Event Ticket Protector
Event Ticket Protector provides reimbursement for non-refundable ticket costs if you are unable to attend the scheduled event
purchased through a primary ticket outlet due to a Covered Reason. Event Ticket Protector does not cover cancellation due to
a personal change in plans.
Benefits per Insured
Benefit Maximums
Event Ticket Cancellation
Ticket Cost up to $1,000
Lost or Stolen Ticket Replacement Coverage
Reissuing Fee up to $1,000
Change Fee Coverage
Change Fee up to $1,000
This insurance will provide you with coverage from the date you purchase Event Ticket Protector up to and including the date
of the scheduled event. For complete information, please read the Policy of Insurance below.
Policy of Insurance
This product is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company (herein called “we”, “us”, “our”), a member of
The Co-operators group of companies, and administered by Allianz Global Assistance. Allianz Global Assistance is a
registered business name of AZGA Service Canada Inc. and AZGA Insurance Agency Canada Ltd.
We have issued this Policy of insurance to the person(s) named on the Declaration Page (herein called “you” or “your”).
If you believe that the Declaration Page we sent you is incorrect, please contact us at:
This Policy and your Declaration Page describe your insurance and its terms and conditions, which may limit benefits and
amounts payable to you. Please read the Policy carefully to understand the conditions of the coverage for which you have
paid a premium.
This Policy contains a number of exclusions and limitations including a Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion, which may apply to
a medical condition and/or symptoms that existed prior to your ticket purchase date.
Please have the Policy Number (per your Declaration Page) for the representative when you call.
Right to Examine this Insurance
If you notify us that you are not completely satisfied with your purchased plan within 10 days of the date of issue of this Policy
of Insurance as indicated on your Declaration Page, we will provide a full refund of premium as long as the scheduled event
date has not passed, you have not used your ticket, nor have you filed a claim. In no event will a refund be paid to you after 10
days of purchasing the Policy.
This insurance is intended for sale to Canadian residents only.
lease note: Refund of premium is not applicable in any situation where a possible claim has already been incurred.
What risks are insured?
This insurance provides reimbursement for non-refundable ticket costs if you are unable to use your ticket due to one or more
of the Covered Reasons. This Policy of Insurance is designed to protect you against situations or losses that result from sudden
and unexpected conditions or events. These insurance benefits do not cover conditions or events that, on the date of purchase,
are either known to you or likely to occur.
In this Policy, certain terms have defined meanings. Those defined terms are as indicated on your Declaration Page,
or as below in the section titled “Definitions”, and appear throughout this Policy in italics.
Accident/Accidental - a sudden, unexpected, unintended,
unforeseeable external event, occurring during the coverage
period, arising wholly from accidental means, which
independently of any other cause, causes injury.
Accidental Bodily Injury - a bodily injury caused by an
accident of external origin occurring during the coverage
period and being the direct and independent cause of the
llianz Global Assistance - Allianz Global Assistance, our
administrator for assistance and claims services under this
Children - unmarried persons who are dependent on you for
support and are:
under 21 years of age; or
under 26 years of age if a full-time student; or
over 20 years of age and mentally or physically
incapable of self-support and became so while
eligible as a dependent child.
Companion - a person who:
purchases a ticket to the same event(s) or venue as
you; and
intends to use the ticket with you.
ontamination - the contamination or poisoning of people
by nuclear and/or chemical and/or biological substances,
which causes illness and/or death.
Coverage Period - the time insurance is in effect, beginning
on the effective date and ending on the expiry date.
Effective Date your coverage will begin the day your
telephone order is placed or internet (electronic) order is
received, provided that all applicable premium has been
Emergency - an unforeseen event that occurs during the
coverage period and makes it necessary to receive
immediate treatment from a licensed physician or to be
Expiry Date - the date on which your coverage ends under
this insurance as shown on your Declaration Page.
Family Member - includes your spouse; parents; children,
including children who are, or are in the process of becoming
adopted; siblings; grandparents or grandchildren; step-
parent; step-child; or step-sibling; in-laws (parent, son,
daughter, brother or sister, grandparents); aunt; uncle; niece;
nephew; legal guardian; or ward.
