My Jumpchain Log: Chain Master List
Builds by Jump
Universal Drawback Supplement
Pseudo-Random-Chan +50 CP per Jump
Bitch-Chan +200 CP per Jump
Single Shot +100 CP per Jump
One And Done +100 CP per Jump, +300 Companion CP per Jump
Limited Access +100 CP per Jump, +10 Warehouse CP
No Exit +50 CP per Jump
Without Why +200 CP per Jump +100 Companion CP per Jump
Start at the Beginning +100 CP per Jump +100 Companion CP per Jump
Earlier Beginning +100 CP per Jump
The Long Road +100 CP per Jump
Language Block +50 CP per Jump
Coin Flip +50 CP per Jump
Limited Oath of Truth +100 CP per Jump
Limited Oath of Diligence +100 CP per Jump
Externally Enforced First Rule +100 CP per Jump
Special: The Cosmic Warehouse (100 CP)
Electricity -10 CP
Heating/A.C. -10 CP
Shelving -Free
Robots -20 CP
Terminal -10 CP
Free Space -30 CP
Food Supply -10 CP
Return -20 CP
Special: Body Mod (600 CP)
Build: Light
Body Type: Charmer -100 CP
Strength: 1 -50 CP
Endurance: 2 -100 CP
Speed: 1 -50
Dexterity: 1 -50 CP
Appeal: 2 -Free
Shape: 2 -Free
Sense: 1 -50 CP
Endowed x3 -Free
Evercleansed -100 CP
Metavore -100 CP
1. Pokemon
a. Region of Origin: Kanto
b. Age: 13
c. Gender: Male
d. Origin: Drop In
e. Starter: Shiny Ralts with Mental Bond and Advanced Move -500 CP
f. Skills and Abilities
i. Aura -600 CP
ii. Psionics -600 CP
iii. Survival Training -100 CP
iv. Physical Fitness -100 CP
v. Freerunning -100 CP
vi. Combat Training -50 CP
vii. Savant -300 CP
viii. Champ In The Making -300 CP
ix. Technician -300 CP
g. Starter Gear
i. Backpack of Holding -Free
ii. Pokegear -Free
iii. Pokedex -Free
iv. 5 Basic Empty Pokeballs -Free
v. 3 Potions -Free
vi. Red Hat -Free
vii. 3 Master Balls -100 CP
viii. HM Collection -50 CP
h. Eventual Team
i. Absol
ii. Riolu/Lucario
iii. Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir
iv. Victini
v. Deoxys
vi. Mimikyu
i. Flaws
i. Hunted +300 CP
ii. Damned +300 CP
2. Infamous
a. Starting City: Phoenix, Arizona. My personal hell.
b. Starting Age: 21. Not Bad.
c. Origin: Drifter. Getting dropped in is just fine with me.
d. Conduit Type: Electrokinesis. Of course.
e. Setbacks
i. Stalker +300 CP
ii. Greenlit +300 CP
f. Additional Powers
i. Strength-Free
ii. Regen-100 CP
iii. Durability-100 CP
iv. Stamina-100 CP
v. Toggle-150 CP
vi. Autocharge-600 CP
vii. Energy Form-300 CP
viii. Subdue -300 CP
ix. Analytics -300 CP
x. Focus -300 CP
g. Gear and Supplies
i. Safe House-Free
ii. Biocapacitor-200 CP
iii. Rebreather-50 CP
iv. M110 SAAS Sniper Rifle -300 CP
v. Motorcycle -300 CP
3. Mass Effect
a. Race: Asari
i. Class: Adept
ii. Age: 100 Years old
b. Location: Palaven
c. Origin: Drop In
d. Drawbacks
i. Reapers Eye +300 CP
ii. Bounty +200 CP
iii. Shepard’s Flock +100 CP
e. Extra Abilities
i. Finess -150 CP
ii. Fearlessness -300 CP
iii. Tactical Readiness -300 CP
iv. Exemplar -400 CP
v. Apostate -400 CP
vi. Tongue of a Shepard -500 CP
vii. Not a Stupid Grunt -300 CP
viii. Close The Distance -300 CP
f. Gear
i. Loadout -Free
ii. Medi-gel Kit -50 CP
iii. Kodiak Shuttle -200 CP
iv. Conflict Minerals -200 CP
4. Angel Notes
a. Race: Ether Liner
b. Age: 31
c. Gender: Female
d. Perks
i. Truth of the World -300 CP
ii. Valentine/Valentine -400 CP
iii. Bridging the Worlds -100 CP
iv. Ultimate One -600 CP
v. The Equality of Power -Free
vi. No Curse Zone -100 CP
vii. Knight’s Armory -200 CP
viii. Putting In The Work -100 CP
ix. God of Guns -200 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Earth Rage +300 CP
ii. Worlds Wide War +300 CP
f. Gear
i. Black Barrel -800 CP
1. Shaped like an oversized Butler Derringer
ii. Factory Food -100 CP
g. Companion
i. Canon -200 CP
5. Dresden Files
a. Origin: Sorcerer -100 CP
b. Age: 29
c. Gender: Male
d. Starting Location
e. Drawbacks
i. The Hex +100 CP
ii. Big Ol’ Apocalyptic Trilogy +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Tigers Soul -600 CP
ii. Magic 101 -Free
iii. The Sight -Free
iv. Wizard Tricks -Free
v. Clued In -Free
vi. Power to Burn -150 CP
vii. Refined Spellcasting -150 CP
viii. Worldwalker -300 CP
ix. Soul Source -300 CP
x. Unwholesomely Good-Looking -100 CP
xi. Stars and Stones -400 CP
xii. Empty Night -800 CP
xiii. Just One Sip -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Best Ale in Chicago -Free
6. Fable 3
a. Age: 14
b. Origin: Orphan -150 CP
c. Gender: Male
d. Timeline: Fable 3
e. Drawbacks
i. Shadow Court’s Ill-Favor +600 CP
f. Abilities
i. Dandy -600 CP
ii. Brutal Style -100 CP
iii. Reversal -300 CP
iv. Hawk-Eyed -300 CP
v. Will User -Free (200 Spell CP)
vi. Hero of Will -300 CP
vii. Monster Hunter -300 CP
g. Spells
i. Multi-Strike -100 Spell CP
ii. Multi-Shot -100 Spell CP
iii. Slow Time -150 CP
iv. Drain Life -50 CP
v. Force Push -50 CP
vi. Physical Shield -50 CP
vii. Assassin Rush -50 CP
viii. Battle Charge -100 CP
ix. Heal Life -50 CP
x. Blades -100 CP
xi. Turn Coat -150 CP
h. Equipment
i. Hero Weapon: Two-handed Melee Weapon
1. Augment: Ghoul -300 CP
7. Inheritance Cycle
a. Starting Location: Helgrind
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Rider -600
e. Race: Ra’Zac +200 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Shade’s Target +300 CP
ii. Word Bound +200 CP
iii. Angela’s Attention +100 CP
g. Perks
i. Half-Truths -100 CP
ii. Enhanced Senses -Free
iii. Mental Shields -Free
iv. Protected Name -200 CP
v. Magic -Free
vi. Hero Killer -600 CP
vii. Spirits -400 CP
viii. Intentional Magic -600 CP
ix. Riding -Free
x. Bond -100 CP
xi. Perfection of Form -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Ancient Magic Dictionary -Free
ii. Harness -Free
iii. Riders Blade -100 CP
1. Hero Weapon Imported
i. Companion
i. Dragon -Free
ii. Canon Companion -300 CP
8. Undertale
a. Starting Location: Ruins
b. Gender: Female
c. Background: Fallen Human -200 CP
d. Race: Fallen Human
e. Age: 9
f. Drawbacks
i. Gasters Attention +600 CP
g. Perks
i. Summon Annoying Dog -Free
ii. Patience -100 CP
iv. Spare -200 CP
v. Mercy -200 CP
vi. SAVE the World -300 CP
h. Magic
i. Motion Magic x2 -400 CP
ii. You’re Blue Now -400 CP
iii. Magnifying Magic -600 CP
iv. Healing Magic -200 CP
i. Gear
i. Heart Locket -200 CP
j. Companion
i. Toriel -300 CP
9. Danmachi (Reddit Version)
a. Starting Location: Dungeon Entrance
b. Age: 12
c. Gender: Female
d. Familia: My Own Familia
e. Background: Adventurer -200 CP
f. Race: Spirit -50 CP
g. Drawbacks
i. The Three Great Quest +1000 CP
ii. A God Wants You!: Apollo +600 CP
iii. A Dungeon’s Comeback +600 CP
iv. Monster Presence +400 CP
v. Monster Bait +400 CP
vi. Condemned Chuunibyou +100 CP
vii. A Different Hero +0 CP
h. Perks
i. Enhanced Falna -300 CP
ii. General Fighting Skills -Free
iii. Internalized Power -600 CP
iv. A Falna’s Blessing -600 CP
v. Jaded Mind -Free
vi. Pleasing Personality -Free
vii. Harem Protagonist -300 CP
viii. Eternal Perspective -100 CP
ix. Unearthly Beauty -200 CP
x. Purview -600 CP
1. Magic
i. Gear (+300 Item CP)
i. Personal Dungeon -300 Item CP, -300 CP
ii. Monster Repellant -Free
j. Falna Customization (+500 Falna CP)
i. Developmental Abilities
1. Abnormal Status Resistance I -100 Falna CP
2. Hardened Body I -100 Falna CP
3. High-Speed Chanting I -100 Falna CP
4. Supernatural Resistance I -100 Fanla CP
5. Status Healing I -100 Falna CP
6. Alchemist I -100 CP
7. Divine Smith I -100 CP
8. Magician I -100 CP
ii. Magic Spells
1. Healing Ray -300 CP
iii. Falna Skills
1. Realis Phrase -600 CP
2. Scales of Balance -600 CP
k. Companion
i. Canon Character: Freya -150 CP
10. Mob Psycho 100
a. Age: 14
b. Gender: Female
c. Background: Middle Schooler
d. Drawbacks
i. ONEverse +0 CP
ii. Counterparts +200 CP
iii. Mob’s animosity +300 CP
iv. ??? Form +300 CP
v. Childish +100 CP
vi. Actual Morals +100 CP
e. Perks
i. Attractive -Free
ii. Body Improver -100 CP
iii. Power -200 CP
iv. Smart -400 CP
v. Spiritualist -600 CP
vi. Change -300 CP
vii. Emotional Charge -300 CP
viii. Redeemed -600 CP
ix. Natural Esper -600 CP
f. Gear
i. Broccoli Seeds -200 CP
ii. Box of Spirits -100 CP
iii. Paycheck -100 CP
11. Kung Fu Hustle
a. Origin: Wandering Idiot
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Male
d. Drawbacks
i. Blocked Chi +300 CP
ii. You Can’t Escape Your Destiny +500 CP
iii. The Boss +600 CP
iv. Mute +100 CP
e. Perks
i. Intimidation Fu -Free
ii. Portentous Butterfly -Free
iii. Poison Immunity -100 CP
iv. I Can Do Kung Fu x6 -1200 CP
1. Thousand Hand Divine Fist
2. Nine Yang and Nine Yin
3. Buddhist Palm
4. Nine Swords of Dugu
5. One Yang Finger
6. The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and The Dog Beating Staff
v. What Does Not Kill Me -250 CP
vi. A Special Aura -300 CP
vii. Enlightenment -400 CP
1. Weak Emotion: Lust
viii. Standing Upon Heaven -150 CP
ix. Toad Style of the Kwan Lun School -800 CP
f. Gear
i. Tiny Hideout -Free
ii. Your Rent -600 CP
iii. Club House -200 CP
12. Neon Genesis Evangelion
a. Origin: Pattern Blue -100 CP
b. Starting Time Period: 2010 AD Germany, five years before Canon
c. Drawbacks
i. Apostate +300 CP
ii. Hark The Herald +300 CP
iii. You, I, II, and III +200 CP
d. Perks
i. Soul Over Mind -400 CP
ii. Metaphysical Biology, PhD -400 CP
iii. Fanservice! -100 CP
iv. Waveform Anatomy -Free
v. Solipsistic Integrity -100 CP
vi. Hybrid -100 CP
vii. Non-Euclidian -200 CP
viii. AT Field Mastery -200 CP
ix. Unassailable -300 CP
e. Metaphysical Biology
i. Extranormal Senses -50 CP
ii. Passive Field Effect -50 CP
iii. Energy Projection x2 -200 CP
iv. Secondary Field -100 CP
v. Improved Regeneration -200 CP
vi. High-Energy Reaction -200 CP
vii. S2 Organ -300 CP
f. Gear
i. Infinite supply Tang -Free
ii. MAGI Supercomputer -300 CP
13. Bleach + Bleach Powers Supplement
a. Origin: Drop-in +100 CP +200 Universal PP
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Male
d. Location: Seireitei
e. Drawbacks
i. Ten More Years! +100 CP
ii. Normal Friends +200 CP
iii. Companion? +200 CP
iv. As According To Keikaku Enhanced +600 CP
v. No Free Time +400 CP
vi. Plot-Bound +400 CP
vii. Nah Way, Yhwach +1000 CP
viii. World Tournament +1000 CP
f. Perks (Total CP: 5000 + 1500 Universal Drawback CP
i. Fashion -Free
ii. Transcendance -300 CP
iii. My Soul, My Badge -400 CP
iv. Linking Spirits -600 CP +500 Fullbringer PP +Fullbringer Freebies
v. Reishi Manipulation -400 CP
vi. Sternritter -0, The Jumper -600 CP +500 Quincy PP +Quincy Freebies
vii. Bount Crest -600 CP, +500 Bount PP +Bount Freebies
viii. Reiryoku -400 CP
ix. Bankai -600 CP +500 Shinigami PP +Shinigami Freebies
x. Resurreccion -600 CP +500 Hollow PP +Hollow Freebies
xi. Number 1 -400 CP
xii. Reincarnation -800 CP
g. Gear
i. A Way Out -Free
ii. Portal -Free
iii. Tite Clothing -Free
iv. Hell Butterfly -Free
v. Mod Soul: Gate Creation -Free
vi. Section of Soul Society -400 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion -300 CP
i. Shinigami Powers
i. Shinigami Division Archetype: Thirteenth Division
ii. False Zanpakuto: +500 Shinigami PP
iii. Base Form: Argetsverd Imported, Crusader Bonus -100 Shinigami PP
iv. Shikai Form
1. Bigger -Free
2. Longer -Free
3. Hilt -Free
v. Shikai Powers
1. Gravity x2 -Free
2. Sword Slash -Free
3. Cut -200 Shinigami PP
vi. Bankai Powers
1. Energy Cloak -Free
2. Final -300 Shinigami PP
vii. Shinigami Disciplines
1. Zanjutsu -200 Shinigami PP
2. Kido -200 Shinigami PP
j. Hollow Powers
i. Body Type: Biped
ii. Mask Type: Human
iii. Base Powers
1. High-Speed Regeneration -Free
2. Kumon -Free
3. Natural Weapons x3 -Free
iv. Arrancar Powers
1. Pseudo-Zanpakuto: Argetsverd Imported
2. Sonido -Free
3. Hierro -Free
4. Descorrer -Free
5. Store Reiryoku -Free
6. Specialty: Regeneration -Free
7. Resurreccion
a. Phoenix -Free
b. Segunda Etapa -300 Hollow PP
v. Cero Powers
1. Cero -Free
2. Bala -Free
3. Cero Oscuras -Free
4. Gran Rey Cero -200 Hollow PP, -200 Universal PP
k. Quincy Powers
i. Quincy Archetype: Unheard Offshoot Camp +500 Quincy PP
ii. Heilig Bogen
1. Physical Weapon -Free
a. Import: Argetsverd
2. Sword -Free
3. Range -100 Quincy PP
iii. Quincy Disciplines
1. Hirenkyaku -200 Quincy PP
2. Blut -200 Quincy PP
3. Pure Blood -200 Quincy PP
iv. Sternritter Powers
1. The X-Axis -Free
2. The Iron -300 Quincy PP
v. Vollstandig -Free
l. Fullbring Powers
i. Base Object: Zanpakuto
ii. Fullbring Abilities
1. Inviolable Blade -Free
2. Spirits -Free
3. Clad-Type -Free
4. Rejection -400 Fullbring PP
iii. Super Abilities
1. Enhanced Fullbring -Free
iv. Fullbringer Techniques
1. Bringer Light -100 Fullbring PP, -100 CP
m. Bount Powers
i. Bount Allegiance: Yoshino Soma +500 Bount PP
ii. Bount Standby Form: Quincy Bangle
iii. Material Composition: Reishi
iv. Other Functions
1. Fusion -500 Bount PP
2. Elementalism -Free
3. Animal Creation -200 Bount PP
a. Golems -100 Bount PP
i. Better Golems -100 Bount PP
4. Weapon Creation -100 Bount PP
14. German Hollow Quest (GHQ) + GHQ Power Supplement
a. Gender: Female
b. Age: 19
c. Race: Hollow
d. Origin: Survivor
e. Drawbacks
i. Sixty-Six Million +200 CP
ii. You’ll Take Responsibility, Right? +100 CP
iii. A Diary, An Obsession +300 CP
iv. Buried Too Deep, I Can’t Remember +200 CP
f. Perks
i. Death Aspect: Contempt -Free
ii. Einherjar -600 CP
iii. The Divine Comedy -600 CP
iv. Crutches Are Made For Those Who Need Them -200 CP
v. Instinct -Free
vi. The World Is Not A Fair Place -100 CP
vii. Who I Was (My Past) and Who I Am (My Present) Will Guide Who I Will
Become (My Future) -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Magic Plot-Rock -Free
ii. Hogyoku Treatment -900 CP +900 Power CP
iii. Vanaheimr -600 CP
iv. Spirit Saturated Mementos -Free
h. Hollow Powers (+400 Power CP)
i. Unique Power x2 -400 Power CP
ii. Physical Boost x1 -Free
iii. Merging -400 Power CP (Unique)
iv. Aspect Manifestation -500 Power CP (Unique)
15. Yuki Yuna Is A Hero
a. Age: 11
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: New Student
d. Drawbacks
i. No Memory +200 CP
ii. Younger Sibling +300 CP
iii. Whip You All into Shape +200 CP
iv. Lost My Senses +200 CP
v. I Wanna Punch Something Already! +100 CP
e. Perks
i. Leap Across Kilometers in a Single Bound: Argetsverd Imported -Free
ii. Udon Cook -Free
iii. (Hand) Puppet Master -Free
iv. The Sealing Ritual -300 CP
vi. Human Bravery -600 CP
vii. As Long As You Mean It -400 CP
viii. The Spark That Lights the Flames of Others -600 CP
ix. Messiah -300 CP
x. Sea of Trees -200 CP
xi. Subversive Anomaly -100 CP
f. Gear
i. Untapped Cell Phone -Free
ii. Faery -Free
iii. Hero App Dev Kit -400 CP
16. Dead Space
a. Age: 20
b. Gender: Male
c. Identity: Engineering -100 CP
d. Starting Location: CMS Roanoke
e. Drawbacks
i. Too Ugly To Live +600 CP
ii. For SCIENCE!!! +200 CP
iii. There’s Always Peng +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Scrap Hound -Free
ii. Infinitely Customizable -100 CP
iii. Modular Designs -200 CP
iv. Cult of Personality -600 CP
v. A Mind of Iron -400 CP
g. Gear
i. Power Nodes -Free
ii. Scavenger Bots -200 CP
iii. Utility Mods -Free
iv. Spaceship -400 CP
1. Personal Craft -Free
2. Research Vessel -100 CP
3. Security Cruiser -200 CP
4. Asteroid Miner -200 CP
5. Luxury Liner -200 CP
v. RIG -Free
1. Armor Plating x2 -100 CP
2. Increased Inventory x2 -50 CP
3. Overcharger x2 -50 CP
4. Medical Gel Efficiency x4 -200 CP
5. Kinesis Amplifier -100 CP
6. Stasis Amplifier -100 CP
7. Universal Clamps -100 CP
17. Heaven’s Lost Property
a. Age: 20
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Angelroid -200 CP
d. Drawbacks
i. What is Love +300 CP
ii. The Jumper in Synapse +0 CP
iii. Down with Downers! +200 CP
iv. A Flock of Seagulls +100 CP
v. Welcome To The New World Club! +100 CP
vi. Glitch +100 CP
e. Perks
i. Unique Data Signature -Free
ii. Falling Down -600 CP
iii. Living Miracle -600 CP
iv. Tripping on Red Strings -200 CP
v. What Beautiful Wings -Free
vi. Pearly Gates -Free
vii. The Stairway to Heaven -400 CP
viii. Angelroid Body -Free
ix. Form and Function -Free
x. Broken Chain -Free
xi. Second Generation Angelroid -400 CP
f. Upgrades (+1000 AP)
i. 900 Extra AP -900 CP
ii. Pandora V1 -400 AP
iii. Chimera -100 AP
iv. Battle Power -100 AP
v. Aegis -200 AP
vi. Radar -100 AP
vii. Aphrodite -200 AP
viii. Hands of the Forge -100 AP
ix. Advanced Medical Systems -300 AP
x. Razor Wings -100 AP
xi. Kayros -300 AP
g. Gear
i. Angelroid Outfit-Free
ii. Infinite Supply of Watermelon -Free
18. Highschool DxD
a. Age: 15
b. Gender: Female
c. Race: Human (+200 Sacred Gear CP)
d. Faction: Heaven
e. Origin: Drop-In
f. Drawbacks
i. Noticed +100 CP
ii. Dress-Break +100 CP
iii. Blood in the Water +200 CP
iv. Nemesis +300 CP
v. Gotterdammerung +300 CP
vi. Call Down The Thunder: Dragons, Hell, Grigori, Khaos +1200 CP
g. Perks (3200 CP + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Bodacious x5 -200 CP
ii. Mana -Free
iii. Magic System -Free
iv. Harem King -300 CP
v. Obsession Magnet -100 CP
vi. Interesting Times -Free
vii. JUMPAI! -Free
viii. Protagonist Privilege -300 CP
ix. A True Hero -600 CP
x. Magician -600 CP
xi. Senjutsu -200 CP
xii. Contract? -100 CP
xiii. Fluffy White Feathers -Free
xiv. Rise, Brave Saint -200 CP
h. Sacred Gears
i. Sephiroth Graal: Argetsverd Import -200 Sacred Gear CP, -300 CP (Initial
Discount) -100 CP (Import Cost)
ii. Boosted Gear: Argetsverd Import -1000 CP -100 CP (Import Cost)
i. Holy Swords
i. Caliburn: Argetsverd Import -600 CP
j. Gear
i. Otaku Alarm Clock -Free
19. Ranma ½
a. Age: 15
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Amazon Warrior -100 CP
d. Jusenkyo Curse: Drawback
e. Drawbacks
i. Mind-Altering Curse +600 CP
1. Spring of Drowned Compulsive Gambler
f. Perks
i. Amazon Durability -Free
ii. Hidden Weapons Space -100 CP
iii. Pressure Points and Moxibustion -200 CP
iv. Supreme Amazon Ki Technique: Breaking Point -300 CP
v. Ki Projection -600 CP
vi. Copycat Technique -600 CP
vii. Martial Arts Acrobatics -100 CP
viii. Willing Sensei -400 CP
ix. Medical Genius -400 CP
g. Gear
i. Mushroom of Time Spores -200 CP
ii. Flask of the Water of Life -100 CP
20. Soul Eater
a. Starting Location: Witches Realm
b. Age: 9
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Student Meister
e. Drawbacks
i. Excalibuuuur~! +0
ii. Soul Eater NOT +0
iii. March of the Clowns +300 CP
iv. Witching Hour +200 CP
v. Killer Blood Lust +300 CP
vi. Think Of The Children +100 CP
vii. Slapstick +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Excalibur Face -Free
ii. Free Agent -Free
iii. Enhanced Grigori Soul -600 CP
iv. Madness Wavelength: Sin -200 CP
v. Madness Release -400 CP
vi. Weapon/Partner Proficiency -Free/Mandatory
vii. Wavelength Communication -Free
viii. Ambition Without Arrogance -Free
ix. Patience Of A Saint -Free
x. Rebel Yale -Free
xi. Utility Meister -200 CP
xii. Soul Menace -200 CP
xiii. I Will Surpass God! -300 CP
xiv. Bushin/War God -400 CP
xv. Half Weapon -600 CP
g. Weapon Customization
i. Mundane Weapon Form: Single-Shot Pistol -Free
ii. Energy Amplification -Free
iii. It’s a texture thing -Free
iv. Partial Weapon Manifestation -Free
v. Alternative Ammo -Free
vi. Adjustments -Free
vii. Weapon Importation: Black Barrel -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Comfortable Welcoming Gift -Free
ii. Death’s List -Free
iii. Sick Wheels -Free
iv. Soul-Sapping Water -100 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion -200 CP
21. Jorge Joestar
a. Starting Location: Mars, Joji’s World (Free Choice)
b. Origin: Detective
c. Age: 16
d. Gender: Male
e. Species: Ultimate Lifeform -1600 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Tick Tock +0 CP
ii. Gross Adult Shit +50 CP
iii. Whatever That Means +100 CP
iv. Beyond Pasta +200 CP
v. So Many Serial Killers +200 CP
vi. Ant Man +200 CP
vii. Unwanted Tenant +300 CP
g. Perks
i. I Need More, I Want More, I Will Have More -600 CP
ii. How Many Years? -Free
iii. 36 Jumpers On Mars -150 CP
iv. Stand Down -300 CP
v. Standing Tall -600 CP
vi. Strike A Pose -Free
vii. As Manly As A Kitten -Free
viii. Singularity -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Old Timey Car -Free
22. Resident Evil
a. Starting Location: Kijuju Autonomous Zone
b. Age: 24
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Researcher
e. Drawbacks
i. Here We Go Again +0 CP
ii. Strapped For Cash +200 CP
iii. Road To Godhood +300 CP
iv. Corporation Games +300 CP
v. Bounty +100 CP
vi. Cyclops +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Knowledge Base -Free
ii. Differential Diagnosis -100 CP
iii. Project W -300 CP
iv. Mutational Mastery -600 CP
v. Form, Then Function -100 CP
vi. Key Genes -100 CP
vii. Parasitologist -100 CP
viii. Virologist -100 CP
ix. Steel Mind -100 CP
x. Hypnos Gene -300 CP
g. Gear (+300 Item CP)
i. Personal Kit -Free
ii. Hypo Gun -Free
iii. STI Eagle 6.0 -Free
iv. Satellite Phone -Free
v. Progenitor Sample -150 Item CP
vi. Containment Room -150 Item CP
h. Virus And Parasite Customization
i. Extra GP -1700 CP +1700 GP
ii. My Works Are Superb: Progenitor Base -Free +1000 GP
iii. Infection Methods
1. Injection -Free
2. Bite/Bodily Fluids -50 GP
iv. Activation Requirement: Emotion Controlled -50 GP
v. Brain Case -Free
vi. Brain Pan -200 GP
vii. Mental Clarity -200 GP
viii. Protective Cocoon -200 GP
ix. Bulked Up -Free
x. Speed Boy -200 GP
xi. Will Of The Self -Free
xii. Healing Factor -300 GP
xiii. Controlled Infection: All Humans -100 GP
xiv. Flaw Removal -100 GP
xv. Doesn’t Like Sharing -200 GP
xvi. Adonis -200 GP
xvii. Sculpted -100 GP
xviii. Psionic Potential -700 GP
i. Viral Setbacks
i. Sudden Case Of Madness: Nullified -100 GP
ii. Cultivation Concerns +0 GP
23. DC - All-Star Superman
a. Species: Kryptonian -800 CP
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Metropolis
e. Drawbacks
i. Silver Age Silliness +100 CP
ii. Paranoia, Much? +100 CP
iii. Archenemy+200 CP
iv. Luthor Problems +200 CP
v. Time-Traveling Jerks +200 CP
vi. The Twelve Labors Of Jumper +300 CP
f. Perks
i. This Looks Like A Job For… -Free
ii. The Greatest In The World -Free
iii. “...It Never Occurs To Him.” -Free
iv. Hot Scoop -Free
v. The Softest Tap -100 CP
vi. Compatible Biology -100 CP
vii. For My Best Pal -100 CP
viii. Kent Values -100 CP
ix. The Olsen Charm -200 CP
x. Always On The Straight And Narrow -200 CP
xi. Hard Work Overcomes All -200 CP
xii. It’s Never As Bad As It Seems -200 CP
xiii. Mind Of A Genius -300 CP
xiv. The Great Epiphany -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Costume -Free
ii. Kryptonian Flower -Free
iii. Green Kryptonite -Free
iv. All-Star Superman/All-Star Jumper -Free
v. Sunsuit -100 CP
vi. Cosmic Anvil -300 CP
vii. “There’s An Infinity Sign Next To It.” -300 CP
viii. Baby Sun Eater -300 CP
24. Campione
a. Origin: Ordinary Student
b. Age: 13
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Japan
e. Drawbacks
i. The Jumper That Was +0 CP
ii. Ordinary Days +100 CP
iii. Was That Supposed To Happen? +100 CP
iv. The Undefeated Jumper Of The East +200 CP
v. That Escalated Quickly +200 CP
vi. Living Magnet +300 CP
vii. At The End Of The World +800 CP
f. Perks
i. Reward The Child -100 CP
ii. Those Who Would Be Kings -200 CP
iii. Pandora’s Child -600 CP
iv. The One Moment -400 CP
v. Sportsy Normie -Free
vi. Man With A Mission -Free
vii. Around The Corner -100 CP
viii. Fate Fell Short -200 CP
ix. Natural Born Gigolo -300 CP
x. Flower of Chivalry -200 CP
xi. Ascendance -100 CP
xii. In The Blood -100 CP
xiii. Daoist Arts -200 CP
xiv. Pinnacle of Magic -400 CP
xv. The Mystery Of The Past -600 CP
xvi. Fairytale Princess -100 CP
xvii. Highway To Hell -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Keep In Contact -Free
h. Authorities
i. Will of Magic
ii. Winds of Fortune
iii. The Ten Incarnations
i. Knight Arm of Campione Magic: Crown of the Conqueror
i. A jagged crown of obsidian that appears to be cracked in half and
perpetually slightly lopsided. The power this Knight Arm grants is
supplementary rather than direct; it grants a quality of “domination” or
perhaps “conquering” to every action that the user undertakes. On its own
this gives the user a domineering and darkly charismatic aura, but this is
not the actual power that the Knight Arm grants. Its true power is revealed
once the user defeats or conquers something, whether it is a situation, an
enemy, or even an object. In doing so the user is capable of taking a single
aspect of the thing they have conquered, with greater power and more
specificity granted the more thoroughly and absolutely something has
been conquered. This can vary from items, followers, powers, or even
conceptual things should one’s conquering be absolute enough.
25. Achron
a. Origin: Artificial Intelligence
b. Starting Location: Seguro
c. Gender: Male
d. Drawbacks
i. Double Enhanced Custom Challenge x9 +2700 CP
ii. Outsider +100 CP
iii. Stranded In History +200 CP
e. Challenges
i. Chronoclone +100 CP
ii. Uppercut +100 CP
iii. Temporal Trickery +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Enhanced Achron -1000 CP
ii. Physical Conditioning -100 CP
iii. Precision… -200 CP
iv. ...And Contingencies -400 CP
v. Salvage Engineering -600 CP
vi. Ace Piloting -100 CP
vii. “Self” Preservation -400 CP
viii. Skip Teleportation -600 CP
ix. Genetic Stability -100 CP
x. Innate Chronoportation -600 CP
xi. Function Speciality -Free
xii. Universal Translators -100 CP
xiii. Interfacing -200 CP
xiv. Omega-Class Intellect -300 CP
g. Vehicles (+400 Vehicle CP)
i. Vecgir Starship -400 Vehicle CP -600 CP (Self Imported)
h. Gear (+200 Item CP)
i. Resource Crates -Free
ii. Resource Processor -Free
iii. Seed Nanites -Free
iv. Slipgate -200 Item CP, -200 CP
v. Nocturne Virus -300 CP
i. Knight Arm of Chronoenergy: Shattered Dreams of Chronos
i. This Knight Arm manifests as a flowing dress of flickering thread, the
color of which seems to shift and change with each moment but typically
remains a shade of light blue. It has two distinct powers; the capacity to
capture “Futures That Never Were” and, for an energy cost, manifest
aspects of said futures into the present, and the power to create a “Radiant
Wave of Time” which allows one’s present actions to extend into the past
and future as far as one’s own energy holds. Such Waves of Time can
easily extend across an Achronal range, but exiting the range that an
Achron can perceive causes the price to rise at an exponential rate.
26. Worm
a. Starting Location: China
b. Age: N/A
c. Gender: N/A
d. Origin: Shard
e. Drawbacks
i. Everything Gets Worse +1000 CP
ii. Golden Morning +800 CP
iii. Being Taylor Is Suffering +200 CP
iv. Passenger +0 CP
f. Perks
i. Outside Context Problem -Free
ii. Munchkin -100 CP
iii. What I Fight For -100 CP
iv. No Such Thing As Collateral -100 CP
v. Grit Your Teeth -100 CP
vi. Lessons of Adversity -Free
vii. Root Of Distress -Free
viii. You Are Not Alone -300 CP
ix. Spanner In The Works -600 CP
x. Perfect Communication Skills -600 CP
xi. You Can Be More -600 CP
xii. Crucible of Strife -600 CP
xiii. Shard Administration -300 CP
xiv. Forced Evolution -300 CP
g. Parahuman Power
i. Breaker: Energy Shadow -Free
h. Gear
i. Friendbringer x3 -150 CP
ii. Little Black Book -50 CP
iii. The Numberman -300 CP
i. Companions
i. Canon Companion x3 -300 CP
27. World Seed
a. Origin: Drop-In
b. Race: Void Elf
c. Class: Druid
d. Starting Location: Japan
e. Age: 22
f. Gender: Female
g. Drawbacks
i. A Long Life +0 CP
ii. Friend of All Things Fluffy +100 CP
iii. Two Girls Don’t Make A Harem, I Swear! +100 CP
iv. A Fish Out Of Water +100 CP
v. Rage Against The Heavens +200 CP
vi. Timely Hiccups +200 CP
vii. Animalistic Friends +200 CP
viii. Berserk Button: Spiders +300 CP
ix. Space Travel Woes +300 CP
x. A World of Leftovers +600 CP
h. Perks
i. The System -Free
ii. Freebies
1. Origin
2. Solar
iii. What’s In A Soul? -200 CP
iv. Personal Dimension -400 CP
v. Is It Possible To Learn This Power? Not From A Protagonist… -200 CP
vi. But Teach A Man To Fish... -400 CP
vii. Mana Affinity -600 CP
viii. The Best of Both Worlds -600 CP
ix. Charisma Build -Free
x. A Part of Nature -Free
xi. Catch ‘em All -100 CP
xii. Nature Natural -100 CP
xiii. Aura Surgeon -200 CP
xiv. Soul Arts -200 CP
xv. Monster Maker -300 CP
xvi. Natural Regeneration -300 CP
xvii. Ability Creator -400 CP
xviii. Systematic Actualization Potential -600 CP
i. Gear (+400 Item CP)
i. Seed Storage -Free
ii. Seed Capsule -Free
iii. Companion Bracelet -Free
iv. Gold Market -400 Item CP
j. Companion
i. Companionship Of A Companion -Free (+800 Companion CP, +500 UD
Companion CP)
1. Origin: Magic
2. Perks
a. The System -Free
b. Freebies -Free
i. Love
ii. Life
c. What’s In A Soul? -200 CP
d. Please Don’t Be Another Xianxia Game -100 CP
e. Artificial Friends -200 CP
f. The Rune Is Mightier Than The Sword -Free
g. Ordinary Expertise -Free
h. Runic Spell Innovator -100 CP
i. Wizard of Wisdom -100 CP
j. Enchanting -200 CP
k. Magitech Master -300 CP
3. Gear (+400 Item CP)
a. Seed Storage -Free
b. Seed Capsule -Free
c. Altar -200 Item CP
d. Simulation Room -200 Item CP, -100 CP
k. Knight Arm of Mana: Affinity Forge
i. This Knight Arm takes the form of a burnished bronze bracelet, a white
gem shaped like an ember embedded in the center. When activated, it
unfolds outwards into a massive furnace, burning with fire of every color.
This furnace is capable of drawing in any energy under the user’s control.
From there, energies can be freely reshaped as if they are solid materials
or outright alchemically fused into hybrid energies. In order for alchemical
fusion to occur, the energies in question need to share a “base
commonality”; various Affinities of Mana will easily fuse into composite
Affinities, but Mana and Psychic Energy won’t fuse. Likewise, Psychic
Energy and Psionics can fuse fairly easily, but Psionics and Ki won’t.
28. Dragon Ball
a. Origin: Hermit
b. Race: Monkey Kid -600 CP
c. Age: 12
d. Gender: Female
e. Starting Location: Mount Paozu
f. Drawbacks
i. The Jumper Saga +0 CP
ii. Curse of Yamcha +100 CP
iii. Stop Cheating! +200 CP
iv. The Toll of Doom +300 CP
v. Chain Breaker +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Hidden Potential -Free
ii. Unleash Your Power -600 CP
iii. Leaf On The Water -Free
iv. As Pure As Light -Free
v. Importance of Control -100 CP
vi. Only What You Need -100 CP
vii. Stone In A River -200 CP
viii. All Is One -300 CP
ix. Got The Magic Touch -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Senzu Beans -600 CP
ii. Ox Outfit -Free
iii. Turtle Shell -100 CP
iv. Water of Life -300 CP
i. Companions
i. Canon Companion: Bulma -200 CP
29. Dragon Ball Z
a. Origin: Martial Artist -Free
b. Race: Saiyan -Free (The Saga Continues)
c. Age: (The Saga Continues)
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. The Saga Continues +0 CP
ii. Broly When? +0 CP
iii. Buu-Who? +0 CP
iv. Hungry +100 CP
v. Mr. Jumper +200 CP
vi. Rival: Raditz +200 CP
vii. Up To You +200 CP
viii. Dark Seekers +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Hidden Power -Free
ii. Ki Training -Free
iii. Crazy Hair -Free
iv. One Step Further -600 CP
v. Turtle and Crane -Free
vi. Know My Limits -Free
vii. I Can See! -100 CP
viii. Battle Point Limit -100 CP
ix. Break My Limits -200 CP
x. Won’t Stay Down -200 CP
xi. Hit It Hard Enough -300 CP
xii. A Rare Genius -300 CP
xiii. Get Up And Rise Again -400 CP
xiv. Apotheosis -600 CP
g. Gear (+300 Item CP)
i. Gi -Free
ii. Weighted Clothes -Free
iii. Shenron’s Blessing -300 Item CP
iv. Hyperbolic Time Chamber -300 CP
v. J-Sword: Argetsverd Imported -200 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion: Android 18 -200 CP
30. Dragon Ball Multiverse
a. Starting Location: Universe 17
b. Origin: Newcomer
c. Age: Null
d. Gender: Female
e. Race: Bio-Android -700 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Just Here For The Story +0 CP
ii. Bad Luck Bouts +300 CP
iii. Bribed The Ref +200 CP
iv. Grudge Time +200 CP
v. Gravity Malfunction +100 CP
g. Perks
i. Time For A Tournament -Free
ii. Sneaky Sensor -100 CP
iii. Vargas Versus -200 CP
iv. Magic -300 CP
v. Miss Sue -200 CP
vi. I’m The Author -400 CP
vii. Kaio-Ken -400 CP
viii. Demon King Jumper -200 CP
h. Gear
i. Multiversal Manga -Free
ii. Multiverse Arena -200 CP
iii. Arale V2 -600 CP
31. Dragon Ball Super
a. Starting Location: The Thirteenth Universe
b. Origin: Hero
c. Age: [Import]
d. Gender: Female
e. Race: Saiyan [Import]
f. Drawbacks
i. Another Sequel +0 CP
ii. JumperZ +0 CP
iii. Strange Phobia: Spiders +100 CP
iv. Believer Of Justice +100 CP
v. Interesting Life +200 CP
vi. Put Out A Hit +300 CP
vii. Chained Pet +300 CP
viii. God Has Subscribed +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Super Power -Free
ii. Noppelganger -Free
iii. Image Training -Free
iv. Family Man -Free
v. Chill Out -Free
vi. Equilibrium -Free
vii. No Ego Zone -100 CP
viii. Another Step Up -200 CP
ix. Jumper Is Stronger Than Time -300 CP
x. Blooming Caulifla -600 CP
xi. Living Legend -600 CP
xii. Ki Technician -100 CP
xiii. Endless Power -600 CP
xiv. Helluva Woman -100 CP
xv. Ultra Instinct Sign -600 CP
xvi. Son of God -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Radish Farmer -Free
ii. Hot Spring Water -Free
32. Dragon Ball GT
a. Starting Location: Earth
b. Race: Saiyan
c. Origin: Explorer
d. Age: Import
e. Gender: Import
f. Drawbacks
i. Dragon Ball Jumper Tour +0 CP
ii. Baby Baby Baby Ooh +200 CP
iii. Seven Black Stars +300 CP
iv. Taking The Tour +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Tiny Amazon -Free
ii. 1/16th Saiyan -200 CP
iii. Manly Monkey Man -300 CP
iv. World of Steel and Iron -600 CP
v. Antivirus Subscription -100 CP
vi. Omega -600 CP
vii. Power -Free
viii. Youthful Grin -Free
ix. Revenge Made Manifest -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Magic Sword: Argetsverd Imported -Free
ii. Sacred Water -100 CP
iii. HFIL -300 CP
i. Companion
i. Jump Fighter: Auto-Fused -500 CP
33. Dragon Ball AF
a. Origin: Z-Warrior
b. Age: Import/Frieza Race Hybrid -300 CP
c. Geener: Female
d. Race: Racial Import (Saiyan)
e. Drawbacks
i. Past Connections +0 CP
ii. Villains of the Past +400 CP
iii. Caught In The Crossfire +200 CP
iv. Frieza’s Army +200 CP
v. Hungry Hungry Saiyan +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Ki -Free
ii. Behold My Power -100 CP
iii. Potential -600 CP
iv. Willpower -Free
v. All Day Every Day -Free
vi. The Art of Ki -200 CP
vii. Creation -200 CP
viii. Go Further Beyond -Free
ix. Perfected State -300 CP
x. Reduced Form -Free
xi. Weird Physiology -600 CP
xii. Go All Out -Free
xiii. Sweet Sweet Energy -400 CP
g. Companion
i. Canon Companion: Pan -100 CP
h. Gear
i. Gravity Chamber -600 CP
ii. Training Dummy -Free
34. Dragon Ball Xenoverse
a. Race: Saiyan
b. Age: Import
c. Gender: Import
d. Origin: Future Warrior
e. Starting Location: Toki Toki City
f. Scenario: I Have To Run The Time Patrol?!
