
MCL 777.31(1)(b).
A firearm was pointed at or toward a victim
or the victim had a reasonable apprehension
of an immediate battery when threatened
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(c) (formerly MCL
The victim was touched by any other type of
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(d) (formerly MCL
A weapon was displayed or implied. MCL
777.31(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No aggravated use of a weapon occurred.
MCL 777.31(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
OV 2
Lethal Potential of Weapon Possessed or Used*
MCL 777.32
OV 2 is scored for crimes against a person, crimes against property, and crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL
Pts Instructions
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after October 23, 2001*) The offender
possessed or used a harmful biological
substance, harmful biological device,
harmful chemical substance, harmful
chemical device, harmful radioactive
material, or harmful radioactive device.
MCL 777.32(1)(a).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assessed
points for possessing a weapon, all offenders must be
assessed the same number of points. MCL 777.32(2).
(For offenses committed on or after October 23,
2001*) “Harmful biological substance,” “harmful
biological device,” “harmful chemical substance,”
“harmful chemical device,” “harmful radioactive
material,” and “harmful radioactive device” are defined
in MCL 750.200h. MCL 777.32(3)(a).
“Fully automatic weapon” means a firearm employing
gas pressure or force of recoil or other means to eject an
empty cartridge from the firearm after a shot, and to
load and fire the next cartridge from the magazine,
without renewed pressure on the trigger for each
successive shot. MCL 777.32(3)(b) (formerly MCL
• “Pistol,” “rifle,” or “shotgun” includes a revolver,
semi-automatic pistol, rifle, shotgun, combination rifle
and shotgun, or other firearm manufactured in or after
1898 that fires fixed ammunition, but does not include a
fully automatic weapon or short-barreled shotgun or
short-barreled rifle. MCL 777.32(3)(c) (formerly MCL
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.32(3)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.32(3)(c)*).
* See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001, inserting MCL 777.32(1)(a) and MCL 777.32(3)(a); adding
“or used” to the introductory paragraph in MCL 777.32(1) and to all point-allocation subsections;
redesignating former MCL 777.32(1)(a)-(e) as MCL 777.32(1)(b)-(f); and redesignating former MCL
777.32(3)(a)-(c) as MCL 777.32(3)(b)-(d).
The offender possessed or used* an
incendiary device, an explosive device, or a
fully automatic weapon. MCL 777.32(1)(b).
The offender possessed or used* a short-
barreled rifle or a short-barreled shotgun.
MCL 777.32(1)(c).
The offender possessed or used* a pistol,
rifle, shotgun, or knife or other cutting or
stabbing weapon. MCL 777.32(1)(d).
The offender possessed or used* any other
potentially lethal weapon. MCL
The offender possessed or used* no weapon.
MCL 777.32(1)(f).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
OV 3
Physical Injury to Victim
MCL 777.33
OV 3 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The shaded area in the chart below represents a point value that is not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
A victim was killed. MCL 777.33(1)(a); see
also MCL 777.33(2)(b).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assessed
points for death or physical injury, all offenders must be
assessed the same number of points. MCL 777.33(2)(a).
• Score 100 points if death results from the commission
of a crime and homicide is not the sentencing offense.
MCL 777.33(2)(b). Any crime in which the death of a
human being is an element of the crime is a “homicide.”
MCL 777.1(c).
(For offenses committed on or after September 30,
2003*) Score 50 points if death results from the
commission of a crime and the offense or attempted
offense involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV,
snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive and any of the
following apply:
• the offender was under the influence of or visibly
impaired by the use of alcoholic liquor, a controlled
substance, or a combination of alcoholic liquor and
a controlled substance, MCL 777.33(2)(c)(i);
• the offender had an alcohol content of 0.08 grams
or more (or, beginning October 1, 2021, 0.10
grams or more) per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210
liters of breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine, MCL
777.33(2)(c)(ii); or
• the offender’s body contained any amount of a
controlled substance listed in schedule 1 under
MCL 333.7212 or a rule promulgated under that
section, or a controlled substance described in MCL
333.7214(a)(iv), MCL 777.33(2)(c)(iii).
• Do not score five points if bodily injury is an element
of the sentencing offense. MCL 777.33(2)(d) (formerly
MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
• “Requiring medical treatment” refers to the necessity
for treatment and not the victim’s success in obtaining
treatment. MCL 777.33(3).
* See 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003. See also 2013 PA 24, effective May 9, 2013.
** See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after September 30, 2003*) A victim was
killed. MCL 777.33(1)(b); see also MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after October 1, 2000,** and before
September 30, 2003*) A victim was killed,
where death results from the commission of
a crime and the elements of the offense or
attempted offense involve the operation of a
vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft,
or locomotive under the influence or while
impaired causing death. Former MCL
777.33(1)(b); former MCL 777.33(2)(c).
Life threatening or permanent incapacitating
injury occurred to a victim. MCL
777.33(1)(c) (formerly MCL
Bodily injury requiring medical treatment
occurred to a victim. MCL 777.33(1)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(1)(c)**).
Bodily injury not requiring medical
treatment occurred to a victim, where bodily
injury is not an element of the sentencing
offense. MCL 777.33(1)(e) (formerly MCL
777.33(1)(d)**); MCL 777.33(2)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
No physical injury occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.33(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
OV 12
Contemporaneous Felonious Criminal Acts
MCL 777.42
OV 12 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving crimes against a
person were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(a).
• A felonious criminal act is contemporaneous if both of
the following circumstances exist:
• the criminal act occurred within 24 hours of the
sentencing offense, MCL 777.42(2)(a)(i), and
• the criminal act has not resulted, and will not
result, in a separate conviction, MCL
• Violations of MCL 750.227b (possession of a firearm
during the commission of a felony or possession and use
of a pneumatic gun in furtherance of committing or
attempting to commit a felony) should not be counted
when scoring OV 12. MCL 777.42(2)(b).
• Conduct scored in OV 11 must not be scored under OV
12. MCL 777.42(2)(c).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving crimes against a person were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(b).
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(c).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving a crime against a person was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(d).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(e).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving any other crime was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(f).
No contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(g).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
OV 13
Continuing Pattern of Criminal Behavior
MCL 777.43
OV 13 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after October 1, 2000*) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more sexual
penetrations against a person or persons less
than 13 years of age, and the sentencing offense
is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
777.43(1)(a); MCL 777.43(2)(d).
• In scoring OV 13, all crimes within a five-year period,
including the sentencing offense, must be counted,
without regard to whether the offense resulted in a
conviction. MCL 777.43(2)(a).
• The existence of an organized criminal group may be
reasonably inferred from the facts surrounding the
sentencing offense, and the fact of the group’s existence
is more important than the presence or absence of
multiple offenders, the age of the offenders, or the
degree of sophistication of the organized criminal group.
MCL 777.43(2)(b).
• Do not consider conduct scored in OVs 11 or 12,
except for offenses related to membership in an
organized criminal group or (for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) that are gang-
related. MCL 777.43(2)(c).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
October 1, 2000*) Score 50 points only if the sentencing
offense is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one controlled substance
offense arising out of the criminal episode for which the
offender is being sentenced may be counted when
scoring OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(e).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one crime involving the same
controlled substance may be counted under OV 13. For
example, conspiracy and a substantive offense involving
the same amount of controlled substances cannot both be
counted under OV 13. Similarly, possession and delivery
of the same amount of controlled substances may not be
counted as two crimes under OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(f).
continued on
next page
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to causing,
encouraging, recruiting, soliciting, or coercing
membership in a gang or communicating a
threat with intent to deter, punish, or retaliate
against another for withdrawing from a gang.
MCL 777.43(1)(b).
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against a person. MCL 777.43(1)(c) (formerly
MCL 777.43(1)(a)*; formerly MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before December 28, 1999***)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against property. Former MCL 777.43(1)(d)*.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving a combination of 3
or more crimes against a person or property or a
violation of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
777.43(1)(d) (formerly MCL 777.42(1)(b)*;
formerly MCL 777.42(1)(c)**).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to
membership in an organized criminal
group. Former MCL 777.43(1)(c)*; former
MCL 777.43(1)(d)**.
* 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** 2008 PA 562, effective April 1, 2009.
*** 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
**** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of
felonious criminal activity involving a
combination of 3 or more crimes against a
person or property. Former MCL
777.43(1)(b)*; former MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1,
2003****) The offense was part of a
pattern of felonious criminal activity
involving a combination of 3 or more
violations of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after December 28,
1999***) The offense was part of a pattern
of felonious criminal activity involving 3 or
more crimes against property. MCL
777.43(1)(f) (formerly MCL 777.43(1)(d)*;
formerly MCL 777.43(1)(e)****).
No pattern of felonious criminal activity
existed. MCL 777.43(1)(g) (formerly MCL
777.43(1)(e)*; formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
OV 14
Offender’s Role
MCL 777.44
OV 14 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
The offender was a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(a).
• Consider the entire criminal transaction when
determining the offender’s role. MCL 777.44(2)(a).
• If three or more offenders were involved, more than
one offender may be determined to have been a leader.
MCL 777.44(2)(b).
The offender was not a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(b).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
OV 15
Aggravated Controlled Substance Offenses
MCL 777.45
OV 15 is scored only for crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 1, 2003*) The offense involved
the manufacture, creation, delivery,
possession, or possession with intent to
manufacture, create, or deliver of 1,000 or
more grams of any mixture containing a
controlled substance classified in schedule 1 or
2 that is a narcotic drug or a drug described in
MCL 333.7214(a)(iv). MCL 777.45(1)(a).
• “Deliver” means the actual or constructive transfer
of a controlled substance from one individual to
another regardless of remuneration. MCL
• A “minor” is an individual 17 years of age or less.
MCL 777.45(2)(b).
• “Trafficking” is the sale or delivery of controlled
substances or counterfeit controlled substances on a
continuing basis to one or more other individuals for
further distribution. MCL 777.45(2)(c).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 1, 2003*) The offense involved
the manufacture, creation, delivery,
possession, or possession with intent to
manufacture, create, or deliver of 450 grams or
more but less than 1,000 grams of any mixture
containing a controlled substance classified in
schedule 1 or 2 that is a narcotic drug or a drug
described in MCL 333.7214(a)(iv). MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 1, 2003*) The offense involved
the manufacture, creation, delivery,
possession, or possession with intent to
manufacture, create, or deliver of 50 or more
grams but less than 450 grams of any mixture
containing a controlled substance classified in
schedule 1 or 2 that is a narcotic drug or a drug
described in MCL 333.7214(a)(iv). MCL
continued on
next page
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 19, 2014**) The offense
involved traveling from another state or
country to this state while in possession of any
mixture containing a controlled substance
classified in schedule 1 or 2 that is a narcotic
drug or a drug described in MCL 333.7212 or
MCL 333.7214 with the intent to deliver that
mixture in this state. MCL 777.45(1)(d).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 1, 2003*) The offense involved
the sale or delivery of a controlled substance
other than marihuana or a mixture containing a
controlled substance other than marihuana by
the offender who was 18 years of age or older
to a minor who was 3 or more years younger
than the offender. MCL 777.45(1)(e) (formerly
MCL 777.45(1)(d)**).
(Score only for offenses committed before
March 1, 2003*) The offense involved the sale or
delivery of a controlled substance other than
marihuana or a mixture containing a controlled
substance other than marihuana by the offender
who was 18 years of age or older to a minor who
was 3 or more years younger than the offender.
Former MCL 777.45(1)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed before
March 1, 2003*) The offense involved the sale,
delivery, or possession with intent to sell or deliver
225 grams or more of a controlled substance
classified in schedule 1 or 2 or a mixture containing
a controlled substance classified in schedule 1 or 2.
Former MCL 777.45(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed before
March 1, 2003*) The offense involved the sale,
delivery, or possession with intent to sell or deliver
50 or more grams but less than 225 grams of a
controlled substance classified in schedule 1 or 2 or
a mixture containing a controlled substance
classified in schedule 1 or 2. Former MCL
continued on
next page
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
The offense involved the sale, delivery, or
possession with intent to sell or deliver 45
kilograms or more of marihuana or 200 or
more of marihuana plants. MCL 777.45(1)(f)
(formerly MCL 777.45(1)(d)*; formerly MCL
* See 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
** See 2013 PA 203, effective March 19, 2014.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 1, 2003*) The offense is a
violation of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii)
pertaining to a controlled substance classified
in schedule 1 or 2 that is a narcotic drug or a
drug described in MCL 333.7214(a)(iv) and
was committed in a minor’s abode, settled
home, or domicile, regardless of whether the
minor was present. MCL 777.45(1)(g)
(formerly MCL 777.45(1)(f)**).
The offense involved the delivery or
possession with the intent to deliver marihuana
or any other controlled substance or a
counterfeit controlled substance or possession
of controlled substances or counterfeit
controlled substances having a value or under
such circumstances as to indicate trafficking.
MCL 777.45(1)(h) (formerly MCL
777.45(1)(e)*; formerly MCL 777.45(1)(g)**).
The offense was not an offense described in
the categories above. MCL 777.45(1)(i)
(formerly MCL 777.45(1)(f)*; formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
OV 19
Threat to Security of Penal Institution or Court or Interference With Administration of
Justice or Rendering of Emergency Services*
OV 19 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
The offender by his or her conduct threatened the
security of a penal institution or court. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or after
October 23, 2001**) The offender used force or
the threat of force against another person or the
property of another person to interfere with,
attempt to interfere with, or that results in the
interference with the administration of justice or
the rendering of emergency services. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed before
October 23, 2001**) The offender used force or
the threat of force against another person or the
property of another person to interfere with or
attempt to interfere with the administration of
justice. Former MCL 777.49(b).
The offender otherwise interfered with or
attempted to interfere with the administration of
justice, or directly or indirectly violated a
personal protection order.*** MCL 777.49(c).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002****) The offender did
not threaten the security of a penal
institution or court or interfere with or
attempt to interfere with the administration
of justice or the rendering of emergency
services by force or threat of force. MCL
* The reference to “the rendering of emergency services” in the introductory paragraph in MCL 777.49
was added by 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001.
*** The phrase “or directly or indirectly violated a personal protection order” was added to MCL
777.49(c) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
**** See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed before
April 22, 2002****) The offender did not
threaten the security of a penal institution or
court or interfere with or attempt to interfere
with the administration of justice. Former
MCL 777.49(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Involving a Controlled
OV 20
MCL 777.49a
OV 20 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
by using or threatening to use a harmful
biological substance, harmful biological
device, harmful chemical substance,
harmful chemical device, harmful
radioactive material, harmful radioactive
device, incendiary device, or explosive
device. MCL 777.49a(1)(a).
• “Act of terrorism” and “terrorist” are defined in MCL
750.543b, and “terrorist organization” is defined in
MCL 750.543c.* MCL 777.49a(2)(a); MCL
• “Harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,” and
“harmful radioactive device” are defined in MCL
750.200h. MCL 777.49a(2)(b).
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.49a(2)(c).
*An “[a]ct of terrorism” is “a willful and deliberate act that . . . would be a violent felony under [Michigan
law], whether or not committed in [Michigan,] . . . that the person knows or has reason to know is dangerous
to human life[, and] . . . that is intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence or affect
the conduct of government or a unit of government through intimidation or coercion.” MCL 750.543b(a)(i)-
(iii). A[t]errorist isany person who engages or is about to engage in an act of terrorism. MCL
750.543b(g). A “terrorist organization” is “an organization that, on [April 22, 2002], is designated by the
United States state department as engaging in or sponsoring an act of terrorism.” MCL 750.543c.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
without using or threatening to use a
harmful biological substance, harmful
biological device, harmful chemical
substance, harmful chemical device,
harmful radioactive material, harmful
radioactive device, incendiary device, or
explosive device. MCL 777.49a(1)(b).
The offender supported an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
The offender did not commit an act of
terrorism or support an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
Prior High Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.51
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.51(1)(a).
A “prior high severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.51(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(b).
1 prior high severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.51(1)(c).
No prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(d).
Prior Low Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.52
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
4 or more prior low severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.52(1)(a).
A “prior low severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.52(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
3 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(b).
2 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(c).
1 prior low severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.52(1)(d).
No prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(e).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
Prior High Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.53
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(a).
A “prior high severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.53(2).
* The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(b).
1 prior high severity juvenile
adjudication. MCL 777.53(1)(c).
No prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
Prior Low Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.54
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not scored for current offenses.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
6 or more prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(a).
A “prior low severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed**:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007***) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.54(2).
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
*** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 5 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 3 or 4 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(c) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 4 or 5 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 2 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(d) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 2 or 3 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(c).
1 prior low severity juvenile adjudication.
MCL 777.54(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(f)
(formerly MCL 777.54(1)(e)*).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
Prior Misdemeanor Convictions or Prior Misdemeanor Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.55
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
7 or more prior misdemeanor convictions
or prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor conviction” is a conviction:
• for a misdemeanor offense under Michigan law or
the law of a political subdivision of Michigan, or
under the law of another state or a political
subdivision of another state, or under the law of the
United States,
• if the conviction was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” is a juvenile
• for conduct that, if committed by an adult, would be
a misdemeanor under Michigan law or the law of a
political subdivision of Michigan, or under the law of
another state or a political subdivision of another
state, or under the law of the United States,
• if the order of disposition for the juvenile
adjudication was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(b).
5 or 6 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(b).
3 or 4 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(c).
2 prior misdemeanor convictions or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudications.
MCL 777.55(1)(d).
1 prior misdemeanor conviction or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudication. MCL
No prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(f).
Special Instructions for PRV 5:
• A prior conviction used to enhance the sentencing offense to a felony may not be counted under PRV 5.
MCL 777.55(2)(a); MCL 777.55(2)(b).
(For offenses committed on or after October 1, 2000*) Only the following may be counted as “a prior
misdemeanor conviction” or “a prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” for purposes of scoring PRV 5:
a prior misdemeanor conviction or prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication that is an offense against a
person or property, a controlled substance offense, or a weapon offense, MCL 777.55(2)(a),** and
all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating or
attempting to operate a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled
substance, MCL 777.55(2)(b).***
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count a prior misdemeanor conviction or juvenile adjudication under former MCL 777.55(2)(a) “only if it is a crime against a person or property, a controlled
substance crime, or a weapon offense enumerated in . . . MCL 750.222 to [MCL] 750.239a.” See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
*** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count “all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating a vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled substance.” Former MCL 777.55(2)(b). See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
Relationship to Criminal Justice System
MCL 777.56
Offender is a prisoner of the department
of corrections or serving a sentence in jail
(including an individual who is an
escapee). MCL 777.56(1)(a); MCL
• PRV 6 assesses points based on an offender’s
relationship to the criminal justice system at the time the
sentencing offense was committed.*
• The appropriate point value under PRV 6 should be
assessed against an offender who is involved with the
criminal justice system in another state or the United
States. MCL 777.56(2).
• “Delayed sentence status” includes (but is not limited
to) assignment or deferral under MCL 333.7411
(deferral for certain controlled substance offenses),
MCL 600.1076(4) (deferral involving drug treatment
courts), MCL 750.350a (deferral under limited
circumstances for parental kidnapping), MCL 750.430
(deferral for impaired healthcare professionals), MCL
762.11—MCL 762.15 (assignment to youthful trainee
status), and MCL 769.4a (deferral under limited
circumstances for domestic assault). MCL
* See People v Johnson (Angelo), 293 Mich App 79, 85 (2011); People v Endres, 269 Mich App 414, 422-
423 (2006).
** See 2004 PA 220, effective January 1, 2005 (inserting MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii) (referring to deferral under
MCL 600.1076(4)) and MCL 777.56(3)(a)(iv) (referring to deferral under MCL 750.430) and redesignating
former MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii)-(iv) accordingly).
Offender is incarcerated in jail awaiting
adjudication or sentencing on a
conviction or probation violation. MCL
Offender is on parole, probation, or
delayed sentence status or on bond
awaiting adjudication or sentencing for a
felony. MCL 777.56(1)(c).
Offender is on probation or delayed
sentence status or on bond awaiting
adjudication or sentencing for a
misdemeanor. MCL 777.56(1)(d).
Offender has no relationship to the
criminal justice system. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
Subsequent or Concurrent Felony Convictions
MCL 777.57
Pts The offender has:
2 or more subsequent or concurrent
felony convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(a).
• The appropriate point value under PRV 7 should be
assessed if the offender was convicted of multiple felony
counts or was convicted of a felony after the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.57(2)(a).
• A conviction for felony-firearm may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(b).
• A concurrent felony conviction that will result in a
mandatory* consecutive sentence may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after March 1,
2003**) A concurrent felony conviction that will result
in a consecutive sentence imposed under MCL
333.7401(3) may not be counted under PRV 7. MCL
* The word “mandatory” was added to MCL 777.57(2)(c) by 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
1 subsequent or concurrent felony
conviction. MCL 777.57(1)(b).
No subsequent or concurrent felony
convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(c).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
OV 1
Aggravated Use of Weapon
MCL 777.31
OV 1 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
A firearm was discharged at or toward a
human being or a victim was cut or stabbed
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(a).
• Each person who was placed in danger of injury or
loss of life is counted as a victim for purposes of scoring
OV 1. MCL 777.31(2)(a).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assigned
points for the presence or use of a weapon, all offenders
must be assigned the same number of points. MCL
• Score five points if an offender used an object to
suggest the presence of a weapon. MCL 777.31(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after October 23,
2001**) Score five points if an offender used a chemical
irritant, a chemical irritant device, a smoke device, or an
imitation harmful substance or device. MCL
• Do not score five points if the conviction offense is a
violation of MCL 750.82 (felonious assault) or MCL
750.529 (armed robbery). MCL 777.31(2)(e).
• “Chemical irritant,” chemical irritant device,”
“harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,”
“harmful radioactive device,” and “imitation harmful
substance or device” are defined in MCL 750.200h.
MCL 777.31(3)(a).**
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.31(3)(b).**
* See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, inserting MCL 777.31(1)(b) and relettering former MCL
777.31(1)(b)-(e) as MCL 777.31(1)(c)-(f).
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001, inserting MCL 777.31(2)(d), relettering former MCL
777.31(2)(d) as MCL 777.31(2)(e), and adding former MCL 777.31(3) (now MCL 777.31(3)(a)). See also
2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, adding MCL 777.31(3)(b) and amending former MCL 777.31(3)
(redesignated MCL 777.31(3)(a)). Consult former versions of MCL 777.31 for crimes committed before
April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002*) The victim was
subjected or exposed to a harmful biological
substance, harmful biological device,
harmful chemical substance, harmful
chemical device, harmful radioactive
material, harmful radioactive device,
incendiary device, or explosive device.
MCL 777.31(1)(b).
A firearm was pointed at or toward a victim
or the victim had a reasonable apprehension
of an immediate battery when threatened
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(c) (formerly MCL
The victim was touched by any other type of
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(d) (formerly MCL
A weapon was displayed or implied. MCL
777.31(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No aggravated use of a weapon occurred.
MCL 777.31(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
OV 3
Physical Injury to Victim
MCL 777.33
OV 3 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The shaded area in the chart below represents a point value that is not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
A victim was killed. MCL 777.33(1)(a); see
also MCL 777.33(2)(b).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assessed
points for death or physical injury, all offenders must be
assessed the same number of points. MCL 777.33(2)(a).
• Score 100 points if death results from the commission
of a crime and homicide is not the sentencing offense.
MCL 777.33(2)(b). Any crime in which the death of a
human being is an element of the crime is a “homicide.”
MCL 777.1(c).
(For offenses committed on or after September 30,
2003*) Score 50 points if death results from the
commission of a crime and the offense or attempted
offense involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV,
snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive and any of the
following apply:
• the offender was under the influence of or visibly
impaired by the use of alcoholic liquor, a controlled
substance, or a combination of alcoholic liquor and
a controlled substance, MCL 777.33(2)(c)(i);
• the offender had an alcohol content of 0.08 grams
or more (or, beginning October 1, 2021, 0.10
grams or more) per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210
liters of breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine, MCL
777.33(2)(c)(ii); or
• the offender’s body contained any amount of a
controlled substance listed in schedule 1 under
MCL 333.7212 or a rule promulgated under that
section, or a controlled substance described in MCL
333.7214(a)(iv), MCL 777.33(2)(c)(iii).
• Do not score five points if bodily injury is an element
of the sentencing offense. MCL 777.33(2)(d) (formerly
MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
• “Requiring medical treatment” refers to the necessity
for treatment and not the victim’s success in obtaining
treatment. MCL 777.33(3).
* See 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003. See also 2013 PA 24, effective May 9, 2013.
** See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after September 30, 2003*) A victim was
killed. MCL 777.33(1)(b); see also MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after October 1, 2000,** and before
September 30, 2003*) A victim was killed,
where death results from the commission of
a crime and the elements of the offense or
attempted offense involve the operation of a
vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft,
or locomotive under the influence or while
impaired causing death. Former MCL
777.33(1)(b); former MCL 777.33(2)(c).
Life threatening or permanent incapacitating
injury occurred to a victim. MCL
777.33(1)(c) (formerly MCL
Bodily injury requiring medical treatment
occurred to a victim. MCL 777.33(1)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(1)(c)**).
Bodily injury not requiring medical
treatment occurred to a victim, where bodily
injury is not an element of the sentencing
offense. MCL 777.33(1)(e) (formerly MCL
777.33(1)(d)**); MCL 777.33(2)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
No physical injury occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.33(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
OV 4
Psychological Injury to Victim
MCL 777.34
OV 4 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.34(1)(a).
Score ten points if the victim’s serious psychological injury may
require professional treatment. The fact that treatment has not
been sought is not conclusive. MCL 777.34(2).
* This statement was added to MCL 777.34(1) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
For a conviction under MCL 750.50b,
serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to the owner
of a companion animal. MCL 777.34(1)(b).*
No serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.34(1)(c).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
OV 9
Number of Victims
MCL 777.39
OV 9 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
Multiple deaths occurred in a homicide
case. MCL 777.39(1)(a); MCL
(For offenses committed before March 30, 2007*)
Count each person who was placed in danger of injury
or loss of life as a “victim” for purposes of scoring OV
9. Former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(For offenses committed on or after March 30,
2007*) Count each person who was placed in danger of
physical injury or loss of life or property as a “victim”
for purposes of scoring OV 9. MCL 777.39(2)(a).
• Score 100 points only in homicide cases. MCL
777.39(2)(b). Any crime in which the death of a human
being is an element of the crime is a “homicide.” MCL
* See 2006 PA 548, effective March 30, 2007.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) 10 or more victims
were placed in danger of physical injury or
death, or 20 or more victims were placed in
danger of property loss. MCL 777.39(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) 10 or more
victims were placed in danger of injury or
loss of life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(b);
former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) 2 to 9 victims were
placed in danger of physical injury or death,
or 4 to 19 victims were placed in danger of
property loss. MCL 777.39(1)(c).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) 2 to 9 victims
were placed in danger of injury or loss of
life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(c); former
MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) Fewer than 2
victims were placed in danger of physical
injury or death, or fewer than 4 victims
were placed in danger of property loss.
MCL 777.39(1)(d).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) Fewer than 2
victims were placed in danger of injury or
loss of life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(d);
former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
OV 10
Exploitation of Vulnerable Victim
MCL 777.40
OV 10 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving controlled substances. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Predatory conduct was involved. MCL
• The mere existence of one or more of the factors
described in MCL 777.40(1) does not automatically
equate with victim vulnerability. MCL 777.40(2).
• “Predatory conduct” is “preoffense conduct directed at
a victim, or a law enforcement officer posing as a
potential victim,
for the primary purpose of
victimization.” MCL 777.40(3)(a).
• To “exploit” a victim is “to manipulate a victim for
selfish or unethical purposes. Exploit also means to
violate [MCL 750.50b] for the purpose of manipulating a
victim for selfish or unethical purposes.” MCL
• “Vulnerability” is “the readily apparent susceptibility
of a victim to injury, physical restraint, persuasion, or
temptation.” MCL 777.40(3)(c).
• “Abuse of authority status” means “a victim was
exploited out of fear or deference to an authority figure,
including, but not limited to, a parent, physician, or
teacher.” MCL 777.40(3)(d).
* The phrase “[o]r a law enforcement officer posing as a potential victim” was added to MCL 777.40(3)(a)
by 2014 PA 350, effective October 17, 2014.
** The second sentence of this definition was added to MCL 777.40(3)(b) by 2018 PA 652, effective March
28, 2019.
The offender exploited a victim’s physical
disability, mental disability, or youth or
agedness, or a domestic relationship, or the
offender abused his or her authority status.
MCL 777.40(1)(b).
The offender exploited a victim by his or
her difference in size or strength, or both, or
exploited a victim who was intoxicated,
under the influence of drugs, asleep, or
unconscious. MCL 777.40(1)(c).
The offender did not exploit a victim’s
vulnerability. MCL 777.40(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
OV 12
Contemporaneous Felonious Criminal Acts
MCL 777.42
OV 12 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving crimes against a
person were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(a).
• A felonious criminal act is contemporaneous if both of
the following circumstances exist:
• the criminal act occurred within 24 hours of the
sentencing offense, MCL 777.42(2)(a)(i), and
• the criminal act has not resulted, and will not
result, in a separate conviction, MCL
• Violations of MCL 750.227b (possession of a firearm
during the commission of a felony or possession and use
of a pneumatic gun in furtherance of committing or
attempting to commit a felony) should not be counted
when scoring OV 12. MCL 777.42(2)(b).
• Conduct scored in OV 11 must not be scored under OV
12. MCL 777.42(2)(c).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving crimes against a person were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(b).
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(c).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving a crime against a person was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(d).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(e).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving any other crime was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(f).
No contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(g).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
OV 13
Continuing Pattern of Criminal Behavior
MCL 777.43
OV 13 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after October 1, 2000*) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more sexual
penetrations against a person or persons less
than 13 years of age, and the sentencing offense
is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
777.43(1)(a); MCL 777.43(2)(d).
• In scoring OV 13, all crimes within a five-year period,
including the sentencing offense, must be counted,
without regard to whether the offense resulted in a
conviction. MCL 777.43(2)(a).
• The existence of an organized criminal group may be
reasonably inferred from the facts surrounding the
sentencing offense, and the fact of the group’s existence
is more important than the presence or absence of
multiple offenders, the age of the offenders, or the
degree of sophistication of the organized criminal group.
MCL 777.43(2)(b).
• Do not consider conduct scored in OVs 11 or 12,
except for offenses related to membership in an
organized criminal group or (for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) that are gang-
related. MCL 777.43(2)(c).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
October 1, 2000*) Score 50 points only if the sentencing
offense is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one controlled substance
offense arising out of the criminal episode for which the
offender is being sentenced may be counted when
scoring OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(e).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one crime involving the same
controlled substance may be counted under OV 13. For
example, conspiracy and a substantive offense involving
the same amount of controlled substances cannot both be
counted under OV 13. Similarly, possession and delivery
of the same amount of controlled substances may not be
counted as two crimes under OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(f).
continued on
next page
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to causing,
encouraging, recruiting, soliciting, or coercing
membership in a gang or communicating a
threat with intent to deter, punish, or retaliate
against another for withdrawing from a gang.
MCL 777.43(1)(b).
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against a person. MCL 777.43(1)(c) (formerly
MCL 777.43(1)(a)*; formerly MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before December 28, 1999***)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against property. Former MCL 777.43(1)(d)*.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving a combination of 3
or more crimes against a person or property or a
violation of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
777.43(1)(d) (formerly MCL 777.42(1)(b)*;
formerly MCL 777.42(1)(c)**).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to
membership in an organized criminal
group. Former MCL 777.43(1)(c)*; former
MCL 777.43(1)(d)**.
* 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** 2008 PA 562, effective April 1, 2009.
*** 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
**** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of
felonious criminal activity involving a
combination of 3 or more crimes against a
person or property. Former MCL
777.43(1)(b)*; former MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1,
2003****) The offense was part of a
pattern of felonious criminal activity
involving a combination of 3 or more
violations of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after December 28,
1999***) The offense was part of a pattern
of felonious criminal activity involving 3 or
more crimes against property. MCL
777.43(1)(f) (formerly MCL 777.43(1)(d)*;
formerly MCL 777.43(1)(e)****).
No pattern of felonious criminal activity
existed. MCL 777.43(1)(g) (formerly MCL
777.43(1)(e)*; formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
OV 14
Offender’s Role
MCL 777.44
OV 14 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
The offender was a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(a).
• Consider the entire criminal transaction when
determining the offender’s role. MCL 777.44(2)(a).
• If three or more offenders were involved, more than
one offender may be determined to have been a leader.
MCL 777.44(2)(b).
The offender was not a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(b).
OV 16
Property Obtained, Damaged, Lost, or Destroyed
MCL 777.46
OV 16 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. Score for a crime against a person
only if the sentencing offense is a violation or attempted violation of MCL 750.110a (home invasion). See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
For a conviction under MCL 750.50, the
property was 25 or more animals. MCL
• In multiple offender or victim cases, the appropriate
points may be determined by adding together the
aggregate value of the property involved, including
property involved in uncharged offenses or charges
dismissed under a plea agreement. MCL 777.46(2)(a).
• Use the value of the property to score OV 16 in cases in
which the property was obtained unlawfully, lost to the
lawful owner, or destroyed. If the property was damaged,
use the monetary amount appropriate to restore the
property to pre-offense condition. MCL 777.46(2)(b).
• The amount of money or property involved in admitted
but uncharged offenses or in charges dismissed under a
plea agreement may be considered in scoring OV 16.
MCL 777.46(2)(c).
• Score OV 16 for a crime against a person only if the
sentencing offense is a violation or attempted violation
of MCL 750.110a (home invasion). MCL 777.22(1).
* This statement was added to MCL 777.46(1) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
** Before December 28, 1999, this provision referred to “[t]he property destroyed” (emphasis supplied). See
1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
For a conviction under MCL 750.50, the
property was 10 or more animals but fewer
than 25 animals. MCL 777.46(1)(b).*
Wanton or malicious damage occurred
beyond that necessary to commit the crime
for which the offender is not charged and
will not be charged. MCL 777.46(1)(c).
The property had a value of more than
$20,000.00 or had significant historical,
social, or sentimental value. MCL
The property** had a value of $1,000.00 or
more but not more than $20,000.00. MCL
The property** had a value of $200.00 or
more but not more than $1,000.00. MCL
No property was obtained, damaged, lost, or
destroyed or the property had a value of less
than $200.00. MCL 777.46(1)(g).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
OV 19
Threat to Security of Penal Institution or Court or Interference With Administration of
Justice or Rendering of Emergency Services*
OV 19 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
The offender by his or her conduct threatened the
security of a penal institution or court. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or after
October 23, 2001**) The offender used force or
the threat of force against another person or the
property of another person to interfere with,
attempt to interfere with, or that results in the
interference with the administration of justice or
the rendering of emergency services. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed before
October 23, 2001**) The offender used force or
the threat of force against another person or the
property of another person to interfere with or
attempt to interfere with the administration of
justice. Former MCL 777.49(b).
The offender otherwise interfered with or
attempted to interfere with the administration of
justice, or directly or indirectly violated a
personal protection order.*** MCL 777.49(c).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002****) The offender did
not threaten the security of a penal
institution or court or interfere with or
attempt to interfere with the administration
of justice or the rendering of emergency
services by force or threat of force. MCL
* The reference to “the rendering of emergency services” in the introductory paragraph in MCL 777.49
was added by 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001.
*** The phrase “or directly or indirectly violated a personal protection order” was added to MCL
777.49(c) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
**** See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed before
April 22, 2002****) The offender did not
threaten the security of a penal institution or
court or interfere with or attempt to interfere
with the administration of justice. Former
MCL 777.49(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
OV 20
MCL 777.49a
OV 20 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
by using or threatening to use a harmful
biological substance, harmful biological
device, harmful chemical substance,
harmful chemical device, harmful
radioactive material, harmful radioactive
device, incendiary device, or explosive
device. MCL 777.49a(1)(a).
• “Act of terrorism” and “terrorist” are defined in MCL
750.543b, and “terrorist organization” is defined in
MCL 750.543c.* MCL 777.49a(2)(a); MCL
• “Harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,” and
“harmful radioactive device” are defined in MCL
750.200h. MCL 777.49a(2)(b).
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.49a(2)(c).
*An “[a]ct of terrorism” is “a willful and deliberate act that . . . would be a violent felony under [Michigan
law], whether or not committed in [Michigan,] . . . that the person knows or has reason to know is dangerous
to human life[, and] . . . that is intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence or affect
the conduct of government or a unit of government through intimidation or coercion.” MCL 750.543b(a)(i)-
(iii). A[t]errorist isany person who engages or is about to engage in an act of terrorism. MCL
750.543b(g). A “terrorist organization” is “an organization that, on [April 22, 2002], is designated by the
United States state department as engaging in or sponsoring an act of terrorism.” MCL 750.543c.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
without using or threatening to use a
harmful biological substance, harmful
biological device, harmful chemical
substance, harmful chemical device,
harmful radioactive material, harmful
radioactive device, incendiary device, or
explosive device. MCL 777.49a(1)(b).
The offender supported an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
The offender did not commit an act of
terrorism or support an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Order
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
Prior High Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.51
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.51(1)(a).
A “prior high severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.51(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(b).
1 prior high severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.51(1)(c).
No prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(d).
Prior Low Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.52
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
4 or more prior low severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.52(1)(a).
A “prior low severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.52(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
3 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(b).
2 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(c).
1 prior low severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.52(1)(d).
No prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(e).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
Prior High Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.53
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(a).
A “prior high severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.53(2).
* The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(b).
1 prior high severity juvenile
adjudication. MCL 777.53(1)(c).
No prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
Prior Low Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.54
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not scored for current offenses.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
6 or more prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(a).
A “prior low severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed**:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007***) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.54(2).
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
*** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 5 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 3 or 4 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(c) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 4 or 5 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 2 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(d) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 2 or 3 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(c).
1 prior low severity juvenile adjudication.
MCL 777.54(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(f)
(formerly MCL 777.54(1)(e)*).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
Prior Misdemeanor Convictions or Prior Misdemeanor Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.55
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
7 or more prior misdemeanor convictions
or prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor conviction” is a conviction:
• for a misdemeanor offense under Michigan law or
the law of a political subdivision of Michigan, or
under the law of another state or a political
subdivision of another state, or under the law of the
United States,
• if the conviction was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” is a juvenile
• for conduct that, if committed by an adult, would be
a misdemeanor under Michigan law or the law of a
political subdivision of Michigan, or under the law of
another state or a political subdivision of another
state, or under the law of the United States,
• if the order of disposition for the juvenile
adjudication was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(b).
5 or 6 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(b).
3 or 4 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(c).
2 prior misdemeanor convictions or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudications.
MCL 777.55(1)(d).
1 prior misdemeanor conviction or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudication. MCL
No prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(f).
Special Instructions for PRV 5:
• A prior conviction used to enhance the sentencing offense to a felony may not be counted under PRV 5.
MCL 777.55(2)(a); MCL 777.55(2)(b).
(For offenses committed on or after October 1, 2000*) Only the following may be counted as “a prior
misdemeanor conviction” or “a prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” for purposes of scoring PRV 5:
a prior misdemeanor conviction or prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication that is an offense against a
person or property, a controlled substance offense, or a weapon offense, MCL 777.55(2)(a),** and
all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating or
attempting to operate a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled
substance, MCL 777.55(2)(b).***
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count a prior misdemeanor conviction or juvenile adjudication under former MCL 777.55(2)(a) “only if it is a crime against a person or property, a controlled
substance crime, or a weapon offense enumerated in . . . MCL 750.222 to [MCL] 750.239a.” See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
*** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count “all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating a vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled substance.” Former MCL 777.55(2)(b). See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
Relationship to Criminal Justice System
MCL 777.56
Offender is a prisoner of the department
of corrections or serving a sentence in jail
(including an individual who is an
escapee). MCL 777.56(1)(a); MCL
• PRV 6 assesses points based on an offender’s
relationship to the criminal justice system at the time the
sentencing offense was committed.*
• The appropriate point value under PRV 6 should be
assessed against an offender who is involved with the
criminal justice system in another state or the United
States. MCL 777.56(2).
• “Delayed sentence status” includes (but is not limited
to) assignment or deferral under MCL 333.7411
(deferral for certain controlled substance offenses),
MCL 600.1076(4) (deferral involving drug treatment
courts), MCL 750.350a (deferral under limited
circumstances for parental kidnapping), MCL 750.430
(deferral for impaired healthcare professionals), MCL
762.11—MCL 762.15 (assignment to youthful trainee
status), and MCL 769.4a (deferral under limited
circumstances for domestic assault). MCL
* See People v Johnson (Angelo), 293 Mich App 79, 85 (2011); People v Endres, 269 Mich App 414, 422-
423 (2006).
** See 2004 PA 220, effective January 1, 2005 (inserting MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii) (referring to deferral under
MCL 600.1076(4)) and MCL 777.56(3)(a)(iv) (referring to deferral under MCL 750.430) and redesignating
former MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii)-(iv) accordingly).
Offender is incarcerated in jail awaiting
adjudication or sentencing on a
conviction or probation violation. MCL
Offender is on parole, probation, or
delayed sentence status or on bond
awaiting adjudication or sentencing for a
felony. MCL 777.56(1)(c).
Offender is on probation or delayed
sentence status or on bond awaiting
adjudication or sentencing for a
misdemeanor. MCL 777.56(1)(d).
Offender has no relationship to the
criminal justice system. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
Subsequent or Concurrent Felony Convictions
MCL 777.57
Pts The offender has:
2 or more subsequent or concurrent
felony convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(a).
• The appropriate point value under PRV 7 should be
assessed if the offender was convicted of multiple felony
counts or was convicted of a felony after the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.57(2)(a).
• A conviction for felony-firearm may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(b).
• A concurrent felony conviction that will result in a
mandatory* consecutive sentence may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after March 1,
2003**) A concurrent felony conviction that will result
in a consecutive sentence imposed under MCL
333.7401(3) may not be counted under PRV 7. MCL
* The word “mandatory” was added to MCL 777.57(2)(c) by 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
1 subsequent or concurrent felony
conviction. MCL 777.57(1)(b).
No subsequent or concurrent felony
convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(c).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
OV 1
Aggravated Use of Weapon
MCL 777.31
OV 1 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
A firearm was discharged at or toward a
human being or a victim was cut or stabbed
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(a).
• Each person who was placed in danger of injury or
loss of life is counted as a victim for purposes of scoring
OV 1. MCL 777.31(2)(a).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assigned
points for the presence or use of a weapon, all offenders
must be assigned the same number of points. MCL
• Score five points if an offender used an object to
suggest the presence of a weapon. MCL 777.31(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after October 23,
2001**) Score five points if an offender used a chemical
irritant, a chemical irritant device, a smoke device, or an
imitation harmful substance or device. MCL
• Do not score five points if the conviction offense is a
violation of MCL 750.82 (felonious assault) or MCL
750.529 (armed robbery). MCL 777.31(2)(e).
• “Chemical irritant,” chemical irritant device,”
“harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,”
“harmful radioactive device,” and “imitation harmful
substance or device” are defined in MCL 750.200h.
MCL 777.31(3)(a).**
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.31(3)(b).**
* See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, inserting MCL 777.31(1)(b) and relettering former MCL
777.31(1)(b)-(e) as MCL 777.31(1)(c)-(f).
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001, inserting MCL 777.31(2)(d), relettering former MCL
777.31(2)(d) as MCL 777.31(2)(e), and adding former MCL 777.31(3) (now MCL 777.31(3)(a)). See also
2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, adding MCL 777.31(3)(b) and amending former MCL 777.31(3)
(redesignated MCL 777.31(3)(a)). Consult former versions of MCL 777.31 for crimes committed before
April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002*) The victim was
subjected or exposed to a harmful biological
substance, harmful biological device,
harmful chemical substance, harmful
chemical device, harmful radioactive
material, harmful radioactive device,
incendiary device, or explosive device.
MCL 777.31(1)(b).
A firearm was pointed at or toward a victim
or the victim had a reasonable apprehension
of an immediate battery when threatened
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(c) (formerly MCL
The victim was touched by any other type of
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(d) (formerly MCL
A weapon was displayed or implied. MCL
777.31(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No aggravated use of a weapon occurred.
MCL 777.31(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
OV 3
Physical Injury to Victim
MCL 777.33
OV 3 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The shaded area in the chart below represents a point value that is not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
A victim was killed. MCL 777.33(1)(a); see
also MCL 777.33(2)(b).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assessed
points for death or physical injury, all offenders must be
assessed the same number of points. MCL 777.33(2)(a).
• Score 100 points if death results from the commission
of a crime and homicide is not the sentencing offense.
MCL 777.33(2)(b). Any crime in which the death of a
human being is an element of the crime is a “homicide.”
MCL 777.1(c).
(For offenses committed on or after September 30,
2003*) Score 50 points if death results from the
commission of a crime and the offense or attempted
offense involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV,
snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive and any of the
following apply:
• the offender was under the influence of or visibly
impaired by the use of alcoholic liquor, a controlled
substance, or a combination of alcoholic liquor and
a controlled substance, MCL 777.33(2)(c)(i);
• the offender had an alcohol content of 0.08 grams
or more (or, beginning October 1, 2021, 0.10
grams or more) per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210
liters of breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine, MCL
777.33(2)(c)(ii); or
• the offender’s body contained any amount of a
controlled substance listed in schedule 1 under
MCL 333.7212 or a rule promulgated under that
section, or a controlled substance described in MCL
333.7214(a)(iv), MCL 777.33(2)(c)(iii).
• Do not score five points if bodily injury is an element
of the sentencing offense. MCL 777.33(2)(d) (formerly
MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
• “Requiring medical treatment” refers to the necessity
for treatment and not the victim’s success in obtaining
treatment. MCL 777.33(3).
* See 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003. See also 2013 PA 24, effective May 9, 2013.
** See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after September 30, 2003*) A victim was
killed. MCL 777.33(1)(b); see also MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after October 1, 2000,** and before
September 30, 2003*) A victim was killed,
where death results from the commission of
a crime and the elements of the offense or
attempted offense involve the operation of a
vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft,
or locomotive under the influence or while
impaired causing death. Former MCL
777.33(1)(b); former MCL 777.33(2)(c).
Life threatening or permanent incapacitating
injury occurred to a victim. MCL
777.33(1)(c) (formerly MCL
Bodily injury requiring medical treatment
occurred to a victim. MCL 777.33(1)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(1)(c)**).
Bodily injury not requiring medical
treatment occurred to a victim, where bodily
injury is not an element of the sentencing
offense. MCL 777.33(1)(e) (formerly MCL
777.33(1)(d)**); MCL 777.33(2)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
No physical injury occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.33(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
OV 4
Psychological Injury to Victim
MCL 777.34
OV 4 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.34(1)(a).
Score ten points if the victim’s serious psychological injury may
require professional treatment. The fact that treatment has not
been sought is not conclusive. MCL 777.34(2).
*This statement was added to MCL 777.34(1) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
For a conviction under MCL 750.50b,
serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to the owner
of a companion animal. MCL 777.34(1)(b).*
No serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.34(1)(c).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
OV 9
Number of Victims
MCL 777.39
OV 9 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
Multiple deaths occurred in a homicide
case. MCL 777.39(1)(a); MCL
(For offenses committed before March 30, 2007*)
Count each person who was placed in danger of injury
or loss of life as a “victim” for purposes of scoring OV
9. Former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(For offenses committed on or after March 30,
2007*) Count each person who was placed in danger of
physical injury or loss of life or property as a “victim”
for purposes of scoring OV 9. MCL 777.39(2)(a).
• Score 100 points only in homicide cases. MCL
777.39(2)(b). Any crime in which the death of a human
being is an element of the crime is a “homicide.” MCL
* See 2006 PA 548, effective March 30, 2007.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) 10 or more victims
were placed in danger of physical injury or
death, or 20 or more victims were placed in
danger of property loss. MCL 777.39(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) 10 or more
victims were placed in danger of injury or
loss of life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(b);
former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) 2 to 9 victims were
placed in danger of physical injury or death,
or 4 to 19 victims were placed in danger of
property loss. MCL 777.39(1)(c).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) 2 to 9 victims
were placed in danger of injury or loss of
life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(c); former
MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) Fewer than 2
victims were placed in danger of physical
injury or death, or fewer than 4 victims
were placed in danger of property loss.
MCL 777.39(1)(d).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) Fewer than 2
victims were placed in danger of injury or
loss of life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(d);
former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
OV 10
Exploitation of Vulnerable Victim
MCL 777.40
OV 10 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving controlled substances. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Predatory conduct was involved. MCL
• The mere existence of one or more of the factors
described in MCL 777.40(1) does not automatically
equate with victim vulnerability. MCL 777.40(2).
• “Predatory conduct” is “preoffense conduct directed at
a victim, or a law enforcement officer posing as a
potential victim,
for the primary purpose of
victimization.” MCL 777.40(3)(a).
• To “exploit” a victim is “to manipulate a victim for
selfish or unethical purposes. Exploit also means to
violate [MCL 750.50b] for the purpose of manipulating a
victim for selfish or unethical purposes.” MCL
• “Vulnerability” is “the readily apparent susceptibility
of a victim to injury, physical restraint, persuasion, or
temptation.” MCL 777.40(3)(c).