Financial Default a complete suspension of operations by
the promoter or venue due to financial circumstances
whether or not a bankruptcy petition is filed.
ospital - an establishment that is licensed as a hospital and
is operated for the care and treatment of inpatients, has a
registered nurse always on duty, and has a laboratory and
an operating room on the premises or in facilities controlled
by the hospital. Hospital does not mean any establishment
used mainly as a clinic, extended or palliative care facility,
rehabilitation facility, addiction treatment centre,
convalescent, rest or nursing home, home for the aged, or
health spa.
Illness - a sickness, infirmity or disease occurring during the
coverage period that requires emergency medical care,
which did not occur prior to the effective date.
Immediate Family - means your spouse; parent; child
(including all natural or adopted children); your sibling; your
step-parents, step-children, your grandparent or grandchild.
njury - bodily injury occurring during the coverage period,
resulting directly and independently of all other causes, from
an accident.
Inpatient - a person treated as a registered bed patient in a
hospital or other facility and for whom a room and board
charge is made.
Medical Condition - an accidental bodily injury or sickness
(or a condition related to that accidental bodily injury or
sickness), including disease, acute psychosis and
complications of pregnancy occurring within the first 31
weeks of pregnancy.
Outpatient - someone who receives treatment while not an
hysician - a person (other than an insured) who is not
related to the insured by blood or marriage who is licensed
to prescribe drugs and administer medical treatment (within
the scope of such license) at the location where the
treatment is provided. A physician does not include a
naturopath, a herbalist or a homeopath.
Policy - the entire policy of insurance document containing
the terms and conditions of this insurance and issued to you
by us.
rescription Drug - a drug or medicine that can only be
issued upon the prescription of a physician or licensed
dentist and is dispensed by a licensed pharmacist.
rofessional - engaged in a specified activity as your main
paid occupation.
cash returned to you by the supplier;
any credit or voucher for future events you receive
or are entitled to receive from the supplier; or
any credits, recoveries or reimbursements you
receive or are entitled to receive from your employer,
another insurance company, a credit card issuer or
any other institution.
Sanction - any business or activity that would violate any
Canadian or any other applicable national economic or trade
sanction law or regulations.
eason means the period of time when the Season/Annual
Pass is valid.
eason/Annual Pass means an admission to a facility
(such as an amusement park or recreational facility) which is
valid for a season or for a pre-determined period of time, but
for no more than 2 years.
eries Ticketmeans a multi-day or multi-event admission
ticket to a series of events such as season tickets for sports
or performing arts, or multiple days to an amusement park or
other recreational facility. A series ticket for a regular sporting
season does not include post-season/play-offs unless
indicated on the Declaration Page.
ngle-Day Ticketmeans an admission ticket to an event
for a specific day and time period.
Spouse - the person who is:
legally married or in a legal civil union with you; or
is living with you in a conjugal relationship and is
publicly represented as your spouse or your
domestic partner in the community in which you
reside. You may only have 1 spouse for the
purposes of this insurance.
Stable - any medical condition or related condition (including
any heart condition or lung condition) for which all the
following statements for that medical condition or related
condition (including any heart or any lung condition) are true:
there has been no new treatment or prescribed
there has been no change in treatment or change in
prescribed medication (including the amount of
medication to be taken, how often it is taken, the type
of medication or change in treatment frequency or
there has been no new symptom, more frequent
symptom or more severe symptom;
there have been no test results showing
there has been no hospitalization or referral to a
specialist (made or recommended) or the result of
further investigations has not yet been completed.
