Account Manager Terms of Use
Ticketmaster Installed Payment Plan
Ticketmaster Australasia Pty Ltd ACN 089 258 837 ("Ticketmaster") as agent for the presenter is pleased
to offer the Installed Payment Plan for this event.
If you elect to pay for your ticket using the "Installed Payment" plan the following terms and conditions
apply, as well as Ticketmaster's general terms and conditions (which deal with refunds, cancelled or
postponed events, conduct at events and other important matters) which are available
by clicking here
(together the "Terms and Conditions").
Installed Payment Plan Terms and Conditions
By proceeding with this transaction, you agree that you have read, understood and agreed
to be bound by the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to the Terms and
Conditions, please do not proceed with this transaction.
By selecting the Installed Payments option, you hereby authorise Ticketmaster to charge
your nominated credit card in accordance with the payment schedule below until full
payment has been received for your tickets.
Upon selecting the Installed Payment option, you will be charged your first installment as
specified by Ticketmaster at the time of booking and additional installments will then be
charged as specified in the payment schedule below.
For any tickets purchased after the date specified for payment of an instalment in the
payment schedule, you will be required to pay any accumulated installments at the time of
the booking. From that date on, the remaining instalments will be payable in accordance
with the payment schedule below.
Installments will be deducted using the same credit card used for the original booking.
Installed Payment commitments will not be frozen, cancelled or deferred, nor will you be
entitled to a refund or exchange during the Installed Payment process, unless in
accordance with Ticketmaster's general terms and conditions for cancelled events or to the
extent required under applicable trade practices and consumer protection laws.
While we will hold your tickets for you, you are not entitled to delivery of your tickets until
all installments are received. Once full payment has been received, you will receive an
email advising that your tickets are available in your account and ready to print via
It is your responsibility to ensure that: (a) the account details you have provided are
correct and (b) you have sufficient clear funds available in the nominated account on the
scheduled drawing dates.
In the event an installment is not received by Ticketmaster when Ticketmaster attempts to
process an installment payment through your credit card in accordance with the payment
schedule, Ticketmaster will notify you via email and attempt to make the scheduled
payment in each of the following three working days after the original attempt. Any fees
levied to you by your financial institution will be payable by you.
In the event that a scheduled payment is not received following that process or a
subsequent installment is not received by Ticketmaster (Ticketmaster will not be required
to contact you where there is a second failure with your credit card), you will be in breach
of this agreement and Ticketmaster will cancel your booking and reimburse all monies
received from you minus a default fee of $20 (such fee represents Ticketmaster's
reasonable costs of cancelling your booking and arranging the refund). Ticketmaster will
then email you notifying you that your booking has been cancelled.
No tickets will be made available to you until full payment has been received. Ticketmaster
will send you an email once full payment has been made which includes a link for you to
download your tickets via Ticketfast. You will need access to an email account and a
printer to receive tickets this way.
Ticketmaster Advanced Terms of Use
Your Consent to these Terms, and How these Terms may be Amended
You are currently visiting a section of the Ticketmaster Advanced's web site, or reviewing an e-mail,
that features advanced ticketing transaction technologies and services (such section of the Ticketmaster
Advanced's web site, e-mail, technologies and services, are collectively referred to as the "Advanced
Services"). Some of the Advanced Services are provided by the Ticketmaster Advanced, and some of
the Advanced Services are provided by Ticketmaster. The following are the "Terms" that govern your
use of the Advanced Services. While using the Advanced Services you may see links that, when clicked
on, will take you to Internet sites operated by the Ticketmaster Advanced, Ticketmaster or others that
are not part of the Advanced Services. Please review the terms of use appearing with those sites and
services, as those terms will govern those sites and services instead of these Terms. If there is a
conflict between these Terms and any other terms, then these Terms shall govern.
By using the Advanced Services, you expressly agree to be bound by and comply with these Terms, and
all applicable laws and regulations, and also agree to be bound by any additional non-conflicting terms
or conditions on which you have or will agree with Ticketmaster L.L.C. ("Ticketmaster") or the
Ticketmaster Advanced. These Terms shall constitute a valid, binding and enforceable legal agreement
among you, the Ticketmaster Advanced and Ticketmaster. There shall be no oral or implied agreement
between you and Ticketmaster, you and the Ticketmaster Advanced, or you, Ticketmaster and the
Ticketmaster Advanced that shall be binding or enforceable, and all parties agree not to claim that there
Ticketmaster reserves the right to change these Terms at any time, by posting a link to, or posting, the
new Terms where the Advanced Services are provided. Such change shall be effective with respect to
you commencing the first time that you visit this web site or otherwise use the Advanced Services after
such changed Terms have been posted. Please review the Terms periodically to see whether they have
Special Terms Applicable to Specific Advanced Services
All of these Terms shall apply to the use of each of the Advanced Services. However, also included
in these Terms under the heading "Specific Additional Terms Governing Specific Advanced Services"
are additional provisions that also govern your use of certain of the Advanced Services.