• “Abuse of authority status” means “a victim was
exploited out of fear or deference to an authority figure,
including, but not limited to, a parent, physician, or
teacher.” MCL 777.40(3)(d).
* The phrase “[o]r a law enforcement officer posing as a potential victim” was added to MCL 777.40(3)(a)
by 2014 PA 350, effective October 17, 2014.
** The second sentence of this definition was added to MCL 777.40(3)(b) by 2018 PA 652, effective March
28, 2019.
The offender exploited a victim’s physical
disability, mental disability, or youth or
agedness, or a domestic relationship, or the
offender abused his or her authority status.
MCL 777.40(1)(b).
The offender exploited a victim by his or
her difference in size or strength, or both, or
exploited a victim who was intoxicated,
under the influence of drugs, asleep, or
unconscious. MCL 777.40(1)(c).
The offender did not exploit a victim’s
vulnerability. MCL 777.40(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
OV 12
Contemporaneous Felonious Criminal Acts
MCL 777.42
OV 12 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving crimes against a
person were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(a).
• A felonious criminal act is contemporaneous if both of
the following circumstances exist:
• the criminal act occurred within 24 hours of the
sentencing offense, MCL 777.42(2)(a)(i), and
• the criminal act has not resulted, and will not
result, in a separate conviction, MCL
• Violations of MCL 750.227b (possession of a firearm
during the commission of a felony or possession and use
of a pneumatic gun in furtherance of committing or
attempting to commit a felony) should not be counted
when scoring OV 12. MCL 777.42(2)(b).
• Conduct scored in OV 11 must not be scored under OV
12. MCL 777.42(2)(c).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving crimes against a person were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(b).
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(c).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving a crime against a person was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(d).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(e).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving any other crime was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(f).
No contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(g).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
OV 13
Continuing Pattern of Criminal Behavior
MCL 777.43
OV 13 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after October 1, 2000*) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more sexual
penetrations against a person or persons less
than 13 years of age, and the sentencing offense
is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
777.43(1)(a); MCL 777.43(2)(d).
• In scoring OV 13, all crimes within a five-year period,
including the sentencing offense, must be counted,
without regard to whether the offense resulted in a
conviction. MCL 777.43(2)(a).
• The existence of an organized criminal group may be
reasonably inferred from the facts surrounding the
sentencing offense, and the fact of the group’s existence
is more important than the presence or absence of
multiple offenders, the age of the offenders, or the
degree of sophistication of the organized criminal group.
MCL 777.43(2)(b).
• Do not consider conduct scored in OVs 11 or 12,
except for offenses related to membership in an
organized criminal group or (for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) that are gang-
related. MCL 777.43(2)(c).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
October 1, 2000*) Score 50 points only if the sentencing
offense is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one controlled substance
offense arising out of the criminal episode for which the
offender is being sentenced may be counted when
scoring OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(e).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one crime involving the same
controlled substance may be counted under OV 13. For
example, conspiracy and a substantive offense involving
the same amount of controlled substances cannot both be
counted under OV 13. Similarly, possession and delivery
of the same amount of controlled substances may not be
counted as two crimes under OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(f).
continued on
next page
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to causing,
encouraging, recruiting, soliciting, or coercing
membership in a gang or communicating a
threat with intent to deter, punish, or retaliate
against another for withdrawing from a gang.
MCL 777.43(1)(b).
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against a person. MCL 777.43(1)(c) (formerly
MCL 777.43(1)(a)*; formerly MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before December 28, 1999***)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against property. Former MCL 777.43(1)(d)*.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving a combination of 3
or more crimes against a person or property or a
violation of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
777.43(1)(d) (formerly MCL 777.42(1)(b)*;
formerly MCL 777.42(1)(c)**).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to
membership in an organized criminal
group. Former MCL 777.43(1)(c)*; former
MCL 777.43(1)(d)**.
* 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** 2008 PA 562, effective April 1, 2009.
*** 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
**** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of
felonious criminal activity involving a
combination of 3 or more crimes against a
person or property. Former MCL
777.43(1)(b)*; former MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1,
2003****) The offense was part of a
pattern of felonious criminal activity
involving a combination of 3 or more
violations of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after December 28,
1999***) The offense was part of a pattern
of felonious criminal activity involving 3 or
more crimes against property. MCL
777.43(1)(f) (formerly MCL 777.43(1)(d)*;
formerly MCL 777.43(1)(e)****).
No pattern of felonious criminal activity
existed. MCL 777.43(1)(g) (formerly MCL
777.43(1)(e)*; formerly MCL
OV 14
Offender’s Role
MCL 777.44
OV 14 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
The offender was a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(a).
• Consider the entire criminal transaction when
determining the offender’s role. MCL 777.44(2)(a).
• If three or more offenders were involved, more than
one offender may be determined to have been a leader.
MCL 777.44(2)(b).
The offender was not a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(b).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
OV 16
Property Obtained, Damaged, Lost, or Destroyed
MCL 777.46
OV 16 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. Score for a crime against a person
only if the sentencing offense is a violation or attempted violation of MCL 750.110a (home invasion). See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
For a conviction under MCL 750.50, the
property was 25 or more animals. MCL
• In multiple offender or victim cases, the appropriate
points may be determined by adding together the
aggregate value of the property involved, including
property involved in uncharged offenses or charges
dismissed under a plea agreement. MCL 777.46(2)(a).
• Use the value of the property to score OV 16 in cases in
which the property was obtained unlawfully, lost to the
lawful owner, or destroyed. If the property was damaged,
use the monetary amount appropriate to restore the
property to pre-offense condition. MCL 777.46(2)(b).
• The amount of money or property involved in admitted
but uncharged offenses or in charges dismissed under a
plea agreement may be considered in scoring OV 16.
MCL 777.46(2)(c).
• Score OV 16 for a crime against a person only if the
sentencing offense is a violation or attempted violation
of MCL 750.110a (home invasion). MCL 777.22(1).
* This statement was added to MCL 777.46(1) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
** Before December 28, 1999, this provision referred to “[t]he property destroyed” (emphasis supplied). See
1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999
For a conviction under MCL 750.50, the
property was 10 or more animals but fewer
than 25 animals. MCL 777.46(1)(b).*
Wanton or malicious damage occurred
beyond that necessary to commit the crime
for which the offender is not charged and
will not be charged. MCL 777.46(1)(c).
The property had a value of more than
$20,000.00 or had significant historical,
social, or sentimental value. MCL
The property** had a value of $1,000.00 or
more but not more than $20,000.00. MCL
The property** had a value of $200.00 or
more but not more than $1,000.00. MCL
No property was obtained, damaged, lost, or
destroyed or the property had a value of less
than $200.00. MCL 777.46(1)(g).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
OV 18
Operator Ability Affected by Alcohol or Drugs
MCL 777.48
OV 18 is scored only for crimes against a person and crimes against public safety. Score only if the offense or attempted
offense involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
The offender operated a vehicle, vessel,
ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive*
when his or her bodily alcohol content was
0.20 grams or more per 100 milliliters of
blood, per 210 liters of breath, or per 67 mil-
liliters of urine. MCL 777.48(1)(a).
• For purposes of scoring OV 18, “any bodily alcohol
content” is either of the following:
• an alcohol content of 0.02 grams or more but less
than 0.08 grams***** (or, beginning October 1,
2021, 0.02 grams or more but less than 0.10 grams)
per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210 liters of breath,
or per 67 milliliters of urine, MCL 777.48(2)(a), or
• any presence of alcohol within a person’s body
from the consumption of alcoholic or intoxicating
liquor other than the consumption of alcoholic or
intoxicating liquor as part of a generally recognized
religious service or ceremony, MCL
• Score OV 18 only if the offense or attempted offense
involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV,
snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive. MCL 777.22(1);
MCL 777.22(5).
Definitions for aircraft,” “ORV,”
“snowmobile,” “vehicle,” and “vessel” are provided in
MCL 777.1.
continued on
next page
The offender operated a vehicle, vessel,
ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive*
when his or her bodily alcohol content was
0.15 grams or more but less than 0.20 grams
per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210 liters of
breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after September 30, 2003**) The offender
operated a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmo-
bile, aircraft, or locomotive while the
offender was under the influence of alco-
holic or intoxicating liquor, a controlled sub-
stance, or a combination of alcoholic or
intoxicating liquor and a controlled sub-
stance; or while the offender’s body con-
tained any amount of a controlled substance
listed in schedule 1 under MCL 333.7212, or
a rule promulgated under that section, or a
controlled substance described in MCL
333.7214(a)(iv); or while the offender had
an alcohol content of 0.08 grams or more
but less than 0.15 grams per 100 milliliters
of blood, per 210 liters of breath, or per 67
milliliters of urine or, beginning October 1,
2021, the offender had an alcohol content of
0.10 grams or more but less than 0.15 grams
per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210 liters of
breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
(Score only for offenses committed before
September 30, 2003**) The offender oper-
ated a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile,
aircraft, or locomotive* when his or her
bodily alcohol content was 0.10 grams or
more but less than 0.15 grams per 100 milli-
liters of blood, per 210 liters of breath, or
per 67 milliliters of urine, or while he or she
was under the influence of intoxicating
liquor or a controlled substance or a combi-
nation of intoxicating liquor and a controlled
substance. Former MCL 777.48(1)(c).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after September 30, 2003**) The offender
operated a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmo-
bile, aircraft, or locomotive while he or she
was visibly impaired by the use of alcoholic
or intoxicating liquor or a controlled sub-
stance or a combination of alcoholic or
intoxicating liquor and a controlled sub-
stance, or was less than 21 years of age and
had any bodily alcohol content. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed before
September 30, 2003**) The offender oper-
ated a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile,
aircraft, or locomotive* when his or her
bodily alcohol content was 0.07 grams or
more but less than 0.10 grams per 100 milli-
liters of blood, per 210 liters of breath, or
per 67 milliliters of urine, or while he or she
was visibly impaired by the use of intoxicat-
ing liquor or a controlled substance or a
combination of intoxicating liquor and a
controlled substance,*** or was less than 21
years of age and had any bodily alcohol con-
tent. Former MCL 777.48(1)(d).
The offender’s ability to operate a vehicle,
vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or loco-
motive* was not affected by an alcoholic
or**** intoxicating liquor or a controlled
substance or a combination of alcoholic
or**** intoxicating liquor and a controlled
substance. MCL 777.48(1)(e).
* Before October 1, 2000, MCL 777.48(1)(a)-(e) referred only to operation of a “vehicle[.]” Effective
October 1, 2000, 2000 PA 279 added the words “vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive” to
these subsections.
** See 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003. See also 2013 PA 24, effective May 9, 2013.
*** Before December 28, 1999, “or while he or she was visibly impaired by the use of intoxicating
liquor and a controlled substance or a combination of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance
(emphasis supplied). See 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
**** The words “alcoholic or” were added by 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003.
***** For offenses committed before September 30, 2003, “not less than 0.02 grams or more than 0.07
grams[.]” See 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003. See also 2013 PA 24, effective May 9, 2013.
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
OV 19
Threat to Security of Penal Institution or Court or Interference With Administration of
Justice or Rendering of Emergency Services*
OV 19 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
The offender by his or her conduct threatened the
security of a penal institution or court. MCL
* The reference to “the rendering of emergency services” in the introductory paragraph in MCL 777.49
was added by 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001.
*** The phrase “or directly or indirectly violated a personal protection order” was added to MCL
777.49(c) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
**** See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed on or after
October 23, 2001**) The offender used force or
the threat of force against another person or the
property of another person to interfere with,
attempt to interfere with, or that results in the
interference with the administration of justice or
the rendering of emergency services. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed before
October 23, 2001**) The offender used force or
the threat of force against another person or the
property of another person to interfere with or
attempt to interfere with the administration of
justice. Former MCL 777.49(b).
The offender otherwise interfered with or
attempted to interfere with the administration of
justice, or directly or indirectly violated a
personal protection order.*** MCL 777.49(c).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002****) The offender did
not threaten the security of a penal
institution or court or interfere with or
attempt to interfere with the administration
of justice or the rendering of emergency
services by force or threat of force. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed before
April 22, 2002****) The offender did not
threaten the security of a penal institution or
court or interfere with or attempt to interfere
with the administration of justice. Former
MCL 777.49(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
OV 20
MCL 777.49a
OV 20 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
by using or threatening to use a harmful
biological substance, harmful biological
device, harmful chemical substance,
harmful chemical device, harmful
radioactive material, harmful radioactive
device, incendiary device, or explosive
device. MCL 777.49a(1)(a).
• “Act of terrorism” and “terrorist” are defined in MCL
750.543b, and “terrorist organization” is defined in
MCL 750.543c.* MCL 777.49a(2)(a); MCL
• “Harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,” and
“harmful radioactive device” are defined in MCL
750.200h. MCL 777.49a(2)(b).
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.49a(2)(c).
*An “[a]ct of terrorism” is “a willful and deliberate act that . . . would be a violent felony under [Michigan
law], whether or not committed in [Michigan,] . . . that the person knows or has reason to know is dangerous
to human life[, and] . . . that is intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence or affect
the conduct of government or a unit of government through intimidation or coercion.” MCL 750.543b(a)(i)-
(iii). A[t]errorist isany person who engages or is about to engage in an act of terrorism. MCL
750.543b(g). A “terrorist organization” is “an organization that, on [April 22, 2002], is designated by the
United States state department as engaging in or sponsoring an act of terrorism.” MCL 750.543c.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
without using or threatening to use a
harmful biological substance, harmful
biological device, harmful chemical
substance, harmful chemical device,
harmful radioactive material, harmful
radioactive device, incendiary device, or
explosive device. MCL 777.49a(1)(b).
The offender supported an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
The offender did not commit an act of
terrorism or support an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Safety
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
Prior High Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.51
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.51(1)(a).
A “prior high severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.51(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(b).
1 prior high severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.51(1)(c).
No prior high severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.51(1)(d).
Prior Low Severity Felony Convictions
MCL 777.52
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
4 or more prior low severity felony
convictions. MCL 777.52(1)(a).
A “prior low severity felony conviction” is a conviction for any
of the following crimes, if the conviction was entered before the
sentencing offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.52(2).
* The language “if the conviction was entered before the sentencing offense was committed” was added
by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
3 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(b).
2 prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(c).
1 prior low severity felony conviction.
MCL 777.52(1)(d).
No prior low severity felony convictions.
MCL 777.52(1)(e).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
Prior High Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.53
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
3 or more prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(a).
A “prior high severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed*:
• a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or D (or a felony
under federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class M2, A, B, C, or
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007**) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of 10 years or more. MCL 777.53(2).
* The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
2 prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(b).
1 prior high severity juvenile
adjudication. MCL 777.53(1)(c).
No prior high severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.53(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
Prior Low Severity Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.54
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not scored for current offenses.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
6 or more prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(a).
A “prior low severity juvenile adjudication” is an adjudication
for conduct that would be any of the following if committed by an
adult, if the order of disposition was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed**:
• a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H (or a felony under
federal law or the law of another state that
corresponds to a crime listed in class E, F, G, or H)
(for offenses committed on or after January 9,
2007***) a felony that is not listed in any crime class
(or a felony under federal law or the law of another
state that does not correspond to a crime listed in any
class) that is punishable by a maximum term of
imprisonment of less than 10 years. MCL 777.54(2).
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** The language “any of the following if committed by an adult, if the order of disposition was entered
before the sentencing offense was committed” was added by 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
*** See 2006 PA 655, effective January 9, 2007.
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 5 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 3 or 4 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(c) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 4 or 5 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed on
or after October 1, 2000*) 2 prior low
severity juvenile adjudications. MCL
777.54(1)(d) (formerly MCL
(Score only for offenses committed
before October 1, 2000*) 2 or 3 prior
low severity juvenile adjudications.
Former MCL 777.54(1)(c).
1 prior low severity juvenile adjudication.
MCL 777.54(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No prior low severity juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.54(1)(f)
(formerly MCL 777.54(1)(e)*).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
Prior Misdemeanor Convictions or Prior Misdemeanor Juvenile Adjudications
MCL 777.55
All “prior convictions” must satisfy the 10-year gap requirements of MCL 777.50.
Pts The offender has: Instructions
7 or more prior misdemeanor convictions
or prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor conviction” is a conviction:
• for a misdemeanor offense under Michigan law or
the law of a political subdivision of Michigan, or
under the law of another state or a political
subdivision of another state, or under the law of the
United States,
• if the conviction was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(a).
A “prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” is a juvenile
• for conduct that, if committed by an adult, would be
a misdemeanor under Michigan law or the law of a
political subdivision of Michigan, or under the law of
another state or a political subdivision of another
state, or under the law of the United States,
• if the order of disposition for the juvenile
adjudication was entered before the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.55(3)(b).
5 or 6 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(b).
3 or 4 prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(c).
2 prior misdemeanor convictions or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudications.
MCL 777.55(1)(d).
1 prior misdemeanor conviction or prior
misdemeanor juvenile adjudication. MCL
No prior misdemeanor convictions or
prior misdemeanor juvenile
adjudications. MCL 777.55(1)(f).
Special Instructions for PRV 5:
• A prior conviction used to enhance the sentencing offense to a felony may not be counted under PRV 5.
MCL 777.55(2)(a); MCL 777.55(2)(b).
(For offenses committed on or after October 1, 2000*) Only the following may be counted as “a prior
misdemeanor conviction” or “a prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication” for purposes of scoring PRV 5:
a prior misdemeanor conviction or prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudication that is an offense against a
person or property, a controlled substance offense, or a weapon offense, MCL 777.55(2)(a),** and
all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating or
attempting to operate a vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled
substance, MCL 777.55(2)(b).***
* See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count a prior misdemeanor conviction or juvenile adjudication under former MCL 777.55(2)(a) “only if it is a crime against a person or property, a controlled
substance crime, or a weapon offense enumerated in . . . MCL 750.222 to [MCL] 750.239a.” See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
*** For offenses committed prior to October 1, 2000, count “all prior misdemeanor convictions and prior misdemeanor juvenile adjudications for operating a vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or locomotive while under the
influence of or impaired by alcohol, a controlled substance, or a combination of alcohol and a controlled substance.” Former MCL 777.55(2)(b). See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
Relationship to Criminal Justice System
MCL 777.56
Offender is a prisoner of the department
of corrections or serving a sentence in jail
(including an individual who is an
escapee). MCL 777.56(1)(a); MCL
• PRV 6 assesses points based on an offender’s
relationship to the criminal justice system at the time the
sentencing offense was committed.*
• The appropriate point value under PRV 6 should be
assessed against an offender who is involved with the
criminal justice system in another state or the United
States. MCL 777.56(2).
• “Delayed sentence status” includes (but is not limited
to) assignment or deferral under MCL 333.7411
(deferral for certain controlled substance offenses),
MCL 600.1076(4) (deferral involving drug treatment
courts), MCL 750.350a (deferral under limited
circumstances for parental kidnapping), MCL 750.430
(deferral for impaired healthcare professionals), MCL
762.11—MCL 762.15 (assignment to youthful trainee
status), and MCL 769.4a (deferral under limited
circumstances for domestic assault). MCL
* See People v Johnson (Angelo), 293 Mich App 79, 85 (2011); People v Endres, 269 Mich App 414, 422-
423 (2006).
** See 2004 PA 220, effective January 1, 2005 (inserting MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii) (referring to deferral under
MCL 600.1076(4)) and MCL 777.56(3)(a)(iv) (referring to deferral under MCL 750.430) and redesignating
former MCL 777.56(3)(a)(ii)-(iv) accordingly).
Offender is incarcerated in jail awaiting
adjudication or sentencing on a
conviction or probation violation. MCL
Offender is on parole, probation, or
delayed sentence status or on bond
awaiting adjudication or sentencing for a
felony. MCL 777.56(1)(c).
Offender is on probation or delayed
sentence status or on bond awaiting
adjudication or sentencing for a
misdemeanor. MCL 777.56(1)(d).
Offender has no relationship to the
criminal justice system. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
Subsequent or Concurrent Felony Convictions
MCL 777.57
Pts The offender has:
2 or more subsequent or concurrent
felony convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(a).
• The appropriate point value under PRV 7 should be
assessed if the offender was convicted of multiple felony
counts or was convicted of a felony after the sentencing
offense was committed. MCL 777.57(2)(a).
• A conviction for felony-firearm may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(b).
• A concurrent felony conviction that will result in a
mandatory* consecutive sentence may not be counted
under PRV 7. MCL 777.57(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after March 1,
2003**) A concurrent felony conviction that will result
in a consecutive sentence imposed under MCL
333.7401(3) may not be counted under PRV 7. MCL
* The word “mandatory” was added to MCL 777.57(2)(c) by 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
1 subsequent or concurrent felony
conviction. MCL 777.57(1)(b).
No subsequent or concurrent felony
convictions. MCL 777.57(1)(c).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
OV 1
Aggravated Use of Weapon
MCL 777.31
OV 1 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
A firearm was discharged at or toward a
human being or a victim was cut or stabbed
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(a).
• Each person who was placed in danger of injury or
loss of life is counted as a victim for purposes of scoring
OV 1. MCL 777.31(2)(a).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assigned
points for the presence or use of a weapon, all offenders
must be assigned the same number of points. MCL
• Score five points if an offender used an object to
suggest the presence of a weapon. MCL 777.31(2)(c).
(For offenses committed on or after October 23,
2001**) Score five points if an offender used a chemical
irritant, a chemical irritant device, a smoke device, or an
imitation harmful substance or device. MCL
• Do not score five points if the conviction offense is a
violation of MCL 750.82 (felonious assault) or MCL
750.529 (armed robbery). MCL 777.31(2)(e).
• “Chemical irritant,” chemical irritant device,”
“harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,”
“harmful radioactive device,” and “imitation harmful
substance or device” are defined in MCL 750.200h.
MCL 777.31(3)(a).**
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.31(3)(b).**
* See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, inserting MCL 777.31(1)(b) and relettering former MCL
777.31(1)(b)-(e) as MCL 777.31(1)(c)-(f).
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001, inserting MCL 777.31(2)(d), relettering former MCL
777.31(2)(d) as MCL 777.31(2)(e), and adding former MCL 777.31(3) (now MCL 777.31(3)(a)). See also
2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002, adding MCL 777.31(3)(b) and amending former MCL 777.31(3)
(redesignated MCL 777.31(3)(a)). Consult former versions of MCL 777.31 for crimes committed before
April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002*) The victim was
subjected or exposed to a harmful biological
substance, harmful biological device,
harmful chemical substance, harmful
chemical device, harmful radioactive
material, harmful radioactive device,
incendiary device, or explosive device.
MCL 777.31(1)(b).
A firearm was pointed at or toward a victim
or the victim had a reasonable apprehension
of an immediate battery when threatened
with a knife or other cutting or stabbing
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(c) (formerly MCL
The victim was touched by any other type of
weapon. MCL 777.31(1)(d) (formerly MCL
A weapon was displayed or implied. MCL
777.31(1)(e) (formerly MCL
No aggravated use of a weapon occurred.
MCL 777.31(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
OV 3
Physical Injury to Victim
MCL 777.33
OV 3 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The shaded area in the chart below represents a point value that is not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
A victim was killed. MCL 777.33(1)(a); see
also MCL 777.33(2)(b).
• In multiple offender cases, if one offender is assessed
points for death or physical injury, all offenders must be
assessed the same number of points. MCL 777.33(2)(a).
• Score 100 points if death results from the commission
of a crime and homicide is not the sentencing offense.
MCL 777.33(2)(b). Any crime in which the death of a
human being is an element of the crime is a “homicide.”
MCL 777.1(c).
(For offenses committed on or after September 30,
2003*) Score 50 points if death results from the
commission of a crime and the offense or attempted
offense involves the operation of a vehicle, vessel, ORV,
snowmobile, aircraft, or locomotive and any of the
following apply:
• the offender was under the influence of or visibly
impaired by the use of alcoholic liquor, a controlled
substance, or a combination of alcoholic liquor and
a controlled substance, MCL 777.33(2)(c)(i);
• the offender had an alcohol content of 0.08 grams
or more (or, beginning October 1, 2021, 0.10
grams or more) per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210
liters of breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine, MCL
777.33(2)(c)(ii); or
• the offender’s body contained any amount of a
controlled substance listed in schedule 1 under
MCL 333.7212 or a rule promulgated under that
section, or a controlled substance described in MCL
333.7214(a)(iv), MCL 777.33(2)(c)(iii).
• Do not score five points if bodily injury is an element
of the sentencing offense. MCL 777.33(2)(d) (formerly
MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
• “Requiring medical treatment” refers to the necessity
for treatment and not the victim’s success in obtaining
treatment. MCL 777.33(3).
* See 2003 PA 134, effective September 30, 2003. See also 2013 PA 24, effective May 9, 2013.
** See 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after September 30, 2003*) A victim was
killed. MCL 777.33(1)(b); see also MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after October 1, 2000,** and before
September 30, 2003*) A victim was killed,
where death results from the commission of
a crime and the elements of the offense or
attempted offense involve the operation of a
vehicle, vessel, ORV, snowmobile, aircraft,
or locomotive under the influence or while
impaired causing death. Former MCL
777.33(1)(b); former MCL 777.33(2)(c).
Life threatening or permanent incapacitating
injury occurred to a victim. MCL
777.33(1)(c) (formerly MCL
Bodily injury requiring medical treatment
occurred to a victim. MCL 777.33(1)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(1)(c)**).
Bodily injury not requiring medical
treatment occurred to a victim, where bodily
injury is not an element of the sentencing
offense. MCL 777.33(1)(e) (formerly MCL
777.33(1)(d)**); MCL 777.33(2)(d)
(formerly MCL 777.33(2)(c)**).
No physical injury occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.33(1)(f) (formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
OV 4
Psychological Injury to Victim
MCL 777.34
OV 4 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.34(1)(a).
Score ten points if the victim’s serious psychological injury may
require professional treatment. The fact that treatment has not
been sought is not conclusive. MCL 777.34(2).
* This statement was added to MCL 777.34(1) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
For a conviction under MCL 750.50b,
serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to the owner
of a companion animal. MCL 777.34(1)(b).*
No serious psychological injury requiring
professional treatment occurred to a victim.
MCL 777.34(1)(c).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
OV 9
Number of Victims
MCL 777.39
OV 9 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
Multiple deaths occurred in a homicide
case. MCL 777.39(1)(a); MCL
(For offenses committed before March 30, 2007*)
Count each person who was placed in danger of injury
or loss of life as a “victim” for purposes of scoring OV
9. Former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(For offenses committed on or after March 30,
2007*) Count each person who was placed in danger of
physical injury or loss of life or property as a “victim”
for purposes of scoring OV 9. MCL 777.39(2)(a).
• Score 100 points only in homicide cases. MCL
777.39(2)(b). Any crime in which the death of a human
being is an element of the crime is a “homicide.” MCL
* See 2006 PA 548, effective March 30, 2007.
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) 10 or more victims
were placed in danger of physical injury or
death, or 20 or more victims were placed in
danger of property loss. MCL 777.39(1)(b).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) 10 or more
victims were placed in danger of injury or
loss of life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(b);
former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) 2 to 9 victims were
placed in danger of physical injury or death,
or 4 to 19 victims were placed in danger of
property loss. MCL 777.39(1)(c).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) 2 to 9 victims
were placed in danger of injury or loss of
life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(c); former
MCL 777.39(2)(a).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after March 30, 2007*) Fewer than 2
victims were placed in danger of physical
injury or death, or fewer than 4 victims
were placed in danger of property loss.
MCL 777.39(1)(d).
(Score only for offenses committed
before March 30, 2007*) Fewer than 2
victims were placed in danger of injury or
loss of life. Former MCL 777.39(1)(d);
former MCL 777.39(2)(a).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
OV 10
Exploitation of Vulnerable Victim
MCL 777.40
OV 10 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving controlled substances. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Predatory conduct was involved. MCL
• The mere existence of one or more of the factors
described in MCL 777.40(1) does not automatically
equate with victim vulnerability. MCL 777.40(2).
• “Predatory conduct” is “preoffense conduct directed at
a victim, or a law enforcement officer posing as a
potential victim,
for the primary purpose of
victimization.” MCL 777.40(3)(a).
• To “exploit” a victim is “to manipulate a victim for
selfish or unethical purposes. Exploit also means to
violate [MCL 750.50b] for the purpose of manipulating a
victim for selfish or unethical purposes.” MCL
• “Vulnerability” is “the readily apparent susceptibility
of a victim to injury, physical restraint, persuasion, or
temptation.” MCL 777.40(3)(c).
• “Abuse of authority status” means “a victim was
exploited out of fear or deference to an authority figure,
including, but not limited to, a parent, physician, or
teacher.” MCL 777.40(3)(d).
* The phrase “[o]r a law enforcement officer posing as a potential victim” was added to MCL 777.40(3)(a)
by 2014 PA 350, effective October 17, 2014.
** The second sentence of this definition was added to MCL 777.40(3)(b) by 2018 PA 652, effective March
28, 2019.
The offender exploited a victim’s physical
disability, mental disability, or youth or
agedness, or a domestic relationship, or the
offender abused his or her authority status.
MCL 777.40(1)(b).
The offender exploited a victim by his or
her difference in size or strength, or both, or
exploited a victim who was intoxicated,
under the influence of drugs, asleep, or
unconscious. MCL 777.40(1)(c).
The offender did not exploit a victim’s
vulnerability. MCL 777.40(1)(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
OV 12
Contemporaneous Felonious Criminal Acts
MCL 777.42
OV 12 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving crimes against a
person were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(a).
• A felonious criminal act is contemporaneous if both of
the following circumstances exist:
• the criminal act occurred within 24 hours of the
sentencing offense, MCL 777.42(2)(a)(i), and
• the criminal act has not resulted, and will not
result, in a separate conviction, MCL
• Violations of MCL 750.227b (possession of a firearm
during the commission of a felony or possession and use
of a pneumatic gun in furtherance of committing or
attempting to commit a felony) should not be counted
when scoring OV 12. MCL 777.42(2)(b).
• Conduct scored in OV 11 must not be scored under OV
12. MCL 777.42(2)(c).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving crimes against a person were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(b).
Three or more contemporaneous felonious
criminal acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(c).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving a crime against a person was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(d).
Two contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts involving other crimes were
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(e).
One contemporaneous felonious criminal
act involving any other crime was
committed. MCL 777.42(1)(f).
No contemporaneous felonious criminal
acts were committed. MCL 777.42(1)(g).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
OV 13
Continuing Pattern of Criminal Behavior
MCL 777.43
OV 13 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after October 1, 2000*) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more sexual
penetrations against a person or persons less
than 13 years of age, and the sentencing offense
is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
777.43(1)(a); MCL 777.43(2)(d).
• In scoring OV 13, all crimes within a five-year period,
including the sentencing offense, must be counted,
without regard to whether the offense resulted in a
conviction. MCL 777.43(2)(a).
• The existence of an organized criminal group may be
reasonably inferred from the facts surrounding the
sentencing offense, and the fact of the group’s existence
is more important than the presence or absence of
multiple offenders, the age of the offenders, or the
degree of sophistication of the organized criminal group.
MCL 777.43(2)(b).
• Do not consider conduct scored in OVs 11 or 12,
except for offenses related to membership in an
organized criminal group or (for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) that are gang-
related. MCL 777.43(2)(c).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
October 1, 2000*) Score 50 points only if the sentencing
offense is first-degree criminal sexual conduct. MCL
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one controlled substance
offense arising out of the criminal episode for which the
offender is being sentenced may be counted when
scoring OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(e).
(For sentencing offenses committed on or after
March 1, 2003****) Only one crime involving the same
controlled substance may be counted under OV 13. For
example, conspiracy and a substantive offense involving
the same amount of controlled substances cannot both be
counted under OV 13. Similarly, possession and delivery
of the same amount of controlled substances may not be
counted as two crimes under OV 13. MCL 777.43(2)(f).
continued on
next page
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to causing,
encouraging, recruiting, soliciting, or coercing
membership in a gang or communicating a
threat with intent to deter, punish, or retaliate
against another for withdrawing from a gang.
MCL 777.43(1)(b).
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against a person. MCL 777.43(1)(c) (formerly
MCL 777.43(1)(a)*; formerly MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before December 28, 1999***)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving 3 or more crimes
against property. Former MCL 777.43(1)(d)*.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity involving a combination of 3
or more crimes against a person or property or a
violation of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
777.43(1)(d) (formerly MCL 777.42(1)(b)*;
formerly MCL 777.42(1)(c)**).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before April 1, 2009**) The
offense was part of a pattern of felonious
criminal activity directly related to
membership in an organized criminal
group. Former MCL 777.43(1)(c)*; former
MCL 777.43(1)(d)**.
* 2000 PA 279, effective October 1, 2000.
** 2008 PA 562, effective April 1, 2009.
*** 1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
**** 2002 PA 666, effective March 1, 2003.
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed before March 1, 2003****)
The offense was part of a pattern of
felonious criminal activity involving a
combination of 3 or more crimes against a
person or property. Former MCL
777.43(1)(b)*; former MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after March 1,
2003****) The offense was part of a
pattern of felonious criminal activity
involving a combination of 3 or more
violations of MCL 333.7401(2)(a)(i)-(iii) or
MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(i)-(iii). MCL
(Score only for sentencing offenses
committed on or after December 28,
1999***) The offense was part of a pattern
of felonious criminal activity involving 3 or
more crimes against property. MCL
777.43(1)(f) (formerly MCL 777.43(1)(d)*;
formerly MCL 777.43(1)(e)****).
No pattern of felonious criminal activity
existed. MCL 777.43(1)(g) (formerly MCL
777.43(1)(e)*; formerly MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
OV 14
Offender’s Role
MCL 777.44
OV 14 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
The offender was a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(a).
• Consider the entire criminal transaction when
determining the offender’s role. MCL 777.44(2)(a).
• If three or more offenders were involved, more than
one offender may be determined to have been a leader.
MCL 777.44(2)(b).
The offender was not a leader in a multiple
offender situation. MCL 777.44(1)(b).
OV 16
Property Obtained, Damaged, Lost, or Destroyed
MCL 777.46
OV 16 is scored for all felony offenses except crimes involving a controlled substance. Score for a crime against a person
only if the sentencing offense is a violation or attempted violation of MCL 750.110a (home invasion). See MCL 777.22.
Pts Instructions
For a conviction under MCL 750.50, the
property was 25 or more animals. MCL
• In multiple offender or victim cases, the appropriate
points may be determined by adding together the
aggregate value of the property involved, including
property involved in uncharged offenses or charges
dismissed under a plea agreement. MCL 777.46(2)(a).
• Use the value of the property to score OV 16 in cases in
which the property was obtained unlawfully, lost to the
lawful owner, or destroyed. If the property was damaged,
use the monetary amount appropriate to restore the
property to pre-offense condition. MCL 777.46(2)(b).
• The amount of money or property involved in admitted
but uncharged offenses or in charges dismissed under a
plea agreement may be considered in scoring OV 16.
MCL 777.46(2)(c).
• Score OV 16 for a crime against a person only if the
sentencing offense is a violation or attempted violation
of MCL 750.110a (home invasion). MCL 777.22(1).
* This statement was added to MCL 777.46(1) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
** Before December 28, 1999, this provision referred to “[t]he property destroyed” (emphasis supplied). See
1999 PA 227, effective December 28, 1999.
For a conviction under MCL 750.50, the
property was 10 or more animals but fewer
than 25 animals. MCL 777.46(1)(b).*
Wanton or malicious damage occurred
beyond that necessary to commit the crime
for which the offender is not charged and
will not be charged. MCL 777.46(1)(c).
The property had a value of more than
$20,000.00 or had significant historical,
social, or sentimental value. MCL
The property** had a value of $1,000.00 or
more but not more than $20,000.00. MCL
The property** had a value of $200.00 or
more but not more than $1,000.00. MCL
No property was obtained, damaged, lost, or
destroyed or the property had a value of less
than $200.00. MCL 777.46(1)(g).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
OV 19
Threat to Security of Penal Institution or Court or Interference With Administration of
Justice or Rendering of Emergency Services*
OV 19 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
Shaded areas in the chart below represent point values that are not
scored for current offenses.
Pts Instructions
The offender by his or her conduct threatened the
security of a penal institution or court. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed on or after
October 23, 2001**) The offender used force or
the threat of force against another person or the
property of another person to interfere with,
attempt to interfere with, or that results in the
interference with the administration of justice or
the rendering of emergency services. MCL
(Score only for offenses committed before
October 23, 2001**) The offender used force or
the threat of force against another person or the
property of another person to interfere with or
attempt to interfere with the administration of
justice. Former MCL 777.49(b).
The offender otherwise interfered with or
attempted to interfere with the administration of
justice, or directly or indirectly violated a
personal protection order.*** MCL 777.49(c).
(Score only for offenses committed on or
after April 22, 2002****) The offender did
not threaten the security of a penal
institution or court or interfere with or
attempt to interfere with the administration
of justice or the rendering of emergency
services by force or threat of force. MCL
* The reference to “the rendering of emergency services” in the introductory paragraph in MCL 777.49
was added by 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
** See 2001 PA 136, effective October 23, 2001.
*** The phrase “or directly or indirectly violated a personal protection order” was added to MCL
777.49(c) by 2018 PA 652, effective March 28, 2019.
**** See 2002 PA 137, effective April 22, 2002.
(Score only for offenses committed before
April 22, 2002****) The offender did not
threaten the security of a penal institution or
court or interfere with or attempt to interfere
with the administration of justice. Former
MCL 777.49(d).
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
OV 20
MCL 777.49a
OV 20 is scored for all felony offenses. See MCL 777.22.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
by using or threatening to use a harmful
biological substance, harmful biological
device, harmful chemical substance,
harmful chemical device, harmful
radioactive material, harmful radioactive
device, incendiary device, or explosive
device. MCL 777.49a(1)(a).
• “Act of terrorism” and “terrorist” are defined in MCL
750.543b, and “terrorist organization” is defined in
MCL 750.543c.* MCL 777.49a(2)(a); MCL
• “Harmful biological substance,” “harmful biological
device,” “harmful chemical substance,” “harmful
chemical device,” “harmful radioactive material,” and
“harmful radioactive device” are defined in MCL
750.200h. MCL 777.49a(2)(b).
• “Incendiary device” includes gasoline or any other
flammable substance, a blowtorch, fire bomb, Molotov
cocktail, or other similar device. MCL 777.49a(2)(c).
*An “[a]ct of terrorism” is “a willful and deliberate act that . . . would be a violent felony under [Michigan
law], whether or not committed in [Michigan,] . . . that the person knows or has reason to know is dangerous
to human life[, and] . . . that is intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence or affect
the conduct of government or a unit of government through intimidation or coercion.” MCL 750.543b(a)(i)-
(iii). A[t]errorist isany person who engages or is about to engage in an act of terrorism. MCL
750.543b(g). A “terrorist organization” is “an organization that, on [April 22, 2002], is designated by the
United States state department as engaging in or sponsoring an act of terrorism.” MCL 750.543c.
The offender committed an act of terrorism
without using or threatening to use a
harmful biological substance, harmful
biological device, harmful chemical
substance, harmful chemical device,
harmful radioactive material, harmful
radioactive device, incendiary device, or
explosive device. MCL 777.49a(1)(b).
The offender supported an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
The offender did not commit an act of
terrorism or support an act of terrorism, a
terrorist, or a terrorist organization. MCL
PRVs and OVs - Crimes Against Public Trust
Sentencing Grids
Sentencing Grid for Class M2 (Second-Degree Murder)—MCL 777.61
Includes Ranges Calculated for Habitual Offenders (MCL 777.21(3)(a)-(c))
Certain fourth habitual offenders may be subject to a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years’ imprisonment. See MCL 769.12(1)(a).
The statutory percentage increases for habitual offenders are rounded down to the nearest whole month.
The cell range may be less than the maximum possible minimum sentence by a fraction of a month.
PRV Level
0 Points
1-9 Points
10-24 Points
25-49 Points
50-74 Points
75+ Points
187 300 337 375/L 468/L 562/L HO2
225 360 405 450/L 562/L 675/L HO3
300 480 540 600/L 750/L 900/L
300 337 375/L 468/L 562/L 656/L HO2
360 405 450/L 562/L 675/L 787/L HO3
480 540 600/L 750/L 900/L 1050/L
337/L 375/L 468/L 562/L 656/L 750/L HO2
405/L 450/L 562/L 675/L 787/L 900/L HO3
540/L 600/L 750/L 900/L 1050/L 1200/L
Sentencing Grids
Sentencing Grid for Class A Offenses—MCL 777.62
Includes Ranges Calculated for Habitual Offenders (MCL 777.21(3)(a)-(c))
Certain fourth habitual offenders may be subject to a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years’ imprisonment. See MCL 769.12(1)(a).
The statutory percentage increases for habitual offenders are rounded down to the nearest whole month.
The cell range may be less than the maximum possible minimum sentence by a fraction of a month.
PRV Level
0 Points
1-9 Points
10-24 Points
25-49 Points
50-74 Points
75+ Points
43 56 87 106 168 225 HO2
52 67 105 127 202 270 HO3
70 90 140 170 270 360
56 87 106 168 225 262 HO2
67 105 127 202 270 315 HO3
90 140 170 270 360 420
87 106 168 225 262 281 HO2
105 127 202 270 315 337 HO3
140 170 270 360 420 450
106 168 225 262 281 356 HO2
127 202 270 315 337 427 HO3
170 270 360 420 450 570
168 225 262 281 356 468/L HO2
202 270 315 337 427 562/L HO3
270 360 420 450 570 750/L
225 262 281 356 468/L 562/L HO2
270 315 337 427 562/L 675/L HO3
360 420 450 570 750/L 900/L
Sentencing Grids
Sentencing Grid for Class B Offenses—MCL 777.63
Includes Ranges Calculated for Habitual Offenders (MCL 777.21(3)(a)-(c))
Certain fourth habitual offenders may be subject to a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years’ imprisonment. See MCL 769.12(1)(a).
Intermediate sanction cells are marked by asterisks, straddle cells are shaded, and prison cells are
The statutory percentage increases for habitual offenders are rounded down to the nearest whole month.
The cell range may be less than the maximum possible minimum sentence by a fraction of a month.
PRV Level
0 Points
1-9 Points
10-24 Points
25-49 Points
50-74 Points
75+ Points
22 25 50 75 106 150 HO2
27 30 60 90 127 180 HO3
36 40 80 120 170 240
25 31 62 106 150 162 HO2
30 37 75 127 180 195 HO3
40 50 100 170 240 260
31 43 75 118 162 175 HO2
37 52 90 142 195 210 HO3
50 70 120 190 260 280
43 50 93 150 175 181 HO2
52 60 112 180 210 217 HO3
70 80 150 240 280 290
50 75 106 162 181 200 HO2
60 90 127 195 217 240 HO3
80 120 170 260 290 320
75 93 118 175 200 200 HO2
90 112 142 210 240 240 HO3
120 150 190 280 320 320
Sentencing Grids
Sentencing Grid for Class C Offenses—MCL 777.64
Includes Ranges Calculated for Habitual Offenders (MCL 777.21(3)(a)-(c))
Certain fourth habitual offenders may be subject to a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years’ imprisonment. See MCL 769.12(1)(a).
Intermediate sanction cells are marked by asterisks, straddle cells are shaded, and prison cells are
The statutory percentage increases for habitual offenders are rounded down to the nearest whole month.
The cell range may be less than the maximum possible minimum sentence by a fraction of a month.
PRV Level
0 Points
1-9 Points
10-24 Points
25-49 Points
50-74 Points
75+ Points
21 23 30 47 71 HO2
25 28 36 57 85 HO3
22 34 38 48 76 114
21 21 30 47 71 88 HO2
25 25 36 57 85 106 HO3
34 34 48 76 114 142
23 30 47 71 88 107 HO2
28 36 57 85 106 129 HO3
38 48 76 114 142 172
30 47 71 88 107 125 HO2
36 57 85 106 129 150 HO3
48 76 114 142 172 200
47 71 88 107 125 142 HO2
57 85 106 129 150 171 HO3
76 114 142 172 200 228
71 88 107 125 142 142 HO2
85 106 129 150 171 171 HO3
114 142 172 200 228 228
Sentencing Grids
Sentencing Grid for Class D Offenses—MCL 777.65
Includes Ranges Calculated for Habitual Offenders (MCL 777.21(3)(a)-(c))
Certain fourth habitual offenders may be subject to a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years’ imprisonment. See MCL 769.12(1)(a).
Intermediate sanction cells are marked by asterisks, straddle cells are shaded, and prison cells are
The statutory percentage increases for habitual offenders are rounded down to the nearest whole month.
The cell range may be less than the maximum possible minimum sentence by a fraction of a month.
PRV Level
0 Points
1-9 Points
10-24 Points
25-49 Points
50-74 Points
75+ Points
7* 11* 13*
21 28 28 HO2
9* 13* 16*
25 34 34 HO3
12* 18*
22 34 46 46
11* 13*
21 28 28 47 HO2
13* 16*
25 34 34 57 HO3
22 34 46 46 76
21 28 28 47 71 HO2
25 34 34 57 85 HO3
22 34 46 46 76 114
21 28 28 47 71 83 HO2
25 34 34 57 85 100 HO3
34 46 46 76 114 134
28 28 47 71 83 95 HO2
34 34 57 85 100 114 HO3
46 46 76 114 134 152
28 47 71 83 95 95 HO2
34 57 85 100 114 114 HO3
46 76 114 134 152 152
Sentencing Grids
Sentencing Grid for Class E Offenses—MCL 777.66
Includes Ranges Calculated for Habitual Offenders (MCL 777.21(3)(a)-(c))
Intermediate sanction cells are marked by asterisks, straddle cells are shaded, and prison cells are
The statutory percentage increases for habitual offenders are rounded down to the nearest whole month.
The cell range may be less than the maximum possible minimum sentence by a fraction of a month.
PRV Level
0 Points
1-9 Points
10-24 Points
25-49 Points
50-74 Points
75+ Points
3* 7* 11*
28 28 28 HO2
4* 9* 13*
34 34 34 HO3
6* 12* 18*
46 46 46 HO4
7* 11* 13*
28 28 30 HO2
9* 13* 16*
34 34 36 HO3
12* 18*
22 46 46 48 HO4
11* 13*
21 28 30 36 HO2
13* 16*
25 34 36 43 HO3
22 34 46 48 58 HO4
21 28 30 36 47 HO2
25 34 36 43 57 HO3
22 34 46 48 58 76 HO4
28 28 36 47 47 HO2
21 34 34 43 57 57 HO3
28 46 46 58 76 76 HO4
21 28 30 47 47 47 HO2
25 34 36 57 57 57 HO3
34 46 48 76 76 76 HO4
Sentencing Grids
Sentencing Grid for Class F Offenses—MCL 777.67
Includes Ranges Calculated for Habitual Offenders (MCL 777.21(3)(a)-(c))
Intermediate sanction cells are marked by asterisks, straddle cells are shaded, and prison cells are
The statutory percentage increases for habitual offenders are rounded down to the nearest whole month.
The cell range may be less than the maximum possible minimum sentence by a fraction of a month.
PRV Level
0 Points
1-9 Points
10-24 Points
25-49 Points
50-74 Points
75+ Points
3* 7* 11*
21 28 28 HO2
4* 9* 13*
25 34 34 HO3
6* 12* 18*
34 46 46 HO4
7* 11*
21 28 28 30 HO2
9* 13*
25 34 34 36 HO3
12* 18*
34 46 46 48 HO4
21 21 28 30 36 HO2
25 25 34 36 43 HO3
34 34 46 48 58 HO4
21 21 28 30 36 37 HO2
25 25 34 36 43 45 HO3
34 34 46 48 58 60 HO4
Sentencing Grids
Sentencing Grid for Class G Offenses—MCL 777.68
Includes Ranges Calculated for Habitual Offenders (MCL 777.21(3)(a)-(c))
Intermediate sanction cells are marked by asterisks, straddle cells are shaded, and prison cells are
The statutory percentage increases for habitual offenders are rounded down to the nearest whole month.
The cell range may be less than the maximum possible minimum sentence by a fraction of a month.
PRV Level
0 Points
1-9 Points
10-24 Points
25-49 Points
50-74 Points
75+ Points
3* 7* 11* 13*
21 21 HO2
4* 9* 13* 16*
25 25 HO3
6* 12* 18*
22 34 34 HO4
7* 11* 13*
21 21 28 HO2
9* 13* 16*
25 25 34 HO3
12* 18*
22 34 34 46 HO4
11* 13*
21 21 28 28 HO2
13* 16*
25 25 34 34 HO3
22 34 34 46 46 HO4
Sentencing Grids
Sentencing Grid for Class H Offenses—MCL 777.69
Includes Ranges Calculated for Habitual Offenders (MCL 777.21(3)(a)-(c))
Intermediate sanction cells are marked by asterisks, straddle cells are shaded, and prison cells are
The statutory percentage increases for habitual offenders are rounded down to the nearest whole month.
The cell range may be less than the maximum possible minimum sentence by a fraction of a month.