g. Drawbacks
i. Echoes of Time +0 CP
ii. Summoned By Shenron +0 CP
iii. Friendly Rivalry +100 CP
iv. Chronoa Cooking School +100 CP
v. Guru’s House Is Under Attack! +200 CP
vi. History’s Most Wanted! +300 CP
vii. Ultimate Battle! +300 CP
viii. Fun With Fu +300 CP
h. Perks
i. An Era Of Warriors -Free
ii. I Don’t Know Who You Are, But Thank You -Free
iii. Hey, Where’d You Go? -Free
iv. The Right Moment -100 CP
v. No Butterflies Here -200 CP
vi. Meet The Challenge -300 CP
vii. Fighting Is My Life! -100 CP
viii. Never Give Up! -200 CP
ix. Shut Up! -400 CP
x. Keep Up Your Training! -600 CP
xi. Proper Management -200 CP
xii. You Cannot Control My Pride -600 CP
i. Gear
i. Groundbreaking Science -Free
ii. Advanced Scouter -Free
iii. Time Scroll -100 CP
iv. Portal Network -100 CP
v. Senzu Dispenser -200 CP
vi. A Cozy House -200 CP
vii. Parallel Room -300 CP
35. Final Fantasy VII
a. Age: 25
b. Gender: Male
c. Origin: Cetra -200 CP
d. Starting Location: Golden Saucer
e. Drawbacks
i. Bonus Bosses +600 CP
iii. Hunted +0 CP
f. Perks
i. Add Slots -300 CP
ii. Limit Break -300 CP
iii. SOLDIER First Class -600 CP
iv. Mage -Free
v. Voice Of The Planet -Free
vi. True Magic -300 CP
vii. Improved Materia Growth -200 CP
g. Gear
i. Basic Weapon -Free
ii. Basic Armor -Free
iii. Packet of Phoenix Down -Free
iv. Mysterious Cells -500 CP
v. Ultimate Limit Break -500 CP
h. Materia
i. Basic Spell Materia -Free
ii. Basic Support Materia -100 CP
iii. Basic Command Materia -50 CP
iv. Basic Independent Materia -50 CP
v. Basic Summoning Materia -Free
36. Chocobo Dungeon
a. Age: 6
b. Gender: Male
c. Origin: Chocobo
d. Starting Location: A Mysterious Racetrack
e. Drawbacks
i. Judgement Arcana +100 CP
ii. The Emperor Arcana +100 CP
iii. The Sun Arcana +100 CP
iv. Wheel of Fortune Arcana +100 CP
v. Veiled Aggression +300 CP
vi. The Void Beckons +200 CP
vii. Grief For Greed +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Fancy Footwork -Free
ii. A Matter Of Plumage x4 -800 CP
1. Blue
2. Green
3. White
4. Black
iii. Aggressive Salvaging -600 CP
iv. Enchanted Literature -400 CP
v. Each Time You Try -100 CP
vi. The Need For Speed -100 CP
vii. The Light of Change -200 CP
viii. Terra Anamnesis -400 CP
g. Gear
i. The Dungeon Delvers Shack -100 CP
1. The Flower Garden -50 CP
2. A Small Pond -50 CP
3. The Tune Up Station -50 CP
4. Sculpture Museum -50 CP
5. That Black Mage Left A Cauldron -100 CP
ii. The Seal Inscriber -200 CP
iii. The Card Maker -300 CP
37. Against The Gods - Blue Pole Star
a. Starting Location: Heavenly Basin Secret Realm
b. Age: 13
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Smooth -300 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. I’m Surrounded By Assholes +100 CP
ii. Cold and Aloof +200 CP
iii. Necessary Sovereignty +200 CP
iv. Profoundly Delicious +300 CP
v. Sacred Rage x4 +1200 CP
vi. Crippled Profound Veins +600 CP
vii. Treasured +600 CP
f. Perks (Total CP: 3900 + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Established Cultivation -Free
ii. Heavenly God’s Spiritual Veins -Free
iii. Outer Beauty Matching Inner Strength -200 CP
iv. The Tyrannical and Oppressive Presence -200 CP
v. Artisan of the Supreme Holy Heavens -300 CP
vi. The Legendary God-Forging Craftsman -400 CP
vii. Inheritor of Ancients x3 -Free
1. Dragon God’s Bloodline
2. Great Way of the Buddha
3. Evil God’s Profound Veins
viii. Gifted of the Heaven-Blessed Body x2 -1200 CP
1. Nine Profound Exquisite Body
2. Heart of Snow-Glazed Glass
ix. Celestial Profound Basic Decency Inducement -200 CP
x. Genius Rare As Quilin Horns And Phoenix Feathers -600 CP
xi. Heaven Defying Bottleneck Transcender -600 CP
xii. Wild Devil Screaming At The Heavens -Free
xiii. Supreme Saint of Medicine -200 CP
g. Gear
i. Heavenly Profound Treasure: Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword -300
CP (Argetsverd Imported)
ii. Disguise Kit -Free
iii. Supreme Emerald Spirit Garden -600 CP
iv. Heavenly Azure Profound Jungle -600 CP
38. Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
a. Origin: Summoned Hero
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Female
d. Race: Human
e. Starting Location: Melromarc
f. Drawbacks
i. Grace Period +0 CP
ii. This Country Is Full of Trash +100 CP
iii. Persona Non Grata +200 CP
iv. Hidden Knowledge +200 CP
v. People’s Hatred +300 CP
g. Perks
i. System (Sharable) -200 CP
ii. Level Uncapper -100 CP
iii. Magical Affinity: Modification -Free (Human)
iv. Magic Flow -300 CP
v. Dragon Pulse Order -300 CP
vi. Ki -300 CP
vii. Intimidation -Free
viii. Meta-Knowledge -Free
ix. Curse Series -300 CP
x. Jack of All Trades -600 CP
xi. Divine Protection -100 CP
xii. Genius Alchemist -200 CP
h. Gear (+200 Item CP, +2 Discounts)
i. Legendary Weapon: Sword, Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
1. Strengthening Methods x4 -200 Item CP
a. Proficiency
b. Energy Grant
c. Rarity Increase
d. Growth Elevation
ii. Bioplant Seeds -200 CP
iii. Crown Feather -100 CP (Discount)
iv. Dragon Emperor Fragment -100 CP (Discount)
v. Sky Fortress -200 CP (Discount)
39. Persona 5
a. Gender: Male
b. Origins: The Joker
c. Arcana: 0/The Fool
d. Drawbacks
i. Slice of Life +0 CP
ii. Jumper Kurusu +0 CP
iv. Looking Cool, Jumper! +100 CP
v. Gold Fever +200 CP
vi. Walking ATM +200 CP
vii. An “Apology” +200 CP
e. Perks
i. Gentleman Thief -Free
ii. Masked Thief -100 CP
iii. Gravure Idol -100 CP
iv. Friends and Confidants -100 CP
v. Picaresque -200 CP
vi. Do You Believe In The Phantom Thieves? -200 CP
vii. The Shadow of the True Self -400 CP
viii. The Fool -300 CP
ix. Social Link -600 CP
x. “You are a slave. Want emancipation?” -500 CP
1. Satan Saves Christmas
2. Awakening
f. Gear
i. Metaverse Navigator App -300 CP
ii. Social Link App -Free
iii. Velvet Room -300 CP
iv. Phan Site -300 CP
40. The Games We Play
a. Starting Location: Mistral (Drawback)
b. Gender: Female
c. Age: 33
d. Origin: Scientist
e. Race: Human -Free
f. Drawbacks
i. What? +100 CP
ii. Family Troubles +100 CP
iii. Mistral Bastard +100 CP
iv. The Fuck Are Angels? +200 CP
v. War In Heaven +500 CP
vi. Burden on the Earth +600 CP
vii. Enemy Of The Crown +600 CP
viii. Kingdom Come +800 CP
g. Perks (Total CP: 4000 + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Awoken Aura -Free
ii. Combat -Free
iii. Beneath the Mind’s Eye -100 CP
iv. Ripples In The Pond -200 CP
v. Unbound By Death -400 CP
vi. Shielded Soul -400 CP
vii. Archangel of Yesod -800 CP (+600 Semblance CP)
viii. Now, Rather Than Later -200 CP
ix. Goddamned Hardcore -100 CP
x. That We Achieve Immortality -600 CP
xi. Worth of Time -Free
xii. Pioneer -100 CP
xiii. The Science of the Soul -200 CP
xiv. Malkuth Theory -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Dust -400 CP
ii. Degrees -Free
iii. Let There Be Light -300 CP
i. Semblance (+600 Semblance CP)
i. Perception -200 CP
ii. Self-Affect -100 Semblance CP, -400 CP
iii. The Searing Light -300 Semblance CP
iv. Manipulation (Light) -800 CP
v. Meta -800 Semblance CP
41. RWBY
a. Starting Location: Kingdom of Atlas
b. Origin: Student
c. Age: 13
d. Gender: Female
e. Species: Cow-Faunus
f. Drawbacks
i. By My Shoulder +100 CP
ii. Delicious +100 CP
iii. Hunted (Hazel Reinhardt) +200 CP
iv. White Fang Grudge +200 CP
v. Clapped In Irons +400 CP
g. Perks
i. Aura -Free
ii. Beacon Academy For Supermodels -Free
iii. Red Like Roses -Free
iv. Basic Training -Free
v. Kids Will Be Kids -Free
vi. Isn’t It Past Your Bedtime? -Free
vii. I Want To Be A Hero -200 CP
viii. Overflowing Aura -300 CP
ix. Outnumbered -400 CP
x. Maiden’s Power: Fall -600 CP
xi. Combat Ready -600 CP
xii. Destiny -600 CP
h. Semblance Creation (+250 SP)
i. Effect -Free
1. Hyper Calculation: overclocks calculative abilities to utterly
absurd levels, allowing one to use mundane human senses to do
utterly absurd thing such as calculating the momentum, position,
spin, and energy levels of specific electrons. This, naturally,
extends to far simpler calculative abilities such as calculating
impromptu Rube Goldberg mechanisms or the structures of souls.
ii. Range: Tier 1 -Free
iii. Power: Tier 5 -250 SP -50 CP
iv. Usability: Tier 5 -300 CP
i. Weapon Creation (+300 WP)
i. Base Components -Free
1. Armor Up
2. Dustcaster
ii. Upgrades
1. General
a. Heavyweight -50 WP
b. Mobile -50 WP
c. Streamlined -50 CP
2. Dust Caster
a. Default Dust Type: Gravity -Free
b. Crystalline -50 WP
3. Armor Up
a. Reinforced -50 WP
b. Dangerously Fashionable -50 WP
c. Elysium Crusader -50 WP
j. Gear
i. Scroll -Free
ii. Munitions Restock -Free
iii. Cool Outfit -Free
iv. Project P.E.N.N.Y. -400 CP
v. Acceptance Letter -Free
vi. Textbooks -Free
42. Bloodborne
a. Age: 27
b. Gender: Female
c. Starting Location: Oedon’s Chapel
d. Origin: Hunter
e. Drawbacks
i. Inner Beast +0
ii. Hunters Dream +0
iii. Curiosity +100 CP
iv. The Hunted +200 CP
v. No Guard +200 CP
vi. Watching +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Rally -Free
ii. Blood Bullets -Free
iii. Hunter -Free
iv. Good Blood -Free (Tier 1 Freebie)
v. Insight -150 Free (Tier 2 Discount)
vi. Hematophagy -300 CP
vii. The Art of Quickening -600 CP
viii. Blood Saint -300 CP (Tier 3 Discount)
ix. Blood Artisan Plus -600 CP
x. Dream Walker -600 CP
xi. Bloodied Combat -400 CP
g. Gear
i. Victorian Doll -50 CP
ii. Gifts From the Little Ones -Free
iii. Bag of Quicksilver Bullets -Free
iv. Bag of Blood Vials -Free
v. Workshop Equipment -300 CP
h. Scenarios
i. Covenant Scenario
1. Lumenwood Kin
ii. Normal Scenarios
1. Zealot and Scholar
a. Zealot, then Scholar
2. Cursed Island
a. Lumenwood Kin Route
43. Seikon No Qwaser
a. Starting Location: St. Mihailov Academy
b. Origin: Qwaser -200 CP
c. Gender: Female
d. Age: 13
e. Drawbacks
i. Clothing Destruction +200 CP
ii. Kneel Before Katja! +400 CP
iii. Jumper VS Braun +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Missionary -100 CP
ii. Chapter and Verse -200 CP
iii. Jumper, The Pope -600 CP
iv. Milk-Tanks -100 CP
v. Self-Serve -200 CP
vi. The Sword of Maria -600 CP
vii. Elemental Excellence: Oxygen -Free
viii. Breast Feeder -100 CP
ix. Soma Battery -200 CP
x. Sword of Fresh Blood -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Anti-Qwaser Gun -200 CP
ii. Mega Maternity Bra -200 CP
iii. Daddy’s Money -400 CP
iv. Quick-Use Element Aid -Free
v. Alchemy Chamber -200 CP
h. Companion
i. QILF -100 CP
44. Generic Hentai Fantasy
a. Age: 15
b. Gender: Male
c. Starting Location: Erona Outpost
d. Origin: Noble (Paladin, Mage)
e. Drawbacks
i. Dynasty +100 CP
ii. Babies Ever After +300 CP
iii. “Absurdly Dangerous Deathworld” +400 CP
f. Perks
i. Bad Biology -200 CP
ii. Permanent Remodeling -400 CP
iii. Fragment Of A Pure Heart -600 CP
iv. Perfect Body -Free
v. Lay On Hands -100 CP
vi. Holy Blood -200 CP
vii. Lust Elemental -200 CP
viii. Sexy Summoner -300 CP
ix. Breeding Bitch -200 CP
x. Addicktive -400 CP
xi. Elves are for Lewds -300 CP
xii. Boosted Vitality -400 CP
g. Gear
i. Knightly Gear -Free
45. Ah! My Goddess
a. Age: 22
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Drop-In
d. Drawbacks
i. Ragnarok +600 CP
e. Perks
i. Jumper: Third Class, Category One, Limited Provisional -Free
ii. Normal Everyday University Student -Free
iii. My Eyes Have Been Opened -100 CP
iv. Angel, Not Former-Demon -200 CP
v. Missing Time -300 CP
vi. A Pure Soul -400 CP
vii. Goddess of War: First Class, Category Two, Unlimited -600 CP
viii. Developing Power Lines -400 CP
f. Gear
i. Motorhead -Free
ii. Limiters -50 CP
iii. Equipment -50 CP
iv. Divine Weapon: Argetsverd Import -200 CP
v. Gaia -600 CP
g. Companions
i. Schrodingers Whale -50 CP
ii. The Beast of Caerbannog -50 CP
iii. An Invitation To Another World -100 CP
h. Scenarios
i. Child of Ash and Elm
46. Claymore
a. Starting Location: Lautrec
b. Age: 22
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Warrior -150 CP
e. Race: Quarter-Yoma, Defense Focus -Free
f. Drawbacks
i. Armless +100 CP
ii. You Smell Delicious +200 CP
iii. Priscilla Likes You +200 CP
iv. Generational Abyss +300 CP
v. Fated Encounters +0 CP
g. Perks
i. Armor of Muscle -100 CP
ii. Basic Warrior Training -Free
iii. Enchanting Body and Hair -100 CP
iv. Sensory Type -100 CP
v. Great Drive -300 CP
vi. Advanced Fighting Technique x2 -450 CP (1 purchase discounted)
1. The Phantom Mirage
2. The Gentle Sword
vii. Yoki Manipulation -300 CP
viii. Luck With The Ladies -400 CP
ix. Power Suppression -200 CP
x. Strong Heart -300 CP
xi. Filled with Hate -600 CP
h. Awakened Form (+300 Awakened CP)
i. Malleable Body X2 -300 Awakened CP
i. Gear
i. Setting Appropriate Clothing -Free
ii. Claymore: Argetsverd Import -Free
j. Companion
i. Canon Companion -300 CP
47. Girl Genius
a. Age: 17
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Mad Scientist -100 CP
d. Starting Location: Sturmhalten
e. Drawbacks
ii. Shoddy Workmanship and Inferior Components +300 CP
iii. Othars New Friend +300 CP
f. Perks
ii. Scientist -Free
iii. Mental Exercises -150 CP
iv. Hero -150 CP
v. Freudian Fellow -200 CP
vi. Brutal Strength -200 CP
vii. Machiavellian Planning -300 CP
viii. Voice of Command -400 CP
ix. Regeneration -400 CP
x. Controlled Sparking -200 CP
xi. Smoke Knight Training -600 CP
xii. Strong Spark -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Minion -Free
48. Puella Magi Wraith Timeline
a. Age: 14
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Drop-In
d. Drawbacks
i. What Rebellion? +0
ii. Compulsive Eater +100 CP
iii. But That’s Forbidden Love! +100 CP
iv. Hexed +200 CP
v. Welcome To My World +600 CP
e. Perks
i. Exact Words -Free
ii. Keep it Cool -Free
iii. More Powerful Than Hope… -200 CP
iv. ...And Deeper than Despair -300 CP
v. Incubation of the Soul -300 CP
vi. Your Soft Smile -100 CP
vii. Don’t Give Up! -400 CP
viii. Hidden Power -600 CP
ix. Becoming Hope -600 CP
x. Decretum -600 CP
f. Magical Girl (+1000 MP)
i. Soul Gem -Free, Mandatory
1. Unaging
2. Magical Body
3. Magical Girls, Represent!
4. No Wish For You
5. Energy Requirements
6. It’s Called a Soul Gem For a Reason, you Moron
7. Game Over
ii. Power Has A Price: 400 Extra MP -400 CP
iii. Weapon -Free
1. Argetsverd
iv. Black Wings -100 MP
v. Stop Time -400 MP
vi. Enhanced Strength X3 -300 MP
vii. Enhanced Dexterity X3 -300 MP
viii. Vanity’s Reward -100 MP
ix. Cake~! X2 -200 MP
g. Gear (+300 Item CP)
i. School Papers -Free
ii. Isolation Field -300 Item CP
49. Puella Magi Homura Tamura
a. Starting Location: Whole Lotta Mami Time Flow
b. Age: 9
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: A Madoka!
e. Drawbacks
i. Sensitivity Training +100 CP
ii. Defrag Your Weapon! +100 CP
iii. Enemy Of The Mami State +200 CP
iv. Land of Three Hundred Soul Gems +300 CP
v. Unholy Quartet +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Fists Are A Magical Girl’s True Weapons! -600 CP
ii. Have A Good Genocide! -Free
iii. The Health Rep Can Do Anything! -300 CP
g. Gear
i. A Stark Red Ribbon -Free
ii. Akemi-Ya -600 CP
h. Companions
i. Canon Companion -100 CP
i. Powers
i. Soul Gem -200 CP
ii. The Homura Special -600 CP
iii. The Madoka Special -500 CP
iv. Warp! -Free
v. Time Flow Traversal -200 CP
vi. Level 9999 Boosted (24 Transformations) -400 CP
50. Archie Sonic Universe
a. The Choice: Original The Character
b. Age: 15
c. Gender: Male
d. Allegiance: Neutral
e. Origin: Wanderer
f. Origin Modifiers
i. From the Future: Wanderer Edition -Free
ii. From Space: Comrade Edition -500 CP
iii. With Magic: Wanderer Edition -300 CP
g. Drawbacks
i. Triple Troublemakers +100 CP
ii. Like A Summer Breeze +400 CP
iii. Special Zones +400 CP
iv. The Zone of Silence +400 CP
h. Perks
i. I Am All of Me -Free
ii. Dreams of an Absolution -200 CP
iii. Live and Learn -300 CP
iv. Knight of the Wind -100 CP
v. What I’m Made Of -600 CP
vi. Sweet as Honey -100 CP
vii. Fly In The Freedom -600 CP
i. Gear (+200 Item CP)
i. Infinite Chili Dogs -Free
ii. Custom Shoes -200 Item CP
1. Homing Smash
2. Tornado
iii. Lake of Rings -300 CP
iv. Ancestral Weapon -600 CP (Argetsverd Imported)
j. Companion
i. Canon Companion -200 CP
51. Classic Sonic
a. Origin: Freedom Fighter
b. Age: 11
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Cocoa Island
e. Drawbacks
i. Bad Future +400 CP
ii. The Eaten Time +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Bonus Stage -600 CP
ii. Super Attitude -Free
iii. Super Peel-Out -Free
iv. Super Speed -100 CP
v. Spin Attack -100 CP
vi. Insta-Shield -200 CP
vii. Blast Processing -200 CP
viii. Fastest Thing Alive -300 CP
ix. Knock Knock -200 CP
x. Guardian of the Master Emerald -400 CP
xi. Power Enriched By The Heart -600 CP
xii. Smooth Criminal -Free
xiii. The Blessing of the Little Planet -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Super Shoes -Free
ii. A Personal Zone -300 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion -200 CP
52. Wadanohara And The Great Blue Sea
a. Age: 14
b. Gender: Female
c. Race: Witch of Evolution
d. Starting Location: Sea God’s Castle
e. Origin: Witch -200 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. I’m Not A Shark! +100 CP
ii. Wadanohara’s Familiar +200 CP
iii. It’s Already Here +300 CP
iv. The Scorn of a Witch +400 CP
g. Perks
i. Water Breathing -Free
ii. Land Walking -Free
iii. Body Granter -600 CP
iv. Favored Child -400 CP
v. A Loving Hug -600 CP
vi. Rebirth of the Damned -600 CP
vii. This Is The Story Of A Witch -Free
viii. Good Witch -Free
ix. She, The Moon, And I, The Sea -100 CP
x. Moon Mother (Chaos) -300 CP
xi. Barely Survived That Poison -200 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion -200 CP
i. Gear
i. The Sacred Sword (Argetsverd Imported) -400 CP
ii. Witch’s Broom -Free
j. Scenario
i. Blue Sea Cleanup
53. World of Cultivation
a. Starting Location: Great Peace City
b. Age: 8
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Sword Cultivating Xiu
e. Race: Mo: Cow -50 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Added Time +0 CP
ii. Sadistic Pen Pal +100 CP
iii. Zombie Face +100 CP
iv. War Comes +200 CP
v. Stars In Daytime +400 CP
vi. Life of a Flower Slave +600 CP
g. Perks
i. Ling Food Chef -200 CP
ii. Ling Infusion -600 CP
iii. Ling Dan Making -200 CP
iv. Xiu Art Of The Sword -Free
v. My Body Is A Sword -100 CP
vi. Cultivation By Leaps And Bounds -200 CP
vii. Cultivation Through Hardship -Free
viii. Mo Workout Plan -200 CP
ix. Play Nice -100 CP
x. Basic Cultivation Method -Free
xi. Advanced Cultivation Method -1000 CP +50 Cultivation CP
h. Gear (+700 Item CP)
i. Ling Dan Snack Pack -50 CP
ii. Small Ling Dan Starter Kit -Free
iii. Spatial Ring -Free
iv. Ancient Mentor -100 Item CP
v. Inner World -100 Item CP
vi. Ling Vein Seed -300 CP
vii. Shen Power Methodology -400 Item CP
viii. Secret Paradise -300 CP
ix. Sun Crystal Seed -400 CP
x. Lil Fire -100 Item CP
xi. Mo Matrix -200 CP
i. Cultivation Method Customization (+35 Cultivation CP)
i. Focus
1. Sword -Free
2. Body -Free
3. Mind -5 Cultivation CP
ii. Effects
1. Permanent Tempering x17 -48 Cultivation CP
2. Precision -2 Cultivation CP
3. Cut -2 Cultivation CP
4. Bludgeon -2 Cultivation CP
5. Flight -2 Cultivation CP
6. Temperature Immunity -5 Cultivation CP
7. Toxin Immunity -5 Cultivation CP
iii. Special Cultivation Methods
1. Meditation -Free
2. Specific Activity: Training -3 Cultivation CP
3. Specific Activity: Fighting -3 Cultivation CP
4. Automatic Tempering -5 Cultivation CP
iv. Aesthetics
1. Skin Smoothing, Beauty Enhancing -3 Cultivation CP
a. Starting Location: Ashton
b. Origin: The Hunger
c. Race: Human
d. Age: 23
e. Gender: Female
f. Drawbacks
i. Targets +1200 CP
1. The Tyrant
2. The Broker
3. The Cult
4. The Wrecking Ball
5. The Monstrosity
6. The Gang
ii. Target of the Thorns +300 CP
iii. Pursuers +400 CP
iv. Kill Seven Black Emperors +700 CP
g. Perks
i. Hope -100 CP
ii. Sense Atum -100 CP
iii. Red Arts -Free
iv. White Arts -Free
v. Coherency -100 CP
vi. Toolless -100 CP
vii. Will To Kill -300 CP
viii. The Red-White Art -300 CP
ix. Self-Aware -200 CP
x. The Master Of The Universe -600 CP
xi. I Choose King -600 CP
xii. Creativity -Free
xiii. The Eternal Flame -200 CP
xiv. Pure Ego -800 CP
xv. Demiurge -500 CP
xvi. The Sanctioned Action -700 CP
h. Martial Arts
i. Medicine Palm -200 CP
ii. Pattram Sword Hand -300 CP
i. Gear
i. Meti’s Sword Manual -Free
55. The Irregular At Magic Highschool
a. Origin: BS Magician
b. Starting Location: Extra Clan Compound
c. Gender: Female
d. Age: 20
e. Drawbacks
i. Emotion Dampener +200 CP
ii. Rival +200 CP
iii. Unwanted Attention +400 CP
f. Perks
i. Non-Systematic Type Magic -400 CP
ii. Flash Cast -600 CP
iii. Series Magician (Fortress) -Free
iv. Cardinal Codes -200 CP
v. Superpower X3 -600 CP (One Free)
1. Regrowth
2. Decomposition
3. Elemental Sight
vi. Magical Coding -100 CP
vii. Magic Sequence Capacity -200 CP
viii. Artificial Magic Calculation Area -600 CP
ix. Strategic-Class Magician -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Aura HUD Lenses -Free
56. Dies Irae
a. Starting Location: Suwahara City, Japan
b. Origin: Student
c. Gender: Female
d. Age: 16
e. Drawbacks
i. Jinxed +100 CP
ii. Do You Remember Those Days +200 CP
iii. Slimy Snakes +200 CP
iv. Rise of the Machina +300 CP
v. Psycho Relic +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Die Ewigkeit -Free
ii. Mephistopheles -400 CP
iii. Atzcencion -200 CP
iv. Personal Faith -Free
v. Future Planning -Free
vi. Convenient Woman -Free
vii. Soldiers Never Cease -Free
viii. Gotterdammerung -200 CP
ix. Beast of Possibility -300 CP
x. Broken Chains -300 CP
xi. True Love For All -100 CP
xii. Witch -200 CP
xiii. Round And Round -600 CP
xiv. Will You Marie Me -600 CP
g. Ahnenerbe
i. Tier: First Tier -Free
ii. Import: Argetsverd -100 CP
h. Briah
i. Type: Hadou
ii. Level: Three -400 CP
i. Gear
i. Pocket Friend -Free
j. Companion
i. The Heart -200 CP (+600 Heart CP +500 UDB Companion CP)
1. Sunny Beach -Free
2. The Reason For My Birth -Free
3. Untouched By The World -Free
4. Old Hermit No More -Free
5. A New Route -200 UDB Companion CP
6. Golden Ending -300 Heart CP
7. Relics of the Past -300 Heart CP
8. A Summer Holiday -300 UDB Companion CP
57. Shin Megami Tensei
a. Origin: Rebellious Spirit
b. Gender: Female
c. Age: 20
d. Starting Location: Echo Building, Kichijoji
e. Drawbacks
i. The Pre-Apocalypse, Apocalypse, and Post-Apocalypse +0
ii. The Girl That Was Killed In The Park +100 CP
iii. Two Steps from Hell +200 CP
iv. Sick Little Puppy +200 CP
v. Seven Hells Battle +300 CP
vi. World of Law +1000 CP
f. Perks
i. Primordial Might -600 CP
ii. Demon Summoner (Boosted) -600 CP
iii. Wasn’t So Tough After All -Free
iv. Burning Spirit -200 CP
v. Demonic Fusion (Boosted) -300 CP
1. Fenrir
vi. Ninth Circle Sorcery -400 CP
vii. Kugutsu Magic -100 CP
viii. Sacrificial Bestowment -600 CP
ix. Theme Music -Free
x. Environmental Protection -100 CP
xi. Psychodiver -100 CP
xii. Dormant Power -500 CP
g. Gear
i. Gullible DDS-NET User -50 CP
ii. Magnetite -50 CP
iii. Talisman -400 CP
iv. COMP -100 CP
v. Clandestine Pouch -Free
vi. Soma -200 CP
58. Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
a. Origin: Demi-Fiend -200 CP
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Male
d. Starting Location: Shinjuku Medical Center
e. Drawbacks
i. Directionally Impaired +100 CP
ii. Enemy of Reason x3 +600 CP
iii. Hard Mode +800 CP
iv. By His Command +1000 CP
f. Perks
i. Demon Leader -100 CP
ii. Amala User -400 CP
iii. Unbound By Form -200 CP
iv. Ever Evolving -600 CP
v. Magatama of Marogareh -Free
vi. Candelabrum -100 CP
vii. Limitless Potential -200 CP
viii. Pierce -300 CP
ix. Magatama of Masakados -1000 CP
g. Gear
i. 20 Lifestones -100 CP
ii. 10 Revival Beads -100 CP
iii. 3 Beads of Life -200 CP
iv. Fountain of Life -200 CP
v. Cathedral of Shadows -200 CP
vi. The Labyrinth of Amala -200 CP
vii. The Vortex World -400 CP
viii. Large Amount of Magatsuchi -400 CP
h. Companion
i. Lord of Shadows -Free
ii. Pixie Partner -100 CP (+600 Companion CP +500 UD Companion CP)
1. Demon Leader -100 Companion CP
2. Demon-Got -200 Companion CP
3. Demonic Form -Free
4. Unbound By Form -100 Companion CP
5. Fusion Master -Free
6. Ever Evolving -300 Companion CP
7. Limitless Potential -400 Companion CP
59. Supernatural
a. Starting Location: Chicago, Illinois
b. Origin: Angel
c. Age: 26 (Appearance), 1,000 Years (True)
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. Renewed By Popular Demand +0 CP
ii. Heaven’s Most Wanted +300 CP
iii. Enemy of Hell +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Clairsentience -100 CP
ii. Telekinesis -400 CP
iii. Monstrous Durability -400 CP
iv. Alpha -600 CP
v. Angel Radio -Free
vi. Localization -Free
vii. Guardian Angel -100 CP
viii. On The Wings Of A Prayer -200 CP
ix. Touched By An Angel -300 CP
x. Witch’s Wager -200 CP
xi. Natural -400 CP
g. Gear
i. Matching Tattoos -200 CP
ii. Holy Oil -Free
iii. Angelic Grace -Free
iv. Angel Proofing -200 CP
60. Doctor Who
a. Starting Location: Earth, Rome, 1,000 BCE
b. Age: 10
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Madman
e. Race: Weeping Angel -600 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Mode Locked +100 CP
ii. Interesting Times +100 CP
iii. Doctor Who? +200 CP
iv. Renegade +200 CP
v. Priority Target: Weeping Angels +700 CP
g. Perks
i. I Speak Everything! -Free
ii. Literally Anything That Moves -200 CP
iii. Recall of Ages -200 CP
iv. Omega-Level Intellect -400 CP
v. Run! -Free
vi. The Fury of a Time Lord -100 CP
vii. You’re Brilliant! -200 CP
viii. CSTE -300 CP
ix. Indomitable Spirit -400 CP
x. The Sheer Arrogance -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Maximized Archives -800 CP
ii. Time Lord’s Basic Gear -Free
iii. Rift -600 Scenario CP
i. Scenarios
i. The Not-coming Storm
1. +200 Scenario CP
2. Type 40 Time Travel Capsule -Free
ii. Babysitting
1. +400 Scenario CP
2. The Doctor: Companion
61. The Legend of Zelda - Golden Era
a. Origin: Hero
b. Race: Hylian
c. Age: 11
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Worthiness +100 CP
ii. What Is This Subtlety You Speak Of? +100 CP
iii. Damnable Lord +200 CP
iv. A Lover From Afar +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Wake The Lion -Free
ii. Give Him Fangs -100 CP
iii. Reforged By Human Hands -200 CP
iv. The Ur Hero -300 CP
v. Divine Ransom -400 CP
vi. Golden Years -100 CP
vii. Beloved of the Goddess -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Goddess Harp -100 CP
ii. Sailcloth Scarf -Free
iii. Spirit Weapon: Argetsverd Import -100 CP
iv. Master Sword: Argetsverd Import -200 CP
v. The Pillar of Heaven -600 CP
vi. True Goddess Blade -300 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion: Hylia -200 CP
62. The Legend of Zelda - Minish Cap
a. Starting Location: Hyrule Town
b. Age: (Link) 13
c. Gender: (Reincarnation) Female
d. Race: Hylian
e. Origin: Hero -100 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. The Princesses’ Friend, An Incarnation +300 CP
ii. This Fucking Hat! +100 CP
iii. Difficulty Choice, Master Edition +200 CP
g. Perks
i. Game Matters -Free
ii. Borne Of Steel -Free
iii. The Next Swiftblade -100 CP
iv. Shield Up! -200 CP
v. Tiger Scrolls -300 CP
vi. Soul of Light -600 CP
vii. Magic x3 -300 CP (3 elements free)
1. Fire
2. Water
3. Earth
4. Wind
5. Darkness
viii. Speaking From A Pure Heart -50 CP
ix. Hero of Men -150 CP
x. Restoring Legends -300 CP
h. Gear
i. A Place To Put Things -50 CP
ii. A Complete Collection of Zelda Game Guides -Free
iii. Figurines -Free
iv. Smith’s Sword: Argetsverd Imported -50 CP
v. The Four Sword: Argetsverd Imported -650 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion -250 CP
63. The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
a. Race: Hylian
b. Age: 10
c. Gender: Female
d. Blessing: Courage
e. Path: Light
f. Drawbacks
i. Return To The Past +0 CP
ii. Link, Get Up! +0 CP
iii. Land of Legends +100 CP
iv. Would You Like Me To Repeat That? +100 CP
v. Childish Games +200 CP
vi. A Golden Opportunity +300 CP
vii. The Second Unification War +400 CP
g. Perks
i. Gold And Glory -Free
ii. On Dangerous Grounds -Free
iii. Rough and Ready -100 CP
iv. Striking Hero(ine) -100 CP
v. Jack of All Trades -200 CP
vi. Adventurous Spirit -200 CP
vii. The Destiny Of A Hero -300 CP
viii. The Hero’s Tools -400 CP
ix. To Cast Away The Darkness -600 CP
x. Heart Heat -200 CP
xi. The Blue Depths -200 CP
xii. Not So Lost -200 CP
xiii. Allow Me To Explain -Free
xiv. Life In The Sun -Free
xv. Heart Filled With Light -200 CP
h. Gear
i. Magic Beans -Free
ii. Bottle Set -Free
iii. Happy Masks -Free
iv. Kokiri Sword -Free
v. Fairy Bow -100 CP
vi. The Ocarina of Time -300 CP
vii. The Master Sword: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
i. Companions
i. Fairy Follower -Free
ii. Destined Companion (Malon) -200 CP
64. The Legend of Zelda - Majora’s Mask
a. Origin: Runaway
b. Starting Location: Clock Town, Termina
c. Age: 13 (Import)
d. Gender: Female (Import)
e. Drawbacks
i. Safe Travels +0 CP
ii. Dawn Of The First Day +0 CP
iii. Tingle Troubles +100 CP
iv. Just A Dream +100 CP
v. A Day Without A Good Deed +100 CP
vi. Targeted By “Them” +200 CP
vii. The Terrible Twosome +200 CP
viii. Koume and Kotake +300 CP
f. Gauntlet Scenario: Dawn Of The First Day (Starting CP=0)
i. Dawn Of A New Day Rewards
1. Song of Time
2. Ocarina of Jumps Upgraded
g. Perks (CP: 900 + 1500 UD CP)
i. Three Sleepless Nights -200 CP
ii. Begone, Troublemaker -400 CP
iii. Go With My Blessing -Free
iv. Trapped In Another’s Form -100 CP
v. Blessing of Time -200 CP
vi. Song of Healing -300 CP
vii. Zubora Gabora -200 CP
h. Gear
i. The Moon -600 CP
ii. Ocarina of Jumps -Free
iii. Fully Armed (Sword + Shield) -200 CP
iv. Fierce Deity Mask -300 CP
65. The Legend of Zelda - Oracle of Ages
a. Origin: Hero
b. Age: 18
c. Gender: Female
d. Drawbacks
i. Linked Games +0 CP
ii. I Wanna Be The Guy +0 CP
iii. Wearing A Cursed ring +100 CP
iv. Ambi’s Ire +100 CP
v. A Supremely Resourceful Witch +200 CP
vi. A Sprinkle Of Holy Blood +300 CP
e. Perks
i. Paradox Proof -600 CP
ii. I’m Too Busy To Give You Hints! -Free
iii. Even The Trees Want Him -100 CP
iv. Wander Throughout The Ages -300 CP
v. A Song For The Ages -200 CP
vi. The Second Oracle of Ages -600 CP
vii. Perfect Timekeeping -100 CP
viii. Link Tells A Joke -200 CP
ix. Magic Ring Identification -300 CP
f. Gear
i. Armaments Of The Hero -Free
ii. L2 Upgrade: Argetsverd -100 CP
iii. Hall of Secrets -300 CP
g. Companion
i. The Great Maku Tree -200 CP
ii. ‘Nayru’ -200 CP
66. The Legend of Zelda - Oracle of Seasons
a. Origin: Hero
b. Gender: Female
c. Age: 22
d. Starting Location: Holodrum
e. Drawbacks
i. Linked Games +0 CP
ii. Flame of Sorrow +0 CP
iii. I Wanna Be The Guy +0 CP
iv. Wearing A Cursed Ring +100 CP
v. What Fine Clothes +100 CP
vi. Random Seasons +100 CP
vii. Inner Completionist +200 CP
viii. Crash Into Hello +200 CP
ix. A Sacrifice Of Holy Blood +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Golden Monsters -400 CP
ii. All Forms Of Combat -Free
iii. Through Your Nightmares -100 CP
iv. Master Swordsman -200 CP
v. Strolling Through The Seasons -300 CP
vi. A Dance For The Changing Of Seasons -200 CP
vii. The Second Oracle Of Seasons -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Mysterious Seed of Courage -100 CP
ii. Hall of Essence -600 CP
iii. Armaments Of The Hero -Free
iv. L2 Upgrade: Argetsverd -100 CP
v. Hall of Secrets -300 CP
vi. Temple of Seasons -400 CP
vii. A Rather Strange Flute -100 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion (Din) -100 CP
i. Oracle of Scenario DLC
i. Path: Hero
ii. Rewards
1. Blessing of Courage
2. Farore (Companion)
67. The Legend of Zelda - Link’s Awakening
a. Origin: Drop-In
b. Gender: Female
c. Age: 15
d. Starting Location: Toronbo Shores
e. Drawbacks
i. Just Another Link In The Chain +0 CP
ii. Timeline Words +0 CP
iii. Glitchy +300 CP
iv. THIEF! +100 CP
v. Broken Underworld +200 CP
vi. Fetch Quest +200 CP
f. Perks
i. Lost At Sea -Free
ii. Tall Grass Goodies -Free
iii. Can I Ask A Favor? -200 CP
iv. Relics -300 CP
v. I’ll Trade You! -400 CP
g. Gear
i. L-2 Sword: Argetsverd Imported -200 CP
ii. Blue Tunic: Combined -300 CP
iii. Red Tunic: Combined -300 CP
iv. Tracy’s Medicine -400 CP
v. Photo Album -Free
vi. Boomerang -600 CP
vii. Dreamland -600 CP
68. The Legend of Zelda - A Link Between Worlds
a. Origin: Princess
b. Gender: Female
c. Age: 24
d. Starting Location: Hyrule
e. Race: Hylian
f. Drawbacks
i. Continuity +0 CP
ii. Puzzled +100 CP
iii. Hero’s Duty +100 CP
iv. Latecomer +200 CP
v. Hero Mode +200 CP
g. Perks
i. Witch’s Wares -200 CP
ii. Iron Will -200 CP
iii. Link Between Worlds -600 CP
iv. Divine Beauty -Free
v. Feudal Fortunes -100 CP
vi. Hyrule’s Magic -300 CP
vii. Lorule’s Magic -600 CP
viii. Paintbrush Magic -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Master Sword: Argetsverd Imported -400 CP
ii. Golden Tiara -Free
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion (Link) -100 CP
j. Scenarios
i. Mother Maiamai’s Mission
ii. A New Kingdom
69. The Legend of Zelda - The Adventure of Link
a. Origin: Hyrule Native
b. Age: 14
c. Gender: Female
d. Drawbacks
i. A Mysterious Land +100 CP
ii. Let’s Play The Money Taking Game +100 CP
iii. The Eyes of Ganon Are Everywhere +200 CP
iv. A Hostile Land +200 CP
v. They Are Unending +300 CP
e. Perks
i. Vagabond Knight -100 CP
ii. Heart Container -200 CP
iii. Sword Beam -200 CP
iv. Growing Stronger -400 CP
v. Courageous and True -600 CP
vi. Dangerous To Go Alone -Free
vii. Buy Something Will Ya -Free
viii. Magic Container x8 -400 CP (4 Free)
ix. The Witch’s Brew -200 CP
x. The Wise Man’s Teachings -300 CP
f. Gear
i. Magical Sword And Shield: Argetsverd Imported -600 CP
ii. Dungeon Map -Free
g. Companions
i. The Wandering Hero, Link -400 CP
70. The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess
a. Age: 20
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Adventurer
d. Race: Hylian
e. Starting Location: Ordon Village
f. Drawbacks
i. Ancient History +0 CP
ii. The Chosen Hero +0 CP
iii. Monkey Business +100 CP
iv. Monster Problems +100 CP
v. Double Damage +100 CP
vi. Hero Mode +200 CP
vii. Fetch Quest +200 CP
g. Perks
i. Triforce of Courage -400 CP
ii. Highest Peaks, Lowest Valleys -400 CP
iii. Treasure Finder -Free
iv. Artifact Hunter -300 CP
v. Sorcerer -600 CP
vi. Blessing Of The Gods -Free
h. Gear
i. Blade of Legend: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
ii. Basic Outfit -Free
iii. Sword of the Sages: Argetsverd Imported -Free
iv. The Master Sword: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
i. Companion
i. Midna -Free
ii. Canon Companion -50 CP
iii. Companion Import (Jump Fighter) -50 CP (+600 Companion CP +500 UD
Companion CP)
1. Triforce of Power -800 CP
2. Alternate History -100 Companion CP
3. Inventory -200 UD Companion CP
4. Hidden Skills -400 Companion CP
5. Blessing of the Gods -300 UD Companion CP
6. Zero Point Drawback: Execution Scar
71. The Legend of Zelda - Hyrule Warriors
a. Starting Location: Hyrule Castle
b. Age: 17
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Warrior of Light
e. Race: Hylian
f. Drawbacks
i. HYAAAAGH!!! +100 CP
ii. Outnumbered, Outmatched +200 CP
iii. Gatecrasher +300 CP
g. Perks
i. War Potential -200 CP
ii. Goron Smithing -200 CP
iii. Comfortable Advance -Free
iv. Deft Hand -Free
v. Evil Slaying Blade -100 CP
vi. Weapon Magic -200 CP
vii. Cutting Off The Snake’s Head -200 CP
viii. Tempered By Light -300 CP
ix. Mystic Agility -100 CP
x. The Magic Touch -200 CP
xi. Lord of Darkness -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Glass Bottle -Free
ii. Hook Shot -Free
iii. Spinner -Free
iv. Bow and Infinite Arrows -100 CP
v. Gate of Souls -600 CP
i. Companion
i. Fairy Friend -Free
ii. Canon Companion x2 -300 CP
72. The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker
a. Age: 18
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Child of Legend
d. Race: Hylian
e. Starting Location: Outset Island
f. Drawbacks
i. The Adult Timeline +0 CP
ii. Money Troubles +100 CP
iii. No Boat +100 CP
iv. Smarter Monsters +100 CP
v. You Got Bad Habits! +100 CP
vi. Pigs Are The New Cucco +200 CP
vii. Just Another Link In The Chain +200 CP
g. Perks
i. Crystallized Magic -600 CP
ii. Royal’s Wisdom -600 CP
iii. Time Tested Techniques -Free
iv. Under A Barrel -Free
v. Super Not Drowning Skills -100 CP
vi. Hero's Courage -300 CP
vii. Kind Heart And Pointy Ears -Free
h. Companion
i. A Yellow Fairy -100 CP
ii. A Blue Fairy -200 CP
iii. A Red Fairy -200 CP
i. Gear
i. Empty Jar -Free
ii. Enhanced Complementary Coupon -50 CP
iii. Strangely Colored Gem x3 -150 CP
iv. Phantom Blade: Argetsverd Import -400 CP
v. Phantom Hourglass: Argetsverd Import -600 CP
73. The Legend of Zelda - Spirit Tracks
a. Origin: Engineer
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: New Hyrule
e. Drawbacks
i. The Wind Wakes Once More +0 CP
ii. A Song That Echoes Throughout Time +0 CP
iii. Choo Choo Motherfucker +100 CP
iv. I Hate The Microphone +100 CP
v. I’m Sorry, Were You In A Hurry? +200 CP
vi. I’m Told It’s Something Of A Tradition +200 CP
f. Perks
i. A Strong Feeling of Gratitude -200 CP
ii. Pull The Whistle -Free
iii. Tutorial Guy -Free
iv. You Seem Cuter Than Usual -200 CP
v. Its Name Is New Hyrule -400 CP
g. Items
i. Spirit Tracks -600 CP
ii. Train Shed -Free
iii. Stamp Book -Free
iv. Lost At Sea Station -300 CP
v. New Hyrule -600 CP
vi. Rabbit Sanctuary -100 CP
h. Trains
i. New Hyrule Classic, ‘The Engineer -Free
ii. New Hyrule Classic, ‘The Royal’ -Free
iii. New Hyrule Basics, ‘The Cannon’ -Free
iv. New Hyrule Basics, ‘The Load’ -Free
v. Lokomo Classics, ‘The Spirited -100 CP
vi. Lokomo Basics, ‘The Sea Train’ -100 CP
vii. Lokomo Royal, ‘The Phantom’ -200 CP
viii. Dark Realm Basics, The Bomber -100 CP
ix. Dark Realm Basics, ‘The Light’ -100 CP
i. Gear (+200 Gear CP)
i. Recruit Sword (Argetsverd Imported) -100 Gear CP
ii. Shield -100 Gear CP
iii. Light Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
j. Companion
i. Canon Companion -100 CP
74. The Legend of Zelda - Breath Of The Wild
a. Starting Location: Great Plateau
b. Race: Hylian
c. Gender: Female
d. Age: 19
e. Roles: Armsman, Paragon
f. Drawbacks
i. The Hero Of The Wild +0 CP
ii. Into Each Life +200 CP
iii. Hard Times +200 CP
iv. Master Mode +400 CP
v. The Breath Of The Wild +400 CP
vi. Trials Of The Hero of Hyrule +600 CP
g. Perks
i. No Valley Too Low -100 CP
ii. Into The Wild -600 CP
iii. Wind Arts - Mind Over Matter -600 CP
iv. The Hand That Wields -Free
v. Into The Fray -100 CP
vi. Like a Howling Storm -200 CP
vii. A True Knight -300 CP
viii. I Believe In You -Free
ix. Creme de la Creme -100 CP
x. Worthiest of Hands -200 CP
xi. Ballad Of The Champions -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Sheikah Slate -Free
1. Basic Runes -100 CP
2. Advanced Runes x8 -500 CP
ii. A Hero’s Emblem: Argetsverd Imported -200 CP
iii. The Sword That Seals The Darkness: Argetsverd Import -800 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion -200 CP
75. The Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword
a. Origin: Knight
b. Age: 19
c. Gender: Female
d. Race: Skyloftian
e. Starting Location: Skyloft
f. Drawbacks
i. Hero of the Golden Era +0 CP
ii. Hero of the Sky +0 CP
iii. The Limitations Of A Disk +100 CP
iv. Bearing A Cursed Medallion +200 CP
v. You Should Have Given Her Paper +200 CP
vi. Dr-Again +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Precise Bladework -Free
ii. Inherit The Sky -Free
iii. Late and Useless -100 CP
iv. Shield? What Shield? -300 CP
v. I...Suppose… -100 CP
vi. The Long Way Round -100 CP
vii. Spirit Warrior -200 CP
viii. The Masters Sword -100 CP
ix. Skyward Strike -200 CP
x. I Feel Immense Gratitude! -200 CP
xi. Night Falls Upon The Golden Land -400 CP
xii. Demon Tribesman -600 CP
h. Items (+200 Item CP)
i. Personal Island -200 Item CP
ii. Isle In The Sky -600 CP
iii. Loftwing -Free
iv. Silent Realm -300 CP
v. Remlit -50 CP
i. Gear (+300 Gear CP)
i. Potion Set -300 Gear CP
j. Companions
i. Hylia -Free
ii. Companion Import: Argetsverd -50 CP (+600 Companion CP, +500 UD
Companion CP, +100 Item Companion CP, +200 Gear Companion CP)
1. Origin: Spirit Blade
2. Perks
a. The Masters Sword -Free
b. Allow Me To Introduce Myself -Free
c. Skyward Strike -100 CP
d. High Probability -200 CP
e. A Shadow Of Yourself -200 CP
f. A Prison For The Damned -300 CP
3. Items
a. Sheath -Free
b. Spare Body -100 Item Companion CP
c. Path To The Sacred Flame -300 CP
4. Gear
a. Extra Bag -200 Gear CP
76. The Legend of Zelda Jumpchain
a. Time Period: Force Era (Free Choice)
b. Race: Hylian
c. Age: 14
d. Gender: Female
e. Origin: Soldier -50 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Termina Theory +300 CP
ii. Sequence Breaking +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Combat Training -Free
ii. Z-Targeting -100 CP
iii. Blessings of Shadows -300 CP
iv. Blessing of Din -150 CP
v. Blessing of Farore -300 CP
vi. Blessing of Nayru -300 CP
vii. Mimic -600 CP
viii. Soul of a Warrior -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Adventurer Bag -Free
ii. Basic Gear -Free
iii. Mask of Truth -200 CP
iv. Shard of Agony -200 CP
v. Mirror Polish: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
vi. Evil’s Bane: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
77. Dark Souls 1
a. Starting Location: Anor Londo
b. Age: ???