Violations of the Terms
If you violate the Terms, you may be prohibited from using the Advanced Services now or in the
future, your transactions, distributions, deliveries, credit authorisations, payments, payment receipts,
registrations, log-ins, ticket forwards, ticket postings, ticket sales, ticket purchases, ticket forwarding
receptions, ticket orders, group management or participating or ticket management (any of the
foregoing, or any other activities or transactions for which you use the Advanced Services,
an "Activity"), or season, package, group or other tickets, may be cancelled, set-offs and debits may
be taken against your accounts and credits and payments that would otherwise be owed to you, and
appropriate legal actions may be taken against you.
Registration; User Names and Passwords
You may need to register with the Advanced Services, or receive a username and password, in order
to use certain Advanced Services. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your
username and password and are fully responsible for all Activities that occur under your username and
password, regardless of whether undertaken by you or undertaken by someone who has received your
username and password. If the Advanced Services are unable to verify or authenticate any information
you provide during any Activity, you may be prohibited from using the Advanced Services.
Responsibility for Allowing Others Access to Tickets and E-mail Transmission Errors
Many of the Advanced Services use e-mail and web site downloads to deliver electronic tickets which can
be printed out, copied, saved and forwarded to others, either physically (i.e., after being printed out) or
electronically. Despite the fact that multiple copies and print-outs of the same ticket can be created, only
the first copy or print-out that is presented and scanned for admission at a venue will in fact be valid for
admission; once that scanning occurs, all other copies and print-outs of that ticket will no longer be valid
for entry. Accordingly, you agree to be solely responsible for safeguarding all tickets (and all pass codes,
Internet addresses, e-mails and other places and means where tickets can be obtained) with great care,
and you agree that if a ticket is copied, reprinted or forwarded to another person, or another person is
given access to a ticket, neither Ticketmaster Advanced, Ticketmaster nor anyone else will have any
liability or responsibility for any print-outs or copies of the ticket not being valid for admission due to the
previous admission scanning of another print-out or copy of the same ticket. Similarly, you agree that
you will be solely responsible for distribution errors caused by you providing an inaccurate e-mail
address, for lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed tickets, and for lost, stolen, deleted, improperly
addressed, forwarded or misdirected e-mails linking to Internet sites (or pass codes or Internet
addresses) where tickets are accessible.
Authorisation to Cancel a Ticket
By instructing the Advanced Services to forward, distribute, transfer or sell a ticket, you authorise
Ticketmaster and the Ticketmaster Advanced to issue to the recipient a valid ticket and to cancel and
invalidate your ticket for the same seat at the same event. You agree that you will not sell, convey,
give away, forward, otherwise distribute, try to use, or take any action that directly or indirectly allows
to be cancelled or invalidated, any sold, conveyed, forwarded, otherwise distributed or otherwise
cancelled or invalidated ticket.
Many of the Advanced Services, such as Group Tickets, Season Tickets and purchasing tickets from
Season Ticket Holders use TicketFast. To read more about how TicketFast works, and hardware
and software requirements for the recipient to read and print TicketFast tickets, click here
Cancelled or Postponed Events
Occasionally, events are cancelled or postponed by the Ticketmaster Advanced or venue due to weather
conditions or situations affecting the performers, players, other personnel or staff or the audience. Please
review the Specific Additional Terms Governing Specific Advanced Services below for provisions
applicable to cancelled or postponed events.
The Advanced Services cannot be used to resell tickets that have already been sold, distributed
or forwarded through the Advanced Services.
Title; Role of Ticketmaster Advanced and Ticketmaster
All of this paragraph is subject to those parts of these Terms applicable to refunds and credits for
cancelled or postponed events. All rights and obligations with respect to a ticket pass upon completion
of a group ticket distribution (unless properly cancelled through the method described below), forward,
purchase or sale transaction. For purposes hereof, "completion" shall occur (a) for a group ticket
distribution transaction if the recipient pays for the ticket then upon the payment for a group ticket by
the recipient, or instead if the group manager pays for the ticket then upon the use of the ticket to
enter an event (or if not presented to enter an event, then upon the ticket's event start time), (b) for a
season ticket forwarding transaction when the Advanced Services sends (and before the recipient
receives) the forwarded ticket, and (c) for a purchase or sale transaction when the Advanced Services
sends (and before the recipient receives) the ticket in the case of electronic delivery, or when the
Advanced Services deposits the ticket with the mail or a delivery service in the case of delivery of a
paper ticket provided that the purchaser will not have the right to cancel a purchase or deliver once the
purchaser has made an order (provided that Ticketmaster will have the right to allow such a
cancellation in Ticketmaster's sole discretion). Throughout these processes, neither Ticketmaster nor the
Ticketmaster Advanced will ever take title to the ticket. Title will pass directly from the group manager
to the ticket recipient in the case of a group ticket distribution (unless the recipient, and not the group
manager, is the purchaser of the ticket, in which case title will pass directly from Ticketmaster Advanced
to the recipient, because the group manager will never have had title), directly from the ticket forwarder
to the person to whom the forwarder has forwarded the ticket in the case of season ticket forwarding,
and directly from the seller to the purchaser in the case of a sale transaction. Further, Ticketmaster is
not the agent of any party other than Ticketmaster Advanced. Ticketmaster is only a technology
provider, and as such is providing ticket cancellation, distribution, posting, forwarding, authentication,
delivery and payment processing services.