PRV Level
0 Points
1-9 Points
10-24 Points
25-49 Points
50-74 Points
75+ Points
1* 3* 7* 11* 13*
21 HO2
1* 4* 9* 13* 16*
25 HO3
2* 6* 12* 18*
22 34 HO4
3* 7* 11* 13*
21 21 HO2
4* 9* 13* 16*
25 25 HO3
6* 12* 18*
22 34 34 HO4
7* 11* 13*
21 21 21 HO2
9* 13* 16*
25 25 25 HO3
12* 18*
22 34 34 34 HO4
Sentencing Grids
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
4. 421 (1) Pub trst G Lobbyists – compensation contingent on outcome of action 3
4. 421 (2) Pub trst G Lobbyists giving gifts 3
15. 324 (1) (d) Pub trst G Purchase of public residential property by public servant 1 12/16/05
18. 366 (1) Property E False presentation to crime victim services commission to obtain more than $100 10
Deleted, 2001 PA 150 &
154, Eff. 1/1/02
18. 366 (1) (c) Property E
False presentation to crime victim services commission to obtain $1,000 to $20,000 or
with prior convictions
18. 366 (1) (d) Property D
False presentation to crime victim services commission to obtain $20,000 or more or
with prior convictions
10 1/1/02
18. 1268 (9) Pub trst H Purposefully submitting false business certification Fine
Deleted, 2005 PA 265, Eff.
21. 154 Pub trst E Public officer – embezzlement 5
28. 214 Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of information from LEIN – subsequent offense 4 1/1/02
28. 214 (4) (b) Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of information from LEIN – subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
28. 214 (6) (b) Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of information from LEIN – subsequent offense 4
Amended, 2011 PA 19, Eff.
July 1, 2011
28. 293 (1) Pub ord E False information when applying for state ID 5
28. 293 (2) Pub ord D False information when applying for state ID – second offense 7
28. 293 (3) Pub ord C False information when applying for state ID – third or subsequent offense 15
28. 295 (1) (a) Pub ord H Forging state ID card to commit felony 4
Replaced, 2004 PA 149,
Eff. 9/1/04
28. 295 (1) (a) Pub ord D
Counterfeiting or forging state ID card or using counterfeited or forged state ID card to
commit felony punishable by imprisonment for 10 years or more
10 9/1/04
28. 295 (1) (b) Pub ord E
Counterfeiting or forging state ID card or using counterfeited or forged state ID card to
commit felony punishable by imprisonment for less than 10 years or a misdemeanor
punishable by more than 6 months
28. 295 (2) Pub ord E
Selling counterfeited or forged state ID card or possessing counterfeited or forged state
ID card with intent to deliver to another person or possessing 2 or more counterfeited or
forged state ID cards
28. 295 (3) Property H Using stolen state ID card to commit felony Variable
Replaced, 2004 PA 149,
Eff. 9/1/04
28. 295 (5) Property H Using stolen state ID card to commit felony Variable 9/1/04
28. 295 a (1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain or misuse personal information 4
28. 295 a (2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain or misuse personal information – second offense 7
28. 295 a (3) Pub ord C
False representation to obtain or misuse personal information – third or subsequent
28. 308 Pub saf E
False certification or statement in application for enhanced driver license or enhanced
official state personal identification card
28. 422 Pub saf G Pistols – license application forgery 4
28. 422 Pub saf F Pistols – license application forgery 4 7/1/01
28. 422 (13) Pub saf F Forgery on pistol – license [sic] application 4
Amended, 2015 PA 4, Eff.
28. 422 (14) Pub saf F Forgery on pistol – license [sic] application4
Renumbered, 2015 PA
201, Eff. 2/22/16
28. 422 a (4) Pub saf F False statement on pistol sales record 4 7/1/01
28. 422 a (5) Pub saf F False statement on pistol sales record 4
Amended, 2011 PA 19, Eff.
July 1, 2011
28. 425 b (3) Pub saf F False statement on concealed pistol permit application 4 7/1/01
28. 425 j (3) Pub saf F Unlawful granting or presenting of pistol training certificate 4
Amended, 2015 PA 4, Eff.
28. 425 o (5) (c) Pub saf F Carrying concealed pistol in prohibited place – third or subsequent offense 4 7/1/01
28. 425 o (6) (c) Pub saf F
Carrying concealed pistol or electro-muscular disruption device in prohibited place –
third or subsequent offense
Amended, 2012 PA 124,
Eff. 8/6/12
28. 435 (14) (c) Pub saf G
Firearm sale without trigger lock, gun case, or storage container – third or subsequent
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
28. 454 (1) Pub saf G Consumer fireworks certificate violation 2 12/14/11
28. 468 (1) (c) Pub saf E Michigan fireworks safety act violation causing serious impairment 5 12/14/11
28. 468 (1) (d) Pub saf C Michigan fireworks safety act violation causing death 15 12/14/11
28. 516 (2) Pub saf F False statement on concealed firearm certificate application 4 3/31/09
28. 674 Pub saf F False report of a public threat 4 9/22/16
28. 729 Pub ord G Sex offenders – failure to register 4
Substituted for by
28. 729 (1) (a) Pub ord F Failure to register as a sex offender, first offense 4 9/1/99
28. 729 (1) (b) Pub ord D Failure to register as a sex offender, second offense 7 9/1/99
28. 729 (1) (c) Pub ord D Failure to register as a sex offender, third or subsequent offense 10 9/1/99
28. 729 (2) Pub ord F Failure to update sex offender registration information 2
Amended, 2011 PA 19, Eff.
July 1, 2011
28. 729 (2) (c) Pub ord F Failure to update sex offender registration information - third or subsequent offense 4 1/1/06
28. 734 (2) (b) Pub trst G Student safety zone violation involving work or loitering - subsequent offense 2
Amended, 2011 PA 19, Eff.
July 1, 2011
28. 735 (2) (b) Pub trst G Student safety zone violation involving residency - subsequent offense 2
Amended, 2011 PA 19, Eff.
July 1, 2011
28. 754 Pub ord F False report of a child abduction 4 2/1/06
28. 754(1) Pub ord F False report of a child abduction 4
Amended, 2011 PA 19, Eff.
July 1, 2011
35. 929 Pub trst H Willful falsification in application for veterans benefits 3
35. 980 Pub trst H False statement in application for Korean veterans benefits 3
35. 1029 Pub trst H False statement in application for Vietnam veterans benefits 3
38. 412 a (1) Pub trst H County employee providing answers to county civil service exam 1
38. 516 Pub trst H Fire and police civil service – appointment or employment contrary to act 2
45. 82 Pub trst E County purchasing agent – violations in awarding bids or contracts 5
47. 8 Pub trst H Payment of claim against county before audit 2
47. 56 Pub trst H Wayne County treasurer paying claims without appropriate signature 2
51. 364 Pub trst H Appointment or selection contrary to civil service commission rules 2
55. 301 Pub trst E Performing notarial acts while commission revoked 5 1/1/12
55. 309 (1) (b) Pub trst F Michigan notary public act violation involving conveyance of interest in real property 4 1/1/12
110. 28 Pub trst G Fourth class cities – misappropriation of money or property 3
117. 25 (3) Pub trst E Amendment to city electors – willfully affixing another's signature, false representation 15
125. 1447 Property G Michigan state housing development authority – false pretenses over $100 10
Deleted, 2001 PA 154, Eff.
125. 1447 (1) (c) Property E
False pretenses under state housing development act involving $1,000 to $20,000 or
with prior convictions
125. 1447 (1) (d) Property D
False pretenses under state housing development act involving $20,000 or more or with
prior convictions
10 1/1/02
168. 303 (6) Pub trst E Signing a nominating petition with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
168. 482 e (3) Pub trst E Signing a petition with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
168. 544 c (10) Pub trst E Signing a nominating petition with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
168. 590 h (6) Pub trst E Signing a qualifying petition with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
168. 685 (11) Pub trst E Signing a petition to form a new political party with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
168. 731 (4) Pub trst G Election law – filing certain false statements 2
168. 734 Pub trst G Election law – election board refusing to provide challenger conveniences 2
168. 756 Pub trst E Elector's false statement concerning inability to mark ballot 5
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
168. 757 Pub trst E Election inspector – unlawful conduct 5
168. 759 (8) Pub trst E Forged signature on absentee ballot 5
168. 759 b Pub trst E False statement in application for emergency absentee ballot 5
168. 761 (5) Pub trst E Assisting an absentee voter in making a false statement 5
168. 765 a (10) Pub trst E Disclosing how ballot voted or election results early before polls are closed 5
Added, 2018 PA 124, Eff.
168. 765 a (12) Pub trst E Disclosing election result or how ballot voted 5
Added, 2018 PA 124, Eff.
168. 769 (4) Pub trst E Voting both in person and by absentee ballot 5
168. 792 a (11) Pub trst E Disclosing how ballot voted or election results early before polls are closed 5
Replaced by § 765a(10),
2018 PA 124, Eff. 12/31/18
168. 792 a (16) Pub trst E Disclosing election result or how ballot voted 5
Replaced by § 765a(12),
2018 PA 124, Eff. 12/31/18
168. 808 Pub trst E Untrue statement by member of board of inspectors 4
168. 873 Pub trst E Misconduct of election employee in recount county and local 5
168. 887 Pub trst E Misconduct of election employee in recount 5
168. 932 (a) Pub trst E Bribing or intimidating voters 5
168. 932 (b) Pub trst E Ballot tampering 5
168. 932 (c) Pub trst E Destroying or falsifying election return or records 5
168. 932 (d) Pub trst E Disclosing votes or obstructing voter 5
168. 932 (e) Pub trst E Absentee ballot tampering 5
168. 932 (f) Pub trst E Election law – possess absent voter ballot delivered to another person 5
168. 932 (g) Pub trst E Suggesting how a disabled voter should vote 5
168. 932 (h) Pub trst E Suggesting or influencing how an absentee voter should vote 5
168. 932 (i) Pub trst E Organizing a meeting where absentee voter ballots are to be voted 5
168. 932 a Pub trst G Election offenses 4
168. 932 c Pub trst E Providing compensation to a person for registering individuals to vote 5 8/15/12
168. 932 e Pub trst E
Person intentionally misrepresenting that he or she is an election official in a polling
168. 933 Pub trst E False swearing to register or vote 5
Deleted, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
168. 936 Pub trst E Election law – perjury 5
168. 937 Pub trst E Election law – forgery 5
168. 954 (4) Pub trst E Signing a recall petition with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
169. 224 b Pub trst H Campaign finance – independent expenditure committee contributions 3 9/20/17
169. 233 Pub trst H Campaign finance – failure to file certain campaign statements 3 12/30/12
169. 254 Pub trst H Campaign finance – corporate contributions 3
169. 255 Pub trst H Campaign finance – corporate solicitation for certain funds 3
169. 266 Pub trst H Campaign finance – qualified campaign expenditures 3
205. 27 (1) (a) Pub trst G Failure to file or false tax return or payment 5
205. 27 (1) (b) Pub trst G Aiding and abetting tax evasion or filing false returns 5
205. 27 (1) (c) Pub trst G Making/permitting false tax returns or payments 5
205. 27 (3) Pub trst G False tax returns/perjury 15
205. 28 Pub trst G Compromising/unauthorized disclosure of tax information 5
205. 28 (1) (e) Pub trst G State employee compromising taxes 5
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
205. 28 (1) (f) Pub trst G Unauthorized disclosure of tax information 5
205. 428 (2) Pub trst G Tobacco products tax act violations 5
205. 428 (3) Pub trst G
Illegal sale of cigarettes or other tobacco products with wholesale price of $250.00 or
5 10/1/00
205. 428 (6) Pub trst F Illegal tobacco stamp or tobacco stamp device 10 10/1/00
205. 428 (7) Pub trst G Illegal vending machine license, disk, or marker 5 10/1/00
207. 118 a Pub ord G Gasoline tax – embezzlement over $100 10
Offense repealed, 2000 PA
403, Eff. 4/1/01
207. 119 Pub trst G Gasoline or motor fuel tax violation 4
Offense repealed, 2000 PA
403, Eff. 4/1/01
207. 127 c Pub ord G Diesel fuel tax – embezzlement over $100 10
Offense repealed, 2000 PA
403, Eff. 4/1/01
207. 754 (3) Pub trst G State treasurer – municipality tax – divulging confidential information 5
252. 311 Property H Destroying a tree or shrub to make a sign more visible 2 10/1/00
257. 233 a (7) Pub ord G Odometer tampering 5
257. 254 Property E Possessing stolen vehicle title 10
257. 257 (1) Property G Altering or forging vehicle documents – first offense 5
257. 257 (2) Property G Altering or forging vehicle documents – second offense 7
257. 257 (3) Property E Altering or forging vehicle documents – third or subsequent offense 15
257. 309 (6)* Pub ord F Corrupting an examining officer *[See MCL 257.309(7)] 5 3/28/01
257. 309 (7)* Pub ord F Deviating from road test criteria *[See MCL 257.309(8)] 5 3/28/01
257. 309 (8)* Pub ord F Forging, counterfeiting, or altering road test certification *[See MCL 257.309(9)] 5 3/28/01
257. 310 (7) (a) Pub ord D Forging driver license with intent to commit crime punishable by 10 years or more 10 4/22/02
257. 310 (7) (b) Pub ord E
Forging driver license with intent to commit crime punishable by 6 months or more but
less than 10 years
257. 310 (8) Pub ord E Selling or possessing forged driver license with intent to deliver 5 4/22/02
257. 310 (9) Pub ord E Possession of 2 or more forged driver licenses 5 4/22/02
257. 312 b (6) Pub ord F Corrupting a person or agency conducting a motorcycle driving test 5 3/28/01
257. 312 b (7) Pub ord F Deviating from motorcycle road test criteria 5 3/28/01
257. 312 b (8) Pub ord F Forging, counterfeiting, or altering motorcycle road test certification 5 3/28/01
257. 329 (1) Property G Possession/sale of stolen or counterfeit insurance certificates 5
257. 329 (2) Property E Possession/sale of stolen or counterfeit insurance certificates – second offense 7
257. 329 (3) Property E
Possession/sale of stolen or counterfeit insurance certificates – third or subsequent
257. 601 b (3) Person C Moving violation causing death to construction worker 15 10/1/01
257. 601 b (3) Person C Moving violation causing death to another person in a work zone 15
As amended, 2008 PA 297,
Eff. 10/8/08
257. 601 b (3) Person C Moving violation causing death to another person in a work zone or a school bus zone 15
As amended, 2011 PA 59,
Eff. 7/1/11
257. 601 c (2) Person C Moving violation causing death to operator of implement of husbandry 15 10/1/01
257. 602 a (2) Pub saf G Fourth degree fleeing and eluding 2
Amended, 2011 PA 59, Eff.
257. 602 a (3) Pub saf E Third degree fleeing and eluding 5
Amended, 2011 PA 59, Eff.
257. 602 a (4) Person D Second degree fleeing and eluding 10
Amended, 2011 PA 59, Eff.
257. 602 a (5) Person C First degree fleeing and eluding 15
Amended, 2011 PA 59, Eff.
257. 616 a (2) (b) Pub saf G Using a signal preemption device 2 6/14/04
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
257. 616 a (2) (c) Pub saf E Using a signal preemption device causing a traffic accident 5 6/14/04
257. 616 a (2) (d) Person D Using a signal preemption device causing serious impairment of a body function 10 6/14/04
257. 616 a (2) (e) Person C Using a signal preemption device causing death 15 6/14/04
257. 616 a (2) (f) Pub ord G Selling or purchasing a signal preemption device 2 6/14/04
257. 617 Person E Failure to stop at scene of a serious personal injury accident 5
Substituted for by
257. 617 (2) Person E Failure to stop at scene of accident resulting in serious impairment or death 5 2/1/02
257. 617 (3) Person C Failure to stop at scene of accident resulting in death when at fault 15 2/1/02
MCL 777.12f
257. 625 (4) Person C OUIL – causing death 15
Substituted for by
257. 625 (4) (a) Person C Operating a vehicle under the influence or while impaired causing death 15 3/28/01
257. 625 (4) (a) Person C
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance causing death
As amended, 2014 PA 220,
Eff. 9/24/14
257. 625 (4) (b) Person B OUIL – causing death to emergency personnel 20 3/28/01
257. 625 (4) (b) Person B
Operating a vehicle under the influence or while impaired causing death to certain per-
20 10/1/01
257. 625 (4) (b) Person B
Operating a vehicle with alcohol content of 0.17 grams or more with prior conviction and
causing death
As amended, 2014 PA 220,
Eff. 9/24/14
257. 625 (4) (c) Person B
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance causing death to certain persons
As amended, 2014 PA 220,
Eff. 9/24/14
257. 625 (5) Person E OUIL – causing serious impairment of body function 5
257. 625 (5) Person E Operating a vehicle under the influence or while impaired causing serious impairment 5 3/28/01
257. 625 (5) (a) Person E
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance causing serious impairment
As amended, 2014 PA 220,
Eff. 9/24/14
257. 625 (5) (b) Person D
Operating a vehicle with alcohol content of 0.17 grams or more with prior conviction and
causing serious impairment
As amended, 2014 PA 220,
Eff. 9/24/14
257. 625 (7) (a) (ii) Person E
Operating under the influence/while impaired with a minor in the vehicle – subsequent
5 10/1/00
257. 625 (7) (a) (ii)PersonE
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance with a minor in the vehicle – subsequent offense
As amended, 2014 PA 220,
Eff. 9/24/14
257. 625 (7) (d) Pub saf E OUIL – third offense 5
257. 625 (8) (c) Pub saf E Operating a vehicle under the influence – third or subsequent offense 5
Eff. until 9/30/03, replaced
by (9)(c)
257. 625 (9) (b) Person E Allowing a vehicle to be operated while under the influence or impaired causing death 5
Eff. until 9/30/03, replaced
by (10)(b)
257. 625 (9) (c) Person G
Allowing a vehicle to be operated while under the influence/impaired - serious impair-
Eff. until 9/30/03, replaced
by (10)(c)
257. 625 (9) (c) Pub saf E
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated or with the presence of a controlled substance –
third or subsequent offense
257. 625 (10) (b) Person E Allowing a vehicle to be operated while intoxicated or impaired causing death 5 9/30/03
257. 625 (10) (c) Pub saf E Impaired driving – third or subsequent offense 5
Eff. until 9/30/03, replaced
by (11)(c)
257. 625 (10) (c) Person G
Allowing a vehicle to be operated while intoxicated or impaired causing serious impair-
257. 625 (11) (c) Pub saf E Operating a vehicle while impaired – third or subsequent offense 5 9/30/03
257. 625 k (7) Pub saf D Knowingly providing false information concerning an ignition interlock device 10 10/1/00
257. 625 k (9) Pub saf D Failure to report that an ignition interlock device does not meet legal requirements 10 10/1/00
257. 625 k (9) Pub saf D Failure to report illegal ignition interlock device 10 10/1/01
257. 625 m (5) Pub saf E Commercial drunk driving – third or subsequent offense 5 10/1/00
257. 625 n (10) Pub ord G Disposing of vehicle to avoid forfeiture 4
Misdemeanor, 1998 PA
349, Eff. 10/1/99
257. 625 q (3) Pub saf D Knowingly providing false information concerning an ignition interlock device 10
Renumbered, 2016 PA 34,
Eff. 6/6/16
257. 625 q (5) Pub saf D Failure to report illegal ignition interlock device 10
Renumbered, 2016 PA 34,
Eff. 6/6/16
257. 626 c Person G Felonious driving 2
Repealed, 2008 PA 467,
Eff. 10/31/10
257. 626 (3) Person E Reckless driving causing serious impairment 5 10/31/10
257. 626 (4) Person C Reckless driving causing death 15 10/31/10
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
257. 653 a (3) Person G Failure to use due care and caution causing injury to emergency personnel 2 3/28/01
257. 653 a (4) Person C Failure to use due care and caution causing death to emergency personnel 15 3/28/01
257. 744 a Pub saf D False statement in citation – perjury 15
257. 902 Pub saf E Motor vehicle code violations 5
257. 903 (1) Property E Motor vehicle code – false certification – first offense 5
257. 903 (2) Property E Motor vehicle code – false certification – second offense 7
257. 903 (3) Property D Motor vehicle code – false certificationthird or subsequent offense 15
257. 904 (4) Person C Operating a vehicle without a license causing death 15 10/1/00
257. 904 (5) Person E Operating a vehicle without a license causing serious impairment 5 10/1/00
257. 904 (7) Person G Allowing a vehicle to be operated without a license causing serious impairment 2 10/1/00
257. 904 (7) Person E Allowing a vehicle to be operated without a license causing death 5 10/1/00
MCL 777.12j
257. 1353 (2) Pub trst H Motor vehicle – fail to record material matter – subsequent offense 2
257. 1354 (2) Pub trst H Motor vehicle – general violations – subsequent offense 2
257. 1355 Pub trst H Motor vehicle – fail to record transaction/falsify records 2
259. 80 f (3) Pub saf D Possessing weapon in sterile area of commercial airport 10 3/31/03
259. 83 (2) (b) Pub saf G Aircraft – failure to comply with certification requirements – second violation 2 3/31/03
259. 83 (2) (c) Pub saf F Aircraft – failure to comply with certification requirements – third or subsequent violation 4 3/31/03
259. 83 b (2) (a) Pub saf F Conducting flight operations without certificate 4 3/31/03
259. 83 b (2) (b) Pub saf E Conducting flight operations without certificate – second violation 5 3/31/03
259. 83 b (2) (c) Pub saf D Conducting flight operations without certificate – third or subsequent violation 10 3/31/03
259. 183 Property E Aircraft – unlawful taking or tampering 5
259. 185 (4) Person C Operating or serving as crew of aircraft while under the influence causing death 15 10/1/00
259. 185 (5) Person E
Operating or serving as crew of aircraft while under the influence causing serious
259. 185 (8) Pub saf G
Operating/serving as crew of aircraft while under the influence – third or subsequent
5 10/1/00
259. 185 (8) Pub saf E
Operating or serving as crew of aircraft while under the influence – third or subsequent
285. 82 Pub trst H Grain dealers act violations 5 Substituted for by 285.83
285. 83 Pub trst H Grain dealers act violations 5 3/31/03
285. 83 (4) Pub trst H Fraudulent warehouse receipt violations under the grain dealers act 5
As amended, 2015 PA 213,
Eff. 3/14/16
285. 279 Pub trst E Falsely obtaining money – agricultural land 10
Deleted, 2001 PAs 133,
136 & 160
285. 279 (2) (c) Property E
False pretenses under Michigan family farm development act involving $1,000 to
$20,000 or with prior convictions
285. 279 (2) (d) Property D
False pretenses under Michigan family farm development act involving $20,000 or more
or with prior convictions
10 2/1/02
286. 228 (6) Pub ord E
Insect pest and plant disease act - intentional violation with intent to damage natural
As amended, 2015 PA 213,
Eff. 3/14/16
286. 260 (4) Pub ord E
Insect pest and plant disease - intentional violation with intent to damage natural
5 9/1/05
286. 260 (4) Pub ord E Intentional violation of quarantine rule or order with intent to damage natural resources 5
As amended, 2015 PA 213,
Eff. 3/14/16
286. 455 (2) Pub saf G Agriculture – hazardous substance 5
Deleted, 2015 PA 213, Eff.
286. 929 (4) Pub trst G Organic products act violations 4 3/28/01
287. 77 (1) Pub saf H Agriculture – livestock condemnation 4
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
287. 323 (1) Person C Dangerous animal causing death 15
287. 323 (2) Person G Dangerous animal causing serious injury 4
287. 679 Pub ord H Dead animals 1
287. 679 Pub ord H Dead animals – third or subsequent violation 1 10/1/01
287. 679 (2) Pub ord H Dead animal violation – third or subsequent offense 1
As amended, 2015 PA 213,
Eff. 3/14/16
287. 744 (10) Pub ord G Animal industry act violations 5
Renumbered, 2019 PA
134, Eff. 2/19/20
287. 855 Pub saf G Agriculture – contaminating livestock/false statement/violation of quarantine 5
287, 855 Pub saf G Violations involving contamination of livestock or diseased or quarantined livestock 5
As amended, 2015 PA 213,
Eff. 3/14/16
287. 967 (5) Pub ord G Cervidae producer violations 4 10/1/00
288. 223 Pub saf G Sale or labeling of oleomargarine violations 3
Repealed, 2001 PA 267,
Eff. 2/8/02
288. 257 Pub saf G Margarine violations 3
Repealed, 2001 PA 267,
Eff. 2/8/02
288. 284 Pub trst H Selling falsely branded cheese 2
Repealed, 2001 PA 267,
Eff. 2/8/02
289. 5107 (2) Pub saf F Adulterated, misbranded, or falsely identified food 4 10/1/00
290. 629 (1) Person G Weights and measures – assaults enforcement officer 2
290. 631 (3) Pub trst G Weights and measures 5
290. 650 Person G Motor fuels – assaulting/obstructing director or authorized representative 2
290. 650 b (3) Pub trst H Motor fuels violations 2
324. 1608 Person G Resisting and obstructing conservation officer 2
324. 2157 (1) (c) Property E Damage to state property involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 1/1/02
324. 2157 (1) (d) Property D Damage to state property involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 1/1/02
324. 2157 (3) Property H State owned property – damages of $1,000 or more
Deleted, 2001 PA 156, Eff.
324. 3115 (2) Pub saf H Waste discharge violations – second offense 2
324. 3115 (2) Pub saf H Waste discharge violations 2
1/1/01; Reworded, 2004
PA 382, Eff. 10/12/04
324. 3115(2) Pub saf H Water pollution 2
As amended, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 3115 (4) Pub saf G Waste discharge violations – substantial endangerment 5
1/1/01; Reworded, 2004
PA 382, Eff. 10/12/04
324. 3115 (4) Pub saf G Water pollution – substantial endangerment 5
As amended, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 5531 (4) Pub saf H Knowingly releasing pollutants 2
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 5531 (4) Pub saf H Knowingly releasing air pollutants 2
As amended, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 5531 (5) Pub saf G Knowingly releasing pollutants – causing death or serious bodily injury 6
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 5531 (5) Pub saf G Knowingly releasing air pollutants – causing death or serious bodily injury 6
As amended, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 5531 (6) Pub saf C Knowingly releasing pollutants – resulting in death or serious bodily injury 15
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 5531 (6) Pub saf C Knowingly releasing air pollutants – intentionally causing death or serious bodily injury 15
As amended, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 8905 (2) Pub saf H Infectious waste/pathological waste/sharps – littering violation 2
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 8905 (2) Pub saf H Littering – infectious waste/pathological waste/sharps 2
As amended, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 8905 (3) Pub saf G Infectious waste/pathological waste/sharps – littering violation – subsequent offense 5
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 8905 (3) Pub saf G Littering – infectious waste/pathological waste/sharps – subsequent offense 5
As amended, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 11151 (2) Pub saf H Hazardous waste – subsequent offense 2
324. 11151 (3) Pub saf H Hazardous waste – disregard for human life 2
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
324. 11151 (3) Pub saf G Hazardous waste – extreme indifference for human life 5
324. 11549 (2) Pub saf G Solid waste - importing from foreign country 2 3/13/06
324. 11719 (2) Pub saf G Septage – false statement or entry in a license application or record 2
As amended, 2015 PA 226,
Eff. 3/16/16
324. 12116 (2) Pub saf H Waste – false statement or entry in a license application 2
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 12116 (2) Pub saf H Liquid industrial by-product – false statement in an application or shipping document 2
As amended, 2015 PA 226,
Eff. 3/16/16
324. 12116 (2) Pub saf H Liquid industrial waste – false statement in a license application 2
As amended, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 20139 (3) Pub saf H Hazardous waste – knowingly releases or causes the release 2
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 20139 (3) Pub saf H Hazardous substance – knowing release or intentional false statement 2
As amended, 2015 PA 226,
Eff. 3/16/16
324. 20139 (3) Pub saf H Hazardous substance – knowingly releasing or causing release 2
As amended, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 20139 (4) Pub saf E Hazardous substance – substantial endangerment 5 3/16/16
324. 21324 (1) Pub saf G Underground storage tanks – false or misleading information 5
324. 21548 (1) Pub trst H False statement, report, claim, bid, work invoice, or other request for payment 5
Amended, 2004 PA 390,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 21548 (1) Pub trst H Underground storage tanks – false or misleading request for payment 5
As amended, 2015 PA 226,
Eff. 3/16/16
324. 21548 (1) Pub trst H Underground storage tanks – false or misleading request for payment 5
As amended, 2015 PA 226,
Eff. 3/16/16
324. 30316 (3) Pub saf H NREPA violation – subsequent offense 2
324. 31525 Person G NREPA – imminent danger of death or serious injury – subsequent offense 2
324. 33939 (1) Pub trst H NREPA violation for commercial purposes2
324. 40118 (11) Pub ord G Wildlife conservation – buying/selling protected animals – subsequent offense 4
324. 40118 (15) Pub ord G Wildlife conservation – buying/selling protected animals – subsequent offense 4
Renumbered, 2015 PA
189, Eff. 2/14/16
324. 41309 Property E Possession or release of genetically engineered, nonnative, or prohibited fish 5
Eff. 3/30/04 to 9/1/05, 2005
PA 81
324. 41309 (3) (b) Property G Possession of nonaquatic prohibited species 2
As amended, 2014 PA 538,
Eff. 4/15/15
324. 41309 (3) (c) Property F Possession of aquatic prohibited species 3 4/15/15
324. 41309 (4) (a) Property G Possession of restricted or nonnative species - intent to damage resources 2 9/1/05
324. 41309 (4) (b) Property F
Possession of prohibited or genetically engineered species – intent to damage
324. 41309 (8) Property G
Introduction of nonaquatic prohibited species or genetically engineered species – know-
ing identity
As amended, 2014 PA 538,
Eff. 4/15/15
324. 41309 (9) Property F Introduction of aquatic prohibited species – knowing identity 3 4/15/15
324. 41309 (10) (a) Property G Introduction of restricted or nonnative species – knowing unlawful 2
As amended, 2014 PA 538,
Eff. 4/15/15
324. 41309 (10) (b) Property F Introduction of prohibited or genetically engineered species – knowing unlawful 4
As amended, 2014 PA 538,
Eff. 4/15/15
324. 41309 (11) (a) Property F Introduction of restricted or nonnative species – intent to damage resources 3
As amended, 2014 PA 538,
Eff. 4/15/15
324. 41309 (11) (b) Property E
Introduction of prohibited or genetically engineered species intent to damage
As amended, 2014 PA 538,
Eff. 4/15/15
324. 48738 (4) Property E Possession, importation, or planting of genetically engineered fish 5 3/30/04
324. 51120 (2) Property H Removing forest products over $2,500 3
324. 51512 Pub saf D Willfully setting forest fires 10
324. 52908 (1) (c) Property E Damage to plant involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 1/1/02
324. 52908 (1) (d) Property D Damage to plant involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 1/1/02
324. 52908 (3) Property H Illegally cutting, removing, or transporting tree or other plant involving $1,000 or more
Eff. 10/1/00 to 1/1/02, 2001
PA 156
MCL 777.13f
324. 61511 Pub trst G False affidavit under NREPA 5
324. 61521 (1) Pub trst G Evading rule under NREPA 3
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
324. 76107 (3) Pub ord D Removing or mutilating human body from Great Lakes bottomland 10 1/1/02
324. 76107 (4) Pub trst G Recovering abandoned property in Great Lakes without permit 2
Deleted, 2001 PA 156, Eff.
324. 76107 (4) (c) Property E
Recovering abandoned property in Great Lakes having value of $1,000 to $20,000 or
with prior convictions
324. 76107 (4) (d) Property D
Recovering abandoned property in Great Lakes having value of $20,000 or more or with
prior convictions
10 1/1/02
324. 80130 d (1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
324. 80130 d (2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information – second offense 7
324. 80130 d (3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information – third or subsequent offense 15
324. 80134 a (2) Person E Failure to stop at scene of marine accident causing serious impairment or death 5 4/1/04
324. 80134 a (3) Person C Failure to stop at scene of marine accident causing death when at fault 15 4/1/04
324. 80172 Person G Negligent crippling or homicide by vessel 2
324. 80173 Person G Felonious operation of a vessel 2
324. 80176 (4) Person C
Operating a vessel under the influence or while impaired or with the presence of a con-
trolled substance causing death
As amended, 2014 PA 403,
Eff. 3/31/15
324. 80176 (5) Person E Operating a vessel under the influence causing long-term incapacitating injury 5
324. 80176 (5) Person E
Operating a vessel under the influence or while impaired or with the presence of a con-
trolled substance causing serious impairment
As amended, 2014 PA 403,
Eff. 3/31/15
324. 80177 (1) (c) Pub saf E
Operating a vessel under the influence or with the presence of a controlled substance –
third or subsequent offense
As amended, 2014 PA 403,
Eff. 3/31/15
324. 80178 b (1) (b) Person E
Operating a vessel while intoxicated or impaired with a minor in the vehicle – subse-
quent offense
324. 80319 a (1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
324. 80319 a (2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information – second offense 7
324. 80319 a (3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information – third or subsequent offense 15
324. 81120 (1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
324. 81120 (2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information – second offense 7
324. 81120 (3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information – third or subsequent offense 15
324. 81134 (6) Pub saf E Operating an ORV under the influence – third or subsequent offense 4
324. 81134 (6) Pub saf E Operating an ORV under the influence – third or subsequent offense 5
Deleted, 2014 PA 403, Eff.
324. 81134 (4) Person C
Operating an ORV under the influence or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance causing death
As amended, 2014 PA 403,
Eff. 3/31/15
324. 81134 (5) Person E
Operating an ORV under the influence or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance causing serious impairment
As amended, 2014 PA 403,
Eff. 3/31/15
324. 81134 (8) (c) Pub saf E
Operating an ORV under the influence or with the presence of a controlled substance –
third or subsequent offense
81134 (12) (a)
Person E
Operating an ORV while intoxicated or impaired with a minor in the ORV – subsequent
324. 82126 c (1) Person G Operating a snowmobile carelessly or negligently causing death or serious impairment 2 10/1/00
324. 82126 c (2) Person G Operating a snowmobile without regard to safety causing serious impairment 2 10/1/00
324. 82127 (4) Person C
Operating a snowmobile under the influence or while impaired or with the presence of a
controlled substance causing death
As amended, 2014 PA 403,
Eff. 3/31/15
324. 82127 (5) Person E Operating a snowmobile under the influence causing long-term incapacitating injury 5
324. 82127 (5) Person E
Operating a snowmobile under the influence or while impaired or with the presence of a
controlled substance causing serious impairment
As amended, 2014 PA 403,
Eff. 3/31/15
324. 82128 (1) (c) Pub saf E
Operating a snowmobile under the influence or with the presence of a controlled sub-
stance – third or subsequent offense
As amended, 2014 PA 403,
Eff. 3/31/15
324. 82129 b (1) (b) Person E
Operating a snowmobile under the influence or impaired with a minor occupying the
snowmobile – subsequent offense
324. 82160 (1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
324. 82160 (2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information – second offense 7
324. 82160 (3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information – third or subsequent offense 15
MCL 777.13j
328. 232 Property E Conversion of funeral contracts 5
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
330. 1944 Pub saf F Criminal sexual psychopath leaving state without permission 4 1/9/07
333. 2685 Person E
Use of a live human embryo, fetus, or neonate for nontherapeutic research [See MCL
As amended, 2016 PA 387,
Eff. 3/29/17
333. 2688 Person E
Research on dead embryo, fetus, or neonate without mother’s consent [See MCL
As amended, 2016 PA 387,
Eff. 3/29/17
333. 2689 Person E Abortion to obtain embryo or fetus [See MCL 333.2691] 5
As amended, 2012 PA 539,
Eff. 4/1/13
333. 2690 Person E Sale or delivery of fetus or embryo [See MCL 333.2691] 5
333. 2690 (1) Person E Sale or delivery of fetus, embryo, or neonate for certain purposes [See MCL 333.2691] 5
Renumbered and amended,
2016 PA 387, Eff. 3/29/17
333. 2690 (2) Person E
Financially benefiting from granting certain persons access to an embryo, fetus, or neonate or from
transferring possession of an embryo, fetus, or neonate to certain persons [See MCL 333.2691]
333. 2813 (3) Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of social security number – subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
333. 2835 (9) Pub trst G Disclosing confidential information – abortion 3
333. 2841 (3) Pub ord E
Failure to inform law enforcement or funeral home of discovery of dead body with pur-
pose of concealing fact or cause of death
333. 5210 Person F AIDS – sexual penetration with uninformed partner 4
Replaced, 2018 PA 587,
Eff. 3/28/19
333. 5210 (1) Person F
Person who has HIV knowingly engaging in intercourse with uninfected person without
informing that he or she has HIV with intent to infect that person
As amended, 2018 PA 587,
Eff. 3/28/19
333. 5210 (2) Person F
Person who has HIV knowingly engaging in intercourse with uninfected person without
informing that he or she has HIV with reckless disregard and person contracting HIV
4 3/28/19
333. 5661 Person F Fraud resulting in patient death 4
333. 7340 CS F
Sale, distribution, or delivery of product containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine by
mail, internet, or telephone
4 10/1/06
333. 7340 c CS D
Soliciting another person to purchase or obtain ephedrine or pseudoephedrine to manu-
facture methamphetamine
10 1/1/15
333. 7340 c (2) CS D
Soliciting another person to purchase or obtain ephedrine or pseudoephedrine to manu-
facture methamphetamine
Renumbered, 2016 PA
126, Eff. 8/23/16
333. 7341 (8) CS G Delivery or manufacture of imitation controlled substance 2
333. 7401 (2) (a) (i) CS A Delivery or manufacture of 650 or more grams by juvenile LIFE
333. 7401 (2) (a) (i) CS A
Delivery/manufacture of 650 or more grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled sub-
LIFE 10/1/00
333. 7401 (2) (a) (i) CS A
Delivery or manufacture of 1,000 or more grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled
LIFE 3/1/03
333. 7401 (2) (a) (ii) CS A
Delivery/manufacture of 225+ but less than 650 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 con-
trolled substances
30 10/1/00
333. 7401 (2) (a) (ii)CS A
Delivery or manufacture of 450 or more but less than 1,000 grams of certain schedule 1
or 2 controlled substances
30 3/1/03
333. 7401 (2) (a) (iii) CS B
Delivery/manufacture of 50+ but less than 225 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 con-
trolled substances
333. 7401 (2) (a) (iii) CS B
Delivery or manufacture of 50 or more but less than 450 grams of certain schedule 1 or
2 controlled substances
20 3/1/03
333. 7401 (2) (a) (iv) CS D
Deliver or manufacture of less than 50 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled sub-
333. 7401 (2) (b) CS E Delivery or manufacture of schedule 1, 2, or 3 controlled substance except marijuana 7
333. 7401 (2) (b) (i) CS B Delivery or manufacture of methamphetamine 20 1/1/01
333. 7401 (2) (b) (i)CSB
Delivery or manufacture of methamphetamine or 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphet-
20 4/1/03
333. 7401 (2) (b) (ii) CS E Delivery or manufacture of certain schedule 1, 2, or 3 controlled substances 7 1/1/01
333. 7401 (2) (c) CS F Delivery or manufacture of schedule 4 controlled substance 4
333. 7401(2)(d)(i) CS C Delivery or manufacture of >45 kilos of marijuana 15
333. 7401 (2) (d) (i) CS C
Delivery or manufacture of 45 or more kilograms of marihuana or synthetic equivalents
of marihuana
As amended, 2016 PA 549,
Eff. 4/10/17
333. 7401(2)(d)(ii) CS D Delivery or manufacture of 5-45 kilos of marijuana 7
333. 7401 (2) (d) (ii) CS D
Delivery or manufacture of 5 or more but less than 45 kilograms of marihuana or syn-
thetic equivalents of marihuana
As amended, 2016 PA 549,
Eff. 4/10/17
333. 7401 (2) (d) (iii) CS F
Delivery or manufacture of less than 5 kilograms or 20 plants of marihuana or synthetic
equivalents of marihuana
As amended, 2016 PA 549,
Eff. 4/10/17
333. 7401 (2) (e) CS G Delivery or manufacture of schedule 5 controlled substance 2
333. 7401 (2) (f) CS D Delivery or manufacture of an official or counterfeit prescription form 20
Deleted, 2001 PA 236, Eff.
333. 7401 (2) (f) CS D Delivery or manufacture of prescription or counterfeit form other than official 7 1/6/03
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
333. 7401 (2) (f) CS D Delivery or manufacture of prescription form or counterfeit prescription form 7 3/1/03
333. 7401 (2) (g) CS D Delivery or manufacture of prescription or counterfeit form (other than official) 7
Rewritten as.7401(2)(f),
2001 PA 236
333. 7401 a Person B Delivering a controlled substance with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct 20 10/1/00
333. 7401 a Person B Delivering a controlled substance or GBL with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct 20 1/1/01
333. 7401 b (3) (a) CS E Delivery or manufacture of GBL 7 1/1/01
333. 7401 b (3) (b) CS G Possession of GBL 21/1/01
333. 7401 c (2) (a) CS D Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory 10 1/1/01
333. 7401 c (2) (b) CS B Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory in presence of minor 20 1/1/01
333. 7401 c (2) (c) CS B Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory involving hazardous waste 20 1/1/01
333. 7401 c (2) (d) CS B Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory near certain places 20 1/1/01
333. 7401 c (2) (e) CS A
Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory involving firearm or other
harmful device
25 1/1/01
333. 7401 c (2) (f) CS B Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory involving methamphetamine 20 4/1/04
333. 7402 (2) (a) CS D Delivery or manufacture of an imitation controlled substance 10
333. 7402 (2) (a) CS D Delivery or manufacture of certain imitation controlled substances 10 1/1/01
333. 7402 (2) (a) CS D Delivery or manufacture of certain counterfeit controlled substances 10 9/30/10
333. 7402 (2) (b) CS E Delivery or manufacture of schedule 1, 2, or 3 imitation controlled substance 5
333. 7402 (2) (b) CS E Delivery or manufacture of schedule 1, 2, or 3 counterfeit controlled substance 5 9/30/10
333. 7402 (2) (c) CS F Delivery or manufacture of imitation schedule 4 controlled substance 4
333. 7402 (2) (c) CS F Delivery or manufacture of counterfeit schedule 4 controlled substance 4 9/30/10
333. 7402 (2) (d) CS G Delivery or manufacture of imitation schedule 5 controlled substance 2
333. 7402 (2) (d) CS G Delivery or manufacture of counterfeit schedule 5 controlled substance 2 9/30/10
333. 7402 (2) (e) CS C Delivery or manufacture of controlled substance analogue 15
333. 7403 (2) (a) (i) CS A Possession of >649 grams by juvenile LIFE
333. 7403 (2) (a) (i) CS A
Possession of 650 or more grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled substances by
LIFE 10/1/00
333. 7403 (2) (a) (i) CS A Possession of 1,000 or more grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled substances LIFE 3/1/03
333. 7403 (2) (a) (ii) CS A
Possession of 225+ but less than 650 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled sub-
30 10/1/00
333. 7403 (2) (a) (ii)CS A
Possession of 450 or more but less than 1,000 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 con-
trolled substances
30 3/1/03
333. 7403 (2) (a) (iii) CS B Possession of 50-224 grams 20
333. 7403 (2) (a) (iii) CS B
Possession of 50+ but less than 225 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled sub-
20 10/1/00
333. 7403 (2) (a) (iii) CS B
Possession of 50 or more but less than 450 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled
20 3/1/03
333. 7403 (2) (a) (iii) CS B Possession of 25-49 grams 20
333. 7403 (2) (a) (iv) CS G
Possession of 25 or more but less than 50 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled
4 10/1/00
333. 7403 (2) (a) (v) CS G Possession of less than 25 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled substances 4
333. 7403 (2) (b) CS G Possession of certain schedule 1, 2, 3, or 4 controlled substances or analogue 2
333. 7403 (2) (b) (i) CS D Possession of methamphetamine 10 1/1/01
333. 7403 (2) (b) (i) CS D Possession of methamphetamine or 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine 10 4/1/03
333. 7403 (2) (b) (ii) CS G
Possession of certain schedule 1, 2, 3, or 4 controlled substances or controlled sub-
stance analogue
333. 7403 (2) (e) CS H Possession of official prescription form 1
Deleted, 2003 PA 311, Eff.
333. 7403 a CS F Fraudulently obtaining controlled substance or prescription for controlled substance 4 12/22/10
333. 7405 (a) CS G Controlled substance violations by licensee 2
333. 7405 (1) (a) CS G Controlled substance violations by licensee 2 12/22/10
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
333. 7405 (b) CS G Manufacturing or distribution violations by licensee 2
333 7405 (1) (b) CS G Manufacturing or distribution violations by licensee 2 12/22/10
333. 7405 (c) CS G Refusing lawful inspection 2
333. 7405 (1) (c) CS G Refusing lawful inspection 2 12/22/10
333. 7405 (d) CS G Maintaining drug house 2
333. 7405 (1) (d) CS G Maintaining drug house 2 12/22/10
333. 7405 (1) (e) CS G Unlawfully dispensing out-of-state prescription 2 12/22/10
333. 7407 (1) (a) CS G Controlled substance violations by licensee 4
333. 7407 (1) (b) CS G Use of fictitious, revoked, or suspended license number 4
333. 7407 (1) (c) CS G Obtaining controlled substance by fraud 4
333. 7407 (1) (d) CS G False reports under controlled substance article 4
333. 7407 (1) (e) CS G Possession of counterfeiting implements 4
333. 7407 (1) (f) CS F Disclosing or obtaining prescription information 4
Offense deleted, 2001 PA
236, Eff. 1/6/03
333. 7407 (1) (f) CS F Possession of counterfeit prescription form 4 1/6/03
333. 7407 (1) (g)* CS F Possession of counterfeit prescription form *[See MCL 333.7407(1)(f)] 4
Rewritten as 7407(1)(f),
2001 PA 236
333. 7407 (2) CS G Refusing to furnish records under controlled substance article 4
MCL 777.18
333. 7410 CS
Controlled substance delivery or distribution to minors or students Variable
333. 7410 CS
Controlled substance offense on or near school property Variable 10/1/00
333. 7410 CS
Controlled substance offense or offense involving GBL on or near school property Variable 1/1/01
333. 7410 CS
Controlled substance offense or offense involving GBL on or near school property or
As amended, 2006 PA 553,
Eff. 3/30/07
333. 7410 a CS G Controlled substance offense in or near a park 2 10/1/00
333. 7410 a CS G Controlled substance offense or offense involving GBL in or near a park 2 1/1/01
MCL 777.18
333 7413 (1) Pub trst
Subsequent controlled substance violations Variable
Renumbered, 2017 PA
267, Eff. 3/28/188
333. 7413 (2) Pub trst
Subsequent controlled substance violations Variable
333. 7413 (3) Pub trst
Subsequent controlled substance violations Variable
333. 7416 (1) (a) CS
Recruiting or inducing a minor to commit a controlled substance felony Variable
333. 7417 CS
Sell or offer to sell named product producing same or similar effect as scheduled ingre-
4 10/1/13
333. 10116 (1) Pub ord E Purchasing or selling body part of deceased individual for transplantation or therapy 5 3/17/2008
333. 10117 Pub ord E Falsifying, concealing, or defacing document of anatomical gift for financial gain 5 3/17/2008
333. 10204 (1) Pub ord F Transferring a human organ for valuable consideration 4
333. 10204 (4) Pub saf F Removal of a human organ by an unauthorized individual 4 9/1/99
333. 10205 Pub saf F Removal of a human organ in an unapproved facility 4 9/1/99
333. 13738 (2) Pub saf F Waste disposal violations – subsequent offense 5
As amended, 2012 PA 513,
Eff. 4/1/13
333. 13738 (3) Pub saf F Improper disposal of waste with indifference to human life 2
As amended, 2014 PA 279,
Eff. 9/30/14
333. 13738 (3) Pub saf B Improper disposal of waste with extreme indifference to human life 20
As amended, 2014 PA 279,
Eff. 9/30/14
333. 16170 (3) Pub trst F False representation of completion of health professional recovery program 4
As amended, 2014 PA 279,
Eff. 9/30/14
333. 16294 Pub saf F Unauthorized practice of health profession 4
As amended, 2014 PA 279,
Eff. 9/30/14
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
333. 17748 d (2) Person G Compounding pharmacy violation 2 9/30/14
333. 17748 d (3) Person F Compounding pharmacy violation resulting in personal injury 4 9/30/14
333. 17748 d (4) Person E Compounding pharmacy violation resulting in serious impairment of a body function 5 9/30/14
333. 17748 d (5) Person C Compounding pharmacy violation resulting in death 15 9/30/14
333. 17764 (3) Pub saf G Adulterating, misbranding, removing, or substituting a drug or device 2
As amended, 2014 PA 279,
Eff. 9/30/14
333. 17764 (4) Pub saf F
Adulterating, misbranding, removing, or substituting a drug or device resulting in per-
sonal injury
As amended, 2014 PA 279,
Eff. 9/30/14
333. 17764 (5) Pub saf E
Adulterating, misbranding, removing, or substituting a drug or device resulting in serious
impairment of a body function
As amended, 2014 PA 279,
Eff. 9/30/14
333. 17764 (6) Pub saf C Adulterating, misbranding, removing, or substituting a drug or device resulting in death 15
As amended, 2014 PA 279,
Eff. 9/30/14
333. 17766 a (2) CS F Possession of steroids – subsequent offense 4
Deleted, 2003 PA 309, Eff.
