MSP Criminal Justice Information Center
Criminal History Section
Rev. 2/2016
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Before a defendant appears in court, a LEIN QUERY should be conducted to insure that the
arrest fingerprints have been taken for any offense with a maximum incarceration penalty greater
than 92 days. If the arrest segment is not in LEIN, the court should enter an Order for
Fingerprints (MC 233). Without arrest fingerprints, the final court disposition will not appear on
the Criminal History Record. If the arrest segment is in LEIN, then no new fingerprints should be
taken for the case and the court should submit a disposition using either the TCN & OCA on the
arrest in LEIN.
Personal Protection Orders (PPO)
If a defendant is convicted of violating a PPO, fingerprints must be on file for the conviction to
appear on CHR. The disposition should be submitted by using the CTN number if issued by the
prosecutor or the TCN/OCA on the arrest in LEIN.
PPO Violations-Contempt of Court
MCL 28.243 describes the offenses for which fingerprints must be taken. Those include felonies,
misdemeanors punishable by more than 92 days imprisonment, and criminal contempt under
MCLs 600.2950, 2950a, and 2950i (PPO violations).
While it could be argued that criminal contempt under MCL 600.1715 is a misdemeanor (as
defined in MCL 761.1), it appears that the legislature intended to exclude such violations from
fingerprint requirements as they expressly included “PPO contempt” while choosing not to list
other forms of contempt.
Contempt on an underlying criminal or civil case other than a PPO Violation is not a new charge
and should not be entered as a new count on a case, does not require fingerprints, and cannot be
reported to MSP.
MSP Criminal Justice Information Center
Criminal History Section
Rev. 2/2016
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Dispositions of Misdemeanors/Ordinance Violations
When a charge was not initiated with a CTN, transmit misdemeanor and ordinance dispositions to
MSP by using the TCN/OCA on the arrest in LEIN. Include the PACC CODE that substantially
corresponds to the violation.
It is the court’s responsibility to include the corresponding state PACC Code. This will ensure to
CJIC that the ordinance violation is in compliance to MCL 28.243. These cases will reflect as
ordinances in the judicial segment of the criminal history rap sheet. If you need assistance in
determining the correct state PACC Code or need an updated list of PACC Codes, please contact
the Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council/Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan
(PACC/PAAM) at 517-334-6060. MSP uses the PACC Codes as determined by PACC/PAAM.
While ordinances that do not substantially correspond to a state statute are not able to be
maintained by the Michigan State Police (MSP), occasionally fingerprints will still be submitted for
a case that is closed without a state-corresponding statute. If so, courts still need to report a
disposition for the case to MSP, entering “111.111” in the PACC Code field and using “NSC No
State Code” as the disposition code as well as the ordinance flag. This is necessary so the case
may be removed from both the state and federal records.
Non-electronic reporting courts may fax a copy of the judgment to 517-241-0866, email a copy to
MSP-CRD-JUDICI[email protected] (stating in the subject line “No Corresponding State PACC
Code”, or mail a copy to: MSP-CJIC, Attn: Record Processing, P.O. Box 30634, Lansing, MI
Please include the Tracking Control Number (TCN), Originating Agency Case Number (OCA),
and final charge (literal) on documents.
MCL 771.1 Delayed Sentence
Transmit (EJUD) the adjudication of guilt (plea taken) and any conditions of the delay such as
probation and monetary assessments to MSP. The court may include in the sentencing remarks,
“sentence delayed until (date). DO NOT include any sentence terms. When the probation
period is completed, update the CCH using your MJUD screen to enter the appropriate PACC
code, disposition, and sentence terms in the court sentence remarks field.
Refer to the SCAO chart Deferred Judgment of Guilt and Delayed Sentence for Adult Offenders;
Comparison of Processing for further information.
District Court Bind Over to Circuit (BOC)
When transmitting an EJUD of BOC to MSP, the system now has the ability to accept all counts.
Count 1- Dismissed at District, Count 2- BOC, Count 3-BOC, count 4-Dismissed at District.
MSP Criminal Justice Information Center
Criminal History Section
Rev. 2/2016
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Paper Dispositions
DO NOT submit paper dispositions to MSP when a disposition has been transmitted
Paper Disposition Exceptions:
MC 235- Motion and Order For Destruction of Fingerprints and Arrest Card
MC 228- Order on Application to Set Aside Conviction
JC 66- Order to Set Aside Adjudication
When a defendant is convicted of multiple counts and one of the counts is deferred under
a non-public file, such as MCL 333.7411, and convicted or dismissed on other counts, the
court dispositions all counts to MSP, Enter Judicial (EJUD). When the probation period
has been completed, take the following measures:
If probation was unsuccessful and the deferred statute was revoked, modify the Court
Disposition Code (CDC) to the plea taken for that count.
If probation was successfully completed you may select one of two options:
Cancel Judicial (CJUD) only on convicted count/s (CCN) entered. Modify
Judicial (MJUD) deferred statute count to the appropriate dismissal statute court
disposition code (CDC) to update the incident record to a non-public status. OR
CJUD all counts (yes). Now EJUD the non-public record to the appropriate
dismissal statute code to update the incident to a non-public status.
Send a copy of the convicted counts to MSP CJIC by mail or fax to 517-241-
0866. At this time MSP will create an incident on the Criminal History Record to
reflect the final disposition for the convicted counts. Make note on which count
was place in a non-public status.
