eVA Basics Manual
Prepared by Fiscal Learning & Engagement
May 2023 2
Table of Contents
Purchasing Policy Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 3
What is eVA? ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
eVA Access and Required Training ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Purchases Exempt from eVA ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Banner Finance Integration ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Commonly Referenced eVA Terms ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Doing Business with Mason .................................................................................................................................................... 5
eVA User Account Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Homepage Welcome to eVA ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Add a Mason Purchase Card (P-Card) ................................................................................................................................. 8
Add Deliver to Name ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Favorite a Supplier .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
eVA Requisition Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 9
PO Category ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Procurement Transaction Type ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Commodity Code .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Allocations ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Orders Over $5,000 ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Approval Process ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
Change or Cancel, Receive or Return Process .................................................................................................................. 12
Rejected Orders & Banner Integration Errors ................................................................................................................... 13
eVA Exemption Guide ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
Create a Catalog Order in eVA .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Create a Non-Catalog Order in eVA ...................................................................................................................................... 18
eVA Approver Guide ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
eVA Search, Duplicate, and Change Order Guide ................................................................................................................. 23
eVA Error Resolution Guide .................................................................................................................................................. 25
May 2023 3
Purchasing Policy Overview
All faculty and staff must remain responsible stewards of state and university assets by complying with the established
policies and procedures outlines in University Policy 2106 Purchasing Goods and Services. This includes to:
Obtain high quality goods and services at a reasonable cost
Seek competition to the maximum extent possible
Provide all qualified vendors access to public business
Conduct procurement procedures in a fair and impartial manner
Encourage participation of small, women, and minority owned businesses
Utilize existing institution-wide contracts, where available
Purchases of $5,000 or less are delegated to employees at the Unit level. The Mason Contract Addendum should be
attached to contracts to override unallowable vendor terms and mandatory sources must be used. Employees should
use a P-Card whenever possible.
Purchases over $5,000 up to $200,000 must be entered into eVA by the Unit and approved by a Purchasing Office Buyer.
Purchasing authority at this level requires a letter of Delegation of Signature Authority before making any contractual
commitments. Purchase requests must include at least three vendor quotes, two of which must be Micro/SWaM (when
available), unless an existing contract is used. The process requires a 5 10 day lead time. The $5,000 threshold applies
to the total cost of the purchase, regardless of the number of payments made to the vendor or service provider.
No Split Orders
Any purchase that is expected to exceed $5,000 must be processed through eVA and the Purchasing Office. The $5,000
threshold specified in University Policy 2106 must not be circumvented by “splitting orders”. A split purchase is the
breaking down of a single purchase into two or more separate transactions that appear to evade the single transaction
limit. An example of a split order would be a purchase of a conference table and matching chairs for a total of $5,200
that is placed in two transaction back-to-back on the same P-card or multiple P-cards in the same unit resulting in a
$2,500 order for the conference table that is followed by a $2,700 order for the matching chairs.
What is eVA?
The Department of General Services (DGS) and the Division of Purchases and Supply (DPS) has established eVA to ensure
Virginia's leaders, suppliers, and citizens achieve maximum visibility and access to every Commonwealth procurement
opportunity. All orders over $5,000 must be initiated in eVA. Contracts and payments to individuals at any dollar amount
must be initiated in eVA.
Purchasers at Mason use the eVA e-Mall application which allows items to be purchased through an integrated web-
based “Punch-Out” catalog or ordered as “Non-Catalog items” identified by sources such as the vendor’s independent
catalog, proposal or quote. Purchase Order information integrates with Banner Finance making it easy for reconciliation
and payment processing.
eVA Access and Required Training
New users must complete the on-demand access based training in MasonLEAPS and then submit an eVA Access Form.
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The eVA Login Request Form, also located at Forms and Instructions, must be completed and include signatures of the
applicant’s supervisor, as well as their Banner liaison. Applicants will receive a notice when access has been granted.
Users should login to eVA using their Mason Net ID and password (used for PatriotWeb).
This state-issued form has been modified for Mason users purchasing items of $5,000 or less. The applicant should list a
current “Ship to” address that includes the building name, room number, and mail stop number. Only those fields listed
as mandatory and in bold are required to be completed.
Purchases Exempt from eVA
Most goods and services must be purchased utilizing eVA, however, some exceptions are allowed. If a purchase meets
one of the exemption criteria established by the state (listed below) then the purchase does not have to be completed
through eVA procurement.
Purchases that are exempt from eVA procurement:
1. Individual travel and lodging.
2. Registration fees for conferences.
3. Small over-the-counter purchases made with the P-Card. Purchases must be made at the site of the sale and
picked up by the cardholder. This DOES NOT include orders places on the vendor’s website or by telephone.
4. Reimbursements (limited, see Reimbursement Guidelines).
5. Honorarium payments (see, Honorarium Payment Guidelines).
6. Payments to the Department of Homeland Security.
7. Postage (this includes mailing services such as FedEx and UPS).
8. Business Cards - may be purchased on-campus through Canon Solutions or online through Worth Higgins using
the Mason P-Card. (See, Business Card Guidelines).
9. Sodexo Catering should be ordered through the online Catertrax application. Sodexo provides Mason’s on-
campus dining and is the preferred caterer.
10. Interdepartmental charges (See, Recharge process).
There are additional categories of purchases that are exempt from the eVA assessed fees, but still require purchase
through eVA. Please review the eVA Exemption Guide available in the Appendix of this manual.
Banner Finance Integration
Banner Finance is a comprehensive information system comprised of finance, human resources and student modules.
