The Gazette of India
PART-II-Section 3-Sub-section (ii)
No. 1037 NEW DELHI, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 2003/KARTIKA 27, 1925
(Department of Agriculture & Cooperation)
New Delhi, the 18
November, 2003.
S.O.1322 (E).
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the
Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1914 (2 of 1914), the Central Government hereby makes the
following Order, for the purpose of prohibiting and regulating the import into India of agricultural
articles mentioned herein, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.
(1) This order may be called the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003.
(2) Sub-clause (22) of clause 3 shall come into force on the 1
day of April, 2004 and all other
provisions of this Order shall come into force on the 1
day of January, 2004.
2. Definitions. In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires.
(i) “additional declaration” means a statement that is required by an importing country to be
entered in a phytosanitary certificate and which provides specific additional information
pertinent to the phytosanitary condition of a consignment;
(ii) “bio-control agent” means any biological agent such as parasite, predator, parasitoid,
microbial organism or self replicating entity that is used for control of pests;
(iii) “consignment”- means a quantity of seeds, plants and plant products or any regulated
article consigned from one party to other at any one time shipment and covered by a
phytosanitary certificate, bill of entry of customs, shipping/airway bill or invoice;
(iv) “cotton” includes ginned cotton, cotton linters and dropping, tripping, fly and other
waste products of cotton mill other than yarn waste, but does not include cotton seed or
un-ginned cotton;
(v) “form” means a form appended to this Order
(vi) “fruit” means any fleshy portion of the plant, that contains seeds, which is used for
consumption, including seedless fruit both fresh and dry but does not include preserved
or prickled or frozen fruits.
(vii) “grain” means seeds intended for processing or consumption and not for sowing or
(viii) “germplasm” means plants in whole or in parts and their propagules including seeds,
vegetative parts, tissue cultures, cell cultures, genes and DNA based sequences that are
held in a repository or collected from wild as the case may be and are utilized in genetic
studies or plant breeding programmes for crop improvement;
(ix) “import” means an act of bringing into any part or place of territory of Republic of India
any kind of seed, plant or plant product and other regulated article from a place outside
India either by sea, land, air or across any customs frontier;
(x) “import permit” means an official document authorizing importation of a consignment in
accordance with specified phytosanitary requirements;
(xi) “inspection authority” means an authority notified by the Central Government from time
to time or an officer of the Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage duly
authorized by the Plant Protection Adviser (PPA) for the purpose of approval and
certification of post-entry quarantine facilities and inspection of growing plants in such
facilities in accordance with guidelines issued by PPA;
(xii) “issuing authority” means an authority as envisaged under Schedule-IV of this order or
duly notified by the Central Government from time to time either generally or
specifically for issuance of import permit;
(xiii) “notification” means a notification published in the official Gazette and the expression
“notifies” shall be construed accordingly;
(xiv) “noxious weeds” mean any weed harmful or hazardous or unwholesome to human
beings, animal life or parasitic on plant species;
(xv) “packing material” means any kind of material of plant origin used for packing, which
shall include hay, straw, wood savings, wood chips, saw dust, wood waste, wooden
pallets, dunnage mats, wooden packages, coir pith, peat or sphagnum moss etc;
(xvi) “pest” means any biotic agent capable of causing any injury or damage to plants and
plant products and include any form or stage of insects, mites, snails, slugs, worms,
nematodes, algae, fungi, protozoa, bacteria, actinomycetes, viruses, viroids and molecutes
and also include genetically engineered or modified organisms and weeds;
(xvii) “pest risk analysis” means the process of evaluating biological or other scientific and
economic evidence to determine whether a pest should be regulated and strength of any
phytosanitary measures to be taken against it;
(xviii) “phytosanitary certificate” means a certificate issued in the model format prescribed
under the International Plant Protection Convention of the Food & Agricultural
Organization and isssued by an authorized officer at the country of origin of consignment
or re-export;
(xix) “plant” means a living plants and parts thereof including seed and germplasm;
(xx) “plant product” means an un-manufactured material of plant origin including grain and
those manufactured products that, by their nature or that of their processing, may create
risk for the introduction and spread of a pest.
(xxi) “Plant Protection Adviser” means the Plant Protection Adviser to the Government of
India, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage;
(xxii) “point of entry” means any sea port, airport, or land-border check-post or rail station,
river port, foreign post office, courier terminal, container freight station or inland
container depot notified as specified in Schedule-I or Schedule-II or Schedule-III as the
case may be;
(xxiii) “post-entry quarantine” means growing of imported plants in confinement for a specified
period of time in a glass house, screen house, poly house or any other facility, or isolated
field or an off-shore island that is established in accordance with guidelines/standards and
are duly approved and certified by an inspection authority notified under this order;
(xxiv) “quarantine pest” means a pest of potential economic importance to the area endangered
thereby and not yet present there, or present but not widely distributed and being
officially controlled;
(xxv) “regulated article” means any article the import of which is regulated by this order;
(xxvi) “schedule” means a Schedule to this Order;
(xxvii) “seeds” mean seeds of agricultural and horticultural crops and forest plant species
produced by sexual reproduction and shall include naked seeds (cones) produced by
gymnosperms and seed sprouts meant for propagation or consumption.