Ticket Cost means the total amount paid for the ticket
including any service and handling fees.
rrorism or Act of Terrorism - an act including, but not
limited to, the use of force or violence and/or the threat
thereof, including hijacking or kidnapping, of an individual or
group in order to intimidate or terrorize any government,
group, association or the general public, for religious, political
or ideological reasons or ends, and does not include any act
of war (whether declared or not), act of foreign enemies or
reatment the medical advice, care and/or service
provided by a physician. This includes, but is not limited to,
diagnostic measures and prescription drugs (including pills
and inhaled or injected medications). It does not include
check-ups or cases where you have no specific symptoms.
e, Us and Our - refers to CUMIS General Insurance
You and Your - refer to all persons listed on the Declaration
Page under the plan purchased when the required insurance
premium has been paid for that person, before the effective
What Do You Need to Know?
When does your insurance start?
Your coverage will begin the day your telephone order is
placed or your internet (electronic) order is received and all
applicable premium has been paid.
When does your insurance end?
Your insurance ends as follows:
for Single-Day Ticketswhen the event takes
place, the ticket has been used, or when you have
filed a claim, whichever is earliest.
for Series Tickets when the last ticket has been
For Season/Annual Passes at midnight 30 days
prior to the expiration of the Season/Annual Pass.
Description of Coverage
Single-Day Ticket Cancellation
ngle-Day Ticket Cancellation Protection reimburses
you for the covered losses you incur when you are unable to
use your Single-Day Ticket due to one or more of the
following Covered Reasons.
Medical Conditions and Death
Any serious injury or any unforeseen serious illness
occurring to:
you, or your companion. You or your companion
must be examined by a physician within 48 hours of
the cancellation and the physician must advise in
writing that you or your companion not attend the
scheduled event. In absence of a physicians note
you must provide medical documentation, such as
but not limited to medical records, to substantiate
your claim;
a family member that is life threatening or requiring
hospitalization as an inpatient. Your family member
must be examined by a physician within 48 hours of
the cancellation; or
a family member who is dependent upon your care.
Your family member must be examined by a
physician within 48 hours of the cancellation.
The death of you, a family member or a companion, which
prevents you from attending the scheduled event, if the death
occurs on or within 30 days prior to the scheduled event
Pregnancy and Adoption
The pregnancy of you or your companion if such a
has been diagnosed after your ticket has been
purchased, and the physician advises in writing that
you or your companion not attend the scheduled
event; or
the legal adoption of a child by you or your
companion, when the actual date the child is to be
placed in your care is scheduled to take place during
the event and this date was not known until after the
ticket was purchased.
An act of terrorism committed by an organized terrorist group
(recognized as such by the Canadian Government),
occurring within 30 days in the city of your scheduled event.
Employment and Occupation
After your effective date of coverage you, or your companion,
are unable to participate in or attend the event or activity for
which the single-day ticket was purchased for as a result of:
being terminated or laid off, through no fault of your
own after having been with the same employer for at
least 3 continuous years;
you, or your spouse, being relocated by your or your
spouse’s current employer to a location that is at
least 160 kilometres from your primary residence;
being required to serve on a jury or served with a
court order or subpoena, excluding law enforcement
officers who are required to appear in court; or
being summoned to duty in the case of reservists,
active military, police or fire personnel.
You or your companion not arriving at the venue due to:
a delay by the common carrier used for
ng directly or indirectly involved in a traffic
accident en route to a common carrier departure
resulting in you or your companion missing the
scheduled transport to the event and the common
carrier was unable to accommodate you or your
companion on a later departure which would arrive
in time to attend the event.
The event is cancelled by the venue or promoter and the
venue or promoter does not reschedule or offer a refund.
You or your companion, are unable to participate in or attend
the event or activity for which the single-day ticket was
purchased for due to:
having your home made uninhabitable by flood,
burglary, vandalism or natural disaster within 72
hours of the ticketed event;
being the victim of an indictable criminal assault
within 10 days prior to the scheduled event.
An indictable criminal assault inflicted by you, a
family member, companion or companion’s family
member is not a covered reason under this
insurance; or
your or your companion's automobile having a
mechanical breakdown within 48 hours of the event
which results in you being unable to attend the
We will reimburse the non-refundable ticket cost, less any
refund or the cost of any common carrier change fees up to
$1,000. Reimbursement will only be made for ticketed
amounts insured through a primary ticket outlet.