The finance module of this administrative software is used to record financial transactions resulting from activity at the
university. All direct bill purchases made through eVA (not using a P-Card), for which Accounts Payable will issue
payment, will integrate with Banner Finance and appear as an encumbrance on the fund/org being charged once
approved by the fund/org approver for the unit. User should perform a G# lookup if the order will be directly billed to
Accounts Payable to ensure the vendor has a Mason G#.
Purchases made in eVA with a registered P-Card will be recorded in Banner Finance when the transaction is approved by
the supervisor in the Bank of America Works system. Approval by the fund/org approver is not required in eVA for
transactions paid for with a P-Card.
Processing Requisitions in eVA
Routine purchases of goods and services, payments for dues, subscriptions and services previously provided are
processed in eVA. In these situations, the department may have received an invoice directly from the vendor that is to
be processed for payment. When required, enter the payment in eVA following the appropriate process listed under
“Create a Requisition” below. The invoice, with the PO number (purchase order) noted, must be sent to Accounts
Payable at acctpa[email protected] in order to be processed and paid. The Prompt Payment Act requires agencies to pay a
vendor within 30-days of receiving the goods/services or an invoice (whichever is later).
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Shipping and Delivery Charges
If an eVA order includes a charge for shipping/freight or if there is a delivery fee associated with the order, each of these
items should be entered as an individual line item and not simply combined with the price of the ordered item.
Additionally, shipping/freight and delivery fees have unique commodity codes. In eVA the NIGP commodity code for
shipping or freight charges is 96286 and delivery fee is 96750. Shipping and freight charges are not subject to eVA fees
and must be on an individual line item with NIGP commodity code 96286 so these fees are not assessed.
Commonly Referenced eVA Terms
Commodity Code
A numeric code from the numbering system used by the Commonwealth of Virginia
to categorize the products and services purchased and is a required element.
Non-Catalog Items
Any item/order that is not submitted through a vendor’s Punchout Catalog is
considered a Non-Catalog order. The user must enter all item details including
description, price, commodity code, and quantity.
PO Category
This is a reference to the type of eVA order and is a required element.
Procurement Transaction Type
This defines the type of procurement that a requisition is addressing and is a
required element.
Punchout Catalog
A Punchout catalog is a vendor catalog embedded in eVA. It allows purchasers to
“Punchout” items from a vendor’s on-line catalog. All item and vendor information
is returned in eVA format.
Purchase Requisition (REQ)
A requisition is the starting point of an order. It is an internal document and should
not be sent to the vendor or Accounts Payable. It is identified by the prefix REQ.
Purchase Order (PO)
A purchase order is issued when the purchaser does not have a P-Card or does not
use his/her P-Card for the purchase. A direct order is also issued when the vendor
does not accept P-Cards and an invoice will be submitted to Accounts Payable for
Purchase Card Order (PCO)
A purchase card order is indicated by the prefix “PCO” in eVA. These are orders
placed in eVA with a P-Card. Charges are billed immediately to the purchaser’s P-
card account.
Doing Business with Mason
Vendor G Number
A Vendor G Number (G#) is required in order to process a payment for a direct order. Use the Vendor G Number lookup
available on the Fiscal Services website to search for the proposed vendor (be aware of spaces, punctuation and “doing
business as”, etc.) If the Vendor is not listed in the G# database a Substitute W-9 form, W-8BEN, or W-8BEN-E form must
be submitted through the Vendor registration portal located, here: https://fiscal.gmu.edu/purchasing/do-business-with-
eVA Vendor Accounts
Vendors interested in conducting business with George Mason University and other state agencies must have an active
eVA account before a purchase requests can be made, and an invoice can be processed. If a vendor chooses to join eVA
at the purchaser’s request, they may visit the eVA homepage and select I Sell to Virginia button for registration
information. The eVA Customer Care Team is available at evacustomercare@dgs.virginia.gov or 1-866-289-7367 to assist
vendors with the self-registration process.
Benefits for Vendors
A self-registered eVA account provides vendors with the benefit of being able to publish a “Punchout” catalog, which
provides eVA users an opportunity to view the vendor’s available goods and services while remaining in the eVA system.
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Self-registration also provides vendors a number of other tools and resources such as receiving electronic orders,
accepting P-Card payments, in addition to automated placement on bidders list, and notifications for business
opportunities with Virginia State Agencies, Colleges and Universities. If the vendor is unwilling to self-register they can
be state entered by submitting a Substitute W-9 form, W-8BEN, or W-8BEN-E form through the Vendor registration
portal located, here: https://fiscal.gmu.edu/purchasing/do-business-with-mason/.
Vendor Search
Users should access the eVA Vendor List prior to initiating a
purchase requisition in eVA. In addition to verifying that the
vendor is registered with eVA (self-registered) or has been paid by
the state in the past (state-entered), the user may determine if a
vendor is Micro/SWAM certified, accepts P-Card payments, and/or
accepts orders electronically. The user may search the listing by
entering any portion of the vendor’s name.
For example, if a user types the word “pizza” in the search field this will populate the search results with all related
vendor names, locations, etc.
The far-left column, marked Status, will identify vendors as Self (for self-registered vendors) or State (indicating state-
entered vendors). The search also specifies the vendor’s acceptance of credit cards (Y/N) or electronic orders (Y/N).
Selecting the Vendor ID will give additional details on the vendor including a contact phone number and name for the
eVA User Account Overview
To login to eVA procurement, go to https://eva.virginia.gov/ and select
Buyer Login. Then Login with you Agency account and select GMU. This
will bring you to the Mason single sign on/2FA. Please note that first time
users will be prompted to electronically sign the eVA Acceptable Use
Please review the document in
full and then complete the
acknowledgment to continue.