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Firekeeper
e. Drawbacks
i. Cackling Stalker +100 CP
ii. Unwanted Visitors +200 CP
iii. All Mimics +200 CP
iv. Welcome to the Bone Zone +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Soul Collector -200 CP
ii. Sorcery -100 CP
iii. Miracles -100 CP
iv. Pyromancy -100 CP
v. Mystic Ember Smithing -400 CP
vi. Strange Journey: Chosen Undead, Path of the Dragon -200 CP
vii. Bonfire Creation -Free
viii. Soul Growth -100 CP
ix. Gnawed by Infinity -200 CP
x. A Nice Long Rest -300 CP
xi. Seath’s Studies -600 CP
xii. Draconic Transformation -600 CP
xiii. Amazing Chest Ahead -100 CP
g. Gear
i. Estus Flasks -Free
ii. Armor and Weapon Smithbox -100 CP
iii. Cleaning Cloth -Free
iv. Homeward Bones -Free
v. Coiled Sword -150 CP
vi. Very Large Ember -50 CP
h. Scenarios
i. Age of Fire
ii. Age of Dark
iii. Eternal Dragon
i. Knight Arm of Souls: Torch of Undying Light
i. A coal black torch, the head of which glows dimly with a prismatic light
yet no flame. To ignite the torch-and thus activate the Knight Arm-one
must gather up their hopes, their dreams, their rage, their sorrow-any and
every emotion they can, and invest them into it. The torch will burst into
prismatic flames, turning emotion into power at a truly phenomenal
efficiency. The true power of the torch is only revealed once one passes on
an ember of these prismatic flames onto one’s allies. By reaching into the
flames, one will find they are cool and oddly friendly...and as one holds an
ember of the Torch without holding the torch itself, that ember will fuse
and grow within the holder. This does not harm them in the slightest,
instead providing greater strength, speed, and powers based on the Knight
Arm Wielders own capabilities depending on what the Torch Wielder
offers into the Embers. The stronger an Ember Holder’s emotions grow,
the stronger the Ember within them will grow as well. The greatest benefit
of the Ember Holders is their capacity to offer up their power back to the
Torch no matter where they are-this cannot be done unwillingly, but
neither can an Ember Holder willingly harm or betray the Torch Wielder.
In offering up their power, the strength of the Torch will grow manifold
times beyond the strength its Wielder could ever manifest on their own,
drawing on the “faith” of the Embers it has sewn.
78. Dark Souls 2
a. Starting Location: No Man’s Wharf
b. Age: ???
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Scholar -200 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Hoarder +100 CP
ii. Land of Inconvenience +100 CP
iii. Killer Piggies +200 CP
iv. Pain Magnet +200 CP
f. Perks
i. Eternal Memories -600 CP
ii. Endless Burning Passion -400 CP
iii. Persistence Predator -200 CP
iv. No Faith In Dead Gods -200 CP
v. Rooted In Darkness -200 CP
vi. Appraisal -Free
vii. Mapmakers Mind -Free
viii. Sorcery of Pharros -100 CP
ix. Specialist’s Hammer -100 CP
x. Unlocking The Soul -200 CP
xi. Curse Breaker -300 CP
xii. Occult Incorporations -200 CP
g. Gear
i. Sorcerers Starting Set -Free
ii. Victors Stone -400 CP
iii. Dragon Acolyte’s Mask -Free
h. Scenarios
i. The Giant War: Side With The Giants
ii. The Scholar King And Sea Witch: Charm The Witch, Depose The King
iii. The Kingdom of Pharros: The Path of Pain
79. Dark Souls 3
a. Starting Location: Firelink Shrine
b. Age: ???
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Drop-In
e. Drawbacks
i. Phantoms Of The Past +0 CP
ii. Nibbling At Your Flesh +200 CP
iii. Phantom Mess +300 CP
iv. Darkness +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Bonfire Teleportation -Free
ii. Curse of the Undead -Free
iii. Soul Collector -200 CP
iv. Subtle Workings -500 CP
v. Miracles -150 CP
vi. Sorcery -150 CP
vii. Pyromancy -300 CP
viii. Darkness Traversal -Free
ix. Infusion -200 CP
x. Soul Transposition -300 CP
xi. Chaos Seed -400 CP
xii. Twisted Faith -400 CP
g. Gear
i. Transposing Kiln -Free
ii. Blacksmith’s Hammer -Free
iii. Firelink Shrine -500 CP
iv. Salvaged Equipment -Free
v. 1 Estus Flask -Free
vi. 4 Ashen Estus Flasks -Free
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion: Firekeeper -200 CP
80. Tokyo Souls
a. Starting Location: Shibuya Crossing
b. Age: 22
c. Gender: Male
d. Origin: Undead
e. Drawbacks
i. Return +0 CP
ii. Tall Dark Strangers +100 CP
iii. Pain Dispenser +100 CP
iv. GASHUNK! +200 CP
v. Aftershocks +200 CP
vi. Piteous Returned +200 CP
vii. Abyssal Reflection +300 CP
viii. The World Kept Turning +300 CP
ix. And The Fire Kept Burning +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Soulbearer -Free
ii. Improved Intelligence -Free
iii. Improved Imagination -Free
iv. Katate -100 CP
v. Smartphone Gen -200 CP
vi. Inner Brightness -400 CP
vii. App Designer -300 CP
viii. Regrowth -600 CP
ix. Guardian Angel -300 CP
x. OS Wizard -400 CP
xi. Darkwalker -800 CP
xii. Boogeyman -400 CP
g. Gear
i. Scavenged Melee Weapon -Free
ii. Fashion Souls -Free
iii. Cell Phone -Free
iv. 3 Estumin C -Free
v. Portable Quick Charge Pack -100 CP
vi. Jailbroken -300 CP
vii. Lighter & Fire Catalyst -300 CP
81. Medaka Box Abnormal
a. Starting Location: Hakoniwa Academy
b. Origin: ABNORMAL +200 Abnormality CP
c. Age: 17
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. [I Won, I Won, I Won] +100 CP
ii. Blackest Wedding Ever +200 CP
iii. My Little Friend +200 CP
iv. The Many Kings Of Cheat +300 CP
v. Cute, Magnificent, And Most Of All, FRESH! X3 +1,800 CP
f. Perks
i. Medaka Sue -1200 CP
ii. I Wanna Be The Strongest Hero Boosted -800 CP
iii. Shoujo Prince -100
vi. ALL ABOUT ME -100 CP
ix. Concept Ball -400 CP
x. Doctor Stylish -600 CP
g. Powers
i. Abnormality: Analysis -200 Abnormality CP -100 CP
ii. Not Equal: Free Climbing -1200 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion: Kurokami Medaka -100 CP
82. DC - Teen Titans
a. Age: 15
b. Gender: Male
c. Race: Half-Demon -1000 CP
d. Origin: Drop-In
e. Starting Location: Azarath
f. Drawbacks
i. Portal +0 CP
ii. Empathic Empowerment +0 CP
iii. Annoying Super-Team +100 CP
iv. Coveted +200 CP
v. Overheating +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Cambion Physiology -Free
ii. Empathy -50 CP
iii. Kinesis x7 -700 CP
1. Aerokinesis
2. Electrokinesis
3. Geokinesis
4. Hydrokinesis
5. Ionikinesis
6. Pyrokinesis
7. Telekinesis
iv. Flight -200 CP
v. Probability Manipulation -300 CP
vi. Genius -600 CP
h. Items
i. Costume -Free
ii. Theme Song -Free
iii. Holographic Disguise Rings -50 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion: Raven -200 CP
83. DC - Justice League Unlimited
a. Age: 17
b. Gender: Male
c. Origin: Hero
d. Race: Martian -800 CP
e. Starting Location: Apokolips
f. Drawbacks
i. Justice League Beyond +0 CP
ii. Critical Weakness: Energy +0 CP
iii. A.M.A.Z.O. +1000 CP
g. Scenario: A Better World
h. Perks
i. Picturesque -Free
ii. PG-13 Brutality -Free
iii. Gifted Intellect -200 CP
iv. A Regular Joe -Free
v. Number One Guy -Free
vi. You’re Off Your Meds, Aren’t You? -100 CP
vii. Boxing Lessons For Jumper -200 CP
viii. Heart of a Hero -300 CP
ix. I Am The Power! -600 CP
i. Power Sources
i. Scientific -100 CP
ii. Innate -Free
j. Powers, Skills, & Abilities
i. T2 Toxin Immunity -50 CP
ii. T2 Disease Immunity -50 CP
iii. Intangibility -Free
iv. T2 Flight -100 CP
v. T3 Enhanced Strength -100 CP
vi. T3 Enhanced Durability -100 CP
vii. T3 Enhanced Regeneration -Free
viii. T3 Longevity -100 CP
ix. T3 Shapeshifting -Free
x. Telepathy -Free
xi. Mind Control -200 CP
xii. Teleportation -200 CP
xiii. Super Science -400 CP
k. Gear
i. Costume -Free
ii. Gadgets -Free
84. DC - Kingdom Come
a. Starting Location: Metropolis
b. Origin: Former Hero
c. Age: 24
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. A Tragedy +100 CP
ii. Too Idealist +100 CP
iii. Things Have Changed +200 CP
iv. Distrusted +200 CP
v. Jumper Season +200 CP
vi. Exposed Identity +300 CP
vii. Thrown To The Gulag +400 CP
viii. The Book Of Revelations +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Alex Ross Art -Free
ii. Inspirational Voice -200 CP
iii. An Ordinary Man’s Words -600 CP
iv. Between Civilian And Superhero -Free
v. Not Above The Heads of Humans -200 CP
vi. The Big S Symbol -300 CP
g. Powers (+200 Powers CP)
i. Immortal -100 Powers CP
ii. Self-Molecular Rearranging -200 CP
iii. Super Senses -200 CP
iv. Flying Brick -300 CP
v. Green Lantern Powers -400 CP
vi. Light Manipulation -100 Powers CP -500 CP
vii. Kryptonian Biology -700 CP
viii. Speedforce Unity -1000 CP
h. Gear
i. Kansas Farm -Free
85. DC - DC Occult
a. Starting Location: Gotham
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Female
d. Source: Dabbler
e. History: Hellblazer
f. Drawbacks
i. Paramour +400 CP
ii. Adoring Fan +600 CP
g. Scenarios
i. Lesser Scenario: Hell In A Handbasket +300 Scenario CP
ii. Greater Scenario: Trigon Begone +600 Scenario CP
h. Perks
i. Mystical Sensitivity -100 CP
ii. Real Magic -400 CP
iii. Sleight Of Hand -Free
iv. Baby Magic -400 CP
v. The Moving Finger Writes -300 CP
vi. Greatest Magician Of The Age -1000 CP
vii. Dark And Troubled Times -Free
viii. Hypnotism -100 Scenario CP
ix. Highway To Hell -200 CP
x. Thirteen -600 CP
xi. Carefully Chosen Words -300 CP
xii. Faustian Flip -200 Scenario CP
xiii. You Know My Reputation -Free
xiv. Synchronicity Wave Travelling -Free
i. Gear
i. Library of Eternity -600 Scenario CP
ii. Worn Trench Coat -Free
j. Companions
i. Magical Canon Companion -200 CP
86. DC - Fourth World
a. Race: New God
b. Age: 21
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: New Genesis
e. Drawbacks
i. To The Final Curtain +0 CP
ii. Banished +100 CP
iii. Nature Versus Nurture +200 CP
iv. Godly Duties +200 CP
v. Death Of The Jumper +300 CP
vi. Nemesis +300 CP
vii. Dakseid’s Attention +300 CP
f. Perks
i. New God of Evolution Physiology -Free
ii. What May Be -Free
iii. What Must Be -Free
iv. Ray of Light -Free
v. I Give My Word -Free
vi. Love Finds A Way -100 CP
vii. Unbreakable Miracle -200 CP
viii. Miracle Master -300 CP
ix. Pulse of Light -300 CP
x. Shadow of All Light -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Costume -Free
ii. Mother Box -Free
iii. The Tenth Metal -400 CP
iv. Aero-Disc -Free
v. Flashpowder -Free
vi. Utility Belt -Free
h. Powers (+200 Power CP)
i. The Omega Effect -800 CP
ii. Level 3 Anti-Life Equation -600 CP
iii. Level 3 Life Equation -200 Power CP, -400 CP
i. Companions
i. Canon Companion -200 CP
87. DC - WTR (With This Ring)
a. Timeline: Paragon
b. Origin: Drop-in
c. Age: 15
d. Gender: Female
e. Race: Human
f. Drawbacks
i. Nameless +100 CP
ii. Suspicions +100 CP
iii. The Cake Man +100 CP
iv. Demonic Legion +300 CP
v. Heavenly Host +300 CP
vi. Knife In The Shadows +300 CP
vii. God Save The Queen +400 CP
viii. Darkseid’s Interest +600 CP
ix. Beyond Your Reach +600 CP
x. Friend of John Constantine +600 CP
g. Perks
i. Anticipate The Meta -Free
ii. Jolly Cooperation -200 CP
iii. Enlightenment of Love -300 CP
iv. Invisitext Speech -100 CP
v. Domain of Evolution -400 CP
vi. Nature Of The Soul -600 CP
vii. Expanded Metaphysique x5 -500 CP
viii. Bandwidth and Wavelength -400 CP
ix. Everyone Hates Retcons -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Fruitcake -Free
ii. An Asteroid -Free
iii. Violet Power Ring -200 CP
iv. Pink Power Lantern -300 CP
v. Divine Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -100 CP
vi. Research Notes -200 CP
i. Powers
i. Induce Love -Free
ii. Unscryable -400 CP
iii. Psychic -400 CP
iv. True Shapeshifting -600 CP
v. Garrick Enhancile -600 CP
j. Scenarios
i. Uplift
ii. Screw The Statute Of Secrecy
iii. Violet Lantern Corps
iv. Kneel Before Darkseid: Cleanse Apokolips
v. Mobius Double Reach Around
vi. Raising Hell
88. Jobless In Another World
a. Age: 15
b. Gender: Female
c. Race: Mini-hume
d. Origin: Otherworld Native (+Extra Discount)
e. Drawbacks
i. Bandits +100 CP
ii. Church Attention +300 CP
iii. Blessed With Suck +300 CP
iv. Target of the Demon Lord +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Classes and Jobs Shareable -200 CP
ii. Lifestyle Magic -Free
iii. Blue Blood Boosted -100 CP
iv. Status Forgery -200 CP
v. MP Charge -200 CP
vi. System Knowledge -400 CP
vii. Hero/Demon Lord Boosted -900 CP
viii. Jobless -300 CP
ix. Limit Breaker -300 CP (Extra Discount)
g. Blessings
i. X20 Experience -300 CP
ii. 1/20th Experience -300 CP
iii. Blessing of Medicine -300 CP
h. Gear (+200 Item CP)
i. Beginner Equipment -Free
ii. Rare Medal -Free
iii. The Dungeon -200 Item CP
89. Exalted - The Dragonbloods
a. Gender: Male
b. Age: 24
c. Exaltation Aspect: Wood
d. Starting Location: Rathess
e. Origin: Dynast
f. Drawbacks
i. Interesting +0 CP
ii. The Reclamation +600 CP
g. Perks
i. Inner Self -200 CP
ii. Understanding The Perfected Lotus -400 CP
iii. Educated: The Heptagram -Free
iv. Legendary Breeding -600 CP
v. Heaven-Sent Warrior -600 CP
vi. Hardened Traveler -100 CP
vii. The Emerald Circle -150 CP
viii. Enhanced Exalted Beauty -400 CP
ix. Thaumaturgy -50 CP
h. Gear (+400 Item CP)
i. Dragon’s Ink -400 Item CP
ii. The Dragon’s Cradle -600 CP
90. Exalted - The Lunars
a. Origin: Casteless +200 CP
b. Starting Location: Thorns
c. Age: 14
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. Obvious Tells +100 CP
ii. Blood Debts +100 CP
iii. Oath Breaker +100 CP
iv. It’s...Complicated +100 CP
v. 54 Cakes +200 CP
vi. Moon-Mad Mentor +200 CP
vii. The Wyld Hunt +200 CP
f. Perks
i. Spirit Shape: Altform Imported -Free
ii. Will Of The Leviathan -Free
iii. Predator Becomes Prey -Free
iv. The Sacred Hunt -100 CP
v. Ever Shifting -100 CP
vi. Chimerical -200 CP
vii. Chthonic Baara of the Ur-Beast -600 CP
viii. The Waifu Exalted -200 CP
ix. Artisan of Moonsilver -400 CP
x. Crossroads Society -600 CP
xi. Faery Grace -300 CP
xii. Elder Of The Pact -500 CP
g. Gear
i. Dreamstones -Free
ii. Catklave: Argetsverd Imported -100 CP
iii. Ring of Being -200 CP
iv. A Whisper Upon The Wind -400 CP
91. Exalted - The Sidereals
a. Age: 19
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Chosen of Endings -100 CP
d. Drawbacks
i. Manuals of Exalted Power Numbers 8 Through 12 +300 CP
ii. Once There Was A Maiden +300 CP
e. Perks
i. Arcane Fate -Free
ii. Foreign Constellation Immigration -600 CP
iii. Martial Arts Compendium Memorization -100 CP
iv. Perfected Lotus Cultivating Gardener -400 CP
v. Numerologic Sorcerous Tutelage -400 CP
vi. Looming Terror of Death Attitude -Free
vii. Always An Ending -300 CP
f. Gear
i. Quintessence Fountain -400 CP
ii. Games of Divinity -600 CP
iii. Wound-Mending Needles -Free
iv. Qlithu-Sohtk -200 CP
92. Exalted - The Abyssals
a. Origin: The Daybreak Caste
b. Allegiance: Independent
c. Starting Location: Marama’s Fell
d. Age: 10
e. Gender: Female
f. Drawbacks
i. Moon Eclipses The Black Sun +100 CP
ii. Assisted By The Green Lady +100 CP
iii. Shoat Of The Mire +300 CP
iv. First And Forsaken Jumper +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Corpse Laughing In The Face Of Jackals -100 CP
ii. Razor Wit Cutting Through Blissful Ignorance -Free
iii. Hammer Upon The Wailing Muse -100 CP
iv. Brilliance of Obsidian -300 CP
v. The Shining Path -400 CP
vi. Prodigies Breathe Their Last Breath Young -400 CP
vii. Exquisite Ashen Visage -100 CP
viii. Hungry Ghost Manifestation -200 CP
ix. Caught Between Life And Death -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Agent of Carrion -Free
ii. Deplorable Forge of Tormented Souls -100 CP
iii. Library of Labyrinthia -200 CP
iv. The Underhaus Boosted -600 CP
v. Hidden Estate Of Undying Breath -400 CP
i. Companion
i. A Tiny Sliver Of Hope -100 CP
93. Exalted - The Solars
a. Starting Location: Great Forks
b. Origin: Drop-In
c. Caste: Eclipse
d. Age: Twelve
e. Gender: Female
f. Drawbacks
i. The Maiden’s Ire +100 CP
ii. A New Dawn +100 CP
iii. Yozi-Friend +200 CP
iv. The Virtue of Compassion +200 CP
v. A Grim Nemesis +200 CP
vi. Interesting Times +300 CP
vii. The Wyld Hunt Resurgence +400 CP
g. Perks (Total CP: 2500 CP + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Glorious Golden Smug Technique -Free
ii. Great Radiance -100 CP
iii. Heart of the Sun -300 CP
iv. Prosperity of the Sun -600 CP
v. Mind of the Sun -600 CP
vi. My Mind, A Library -200 CP
vii. Diplomatic Immunity -100 CP
viii. Binding Oaths -200 CP
ix. Power and Majesty x3 -400 CP
x. The Three Circles of Sorcery -300 CP
xi. Unconquered -400 CP
h. Gear
i. The Living Grimoire -400 CP
ii. The Hall Of The Perfect Circle -400 CP
94. Exalted - The Infernals
a. Caste: Defiler (She Who Lives in Her Name)
b. Favored Yozi: Elloge
c. Origin: Savant
d. Age: 11
e. Gender: Female
f. Starting Location: The Sands of Cecelyne
g. Drawbacks
i. What First Two Chapters? +0 CP
ii. Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain +100 CP
iii. Omen Weather +100 CP
iv. Past Lives Matter +200 CP
v. A Hellish Rival +200 CP
vi. Demon Hunters +200 CP
vii. Love of Adorjan +200 CP
viii. Heretic +300 CP
ix. Return Of The Infernal Jumper +300 CP
h. Perks (CP: 2600 + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Savant’s Understanding -Free
ii. Vitriolic Craftsman -200 CP
iii. Crystal Clarity -100 CP
iv. Principle of Hierarchy -200 CP
v. Border of Impossibility -200 CP
vi. Writ of Worlds -200 CP
vii. You Are Not Me -200 CP
viii. Can’t Keep Me Down -400 CP
ix. Beautiful and Terrible x3 -400 CP
x. Sorcerous Initiation of the Yozi x3 -400 CP
xi. The Inner World -400 CP
xii. Descending Hierarchy -300 CP
xiii. Heart and Soul -200 CP
xiv. Akuma Of Your Own -500 CP
i. Gear (+300 Item CP)
i. Staff of Forbidden Light -150 Item CP
ii. Chalcanth -50 Item CP
iii. Purest Vitriol -50 Item CP
iv. Exotic Components -50 Item CP
v. The Sixfold Weave Of Sublime Efficacy -400 CP
j. Scenarios
i. Dance Dance Baby: Companion Reward
ii. Wedding Crasher: Third Option
iii. One Night In Gethamane: Third Option
iv. Crystals VS Pirates VS Cthulhu: Fight Off Yozis
95. Lovecraft
a. Starting Location: Mountains of China 1852
b. Origin: Drop-In
c. Age: 36
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. Crawling with Love +0
ii. Hide +300 CP
iii. Run +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Purple Prose -Free
ii. Eldritch Lore -100 CP
iii. Distinguished -100 CP
iv. Dream Walker -200 CP
v. SCIENCE!!! -400 CP
vi. Son of Old Man Henderson -300 CP
vii. Xenobiology -600 CP
viii. Hunter -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Necronomicon -800 CP
96. Spiderman PS4
a. Starting Location: OsCorp Headquarters
b. Origin: Scientist
c. Age: 36
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. Baby Steps +0 CP
ii. No Good Deeds +100 CP
iii. Albinism +100 CP
iv. Avengeance +300 CP
v. Villain Spree +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Once Bitten -600 CP
ii. King of the Streets Boosted -600 CP
iii. Sneaky Man -100 CP
iv. Heart Of A Hero -200 CP
v. Save This City -600 CP
vi. Money Dear Boy -Free
vii. Guerilla Science -100 CP
viii. We’re Going To Change The World Peter -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Unending Coffee -Free
ii. Private Lab -100 CP
iii. Suit -100 CP (+500 Suit CP)
1. Structure -Free
2. Bleeding Edge -300 Suit CP
3. Comfort Suit -50 Suit CP
4. Bio Mesh -50 Suit CP
5. Maximized Sensor Suite -350 CP
6. Web Shooters -100 Suit CP
7. Enhanced Life Support -200 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion -50 CP
97. Tower of God
a. Age: 17
b. Gender: Male
c. Origin: Unchosen Irregular +300 CP
d. Position: Wave Controller
e. Starting Location: Tower First Floor
f. Drawbacks
i. RED Alert +300 CP
ii. Shadow Run +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Longevity -Free
ii. Shinsoo Manipulation -Free
iii. Irregular Charm -Free
iv. Shed Like Water -200 CP
v. A Monsters Strength -400 CP
vi. Reinforcement Specialist x3 -300 CP
vii. Crusher -200 CP
viii. A Living Weapon -600 CP
ix. Element Wielder x3 (Light, Electricity, Sword) -300 CP
x. A Rankers Style: Aerie Sword Style -600 CP
xi. Baang -Free
xii. Myun & Soo -Free
h. Gear
i. Pocket -Free
ii. Basic Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -Free
iii. Wand: Argetsverd Imported -Free
iv. Ignition Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -200 CP
v. Thorn Forged To Kill Kings -600 CP
98. One Piece
a. Gender: Male
b. Age: 21
c. Origin: Drop-In
d. Starting Location: Abandoned Island
e. Drawbacks
i. Warlord’s Fury +300 CP
ii. Government Crackdown +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Nakama -Free
ii. Navigator -100 CP
iii. Survivalist -Free
iv. Shipwright -300 CP
v. Precision -150 CP
vi. Tinkerer -300 CP
vii. Will of D (Discounted) -400 CP
viii. Rokushiki -600 CP
ix. Haki -600 CP
x. Conqueror's Haki -200 CP
g. Gear
i. Reinforced Clothing -Free
ii. Unique Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
iii. Eternal Pose -100 CP
iv. Bink’s Brew -50 CP
99. Harry Potter
a. Gender: Female
b. Age: 11
c. Origin: Drop-In +50
d. Family Wealth: Impoverished +50 CP
e. Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
f. Drawbacks
i. Triwizard Champion +0
ii. Prophecy +100 CP
iii. Black Sheep +200 CP
iv. Prisoner of Azkaban +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Wit Beyond Measure -Free
ii. Memory Spell Specialist -50 CP
iii. Occlumency -100 CP
iv. Clean Blooded -100 CP
v. Animagus -100 CP
vi. Setup Wizard -200 CP
vii. Non-Verbal Specialty -200 CP
viii. Legilimency -200 CP
ix. Wandlore -150 CP
x. Moste Potente Potions -300 CP
xi. Care of Magical Creatures -300 CP
xii. Metamorphmagus -200 CP
xiii. FiendFyre Master -200 CP
xiv. Wandless Magic -500 CP
h. Gear
i. Wand: Argetsverd Imported -Free
ii. Phoenix -300 CP
iii. Goblin-Made Sword: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
i. Scenarios
i. All Was Well
ii. Outstanding Student
iii. Minister for Magic
iv. Statute Scrapped
v. Hairy Snout, Human Heart
100. Generic Harry Potter Fanfiction
a. Gender: Male
b. Age: 11
c. Starting Time Period: November 1, 1981
d. Origin: Grey!
e. Drawbacks
i. Sticking Around +0 CP
ii. Dumbledorean Troubles Maximized +600 CP
iii. Enhanced Dark Lord’s Target +600 CP
iv. Durzkaban Inmate +300 CP
f. Scenarios
i. Master of Death +500 CP
ii. The Jumper Who Lived +500 CP
iii. The Rise Of Lord Jumper +500 CP
iv. Lord of Caer Azkaban +500 CP
g. Perks
i. Local Magic -Free
ii. Supernaturally Attractive -100 CP
iii. Gifted x5 -1000
1. Mind Magic
2. Wandless Magic
3. Blood Mage
4. Necromancy
5. Magical Resistance
iv. Hyphenated Name -500 CP
v. Merlin Returned -600 CP
vi. Work Ethic -100 CP
vii. Innovation -400 CP
viii. Technomage -600 CP
ix. Legendary Healer -600 CP
x. Dark Lord -600 CP
xi. Building Bridges -Free
xii. Goblin Friend -100 CP
xiii. Heart of Gold -200 CP
xiv. World Walker -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Marauders Map -Free
ii. Deathly Hallow: The Cloak Of Invisibility -300 CP
iii. Room of Requirement -600 CP
iv. Vanishing Cabinets -Free
101. Warhammer 40K - Imperial Guard
a. Race: Human
b. Age: 23
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: 998.M41, The Third War for Armageddon
e. Origin: Psyker
f. Homeworld: Death Worlder
g. Drawbacks
i. Loose Canons +0 CP
ii. More Time x5 +500 CP
iii. Suspicion +200 CP
iv. Only War +600 CP
h. Perks
i. Basic Training -Free
ii. Psychic Discipline x5 -200 CP
1. Biomancy
2. Divination
3. Pyromancy
4. Telekinesis
5. Telepathy
iii. Sanctioned Abomination -200 CP
iv. Primaris Psyker -300 CP
v. It’s For Your Own Good -100 CP
vi. Macharius Reborn -600 CP
vii. Shield of Faith -400 CP
i. Wargear (+500 Wargear CP)
i. Melee Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -Free
1. Monomolecular -50 Wargear CP
2. Power -150 Wargear CP
3. Master Crafted -200 Wargear CP
ii. The Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer -Free
iii. Miscellaneous Equipment -Free
iv. Flak Armor -Free
v. Frag Grenades -Free
vi. Krak Grenades -Free
vii. Psychic Hood -Free
viii. The Emperors Tarot -100 Wargear CP
j. Regiment Builder (+1000 Regiment Points)
i. Regiment Type: Line Infantry
ii. Homeworld: Deathworld - Nature -200 Regiment Points
iii. Regiment Discipline: Excellent -200 Regiment Points
iv. Regiment Quirks
1. Demographics -Free
2. Physical Distinction -Free
3. Size x4 -600 Regiment Points
4. Sharpshooters -Free
5. Hardened Fighters -100 CP
6. Abhumans -100 CP
7. Send In The Next Wave -300 CP
v. Weapons: Hellguns -300 CP
vi. Armour: Carapace Armour -300 CP
vii. Equipment
1. Custom Design -Free
2. Extra Load -100 CP
3. Environmental Suits -100 CP
4. Grav-Chutes and Void Suits -100 CP
5. Vid-Relays -100 CP
6. Mechanicus Ties Enhanced -200 CP
7. Heirloom Weapons -200 CP
102. Warhammer 40K - Adepta Sororitas
a. Gender: Female
b. Age: 20
c. Origin: Orphan
d. Order: Orders Militant
e. Drawbacks
i. The Black Stain +600 CP
ii. Empire Asunder +600 CP
f. Perks
i. The Emperor Protects -Free
ii. Basic Training -Free
iii. Self-Sufficiency -Free
iv. Litany of Hate -Free
v. Rotation With The Commissariat -Free
vi. Seraphim -100 CP
vii. The Emperors Gaze -100 CP
viii. The Unforgiving Blade -300 CP
ix. Soul Storm -300 CP
x. Mental Fortress -600 CP
xi. Only In Death Does Duty End -100 CP
xii. Prosanguine -200 CP
xiii. Divine Ministration -600 CP
xiv. Gourmet Chef -100 CP
xv. Arbiter -600 CP
xvi. Living Saint -400 CP
g. Scenarios
i. The Xeiros Expedition
ii. The Piety of Seth
h. Gear
i. Reliquary Filled With Miniatures -Free
ii. Ardent Blade: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
103. Warhammer 40K - Adeptus Astartes
a. Age: 81
b. Starting Time Period: The Gothic War (139.M41)
c. Chapter: Salamanders
d. Specialty: Librarian
e. Drawbacks
i. The Long Haul x7 +700 CP
ii. Helmets Are Hardly Heroic +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Basic Training -Free
ii. Space Marine Physiology -Free
iii. Strength of the Emperor -200 CP
iv. Emperors Fury -600 CP
v. Tactician -400 CP
vi. Strategos -600 CP
vii. Hands That Heal -100 CP
viii. Reclaimer -200 CP
ix. Psyker -Free
x. Archivist -Free
xi. An “Open” Mind -100 CP
xii. Knowledge Is Power -200 CP
xiii. Epistolary -300 CP
xiv. Deathwatch Veteran -200 CP (+100 Wargear CP)
xv. Chapter Master -200 CP
g. Gear (+400 Wargear CP)
i. Basic Loadout -Free
ii. Heavy Bolter -100 Wargear CP
iii. Astartes ChainSword: Argetsverd Imported -Free
iv. Force Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -Free
v. Master Crafted Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -50 Wargear CP
vi. Artificer Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -50 Wargear CP
vii. Power Armor -50 Wargear CP
viii. Artificer Armor -100 Wargear CP
ix. Grenades and Missiles
1. Frag -Free
2. Krak -Free
3. Minefield -50 Wargear CP
x. Specialty Bolter Ammunition
1. Standard Bolts -Free
2. Kraken Penetrator Rounds -25 Wargear CP
3. Stalker Silenced Shells -25 Wargear CP
4. Hellfire Bolts -50 Wargear CP
5. Antiphasic Shells -100 CP
xi. Personal Auspex -25 CP
xii. Tool Kit -25 CP
xiii. Narthecium -50 CP
xiv. Psychic Hood -Free
xv. Astartes Supply Cache -200 CP
h. Astartes Chapter DLC (+20 Chapter Asset Points)
i. Chapter Drawbacks
1. A Debilitating Demeanor +1 CAP
2. Supply Woes +1 CAP
3. Unfriendly Relations +6 CAP
a. Imperial Guard
b. Imperial Navy
c. Adeptus Astartes
d. Adeptus Mechanicus
e. Adepta Sororitas
f. Inquisition
4. Freshmen Marines +2 CAP
5. Professional Enmity +2 CAP
ii. Homeworld
1. Barren Rock -Free
2. Deathworld -2 CAP
3. Teeming Masses -2 CAP
4. Caves of Steel -2 CAP
5. Martial Tradition -2 CAP
6. Planetary Bastion -2 CAP
7. Industrial Might -2 CAP
8. Voidyard -2 CAP
9. Valuable Exports -2 CAP
10. Beset By Strife +2 CAP
iii. Homeworld Governing Style: Direct Governors
iv. Stronghold: Fortress-Monastery
v. Codex Compliance: Non-Codex Organization
vi. Chapter Fleet
1. Battle Barge -Free
2. Strike Cruiser x4 -Free
3. Escort Squadron x5 -Free
vii. Chapter Armory
1. Codex Standard -Free
2. Box O’ Blades -1 CAP
3. Thunderhawks Are Go -2 CAP
viii. Chapter Quirks and Doctrines
1. Bolter Marksmanship -1 CAP
2. Swift As A Coursing River -2 CAP
3. Strength of a Raging Fire -2 CAP
4. A Good, Clean Hatred -1 CAP
5. Honor The Machine Spirit -1 CAP
6. Honor The Forge -2 CAP
7. The Power of Knowledge -Free
8. A Sixth Sense -1 CAP
9. Field Expedient -1 CAP
10. I’ll Make A Marine Out Of You -1 CAP
11. Tolerant Geneseed -2 CAP
12. Recovery Specialists -1 CAP
104. Warhammer 40K - Adeptus Mechanicus
a. Age: 26
b. Gender: Male
c. Starting Location: Ryza (Segmentum Ultima)
d. Background: Heretek
e. Drawbacks
i. Extended Stay +0 CP
ii. Bastard Offspring Of A Servitor And A Junk Pile +100 CP
iii. Malatek +300 CP
iv. There’s Always Time For War +400 CP
f. Perks
i. Lingua Technis -Free
ii. Magos Designation: Biologos -Free
iii. Questioning Minds -Free
iv. Cold Trader -Free
v. Data-Shroud -200 CP
vi. Cold Reason -200 CP
vii. Magos Aetheric -300 CP
viii. Cranial Augments -100 CP
ix. Noosphere Mentality -200 CP
x. Binaric Weaving -400 CP
xi. Impossible Precision -200 CP
xii. Forged In Eternity -600 CP
g. Gear (+600 Item CP)
i. Mechanicus Implants -Free
ii. Quantum Prayer Book -Free
iii. Attendants -Free
iv. Bionics
1. Gravity Nodes -200 Item CP
2. Crystal Stack Micro-Cogitators -200 Item CP
3. Surveyor-class Auspex -200 CP
v. Intrusion-Class Data Spike -Free
vi. STC Converter -300 CP
vii. Repair Gantry -200 Item CP
viii. Mechanicus Outpost Jump-Kaapa -600 CP
105. Warhammer 40K - Horus Heresy Primarchs
a. Gender: Female
b. Origin: The Builder
c. Allegiance: Loyalist
d. Drawbacks
i. Eternal War +0 CP
ii. In-Universe Propaganda +0 CP
iii. Honest +100 CP
iv. Grudges x18 +1800 CP
v. Galaxy’s Worst Dad x10 +1000 CP
1. Lion El’Jonson
2. Jaghatai Khan
3. Leman Russ
4. Rogal Dorn
5. Sanguinius
6. Ferrus Manus
7. Roboute Guilliman
8. Vulkan
9. Corax
10. Alpharius/Omegon
vi. Unfortunate Name +100 CP
vii. This Is Why You Were Purged +200 CP
viii. Cannot See The Other Shore +200 CP
ix. Butchers Nails +600 CP
e. Scenario: Loyalist: The Great Scouring
f. Perks
i. Primarch Physiology -Free
ii. Primarch Mentality -Free
iii. Psychic Abilities -Free
iv. Visage of the Demigod -Free
v. Divided Attention (Discounted) -Free
vi. Incorruptible (Discounted) -100 CP
vii. Mind Like A Fortress -200 CP
viii. Charismatic Leadership (Discounted) -200 CP
ix. Preternatural Resilience -400 CP
x. Brute Force (Discounted) -300 CP
xi. Perfection -600 CP