(xxviii)“soil” means earth, sand, clay, silt, loam, compost, manure, peat or sphagnum moss,
litter, leaf waste or any organic media that support plant life and shall include ship ballast
or any organic medium used for growing plants.
(xxix) “timber” means a form of dead wood, log and lumber cut from plants, with or without
bark or sawn and sized, which is used for manufacturing veneer, plywood, particle or
chip board and making building material, furniture, packages, pallets, sports goods and
(xxx) “tissue cultured plant” means any part of a plant or plant tissue or plantlet grown under
aseptic or sterile conditions in flasks or other suitable container on appropriate media and
shall include ex-agar washed plant lets;
General conditions for import
3. Permits for Import of plants, plant products etc.
(1) No consignment of plants and plant products and other regulated articles (hereinafter referred to
as ‘consignments’) shall be imported into India without a valid permit issued under this Order.
(2) No categories of plant materials in respect of the plant species or variety mentioned in Schedule-
IV shall be allowed to be imported into India from the countries mentioned against each in
column (4) of the said Schedule.
(3) Every applications for a permit under this clause shall be made at least one month in advance to
the Issuing Authority as listed in Schedule-X, in Form PQ 01 for the import of plants and plant
products for consumption and processing and in form PQ 02 for import of seeds and plants for
propagation covered under Schedule-V, VI and VII.
(4) Commercial import of consignments of seeds of coarse cereals, pulses, oil seeds and fodder
seeds and seeds/stock material of fruit plant species for propagation shall only be permitted
based on the recommendations of EXIM Committee of Department of Agriculture &
Cooperation, except the trial material of the same as specified in Schedule-XII of Plant
Quarantine Order.
(5) A fee of Rs.150/- shall be payable along with the application for the import of seeds, fruits and
plants for consumption and Rs.300/- for application for the import of seeds and plants for sowing
or planting and the fee shall be payable in the form of Demand Draft payable to the Competent
Authority having jurisdiction.
(6) The Issuing Authority as listed in Schedule-X shall issue permit in quadruplicate in form PQ 03
for import of plants and plant products for consumption and in form PQ 04 for import of seeds
and plants for sowing or planting, if he is satisfied that the applicant meets all the necessary
conditions. One copy of import permit shall be forwarded to the exporter in advance to facilitate
incorporation of import permit number in the phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting
country. The import permit shall be issued subject to such restrictions and conditions prescribed
under Schedule-V, VI and VII.
(7) No import permits shall be issued for consignments other than those listed in Schedule-V, VI and
VII, unless the pest risk analysis (PRA) is carried out in accordance with the guidelines issued by
the Plant Protection Adviser (PPA) based on the international standards and subject to such
restrictions and conditions specified there of. For this purpose the importer shall file an Import
PRA request form with PPA. The process of PRA involves the categorization of pests associated
with the commodity into quarantine pests; evaluation of their introduction potential; critical
assessement of economic and environmental impact of their introduction; and specification of
risk mitigating measures against them. The completion of PRA process may involve the visit of
phytosanitary experts to the country of export to carry out pre-shipment inspections, evaluate
postharvest treatment technologies and quarantine inspection and certification facilities. In the
event of interception of a quarantine pest in imported consignment, further import of
consignments shall be suspended until earlier PRA in respect of the consignment is reviewed and
the risk mitigating measures are evaluated.
(8) The issue of permit may be refused or withheld by the issuing authority after giving reasonable
notice to the applicant and for reasons to be recorded in writing.
(9) The import permit issued shall be valid for a period of six months from the data of issue and
valid for successive shipment provided the exporter and importer, bill of entry, country of origin
and phytosanitary certificate are the same for the entire consignment. The issuing authority may,
on request, extend the period of validity for a further period of six months after charging Rs.
200/- and Rs. 100/- as revalidation fee for propagation and consumption plant material
respectively provided such request for extension of validity is made to the issuing authority
before the expiry of the permit with adequate reasons to be recorded in writing. The quantity
mentioned in the import permit if exceeds by up to 10% maybe allowed by charging additional
inspection fee and import permit fee provided the excess quantity reflected in the phytosanitary
certificate from the country of exporting. The import permit will become invalid if quantity
exceeds more than 10% of the quantity of import permit. Suppression of the facts or any material
information while issue of import permit is liable to be cancelled or with drawn.
(10) The import permit issued shall not be transferable and no amendments to the permit shall be
issued except for change of point of entry subject to reasons to be recorded in writing.
(11) An orange and green colour tag shall be issued in form PQ 05 in the case of permits issued for
import of seeds and plants for sowing or planting so as to facilitate the identification of
consignments at the time of their arrival at the point of entry.
(12) No consignment of seed or grain shall be permitted to be imported with contamination of
quarantine weeds, which are listed in Schedule-VIII unless the said consignment has been
devitalized by the exporting country and a certificate to that effect has been endorsed in the
phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting country. Every application for quarantine
inspection and clearance shall be made in Form PQ 15.