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Homepage Welcome to eVA
The Welcome to eVA homepage provides an overview of the current to-do list and order status’ for the user. To navigate
back to the homepage at any point during an eVA session, simply click on the eVA log in the upper left corner. The top-
level tab details and use cases are discussed below.
The key element under the Suppliers
tab is “Browse Suppliers.” For Non-
Catalog orders users should ensure
the vendor is registered in eVA prior
to beginning the order. USERS
“CREATE” A SUPPLIER. Please refer
to the Doing Business with Mason
section above for guidance.
For users that are also Contract
Administrators, the Contracts tab
may be used to review their
contract status by selecting My
Contracts. Please note: Users
should refer to Mason’s
Commonly Used Contracts
webpage to browse current
contracts for goods and services.
To begin a Catalog order, open the
Filter panel and then “pin” it to the
page. This will ensure it appears on
the page each time.
Check the box for Punchout Only
and enter a Supplier name. Then
select the correct supplier punchout
by clicking on the icon
To begin a Non-Catalog order, click the “Add
Non-Catalog Item” button. Then enter the
details of each item based on the vendors quote
or other details. Users will add the Supplier
information before completing the order.
Users may begin an order by going to Search Products.
From the Procurement tab users
may Create Requisitions, Browse
Orders, Create Receipts and View
Pending Receipts.
communicates these orders to eVA
directly and no user entry is
Users with a Reporting role may login to eVA
to Access Report Center or use the Reporting
tool available on the eVA webpage.
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eVA Dashboard
Add a Mason Purchase Card (P-Card)
Users who have a Small Purchase Charge Card (P-Card) issued by Mason may add the card to their eVA profile. Once
added, the P-Card may be used as the payment method on orders of $5,000 or less when the chosen vendor accepts the
P-Card. Typically, vendors with Punchout Catalogs also accept the P-Card and this provides a convenient way to quickly
place orders. Please note the users must choose to add the P-Card to each order AND a complete allocation is still
required. The P-Card will not become the default payment method.
To add a P-Card, go to your profile by clicking on your name in the upper right-hand corner and then selecting My
Profile. On the Profile Management page, navigate to the Pcard Info section and then select Add Pcard.
Search for Products: to
initiate a new Purchase
Requisition (REQ)
My to-do list: contains
items that require
action from you
What’s my order
status?: contains
orders status’,
assigned PO#, etc.
Pcard Label: should be
labeled so you can
identify as your P-Card.
For example
“Heather’s P-Card
Required Information:
complete all required
card information and
then choose Save &
Close to complete
Please note it may take
24 hours for your P-
Card to be ready to use
in eVA. Please plan
purchases accordingly
May 2023 9
Add Deliver to Name
Users must enter a “Deliver to Name” under their Profile in order for this required field to populate on submitted
requisitions. If the Deliver to Name is left blank the Requisition will fail integration with Banner Finance and the user will
have to recreate the order and add the Deliver to Name.
To add a Deliver to name, go to your profile by clicking on your name in the upper right-hand corner and then select My
Profile. On the Profile Management page, navigate to the Deliver To (text field) and enter your name, then click Save.
Favorite a Supplier
Users can “favorite” suppliers in order to quickly locate them
in eVA. After logging into eVA, go to the Suppliers tab and
select Browse Suppliers. Enter terms into the Keywords
search box.
Once the correct supplier is located, click the “star” to
favorite the supplier. The supplier will now be listed under
Favorite Suppliers and can be selected when completing a
vendor search or purchase requisition.
eVA Requisition Requirements
The purchasing process at Mason depends upon two criteria: method of payment (is the purchaser using a P-Card or is
Accounts Payable going to issue a direct payment to the vendor) and the vendor’s eVA Account Type (is the vendor self-
registered in eVA or state-entered). Users should only select vendors with an “Active Supplier” status. eVA offers two
types of shopping experiences; (1) the purchaser can select items from a "Punchout“ catalog on a supplier-maintained
site that integrates with eVA, or (2) by entering items as a Non-Catalog order based on a vendors quote or other
Before beginning an eVA order, the purchaser determines what vendor is to be used and obtains the following
information about that vendor:
Is the vendor self-registered with eVA? If so, does the vendor:
o Accept the P-Card?
o Accept electronic orders?
o Have a Punchout catalog in eVA?
Vendors who are “state-entered” are unable to provide the services listed above and all orders to state-entered
vendors will be Non-Catalog Orders and require a vendor quote or other details.
May 2023 10
PO Category
eVA fees are assessed based on the PO
Category. All routine purchases and all
Punch-Out catalog orders should be
assigned PO Category R01 - These
purchases will incur eVA fees. Examples
include: Office, lab, and other supplies,
goods such as T-shirts, promotional items,
software, subscriptions (up to 1 year), and
other tangible items.
Specific purchases have been determined
by the Commonwealth to be exempt from
eVA fees and should be assigned PO
Category X02 These purchases will not
incur eVA fees. Examples include:
Professional membership dues,
entertainment (speakers, lecturers, musicians, performers), advertising and other categories. The complete list is
available in the eVA Exemption Guide (Appendix).
DO NOT check the box for “Create Blanket Purchase Order” or “Bypass Integration”
Procurement Transaction Type
For Non-Catalog orders, the user will select the Procurement Transactions type for the order. The categories most
frequently selected will be Supplies-Non-Technology (most book, office, lab and student event supply purchases such as
pizza for student events and similar items, as well as all purchases from The Supply Room Companies, including
purchases of printer cartridges and batteries) and Non-Professional Services Non-Technology (consultants, guest
speakers, entertainers, membership dues, subscriptions, hotels, bus transportation, catering, advertising and similar
type transactions). When an eVA order consists of more than one procurement type, purchasers should select the type
that represents the largest dollar amount of the order.
