You cannot register for classes until you attend SOS. Once you complete your Academic Advising meeting during SOS, you
will be able to register for classes. Orientation Leaders will be in computer labs to help assist you with the registration
We encourage you to watch this quick video on how to register for classes so you are familiar with our registration system
and can be prepared once your registration time begins.
Class registration is a process. It is common for students to leave SOS without a complete schedule, but most are able to
get 15 hours of degree applicable classes. Check out these tips to help with the registration process:
While you are still at Academic Advising, listen for all of the class options you can take for your first semester and
what to do if the classes you need are full. The best strategies may vary from college to college. Having an idea of
other classes you can take for your major will be helpful if some of the initial set of classes you want are full.
Keep checking AU Access for class availability. Students are constantly adjusting their class schedule through the
day of classes and you can register for needed classes during this time.
Prior to August 15
at 4pm, the best way to get a class that is currently full is to use the Waitlist system in AU
Access. Waitlists turn off on August 16
at 4pm and then any available spots become first come, first served, so
you can register for a class the moment a spot becomes available. This can be a great time to get a class if you
still need one.
If the class is still full, you can contact the department or the professor of the specific class section to see if they
will allow additions.
Reach out to your Academic Advisor. While they usually cannot create space in a class, they can help you think of
possible next steps you can take if you are not able to get a class.
Persistence is the key to getting a good schedule for any semester and this is especially the case as you are registering for
classes this close to the start of the term.
Auburn uses an electronic billing system called eBill to assess tuition and other university charges. You can find your eBill
on the My Finances tab of AU Access.
If you were registered for your classes because you met the Priority Registration Deadline, your first bill will be posted on
July 12
and it will be due on August 9
. If you do not pay the first half of the bill by this deadline, your classes will be
dropped even if you are registered to attend SOS. The second half of the bill will be due by September 6
If you are not already registered for your classes, your first bill will be posted on August 15
and will be due September 6
The first tuition bill is usually the largest and includes tuition, on campus housing and the required dining plan ($350 if you
will live off-campus or $1,100 if you will live on-campus).
Parking fees range from $100 - $180 per year based on the proximity to central campus or your Residence Hall. More
information about parking registration can be found here:
Commuter students, you can register for parking once you have registered for classes according to the schedule below.
Seniors: August 15th 12:30pm-4:30pm
Juniors: August 16th 7:30am-11:30am
Sophomores: August 16th 12:30pm-4:30pm
Freshmen: are not eligible for priority commuter parking zones. C-Zone registration is open now.
On campus students, see the website above for your registration schedule.
Parking will be issued on a first come, first served basis. You must have a class schedule in order to register for parking.
To register for parking: Log into AU Access, navigate to the My Campus tab, and then click the Parking Services icon. For
more details about parking and parking maps, please visit
Auburn uses vehicle license plate scanners to monitor parking, so you will not receive a physical parking pass or sticker to
place on your car. You will only need to register your vehicle through AU Access and it will be billed to your eBill.
Upon acceptance to Auburn, you are placed on hold by the AU Medical Clinic pending your submission of required medical
To clear the hold permanently, please submit your medical information to the Auburn University Medical Clinic
via ClearWave. You should receive a unique weblink to your Tigermail email account to set up your Clearwave account. You
should complete the form as soon as possible to clear this hold permanently. If you have any questions concerning the
form or technical issues, please call the AU Medical Clinic at (334) 844-4416.
If you are not able to submit the medical information by your SOS session, you should complete the electronic Letter of
Understanding (LOU). You may access the LOU in AU Access (“My Academicstab, then click the “Student Menuicon, then
the “Temporary Waiver of Medical Holdlink). Completion of the electronic LOU will grant a temporary exception to the
medical hold to allow you to register for classes. The medical information must then be submitted within 30 days of your
SOS session.
You must have a schedule in place to enter the student football ticket lottery.
