In order to use the import wizard you must log into SalesForce by using your
username and password. A security token is required by SalesForce in order
to access your account from outside the SalesForce website. Use the help
button to determine your security token.
Once successfully logged into your SalesForce account you will be presented with field mappings. These mapping allow you to
customize the information that is imported into your SalesForce account. The system will automatically map known SalesForce
field to captured lead information fields. These auto generated mappings can be modified or deleted if needed. Important:
SalesForce requires there to be a last name and a company field present when importing.
Creating/Modifying a new field mapping is very easy. Create a new mapping by scrolling to the bottom of the page and locate
the green header. Modifying a mapping can be done by clicking the mapping header to expand the mapping properties.
Select a SalesForce lead field from the drop down that you want to map information to.
Select the type of information you would like to map to the selected SalesForce lead field from the previous step.
Some information types require additional information in order to be mapped. The header will turn red to indicate the mapping
has not been completed yet. The header will turn gray if everything is in working order.
Step 7: Each mapping allows values to be replaced if found. This is a useful tool in the case information needs to be formatted a
certain way.
Step 8: Once fields have been mapped you may precede to the next step by press the “Next” button in the top right corner
Step 9: The system will need you to confirm the amount of leads that will be imported into your SalesForce account.
Step 10: Once prompted, press “Import Records”. A progress bar will indicate the process of the import. It should only take
matter of seconds to complete.
Step 11: If any leads/records failed to import, there will be an option to download those records in Excel for manual import
through SalesForce. Reason a record would fail are typically invalid email format, empty company name, empty last name or
data type mismatch (Letters in a number only field).