Procurement Transaction Types to Use
Equipment Non-Technology
Furniture, telescopes, athletic and aquatic equipment
Equipment Technology
Computers, servers, monitors
Supplies Non-Technology
Books, office/lab supplies, student event supplies
Supplies Technology
Computers, computer components, software
Non-professional Services Non-Technology
Consultants, guest speakers, entertainers, security guards,
subscriptions, dues, library, banking, hotels, bus transportation,
catering, advertising
Non-professional Services Technology
Cable/satellite TV services, cell service
Printing of brochures, posters, newsletters
Please do not use without permission from the Purchasing Office
directly at purch1@gmu.edu.
May 2023 11
Commodity Code
For Non-Catalog orders, the user will add a Commodity Code to
each line item. The Commodity Code is a numeric code from the
numbering system used by the Commonwealth of Virginia to
categorize the products and services purchased. Purchasers can
type a product term into the search field and choose the one that
most closely matches the purchase.
Accounting details, including Fund OR Org number AND Account code, are required elements in the eVA order process.
The eVA system will not finalize the purchase requisition without the appropriate accounting information. The
organization or fund code indicates the department, organizational unit or project that will be charged for the purchase.
The purchaser should enter only an Org or Fund code that they are authorized to charge. The account code is a 5-digit
code used to classify the purchase by expenditure type. For example, the account code for office supplies is 74120. A list
of commonly used expenditure account codes is available on the Fiscal Services website at Expenditure Account Codes.
The activity code is an optional element used by cost-sharing units. Each section is alpha numeric and searchable. To add
more than one accounting line click the + Allocation button.
Orders Over $5,000
Purchases exceeding the $5,000 departmental limitation are processed through the Purchasing Office. The purchaser
will enter the order in eVA as a catalog or non-catalog order. Once the order has been approved by the unit approver, it
is transmitted electronically to the Purchasing Office where it will be assigned to a Purchasing Office Buyer. The
Purchasing Office Buyer will then place the order. Once the Purchasing Office Buyer becomes involved, the
departmental purchaser may view, but not change, the order.
When placing orders over $5,000, it is
important to add comments in the
Internal Comment field that may assist the
Purchasing Office Buyer to complete the
purchase. Quotes, drawings or pictures of
the desired items should be attached to
the requisition by clicking on Attachments,
selecting New Document and then
determining if the new attachment will be
an Internal Attachment or a Supplier
Document (visible to the supplier). All
information for the Purchasing Office
Buyer should be marked as an Internal Attachment.
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Receiving an Order over $5,000: When an invoice is received* in Accounts Payable for a Purchase Order that is more
than $5,000, Accounts Payable staff will email the eVA order initiator to confirm that the goods or services have been
received or provided. This email certification of receipt is required before payment is made. The unit purchaser will not
be able to Create a Receipt for orders over $5,000. *If the department receives an invoice from the vendor, the invoice
should immediately be sent to Accounts Payable, MSN 3C1 or [email protected]. The department must note the
Purchase Order number on the invoice.
Purchase Amount
Purchasing Office Requirements and Lead Times
Over $5,000 - up to -
For purchases where the one time or cumulative estimated cost of the materials, supplies or
services is greater than $5,000, at least three written quotations should be obtained. At least
two quotes must be from Micro/SWaM vendors. In cases where two certified Micro/SWaM
vendors are solicited and the price is determined to be fair and reasonable the third
competitive quote is not required. Administrative lead-time is approximately 5 to 10 days.
Over $200,000 -
Invitation for Bids
For purchases where the one time or cumulative estimated cost is expected to be more than
$200,000, competitive sealed bidding is required. Bids should be solicited from at least six
sources. Solicitations are to include a minimum of four Micro/SWaM vendors. IFB’s are
advertised in eVA and on the Purchasing Web Page. Sealed bids are opened and read aloud
at a public bid opening. When appropriate, a Notice of Award or Notice of Intent to Award is
publicly posted for 10 days after the applicable decision has been made. Administrative lead-
time is approximately 21 days, but may be as long as 60 days. .
Over $200,000
Request for Proposal
For purchases expected to exceed $200,000, competitive sealed proposals, resulting in
competitive negotiations is required. Proposals should be solicited from at least six sources.
Solicitations are to include a minimum of four Micro/SWaM vendors. RFP’s are advertised in,
eVA and the Purchasing Web Page. Sealed proposals are not opened in public. When
appropriate, a Notice of Award or Notice of Intent to Award is publicly posted for 10 days
after the applicable decision has been made. Administrative lead-time is typically 60-180
days depending on complexity. There is no mechanism for an expedited RFP
Approval Process
All non-P-Card orders are approved electronically by the purchaser’s supervisor or designated approver before they are
submitted to the vendor or returned to the purchaser to approve, print/fax. The Approver should review the order for
policy compliance, budget availability, completeness and accuracy. All orders must have a legitimate business purpose
and adhere to Mason’s purchasing policies. Questionable or unallowable requests should be rejected and returned to
the submitter for review and/or additional comment.
eVA approvers who will be away from the office for an extended period should delegate their approval authority to
another eVA user in their absence. The step-by-step process for Approvers is outlined in the eVA Approvers Guide
Change or Cancel, Receive or Return Process
If a departmental purchaser changes or cancels an order, or returns some or all of the ordered items, in most cases,
those changes should also be recorded in eVA to ensure accurate reporting and fee assessment. When the change
represents less than 10% of the order amount up to $199.99, the purchaser is NOT required to enter the changed
information in eVA.