333. 17766 a (3) CS E Delivery or manufacture of steroids 7
Deleted, 2003 PA 309, Eff.
333. 17766 a (4) CS G Delivery of imitation steroids 7
Deleted, 2003 PA 309, Eff.
333. 17766 c (2) CS G Possession of more than 10 grams ephedrine 2
Eff. 1/1/99 to 4/1/04, 2003
PA 309
333. 17766 c (2) CS G Possession of more than 12 grams ephedrine or pseudoephedrine 2 4/1/04
333. 17766 c (2) (b) CS G Possessing more than 12 grams ephedrine or pseudoephedrine 2
As amended, 2014 PA 279,
Eff. 9/30/14
333. 17766 c (2) (c) CS E
Purchasing or possessing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine knowing or having reason to
know that it is to be used to manufacture methamphetamine
333. 20142 (5) Pub trst F False statement in application for licensure as health facility 4
As amended, 2014 PA 279,
Eff. 9/30/14
333. 20153 Pub saf D Reuse of single-use medical device 10
333. 21792 Pub trst G Nursing home accepting referral fees, bribing officials, or accepting bribes 4
As amended, 2014 PA 279,
Eff. 9/30/14
333. 26424 (k) Pub trst G
Selling marihuana in violation of registry identification card restrictions [under Michigan
Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA)]
2 4/1/13
333. 26424 (l)Pub trstG
Selling marihuana in violation of registry identification card restrictions [under Michigan
Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA)]
Renumbered, 2016 PA
547, Eff. 1/10/17
333. 27407 a (c) Pub saf F
Operating medical marihuana facility without a license resulting in death or serious
Added, 2018 PA 583,
Eff. 12/28/18
338. 823 Pub trst F Private detective license act violation 4 10/1/02
338. 1053 Pub trst F Private security business and security alarm act violation 4 3/28/01
338. 3434 a (2) Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of a social security number – subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
338. 3471 (1) (b) Pub trst G Michigan immigration clerical assistant act violation - subsequent offense 2 3/30/05
338. 3621 (1) (b) Pub trst G Michigan immigration clerical assistant act violation - subsequent offense 2
Substituted for by MCL
338. 3649 a (2) Pub saf E
Michigan boxing and mixed martial arts regulatory act violation – professional in mixed
martial arts contest with amateur
339. 601 (6) (b) Pub trst G
Unauthorized practice of residential building, residential maintenance, or alteration con-
tracting – second or subsequent offense
339. 601 (6) (c) Pub trst F
Unauthorized practice of residential building, residential maintenance, or alteration con-
tracting causing serious injury or death
339. 601 (7) (c) Pub trst F Unauthorized operation of a school teaching an occupation causing serious injury/death 4 12/23/08
339. 601 (7) (c) Pub trst F
Unauthorized practice of or unauthorized operation of a school teaching, architecture
prof engineering, or prof land surveyor causing serious injury/death
339. 735 Pub trst E Unauthorized practice of public accounting 5 12/19/05
339. 5601 (5) Pub trst E
Unauthorized practice of an occupation under the skilled trades regulation act – third or
subsequent offense
380. 1230 d (3) (a) Pub saf G Failure by school employee to report charge or conviction 2 9/29/05
380. 1816 Pub trst F Improper use of bond proceeds 4 3/30/05
388. 936 Pub trst F Knowingly making false statement to obtain school district loan 4
As amended, 2015 PA 184,
Eff. 2/10/16
388. 962 Pub trst F Knowingly making false statement – school district loans 4
Deleted, 2005 PA 125, Eff.
388. 1237 Pub trst F
Making false statement or concealing material info to obtain qualification of school bond
issue/improper use of proceeds
Substituted for by MCL
388. 1937 Pub trst F
Making false statement or concealing material info to obtain qualification of school bond
issue/improper use of proceeds
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
400. 60 (2) Property H Welfare – obtaining over $500 by failure to inform 4
400. 293 Pub trst E Charitable organizations and solicitations act violations 5 3/30/11
400. 603 Pub trst G Medicaid fraud – false statement in benefit/concealing information 4
400. 604 Pub trst G Medicaid fraud – kickback/referral fees 4
400. 605 Pub trst G Medicaid fraud – false statement regarding institutions 4
400. 606 Property E Medicaid fraud – conspiracy 10
400. 607 Pub trst G Medicaid fraud – false claim/medically unnecessary 4
400. 609 Property D Medicaid fraud – fourth or subsequent offense 10
400. 713 (13) Pub saf H Adult foster care – unlicensed facility – first offense 2
400. 713 (13) Pub saf H Adult foster care – unlicensed facility 27/1/01
400. 713 (13) Pub saf F Adult foster care – unlicensed facility – second or subsequent violation 5
400. 713 (13) Pub saf F Adult foster care – unlicensed facility – subsequent violation 5 7/1/01
400. 722 (4) Pub saf F Adult foster care – maintaining operation after refusal of licensure 5
408. 1035 (5) Pub saf I MIOSHA violation – first offense 1
408. 1035 (5) Person H MIOSHA violation causing employee death 1 10/1/00
408. 1035 (5) Pub saf G MIOSHA violation – second offense 3
408. 1035 (5) Person G MIOSHA violation causing employee death – subsequent offense 3 10/1/00
408. 1035 a (5) Pub saf I MIOSHA – violations/writs of mandamus/assaults – first offense 1
408. 1035 a (5) Person H MIOSHA violation causing employee death 1 10/1/00
408. 1035 a (5) Pub saf G MIOSHA – violations/writs of mandamus/assaults – second offense 3
408. 1035 a (5) Person G MIOSHA violation causing employee death – subsequent offense 3 10/1/00
409. 122 (2) Pub ord G Employment of children during certain hours – second offense 2
409. 122 (2) Person G Employment of children during certain hours – second offense 2 10/1/00
409. 122(2) Person E Employment of children during certain hours – third offense 10
409. 122 (2) Person E Employment of children during certain hours – third or subsequent offense 10 10/1/00
409. 122 (3) Person D Employment of children in child sexually abusive activity 20
421. 54 (a) (ii) (B) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – failure to comply with act/rule $25,000-$100,000 2
421. 54 (a) (ii) (C) Property G Unemployment comp fraud – failure to comply with act/rule over $100,000 5
421. 54 (a) (iv) (B) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – willful violation of act/rule over $100,000 2
421. 54 (b) (ii) (B) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – false statement or misrepresentation over $25,000 2
421. 54 (b) (ii) (C) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – false statement or misrepresentation without actual loss 2
421. 54 (d) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – disclose confidential information for financial gain 1
421. 54 (m) Property H
Unemployment comp fraud – knowing false statement or representation or failure to dis-
close material fact $3,500 – $25,000
421. 54 a Property G Unemployment comp fraud – false statement as condition of employment 10
421. 54 b (1) (b) (i) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – conspiracy with loss of $25,000 or less 2
421. 54 b (1) (b) (ii) Property G Unemployment comp fraud – conspiracy with loss over $25,000 5
421. 54 b (1) (b) (iii) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – conspiracy with no actual loss 2
421. 54 c (1) (b) (ii) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – embezzlement of $25,000 to under $100,000 2
421. 54 c (1) (b) (iii) Property G Unemployment comp fraud – embezzlement of $100,000 or more 5
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
421. 54 c (1) (b) (iv) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – embezzlement with no actual loss 2
426. 106 Property E Marking of logs and timber – forging 5
Deleted, 2000 PA 279, Eff.
431. 257 Pub trst G Horse racing – delivery of unclaimed winnings 2
As amended, 2016 PA 272,
Eff. 7/1/16
431. 307 (8) Pub trst G Horse racing – testifying falsely to commissioner while under oath 4
431. 317 (9) Pub trst E Horse racing – accepting wagers on live or simulcast horse races without a license 5 7/1/16
431. 330 (4) Pub trst G Horse racing – administering a drug that could affect racing condition 5
431. 330 (6) Pub trst G Horse racing – administering a drug that could affect racing condition 5
Renumbered, 2016 PA
272, Eff. 7/1/16
431. 332 Pub trst G Horse racing – influencing or attempting to influence result of race 5
432. 30 Property G Lottery – forgery of tickets 5
432. 151 (2) Pub trst G Bingo – false statements 2
Deleted, 2020 PA 14,
Eff. 1/27/20
432. 218 Pub ord D Casino gaming offenses 10
432. 313 Pub ord D Internet gaming offenses 10
Added, 2019 PA 151,
Eff. 12/20/19
432. 413 Pub ord D Sports betting offenses 10
Added, 2020 PA 14,
Eff. 1/27/20
432. 513 Pub ord E Fantasy contest offenses – third or subsequent violation 5
Added, 2020 PA 14,
Eff. 1/27/20
MCL 777.14f
436. 1701 (2) Person D Selling alcohol to a minor and causing death 10
436. 1909 (3) Pub ord H Liquor violation 1
436. 1909 (4) (a) Pub ord F Unauthorized sale, delivery, or importation of spirits – 80,000 ml or more 4 4/1/11
436. 1909 (5) (a) Pub ord F Unauthorized sale, delivery, or importation of beer or wine 4 10/10/17
436. 1919 Pub ord H Fraudulent documents, labels, or stamps 1
438. 41 Property E Criminal usury 5
440. 9307 (4) Property G Farming – illegal sale of secured products 3
Replaced by 9320(8), 2000
PA 348, Eff. 7/1/01
440. 9320 (8) Property G Farming – illegal sale of secured products 3 7/1/01
440. 9501 Pub trst E Filing a false or fraudulent financing statement with the secretary of state 5 1/1/05
440. 9501a Pub trst E Filing false affidavit of fraudulent financing statement 5 12/29/08
442. 219 Pub trst E Sales – false statement 5
Reworded, 2008 PA 382,
Eff. 12/29/08
442. 219 Pub trst E False statement in application for license to conduct certain sales 5
As amended, 2008 PA 382,
Eff. 12/29/08
443. 50 Pub trst E Issuing warehouse receipt for goods not received 5
443. 52 Pub trst E Issuing duplicate warehouse receipt not so marked 5
444. 13 Pub trst H Warehousemen and warehouse receipts 2
444. 107 Pub trst E Warehouse certificates – willfully alter or destroy 5
445. 33 (2) (b) Pub ord E Mail theft – second or subsequent offense 5
Added, 2019 PA 49, Eff.
445. 65 Pub ord E Identity theft 53/1/05
445. 65 Pub ord D Identity theft – second offense 10 4/1/11
445. 65 Pub ord C Identity theft – third or subsequent offense 15 4/1/11
445. 67 Pub ord E
Obtain/possess/sell/transfer personal identifying info/falsify police report - intent to com-
mit identity theft
3/1/05; reworded, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
445. 67 Pub ord E
Solicit/obtain/possess/sell/transfer personal identifying info/falsify police report - intent to
commit identity theft
As amended, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 67 Pub ord D
Obtain/possess/sell/transfer personal identifying info of another/falsify police report -
intent to commit identity theft – second offense
10 4/1/11
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
445. 67 Pub ord C
Obtain/possess/sell/transfer personal identifying info/falsify police report - intent to com-
mit identity theft – third or subsequent offense
15 4/1/11
445. 408 (2) Pub ord F Buying or selling stolen scrap metal 3 3/30/07
445. 408 (2) Pub ord E Buying or selling stolen scrap metal 5
As amended, 2008 PA 386,
Eff. 12/29/08
445. 408 (3) Pub ord E
Buying/selling stolen scrap metal from utility pole, telecom corp/govt/utility property or
5 3/30/07
445. 408 (3) Pub ord E Buying/selling stolen scrap metal – second or subsequent offense 5
As amended, 2008 PA 386,
Eff. 12/29/08
445. 408 (3) Pub ord E Buying/selling stolen scrap metal – subsequent offense 5
As amended, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 433 (2) Pub ord E Knowingly buying or selling stolen nonferrous metal articles 5
As amended, 2008 PA 386,
Eff. 12/29/08
445. 487 (2) Pub ord H Precious metal and gem dealer failure to record material matter – subsequent offense 2
445. 488 (2) Pub ord H Precious metal and gem dealer violations – subsequent offense 2
445. 489 Pub ord H Precious metal and gem dealer violations 2
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 489 Pub ord H
Precious metal and gem dealer failing to record transaction or falsifying transaction
record, or making improper purchase
As amended, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 490 Pub ord H Precious metal and gem dealer failure to obtain a certificate of registration 2
445. 574a (2) (d) Pub ord H Improper return of 10,000 or more nonrefundable containers 5 12/29/08
445. 574a (3) (d) Pub ord H Improper acceptance or delivery of 10,000 or more nonrefundable containers by dealer 5 12/29/08
445. 574a (4) (d) Pub ord H
Improper acceptance or delivery of 10,000 or more nonrefundable containers by distrib-
445. 667 Pub ord G
Changing, altering, or modifying reverse vending machine or data for reverse vending
445. 779 Pub ord H Antitrust violation 2
445. 1505 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – fraudulent filing/offers 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1505 Pub trst G Fraudulent filing, offer, or sale of franchise 7
As amended, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1508 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – sale without proper disclosure 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1508 Pub trst G Sale of franchise without proper disclosure7
As amended, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1513 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – illegal offers/sales 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1513 Pub trst G Illegal offer or sale of franchise 7
As amended, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1520 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – keeping records 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1520 Pub trst G Failure to keep or maintain record of sale of franchise 7
As amended, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1521 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – false representation 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1521 Pub trst G
False representation of departmental finding, recommendation, or approval of franchise
As amended, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1523 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – false statements of material fact 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1523 Pub trst G False statement of material fact to department of attorney general regarding franchise 7
As amended, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1525 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – false advertising 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1525 Pub trst G False advertising of franchise 7
As amended, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1528 Pub trst D Pyramid/chain promotions – offer or sell 7
Deleted, 2018 PA 188, Eff
445. 1528 Pub trst D Offer or sale of franchise through pyramid or chain promotion 7
Deleted, 2018 PA 188, Eff.
445. 1671 Pub trst E Mortgage brokers, lenders – knowingly giving a false statement 15
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1671 Pub trst E False statement in required report by mortgage broker or lender 15
As amended, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1679 Pub trst H Mortgage brokers act – general violations 3
Deleted, 2008 PA 65, Eff.
445. 2081 Pub ord E Purchasing or selling stolen plastic bulk merchandise containers 5 6/20/12
445. 2507 (2) Pub ord F Violation of unsolicited commercial e-mail protection act in furtherance of crime 4 9/30/03
445. 2583 Pub trst F Establish, promote, or operate a pyramid promotional scheme 7 9/11/18
MCL 777.14j
450. 775 Pub ord H Corporations – minority and woman owned businesses 2
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
450. 795 Pub ord H Corporations – handicapper business opportunity act 2
451. 319 Pub trst G Securities, real estate, and debt management – violation 2
451. 434 Pub trst H Debt management act – licensee violations 2
451. 501 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – fraudulent schemes/statements 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 502 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – investment advisor/agent fraud 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 503 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – make/sell false bullion/certificates 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 601 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – unregistered broker/dealer/agent/advisor 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 603 (h) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – fail to notify administrator of sanctions 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (J) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (K) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (L) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (M) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (N) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (O) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (P) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (Q) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (R) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (S) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (V) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (W) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (X) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (Y) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 604 (a) (1) (Z) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 701 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – offer/sell unregistered securities 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 802 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – unlawfully selling securities 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 804 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – willful false statements 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 805 (b) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – false representation of administrative approval 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 806 (b) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – improper disclosure by cor and sec bur employee 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552, Eff.
451. 2508 Pub trst E Securities act violation 10 1/16/09
462. 257 (1) Person A Trains – endangering travel LIFE
462. 353 (5) Pub saf F Operating a locomotive under the influence – third or subsequent offense 4
462. 353 (5) Pub saf E Operating a locomotive under the influence – third or subsequent offense 4 7/1/01
462. 353 (5) Pub saf E Operating a locomotive under the influence – third or subsequent offense 5 4/1/03
462. 353 (6) Person C Operating locomotive under the influence or while impaired causing death 15 4/1/03
462. 353 (7) Person E Operating locomotive under the influence or while impaired causing serious impairment 5 4/1/03
472. 21 Pub saf A
Causing derailment of streetcar/tram/trolley or endangering life of person working/travel-
ing by streetcar/tram/trolley
LIFE 1/12/09
472. 36 Pub saf A Street railways – obstruction of track LIFE
482. 44 Property H Bills of lading – issuance for goods not received 5
482. 46 Property H Bills of lading – issuance of duplicate not so marked 5
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
482. 46 Property H Bills of lading – issuance of duplicate negotiable bill with intent to defraud 5
As amended, 2006 PA 251,
Eff. 7/3/06
482. 48 Property H Bills of lading – negotiation when goods not in carriers' possession 5
482. 49 Property H Bills of lading – inducing carrier to issue when goods have not been received 5
482. 50 Property H Bills of lading – issuance of non-negotiable bill not so marked 5
483. 226 Pub trst E Officer of a pipeline company – intent to defraud – stock 10
Deleted, 2006 PA 251, Eff.
487. 1042 (1) Pub trst E
Money transmission - intentional false statement/misrepresentation/certification in
487. 1042 (2) Pub trst E Criminal fraud in the conduct of money transmission services business 5 7/3/06
487. 1042 (3) Pub trst E Money transmission services act license violation 5 7/3/06
487. 1505 (6) Pub trst E BIDCO act – knowingly receiving money or property at an interest rate exceeding 25% 5
492. 137 (a) Pub trst H Installment sales of motor vehicles 3
493. 56 a (13) Pub trst C False statement in reports – secondary mortgage 15
493. 77 (2) Pub trst H Regulatory loans 3
493. 77 (2) Pub trst H Second mortgage loan act licensing violation 3
Deleted, 2008 PA 323, Eff.
12/18/08 Deleted, 2008
500. 1325 (3) Pub trst E Insurance code – knowingly misrepresenting false financial condition 5
500. 1371 Pub trst H Holding companies – violation 2
500. 1505 (2) Pub trst C Insurance code – license and regulatory violations 15
500. 4511 (1) Pub trst F Insurance code – fraudulent insurance act 4
500. 4511 (2) Pub trst D Insurance fraud – agreement or conspiracy to commit 10
500. 5252 (4) Property G Insurance – improper personal interest in transactions 5
500. 7034 (2) Pub trst E Officer of a MEWA knowingly receive valuables for sale property or loan 10
500. 8197 (2) Pub trst C Insurance – knowing or willful false statements in application for insurance 15
500. 8197 (3) Property E Consolidation merger – compensation otherwise than expressed in contract 5
551. 6 Person H Marriage license – mental or venereal disease 5
Deleted, 2001 PA 10, Eff.
551. 102 (2) Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of social security number – subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
554. 836 Property E Real and property – living care disclosure act 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 152,
Eff. 8/23/10
554. 836 Property E Living care disclosure act – violation 7
Deleted, 2014 PA 451, Eff.
554. 985 Property E Continuing care community disclosure act – knowing violation 7 1/2/15
565. 371 Property G Fraudulent conveyances – recording with intent to deceive 3
565. 827 Pub trst E Land sales act – false or fraudulent statement 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 451, Eff.
570. 152 Property G Contractor – fraudulent use of building contract fund 3
570. 1110 Property F Contractor – false sworn statements over $100 4
Deleted, 2001 PA 152, Eff.
570. 1110 (11) (c) Property E Contractor – false sworn statement involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5
1/1/02; as amended, 2010
PA 152, Eff. 8/23/10
570. 1110 (c) Property E Contractor – false sworn statement involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5
1/1/02; renumbered, 2010
PA 152, Eff. 8/23/10
570. 1110 (11) (d) Property D Contractor – false sworn statement involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
1/1/02; as amended, 2010
PA 152, Eff. 8/23/10
570. 1110 (d) Property D Contractor – false sworn statement involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
1/1/02; renumbered, 2010
PA 152, Eff. 8/23/10
570. 1207 Property G Construction liens – false information 4
Deleted, 2010 PA 152, Eff.
600. 908 (8) Pub trst E Immunity to witness – committing perjury 15
600. 2136 Pub trst E Library record, book, paper – false certification in court 15
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
600. 2907 a Property G Recording documents affecting property without lawful cause 3
600. 2916 Pub saf G Revised judicature act – lethal gases for fumigation 4
600. 8713 Pub trst G Revised judicature act – false statement by authorized local officials 15
600. 8813 Pub trst E Law enforcement officer – knowingly making false statement in a citation 15
MCL 777.15f
710. 54 (11) Pub trst F Offer to give other consideration – adoption – subsequent violation 4
710. 55 (1) Pub trst F
Adoption – persons not authorized to place child or to advertise for, solicit, or recruit for
adoption – subsequent violation
As amended, 2016 PA 484,
Eff. 4/6/17
710. 69 Person F Michigan adoption law – subsequent offense 4
711. 1 (8) Pub trst E Intentional false statement in petition for name change 15
712A. 6 b (3) Pub ord G Violation of court order – subsequent conviction 2 10/1/00
722. 115 e (2) (a) Pub saf G
Failure to report arraignment for criminal charges - child care centers, day care centers,
and employees
2 1/1/06
722 115 e (5) (a) Pub saf G
Failure to report arraignment for criminal charges - licensed child care organizations and
Renumbered, 2017 PA
259, Eff. 3/28/18
722. 115 f (8) (a) Pub saf G
Failure to report arraignment for criminal charges - family day care and group day care
2 1/1/06
722. 115 f (8) (a) Pub saf G
Failure to report arraignment on criminal charges - family child care / group child care
Deleted, 2017 PA 259, Eff.
722. 115 i (2) (a) Pub saf G
Failure to report arraignment on criminal charges - foster family / foster family group
722. 115 l (b) Pub ord F False report initiating special investigation Variable 6/1/08
722 115 l (4) (b) Pub ord F False report initiating high-risk special investigation Variable
Renumbered 2017 PA 259,
Eff. 3/28/18
722. 633 (5) (b) Person F Intentional false report of child abuse constituting a felony 4
722. 633 (5) (b) Person F Intentional false report of child abuse constituting a felony Variable
As amended, 2005 PA 106,
Eff. 9/14/05,
722. 675 Pub ord E Distributing obscene matter to children 2
722. 857 Person E Surrogate parenting act – contracts involving minors, mentally retarded, etc. 5
722. 857 Person E Surrogate parenting contracts involving minors or intellectually disabled 5
As amended, 2005 PA 106, Eff. 9/14/
05; 2005 PA 134, Eff. 1/1/06; 2014 PA
76, Eff. 3/28/14
722. 859 (3) Person E Surrogate parenting act – contracts for compensation 5
722. 859 (3) Person E Surrogate parenting contracts for compensation 5
As amended, 2005 PA 106, Eff. 9/14/
05, and 2005 PA 134, Eff. 1/1/06
750. 11 Person A Taking a woman and compelling her to marry LIFE
Deleted, 2010 PA 97, Eff.
750. 12 Person H Taking a woman with intent to compel her to marry 10
Deleted, 2010 PA 97, Eff.
750. 13 Person D Enticing female under 16 for immoral purposes 10
750. 14 Person C Abortion resulting in death of female 15
750. 14 Person G Abortion 4
750. 16 (1) Person G Adulterate, misbrand, remove, or substitute a drug or medicine 2 10/12/04
750. 16 (2) Person F Adulterate, misbrand, remove, or substitute a drug or medicine causing personal injury 4 10/12/04
750. 16 (3) Person E
Adulterate/misbrand/remove/substitute a drug/medicine - serious impairment of body
750. 16 (4) Person C Adulterate, misbrand, remove, or substitute a drug or medicine resulting in death 15 10/12/04
750. 18 (3) Person G
Mix/color/stain/powder a drug/medicine with an ingredient/material affecting quality/
750. 18 (4) Person F
Mix/color/stain/powder a drug/medicine w/ ingredient/material resulting in personal
750. 18 (5) Person E Mix/color/stain/powder a drug/medicine resulting in serious impairment of body function 5 10/12/04
750. 18 (6) Person C Mix/color/stain/powder a drug/medicine w/ ingredient/material resulting in death 15 10/12/04
750. 30 Pub ord H Adultery 4
750. 32 Pub ord H Cohabitation of divorced parties 4
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 43 a Pub saf E
Aiming a beam of directed energy emitted from a directed energy device at or into path
of aircraft or a moving train
750. 45 a (1) Pub saf F Using an unmanned aircraft in a manner that interferes with certain facilities 4 3/28/19
750. 45 a (2) Pub saf F
Flying over or causing an unmanned aircraft to hover over facility designated on federal
750. 49 (2) (a) Pub ord F Fighting animals or providing facilities for animal fights 4
750. 49 (2) (b) Pub ord F Fighting animals or providing facilities for animal fights 4
750. 49 (2) (c) Pub ord F Fighting animals or providing facilities for animal fights 4
750. 49 (2) (d) Pub ord F Fighting animals or providing facilities for animal fights 4
750. 49 (2) (e) Pub ord F Organizing or promoting animal fights 4
750. 49 (2) (f) Pub ord H Attending animal fight 4
750. 49 (2) (g) Pub ord F Breeding or selling fighting animals 4
750. 49 (2) (h) Pub ord F Selling or possessing equipment for animal fights 4
750. 49 (8) Person A Inciting fighting animal resulting in death LIFE
750. 49 (9) Person F Inciting fighting animal to attack 4
750. 49 (10) Person D Fighting animal attacking without provocation and death resulting 15
750. 50 (4) Pub ord G Animal neglect or cruelty – second offense 2
Replaced, 2007 PA 151,
Eff. 4/1/08
750. 50 (4) (c) Pub ord G Animal neglect or cruelty involving 4 or more but fewer than 10 animals or with 1 prior 2 4/1/08
750. 50 (4) Pub ord F Animal neglect or cruelty – third or subsequent offense 4
Replaced, 2007 PA 151,
Eff. 4/1/08
750. 50 (4) (d) Pub ord F
Animal neglect or cruelty involving 10 or more animals or with 2 or more prior convic-
4/1/08, amended, 2018 PA
652, Eff. 3/28/19
750. 50 (4) (d) Pub ord F
Animal neglect or cruelty involving 10 or more animals but fewer than 25 animals or with
2 prior convictions
As amended, 2018 PA 652,
Eff. 3/28/19
750. 50 (4) (e) Pub ord E
Animal neglect or cruelty involving 25 or more animals or with 3 or more prior convic-
750. 50 (4) (f) Pub ord G
Animal neglect or cruelty by breeder or pet shop operator with 5 or more prior violations
of 1969 PA 287, MCL 287.331 to 287.340.
750. 50 b (2) Property F Killing or torturing animals 4
Replaced, 2008 PA 562,
Eff. 1/16/09
750. 50 b (3) Property F Killing or torturing animals 4
As amended, 2008 PA 562,
Eff. 1/16/09, Amended,
750. 50 b (3) Property D First degree killing or torturing animals 10
As amended, 2018 PA 652,
Eff. 3/28/19
750. 50 b (4) Property E Second degree killing or torturing animals 73/28/19
750. 50 b (5) Property F Third degree killing or torturing animals 4 3/28/19
750. 50 c (5) Pub ord E Killing or causing serious physical harm to law enforcement animal 5
750. 50 c (5) Pub ord E
Killing or causing serious physical harm to law enforcement animal or search and res-
cue dog
As amended, 2006 PA 518,
Eff. 12/29/06
750. 50 c (7) Pub saf H Harassing or causing harm to law enforcement animal while committing crime 2
750. 50 c (7) Pub saf H
Harassing/harming law enforcement animal or search and rescue dog while committing
As amended, 2006 PA 518,
Eff. 12/29/06
750. 68 Property G Changing brands with intent to steal 4
750. 72 Person B Arson of dwelling house 20
750. 72 Person A First degree arson LIFE
As amended, 2013 PA 124,
Eff. 10/1/13
750. 73 Property D Arson of real property 10
750. 73 Person B Second degree arson 20
As amended, 2013 PA 124,
Eff. 10/1/13
750. 74 Person F Arson of personal property greater than $50 4
750. 74 Person E Arson of personal property having a value of $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 74 Property D Third degree arson 10
As amended, 2013 PA 124,
Eff. 10/1/13
750. 74 (1) (d) Person D Arson of personal property of $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
Deleted, 2012 PA 534, Eff.
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 75 Property E Fourth degree arson 5
As amended, 2013 PA 124,
Eff. 10/1/13
750. 76 (3) (a) Person A Arson of insured dwelling LIFE
As amended, 2013 PA 124,
Eff. 10/1/13
750. 76 (3) (b) Property B Arson of insured building or structure 20 4/3/13
750. 76 (3) (c) Property D Arson of insured personal property 10 4/3/13
750. 77 Person F Preparing to burn personal property greater than $50 4
750. 77 (1) (c) Person E
Preparing to burn personal property having value of $1,000 to $20,000 or w/ prior con-
Deleted, 2012 PA 534, Eff.
750. 77 (1) (d) Person D Preparing to burn personal property of $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
Deleted, 2012 PA 534, Eff.
750. 78 Pub saf F Arson of woods and prairies 4
Deleted, 2012 PA 534, Eff.
750. 79 Pub saf F Violating township rules concerning clearing of land and burning 4
Deleted, 2012 PA 534, Eff.
750. 79 (1) (c) Property E
Preparing to burn with intent to commit arson of $1,000 or more but less than $20,000,
or with prior conviction
As amended, 2014 PA 112,
Eff. 7/9/14
750. 79 (1) (d) Property D
Preparing to burn with intent to commit arson of $20,000, or more, or with 2 or more
prior convictions, or with intent to commit insurance fraud, or causing injury
As amended, 2014 PA 112,
Eff. 7/9/14
750. 79 (1) (e) Property C
Preparing to burn with intent to commit arson of dwelling or to commit insurance fraud,
or causing injury
As amended, 2014 PA 112,
Eff. 7/9/14
750. 81 (4) Person G Domestic assault – third offense 2
750. 81 (4) Person G Domestic assault with prior convictions 2 10/1/00
750. 81 (4) Person E Domestic assault with prior convictions 5
As amended, 2012 PA 365,
Eff. 4/1/13
750. 81 (5) Person E Domestic assault or assault of a pregnant individual with prior convictions 5
As amended, 2016 PA 88,
Eff. 7/25/16
750. 81 a (3) Person G Aggravated domestic assault – second offense 2
750. 81 a (3) Person G Aggravated domestic assault with prior convictions 2 10/1/00
750. 81 a (3) Person E Aggravated domestic assault with prior convictions 5
As amended, 2012 PA 365,
Eff. 4/1/13
750. 81 c (2) Person G Assault and battery of an FIA employee 2
9/1/01; no longer listed in
MCL 777.16d
750. 81 c (3) Person E Assault and battery of an FIA employee causing serious impairment 5
9/1/01; no longer listed in
MCL 777.16d
750. 81 d (1) Person G Assaulting, resisting, or obstructing certain persons 2 7/15/02
750. 81 d (2) Person F Assaulting, resisting, or obstructing certain persons causing injury 4 7/15/02
750. 81 d (3) Person C Assaulting, resisting, or obstructing certain persons causing serious impairment 15 7/15/02
750. 81 d (4) Person B Assaulting, resisting, or obstructing certain persons causing death 20 7/15/02
750 81 e (2) Person G Assault on utility worker causing bodily injury requiring medical attention 2 7/21/10
750 81 e (3) Person E Assault on utility worker causing serious impairment of a body function 5 7/21/10
750. 82 (1) Person F Felonious assault 4
750. 82 (2) Person F Felonious assault – weapon-free school zone 4
750. 83 Person A Assault with intent to murder LIFE
750. 84 Person D Assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder 10
750. 84 (1) (a) Person D Assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder 10
As amended, 2012 PA 365,
Eff. 4/1/13
750. 84 (1) (b) Person D Assault by strangulation or suffocation 10 4/1/13
750. 85 Person A Torture LIFE 3/1/06
750. 86 Person D Assault with intent to maim 10
750. 87 Person D Assault with intent to commit a felony 10
750. 88 Person C Assault with intent to commit unarmed robbery 15
750. 89 Person A Assault with intent to commit armed robbery LIFE
750. 90 Person D Sexual intercourse under pretext of medical treatment 10
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 90 a Person A
Assault against a pregnant individual causing miscarriage/stillbirth with intent or reck-
LIFE 10/1/00
750. 90 a Person A
Assault against a pregnant person causing miscarriage/stillbirth/death to embryo/fetus
w/ intent or recklessness
LIFE 6/1/01
750. 90 b (a) Person C Assault against a pregnant individual resulting in miscarriage or stillbirth 15 10/1/00
750. 90 b (a) Person C
Assault against a pregnant individual resulting in miscarriage/stillbirth/death to embryo
or fetus
15 6/1/01
750. 90 b (b) Person D Assault against a pregnant individual resulting in great bodily harm to embryo or fetus 10 10/1/00
750. 90 c (a) Person C Gross negligence against a pregnant individual resulting in miscarriage or stillbirth 15 10/1/00
750. 90 c (a) Person C
Gross negligence against a pregnant individual resulting in miscarriage/stillbirth/death to
embryo or fetus
15 6/1/01
750. 90 c (b) Person E
Gross negligence against a pregnant individual resulting in great bodily harm to embryo
or fetus
5 10/1/00
750. 90 d (a) Person C OUIL causing miscarriage or stillbirth 15 10/1/00
750. 90 d (a) Person C
Operating under the influence/impaired causing miscarriage/stillbirth/death to embryo or
15 6/1/01
750. 90 d (b) Person E
Operating under the influence/impaired causing serious or aggravated injury to embryo/
5 10/1/00
750. 90 e Person G Careless or reckless driving causing miscarriage or stillbirth 2 10/1/00
750. 90 e Person G Careless or reckless driving causing miscarriage, stillbirth, or death to embryo or fetus 2 6/1/01
750. 90 g (3) Person A Performance of procedure on live infant with intent to cause death LIFE 3/10/00
750. 90 h Person G Performing or assisting in performance of partial-birth abortion 2 1/1/12
750. 91 Person A Attempted murder LIFE
750. 93 Property G Removing or destroying bonds in state treasury 10
750. 94 Property G Issuing bank notes without complying with requirements 10
750. 95 Property G Fraudulent bank notes 10
750. 96 Property G Fraudulent disposal of bank property 4
750. 97 Property H Statements derogatory to financial condition of bank 4
Deleted, 2015 PA 213, Eff.
750. 98 Pub ord G Private banking 4
750. 99 Pub trst G Certifying checks without sufficient funds 4
750. 100 Pub trst E Banks – conducting business when insolvent 5
750. 101 Pub trst E Violating financial institutions act 5
750. 104 Property F Fitting boat with intent to destroy 4
750. 105 Property G Making false cargo invoice for boat 4
750. 106 Property G Boats – making or procuring false protest 4
Deleted by 2018 PA 285,
Eff. 9/27/18
MCL 777.16f
750. 110 Property D Breaking and entering with intent to commit felony or larceny 10
750. 110 a (2) Person B Home invasion – first degree 20 10/1/00
750. 110 a (3) Person C Home invasion – second degree 15 10/1/00
750. 110 a (4) Person B Home invasion – first degree 20
750. 110 a (4) Person E Home invasion – third degree 5 10/1/00
750. 110 a (5) Person C Home invasion – second degree 15
750. 111 Property E Entering without breaking with intent to commit felony or larceny 5
750. 112 Person A Burglary with explosives LIFE
750. 116 Property E Possession of burglar's tools 10
750. 117 Pub trst F Bribing a public officer 4
750. 118 Pub trst D Public officer accepting bribe 10
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 119 Pub trst F Bribing a juror or other person 4
Substituted for by
750. 119 (1) (a) Pub trst F Bribing a juror or other person 4 3/28/01
750. 119 (1) (b) Pub trst D Bribing a juror or other person in case punishable by more than 10 years 10 3/28/01
750. 120 Pub trst F Juror or other person accepting a bribe 4
750. 120 a (2) (a) Pub ord F Juror intimidation 43/28/01
750. 120 a (2) (b) Pub ord D Juror intimidation in case punishable by more than 10 years 10 3/28/01
750. 120 a (2) (c) Person C Juror intimidation by committing crime or threatening to kill or injure 15 3/28/01
750. 120 a (4) Person D Retaliating against juror 10 3/28/01
750. 121 Pub trst F Bribing a public officer to influence contract 4
750. 122 (7) (a) Pub ord F Bribing or intimidating witness 4 3/28/01
750. 122 (7) (b) Pub ord D Bribing or intimidating witness in case punishable by more than 10 years 10 3/28/01
750. 122 (7) (c) Person C Intimidating witness by committing crime or threatening to kill or injure 15 3/28/01
750. 122 (8) Person D Retaliating against witness 10 3/28/01
750. 124 Pub trst G Bribing an athlete 4
750. 128 Pub ord H Bucket shop violation 2
750. 131 (3) (a) (iv) Property H NSF checks – $50 or less – fourth offense 13 mos.
750. 131 (3) (b) (ii) Property H NSF checks – $50 to $200 – third offense 13 mos.
750. 131 (3) (b) (ii) Property G NSF checks – $100 to $500 – third or subsequent offense 2 10/1/00
750. 131 (3) (c) Property H NSF checks – over $200 13 mos.
750. 131 (3) (c) Property G NSF checks – $500 or more 2 10/1/00
750. 131 a (1) Property H No account checks 2
750. 131 a (2) Property H NSF checks – 3 or more within 10 days 2
750. 135 Person D Exposing children with intent to injure or abandon 10
750. 135 a (2) (c) Person D Leaving child unattended in vehicle resulting in serious physical harm 10 4/1/09
750. 135 a (2) (d) Person B Leaving child unattended in vehicle resulting in death 15 4/1/09
750. 136 Person B Female genital mutilation violation 15 10/9/17
750. 136 a Person B Transporting person for purpose of female genital mutilation 15 10/9/17
750. 136 b (2) Person C Child abuse – first degree 15
750. 136 b (2) Person B Child abuse – first degree 15 10/1/00
750. 136 b (2) Person A First degree child abuse LIFE
As amended, 2012 PA 195,
Eff. 7/1/12
750. 136 b (4) Person F Child abuse – second degree 4
750. 136 b (4) (a) Person C Second degree child abuse – first offense 10 7/1/12
750. 136 b (4) (b) Person B Second degree child abuse – with prior conviction 20
As amended, 2020 PA 50,
Eff. 6/1/20
750. 136 b (5) Person G Child abuse – third degree 2
Renumbered, 2008 PA
521, Eff. 4/1/09
750. 136 b (6) (a) Person G Third degree child abuse – first offense2
As amended, 2020 PA 50,
Eff. 6/1/20
750. 136 b (6) (b) Person E Third degree child abuse – with prior conviction 5
Added, 2020 PA 50,
Eff. 6/1/20
750. 136 b (8) (b) Person G Fourth degree child abuse – with prior conviction 2
Added, 2020 PA 50,
Eff. 6/1/20
750. 136 c Person B Buying or selling an individual 20 10/1/00
750. 136 d (1) (a) Person A First degree child abuse in presence of another child LIFE 7/1/12
750. 136 d (1) (b) Person D Second degree child abuse in presence of another child – first offense 10 7/1/12
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 136 d (1) (c) Person B
Second degree child abuse in presence of another child – second or subsequent
20 7/1/12
750. 136 d (1) (d) Person G Third degree child abuse in presence of another child 2 7/1/12
750. 145 a Person F Soliciting child to commit an immoral act 4 6/1/02
750. 145 b Person F Accosting children for immoral purposes – subsequent offense 4
750. 145 b Person D Accosting children for immoral purposes with prior conviction 10 6/1/02
750. 145 c (2) (a) Person B Producing child sexually abusive activity or material 20
Relettered, 2018 PA 374,
Eff. 3/17/19
750. 145 c (2) (b) Person B Aggravated producing child sexually abusive activity or material 25
Added, 2018 PA 374, Eff.
750. 145 c (3) (a) Person D
Distributing, promoting, or financing the distribution of child sexually abusive activity or
Relettered, 2018 PA 374,
Eff. 3/17/19
750. 145 c (3) (b) Person C
Aggravated distributing, promoting, or financing the distribution of child sexually abusive
activity or material
Added, 2018 PA 374, Eff.
750. 145 c (4) (a) Person F Possessing child sexually abusive material 4
Relettered, 2018 PA 374,
Eff. 3/17/19
750. 145 c (4) (b) Person B Aggravated possession of child sexually abusive material 10
Added, 2018 PA 374, Eff.
750. 145 d (2) Person G Using internet or computer for certain crimes 2 8/1/99
750. 145 d (2) (b) Variable G
Using internet/computer for crime punishable by max term at least 1 yr but less than 2
2 10/1/00
750. 145 d (2) (c) Variable F
Using internet/computer for crime punishable by max term at least 2 yrs but less than 4
4 10/1/00
750. 145 d (2) (d) Variable D
Using internet/computer for crime punishable by max term at least 4 yrs but less than 10
10 10/1/00
750. 145 d (2) (e) Variable C
Using internet/computer for crime punishable by max term at least 10 yrs but less than
15 yrs
15 10/1/00
750. 145 d (2) (f) Variable B
Using internet/computer to commit crime punishable by max term of at least 15 yrs or for
20 10/1/00
750. 145 d (3) Person E Using internet or computer for certain crimes or second or subsequent offense 5 8/1/99
750. 145 n (1) Person C First degree vulnerable adult abuse 15
As amended, 2012 PA 195,
Eff. 7/1/12
750. 145 n (2) Person F Second degree vulnerable adult abuse 4
As amended, 2012 PA 195,
Eff. 7/1/12
750. 145 n (3) Person G Third degree vulnerable adult abuse 2
As amended, 2012 PA 195,
Eff. 7/1/12
750. 145 o Person E Death of vulnerable adult caused by unlicensed caretaker 5
750. 145 p (1) Person G
Commingling funds of, obstructing investigation regarding, or filing false information
regarding, vulnerable adult
As amended, 2012 PA 195,
Eff. 7/1/12
750. 145 p (2) Person G Retaliation or discrimination by caregiver against vulnerable adult 2
750. 145 p (5) Person E Caregiver or licensee violation against vulnerable adult – second or subsequent offense 5
As amended, 2012 PA 195,
Eff. 7/1/12
750. 147 b Person G Ethnic intimidation 2
750. 149 Pub saf F Concealing an offense punishable by life 4
MCL 777.18
750. 157 a (a) Pub saf
Conspiracy Variable
750. 157 a (b) Pub ord H Conspiracy – gambling 5
750. 157 a (d) Pub ord G Conspiracy to commit legal act in illegal manner 5
750. 157 b (2) Person A Solicitation of murder LIFE
750. 157 b (3) (a) Pub ord E Solicitation of felony punishable by life or 5 or more years 5
750. 157 b (3) (b) Pub ord G Solicitation of felony punishable by less than 5 years 2
MCL 777.18
750. 157 c Person
Inducing minor to commit a felony Variable
750. 157 n (1) Property H Financial transaction device – stealing, retaining, or using without consent 4
750. 157 n (2) Property H Possessing fraudulent or altered financial transaction device 4
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 157 p Property H Possessing financial transaction device without permission and with intent to use or sell 4
750. 157 q Property H Delivery or sale of fraudulent financial transaction device 4
750. 157 r Property H Financial transaction device – forgery, alteration, or counterfeiting 4
750. 157 s Property H Financial transaction device – use of revoked or canceled financial device over $100 1
750. 157 s (1) (b) (ii) Property H Using revoked/canceled financial transaction device involving $100 to $500 w/ priors 2 10/1/00
750. 157 s (1) (c) Property H Use of revoked or canceled financial transaction device involving $500 or more 2 10/1/00
750. 157 t Property H
Furnishing goods or services to person committing violation with financial transaction
750. 157 u Property H Overcharging person using financial transaction device 4
750. 157 v Property H False statement of identity to obtain financial transaction device 4
750. 157 w Property H
Fraudulently withdrawing or transferring more than $500 with financial transaction
750. 157 w (1) (c) Property E
Fraudulently withdrawing or transferring $1,000 to $20,000 with financial transaction
5 10/1/00
750. 157 w (1) (d) Property D
Fraudulently withdrawing or transferring $20,000 or more with financial transaction
10 10/1/00
MCL 777.16i
750. 158 Pub ord E Sodomy 15
750. 159 j Pub saf B Racketeering 20
750. 160 Pub ord D Disinterring or mutilating dead human bodies 10
750. 160 Pub ord D Disinterring or mutilating dead human body 10 4/1/04
750. 160 a Pub ord H Photographing dead human bodies 2
750. 160 a Pub ord H Photographing dead human body 2 4/1/04
750. 160 c Pub ord D Improper disposal of dead human body after more than 180 days 10 4/1/04
750. 161 Pub ord G Desertion, abandonment, or nonsupport 3
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 164 Pub ord F Desertion to escape prosecution 4
750. 165 Pub ord F Failing to pay support and leaving state 4
750. 165 Pub ord F Failing to pay support 4
As amended, 2000 PA 279,
eff. 10/1/00
750. 168 (2) (a) Pub ord G Disorderly conduct at a funeral memorial service, viewing, procession, or burial 2
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 168 (2) (b) Pub ord F
Disorderly conduct at a funeral memorial service, viewing, procession, or burial - subse-
quent offense
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 171 Person E Dueling 10
Deleted, 2010 PA 95, eff. 6/
750. 174 Property D Embezzlement by agent over $100 10
750. 174 (4) Property E Embezzlement by agent of $1,000 to $20,000 [or] with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 174 (4) Property E
Embezzlement by agent of $1,000 to $20,000, or with prior convictions, or of $200 to
$1,000 from nonprofit corporation or charitable organization
As amended, 2012 PA 168,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 174 (5) Property D Embezzlement by agent of $20,000 or more or $1,000 to $20,000 with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 174 (5) Property D
Embezzlement by agent of $20,000 to $50,000, or with prior convictions, or of $1,000 to
$20,000 from nonprofit corporation or charitable organization
As amended, 2012 PA 168,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 174 (6) Property C Embezzlement by agent of $50,000 to $100,00015
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 174 (7) Property B Embezzlement by agent of $100,000 or more 20 3/30/07
750. 174 a (4) Property E Embezzlement from vulnerable adult of $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 174 a (5) Property D Embezzlement from vulnerable adult of $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 174 a (5) Property D Embezzlement from vulnerable adult of $20,000 to $50,000 or with prior convictions 10
As amended, 2012 PA 168,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 174 a (6) Property C Embezzlement from vulnerable adult of $50,000 to $100,000 or with prior convictions 15 6/19/12
750. 174 a (7) Property B Embezzlement from vulnerable adult of $100,000 or more or with prior convictions 20 6/19/12
750. 175 Pub trst D Embezzlement by public officer of more than $50 10
As amended, 2012 PA 168,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 176 Pub trst E Embezzlement by administrator, executor, or guardian 10
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 177 Property H Embezzlement by chattel mortgagor over $100 2
750. 177 (2) Property D Embezzlement by chattel mortgagor of $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 177 (3) Property E Embezzlement by chattel mortgagor of $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 178 Property G Embezzlement of mortgaged or leased property – over $100 2
750. 178 (2) Property D Embezzling mortgaged or leased property of $20,000 or with prior convictions 10
As amended, 2012 PA 168,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 178 (3) Property E Embezzling mortgaged or leased property of $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 179 Property G Embezzlement of railroad tickets 4
Deleted, 2002 PA 278, Eff.
