Help Filing an Online Police Report
The San Diego Police Department offers an online reporting system for residents to report crimes that
may not require an officer to respond, but a police report is needed for insurance or other purposes.
These sample narratives will assist you in completing your report. Follow these steps to complete your
Find the sample narrative that correlates to the crime you’d like to report
Draft your own narrative following the example, inputting the details and information for your
Go online to
to start your online report.
NOTE: These are examples only to help you see what types of information to include. The details and
information about your particular crime may be different.
Sample Report Narratives
Catalytic Converter Grand Theft
On (Date), at (Time) I parked my vehicle at (Address). My vehicle was parked in my driveway. On (Date), at
approximately (Time) I came out to my vehicle and started it. I noticed a loud noise coming from my
vehicle’s exhaust. I looked under my vehicle and discovered someone had stolen the catalytic converter.
It appeared to have been cut off due to the metal shavings on the ground.
The catalytic converter is estimated to cost $1,500 dollars to replace. There is no video surveillance in the
area or witnesses to the crime that I know of.
Credit, Debit, EBT Card Fraud
On (Date), at (Time), I discovered unknown charges on my (Credit/Debit/EBT card).
Please provide the information below for EACH card and transaction:
1. List the Bank Name, Card Type (Credit, Debit, EBT) and Canceled Card Number.
2. List the store name, address, and dates and times of the fraudulent charges.
3. Did you file a report with the card company? Please provide any case/file numbers associated
with the claim.
4. Do you still have the card in your possession? Did you allow anyone to make purchases using
your card?
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5. Provide the last location you used the card and the amount charged.
6. Provide any information you have on who may be responsible for the crime.
Harassing Phone Calls
On (Date), at (Time), I received a text message from an unknown person stating, “You need to pay me my
money back NOW.I have received 20 text messages from this same number over the last few weeks. I
have texted back, telling this person to stop texting me, but they have ignored me. The number that is
texting me is (XXX-XXX-XXXX).
I do not know who this person is and why they are harassing me. I have taken screenshots of the saved
text messages with the time and date stamps. I have uploaded those pictures to this crime report. I do
not owe anyone any money and would like this harassment to stop.
Package Theft (Not from Your Mailbox)
I ordered an item from (Company Name) and they claimed it was delivered on (Date), at (Time). However,
upon arriving at home on (Date), at (Time), the package was nowhere to be found. I called (Company Name)
to inform them of the incident. The Package Tracking Number is (Tracking #). There (is/isn’t) video
surveillance of the package being taken.
The shoplifting narrative needs to include who is making the report (an employee, customer, store
owner, etc), the store name and the store address.
The suspect(s) information, description, and their actions (such as taking merchandise, not engaging with
an employee or attempting to pay and then leaving the store).
Include information as to if anyone contacted the person outside the store or if merchandise was
Is there any video surveillance available?
If the shoplifting involves a suspect who has stolen before, list any prior case numbers.
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Theft from an UNLOCKED Vehicle
On (Date), at (Time), I parked my vehicle in the driveway of my home, located at (Address). I do not believe I
locked my vehicle. On (Date) at (Time), I got into my vehicle and discovered the contents of my glove
compartment had been thrown all over my vehicle’s interior. I also discovered someone had stolen my
Ray-Ban sunglasses and GPS device. The sunglasses are worth $100, and the GPS device is worth $200.
There are no video surveillance cameras in the area that I know of, and I did not find any other evidence.
On (Date), at (Time), I parked my vehicle at (Address). At approximately (Time), I came back to my vehicle
and noticed someone had scratched the hood of my car. There are three deep scratch marks on the
hood of my vehicle that are approximately two feet in length. It appears something sharp, like a key, may
have caused the damage. The estimated damage is $500.
There are no witnesses or video surveillance of the crime.
Vehicle Burglary (Theft from a LOCKED Vehicle)
On (Date), at (Time), I parked and locked my vehicle at (Address). The next morning at approximately (Time),
I came out to my vehicle and discovered someone had broken the driver-side front window of my vehicle.
I looked inside and discovered someone had stolen my Coach purse that was under the driver’s seat. The
purse is worth $300.
There are no video surveillance cameras in the area that I know of or any further evidence.
Vehicle Hit and Run
The text below mirrors what you will see when you enter the online reporting system.
Party-1 = 20002(a) VC. Party-1 (Driver of V-1) failed to stop and identify self or comply with 20002(a) VC
Misd. Hit & Run. P-1 was GOA and no statement given. P-2 advised they did not witness the collision. P-2
stated they only observed the aftermath of the collision and have no follow-up information.
You must answer all five questions below:
Where did the accident occur? (Please provide address or list cross streets.)
When did it occur (time & date)? If no exact date or time, then specify a date and time frame.
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Please explain how you discovered the damage and what occurred.
Describe the damage to your vehicle or property as a result of a vehicle colliding with your
property/vehicle then fleeing the area?
If this is a hit and run collision, and the other driver is identified, do you desire criminal charges on
the other driver? (Yes or No)