Series Ticket Cancellation
Series Ticket Cancellation Protection reimburses you for
the covered losses you incur when you are unable to use 1
or more of your Series Tickets due to 1 or more of the
following Covered Reasons.
Medical Conditions and Death
Any serious injury or any unforeseen serious illness
occurring to:
you, or your companion. You or your companion
must be examined by a physician within 48 hours of
the cancellation(s) and the physician must advise in
writing that you or your companion not attend the
scheduled event(s). In absence of a physician’s note
you must provide medical documentation, such as
but not limited to medical records, to substantiate
your claim;
a family member that is life threatening or requiring
hospitalization as an inpatient. Your family member
must be examined by a physician within 48 hours of
the cancellation; or
a family member who is dependent upon your care.
Your family member must be examined by a
physician within 48 hours of the cancellation.
The death of you, a family member or a companion, which
prevents you from attending the scheduled event(s), if the
death occurs on or within 30 days prior to the scheduled
Pregnancy and Adoption
The pregnancy of you or your companion if such a
has been diagnosed after your ticket(s) has been
purchased, and your physician advises in writing that
you not attend the series event; or
the legal adoption of a child by you or your
companion, when the actual date the child is to be
placed in your care is scheduled to take place during
the series event and this date was not known until
after the ticket(s) was purchased.
An act of terrorism committed by an organized terrorist group
(recognized as such by the Canadian Government),
occurring within 30 days in the city of your series event.
Employment and Occupation
After your effective date of coverage you, or your companion,
are unable to participate in or attend one or more of the
events or activities for which the series ticket was purchased
for as a result of:
being terminated or laid off, through no fault of your
own after having been with the same employer for at
least 3 continuous years;
you or your spouse being relocated by your or your
spouse’s current employer to a location that is at
least 160 kilometres from your primary residence;
being required to serve on a jury or served with a
court order or subpoena, excluding law enforcement
officers who are required to appear in court; or
being summoned to duty in the case of reservists,
active military, police or fire personnel.
You or your companion not arriving at the venue due to:
a delay by the common carrier used for
being directly or indirectly involved in a traffic
accident en route to a common carrier departure
resulting in you or your companion missing the
scheduled transport to the event and the common
carrier was unable to accommodate you or your
companion on a later departure which would arrive
in time to attend the event.
The series event is cancelled by the venue or promoter and
the venue or promoter does not reschedule or offer a refund.
You or your companion, are unable to participate in or attend
one or more of the events or activities for which the series
ticket was purchased for due to:
having your home made uninhabitable by flood,
burglary, vandalism or natural disaster within 72
hours of the ticketed event;
being the victim of an indictable criminal assault
within 10 days prior to the series event. An indictable
criminal assault inflicted by you, a family member,
companion or companion’s family member is not a
covered reason under this insurance; or
your or your companion's automobile having a
mechanical breakdown within 48 hours of the event
which results in you being unable to attend the
We will reimburse the non-refundable ticket cost less any
refund, or the cost of any common carrier change fees up to
an overall benefit maximum of $1,000 per series package.
Reimbursement will only be made for ticketed amounts
insured through a primary ticket outlet.
Season/Annual Pass Cancellation
Season/Annual Pass Cancellation Protection reimburses
you for the covered losses you incur when you are unable to
use your Season/Annual Pass for at least 30 consecutive
days due to one or more of the following Covered Reasons.
Medical Conditions and Death
Any serious injury or any unforeseen serious illness
occurring to:
you, or your companion, which results in your being
unable to use the Season/Annual Pass for at least
30 consecutive days. You or your companion must
be examined by a physician within 48 hours of the
cancellation and the physician must advise in writing
that you or your companion not participate in or
attend the event or activities that the Season/Annual
Pass was purchased for;
a family member that is life threatening or requiring
hospitalization as an inpatient for at least 30
consecutive days. Your family member must be
examined by a physician within 48 hours of the
cancellation; or
a family member which requires you to provide
primary care to that person for at least 30
consecutive days. Your family member must be
examined by a physician within 48 hours of the
The death of you or a companion, which prevents you from
participating in or attending the event or activities for which
the Season/Annual Pass was purchased for at least 30
consecutive days.