750. 180 Property D Embezzlement by financial institution 20
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 181 Property E Embezzlement of jointly held property over $100 10
750. 181 (4) Property E Embezzling jointly held property with value of $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 181 (5) Property D Embezzling jointly held property with value of $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 182 Property G Embezzlement by warehouses 4
750. 182 a Pub trst H Falsifying school records 2
MCL 777.16j
750. 183 Pub saf E Aiding escaping prisoner 7
750. 186 a (1) Pub saf F Escape from a juvenile facility 4
MCL 777.18
750. 188 Pub ord
Voluntarily suffering prisoner to escape Variable
MCL 777.16j
750. 189 Pub saf H Officer negligently allowing prisoner to escape or refusing to receive prisoner 2
750. 190 Pub saf G Officer receiving a reward to assist or permit escape 2
750. 193 Pub saf E Escape from prison 5
750. 195 (1) Pub saf H Escape from a misdemeanor jail sentence 2
750. 195 (2) Pub saf F Escape from a felony jail sentence 4
750. 197 (1) Pub saf H Escape while awaiting trial for misdemeanor 2
750. 197 (2) Pub saf F Escape while awaiting trial for felony 4
750. 197 c Pub saf F Escape from jail through violence 4
Eff. until 12/29/06, 2006 PA
750. 197 c Pub saf E Escape from jail through violence 5
As amended, 2006 PA 536,
Eff. 12/29/06
750. 199 (3) Pub saf F Harboring a person for whom felony warrant has been issued 4 6/30/06
750. 199 a Pub ord F Absconding on or forfeiting bond 4
750. 200 Pub saf F Explosives – transport by common carriers 4
750. 200 Pub saf E Transporting an explosive by common carrier 5 10/1/00
750. 200 i (2) (a) Pub saf C Manufacturing or using a harmful device 15 10/1/00
750. 200 i (2) (b) Property B Harmful device causing property damage 20 10/1/00
750. 200 i (2) (c) Person A Harmful device causing personal injury 25 10/1/00
750. 200 i (2) (d) Person A Harmful device causing serious impairment LIFE 10/1/00
750. 200 j (2) (a) Person E Irritant or irritant device 5 10/23/01
750. 200 j (2) (b) Property F Irritant or irritant device causing property damage 4 10/1/00
750. 200 j (2) (b) Property E Irritant or irritant device causing property damage 7 10/23/01
750. 200 j (2) (c) Person D Irritant or irritant device causing personal injury 10 10/1/00
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 200 j (2) (d) Person A Irritant or irritant device causing serious impairment 25 10/1/00
750. 200 j (2) (e) Person A Irritant or irritant device causing death LIFE 10/1/00
750. 200 l Person E Falsely exposing person to harmful substance or device 5 10/23/01
750. 201 Pub saf F Transportation of concussion or friction type explosives 4
750. 201 Pub saf E Transporting certain types of explosives 5 10/1/00
750. 202 Pub saf F Shipping an explosive with false markings or invoice 4
750. 204 Pub saf E Sending explosives with intent to injure persons 5
750. 204 (2) (a) Pub saf C Sending an explosive with malicious intent 15 10/1/00
750. 204 (2) (b) Property B Sending an explosive causing property damage 20 10/1/00
750. 204 (2) (c) Person A Sending an explosive causing physical injury 25 10/1/00
750. 204 (2) (d) Person A Sending an explosive causing serious impairment LIFE 10/1/00
750. 204 a Pub saf F Sending or transporting imitation explosive device with malicious intent 4
750. 204 a Pub saf E Sending or transporting an imitation explosive device with malicious intent 5 10/1/00
750 204 b Pub saf G
Importing, manufacturing, distributing, or storing explosives in violation of certain federal
laws and regulations
750. 205 Pub saf C Placing explosives with the intent to destroy property 15
750. 205 a Pub saf F Intimidation or harassment by device represented as an explosive 4
750. 206 Person B Placing explosives with damage to property resulting 25
750. 207 (2) (a) Pub saf C Placing an explosive with malicious intent 15 10/1/00
750. 207 (2) (b) Property B Placing an explosive causing property damage 20 10/1/00
750. 207 (2) (c) Person A Placing an explosive causing physical injury 25 10/1/00
750. 207 (2) (d) Person A Placing an explosive causing serious impairment LIFE 10/1/00
750. 208 Pub saf C Aiding or abetting explosives placement with intent to destroy property 15
750. 209 Pub saf C Placing foul or offensive substance to injure 15
750. 209 Pub saf F Placing foul or offensive substance to alarm 4
750. 209 (1) (a) Pub saf C Placing an offensive or injurious substance with intent to injure 15 10/1/00
750. 209 (1) (b) Property B Placing an offensive or injurious substance causing property damage 20 10/1/00
750. 209 (1) (c) Person A Placing an offensive or injurious substance causing physical injury 25 10/1/00
750. 209 (1) (d) Person A Placing an offensive or injurious substance causing serious impairment LIFE 10/1/00
750. 209 (2) Pub saf E Placing an offensive or injurious substance with intent to alarm or annoy 5 10/1/00
750. 209 a Pub saf D Possessing an explosive device in public place 10 10/1/00
750. 210 Pub saf E Possession of bombs with unlawful intent 5
750. 210 (2) (a) Pub saf C Possessing or carrying an explosive or combustible substance with malicious intent 15 10/1/00
750. 210 (2) (b) Property B
Possessing or carrying an explosive or combustible substance causing property dam-
20 10/1/00
750. 210 (2) (c) Person A Possessing or carrying an explosive or combustible substance causing physical injury 25 10/1/00
750. 210 (2) (d) Person A
Possessing or carrying an explosive or combustible substance causing serious impair-
LIFE 10/1/00
750. 210 a Pub saf H Sale of valerium 5
750. 211 Pub saf E Manufacture of explosives with unlawful intent 5
750. 211 a Pub saf F Possessing or manufacturing device designed to explode upon impact or heating 4
750. 211 a (2) (a) Pub saf F
Manufacturing/possessing a Molotov cocktail/similar device designed to explode on
750. 211 a (2) (a) Pub saf C Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device with malicious intent 15 Eff. 10/1/00 to 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (b) Pub saf C Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device with malicious intent 15
Relettered, 2004 PA 524,
Eff. 4/1/05
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 211 a (2) (b) Property B
Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing property dam-
20 Eff. 10/1/00 to 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (c) Property B
Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing property dam-
Relettered, 2004 PA 524,
Eff. 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (c) Person A Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing physical injury 25 Eff. 10/1/00 to 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (d) Person A Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing physical injury 25
Relettered, 2004 PA 524,
Eff. 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (d) Person A
Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing serious impair-
LIFE Eff. 10/1/00 to 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (e) Person A
Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing serious impair-
Relettered, 2004 PA 524,
Eff. 4/1/05
750. 212 a Person B Explosives violation involving a vulnerable target causing death or injury 20 10/1/00
MCL 777.16l
750. 213 Person B Threats to extort money 20
750. 213 a (3) (a) Person
Coercing female to have an abortion against her will Variable 9/7/16
750. 215 (3) Pub saf F Impersonating peace officer 4 9/1/03
750. 217 b Pub saf G Impersonating public utility employee 2
750. 217 c (3) Pub ord H Impersonating public officer or employee 2 10/1/00
750. 217 c (3) Pub ord H Impersonating public officer or employee – subsequent conviction 2
As amended, 2011 PA 202,
Eff. 1/1/12
750. 217 c (4) Pub ord G Impersonating public officer or employee – third or subsequent conviction 4 10/1/00
750. 217 d Pub saf C False representation or practice as health professional 15 10/1/00
750. 217 e Pub ord G Impersonating an FIA employee 2 9/1/01
750. 217 e Pub ord G Impersonating a DHS employee 2
As amended, 2005 PA 171,
Eff. 1/1/06
750. 217 f Pub saf G Impersonating a firefighter or emergency medical service personnel 2 1/1/06
750. 218 Property E False pretenses over $100 10
750. 218 (4) Property E False pretenses involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 218 (4) Property E
False pretenses involving $1,000 or more but less than $20,000 or $200 or more but
less than $1,000 with prior convictions
As amended, 2011 PA 202,
Eff. 1/1/12
750. 218 (5) Property D False pretenses involving $20,000 or more or $1,000 to $20,000 with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 218 (5) Property C
False pretenses involving $20,000 or more but less than $50,000 or $1,000 or more but
less than $20,000 with prior convictions
As amended, 2011 PA 202,
Eff. 1/1/12
750. 218 (6) Property C
False pretenses involving a value of $50,000 or more but less than $100,000 or $20,000
or more but less than $50,000 with prior convictions
15 1/1/12
750. 218 (7) Property B
False pretenses involving a value of $100,000 or more or $50,000 or more but less than
$100,000 with prior convictions
20 1/1/12
750. 219 a (2) (c) Property E Telecommunications fraud – 2 prior convictions or value between $1,000-$20,000 5
750. 219 a (2) (c) Property E Telecommunications fraud - 1 or more prior convictions or value of $1,000 to $20,000 5 10/1/00
750. 219 a (2) (d) Property D Telecommunications fraud – 3 or more prior convictions or value over $20,000 10
750. 219 a (2) (d) Property D Telecommunications fraud - 2 or more prior convictions or value of $20,000 or more 10 10/1/00
750. 219 d (4) (a) Pub ord C Residential mortgage fraud violation involving loan value of $100,000 or less 15 1/1/12
750. 219 d (4) (b) Pub ord B Residential mortgage fraud violation involving loan value of more than $100,000 20 1/1/12
750. 219 e Property F
Receive/possess/prepare/submit or receive/possess proceeds from unauthorized credit
4 3/10/00
750. 219 e Property F
Receive/possess/prepare/submit unauthorized credit application or receive/possess
750. 219 f Property F
Receive/possess w/ intent to forward/forwarding unauthorized credit application/pro-
4 3/10/00
750. 219 f Property F
Receive/possess w/ intent to forward/forwarding unauthorized credit application or pro-
750. 223 (2) Pub saf F Sale of firearm to minor – subsequent offense 4
750. 223 (3) Pub ord D Sale of firearm to person prohibited from possessing 10
750. 224 Pub saf E Manufacture or sale of silencer, bomb, blackjack, automatic weapon, gas spray, etc. 5
750. 224 a Pub saf F Possession or sale of electrical current weapons 4
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 224 a (4) Pub saf F Possession or sale of electrical current weapons 4
Renumbered, 2012 PA
124, Eff. 8/6/12
750. 224 a (6) Pub saf G Improper use of electro-muscular disruption device 2 8/6/12
750. 224 b Pub saf E Possession of short barreled shotgun or rifle 5
750. 224 c Pub saf F Armor piercing ammunition 4
750. 224 d (2) Person G Using self-defense spray device 2
750. 224 e Pub saf F Manufacture/sale/possession of devices to convert semiautomatic weapons 4
750. 224 f (5) Pub saf E Possession or sale of firearm by felon 5
Renumbered, 2014 PA 5,
Eff. 5/12/14
750. 224 f (6) Pub saf E Possession or sale of ammunition by felon 5 5/12/14
750. 226 Pub saf E Carrying firearm or dangerous weapon with unlawful intent 5
750. 227 Pub saf E Carrying a concealed weapon 5
750. 227 a Pub saf F Unlawful possession of pistol 4
750. 227 c Pub saf G Possessing a loaded firearm in or upon a vehicle 2
750. 227 f Pub saf F Wearing body armor during commission of violent crime 4
750. 227 f Pub saf F Wearing body armor during commission of certain crimes 4
As amended, 2005 PA 106,
Eff. 9/14/05
750. 227 g (1) Pub saf F Felon purchasing, owning, possessing, or using body armor 4 10/1/00
750. 230 Pub saf G Altering ID mark on firearm 2
750. 232 a (3) Pub saf G False statement in a pistol application 4
750. 234 a (1) (a) Pub saf D Discharging firearm from vehicle 10
As amended, 2014 PA 192,
Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 a (1) (b) Person C Discharging firearm from vehicle causing physical injury 15
As amended, 2014 PA 192,
Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 a (1) (c) Person B Discharging firearm from vehicle causing serious impairment 20
As amended, 2014 PA 192,
Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 a (1) (d) Person A Discharging firearm from vehicle causing death LIFE
As amended, 2014 PA 192,
Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 b (1) Pub saf D Discharging firearm at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure 10
As amended, 2014 PA 192,
Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 b (2) Pub saf D Discharging firearm in a dwelling or potentially occupied structure 10
As amended, 2014 PA 192,
Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 b (3) Pub saf C
Discharging firearm in or at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure causing physical
As amended, 2014 PA 192,
Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 b (4) Person B
Discharging firearm in or at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure causing serious
As amended, 2014 PA 192,
Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 b (5) Person A Discharging firearm in or at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure causing death LIFE
As amended, 2014 PA 192,
Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 c Pub saf F Discharging firearm at emergency/police vehicle 4
750. 235 b (2) Pub saf D
Threat to commit violent act against school students or employees on school property
with an overt act toward completion or with specific intent
10 3/28/19
750. 236 Person C Setting spring gun – death resulting 15
750. 237 (3) Person E Using firearm while under the influence or impaired causing serious impairment 5 2/1/02
750. 237 (4) Person C Using firearm while under the influence or impaired causing death 15 2/1/02
MCL 777.18
750. 237 a Pub saf
Felony committed in a weapon-free school zone Variable 10/1/00
750. 237 a (1) Pub saf F Weapon-free school zones – general felony violations Variable
750. 241 (1) Pub saf F Obstructing firefighter 4
Deleted, 2002 PA 272, Eff.
750. 241 (2) Pub saf F Obstructing public service facility personnel in civil disturbance 4 7/15/02
750. 241 (3) Pub saf F Obstructing public service facility personnel in civil disturbance 4
Substituted for by
750. 248 Property E Forgery 14
750. 248 a Property F Uttering and publishing financial transaction device 4
750. 248 b Property C Forgery of real estate document 14 1/1/12
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 249 Property E Uttering and publishing forged records 14
750. 249 a Property H Molds or dies to forge financial transaction device 4
750. 249 b Property C Uttering and publishing forged real estate document 14 1/1/12
750. 250 Property E Forgery of treasury notes 7
750. 251 Property E Forgery of bank bills 7
750. 252 Property E Possessing counterfeit notes 7
750. 253 Property G Uttering counterfeit notes 5
750. 254 Property E Possession of counterfeit notes or bills 5
750. 255 Property E Possession of counterfeiting tools 10
750. 260 Property E Counterfeiting coins or possession of 5 or more counterfeit coins LIFE
750. 261 Property E Possession of 5 or fewer counterfeit coins 10
750. 262 Property E Manufacture or possession of tools to counterfeit coins 10
750. 263 (3) Property E
Delivery/use/display items w/ counterfeit mark – subsequent offense or $1000+ or 100+
750. 263 (4) Property E Manufacturing items with counterfeit mark5
750. 266 Property G Counterfeiting railroad tickets 4
Deleted, 2002 PA 321, Eff.
750. 271 Property E Fraudulently issuing or selling domestic securities 10
750. 272 Property G Sale of fraudulent stock of foreign corporations 10
750. 273 Property E Obtaining signature to financial document with intent to defraud 10
750. 273 Property E Obtaining signature with intent to defraud 10
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 274 Property E Purchasing or collecting on fraudulent financial document 10
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 276 Property G Obtaining signature or promise of vendee of grain to sell at fictitious price 4
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 277 Pub trst G Sale or transfer of note of vendee of grain to sell at a fictitious price 4
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 278 Property G Issuing or delivering fraudulent warehouse receipt 5
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 279 Property G Fraudulent disposal of entrusted property 4
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 280 Property E Gross fraud or cheat at common law 10
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 282 Pub ord G Fraudulently damaging or using property of utility in amount over $500 4
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 282 a Property E
Illegally selling or transferring product or service of electric service provider or natural
gas provider to another person
750. 285 Property E Obtaining personal ID information without authorization 5
Eff. 4/1/01 to 3/1/05, 2004
PA 457
750. 300 Pub ord G Killing or injuring animal to defraud insurance company 2
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 300 a (1) (a) Property G Food stamp fraud of $250 or less – second offense 5
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 300 a (1) (a) Property G Food stamp fraud of $250 or less – third or subsequent offense 10
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 300 a (1) (b) Property E Food stamp fraud of more than $250 to $1,000 5
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 300 a (1) (b) Property E Food stamp fraud of more than $250 to $1,000 – subsequent offense 10
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 300 a (1) (c) Property E Food stamp fraud of more than $1,000 10
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 303 Pub ord H Gambling 2
750. 303 Pub ord H Gaming 2
As amended, 2004 PA 457,
Eff. 3/1/05
750. 313 Pub ord H Gambling in stocks, bonds, or commodities 2
As amended, 2012 PA 169,
Eff. 6/19/12
750. 317 Person M2 Second degree murder LIFE
750. 317 a Person A Delivery of controlled substance causing death LIFE 1/1/06
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 321 Person C Manslaughter 15
750. 322 Person C Willful killing of unborn quick child 15
750. 323 Person C Abortion resulting in death 15
750. 324 Person G Negligent homicide 2
Will be repealed, 2008 PA
467, Eff. 10/31/10
750. 327 Person A Death by explosives on vehicle or vessel LIFE
750. 328 Person A Death by explosives in or near building LIFE
750. 329 Person C Homicide – weapon aimed with intent but not malice 15
750. 329 a Person E Assisting a suicide 5 10/1/00
750. 332 Property H Entering horse in race under false name 4
750. 335 a Person A Indecent exposure by sexually delinquent person LIFE
Relettered, 2005 PA 302,
Eff. 2/1/06
750. 335 a (2) (b) Person G Aggravated indecent exposure 2 2/1/06
750. 335 a (2) (c) Person A Indecent exposure by sexually delinquent person LIFE
Formerly MCL 750.335a,
Eff. 2/1/06
750. 338 Pub ord G Gross indecency between males 5
750. 338 Pub ord A Gross indecency between males involving sexually delinquent person LIFE 8/24/06
750. 338 a Pub ord G Gross indecency between females 5
750. 338 a Pub ord A Gross indecency between females involving sexually delinquent person LIFE 8/24/06
750. 338 b Pub ord G Gross indecency between males and females 5
750. 338 b Pub ord A Gross indecency between males and females involving sexually delinquent person LIFE 8/24/06
750. 348 Pub saf H Inciting Indians to violate a treaty 4
Deleted, 2002 PA 261, Eff.
750. 349 Person A Kidnapping LIFE
750. 349 a Person A Prisoner taking a hostage LIFE
750. 349 b Person C Unlawful imprisonment 15 8/24/06
750. 350 Person A Kidnapping – child enticement LIFE
750. 350 a Person H Kidnapping – custodial interference 1
MCL 777.16r
750. 356 Property E Larceny over $100 5
750. 356 (2) Property D Larceny involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 356 (3) Property E Larceny involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 356 a Property G Larceny from a motor vehicle 5
750. 356 a (1) Property G Larceny from a motor vehicle 5 10/1/00
750. 356 a (2) (c) Property E Breaking and entering a vehicle to steal $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 356 a (2) (d) Property D Breaking and entering a vehicle to steal $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 356 a (3) Property G Breaking and entering a vehicle to steal causing damage 5 10/1/00
750. 356 b Property G Breaking and entering a coin telephone 4
750. 356 c Property H Retail fraud – first degree 2
750. 356 c Property E Retail fraud – first degree 5 10/1/00
750. 357 Person D Larceny from the person 10
750. 357 a Property G Larceny of livestock 4
750. 357 b Property E Larceny – stealing firearms of another 5
750. 358 Property G Larceny from burning building 5
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 360 Property G Larceny in a building 4
750. 360 a (2) (b) Property F Theft detection device offense with prior conviction 4 7/1/02
750. 361 Property H Trains – stealing/maliciously removing parts2
750. 362 Property E Larceny by conversion over $100 5
750. 362 Property E Larceny by conversion involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 362 Property D Larceny by conversion involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 362 a Property H Larceny of rental property 2
750. 362 a (2) Property D Larceny of rental property involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 362 a (3) Property E Larceny of rental property involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 363 Property E Larceny by false personation over $100 5
750. 363 Property E Larceny by false personation involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 363 Property D Larceny by false personation involving $20,000 or more 10 10/1/00
750. 365 Person D Larceny from car or persons detained or injured by accident 20
750. 366 Property G Larceny of railroad tickets 4
Deleted, 2002 PA 279, Eff.
750. 367 Property G Larceny of trees & shrubs over $100 5
750. 367 Property E Larceny of trees or shrubs involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 367 Property D Larceny of a tree or shrub involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
MCL 777.18
750. 367 a Property
Larceny of rationed goods Variable
MCL 777.16r
750. 367 b Property E Airplanes – taking possession 5
750. 368 (5) Pub ord G Preparing, serving, or executing unauthorized process – third or subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
750. 372 Pub ord H Running or allowing lottery 2
750. 373 Pub ord H Selling or possessing lottery tickets 2
750. 374 Pub ord H Lottery violations – subsequent offense 4
750. 377 a Property G Malicious destruction of personal property over $100 4
750. 377 a (1) (a) Property D
Malicious destruction of personal property involving $20,000 or more or with prior con-
10 10/1/00
750. 377 a (1) (b) Property E Malicious destruction of personal property involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with priors 5 10/1/00
750. 377 b Property F Malicious destruction of fire/police property 4
750. 377 c Property E School bus – intentional damage 5
750. 378 Property F Malicious destruction of property – dams/canals/mills 4
750. 379 Property F Malicious destruction of property – bridges/railroads/locks 4
750. 380 Property F Malicious destruction of building over $100 4
750. 380 (2) Property D Malicious destruction of building involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 380 (3) Property E Malicious destruction of a building involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 382 (1) (c) Property E
Malicious destruction of plants or turf involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convic-
5 10/1/00
750. 382 (1) (d) Property D Malicious destruction of plants or turf involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 383 a Property F Malicious destruction of utility equipment 4
750. 383 a Property E Malicious destruction of utility equipment or utility infrastructure component 5
As amended, 2008 PA 414,
Eff. 3/1/09
750. 385 (2) (c) Property E
Damaging/destroying research property-between $1,000 and $20,000 or w/ prior con-
5 Eff. 4/1/05 to 9/14/05
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 385 (2) (d) Property E Damaging/destroying research property - $20,000 or more or 2 or more prior convictions 5 Eff. 4/1/05 to 9/14/05
750. 385 (2) (e) Person E Damaging or destroying research property resulting in physical injury 5 Eff. 4/1/05 to 9/14/05
750. 385 (2) (f) Person D
Damaging or destroying research property resulting in serious impairment of body func-
10 Eff. 4/1/05 to 9/14/05
750. 385 (2) (g) Person C Damaging or destroying research property resulting in death 15 Eff. 4/1/05 to 9/14/05
750. 386 Property E Malicious destruction of mine property 20
750. 387 Property G Malicious destruction of tombs & memorials 5
750. 387 (5) Property E Malicious destruction of a tomb or memorial involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with priors 5 10/1/00
750. 387 (6) Property D
Malicious destruction of a tomb or memorial involving $20,000 or more or with prior con-
10 10/1/00
750. 392 Property E Malicious destruction of property – vessels 10
750. 394 (2) (c) Person F Throwing or dropping dangerous object at vehicle causing injury 4 1/1/04
750. 394 (2) (d) Person D Throwing or dropping dangerous object at vehicle causing serious impairment 10 1/1/04
750. 394 (2) (e) Person C Throwing or dropping dangerous object at vehicle causing death 15 1/1/04
750. 395 (2) (c) Property E
Damaging/destroying research property-between $1,000 and $20,000 or w/ prior con-
Replaced MCL
750. 395 (2) (d) Property E Damaging/destroying research property - $20,000 or more or 2 or more prior convictions 5
Replaced MCL
750. 395 (2) (e) Person E Damaging or destroying research property resulting in physical injury 5
Replaced MCL
750. 395 (2) (f) Person D
Damaging or destroying research property resulting in serious impairment of body func-
Replaced MCL
750. 395 (2) (g) Person C Damaging or destroying research property resulting in death 15
Replaced MCL
750. 397 Person D Mayhem 10
750. 397 a Person D Placing harmful objects in food 10
750. 405 Pub saf E Inciting soldiers to desert 5
750. 406 Pub saf E Military stores – larceny, embezzlement or destruction 5
MCL 777.16t
750. 409 b Pub ord F Knowing possession of ransomware with intent to use without authorization 3 7/1/18
750. 410 a Person G Conspiracy to commit a person to state hospital unjustly 4
750. 411 a (1) (b) Pub ord F False report of a felony 4
750. 411 a (1) (c) Person E False report of crime resulting in physical injury 5 1/1/13
750. 411 a (1) (d) Person D False report of crime resulting in serious impairment of body function 10 1/1/13
750. 411 a (1) (e) Person C False report of crime resulting in death151/1/13
750. 411 a (2) Pub ord F False report of a bombing or threat to bomb 4
Substituted for by
750. 411 a (3) (a) Pub ord F Threat or false report of an explosive or harmful device, substance, or material 4 4/1/01
750. 411 a (3) (b) Pub ord D
Threat/false report of explosive or harmful device/substance/material – subsequent
10 4/1/01
750. 411 a (4) (b) Person E False report of medical or other emergency resulting in physical injury 5 1/1/13
750. 411 a (4) (c) Person D
False report of medical or other emergency resulting in serious impairment of body func-
10 1/1/13
750. 411 a (4) (d) Person C False report of medical or other emergency resulting in death 15 1/1/13
750. 411 b Pub trst G Excess fees to members of legislature 4
750. 411 h (2) (b) Person E Stalking of a minor 5
750. 411 i (3) (a) Person E Aggravated stalking 5 10/1/00
750. 411 i (3) (b) Person D Aggravated stalking of a minor 10
750. 411 l Pub ord H Fourth degree money laundering 2
As amended, 2012 PA 332,
Eff. 1/1/13
750. 411 m Pub ord E Third degree money laundering 5
As amended, 2012 PA 332,
Eff. 1/1/13
750. 411 n Pub ord D Second degree money laundering 10
As amended, 2012 PA 332,
Eff. 1/1/13
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 411 o Pub ord B First degree money laundering 20
As amended, 2012 PA 332,
Eff. 1/1/13
750. 411 p (2) (a) Property B
Money laundering of proceeds from controlled substance offense involving $10,000 or
750. 411 p (2) (b) Property D
Money laundering proceeds from controlled substance offense/other proceeds of
750. 411 p (2) (c) Property E Money laundering – transactions involving represented proceeds 5
750. 411 s (2) (a) Person G Unlawful posting of message 2 4/1/01
750. 411 s (2) (b) Person E Unlawful posting of message with aggravating circumstances 5 4/1/01
750. 411 t (2) (b) Person E Hazing resulting in serious impairment of body function 5
8/18/04; as amended, 2012
PA 332, Eff. 1/1/13
750. 411 t (2) (c) Person C Hazing resulting in death 15 8/18/04
750. 411 u Pub ord B Gang membership felonies 20
As amended, 2008 PA 562,
565, Eff. 4/1/09
750. 411 v (1) Person E Gang recruitment 512/16/10
750. 411 v (2) Person B Retaliation for withdrawal from gang 20 12/16/10
750. 411 w Pub ord E
Selling or possessing automated sales suppression device or zapper, phantom-ware, or
skimming device
8/29/12; as amended, 2013
PA 216, Eff. 4/1/14
750. 411 x (4) Person E Cyberbullying causing serious injury 5 3/28/19
750. 411 x (5) Person D Cyberbullying causing death 10 3/28/19
750. 413 Property E Unlawful driving away of an automobile 5
750. 414 Property H Unlawful use of an automobile 2
750. 415 (2) Property G Motor vehicles – conceal/misrepresent identity with intent to mislead 4
750. 415 (5) Property G
Motor vehicles – buy/sell/exchange/give paraphernalia capable of changing/misrepre-
senting ID
4 10/1/00
750. 415 (6) Property E Motor vehicles – buy/receive/obtain w/ intent to sell/dispose knowing VIN was altered 10 10/1/00
750. 417 Property H Motor vehicle – mortgaged – removal from state 4
750. 418 Property H Removing a vehicle out of state without vendor’s consent 4
750. 420 Pub saf H Motor vehicle – equipping to release smoke/gas 4
750. 421 Pub saf H Motor vehicle – designed for attack 5
Deleted, 2020 PA 58,
Eff. 6/8/20
750. 421 b Pub saf H Hinder transport of farm/commercial products – subsequent offense 2
750. 421 d Pub saf F
Counterfeit, nonfunctional, or noncompliant supplemental restrain system component,
airbag, or object – selling, leasing, distributing, installing, or reinstalling
750. 422 Pub trst G Perjury committed in court/noncapital crime 15
750. 422 Pub trst C Perjury committed in court – noncapital crime 15 10/1/00
750. 422 Pub trst G Perjury – committed in court/capital crime LIFE
750. 422 Pub trst B Perjury committed in court – capital crime LIFE 10/1/00
750. 422 a Pub trst E Material false statement in petition seeking review of DNA evidence 5 1/6/09
750. 423 Pub trst E Perjury 15
750. 423 Pub trst E Perjury by falsely swearing 15 10/1/00
750. 424 Pub trst E Subornation of perjury 15
750. 424 Pub trst C Subornation of perjury 15 10/1/00
750. 425 Pub trst E Inciting or procuring perjury 5
750. 425 Pub trst E Inciting or procuring perjury but perjury not committed 5 10/1/00
750. 430 a Person D Human cloning 10 10/1/00
750. 436 (1) Person E Poisoning food/drink/wells 5
Deleted, 2002 PA 123, Eff.
750. 436 (2) Person A Poison – food/drink/medicine/wells – large amounts/injury LIFE
Deleted, 2002 PA 123, Eff.
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 436 (2) (a) Pub saf C Poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply 15 4/22/02
750. 436 (2) (b) Property B Poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply causing property damage 20 4/22/02
750. 436 (2) (c) Person A Poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply causing injury 25 4/22/02
750. 436 (2) (d) Person A Poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply causing serious impairment LIFE 4/22/02
750. 436 (3) Pub saf H Poison – malicious false statement of poisoning 2
Deleted, 2002 PA 123, Eff.
750. 436 (3) (a) Pub ord F False report of poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply 4 4/22/02
750. 436 (3) (b) Pub ord D False report of poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply with prior conviction 10 4/22/02
750. 439 Pub ord G Polygamy 4
750. 440 Pub ord G Polygamy – knowingly entering a prohibited marriage 4
750. 441 Pub ord G Teaching or advocating polygamy 4
750. 442 Pub ord G Participating in prizefights 4
Deleted, 2010 PA 99, Eff.
750. 443 Pub ord G Prizefights – training 4
Deleted, 2010 PA 99, Eff.
750. 451 (3) Pub ord G Prostitution – various offenses – third or subsequent offense 2
As amended, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 451 (4) Person E Soliciting a person under 18 years of age to commit prostitution 5 1/14/15
750. 452 Pub ord E Keeping a house of prostitution 5
750. 455 Pub ord B Pandering 20
As amended, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 456 Person B Placing spouse into prostitution 20
750. 457 Pub ord B Accepting earnings of a prostitute 20
As amended, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 458 Person B Prostitution – detaining person for debt 20
As amended, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 459 Person B Transporting a person for prostitution 20
As amended, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 459 (1) Person B Transporting a person for prostitution 20
Renumbered, 2016 PA
486, Eff. 4/6/17
750. 459 (2) Person E Selling travel services to facilitate prostitution or human trafficking in other jurisdictions 5 4/6/17
750. 459 (3) Person D
Selling travel services to facilitate prostitution or human trafficking in other jurisdictions
involving a minor
10 4/6/17
750. 462 b (1) Person D Human trafficking - forced labor through physical harm 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 b (2) Person C Human trafficking - forced labor through physical harm causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 b (3) Person A Human trafficking - forced labor through physical harm causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 c (1) Person D Human trafficking - forced labor through physical restraint 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 c (2) Person C Human trafficking - forced labor through physical restraint causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 c (3) Person A Human trafficking - forced labor through physical restraint causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 d (1) Person D Human trafficking - forced labor through abuse of legal process 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 d (2) Person C Human trafficking - forced labor through abuse of legal process causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 d (3) Person A Human trafficking - forced labor through abuse of legal process causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 e (1) Person D Human trafficking - forced labor through destruction of ID document 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 e (2) Person C Human trafficking - forced labor through destruction of ID document causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 e (3) Person A Human trafficking - forced labor through destruction of ID document causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 f (1) Person D Human trafficking - forced labor through blackmail 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 f (1) (a) Person D Human trafficking violation 10 1/14/15
750. 462 f (1) (b) Person C Human trafficking violation resulting in bodily injury 15 1/14/15
750. 462 f (1) (c) Person B Human trafficking violation resulting in serious bodily injury 20 1/14/15
750. 462 f (1) (d) Person A Human trafficking violation involving death or the commission of certain felonies LIFE 1/14/15
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 462 f (2) Person C Human trafficking - forced labor through blackmail causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 f (2) Person B Obtaining a minor for commercial sexual activity or for forced labor or services 20 1/14/15
750. 462 f (3) Person A Human trafficking - forced labor through blackmail causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 f (3) Person
Attempting, conspiring, or soliciting another to violate human trafficking laws Variable 1/14/15
750. 462 g (1) Person B Human trafficking - obtain minor for child sexual abusive activity 20
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 h (2) Person D Human trafficking - recruit minor for forced labor 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 h (3) Person C Human trafficking - recruit minor for forced labor causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 h (4) Person A Human trafficking - recruit minor for forced labor causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 i Person A Human trafficking - compound felony LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 j (1) (a) Person D Providing or obtaining labor or services of another person by force, fraud, or coercion 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 j (1) (b) Person B Providing or obtaining labor or services of minor by force, fraud, or coercion 20
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 j (1) (c) Person A
Providing or obtaining labor or services of another person by force, fraud, or coercion
causing death
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 j (2) (a) Person D Recruiting or transporting person for labor or services 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 j (2) (b) Person B Recruiting or transporting minor for labor or services 20
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 462 j (2) (c) Person A Recruiting or transporting person for labor or services causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327, Eff.
750. 465 a (1) (b) Property G Operating audiovisual recording device in a theatrical facility - second offense 2 12/15/04
750. 465 a (1) (c) Property F
Operating audiovisual recording device in a theatrical facility - third or subsequent
750. 478 a (2) Pub ord H Unauthorized process to obstruct a public officer or employee 2 10/1/00
750. 478 a (3) Pub ord G Unauthorized process to obstruct a public officer or employee – subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
750. 479 Person G Resisting or obstructing a peace officer 2
Substituted for by
750. 479 (2) Person G Assaulting or obstructing certain officials 2 7/15/02
750. 479 (3) Person G Assaulting or obstructing certain officials causing injury 4 7/15/02
750. 479 (4) Person D Assaulting or obstructing certain officials causing serious impairment 10 7/15/02
750. 479 (5) Person B Assaulting or obstructing certain officials causing death 20 7/15/02
750. 479 a (2) Pub saf G Fleeing and eluding – fourth degree 2
750. 479 a (3) Pub saf E Fleeing and eluding – third degree 5
750. 479 a (4) Person C Fleeing and eluding – second degree 10
750. 479 a (5) Person B Fleeing and eluding – first degree 15
750. 479 a (6) Person H Assaulting peace officer 2
Deleted, 2002 PA 271, Eff.
750. 479 b (1) Person F Disarming peace officer – nonfirearm 4
750. 479 b (2) Person D Disarming peace officer – firearm 10
750. 479 c (2) (c) Pub ord G Providing false information to peace officer conducting criminal investigation 2 7/20/12
750. 479 c (2) (d) Pub ord F
Providing false or misleading information to peace officer conducting criminal investiga-
tion regarding certain felonies
750. 480 Pub trst F Public officers – refusing to turn over books/money to successor 4
750. 483 a (2) (b) Person D Retaliating for reporting crime 10 3/28/01
750. 483 a (2) (b) Person D Retaliating for reporting crime punishable by more than 10 years 10 7/15/02
750. 483 a (2) (b) Person D
Withholding evidence/preventing/retaliating for reporting crime punishable by more than
10 yrs
As amended, 2006 PA 40,
Eff. 3/2/06
750. 483 a (4) (b) Person F Interfering with police investigation by committing crime or threatening to kill or injure 10 3/28/01
750. 483 a (4) (b) Person D Interfering with police investigation by committing crime or threatening to kill or injure 10 7/15/02
750. 483 a (6) (a) Pub ord F Tampering with evidence 4 3/28/01
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 483 a (6) (a) Pub ord F Tampering with evidence or offering false evidence 4
As amended, 2006 PA 40,
Eff. 3/2/06
750. 483 a (6) (b) Pub ord D Tampering with evidence in case punishable by more than 10 years 10 3/28/01
750. 483 a (6) (b) Pub ord D
Tampering with evidence/offering false evidence in case punishable by more than 10
As amended, 2006 PA 40,
Eff. 3/2/06
750. 488 Pub trst H Public officers – state official – retaining fees 2
750. 490 Pub trst H Public money – safekeeping 2
750. 491 Pub trst H Public records – removal/mutilation/destruction 2
750. 492 a (1) (a) Pub trst G Medical record – intentional[ly] place false information – health care provider 4
750. 492 a (2) Pub trst G Medical record – health care provider alter conceal injury/death 4
750. 492 a (2) Pub trst G Medical record – health care provider - altering to conceal injury/death 4
As amended, 2006 PA 40,
Eff. 3/2/06
750. 495 a (2) Person F Concealing objects in trees or wood products – causing injury 4
750. 495 a (3) Person C Concealing objects in trees or wood products – causing death 15
750. 498 b (2) (a) Person E
Tampering/taking/removing marine safety device without authority causing serious
750. 498 b (2) (b) Person C Tampering/taking/removing marine safety device without authority causing death 15 7/1/06
750. 502 d Pub saf F Unlawfully possessing or transporting anhydrous ammonia or tampering with containers 4 4/1/04
750. 505 Pub ord E Common law offenses 5
750. 508 (2) (b) Pub ord G Carrying or possessing a scanner in the commission of a crime 2 3/2/06
750. 511 Person A Blocking or wrecking railroad track LIFE
750. 512 Property E Uncoupling railroad cars 10
750. 513 Property H Issuing fraudulent railroad securities 10
Deleted, 2002 PA 320, Eff.
750. 514 Property H Seizing locomotive with mail car 10
Deleted, 2002 PA 320, Eff.
750. 516 Person C Stopping train to rob LIFE
Deleted, 2002 PA 320, Eff.
750. 517 Person C Boarding train to rob LIFE
Deleted, 2002 PA 320, Eff.
750. 520 b Person A Criminal sexual conduct – first degree LIFE
750. 520 b (2) Person A Criminal sexual conduct -- first degree LIFE
As amended, 2006 PA 166,
Eff. 8/28/06
750. 520 c Person C Criminal sexual conduct – second degree 15
750. 520 d Person C Criminal sexual conduct – third degree 15
750. 520 d Person B Criminal sexual conduct – third degree 15 10/1/00
750. 520 e Person G Criminal sexual conduct – fourth degree 2
750. 520 g (1) Person D Assault with intent to commit sexual penetration 10
750. 520 g (2) Person E Assault with intent to commit sexual contact 5
750. 520 n Pub saf G Electronic monitoring device violation 2 8/28/06
750. 528 Pub saf F Destroying dwelling house or other property 4
750. 528 Pub saf F Destroying dwelling house or other property during riot or unlawful assembly 4
As amended, 2006 PA 166,
Eff. 8/28/06
750. 528 a Pub saf F Civil disorders – firearms/explosives 4
750. 529 Person A Armed robbery LIFE
750. 529 a Person A Carjacking LIFE
750. 530 Person C Unarmed robbery 15
750. 531 Person C Bank robbery/safe breaking LIFE
750. 532 Person H Seduction 5
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 535 Property E Receiving or concealing stolen property over $100 5
750. 535 (2) Property D Receiving/concealing stolen property having a value of $20,000 or more or with priors 10 10/1/00
750. 535 (3) Property E
Receiving or concealing stolen property having a value of $1,000 to $20,000 or with pri-
5 10/1/00
750. 535 (7) Property E Receiving or concealing stolen motor vehicle52/12/04
750. 535 (8) Property D Receiving or concealing stolen motor vehicle – second or subsequent offense 10 3/31/15
750. 535 a Pub ord E Operating a chop shop 5
Substituted for by
750. 535 a (2) Pub ord D Operating a chop shop 10 10/1/00
750. 535 a (3) Pub ord D Operating a chop shop – subsequent violation 10 10/1/00
750. 535 b Pub saf E Stolen firearms or ammunition 10
750. 539 c Pub ord H Eavesdropping 2
750. 539 d Pub ord H Installing eavesdropping device 2
Replaced, 2004 PA 157,
Eff. 6/16/04
750. 539 d (3) (a) (i) Pub ord H Installing, placing, or using eavesdropping device 2 6/16/04
750. 539 d (3) (a) (ii) Pub ord E Installing, placing, or using eavesdropping device – subsequent offense 5 6/16/04
750. 539 d (3) (b) Pub ord E
Distributing, disseminating, or transmitting recording or image obtained by eavesdrop-
750. 539 e Pub ord H Divulging or using information obtained by eavesdropping 2
750. 539 f Pub ord H Manufacture or possession of eavesdropping device 2
750. 539 j (2) (a) (i) Pub ord H Lewd surveillance or capturing lewd image 2 6/16/04
750. 539 j (2) (a) (ii) Pub ord E Lewd surveillance or capturing lewd image – subsequent offense 5 6/16/04
750. 539 j (2) (b) Pub ord E Distributing, disseminating, or transmitting visual image obtained by surveillance 5 6/16/04
750. 539 k (5) (a) Property E
Illegally recording personal identifying information from financial transaction device
750. 539 k (5) (b) Property D
Illegally recording personal identifying information from financial transaction device
transaction – second offense
10 4/1/14
750. 539 k (5) (c) Property C
Illegally recording personal identifying information from financial transaction device
transaction – third or subsequent offense
15 4/1/14
750. 540 Pub ord H Tapping or cutting telephone lines 2
750. 540 (5) (a) Pub ord H Damaging, destroying, using, or obstructing use of electronic medium of communication 2
As amended, 2006 PA 62,
Eff. 6/1/06
750. 540 (5) (b) Person F
Damaging/destroying/using/obstructing electronic communication resulting in injury/
750. 540 c (3) Property F
Telecommunications and computer – manufacture or deliver counterfeit communica-
750. 540 c (3) Property F Manufacturing or delivering a counterfeit communications device 4
Eff. 10/1/00 to 2/12/04,
2004 PA 2
750. 540 c (4) Property F Telecommunication violation 4 2/12/04
750. 540 f (2) Property E
Telecommunications and computer–knowingly publishing counterfeit devices–2nd con-
750. 540 f (2) Property E Knowingly publishing a communications access device with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 540 g (1) (c) Property E Diverting telecommunications services having a value of $1,000 - $20,000 or with priors 5
750. 540 g (1) (d) Property D Diverting telecommunications services having a value of $20,000 or more or with priors 10
750. 543 f Person A Terrorism without causing death LIFE 4/22/02
750. 543 h Pub ord A Hindering prosecution of terrorism LIFE
Eff. 4/22/02 to 7/15/02,
2002 PA 271
750. 543 h (3) (a) Pub ord B Hindering prosecution of terrorism – certain terrorist acts 20 7/15/02
750. 543 h (3) (b) Pub ord A Hindering prosecution of terrorism – act of terrorism LIFE 7/15/02
750. 543 k Pub saf B Soliciting material support for terrorism or terrorist acts 20 4/22/02
750. 543 k Pub saf B Soliciting or providing material support for terrorism or terrorist acts 20 7/15/02
750. 543 m Pub ord B Threat or false report of terrorism 20 4/22/02
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 543 p Pub saf B Use of internet or telecommunications to commit terrorism 20 4/22/02
750. 543 p Pub saf B Use of internet or telecommunications to commit certain terrorist acts 20 7/15/02
750. 543 r Pub saf B Surveillance of vulnerable target with intent to commit terrorism 20 4/22/02
750. 543 r Pub saf B Possession of vulnerable target information with intent to commit certain terrorist acts 20 7/15/02
750. 545 Pub ord E Misprision of treason 5
750. 552 b Property F Trespassing on correctional facility property 4
750. 552 c Pub saf F Trespass upon key facility 4 4/15/06
750. 553 Property G Squatting, second or subsequent offense 2 9/24/14
752. 191 Pub saf G Felonious driving 2
Deleted, 2001 PA 136, Eff.
752. 272 a (2) (c) Pub saf F Sale or distribution of nitrous oxide device – 2 or more prior convictions 4 1/1/01
752. 365 (3) Pub ord G Obscenity – subsequent offense 2
752. 541 Pub saf D Riot 10
752. 542 Pub saf D Incitement to riot 10
752. 542 a Pub saf D Riot in state correctional facilities 10
752. 543 Pub saf G Unlawful assembly 5
752. 701 Property H Destruction or removal of timber 1
752. 797 (1) (c) Property E Computer fraud – 2 prior convictions or value of $1,000 to $20,000 5
752. 797 (1) (d) Property D Computer fraud – 3 or more prior convictions or value of $20,000 or more 10
752. 797 (2) (a) Property E Unlawfully accessing computer, computer system, or computer program 5 10/1/00
752. 797 (2) (b) Property D
Unlawfully accessing computer, computer system, or computer program, with prior con-
10 10/1/00
752. 797 (3) (b) Variable G
Using computer for crime punishable by maximum term of more than 1 yr but less than 2
2 10/1/00
752. 797 (3) (c) Variable F
Using computer for crime punishable by maximum term of at least 2 yrs but less than 4
4 10/1/00
752. 797 (3) (d) Variable D
Using computer for crime punishable by maximum term of at least 4 yrs but less than 10
7 10/1/00
752. 797 (3) (e) Variable D
Using computer for crime punishable by maximum term of at least 10 yrs but less than
20 yrs
10 10/1/00
752. 797 (3) (f) Variable B Using computer for crime punishable by maximum term of at least 20 yrs or for life 20 10/1/00
752. 802 Property H Manufacture or sale of slugs for use in vending machines 5
As amended, 2012 PA 456,
Eff. March 31, 2013
752. 811 Property H Breaking and entering a coin operated device3
752. 861 Person G Careless discharge of firearm causing injury or death 2
752. 881 Person G Reckless use of bow and arrow resulting in injury or death 2
752. 1003 Property F False claim, statement, or representation to obtain health care benefits 4
As amended, 2012 PA 456,
Eff. March 31, 2013
752. 1004 Property F Soliciting, paying, or receiving kickback or receiving referral fee for health care payment 4
As amended, 2012 PA 456,
Eff. March 31, 2013
752. 1005 Property H Conspiring to commit health care fraud 10
As amended, 2012 PA 456,
Eff. March 31, 2013
752. 1006 Property D Health care fraud – subsequent offense 20
752. 1027 Person F Assisted suicide 4
752. 1054 (2) Property G Copying audio or video recordings for gain 5
As amended, 2012 PA 456,
Eff. March 31, 2013
752. 1084 Property E Organized retail crime act violation 5
As amended, 2013 PA 124,
Eff. 10/1/13
MCL 777.17f
764. 1 e Pub trst C Peace officer making false statement in a complaint 15
As amended, 2012 PA 611,
Eff. 3/1/13
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
MCL # Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
767. 4 a Pub trst F Disclosing or possessing grand jury information 4
767A. 9 (a) Pub trst C Perjury committed in prosecutor’s investigative hearing – noncapital crime 15
Eff. 10/1/00 then replaced
by 9(1)(a)
767A. 9 (1) (a) Pub trst C Perjury committed in prosecutor’s investigative hearing 15
As amended, 2012 PA 611,
Eff. 3/1/13
767A. 9 (b) Pub trst B Perjury committed in prosecutor’s investigative hearing – capital crime LIFE
Eff. 10/1/00, then replaced
by 9(1)(b)
767A. 9 (1) (b) Pub trst B
Perjury committed in prosecutor’s investigative hearing regarding a crime punishable by
imprisonment for life or by imprisonment for life or any term of years
As amended, 2012 PA 611,
Eff. 3/1/13
771. 3 f Pub ord G Tampering with or removing electronic monitoring device 2 3/1/13
791. 236 (17) Pub ord F Failure to provide correct notice of proposed domicile by sex offender 4 12/1/06
800. 281 (1) Pub saf H Furnishing prisoner with contraband 5
800. 281 (2) Pub saf H Furnishing prisoner with contraband outside 5
800. 281 (3) Pub saf H Bringing contraband into prisons 5
800. 281 (4) Pub saf E Prisoner possessing contraband 5
800. 283 (1) Pub saf E Furnishing weapon to prisoner in prison 5
800. 283 (2) Pub saf E Prisons – knowledge of a weapon in a correctional facility 5
800. 283 (3) Pub saf E Bringing weapon into prison 5
800. 283 (4) Pub saf E Prisoner possessing weapon 5
800. 283 a Pub saf E Furnishing cell phone to prisoner 5 12/29/06
801. 262 (1) (a) Pub saf E Bringing weapon into jail 5 8/1/99
801. 262 (1) (b) Pub saf E Furnishing weapon to prisoner in jail 5 8/1/99
801. 262 (2) Pub saf E Prisoner in jail possessing weapon 5 8/1/99
801. 262 a Pub saf E Furnishing cell phone or other wireless device to prisoner in jail 5 10/1/13
801. 263 (1) Pub saf H Furnishing contraband to prisoner in jail 5 8/1/99
801. 263 (2) Pub saf H Prisoner in jail possessing contraband 5 8/1/99
by MCL # Group Class Description*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
750. 14 Person G Abortion 4
750. 213 a (3) (a) Person
Abortion – coercing female to have an abortion against her will
333. 2690 (2) Person E
Abortion – financially benefiting from granting certain persons access to an embryo, fetus, or neonate or from transferring
possession of an embryo, fetus, or neonate to certain persons [See MCL 333.2691]
5 3/29/17
750. 323 Person C Abortion resulting in death 15
750. 14 Person C Abortion resulting in death of female 15
333. 2689 Person E Abortion to obtain embryo or fetus [See MCL 333.2691] 5
As amended, 2012 PA
539, Eff. 4/1/13
750. 199 a Pub ord F Absconding on or forfeiting bond 4
168. 932 (e) Pub trst E Absentee ballot tampering 5
750. 145 b Person F Accosting children for immoral purposes – subsequent offense 4
750. 145 b Person D Accosting children for immoral purposes with prior conviction 10 6/1/02
710. 55 (1) Pub trst F
Adoption – persons not authorized to place child or to advertise for, solicit, or recruit for
adoption – subsequent violation
As amended, 2016 PA
484, Eff. 4/6/17
400. 722 (4) Pub saf F Adult foster care – maintaining operation after refusal of licensure 5
400. 713 (13) Pub saf H Adult foster care – unlicensed facility 27/1/01
400. 713 (13) Pub saf H Adult foster care – unlicensed facility – first offense 2
400. 713 (13) Pub saf F Adult foster care – unlicensed facility – second or subsequent violation 5
400. 713 (13) Pub saf F Adult foster care – unlicensed facility – subsequent violation 5 7/1/01
750. 16 (1) Person G Adulterate, misbrand, remove, or substitute a drug or medicine 2 10/12/04
750. 16 (2) Person F Adulterate, misbrand, remove, or substitute a drug or medicine causing personal injury 4 10/12/04
750. 16 (4) Person C Adulterate, misbrand, remove, or substitute a drug or medicine resulting in death 15 10/12/04
750. 16 (3) Person E
Adulterate, misbrand, remove, or substitute a drug or medicine - serious impairment of
body function
289. 5107 (2) Pub saf F Adulterated, misbranded, or falsely identified food 4 10/1/00
333. 17764 (3) Pub saf F Adulterating, misbranding, removing, or substituting a drug or device 2
As amended, 2014 PA
279, Eff. 9/30/14
333. 17764 (6) Pub saf C Adulterating, misbranding, removing, or substituting a drug or device resulting in death 15
As amended, 2014 PA
279, Eff. 9/30/14
333. 17764 (4) Pub saf F
Adulterating, misbranding, removing, or substituting a drug or device resulting in per-
sonal injury
As amended, 2014 PA
279, Eff. 9/30/14
333. 17764 (5) Pub saf E
Adulterating, misbranding, removing, or substituting a drug or device resulting in seri-
ous impairment of a body function
As amended, 2014 PA
279, Eff. 9/30/14
750. 30 Pub ord H Adultery 4
287. 855 Pub saf G Agriculture – contaminating livestock/false statement/violation of quarantine 5
286. 455 (2) Pub saf G Agriculture – hazardous substance 5
Deleted, 2015 PA 213,
Eff. 3/14/16
287. 77 (1) Pub saf H Agriculture – livestock condemnation 4
205. 27 (1) (b) Pub trst G Aiding and abetting tax evasion or filing false returns 5
750. 183 Pub saf E Aiding escaping prisoner 7
750. 208 Pub saf C Aiding or abetting explosives placement with intent to destroy property 15
333. 5210 Person F AIDS – sexual penetration with uninformed partner 4
Replaced, 2018 PA 587,
Eff. 3/28/19
750. 43 a Pub saf E
Aiming a beam of directed energy emitted from a directed energy device at or into path
of aircraft or a moving train
259. 83 (2) (b) Pub saf G Aircraft – failure to comply with certification requirements – second violation 2 3/31/03
259. 83 (2) (c) Pub saf F Aircraft – failure to comply with certification requirements – third or subsequent violation 4 3/31/03
259. 183 Property E Aircraft – unlawful taking or tampering 5
750. 367 b Property E Airplanes – taking possession 5
257. 625 (10) (b) Person E Allowing a vehicle to be operated while intoxicated or impaired causing death 5 9/30/03
257. 625 (10) (c) Person G
Allowing a vehicle to be operated while intoxicated or impaired causing serious impair-
2 9/30/03
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
257. 625 (9) (b) Person E Allowing a vehicle to be operated while under the influence or impaired causing death 5
Eff. until 9/30/03, replaced
by (10)(b)
257. 625 (9) (c) Person G
Allowing a vehicle to be operated while under the influence/impaired - serious impair-
Eff. until 9/30/03, replaced
by (10)(c)
257. 904 (7) Person E Allowing a vehicle to be operated without a license causing death 5 10/1/00
257. 904 (7) Person G Allowing a vehicle to be operated without a license causing serious impairment 2 10/1/00
750. 230 Pub saf G Altering ID mark on firearm 2
257. 257 (1) Property G Altering or forging vehicle documents – first offense 5
257. 257 (2) Property G Altering or forging vehicle documents – second offense 7
257. 257 (3) Property E Altering or forging vehicle documents – third or subsequent offense 15
117. 25 (3) Pub trst E Amendment to city electors – willfully affixing another’s signature, false representation 15
287. 744 (10) Pub ord G Animal industry act violations 5
Renumbered, 2019 PA
134, Eff. 2/19/20
750. 50 (4) (f) Pub ord G
Animal neglect or cruelty by breeder or pet shop operator with 5 or more prior violations
of 1969 PA 287, MCL 287.331 to 287.340.