SPECIAL ATTENTION-Deferred Status Cases
Reminder: When Entering a Judicial (EJUD) court disposition electronically to MSP with a
deferred status, use the correct court disposition codes: DPC Deferred-Mental-Health-Court,
DPD Deferred-7411, DPH Deferred-Licensed-Health-Care, DPK Deferred-Parental-
Kidnapping, DPM Deferred-Minor-in-Possession, DPS Deferred-Spouse-Abuse, DPT
Deferred-Drug-Treatment-Court, DPV Deferred-Veterans-Court, and DPY Deferred- HYTA.
Transmit a Modify Judicial (MJUD) when to update the incident to either the non-public status
code if probation was successful or if in violation and deferred status revoked, enter plea taken.
The dismissal codes are DMC Dismissed-Mental-Health-Court, DMD Dismissed-7411, DMH
Dismissed-Licensed-Health-Care, DMK Dismissed-Parental-Kidnapping, DMM Dismissed-
Minor-in-Possession, DMS Dismissed-Spouse-Abuse, DMT Dismissed-Drug-Treatment-
Court, DMV Dismissed-Veterans-Court, and DMY Dismissed- HYTA.
DO NOT enter “DIS – Dismissed” or “PLG – Pled Guilty” as the disposition code and then writes
in the probation status in the sentence remarks scan line. This may cause the record to be
expunged or disseminated in accordance with MCL 28.243.
MSP Criminal Justice Information Center
Criminal History Section
Rev. 2/2016
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Non-Public Records
Before being placed in accordance with the following statutes, query the criminal history record by
using purpose code C. Any non-public records are accessible only by using the specific purpose
code in scan line 52 that is associated with the type of offense.
MCL 333.7411 Controlled Substance (52:7411/)
MCL 769.4a Domestic Assault (52:ABUSE/)
MCL 750.350a Parental Kidnapping (52:KID/)
MCL 750.430 Practicing Under the Influence (52:HEAL/)
MCL 436.1703 Minor In Possession (52:MIP/)
MCL 600.1070 Drug Treatment Court (52:DTCT/)
MCL 600.1095 Mental Health Treatment Court (52:MHC/)
MCL 600.1206 Veterans Treatment Court (52:VET/)
MCL 762.14 Holmes Youthful Trainee Act (52:HYTA/)
MCL 780.623 Set Aside Conviction (52:CSA/)
MCL 712A.18E Set Aside Adjudication (52:CSA/)
If there is a specified non public record on file for the individual, that single incident record having
a matching court disposition is provided for your review. A “No Record” response will be received
when there is no matching disposition on file for the defendant.
Open, Deferred, Transferred and Pending Case Reports
MSP can generate four types of incomplete case reports: Open Case Reports (arrests without
matching dispositions); Deferred Case Reports (dispositions in “deferred status” not updated);
Transferred Case Reports (cases such as bind-overs and remands where final disposition has
not been received); and Pending Case Reports (dispositions not matched to prints). MSP will
attempt to provide courts the reports annually or upon request. To request the incomplete case
reports for your court, please email MSP Quality Control Auditor Ted Kilvington at including both your court ORI and the year(s) you’d like to review.
Partial Cases
Reminder: Cases that have been partially dismissed or nolle prosequi should not be transmitted
to MSP until disposition has been submitted on all counts. Entering partial dispositions may
cause the record to be inadvertently expunged in accordance with MCL 28.243.
Electronic Disposition Questions
Any questions or concerns with submissions of your electronically transmitted court dispositions,
please contact the MSP Court Reporting Coordinator at telephone 517-284-3106, fax 517-241-
0866 or email
To request a copy of the “Automated Court Reject Resolution Guide” please email:
MSP Criminal Justice Information Center
Criminal History Section
Rev. 2/2016
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Old Cases
A court disposition that you are unable to electronically update on CHR, please email information
to MSP-CRD-J[email protected]v or fax to 517-241-0866. For rejected electronic
dispositions, you may email
Include subjects name, date of birth, arrest date, CTN and charge (if state case) court case
number, date of disposition, and final charge (PACC Code) and sentence information for each
Prosecutor’s Re-Issuing of Warrants
Due to processing problems caused when warrants are dismissed and then re-issued, the
“Criminal History Workgroup” (consisting of MSP-CJIC, PACC/PAAM, and court representatives)
has made the following recommendation:
The prosecutor’s office should assign a new Criminal Tracking Number (CTN) to
the re-issued warrant. If the arrest/incident is not on the CHR, the court needs to
do an “Order for Fingerprints” (MC-233). A new arrest incident is to be submitted
to MSP by the arresting agency.
Questions concerning prosecutor warrant re-issuing may be directed to:
Mr. Todd D. Self at 517-284-3106 email or Ms. Paula Campbell at 517-284-
3084 email
Set Aside Conviction/Adjudication
MSP is experiencing an increase of applications. When scheduling a court date for a hearing
regarding a set aside conviction, please allow 90 to 120 days for MSP to respond to the court with
a copy of the defendant’s criminal history.
MCL 780.621(5) prohibits the court from acting on an Application to Set Aside Conviction until
after the report is received by the court.
Application On Set Aside Conviction (MCL 750.621) Court Form- MC 227
Application On Set Aside Adjudication (MCL 712A.18E) Court Form- JC 66
Mail a copy of the final order to set aside a conviction (granted or denied) on the approved form to
MSP and MDOC. The court cannot enter this order electronically.
Order On Application To Set Aside Conviction, MC 228
Order On Application To Set Aside Adjudication, JC 66
If there are any questions or concerns regarding Set Aside issues, please contact the Michigan
State Police CJIC at telephone 517-241-0606, fax 517-241-0866.