If you were registered for your classes because you met the Priority Registration Deadline:
Log into AU Access and navigate to the My Campus tab. Once there click “Register for Lotteryin the Student
Athletic Ticket Order box. You will need to select your preferences for season tickets before July 16
at 11:59 pm
CT. The lottery will run on July 17
and you will be emailed with the results that day. You have until August 19
11:59 pm CT to cancel your tickets. More information about the Student Tickets can be found online at: or you can contact the
Athletics Ticket Office at (855) 282-2010, option 3, or email them at [email protected]du.
If you are not already registered for your classes:
You can register for football tickets once you have registered for classes. You will use the same registration portal
to get tickets as described above. If tickets are not available when you initially check, keep checking back because
students have until August 19
to cancel their tickets and season passes can become available during that
window of time. If you are unable to get a season pass, you can also try to get returned tickets from the ticket pool
for each individual home game. You will get more details about this at SOS.
To help expedite the process of getting your Tiger Card (Student ID) and to be able to choose your Tiger Card photo, you can
submit it prior to your SOS session. You can find more information about uploading your photo for your Tiger Card at Please pay close attention to the Photo Guidelines listed
because photos that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted. If your submitted photo is accepted at least three
business days prior to your SOS session, you may pick up your Tiger Card at your session, otherwise you can take your
photo at the Tiger Card Office (261 Foy Hall) at your convenience.
If you are looking for off-campus housing, we encourage you to check out:
To see if there is any on-campus housing availability, please contact University Housing at 334-844-4580.
Advisors, university staff, and the First Year Experience Office may be contacting you with important information through
your Tigermail account prior to your SOS session. Visit: to find instructions for how to set up your
Tigermail account on your phone.
Attendance is mandatory for students for all parts of the orientation schedule through Academic Advising. Please note that
even if you were already registered for your classes because you met the priority registration deadline, you must still attend
SOS or your registered schedule will be dropped.
If you are participating in Sorority Recruitment, you will attend all the mandatory parts of SOS and can leave after your
Academic Advising session is finished. We encourage you to register for classes before you go back to the recruitment
schedule because it will be harder to find available classes after recruitment that day. Please let the recruitment staff
know at the beginning of the recruitment week that you will need to be at SOS and they will plan your recruitment schedule
for August 14
Visit this website: and watch your Auburn email address about a week before the session for
more specific details and reminders about your session.
The First Year Experience (FYE) Office creates a helpful guide to aid in your transition. It includes useful information
from the FYE Office and other offices on campus. Be sure to check it out on the sidebar of the SOS website: The SOS pages start on page 34 and you will receive a hard copy of this book at SOS. Check out
pages 39-42 to find a preview of the Small Group Session. This outline can be a good quick overview of many of the
university’s resources and your Orientation Leader will further discuss these points at your session.
Please let the First Year Experience Office know if you have additional questions prior to your SOS session. You can
reach us at (334) 844-4501, [email protected]du, or visit us in 189 Foy Hall.
Updated June 2019
Student Schedule
Parent & Guest Schedule
7:30 am
8:15 am
Check In, Involvement Browse, Breakfast
7:30 am
8:15 am
Check In, Involvement Browse, Breakfast
8:15 am
8:30 am
War Eagle Welcome (Opening Session)
8:15 am
8:30 am
War Eagle Welcome (Opening Session)
8:30 am
9:00 am
Transfer 101/Freshmen 101
8:35 am
9:05 am
Tiger Talk
(Student Financial Services & Medical Clinic)
9:00 am
9:50 am
Student Small Group Session
9:10 am
9:45 am
Parent Small Group Session
10:00 am
Academic Advising
10:00 am
Academic Advising
10:30 am
1:45 pm
Class Registration Assistance
(Come and go once you are finished
with Academic Advising)
11:30 am
1:00 pm
11:30 am
1:00 pm
12, 12:30, 1 pm
Optional Campus Tours
12, 12:30, 1 pm
Optional Campus Tours