xii. Perpetual (Discounted) -400 CP
xiii. Arch-Sorcerer -800 CP
xiv. Tutelaries -100 CP
xv. Teacher of Dreadful Truths -200 CP
xvi. Seeker of the Forbidden -400 CP
xvii. Arts and Crafts -Free
xviii. Eternal Edifice -Free
xix. Redundant Mechanisms -100 CP
xx. Lessons of the Laer -100 CP
xxi. Tiny Tools -200 CP
xxii. Master Crafting: Biology -300 CP
xxiii. Master Crafting: Warptech -300 CP
xxiv. Perpetual Motion Machine -300 CP
xxv. Reeking of Corruption -Free
xxvi. Above All Doubt -Free
xxvii. Defiant Unto Death -200 CP
xxviii. Hunter of Daemons -300 CP
xxix. Singer of the Songs -400 CP
g. Gear (+500 Item CP)
i. Primarch Armour
1. Master Crafted Enhanced -100 CP
2. Loyal -50 CP
3. Protection Maximized -50 Item CP
4. Chem-Proofed -50 Item CP
5. Heatproofed -50 Item CP
6. Psy-Proofed -50 Item CP
7. Empyreal Construction -100 Item CP
8. Auric Armour -150 Item CP
ii. Melee Weapon
1. Master Crafted Enhanced -100 CP
2. Import: Argetsverd -Free
3. Loyal -50 CP
4. Bulky -Free
5. Empyreal Construction -50 Item CP
6. Power -100 CP
7. Force -Free
8. Fulgurite Spear -200 CP
iii. Talisman of Seven Hammers -Free
iv. Grenade Belt -Free
1. Krak -Free
2. Blind -Free
v. Pharos (Discounted) -Free
h. Your Legion (+1000 LP)
i. Legion Drawbacks
1. Flawed Gene-Seed
a. Omophagea (missing) +100 LP
b. Neuroglottis +100 LP
2. Female Space Marines +100 LP
3. Dark Secret +200 LP
4. Lost Stocks +200 LP
5. Retcons +300 LP
ii. Homeworld
1. Planetary Aesthetics -Free
2. Systems -Free
3. Pleasure Worlds -100 LP
4. Psychic Paradise -100 LP
5. Almost-Forge Worlds -200 LP
6. Planetary Defense Forces Boosted -100 LP
7. Special Resources -100 LP
iii. Fleet
1. Fleet Logistics -Free
2. Fleet Assets -Free
3. Gloriana Class -Free
4. Master Voidsmen -200 LP
iv. Armour: Mark IV “Maximus” +100 LP
v. Equipment
1. Combat Load -Free
2. Bolters -Free
3. Lost Archaeotech -200 LP
vi. Legion Perks
1. Aesthetics -Free
2. Gene-Seed Traits Boosted -100 LP
a. Exceptional Purity -100 LP
b. Safe Implantation -200 LP
3. Legionary Culture -Free
4. Marines -Free
5. Sisters of Silence -100 LP
6. Disciplined Fire -100 LP
7. Death Dealers -100 LP
8. Exemplars of War -100 LP
9. Encarmine Fury -100 LP
10. Angels of Salvation -100 LP
11. Iron Discipline -100 LP
106. Warhammer 40K - Tyranids
a. Hive Fleet: Behemoth (745.M41)
b. Origin: Norn Queen -100 CP
c. Drawbacks
i. Gotta Eat +100 CP
ii. The Fleshy Bits +100 CP
iii. Unyuu +100 CP
iv. Kryptography +200 CP
v. Unification +300 CP
d. Scenario: The Great Jumper
e. Perks
i. Independence -Free
ii. The Beast with Two Backs -400 CP
iii. Zoanthropy -400 CP
iv. The Doom of Jumper -400 CP
v. The Soul Devourer -600 CP
vi. Great Old Beast -600 CP
vii. Hungry Hungry Tyranids -Free
viii. Queen Mother -Free
ix. Gene Master -200 CP
x. Explosion of Life -300 CP
xi. Super Synapse -300 CP
f. Brood Customization (+1000 Tyranid Points [TP])
i. Claws And Teeth -Free
ii. Maximized Armour -200 TP
iii. Bio-Electricity -200 TP
iv. Bonesword -200 TP
v. Spinefists -100 TP
vi. Strangleweb -100 TP
vii. Wings -200 TP
107. Warhammer 40K - Craftworld Eldar
a. Origin: Path of the Seer
b. Gender: Male
c. Starting Location: Lugganath
d. Drawbacks
i. Long Is The Road +800 CP
e. Perks
i. Guardian Training -Free
ii. Psychic Race -Free
iii. Eldar Physiology -Free
v. Seer -100 CP
vi. Spirit Seer -200 CP
vii. Warlock -300 CP
viii. Farseer -Free
ix. Shadowseers -600 CP
x. Grace of the Eldar Race -100 CP
xi. Bonesinger -400 CP
xii. Path of the Scholar -400 CP
f. Gear
i. Soul Stone -Free
ii. Tall and Narrow Gate -600 CP
iii. Witchblade: Argetsverd Imported -200 CP
iv. Rune Armor: Primarch Armour Imported -Free
108. Warhammer 40K - Black Crusade Part 1
a. Allegiance: Slaanesh
b. Race: Adeptus Astartes -200 CP
c. Age: 500
d. Gender: Male
e. Starting Location: The Screaming Vortex, Melancholia
f. Drawbacks
i. Motivated +0 CP, Mandatory
ii. Fanfare +100 CP
iii. Farsight +100 CP
iv. Mutant Friendly +200 CP
v. Jealous Coworkers +200 CP
vi. Human Resources +200 CP
vii. Krumpin’ Time +200 CP
viii. Full Attention +300 CP
ix. Silent March +300 CP
x. Imperial Order +300 CP
xi. Need to Feed +300 CP
xii. Nobility +600 CP
xiii. Rage of the Primarch x6 +3600 CP
g. Perks (CP: 7200 + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Chaotic Voice -Free
ii. Stylish Brooding -Free
iii. Sound of Silence -100 CP
iv. Beefy McLargeHuge -Free
v. Dominant Dedication -Free
vi. Strength of the Body -100 CP
vii. Profaned Use -200 CP
viii. Aesthetical Integrity -100 CP
ix. Mechanicus Hereticus -Free
x. Psyker Surprise -100 CP
xi. Common Sense -200 CP
xii. Artificer -200 CP
xiii. Feeling Fabius -300 CP
xiv. Warpsmith -300 CP
xv. Ode to Malice -300 CP
xvi. Eye for Mutation -Free
xvii. Mind for Sorcery -Free
xviii. Plans Within Plans -Free
xix. Soul Sight -50 CP
xx. Hopeful View -50 CP
xxi. Ritual Aesthetics -100 CP
xxii. Mind of the Abyss -100 CP
xxiii. Sensational Factory -Free
xxiv. Lord of Aesthetics -Free
xxv. Temptation -Free
xxvi. Drug Synthesis -50 CP
xxvii. Collected Nerves -50 CP
xxviii. Going In Loud -100 CP
xxix. Speeding Along -100 CP
xxx. Aura of Lust -100 CP
xxxi. Euphoric Rush -100 CP
xxxii. Shifting Pleasures -200 CP
xxxiii. Bursting Vaults -200 CP
xxxiv. Techniques of the Night -200 CP
xxxv. Light of the Soul -200 CP
xxxvi. Armor of Souls -300 CP
xxxvii. Haunting Visage -300 CP
xxxviii. Eternal Thirst -300 CP
h. Companions
i. Bob, The Scourge of Evras -200 CP
ii. Kelgorath, Seeker of Souls -200 CP
iii. The Rock Star -100 CP
iv. Halenthor The Corpse Consumer -200 CP
v. Nakrethar, Snake of the Stars -200 CP
vi. Sel’Kie -150 CP
vii. Cultist-Chan and Dranon -200 CP
i. Gear (+500 Item CP)
i. Armor Package -Free
1. Astartes Aquila Armor -Free
2. Primarch Armour Imported
ii. Weapon Package -Free
1. Astartes Package -Free
iii. Melee Weapon Upgrade: Argetsverd Imported -Free
1. Monoblade -50 Item CP
2. Power Weapon -100 Item CP
3. Relic -100 Item CP
4. Nemesis Force Weapon -200 Item CP
iv. Meat Slabs Enhanced -100 CP
v. Servo-Harness -Free
vi. Plush Seating Cushions -50 CP
vii. Meditation Chamber -200 CP
viii. Fireblade (Argetsverd Imported) -Free
ix. Artistry Kit -Free
x. Pleasurable Robes -Free
xi. Scales of Reshaping -50 Item CP
j. Psyker Powers (+1000 PP)
i. More Power -2200 CP +2200 PP
ii. Psyker Level: Alpha -600 PP
iii. Psyker Disciplines
1. Biomancy -Free
2. Divination -300 PP
3. Telekinesis -300 PP
4. Daemonology -300 PP
5. Navigator -300 PP
iv. Unique Psyker Powers
1. Rite of Communion -200 PP
2. Enchantment -200 PP
3. Theosophamy -200 PP
4. Daemon Call -400 PP
5. Dark Call -400 PP
k. Grafting and Modifications (+1000 GP)
i. Remove Flesh -500 CP +500 GP
ii. Potentia Coil -Free
iii. Targeting Array -100 GP
iv. Recall Core -100 GP
v. Tau Engram Neurochip -100 GP
vi. Autosanguine Enhanced -300 GP
vii. Embedded Auspex -200 GP
viii. Cogitator Core -300 GP
ix. Psi-Booster -400 GP
109. Warhammer 40k - Black Crusade Part 2
a. The Halo Stars: Acquire Vessel By Force
b. Building The Crusade (+ 20 Rewards)
i. The Dominion of Eternity
1. Good Ol’ Fashioned Robbing
a. Plasma Wave Launcher -Free
b. Augmented Ship Bridge -Free
2. The Everlasting Empire
a. Everlasting Attire -Free
b. Symbiotic Soul -Free
c. Everlasting Imperials -1 Reward
d. Trees of Eternity -1 Reward
e. Xenos Medicae Station -1 Reward
f. Quarters of Eternity -1 Reward
g. Blackstone -1 Reward
ii. The Forgotten Tribes of Dreadfang
1. Dreadful Mistakes
a. Hardened Diamite -1 Reward
2. Tribal Warfare
a. Holy Knight Attire -Free
b. Psionic Focus -Free
c. Aeldari Crystal -Free
d. Dreadfang’s Legacy -1 Reward
e. Pools of Respite -1 Reward
f. Weapon of Remembrance -1 Reward
g. The Second Coming -1 Reward
iii. The Defunct Judge
1. The Gravity Cauldron
a. Ancient Wings -Free
b. Grim Fusils -Free
2. Shared Defeat
a. All That Glitters -Free
b. Crystalline Array -Free
c. Heretic’s Unity -1 Reward
iv. The God of Iron
1. Haunted Nether
a. Compact Thrusters -Free
b. Looted Armor -Free
2. The Soul of Iron
a. Iron Throne -Free
b. Iron Factory -Free
c. Iron Web -1 Reward
d. Celestial Virtue -1 Reward
e. UM-307 -Free
v. The Scarred Arena
1. Beginning of the Games
a. Faction: Erzulie, “Castellan of the Caresse”
b. Faction Ally -Free
c. Tanks -Free
d. Faction Troops -Free
e. Weapon Collection -Free
f. Kai Guns -1 Reward
2. Myths of the Unseen Shrine
a. Kha’Choz -Free
b. Warp Forge -1 Reward
c. Psychic Augmentation -1 Reward
d. Ark Of The Champion -1 Reward
vi. The War In Hell
1. Arrival of the Wild Card
a. Gilded Life Support Systems -Free
b. Psychically-Treated Silicate -Free
c. Ancient Teleportarium -1 Reward
2. Unlocking The Crystal Ball
a. Corrupted Systems -Free
b. Crystal Augments -Free
c. Bone Core -Free
d. Drive of the Damned -1 Reward
e. The Whisperer -1 Reward
c. Power Armor Customization (+1000 AP)
i. Tech Priests: Companioned -Free
ii. Import Armor: Primarch Armor -Free
iii. STC Print -Free
iv. Aesthetic Decour -50 AP
v. Thickness Adjustment -50 AP
vi. Mechadendrite Attachments -Free
vii. Life Support Enhanced -50 AP
viii. Autosenses Enhanced -50 AP
ix. Tau Fio’Tak Principles -100 AP
x. Psionic Boosters -200 AP
xi. Tau Self-Repair Systems -200 AP
xii. Obliterator Virus -300 AP
d. A Fated Meeting: Ave Dominus Nox (Chaos Reject)
e. Daemon Weapon Customization (+500 WP)
i. Weapon Import: Argetsverd -Free
1. Kha’Choz +500 WP
ii. Animate -Free
iii. Blood Tracker -Free
iv. Grievous Strike -Free
v. Corruptive Might -Free
vi. Feardrinker -Free
vii. Festering -100 WP
viii. Protective Wards -100 WP
ix. Spell Focus -200 WP
x. Warpflame -300 WP
xi. Impossibly Sharp -300 WP
110. Warhammer 40K - Black Crusade Part 3
a. Cultorum Nocte (Night Lord Route)
b. Preparations: Fortress +1000 BP
i. Original Fortress -Free
ii. Fortress Weapons
1. Turret Emplacements -Free
a. Heavy Bolter -50 BP
b. Las-Cannon -Free
c. Assault Cannon -100 BP
2. Sabre Gun Platforms -Free
3. Basilisk Artillery Units -Free
4. Manticore Platforms -Free
a. Praetor Armored Missile Launchers -50 BP
5. Tarantula Series -50 BP
6. Tarantula Series: Multi-Melta Variant -150 BP
7. Thunderfire Cannons -100 BP
8. Icarus Stormcannon Arrays -100 BP
9. Defence Lasers -200 BP
10. Ectoplasm Daemon Cannons -Free
11. Psionic Annihilator -Free
iii. Fortress Defenses
1. Trenches -Free
2. Mines -Free
3. Armor Plating -Free
a. Material Import: Blackstone
b. Material Import: Hardened Diamite
4. Pillboxes -Free
5. Death Traps -Free
a. Hidden Turrets -Free
6. Tenebro Maze -50 BP
7. Force Fields -100 BP
a. Void Shield Arrays -50 BP
8. Gas Canisters -Free
9. Corruptive Wards -Free
iv. Fortress Utility
1. Barracks -Free
a. Luxury Quarters -Free
2. Water Filtration -Free
3. Hydroponics Section -Free
a. Arboretum -50 BP
4. Monotask Servitors -Free
5. Hanger Bays/Landing Pads -Free
6. Medicae Station -Free
a. Augmented Restoration Zone -Free
7. Vox Chambers -Free
a. Vox Jammers/Interceptors -50 BP
b. Choir Chambers -50 BP
8. Extended Supply Vaults -50 BP
9. Augur Arrays -50 BP
10. Surplus Plasma Reactors -50 BP
11. Teleportarium -Free
12. Manufactorum -100 BP
13. Auto-Stabilized Logis Targeter -100 BP
v. Fortress Special Options
1. Orbital Defenses -100 BP
2. Orbital Shipyard -200 BP
3. Apothecarion -200 BP
4. Pylon Devices -Free
c. Preparations: Army (+100 Tokens)
i. Hero Units
1. Alpha Pariah -Free
2. Greater Daemon of Slaanesh -5 Tokens
ii. Army Imports -Free
iii. Everlasting Armies -Free
iv. Rise of Dreadfang -Free
v. 500,000 Operators -49 Tokens
vi. 500,000 Guardsmen -49 Tokens
vii. 10,000 Guardsmen -Free
viii. 5,000 Techpriests -1 Token
ix. 1,000 Electro-Priests -1 Token
x. 40,000 Specialists -20 Tokens
xi. 5,000 Adeptus Sororitas -4 Tokens
xii. 1,000 Librarians -8 Tokens
xiii. 1,000 Techmarines -8 Tokens
xiv. 1,000 Lesser Daemons -Free
xv. 300 Warp Ghosts -Free
xvi. 2 Emperor-Class Titans -20 Tokens
d. Complications
i. Ezekyle Abaddon, Warmaster of Chaos
1. 50k Chaos Marines
2. 250k Chaos/Traitor Guardsmen
3. Hordes of War Vehicles and Daemonic Engines
4. Bloodthirster (Immune to Psychic Powers)
5. Lord of Change (Paragon Psyker)
6. Keeper of Secrets (Extreme Beauty/Stupid High Speed)
7. Great Unclean One (All the plagues/contagions)
ii. Roboute Guilliman, Lord Commander
1. 50k Primaris Marines
2. 150k High-spec Guardsmen
3. 200 Adeptus Custodes
4. Guiliman Has The Emperors Sword
iii. Focused Groups
1. Orks +5 Tokens/200 BP
2. Necrons +5 Tokens/200 BP
3. Imperial Order +5 Tokens/200 BP
4. Dark Eldar +5 Tokens/200 BP
5. Chaos Psykers +5 Tokens/200 BP
6. 6 Chaos Primarchs +60 Tokens/2,400 BP
e. Path To Ascension (4 Rewards)
i. Daemonhood: Yourself -1 Reward
ii. Daemonhood: Cultist-Chan -1 Reward
iii. Tree of Life -1 Reward
1. Council of Five
iv. Lost Psychic Abilities -1 Reward
f. Daemon Customization (+1000 Immaterium Points)
i. Impressive Form -Free
ii. Being of Souls -Free
iii. Immaterial Constitution -Free
iv. Immaterial Power -Free
v. From Beyond -Free
vi. Stuff of Nightmares -Free
vii. Psychic Boon -Free +500 PP For Part 1 Psychic Powers
1. Runic Path -300 PP
2. Psionic Vampirism -200 PP
viii. Powerful Armor: Primarch Armor -50 IP
ix. Empowered Flight -50 IP
x. Potent Strikes -100 IP
xi. Aura of Corruption -Free
xii. Psychic Understanding -200 IP
xiii. Unholy Light -Free
xiv. Face of Eternity -300 IP
xv. Influenced Land -300 IP
xvi. Song of Souls -Free
111. Warhammer 40K - Imperium
a. Age: 40
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Space Marine -300 CP
d. Starting Location: Armageddon
e. Drawbacks
i. Dark Millennium X12 (40,960 Years) +1800 CP
ii. Abhuman: Felinid +200 CP
iii. The Long Way Around +200 CP
iv. Hunted/The Big Guns X3 +700 CP
v. Love Can Bloom +400 CP
vi. Heresy Reborn +800 CP
f. Perks (Total CP: 4800 + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Astartes Implant -Free
1. Primarch’s Blood -250 CP
ii. Technical Training -100 CP
1. Arch-Magos -500 CP
iii. They Shall Know NO FEAR -150 CP
iv. Cyber-Technician -300 CP
v. Navigator -300 CP
vi. Psyker -400 CP
1. Versatile -100 CP
2. Unsanctioned +100 CP
3. Alpha -200 CP
4. Specialities: Biomancy, Telekinesis
vii. Angel of Death -300 CP
viii. Voice of Divinity/Arch-Heretic -600 CP
ix. Faith Powers -600 CP
x. Viator of Nullspace -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Astartes Scout Gear -Free
ii. Elite Gear -250 CP
1. Terminator Armor -250 CP
iii. Ship -500 CP
iv. Relic Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -200 CP
v. STC Printer -800 CP
112. Elfen Lied
a. Age: 19
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Diclonius -500 CP
d. Starting Location: Research Facility
e. Drawbacks
i. DNA Voice +0 CP
ii. I Never Left +100 CP
iii. Calling You Home +200 CP
iv. Arm and Leg +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Clear Mind -100 CP
ii. Destroyer of Worlds -600 CP
iii. MOVE! -400 CP
iv. Badass -600 CP
v. Mark of the Devil -Free
vi. Vectors -Free
vii. Seed of Chaos -200 CP
viii. Inhuman -Free
ix. Killer Instinct -200 CP
x. Of Many Hands -200 CP
xi. I Know My Voice -300 CP
113. A Certain Scientific Railgun
a. Age: 12
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Student -50 CP
d. Basic Esper Ability: Clairvoyance
e. Drawbacks
i. Permanent Loli +300 CP
ii. Keikaku Keystone +300 CP
f. Perks
i. True Grit -100 CP
ii. Slice of Life -Free
iii. True Sight -300 CP
iv. Motivated -150 CP
v. Critical -300 CP
vi. Doubled Growth Rate -300 CP
vii. Premonition Precog -600 CP
viii. Hard Science -300 CP
ix. Malleable Reality -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Micromanipulators -Free
ii. Equ. Dark Matter -400 CP
114. Arpeggio of Blue Steel
a. Starting Location: New Hakodate
b. Gender: Female
c. Age: 19
d. Origin: Captain
e. Drawbacks
i. Red Sky in the Morning +100 CP
ii. Dimensional Interference +200 CP
iii. A Force To Be Reckoned With +300 CP
iv. Traitor +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Naval Academy Graduate: Captain specialty -Free
ii. Status Report! -Free
iii. Hard to Port! -Free
iv. Tactical Deduction -200 CP
v. Unfathomable -200 CP
vi. Honest In Our Desires -300 CP
vii. Design Child -300 CP
viii. Calculative Countermeasures -100 CP
ix. I Have Control -600 CP
x. Overclocked -200 CP
xi. My Will Is Moving Me Forwards -400 CP
xii. This Logic-Defying Emotion! -600 CP
g. Items
i. Tiny Ships -Free
ii. Sharp Uniform -Free
iii. Hakugei-Class Submarine -Free
iv. Nanomaterials Body -100 CP
h. Companion
i. I am Your Ship -400 CP (+400 Companion CP +500 UD Companion CP)
1. Origin: Loyalist
2. Perks
a. Calculating Countermeasures -Free
b. Attack Algorithm -200 Companion CP
c. Fog -Free
d. This Is Our Carnival -200 Companion CP
e. We Are Weapons -300 UD Companion CP
f. Overclocked -200 UD Companion CP
3. Items
a. Union Core -Free
b. Nanomaterials Body -Free
c. A Piano -Free
d. Thanatonium Supply -Free
e. Light Fleet of Fog Vessel -Free
115. Bioshock
a. Starting Location: Neptune’s Bounty
b. Age: 25
c. Gender: Male
d. Origin: Specialist: Scientist -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Cancer +300 CP
ii. Burial At Sea +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Endurance -100 CP
ii. Specialist Training: Scientist -Free
iii. Accounting Training -100 CP
iv. Advanced Processing -300 CP
v. Intuition -150 CP
vi. Charisma -300 CP
vii. Willpower -600 CP
viii. Adam Pack 3 -600 CP
ix. Savant Genius -300 CP
g. Plasmids
i. Aero Dash -Free
ii. Electro Bolt Upgraded -Free
iii. Hypnotize -Free
iv. Telekinesis Upgraded -Free
v. Teleportation Upgraded -Free
h. Tonics
i. Bloodlust Upgraded -Free
ii. EVE Link -Free
iii. EVE Saver Upgraded -Free
iv. Extra Nutritious -Free
v. Fountain of Youth Upgraded -Free
i. Gear
i. Formal Attire -Free
ii. Diving Suit -150 CP
iii. First Aid Kits -100 CP
iv. EVE Hypos -100 CP
v. ADAM -200 CP
116. Bioshock 2
a. Origin: Child of Rapture -250 CP
b. Age: 17
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Persephone Correctional Facility
e. Drawbacks
i. The Greed Of Man +100 CP
ii. Ack! Retreat! +100 CP
iii. Unstable Injection +100 CP
iv. The Mark Meltzer Problem +200 CP
v. She Doesn’t Want Me Playing With You +200 CP
vi. No Jumper, You Are The Little Girl +400 CP
f. Perks
i. Plasmids Are The Paint -300 CP
ii. A Fathers Love -100 CP
iii. Or It Can Harm -300 CP
iv. So Be The Man -600 CP
v. I’ve Made My Choice -Free
vi. The People’s Child -150 CP
vii. Mother Was Right About One Thing -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Vita Chamber -200 CP
ii. ADAM Syringe -Free
iii. Big Sister Suit -200 CP
h. Plasmids and Tonics
i. Rescue -50 CP
ii. Drill Vampire -100 CP
iii. Extra Nutrition -50 CP
iv. Metabolic EVE -100 CP
v. Speedy Recovery -100 CP
vi. EVE Saver -100 CP
i. Companions
i. Eleanor Lamb -200 CP
ii. Subject Delta -100 CP
117. Bioshock Infinite
a. Origin: Private Investigator
b. Age: 23
c. Gender: Female
d. Drawbacks
i. Mick +100 CP
ii. 1999 Mode +100 CP
iii. Scavenger +200 CP
iv. Unstable +200 CP
e. Perks
i. Dumpster Diver -100 CP
ii. Particle Physics -300 CP
iii. Sleuth -Free
iv. Shield -200 CP
v. Vigorous -300 CP (+2 Free Vigours)
vi. Savvy -100 CP
vii. Lockpicking -100 CP
viii. Engineer -400 CP
ix. Veni Vidi Vigour -600 CP
x. Tears -600 CP
f. Vigours
i. Charge -Free
ii. Possession -100 CP
iii. Shock Jockey -Free
g. Items
i. Sky Hook: Argetsverd Imported -Free
ii. Broadsider -Free
iii. Cigarettes -Free
iv. Infusion -50 CP
v. Slug in a Jug -200 CP
h. Companion
i. Elizabeth -50 CP
118. Mega Man Battle Network
a. Starting Location: Sharo
b. Origin: Drop-In
c. Gender: Female
d. Age: ???
e. Drawbacks
i. Internet Meme +100 CP
ii. Internet Hate +200 CP
iii. Dark Side +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Battle Intuition -100 CP
ii. System Infiltration -100 CP
iii. Gentrification -100 CP
iv. Data Weaponry -150 CP
v. Trap Chips -300 CP
vi. Smooth and Suave -300 CP
vii. Get Ability -300 CP
viii. Navi Customizer -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Cool Emblem -Free
ii. Game Collection -Free
iii. Extra Folder -50 CP
iv. Inbuilt Weaponry: Argetsverd Imported -100 CP
v. Armoured -100 CP
vi. Virus Creator -300 CP
vii. Strong Folder -100 CP
viii. Chip Creator -200 CP
ix. Copybot -300 CP
119. Mega Man X
a. Unit: 13th Polar Region Unit
b. Background: A-Rank -200 CP
c. Age: 18
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. High-Value Target +300 CP
ii. Mistaken Maverick +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Chassis Upgrade X3 -Free
ii. Stoic -100 CP
iii. Self Repair -100 CP
iv. Enhanced Software -Free
v. Experienced -300 CP
vi. Environmental Systems -300 CP
vii. Combat Analysis -600 CP
viii. V.W.E.S. -300 CP
g. Items
i. Power Cell 2 -50 CP
ii. Kinetic Coil -100 CP
iii. Custom Melee: Argetsverd Imported -100 CP
iv. Sub-Tank -200 CP
v. Select Fire -200 CP
vi. Second Buster -150 CP
vii. Z-Saber: Argetsverd Imported -400 CP
120. Mega Man Zero
a. Background: Researcher -100 CP
b. Age: 25
c. Gender: Female
d. Drawbacks
i. Hibernation Sickness +300 CP
ii. Boss Rush +300 CP
e. Perks
i. Equipment Engineer -Free
ii. Combat Analysis -100 CP
iii. Cyber Competencies -100 CP
iv. Combat Augments -200 CP
v. Scavenger -400 CP
vi. Born Scientist -200 CP
vii. Survivor -600 CP
viii. Ciel’s Colleague -300 CP
ix. EX Skills -600 CP
f. Gear
i. Warning -Free
ii. Satellite Nurse -Free
iii. Buster Shotgun -Free
iv. Pantheon Blueprint -Free
v. Z-Saber: Argetsverd Imported -500 CP
121. Kill la Kill
a. Club: No Club
b. Origin: Drop-In
c. Age: 15
d. Gender: Nope
e. Drawbacks
i. Target +800 CP
f. Perks
i. Makolingual -100 CP
ii. Chef -Free
iii. Too Cool For School -100 CP
iv. Radiant Presence -200 CP
v. Dosh King -150 CP
vi. Tailor -300 CP
vii. Ki Technique -300 CP
viii. Resolve -400 CP
ix. Fiber Hybrid -200 CP
g. Goku Uniform
i. Kamui -750 CP
h. Gear
i. Power Scanner -100 CP
ii. Life Fiber Spool -400 CP
iii. Life Fiber Blade: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
122. Parasyte The Maxim
a. Timeline: Anime Continuity
b. Starting Location: Tokyo, Kanto, Japan
c. Background: Human Host -300 CP
d. Age: 19
e. Gender: Male
f. Parasyte Awakening: 25 Hours
g. Drawbacks
i. Stalker +100 CP
ii. Bakemono +200 CP
iii. Beacon +300 CP
h. Perks
i. Unalienated -Free
ii. The Better Mount -200 CP
iii. Parasyte Sense -600 CP
iv. Hybrid -300 CP
v. Brightest -600 CP
i. Companions
i. Body Parasyte -Free (+500 UD Companion CP)
1. Life Must Be Protected -100 CP
2. Threat Display -Free
3. Threat Assessment -Free
4. Quiet Spot -Free
5. The Better Mount -400 CP
6. Fugue -Free
7. Independent Operation -Free
ii. Multi-Parasyte X4 -800 CP (+400 Parasyte CP Each, +500 UD
Companion CP Each)
1. Threat Display -Free
2. Echopraxia -200 CP
3. The Better Mount -400 CP
4. Brightest -300 CP
j. Items
i. Textbooks -Free
ii. Study Room -100 CP
iii. Genetic Sensor Schematic -200 CP
123. Sailor Moon
a. Age: 12
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Villain -200 CP
d. Drawbacks
i. Big Eater +100 CP
ii. Scary Reputation +100 CP
iii. Klutz +200 CP
iv. Another Story +200 CP
v. Earth Empathy +200 CP
vi. Servant of Evil (Usagi) +300 CP
vii. Old Foe +300 CP
viii. Enemy of the Moon Kingdom +600 CP
ix. Foe of Chaos +600 CP
e. Scenario
i. Reach Past The Stars +800 Scenario CP
f. Perks (Total CP: 3400 + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Subplot Sense -100 CP
ii. A Future Friend In Need -100 CP
iii. Ahahaha, Nope! -400 CP
iv. Energy Sense -400 CP
v. Untouchable -600 CP
vi. Starseed Awakening -600 CP
vii. Not This Again -Free
viii. Energy Draining Devices -Free
ix. Revivification -100 CP
x. Daimon Egg Production Enhanced -200 CP
xi. Power Granting Deal -200 CP
xii. Star Seed Extraction -300 CP
xiii. Space Time Distortion Sense -200 CP
xiv. Power Up -300 CP
xv. Energy Absorption -200 CP
xvi. Dream Mirror Extraction -200 CP
g. Companions
i. Canon Companions (Usagi) -200 Scenario CP
h. Items (+400 Item CP)
i. Daimon Eggs -Free
ii. Book of Curses -Free
iii. Magic Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -200 Scenario CP
iv. Dazzling Crystal -400 CP
v. Orgel -400 CP
vi. Silver Millennium Technology -200 CP -400 Scenario CP
vii. Subspace Dimension -400 Item CP
124. The Matrix
a. Origin: Plug
b. Age: 23
c. Gender: Male
d. Drawbacks
i. Stability +0 CP, Mandatory
ii. Thesaurus Vocalization +100 CP
iii. Gritty +100 CP
iv. Philosophical Waxing +200 CP
e. Perks
i. Woah -Free
ii. New Form -Free
iii. We Are Not Afraid -600 CP
iv. Sharp Eye -Free
v. Open Mind -100 CP
vi. Everybody Knows Kung-Fu -200 CP
vii. We Are One -300 CP
viii. Reader -100 CP
ix. We Are Free -600 CP
x. Connectivity -400 CP
xi. Residual Self-Image -100 CP
xii. Cause and Effect -200 CP
xiii. Paved In Bones -300 CP
f. Items
i. Slick Shades -Free
ii. Neural Plugs -Free
iii. VR Construct Hub -200 CP
125. Akame Ga Kill
a. Age: 22
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Doctor
d. Drawbacks
i. What A Waste +100 CP
ii. Deathflag Collection Race +300 CP
iii. Trying Your Hand At Love +300 CP
iv. Tyrant Trouble +300 CP
e. Perks
i. General Level Potential -Free
ii. Perfect Hair -Free
iii. 1000 Extra IP -1000 CP
iv. Field “Medicine” -Free
v. Inoculation -Free
vi. Body Manipulation -400 CP
vii. Expert Medical Care -200 CP
viii. If You’re Okay With Someone Like Me -200 CP
ix. Incredible Craftsmanship -300 CP
x. Body Reshaping -300 CP
xi. Seductive Body -100 CP
xii. Hunk of Well-Sculpted Flesh -200 CP
xiii. Simultaneous Activation -400 CP
xiv. Most Powerful, Most Beautiful -400 CP
f. Teigu: Armor (+1000 IP)
i. Import: Primarch Armor
ii. Enhanced Durability -100 IP
iii. Living -200 IP
iv. Utility -200 IP
v. Enhanced Body -200 IP
vi. Transformation -600 IP
vii. Evolution -400 IP
viii. Regeneration -300 IP
g. Gear
i. Simple Sturdy Weapon -Free
126. City of Angles
a. Origin: Bedlam
b. Age: 15
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: City (Next to Zag)
e. Drawbacks
i. Sideways Source +100 CP
ii. Cuddle Bear Convoy +100 CP
iii. 88:88 AM +100 CP
iv. Through The Bleed +100 CP
v. New Deal +200 CP
vi. Alpha Strike +200 CP
vii. Restless Slumber +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Don’t Cope -100 CP
ii. Already Broken -600 CP
iii. Lucid Logo Designer -600 CP
iv. Sideways Navigator -Free
v. The Words -400 CP
vi. Disorderly Conduct -100 CP
vii. Chaos Processing -200 CP
viii. Picasso -300 CP
ix. Free From The Coil -200 CP
x. One, Not Zero -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Three//Four Keyring -Free
ii. Sideways Hardware -Free
iii. Concentrated Truth Serum -200 CP
iv. Replication Shelf -300 CP
127. Battle Action Harem High School Side Character Quest
a. Starting Location: Santiago
b. Origin: Instructor -200
c. Age: 34
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Harem Member +100 CP
ii. No Dead Humans +200 CP
iii. Priority Target +200 CP
iv. Zero Hour +300 CP
v. Man Gives Innumerable Prayers To Heaven For Salvation. Heaven
Replies With Nothing But Death To Recompense Man +400 CP
f. Perks
i. Valkyrie Skill -Free
ii. Perseverance -200 CP
iii. Enhancement Mastery -400 CP
iv. Impeller Mastery -600 CP
v. Reduced Synch Strain -100 CP
vi. 3D Native -200 CP
vii. Construction -400 CP
viii. An Ace -100 CP
ix. Instructor Mom -Free
x. 90 Going On 40 -100 CP
xi. Target Rich Environment -200 CP
xii. Pinnacle -300 CP
xiii. Higgs Knowledge -400 CP
xiv. Valkyrie Core Knowledge -500 CP
g. Items
i. Valkyrie Core and Frame -Free
ii. Datapad -Free
iii. Standard School Uniform -Free
h. Valkyrie Frame: 900 Origin AP
i. Armor Import: Primarch Armor-100 AP
ii. Melee Halberd -Free
1. Import: Argetsverd
iii. Hypervelocity Cannon -Free
iv. More Powerful Impeller -100 AP
v. Enhanced Thrusters -100 AP
vi. Improved Sensors -200 AP
vii. Fabricator -200 AP
viii. Medical Module -200 AP
128. Code Lyoko
a. Gender: Male
b. Age: 16
c. Origin: Program -100 CP
d. Drawbacks
i. Land of the Giant Foreheads +0 CP
ii. My Eyes Are Down Here +100 CP
iii. Too Close +100 CP
iv. Here Come The Men In Black +100 CP
v. Pick On Jumper Week +200 CP
vi. Groundhog Day +200 CP
vii. Jumpstart +300 CP
viii. Invasion Day +300 CP
e. Perks
i. Lyoko Avatar -Free
ii. Return to the Present -100
iii. Xanaproofed -600 CP
iv. Last Second -600 CP
v. Einstein -100 CP
vi. Reprogram -200 CP
vii. Quantum Computing -600 CP
viii. Annex Program -Free
ix. Second Sight -100 CP
x. Uplink -200 CP
xi. Creativity -300 CP
f. Gear
i. Signature Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -Free
1. Weapon Type: Melee
2. Weapon Advantage: Enormous
ii. Personal Vehicle -100 CP
iii. Minor Feature/Waived Roll -300 CP
1. Speed
iv. Major Feature/Waived Roll -500 CP
1. Upgrade
129. Watchmen
a. Starting Location: New York, 1985
b. Age: Young
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Post-Human -400 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. I Did It! +200 CP
ii. Friendly Middle-Aged Man +300 CP
iii. I Am Disappointed +300 CP
iv. OR ALL DIE +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Fearful Symmetry -Free
ii. Small World -100 CP
iii. Who Watches The Watchmen? -200 CP
iv. Doomsday Clock -400 CP
v. Certified Badass -200 CP
vi. Gordian Knot -600 CP
vii. Unquantifiable Abstracts -Free
viii. Game Changer -100 CP
ix. Surface Of The Sun -200 CP
x. You’re Just A Man -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Comics -Free
ii. Photo -Free
h. Powers
i. Basic Telekinesis -Free
ii. Watchmaker -300 CP
iii. Self-Willed Presence -400 CP
iv. I Am Become Death -400 CP
130. Saint Young Men
a. Origin: Young Man +200 CP
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Tachikawa City
e. Drawbacks
i. I Got Pressed +100 CP
ii. Saints Are Best Chubby +100 CP
iii. Post Apocrypha +300 CP
iv. There Is No Other God +300 CP
f. Perks
i. You’re Famous -Free
ii. Jumpers Day Off -50 CP
iii. Mortals Will Be Mortals -50 CP
iv. Priceless -Free
v. The Worst Kind Of Change -Free
vi. Let Them See The World -Free
vii. (Un)Natural Ascetic -Free
viii. Neither, He Is The Messiah -100 CP
ix. Agape! -100 CP
x. Idols Do Not Shit -200 CP
xi. First Flight To Heaven, Last Train To Hell -200 CP
xii. Saint Firemen -200 CP
xiii. The More Or Less Enlightened One -200 CP
xiv. Every Rock Is Meant To Be Where It Is -300 CP
xv. Still In The Cycle -300 CP
xvi. Far Too Much Love -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Trademark Outfit -Free