2 3/28/19
750. 50 (4) (c) Pub ord G Animal neglect or cruelty involving 4 or more but fewer than 10 animals or with 1 prior 2 4/1/08
750. 50 (4) (d) Pub ord F
Animal neglect or cruelty involving 10 or more animals or with 2 or more prior convic-
4 4/1/08
750. 50 (4) (d) Pub ord F
Animal neglect or cruelty involving 10 or more animals but fewer than 25 animals or
with 2 prior convictions
As amended, 2018 PA
652, Eff. 3/28/19
750. 50 (4) (e) Pub ord E
Animal neglect or cruelty involving 25 or more animals or with 3 or more prior convic-
7 3/28/19
750. 50 (4) Pub ord G Animal neglect or cruelty – second offense 2
Replaced, 2007 PA 151,
Eff. 4/1/08
750. 50 (4) Pub ord F Animal neglect or cruelty – third or subsequent offense 4
Replaced, 2007 PA 151,
Eff. 4/1/08
750. 300 Pub ord G Animals – killing or injuring animal to defraud insurance company 2
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
445. 779 Pub ord H Antitrust violation 2
51. 364 Pub trst H Appointment or selection contrary to civil service commission rules 2
750. 529 Person A Armed robbery LIFE
750. 224 c Pub saf F Armor piercing ammunition 4
750. 72 Person A Arson – first degree LIFE
As amended, 2013 PA
124, Eff. 10/1/13
750. 75 Property E Arson – fourth degree 5
As amended, 2013 PA
124, Eff. 10/1/13
750. 72 Person B Arson of dwelling house 20
750. 76 (3) (b) Property B Arson of insured building or structure 20 4/3/13
750. 76 (3) (a) Person A Arson of insured dwelling LIFE 4/3/13
750. 76 (3) (c) Property D Arson of insured personal property 10 4/3/13
750. 74 Person F Arson of personal property greater than $50 4
750. 74 Person E Arson of personal property having a value of $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 74 (1) (d) Person D Arson of personal property of $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
Deleted, 2012 PA 534,
Eff. 4/3/13
750. 73 Property D Arson of real property 10
750. 78 Pub saf F Arson of woods and prairies 4
Deleted, 2012 PA 534,
Eff. 4/3/13
750. 79 (1) (c) Property E
Arson – preparing to burn with intent to commit arson of $1,000 or more but less than
$20,000, or with prior conviction
As amended, 2014 PA
112, Eff. 7/9/14
750. 79 (1) (d) Property D
Arson – preparing to burn with intent to commit arson of $20,000, or more, or with 2 or
more prior convictions, or with intent to commit insurance fraud, or causing injury
As amended, 2014 PA
112, Eff. 7/9/14
750. 79 (1) (e) Property C
Arson – preparing to burn with intent to commit arson of dwelling or to commit insur-
ance fraud, or causing injury
As amended, 2014 PA
112, Eff. 7/9/14
750. 77 Person F Arson – preparing to burn personal property greater than $50 4
750. 77 (1) (c) Person E
Arson – preparing to burn personal property having value of $1,000 to $20,000 or with
prior convictions
Deleted, 2012 PA 534,
Eff. 4/3/13
750. 77 (1) (d) Person D
Arson – preparing to burn personal property of $20,000 or more or with prior convic-
Deleted, 2012 PA 534,
Eff. 4/3/13
750. 73 Person B Arson – second degree 20
As amended, 2013 PA
124, Eff. 10/1/13
750. 74 Property D Arson – third degree 10
As amended, 2013 PA
124, Eff. 10/1/13
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 90 a Person A
Assault against a pregnant individual causing miscarriage/stillbirth with intent or reck-
LIFE 10/1/00
750. 90 b (b) Person D Assault against a pregnant individual resulting in great bodily harm to embryo or fetus 10 10/1/00
750. 90 b (a) Person C Assault against a pregnant individual resulting in miscarriage or stillbirth 15 10/1/00
750. 90 b (a) Person C
Assault against a pregnant individual resulting in miscarriage/stillbirth/death to embryo
or fetus
15 6/1/01
750. 81 c (2) Person G Assault and battery of an FIA employee 2
9/1/01; no longer listed in
MCL 777.16d
750. 81 c (3) Person E Assault and battery of an FIA employee causing serious impairment 5
9/1/01; no longer listed in
MCL 777.16d
750. 84 (1) (b) Person D Assault by strangulation or suffocation 10 4/1/13
750. 90 a Person A Assault causing miscarriage/stillbirth/death to embryo/fetus w/ intent or recklessness LIFE 6/1/01
750 81e(2) Person G Assault on utility worker causing bodily injury requiring medical attention 2 7/21/10
750 81e(3) Person E Assault on utility worker causing serious impairment of a body function 5 7/21/10
750. 87 Person D Assault with intent to commit a felony 10
750. 89 Person A Assault with intent to commit armed robbery LIFE
750. 520 g (2) Person E Assault with intent to commit sexual contact 5
750. 520 g (1) Person D Assault with intent to commit sexual penetration 10
750. 88 Person C Assault with intent to commit unarmed robbery 15
750. 84 Person D Assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder 10
750. 84 (1) (a) Person D Assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder 10
As amended, 2012 PA
365, Eff. 4/1/13
750. 86 Person D Assault with intent to maim 10
750. 83 Person A Assault with intent to murder LIFE
750. 479 (2) Person G Assaulting or obstructing certain officials 2 7/15/02
750. 479 (5) Person B Assaulting or obstructing certain officials causing death 20 7/15/02
750. 479 (3) Person G Assaulting or obstructing certain officials causing injury 4 7/15/02
750. 479 (4) Person D Assaulting or obstructing certain officials causing serious impairment 10 7/15/02
750. 479 a (6) Person H Assaulting peace officer 2
Deleted, 2002 PA 271,
Eff. 7/15/02
750. 81 d (1) Person G Assaulting, resisting, or obstructing certain persons 2 7/15/02
750. 81 d (4) Person B Assaulting, resisting, or obstructing certain persons causing death 20 7/15/02
750. 81 d (2) Person F Assaulting, resisting, or obstructing certain persons causing injury 4 7/15/02
750. 81 d (3) Person C Assaulting, resisting, or obstructing certain persons causing serious impairment 15 7/15/02
752. 1027 Person F Assisted suicide 4
750. 329 a Person E Assisting a suicide 5 10/1/00
168. 761 (5) Pub trst E Assisting an absentee voter in making a false statement 5
750. 91 Person A Attempted murder LIFE
750. 49 (2) (f) Pub ord H Attending animal fight 4
168. 932 (b) Pub trst E Ballot tampering 5
750. 531 Person C Bank robbery/safebreaking LIFE
750. 100 Pub trst E Banks – conducting business when insolvent 5
487. 1505 (6) Pub trst E BIDCO act – knowingly receiving money or property at an interest rate exceeding 25% 5
482. 49 Property H Bills of lading – inducing carrier to issue when goods have not been received 5
482. 44 Property H Bills of lading – issuance for goods not received 5
482. 46 Property H Bills of lading – issuance of duplicate negotiable bill with intent to defraud 5
As amended, 2006 PA
251, Eff. 7/3/06
482. 46 Property H Bills of lading – issuance of duplicate not so marked 5
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
482. 50 Property H Bills of lading – issuance of non-negotiable bill not so marked 5
482. 48 Property H Bills of lading – negotiation when goods not in carriers' possession 5
432. 151 (2) Pub trst G Bingo – false statements 2
Deleted, 2020 PA 14,
Eff. 1/27/20
750. 511 Person A Blocking or wrecking railroad track LIFE
451. 603 (h) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – fail to notify administrator of sanctions 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 805 (b) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – false representation of administrative approval 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 501 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – fraudulent schemes/statements 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 806 (b) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – improper disclosure by cor and sec bur employee 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 502 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – investment advisor/agent fraud 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 503 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – make/sell false bullion/certificates 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 701 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – offer/sell unregistered securities 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 802 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – unlawfully selling securities 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 601 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – unregistered broker/dealer/agent/advisor 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (J) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (K) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (L) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (M) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (N) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (O) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (P) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (Q) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (R) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (S) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (V) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (W) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (X) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (Y) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 604 (a) (1) (Z) Pub trst E Blue sky laws – various violations 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
451. 804 Pub trst E Blue sky laws – willful false statements 10
Deleted, 2008 PA 552,
Eff. 1/16/09
750. 517 Person C Boarding train to rob LIFE
Deleted, 2002 PA 320,
Eff. 7/15/02
750. 106 Property G Boats – making or procuring false protest 4
Deleted, 2018 PA 285,
Eff. 9/27/18
752. 811 Property H Breaking and entering a coin operated device3
750. 356 b Property G Breaking and entering a coin telephone 4
750. 356 a (2) (c) Property E Breaking and entering a vehicle to steal $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 356 a (2) (d) Property D Breaking and entering a vehicle to steal $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 356 a (3) Property G Breaking and entering a vehicle to steal causing damage 5 10/1/00
750. 110 Property D Breaking and entering with intent to commit felony or larceny 10
750. 49 (2) (g) Pub ord F Breeding or selling fighting animals 4
750. 119 Pub trst F Bribing a juror or other person 4
Substituted for by
750. 119 (1) (a) Pub trst F Bribing a juror or other person 4 3/28/01
750. 119 (1) (b) Pub trst D Bribing a juror or other person in case punishable by more than 10 years 10 3/28/01
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 117 Pub trst F Bribing a public officer 4
750. 121 Pub trst F Bribing a public officer to influence contract 4
750. 124 Pub trst G Bribing an athlete 4
168. 932 (a) Pub trst E Bribing or intimidating voters 5
750. 122 (7) (a) Pub ord F Bribing or intimidating witness 4 3/28/01
750. 122 (7) (b) Pub ord D Bribing or intimidating witness in case punishable by more than 10 years 10 3/28/01
800. 281 (3) Pub saf H Bringing contraband into prisons 5
801. 262 (1) (a) Pub saf E Bringing weapon into jail 5 8/1/99
800. 283 (3) Pub saf E Bringing weapon into prison 5
750. 128 Pub ord H Bucket shop violation 2
750. 112 Person A Burglary with explosives
750. 136 c Person B Buying or selling an individual 20 10/1/00
445. 408 (2) Pub ord F Buying or selling stolen scrap metal 3 3/30/07
445. 408 (2) Pub ord E Buying or selling stolen scrap metal 5
As amended, 2008 PA
386, Eff. 12/29/08 As
445. 408 (3) Pub ord E
Buying/selling stolen scrap metal from utility pole, telecom corp/govt/utility property or
5 3/30/07
445. 408 (3) Pub ord E Buying/selling stolen scrap metal – subsequent offense 5
As amended, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
445. 408 (3) Pub ord E Buying/selling stolen scrap metal – second or subsequent offense 5
As amended, 2008 PA
386, Eff. 12/29/08
169. 254 Pub trst H Campaign finance – corporate contributions 3
169. 255 Pub trst H Campaign finance – corporate solicitation for certain funds 3
169. 233 Pub trst H Campaign finance – failure to file certain campaign statements 3 12/30/12
169. 224 b Pub trst H Campaign finance – independent expenditure committee contributions 3 9/20/17
169. 266 Pub trst H Campaign finance – qualified campaign expenditures 3
752. 861 Person G Careless discharge of firearm causing injury or death 2
750. 90 e Person G Careless or reckless driving causing miscarriage or stillbirth 2 10/1/00
750. 90 e Person G Careless or reckless driving causing miscarriage, stillbirth, or death to embryo or fetus 2 6/1/01
750. 529 a Person A Carjacking LIFE
750. 227 Pub saf E Carrying a concealed weapon 5
28. 425 o (5) (c) Pub saf F Carrying concealed pistol in prohibited place – third or subsequent offense 4 7/1/01
28. 425 o (6) (c) Pub saf F
Carrying concealed pistol or electro-muscular disruption device in prohibited place –
third or subsequent offense
As amended, 2012 PA
124, Eff. 8/6/12
750. 226 Pub saf E Carrying firearm or dangerous weapon with unlawful intent 5
750. 508 (2) (b) Pub ord G Carrying or possessing a scanner in the commission of a crime 2 3/2/06
432. 218 Pub ord D Casino gaming offenses 10
472. 21 Pub saf A
Causing derailment/endangering life-person eng in work of/traveling by streetcar/tram/
LIFE 1/12/09
750. 99 Pub trst G Certifying checks without sufficient funds 4
287. 967 (5) Pub ord G Cervidae producer violations 4 10/1/00
445. 667 Pub ord G
Changing, altering, or modifying reverse vending machine or data for reverse vending
750. 68 Property G Changing brands with intent to steal 4
400. 293 Pub trst E Charitable organizations and solicitations act violations 5 3/30/11
750. 136 b (2) Person C Child abuse – first degree 15
750. 136 b (2) Person B Child abuse – first degree 15 10/1/00
750. 136 b (2) Person A Child abuse – first degree LIFE
As amended, 2012 PA
195, Eff. 7/1/12
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 136 d (1) (a) Person A Child abuse – first degree – in presence of another child LIFE 7/1/12
750. 136 b (8) (b) Person G Child abuse – fourth degree – with prior conviction 2
Added, 2020 PA 50,
Eff. 6/1/20
750. 136 b (4) Person F Child abuse – second degree 4
750. 136 b (4) (a) Person C Child abuse – second degree – first offense 10 7/1/12
750. 136 d (1) (b) Person D Child abuse – second degree – in presence of another child – first offense 10 7/1/12
750. 136 d (1) (c) Person B
Child abuse – second degree – in presence of another child – second or subsequent
20 7/1/12
750. 136 b (4) (b) Person B Child abuse – second degree – with prior conviction 20
As amended, 2020 PA 50,
Eff. 6/1/20
750. 136 b (5) Person G Child abuse – third degree 2
Renumbered, 2008 PA
521, Eff. 4/1/09
750. 136 b (6) (a) Person G Child abuse – third degree – first offense 2
As amended, 2020 PA 50,
Eff. 6/1/20
750. 136 b (6) (b) Person E Child abuse – third degree – with prior conviction 5
Added, 2020 PA 50,
Eff. 6/1/20
750. 136 d (1) (d) Person G Child abuse – third degree – in presence of another child 2 7/1/12
750. 145 c (3) (b) Person C
Child sexually abusive activity or material – aggravated distributing, promoting or
financing the distribution of
Added, 2018 PA 374,
Eff. 3/17/19
750. 145 c (2) (b) Person B Child sexually abusive activity or material – aggravated producing 25
Added, 2018 PA 374,
Eff. 3/17/19
750. 145 c (3) (a) Person D
Child sexually abusive activity or material – distributing, promoting or financing the dis-
tribution of
Relettered, 2018 PA 374,
Eff. 3/17/19
750. 145 c (2) (a) Person B Child sexually abusive activity or material – producing 20
Relettered, 2018 PA 374,
Eff. 3/17/19
750. 145 c (4) (b) Person B Child sexually abusive material – aggravated possessing 10
Added, 2018 PA 374,
Eff. 3/17/19
750. 145 c (4) (a) Person F Child sexually abusive material – possessing 4
Relettered, 2018 PA 374,
Eff. 3/17/19
750. 528 a Pub saf F Civil disorders – firearms/explosives 4
750. 32 Pub ord H Cohabitation of divorced parties 4
257. 625 m (5) Pub saf E Commercial drunk driving – third or subsequent offense 5 10/1/00
750. 505 Pub ord E Common law offenses 5
554. 985 Property E Continuing care community disclosure act – knowing violation 7 1/2/15
333. 17748 d (2) Person G Compounding pharmacy violation 2 9/30/14
333. 17748 d (5) Person C Compounding pharmacy violation resulting in death 15 9/30/14
333. 17748 d (3) Person F Compounding pharmacy violation resulting in personal injury 4 9/30/14
333. 17748 d (4) Person E Compounding pharmacy violation resulting in serious impairment of a body function 5 9/30/14
205. 28 Pub trst G Compromising/unauthorized disclosure of tax information 5
752. 797 (1) (c) Property E Computer fraud – 2 prior convictions or value of $1,000 to $20,000 5
752. 797 (1) (d) Property D Computer fraud – 3 or more prior convictions or value of $20,000 or more 10
750. 149 Pub saf F Concealing an offense punishable by life 4
750. 495 a (3) Person C Concealing objects in trees or wood products – causing death 15
750. 495 a (2) Person F Concealing objects in trees or wood products – causing injury 4
259. 83 b (2) (a) Pub saf F Conducting flight operations without certificate 4 3/31/03
259. 83 b (2) (b) Pub saf E Conducting flight operations without certificate – second violation 5 3/31/03
259. 83 b (2) (c) Pub saf D Conducting flight operations without certificate – third or subsequent violation 10 3/31/03
500. 8197 (3) Property E Consolidation merger – compensation otherwise than expressed in contract 5
750. 157 a (a) Pub saf SPEC Conspiracy
750. 157 a (b) Pub ord H Conspiracy – gambling 5
750. 410 a Person G Conspiracy to commit a person to state hospital unjustly 4
750. 157 a (d) Pub ord G Conspiracy to commit legal act in illegal manner 5
570. 1207 Property G Construction liens – false information 4
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
28. 454 (1) Pub saf G Consumer fireworks certificate violation 2 12/14/11
570. 1110 (11) (c) Property E Contractor – false sworn statement involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5
1/1/02; as amended, 2010
PA 152, Eff. 8/23/10
570. 1110 (c) Property E Contractor – false sworn statement involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5
1/1/02; renumbered, 2010
PA 152, Eff. 8/23/10
570. 1110 (11) (d) Property D Contractor – false sworn statement involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
1/1/02; as amended, 2010
PA 152, Eff. 8/23/10
570. 1110 (d) Property D Contractor – false sworn statement involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
1/1/02; renumbered, 2010
PA 152, Eff. 8/23/10
570. 1110 Property F Contractor – false sworn statements over $100 4
Deleted, 2001 PA 152,
Eff. 1/1/02
570. 152 Property G Contractor – fraudulent use of building contract fund 3
333. 7410 CS SPEC Controlled substance delivery or distribution to minors or students
333. 7410 a CS G Controlled substance offense in or near a park 2 10/1/00
333. 7410 CS SPEC Controlled substance offense on or near school property
333. 7410 a CS G Controlled substance offense or offense involving GBL in or near a park 2 1/1/01
333. 7410 CS SPEC Controlled substance offense or offense involving GBL on or near school property
333. 7410 CS SPEC
Controlled substance offense or offense involving GBL on or near school property or
As amended, 2006 PA
553, Eff. 3/30/07
333. 7405 (a) CS G Controlled substance violations by licensee 2
333. 7405 (1) (a) CS G Controlled substance violations by licensee 2 12/22/10
333. 7407 (1) (a) CS G Controlled substance violations by licensee 4
328. 232 Property E Conversion of funeral contracts 5
752. 1054 (2) Property G Copying audio or video recordings for gain 5
As amended, 2012 PA
456, Eff. March 31, 2013
450. 795 Pub ord H Corporations – handicapper business opportunity act 2
450. 775 Pub ord H Corporations – minority and woman owned businesses 2
257. 312 b (6) Pub ord F Corrupting a person or agency conducting a motorcycle driving test 5 3/28/01
257. 309 (6)* Pub ord F Corrupting an examining officer *[See MCL 257.309(7)] 5 3/28/01
750. 260 Property E Counterfeiting coins or possession of 5 or more counterfeit coins LIFE
750. 266 Property G Counterfeiting railroad tickets 4
Deleted, 2002 PA 321,
Eff. 7/15/02
28. 295 (1) (a) Pub ord D
Counterfeiting or forging state ID card or using counterfeited or forged state ID card to
commit felony punishable by imprisonment for 10 years or more
10 9/1/04
28. 295 (1) (b) Pub ord E
Counterfeiting or forging state ID card or using counterfeited or forged state ID card to
commit felony punishable by imprisonment for less than 10 years or a misdemeanor
punishable by more than 6 months
750. 421 d Pub saf F
Counterfeit, nonfunctional, or noncompliant supplemental restrain system component,
airbag, or object – selling, leasing, distributing, installing, or reinstalling
4 3/29/21
38. 412 a (1) Pub trst H County employee providing answers to county civil service exam 1
45. 82 Pub trst E County purchasing agent – violations in awarding bids or contracts 5
487. 1042 (2) Pub trst E Criminal fraud in the conduct of money transmission services business 5 7/3/06
750. 520 b (2) Person A Criminal sexual conduct -- first degree LIFE
As amended, 2006 PA
166, Eff. 8/28/06
750. 520 b Person A Criminal sexual conduct – first degree LIFE
750. 520 e Person G Criminal sexual conduct – fourth degree 2
750. 520 c Person C Criminal sexual conduct – second degree 15
750. 520 d Person C Criminal sexual conduct – third degree 15
750. 520 d Person B Criminal sexual conduct – third degree 15 10/1/00
330. 1944 Pub saf F Criminal sexual psychopath leaving state without permission 4 1/9/07
438. 41 Property E Criminal usury 5
750. 411 x (5) Person D Cyberbullying causing death 10 3/28/19
750. 411 x (4) Person E Cyberbullying causing serious injury 5 3/28/19
324. 52908 (1) (c) Property E Damage to plant involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 1/1/02
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
324. 52908 (1) (d) Property D Damage to plant involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 1/1/02
324. 2157 (1) (c) Property E Damage to state property involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 1/1/02
324. 2157 (1) (d) Property D Damage to state property involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 1/1/02
750. 385 (2) (g) Person C Damaging or destroying research property resulting in death 15 Eff. 4/1/05 to 9/14/05
750. 395 (2) (g) Person C Damaging or destroying research property resulting in death 15
Replaced MCL
750. 385 (2) (e) Person E Damaging or destroying research property resulting in physical injury 5 Eff. 4/1/05 to 9/14/05
750. 395 (2) (e) Person E Damaging or destroying research property resulting in physical injury 5
Replaced MCL
750. 385 (2) (f) Person D
Damaging or destroying research property resulting in serious impairment of body func-
10 Eff. 4/1/05 to 9/14/05
750. 395 (2) (f) Person D
Damaging or destroying research property resulting in serious impairment of body func-
Replaced MCL
750. 540 (5) (a) Pub ord H
Damaging, destroying, using, or obstructing use of electronic medium of communica-
As amended, 2006 PA 62,
Eff. 6/1/06
750. 385 (2) (d) Property E
Damaging/destroying research property - $20,000 or more or 2 or more prior convic-
5 Eff. 4/1/05 to 9/14/05
750. 395 (2) (d) Property E
Damaging/destroying research property - $20,000 or more or 2 or more prior convic-
Replaced MCL
750. 385 (2) (c) Property E
Damaging/destroying research property-between $1,000 and $20,000 or w/ prior con-
5 Eff. 4/1/05 to 9/14/05
750. 395 (2) (c) Property E
Damaging/destroying research property-between $1,000 and $20,000 or w/ prior con-
Replaced MCL
750. 540 (5) (b) Person F
Damaging/destroying/using/obstructing electronic communication resulting in injury/
287. 323 (1) Person C Dangerous animal causing death 15
287. 323 (2) Person G Dangerous animal causing serious injury 4
287. 679 Pub ord H Dead animals 1
287. 679 Pub ord H Dead animals – third or subsequent violation 1 10/1/01
287. 679 (2) Pub ord H Dead animal violation – third or subsequent offense 1
As amended, 2015 PA
213, Eff. 3/14/16
750. 328 Person A Death by explosives in or near building LIFE
750. 327 Person A Death by explosives on vehicle or vessel LIFE
750. 145 o Person E Death of vulnerable adult caused by unlicensed caretaker 5
451. 434 Pub trst H Debt management act – licensee violations 2
333. 7401 a Person B Delivering a controlled substance or GBL with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct 20 1/1/01
333. 7401 a Person B Delivering a controlled substance with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct 20 10/1/00
750. 317 a Person A Delivery of controlled substance causing death LIFE 1/1/06
333. 17766 a (4) CS G Delivery of imitation steroids 7
Deleted, 2003 PA 309,
Eff. 4/1/04
333. 7401(2)(d)(i) CS C Delivery or manufacture of >45 kilos of marijuana 15
333. 7401 (2) (d) (ii) CS D
Delivery or manufacture of 5 or more but less than 45 kilograms of marihuana or syn-
thetic equivalents of marihuana
As amended, 2016 PA
549, Eff. 4/10/17
333. 7401 (2) (d) (i) CS C
Delivery or manufacture of 45 or more kilograms of marihuana or synthetic equivalents
of marihuana
As amended, 2016 PA
549, Eff. 4/10/17
333. 7401(2)(d)(ii) CS D Delivery or manufacture of 5-45 kilos of marijuana 7
333. 7401 (2) (a) (iii) CS B
Delivery or manufacture of 50 or more but less than 450 grams of certain schedule 1 or
2 controlled substances
20 3/1/03
333. 7401 (2) (a) (ii)CS A
Delivery or manufacture of 450 or more but less than 1,000 grams of certain schedule 1
or 2 controlled substances
30 3/1/03
333. 7401 (2) (a) (i) CS A Delivery or manufacture of 650 or more grams by juvenile LIFE
333. 7401 (2) (a) (i) CS A
Delivery or manufacture of 1,000 or more grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled
LIFE 3/1/03
333. 7402 (2) (a) CS D Delivery or manufacture of an imitation controlled substance 10
333. 7401 (2) (f) CS D Delivery or manufacture of an official or counterfeit prescription form 20
Deleted, 2001 PA 236,
Eff. 1/6/03
333. 7402 (2) (a) CS D Delivery or manufacture of certain counterfeit controlled substances 10 9/30/10
333. 7402 (2) (a) CS D Delivery or manufacture of certain imitation controlled substances 10 1/1/01
333. 7401 (2) (b) (ii) CS E Delivery or manufacture of certain schedule 1, 2, or 3 controlled substances 7 1/1/01
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
333. 7402 (2) (e) CS C Delivery or manufacture of controlled substance analogue 15
333. 7402 (2) (c) CS F Delivery or manufacture of counterfeit schedule 4 controlled substance 4 9/30/10
333. 7402 (2) (d) CS G Delivery or manufacture of counterfeit schedule 5 controlled substance 2 9/30/10
333. 7401 b (3) (a) CS E Delivery or manufacture of GBL 7 1/1/01
333. 7341 (8) CS G Delivery or manufacture of imitation controlled substance 2
333. 7402 (2) (c) CS F Delivery or manufacture of imitation schedule 4 controlled substance 4
333. 7402 (2) (d) CS G Delivery or manufacture of imitation schedule 5 controlled substance 2
333. 7401 (2) (d) (iii) CS F
Delivery or manufacture of less than 5 kilograms or 20 plants of marihuana or synthetic
equivalents of marihuana
As amended, 2016 PA
549, Eff. 4/10/17
333. 7401 (2) (a) (iv) CS D
Delivery or manufacture of less than 50 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled sub-
333. 7401 (2) (b) (i) CS B Delivery or manufacture of methamphetamine 20 1/1/01
333. 7401 (2) (b) (i)CS B
Delivery or manufacture of methamphetamine or 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphet-
20 4/1/03
333. 7401 (2) (f) CS D Delivery or manufacture of prescription form or counterfeit prescription form 7 3/1/03
333. 7401 (2) (g) CS D Delivery or manufacture of prescription or counterfeit form (other than official) 7
Rewritten as 7401(2)(f),
2001 PA 236
333. 7401 (2) (f) CS D Delivery or manufacture of prescription or counterfeit form other than official 7 1/6/03
333. 7401 (2) (b) CS E Delivery or manufacture of schedule 1, 2, or 3 controlled substance except marijuana 7
333. 7402 (2) (b) CS E Delivery or manufacture of schedule 1, 2, or 3 counterfeit controlled substance 5 9/30/10
333. 7402 (2) (b) CS E Delivery or manufacture of schedule 1, 2, or 3 imitation controlled substance 5
333. 7401 (2) (c) CS F Delivery or manufacture of schedule 4 controlled substance 4
333. 7401 (2) (e) CS G Delivery or manufacture of schedule 5 controlled substance 2
333. 17766 a (3) CS E Delivery or manufacture of steroids 7
Deleted, 2003 PA 309,
Eff. 4/1/04
750. 157 q Property H Delivery or sale of fraudulent financial transaction device 4
333. 7401 (2) (a) (ii) CS A
Delivery/manufacture of 225+ but less than 650 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 sub-
30 10/1/00
333. 7401 (2) (a) (iii) CS B
Delivery/manufacture of 50+ but less than 225 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 sub-
333. 7401 (2) (a) (i) CS A
Delivery/manufacture of 650 or more grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled sub-
LIFE 10/1/00
750. 263 (3) Property E
Delivery/use/display items w/ counterfeit mark subsequent offense or $1000+ or 100+
750. 164 Pub ord F Desertion to escape prosecution 4
750. 161 Pub ord G Desertion, abandonment, or nonsupport 3
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
252. 311 Property H Destroying a tree or shrub to make a sign more visible 2 10/1/00
750. 528 Pub saf F Destroying dwelling house or other property 4
750. 528 Pub saf F Destroying dwelling house or other property during riot or unlawful assembly 4
As amended, 2006 PA
166, Eff. 8/28/06
168. 932 (c) Pub trst E Destroying or falsifying election return or records 5
752. 701 Property H Destruction or removal of timber 1
257. 312 b (7) Pub ord F Deviating from motorcycle road test criteria 5 3/28/01
257. 309 (7)* Pub ord F Deviating from road test criteria *[See MCL 257.309(8)] 5 3/28/01
207. 127 c Pub ord G Diesel fuel tax – embezzlement over $100 10
Offense repealed, 2000
PA 403, Eff. 4/1/01
750. 479 b (2) Person D Disarming peace officer – firearm 10
750. 479 b (1) Person F Disarming peace officer – nonfirearm 4
750. 234 b (1) Pub saf D Discharging firearm at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure 10
As amended, 2014 PA
192, Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 c Pub saf F Discharging firearm at emergency/police vehicle 4
750. 234 a (1) (a) Pub saf D Discharging firearm from vehicle 10
As amended, 2014 PA
192, Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 a (1) (d) Person A Discharging firearm from vehicle causing death LIFE
As amended, 2014 PA
192, Eff. 9/22/14
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 234 a (1) (b) Person C Discharging firearm from vehicle causing physical injury 15
As amended, 2014 PA
192, Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 a (1) (c) Person B Discharging firearm from vehicle causing serious impairment 20
As amended, 2014 PA
192, Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 b (2) Pub saf D Discharging firearm in a dwelling or potentially occupied structure 10
As amended, 2014 PA
192, Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 b (5) Person A Discharging firearm in or at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure causing death LIFE
As amended, 2014 PA
192, Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 b (3) Pub saf C
Discharging firearm in or at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure causing physical
As amended, 2014 PA
192, Eff. 9/22/14
750. 234 b (4) Person B
Discharging firearm in or at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure causing serious
As amended, 2014 PA
192, Eff. 9/22/14
333. 2835 (9) Pub trst G Disclosing confidential information – abortion 3
168. 765 a (12) Pub trst E Disclosing election result or how ballot voted 5
Added, 2018 PA 124, Eff.
168. 792 a (16) Pub trst E Disclosing election result or how ballot voted 5
Replaced by § 765a(12),
2018 PA 124, Eff. 12/31/18
168. 765 a (10) Pub trst E Disclosing how ballot voted or election results early before polls are closed 5
Added, 2018 PA 124, Eff.
168. 792 a (11) Pub trst E Disclosing how ballot voted or election results early before polls are closed 5
Replaced by § 765a(10),
2018 PA 124, Eff. 12/31/18
333. 7407 (1) (f) CS F Disclosing or obtaining prescription information 4
Offense deleted, 2001 PA
236, Eff. 1/6/03
767. 4 a Pub trst F Disclosing or possessing grand jury information 4
168. 932 (d) Pub trst E Disclosing votes or obstructing voter 5
750. 160 Pub ord D Disinterring or mutilating dead human bodies 10
750. 160 Pub ord D Disinterring or mutilating dead human body 10 4/1/04
750. 168 (2) (a) Pub ord G Disorderly conduct at a funeral memorial service, viewing, procession, or burial 2
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 168 (2) (b) Pub ord F
Disorderly conduct at a funeral memorial service, viewing, procession, or burial - subse-
quent offense
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
257. 625 n (10) Pub ord G Disposing of vehicle to avoid forfeiture 4
Misdemeanor, 1998 PA
349, Eff. 10/1/99
722. 675 Pub ord E Distributing obscene matter to children 2
750. 539 d (3) (b) Pub ord E
Distributing, disseminating, or transmitting recording or image obtained by eavesdrop-
5 6/16/04
750. 539 j (2) (b) Pub ord E Distributing, disseminating, or transmitting visual image obtained by surveillance 5 6/16/04
750. 540 g (1) (c) Property E Diverting telecommunications services having a value of $1,000 - $20,000 or with priors 5
750. 540 g (1) (d) Property D Diverting telecommunications services having a value of $20,000 or more or with priors 10
750. 539 e Pub ord H Divulging or using information obtained by eavesdropping 2
750. 81 a (3) Person G Domestic assault – aggravated – second offense 2
750. 81 a (3) Person G Domestic assault – aggravated – with prior convictions 2 10/1/00
750. 81 a (3) Person E Domestic assault – aggravated – with prior convictions 5
As amended, 2012 PA
365, Eff. 4/1/13
750. 81 (5) Person E Domestic assault or assault of a pregnant individual with prior convictions 5
As amended, 2016 PA 88,
Eff. 7/25/16
750. 81 (4) Person G Domestic assault – third offense 2
750. 81 (4) Person G Domestic assault with prior convictions 2 10/1/00
750. 81 (4) Person E Domestic assault with prior convictions 5
As amended, 2012 PA
365, Eff. 4/1/13
750. 171 Person E Dueling 10
Deleted, 2010 PA 95, eff.
750. 539 c Pub ord H Eavesdropping 2
168. 757 Pub trst E Election inspector – unlawful conduct 5
168. 734 Pub trst G Election law – election board refusing to provide challenger conveniences 2
168. 731 (4) Pub trst G Election law – filing certain false statements 2
168. 937 Pub trst E Election law – forgery 5
168. 936 Pub trst E Election law – perjury 5
168. 932 e Pub trst E
Election law – person intentionally misrepresenting that he or she is an election official
in a polling place
5 8/15/12
168. 932 (f) Pub trst E Election law – possess absent voter ballot delivered to another person 5
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
168. 932 c Pub trst E Election law – providing compensation to a person for registering individuals to vote 5 8/15/12
168. 932 a Pub trst G Election offenses 4
168. 756 Pub trst E Elector's false statement concerning inability to mark ballot 5
771. 3 f Pub ord G Electronic monitoring device – tampering with or removing 2 3/1/13
750. 520 n Pub saf G Electronic monitoring device violation 2 8/28/06
750. 176 Pub trst E Embezzlement by administrator, executor, or guardian 10
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 174 (4) Property E Embezzlement by agent of $1,000 to $20,000 [or] with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 174 (5) Property D
Embezzlement by agent of $1K-$20K from nonprofit/charitable organization, or $20K-
$50K, or $1K-$20K with prior convictions
As amended, 2006 PA
574, Eff. 3/30/07
750. 174 (4) Property E
Embezzlement by agent of $1,000 to $20,000, or with prior convictions, or of $200 to
$1,000 from nonprofit corporation or charitable organization
As amended, 2012 PA
168, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 174 (5) Property D
Embezzlement by agent of $20,000 to $50,000, or with prior convictions, or of $1,000 to
$20,000 from nonprofit corporation or charitable organization
As amended, 2012 PA
168, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 174 (6) Property C Embezzlement by agent of $50,000 to $100,00015
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 174 (7) Property B Embezzlement by agent of $100,000 or more 20 3/30/07
750. 174 Property D Embezzlement by agent over $100 10
750. 177 (3) Property E Embezzlement by chattel mortgagor of $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 177 (2) Property D Embezzlement by chattel mortgagor of $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 177 Property H Embezzlement by chattel mortgagor over $100 2
750. 180 Property D Embezzlement by financial institution 20
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 175 Pub trst D Embezzlement by public officer of more than $50 10
As amended, 2012 PA
168, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 182 Property G Embezzlement by warehouses 4
750. 174 a (4) Property E Embezzlement from vulnerable adult of $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 174 a (5) Property D Embezzlement from vulnerable adult of $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 174 a (5) Property D Embezzlement from vulnerable adult of $20,000 to $50,000 or with prior convictions 10
As amended, 2012 PA
168, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 174 a (6) Property C Embezzlement from vulnerable adult of $50,000 to $100,000 or with prior convictions 15 6/19/12
750. 174 a (7) Property B Embezzlement from vulnerable adult of $100,000 or more or with prior convictions 20 6/19/12
750. 181 Property E Embezzlement of jointly held property over $100 10
750. 178 Property G Embezzlement of mortgaged or leased property – over $100 2
750. 179 Property G Embezzlement of railroad tickets 4
Deleted, 2002 PA 278,
Eff. 5/9/02
750. 181 (4) Property E
Embezzling jointly held property with value of $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convic-
5 10/1/00
750. 181 (5) Property D Embezzling jointly held property with value of $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750. 178 (3) Property E Embezzling mortgaged or leased property of $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5
As amended, 2012 PA 6,
Eff. 2/14/12
750 178 (2) Property D Embezzling mortgaged or leased property of $20,000 or with prior convictions 10
As amended, 2012 PA
168, Eff. 6/19/12
409. 122 (2) Pub ord G Employment of children during certain hours – second offense 2
409. 122 (2) Person G Employment of children during certain hours – second offense 2 10/1/00
409. 122(2) Person E Employment of children during certain hours – third offense 10
409. 122 (2) Person E Employment of children during certain hours – third or subsequent offense 10 10/1/00
409. 122 (3) Person D Employment of children in child sexually abusive activity 20
750. 332 Property H Entering horse in race under false name 4
750. 111 Property E Entering without breaking with intent to commit felony or larceny 5
750. 13 Person D Enticing female under 16 for immoral purposes 10
750. 195 (2) Pub saf F Escape from a felony jail sentence 4
750. 186 a (1) Pub saf F Escape from a juvenile facility 4
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 195 (1) Pub saf H Escape from a misdemeanor jail sentence 2
750. 197 c Pub saf F Escape from jail through violence 4
Eff. until 12/29/06, 2006
PA 536
750. 197 c Pub saf E Escape from jail through violence 5
As amended, 2006 PA
536, Eff. 12/29/06
750. 193 Pub saf E Escape from prison 5
750. 197 (2) Pub saf F Escape while awaiting trial for felony 4
750. 197 (1) Pub saf H Escape while awaiting trial for misdemeanor 2
445. 2583 Pub trst F Establish, promote, or operate a pyramid promotional scheme 7 9/11/18
750. 147 b Person G Ethnic intimidation 2
324. 61521 (1) Pub trst G Evading rule under NREPA 3
750. 411 b Pub trst G Excess fees to members of legislature 4
750. 200 Pub saf F Explosives – transport by common carriers 4
750. 212 a Person B Explosives violation involving a vulnerable target causing death or injury 20 10/1/00
750. 135 Person D Exposing children with intent to injure or abandon 10
750. 165 Pub ord F Failing to pay support 4
As amended, 2000 PA
279, eff. 10/1/00
750. 165 Pub ord F Failing to pay support and leaving state 4
380. 1230 d (3) (a) Pub saf G Failure by school employee to report charge or conviction 2 9/29/05
205. 27 (1) (a) Pub trst G Failure to file or false tax return or payment 5
333. 2841 (3) Pub ord E
Failure to inform law enforcement or funeral home of discovery of dead body with pur-
pose of concealing fact or cause of death
445. 1520 Pub trst G Failure to keep or maintain record of sale of franchise 7
As amended, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
791. 236 (17) Pub ord F Failure to provide correct notice of proposed domicile by sex offender 4 12/1/06
28. 729 (1) (a) Pub ord F Failure to register as a sex offender, first offense 4 9/1/99
28. 729 (1) (b) Pub ord D Failure to register as a sex offender, second offense 7 9/1/99
28. 729 (1) (c) Pub ord D Failure to register as a sex offender, third or subsequent offense 10 9/1/99
722. 115 e (2) (a) Pub saf G
Failure to report arraignment for criminal charges - child care centers, day care centers,
and employees
2 1/1/06
722 115 e (5) (a) Pub saf G
Failure to report arraignment for criminal charges - licensed child care organizations
and employees
Renumbered, 2017 PA
259, Eff. 3/28/18
722. 115 f (8) (a) Pub saf G
Failure to report arraignment for criminal charges - family day care and group day care
Deleted, 2017 PA 259,
Eff. 3/28/18
722. 115 f (8) (a) Pub saf G
Failure to report arraignment on criminal charges - family child care / group child care
As amended, 2007 PA
220, Eff. 11/28/07
722. 115 i (2) (a) Pub saf G
Failure to report arraignment on criminal charges - foster family / foster family group
257. 625 k (9) Pub saf D Failure to report illegal ignition interlock device 10 10/1/01
257. 625 q (5) Pub saf D Failure to report illegal ignition interlock device 10
Renumbered, 2016 PA
34, Eff. 6/6/16
257. 625 k (9) Pub saf D Failure to report that an ignition interlock device does not meet legal requirements 10 10/1/00
257. 617 Person E Failure to stop at scene of a serious personal injury accident 5
Substituted for by
257. 617 (3) Person C Failure to stop at scene of accident resulting in death when at fault 15 2/1/02
257. 617 (2) Person E Failure to stop at scene of accident resulting in serious impairment or death 5 2/1/02
324. 80134 a (3) Person C Failure to stop at scene of marine accident causing death when at fault 15 4/1/04
324. 80134 a (2) Person E Failure to stop at scene of marine accident causing serious impairment or death 5 4/1/04
28. 729 (2) (c) Pub ord F Failure to update sex offender registration information - third or subsequent offense 4 1/1/06
28. 729 (2) Pub ord F Failure to update sex offender registration information 2
Amended, 2011 PA 19,
Eff. July 1, 2011
257. 653 a (4) Person C Failure to use due care and caution causing death to emergency personnel 15 3/28/01
257. 653 a (3) Person G Failure to use due care and caution causing injury to emergency personnel 2 3/28/01
445. 1525 Pub trst G False advertising of franchise 7
As amended, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
324. 61511 Pub trst G False affidavit under NREPA 5
28. 308 Pub saf E
False certification or statement in application for enhanced driver license or enhanced
official state personal identification card
5 3/13/08
28. 293 (1) Pub ord E False information when applying for state ID 5
28. 293 (2) Pub ord D False information when applying for state ID – second offense 7
28. 293 (3) Pub ord C False information when applying for state ID – third or subsequent offense 15
18. 366 (1) (c) Property E
False presentation to crime victim services commission to obtain $1,000 to $20,000 or
with prior convictions
18. 366 (1) (d) Property D
False presentation to crime victim services commission to obtain $20,000 or more or
with prior convictions
10 1/1/02
18. 366 (1) Property E False presentation to crime victim services commission to obtain more than $100 10
Deleted, 2001 PA 150 &
154, Eff. 1/1/02
750. 218 (4) Property E
False pretenses involving $1,000 or more but less than $20,000 or $200 or more but
less than $1,000 with prior convictions
As amended, 2011 PA
202, Eff. 1/1/12
750. 218 (4) Property E False pretenses involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 218 (5) Property C
False pretenses involving $20,000 or more but less than $50,000 or $1,000 or more but
less than $20,000 with prior convictions
As amended, 2011 PA
202, Eff. 1/1/12
750. 218 (5) Property D False pretenses involving $20,000 or more or $1,000 to $20,000 with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 218 (6) Property C
False pretenses involving a value of $50,000 or more but less than $100,000 or
$20,000 or more but less than $50,000 with prior convictions
15 1/1/12
750. 218 (7) Property B
False pretenses involving a value of $100,000 or more or $50,000 or more but less than
$100,000 with prior convictions
20 1/1/12
750. 218 Property E False pretenses over $100 10
285. 279 (2) (c) Property E
False pretenses under Michigan family farm development act involving $1,000 to
$20,000 or with prior convictions
285. 279 (2) (d) Property D
False pretenses under Michigan family farm development act involving $20,000 or
more or with prior convictions
10 2/1/02
125. 1447 (1) (c) Property E
False pretenses under state housing development act involving $1,000 to $20,000 or
with prior convictions
125. 1447 (1) (d) Property D
False pretenses under state housing development act involving $20,000 or more or
with prior convictions
10 1/1/02
722 115 l (4) (b)3 Pub ord F False report initiating high-risk special investigation
Renumbered, 2017 PA
259, Eff. 3/28/18
722. 115 l (b) Pub ord F False report initiating special investigation
750. 411 a (2) Pub ord F False report of a bombing or threat to bomb 4
Substituted for by
28. 754 Pub ord F False report of a child abduction 4 2/1/06
28. 754 (1) Pub ord F False report of a child abduction 4
Amended, 2011 PA 19,
Eff. July 1, 2011
750. 411 a (1) (b) Pub ord F False report of a felony 4
28. 674 Pub saf F False report of a public threat 4 9/22/16
750. 411 a (1) (e) Person C False report of crime resulting in death151/1/13
750. 411 a (1) (c) Person E False report of crime resulting in physical injury 5 1/1/13
750. 411 a (1) (d) Person D False report of crime resulting in serious impairment of body function 10 1/1/13
750. 411 a (4) (d) Person C False report of medical or other emergency resulting in death 15 1/1/13
750. 411 a (4) (b) Person E False report of medical or other emergency resulting in physical injury 5 1/1/13
750. 411 a (4) (c) Person D
False report of medical or other emergency resulting in serious impairment of body
10 1/1/13
750. 436 (3) (a) Pub ord F False report of poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply 4 4/22/02
750. 436 (3) (b) Pub ord D False report of poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply with prior conviction 10 4/22/02
333. 7407 (1) (d) CS G False reports under controlled substance article 4
333. 16170 (3) Pub trst F False representation of completion of health professional recovery program 4
As amended, 2014 PA
279, Eff. 9/30/14
445. 1521 Pub trst G
False representation of departmental finding, recommendation, or approval of franchise
As amended, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
750. 217 d Pub saf C False representation or practice as health professional 15 10/1/00
28. 295 a (1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain or misuse personal information 4
28. 295 a (2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain or misuse personal information – second offense 7
28. 295 a (3) Pub ord C
False representation to obtain or misuse personal information third or subsequent
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
324. 80130 d (1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
324. 80319 a (1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
324. 81120 (1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
324. 82160 (1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
324. 80130 d (2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information – second offense 7
324. 80319 a (2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information – second offense 7
324. 81120 (2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information – second offense 7
324. 82160 (2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information – second offense 7
324. 80130 d (3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information – third or subsequent offense 15
324. 80319 a (3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information – third or subsequent offense 15
324. 81120 (3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information – third or subsequent offense 15
324. 82160 (3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information – third or subsequent offense 15
750. 232 a (3) Pub saf G False statement in a pistol application 4
168. 759 b Pub trst E False statement in application for emergency absentee ballot 5
35. 980 Pub trst H False statement in application for Korean veterans benefits 3
442. 219 Pub trst E False statement in application for license to conduct certain sales 5
As amended, 2008 PA
382, Eff. 12/29/08
333. 20142 (5) Pub trst F False statement in application for licensure as health facility 4
As amended, 2014 PA
279, Eff. 9/30/14
35. 1029 Pub trst H False statement in application for Vietnam veterans benefits 3
257. 744 a Pub saf D False statement in citation – perjury 15
493. 56 a (13) Pub trst C False statement in reports – secondary mortgage 15
445. 1671 Pub trst E False statement in required report by mortgage broker or lender 15
As amended, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
750. 157 v Property H False statement of identity to obtain financial transaction device 4
445. 1523 Pub trst G False statement of material fact to department of attorney general regarding franchise 7
As amended, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
28. 516 (2) Pub saf F False statement on concealed firearm certificate application 4 3/31/09
28. 425 b (3) Pub saf F False statement on concealed pistol permit application 4 7/1/01
28. 422 a (4) Pub saf F False statement on pistol sales record 4 7/1/01
28. 422 a (5) Pub saf F False statement on pistol sales record 4
Amended, 2011 PA 19,
Eff. July 1, 2011
324. 21548 (1) Pub trst H False statement, report, claim, bid, work invoice, or other request for payment 5
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
168. 933 Pub trst E False swearing to register or vote 5
Deleted, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
205. 27 (3) Pub trst G False tax returns/perjury 15
750. 200 l Person E Falsely exposing person to harmful substance or device 5 10/23/01
285. 279 Pub trst E Falsely obtaining money – agricultural land 10
Deleted, 2001 PAs 133,
136 & 160
750. 182 a Pub trst H Falsifying school records 2
333. 10117 Pub ord E Falsifying, concealing, or defacing document of anatomical gift for financial gain 5 3/17/2008
432. 513 Pub ord E Fantasy contest offenses – third or subsequent violation 5
Added, 2020 PA 14,
Eff. 1/27/20
440. 9307 (4) Property G Farming – illegal sale of secured products 3
Replaced by 9320(8),
2000 PA 348, Eff. 7/1/01
440. 9320 (8) Property G Farming – illegal sale of secured products 3 7/1/01
750. 227 g (1) Pub saf F Felon purchasing, owning, possessing, or using body armor 4 10/1/00
750. 82 (1) Person F Felonious assault 4
750. 82 (2) Person F Felonious assault – weapon-free school zone 4
257. 626 c Person G Felonious driving 2
Repealed, 2008 PA 467,
Eff. 10/31/10
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
752. 191 Pub saf G Felonious driving 2
Deleted, 2001 PA 136,
Eff. 2/1/02
324. 80173 Person G Felonious operation of a vessel 2
750. 237 a Pub saf SPEC Felony committed in a weapon-free school zone
750. 136 a Person B Female genital mutilation – transporting person for purpose of 15 10/9/17
750. 136 Person B Female genital mutilation violation 15 10/9/17
750. 49 (10) Person D Fighting animal attacking without provocation and death resulting 15
750. 49 (2) (a) Pub ord F Fighting animals or providing facilities for animal fights 4
750. 49 (2) (b) Pub ord F Fighting animals or providing facilities for animal fights 4
750. 49 (2) (c) Pub ord F Fighting animals or providing facilities for animal fights 4
750. 49 (2) (d) Pub ord F Fighting animals or providing facilities for animal fights 4
440. 9501 Pub trst E Filing a false or fraudulent financing statement with the secretary of state 5 1/1/05
440. 9501 a Pub trst E Filing false affidavit of fraudulent financing statement 5 12/29/08
750. 157 r Property H Financial transaction device – forgery, alteration, or counterfeiting 4
750. 539 k (5) (a) Property E
Financial transaction device – illegally recording personal identifying information from
financial transaction device transaction
750. 539 k (5) (b) Property D
Financial transaction device – illegally recording personal identifying information from
financial transaction device transaction – second offense
10 4/1/14
750. 539 k (5) (c) Property C
Financial transaction device – illegally recording personal identifying information from
financial transaction device transaction – third or subsequent offense
15 4/1/14
750. 157 n (1) Property H Financial transaction device – stealing, retaining, or using without consent 4
750. 157 s Property H Financial transaction device – use of revoked or canceled financial device over $100 1
38. 516 Pub trst H Fire and police civil service – appointment or employment contrary to act 2
28. 435 (14) (c) Pub saf G
Firearm sale without trigger lock, gun case, or storage container – third or subsequent
257. 602 a (5) Person C First degree fleeing and eluding 15
Amended, 2011 PA 59,
Eff. 7/1/11
750. 104 Property F Fitting boat with intent to destroy 4
750. 479 a (5) Person B Fleeing and eluding – first degree 15
750. 479 a (2) Pub saf G Fleeing and eluding – fourth degree 2
750. 479 a (4) Person C Fleeing and eluding – second degree 10
750. 479 a (3) Pub saf E Fleeing and eluding – third degree 5
750. 45 a (2) Pub saf F
Flying over or causing an unmanned aircraft to hover over facility designated on federal
4 3/28/19
750. 300 a (1) (a) Property G Food stamp fraud of $250 or less – second offense 5
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 300 a (1) (a) Property G Food stamp fraud of $250 or less – third or subsequent offense 10
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 300 a (1) (b) Property E Food stamp fraud of more than $250 to $1,000 5
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 300 a (1) (b) Property E Food stamp fraud of more than $250 to $1,000 – subsequent offense 10
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 300 a (1) (c) Property E Food stamp fraud of more than $1,000 10
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
168. 759 (8) Pub trst E Forged signature on absentee ballot 5
750. 248 Property E Forgery 14
750. 251 Property E Forgery of bank bills 7
750. 248 b Property C Forgery of real estate document 14 1/1/12
750. 250 Property E Forgery of treasury notes 7
28. 422 (13) Pub saf F Forgery on pistol – license [sic] application 4
Amended, 2015 PA 4, Eff.