User Obligations
In exchange for your use of the Advanced Services, you agree: (a) to provide the Advanced Services
with current, complete and accurate information about yourself ("Registration Data"), (b) to maintain
and update your Registration Data as necessary to ensure that it remains current, complete and
accurate; (c) not to use the Advanced Services for any illegal purpose; (d) not to impersonate any
person or entity; (e) not to interfere with or disrupt networks connected to the Advanced Services or
violate the regulations, policies or procedures of such networks; (f) not to attempt to gain unauthorised
access to the Advanced Services, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the
Advanced Services, through password mining or any other means; (g) not to engage in any other
conduct which, in Ticketmaster's or the Ticketmaster Advanced's sole discretion, is considered
unauthorised or objectionable; and (h) not to use the Advanced Services in connection with any
commercial endeavors other than to the extent permitted by Ticketmaster or Ticketmaster Advanced.
Service Modifications
Ticketmaster and the Ticketmaster Advanced reserve the right, in each of their sole discretion, to
modify, suspend or discontinue any part of the Advanced Services at any time, with or without notice to
you. Ticketmaster and the Ticketmaster Advanced also reserve the right, in each of their sole discretion,
to impose limits on certain features and services and to restrict access to any part or to all of the
Advanced Services without notice to you. Neither Ticketmaster nor the Ticketmaster Advanced shall be
liable to you or any third party for any claim or cause of action arising out of the Ticketmaster
Advanced's or Ticketmaster's exercise of the foregoing rights.
Service Outages
Neither Ticketmaster nor the Ticketmaster Advanced warrant or represent that the Advanced Services will
always function or be error-free. Neither Ticketmaster nor the Ticketmaster Advanced assume any liability or
responsibility for errors or omissions in the Advanced Services or for problems with its functioning.
Your access to and use of the Advanced Services are at your own risk.
Privacy Policy
The information you provide to the Advanced Services shall be collected, used and disclosed in
accordance with the Privacy Policies
linked to from this sentence. Web sites linked to the Advanced
Services that are not part of the Advanced Services are not subject to such Privacy Policy. You
should refer to those sites' own privacy policies to learn how they collect, use and disclose
information about you.
Disclaimer; Limitation of Liability
Ticketmaster, the Ticketmaster Advanced, their respective affiliates, successors, assignees and licensees,
and each of the foregoing's respective officer, directors, employees and contractors (all such persons,
including, but not limited to Ticketmaster, the "Released Parties") do not make any guarantee that
any tickets posted will be purchased through the Advanced Services, or that any tickets forwarded or
distributed will be accepted by the intended recipient. THE RELEASED PARTIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE
written, obtained by you from any Released Party shall create any warranty not expressly made in these
Terms. No Released Party shall be liable for any damages to, or viruses that may infect, your computer
equipment or other property on account of your access to or use of the Advanced Services or your
downloading of any material or information from, or referred to by, the Advanced Services.
You agree to indemnify and hold Ticketmaster, the Ticketmaster Advanced and the other Released
Parties harmless from and against any third-party claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees,
arising out of your (or that of another party who uses your computer equipment, pass codes or user
names) use of the Advanced Services, violation of these Terms or infringement of any intellectual
property or other right of any person or entity. Termination; Suspension The Ticketmaster Advanced
may, in its sole discretion, and Ticketmaster may, if authorised by the Ticketmaster Advanced,
immediately terminate, suspend or restrict your right to use the Advanced Services at any time with or
without cause, including without limitation if either finds that you have failed to comply with any
provision of these Terms or if either believes, in its sole discretion, that you have in any way abused your
right to use the Advanced Services. Neither Ticketmaster nor the Ticketmaster Advanced shall be liable
to you or to any third party for any claim or cause of action arising out of such termination, restriction or
These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State where the
"home events" of the Ticketmaster Advanced are played, without regard to such state's conflict of law
provisions. In the event of a dispute, you, Ticketmaster and the Ticketmaster Advanced each agree to
submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and vennsent to the exclusive and personal jurisdiction and venue of
these courts. Ticketmaster's failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms shall not
constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by Ticketmaster in
writing. The Ticketmaster Advanced's failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms
shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by the
Ticketmaster Advanced in writing. If a provision of these Terms is void or invalid under, or contravenes
an, applicable law, then such provision shall be amended to the extent necessary to restore these
Terms' validity, effect and compliance therewith. The Ticketmaster Advanced and Ticketmaster shall not
be jointly or severally liable for each other's actions or omissions. You will not hold Ticketmaster liable
for any of the Ticketmaster Advanced's acts or omissions and you will not hold the Ticketmaster
Advanced liable for any of Ticketmaster's acts or omissions.
Specific Additional Terms Governing Specific Advanced Services
The below includes additional terms that are (in addition to the Terms above), applicable to
specific Advanced Services, and, together with the above, constitute these "Terms."
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