ii. Nivea -Free
iii. Heavenly Chocolates -Free
iv. Artillery -Free
v. Sign of Devotion -Free
vi. Immortal Laptop -100 CP
vii. Miraculous Property -200 CP
viii. Cleanliness Next To Godliness -300 CP
ix. Tithes and Offerings -300 CP
x. Afterlife Airlines -300 CP
xi. I’m Sorry Luther-San! -300 CP
131. F.E.A.R.
a. Starting Location: Almaverse
b. Age: 31
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Delta Force -50 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Liquid Harvest +200 CP
ii. Otherworld +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Paxton Fettel -Free
ii. Null and Void -600 CP
iii. Kung-Fu Fighting -Free
iv. Bored With Insanity -200 CP
v. Bullet Time -300 CP
vi. We Are Many -600 CP
vii. The Ride Never Ends -600 CP
viii. Telekinesis -200 CP
ix. Pyrokinesis -200 CP
x. Synchronicity Event -500 CP
g. Gear
i. Creepy Doll -50 CP
132. Haydee
a. Origin: Haydee
b. Gender: Female
c. Age: Null
d. Starting Location: White Zone
e. Drawbacks
i. Stupid Sexy Jumper-Walk +100 CP
ii. Hey, That’s Not Fair! +200 CP
iii. Hardcore +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Run Away! -100 CP
ii. Iron Grasp -200 CP
iii. Perfect Platformer -400 CP
iv. Labyrinthine Mind -600 CP
v. Mod-Dee -Free
vi. Born to be Lewded -Free
vii. Escape Protocol -100 CP
viii. Macro Management -200 CP
ix. Jailbreak Protocol -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Ammo Box -Free
ii. Respirator -200 CP
iii. Gun: Magnum -200 CP
iv. All-Inclusive Toolkit -200 CP
v. Universal Keycard -600 CP
h. Companions
i. Thiccc-Dee -50 CP
ii. Chill-Dee -50 CP
iii. Sorrow-Dee -50 CP
iv. Lone-Dee -50 CP
v. Ditz-Dee -50 CP
vi. Ninja-Dee -50 CP
133. Konosuba
a. Starting Location: Axel
b. Age: 15
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Mage
e. Race: Humanoid
f. Drawbacks
i. No More Zero +0 CP
ii. Dearth of Eris +100 CP
iii. Shameless +100 CP
iv. The Dark Path +200 CP
v. The Holy Order of Pigs +200 CP
vi. The Dirty Old Count +200 CP
g. Perks
i. The Way This Works: Advanced Class -100 CP
ii. Fallen Holy Goddess -600 CP
1. Evolution
2. Magic
3. Swordsmanship
iii. Pulling Pigtails -Free
iv. Crazy Little Lady -Free
v. The Power In This Right Eye Of Mine -200 CP
vi. Hyper Build -300 CP
vii. The Path of Explosions -300 CP
viii. Amusement -400 CP
ix. All Hail Me -600 CP
x. Holy Hexes -600 CP
xi. A Dark Beauty -100 CP
h. Items
i. Adventurer Card -Free
ii. Wizard’s Companion -Free
i. Companions
i. Canon Companion: Yunyun -100 CP
ii. Annoying Goddess -Free
134. Lyrical Nanoha
a. Age: 9
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Drop-In
d. Drawbacks
i. Extension +0 CP
ii. Targeted +200 CP
iii. Superior Disdain +300 CP
iv. The High Council Hates You +300 CP
e. Scenarios
i. Group A: Consumed By Darkness +400 CP
ii. Group B
1. Material LSD +300 CP
2. The Jewel Seed Incident: Neither Side +200 CP
3. Nuclear Launch Detected +200 CP
a. Challenges
i. D-Rank Sentry Squads x4 +4
ii. B-Rank Teams x2 +4
iii. AAA-Rank Ace +4
iv. Fire Outbreak +3
v. Automated Sentries x3 +3
vi. Internal AMF [AA-Rank] +5
vii. Internal AMF [S-Rank] +10
viii. Radiation Hazard +3
b. Rewards
i. Ancient Belkan Scriptures -1
ii. Clarent -15
iii. L’Arc-En-Cil -20
4. Belka Reborn: The Savior +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Age Is No Barrier -Free
ii. Well Adjusted -Free
iii. Zenryoku Zenkai! -100 CP
iv. Friendly Rivalry -150 CP
v. Power of Friendship -300 CP
vi. Well Learned -200 CP
vii. Renaissance Girl -300 CP
viii. Device Meister -600 CP
ix. Hayate’s Lesbian Army -200 CP
x. Adult Mode -200 CP
xi. Ancient Knowledge -400 CP
xii. Gift of Flight -100 CP
xiii. Anti-AMF -100 CP
xiv. Ace of Aces -600 CP
xv. Blood of Kings -300 CP
1. Sagebrecht
xvi. No Limiter Can Hold Me -200 CP
xvii. Natural Magic Potential: SS -600 CP
xviii. Telepathy -Free
xix. Deviceless -300 CP
xx. Ancient Belkan Magic System -Free
g. Gear
i. Stack of Cash -Free
ii. Sponsored by Pizza Hut -Free
h. Device (+600 Free DP)
i. 1400 Extra DP -350 CP
ii. Wearable-Type Device -Free
iii. Forms/Modes
1. Standby Form -Free
2. Device Form: Primarch Armor Imported -100 DP
3. Shooting Mode -100 DP
4. Alternate Mode -100 DP
5. Fulldrive -300 DP
iv. Intelligence: Intelligent -100 DP
v. Additional Systems
1. Auto-Repair -Free
2. Auto-Guard -50 DP
3. Accelerated Charge System -150 DP
4. 5th Generation Energy Blades -150 DP
vi. Knight Armor
1. Sonic Form -100 DP
2. Tank Form -100 DP
3. Overdrive Form -100 DP
vii. Enhancements
1. Defenser Plus x3 -150 DP
2. Sonic Boost x3 -150 DP
3. Mana Boost x3 -150 DP
4. Efficiency Boost x4 -200 DP
135. Metroid
a. Age: 20
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: There Is Another -200 CP
d. Starting Location: Zebes
e. Drawbacks
i. Corruption +0 CP
ii. The Prime Directive +0 CP
iii. Bottles? (Non Canon) +0 CP
iv. Collect Them All! +100 CP
v. Fire And Screams +100 CP
vi. Remember Me? +100 CP
vii. Not Again! +200 CP
viii. A Ravenous Abyss +200 CP
ix. Coveted +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Human-Chozo Physiology -Free
ii. Silence of the Stars -Free
iii. One With The Galaxy -Free
iv. Acrobatic Excellence -100 CP
v. Carry On -200 CP
vi. Part of the Whole -300 CP
g. Power Armor (+1500 Free SP)
i. 1700 Extra SP -1700 CP
ii. What’s Old Is New Again: Primarch Armor -100 SP
iii. Life Support -Free
iv. Internal HUD -Free
v. Suit Up -Free
vi. Power Insulation System -100 SP
vii. Nano Repair System -100 SP
viii. Varia -Free
ix. Hazard Shield -200 SP
x. Gravity -100 SP
xi. Light -600 SP
xii. Prototype Enhancement Device -600 SP
xiii. Fusion -600 SP
xiv. Legendary -300 SP
h. Weapons
i. Arm Cannon -Free
ii. Power Beam -Free
iii. Charge Beam -100 SP
iv. Missiles -100 SP
i. Visor System
i. Scan Visor -Free
ii. Dark Visor -100 SP
j. Movement Systems
i. Thruster System -Free
ii. Speed Booster -200 SP
k. Items
i. Spaceship -Free
ii. Recharge Station -Free
iii. Phazon Sample -400 CP
iv. Zero Suit -Free
l. Companion
i. The Hunter -100 CP
ii. SA-X -200 CP
iii. Dark Samus -200 CP
136. Naruto
a. Age: 12
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Orphan -100 CP
d. Starting Location: Konohagakure
e. Drawbacks
i. Stuffed +0
ii. There’s How Many Movies?! +0
iii. Reviled +100 CP
iv. Hunted Maximized +300 CP
v. Before My Eyes +100 CP
vi. Super Pervert +100 CP
vii. Low Priority +200 CP
viii. Dysfunction Junction +200 CP
ix. Boiling Blood +200 CP
xi. Blood-Lust +300 CP
xii. MC-CHAN! +500 CP
f. Scenarios
i. Bonsai
ii. Sage of Six Paths
iii. Consumer of the God Tree
g. Perks
i. Basic Ninja Training -Free
ii. Fine Control -100 CP
iii. You Have Reserves -100 CP
iv. Elemental Chakra Affinity -Free
1. Lightning
v. Ninjutsu Specialization -Free
vi. Taijutsu Specialization -100 CP
vii. Genjutsu Specialization -100 CP
viii. Sensor Ninja -150 CP
ix. Medical Ninjutsu Training -300 CP
x. Therapy No Jutsu -200 CP
xi. The Eight Gates -400 CP
xii. Genius of Hard Work -300 CP
xiii. Singular Reality -600 CP
xiv. Fuinjutsu Prodigy -300 CP
h. Bloodline Limits
i. Uzumaki -200 CP
ii. Lost Hyuuga -300 CP
iii. Senju -300 CP
iv. Uchiha -800 CP
v. Mangekyou Sharingan -400 CP
1. Susanoo
2. Kamui
3. Kamimusubi
vi. Rinnegan -Free
i. Items
i. Basic Gear -Free
ii. Signed Icha Icha Series -Free
iii. Fuinjutsu Kit -Free
iv. Dosh -50 CP
137. Generic Naruto Fanfiction
a. Age: 11
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Prodigy
d. Drawbacks
i. This Is Your Story: Naruto +0 CP
ii. Demon Cat +100 CP
iii. RAMEN! +100 CP
iv. FANGIRLS! +300 CP
v. Got Lost On The Road Of Life +200 CP
vi. Village Pariah +400 CP
vii. ROOT of All Evil +500 CP
viii. Snakebite +400 CP
e. Perks (Total CP: 3000 + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Chakra Coils -Free
ii. Academy Training -Free
iii. Elemental Affinity: Wind -Free
iv. Jonin at 8 -100 CP
v. Clan Restoration Act -200 CP
vi. Unlimiter -400 CP
vii. Kekkei-Genkai -400 CP (+1000 BP)
viii. True Name -500 CP
ix. Jinchuuriki -500 CP
x. Shinobi -100 CP
xi. Innovator -400 CP
xii. Masked -Free
xiii. Nerves of Steel -100 CP
xiv. Brilliant Mind -200 CP
xv. True Genius -300 CP
xvi. Unsealable -100 CP
xvii. Ancient Tongue -400 CP
f. Gear (+400 Item CP)
i. Ninja Weapons -Free
ii. Mythical Summoning Contract (Kitsune) -Free
iii. Shadow Clones -100 CP
iv. Weight Seals -100 CP
v. Mindscape -400 Item CP, -200 CP
g. Kekkei Genkai
i. More BP -400 CP +800 BP
ii. X-Ton (Yin and Yang) -600 BP
iii. Rinnegan -1200 BP
h. Companion
i. Tailed Beast: Kurama -Free
138. Needless
a. Origin: Scientist
b. Species: ADAM -800 CP
c. Age: 16
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. Needless 0 +0 CP
ii. Lolicon +0 CP
iii. Did You Forget I Am God? +100 CP
iv. 24 Episodes My Ass! +200 CP
v. No, That’s Just Sick +200 CP
vi. If Attack...Destroy Future… +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Nothing Here Is Truly Needless -Free
ii. Gift of Eden -600 CP
iii. Trap or Treat -300 CP
iv. A Trapping Young Man -600 CP
v. Adamit To Your Sins -Free
vi. Adamaged Goods -300 CP
vii. Let Me Feel Your Feverish Body -100 CP
viii. Eve’s Original Sin -Free
ix. The Moment You’re Born -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Media Reader -Free
ii. Eden’s Seeds -400 CP
h. Companion
i. Eve -200 CP (+800 Companion CP +200 Companion Fragment CP +500
UD Companion CP)
1. Origin: Informant
2. Race: Needless
3. Perks
a. Nothing Here Is Truly Needless -Free
b. Gift of Eden -400 UD Companion CP -200 Companion CP
c. Needless To Say -Free
d. Let Me Feel Your Feverish Body -Free
e. Keep An Open Mind -300 Companion CP
4. Fragment: Egoic Lotus -200 Companion Fragment CP -100 UD
Companion CP
5. Gear
a. Memory Cards -Free
b. Iron Mountain Substitute -300 CP
i. Fragments
i. Zero -Free
ii. Doppelganger -Free
139. Paper Mario
a. Starting Location: Rogueport
b. Origin: Hero
c. Species: Human
d. Gender: Male
e. Age: 14
f. Drawbacks
i. Super Flag Victory +400 CP
ii. A Paper Hero’s Journey +600 CP
g. Perks
i. Paper People -Free
ii. Thank My Lucky Stars -Free
iii. Put On A Good Show -100 CP
iv. Card Catcher -200 CP
v. A Humble Mushroom Farmer -100
vi. Tayce T. Cook -200 CP
vii. Badgesmith -400 CP
viii. Jumpman -Free
ix. Paperize -Free
x. Flip! -100 CP
xi. Calling Colors -100 CP
xii. Origami Curse -200 CP
xiii. Personal Constellation -300 CP
xiv. Shine Brighter -100 CP
xv. Ultra Rank -400 CP
xvi. Dark Form -600 CP
xvii. Noble Stature -200 CP
h. Gear
i. Jumping Boots -Free
1. Super Boots -100 CP
ii. Wooden Hammer -100 CP
1. Super Hammer -100 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion -200 CP
j. Personal Constellation (+1000 Free SP, +2 Pips)
i. Extra Pips X3 -300 SP +3 Pips
ii. Faster Recharge X2 -200 SP
iii. Crystal Star -Free
iv. Refresh AoE -150 SP -1.5 Pips
v. Heal AoE -150 SP -1.5 Pips
vi. Immobilize -200 SP -2 Pips
k. Dark Form (+1000 Free DP)
i. Wounded Threshold -300 DP
ii. Restoration X3 -300 DP
iii. Macho -100 DP
iv. Immense Size -100 DP
v. Chaos Touched Heart -200 DP
140. Prey
a. Age: 29
b. Gender: Female
c. Starting Location: Psychotronics
d. Origin: Typhon -500 CP +48 Neuromods
e. Drawbacks
i. Reputation +100 CP
ii. The New Yu +300 CP
iii. They Came From Beyond Space +300 CP
iv. To Seek Out New Life +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Overclocked Neurology -400 CP
ii. Master of the Mind -600 CP
iii. Peak Physical Condition -400 CP
g. Neuromods
i. 12 Extra Neuromods -600 CP
ii. Mimic Matter I -2 Neuromods
1. Mimic Matter II -4 Neuromods
2. Mimic Matter III -5 Neuromods
iii. Phantom Shift I -2 Neuromods
1. Phantom Shift II -4 Neuromods
iv. Ether Resistance -1 Neuromod
1. Ether Absorption -3 Neuromods
v. Phantom Genesis I -2 Neuromods
1. Phantom Genesis II -4 Neuromods
2. Phantom Genesis III -6 Neuromods
vi. Mindjack I -2 Neuromods
1. Mindjack II -4 Neuromods
vii. Remote Manipulation I -2 Neuromods
1. Remote Manipulation II -3 Neuromods
viii. Machine Mind I -2 Neuromods
ix. Kinetic Blast I -2 Neuromods
x. Electrostatic Burst I -2 Neuromods
xi. Electrostatic Resistance -1 Neuromods
xii. Electrostatic Absorption -3 Neuromods
xiii. Super Thermal I -2 Neuromods
xiv. Thermal Resistance -1 Neuromods
xv. Thermal Absorb -3 Neuromods
h. Psychoscope -200 CP
i. Speed Scan 001SI -50 CP
ii. Far Scan 002SI -50 CP
iii. Mimic Detection Gen 2 -100 CP
iv. Psychoactive Charger S-I286 -50 CP
v. Recoverer++ 2094I -100 CP
i. TranStar Suit -Free (The New Yu)
i. ARTX EVA Suite -200 CP
ii. ARTX Propulsion Gen 1 -50 CP
iii. ARTX Propulsion Gen 2 -50 CP
iv. Kinaesthetic Assister CRU -50 CP
v. Integral Structor B5NM -50 CP
vi. Radiation Shielding 19.4GHz -50 CP
j. Gear
i. Heffy Twist & Loop Wrench -Free
ii. GLOO Cannon -Free
141. Kingdom Hearts
a. Starting Location: Hollow Bastion
b. Origin: Wielder -300
c. Species: Nobody -600 CP
d. Age: 17
e. Gender: Female
f. Drawbacks
i. Paopu Pursuer +100 CP
ii. Finding Your Light +200 CP
iii. Grinding Loot +200 CP
iv. Plot Bound +300 CP
v. Critical Mode +400 CP
vi. The Namine Treatment +0 CP
vii. They Come +0 CP
g. Perks
i. Tema Del Jumper -Free
ii. Tema Di Mondi -Free
iii. JRPG Style -Free
iv. A Heart To Call My Own -200 CP
v. Magical Potential -Free
vi. Hit It! -Free
vii. Crystal Concepts -200 CP
viii. Choose Wisely: The Rod -Free
ix. Dive Into The Heart -Free
x. Light My Way -300 CP
xi. Hello Darkness My Old Friend -600 CP
xii. Hazy Reflection -Free
xiii. Empty Mirror -200 CP
xiv. Absent Silhouette -Free
xv. Aspect of Oblivion: Space -Free
xvi. Corridors of Darkness -Free
xvii. Enter The Void -300 CP
xviii. You Are Nobody -Free
xix. End of Day -100 CP
xx. Empty Heart -50 CP
xxi. The Summons That Never Were -100 CP
xxii. Fortress of Nothingness -100 CP
xxiii. World of Nothingness -250 CP
h. Gear (Two Free 50 CP Items, Two Free 100 CP Items, One Free 200 CP Item)
i. Nomura Brand Outfit -Free
ii. Paopu Fruit Seeds -Free
iii. Unlimited Sea Salt Ice Cream -Free
iv. Elixir -100 CP (Free)
v. Drive Clothes -50 CP (Free)
1. Valor Form -Free
2. Wisdom Form -50 CP (Free)
3. Master Form -200 CP (-100 CP, Free 100 CP)
4. Final Form -200 CP (Free)
5. Anti-Form -Free
i. Training Weapon (One Free 100 CP Item)
i. Wooden Sword Enhanced -100 CP (Free)
j. Weapon (One Free 100 CP Item)
i. Struggle Bats -100 CP (Free)
ii. Keyblade -Free
k. Companion
i. Canon Companion -300 CP
l. Nobody Customization (15 Hearts)
i. Nothingness Physiology -Free
ii. Extra Extremities: Wings -1 Heart
iii. Size: Medium -Free
iv. Distortion -Free
v. Warp -3 Hearts
vi. Air Walking -Free
vii. Teleportation -3 Hearts
viii. Solid Sea -3 Hearts
ix. Nobody Was Kung-Fu Fighting -Free
x. Melee Weapon -Free
xi. Elemental Weapon -Free
xii. Melee Element -Free
xiii. Magic -1 Heart
xiv. Durability X2 (A Ridiculous Amount of HP) -2 Hearts
xv. Speed Boost X2 (Really, Really Fast) -2 Hearts
m. Keyblade Customization (15 General KP, 14 Second Keychain KP)
i. Import: Argetsverd -3 KP
ii. Sync Gear -4 KP
iii. Length: Long
iv. Weight: Mediumweight
v. Blade: Sharp
vi. First Keychain
1. Hook -1 KP
2. STR Boost -1 KP
3. MP Boost -1 KP
4. Ornate -1 KP
5. Stand Your Ground -1 KP
6. Elemental Key: Light -3 KP
7. Ability: Lady Luck -Free
vii. Second Keychain (Synch Gear: 7 KP)
1. STR Boost -1 KP
2. MP Boost -1 KP
3. Ornate -1 KP
4. Stand Your Ground -1 KP
5. Elemental Key: Darkness -3 KP
6. Ability: MP Recovery -Free
142. Kingdom Hearts - Jumpchain of Memories
a. Age: [import from previous jump]
b. Gender: [import from previous jump]
c. Location: The Realm of Darkness
d. Origin: Drop-In
e. Drawbacks
i. Not Done Yet +0 CP
ii. Who Needs A Map? +100 CP
iii. Teeming Darkness +100 CP
iv. Almighty Darkness +100 CP
v. Remember The Mission +200 CP
vi. Platinum Card +200 CP
vii. Marathon +300 CP
viii. Bottomless Darkness +500 CP
f. Perks
i. The Fool -100 CP
ii. The Magician -200 CP
iii. The World -300 CP
iv. Card Combat -Free
v. Got It Memorized -Free
vi. Map Cards -100 CP
vii. Enemy Card -200 CP
viii. Reprint Cards -300 CP
ix. Screw The Rules! -300 CP
x. Zantetsuken -600 CP
xi. Heart of Darkness -100 CP
xii. Quick Reload -400 CP
xiii. Replication -400 CP
xiv. Chain of Memories -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Magic Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -Free
ii. Creeper Plant Card -100 CP
iii. Castle Oblivion -300 CP
143. Kingdom Hearts - Birth By Sleep
a. Starting Location: Olympus Coliseum
b. Age: [imported]
c. Gender: [imported]
d. Origin: Keyblade Apprentice
e. Drawbacks
i. Old Friends And Familiar Faces +0 CP
ii. Trouble Magnet +100 CP
iii. Captain Jumper +100 CP
iv. Grand Theft Me +300 CP
v. Critical Mode +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Path of the Mystic -Free
ii. Keyblade Proficiency -Free
iii. Ars Keyblade -200 CP
iv. Magical Potential -Free
v. Ars Magica -200 CP
vi. Command Style: Level One -200 CP
vii. Command Style: Level Two -100 CP
viii. Shotlock -200 CP
ix. Bleeding Heart -400 CP
x. Bright Heart -Free
xi. My Friends Are My Power And I’m Theirs! -Free
xii. Acrobatics -100 CP
xiii. Lingering Will -300 CP
xiv. Shifting Essence -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Outfit By Nomura -Free
ii. Star Shard -Free
iii. Wayfinder -Free
iv. Dimension Link -100 CP
v. Ice Cream Machine -100 CP
vi. Mirage Arena -200 CP
vii. Keyblade: Argetsverd Imported -Free
viii. Keyblade Armour: Primarch Armor Imported -100 CP
h. Companions
i. Canon Companion x5 -500 CP
144. Coiling Dragon
a. Origin: Drop-In
b. Starting Location: Gebados Planar Prison
c. Age: 11
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. His Infamy Shakes The World +200 CP
ii. Radiant Hunters +400 CP
iii. Dark Assassins +400 CP
iv. Against All Odds +200 CP
v. Zacharias Leylin +600 CP
vi. Eight Greats +0 CP
vii. Gebados Planar Prison +800 CP
viii. Sovereign of Light +1000 CP
ix. Sovereign of Fate +1000 CP
x. Two Sides of the Same Coin +500 CP
f. Perks
i. Cultivation -Free
ii. Average Affinity: Lightning -Free
iii. Required Secondary Powers -Free
iv. The Four Divine Beast Clans: Redding -400 CP
v. Profound Sleuth -400 CP
vi. Profound Fuser -400 CP
vii. Dual Focus -Free
viii. Soul Trap -100 CP
ix. Artifact Forging -150 CP
x. Spark Strips -300 CP
xi. Real Genius -400 CP
xii. Determination -100 CP
xiii. Indomitable Soul -600 CP
xiv. A God In Spirit -100 CP
xv. Exceptional Affinity x4 (Water, Wind, Earth, Fire) -500 CP
xvi. Cheapskate -600 CP
xvii. Ever Growing -600 CP
xviii. Friends Are Worth It -300 CP
xix. Linley Armor -800 CP
g. Items
i. Magical Beast Meat -Free
ii. Interspatial Ring -100 CP
iii. Book of Sculpting -200 CP
iv. Book of Spells -300 CP
v. Ization Pool -150 CP
vi. Azure Dragon Ring -300 CP
vii. Planar Battlefield -400 CP
viii. Golden Soul Pearl Bank -800 CP
h. Scenario: JUMPER Baruch; continue chain
145. Ar Tonelico
a. Starting Location: Tower of Rhaplanca
b. Age: 734
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Reyvateil-Origin -1000 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Plotbound +50 CP
ii. Standout +50 CP
iii. Location Unknown +200 CP
iv. Reyvateil Bane +200 CP
v. Enemy +200 CP
vi. The Planet Does Not Like You +300 CP
vii. Unstable Nuclear Triangle Loop +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Draconic Heritage -100 CP
ii. Song Magic -Free
iii. Install Port -Free
iv. Stripper-riffic -Free
v. Creation Prodigy -300 CP
vi. Dive Compatible -300 CP
vii. Powerful Emotions -Free
viii. Hardened Cosmosphere -Free
ix. Song Science -300 CP
x. Grand Mage -600 CP
xi. Maximum Penetration -600 CP
xii. Creative Composition -300 CP
g. Items
i. Starting Loadout -Free
ii. House Key -50 CP
iii. Songstone Composer -Free
iv. Linkage -Free
v. Orgel of Origins -250 CP
vi. Tower Seed -Free
146. Asura’s Wrath
a. Starting Era: Suffering: The Coming of a New Dawn
b. Origin: Citizen of Shinkoku Trastium -50 CP
c. Age: 304
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. You Made Her Cry! +1000 CP
f. Perks
i. Mantra Generation -Free
ii. Imposing Declaration of Title -Free
iii. Living Saint -800 CP
iv. Noble Title And Demesne -Free
v. Beauty Soothed The Savage Bea- Demigod -100 CP
vi. Demigod Atelier -200 CP
vii. Mantra Foci -400 CP
viii. Lock On -400 CP
ix. Mantra Affinity: Lust -100
x. Mantra Training And Techniques -200 CP
xi. Cyborg Hindu Godbody -400 CP
xii. Spirit Of The World -100 CP
xiii. A Tangled Web Weaved -200 CP
g. Items
i. Mantra Transmitter -50 CP
ii. Resplendent Wardrobe -Free
iii. Retreat -100 CP
iv. Mantra Reactor -400 CP
147. Baka to Test
a. Age: 15
b. Gender: Male
c. Starting Location: Fumizuki Academy
d. Origin: Drop-In
e. Initial Class Placement: A
f. Drawbacks
i. Misunderstood +100 CP
ii. Lethal Chef +100 CP
iii. Dense As a Brick +200 CP
iv. Serial Crossdressing +200 CP
g. Perks
i. Lucky Idiot -100 CP
ii. What Does She See In You? -200 CP
iii. She Keeps On Getting Away With It -400 CP
iv. Pretty Crossdresser -Free
v. A Smile For You! -100 CP
vi. Confession Under a Tree -100 CP
vii. Hopeful Suitor -100 CP
viii. Popular Bastard -200 CP
ix. The Good Brother -100 CP
x. Master Chef -100 CP
xi. Iron Body -100 CP
xii. Time for Extra Lessons -200 CP
xiii. Role Model -400 CP
xiv. Ways of Teaching -400 CP
xv. Good Schedule -Free
h. Items
i. Shoukanjuu -Free
ii. Shipping Chart -Free
iii. Cosplay Uniforms -100 CP
iv. Iron Bracelet -200 CP
v. Iron Suit -100 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion -200 CP
148. Elf-San Wa Yaserarenai
a. Starting Location: Clinic
b. Race: Dragon -300 CP
c. Age: 24
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Curse of Fanservice +100 CP
ii. Chips, Burgers, and Icecream! +100 CP
iii. Straight Scary +200 CP
iv. Curse of the Satyr +200 CP
f. Perks
i. Familial Bonds -100 CP
ii. I Am Hyu Man -100 CP
iii. The Fat Lady -Free
iv. Not a Doctor -100 CP
v. Fat Witch -200 CP
vi. Soldier of Fantasy -400 CP
vii. Ritual Gone Right -400 CP
g. Gear
i. Lifetime Chip Supply -Free
ii. Fitness Alchemy -100 CP
iii. Small Private Island -200 CP
iv. Black Magic Clothes -200 CP
v. Maca Extract -200 CP
vi. Other World Door -300 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion x10 -500 CP
149. Senki Zesshou Symphogear
a. Age: 15
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Researcher
d. Music
i. Attuned -Free
ii. The Song Of Your Heart -Free
iii. Signature Genre: Metal
e. Drawbacks
i. Easily Bullied +50 CP
ii. Verbal Tic +50 CP
iii. This Isn’t An Anime! +100 CP
iv. You Should’ve Just Died +100 CP
v. Being X Is Suffering: Shirabe +300 CP
vi. The Curse of Balal +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Calling Card -Free
ii. Yukine-Kazanari Syndrome -100 CP
iv. Unfathomable Lesbian Subtext -100 CP
v. Power of Recognition -200 CP
vi. Heretical Beauty -400 CP
vii. Completely Legitimate Funding -Free
viii. ‘Geology’ -Free
ix. Heretical Adaptation -100 CP
x. Very Advanced Science -200 CP
xi. Pagan Science -300 CP
xii. Basic Alchemy -100 CP
xiii. Memory Combustion -200 CP
xiv. Legends Reborn -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Lab Coat -Free
ii. “When The Loli Is Mass Produced: An Introduction To Cloning” -200 CP
iii. “Auto-Scoring Your Love Life: Advanced Fundamentals” -200 CP
h. Relics
i. Another Shard: Shul Shagana -100 CP
ii. Implant Relic -300 CP
150. OFF
a. Origin: Drop-In
b. Card: Leo-Card
c. Drawbacks
i. No Translation +100 CP
ii. One-Sided Discussions +100 CP
iii. Forewarned Is Forearmed +100 CP
iv. Managerial Assistance +200 CP
v. Royal Intervention +400 CP
d. Perks
i. Competence Pool -Free
ii. Wide Angle -Free
iii. Home Run -100 CP
iv. Deadlight -100 CP
v. Save Secret Base -200 CP
vi. Inhuman Decadence -100 CP
vii. Love Game -200 CP
viii. Immediate Sclerosis -200 CP
ix. Dramatic Crescendo -400 CP
x. Trigger Element -200 CP
xi. Treble Clef -200 CP
e. Gear
i. Raw Meat -100 CP
ii. Fortune Ticket -100 CP
iii. Belial’s Meat -100 CP
iv. Golden Flesh -200 CP
v. Ashley Bat -300 CP
vi. Yellow Box -300 CP
f. Companions
i. Add-On x3 -600 CP
151. Deus Ex Human Revolution
a. Age: 25
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Drop-In
d. Starting Location: Detroit
e. Drawbacks
i. I Wear My Sunglasses At Night +100 CP
ii. Bling-Bling +100 CP
iii. Prototype +200 CP
iv. Pacifist +200 CP
v. Megan Reed Knows You +200 CP
vi. Humanity First! +200 CP
vii. A Nexus of Crime +200 CP
viii. A Cripple Out For Blood +300 CP
f. Perks
i. I’ll Never Stop Looking -100 CP
ii. Worthy of Cesare Borgia -100 CP
iii. My Pockets Are Augmented -100 CP
iv. Daytrading -100 CP
v. Detective -100 CP
vi. Silver Tongue -200 CP
vii. Unclean Hands -200 CP
viii. You Don’t Fix A Firewall -200 CP
ix. Augmentation R&D -200 CP
x. Mr Jensen -200 CP
xi. A Lucky Find -100 CP
xii. A Next Step -200 CP
xiii. Ghost -300 CP
xiv. Urban Legend -600 CP
g. Augmentations (+100 Aug CP)
i. Quadriplegic -Free
ii. Infolink Telecommunications Package -50 CP
iii. Smart Vision -50 CP
iv. Wayfinder Radar System -50 CP
v. Integrated Melee System -50 CP
vi. CASIE Implant -50 CP
vii. Sentinel RX Health System -50 CP
viii. Implanted Rebreather -50 CP
ix. Icarus Landing System -50 CP
x. Integrated Weapon Systems -100 CP
xi. Military-Grade Cybernetic Limb Augmentation System -100 Aug CP
xii. Hacking Suite -100 CP
xiii. Dermal Armor -100 CP
xiv. Quicksilver Booster -100 CP
xv. Typhoon Explosive System -100 CP
xvi. Glass-Shield Cloaking System -100 CP
xvii. Dedicated Capacitors -200 CP
h. Items
i. Body Armor -Free
ii. Floral Pea Coat -Free
iii. Sunglasses -Free
iv. Kubrick -50 CP
v. Royal Hellhound Cigarettes -50 CP
vi. Weapon: Integrated into Aug. -Free
1. LS-66 Sabre Direct Energy Rifle
vii. Apartment -Free
152. Hellsing
a. Age: 23
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Drop-In +400 CP
d. Drawbacks
i. Heaven or Hell +400 CP
e. Perks
i. Unassuming -Free
ii. Feared -100 CP
iii. Inspiring -100 CP
iv. Mysterious -100 CP
v. Unwavering -100 CP
vi. War Veteran -200 CP
vii. The Art of War -200 CP
viii. Weapon Channeling -300 CP
ix. Dark Binding -200 CP
x. Holy Empowerment -400 CP
xi. Werewolfs Curse -200 CP
xii. Alucard’s Embrace -600 CP
f. Items
i. Holy Bayonets -200 CP
ii. Hellsing Arms “Jackal” -600 CP
153. History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi
a. Origin: Prodigy -100 CP
b. Age: 17
c. Gender: Male
d. Starting Location: Koryo High School
e. Bifurcated Choices
i. Satsujinken
ii. Sei Ki
iii. Unarmed
f. Drawbacks
i. VS The World! +600 CP
g. Martial Arts
i. Go No Sen -Free
ii. Kalaripayattu -50 CP
iii. Muay Thai -50 CP
iv. Ninjutsu -50 CP
h. Perks
i. Civilian Skills -Free
ii. Ki Kneading -300 CP
iii. Masters Body -Free
iv. Sei Dou Goitsu -300 CP
v. Strength and Endurance -300 CP
vi. Speed and Agility -300 CP
vii. Perception and Awareness -300 CP
viii. Stunning -150 CP
ix. Youth and Longevity -300 CP
x. Martial Arts Medicine -300 CP
xi. Enhanced Ki -150 CP
i. Gear
i. Victory Medals -50 CP
ii. Entrance Fee -100 CP
iii. Dojo -Free
iv. Stretching Machine -100 CP
v. Secret of Steel -200 CP
154. HunterXHunter
a. Starting Location: Heaven’s Arena
b. Age: 11
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Insectoid -300 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Chimera Ants +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Therapy -100 CP
ii. Tough -400 CP
iii. Willpower -200 CP
iv. STRONK -400 CP
v. Squadron Commander -Free
vi. Mutator -100 CP
vii. King -250 CP
g. Nen: Transmuter -100 CP
h. Hatsu
i. Custom Technique: Nen Cultivation -900 CP
ii. Body Transmutation -300 CP
i. Gear
i. Book of Life -50 CP
155. Graygriss, Captor of Princesses
a. Origin: Dragon
b. Age: Unhatched
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Northern Mountains -50 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Stolen Embers +200 CP
ii. What Lurks In The Shadows +400 CP
f. Perks
i. Shepherd -Free
ii. Etherwinds -100 CP
iii. Perspective -200 CP
iv. Time Spiral -300 CP
v. Druid -200 CP
vi. Passion -200 CP
vii. Healthy Diet -100 CP
viii. Easy Beauty -200 CP
ix. As The Lord, So The Lands -200 CP
x. Gluttony -300 CP
xi. Divine Blessing -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Scenic View -50 CP
ii. Captive Caverns -Free
iii. Convenient Cliffside -100 CP
iv. Growth Circles -200 CP
h. Companion
i. Princess -100 CP
ii. Goddess of Dragons -200 CP
156. Desolate Era: The Three Realms
a. Origin: Wandering Expert
b. Age: 11
c. Gender: Male
d. Starting Location: The Black-White College
e. Drawbacks
i. The Pull Of The Dao +0 CP
ii. World/Chaos Level or Bust +0 CP
iii. Reincarnation +0 CP
iv. The Endwar +0 CP
v. Tribal Rivals +100 CP
vi. City Clan +100 CP
vii. Snowdragon Mountain’s Ire +200 CP
viii. Snowdragon Mountain’s Rage +200 CP
ix. Monsters Galore +200 CP
x. Young Flames +300 CP
xi. The Freak +300 CP
xii. Gainful Employment +350 CP
xiii. Raindragon’s Fury +600 CP
xiv. Karmic Sinflames +600 CP
xv. Nuwa’s Alliance +800 CP
xvi. Old Man Yuan +1200 CP
f. Perks (5950 CP + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Cultivation -Free
ii. Required Secondary Abilities -Free
iii. Enhanced Fiendgod -400 CP
iv. Resolute Heart -300 CP
v. See None Do None -Free
vi. Tribulation Taker -150 CP
vii. Lordship of All Things -400 CP
viii. Against The Hordes -200 CP
ix. Healthy Eating -100 CP
x. Treasures Galore -300 CP
xi. Unending Breakthroughs -600 CP
xii. Freak of Nature x2 -1200 CP
1. The Dao of Evolution
2. Heartforce
g. Gear
i. Storage Treasure -Free
ii. Cultivation Techniques -200 CP
iii. Primaltwin -600 CP
iv. Beastskin Furs -Free
v. Jindan Creation Methods -400 CP
vi. Nine Chaos Seals -400 CP
vii. Elemental Essence -200 CP
viii. The Forces Of The Heart -600 CP
ix. Nuwa Painting -600 CP
x. Strange Stone Stele: Sin Armament, Indestructible Body, Taowu Eighteen
Fiendgods -800 CP
h. Scenarios
i. Advent of the Desolate Era
ii. Outsider
157. Desolate Era II: The Chaosverse
a. Origin: Wandering Expert +500 CP
b. Race: Dao Alliance Cultivator
c. Location: The Three Realms
d. Drawbacks
i. Brightshore Bound +0 CP
ii. Till The End Of The Chaosverse +0 CP
iii. Upstart Cultivator +100 CP
iv. Journey Across Flamedragon +200 CP
v. Daolord Enemy +400 CP
vi. Chaosworld Under Siege +400 CP
vii. Chased Across The Realm +600 CP
viii. Aeonian Empire +800 CP
ix. Dao Alliance +1000 CP
x. Dusk War +1200 CP
xi. Twilight War +1200 CP
e. Perks (7400 CP + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Reaching OMEGA: Evolution -600 CP
ii. Forced Oath -Free
iii. It’s All The Same -100 CP
iv. Unfed Forge -200 CP
v. The Untold Strength Of The Outsider -400 CP
vi. New Frontiers -200 CP
vii. One Against Many -600 CP
viii. Observant -100 CP
ix. A Strong Bond -200 CP
x. Ain’t That A Pretty Technique -200 CP
xi. Perfection Of The Heart -600 CP
xii. The Man Who Understood Infinity -800 CP
f. Gear
i. Chaos Meats and Wines -100 CP
ii. Lifeblood Weapon: Argetsverd -400 CP
iii. Chaos Nectar -Free
iv. Lifeblood Dao Seal -300 CP
v. Ten Chaos Seals -200 CP
vi. Dao Tips -100 CP
vii. Stone Censer of Reunion -800 CP
viii. Realmship -600 CP
ix. Otherverse -800 CP
x. Heavenly Treasures Mountain -200 CP
xi. Heavengazer Tower MK.II -400 CP
xii. Voidsea Jadeseal -600 CP
xiii. Five Truncheon Chapters -800 CP
g. Scenarios
ii. Defender of the Desolate Era
158. Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
a. Starting Location: Veldora’s Cave
b. Origin: Otherworlder
c. Race: Monster: Slime -100 CP
d. Drawbacks
i. The Protagonist Should Be Me +0 CP
ii. Tragic Backstory +300 CP
iii. Unnatural Abominable Freak +400 CP
iv. Status Quo Is The Will of God +400 CP
v. Possessed By The Star +600 CP
vi. Wrath of the Lords +600 CP
e. Perks
i. Voice of the World -300 CP
ii. Named By Veldora -400 CP
iii. Work Experience -Free
iv. Cuteness Overload -Free
v. Magician -100 CP
vi. Massive Potential And Talent -200 CP
vii. Immense Skill -200 CP
viii. Ultimate Skill: Wisdom King Raphael/Manas: Ciel -400 CP
ix. Demon Lord -300 CP
x. Mana Breeder Reactor -800 CP
xi. Primitive Magic -800 CP
f. Gear
i. Erofu Host Club -200 CP
ii. Labyrinth Creation -600 CP
g. Companions
i. Canon Companion: Veldora -50 CP
ii. Canon Companion: Velgrynd -50 CP
iii. Canon Companion: Velgaia -50 CP
iv. Canon Companion: Velzado -50 CP
v. Vampire Noble -100 CP
vi. Ramiris -100 CP
159. Ben 10
a. Starting Location: Bellwood
b. Origin: Homeless
c. Species: Human
d. Age: 12
e. Gender: Female
f. Drawbacks
i. The Most Dangerous Game +300 CP
ii. Rooting You Out +300 CP
iii. Freaked Out +300 CP
g. Perks
i. I’m Hurt. Deeply Hurt. -Free
ii. Alien Harem -300 CP
iii. Anodite -600 CP
iv. Magical Prodigy -300 CP
v. Animojo -300 CP
vi. Paradoxical -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Omnitrix -1000 CP
1. Evolutionary Function -500 CP
2. Pre-loaded Aliens (+800 Alien CP)
a. Cerebrocrustacean -400 Alien CP
b. Ectonurite -Free (Drawback)
c. Human -Free
d. Enhanced Kineceleran -300 Alien CP
e. Tetramand -100 Alien CP, -100 CP
f. Vulpimancer -Free
160. Ben 10 - Heavens Version
a. Origin: Timewalker
b. Age: 12
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Bellwood
e. Race: Human-Anodite Hybrid -300 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. What Universe Is This? +0 CP
ii. Arrogance +100 CP
iii. Weekly Superhero Cartoon +100 CP
iv. Enemy Lineup +200 CP
v. Let’s Do The Time War Again +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Heroic Charms -400 CP
ii. Four Dimensional Wit -Free
iii. Gumball? -Free
iv. Clocks With Buttons And Lasers -200 CP
v. Bored With Insanity -200 CP
vi. I Walk In Eternity -300 CP
vii. Hot Witch -100 CP
h. Gear
i. Secundus -600 CP
ii. Gumball Bag -Free
iii. Chrono Navigator -300 CP
iv. Omnitrix -800 CP +1000 Omnitrix Points
1. Transform -Free
2. Playlist -Free
3. Capture -Free
4. Database -Free
5. Recharge -Free/Mandatory
6. Failsafes -Free
7. Self-Destruct -Free
8. Prime -Free
9. Calibration -Free
10. Universal Translator -Free
11. Magic Pants -Free
12. Master Control -Free
13. Character Selection -50 OP
14. Smartlock -50 OP
15. Instinct -100 OP
16. Factor Adjustment -100 OP
17. Import: Jumpertrix -Free
18. DNA Doctor -200 OP
19. Enhanced Evolution -500 OP
161. Fate/Apocrypha
a. Starting Location: Unoccupied Tomb
b. Origin: Servant
c. Age: 22
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. Cross-Dressing +100 CP
ii. Haunted Plushie +100 CP
iii. Familiar Face +100 CP
iv. Ruler Lawyer +200 CP
v. Third Faction +200 CP
vi. OPPRESSOR! +300 CP
vii. Not Great Yet +300 CP
viii. Tainted Prize +400 CP
ix. Sadistic Witch +400 CP
x. The Great Escape? +600 CP
xi. Old Enemy +600 CP
f. Scenarios
i. Holy Grail World War +300 CP
ii. Garden of Eden +300 CP
iii. Ghost Town +300 CP
iv. 4th Reich War +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Background -Free
ii. Language Lessons -Free
iii. Moon Fighting Spirit -Free
iv. Demiservant/Pseudoservant -300 CP +1000 SP
v. Wicked Tune That Will Destroy My Silence -Free
vi. Legendary Figure -Free
vii. Partners -Free
h. Gear
i. Local Map -Free
ii. Dracula -Free
iii. Servant Command Seals -Free
iv. A Proper Magus’s Magical Pseudo-Nervous System -Free
v. Masters Cheat Sheet -Free
vi. Unlimited Chocolate -200 CP
vii. History Book? -Free
viii. The Big One -300 CP
i. Companions
i. Master -Free +1000 Companion CP +500 UD Companion CP
ii. Pale Lady -Free
iii. I Am Fire, I Am Death -Free
j. Servant Supplement (1000 SP)
i. Extra SP -6200 CP, -1000 Companion CP, -500 UD Companion CP +7700
ii. Tier: 2
iii. The Basics
1. Magical Energy
2. Dematerialization
3. Modern Weaponry Negation
4. Innate Knowledge
5. Sensing
6. Historical Weakness
iv. Class: Foreigner
1. Mana Ranks Discounted
2. Luck Ranks Discounted
3. Class Skill: Existence Outside The Domain
4. Class Skill: Divinity
v. Templates
1. Living -200 SP
vi. Statistics
1. Strength: EX -550 SP
2. Agility: EX -650 SP
3. Toughness: EX -750 SP
4. Magical Power: EX -575 SP
5. Combat Skill: EX -275 SP
6. Magical Skill: A -200 SP
7. Luck: EX -675 SP
vii. Skills
1. Battle Continuation: A -100 SP
2. Beautiful Appearance: A -250 SP
3. Divinity: EX -775 SP
4. Existence Outside The Domain: EX -875 SP
5. Golden Rule (Beauty): A -250 SP
6. Independent Action: A -250 SP
7. Independent Manifestation A -250 SP
8. Magic Resistance: A -250 SP
viii. Noble Phantasms
1. Heaven’s Feel: EX -1250 SP
2. Boosted Gear/Broken Booster: A+++ -400 SP
3. Argetsverd: A++ -200 SP
ix. Drawbacks
1. What Spiritual Form?: E +25 SP
162. Fate/Zero
a. Starting Location: Caverns Underneath Fuyuki
b. Origin: Magus In Training/Servant
c. Age: 10
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Keeping Continuity +0 CP
ii. Does Anyone Follow The Rules? +200 CP
iii. You Judas +200 CP
iv. Used Goods +300 CP
v. Return Of The Kings +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Command Seals -Free
ii. Magic Circuits -Free
iii. Basic Training -Free
iv. Magical Legacy: Medical Magecraft -Free
v. Homunculus -200 CP
vi. Demi-Servant -500 CP
vii. Mind of Steel, Heart of Gold -200 CP
viii. Original MK: Evolution -600 CP
ix. Tiny But Fierce! -Free
x. Keep Your Chin Held High -Free
xi. Magus Of The New Age -100 CP
xii. Great Teacher Waver -200 CP
xiii. Hard Work Conquering Talent -300 CP
xiv. Not So Last Scion -400 CP
xv. King of Jumpers -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Magic Tracking Gear -Free
ii. Thesis For The New Century -300 CP
iii. Crest Worms -600 CP
h. Companions
i. Servant: Leonardo Da Vinci -Free +1000 SP +500 UD Companion CP
1. Extra SP -200 CP -500 UD Companion CP +700 SP
2. Tier: 1
3. The Basics
a. Magical Energy
b. Dematerialization
c. Modern Weaponry Negation
d. Innate Knowledge
e. Sensing
f. Historical Weaknesses
4. Class: Caster
a. Magical Power Ranks Discounted
b. Agility Ranks Discounted
c. Class Skill: Item Construction
d. Class Skill: Territory Creation
5. Templates
a. Living -200 SP
b. Lily
c. Bride
d. Red
e. Lion (Bunny) -25 SP
6. Statistics
a. Strength: E -Free
b. Agility: C -50 SP
c. Toughness: E -Free
d. Magical Power: A+ -150 SP
e. Combat Skill: E -Free
f. Luck: B -150 SP
7. Skills
a. Item Construction: A -125 SP
b. Territory Creation: A -125 SP
c. Natural Born Genius: EX -600 SP
d. Pioneer of the Stars: A -100 CP
e. Golden Rule (Body): C -150 SP
8. Noble Phantasms
a. Uomo Universale (Lesser): A -100 SP
9. Drawbacks
a. Does Not Like To Use This Skill (Natural Born Genius): C
+75 SP
163. Fate/Stay Night
a. Starting Location: Shirou’s Manor
b. Age: [Import]
c. Gender: [Import]
d. Origin: Magus Heir/Servant -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Family History +0 CP
ii. Sealing Designation +200 CP
iii. Center Stage +300 CP
iv. Black Is The New Black +300 CP
v. Grail Campaign +300 CP
vi. Class War +300 CP
vii. JUMPER +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Command Seals -Free
ii. Magic Circuits -Free
iii. Stat Sheet -Free
iv. Pranahound -100 CP
v. Basic Training -Free
vi. The Most Remixable Song -Free
vii. Demi-Servant -500
viii. Power of the Tsun -Free
ix. This Is My Absolute Territory -Free
x. Well Rounded (Wo)Man -100 CP
xi. Average One -300 CP
xii. Sorcerers Apprentice: First True Magic -500 CP
xiii. I Am The Bone Of My Sword: Evolution -400 CP
xiv. Playing With Marbles -1000 CP
xv. Artificial Lifeform -600 CP
xvi. Homuncu(te)lus -400 CP
xvii. Mythical Visage -200 CP
xviii. Dragonheart -300 CP
g. Gear
i. A Special Ruby -Free
h. Companion
i. Servant: Caster Medea -Free +1000 SP
ii. Master -Free +1000 Companion CP +500 UD Companion CP
i. Servant Build
i. Extra SP -1000 Companion CP -500 UD Companion CP
ii. Tier: 1
iii. The Basics
1. Magical Energy
2. Dematerialization
3. Modern Weaponry Negation
4. Innate Knowledge
5. Sensing
6. Historical Weaknesses
iv. Class: Caster
1. Magical Power Ranks Discounted
2. Agility Ranks Discounted
3. Class Skill: Item Construction
4. Class Skill: Territory Creation
v. Templates
1. Living -200 SP
vi. Statistics
1. Strength: E -Free
2. Agility: C -50 SP
3. Toughness: D -50 SP
4. Magical Power: A+ -125 SP
5. Combat Skill: C -100 SP
6. Magical Skill: A+ -250 SP
7. Luck: B -150 SP
vii. Skills
1. Item Construction: A -50 SP
2. Territory Creation: A -50 SP
3. High-Speed Divine Words: A -250 SP
4. Golden Fleece: EX -550 SP
5. Teaching of Circe: A -250 SP
6. Golden Rule (Beauty): A -250 SP
7. Magecraft: B -200 SP
viii. Noble Phantasms
1. Rule Breaker: C -Free
ix. Drawbacks
1. Territory Decoration: E +25 SP
164. Fate/Grand Order
a. Starting Location: The Contaminated City in Flames
b. Type: Human/Servant
c. Origin: Creator
d. Age: 16
e. Gender: Female
f. Drawbacks
i. Events +0 CP
ii. To Be Continued +0 CP
iii. Continuation +0 CP
iv. Men of Science +100 CP
v. Love Hunter +200 CP
vi. Attack of the Mini-Jumpers +200 CP
vii. Lancer Knight +200 CP
viii. Great Seal Unlocked +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Demi-Servant -500 CP
ii. Command Seals -Free
iii. Gacha Bitch -Free
iv. Ascension -300 CP
v. Skill Reinforcement -200 CP
vi. Saint Gatherer -100 CP
vii. Summoning -Free
viii. A New Event -Free
ix. Keep It In Your Heart -100
x. Ordinary Man -600 CP
xi. Ideal Form -Free
xii. Life Well Lived -Free
xiii. I Wish To Live As A Man -200 CP
xiv. Renaissance Woman -300 CP
xv. Musashi Malfunctions -200 CP
xvi. Dog Years -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Puppy! -Free
ii. Grand Burger -100 CP
i. Companions
i. Canon Companion: Mash -100 CP
ii. Main Servant: Nursery Rhyme -Free
iii. Olga Maria Animusphere -Free
iv. Gudako -Free
j. Servant Build (1000 SP)
i. Extra SP -200 CP +800 SP
ii. Tier: 2
iii. The Basics
1. Magical Energy
2. Dematerialization
3. Modern Weaponry Negation
4. Innate Knowledge
5. Sensing
6. Historical Weakness
iv. Class: Caster
1. Magical Power Ranks Discounted
2. Agility Ranks Discounted
3. Class Skill: Item Construction
4. Class Skill: Territory Creation
v. Templates
1. Living -200 SP
2. Lion (Bunny) -25 SP
vi. Statistics
1. Strength: E -Free
2. Agility: C -50 SP
3. Toughness: E -Free
4. Magical Power: A -100 SP
5. Combat Skill: E -Free
6. Luck: B+ -200 SP
vii. Skills
1. Territory Creation: A -125 SP
2. Self-Modification: A -100 SP
3. Shapeshift: A+ -300 SP
4. Meanwhile…: A -250 SP
viii. Noble Phantasms
1. Nursery Rhyme: EX -450 SP
165. Fate/Legends - Oasis of Fantasy
a. Starting Location: Sumer, 2800 BCE
b. Alternate Timelines
i. Galgamesh
c. Origin: Holy Person
d. Age: 24
e. Gender: Female
f. Drawbacks
i. Eternal Fate +0 CP
ii. Heavenly Judgement +200 CP
iii. Trials of Scheherazade +200 CP
iv. The Book of Jumper +300 CP
v. So-Called Chosen One +300 CP
g. Perks
i. An Age of Gods -Free
ii. Unified Language -300 CP
iii. Divine Spirit (Authority: Evolution) -400 CP
iv. AUO -100 CP
v. Crusader -Free
vi. Divine Harlot -Free
vii. Mind of the World -100 CP
viii. Voice of the World -200 CP
ix. Body of the World -300 CP
x. Fleshly God -400 CP
1. Fertility
2. Beauty
3. Hedonism
xi. Principles of Mana -400 CP
xii. Phenomena Operation Principle -600 CP
xiii. Old Man -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Divine Host -100 CP
ii. Weapon For A Holy War: Argetsverd Imported -Free
i. Companions
i. Little Shadow -Free
ii. Sphinx Awlad -Free
j. Scenarios
i. Divine Heart Destroyers: Companion Both
ii. Mother of Monsters: Companion Tiamat
166. Fate/Legends - Nirvana Yuga
a. Starting Location: Ramayana - 1200-1100 BCE
b. Origin: Demonic - Sage of Hedonism
c. Age: 36
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. Demon Hunt +200 CP
ii. Lakshmibyebye +300 CP
iii. Journey of Jumper +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Hindu Boys -Free
ii. Heart of a Divine Maiden -200 CP
iii. Simple Purity -400 CP
iv. Saver -600 CP
v. God King -600 CP
1. Love
2. Pleasure
3. Lust
vi. Pitfalls of Pleasure -Free
vii. All Manner of Worldly Pleasures -100 CP
viii. Nega Desire -100 CP
ix. Constitution That Accepts Every Desire -200 CP
x. Heaven’s Hole -400 CP
xi. Myriad Colours of Flesh -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Path of the Lotus -50 CP
ii. Earthly Temptations -Free
iii. Blossoming Vessel -50 CP
iv. Crown of Light: Nega-Desireless -300 CP
h. Companions
i. Beast XXL -Free
ii. Holy Woman -Free
i. Scenarios
i. Lusty Saver
167. Fate/Legends - Empires of Antiquity
a. Starting Location: Time of Myths-1200 BCE to 100 CE
b. Origin: Creator
c. Age: 13
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Largesse Of An Emperor +100 CP
ii. Lose Your Way +100 CP
iii. Young Heracles +200 CP
iv. Hero Hunted +200 CP
v. Greek Tragedy +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Roman Holiday -Free
ii. Maximized Divine Ancestry: Child of Hera -400 CP
iii. Her Majesty’s Majesty -100 CP
iv. Fitness Of An Emperor -200 CP
v. Rome Is Beautiful -200 CP
vi. Philosopher Kings -100 CP
vii. Divinely Charming -200 CP
viii. Herculean Skill -600 CP
ix. Witch In Training -Free
x. Once Every Century: Singing -Free
xi. Medical Mage -Free
xii. Prodigy’s Curse -100 CP
xiii. Little Echidna -100 CP
xiv. Formulation -200 CP
xv. Tool Creation -300 CP
xvi. Top Five -300 CP
xvii. Grecian Idol: Females -200 CP
g. Gear
i. House of the Witch -Free
ii. Jumpers Box -300 CP
h. Divine Treasures
i. The Golden Fleece -100 CP
i. Companions
i. Legendary Mascot -Free
j. Scenarios
i. Twelve Labours
168. Fate/Legends - Land of Shadows
a. Starting Location: Ireland, Ulster Cycle
b. Origin: Warrior
c. Age: 19
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Queen of ‘Fairies’ +100 CP
ii. Scatty2Hatty +100 CP
iii. Rage Of A Divine Queen +300 CP
iv. Lost In Shadow +300 CP
f. Scenarios
i. The Demon King
g. Perks
i. Green Life -Free
ii. Celtic Thighs -50 CP
iii. Life of a Knight -Free
iv. Puppy Love -Free
v. Love Spot -100 CP
vi. Striking A Deal -100 CP
vii. Riastrad -200 CP
viii. Lord of the Spear: Sword -200 CP
ix. Hound -300 CP
x. Runelord -300 CP
xi. Lustful Thought -200 CP
xii. Druid -400 CP
xiii. Small Divinity -600 CP
1. Shadows
2. Song
3. Runes
xiv. Always Learning -200 CP
xv. Fangs of the Beast -400 CP
h. Gear
i. Hounds of Culann -Free
ii. Caladbolg: Argetsverd Imported -200 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion -50 CP
169. Fate/Legends - Garden of Avalon
a. Starting Location: Camelot
b. Alternate Timelines
i. Land of the Lance
ii. Purest Path
iii. BLUMU
c. Origin: Mage
d. Age: 18
e. Gender: Female
f. Drawbacks
i. Sibling Rivalry +200 CP
ii. Punished Jumper +300 CP
iii. Eleven Great Battles +300 CP
g. Perks
i. A Different Age -Free
ii. Heart of a King -200 CP
iii. Dragonheart -600 CP
iv. Peerless -800 CP
v. Arcane Tricks -Free
vi. False Truths -Free
vii. Incubus -300 CP
viii. Grand -400 CP
ix. Fairy -400 CP
h. Gear
i. The Sword Of Promised Victory: Argetsverd Imported -400 CP
ii. Puppy -Free
iii. Holy Staff: Argetsverd Imported -200 CP
i. Companions
i. Talking Tree -Free
170. Fate/Legends - Vive La France
a. Starting Location: France
b. Timeline: Reign of Charlemagne - 768 CE
c. Alternate Timeline: Charlie
d. Origin: Artist
e. Age: 26
f. Gender: Female
g. Drawbacks
i. Immortal Life +0 CP
ii. Continual Life +0 CP
iii. Altered State +200 CP
iv. History Versus Fantasy +300 CP
v. Symbol of Oppression +300 CP
h. Perks
i. I Come From France -Free
ii. Witch -600 CP
iii. French Princess -100 CP
iv. Paladin of Flowers -200 CP
v. A Life of Love -400 CP
vi. Battlefield Terror -400 CP
vii. Prodigious: Singing -Free
viii. Faded Scholar: Medical Magecraft -100 CP
ix. Body Hopper -200 CP
x. Unleashed Will -200 CP
xi. King of the Cavern -300 CP
i. Gear
i. Big Hats And Silly Knights -Free
ii. Royal Silliness -100 CP
iii. Liquid Reason -100 CP
iv. Murderers Love -Free
j. Companions
i. French Hero: Astolfo -50 CP
ii. French Hero: Jeanne -50 CP
iii. French Hero: Marie Antoinette -50 CP
iv. Haunted Plushie: Astolfo -Free
v. Haunted Plushie: Elizabeth Bathory -50 CP
vi. Big Sister -400 CP
171. Fate/Legends - Land of the Rising Sun
a. Starting Location: Kingdom of Yamatai, 190 CE
b. Timeline: Grand Designs
c. Origin: Swordsman
d. Gender: Male
e. Age: 18
f. Drawbacks
i. Continuity +0 CP
ii. NEETspeak +100 CP
iii. Drill Sergeant +100 CP
iv. Bloodthirsty +100 CP
v. Demon King Reborn +200 CP
vi. Hunters Mark +200 CP
vii. Family Fire Curse +200 CP
viii. I Wanna Be A Ronin +300 CP
ix. Youkai Meat +300 CP
x. Yandere Battle Royal +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Blossoming Sun -Free
ii. Mamamoto -50 CP
iii. Housefox -50 CP
iv. Traditional Japanese Art -100 CP
v. Grudge Forged -200 CP
vi. Reality Marble -300 CP
vii. Divine Spirit Enhanced -600 CP
1. Blood
2. Hate
3. Death
viii. Swordsmith -400 CP
ix. Live By The Sword -Free
x. Man Slayer -Free
xi. Shinsengumi Way -100 CP
xii. Bladeless -100 CP
xiii. Shukuchi -200 CP
xiv. Root of All Swords -300 CP
xv. Heavenly Eyes -300 CP
xvi. Goooooolden -100 CP
xvii. Nine Tails to Be -600 CP
h. Items
i. Garb and Blade -Free
ii. Yokaichan Enhanced -100 CP
iii. Mountain Heaven -200 CP
iv. Swordsmith’s Hut -300 CP
v. First Edge: Argetsverd Imported -Free
vi. True Steel: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
i. Companions
i. Mini Nobu -Free
j. Scenarios
i. Slay The Swallow
ii. Final Tournament of Blade Masters
iii. Insect Jar
172. Fate/Legends - Strange New World
a. Starting Location: Fallen Star, 10 CE
b. Origin: Cosmic Divinity -1200 CP
i. Evolution
ii. Beauty
iii. Hedonism
c. Age: 2000
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Phantasmal Lands +100 CP
ii. Wanted Man +100 CP
iii. Unwelcome Visitors +100 CP
iv. Witch Hunts +200 CP
v. My Very Own Mass Produced Edison +200 CP
vi. Lovecraft’s America +300 CP
f. Scenario
i. Lucha Break
g. Perks
i. Promethean Man -600 CP
ii. Man of Gun -600 CP
iii. Lurid Lovecraft -100 CP
iv. Eldritch Vessel: Shub-Niggurath -600 CP
v. Rise of the Jaguar Men -Free
vi. National Deity-300 CP
h. Gear
i. Blue Bull -50 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion -50 CP
173. Fate/Loli Order - Magical Girl Fucking Marathon
a. Starting Location: Chaldea
b. Origin: Drop-In/Master
c. Age: 17
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. Uncheerful +100 CP
ii. Ire of a Counter Guardian +200 CP
iii. Kaleid Liner Collab +200 CP
iv. Grand Order +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Taking Care of Business -Free
ii. Champion of the Small -Free
iii. Judgement-Free Zone -100 CP
iv. Fool Me Once -100 CP
v. Prana Exchange Rituals -200 CP
vi. Harem Protagonist (EX) -300 CP
vii. Bombshell In The Making -100 CP
viii. Magical Modifications -400 CP
ix. Improbable Pregnancy -400 CP
x. Emiya Family Swag -400 CP
g. Gear
i. Lifetime Supply -Free
ii. Command Seals -300 CP
iii. Prisma Causeway -400 CP
iv. Command Seal Application -600 CP
h. Companions
i. Living Legend: Kuro -Free (Kaleid Liner Collab)
ii. Living Legend: Mash -Free (Grand Order)
174. Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
a. Starting Location: Fuyuki City
b. Origin: Grail Candidate -100 CP
c. Age: 11
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Maid Switch +100 CP
ii. Massive Debt +100 CP
iii. The King Of Heroes +800 CP
f. Perks
i. Magic Circuits -Free
ii. Cute -100 CP
iii. Mana Drain -100 CP
iv. The Bar -400 CP
v. Flash Air -400 CP
vi. Incorruptible -600 CP
vii. Mirror World Transfer -200 CP
viii. Zelretch’s Student -800 CP
ix. Magical Girls Can Fly, Can’t They? -Free
x. Genius -Free
xi. Mana Constructs -200 CP
xii. Fast Learner -200 CP
xiii. Wishcraft -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Friendship Bracelet -Free
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion -100 CP
175. Tsukihime
a. Origin: True Apostle -1200 CP
b. Apparent Age: 22
c. Gender: Female
d. Drawbacks
i. Recollections of Alaya +0 CP
ii. This Chair +100 CP
iii. My Word Is My Bond +100 CP
iv. A Promise Forgotten +200 CP
v. Trails of Blood +200 CP
vi. The Seed of Murder +300 CP
e. Perks
i. Magic Circuits -Free
ii. Origin: Evolution -Free
iii. Magic Gunner -600 CP
iv. Meido -200 CP
v. Synchronizer -400 CP
vi. Exceptional And Lucky -600 CP
vii. A Pure Heart -Free
viii. Beloved of Gaia -Free
ix. Ethereal Beauty -100 CP
x. Brunestud -300 CP
f. Mystic Eyes
i. Mystic Eyes of Enchantment -Free
g. Gear
i. Cash Money -Free
ii. Mystic Eye Killers -Free
176. Kara No Kyoukai
a. Starting Time Period: 1974
b. Starting Location: Mifune City Central Hospital
c. Origin: Magus
d. Gender: Male
e. Age: 27
f. Drawbacks
i. Continuity +0 CP
ii. Shady Debts +100 CP
iii. Sealing Designation +200 CP
iv. Death Sign +200 CP
v. Outlined By Death +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Origin and Element -200 CP
1. Element: Water
2. Origin: Evolution
ii. Magic Circuits -Free
iii. Precognition -400 CP
iv. Hunting Fox -200 CP
v. I’m A Real Boy -200 CP
vi. Waltzing With The Reaper -Free
vii. Magus Education: Medical Magecraft -Free
viii. Original User -100 CP
ix. Familiar Master -100 CP
x. Eyes On The World -200 CP
xi. Master of Babel -300 CP
xii. Risen Legend: Medical Magecraft -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Haagen Dazs Supply -50 CP
ii. New Agency -600 CP
iii. Dragon Smoke -Free
iv. Living Workshop -300 CP
v. Psychic Pills -600 CP
i. Companions
i. Canon Companion: Shiki Ryougi -50 CP
177. Fate/Jumpchain
a. Starting Time Period: Tokyo Grail War (Fate/Prototype) (Free Choice)
b. Age: 18
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Enforcer -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Royal Rage +300 CP
ii. Center Stage +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Command Seals -Free
ii. One Servant: [pending] -Free
iii. Status Page -Free
iv. Magic Circuits x3 (80 Circuits) -200 CP
v. High-Speed Incantations -400 CP
vi. Reality Marble -800 CP
vii. Thaumaturgical Focus: Time Manipulation -400 CP
viii. Combat Magus -Free
ix. “Useless” Magic -100 CP
x. Runes -200 CP
xi. Mystic Code Crafter -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Dapper Dressing -Free
ii. Magic Core -600 CP
178. Fate/Extra
a. Starting Location: Moon Cell Hub
b. Age: 12
c. Gender: Male
d. Origin: Hacker
e. Drawbacks
i. CCC +0 CP
ii. Temper Your Sword +100 CP
iii. Everyone Knows +200 CP
iv. Communications Casting +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Servant -Free
ii. Command Seals -Free
iii. So Long As I Still Stand -100 CP
iv. Mental Defense -400 CP
v. Extra Attack -600 CP
vi. Cyber Creation -400 CP
vii. Labyrinth Creation -600 CP
viii. Self-Affirmation -Free
ix. Appearance Customization -100 CP
x. Barrier Code -200 CP
xi. Digitized Sorcery -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Datapad -Free
ii. Classroom -Free
iii. Healing Fountain -400 CP
179. Fate/Extella
a. Starting Timeline: Dawn
b. Starting Location: Zero Dark Entrance
c. Origin: Invader
d. Age: 16
e. Gender: Female
f. Drawbacks
i. Continuation +0 CP
ii. I Wanna Be A Wife +100 CP
iii. Altera’d +100 CP
iv. Nameless War +300 CP
v. Charlie +300 CP
g. Scenario: Lunar Holy War
h. Perks
i. Installation -400 CP
ii. Titan -1000 CP
iii. Code Casting -200 CP
iv. Real of this World -200 CP
v. White Star -Free
vi. Jumper Larva -Free
vii. System Worker -100 CP
viii. Heroic Avatar -200 CP
ix. Hack The World -300 CP
i. Gear
i. Good Meal -50 CP
ii. Quantum Key -600 CP
iii. DLC Costumes -100 CP
iv. Zero Dark Sleeping Room -100 CP
v. Traitor’s Cloak -Free
j. Companions
i. Canon Companion: Altera -50 CP
ii. GG Battery -Free
180. Diebuster
a. Starting Location: Titan Moon
b. Origin: Topless -300 CP
c. Age: 15
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Space Is For Assholes +100 CP
ii. Bottomless Fear +200 CP
iii. Space FlyWire +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Busty Babe -1200
ii. Gainax Bounce -100 CP
iii. Groovin Magic -600 CP
iv. Ace Pilot -Free
v. Eternal Topless -300 CP
vi. New Age of Light -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Buster Machine -Free
ii. Solar Slush -Free
181. Halo
a. Starting Location: Circumstance
b. Age: 23
c. Gender: Male
d. Origin: Spartan III -500 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Cassandra +100 CP
ii. Rival +200 CP
iii. Target +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Augmented -Free
ii. Antigen -300 CP
iii. Improved Spartan Time -150 CP
iv. INDOC -600 CP
v. Erudition -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Loadout -Free
ii. Solar Cell -50 CP
iii. Data Crystal Chip -Free with Smart AI
iv. Advanced Neural Interface -200 CP
v. MJOLNIR Mark V Powered Assault Armor: Primarch Armor Imported
-200 CP
h. Companion
i. Smart AI -500 CP
182. Halo - UNSC
a. Starting Location: Reach (Free Choice)
b. Age: 22
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Scientist
e. Drawbacks
i. Time Extension +0 CP
ii. Tag Along +200 CP
iii. Rival +200 CP
iv. Target +300 CP
v. Legendary Jinx +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Soundtrack of the Stars -Free
ii. Hacking -Free
iii. Engineer -100 CP
iv. Augmentation -200 CP
v. Erudition -300 CP
vi. Wordsmith -100 CP
vii. Augmented -400 CP
viii. Engine Jock -Free
ix. Glamorous War -100 CP
x. Antigen -200 CP
g. Companions
i. Huragok Ally -200 CP
ii. Smart A.I. -200 CP
h. Gear (+300 Item CP)
i. Standard Neural Interface -Free
1. SPARTAN Neural Interface -Free
ii. Data Crystal Chip -Free Smart A.I.
