Changes for passengers:
new rules for carry-on luggage
As of November 6 2006, new rules are in force regarding is permitted as carry-on luggage.
Only liquids, gels and aerosols are permitted in carry-on luggage in small quantities (a
maximum of 100ml per article) and as long as these are correctly packaged. These rules
apply to all passengers departing, in transit or making connections at EU airports.
These new rules cover liquids including water and other beverages, gels, pastes, lotions and
the content of aerosol cans. Personal hygiene products such as toothpaste, shaving cream,
hair gel, liquid lipstick and creams are also covered by these rules.
These are the rules related to liquids in carry-on luggage:
1. Only gels and liquids in recipients with a capacity of no more than 100 mililiters may
be transported onboard aircraft.
2. These recipients must be transported in transparent plastic bags.
3. There is a limit of one transparent plastic bag per person.
4. Transparent plastic bag volume may not exceed 1 liter.
5. Plastic bags must be resealable.
Passengers may bring an adequate plastic bag from home. At several airports plastic bags
are provided for passengers.
There are two exceptions to the aforementioned rules:
a. Babyfood necessary during a flight;
b. Necessary medication during a flight;
Purchases made at airports and onboard aircraft
Passengers may continuing making purchases including duty-free after ticket and/or
passport control and onboard European airline company flights. Liquids and gels purchased
after ticket or passport control or onboard shall be wrapped and sealed in the manner
required by store or cabin personnel. This seal is valid for one day. In the case of connecting
flights, the seal should not be broken until the final destination
is reached.
Keep liquids separate
When passing through carry-on luggage security checkpoints, passengers must place liquids
separately in the basket to be examined by X-ray. Liquid recipients should easily fit into the
transparent plastic bag and the bag must be sealed. Coats and large electrical/electronic
equipment such as portable computers must be handed in for verification separately.
Q & A
Why are these rules necessary?
The new carry-on luggage rules were introduced after the detention of terrorist suspects in
the United Kingdom in August 2006. It is believed the suspects were involved in a
conspiracy to destroy aircraft by resorting to the use of explosive liquids. Liquids transported
in carry-on luggage are not subject to tighter restrictions and stricter control with a view to
reducing the probability of just such an attack.
Why liquids?
Exhaustive research on the subject has demonstrated that large quantities of explosive
liquids are required in order to cause an explosion. Because of this, passengers are no
longer permitted to transport large quantities of liquids in carry-on luggage. Liquids and gels
sold at airports are subject to supplementary checks. In addition, liquids and gels brought
from home may only be carried onboard in small quantities.
What can I expect will happen at airport checkpoints?
At security checkpoints, all carry-on luggage passes through X-ray on a treadmill. At these,
the presence of liquids in carry-on luggage is also checked. According to the new rules, if
you intend to transport liquids in carry-on luggage, these must be separately wrapped before
departure either at home or at the airport.
If instead of this you carry liquid and gel recipients loose in carry-on luggage, you should
consider the possibilty that these may be confiscated at security checkpoints.
All liquids must be presented separately whenever carry-on luggage is checked. The
transparent plastic bag must be sealed and liquid recipients a good fit. Coats and large
electrical/electronic equipment such as portable computers must be handed in for verification
Can I still make purchases after the boarding card checkpoint? Will duty free stores
still be available?
Yes, you may continue making purchases including at duty free shops, at European airports
after boarding card checkpoints as well as on European airline company flights. If you
purchase liquids or gels after boarding card checkpoints or onboard, you must check that
your bag is sealed, especially if your itinerary includes flights in transit or connecting flights.
This seal is valid for one day. In the case of connecting flights, the seal should not be broken
until the final destination
is reached.
Purchases made at non-European airports and onboard non-European airline
If you purchase liquids or gels (duty-free or not) at a non-European airport and change
planes at a European airport, you should consider the possibility that your purchases may be
confiscated at security checkpoints. This may occur with purchases made onboard aircraft
operated by an airline company from a non-EU country.
Why do I need a plastic bag?
The transparent plastic bag is necessary for airport security checks. If all recipients are
together in one transparent plastic bag, security personnel can easily check visually that the
rules are being followed. Ensure that the bag is sealed and pack it in such a way that
recipients are a good fit thus making security checks that much quicker.
If instead of this you carry liquid and gel recipients loose in carry-on luggage, you should
consider the possibilty that these may be confiscated at security checkpoints.
Do these rules apply everywhere?
The same rules apply to all airports in the 25 EU countries. These rules apply whenever
desparting or changing planes in the EU. Similar carry-on luggage rules apply in the USA
and Canada. Be aware that different rules may apply in non-EU countries.
What medication is covered by these restrictions?
Only liquid medication or that of similar consistency.
Solid medication such as pills and losangers are restriction free and do not require any
prescription/doctor's note or proof.
What are the exceptions to the current restrictions?
All medication in a liquid state prescribed by a doctor or sold over the counter, subject to
presentation of a doctor’s declaration or note, and that cannot be carried as checked
What to do when the medical prescription was retained at the drugstore?
Ask your physician to give you a doctor's note/declaration as to why as a passenger you
need to take a specific type of medication, or photocopy in advance the respective
INAC may not be held responsible for any security measures adopted in other European
Union countries. To avoid medication and/or objects intended for administering the same
being apprehended at checkpoints at other European Union airports, this Institute
recommends that passengers carry a medical declaration/doctor’s note written in another
language, namely in English or French, if they choose to do so.
IV medication. What to do?
Request from INAC via e-mail, letter, fax or in person, special authorization to carry liquid IV
medication and the objects intended to administer the same, as cabin luggage, stating the
flight number, date, airline company, destination and passenger ID, and attach this to the
medical declaration for this purpose.
Fax: (00 351) 21 842 35 87
Rua B, Blocks 4, 5 & 6
Lisbon Airport
1749-034 Lisbon
Is a new medical declaration required for each trip?
No. Due to the fact that many passengers are chronically ill or need to take medication over
long periods of time, the declaration may specify valid for dates or in the absence of these,
be valid for a two year period from the issue date.
Is the authorization to transport IV liquids and/or objects intended to administer these
in an injected form issued by INAC, as cabin luggage, only valid for one trip?
No. Passengers that prove via a medical declaration that they are chronically ill and need
permanent treatment using liquid IV medication and/or objects intended to administer these
in an injected form, shall be issued authorization valid for the same period as the respective
declaration, for a maximum two year period.
Does liquid medication contained in recipients with a capacity equal to or less than
100ml necessarily require a medical declaration/doctor’s note?
No. Any liquid medication that is contained in a recipient with a capacity equal to or less than
100ml, may be placed within the transparent plastic bag (per person), that can be opened
and resealed, with a capacity no greater than 1 liter (ie: with dimensions of 19cm X 20cm),
and be transported as with any other liquid.