28. 422 (14) Pub saf F Forgery on pistol – license [sic] application 4
Renumbered, 2015 PA
201, Eff. 2/22/16
257. 310 (7) (b) Pub ord E
Forging driver license with intent to commit crime punishable by 6 months or more but
less than 10 years
5 4/22/02
257. 310 (7) (a) Pub ord D Forging driver license with intent to commit crime punishable by 10 years or more 10 4/22/02
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
28. 295 (1) (a) Pub ord H Forging state ID card to commit felony 4
Replaced, 2004 PA 149,
Eff. 9/1/04
257. 312 b (8) Pub ord F Forging, counterfeiting, or altering motorcycle road test certification 5 3/28/01
257. 309 (8)* Pub ord F Forging, counterfeiting, or altering road test certification *[See MCL 257.309(9)] 5 3/28/01
110. 28 Pub trst G Fourth class cities – misappropriation of money or property 3
257. 602 a (2) Pub saf G Fourth degree fleeing and eluding 2
Amended, 2011 PA 59,
Eff. 7/1/11
445. 1525 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – false advertising 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1521 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – false representation 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1523 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – false statements of material fact 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1505 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – fraudulent filing/offers 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1513 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – illegal offers/sales 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1520 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – keeping records 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 1508 Pub trst G Franchise investment law – sale without proper disclosure 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
750. 278 Property G Fraud – issuing or delivering fraudulent warehouse receipt 5
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 276 Property G Fraud – obtaining signature or promise of vendee of grain to sell at fictitious price 4
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 274 Property E Fraud – purchasing or collecting on fraudulent financial document 10
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
333. 5661 Person F Fraud resulting in patient death 4
750. 277 Pub trst G Fraud – sale or transfer of note of vendee of grain to sell at a fictitious price 4
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 95 Property G Fraudulent bank notes 10
565. 371 Property G Fraudulent conveyances – recording with intent to deceive 3
750. 96 Property G Fraudulent disposal of bank property 4
750. 279 Property G Fraudulent disposal of entrusted property 4
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
436. 1919 Pub ord H Fraudulent documents, labels, or stamps 1
445. 1505 Pub trst G Fraudulent filing, offer, or sale of franchise 7
As amended, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
750. 282 Pub ord G Fraudulently damaging or using property of utility in amount over $500 4
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
333. 7403 a CS F Fraudulently obtaining controlled substance or prescription for controlled substance 4 12/22/10
750. 271 Property E Fraudulently issuing or selling domestic securities 10
750. 157 w (1) (c) Property E
Fraudulently withdrawing or transferring $1,000 to $20,000 with financial transaction
5 10/1/00
750. 157 w (1) (d) Property D
Fraudulently withdrawing or transferring $20,000 or more with financial transaction
10 10/1/00
750. 157 w Property H
Fraudulently withdrawing or transferring more than $500 with financial transaction
800. 283 a Pub saf E Furnishing cell phone to prisoner 5 12/29/06
801. 263 (1) Pub saf H Furnishing contraband to prisoner in jail 5 8/1/99
750. 157 t Property H
Furnishing goods or services to person committing violation with financial transaction
800. 281 (1) Pub saf H Furnishing prisoner with contraband 5
800. 281 (2) Pub saf H Furnishing prisoner with contraband outside 5
801. 262 (1) (b) Pub saf E Furnishing weapon to prisoner in jail 5 8/1/99
800. 283 (1) Pub saf E Furnishing weapon to prisoner in prison 5
750. 303 Pub ord H Gambling 2
750. 313 Pub ord H Gambling in stocks, bonds, or commodities 2
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 303 Pub ord H Gaming 2
As amended, 2004 PA
457, Eff. 3/1/05
750. 411 u Pub ord B Gang membership felonies 20 1/16/09
750. 411 v (1) Person E Gang recruitment 5 1/16/09
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
207. 119 Pub trst G Gasoline or motor fuel tax violation 4
Offense repealed, 2000
PA 403, Eff. 4/1/01
207. 118 a Pub ord G Gasoline tax – embezzlement over $100 10
Offense repealed, 2000
PA 403, Eff. 4/1/01
285. 82 Pub trst H Grain dealers act violations 5 Substituted for by 285.83
285. 83 (4) Pub trst H Grain dealers act – fraudulent warehouse receipt violations 5
As amended, 2015 PA
213, Eff. 3/14/16
285. 83 Pub trst H Grain dealers act violations 5 3/31/03
750. 280 Property E Gross fraud or cheat at common law 10
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
750. 338 a Pub ord G Gross indecency between females 5
750. 338 a Pub ord A Gross indecency between females involving sexually delinquent person LIFE 8/24/06
750. 338 Pub ord G Gross indecency between males 5
750. 338 b Pub ord G Gross indecency between males and females 5
750. 338 b Pub ord A Gross indecency between males and females involving sexually delinquent person LIFE 8/24/06
750. 338 Pub ord A Gross indecency between males involving sexually delinquent person LIFE 8/24/06
750. 90 c (b) Person E
Gross negligence against a pregnant individual resulting in great bodily harm to embryo
or fetus
5 10/1/00
750. 90 c (a) Person C
Gross negligence against a pregnant individual resulting in miscarriage/stillbirth/death
to embryo or fetus
15 6/1/01
750. 90 c (a) Person C Gross negligence against a pregnant individual resulting in miscarriage or stillbirth 15 10/1/00
750. 50 c (7) Pub saf H Harassing or causing harm to law enforcement animal while committing crime 2
750. 50 c (7) Pub saf H
Harassing/harming law enforcement animal or search and rescue dog while committing
As amended, 2006 PA
518, Eff. 12/29/06
750. 199 (3) Pub saf F Harboring a person for whom felony warrant has been issued 4 6/30/06
750. 200 i (2) (c) Person A Harmful device causing personal injury 25 10/1/00
750. 200 i (2) (b) Property B Harmful device causing property damage 20 10/1/00
750. 200 i (2) (d) Person A Harmful device causing serious impairment LIFE 10/1/00
324. 20139 (3) Pub saf H Hazardous substance – knowingly releasing or causing release 2
As amended, 2004 PA
382, Eff. 10/12/04
324. 20139 (3) Pub saf H Hazardous substance – knowing release or intentional false statement 2
As amended, 2015 PA
226, Eff. 3/16/16
324. 20139 (4) Pub saf E Hazardous substance – substantial endangerment 5 3/16/16
324. 20139 (3) Pub saf H Hazardous waste – knowingly releases or causes the release 2
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 11151 (3) Pub saf H Hazardous waste – disregard for human life 2
324. 11151 (3) Pub saf G Hazardous waste – extreme indifference for human life 5
324. 11151 (2) Pub saf H Hazardous waste – subsequent offense 2
750. 411 t (2) (c) Person C Hazing resulting in death 15 8/18/04
750. 411 t (2) (b) Person E Hazing resulting in serious impairment of body function 5
8/18/04; as amended,
2012 PA 332, Eff. 1/1/13
752. 1005 Property H Health care fraud – conspiring to commit health care fraud 10
As amended, 2012 PA
456, Eff. March 31, 2013
752. 1003 Property F
Health care fraud – false claim, statement, or representation to obtain health care ben-
As amended, 2012 PA
456, Eff. March 31, 2013
752. 1004 Property F
Health care fraud – soliciting, paying, or receiving kickback or receiving referral fee for
health care payment
As amended, 2012 PA
456, Eff. March 31, 2013
752. 1006 Property D Health care fraud – subsequent offense 20
750. 421 b Pub saf H Hinder transport of farm/commercial products – subsequent offense 2
750. 543 h Pub ord A Hindering prosecution of terrorism LIFE
Eff. 4/22/02 to 7/15/02,
2002 PA 271
750. 543 h (3) (b) Pub ord A Hindering prosecution of terrorism – act of terrorism LIFE 7/15/02
750. 543 h (3) (a) Pub ord B Hindering prosecution of terrorism – certain terrorist acts 20 7/15/02
500. 1371 Pub trst H Holding companies – violation 2
750. 110 a (2) Person B Home invasion – first degree 20 10/1/00
750. 110 a (4) Person B Home invasion – first degree 20
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 110 a (3) Person C Home invasion – second degree 15 10/1/00
750. 110 a (5) Person C Home invasion – second degree 15
750. 110 a (4) Person E Home invasion – third degree 5 10/1/00
750. 329 Person C Homicide – weapon aimed with intent but not malice 15
431. 317 (9) Pub trst E Horse racing – accepting wagers on live or simulcast horse races without a license 5 7/1/16
431. 330 (4) Pub trst G Horse racing – administering a drug that could affect racing condition 5
431. 330 (6) Pub trst G Horse racing – administering a drug that could affect racing condition 5
Renumbered, 2016 PA
272, Eff. 7/1/16
431. 257 Pub trst G Horse racing – delivery of unclaimed winnings 2
As amended, 2016 PA
272, Eff. 7/1/16
431. 332 Pub trst G Horse racing – influencing or attempting to influence result of race 5
431. 307 (8) Pub trst G Horse racing – testifying falsely to commissioner while under oath 4
750. 430 a Person D Human cloning 10 10/1/00
750. 462 f (3) Person SPEC
Human trafficking – attempting, conspiring, or soliciting another to violate human traf-
ficking laws
750. 462 i Person A Human trafficking - compound felony LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 d (1) Person D Human trafficking - forced labor through abuse of legal process 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 d (3) Person A Human trafficking - forced labor through abuse of legal process causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 d (2) Person C Human trafficking - forced labor through abuse of legal process causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 f (1) Person D Human trafficking - forced labor through blackmail 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 f (3) Person A Human trafficking - forced labor through blackmail causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 f (2) Person C Human trafficking - forced labor through blackmail causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 e (1) Person D Human trafficking - forced labor through destruction of ID document 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 e (3) Person A Human trafficking - forced labor through destruction of ID document causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 e (2) Person C Human trafficking - forced labor through destruction of ID document causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 b (1) Person D Human trafficking - forced labor through physical harm 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 b (3) Person A Human trafficking - forced labor through physical harm causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 b (2) Person C Human trafficking - forced labor through physical harm causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 c (1) Person D Human trafficking - forced labor through physical restraint 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 c (3) Person A Human trafficking - forced labor through physical restraint causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 c (2) Person C Human trafficking - forced labor through physical restraint causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 f (2) Person B
Human trafficking – obtaining a minor for commercial sexual activity or for forced labor
or services
20 1/14/15
750. 462 g (1) Person B Human trafficking - obtain minor for child sexual abusive activity 20
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 h (2) Person D Human trafficking - recruit minor for forced labor 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 h (4) Person A Human trafficking - recruit minor for forced labor causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 h (3) Person C Human trafficking - recruit minor for forced labor causing injury 15
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 f (1) (a) Person D Human trafficking violation 10 1/14/15
750. 462 f (1) (d) Person A Human trafficking violation involving death or the commission of certain felonies LIFE 1/14/15
750. 462 f (1) (b) Person C Human trafficking violation resulting in bodily injury 15 1/14/15
750. 462 f (1) (c) Person B Human trafficking violation resulting in serious bodily injury 20 1/14/15
445. 65 Pub ord E Identity theft 53/1/05
445. 65 Pub ord D Identity theft – second offense 10 4/1/11
445. 65 Pub ord C Identity theft – third or subsequent offense 15 4/1/11
324. 52908 (3) Property H Illegally cutting, removing, or transporting tree or other plant involving $1,000 or more
Eff. 10/1/00 to 1/1/02,
2001 PA 156
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 282 a Property E
Illegally selling or transferring product or service of electric service provider or natural
gas provider to another person
445. 1513 Pub trst G Illegal offer or sale of franchise 7
As amended, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
205. 428 (3) Pub trst G
Illegal sale of cigarettes or other tobacco products with wholesale price of $250.00 or
5 10/1/00
205. 428 (6) Pub trst F Illegal tobacco stamp or tobacco stamp device 10 10/1/00
205. 428 (7) Pub trst G Illegal vending machine license, disk, or marker 5 10/1/00
600. 908 (8) Pub trst E Immunity to witness – committing perjury 15
257. 625 (10) (c) Pub saf E Impaired driving – third or subsequent offense 5
Eff. until 9/30/03, replaced
by (11)(c)
750. 217 e Pub ord G Impersonating a DHS employee 2
As amended, 2005 PA
171, Eff. 1/1/06
750. 217 f Pub saf G Impersonating a firefighter or emergency medical service personnel 2 1/1/06
750. 217 e Pub ord G Impersonating an FIA employee 2 9/1/01
750. 215 (3) Pub saf F Impersonating peace officer 4 9/1/03
750. 217 c (3) Pub ord H Impersonating public officer or employee 2 10/1/00
750. 217 c (3) Pub ord H Impersonating public officer or employee – subsequent conviction 2
As amended, 2011 PA
202, Eff. 1/1/12
750. 217 c (4) Pub ord G Impersonating public officer or employee – third or subsequent conviction 4 10/1/00
750. 217 b Pub saf G Impersonating public utility employee 2
750 204 b Pub saf G
Importing, manufacturing, distributing, or storing explosives in violation of certain fed-
eral laws and regulations
2 5/22/18
445. 574a (3) (d) Pub ord H Improper acceptance or delivery of 10,000 or more nonrefundable containers by dealer 5 12/29/08
445. 574a (4) (d) Pub ord H
Improper acceptance or delivery of 10,000 or more nonrefundable containers by distrib-
750. 160 c Pub ord D Improper disposal of dead human body after more than 180 days 10 4/1/04
333. 13738 (3) Pub saf B Improper disposal of waste with extreme indifference to human life 20
As amended, 2014 PA
279, Eff. 9/30/14
333. 13738 (3) Pub saf F Improper disposal of waste with indifference to human life 2
As amended, 2014 PA
279, Eff. 9/30/14
445. 574a (2) (d) Pub ord H Improper return of 10,000 or more nonrefundable containers 5 12/29/08
380. 1816 Pub trst F Improper use of bond proceeds 4 3/30/05
750. 224 (a) (6) Pub saf G Improper use of electro-muscular disruption device 2 8/6/12
752. 542 Pub saf D Incitement to riot 10
750. 49 (8) Person A Inciting fighting animal resulting in death LIFE
750. 49 (9) Person F Inciting fighting animal to attack 4
750. 348 Pub saf H Inciting Indians to violate a treaty 4
Deleted, 2002 PA 261,
Eff. 5/1/02
750. 425 Pub trst E Inciting or procuring perjury 5
750. 425 Pub trst E Inciting or procuring perjury but perjury not committed 5 10/1/00
750. 405 Pub saf E Inciting soldiers to desert 5
750. 335 a (2) (b) Person G Indecent exposure – aggravated 2 2/1/06
750. 335 a Person A Indecent exposure by sexually delinquent person LIFE
Relettered, 2005 PA 302,
Eff. 2/1/06
750. 335 a (2) (c) Person A Indecent exposure by sexually delinquent person LIFE
Formerly MCL 750.335a,
Eff. 2/1/06
750. 157 c Person SPEC Inducing minor to commit a felony
324. 8905 (2) Pub saf H Infectious waste/pathological waste/sharps – littering violation 2
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 8905 (3) Pub saf G Infectious waste/pathological waste/sharps – littering violation – subsequent offense 5
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
286. 260 (4) Pub ord E
Insect pest and plant disease act – intentional violation of quarantine rule or order with
intent to damage natural resources
As amended, 2015 PA
213, Eff. 3/14/16
286. 228 (6) Pub ord E
Insect pest and plant disease act – intentional violation with intent to damage natural
As amended, 2015 PA
213, Eff. 3/14/16
286. 260 (4) Pub ord E
Insect pest and plant disease – intentional violation with intent to damage natural
5 9/1/05
750. 539 d Pub ord H Installing eavesdropping device 2
Replaced, 2004 PA 157,
Eff. 6/16/04
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 539 d (3) (a) (i) Pub ord H Installing, placing, or using eavesdropping device 2 6/16/04
750. 539 d (3) (a) (ii) Pub ord E Installing, placing, or using eavesdropping device – subsequent offense 5 6/16/04
492. 137 (a) Pub trst H Installment sales of motor vehicles 3
500. 5252 (4) Property G Insurance – improper personal interest in transactions 5
500. 8197 (2) Pub trst C Insurance – knowing or willful false statements in application for insurance 15
500. 4511 (1) Pub trst F Insurance code – fraudulent insurance act 4
500. 1325 (3) Pub trst E Insurance code – knowingly misrepresenting false financial condition 5
500. 1505 (2) Pub trst C Insurance code – license and regulatory violations 15
500. 4511 (2) Pub trst D Insurance fraud – agreement or conspiracy to commit 10
722. 633 (5) (b) Person F Intentional false report of child abuse constituting a felony 4
722. 633 (5) (b) Person F Intentional false report of child abuse constituting a felony
As amended, 2005 PA
106, Eff. 9/14/05,
711. 1 (8) Pub trst E Intentional false statement in petition for name change 15
750. 483 a (4) (b) Person F Interfering with police investigation by committing crime or threatening to kill or injure 10 3/28/01
750. 483 a (4) (b) Person D Interfering with police investigation by committing crime or threatening to kill or injure 10 7/15/02
432. 313 Pub ord D Internet gaming offenses 10
Added, 2019 PA 151,
Eff. 12/20/19
750. 122 (7) (c) Person C Intimidating witness by committing crime or threatening to kill or injure 15 3/28/01
750. 205 a Pub saf F Intimidation or harassment by device represented as an explosive 4
324. 41309 (9) Property F Introduction of aquatic prohibited species – knowing identity 3 4/15/15
324. 41309 (8) Property G
Introduction of nonaquatic prohibited species or genetically engineered species –
knowing identity
As amended, 2014 PA
538, Eff. 4/15/15
324. 41309 (11) (b) Property E
Introduction of prohibited or genetically engineered species – intent to damage
As amended, 2014 PA
538, Eff. 4/15/15
324. 41309 (10) (b) Property F Introduction of prohibited or genetically engineered species – knowing unlawful 4
As amended, 2014 PA
538, Eff. 4/15/15
324. 41309 (11) (a) Property F Introduction of restricted or nonnative species – intent to damage resources 3
As amended, 2014 PA
538, Eff. 4/15/15
324. 41309 (10) (a) Property G Introduction of restricted or nonnative species – knowing unlawful 2
As amended, 2014 PA
538, Eff. 4/15/15
750. 200 j (2) (a) Person E Irritant or irritant device 5 10/23/01
750. 200 j (2) (e) Person A Irritant or irritant device causing death LIFE 10/1/00
750. 200 j (2) (c) Person D Irritant or irritant device causing personal injury 10 10/1/00
750. 200 j (2) (b) Property F Irritant or irritant device causing property damage 4 10/1/00
750. 200 j (2) (b) Property E Irritant or irritant device causing property damage 7 10/23/01
750. 200 j (2) (d) Person A Irritant or irritant device causing serious impairment 25 10/1/00
750. 94 Property G Issuing bank notes without complying with requirements 10
443. 52 Pub trst E Issuing duplicate warehouse receipt not so marked 5
750. 513 Property H Issuing fraudulent railroad securities 10
Deleted, 2002 PA 320,
Eff. 7/15/02
443. 50 Pub trst E Issuing warehouse receipt for goods not received 5
750. 120 a (2) (a) Pub ord F Juror intimidation 4 3/28/01
750. 120 a (2) (c) Person C Juror intimidation by committing crime or threatening to kill or injure 15 3/28/01
750. 120 a (2) (b) Pub ord D Juror intimidation in case punishable by more than 10 years 10 3/28/01
750. 120 Pub trst F Juror or other person accepting a bribe 4
750. 349 Person A Kidnapping LIFE
750. 350 Person A Kidnapping – child enticement LIFE
750. 350 a Person H Kidnapping – custodial interference 1
750. 50 c (5) Pub ord E Killing or causing serious physical harm to law enforcement animal 5
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 50 c (5) Pub ord E
Killing or causing serious physical harm to law enforcement animal or search and res-
cue dog
As amended, 2006 PA
518, Eff. 12/29/06
750. 50 b (2) Property F Killing or torturing animals 4
Replaced, 2008 PA 562,
Eff. 1/16/09
750. 50 b (3) Property F Killing or torturing animals 4
As amended, 2008 PA
562, Eff. 1/16/09
750. 50 b (3) Property D Killing or torturing animals – first degree 10
As amended, 2018 PA
652, Eff. 3/28/19
750. 50 b (4) Property E Killing or torturing animals – second degree 7 3/28/19
750. 50 b (5) Property F Killing or torturing animals – third degree 4 3/28/19
445. 433 (2) Pub ord E Knowingly buying or selling stolen nonferrous metal articles 5
As amended, 2008 PA
386, Eff. 12/29/08 As
388. 936 Pub trst F Knowingly making false statement to obtain school district loan 4
As amended, 2015 PA
184, Eff. 2/10/16
388. 962 Pub trst F Knowingly making false statement – school district loans 4
Deleted, 2005 PA 125,
Eff. 9/29/05
750. 409 b Pub ord F Knowingly possessing ransomware with intent to use without authorization 3 7/1/18
257. 625 k (7) Pub saf D Knowingly providing false information concerning an ignition interlock device 10 10/1/00
257. 625 q (3) Pub saf D Knowingly providing false information concerning an ignition interlock device 10
Renumbered, 2016 PA
34, Eff. 6/6/16
750. 540 f (2) Property E Knowingly publishing a communications access device with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
324. 5531 (4) Pub saf H Knowingly releasing air pollutants 2
As amended, 2004 PA
382, Eff. 10/12/04
324. 5531 (5) Pub saf G Knowingly releasing air pollutants – causing death or serious bodily injury 6
As amended, 2004 PA
382, Eff. 10/12/04
324. 5531 (6) Pub saf C Knowingly releasing air pollutants – intentionally causing death or serious bodily injury 15
As amended, 2004 PA
382, Eff. 10/12/04
324. 5531 (4) Pub saf H Knowingly releasing pollutants 2
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 5531 (5) Pub saf G Knowingly releasing pollutants – causing death or serious bodily injury 6
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 5531 (6) Pub saf C Knowingly releasing pollutants – resulting in death or serious bodily injury 15
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
565. 827 Pub trst E Land sales act – false or fraudulent statement 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 451,
Eff. 1/2/15
750. 357 b Property E Larceny – stealing firearms of another 5
750. 362 Property E Larceny by conversion involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 362 Property D Larceny by conversion involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 362 Property E Larceny by conversion over $100 5
750. 363 Property E Larceny by false personation involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 363 Property D Larceny by false personation involving $20,000 or more 10 10/1/00
750. 363 Property E Larceny by false personation over $100 5
750. 356 a Property G Larceny from a motor vehicle 5
750. 356 a (1) Property G Larceny from a motor vehicle 5 10/1/00
750. 358 Property G Larceny from burning building 5
750. 365 Person D Larceny from car or persons detained or injured by accident 20
750. 357 Person D Larceny from the person 10
750. 360 Property G Larceny in a building 4
750. 356 (3) Property E Larceny involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 356 (2) Property D Larceny involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 367 Property D Larceny of a tree or shrub involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 357 a Property G Larceny of livestock 4
750. 366 Property G Larceny of railroad tickets 4
Deleted, 2002 PA 279,
Eff. 5/9/02
750. 367 a Property SPEC Larceny of rationed goods
750. 362 a Property H Larceny of rental property 2
750. 362 a (3) Property E Larceny of rental property involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 362 a (2) Property D Larceny of rental property involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 367 Property G Larceny of trees & shrubs over $100 5
750. 367 Property E Larceny of trees or shrubs involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 356 Property E Larceny over $100 5
600. 8813 Pub trst E Law enforcement officer – knowingly making false statement in a citation 15
750. 135a (2) (d) Person B Leaving child unattended in vehicle resulting in death 15 4/1/09
750. 135 a (2) (c) Person D Leaving child unattended in vehicle resulting in serious physical harm 10 4/1/09
750. 539 j (2) (a) (i) Pub ord H Lewd surveillance or capturing lewd image 2 6/16/04
750. 539 j (2) (a) (ii) Pub ord E Lewd surveillance or capturing lewd image – subsequent offense 5 6/16/04
600. 2136 Pub trst E Library record, book, paper – false certification in court 15
324. 12116 (2) Pub saf H Liquid industrial by-product – false statement in an application or shipping document 2
As amended, 2015 PA
226, Eff. 3/16/16
324. 12116 (2) Pub saf H Liquid industrial waste – false statement in a license application 2
As amended, 2004 PA
382, Eff. 10/12/04
436. 1909 (3) Pub ord H Liquor violation 1
324. 8905 (2) Pub saf H Littering – infectious waste/pathological waste/sharps 2
As amended, 2004 PA
382, Eff. 10/12/04
324. 8905 (3) Pub saf G Littering – infectious waste/pathological waste/sharps – subsequent offense 5
As amended, 2004 PA
382, Eff. 10/12/04
287. 855 Pub saf G
Livestock – violations involving contamination of livestock or diseased or quarantined
As amended, 2015 PA
213, Eff. 3/14/16
554. 836 Property E Living care disclosure act – violation 7
Deleted, 2014 PA 451,
Eff. 1/2/15
4. 421 (1) Pub trst G Lobbyists – compensation contingent on outcome of action 3
4. 421 (2) Pub trst G Lobbyists giving gifts 3
432. 30 Property G Lottery – forgery of tickets 5
750. 374 Pub ord H Lottery violations – subsequent offense 4
445. 33 (2) (b) Pub ord E Mail theft – second or subsequent offense 5
Added, 2019 PA 49,
Eff. 12/16/19
333. 7405 (d) CS G Maintaining drug house 2
333. 7405 (1) (d) CS G Maintaining drug house 2 12/22/10
750. 105 Property G Making false cargo invoice for boat 4
388. 1237 Pub trst F
Making false statement to obtain qualification of school bond issue/improper use of pro-
Substituted for by MCL
388. 1937 Pub trst F
Making false statement to obtain qualification of school bond issue/improper use of pro-
4 9/29/05
205. 27 (1) (c) Pub trst G Making/permitting false tax returns or payments 5
750. 380 (3) Property E Malicious destruction of a building involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5 10/1/00
750. 387 (5) Property E Malicious destruction of a tomb or memorial involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with priors 5 10/1/00
750. 387 (6) Property D
Malicious destruction of a tomb or memorial involving $20,000 or more or with prior
10 10/1/00
750. 380 (2) Property D Malicious destruction of building involving $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10 10/1/00
750. 380 Property F Malicious destruction of building over $100 4
750. 377 b Property F Malicious destruction of fire/police property 4
750. 386 Property E Malicious destruction of mine property 20
750. 377 a (1) (b) Property E Malicious destruction of personal property involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with priors 5 10/1/00
750. 377 a (1) (a) Property D
Malicious destruction of personal property involving $20,000 or more or with prior con-
10 10/1/00
750. 377 a Property G Malicious destruction of personal property over $100 4
750. 382 (1) (c) Property E
Malicious destruction of plants or turf involving $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convic-
5 10/1/00
750. 382 (1) (d) Property D
Malicious destruction of plants or turf involving $20,000 or more or with prior convic-
10 10/1/00
750. 379 Property F Malicious destruction of property – bridges/railroads/locks 4
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 378 Property F Malicious destruction of property – dams/canals/mills 4
750. 392 Property E Malicious destruction of property – vessels 10
750. 387 Property G Malicious destruction of tombs & memorials 5
750. 383 a Property F Malicious destruction of utility equipment 4
As amended, 2008 PA
414, Eff. 3/1/09
750. 383 a Property E Malicious destruction of utility equipment or utility infrastructure component 5
As amended, 2008 PA
414, Eff. 3/1/09
750. 321 Person C Manslaughter 15
750. 211 Pub saf E Manufacture of explosives with unlawful intent 5
750. 539 f Pub ord H Manufacture or possession of eavesdropping device 2
750. 262 Property E Manufacture or possession of tools to counterfeit coins 10
750. 224 Pub saf E Manufacture or sale of silencer, bomb, blackjack, automatic weapon, gas spray, etc. 5
750. 224 e Pub saf F Manufacture/sale/possession of devices to convert semiautomatic weapons 4
750. 263 (4) Property E Manufacturing items with counterfeit mark5
750. 540 c (3) Property F Manufacturing or delivering a counterfeit communications device 4
Eff. 10/1/00 to 2/12/04,
2004 PA 2
333. 7405 (b) CS G Manufacturing or distribution violations by licensee 2
333. 7405 (1) (b) CS G Manufacturing or distribution violations by licensee 2 12/22/10
750. 211 a (2) (c) Person A Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing physical injury 25 Eff. 10/1/00 to 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (d) Person A Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing physical injury 25
Relettered, 2004 PA 524,
Eff. 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (b) Property B
Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing property dam-
20 Eff. 10/1/00 to 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (c) Property B
Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing property dam-
Relettered, 2004 PA 524,
Eff. 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (d) Person A
Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing serious impair-
LIFE Eff. 10/1/00 to 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (e) Person A
Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device causing serious impair-
Relettered, 2004 PA 524,
Eff. 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (a) Pub saf C Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device with malicious intent 15 Eff. 10/1/00 to 4/1/05
750. 211 a (2) (b) Pub saf C Manufacturing or possessing an explosive or incendiary device with malicious intent 15
Relettered, 2004 PA 524,
Eff. 4/1/05
750. 200 i (2) (a) Pub saf C Manufacturing or using a harmful device 15 10/1/00
750. 211 a (2) (a) Pub saf F
Manufacturing/possessing a Molotov cocktail/similar device designed to explode on
288. 257 Pub saf G Margarine violations 3
Repealed, 2001 PA 267,
Eff. 2/8/02
426. 106 Property E Marking of logs and timber – forging 5
Deleted, 2000 PA 279,
Eff. 10/1/00
551. 6 Person H Marriage license – mental or venereal disease 5
Deleted, 2001 PA 10, Eff.
750. 422 a Pub trst E Material false statement in petition seeking review of DNA evidence 5 1/6/09
750. 397 Person D Mayhem 10
400. 606 Property E Medicaid fraud – conspiracy 10
400. 607 Pub trst G Medicaid fraud – false claim/medically unnecessary 4
400. 603 Pub trst G Medicaid fraud – false statement in benefit/concealing information 4
400. 605 Pub trst G Medicaid fraud – false statement regarding institutions 4
400. 609 Property D Medicaid fraud – fourth offense 10
400. 604 Pub trst G Medicaid fraud – kickback/referral fees 4
750. 492 a (2) Pub trst G Medical record – health care provider - altering to conceal injury/death 4
As amended, 2006 PA 40,
Eff. 3/2/06
750. 492 a (2) Pub trst G Medical record – health care provider alter conceal injury/death 4
750. 492 a (1) (a) Pub trst G Medical record – intentional[ly] place false information – health care provider 4
710. 69 Person F Michigan adoption law – subsequent offense 4
338. 3649 a (2) Pub saf E
Michigan boxing and mixed martial arts regulatory act violation – professional in mixed
martial arts contest with amateur
3 2/10/16
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
338. 3471 (1) (b) Pub trst G Michigan immigration clerical assistant act violation - subsequent offense 2 3/30/05
338. 3621 (1) (b) Pub trst G Michigan immigration clerical assistant act violation - subsequent offense 2
Substituted for by MCL
28. 468 (1) (c) Pub saf E Michigan fireworks safety act violation causing serious impairment 5 12/14/11
28. 468 (1) (d) Pub saf C Michigan fireworks safety act violation causing death 15 12/14/11
55. 309 (1) (b) Pub trst F Michigan notary public act violation involving conveyance of interest in real property 4 1/1/12
125. 1447 Property G Michigan state housing development authority – false pretenses over $100 10
Deleted, 2001 PA 154,
Eff. 1/1/02
750. 406 Pub saf E Military stores – larceny, embezzlement or destruction 5
408. 1035 a (5) Person H MIOSHA violation causing employee death 1 10/1/00
408. 1035 a (5) Pub saf I MIOSHA – violations/writs of mandamus/assaults – first offense 1
408. 1035 a (5) Pub saf G MIOSHA – violations/writs of mandamus/assaults – second offense 3
408. 1035 (5) Pub saf I MIOSHA violation – first offense 1
408. 1035 (5) Pub saf G MIOSHA violation – second offense 3
408. 1035 (5) Person H MIOSHA violation causing employee death 1 10/1/00
408. 1035 (5) Person G MIOSHA violation causing employee death – subsequent offense 3 10/1/00
408. 1035 a (5) Person G MIOSHA violation causing employee death – subsequent offense 3 10/1/00
168. 887 Pub trst E Misconduct of election employee in recount 5
168. 873 Pub trst E Misconduct of election employee in recount – county and local 5
750. 545 Pub ord E Misprision of treason 5
750. 18 (5) Person E Mix/color/stain/powder a drug/medicine resulting in serious impairment of body function 5 10/12/04
750. 18 (6) Person C Mix/color/stain/powder a drug/medicine w/ ingredient/material resulting in death 15 10/12/04
750. 18 (4) Person F
Mix/color/stain/powder a drug/medicine w/ ingredient/material resulting in personal
750. 18 (3) Person G
Mix/color/stain/powder a drug/medicine with an ingredient/material affecting quality/
750. 249 a Property H Molds or dies to forge financial transaction device 4
750. 411 o Pub ord B Money laundering – first degree 20
As amended, 2012 PA
332, Eff. 1/1/13
750. 411 l Pub ord H Money laundering – fourth degree 2
As amended, 2012 PA
332, Eff. 1/1/13
750. 411 n Pub ord D Money laundering – second degree 10
As amended, 2012 PA
332, Eff. 1/1/13
750. 411 m Pub ord E Money laundering – third degree 5
As amended, 2012 PA
332, Eff. 1/1/13
750. 411 p (2) (c) Property E Money laundering – transactions involving represented proceeds 5
750. 411 p (2) (a) Property B
Money laundering of proceeds from controlled substance offense involving $10,000 or
750. 411 p (2) (b) Property D
Money laundering proceeds from controlled substance offense/other proceeds of
487. 1042 (1) Pub trst E
Money transmission - intentional false statement/misrepresentation/certification in
487. 1042 (3) Pub trst E Money transmission services act license violation 5 7/3/06
445. 1679 Pub trst H Mortgage brokers act – general violations 3
Deleted, 2008 PA 65, Eff.
445. 1671 Pub trst E Mortgage brokers, lenders – knowingly giving a false statement 15
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
290. 650 Person G Motor fuels – assaulting/obstructing director or authorized representative 2
290. 650 b (3) Pub trst H Motor fuels violations 2
750. 421 Pub saf H Motor vehicle – designed for attack 5
Deleted, 2020 PA 58,
Eff. 6/8/20
750. 420 Pub saf H Motor vehicle – equipping to release smoke/gas 4
257. 1353 (2) Pub trst H Motor vehicle – fail to record material matter – subsequent offense 2
257. 1355 Pub trst H Motor vehicle – fail to record transaction/falsify records 2
257. 1354 (2) Pub trst H Motor vehicle – general violations – subsequent offense 2
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 417 Property H Motor vehicle – mortgaged – removal from state 4
257. 903 (1) Property E Motor vehicle code – false certification – first offense 5
257. 903 (2) Property E Motor vehicle code – false certification – second offense 7
257. 903 (3) Property D Motor vehicle code – false certification – third or subsequent offense 15
257. 902 Pub saf E Motor vehicle code violations 5
750. 415 (6) Property E Motor vehicles – buy/receive/obtain w/ intent to sell/dispose knowing VIN was altered 10 10/1/00
750. 415 (5) Property G
Motor vehicles – buy/sell/exchange/give paraphernalia capable of changing/misrepre-
senting ID
4 10/1/00
750. 415 (2) Property G Motor vehicles – conceal/misrepresent identity with intent to mislead 4
257. 601 b (3) Person C Moving violation causing death to another person in a work zone 15
As amended, 2008 PA
297, Eff. 10/8/08
257. 601 b (3) Person C Moving violation causing death to another person in a work zone or a school bus zone 15
As amended, 2011 PA 59,
Eff. 7/1/11
257. 601 b (3) Person C Moving violation causing death to construction worker 15 10/1/01
257. 601 c (2) Person C Moving violation causing death to operator of implement of husbandry 15 10/1/01
324. 80172 Person G Negligent crippling or homicide by vessel 2
750. 324 Person G Negligent homicide 2
Will be repealed, 2008 PA
467, Eff. 10/31/10
750. 131 a (1) Property H No account checks 2
324. 31525 Person G NREPA – imminent danger of death or serious injury – subsequent offense 2
324. 30316 (3) Pub saf H NREPA violation – subsequent offense 2
324. 33939 (1) Pub trst H NREPA violation for commercial purposes2
750. 131 (3) (b) (ii) Property G NSF checks – $100 to $500 – third or subsequent offense 2 10/1/00
750. 131 (3) (a) (iv) Property H NSF checks – $50 or less – fourth offense 13 mos.
750. 131 (3) (b) (ii) Property H NSF checks – $50 to $200 – third offense 13 mos.
750. 131 (3) (c) Property G NSF checks – $500 or more 2 10/1/00
750. 131 a (2) Property H NSF checks – 3 or more within 10 days 2
750. 131 (3) (c) Property H NSF checks – over $200 13 mos.