iii. TACPAD -50 Item CP
iv. Laboratory Tools -Free
v. Dumb A.I. -Free
vi. Fabrication Laboratory -100 Item CP
vii. Superluminal Communicators -150 Item CP
viii. M6C Magnum -Free
ix. M9 Fragmentation Grenade -Free
i. Armor Customization (+1000 AP)
i. MJOLNIR Mark V Powered Assault Armor -200 CP
ii. Armor Import: Primarch Armor -50 CP
iii. Black Bodysuit -50 AP
iv. Motion Tracker -50 AP
v. Memory Storage System -50 AP
vi. Waste Recycling System -50 AP
vii. Force Multiplying Circuits -100 AP
viii. Plane-Reactor Couplings -100 AP
ix. Enhanced Energy Shielding -300 CP
x. Pinch Fusion Reactor -300 CP
xi. GEN2 Upgrade -200 AP -300 CP
xii. Data Crystal Port -Free
xiii. Trevelyan Skinning -600 AP
j. Ship Customization (+1000 SP)
i. Ship Import: Typhoon -50 CP
ii. Slipspace Drive -Free
iii. A.I. Data Network -Free
iv. Recycling System -50 SP
v. Experimental Cooling System -200 SP
vi. Augmented Reactors -200 SP
vii. Escape Pods/Lifeboats -Free
viii. Life Support Systems -Free
1. Fire Suppression -50 SP
ix. Enhanced Expanded Crew Quarters -100 SP
x. Enhanced Recreation Center -100 SP
xi. Enhanced Food Supply -100 SP
xii. Enhanced Medical Bay -200 SP
xiii. Enhanced Repair Bay -300 CP
183. Halo - The Covenant
a. Species: Huragok -100 CP
b. Age: 4,800 years
c. Gender: Null
d. Origin: Commander -200 CP
e. Starting Location: High Charity
f. Drawbacks
i. Extended Stay +0 CP
ii. ONI Priority Target +200 CP
g. Scenarios
i. Age of Reconciliation
ii. Age of Discovery
iii. Age of Doubt
iv. Age of Reclamation
h. Perks
i. Supremely Adaptable -800 CP
ii. Drilled To Perfection -Free
iii. Peerless Strategist -100 CP
iv. Alliance of Enemies -300 CP
v. Mind of a Librarian -100 CP
vi. Fool, They Ordered Me To Do It -100 CP
vii. T’Vaoan Physiology -400 CP
viii. Divine Origins -Free
ix. Mutation Control -100 CP
x. Intelligence Incorporation -200 CP
xi. Total Understanding -400 CP
i. Gear
i. Teleportation Pad -Free
ii. Ancestral Sword: Argetsverd Imported -200 CP
iii. Explosive Harness -Free
iv. Laboratory -300 CP
184. Halo - Forerunner Saga
a. Origin: Lifeworker
b. Race: Flood -1000 CP
c. Age: Null
d. Gender: Null
e. Starting Location: Ecumene
f. Drawbacks
i. Human-Forerunner War +0 CP
ii. Arrogant +100 CP
iii. Lesser Being +100 CP
iv. Burn Zone +200 CP
v. Space Beacon +300 CP
vi. Faber Fallout +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Remnant Immunity -Free
ii. Thick Skinned -Free
iii. Exiled Knowledge -200 CP
iv. Lifeshaper -300 CP
v. Artistic Architecture -100 CP
vi. Master Builder -600 CP
vii. Cross Species Charm -100 CP
viii. Ageless -Free
ix. Primordial Mind -200 CP
x. Infected Reality -300 CP
h. Gear (+400 Item CP)
i. Armor -Free
ii. Hard Light Projectors -Free
iii. Weaponry -Free
iv. Vacuum Energy Pylons -100 CP
v. Jumpers Logic Plague -200 CP
vi. Precursor Primer -400 Item CP -400 CP
vii. Personal Ship -Free
185. Devil May Cry
a. Age: 19
b. Gender: Male
c. Starting Location: The Demon World, pre-DMC 3
d. Origin: Devil Hunter
e. Drawbacks
i. Limited Ammunition +200 CP
ii. Is It Tuesday Already? +300 CP
iii. ...And Without Strength, You Cannot Protect Anything +400 CP
iv. Nemesis: Mundus +400 CP
v. Legendary Dark Night Mode +500 CP
vi. Jumpers Inferno +500 CP
vii. The Savior Is Coming! +500 CP
f. Perks
i. Dexterity and Reflexes -Free
ii. The Sickth Sense -100 CP
iii. “It” That Demons Lack -200 CP
iv. True Progress -300 CP
v. The Potential -100 CP
vi. Alchemy -200 CP
vii. Enchantment -400 CP
viii. Demonologist -600 CP
ix. Enhanced Learning -100 CP
x. Stark Raving Mad Scientist -600 CP
xi. Longevity -100 CP
xii. Perfect Devil Trigger -600 CP
xiii. Cuh-Ray-Zee! -Free
xiv. Taunts -Free
xv. Weapon Swapping -Free
xvi. Get Set! -100 CP
xvii. Voice of an Angel -100 CP
xviii. Coordinator of Contracts -100 CP
g. Gear
i. Sick Clothing -Free
ii. Lifetime Supply of Junk Food -100 CP
iii. Hardware -Free
iv. Divinity Statue -500 CP
h. Styles (+1000 Proud Souls)
i. 900 Extra Proud Souls -900 CP
ii. Royal Guard -200 PS
iii. Dark Slayer -Free
iv. Quicksilver -200 PS
i. Devil Arm
i. Unique Style: Argetsverd Imported -100 PS
ii. Reshaping Arm -100 PS
iii. Projectile -100 PS
iv. Projectile Clones -100 PS
v. Dark Resurrection -300 PS
j. Demonic Lineage
i. Devil: Sparda -800 PS
k. Companions
i. Canon Companion: Lady -200 CP
l. Scenarios
i. The Bloody Palace
ii. A Heartwarming Family Reunion
a. Age: 22
b. Gender: Male
c. Origin: Drop-In (+1 Unlimited Discount, +1 400 CP or Less Discount)
d. Starting Location: Middle of Nowhere, Near Elchean Township
e. Drawbacks
i. I Fought The Law +800 CP
f. Perks
i. Aschente -Free
ii. Weapons of the Weak -100 CP
iii. Cold Reading -200 CP
iv. Double Triple Backwards Bluff -300 CP
v. Nerves of Steel -300 CP
vi. Human Calculator -300 CP
vii. Omnidextrous -400 CP
viii. Magic -200 CP (400 CP Discount)
1. Transmutation Magic -500 CP
2. Summoning Magic -500 CP
g. Gear
i. Lodesamone -50 CP
ii. Nice Clothes -50 CP
iii. Game Collection -50 CP
iv. Race Piece -350 CP (Unlimited Discount)
187. SCP Foundation
a. Origin: Researcher -100 CP
b. Starting Location: Area 12
c. Age: 21
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. Die Monster! +300 CP
ii. SCP 682 +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Anartist -600 CP
ii. Total Recall -200 CP
iii. Murphy’s Law -Free
iv. Sufficiently Analyzed -200 CP
v. Sufficiently Advanced -300 CP
vi. Alternative Nutritional Needs -100
vii. Anomalous Physiology -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Bottle of SCP-500 -100 CP
ii. Collection of Snack-based SCPs -200 CP
iii. SCP 914’s Manual -400 CP
iv. SCP 2445 -400 CP
h. Companions
i. SCP 2412 -200 CP
188. SCP Universe
a. Origin: Sarkite
b. Starting Location: Boring, Oregon
c. Age: 21
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Nothing Is Canon +0 CP
ii. Lesser Annoyance +100 CP
iii. Serpent’s Fang +100 CP
iv. A High Price +200 CP
v. Coalition Damage +200 CP
vi. Traveler +300 CP
vii. Oh, Five +400 CP
viii. Threat Level Black +500 CP
f. Perks
i. K-Class Scenario Delay -Free
ii. Metaknowledge -100 CP
iii. Anomaly Disruption -400 CP
iv. Artist Talent: Singing -100 CP
v. Inspiration -400 CP
vi. The Flow -600 CP
vii. Closer to God -400 CP
viii. The Design of God -400 CP
ix. Pseudo-Nadox -Free
x. A Greater Self -200 CP
xi. Shepherd The Flesh -200 CP
xii. Karcist -300 CP
xiii. Type-Blue -400 CP
xiv. Wondermaker: Blacksmithing -600 CP
g. Gear (+300 Item CP)
i. Ceremonial Robes -Free
ii. The Black Forest Codices -100 CP
iii. Everhard Resonator -300 Item CP -100 CP
189. Mother: Cognitive Dissonance
a. Age: Twelve
b. Gender: Female
c. Starting Location: Mars
d. Origin: Weird Guy
e. Race: Lost Tail -200 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. I Wish I Had A Speedhack +100 CP
ii. Hard Mode +200 CP
iii. Cognitive +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Ghosts In Flight -Free
ii. PSI, Defensive Specialty -Free
iii. Necessary Appendages -100 CP
iv. Pollyanna -400 CP
v. Harmony -600 CP
vi. Veteran of the Rock War -100 CP
vii. All You Need is a Hammer -600 CP
viii. Center Stage -Free
ix. Nightmare Empowerment -200 CP
x. King of the World -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Shades -Free
ii. Baseball Cap -100 CP
iii. Mothership -300 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion: Giegue -200 CP
190. Percy Jackson
a. Origin: Monster -100 CP
b. First Pantheon Encounter: Egyptian
c. Age: 14
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Godly Grudge: Aphrodite +200 CP
ii. Fate Finds You Interesting +0 CP
iii. Apocalypse Now +800 CP
f. Perks
i. Old Traditions: Egyptian -Free
ii. Mist Manipulation -100
iii. Monstrous Strength -Free
iv. Unnatural Skill: Seduction -100 CP
v. Magic -200 CP
vi. Clear Sight -400 CP
vii. Legendary Trait: Beauty -200 CP
viii. Legendary Trait: Fertility -200 CP
ix. Divine Child: Anat -400 CP
x. Primal Terror -400 CP
xi. Glory to Me -800 CP
g. Gear
i. Ambrosia -200 CP
ii. Daedalus Laptop -400 CP
191. Percy Jackson (FreyrAnon Version)
a. Starting Location: Coast of Mediterranian Sea
b. Age: 15
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Camper
e. Parentage: Mortal +200 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. WWII Electric Boogaloo +0 CP
ii. The Full Story +0 CP
iii. House Rivalry +100 CP
iv. Prank Target +100 CP
v. Godly Oversight +100 CP
vi. Godly Scorn: Ares +100 CP
vii. Monster Bait +200 CP
viii. Godly Paramour: Gaia +300 CP
ix. Wrath of Olympus +300 CP
x. Sent Abroad +400 CP
xi. Foreign Target +400 CP
g. Perks
i. The Olden Ways -Free
ii. Godly Powers -Free
iii. Unbound By Thread -600 CP
iv. Camp Training -Free
v. May You Live In Interesting Times -100 CP
vi. The Gods Are Bros -200 CP
vii. Chosen Child -300 CP
viii. Monstrous Body: Succubus -100 CP
ix. Skills of the Beast: Seduction -200 CP
x. Creature of Myth -400 CP
xi. Legends of the Beast -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Monstrous Pets -50 CP
ii. Mythomagic Set -50 CP
iii. Bag of Drachma/Denari -100 CP
iv. Monster Killing Metals -200 CP
v. Monster Killer: Argetsverd Imported -Free
vi. Nectar and Ambrosia -100 CP
vii. Divine Implement: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
viii. Labyrinth Entrance -400 CP
ix. Your Own Personal Hell -600 CP
i. Companions
i. Canon Companion: Artemis -400 CP
192. Galacta Daughter of Galactus
a. Starting Location: Earth-616
b. Origin: Daughter of Galactus
c. Gender: Female
d. Age: A few million
e. Drawbacks
i. Too Much Information +100 CP
ii. “Rival Team” +100 CP
iii. A Plague Upon Your World +200 CP
iv. I’m Pregnant?!?! +200 CP
f. Perks
i. I’m Not Like You Dad! -100 CP
ii. Multi-Track Cosmic Mind -Free
iii. You Would Not Believe The Cosmic Phone Bills -200 CP
iv. The New Fab Diet: Extraterrestrial Only -100 CP
v. It’s Just a Prank, Earthling! -200 CP
vi. Cosmically Fit Mind and Body -200 CP
vii. The Alien That Made The Pyramids -400 CP
viii. Macro Scale Engineering -400 CP
ix. Back Off Bitch -300 CP
x. Galaxy Brain -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Super Nullifier -300 CP
h. Companions
i. Enhanced Mutie Food -100 CP
ii. Galacta -200 CP
193. Nier Automata
a. Starting Location: Emil’s Home
b. Origin: YoRHa Attack Model -200 CP
c. Age: Meaningless
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Connection Blocked +200 CP
ii. Automated Misery +300 CP
f. Scenario: War of the Machines
g. Perks
i. 2Booty -100 CP
ii. Automata, YoRHa Android -Free
iii. That Was Close Ma’am -100 CP
iv. You’re Not So Bad -Free
v. Not Outdated Yet -200 CP
vi. The Metal Demon -300 CP
vii. Anemone Teachings -100 CP
viii. The Long War -600 CP
ix. An Island In The Storm -200 CP
x. Glittering Gold -400 CP
xi. Surpassing The Creators -200 CP
xii. Deus Machina -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Basic Gear -Free
ii. Enhanced Bag of Chips -200 CP
iii. Quality Sachet -Free
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion -100 CP
ii. Pod -Free
194. Push
a. Origin: Drop-In
b. Age: 19
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Hong Kong
e. Drawbacks
i. Hunted By Division +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Run -Free
ii. Wits -100 CP
iii. Learning Curve -200 CP
iv. Plan -300 CP
v. Oblique Angles -400 CP
vi. Family -600 CP
vii. Looks -100 CP
viii. Nemesis -600 CP
ix. Combat -400 CP
g. Psychic Power: Enhanced Mover
h. Gear
i. Enhancement Drug -300 CP
ii. Six Million Dollars -100 CP
195. Warframe
a. Starting Location: Uranus
b. Age: 20
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Tenno -200 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Legend of the Warbros +0 CP
ii. Plains of Eidolon +0 CP
iii. Profiteering +300 CP
iv. Fomorian War +600 CP
v. Nightmare Mode +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Melody of the Void -Free
ii. Patience of Eternity -100 CP
iii. Era of the Gods -400 CP
iv. Harmonious Unity -600 CP
v. Graceful Myth -Free
vi. Peaceful Zen -Free
vii. Peace Within The Blade -100 CP
viii. Storm of Petals -200 CP
ix. Mindful Transference -300 CP
x. Devil Of The Void: Madurai -300 CP
xi. Beauty of the Beast -100 CP
xii. Module Creation -100 CP
xiii. Light of the Orokin -400 CP
g. Syndicate Allegiance: Cephalon Suda -Free
h. Gear (+500 Item CP)
i. Warframe Bobbleheads -Free
ii. Ludoplex -Free
iii. Gilded Armoire -Free
iv. Art of Thy Craft (600 Extra WP) -600 CP
v. Blood of Thy Flesh (750 Extra IP) -750 CP
vi. Crystalline Plantlife -50 CP
vii. Module and Arcane Collection -Free
viii. Catalysts and Reactors -Free
ix. Primed Archwing Backpack -200 Item CP
x. Exilus Unit -200 CP
xi. Kuva Supply -200 CP
xii. Void Relic Refiner -300 Item CP
i. Warframe Customization Table
i. Warframe Exosuit -Free (+1500 WP)
ii. Orokin Transformation: Primarch Armor -100 WP
iii. Transference Pod -Free
iv. Fluid Mind, Fluid Form -Free
v. Primary Element x3: Antimatter, Gravity, Psychic -100 WP
vi. Warframe Abilities -Free
vii. Zen Projection -Free
viii. Mythical Shapes -50 WP
ix. Greased Lightning -200 WP
x. Personal Affinity -300 WP
xi. Waxing Wuxia -300 WP
xii. Primed -500 WP
xiii. Augmented Prowess -50 WP
xiv. Way of the Open Palm -Free
xv. Augmented Sensors -Free
xvi. Caressing Touch -Free
xvii. State of Tranquility -50 WP
xviii. Serene Footsteps -50 WP
xix. Bountiful Cleanse -100 WP
xx. Embodiment of the Oro -300 WP
j. Strain Customization Table
i. Infestation Strain -100 CP (+1500 IP)
ii. Presence of Mind -Free
iii. Infection Methods
1. Spores -Free
2. Embryonic Implant -50 IP
iv. Strength of the Past -200 IP
v. Strength of the Whole -200 IP
vi. Flesh’s Embrace -300 IP
vii. Mutalist Strain -600 IP
viii. Role of Creator
ix. Legion of Serene Minds -Free
x. Archivist Mind -50 IP
xi. FEAR NOT -50 IP
xii. Environment Equilibrium -100 IP
xiii. Doctors Touch -100 IP
xiv. Upgrade The Machine -150 IP
xv. Crafter of Flesh -150 IP
xvi. Member of Two Flocks -300 IP
196. The God of High School
a. Starting Location: The Skyscraper, Floor 10,000
b. Race: God -300 CP
c. Power: Divine Power (+400 Divine Power CP)
d. Origin: Drop-In
e. Drawbacks
i. Just My Type, Just My Luck +100 CP
ii. The Blind Side of Life +100 CP
iii. Reincarnation.exe Has Had An Error +200 CP
iv. Clone Troubles +200 CP
v. Become God +200 CP
vi. Slave Of The Heavens +300 CP
vii. Rage From The Heavens +300 CP
viii. Kill Twelve Billion Demons +300 CP
ix. Curse of the Japanese +300 CP
x. Special Human +1000 CP
f. Perks (CP: 3700 + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Hybridization: Genuine Fighter -100 CP (+200 Genuine Fighter CP)
ii. Hybridization: Power Borrower -100 CP (+200 Power Borrower CP)
iii. Getting You Started -Free
iv. Supreme God Reincarnation: Hathor -2000 CP (+2 600 CP Powers, +2
800 CP Powers)
v. My, What Big Horns You Have -200 CP
vi. Mythical Life -Free
vii. Phases of Divinity -300 CP
viii. Revival of X -100 CP
ix. Heavenly Flight -Free
x. A Most Divine Constitution -200 CP
xi. Just A Senile Old Man -Free
xii. Jump Hui -Free
xiii. Now We Can Fight To The Fullest -100 CP
xiv. This Is What I Want -200 CP
xv. War Trophies -300 CP
xvi. A New Era Of Martial Arts -300 CP
g. Genuine Fighter Powers
i. Mundane Martial Art -Free
ii. Heavenly Arts -200 Genuine Fighter CP CP -200 CP
h. Power Borrower Section
i. Greed -200 Power Borrower CP -600 CP
i. Divine Powers
i. Regeneration -400 Divine Power CP
ii. Dominion -Supreme God 600 CP Freebie
iii. Spare Lives -Supreme God 600 CP Freebie
iv. Custom 800 CP Divine Power: Aspect of Sekhmet Transformation
1. Kaiju transformation which grants biological manipulation abilities
and grows stronger/larger the more blood/enemies it consumes
v. Custom 800 CP Divine Power: Seven Faces of Hathor
1. Divides into seven bodies/clones which each have their own theme
based around Hathors domains. When manifested individually
these powers are somewhat weaker, but when all seven bodies are
combined back into one to channel a single aspect they grow much
more powerful and achieve unique abilities in that aspect.
a. Sky Hathor
i. Teleportation powers, extreme movement speed
b. Solar Hathor
i. Light Manipulation, Healing, Barriers
c. Party Hathor (Music, Dance, Joy)
i. Buffing that grows on how happy those around her
are, miscellaneous party-summoning powers
d. Love Hathor (Sexuality, Beauty, Love)
i. Mesmerization, pleasure-inducing, beauty grows
with power
e. Empress Hathor (Motherhood, Queenship)
i. Fertility manipulation, create hivemind drones from
f. Merchant Hathor (Foreign Lands, Goods)
i. Formation of mystically binding contracts, can form
and facilitate the formation of Pseudo-Charyeok
g. Afterlife Hathor
i. Interaction with spirits, draw on them for powers or
sacrifice energy to facilitate their reincarnation
j. Gear
i. Godcycle -Free
ii. Barbadium Body -500 CP
iii. Bandanna Forever -Free
iv. Custom Divine Tool: Sun Disk -Reincarnation Freebie
v. Custom Divine Tool: Blood-Dyed Beer -Reincarnation Freebie
vi. Custom Divine Tool: Sistrum of Hathor -Reincarnation Freebie
vii. Custom Divine Tool: Hathors Staff -Reincarnation Freebie
197. Gurren Lagann
a. Age: 12
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Drop-In
d. Starting Location: Jeeha Village
e. Drawbacks
i. It’s For Agility! +100 CP
ii. Mute +200 CP
iii. Man of the Spiral +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Spiral Energy -Free
ii. I’ll Repay That Ten Times Over -100 CP
iii. Punch Through The Heavens! -200 CP
iv. Believe in the Me that Believes in You! -300 CP
v. Imperfect Beings -400 CP
vi. Perceptual Teleportation -600 CP
vii. Fighting Skills -100 CP
viii. Good Old Fisticuffs -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Badass Glasses -Free
ii. Badass Cape -Free
iii. Spiral Gun -200 CP
h. Gunmen
i. Mecha Import: Primarch Armor -400 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion: Simon The Digger -200 CP
j. Scenario
i. We Will Survive By Any Means Necessary
1. Endgame Cancellation
198. Sekai Oni
a. Starting Location: Zera
b. Origin: Alice
c. Age: 11
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Life At Home +100 CP
ii. Imprisoned +200 CP
iii. Manifestation of Lust +200 CP
iv. Maze Target +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Life Points -Free
ii. Materialization -Free
iii. Manifestation -Free
iv. Spirit Form -Free
v. World Devils -Free
vi. Totally Alice -Free
vii. Life Bar -Free
viii. Safe Travels -100 CP
ix. Gate Crashing -100 CP
x. Wonder Bird -200 CP
xi. Imaginary Reality -200 CP
xii. The Light -300 CP
xiii. Anomaly -300 CP
xiv. The Power of Love -600 CP
xv. King -800 CP
g. World Devil Form (+1000 WD)
i. Strange Body -Free
ii. Flight -Free
iii. General Strength Physical Enhancement -200 WD
iv. General Speed Physical Enhancement -200 WD
v. General Durability Physical Enhancement -200 WD
vi. Family -400 WD -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Gas Mask -Free
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion: Azuma -100 CP
199. Familiar of Zero
a. Age: 15
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Student Mage
d. Drawbacks
i. The Hill Of Fanfics +0 CP
ii. There’s No Way Those Are Real +100 CP
iii. Fantastic Racism +0 CP
iv. Windstone Apocalypse +600 CP
e. Perks
i. Brimiric Magic x4 -200
ii. Spirit Magic -400 CP
iii. Void Mage -200 CP
iv. Spellbreaker -600 CP
v. Bookworm -Free
vi. Wandslinger -200 CP
vii. Archmage-in-Training -300 CP
viii. Noble-Born -Free
ix. Of Royal Blood -600 CP
f. Gear
i. Magical Focus: Argetsverd Imported -Free
ii. Magic Library -200 CP
iii. Academy of Magic -300 CP
iv. Regalia -200 CP
g. Companions
i. Familiar -Free
200. Chronicle
a. Starting Location: Seattle
b. Origin: Drop-In
c. Age: 15
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Stalker +100 CP
ii. No Escape +100 CP
iii. Bullied +200 CP
iv. Lunchtime +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Powers -Free
ii. The Lion Does Not Feel Guilty When It Kills The Gazelle -200 CP
iii. Lifting Yourself Up -600 CP
iv. Magnetic Personality -Free
v. Still Human -200 CP
vi. Supernatural Savant -300 CP
vii. With Great Power Comes Great Leisure -400 CP
viii. Chad 101 -100 CP
ix. Setting Priorities -200 CP
x. I Just Do My Best At Everything -400 CP
xi. I Get Knocked Down -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Found Footage Film -Free
ii. Comfortable Silence -100 CP
iii. A Strange Cave -400 CP
201. Hyperdimension Neptunia
a. Gender: Female
b. Race: CPU/Candidate -200 CP
c. Age: 14
d. Faction: Arfoire
e. Starting Location: Lowee
f. Drawbacks
i. Yet Another Continuity +0 CP
ii. Burdens of the CPU +0 CP
iii. I Just Wanted Iffy To Praise Me +100 CP
iv. Looking For Wifeys +100 CP
v. Mekara Beam? +100 CP
vi. JUSTICE KICK!! +100 CP
vii. For A Kinda Lousy Nation, It’s Best To Have A Kinda Lousy CPU Like
Jumper +200 CP
viii. Endless Dimension Shifting +200 CP
ix. Levels Grinding +200 CP
x. Because Everyone Believes In Me +200 CP
g. Perks
i. A Monsters Faith -200 CP
ii. Blessed Are The Faithful -Free
iii. Idol of Innovation -100 CP
iv. Hard Drive Divinity -Free
v. Dimensional Travel -600 CP
vi. The Skills of Lastation -200 CP
vii. Fanservice -100 CP
viii. Introductory Text -Free
ix. Harmlessly Evil -100 CP
x. Yes We Are Definitely Allies. That Is A Thing That Is True -200 CP
xi. Deity Of Sin -300 CP
xii. Gamer Gal -Free
xiii. Final CPU Form -50 CP
xiv. Useless Ability Popups -50 CP
xv. Elemental Magic -200 CP
xvi. Support Magic -200 CP
xvii. Lily Ranks -200 CP
xviii. Realm of the Goddess -400 CP
xix. Sharicite Manipulation -400 CP
h. Gear
i. Hidden Cameras -Free
ii. Gehaburn, Cursed Sword That Slays CPUs: Argetsverd Imported -200 CP
202. Devilman Crybaby
a. Age: 17
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Innocent
d. Drawbacks
i. Another Time, Another Continuity +0 CP
ii. Envious Rival +100 CP
iii. Demonic Admirer +200 CP
iv. Demon’s Wrath +200 CP
v. Slothful Defenders +200 CP
vi. The Age Of Horror Has Begun +300 CP
e. Perks
i. You’re Crying Too! -400 CP
ii. Super High-Schooler: Cooking -Free
iii. Keep Going Forward -200 CP
iv. Passing The Baton -300 CP
v. One Hand Is Enough -100 CP
vi. Neither Human, Nor Demon -200 CP
vii. My Heart Is Still Human -400 CP
viii. Rapping Skill -50 CP
ix. Beautiful -50 CP
x. Fallen Angel: Kill God -1500 CP
f. Gear
i. Devilcat -Free
g. Companions
i. Old Flame -300 CP +1200 DP +500 UD Companion CP
1. Perks
a. Super High-Schooler -Free
b. You Haven’t Changed -Free
c. Keep Going Forward -Free
d. Weak Humans, Wise Demons -Free
e. Night Hawk -Free
f. Dreadful Stories -Free
2. Demon Form Customization
a. Shared Origin -Free
b. Endowed: Breasts -50 DP
c. Endowed: Butt -50 DP
d. Endowed: Hips And Belly -50 DP
e. Super Speed -300 DP
f. Devil Power -250 DP
g. Extreme Strength -500 DP
h. Psycho Power -500 UD Companion CP
203. The Gamer
a. Origin: Player Two
b. Age: 18
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Seoul, South Korea
e. Drawbacks
i. Disproportionate Retribution +100 CP
ii. Casting From Hit Points +300 CP
iii. Abyss Gazes Back +0 CP
iv. Japanese +400 CP
f. Perks
i. Enhanced Instant Dungeon -Free
ii. ReSTAT -100 CP
iii. Intense Focus -400 CP
iv. Gamers Loot -300 CP
v. Gamers Mind -300 CP
vi. Stabilized Black Soul -800 CP
vii. Gamers Titles -Free
viii. Eleminions -200 CP
ix. Illusion Technician -400 CP
x. Gamers Skills -300 CP
xi. Champ “Ki” ion -200 CP
xii. Gamers Body -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Gamers Basic Spells -Free
h. Companion
i. Gamers Party -Free
ii. Canon Companion -100 CP
204. Psyren (SB Version)
a. Psi Talent: Genius in Rise, Genius in Burst, Genius in Trance
b. Psi Manifestation: Timeline Manipulation
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Trophy Kid -200 CP
e. Age: 13
f. Drawbacks
i. Tavoo Bait +100 CP
ii. WISE Wants You! +100 CP
iii. False Prophet +100 CP
iv. Delete Spider +400 CP
g. Perks
i. Survival Instincts -100 CP
ii. Bust Some Heads -100 CP
iii. The Raging King -400 CP
iv. Nova Potential -600 CP
v. Awakened Psi -100 CP
vi. Grigori Project -600 CP
vii. Elite Education -Free
viii. My Life As A Jumper Is Just Getting Interesting! -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Weapons Collection -Free
ii. Allowance -Free
iii. Psyren In A Can -200 CP
iv. Penthouse Suite -200 CP
v. Illumina Cores -400 CP
205. Psyren
a. Origin: True Outsider +50 CP
b. Starting Location: Tokyo
c. Age: 18
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Where Are Your Parents?! +100 CP
ii. Popping Thought Bubbles +200 CP
iii. Change The Future! +300 CP
iv. Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Eldritch High Fantasy +300 CP
v. Another Call +300 CP, +1 Personal Manifestation Discount
vi. High Pressure Relationships +400 CP
f. Perks
i. Psyren Drifter -Free
ii. PSI: Burst -Free
iii. PSI: Trance -50 CP
iv. PSI: Rise -50 CP
v. PSI: Hybrid -50 CP
vi. Almighty -200 CP
vii. Nova -200 CP
viii. Zone -300 CP
ix. Childlike Innovation -Free
x. The One Percent -Free
xi. A Vital Piece -Free
xii. Natural: Nova Discount -Free
xiii. A Good Fight -100 CP
xiv. Mental Monster -100 CP
xv. Ice Princess -100 CP
xvi. Buddha Is A Superstar -100 CP
xvii. Superhuman Training Course -100 CP
xviii. Synchronization -200 CP
xix. Burst Stream -200 CP
xx. Rogue Immortal -300 CP
xxi. Birth of Dreams -600 CP
xxii. Speaking With “God” -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Q-T -Free
ii. Classy Clothes -Free
iii. Motorbike -Free
iv. ESP For Idiots Who Will Die Otherwise -Free
v. Classic Psychic Paraphernalia -100 CP
vi. Sable Skin -200 CP
vii. That Which Is Taboo -300 CP
h. Personal Manifestation (+200 Personal Manifestation CP)
i. Charles Atlas Superpower -50 Personal Manifestation CP
ii. Scan -50 Personal Manifestation CP
iii. “Immortal” -200 CP
iv. Life Harmony -100 Personal Manifestation CP -100 CP -Personal
Manifestation Discount
206. Overlord: The Series
a. Starting Location: Nation of Human Supremacy, The Slane Theocracy
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Female
d. Race: Player, Heteromorphic Race, Slime -100 CP +2 Innate Talent Discounts
e. Origin: Magic Caster
f. Drawbacks
i. Rampaging Hordes +200 CP
ii. Rival Guild +600 CP
iii. Enemies Of The World +600 CP
g. Scenarios
i. Peer of the Sorcerous King +300 Scenario CP
ii. Hero Out Of Myth And Legend +300 Scenario CP, +Free Custom NPC
1. Custom NPC has Divine Tier Equipment
2. Custom NPC has 1400 Companion CP + 500 UD Companion CP
iii. Our Guild Is Number One +600 Scenario GP
h. Perks
i. Enhanced Personal Inventory -50 CP
ii. Enhanced Themed Aesthetics -Free
iii. Shared Language -Free
iv. Innate Talent: Golden Mind -Free, -1 Player Discount
v. Innate Talent: Martial Arts Prodigy -100 CP, -1 Player Discount
vi. Innate Talent: Magical Powerhouse -200 Scenario CP
vii. Innate Talent: Alchemist -Free
viii. Innate Talent: Magic Item Creator -200 CP
ix. Enhanced Crafting Classes -200 CP
x. The Realm Of Heroes -300 CP
xi. Level One Hundred -600 CP
xii. Class Skills, Generalist: Sorcerous Swordsman -100 CP
xiii. Class Skills, Warrior: Damage Focused -100 Scenario CP
xiv. Class Skills, Warrior: Defense Focused -100 Scenario CP
xv. Class Skills, Warrior: Monk -100 CP
xvi. Tireless -200 Scenario CP
xvii. Class Skills, Magic Caster: Arcane Caster -Free
xviii. Class Skills, Magic Caster: Divine Caster -50 CP
xix. Class Skills, Magic Caster: Talismonger -50 CP
xx. Dark Wisdom -200 CP
xxi. The Abyss of Magic -300 CP
i. Gear (+200 Item CP)
i. Golden Coin Pouch -Free
ii. Pay To Win Items -2 Free For Players
1. Elixir
2. Wand of True Resurrection
iii. Shooting Star Ring -200 Item CP
iv. Summoned Mount -Free
v. Enhanced Alchemist’s Lab -50 CP
vi. Enhanced Crafting Materials, Supplies, And Tools -300 CP
vii. Medium Tier Equipment -Free
viii. The Caloric Stone -400 CP
ix. The Guild Base -800 CP
j. Companions
i. Custom NPC -Free (Hero Out Of Myth And Legend)
1. Gender: Female
2. Age: 17
3. Race: Player, Heteromorphic Race, Angel -Free, +2 Innate Talent
4. Origin: Warrior
5. Perks
a. Enhanced Personal Inventory -Free
b. Enhanced Themed Aesthetics -Free
c. Shared Language -Free
d. Innate Talent: Golden Mind -Free, -1 Player Discount
e. Innate Talent: Enhanced Healing Magic -Free, -1 Player
f. Innate Talent: Martial Arts Prodigy -100 UD Companion
g. Innate Talent: Physical Powerhouse -200 UD Companion
h. The Realm Of Heroes -Free
i. Level One Hundred -Free
j. Class Skill, Generalist: Sorcerous Swordsman -100
Companion CP
k. Class Skill, Generalist: Bard -100 Companion CP
l. Class Skill, Warrior: Damage Focused -Free
m. Class Skill, Warrior: Defense Focused -50 Companion CP
n. Class Skill, Warrior: Monk -50 Companion CP
o. Tireless -100 Companion CP
p. The Long Game -200 Companion CP
q. World Champion -300 Companion CP
r. Class Skills, Magic Caster: Divine Caster -100 Companion
6. Gear (+200 Item CP)
a. Golden Coin Pouch -Free
b. Pay To Win Items -2 Free For Players
i. Elixir
ii. Wand of True Resurrection
c. Summoned Mount -Free
d. Magical Instrument -Free
e. Hall of the Champions -Free
f. Divine Tier Equipment -Free
g. The Ring of Elru -200 Item CP, -400 Companion CP, -200
UD Companion CP
k. Guild Base Supplement (+2,000 GP)
i. Guild Base Type: City
ii. Basic Design
1. The Guild Item -Free
2. The Throne Room -Free
3. The Entrance -Free
4. The Exchange Box -Free
5. The Treasury -Free
6. Basic Defenses -Free
7. Basic NPC Levels (3,000) -Free
8. POP Spawns -Free
iii. Advanced Options
1. Flying -50 GP
2. Mobile -50 GP
3. Economical -100 GP
4. Expanded Size x4 -300 GP
5. Expanded NPC Levels x3 (9,000) -300 GP
6. Expanded Facilities x7 -100 GP
a. Port
b. Luxury Goods Shops
c. Luxury Living Accommodations
d. Luxury Hotels
e. Luxury Restaurants
f. Casinos and Brothels
g. Theme Park
iv. Elite Options
1. Economic Powerhouse -200 GP
2. Guild-Linked World Item: Rainbow Bridge -400 GP
3. Higher Level POP Spawn -300 Scenario GP
4. Traps Everywhere -300 Scenario GP
5. Maxed Out -200 GP
6. Legendary Treasury -300 GP
207. Mushi-Shi
a. Age: 21
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Mushi Master -100 CP
d. Drawbacks
i. Extended Stay +0 CP
ii. Mushi Magnet +100 CP
iii. Collector +100 CP
iv. Solitary +100 CP
v. Lightning’s End +100 CP
vi. Echoing Bells +400 CP
e. Perks
i. Youshitsu -Free
ii. Sore Feet Song -Free
iii. Stabilized Ganpuku Host -300 CP
iv. At The Forest’s Edge -Free
v. Second Eyelid -200 CP
vi. Koumyaku Master -300 CP
vii. Every 1000 Years -100 CP
viii. In A Sea of Otherworldly Stars -600 CP
ix. Line Between Worlds -200 CP
x. Cure in the Curse -400 CP
xi. Symbiosis -600 CP
f. Gear
i. Mushi Species Collection -200 CP
1. Uro Cocoons -Free
2. Mushi Tobacco -Free
3. Sake Gourd -50 CP
ii. Clothes -Free
iii. Mushi Pins -Free
iv. Oibako -Free
v. Mushi Masters Log -100 CP
vi. Patch of Forest -100 CP
g. Companions
i. Canon Companion -50 CP
208. Aladdin
a. Starting Location: Agrabah
b. Gender: Female
c. Age: 16
d. Origin: Street Rat
e. Drawbacks
i. Guards! +200 CP
ii. Vital Component +400 CP
f. Perks
i. Singing Voice -Free
ii. Breaker of Plans -200 CP
iii. Trickier Than A Djinn -Free
iv. Prince of Thieves -100 CP
v. Charming Rat -200 CP
vi. Curious Happenstance -300 CP
vii. Legendary Beauty -200 CP
viii. Sorcerous -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Explosive Apples -Free
ii. Magic Carpet -100 CP
iii. Cave of Wonders -200 CP
iv. Sorcerers Library -400 CP
v. Oil Lamp -700 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion -100 CP
209. Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid
a. Age: 24
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Extar -400 CP
d. Starting Location: Mermaid Island
e. Drawbacks
i. Unfortunate Name +100 CP
ii. Destructible Clothing +100 CP
iii. Pervert! +200 CP
iv. Overburdened +300 CP
v. Hunted +600 CP
f. Scenario: Arm-Aggedon
g. Perks
i. Moe -100 CP
ii. Bodacious -100 CP
iii. Armed Virus -Free
iv. Survivalist -100 CP
v. Enhanced Swordsman/woman -400 CP
vi. Weapon Form: Scythe -Free
vii. Extar Rank S -250 CP
viii. Autonomy -200 CP
ix. Valkyrie Effect -300 CP
x. Liberation -100 CP
xi. Liberator Rank S -400 CP
xii. EXCEED -600 CP
xiii. Super Move -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Fishing Rod -Free
ii. Pallet of Canned Peaches -50 CP
iii. Magic Bra -50 CP
i. Companion
i. Useless Woman -50 CP
ii. Mommy -100 CP
210. The Pirate’s Fate
a. Origin: Purity
b. Age: 13
c. Gender: Female
d. Drawbacks
i. Doldrums +100 CP
ii. Wanted +400 CP
iii. Evil Bunny +400 CP
iv. Edge of Death +600 CP
e. Perks
i. No Furry -Free
ii. Transformation Immunity -400 CP
iii. Coin Artist -400 CP
iv. Inner Goodness -Free
v. Innocent Mien -100 CP
vi. Purity of Spirit -200 CP
vii. Absolution -300 CP
viii. Cool Logic -100 CP
ix. Shaper of Worlds -600 CP
f. Gear (+300 Item CP)
i. Sword: Argetsverd Imported -100 Item CP
ii. Jumper Pie -200 Item CP, -200 CP
iii. Become What You Seek -600 CP
iv. Shape What You Were -800 CP
g. Companion
i. Canon Companion: Tam-Tam -100 CP
ii. The Usurped: Fat Mila -300 CP
211. Free Cities
a. Gender: Male
b. Age: 29
c. Location: Urban
d. Country: Japan
e. Origin: Daughters of Liberty Sympathizer
f. Drawbacks
i. Sex Addict +100 CP
ii. Rival +300 CP
iii. Economic Warfare +300 CP
iv. Terrorism +300 CP
v. The Last Dance +600 CP
g. Scenarios
i. Our Jump-chan, Who Art In Heaven
ii. Culture Wars +2 Future Societies
iii. Money Talks
h. Perks
i. Open-Minded -600 CP
ii. This Is The Last Dance -Free
iii. They’ve Done What Little They Can To Stop It -100 CP
iv. Girls Are Girls -200 CP
v. Particularly Inventive -300 CP
i. Future Societies
i. Repopulation Efforts -Free
ii. Gender Radicalism -100 CP
iii. Paternalism -100 CP
iv. Asset Expansionism -100 CP
v. Slave Pastoralism -100 CP
vi. Hedonistic Decadence -100 CP
vii. Chattel Religionism -100 CP
j. Gear
i. Slave Wardrobe -Free
ii. Smart Piercing -100 CP
iii. Personal Quarters -200 CP
iv. Drone Force -400 CP
v. Industrial Dairy -200 CP
vi. Remote Surgeon -600 CP
1. Organ Fabricator -200 CP
vii. Pharmaceutical Fabricator -300 CP
viii. Gestation Chamber -300 CP
k. Companions
i. Personal Assistant -Free
212. Corruption of Champions
a. Origin: Champion -50 CP
b. Age: 25
c. Gender: Female
d. Race: Kitsune
e. History: Scholar
f. Starting Location: Plains
g. Drawbacks
i. Corruption of Champions Revamp Mod +0 CP
ii. Monster Magnet +300 CP
iii. Creature Of This Land: Kitsune +300 CP
h. Perks
i. Legendary Lover -Free
ii. Cleansing Aura -100 CP
iii. Champion of Corruption -200 CP
iv. White Magic -300 CP
v. Libido Lacking -150 CP
vi. Black Magic -300 CP
vii. Weapon Proficiency: Sword -600 CP
viii. Champion of Champions -300 CP
i. Gear
i. White Book -50 CP
ii. Black Book -50 CP
iii. Pure Pearl -100 CP
iv. Spider-Silk Armor -300 CP
v. Inscribed Spellblade: Argetsverd Imported -600 CP
213. Ane Naru Mono
a. Origin: Demon
b. Age: 26
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Small Town, Japan
e. Drawbacks
i. Passed Over +100 CP
ii. Dark Magnet +100 CP
iii. Expanded Universe +200 CP
iv. Overactive Sex Drive +100 CP
v. The More Of A Fool +300 CP
f. Perks
i. What Is Not There -200 CP
ii. Daily Life With Lovecraft -400 CP
iii. Last Days Of Summer -600 CP
iv. Crazy Man -600 CP
v. Condensed Form -Free
vi. Innocently Lewd -Free
vii. I Screwed Up! -100 CP
viii. Stray Dog -200 CP
ix. Show Me Your Face -200 CP
x. Black Goat Of The Woods -300 CP
xi. What Is Your Wish? -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Travel Bag -100 CP
ii. Curb One’s Boredom -Free
h. Companions
i. Yasaka -300 CP
214. Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
a. Starting Location: Shopping District
b. Gender: Female
c. Age: 10
d. Origin: Sorcerer
e. Race: Harmony Dragon -200 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Picnic Lunch Three Dish Showdown +0 CP
ii. Faf-Kun +100 CP
iii. Exiled +200 CP
iv. The Demise Emperor +400 CP
g. Perks
i. D for Dragon! -Free
ii. NINGEN -400 CP
iii. I’m Glad That I Have You -400 CP
iv. Moe Overload -100 CP
v. General Magics -Free
vi. Demon Summoner -200 CP
vii. True Alchemist -300 CP
viii. It’s a Dragon! -Free
ix. Maybe Not A Dragon -Free
x. Portal Dragon! -400 CP
xi. Manifest Dragon! -Free
xii. Barrier Dragon -200 CP
xiii. Dragon Religion -300 CP
xiv. Hidden Dragon -100 CP
h. Gear
i. Sorcerers Hat -Free
ii. Cream Puffs -Free
iii. Alchemy Lab -300 CP
iv. Portal Monument -300 CP
215. Libriomancer
a. Origin: Drop-In
b. Age: 28
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Free Pick
e. Drawbacks
i. Persona Non Grata +100 CP
ii. Goddamned Sparklers +200 CP
iii. Si Gui Jun Dui +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Well Adjusted -Free