Pregnancy and Adoption
The pregnancy of you or your companion if such pregnancy:
is diagnosed after your pass was purchased, and
your physician advises in writing that you not
participate in or attend the event or activities for
which the Season/Annual Pass was purchased for
at least 30 consecutive days; or
the legal adoption of a child by you or your
companion, when the actual date the child is to be
placed in your care was not known until after the
pass was purchased, and you will not be able to
participate in or attend the event or activities for
which the Season/Annual Pass was purchased for
at least 30 consecutive days.
An act of terrorism committed by an organized terrorist group
(recognized as such by the Canadian Government),
occurring in the city applicable to your annual pass, resulting
in you being unable to participate in or attend the event or
activities for which the Season/Annual Pass was purchased
for at least 30 consecutive days.
Employment and Occupation
After your effective date of coverage you, or your companion,
are unable to participate in or attend the event or activities
for which the Season/Annual Pass was purchased for at
least 30 consecutive days as a result of:
being terminated or laid off, through no fault of your
own after having been with the same employer for at
least 3 continuous years;
you or your spouse being relocated by your or your
spouse’s current employer to a location that is at
least 160 kilometres from your primary residence;
being required to serve on a jury or served with a
court order or subpoena and the jury service or court
appearance lasts for 30 consecutive days, excluding
law enforcement officers who are required to appear
in court; or
being summoned to duty in the case of reservists or
active military, police or fire personnel.
You or your companion, are unable to participate in or attend
the event or activities for which the Season/Annual Pass was
purchased for at least 30 consecutive days due to
having your home made uninhabitable by flood,
burglary, vandalism or natural disaster;
being the victim of an indictable criminal assault. An
indictable criminal assault inflicted by you, a family
member, companion or companion’s family member
is not a covered reason under this insurance; or
your or your companion's automobile having a
mechanical breakdown which results in you being
unable to attend the event.
We will reimburse the pro-rated cost of the unused portion of
the Season/Annual Pass, less any refunds up to the overall
benefit maximum of $1,000. For Season/Annual Passes
which are valid for a fixed calendar period, reimbursement
will be calculated based on the first day of the season,
regardless of the actual date you purchased the
Season/Annual Pass.
Reimbursement will only be made for ticketed amounts
insured through a primary ticket outlet.
Lost or Stolen Ticket Replacement Coverage
We will reimburse you up to $1,000 for penalties or fees
charged by the venue for reissuing a lost or stolen ticket. Any
penalties or fees charged for changes in ticket grades
(upgrades, etc.) are not covered. Reimbursement will only be
made for ticketed amounts insured through a primary ticket
Change Fee Coverage
Some venues permit you to change the date of your ticket. If
you change the date of your ticket for a Covered Reason, we
will reimburse you up to $1,000 for the change fee imposed
by the venue. Reimbursement will only be made for ticketed
amounts insured through a primary ticket outlet.
General Limitations, Conditions
and Exclusions
Your insurance coverage is subject to the terms set out as
follows in this document.
General Conditions and Limitations
1. All premiums, benefit maximums and benefit payments
are stated in Canadian dollars unless otherwise
specified. At our option, we may pay a claim for benefits
in the currency where the loss occurred or in Canadian
2. Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the
recovery of insurance money payable under the contract
is absolutely barred unless commenced within the time
set out in the Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of Alberta and British Columbia),
The Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed
by the laws of Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for
actions or proceedings governed by the laws of Ontario),
or other applicable legislation. For those actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec, the
prescriptive period is set out in the Quebec Civil Code.
3. No agent or other person has authority to accept or make
representations of information or alter, modify or waive
any of the provisions of this Policy.
4. You must submit claims to Allianz Global Assistance
within 90 days from date of loss. If applicable law
provides for a longer period, you must submit your claim
within the longer period provided for by law. For your
claim to be valid, you must provide all of the documents
we require to support your claim.