333. 21792 Pub trst G Nursing home accepting referral fees, bribing officials, or accepting bribes 4
As amended, 2014 PA
279, Eff. 9/30/14
752. 365 (3) Pub ord G Obscenity – subsequent offense 2
750. 241 (1) Pub saf F Obstructing firefighter 4
Deleted, 2002 PA 272,
Eff. 7/15/02
750. 241 (2) Pub saf F Obstructing public service facility personnel in civil disturbance 4 7/15/02
750. 241 (3) Pub saf F Obstructing public service facility personnel in civil disturbance 4
Substituted for by
445. 67 Pub ord E
Obtain/possess/sell/transfer identifying info/falsify police report - intent to commit iden-
tity theft
3/1/05; reworded, 2010
PA 317, Eff. 4/1/11
445. 67 Pub ord D
Obtain/possess/sell/transfer personal identifying info of another/falsify police report -
intent to commit identity theft – second offense
10 4/1/11
445. 67 Pub ord C
Obtain/possess/sell/transfer personal identifying info/falsify police report - intent to
commit identity theft – third or subsequent offense
15 4/1/11
333. 7407 (1) (c) CS G Obtaining controlled substance by fraud 4
750. 285 Property E Obtaining personal ID information without authorization 5
Eff. 4/1/01 to 3/1/05, 2004
PA 457
750. 273 Property E Obtaining signature to financial document with intent to defraud 10
750. 273 Property E Obtaining signature with intent to defraud 10
As amended, 2012 PA
169, Eff. 6/19/12
257. 233 a (7) Pub ord G Odometer tampering 5
445. 1528 Pub trst D Offer or sale of franchise through pyramid or chain promotion 7
Deleted, 2018 PA 188,
Eff. 9/11/18
710. 54 (11) Pub trst F Offer to give other consideration – adoption – subsequent violation 4
750. 189 Pub saf H Officer negligently allowing prisoner to escape or refusing to receive prisoner 2
500. 7034 (2) Pub trst E Officer of a MEWA knowingly receive valuables for sale property or loan 10
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
483. 226 Pub trst E Officer of a pipeline company – intent to defraud – stock 10
Deleted, 2006 PA 251,
Eff. 7/3/06
750. 190 Pub saf G Officer receiving a reward to assist or permit escape 2
750. 535 a Pub ord E Operating a chop shop 5
Substituted for by
750. 535 a (2) Pub ord D Operating a chop shop 10 10/1/00
750. 535 a (3) Pub ord D Operating a chop shop – subsequent violation 10 10/1/00
462. 353 (5) Pub saf F Operating a locomotive under the influence – third or subsequent offense 4
462. 353 (5) Pub saf E Operating a locomotive under the influence – third or subsequent offense 4 7/1/01
462. 353 (5) Pub saf E Operating a locomotive under the influence – third or subsequent offense 5 4/1/03
324. 81134 (4) Person C
Operating an ORV under the influence or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance causing death
As amended, 2014 PA
403, Eff. 3/31/15
324. 81134 (5) Person E
Operating an ORV under the influence or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance causing serious impairment
As amended, 2014 PA
403, Eff. 3/31/15
324. 81134 (8) (c) Pub saf E
Operating an ORV under the influence or with the presence of a controlled substance
third or subsequent offense
5 3/31/15
324. 81134 (6) Pub saf E Operating an ORV under the influence – third or subsequent offense 4
324. 81134 (6) Pub saf E Operating an ORV under the influence – third or subsequent offense 5
Deleted, 2014 PA 403,
Eff. 3/31/15
81134 (12) (a)
Person E
Operating an ORV while intoxicated or impaired with a minor in the ORV– subsequent
5 3/31/15
324. 82126 c (1) Person G Operating a snowmobile carelessly or negligently causing death or serious impairment 2 10/1/00
324. 82127 (5) Person E Operating a snowmobile under the influence causing long-term incapacitating injury 5
324. 82129 b (1) (b) Person E
Operating a snowmobile under the influence or impaired with a minor occupying the
snowmobile – subsequent offense
5 3/31/15
324. 82127 (4) Person C
Operating a snowmobile under the influence or while impaired or with the presence of a
controlled substance causing death
As amended, 2014 PA
403, Eff. 3/31/15
324. 82127 (5) Person E
Operating a snowmobile under the influence or while impaired or with the presence of a
controlled substance causing serious impairment
As amended, 2014 PA
403, Eff. 3/31/15
324. 82128 (1) (c) Pub saf E
Operating a snowmobile under the influence or with the presence of a controlled sub-
stance – third or subsequent offense
As amended, 2014 PA
403, Eff. 3/31/15
324. 82126 c (2) Person G Operating a snowmobile without regard to safety causing serious impairment 2 10/1/00
257. 625 (8) (c) Pub saf E Operating a vehicle under the influence – third or subsequent offense 5
Eff. until 9/30/03, replaced
by (9)(c)
257. 625 (4) (a) Person C Operating a vehicle under the influence or while impaired causing death 15 3/28/01
257. 625 (4) (b) Person B
Operating a vehicle under the influence or while impaired causing death to certain per-
20 10/1/01
257. 625 (5) Person E Operating a vehicle under the influence or while impaired causing serious impairment 5 3/28/01
257. 625 (11) (c) Pub saf E Operating a vehicle while impaired – third or subsequent offense 5 9/30/03
257. 625 (4) (a) Person C
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance causing death
As amended, 2014 PA
220, Eff. 9/24/14
257. 625 (4) (c) Person B
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance causing death to certain persons
As amended, 2014 PA
220, Eff. 9/24/14
257. 625 (5) (a) Person E
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance causing serious impairment
As amended, 2014 PA
220, Eff. 9/24/14
257. 625 (7) (a) (ii)PersonE
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated or impaired or with the presence of a controlled
substance with a minor in the vehicle – subsequent offense
As amended, 2014 PA
220, Eff. 9/24/14
257. 625 (9) (c) Pub saf E
Operating a vehicle while intoxicated or with the presence of a controlled substance –
third or subsequent offense
5 9/30/03
257. 625 (4) (b) Person B
Operating a vehicle with alcohol content of 0.17 grams or more with prior conviction and
causing death
As amended, 2014 PA
220, Eff. 9/24/14
257. 625 (5) (b) Person D
Operating a vehicle with alcohol content of 0.17 grams or more with prior conviction and
causing serious impairment
As amended, 2014 PA
220, Eff. 9/24/14
257. 904 (4) Person C Operating a vehicle without a license causing death 15 10/1/00
257. 904 (5) Person E Operating a vehicle without a license causing serious impairment 5 10/1/00
324. 80176 (5) Person E Operating a vessel under the influence causing long-term incapacitating injury 5
324. 80176 (4) Person C
Operating a vessel under the influence or while impaired or with the presence of a con-
trolled substance causing death
As amended, 2014 PA
403, Eff. 3/31/15
324. 80176 (5) Person E
Operating a vessel under the influence or while impaired or with the presence of a con-
trolled substance causing serious impairment
As amended, 2014 PA
403, Eff. 3/31/15
324. 80177 (1) (c) Pub saf E
Operating a vessel under the influence or with the presence of a controlled substance –
third or subsequent offense
As amended, 2014 PA
403, Eff. 3/31/15
324. 80178 b (1) (b) Person E
Operating a vessel while intoxicated or impaired with a minor in the vehicle – subse-
quent offense
5 3/31/15
750. 465 a (1) (b) Property G Operating audiovisual recording device in a theatrical facility - second offense 2 12/15/04
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 465 a (1) (c) Property F
Operating audiovisual recording device in a theatrical facility - third or subsequent
462. 353 (6) Person C Operating locomotive under the influence or while impaired causing death 15 4/1/03
462. 353 (7) Person E Operating locomotive under the influence or while impaired causing serious impairment 5 4/1/03
333. 27407 a (c) Pub Saf F
Operating medical marihuana facility without a license resulting in death or serious
Added, 2018 PA 583,
Eff. 12/28/18
333. 7401 c (2) (a) CS D Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory 10 1/1/01
333. 7401 c (2) (b) CS B Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory in presence of minor 20 1/1/01
333. 7401 c (2) (e) CS A
Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory involving firearm or other
harmful device
25 1/1/01
333. 7401 c (2) (c) CS B Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory involving hazardous waste 20 1/1/01
333. 7401 c (2) (f) CS B Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory involving methamphetamine 20 4/1/04
333. 7401 c (2) (d) CS B Operating or maintaining controlled substance laboratory near certain places 20 1/1/01
259. 185 (4) Person C Operating or serving as crew of aircraft while under the influence causing death 15 10/1/00
259. 185 (5) Person E
Operating or serving as crew of aircraft while under the influence causing serious
5 3/28/01
259. 185 (8) Pub saf E
Operating or serving as crew of aircraft while under the influence – third or subsequent
5 3/28/01
750. 90 d (a) Person C
Operating under the influence/impaired causing miscarriage/stillbirth/death to embryo
or fetus
15 6/1/01
750. 90 d (b) Person E
Operating under the influence/impaired causing serious or aggravated injury to embryo/
5 10/1/00
257. 625 (7) (a) (ii) Person E
Operating under the influence/while impaired with a minor in the vehicle – subsequent
5 10/1/00
259. 185 (8) Pub saf G
Operating/serving as crew of aircraft while under the influence – third or subsequent
5 10/1/00
286. 929 (4) Pub trst G Organic products act violations 4 3/28/01
752. 1084 Property E Organized retail crime act violation 5
As amended, 2013 PA
124, Eff. 10/1/13
168. 932 (i) Pub trst E Organizing a meeting where absentee voter ballots are to be voted 5
750. 49 (2) (e) Pub ord F Organizing or promoting animal fights 4
257. 625 (4) Person C OUIL – causing death 15
Substituted for by
257. 625 (4) (b) Person B OUIL – causing death to emergency personnel 20 3/28/01
257. 625 (5) Person E OUIL – causing serious impairment of body function 5
257. 625 (7) (d) Pub saf E OUIL – third offense 5
750. 90 d (a) Person C OUIL causing miscarriage or stillbirth 15 10/1/00
750. 157 u Property H Overcharging person using financial transaction device 4
750. 455 Pub ord B Pandering 20
As amended, 2014 PA
327, Eff. 1/14/15
750. 442 Pub ord G Participating in prizefights 4
Deleted, 2010 PA 99, Eff.
47. 8 Pub trst H Payment of claim against county before audit 2
764. 1 e Pub trst C Peace officer making false statement in a complaint 15
As amended, 2012 PA
611, Eff. 3/1/13
750. 90 g (3) Person A Performance of procedure on live infant with intent to cause death LIFE 3/10/00
55. 301 Pub trst E Performing notarial acts while commission revoked 5 1/1/12
750. 90 h Person G Performing or assisting in performance of partial-birth abortion 2 1/1/12
750. 423 Pub trst E Perjury 15
750. 422 Pub trst G Perjury – committed in court/capital crime LIFE
750. 423 Pub trst E Perjury by falsely swearing 15 10/1/00
750. 422 Pub trst B Perjury committed in court – capital crime LIFE 10/1/00
750. 422 Pub trst C Perjury committed in court – noncapital crime 15 10/1/00
750. 422 Pub trst G Perjury committed in court/noncapital crime 15
767A. 9 (1) (a) Pub trst C Perjury committed in prosecutor’s investigative hearing 15
As amended, 2012 PA
611, Eff. 3/1/13
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
767A. 9 (b) Pub trst B Perjury committed in prosecutor’s investigative hearing – capital crime LIFE
Eff. 10/1/00, then replaced
by 9(1)(b)
767A. 9 (1) (b) Pub trst B
Perjury committed in prosecutor’s investigative hearing regarding a crime punishable by
imprisonment for life or by imprisonment for life or any term of years
As amended, 2012 PA
611, Eff. 3/1/13
767A. 9 (a) Pub trst C Perjury committed in prosecutor’s investigative hearing – noncapital crime 15
Eff. 10/1/00 then replaced
333. 5210 (1) Person F
Person who has HIV knowingly engaging in intercourse with uninfected person without
informing that he or she has HIV with intent to infect that person
As amended, 2018 PA
587, Eff. 3/28/19
333. 5210 (2) Person F
Person who has HIV knowingly engaging in intercourse with uninfected person without
informing that he or she has HIV with reckless disregard and person contracting HIV
4 3/28/19
750. 160 a Pub ord H Photographing dead human bodies 2
750. 160 a Pub ord H Photographing dead human body 2 4/1/04
28. 422 Pub saf G Pistols – license application forgery 4
28. 422 Pub saf F Pistols – license application forgery 4 7/1/01
750. 207 (2) (c) Person A Placing an explosive causing physical injury 25 10/1/00
750. 207 (2) (b) Property B Placing an explosive causing property damage 20 10/1/00
750. 207 (2) (d) Person A Placing an explosive causing serious impairment LIFE 10/1/00
750. 207 (2) (a) Pub saf C Placing an explosive with malicious intent 15 10/1/00
750. 209 (1) (c) Person A Placing an offensive or injurious substance causing physical injury 25 10/1/00
750. 209 (1) (b) Property B Placing an offensive or injurious substance causing property damage 20 10/1/00
750. 209 (1) (d) Person A Placing an offensive or injurious substance causing serious impairment LIFE 10/1/00
750. 209 (2) Pub saf E Placing an offensive or injurious substance with intent to alarm or annoy 5 10/1/00
750. 209 (1) (a) Pub saf C Placing an offensive or injurious substance with intent to injure 15 10/1/00
750. 206 Person B Placing explosives with damage to property resulting 25
750. 205 Pub saf C Placing explosives with the intent to destroy property 15
750. 209 Pub saf F Placing foul or offensive substance to alarm 4
750. 209 Pub saf C Placing foul or offensive substance to injure 15
750. 397 a Person D Placing harmful objects in food 10
750. 436 (2) Person A Poison – food/drink/medicine/wells – large amounts/injury LIFE
Deleted, 2002 PA 123,
Eff. 4/22/02
750. 436 (3) Pub saf H Poison – malicious false statement of poisoning 2
Deleted, 2002 PA 123,
Eff. 4/22/02
750. 436 (2) (a) Pub saf C Poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply 15 4/22/02
750. 436 (2) (c) Person A Poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply causing injury 25 4/22/02
750. 436 (2) (b) Property B Poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply causing property damage 20 4/22/02
750. 436 (2) (d) Person A Poisoning food, drink, medicine, or water supply causing serious impairment LIFE 4/22/02
750. 436 (1) Person E Poisoning food/drink/wells 5
Deleted, 2002 PA 123,
Eff. 4/22/02
750. 439 Pub ord G Polygamy 4
750. 440 Pub ord G Polygamy – knowingly entering a prohibited marriage 4
750. 227 c Pub saf G Possessing a loaded firearm in or upon a vehicle 2
750. 209 a Pub saf D Possessing an explosive device in public place 10 10/1/00
750. 252 Property E Possessing counterfeit notes 7
750. 157 p Property H Possessing financial transaction device without permission and with intent to use or sell 4
750. 157 n (2) Property H Possessing fraudulent or altered financial transaction device 4
333. 17766 c (2) (b) CS G Possessing more than 12 grams ephedrine or pseudoephedrine 2
As amended, 2014 PA
279, Eff. 9/30/14
750. 210 (2) (c) Person A Possessing or carrying an explosive or combustible substance causing physical injury 25 10/1/00
750. 210 (2) (b) Property B
Possessing or carrying an explosive or combustible substance causing property dam-
20 10/1/00
750. 210 (2) (d) Person A
Possessing or carrying an explosive or combustible substance causing serious impair-
LIFE 10/1/00
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 210 (2) (a) Pub saf C Possessing or carrying an explosive or combustible substance with malicious intent 15 10/1/00
750. 211 a Pub saf F Possessing or manufacturing device designed to explode upon impact or heating 4
257. 254 Property E Possessing stolen vehicle title 10
259. 80 f (3) Pub saf D Possessing weapon in sterile area of commercial airport 10 3/31/03
324. 48738 (4) Property E Possession, importation, or planting of genetically engineered fish 5 3/30/04
257. 310 (9) Pub ord E Possession of 2 or more forged driver licenses 5 4/22/02
750. 261 Property E Possession of 5 or fewer counterfeit coins 10
333. 7403 (2) (a) (iii) CS B Possession of 25-49 grams 20
333. 7403 (2) (a) (iv) CS G
Possession of 25 or more but less than 50 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled
333. 7403 (2) (a) (iii) CS B Possession of 50-224 grams 20
333. 7403 (2) (a) (iii) CS B
Possession of 50+ but less than 225 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled sub-
333. 7403 (2) (a) (iii) CS B
Possession of 50 or more but less than 450 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled
20 3/1/03
333. 7403 (2) (a) (ii) CS A
Possession of 225+ but less than 650 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled sub-
30 10/1/00
333. 7403 (2) (a) (ii)CS A
Possession of 450 or more but less than 1,000 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 con-
trolled substances
30 3/1/03
333. 7403 (2) (a) (i) CS A Possession of >649 grams by juvenile LIFE
333. 7403 (2) (a) (i) CS A
Possession of 650 or more grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled substances by
333. 7403 (2) (a) (i) CS A Possession of 1,000 or more grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled substances LIFE 3/1/03
324. 41309 (3) (c) Property F Possession of aquatic prohibited species 3 4/15/15
750. 210 Pub saf E Possession of bombs with unlawful intent 5
750. 116 Property E Possession of burglar's tools 10
333. 7403 (2) (b) CS G Possession of certain schedule 1, 2, 3, or 4 controlled substances or analogue 2
333. 7403 (2) (b) (ii) CS G
Possession of certain schedule 1, 2, 3, or 4 controlled substances or controlled sub-
stance analogue
750. 254 Property E Possession of counterfeit notes or bills 5
333. 7407 (1) (f) CS F Possession of counterfeit prescription form 4 1/6/03
333. 7407 (1) (g)* CS F Possession of counterfeit prescription form *[See MCL 333.7407(1)(f)] 4
Rewritten as .7407(1)(f),
2001 PA 236
333. 7407 (1) (e) CS G Possession of counterfeiting implements 4
750. 255 Property E Possession of counterfeiting tools 10
333. 7401 b (3) (b) CS G Possession of GBL 2 1/1/01
333. 7403 (2) (a) (v) CS G Possession of less than 25 grams of certain schedule 1 or 2 controlled substances 4
333. 7403 (2) (b) (i) CS D Possession of methamphetamine 10 1/1/01
333. 7403 (2) (b) (i) CS D Possession of methamphetamine or 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine 10 4/1/03
333. 17766 c (2) CS G Possession of more than 10 grams ephedrine 2
Eff. 1/1/99 to 4/1/04, 2003
PA 309
333. 17766 c (2) CS G Possession of more than 12 grams ephedrine or pseudoephedrine 2 4/1/04
324. 41309 (3) (b) Property G Possession of nonaquatic prohibited species 2
As amended, 2014 PA
538, Eff. 4/15/15
333. 7403 (2) (e) CS H Possession of official prescription form 1
Deleted, 2003 PA 311,
Eff. 4/1/04
324. 41309 (4) (b) Property F
Possession of prohibited or genetically engineered species - intent to damage
324. 41309 (4) (a) Property G Possession of restricted or nonnative species - intent to damage resources 2 9/1/05
750. 224 b Pub saf E Possession of short barreled shotgun or rifle 5
333. 17766 a (2) CS F Possession of steroids – subsequent offense 4
Deleted, 2003 PA 309,
Eff. 4/1/04
750. 543 r Pub saf B Possession of vulnerable target information with intent to commit certain terrorist acts 20 7/15/02
324. 41309 Property E Possession or release of genetically engineered, nonnative, or prohibited fish 5
Eff. 3/30/04 to 9/1/05,
2005 PA 81
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 224 f (6) Pub saf E Possession or sale of ammunition by felon 5 5/12/14
750. 224 a Pub saf F Possession or sale of electrical current weapons 4
750. 224 a (4) Pub saf F Possession or sale of electrical current weapons 4
Renumbered, 2012 PA
124, Eff. 8/6/12
750. 224 f (5) Pub saf E Possession or sale of firearm by felon 5
Renumbered, 2014 PA 5,
Eff. 5/12/14
257. 329 (1) Property G Possession or sale of stolen or counterfeit insurance certificates 5
257. 329 (2) Property E Possession or sale of stolen or counterfeit insurance certificates – second offense 7
257. 329 (3) Property E
Possession or sale of stolen or counterfeit insurance certificates – third or subsequent
445. 489 Pub ord H
Precious metal and gem dealer failing to record transaction or falsifying transaction
record, or making improper purchase
As amended, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
445. 490 Pub ord H Precious metal and gem dealer failure to obtain a certificate of registration 2
445. 487 (2) Pub ord H Precious metal and gem dealer failure to record material matter – subsequent offense 2
445. 489 Pub ord H Precious metal and gem dealer violations 2
Reworded, 2010 PA 317,
Eff. 4/1/11
445. 488 (2) Pub ord H Precious metal and gem dealer violations – subsequent offense 2
750. 368 (5) Pub ord G Preparing, serving, or executing unauthorized process – third or subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
801. 263 (2) Pub saf H Prisoner in jail possessing contraband 5 8/1/99
801. 262 (2) Pub saf E Prisoner in jail possessing weapon 5 8/1/99
800. 281 (4) Pub saf E Prisoner possessing contraband 5
800. 283 (4) Pub saf E Prisoner possessing weapon 5
750. 349 a Person A Prisoner taking a hostage LIFE
801. 262 a Pub saf E Prisons – furnishing cell phone or other wireless device to prisoner in jail 5 10/1/13
800. 283 (2) Pub saf E Prisons – knowledge of a weapon in a correctional facility 5
750. 98 Pub ord G Private banking 4
338. 823 Pub trst F Private detective license act violation 4 10/1/02
338. 1053 Pub trst F Private security business and security alarm act violation 4 3/28/01
750. 443 Pub ord G Prizefights – training 4
Deleted, 2010 PA 99, Eff.
750. 457 Pub ord B Prostitution – accepting earnings of a prostitute20
As amended, 2014 PA
327, Eff. 1/14/15
750. 458 Person B Prostitution – detaining person for debt 20
As amended, 2014 PA
327, Eff. 1/14/15
750. 452 Pub ord E Prostitution – keeping a house of prostitution 5
750. 456 Person B Prostitution – placing spouse into prostitution 20
750. 459 (2) Person E
Prostitution – selling travel services to facilitate prostitution or human trafficking in other
750. 459 (3) Person D
Prostitution – selling travel services to facilitate prostitution or human trafficking in other
jurisdictions involving a minor
10 4/6/17
750. 451 (4) Person E Prostitution – soliciting a person under 18 years of age to commit prostitution 5 1/14/15
750. 459 Person B Prostitution – transporting a person for prostitution 20
As amended, 2014 PA
327, Eff. 1/14/15
750. 459 (1) Person B Prostitution – transporting a person for prostitution 20
Renumbered, 2016 PA
486, Eff. 4/6/17
750. 451 (3) Pub ord G Prostitution – various offenses – third or subsequent offense 2
As amended, 2014 PA
327, Eff. 1/14/15
750. 479 c (2) (c) Pub ord G Providing false information to peace officer conducting criminal investigation 2 7/20/12
750. 479 c (2) (d) Pub ord F
Providing false or misleading information to peace officer conducting criminal investiga-
tion regarding certain felonies
4 7/20/12
750. 462 j (1) (a) Person D Providing or obtaining labor or services of another person by force, fraud, or coercion 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 j (1) (c) Person A
Providing or obtaining labor or services of another person by force, fraud, or coercion
causing death
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 j (1) (b) Person B Providing or obtaining labor or services of minor by force, fraud, or coercion 20
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 490 Pub trst H Public money – safekeeping 2
21. 154 Pub trst E Public officer – embezzlement 5
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 118 Pub trst D Public officer accepting bribe 10
750. 480 Pub trst F Public officers – refusing to turn over books/money to successor 4
750. 488 Pub trst H Public officers – state official – retaining fees 2
750. 491 Pub trst H Public records – removal/mutilation/destruction 2
15. 324 (1) (d) Pub trst G Purchase of public residential property by public servant 1 12/16/05
333. 17766 c (2) (c) CS E
Purchasing or possessing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine knowing or having reason to
know that it is to be used to manufacture methamphetamine
5 9/30/14
333. 10116 (1) Pub ord E Purchasing or selling body part of deceased individual for transplantation or therapy 5 3/17/2008
445. 2081 Pub ord E Purchasing or selling stolen plastic bulk merchandise containers 5 6/20/12
18. 1268 (9) Pub trst H Purposefully submitting false business certification Fine
Deleted, 2005 PA 265,
Eff. 12/16/05
445. 1528 Pub trst D Pyramid/chain promotions – offer or sell 7
Deleted, 2018 PA 188,
Eff. 9/11/18
750. 159 j Pub saf B Racketeering 20
554. 836 Property E Real and property – living care disclosure act 7
Reworded, 2010 PA 152,
Eff. 8/23/10
750. 219 f Property F
Receive/possess w/ intent to forward/forwarding unauthorized credit application or pro-
750. 219 f Property F
Receive/possess w/ intent to forward/forwarding unauthorized credit application/pro-
4 3/10/00
750. 219 e Property F
Receive/possess/prepare/submit or receive/possess proceeds from unauthorized credit
4 3/10/00
750. 219 e Property F
Receive/possess/prepare/submit unauthorized credit application or receive/possess
750. 535 (7) Property E Receiving or concealing stolen motor vehicle 5 2/12/04
750. 535 (8) Property D Receiving or concealing stolen motor vehicle – second or subsequent offense 10 3/31/15
750. 535 (3) Property E
Receiving or concealing stolen property having a value of $1,000 to $20,000 or with pri-
5 10/1/00
750. 535 Property E Receiving or concealing stolen property over $100 5
750. 535 (2) Property D Receiving/concealing stolen property having a value of $20,000 or more or with priors 10 10/1/00
257. 626 (4) Person C Reckless driving causing death 15 10/31/10
257. 626 (3) Person E Reckless driving causing serious impairment 5 10/31/10
752. 881 Person G Reckless use of bow and arrow resulting in injury or death 2
600. 2907 a Property G Recording documents affecting property without lawful cause 3
324. 76107 (4) (c) Property E
Recovering abandoned property in Great Lakes having value of $1,000 to $20,000 or
with prior convictions
324. 76107 (4) (d) Property D
Recovering abandoned property in Great Lakes having value of $20,000 or more or
with prior convictions
10 1/1/02
324. 76107 (4) Pub trst G Recovering abandoned property in Great Lakes without permit 2
Deleted, 2001 PA 156,
Eff. 1/1/02
333. 7416 (1) (a) CS SPEC Recruiting or inducing a minor to commit a controlled substance felony
750. 462 j (2) (b) Person B Recruiting or transporting minor for labor or services 20
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 j (2) (a) Person D Recruiting or transporting person for labor or services 10
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
750. 462 j (2) (c) Person A Recruiting or transporting person for labor or services causing death LIFE
Deleted, 2014 PA 327,
Eff. 1/14/15
333. 7405 (c) CS G Refusing lawful inspection 2
333. 7405 (1) (c) CS G Refusing lawful inspection 2 12/22/10
333. 7407 (2) CS G Refusing to furnish records under controlled substance article 4
493. 77 (2) Pub trst H Regulatory loans 3
333. 10204 (4) Pub saf F Removal of a human organ by an unauthorized individual 4 9/1/99
333. 10205 Pub saf F Removal of a human organ in an unapproved facility 4 9/1/99
750. 418 Property H Removing a vehicle out of state without vendor’s consent 4
324. 51120 (2) Property H Removing forest products over $2,500 3
750. 93 Property G Removing or destroying bonds in state treasury 10
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
324. 76107 (3) Pub ord D Removing or mutilating human body from Great Lakes bottomland 10 1/1/02
333. 2688 Person E
Research on dead embryo, fetus, or neonate without mother’s consent [See MCL
As amended, 2016 PA
387, Eff. 3/29/17
750. 219 d (4) (a) Pub ord C Residential mortgage fraud violation involving loan value of $100,000 or less 15 1/1/12
750. 219 d (4) (b) Pub ord B Residential mortgage fraud violation involving loan value of more than $100,000 20 1/1/12
324. 1608 Person G Resisting and obstructing conservation officer 2
750. 479 Person G Resisting or obstructing a peace officer 2
Substituted for by
750. 356 c Property H Retail fraud – first degree 2
750. 356 c Property E Retail fraud – first degree 5 10/1/00
750. 120 a (4) Person D Retaliating against juror 10 3/28/01
750. 122 (8) Person D Retaliating against witness 10 3/28/01
750. 483 a (2) (b) Person D Retaliating for reporting crime 10 3/28/01
750. 483 a (2) (b) Person D Retaliating for reporting crime punishable by more than 10 years 10 7/15/02
750. 411 v (2) Person B Retaliation for withdrawal from gang 20 1/16/09
750. 145 p (2) Person G Retaliation or discrimination by caregiver against vulnerable adult 2
333. 20153 Pub saf D Reuse of single-use medical device 10 3/26/10
600. 8713 Pub trst G Revised judicature act – false statement by authorized local officials 15
600. 2916 Pub saf G Revised judicature act – lethal gases for fumigation 4
752. 541 Pub saf D Riot 10
752. 542 a Pub saf D Riot in state correctional facilities 10
750. 372 Pub ord H Running or allowing lottery 2
333. 7340 CS F
Sale, distribution, or delivery of product containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine by
mail, internet, or telephone
4 10/1/06
750. 223 (2) Pub saf F Sale of firearm to minor – subsequent offense 4
750. 223 (3) Pub ord D Sale of firearm to person prohibited from possessing 10
445. 1508 Pub trst G Sale of franchise without proper disclosure7
As amended, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
750. 272 Property G Sale of fraudulent stock of foreign corporations 10
750. 210 a Pub saf H Sale of valerium 5
333. 2690 Person E Sale or delivery of fetus or embryo [See MCL 333.2691] 5
333. 2690 (1) Person E Sale or delivery of fetus, embryo, or neonate for certain purposes [See MCL 333.2691] 5
Renumbered and amended,
2016 PA 387, Eff. 3/29/17
752. 272 a (2) (c) Pub saf F Sale or distribution of nitrous oxide device – 2 or more prior convictions 4 1/1/01
288. 223 Pub saf G Sale or labeling of oleomargarine violations 3
Repealed, 2001 PA 267,
Eff. 2/8/02
442. 219 Pub trst E Sales – false statement 5
Retitled, 2008 PA 382,
Eff. 12/29/08
750. 377 c Property E School bus – intentional damage 5
257. 602 a (4) Person D Second degree fleeing and eluding 10
Amended, 2011 PA 59,
Eff. 7/1/11
750. 317 Person M2 Second degree murder LIFE
493. 77 (2) Pub trst H Second mortgage loan act licensing violation 3
Deleted, 2008 PA 323,
Eff. 12/18/08 Deleted,
451. 2508 Pub trst E Securities act violaton 10 1/16/09
451. 319 Pub trst G Securities, real estate, and debt management – violation 2
750. 532 Person H Seduction 5
750. 514 Property H Seizing locomotive with mail car 10
Deleted, 2002 PA 320,
Eff. 7/15/02
436. 1701 (2) Person D Selling alcohol to a minor and causing death 10
28. 295 (2) Pub ord E
Selling counterfeited or forged state ID card or possessing counterfeited or forged state
ID card with intent to deliver to another person or possessing 2 or more counterfeited or
forged state ID cards
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
288. 284 Pub trst H Selling falsely branded cheese 2
Repealed, 2001 PA 267,
Eff. 2/8/02
333. 26424 (k) Pub trst G
Selling marihuana in violation of registry identification card restrictions [under Michigan
Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA)]
2 4/1/13
333. 26424 (l) Pub trst G
Selling marihuana in violation of registry identification card restrictions [under Michigan
Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA)]
Renumbered, 2016 PA
547, Eff. 1/10/17
333. 7417 CS F
Selling or offering to sell named product producing same or similar effect as scheduled
4 10/1/13
750. 411 w Pub ord E
Selling or possessing automated sales suppression device or zapper, phantom-ware,
or skimming device
8/29/12; as amended,
2013 PA 216, Eff. 4/1/14
750. 49 (2) (h) Pub ord F Selling or possessing equipment for animal fights 4
257. 310 (8) Pub ord E Selling or possessing forged driver license with intent to deliver 5 4/22/02
750. 373 Pub ord H Selling or possessing lottery tickets 2
257. 616 a (2) (f) Pub ord G Selling or purchasing a signal preemption device 2 6/14/04
750. 204 (2) (c) Person A Sending an explosive causing physical injury 25 10/1/00
750. 204 (2) (b) Property B Sending an explosive causing property damage 20 10/1/00
750. 204 (2) (d) Person A Sending an explosive causing serious impairment LIFE 10/1/00
750. 204 (2) (a) Pub saf C Sending an explosive with malicious intent 15 10/1/00
750. 204 Pub saf E Sending explosives with intent to injure persons 5
750. 204 a Pub saf E Sending or transporting an imitation explosive device with malicious intent 5 10/1/00
750. 204 a Pub saf F Sending or transporting imitation explosive device with malicious intent 4
324. 11719 (2) Pub saf G Septage – false statement or entry in a license application or record 2
As amended, 2015 PA
226, Eff. 3/16/16
750. 236 Person C Setting spring gun – death resulting 15
28. 729 Pub ord G Sex offenders – failure to register 4
Substituted for by
750. 90 Person D Sexual intercourse under pretext of medical treatment 10
750. 202 Pub saf F Shipping an explosive with false markings or invoice 4
168. 303 (6) Pub trst E Signing a nominating petition with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
168. 544 c (10) Pub trst E Signing a nominating petition with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
168. 685 (11) Pub trst E Signing a petition to form a new political party with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
168. 482 e (3) Pub trst E Signing a petition with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
168. 590 h (6) Pub trst E Signing a qualifying petition with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
168. 954 (4) Pub trst E Signing a recall petition with multiple names 5
Added, 2018 PA 661,
Eff. 12/28/18
750. 158 Pub ord E Sodomy 15
445. 67 Pub ord E
Solicit/obtain/possess/sell/transfer personal identifying info/falsify police report - intent
to commit identity theft
As amended, 2010 PA
317, Eff. 4/1/11
750. 157 b (3) (b) Pub ord G Solicitation of felony punishable by less than 5 years 2
750. 157 b (3) (a) Pub ord E Solicitation of felony punishable by life or 5 or more years 5
750. 157 b (2) Person A Solicitation of murder LIFE
333. 7340 c CS D
Soliciting another person to purchase or obtain ephedrine or pseudoephedrine to man-
ufacture methamphetamine
10 1/1/15
333. 7340 c (2) CS D
Soliciting another person to purchase or obtain ephedrine or pseudoephedrine to man-
ufacture methamphetamine
Renumbered, 2016 PA
126, Eff. 8/23/16
750. 145 a Person F Soliciting child to commit an immoral act 4 6/1/02
750. 543 k Pub saf B Soliciting material support for terrorism or terrorist acts 20 4/22/02
750. 543 k Pub saf B Soliciting or providing material support for terrorism or terrorist acts 20 7/15/02
324. 11549 (2) Pub saf G Solid waste – importing from foreign country 2 3/13/06
432. 413 Pub ord D Sports betting offenses 10
Added, 2020 PA 14,
Eff. 1/27/20
750. 553 Property G Squatting, second or subsequent offense 2 9/24/14
750. 411 i (3) (a) Person E Stalking – aggravated 5 10/1/00
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 411 h (2) (b) Person E Stalking of a minor 5
750. 411 i (3) (b) Person D Stalking of a minor – aggravated 10
205. 28 (1) (e) Pub trst G State employee compromising taxes 5
324. 2157 (3) Property H State owned property – damages of $1,000 or more
Deleted, 2001 PA 156,
Eff. 1/1/02
207. 754 (3) Pub trst G State treasurer – municipality tax – divulging confidential information 5
750. 97 Property H Statements derogatory to financial condition of bank 4
Deleted, 2015 PA 213,
Eff. 3/14/16
750. 535 b Pub saf E Stolen firearms or ammunition 10
750. 516 Person C Stopping train to rob LIFE
Deleted, 2002 PA 320,
Eff. 7/15/02
472. 36 Pub saf A Street railways – obstruction of track LIFE
28. 735 (2) (b) Pub trst G Student safety zone violation involving residency - second or subsequent violation 2 1/1/06
28. 735 (2) (b) Pub trst G Student safety zone violation involving residency – subsequent offense 2
Amended, 2011 PA 19,
Eff. July 1, 2011
28. 734 (2) (b) Pub trst G Student safety zone violation involving work or loitering – subsequent offense 2
Amended, 2011 PA 19,
Eff. July 1, 2011
750. 424 Pub trst E Subornation of perjury 15
750. 424 Pub trst C Subornation of perjury 15 10/1/00
333 7413 (1) Pub trst SPEC Subsequent controlled substance violation
Renumbered, 2017 PA
267, Eff. 3/28/18
333. 7413 (2) Pub trst SPEC Subsequent controlled substance violations
333. 7413 (3) Pub trst SPEC Subsequent controlled substance violations
168. 932 (g) Pub trst E Suggesting how a disabled voter should vote 5
168. 932 (h) Pub trst E Suggesting or influencing how an absentee voter should vote 5
722. 859 (3) Person E Surrogate parenting act – contracts for compensation 5
722. 857 Person E Surrogate parenting act – contracts involving minors, mentally retarded, etc. 5
722. 859 (3) Person E Surrogate parenting contracts for compensation 5
As amended, 2005 PA 106, Eff. 9/
14/05, and 2005 PA 134, Eff. 1/1/06
722. 857 Person E Surrogate parenting contracts involving minors or intellectually disabled 5
As amended, 2005 PA 106, Eff. 9/
14/05; 2005 PA 134, Eff. 1/1/06;
2014 PA 76, Eff. 3/28/14
750. 543 r Pub saf B Surveillance of vulnerable target with intent to commit terrorism 20 4/22/02
750. 11 Person A Taking a woman and compelling her to marry LIFE
Deleted, 2010 PA 97, Eff.
750. 12 Person H Taking a woman with intent to compel her to marry 10
Deleted, 2010 PA 97, Eff.
750. 483 a (6) (a) Pub ord F Tampering with evidence 4 3/28/01
750. 483 a (6) (b) Pub ord D Tampering with evidence in case punishable by more than 10 years 10 3/28/01
750. 483 a (6) (a) Pub ord F Tampering with evidence or offering false evidence 4
As amended, 2006 PA 40,
Eff. 3/2/06
750. 483 a (6) (b) Pub ord D
Tampering with evidence/offering false evidence in case punishable by more than 10
As amended, 2006 PA 40,
Eff. 3/2/06
750. 498 b (2) (b) Person C Tampering/taking/removing marine safety device without authority causing death 15 7/1/06
750. 498 b (2) (a) Person E
Tampering/taking/removing marine safety device without authority causing serious
750. 540 Pub ord H Tapping or cutting telephone lines 2
750. 441 Pub ord G Teaching or advocating polygamy 4
750. 540 c (4) Property F Telecommunication violation 4 2/12/04
750. 540 c (3) Property F
Telecommunications and computer – manufacture or deliver counterfeit communica-
750. 540 f (2) Property E
Telecommunications and computer–knowingly publishing counterfeit devices–2nd con-
750. 219 a (2) (c) Property E Telecommunications fraud - 1 or more prior convictions or value of $1,000 to $20,000 5 10/1/00
750. 219 a (2) (d) Property D Telecommunications fraud - 2 or more prior convictions or value of $20,000 or more 10 10/1/00
750. 219 a (2) (c) Property E Telecommunications fraud – 2 prior convictions or value between $1,000-$20,000 5
750. 219 a (2) (d) Property D Telecommunications fraud – 3 or more prior convictions or value over $20,000 10
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
750. 543 f Person A Terrorism without causing death LIFE 4/22/02
750. 360 a (2) (b) Property F Theft detection device offense with prior conviction 4 7/1/02
257. 602 a (3) Pub saf E Third degree fleeing and eluding 5
Amended, 2011 PA 59,
Eff. 7/1/11
750. 411 a (3) (a) Pub ord F Threat or false report of an explosive or harmful device, substance, or material 4 4/1/01
750. 543 m Pub ord B Threat or false report of terrorism 20 4/22/02
750. 411 a (3) (b) Pub ord D
Threat/false report of explosive or harmful device/substance/material – subsequent
10 4/1/01
750. 235 b (2) Pub saf D
Threat to commit violent act against school students or employees on school property
with an overt act toward completion or with specific intent
10 3/28/19
750. 213 Person B Threats to extort money 20
750. 394 (2) (e) Person C Throwing or dropping dangerous object at vehicle causing death 15 1/1/04
750. 394 (2) (c) Person F Throwing or dropping dangerous object at vehicle causing injury 4 1/1/04
750. 394 (2) (d) Person D Throwing or dropping dangerous object at vehicle causing serious impairment 10 1/1/04
205. 428 (2) Pub trst G Tobacco products tax act violations 5
750. 85 Person A Torture LIFE 3/1/06
462. 257 (1) Person A Trains – endangering travel LIFE
750. 361 Property H Trains – stealing/maliciously removing parts2
333. 10204 (1) Pub ord F Transferring a human organ for valuable consideration 4
750. 201 Pub saf F Transportation of concussion or friction type explosives 4
750. 200 Pub saf E Transporting an explosive by common carrier 5 10/1/00
750. 201 Pub saf E Transporting certain types of explosives 5 10/1/00
750. 552 c Pub saf F Trespass upon key facility 4 4/15/06
750. 552 b Property F Trespassing on correctional facility property 4
750. 530 Person C Unarmed robbery 15
338. 3434 a (2) Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of a social security number – subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
28. 214 (6) (b) Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of information from LEIN – subsequent offense 4
Amended, 2011 PA 19,
Eff. July 1, 2011
28. 214 Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of information from LEIN – subsequent offense 4 1/1/02
28. 214 (4) (b) Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of information from LEIN – subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
333. 2813 (3) Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of social security number – subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
551. 102 (2) Pub trst F Unauthorized disclosure of social security number – subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
205. 28 (1) (f) Pub trst G Unauthorized disclosure of tax information 5
339. 5601 (5) Pub trst E
Unauthorized practice of an occupation under the skilled trades regulation act – third or
subsequent offense
333. 16294 Pub saf F Unauthorized practice of health profession 4
As amended, 2014 PA
279, Eff. 9/30/14
339. 601 (7) (c) Pub trst F
Unauthorized practice of or unauthorized operation of a school teaching, architecture
prof engineering, or prof land surveyor causing serious injury/death
339. 735 Pub trst E Unauthorized practice of public accounting 5 12/19/05
339. 601 (6) (c) Pub trst F
Unauthorized practice of residential building, residential maintenance, or alteration con-
tracting causing serious injury or death
339. 601 (6) (b) Pub trst G
Unauthorized practice of residential building, residential maintenance, or alteration con-
tracting – second or subsequent offense
339. 601 (7) (c) Pub trst F
Unauthorized practice/operation of school teaching occupation causing serious injury/
4 12/23/08
750. 478 a (2) Pub ord H Unauthorized process to obstruct a public officer or employee 2 10/1/00
750. 478 a (3) Pub ord G Unauthorized process to obstruct a public officer or employee – subsequent offense 4 10/1/00
436. 1909 (5) (a) Pub ord F Unauthorized sale, delivery, or importation of beer or wine 4 10/10/17
436. 1909 (4) (a) Pub ord F Unauthorized sale, delivery, or importation of spirits – 80,000 ml or more 4 4/1/11
750. 512 Property E Uncoupling railroad cars 10
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
324. 21324 (1) Pub saf G Underground storage tanks – false or misleading information 5
324. 21548 (1) Pub trst H Underground storage tanks – false or misleading request for payment 5
As amended, 2015 PA
226, Eff. 3/16/16
324. 21548 (1) Pub trst H Underground storage tanks – false request for payment 5
As amended, 2004 PA
382, Eff. 10/12/04
421. 54 b (1) (b) (i) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – conspiracy with loss of $25,000 or less 2
421. 54 b (1) (b) (ii) Property G Unemployment comp fraud – conspiracy with loss over $25,000 5
421. 54 b (1) (b) (iii) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – conspiracy with no actual loss 2
421. 54 (d) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – disclose confidential information for financial gain 1
421. 54 c (1) (b) (iii) Property G Unemployment comp fraud – embezzlement of $100,000 or more 5
421. 54 c (1) (b) (ii) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – embezzlement of $25,000 to under $100,000 2
421. 54 c (1) (b) (iv) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – embezzlement with no actual loss 2
421. 54 (a) (ii) (B) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – failure to comply with act/rule $25,000-$100,000 2
421. 54 (a) (ii) (C) Property G Unemployment comp fraud – failure to comply with act/rule over $100,000 5
421. 54 a Property G Unemployment comp fraud – false statement as condition of employment 10
421. 54 (b) (ii) (B) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – false statement or misrepresent over $25,000 2
421. 54 (b) (ii) (C) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – false statement or misrepresentation without actual loss 2
421. 54 (m) Property H
Unemployment comp fraud – knowing false statement or representation or failure to
disclose material fact $3,500 – $25,000
421. 54 (a) (iv) (B) Property H Unemployment comp fraud – willful violation of act/rule over $100,000 2
752. 543 Pub saf G Unlawful assembly 5
750. 413 Property E Unlawful driving away of an automobile 5
28. 425 j (3) Pub saf F Unlawful granting or presenting of pistol training certificate 4
Amended, 2015 PA 4, Eff.
750. 349 b Person C Unlawful imprisonment 15 8/24/06
750. 227 a Pub saf F Unlawful possession of pistol 4
750. 411 s (2) (a) Person G Unlawful posting of message 2 4/1/01
750. 411 s (2) (b) Person E Unlawful posting of message with aggravating circumstances 5 4/1/01
750. 414 Property H Unlawful use of an automobile 2
752. 797 (2) (a) Property E Unlawfully accessing computer, computer system, or computer program 5 10/1/00
752. 797 (2) (b) Property D
Unlawfully accessing computer, computer system, or computer program, with prior con-
10 10/1/00
333. 7405 (1) (e) CS G Unlawfully dispensing out-of-state prescription 2 12/22/10
750. 502 d Pub saf F
Unlawfully possessing or transporting anhydrous ammonia or tampering with contain-
168. 808 Pub trst E Untrue statement by member of board of inspectors 4
333. 2685 Person E
Use of a live human embryo, fetus, or neonate for nontherapeutic research [See MCL
As amended, 2016 PA
387, Eff. 3/29/17
333. 7407 (1) (b) CS G Use of fictitious, revoked, or suspended license number 4
750. 543 p Pub saf B Use of internet or telecommunications to commit certain terrorist acts 20 7/15/02
750. 543 p Pub saf B Use of internet or telecommunications to commit terrorism 20 4/22/02
750. 157 s (1) (c) Property H Use of revoked or canceled financial transaction device involving $500 or more 2 10/1/00
257. 616 a (2) (b) Pub saf G Using a signal preemption device 2 6/14/04
257. 616 a (2) (c) Pub saf E Using a signal preemption device causing a traffic accident 5 6/14/04
257. 616 a (2) (e) Person C Using a signal preemption device causing death 15 6/14/04
257. 616 a (2) (d) Person D Using a signal preemption device causing serious impairment of a body function 10 6/14/04
752. 797 (3) (e) Variable D
Using computer for crime punishable by maximum term of at least 10 yrs but less than
20 yrs
10 10/1/00
752. 797 (3) (c) Variable F
Using computer for crime punishable by maximum term of at least 2 yrs but less than 4
4 10/1/00
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
752. 797 (3) (d) Variable D
Using computer for crime punishable by maximum term of at least 4 yrs but less than
10 yrs
7 10/1/00
752. 797 (3) (b) Variable G
Using computer for crime punishable by maximum term of more than 1 yr but less than
2 yrs
2 10/1/00
752. 797 (3) (f) Variable B Using computer for crime punishable by maximum term of at least 20 yrs or for life 20 10/1/00
750. 237 (4) Person C Using firearm while under the influence or impaired causing death 15 2/1/02
750. 237 (3) Person E Using firearm while under the influence or impaired causing serious impairment 5 2/1/02
750. 145 d (2) Person G Using internet or computer for certain crimes 2 8/1/99
750. 145 d (3) Person E Using internet or computer for certain crimes or second or subsequent offense 5 8/1/99
750. 145 d (2) (b) Variable G
Using internet/computer for crime punishable by max term at least 1 yr but less than 2
2 10/1/00
750. 145 d (2) (e) Variable C
Using internet/computer for crime punishable by max term at least 10 yrs but less than
15 yrs
15 10/1/00
750. 145 d (2) (d) Variable D
Using internet/computer for crime punishable by max term at least 4 yrs but less than
10 yrs
10 10/1/00
750. 145 d (2) (f) Variable B
Using internet/computer to commit crime punishable by max term of at least 15 yrs or
for life
20 10/1/00
750. 145 d (2) (c) Variable F
Using internet/computer for crime punishable by max term at least 2 yrs but less than 4
4 10/1/00
750. 157 s (1) (b) (ii) Property H Using revoked/canceled financial transaction device involving $100 to $500 w/ priors 2 10/1/00
750. 224 d (2) Person G Using self-defense spray device 2
28. 295 (3) Property H Using stolen state ID card to commit felony
Replaced, 2004 PA 149,
Eff. 9/1/04
28. 295 (5) Property H Using stolen state ID card to commit felony
750. 45 a (1) Pub saf F Using unmanned aircraft in a manner that interferes with certain facilities 4 3/28/19
750. 248 a Property F Uttering and publishing financial transaction device 4
750. 249 b Property C Uttering and publishing forged real estate document 14 1/1/12
750. 249 Property E Uttering and publishing forged records 14
750. 253 Property G Uttering counterfeit notes 5
752. 802 Property H Vending machines – manufacture or sale of slugs for use in vending machines 5
As amended, 2012 PA
456, Eff. March 31, 2013
750. 101 Pub trst E Violating financial institutions act 5
750. 79 Pub saf F Violating township rules concerning clearing of land and burning 4
Deleted, 2012 PA 534,
Eff. 4/3/13
712A. 6 b (3) Pub ord G Violation of court order – subsequent conviction 2 10/1/00
445. 2507 (2) Pub ord F Violation of unsolicited commercial e-mail protection act in furtherance of crime 4 9/30/03
750. 188 Pub ord SPEC Voluntarily suffering prisoner to escape
168. 769 (4) Pub trst E Voting both in person and by absentee ballot 5
750. 145 p (5) Person E
Vulnerable adult – caregiver or licensee violation against – second or subsequent
As amended, 2012 PA
195, Eff. 7/1/12
750. 145 p (1) Person G
Vulnerable adult – commingling funds of, obstructing investigation regarding, or filing
false information regarding
As amended, 2012 PA
195, Eff. 7/1/12
750. 145 n (1) Person C Vulnerable adult abuse – first degree 15
750. 145 n (2) Person F Vulnerable adult abuse – second degree 4
750. 145 n (3) Person G Vulnerable adult abuse – third degree 2
444. 107 Pub trst E Warehouse certificates – willfully alter or destroy 5
444. 13 Pub trst H Warehousemen and warehouse receipts 2
324. 12116 (2) Pub saf H Waste – false statement or entry in a license application 2
Reworded, 2004 PA 382,
Eff. 10/12/04
324. 3115 (2) Pub saf H Waste discharge violations 2
1/1/01; Reworded, 2004
PA 382, Eff. 10/12/04
324. 3115 (2) Pub saf H Waste discharge violations – second offense 2
324. 3115 (4) Pub saf G Waste discharge violations – substantial endangerment 5
1/1/01; Reworded, 2004
PA 382, Eff. 10/12/04
333. 13738 (2) Pub saf F Waste disposal violations – subsequent offense 5
As amended, 2012 PA
513, Eff. 4/1/13
324. 3115(2) Pub saf H Water pollution 2
As amended, 2004 PA
382, Eff. 10/12/04
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to
Alphabetical Crime List–Current Through 4/21/21
324. 3115 (4) Pub saf G Water pollution – substantial endangerment 5
As amended, 2004 PA
382, Eff. 10/12/04
47. 56 Pub trst H Wayne County treasurer paying claims without appropriate signature 2
750. 237 a (1) Pub saf F Weapon-free school zones – general felony violations
750. 227 f Pub saf F Wearing body armor during commission of certain crimes 4
As amended, 2005 PA
106, Eff. 9/14/05
750. 227 f Pub saf F Wearing body armor during commission of violent crime 4
290. 631 (3) Pub trst G Weights and measures 5
290. 629 (1) Person G Weights and measures – assaults enforcement officer 2
400. 60 (2) Property H Welfare – obtaining over $500 by failure to inform 4
324. 40118 (11) Pub ord G Wildlife conservation – buying/selling protected animals – subsequent offense 4
35. 929 Pub trst H Willful falsification in application for veterans benefits 3
750. 322 Person C Willful killing of unborn quick child 15
324. 51512 Pub saf D Willfully setting forest fires 10
750. 483 a (2) (b) Person D
Withholding evidence/preventing/retaliating for reporting crime punishable by more
than 10 yrs
As amended, 2006 PA 40,
Eff. 3/2/06
MCL # Group Class Alphabetical list of felonies*
Date Offense Added to