ii. Mental Fortress -200 CP
iii. Sympathetic Magic -400 CP
iv. Libriomancy -600 CP
v. Sorcery -800 CP
vi. Magic Damper -600 CP
vii. Dispellation Resistant -200 CP
g. Gear
i. Magic Glasses -Free
h. Companions
i. Nymph of Neptune -300 CP
216. Kumo Desu Ga, Nani Ka?
a. Starting Location: Great Elro Labyrinth
b. Origin: Small Lesser Taratect
c. Gender: Male
d. Age to Maturity: 18
e. Drawbacks
i. Long Life Of A Monster +0 CP
ii. Newly Born +100 CP
iii. Get Some Sun Sometime +100 CP
iv. Super Monster Time +300 CP
v. A New World +300 CP
f. Perks
i. System -Free
ii. Appraisal-Sama -Free
iii. Personal Data Sheet -Free
iv. Self Medical Check -Free
v. Hunters Way -100 CP
vi. A Sound Mind -100 CP
vii. Home Is Hearth -100 CP
viii. Prodigy -200 CP
ix. Little Monster -200 CP
x. Born To Grow -200 CP
xi. The Undying Spirit -400 CP
xii. Homebrew System -300 CP
xiii. But I Want More! -300 CP
xiv. Ruler of Pride -300 CP
xv. System 2.0 -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Spider Treats -50 CP
ii. Den -Free
iii. Ever-Present Prey -100 CP
iv. Skill Book -300 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion: Kumoko -50 CP
217. Gonna Be The Twin-Tail!
a. Starting Location: Mitsuka Cafe
b. Origin: Gear Girl
c. Age: 18
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Dirty Mind +100 CP
ii. But Mooooooom! +100 CP
iii. What Team? +100 CP
iv. Tale of Two Earls +200 CP
v. Grasping At Your Heart +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Affinity: Weight Gain -Free
ii. Twintail! -Free
iii. Incoming! -Free
iv. No Thank You -Free
v. The Twoearle Twist -Free
vi. Twintails Is On The Rise -100 CP
vii. Nothing Is Lost Forever -200 CP
viii. Gimme A Tic -200 CP
ix. Cult of Personality -300 CP
x. You Will Be Mine, Tail Red! -300 CP
xi. Gear Formation -300 CP
xii. The Guildy Obsession -100 CP
xiii. Guarded Wits -100 CP
xiv. A Heart In Two Minds -100 CP
xv. Venom Of The Heart -400 CP
xvi. Dragon Roar -600 CP
g. Gear
i. WhateverGear -Free
ii. Kamen Mask -Free
iii. Imagine Chaff Dispenser -Free
iv. Pool of Tranquility -600 CP
218. Fairy Tail + Fairy Tail Supplement
a. Age: 18
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Drop-In
d. Starting Location: Onibus Town
e. Drawbacks
i. Oh Boy, Here We Go +100 CP
ii. Fanservice +100 CP
iii. Bounty +300 CP
iv. Outlaw +300 CP
v. King of Dragons +600 CP
vi. Zerefs Plan +600 CP
f. Magics
i. Archive -Free
ii. Wind God Slayer Magic -800 CP
iii. Time Magic -800 CP
iv. Copy Magic -1200 CP
g. Perks
i. Agility -100 CP
ii. Strength -100 CP
iii. Resilience -100 CP
iv. Fighting Spirit -300 CP
v. Magazine Material -100 CP
vi. We Don’t Take Assassination Missions -300 CP
vii. Second Origin -200 CP
viii. Hatched Seed -400 CP
h. Gear
i. 700,000 Jewels -100 CP
219. Fairy Tail (Valeria Version)
a. Starting Location: Hargeon, Earthland
b. Race: Exceed +100 CP
c. Age: 17
d. Gender: Male
e. Origin: Independant Mage
f. Drawbacks
i. Fairy Tail Zero +0 CP
ii. Final Season +0 CP
iii. Council Troubles +100 CP
iv. Obnoxious Quirk: Lewd Daydreams +100 CP
v. Heartfeelia +100 CP
vi. Jumper Tail +300 CP
vii. Black Magic Man +300 CP
viii. White Witch World +300 CP
ix. Brutal Parenting +300 CP
x. Hundred Year Quest +600 CP
g. Perks
i. Magic -Free
ii. Magic Power: Rank 5 -500 CP
iii. Magic Skill: Rank 5 -500 CP
iv. Magic Style
1. Arc of Embodiment -100 CP
2. Life Dragon Slayer -150 CP
v. Second Origin -300 CP
vi. Words Words Words -Free
vii. Celestial Spirit Mage -Free
viii. Imaginary Friends -100 CP
ix. Blond And Buxom -100 CP
x. On Two Legs -100 CP
xi. Binary Stars -200 CP
xii. Mage Sensor -100 CP
xiii. Not So Lost Magic -200 CP
xiv. The Knight/The Gunner: Swords -200 CP
xv. Fairy Founder -400 CP
xvi. Star Power -400 CP
xvii. Curse Magic -300 CP
xviii. Pure Magic -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Charm Ring -Free
ii. Angel Coins -100 CP
iii. Golden Keys -200 CP
iv. The Books Of Zeref -300 CP
i. Companions
i. Canon Companion x5 -50 CP
220. Transistor
a. Age: 30
b. Gender: Male
c. Origin: Process -400 CP
d. Starting Location: The Empty Set
e. Drawbacks
i. Red Is Blue +0 CP
ii. I Hear Silence +100 CP
iii. Unpopular Opinions +100 CP
iv. We All Become One +600 CP
f. Perks
i. We’ll Have Ourselves A Paintbrush -600 CP
ii. C_ll -Free
iii. _n C_rcl_s -200 CP
iv. V_n_sh_ng P__nt -300 CP
g. The Transistor -600 CP
i. Weapon Import: Argetsverd Imported -100 CP
ii. Expanded MEM x4 -200 CP
iii. Transistor Script Extender -600 CP
iv. Core Trace: Imported: Argetsverd -100 CP
h. Companions
i. Canon Companion: Red and Blue -200 CP
i. Gear
i. Processed Pet -Free
221. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou
a. Origin: Summoned Hero
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Male
d. Class: Hero -200 CP
e. Starting Location: Heilight
f. Race: Human +100 CP
g. Drawbacks
i. Bully +100 CP
ii. Look! It’s Shiny! +200 CP
iii. Crazy In Love +300 CP
iv. Burn The Heretic +300 CP
v. Imperially Banned +400 CP
vi. God’s Unfavorite +600 CP
vii. God’s Favorite +200 CP
h. Perks
i. Blessing of the Gods -400 CP
ii. Replace The Gods -500 CP
iii. Outside The Box -200 CP
iv. Facing The Abyss -400 CP
v. Proper Heroic Looks -Free
vi. Living The Life -Free
vii. Magic Joker -100 CP
viii. Limit Break -100 CP
ix. Heroic Body -200 CP
x. Direct Magic Manipulation -200 CP
xi. Uncapped -300 CP
xii. Peerless Prodigy -300 CP
xiii. Anti-Magic -200 CP
xiv. Lineage of Kings -200 CP
xv. Automatic Regeneration -600 CP
i. Gear
i. Status Plate -Free
ii. Jumpers Dungeon -400 CP
iii. Luxury Goods -Free
iv. Jumpers Spear: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
j. Companion
i. Canon Companion -100 CP
ii. Fallen Valkyrie -Free
k. Scenarios
i. Princess In A Cave
ii. Beast Rising
iii. The Survivors
iv. Dungeon Hunter
1. Abyss Dungeon: Creation Magic
2. Great Canyon: Gravity Magic
3. God’s Mountain: Soul Magic
4. Snowfield Cave: Metamorphosis Magic
5. Guryuuen Volcano: Spatial Magic
6. Undersea Ruins: Restoration Magic
7. Sea Of Trees: Sublimation Magic
222. Invincible
a. Starting Location: Baltimore City
b. Age: 12
c. Gender: Male
d. Origin: Drop In/Supergenius
e. Drawbacks
i. A Picture Will Last Longer +0 CP
ii. Randy Roaming +100 CP
iii. The Gravitators Kindred +100 CP
iv. Paranoid Spook +200 CP
v. Maulers Union +200 CP
vi. The Problem With Federal Governments +200 CP
vii. The Problem With Monarchies +300 CP
viii. They Both Want To Kill You +100 CP
ix. Test Tube Baby +400 CP
x. The Flaxan Problem +400 CP
xi. The Cutest Pet Ever +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Comic Book Pretty -Free
ii. Artistic: Singing -100 CP
iii. You Have Been Reborn -400 CP
iv. Benadryl Cabbagepatch -Free
v. Fantastic Minds -100 CP
vi. Like A Robot -200 CP
vii. And Where To Find Them -300 CP
viii. A Lover That’s Out Of This World -100 CP
ix. Not Nearly Enough -200 CP
x. Never Gonna Keep Me Down -600 CP
xi. Not As Easy The Second Time Around -600 CP
xii. Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex -200 CP
xiii. Weaknesses? I Have No Weaknesses -400 CP
g. Superpowers
i. Required Secondary Powers -Free
ii. Half-Blood Viltrumite -600 CP
iii. Enhanced Atom Eve -900 CP
iv. Dupli-Kate -400 CP
h. Gear (+300 Item CP)
i. Teleporter -Free
ii. Tech Jacket: Primarch Armor Imported -300 Item CP
223. Darksiders
a. Starting Location: Eternal Throne
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Drop-In
d. Drawbacks
i. Hunted: Heaven +200 CP
ii. Hunted: Hell +200 CP
iii. Framed +600 CP
e. Perks
i. Remnants -Free
ii. Divine Flight -100 CP
iii. Demonic Strength -100 CP
iv. Vulgrim’s Customer -200 CP
v. Celestial Technology -400 CP
vi. Makers Prodigy -300 CP
vii. Blessing of Death -600 CP
viii. Maker -600 CP
f. Gear
i. Death’s Scythe: Argetsverd Imported -600 CP
ii. Armageddon Blade: Argetsverd Imported -600 CP
224. Duel Monsters - The Heroes
a. Starting Location: The Hero City
b. Background: Neo-Spacian
c. Age: 14
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. HIKARI +300 CP
ii. YAMI +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Visions Of The Future -600 CP
ii. The Brightest Darkness And Darkest Light -600 CP
iii. Neo-Spacian Contact -Free
iv. Neo-Spacian Travel -200 CP
v. Neo-Spacian Force -300 CP
g. Powers and Gimmicks
i. Bladedge -600 CP
ii. THE EARTH -800 CP
h. Gear
i. Costume -Free
225. Prototype
a. Starting Location: Gentek Laboratories
b. Origin: Runner -300 CP
c. Age: 26
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. DESTROY US ALL!!! +1200 CP
f. Perks
i. Toxicology -400 CP
ii. Virologist -600 CP
iii. Predator -Free
iv. The Taste of Memories -200 CP
v. What Makes Me Unique -300 CP
vi. Virus Creator -300 CP
vii. Infected Master -600 CP
g. Infected Powers (1000 Origin PP + 600 Virus Creator PP)
i. Light of Life -Free
ii. 1800 Extra PP -900 CP
iv. Node Creator -Free
v. Terra Infection -200 PP
1. Alien Lifeforms -200 PP
vi. Pathogen Participation -400 PP
vii. Increased Strength -200 PP
viii. Increased Durability -200 PP
ix. Spawns
1. Walkers -Free
2. Flyers -Free
3. Evolved -600 PP
x. Consume -100 PP
xi. Canon Weapons -100 PP
1. Non-Canon Weapons -50 PP
2. Runner Rounds -50 PP
xii. Transform -300 PP
xiii. Excessive Force -400 PP
xiv. Regeneration -600 Virus Creator PP
h. Gear
i. Thermobaric Rounds -100 CP
ii. Sinew Rounds -Free
226. Code:Breaker
a. Species: Enhanced Power User Hybrid -300 CP
b. Gender: Female
c. Age: 16
d. Origin: Re-Code -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Hard-Headed +100 CP
ii. Darker Than Darkness +100 CP
iii. The Black Mask +200 CP
iv. Odd Man Out +300 CP
v. Skipping Ahead +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Fair Play -Free
ii. Life Muscles -100 CP
iii. The Forbidden Apple Of Eden -200 CP
iv. Sidestepping God -400 CP
v. The Name Being Sought -Free
vi. The Abandoned -100 CP
vii. Beyond Power -200 CP
viii. Limitless -300 CP
ix. Force of Life -200 CP
g. Gear
i. Samurai Soul: Argetsverd Imported -Free
h. Powers (+200 Power CP)
i. Absolute Space -200 Power CP -400 CP
ii. Flames of Purgatory
1. Satan’s Blaze -600 CP
2. Belphegor -100 CP
3. Mammon -100 CP
4. Beelzebub -100 CP
5. Leviathan -100 CP
6. Asmodeus -100 CP
7. Lucifer -100 CP
227. Winx Club
a. Starting Location: Earth
b. Origin: Fairy -200 CP
c. Age: 16
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. A Fitting Name +100 CP
ii. School Rivalry +100 CP
iii. Disliked By A School x2 (Alfea, Red Fountain) +350 CP
iv. The Omega Dimension +200 CP
v. The Army of Darkness +300 CP
vi. The Company Of Light +300 CP
vii. Darkar +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Magic -Free
ii. Good Looks -100 CP
iii. Dragon Flame -600 CP
iv. Anti-Corruption -400 CP
v. Corruption Of The Mark -600 CP
vi. Fruits of Labor -200 CP
vii. Affinity: Evolution -100 CP
viii. Curse -400 CP
ix. Theme: Evolution -Free
x. Enchantix -100 CP
xi. Fairy Dust -200 CP
xii. Guardian Fairy -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Black Willow’s Tears -300 CP
ii. Book of Potions -300 CP
iii. Black Circle -500 CP
iv. Artifact of Power: Argetsverd Imported -Free
v. Book of Transformations -150 CP
h. Companions
i. Pixie -Free
ii. Canon Companion -Free
228. Miyuki-chan in Wonderland
a. Gender: Female
b. Origin: Drop-In
c. Age: 13
d. Starting Location: Video Game Land
e. Drawbacks
i. What A Cute Name! +0 CP
ii. Nowhere To Hide +100 CP
iii. Down You Go! +100 CP
iv. World of Women +200 CP
v. Lost +200 CP
vi. Unequipped +400 CP
vii. Lee and Lee +500 CP
viii. Pure Peril +700 CP
f. Perks
i. Lady=Lesbian Enhanced -300 CP
ii. Long Fall -Free
iii. Enter The Fantasy -300 CP
iv. Jumper Reservoir Chronicles -400 CP
v. Floating Bell -100 CP
vi. Final Boss -300 CP
vii. Cool and Close -300 CP
viii. Let’s Go! Go! -100 CP
ix. Mirror Walls -400 CP
x. Leg Trap -300 CP
xi. Martial Maid -100 CP
xii. Item Search -200 CP
g. Gear
i. Wonderland Wardrobe -50 CP
ii. Yoshie -50 CP
iii. Bunnies -50 CP
iv. Rabbit Gear -50 CP
v. Clamp Collection -100 CP
vi. Mathmos Hookah -400 CP
vii. Positronic Ray -600 CP
viii. Miyuki Quest -Free
ix. Hero’s Armor -300 CP
h. Companions
i. Canon Companion -100 CP
ii. Chibi-Clamp! -200 CP
229. Generic Mind Control
a. Origin: Controller -300 CP
b. Age: 12
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Generic Japan
e. Drawbacks
i. Thinking With Your Dick +200 CP
ii. Greedy +200 CP
iii. Under Investigation +400 CP
iv. Wanted! +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Observant -100 CP
ii. Deprogramming -200 CP
iii. Snap Out Of It -400 CP
iv. Self Control -600 CP
v. Wants And Needs -100 CP
vi. Happy Boss, Happy Worker -200 CP
vii. Work Smarter -600 CP
viii. Human Resources -Free
ix. Synergy -100 CP
x. Clear Effective Leadership -200 CP
xi. Great PR -300 CP
g. Control Methods
i. Control Establishing -Free
ii. Direct Commands -Free
iii. Pleasure -Free
iv. Emotional Manipulation -50 CP
v. Triggers -50 CP
vi. Irresistible Control -50 CP
vii. Physical Control -100 CP
viii. Mental Commands -100 CP
ix. Memory Manipulation -100 CP
x. Quick Control -100 CP
xi. Invisible Control -Free
xii. Infectious Control -Free
h. Gear
i. Novelty Hypno Coin -50 CP
ii. Lair -200 CP
iii. Collar -Free
230. Monster Girl Encyclopedia
a. Gender: Female
b. Origin: Local Impoverished Human +50 CP
c. Age: 21
d. Affiliation: Unaffiliated
e. Starting Location: Monster Aligned Ocean +50 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Extended Stay +0 CP
ii. Extra Imports +100 CP
iii. Exhibitionist +100 CP
iv. Monster Bait +300 CP
v. Sex Isn’t Safe +400 CP
vi. And Then There Was One… +400 CP
vii. Jumper Encyclopedia +400 CP
viii. Coming of the Wicked Witch +500 CP
ix. Mushroom Fever +500 CP
x. Draconic Desire +500 CP
xi. Parental Problems +200 CP
xii. Archenemy Of The True Faith +500 CP
xiii. Lilim’s Love +500 CP
xiv. Merchants of Menace +500 CP
xv. Wrath Of The Kami +500 CP
xvi. The Furious Three +500 CP
xvii. The Tale Of Urashima Jumper +500 CP
xviii. Horde Hunt +500 CP
xix. Merry Maid Of Madness +500 CP
xx. Cat and Mouse ~ You’re the Mouse +500 CP
xxi. Test of the Unfaithful +500 CP
xxii. True Corruption +1300 CP
g. Bonus Scenarios
i. Those Who Hunt Mamono (For Panties) +300 Scenario CP
ii. Art Exhibition +300 Scenario CP
iii. Marigold Matchmaker +300 Scenario CP
iv. School of Hard Knocks +300 Scenario CP
v. Into The Woods +300 Scenario CP
vi. Tomb of Horrors +300 Scenario CP
vii. The Demon Who Would Be Lord +300 Scenario CP
viii. Saga Of The World Tree +300 Scenario CP
ix. Journey To The West +300 Scenario CP
x. The Unforgiven ~ Secrets of Zipangu +300 Scenario CP
xi. Labours of a True Scholar +300 Scenario CP
xii. No Turning! +300 Scenario CP
xiii. Fading Light +0 Scenario CP
xiv. Heart of Darkness +0 Scenario CP
xv. The Ghost Dog +0 Scenario CP
xvi. Elemental Mystery +0 Scenario CP
xvii. Merry Kissmas! +0 Scenario CP
xviii. Volcanic Panic +0 Scenario CP
xix. Far Beneath The Misty Mountain +0 Scenario CP
xx. Cheshire’s Adventures In (Lands Beyond) Wonderland +0 Scenario CP
xxi. Wanderer of the Dunes +0 Scenario CP
xxii. The Eel And The Centipede +0 Scenario CP
xxiii. Imperial Legacy +0 Scenario CP
xxiv. The Stars On The Sea +300 Scenario CP
xxv. Deepest Dungeon +0 Scenario CP
xxvi. Great Dragonian Tournament +0 Scenario CP
xxvii. Look Before You Jump +0 Scenario CP
xxviii. Slimy Secrets of the Swamp +0 Scenario CP
xxix. Paradise Recovered +0 Scenario CP
xxx. Make Your Own Happy Ending +300 Scenario CP
h. Perks (Total CP: 11100 +3900 Scenario CP + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. A Real Beauty Enhanced -300 CP
ii. Parasite’s Compromise -100 CP
iii. Magic Prodigy -400 CP
iv. Corruption Resistance -100 CP
v. There’s More To Life Than That -200 CP
vi. Please Listen To Me -300 CP
vii. True Love -400 CP
viii. Anti-Corruption -600 CP
ix. Staying Myself -Free
x. Spirit Provider -150 CP
xi. Great Catch -200 CP
xii. Chosen Hero -300 CP
xiii. Instinct Immunity -100 CP
xiv. Demon Energy Outlet -300 CP
xv. Wonderful Waifus -600 CP
xvi. I Want To Be Left Alone -Free
xvii. Why Don’t You Write About It? -100 CP
xviii. I Need A Vacation -150 CP
xix. Wandering Scholar -200 CP
xx. Dungeon Delver -300 CP
xxi. Mind Over Magic -400 CP
xxii. Magical Renaissance -600 CP
xxiii. Master Of The Forge -200 CP
xxiv. Regeneration -100 CP
xxv. Monarch Of The Undead -200 CP
xxvi. Making Sense Of The Nonsense -100 CP
xxvii. Covenanter -100 CP
xxviii. Elements Taking Shape -200 CP
xxix. Spreading Nature’s Heart -300 CP
xxx. Dark Power -400 CP
xxxi. All Are The Elements, Elements Are All -600 CP
xxxii. Mana Strengthening -300 CP
xxxiii. Concentration Is Key: Land Of Four Fiends -100 CP
xxxiv. Touch of Knowledge -300 CP
xxxv. Martial Arts Of The Mists: Chi-Tai -400 CP
xxxvi. Riddle Me This -100 CP
xxxvii. Wishmaker -200 CP
xxxviii. Drunk In Heart, Not In Mind -100 CP
xxxix. Slime Coat -100 CP
xl. Bubbling Purifier -200 CP
xli. Amorphous Body -300 CP
xlii. Slime Core -600 CP
xliii. Rebel Against The Gods -600 CP
xliv. Shinzuuriki ~ Way Of The Daitengu -300 CP
xlv. Magic Repository -200 CP
xlvi. World Without Time -300 CP
xlvii. Maddenning Allure -200 CP
xlviii. Body Of A Servant -400 CP
xlix. Prideful Power -100 CP
l. True To Form -600 CP
i. Gear
i. Book Of Properly Dealing With Monsters -Free
ii. Spell Books -300 CP
iii. Cursed Sword: Argetsverd Imported -400 CP
iv. Living Armor: Primarch Armor Imported -400 CP
v. How To Be A Good Husbando -Free
vi. Canteen Of Magical Supply -100 CP
vii. Holstaur Milk -200 CP
viii. Demon Realm Silver Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -300 CP
ix. Demon Realm Boars -600 CP
x. Magic Sword Of Truth: Argetsverd Imported -400 CP
xi. Amrita ~ Elixir of Perennial Youth And Beauty -400 CP
231. Watch_Dogs 2
a. Gender: Male
b. Age: 18
c. Location: Silicon Valley
d. Identity: Drop-In
e. Drawbacks
i. Public Enemy Number One +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Hacking Skills -Free
ii. Man of the People -100 CP
iii. As The Crow Flies -200 CP
iv. High Intelligence -400 CP
v. Build Better Botnets -200 CP
g. Botnets: 8 levels -200 CP
i. Social Engineering Field x4 -400 CP
ii. City Disruption x4 -400 CP
iii. Vehicles and RC x4 -400 CP
h. Gear
i. Basic Hacker Gear -Free
ii. Smartphone -Free
iii. 3D Printer -400 CP
iv. ctOS Backdoor -400 CP
232. Fullmetal Alchemist
a. Starting Location: Southern Amestris
b. Age: 24
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Foreigner -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Tremor +300 CP
ii. Enemy of the State +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Advanced Formulae -100 CP
ii. Simplified Formulae -100 CP
iii. Martial Training -300 CP
iv. Melee Training -300 CP
v. Alkahestry -150 CP
vi. Truth -800 CP
g. Gear
i. Throwing Knives -Free
ii. Alternate Clothing -50 CP
iii. M1913 Cavalry Saber -Free
iv. Forged Papers -100 CP
v. Alchemical Textbooks -200 CP
vi. Bio-Alchemical Theory Papers -300 CP
vii. Red Stone -600 CP
233. Fullmetal Alchemist Bramastra Version
a. Age: 21
b. Gender: Male
c. Origin: Alchemist
d. Starting Location: Ishval
e. Drawbacks
i. 2003 +0 CP
ii. Short +100 CP
iii. Military Dog +100 CP
iv. Ishvalan +100 CP
v. Meaningful Connections +200 CP
vi. Unlikely Attention +200 CP
vii. Sacrificial Pawn +300 CP
f. Perks
ii. Alchemy -Free
iii. Alkahestry -50 CP
iv. Emotional And Mental Integrity -100 CP
v. Integral Soul -400 CP
vi. The Sun God -600 CP
vii. Old is Gold -200 CP
viii. Librarian -Free
ix. The Fullmetal Alchemist -Free
x. Eastern Sage -100 CP
xi. Specialized Alchemy: Healing Alchemy -100 CP
xii. Ishvala’s Legacy -200 CP
xiii. Blood of Gold -200 CP
xiv. Truth -300 CP
xv. Unnatural Beauty -200 CP
g. Gear
i. Flask -200 CP
ii. Durable Spadroon: Argetsverd Imported -100 CP
iii. Alchemical Texts -Free
iv. Box of Compounds -200 CP
v. Philosophers Stone -300 CP
vi. Lab -200 CP
h. Companion
i. Cute Daughter With Pictures -Free
a. Age: 30
b. Gender: Female
c. Type: Blue
d. Origin: Military
e. Callsign: Princess
f. Drawbacks
i. But Can It Run Crysis? +100 CP
ii. The Lingshan Insertion +100 CP
iii. Work Away Debt Program +100 CP
iv. It Was Never About The Suit +200 CP
v. Let Me Repeat That, Roger +200 CP
vi. They Built Everywhere +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Everyone Has a Choice -400 CP
ii. Spreading Cracks -300 CP
iii. This Suit Is MINE -600 CP
iv. N.O.M. -Free
v. Nanocatalyst Augmentation -100 CP
vi. Deep-Layer Protocols -200 CP
vii. Maximum_Noun -300 CP
viii. Tin Man -Free/Mandatory
ix. They Call Me Alcatraz. Remember Me -300 CP
h. Gear
i. C.E.L.L. Kit -Free
ii. Ceph Weapon -Free
iii. Nanosuit Cradle -100 CP
iv. Nanomaterial Breeder -200 CP
v. Nanosuit 1.0 -200 CP
vi. Nanosuit 2.0 -600 CP
1. Maximum Armor Import -Free
a. Primarch Armor
b. Nanosuit 1.0
c. All Possible Imports
2. Maximum Power Import -Free
a. All Possible Imports
3. Maximum Visor Import -Free
a. All Possible Imports
4. Maximum Style Import -Free
a. All Possible Imports
5. Second Import -Free
6. Maximum Hybrid Import -Free
a. All Possible Imports
7. Maximum Assimilation -Free/Mandatory
8. Freedom -200 CP
235. Danny Phantom
a. Age: 14
b. Gender: Male
c. Origin: Half-Ghost -200 CP
d. Drawbacks
i. Be Danny +0 CP
ii. Ten Years Later +0 CP
iii. Pun +100 CP
iv. Learning The Hard Way +200 CP
v. Unwanted Ghostly Attention +200 CP
vi. The Drive: Protect Humanity +200 CP
vii. Unwanted Lover +200 CP
viii. Found Wanting: Pariah Dark +300 CP
ix. Realistic +300 CP
x. Wanted (Humans & Ghosts) +600 CP
e. Perks
i. Puns -Free
ii. Believable Bluff -100 CP
iii. Strong Willed -400 CP
iv. Knowledge -100 CP
v. Hiding In Plain Sight -Free
vi. The Watcher -100 CP
vii. Who Needs To Fight: Karate -200 CP
f. Gear
i. Time Medallion: SECOND Imported -100 CP
ii. Fenton Thermos -100 CP
iii. Unlimited Ectoplasm -200 CP
iv. Nasty Burger Special -Free
v. Ecto-Skeleton -200 CP
g. Ghost Powers (+300 Ghost Powers CP)
i. Going Ghost -Free
ii. Paranormal Immunity -Free
iii. Paranormal Weakness -Mandatory
iv. Flight, Invisibility, Intangibility, Supernatural Physical Abilities -Free
v. Ecto-Energy Control -Free
vi. Ghost Ray -Free
vii. Spectral Body Manipulation -Free
viii. Overshadowing -Free
ix. Ghost Sense -Free (Cryokinesis)
x. Ghost Stinger -Free (Electrokinesis)
xi. Ghost Shields -100 Ghost Powers CP
xii. Pathokinesis -Free (Emotion Absorption)
xiii. Power Augmentation -100 Ghost Powers CP
xiv. Cryokinesis -100 Ghost Powers CP -100 CP
xv. Duplication -200 CP
xvi. Ecto-Energy Construction -200 CP
xvii. Electrokinesis -200 CP
xviii. Emotion Absorption -200 CP
xix. Telekinesis -200 CP
xx. Teleportation -Free (Ghost Portal Creation)
xxi. Transformation -200 CP
xxii. Ecto Enchanting -400 CP
xxiii. Ghost Portal Creation -400 CP
xxiv. Ghost Creation -800 CP
h. Companions
i. Humans -Free
236. Geneforge
a. Age: 16
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Shaper -100 CP
d. Starting Location: Eastern Terrestria
e. Drawbacks
i. Everyone Knows +200 CP
ii. Abomination +500 CP
f. Perks
i. Focus: Shaping -Free
ii. Quick Study -Free
iii. Enhanced Essence Reserves x2 -200 CP
iv. Crafting -300 CP
v. Innate Genetic Understanding -300 CP
vi. ReShaping -600 CP
vii. Crystal Working -600 CP
viii. Necromancy -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Robes of Ambiguous Gender -Free
ii. Portable Geneforge Components -500 CP
237. Infinite Stratos
a. Origin: Student
b. Age: 15
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Germany
e. Drawbacks
i. Nationalism +100 CP
ii. Golem Games +200 CP
iii. Phantom Of The Opera +200 CP
iv. Mondo Jumper +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Simply Gorgeous -Free
ii. IS Education and Training -Free
iii. Privacy, Please! -Free
iv. Mechanised Martial Arts -100 CP
v. Ace of Aces -300 CP
vi. Brunhilde -600 CP
vii. One In A Trillion -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Uniform -Free
ii. Personal IS -Free
iii. “Practice” Weapons -Free
h. Infinite Stratos (+1000 SP)
i. Basic Characteristics
1. Shielding -Free
2. PIC (Passive Inertial Control) -Free
3. Hyper Sensor -Free
4. Closed Form -Free
ii. Base Frame
1. 4th Generation -600 SP
2. Import: SECOND -100 SP
iii. Customization Options
1. Experimental Batteries -300 SP
2. Aegis Projectors -200 CP
3. Lots of Slots -100 CP
4. Under the Sea/Above the Stars -100 CP
5. AIC (Active Inertia Canceller) -300 CP
6. Second Shift: AIC -500 CP
7. Kenran Buto -500 CP
238. Kung Fu Panda
a. Origin: Way of the Dragon Warrior -100 CP
b. Age: 25
c. Gender: Male
d. Animal Species: Tiger -Free
e. Starting Location: Hajin Province (Free Choice)
f. Drawbacks
i. Jump of the Dragon +300 CP
ii. Jump of the Peacock +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Iron Body Style -Free
ii. Iron Fists -Free
iii. Tahlia Leap -100 CP
iv. Wuxi Finger Hold -200 CP
v. Inner Peace -200 CP
vi. Chi Warrior -300 CP
vii. The Twelve Impossible Moves -600 CP
viii. Observation of the Ways -100 CP
ix. Fluttering Finger Mindslip -400 CP
x. Five Mystic Kung Fu Secrets -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Secret Formula For Living Clay -200 CP
ii. Training Hall -300 CP
239. Kyonyuu Fantasy
a. Starting Location: Vacatin
b. Race: Succubus -300 CP
c. Age: 18
d. Gender: Female
e. Origin: Knight
f. Drawbacks
i. Prince Baboon or was it Prince Blubber +100 CP
ii. Assassin’s Reporting +100 CP
iii. Demon Blooded +200 CP
iv. A Stain On The Academy +200 CP
v. Amnesiac +300 CP
vi. Eurodian War +300 CP
vii. Hyper Bobon +600 CP
g. Perks
i. Kyonyuu Fantasy -100 CP
ii. Soul of a Saint -200 CP
iii. Laid Back Lute -200 CP
iv. Eroge Protagonist -400 CP
v. Sexual Educator -400 CP
vi. Hand of the Devil -600 CP
vii. Being This Excellent Is A Crime -Free
viii. Academy’s Teachings -Free
ix. Knight Errant -Free
x. A True Swordswoman Can Overcome Any “Obstacle” -100 CP
xi. General’s Mind -200 CP
xii. Night Battles -200 CP
xiii. Once In A Decade Talent -300 CP
xiv. Eurodia’s Strongest General -300 CP
xv. Atomic Size Beauty -100 CP
xvi. Noble Pursuits: Cooking -100 CP
xvii. Magician of the Night -400 CP
h. Gear
i. Bra -Free
ii. Jars of Familiar Summoning -Free
iii. Golem Jar -150 CP
iv. Pandora’s Box -300 CP
v. Sword: Argetsverd Imported -Free
vi. Chess Board -Free
vii. Armor: SECOND Imported -100 CP
viii. Jumper Castle -200 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion -50 CP
240. Heroes
a. Starting Location: Tokyo
b. Age: 20
c. Gender: Male
d. Origin: Scientist -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Apocalypse Now +200 CP
ii. Notorious B.I.G. +300 CP
iii. Brain Power +400 CP
iv. The Company +400 CP
v. Displaced In Time +600 CP
vi. Hunger +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Genetic Biology -Free
ii. I Can Fix It -150 CP
iii. Evolution -300 CP
g. Powers
i. Memory Manipulation -600 CP
ii. Lie Detection -Free
iii. Spacetime Manipulation -1000 CP
iv. Intuitive Aptitude -1200 CP
h. Gear
i. Transport Watch -300 CP
ii. Kensei Takezo’s Sword: Argetsverd Imported -600 CP
iii. The Catalyst -600 CP
iv. Jumper Cycle -Free
v. Activating Evolution -150 CP
241. NiGHTS Into Dreams
a. Starting Location: Soft Museum
b. Gender: Male
c. Age: 7
d. Origin: Visitor
e. Drawbacks
i. Nightmare Slain +600 CP
f. Perks
i. You’ve Got Talent, Kid (Singing) -Free
ii. Potential For Growth -200 CP
iii. Hopes and Dreams -300 CP
iv. Aww, So Cute -100 CP
v. I Have An Ideya -600 CP
vi. The Death Of The Dreamer -400 CP
vii. Rogue First Level -600 CP
viii. Jumpman The Wicked -600 CP
g. Gear
i. You Need A Hobby -Free
ii. Shard of the Red Ideya of Courage -200 CP
h. Companions
i. NiGHTS -300 CP
242. Seven Deadly Sins
a. Starting Location: Edinburgh
b. Race: Human +100 CP
c. Origin: Royalty
d. Age: 16
e. Gender: Female
f. Drawbacks
i. Is This A Side Story? +0 CP
ii. Solo Battles Only +100 CP
iii. Punching Ban +200 CP
iv. This Is My Sin: Lust +200 CP
v. This Is My Sin: Gluttony +200 CP
vi. Traitor +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Power Levels -Free
ii. Witch -200 CP
iii. Hidden Potential -300 CP
iv. Heart Magic -200 CP
v. Druid Arts -200 CP
vi. The Next Generation -200 CP
vii. Be Not Afraid -100 CP
viii. Brought Up On Gold -Free
ix. Shaky Memories, Shaky Art -Free
x. Latent Power -200 CP
xi. Classical Princess -200 CP
xii. Apostle -300 CP
xiii. Holier Than Thou -400 CP
h. Powers
i. Combo Star -400 CP
ii. Infinity -600 CP
i. Gear
i. Sacred Treasure -400 CP
ii. Sack of Gold -Free
iii. House Carriage -100 CP
j. Sacred Treasure (+1000 SP)
i. Basic Form: Sword-Staff -Free
ii. Power Enhancement -200 SP
iii. Attack Enhancement -300 SP
iv. Defense Enhancement -300 SP
v. Autonomous -100 SP
vi. Mental Mastery -100 SP
vii. True Form -400 CP
243. Solo Levelling
a. Starting Location: Earth
b. Age: Null
c. Gender: Male
d. Origin: Primal Fragment: Monarch of Lust -800 CP
e. Awakening
i. Awakened -Free
ii. Type: Mage
iii. Rank: S -600 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Temptation +100 CP
ii. Sensitive Nose +100 CP
iii. War In Heaven +400 CP
g. Perks
i. Title -Free
ii. Quick Thinking -Free
iii. Has He Always Had That Body? -100 CP
iv. And The Abyss Stares Back -300 CP
v. “I Am The Architect” -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Mana Crystal Supply -Free
ii. Monarch’s Heart -300 CP
iii. Gate Legion -400 CP
244. Tales of Demons and Gods
a. Starting Location: Glory City
b. Age: 11
c. Gender: Male
d. Origin: Demon Spiritualist
e. Drawbacks
i. Amnesiac +200 CP
ii. Teachers Pest +200 CP
iii. Spiritual Constellation User +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Soul Realm Cultivator -Free
ii. Blind Spot -Free
iii. Black Dragon Bloodline -200 CP
iv. Aspect of Law: Time -300 CP
v. Acupuncture Artist -400 CP
vi. Garden of Heavenly Roots -600 CP
vii. Soul’s Grace -Free
viii. Demon Soul Merge -100 CP
ix. Fine Control -200 CP
x. Cultivation Master -300 CP
xi. Seven Souls -300 CP
xii. Refinement of Beauty -100 CP
xiii. Sensei -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Fountain of Law -200 CP
ii. Stairway To Heaven -200 CP
245. Tetsuwan Birdy Decode
a. Origin: Space Federation Cop -100 CP
b. Race: Altan
c. Starting Location: Tokyo City (Free Choice)
d. Age: 16
e. Gender: Female
f. Drawbacks
i. Wanted +300 CP
ii. (In)Competent Law +200 CP
iii. Berserker Killer +100 CP
g. Perks
i. The Model -200 CP
ii. I Am NOT Embarrassed -200 CP
iii. Investigator -200 CP
iv. Combine -600 CP
v. What Do You Mean I Shouldn’t Be Here? -200 CP
vi. Combat Training -Free
vii. Just Keep Calm -100 CP
viii. Detective Work -100 CP
ix. Super Cop -150 CP
x. Ixioran -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Sleeping Pod -150 CP
ii. Bio Armour -400 CP
iii. Lailalo -500 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion -200 CP
246. Touhou Project
a. Starting Location: Eintei
b. Origin: Mage
c. Age: 15
d. Gender: Female
e. Race: Human
f. Drawbacks
i. Silly Hats And Frilly Dresses +100 CP
ii. Incidental +200 CP
iii. Reimu Syndrome +300 CP
iv. Lunatic +600 CP
v. 1 Credit Clear +600 CP
g. Perks
i. Touhou Soundtrack -Free
ii. Magician’s Mind -Free
iii. Tai Chi Master -200 CP
iv. Doctor of Miracles -400 CP
v. Elemental’s Secret -200 CP
vi. U.N. Owen Was You -300 CP
vii. Pandemonium -800 CP
viii. Border of Life -400 CP
ix. Lunar Dial -800 CP
x. Scarlet Destiny -800 CP
h. Gear
i. Spell Cards -Free
ii. Ofuda -Free
iii. Yuuka’s Parasol -100 CP
iv. Mini-Hakkero -300 CP
247. Slayers
a. Starting Location: Atlas City
b. Race: Human
c. Age: 21
d. Gender: Male
e. Origin: Adventurer -200 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Lina Hates You +600 CP
g. Perks
i. High Bucket Capacity -150 CP
ii. High Pool Capacity -200 CP
iii. For Justice! -400 CP
iv. Swordsmanship -100 CP
v. Thou Art Already Slain -400 CP
vi. HALT! -300 CP
h. Magic
i. Basic Magic -Free
ii. Elemental Specialty X4 -400 CP
iii. Astral Specialty -200 CP
iv. White Magic Specialty -200 CP
v. Black Magic Specialty -100 CP
vi. Imbuing -200 CP
vii. Grand Sorcery -200 CP
i. Gear
i. Cool Cape -Free
ii. Pentagon Bangle -Free
iii. Bags of Gold -50 CP
248. Super Mario
a. Dimensional Orientation: 3-D
b. Origin: Drop-In
c. Gender: Female
d. Age: 14
e. Drawbacks
i. One Hit KO +600 CP
f. Perks
i. E Gadd! -Free
ii. Star Spin -200 CP
iii. Increased Charisma -100 CP
iv. 1-Up -600 CP
v. No Need To Breathe -100 CP
vi. Warp Paintings -300 CP
vii. Ground Pound -200 CP
g. Gear
i. Star Power -400 CP
ii. Power-Ups X7 -700 CP
1. All of them
iii. FLUDD -100 CP
iv. Poltergust -100 CP
v. Starshroom Ship -300 CP
249. Xiaolin Showdown
a. Starting Age: 14
b. Gender: Male
c. Starting Location: Dubai
d. Origin: Heylin Mage -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Getting Chase’d +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Shen-Yi-Bu-Dare -Free
ii. Suave -Free
iii. Shen Gong Wu Sense -100 CP
iv. Enhanced Endurance -300 CP
v. Enhanced Strength -600 CP
vi. Enhanced Speed -600 CP
vii. Heylin Magic -350 CP
viii. Xiaolin Magic -400 CP
ix. Fast Learner -200 CP
x. Secrecy -100 CP
g. Gear
i. Jumpers Jacket -150 CP
ii. Luxury Car -200 CP
250. A Song of Ice and Fire
a. Starting Location: The Reach
b. Origin: Smallfolk
c. Age: 10
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. A Long Night +300 CP
ii. The Unworthy +200 CP
iii. Common Tongue +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Shadowbinder -600 CP
ii. Pyromancer -400 CP
iii. Green Dreams -300 CP
iv. Quick As A Snake -400 CP
v. Worker -100 CP
vi. The Builder -300 CP
vii. Gregarious -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Heraldry And Words -Free
ii. Dragon Egg -500 CP
iii. Starforged Sword: Argetsverd Imported -200 CP
251. Golden Sun
a. Starting Location: Prox
b. Age: 19
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Mage Adept -100 CP
e. Psynergy Affinity: Jupiter
f. Drawbacks
i. Annoying Mentor +100 CP
ii. Mimic Curse +100 CP
iii. Silent Protagonist +200 CP
iv. Fading +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Willpower -Free
ii. Blacksmith -200 CP
iii. Chi -300 CP
iv. Elemental Adept -150 CP
v. Cruel Ruin -300 CP
vi. Golden Sun -600 CP
vii. Counter Rush -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Lemurian Draughts -600 CP
ii. 2000 Gold -50 CP
iii. Summon Tablet -300 CP
252. Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
a. Starting Location: Daten City
b. Origin: Angel -400 CP
c. Age: 21
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Revelations +600 CP
ii. “Phantom” +200 CP
f. Perks
i. Limbo Days -600 CP
ii. Pretty Boy -400 CP
iii. Greater Than Man -Free
iv. Sins And Virtues -Free
v. Stylish Weapons -Free
vi. Combat Training -100 CP
vii. Hybrid -300 CP
viii. Everyone Wants To Be Me -Free
ix. Spirit of Anarchy -300 CP
x. Spirit of Domination -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Sweet Threads -Free
ii. Local Housing -Free
iii. Weaponized Stylish Clothing -Free
iv. Box of Vices -Free
v. Soul Stone -600 CP
253. Supreme Commander
a. Age: 28
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Cybran
d. Drawbacks
i. Infinity +600 CP
e. Scenario: Forged Alliance
f. Perks
i. Riley Weapons -600 CP
ii. Machine Intellect -Free
iii. Cybernetics -100 CP
iv. Brackman Intellect -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Symbiont -Free
h. Schematics
i. T3 Engineers -50 CP
ii. T3 Mass, Energy, Fabricator -150 CP
iii. T3 Defense Structures -150 CP
iv. T3 Air, Land, Naval Factories -400 CP
v. T3 Strategic Missile System -300 CP
vi. T4 Experimentals
1. Aeon Paragon -300 CP
2. Cybran Soul Ripper -150 CP
i. ACU (+2000 MP)
i. Extra MP -600 CP +1200 MP
ii. Docking Bay -Free
iii. Advanced Allocation Resource System -100 MP
iv. Enhanced Construction -100 MP
v. Increased Armour -100 MP
vi. Increased Speed -Free
vii. Personal Shield Generator -100 MP
viii. Import -200 MP
ix. Jump Jets -200 MP
x. Personal Teleporter -300 MP
xi. Nano-Repair System -500 MP
xii. Experimental ACU -1200 MP
xiii. Dark Star Generator -400 MP
254. Stargate SG-1
a. Starting Location: Jupiter.