A purchaser may change or cancel any part of an order by adding or deleting items, or changing the quantity or price of
items after submitting the order in eVA. The purchaser should initiate the Change or Cancel process in eVA and call the
vendor immediately to verify the change/cancellation, referencing the order number. Please refer to the eVA Search,
Copy, and Change Order Guide (Appendix).
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Receive or Return an Order
Non-P-Card orders should be received in eVA. The purchaser will Create a Receipt for the order and verify that the items
have been received. If a purchaser wishes to return items after an order is received, they should contact the vendor to
determine the process for the return. The vendor will provide instructions on the proper procedure for returning the
items. If a purchaser is unsuccessful in negotiating a return with a vendor, he/she may contact the Purchasing Office at
After the merchandise has been returned, the purchaser should follow up to ensure that a credit has been issued by the
vendor to the appropriate P-Card account, a correct invoice received or a refund check processed. A Return should be
processed in eVA following the guidelines in the eVA Order Receive or Return Guide (Appendix).
Rejected Orders & Banner Integration Errors
A purchaser will occasionally receive a message from indicating that his/her order has been rejected or denied.
The purchaser’s approver may reject the purchase. If this occurs, the approver should write a comment in the
appropriate field to inform the initiator of their reason(s) for rejection.
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) may reject the purchase. A representative from OSP should write a
comment in the appropriate field to inform the initiator of their reason(s) for rejection.
The International Tax Office may delay approval for foreign vendors if required information is missing.
In other cases, the order may fail to integrate with Banner Finance, the repository for financial transactions at the
University. When this occurs, the order will show as “Request Rejected” under the “What’s my order status” menu box.
Please refer to the eVA to Banner Integration Error Resolution Guide for instructions on how to resolve these errors
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eVA Exemption Guide
Most goods and services must be purchased utilizing eVA, Virginia’s electronic procurement system, however, some
exceptions are allowed. If a purchase meets one of the exemption criteria established by the state (listed below) then
the purchase does not have to be completed through eVA procurement.
Purchases that are exempt from eVA procurement:
1. Individual travel and lodging.
2. Registration fees for conferences.
3. Small over-the-counter purchases made with the P-Card. Purchases must be made at the site of the sale and
picked up by the cardholder. This DOES NOT include orders places on the vendor’s website or by telephone.
4. Reimbursements (limited, see Reimbursement Guidelines).
5. Honorarium payments (see, Honorarium Payment Guidelines).
6. Payments to the Department of Homeland Security.
7. Postage (this includes mailing services such as FedEx and UPS).
8. Business Cards - may be purchased on-campus through Canon Solutions or online through Worth Higgins using
the Mason P-Card. (See, Business Card Guidelines).
9. Sodexo Catering should be ordered through the online Catertrax application. Sodexo provides Mason’s on-
campus dining and is the preferred caterer.
10. Interdepartmental charges (See, Recharge process).
Routine Purchases (R01)
The items listed below are examples of items that are subject to eVA fees (charged to Mason). These are items that may
be purchased in eVA or directly with a vendor using a P-Card and must be classified as an “R01 in eVA and/or during the
Bank of America allocation process.
1. Food purchases placed on the phone or online.
2. Purchases made for supplies, etc. over the phone through an online portal (i.e. Purchases made on Amazon)
3. Purchases for T-shirts, promotional items, software, lab supplies
4. Tangible items not otherwise classified.
5. Subscriptions (periodicals, services, software, etc. for bona fide business purposes, NOT TO EXCEED ONE YEAR)
Purchases exempt from eVA fees (X02)
The items listed below are exempt from eVA fees (charged to Mason). These are items that may be purchased in eVA or
directly with a vendor using a P-Card, however, the PO Category field should be changed to “X02” (instead of R01) in
eVA and/or during the Bank of America allocation process. This way eVA will not charge Mason a transaction fee for the
1. Professional organization membership dues.
2. Entertainment payments to: speakers, lecturers, musicians and performing artists. This DOES NOT include
consultants, seminar facilitators or contracted workshop instructors.
3. Accreditation fees and academic testing services.
4. Advertisements in newspapers, magazines, journals, radio or television.
5. Real estate leases.
6. Exhibition rental fees for exhibitions of historical artifacts or works of art.
7. Public utility payments (electric, natural gas, water sewer).
8. Purchases from public auction (non-electronic).
9. State Agency to State Agency payments.
Fiscal Learning & Engagement
Join the Fiscal Support and Connections
Network at https://fiscal.gmu.edu/fscn/
May 2023 15
Create a Catalog Order in eVA
A Punchout Catalog is a vendors’ goods or services catalog that is embedded in eVA. It allows purchasers to “punchout”
items from a vendor’s on-line catalog that integrates with the eVA platform. Selected items and the vendor information
is used to create a purchase requisition automatically in the eVA format.
Verify the Vendor
1. Access the eVA Vendor List and perform a search.
Verify that the vendor is listed as “active” and review
their ability to accept electronic orders and/or P-Card
payments. (See the Doing Business with Mason section
of the eVA Manual for additional guidance)
2. Access the Mason Vendor G# Lookup and perform a
search. Verify that the vendor is listed. If the vendor is not listed, direct them to the Doing Business with Mason
webpage to submit their W-9/W-8 through the Mason vendor portal. A G# is required before payment can be
issued. (See the Doing Business with Mason section of the eVA Manual for additional guidance)
Create the Requisition
1. Go to https://eva.virginia.gov/ and select
Buyer Login. Then Login with you Agency
account and select GMU. This will bring
you to the Mason single sign on/2FA.