5. If your event tickets are covered under another Policy
issued by us that provides the same or similar coverage,
we will adjust your claim by applying the terms and
conditions of the coverage that pays the most. The
amount we pay will not exceed your total monetary loss.
6. We may void this Policy in the case of fraud or attempted
fraud by you or if you conceal or misrepresent any
circumstance or fact that is material. In this instance no
refund of premium shall be made.
7. You must repay to us amounts paid or authorized for
payment on your behalf, if we determine the amount is
not payable under this insurance.
8. If you incur losses covered by this insurance because of
a third party, we may take legal action against that party
at our expense. We have full rights of subrogation. You
agree to allow us to fully assert our right to subrogation
and to cooperate fully with us by delivering such
documents. You agree to do nothing that would
prejudice our rights to recover funds from any source.
9. Notice of Statutory Conditions - Notwithstanding any
other provision herein contained, this contract is subject
to the statutory conditions in the Insurance Act
respecting contracts of accident insurance. This
condition does not apply to the province of Quebec.
These exclusions apply to all benefits. This insurance
provides no payment for any loss arising directly or indirectly
out of or as a result of the following:
1. Pre-Existing Conditions:
a) Any injury occurring to you, your companion, or your
family member during the 90 days prior to and
including your effective date of coverage;
b) Any illness occurring to you, your companion, or
your family member during the 90 days prior to and
including your effective date of coverage for which:
medical examination or treatment by a physician
has been sought or advised or for which
symptoms exist which would cause a reasonable
person to seek diagnosis, care or treatment; or
require taking prescribed drugs or medicine
unless the illness remains stable;
2. Intentionally self-inflicted harm, suicide or attempted
suicide (whether sane or insane);
3. Except as specifically provided for under Pregnancy and
Adoption, routine pre-natal care, fertility treatments,
elective abortion, complications of your pregnancy when
they occur in the 9 weeks before or after the expected
date of delivery;
4. M
ental, nervous or emotional disorders that do not
require immediate hospitalization;
5. Abuse of any medication or non-compliance
with prescribed medical treatment or therapy;
6. A
ny injury or accident occurring while you are under the
influence of illicit drugs or alcohol (where the
concentration of alcohol in your blood exceeds 80
milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood) or when
you illustrate a visible impairment due to alcohol or illicit
7. Wa
r (whether declared or undeclared), acts of war,
military duty, civil disorder or unrest; terrorism or act of
terrorism (unless specifically covered);
8. N
uclear reaction, radiation or radioactive contamination;
9. Epidemic or Pandemic;
10. Biological or chemical contamination;
11. Seepage, pollution or contamination;
12. Financial collapse or default of any transport, tour or
accommodation provider and/or any other service
13. A
ny unlawful acts committed by you, family members, or
companions, whether they are insured or not;
14. P
rohibition, regulation or order by any government
15. Cosmetic or any other elective surgery;
16. Organ harvesting surgery;
17. F
inancial default;
18. C
ancellation due to lost or stolen tickets;
19. N
atural disasters (unless as specifically covered);
20. Yo
u or your companion, after the effective date:
a) making changes to personal plans;
b) having a business or contractual obligation;
c) rescheduling a prior appointment.
21. Any expected or foreseeable events;
22. Y
our travel to a country, region or city for which the
Canadian government has issued a travel advisory in
writing prior to your departure date. or
23. Y
our travel to a sanctioned country for any business or
activity to the extent that such cover would violate any
applicable national economic or trade sanction law or
Claim Filing Procedures
Please contact Allianz Global Assistance at the phone number
listed on your Declaration Page or visit
www.allianzassistanceclaims.ca to obtain a claim form.
If you have any questions about your claim, please contact
All benefits will be paid in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.
If currency conversion is necessary, we will use the exchange rate
on the date the last service was rendered to you.
This insurance will not pay for any interest.
Information to Submit When Filing a Claim
As a condition to the payment of benefits under this
insurance, we will require certain information from you if you
need to file a claim. This documentation will include, at a
minimum and is not limited to, the following:
Original unused tickets, copies of invoices, proof of
payments, and other documents that substantiate
the cost or occurrence of the event ticket or season
pass cancellation.