b. Race: Human
c. Age: 26
d. Gender: Female
e. Identity: Drop-In
f. Drawbacks
i. Hallowed +600 CP
g. Perks
i. Round Telephone -Free
ii. Unleash the Snark -Free
iii. Toxicology Reports -Free
iv. Theoretical Astrophysicist -Free
v. Xenoarchaeologist -600 CP
vi. Remember That Time You Blew Up a Sun? -300 CP
vii. We Macgyvered it, Sir -150 CP
viii. They Will, in Fact, Calm Up -300 CP
ix. You Are About To Explode -600 CP
x. Dead Men Tell Tales -100 CP
xi. No Matter How Dense -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Portable Lab -100 CP
ii. X-301 Interceptor -150 CP
iii. Kara’Kesh Amulet -300 CP
255. Assassin’s Creed
a. Starting Location: Third Crusade
b. Gender: Male
c. Age: 54
d. Origin: Assassin -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Too Old For This +300 CP
ii. The Bleed Effect +300 CP
iii. Highlight Reel +0 CP
f. Perks
i. Field Training -Free
ii. Leap of Faith -Free
iii. World Runner -300 CP
iv. Synchronize -150 CP
v. Marked Men -150 CP
vi. Honor Of The Creed -600 CP
vii. Anonymous -300 CP
viii. Enlightenment -1000 CP
g. The Power Of The Blood
i. Precursor Blood x3 -250 CP
ii. Eagle Eyed -50 CP
iii. Legacy Lived -100 CP
h. Gear
i. Iconic Item -Free
ii. Hidden Blade Bracer -Free
1. Dispensary -25 CP
2. Hook Blade -25 CP
3. Grapnel Launcher -25 CP
4. Phantom Blade -25 CP
256. Bayonetta
a. Starting Location: Sunrise Valley
b. Age: 21
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Umbra Witch -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Empty Gun +200 CP
ii. Framed +200 CP
iii. Hunted +300 CP
iv. Heaven Nor Hell +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Inexplicable Innuendo -Free
ii. Jingle of Jazz -Free
iii. Classy Contortionist -Free
iv. Environmental Excursion -200 CP
v. Bonus Package -Free
vi. Enhanced Special Delivery -200 CP
vii. You, Me, and My Friend -200 CP
viii. Luminous Sunshine -400 CP
ix. Mystical Moonlight -200 CP
x. Sass n’ Class -100 CP
xi. Immaculate Hair -100 CP
xii. Magical Workings -100 CP
xiii. Summoning Sinatra -200 CP
xiv. Summoning Singalong -200 CP
xv. Eyes of the World -500 CP
g. Companion
i. Canon Companion -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Symbol Brand -Free
ii. Scarborough Fair -Free
iii. Moon Pearl -200 CP
iv. Red Hot Shot -500 CP
257. Trigun
a. Starting Location: Tonim
b. Age: 23
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Drop-in
e. Drawbacks
i. Killing Spiders to Save Butterflies +400 CP
ii. Tapestry of Scars +100 CP
iii. Wanted Man +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Never Ending Song -Free
ii. Paradise -Free
iii. SEEDS Technician -300 CP
iv. Angel Arm -800 CP
v. Gunpowder Tea -400 CP
vi. Hard Puncher -200 CP
vii. Until I Find “Him” -200 CP
viii. Blank Ticket -600 CP
ix. Technical Pacifism -400 CP
x. Love and Peace! -100 CP
g. Gear
i. The Trigun Collection -Free
ii. Bulletproof Trench Coat -300 CP
258. Borderlands
a. Age: 24
b. Gender: Female
c. Starting Location: Jakob’s Cove
d. Origin: Vault Hunter -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. New-Them +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Fight For Your Life -Free
ii. Incomprehensible Subtitles -100 CP
iii. Don’t Do It For Free -100 CP
iv. Seventh Sense -200 CP
v. Moxxi’s Moxi -200 CP
vi. Maliwan Intern -200 CP
vii. Badass -200 CP
viii. Legendary Luck -400 CP
ix. EXP Module -200 CP
x. Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked -400 CP
xi. Mechanical Master -400 CP
xii. Action Skill: Phase Pierce -150 CP
g. Gear
i. ECHO Recorder -Free
ii. Bill Paying Materials -50 CP
iii. Weird Glowing Rocks -50 CP
iv. The Basics -Free
v. Elpis Starter Kit -150 CP
vi. Storage Deck -100 CP
vii. Shield -100 CP
259. Stellar Transformations Part 1 [Mortals]
a. Origin: Peasant
b. Starting Location: Black Water Mountain Range
c. Age: 12
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Wheels Within Wheels +0 CP
ii. Humiliating Name +100 CP
iii. I, Your Jumper +100 CP
iv. Jump’er +100 CP
v. Decadence +200 CP
vi. Wrath of the Protagonist +500 CP
f. Perks
i. Cultivation -Free
ii. The Stellar Transformation Technique -400 CP
iii. Intuitive Enlightenment -Free
iv. They Are Mine! -100 CP
v. Nine-in-Nine Chance -200 CP
vi. Natural-Borne King -300 CP
vii. Stubborn As A Qin -100 CP
viii. Natural Born Strength -100 CP
ix. Limit Training -400 CP
x. Grand Meridians -600 CP
g. Gear
i. First-Class Martial Art Technique -Free
ii. Meteoric Tear -200 CP
iii. Black Gold Training Weights: Import -200 CP
iv. Hot Spring -100 CP
v. Bag of Red Flourishing Pills -400 CP
vi. Black Weapon: Argetsverd Imported -400 CP
260. Civilization
a. Starting Era: Classical Era
b. Origin: God-King
c. Age: Null
d. Gender: Male
e. Methodologies
i. Cultural -100 CP
ii. Science -100 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Raging Barbarians +200 CP
ii. Full Table x12 +400 CP
g. Perks
i. Accepting The Divine -Free
ii. Let There Be Light -Free
iii. Realm of Myths -300 CP
iv. Patron -Free
v. Printing Presses -150 CP
vi. A Thousand Ships -300 CP
vii. Industrial Complex -600 CP
viii. Civic Spiritualism -600 CP
ix. Martial Culture -100 CP
x. Tabula Rasa -Free
xi. The Enlightenment -150 CP
xii. Tech Tree -300 CP
h. Wonders
i. The Hanging Gardens -Free
ii. The Library of Alexandria -200 CP
iii. The Colosseum -Free
iv. The Forbidden Palace -200 CP
v. Notre Dame -100 CP
vi. Brandenburg Gate -100 CP
vii. University of Toronto -Free
viii. Hubble Telescope -100 CP
261. Code Geass
a. Age: 16
b. Gender: Male
c. Starting Location: France
d. Origin: Drop-In
e. Drawbacks
i. Public Enemy #1 +400 CP
ii. Lame Family +200 CP
f. Perks
i. Theatrics -Free
ii. Geass: Commander -1200 CP
g. Gear
i. Code -400 CP
ii. Knightmare -350 CP
1. Big Battery -300 CP
2. Guns -50 CP
3. Shield -50 CP
4. Energy Shielding -150 CP
5. Blade -100 CP
6. Hover -50 CP
7. Flight -100 CP
8. Wings -50 CP
9. Energy Weapon -200 CP
10. Geass Canceler -100 CP
262. Date A Live
a. Age: 18
b. Gender: Male
c. Origin: Drop-In
d. Drawbacks
i. Rinne Install +0 CP
ii. If You Say So +0 CP
iii. Barred Entry +100 CP
iv. AST Target +200 CP
v. Spirited Girl +200 CP
vi. Spirited Here +300 CP
e. Perks
i. With A Kiss -300 CP
ii. Jumper Crystals -300 CP
iii. Love Is In The Air -200 CP
iv. Roses And Violets -Free
v. Silver Tongued -Free
vi. Ars Nova -600 CP
vii. Soul Mates -600 CP
viii. Ethereal Beauty -100 CP
ix. Supernatural Disaster -400 CP
f. Gear
i. Dating Simulator -Free
ii. Sephyra Crystal -800 CP
263. Diablo 1 + 2
a. Age: 27
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Mage
d. Drawbacks
i. Prime Targets +400 CP
ii. Expired Potions +100 CP
iii. Frustration Features +100 CP
e. Perks
i. No Fate -600 CP
ii. Iron Skin -400 CP
iii. Diamond Mind -Free
iv. Loremaster -Free
v. Stay Awhile And Listen -100 CP
vi. Elemental Magic -200 CP
vii. Violent Life -200 CP
viii. Peaceful Death -400 CP
ix. Binding And Banishing -300 CP
x. Elemental Fury -600 CP
f. Gear
i. Obsidian Ring Of The Zodiac -300 CP
264. Discworld
a. Starting Location: Ankh-Morpork
b. Origin: Middle Class -100 CP
c. Age: 24
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. Dragonriders +200 CP
ii. The Hunt Is On +200 CP
iii. Overdose Of Innocence +200 CP
f. Perks
i. Way Of The World -Free
ii. Parody -200 CP
iii. Is It Not Written… -200 CP
iv. True Librarian -300 CP
v. Monk of History -400 CP
vi. Inner Jumper -400 CP
vii. Wizard -200 CP
viii. Vampirism -500 CP
g. Gear
i. Pocket Dis-Organizer -Free
ii. Octiron -100 CP
iii. Sapient Pearwood -300 CP
iv. Necrotelicomnicon -400 CP
265. Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
a. Race: Human
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Earth -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. It Doesn’t Matter. It Was Fun. +1000 CP
ii. Wrath Of The Realm x3 +900 CP
iii. Bully The Jumper +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Level One -Free
ii. Fan Favorite -400 CP
iii. Soft Warmth -100 CP
iv. Morality Pet -400 CP
v. Only The Pure Of Heart -600 CP
vii. Ham And Cheese -Free
viii. Never Give Up! -200 CP
ix. The Unlosing Jumper -300 CP
x. Professional Peanut Gallery -Free
xi. Theme Song -Free
xii. Moe -100 CP
xiii. Mana Burst -300 CP
xiv. Reincarnation -300 CP
xv. Item World -300 CP
xvi. Main Character -500 CP
g. Features
i. Majin Soul -400 CP
h. Gear (+400 Item CP)
i. Hero’s Scarf -Free
ii. Dimensional Gate -Free
iii. Box Of Spandex -Free
iv. Space Suit -Free
v. Netherworld Hospital Brigade -400 Item CP -200 CP
i. Companion
i. Flonne -300 CP
j. “I Wanna Become The Overlord” DLC
i. Setbacks
1. Dimensional Flux +100 OP
2. Difficult Demons +300 OP
3. Designed By G.G. +200 OP
4. Like A Rogue, Right? +100 OP
5. Choo, Choo! +200 OP
6. Worst Fan Club Ever +200 OP
ii. Rivals
1. Sardia The Demon Slayer (DEFINITELY!) +200 OP
2. Comrade Dood +200 OP
3. Heroes of Justice +200 OP
4. Deathbringer The Ultimate Overlord +200 OP
5. Liza The Underpaid +200 OP
6. Skullfist +200 OP
7. Magical Girl Muffin +200 OP
8. Asagi +500 OP
iii. Phase 2 (+500 OP)
1. Castle Upgrades
a. Clean That Mess Up! -100 OP
b. A Certain Charm -100 OP
c. Loot! Loot! Loot! -100 OP
d. Twisty Passages, All Alike -100 OP
e. It’s A Secret To Everybody -100 OP
f. Who Let The Wargs Out -200 OP
g. Get The Glory In The Arena! -100 OP
h. Parlor Tricks -100 OP
i. The Play’s The Thing -100 OP
j. Pull The Lever! -100 OP
2. Netherworld Upgrades
a. Daylight Robbery -100 OP
b. First National Bank Of The Jumper -200 OP
c. A Steaming Pile -100 OP
d. Give A Hoot -200 OP
e. Healers Anonymous -100 OP
f. Hospitallers Salsa -200 OP
g. The Stars Are Right -100 OP
h. Ia! Ia! -200 OP
i. Gold In Them Hills! -200 OP
j. Amber Waves -200 OP
k. Brick And Mortar -200 OP
l. The Strip -200 OP
m. Jailhouse Rock -200 OP
n. You Call This A Town?! -300 OP
266. Eiken
a. Age: 8
b. Gender: Female
c. Starting Location: New Student Registration
d. Origin: Eiken Club
e. Drawbacks
i. Ridiculously Large Tits +100 CP
ii. Trap Bait +100 CP
iii. Chaos, Thy Name Is Eiken +200 CP
iv. Part-Timer +200 CP
f. Perks
i. Universal Appeal -600 CP
ii. Huge Tracts Of Land -Free
iii. Innuendo -Free
iv. Eiken Science -200 CP
v. Eiken Club Charter -300 CP
vi. I Happen To Be An Expert On This Topic -200 CP
vii. Minimal Standards -400 CP
viii. Club President -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Absolute Bra -Free
ii. Zanshono Uniform -Free
iii. Gentle Flu -300 CP
iv. Cute Wallet -100 CP
h. Companions
i. Canon Companions -200 CP
ii. The Ghost Of Building Zero -200 CP
267. Fist Of The North Star
a. Origin: Man of Hokuto -300 CP
b. Age: 11
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Cassandra
e. Drawbacks
i. Fated Foe +300 CP
ii. Blind +200 CP
iii. Young +100 CP
f. Scenario: Hokuto Shinken Successor +300 CP
g. Perks
i. Keiraku Hikou -Free
ii. Tenryuu Kokuu Hou -Free
iii. Hikou Fuuji -100 CP
iv. Suieishin -100 CP
v. Touki No Aura -200 CP
vi. Hokuto Shinken -200 CP
vii. Hokuto Ujouken -300 CP
viii. Hokuto Sonkaken -300 CP
ix. My Heart Is Open -200 CP
x. Natural Talent -100 CP
xi. Hokuto Ryuken -600 CP
xii. Self-Taught Style -600 CP
xiii. Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru -100 CP
xiv. Dedicated Training -100 CP
h. Gear
i. Post-Apocalyptic Outfit -Free
ii. Medicine -Free
iii. Black Steed -200 CP
268. Gate: Thus The JSDF Fought There
a. Race: Warrior Bunny
b. Age: 30
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Commoner -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Realpolitik +0 CP
ii. A Visit From Uncle Sam, And Ivan +300 CP
iii. Where Are The Bandits Coming From? +200 CP
iv. Total Otaku +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Crimson Rage -400 CP
ii. Apostle -600 CP
iii. Trade Skill -Free
iv. Magic -200 CP
v. Science Changes Everything -300 CP
vi. Elegant Elite -100 CP
vii. Who Needs Swords? -400 CP
g. Gear
i. Walking Stick -Free
ii. Comfy Robes -Free
iii. Venerable Estate -600 CP
iv. Wyvern Egg -400 CP
269. His Dark Materials
a. Age: 180
b. Gender: Female
c. Starting Location: Mulefa World
d. Race: Witch -200 CP
e. Origin: Scientist -100 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Asriel Hates You +400 CP
ii. Metatron Is After You +400 CP
iii. A Happy End? +600 CP
g. Perks
i. Adamant Bond -600 CP
ii. Witch Magic -Free
iii. Beauty Beyond Belief -Free
iv. Great Witch Of The North -300 CP
v. Angel Physiology -300 CP
vi. Authority -600 CP
vii. Funding -Free
viii. The Scientific Method -100 CP
ix. All According To Keikaku -200 CP
x. Wage War In Heaven -300 CP
xi. Shamanism -600 CP
h. Gear
i. Bow and Arrows -Free
ii. Letter of Passage -Free
iii. The Subtle Knife: Argetsverd Imported -600 CP
270. Journey To The West
a. Starting Location: The Eastern Dragon Palace
b. Origin: Drop-In
c. Age: 9
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Journey To The West +400 CP
ii. Ire of Heaven +100 CP
iii. Monkey +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Forager -Free
ii. Somersault Cloud -100 CP
iii. 72 Transformations -200 CP
iv. Enlightenment -300 CP
v. I-Ching -400 CP
vi. Trigram Knowledge And Manipulation -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Crucible of Eight Trigrams -500 CP
ii. Iron Clasped Wishing Staff -300 CP
iii. Wind And Fire Wheels -300 CP
iv. Peaches Of Immortality -200 CP
v. Ambrosia of Heaven -200 CP
271. Battle Through The Heavens
a. Origin: Clan Member
b. Starting Location: Magical Beast Forest
c. Age: 10
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Higher Realms +0 CP
ii. Longer Stay +100 CP
iii. Wanted +200 CP
iv. Cultivation Material +300 CP
v. Mister Protagonist +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Cultivator -Free
ii. Luck Of The Devil -400 CP
iii. Soundless -100 CP
iv. That’s My Energy! -400 CP
v. Peerless Beauty! -Free
vi. Clan Genius -100 CP
vii. Integration -200 CP
viii. Blood Of A God -300 CP
ix. Flame Mantra -600 CP
x. Monstrous Yet Adorable -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Cultivator Clothes -Free
ii. Best Dou Ki Method -400 CP
iii. Secret Technique -Free
iv. Soul Technique -600 CP
272. The Great Ruler
a. Age: 15
b. Gender: Female
c. Origin: Clan Member
d. Starting Location: Northern Spiritual Realm
e. Drawbacks
i. Continuity +0 CP
ii. Longer Stay +100 CP
iii. What Trump Card? +300 CP
iv. Targeted +300 CP
v. Clan Trash +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Cultivation -Free
ii. Genetic Mutation -Free
iii. Pain’s An Old Friend -100 CP
iv. Striking Gold -300 CP
v. Split Focus -200 CP
vi. The Great Pagoda Art -600 CP
vii. Decisive -Free
viii. No Bullying -100 CP
ix. Name of Fame -100 CP
x. Spiritual Pulse -200 CP
xi. Solid Foundations -300 CP
xii. Will To Advance -200 CP
xiii. Compatible -200 CP
g. Gear
i. Physique Cultivating Divine Spiritual Art -600 CP
ii. Black Paper Fragment -600 CP
273. Princess Sacrifice
a. Starting Location: Heaven’s Spiral Village
b. Origin: Sacrificial Princess -200 CP
c. Age: 14
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Wanted Fugitive +300 CP
ii. Stop Right There, Criminal Scum! +200 CP
iii. Increased Encounter Rate +100 CP
f. Scenario: The Final Countdown +400 CP
g. Perks
i. Magical Potency -400 CP
ii. Magic Resistance -400 CP
iii. Fairy Queen -600 CP
iv. Spiritual Body -600 CP
v. Power to Charm -Free
vi. Orgasmic Endurance -Free
vii. Consumption of Seed -100 CP
viii. Bent But Unbroken -100 CP
ix. Power of Fusion -200 CP
x. Power Over Death -300 CP
xi. Silver Fires Of Life And Death -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Dagger -Free
ii. Satchel of Holy Water -Free
iii. Spirit Spear -300 CP
274. Log Horizon
a. Origin: Veteran Player
b. Age: 23
c. Gender: Female (Originally Male)
d. Starting Location: Formosa (Chinese Server)
e. Race: Race of Ritual
f. Class: Monk
g. Sub-Class: Player Made Subclass: Cultivator -200 CP
h. Drawbacks
i. Banned From The Cathedral +400 CP
ii. Antisocial +100 CP
iii. Wrong Gender! +100 CP
iv. Bad Reputation +200 CP
v. Monster Bait +200 CP
vi. The Royal Guard Hates You +300 CP
vii. Jumper Go West! +300 CP
i. Perks
i. Cathedral -300 CP
ii. Overskill -300 CP
iii. True Technique -Free
iv. Debauchery Jumper Party -100 CP
v. Full Encounter Control -300 CP
vi. Engineering -200 CP
vii. Hardened -100 CP
viii. Precursor -600 CP
ix. Empathium Controller -600 CP
j. Gear
i. Database Soundtrack -Free
ii. Guilds Center -600 CP
iii. EXP Potion Set -200 CP
iv. Dazaneg’s Magic Bag -Free
v. Bottle Of Memories -300 CP
k. Equipment Set
i. Phantasmal-Class Item: Argetsverd Imported -Free
ii. Artifact-Class Set -300 CP
275. Okami
a. Starting Location: Oni Island
b. Age: 25
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Warrior -100 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Pervy +100 CP
ii. Magnetic +200 CP
iii. Macguffin Container +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Swordsman -Free
ii. Space Invader -100 CP
iii. Ink Bullet -100 CP
iv. Flowing Swordplay -100 CP
v. Picture Perfect -200 CP
vi. Brush Up -300 CP
vii. Godhood -300 CP
viii. Moon Tech -400 CP
ix. Brush Technique -400 CP
x. Foxy Babe -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Glaive: Argetsverd Imported -Free
ii. String of Beads -500 CP
276. Overwatch
a. Age: 17
b. Gender: Female
c. Starting Location: Temple of Anubis
d. Race: Human
e. Alignment: Hero
f. Role: Support
g. Drawbacks
i. Aardvark Pays Off +100 CP
ii. Chronal Disassociation +100 CP
iii. I’m Number One! +100 CP
iv. Controversy +100 CP
v. Boop +200 CP
vi. Overwatched +300 CP
vii. Wrath Of The Gods +300 CP
h. Perks
i. Tracer Booty -Free
ii. Cyborg -200 CP (+600 Cyber Points)
iii. Old Habits Die Hard -100 CP
iv. Cavalry’s Here! -200 CP
v. Hacker Extraordinaire -400 CP
vi. Deja Vu -600 CP
vii. Dragonstrike -600 CP
viii. I’m A Scientist -400 CP
ix. We’re Gonna Do Great! -Free
x. Hello Hello -Free
xi. Consider Only Victory -100 CP
xii. Walk In Harmony -100 CP
xiii. Let’s Break It Down! -200 CP
xiv. Experience Tranquility -200 CP
xv. The Light Of Order -300 CP
xvi. Guardian Angel -300 CP
i. Cybernetics
i. Interface -300 Cyber Points
ii. EMP -300 Cyber Points
j. Gear
i. Suit -Free
277. Renegade Immortal
a. Origin: Mortal +300 CP
b. Age: 26
c. Gender: Female
d. Starting Location: Hou Fen
e. Drawbacks
i. Whose Bad Luck Is This? +100 CP
ii. Petty +100 CP
iii. Granddaddy +100 CP
iv. Dao Digger +300 CP
v. If I Don’t Kill Jumper, Then I’m Not Human Maximized +800 CP
vi. Hungry Old Men +400 CP
vii. Extended Stay x10 (10240 years) +500 CP
viii. No Breaks +1000 CP
ix. Asshole Mentor +300 CP
f. Perks (Total CP: 4900 + 1500 Universal Drawback CP)
i. Cultivation -Free
ii. Heaven Defying Willpower -100 CP
iii. The Coolness Of Water -200 CP
iv. Like A Painting Maximized -200 CP
v. Dao of Alchemy -200 CP
vi. Craftsman Maximized -300 CP
vii. Soul Devourer -400 CP
viii. Ancient Order x3 -900 CP
ix. Ji Realm x2 -600 CP
x. Cultivation Method -200 CP
xi. Destiny -500 CP
xii. How Did He Get Here? -400 CP
xiii. Where Jumper Goes, Treasure Follows -600 CP
xiv. A Man -Free
xv. A Mountain -100 CP
xvi. Great Sage -200 CP
xvii. Grand Scholar -300 CP
xviii. To Live Like A King -600 CP
xix. Old Monster -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Spirit Stones -Free
ii. Nectar -Free
278. Portal
a. Origin: Test Subject
b. Age: 17
c. Gender: Female
d. Drawbacks
ii. Where’s My Olympus? +300 CP
e. Perks
i. “......” -Free
ii. Look At Her You Moron. She’s Clearly Not Fat -150 CP
iii. Thinking With Portals -300 CP
iv. That’s Not Just Flattery. You’re Great At Science. -300 CP
v. The Enrichment Center Regrets To Inform You That This Next Test Is
Impossible -300 CP
vi. Good Enough For Science...Not Aperture Science! -100 CP
vii. Why Not Marry Safe Science If You Love It So Much? -300 CP
viii. They’re Gonna Have To Invent A New Type Of Nobel Prize To Give Us
-800 CP
f. Gear
i. Weighted Companion Cube -50 CP
ii. Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device -150 CP
iii. Long Fall Boots -Free
iv. Conversion Gel Recipe -50 CP
v. Repulsion Gel Recipe -200 CP
vi. Genetic Lifeform and Disc Operating System -400 CP
279. Masou Gakuen HxH
a. Starting Location: Ataraxia
b. Origin: Gear User -200 CP
c. Age: 16
d. Gender: Male
e. Drawbacks
i. Jumper Is The Best In The World! +100 CP
ii. Incompetence +400 CP
iii. The Long War +600 CP
iv. Enemy Escalation +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Newton’s Revenge -600 CP
ii. Total Babe -Free
iii. Energizer Hybrid -100 CP
iv. Ace -200 CP
v. Eros -600 CP
vi. I Smell A Rat -400 CP
vii. Robust Design -200 CP
g. Gear
i. Heart Hybrid Gear -Free
ii. Mundane Weapons -Free
iii. Immoral Weapon -300 CP
h. Companions
i. Divine Canon Companions x3 -900 CP
ii. Canon Companions x7 -700 CP
280. Rurouni Kenshin
a. Starting Location: Somewhere In Japan
b. Age: 23
c. Gender: Male
d. Origin: Wanderer
e. Drawbacks
i. The Burning Times +300 CP
ii. Rival +200 CP
iii. Oh, Come On! +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Distant Sky -Free
ii. A Wandering Fool -100 CP
iii. The Will To Live -200 CP
iv. Man Slayer -300 CP
v. A Doctors Care -400 CP
vi. A Tender Heart -600 CP
vii. A Wolf Is Always A Wolf -400 CP
viii. Identifying Scar -Free
ix. Warriors Spirit -Free
x. Unique Style -Free
xi. Maximized Heart Of The Sword -300 CP
xii. Shinsoku -300 CP
xiii. Enhanced Ogre -200 CP
g. Gear
i. A Good Blade -Free
ii. Meiji-Era Clothing -Free
iii. Travelers Bag -Free
iv. Reverse Blade -100 CP
h. Companions
i. Destiny -Free
ii. Canon Companion -200 CP
281. Seoul Station’s Necromancer
a. Origin: Dimensional Traveler
b. Age: 21
c. Gender: Male
d. Starting Location: Alphen
e. Race: Dragon -600 CP
f. Drawbacks
i. Replace Kang Woojin +0 CP
ii. Easily Duped +100 CP
iii. Out Of Touch +100 CP
iv. Little Sister +400 CP
v. Full Synchronization +600 CP
g. Perks
i. Class System -Free
ii. Advanced Class -200 CP
iii. Familiars -400 CP
iv. Dimensional Knowledge -600 CP
v. The Best Teacher -600 CP
vi. Holy Beauty -200 CP
vii. Soul Sight -Free
viii. The System -100 CP
ix. Dual Classing: Advanced Class -300 CP
h. Gear
i. Monster Material Clothes -Free
ii. Dimensional Domain -600 CP
iii. Bag Of Bloodstones -100 CP
i. Dimensional Domain (+1000 DP)
i. Castle -Free
ii. Dimensional Store -Free
iii. Domain Battle -Free
iv. Small Monsters Warren -Free
v. Dungeon -Free
vi. Migrant Housing -100 DP
vii. Bloodstone Mines -200 DP
viii. Domain Stores -200 DP
ix. Colony -400 DP
x. Bloodstone Plants -100 DP
282. Spice And Wolf
a. Starting Location: Ruvenheigen
b. Age: 22
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Little God -200 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. Sleeping With The Fishes +300 CP
ii. The Peasant Way +200 CP
iii. Well Known +100 CP
f. Perks
i. Little God -Free
ii. Respect Of The Divine -Free
iii. Aesthetics Of The Gods -200 CP
iv. The Monster Inside Me -300 CP
v. Wanderers Luck -100 CP
vi. To Pass The Time -100 CP
vii. Fluffy Tail x44 -2200 CP
g. Gear
i. Barrel Of Apples -Free
283. The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
a. Origin: Drop In
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Male
d. Drawbacks
i. The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya +0 CP
ii. “Kyon?” +600 CP
e. Perks
i. Hidden Intentions -Free
ii. (Not That) Great Will -500 CP
iii. Diverse Deadpan Snarker -Free
iv. Parallel Bleed -100 CP
v. Mono-Dimensional Sliding -200 CP
vi. When In Closed Spaces -600 CP
vii. A Predetermined Event -200 CP
viii. Data Overmind -600 CP
ix. Mallory Crossover -300 CP
f. Gear
i. Data Integration Thought Collection System -600 CP
284. Steven Universe
a. Origin: Crystal Gem -300 CP
b. Age: 6015
c. Gender: Female
d. Caste: Experiment -300 CP
e. Drawbacks
i. In The Rough +600 CP
f. Perks
i. Now Your Voice Is Crystal-Clear -Free
ii. The Long Perspective -Free
iii. Gemstone Lore -50 CP
iv. Bubbler Technique -Free
v. Confounded Warps, How Do They Work? -100 CP
vi. Gem Weapon -Free
vii. Gem Power -400 CP
viii. Gem Science And You! -300 CP
ix. Monster Buddies -600 CP
g. Gear
i. Fridge Full Of Cookies -50 CP
ii. Wailing Stone -Free
iii. Kindergarten Machine -600 CP
iv. Hidden Armoury -200 CP
v. Hub Access -200 CP
285. Totally Spies
a. Starting Location: Beverly Hills
b. Age: 16
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Drop-In
e. Drawbacks
i. Beauty Queen +100 CP
ii. WOOHP’d +200 CP
iii. Tornado Alley +300 CP
f. Perks
i. I am Going to Punch You -Free
ii. Do You Mind? -300 CP
iii. Gadgeteer -600 CP
iv. Master of Disguise -600 CP
v. Good Cryptid -600 CP
vi. And This Bolt Goes Here -300 CP
g. Gear
i. Cash -Free
ii. Basic Gadget Pack -100 CP
iii. X-Watch -300 CP
iv. Prototype Schematics -300 CP
286. Tokyo Ghoul
a. Starting Location: 7th Ward
b. Age: 15
c. Gender: Female
d. Origin: Ghoul -200
e. Drawbacks
i. To Serve Man +0 CP
ii. What Are You Looking At?! +100 CP
iii. Article Twelve, Clause One and Two +100 CP
iv. A Blank Will +200 CP
v. Jumper isn’t Human +300 CP
vi. Better to be Hurt +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Aren’t You Sweet? -100 CP
ii. Learned Like Me -200 CP
iii. This Is Perfectly Sweet -Free
iv. Always Been Here -Free
v. Work Hard -300 CP
vi. Unshakable, Unbreakable -300 CP
vii. Red One -300 CP
viii. One-Eyed Monarch -300 CP
ix. Ghoul Physiology -Free
1. Rinkaku, Koukaku
x. Let’s Go Home Already -600 CP
xi. Literally Who? -600 CP
xii. There You Are -150 CP
xiii. To Write Horror -150 CP
g. Gear
i. Clothing -Free
ii. Medical Eyepatch -Free
iii. Second Skin -Free
iv. Daily Grind -100 CP
h. Companion
i. Canon Companion -200 CP
287. Evil Zone
a. Origin: Absolute Existence -1000 CP
b. Age: 19
c. Gender: Female
d. Drawbacks
i. Fucking WEREWOLVES!!! +200 CP
ii. A Worthy Rival! +200 CP
iii. Mirror Match +600 CP
e. Perks
i. Fuin School Martial Star -600 CP
ii. Lost Legacy -800 CP
iii. Skipped Physics Class -400 CP
iv. Tenpouin Clan Onmyouji -600 CP
f. Gear
i. Tool Of Justice -100 CP
288. Re:Zero
a. Starting Location: Gusteko
b. Origin: Servant
c. Age: 19
d. Gender: Female
e. Drawbacks
i. Along For The Ride +0 CP
ii. Satellism +100 CP
iii. Knightly +100 CP
iv. White Whale +200 CP
v. Vessel +300 CP
vi. Second Coming +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Peak Performance -100 CP
ii. Magic User x6 -200 CP (+2 Purchases Free)
1. Color Mage -600 CP
iii. Spirit User -200 CP
iv. Elf -100 CP
v. Oni -200 CP
vi. Heart of a Hero -400 CP
vii. How To Be Proper
viii. Prodigious Birth -200 CP (+1 Magic User Purchase Free)
ix. Suffocatingly Sexy -200 CP
x. Magic On The Brain -400 CP (+1 Magic User Purchase Free)
g. Gear
i. Money Pouch -50 CP
h. Divine Protections
i. Divine Protection of Sorcery -800 CP
i. Companion
i. Canon Companion -50 CP
289. Generic Hentai Magical Girl
a. Age: 13
b. Gender: Male
c. Starting Location: Generic Japan
d. Origin: Magical Girl
e. Drawbacks
i. She Looks Like She’d Be A Good Magical Girl +0 CP
ii. Keep Your Grades Up +100 CP
iii. Do I Have To Work With Her? +100 CP
iv. Speech Impediment +100 CP
v. I Believe In Mascot-Chan! +200 CP
vi. Sex Addiction +300 CP
f. Perks
i. Arsexnal of Weapons -200 CP
1. Addictive Cum
2. Infinite Cum Production
3. Zero Refractory Period
ii. I Love It Like This -400 CP
iii. I’ll Wring You Dry -200 CP
iv. Fuck The Evil Out Of You -600 CP
v. I Detect An Evildoer! -Free
vi. Love And Lust -200 CP
vii. Magic Powers -Free
viii. Fanservice Girl -100 CP
ix. Magical...Boy? -100 CP
x. We’re All Girls Here -100 CP
xi. Stronger Tomorrow -300 CP
g. Companions
i. I Agree To Tolerate You -200 CP
ii. Will You Just Die Already! -100 CP
h. Gear
i. Power Seeds -400 CP
ii. Pandora Organelle -400 CP
iii. Hobby -Free