2. On the homepage select Shop from the menu bar and then click
on Search Products.
3. Open the Filter panel from the left side of the screen. We
recommend you “pin” the panel to this page. Check the box next to “Punchout Only” and then type in the name
of the Supplier whose punchout Catalog you would like to view in the “Search Products” field.
4. Click on the Cart icon next to the correct supplier to view their Catalog and place an order.
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5. The suppliers Punchout Catalog will open. You can browse products and add them to your cart within the
Catalog. Note: The Supply Room Catalog has created GMU specific lists under Favorites for easy ordering.
6. After all products have been added to the Catalog cart, click the “Submit Cart” or “Checkout” button (depending
on the vendors terminology) to return to eVA and complete the Catalog Order.
7. In the Header section, enter the required
information as follows:
a. Name: Title for the purchase
(example, “TSRC Order 10/15
b. Organization: Do not change. Will
default as assigned.
c. Type: Will default to Purchase
d. PO Category: Select “RO1” for
routine purchases or “XO2” for
specific purchases exempt from
fees. (See, eVA Exemptions Guide)
e. Requester: Will default to user.
f. Reference Number: Optional field.
g. Procurement Transaction Type:
Select as appropriate. (See, eVA Manual)
h. Header Field 1, Header Field 2: Optional fields.
i. DO NOT check the box for Create Blanket Purchase Order or Bypass Integration.
8. In the Items & Services section, verify the products and quantities are correct.
9. To add an Allocation to the entire
purchase order, select all items and
then click “Set Allocation.”
10. Enter “100” in the % field, select “2023”
as the Fiscal Year, select the Fund or
Org, and Account code. Then click Apply
and Close. The allocation will be
recorded for all lines. To split the allocation, click the +Allocation button and repeat the steps.
11. To add an Allocation to each line item, click the pencil icon next to the item to open the Item Details. Scroll
down to the Allocation section. Select “2023” as the Fiscal Year, select the Fund or Org, and Account code. To
split the allocation, click the +Allocation button and repeat the steps. Then click Save and Close.
May 2023 17
12. To use the P-Card for the order, click the card icon on the left side of
the REQ. Choose the P-Card and then Save. The P-Card does not
automatically default as the payment method.
13. In the Attachments section add the required documents, such as the
vendor quote, contract, or other supplemental material. Click the +
New Document button and select Internal Attachment this will only
be visible to Mason OR Supplier Document this will be visible to the supplier and Mason.
14. In the Document window, enter a Title for the
Documentation and optional Summary. Then
Click or Drag to add files.
15. Click Save to add the file. Continue to add Files
for the selection or click Close to exit the
Document window.
16. The file will now be listed as an attachment on
the Purchase Req. (REQ)
17. In the Internal Comments section, add any additional information for the
REQ Approvers and/or the Mason Purchasing Office Buyer. This
information will only be visible to Mason and the Supplier will not see
this section.
18. To add a Comment visible to the Supplier,
scroll to the top of the REQ and click into the
Comment field. Located beneath the Ship
to/Bill to section. Enter relevant comments for
the Supplier. These comments will also be
visible to Mason. Click Save.
19. When all information is complete click Submit
for Approval.
20. The system may alert you to “non-blocking” alerts. These alerts do not stop you
from submitting the order. Users must resolve any “blocking” alerts in order to
complete the submission. Follow the instructions presenting the
Alerts/Messages section to resolve “blocking” alerts.
21. Users may check the status of REQs by viewing the What’s my order status? section on the eVA Homepage.
May 2023 18
Create a Non-Catalog Order in eVA
A Non-Catalog order is any order for goods/services that is not made through a vendor’s Punchout Catalog in eVA. The
user must enter all item details including description, price, commodity code, and quantity. Users should obtain the item
details from the vendor on a quote or other documentation.
Verify the Vendor
1. Access the eVA Vendor List and perform a search. Verify
that the vendor is listed as “active” and review their
ability to accept electronic orders and/or P-Card
payments. (See the Doing Business with Mason section of
the eVA Manual for additional guidance)
2. Access the Mason Vendor G# Lookup and perform a search. Verify that the vendor is listed. If the vendor is not
listed, direct them to the Doing Business with Mason webpage to submit their W-9/W-8 through the Mason
vendor portal. A G# is required before payment can be issued. (See the Doing Business with Mason section of
the eVA Manual for additional guidance)
Create the Requisition
3. Go to https://eva.virginia.gov/ and select
Buyer Login. Then Login with you Agency
account and select GMU. This will bring you to the Mason single sign on/2FA.
4. On the homepage select Shop from the menu bar and then click
on Search Products.
5. Select Add Non-Catalog Item. A new window will open for the
REQ details. Complete these steps for each item on the order.
6. Under Item Description, Product Type will default to “product”
use the dropdown to make changes if required.
7. Enter the Detailed Description of the product, from a vendor
quote or catalog outside of eVA. Then enter Order Quantity.
8. Under Commodity, enter a search term or choose Select All to
search by
keyword. Enter
the numerical
(NIGP) code if
9. Under
Costs, enter the
Unit Price and
the Deliver to
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10. Under Suggested Supplier, enter the Vendor’s name and then select from the drop down OR click on Select All to
open the Search tool.
11. The Ship To address will automatically populate based on the user’s profile in eVA.
12. Enter any Internal
Additional Details
as necessary.
13. Enter any
comments to the
vendor under
Supplier Visible
14. Enter any other
information in the
Additional Details
15. In the Attachments section add the required documents, such as the vendor quote, contract, or other
supplemental material. Click the + New Document button and select Internal Attachment this will only be
visible to Mason OR Supplier Document this will be visible to the supplier and Mason.