Proof of the injury, illness or hospitalization resulting
in your missing the ticketed event.
Documentation of refunds received from the venue
or promoter.
Copy of the venue or promoter’s literature that
describes penalties.
Documentation from the venue or promoter stating
the non-refundable amounts of the ticket(s) costs.
A copy of the death certificate in the event of a death.
The completed claim form supplied to you by us.
You must submit all claims to Allianz Global
Assistance within 90 days from date of loss.
Failure to complete the required claim form in
full will delay the assessment of your claim.
Privacy Information Notice
CUMIS General Insurance Company (the “insurer”) and the
insurer’s insurance administrator, Allianz Global Assistance,
and the insurer’s agents, representatives and reinsurers (for
the purpose of this Personal Information Notice collectively
“we” “us” andour”) require personal information including:
details about you including your name, date of birth,
address, telephone numbers, e-mail address,
employer, and other identification
medical records and information about you
records that reflect your business dealings with and
through us
This personal information is collected for the following
insurance purposes when offering and providing insurance
and related services:
o identify and communicate with you
To consider any application for insurance
If approved, to issue a Policy or Certificate of
To administer insurance and related benefits
To evaluate insurance risk, manage and coordinate
claims, re-price medical expenses and negotiate
payment of claims expenses;
To investigate claims and to determine eligibility for
insurance benefits
To provide assistance services
For fraud prevention and debt collection purposes
As required or permitted by law.
e only collect personal information necessary for insurance
purposes from individuals who apply for insurance, from
Certificate or Policy holders, insureds and claimants. In some
cases we also collect personal information from members of
a Certificate or Policy holder’s, insured’s or claimant’s family
or their friends when they are unable, for medical or other
reasons, to communicate directly with us. We also collect
and disclose information for the insurance purposes from, to
and with, third parties such as, but not necessarily limited to,
health care practitioners and facilities in Canada and abroad,
government and private health insurers and family members
and friends of the insured, Certificate or Policy holder or
claimant. We may also use and disclose information from our
existing files for the insurance purposes. Our employees who
require this information for the purposes of their duties will
have access to this file.
pon your request and authorization, we may also disclose
this information to other persons.
rom time to time, and if permitted by applicable law, we may
also collect, use or disclose personal information in order to
offer additional or upgraded products and services (the
“optional purposes”).
hen an individual applies for, purchases, or is covered by
one of our insurance policies or submits a claim for insurance
benefits, he or she is presumed to consent to the personal
information practices described in this notice. If an individual
does not wish to have their personal information used for the
optional purposes they need only notify Allianz Global
Assistance. A person may decline to have their information
collected, used or disclosed for the insurance purposes but
in that instance we will likely be unable to provide insurance
and related services.
Personal information is maintained in the Certificate or Policy
holder’s, insured’s or claimant’s file that we establish and
maintain in the offices of Allianz Global Assistance. In some
instances we may additionally maintain or communicate or
transfer information to health care and other service
providers located outside of Canada. As a result, personal
information may be accessible to regulatory authorities in
accordance with the law of these other jurisdictions. For
information about how to obtain access to written information
about our policies and procedures with respect to service
providers outside of Canada, please contact the Privacy
Officer at privacy@allianz-assistance.ca.
We will retain the personal information we collect for a
specified period of time and in a storage method appropriate
with legal and our internal corporate requirements. Personal
information will be securely destroyed following the
expiration of the appropriate retention period.
ndividuals have a right to request to access or correct
personal information we have on file by contacting the
Privacy Officer at privacy@allianz-assistance.ca or by
writing to:
ivacy Officer
Allianz Global Assistance
700 Jamieson Parkway
Cambridge, ON
N3C 4N6
For a complete copy of our Privacy Policy please visit
t Us Know
If you have any questions or concerns about our products,
services, your Policy, or claim please feel free to contact
Allianz Global Assistance anytime:
Toll Free: 1-866-520-8823
Collect: 1-519-742-9013
Email: questions@allianz-assistance.ca