16. In the Document window, enter a Title for the
Documentation and optional Summary. Then
Click or Drag to add files.
17. Click Save to add the file. Continue to add Files
for the selection or click Close to exit the
Document window.
18. The file will now be listed as an attachment on
the Purchase Req. (REQ)
19. Once these sections are complete click on Save
& Close button. This will bring you back to the
Search Products page. Continue to add additional non-catalog items to the order as needed, by clicking on the
Add Non-Catalog Item button (follow steps 7 21). Once all items have been added click on the shopping cart
icon in the top right of the screen to view your cart and checkout.
May 2023 20
20. In the Header section, enter the required
information as follows:
a. Name: Title for the purchase
(example, “TSRC Order 10/15
b. Organization: Do not change. Will
default as assigned.
c. Type: Will default to Purchase
d. PO Category: Select “RO1” for
routine purchases or “XO2” for
specific purchases exempt from
fees. (See, eVA Exemptions Guide)
e. Requester: Will default to user.
f. Reference Number: Optional field.
g. Procurement Transaction Type:
Select as appropriate. (See, eVA Manual)
h. Header Field 1, Header Field 2: Optional fields.
i. DO NOT check the box for Create Blanket Purchase Order or Bypass Integration.
21. In the Items & Services section, verify the products and quantities are correct.
22. To add an Allocation to the entire
purchase order, select all items and
then click “Set Allocation.”
23. Enter “100” in the % field, select “2023”
as the Fiscal Year, select the Fund or
Org, and Account code. Then click Apply
and Close. The allocation will be
recorded for all lines. To split the allocation, click the +Allocation button and repeat the steps.
24. To add an Allocation to each line item, click the pencil icon next to the item to open the Item Details. Scroll
down to the Allocation section. Select “2023” as the Fiscal Year, select the Fund or Org, and Account code. To
split the allocation, click the +Allocation button and repeat the steps. Then click Save and Close.
May 2023 21
25. To use the P-Card for the order, click the card icon on the left side of
the REQ. Choose the P-Card and then Save. The P-Card does not
automatically default as the payment method.
26. When all information is complete click Submit for Approval.
27. The system may alert you to “non-blocking” alerts. These alerts do not stop you
from submitting the order.
28. Users must resolve any “blocking” alerts in order to complete the submission.
Follow the instructions presenting the Alerts/Messages section to resolve
“blocking” alerts.
29. Users may check the status of REQs by viewing the What’s my order status?
section on the eVA Homepage.
May 2023 22
eVA Approver Guide
Designated Approvers are required to login to eVA, review submitted orders for policy compliance, ensure that all
information is correct, budget is available and appropriate documentation is included, and then sign off or reject the
submitted REQ. Approvers will receive an email from eVA when documents require their review; however, Approvers
should periodically check their eVA Homepage and the My To Do List” menu to confirm order completion.
Review Orders
1. Go to https://eva.virginia.gov/ and select Buyer
Login. Then Login with you Agency account and
select GMU. This will bring you to the Mason
single sign on/2FA.
2. Alternatively, approvers may click on the access link in the email from Virginia noreply@cgieva.com” with
subject line “eVA Purchase Requisition / Your action is expected for: eVA Approvals”. The access link will open
the eVA login prompt. Follow the instructions to “Login with your Agency account” as noted above.
3. Documents requiring your approval will be listed under
the “My To Do List” menu with the Task “eVA
Approvals.” Click on the REQ title to open the document
and perform your duties as an approver (ensure policy
compliance, available budget, and completeness of
4. In the document window, scroll through the document to examine the allocation, attachments, and other
information. Review the Alerts/Messages. Note: A Non-blocking alerts will be present for all Non-Catalog orders
and does not prevent submission or approval.
5. An Approver may only change the Allocation for a submitted order. If other changes are needed, the Approver
should Reject the submission and communicate changes to the purchaser.
6. After review, select the Approve or Reject button and follow prompts. Comments must be entered for Rejected
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eVA Search, Duplicate, and Change Order Guide
The eVA interface allows users to search Requisitions (REQs) and Purchase Orders (POs). In some cases, users will be
able to duplicate a previously ordered REQ to create a new order when all/most of the information will remain the
same. When a REQ is denied, users will need to create a change order to correct the information and resubmit the REQ.
Users may also create a Change Order to a PO, for example: when additional funding (more than 10% of the total order)
is necessary.
Search Requisitions (REQs)
1. Go to https://eva.virginia.gov/ and select Buyer
Login. Then Login with you Agency account and
select GMU. This will bring you to the Mason
single sign on/2FA.
2. From the Header menu select
Procurement > Browse Requisitions.
3. To search an order that you created,
check the box next to My Requests and
then click Search. Or, enter a REQ number
into the Reference Number field or enter a
Keyword to search for the REQ title.
4. Once the REQ is located, click on the Code or Name to open the document and review the information.
Duplicate Requisitions (REQs)
1. Complete the steps above to locate the desired REQ.
2. Under the Other Actions button, select Duplicate. This will create a new REQ
number will the same information.
3. Update the REQ Header to be current and thoroughly review
the copied information.
4. Update the Fund/Org and Fiscal year as required. The new REQ
will fail integration with Banner if the Fund/Org or Fiscal year is incorrect. Under Items & Services click the
pencil icon to open product information and allocation. Make necessary changes and Save & Close.
5. Once reviewed for errors, click Submit for Approval to begin the workflow process.
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Search and Change Purchase Orders
1. From the Header menu select Procurement > Browse Orders. Enter
the PO number or other search term into the Keyword field.
2. Once the PO is located, click on the Purchase Order # to open the
document and review the information. Click on the Change Order
button to initiate a change to the selected Purchase Order.
3. Select the “Change Type” from the drop-down
menu and enter a Description of Changes.
4. To change the Allocation or Existing items
(quantity/price), scroll to the Items & Services
sections and locate the item to change.
5. Click the pencil icon to open product information.
Update the quantity, price and/or allocation for the
item and then Save & Close. Continue to edit items
as necessary.
6. When changes are complete, click Submit for Approval to begin the workflow process. A new REQ number is
created each time a change is submitted for the Purchase Order. The Title will default to “Amendment request
{date} {PO number}.” Approvers will be notified of the request and must take action in order for the amended
purchase order to be completed.
May 2023 25
eVA Error Resolution Guide
Occasionally, integration errors occur when eVA transmits data to Banner. When this happens, an email is sent to
[email protected] and the unit purchaser identifying the error. The unit purchaser should follow the guidance
below. The Mason eVA Customer Support team will research and advise the unit on how to correct the error, within
24 hours.
Error Processing Workflow Codes
Four of the most common errors occur as a result of
data entry errors. Each error is specifically defined and
identified by the eVA error codes and descriptions
detailed in the examples below.
101001 No Vendor Match. Order Denied
The reason for this error is usually: 1) the vendor is inactive or not set up in Banner, 2) the vendor is in Banner but the
tax identification number (TIN) or eVA Vendor Location ID (VLIN) number is incorrect.
1. Log into eVA and locate the purchase requisition (REQ) in the What’s my Order Status? menu box on the
homepage. Click on the REQ name to open the document.
2. Check to be sure the vendor has a G-number with the university. To check if the vendor has a G-number consult
the Banner Vendor G# Lookup link on the Fiscal services website. If the vendor does not exist in Banner or have
an active G#, then an account must be registered. Refer the vendor to the Do Business with Mason webpage
where they can submit their W-9/W-8 form electronically. Vendors should list you as their “Mason contact” so
that you will receive the confirmation email once the vendor has successfully registered with Mason.
101003 Unauthorized FOAPAL. Order Denied
This error is received when the purchaser is not authorized to process transactions against a particular Fund or
Organization number in Banner.
1. Log into eVA and locate the purchase requisition (REQ) in the What’s my Order Status? menu box on the
homepage. Click on the REQ name to open the document, duplicate the order, make corrections and submit.
2. On the duplicated order, the purchasers should correct the Fund or Org number and submit the new requisition.
If the purchaser should need authorization to process transactions against the denied Fund or Org, they should
submit a Banner Finance Modification Request Form to [email protected] asking for the authorization to place
orders for this Fund or Org number.
101009 Fiscal Period is Closed. Order Denied
This error is received when orders are copied from a prior fiscal year and submitted without updating the fiscal year field
to the current fiscal year.
1. Log into eVA and locate the purchase requisition (REQ) in the What’s my Order Status? menu box on the
homepage. Click on the REQ name to open the document, duplicate the order, make corrections and submit.
2. On the duplicated order, the purchaser should correct the fiscal year. As a reminder, orders submitted at the
end of the fiscal year (prior to June 30) need to be posted to the next fiscal year, the purchaser should not
submit the order until the future fiscal year is open in Banner.
No Vendor Match. Order Denied.
Unauthorized FOAPAL. Order Denied.
Fiscal Period Is Closed. Order Denied.
Document Contains Errors, Order Denied.
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101010 Document Contains Errors. Order Denied
This error is designed as a “catch all” error code to note errors that are not identified by the prior errors. This error may
be received in the following instances:
1. If purchaser enters both a Fund AND an Org number in eVA. Only one value is valid. A Fund number should be
entered for sponsored projects. Missing any allocation element could also result in the same error.
2. If a purchaser adds a line item and fails to enter a Fund or an Org, this error will occur.
3. If a purchaser enters a future fiscal year, that is not yet open in Banner, this error will occur.
4. If the vendor is inactive in Banner or eVA, this error will occur. Log into eVA and locate the purchase requisition
(REQ) in the What’s my Order Status? menu box on the homepage. Click on the REQ name to open the
5. Review for anything out of the ordinary. If none of the above problems seem to fit, or you cannot readily find
the cause of the problem, contact a Mason eVA Customer Support Team at 3-2580 or evaadmin@gmu.edu for
Search Requisitions (REQs)
1. Go to https://eva.virginia.gov/ and select Buyer
Login. Then Login with you Agency account and
select GMU. This will bring you to the Mason
single sign on/2FA.
2. From the Header menu select
Procurement > Browse Requisitions.
3. To search an order that you created,
check the box next to My Requests and
then click Search. Or, enter a REQ number
or part of the REQ title into the Keyword
field and click Search. Note: The
Reference number field will only return results when entering a PR number (FY22 prior) that was generated
from the previous eVA system.
4. Once the REQ is located, click on the Code or Name to open the document and review the information.
Duplicate Requisitions (REQs)
1. Complete the steps above to locate the desired REQ.
2. Under the Other Actions button, select Duplicate. This will create a new REQ
number will the same information.
3. Update the REQ Header to be current and thoroughly review
the copied information.
4. Update the Fund/Org and Fiscal year as required. The new REQ
will fail integration with Banner if the Fund/Org or Fiscal year is incorrect. Under Items & Services click the
pencil icon to open product information and allocation. Make necessary changes and Save & Close.
5. Once reviewed for errors, click Submit for Approval to begin the
workflow process.