(13) All the consignments of plants and plant products and other regulated articles shall be imported
into India only through ports of entry as specified in Schedule-I and Inland Container
Depots/Container Freight Stations and foreign post offices falling within the jurisdiction of
concerned plant quarantine station operating here under or those notified by the Government
from time to time in this behalf
(14) All consignments of seeds and plants for propagation and regulated articles such as live insects,
microbial cultures, bio-control agents and soil shall only be imported into India through regional
plant quarantine stations of Amritsar, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai or New Delhi or through any
other points of entry as may be notified from time to time for this purpose, provided that no
import of germplasm/transgenic plant material and genetically modified organisms shall be
permitted through New Delhi Airport.
(15) On arrival, at the first point of entry the consignment shall be inspected by the Plant Protection
Adviser or any other officer duly authorized by him in this behalf and appropriate samples shall
be drawn for laboratory testing, in accordance with the guidelines issued by Plant Protection
Adviser from time to time.
(16) The Plant Protection Adviser or the officer authorized by him may, after inspection and
laboratory testing, fumigation, disinfection or disinfestation, as may be considered necessary by
him, accord quarantine clearance for the entry of a consignment or grant provisional clearance
for growing under post-entry quarantine, as the case may be in form PQ 16 and or order
deportation or destruction of the consignment in form PQ 17 in the event of non-compliance with
the restrictions and conditions specified in this Order.
(17) Where fumigation or disinfestation or disinfection is considered necessary in respect of a
consignment of plants, seeds and fruits the importer shall on his own and at his cost arrange for
the fumigation, disinfection or disinfestation of the consignment, through an agency approved by
the Plant Protection Adviser under the supervision of an officer duly authorized by the Plant
Protection Adviser in that behalf.
(18) It shall be the responsibility of the importer or his authorized agent.
(i) to file an application for the quarantine inspection of imported seeds, plants and plant
products or other regulated articles in the form PQ 15 along with copies of relevant
documents and fees as prescribed under Schedule-IX payable by a demand draft to the
competent authority
(ii) to provide information on any plant and plant product and other articles covered under this
Order and which are imported by him/her or are in his/her possession, to Plant Protection
Adviser or any officer duly authorised by him;
(iii) to bring the consignments to the concerned plant quarantine station or to place of inspection,
fumigation or treatment as directed by Plant Protection Adviser or any officer duly
authorised by him;.
(iv) to permit drawing of appropriate samples for inspection and laboratory investigation and
extend necessary facilities towards the same;
(v) to open, repack and load into or unload from the fumigation chamber and seal the
(vi) to remove them after inspection and treatment according to the directions issued by the Plant
Protection Adviser or any officer authorised by him;
(vii) to arrange deportation or destruction of the consignment at the cost of importer as may be
deemed necessary by Plant Protection Adviser or an officer authorized by him
(19) No consignment or container carrying plants and plant products intended for other countries shall
be allowed transit through or transshipment at air or sea ports or land customs stations, unless
they are packed in such a manner so as not to permit spillage of material or contamination with
soil or escape of any pest, and subject to the condition that the package or container shall not be
opened or seals are broken any where in India
(20) No consignment shall be permitted import unless accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate
issued by an authorized officer at the country of origin in the form PQ 21 or at the country of re-
export in form PQ 22;
Provided that cut flowers, garlands, bouquets, dry fruits/nuts etc., weighing not more than
two kilograms imported for personal consumption may be allowed to be imported without a
Phytosanitary Certificate or an import permit.
(21) No consignment packed with the packaging material specified in clause 2(xiii) of this order
shall be permitted import unless appropriately treated. The treatments shall include heat-kiln
treatment at 56
C for a minimum of 30 hrs or Methyl Bromide fumigation at 48 g/cum for 32
hours or chemical impregnation of wood with wood preservatives such as copper chrome arsenic
or any other approved treatment as per international standards and the treatment shall be
endorsed in phytosanitary certificate.
(22) No article packed with packaging materials shall be released by the proper officers of customs
unless the consignment is accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate in respect of said packing
Provided that if no phytosanitary certificate is furnished in respect of said packaging material,
the proper officer of customs shall grant out of charge only after clearance is obtained from local
plant quarantine authorities, who shall grant clearance from the quarantine angle and may, if
deemed fit, subject the said packaging material to treatment at the expense of importer.
Provided further nothing contained in this clause shall be applicable to packaging materials in
respect of bonafide passenger baggage containing goods other than plants and plant products.
4. Import of soil, etc. - No import of soil, earth, compost, sand, plant debris along with plants, fruits
and seeds shall be permitted except under the following conditions: -
(i) The consignments of soil, earth, clay and similar material for any microbiological, soil-
mechanics, or mineralogical investigations and peat for horticultural purposes may be
permitted through specified air or sea ports or land custom station, on applications made for
that purpose;
(ii) The application for the purpose referred to in (i) above shall be made to the Plant Protection
Adviser, at least one month in advance, in form PQ 06 along with a registration fee of Rs.
200/- by a bank draft drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, Directorate of Plant Protection,
Quarantine & Storage, N.H.IV., Faridabad-121001.
(iii) The Plant Protection Adviser may, after scrutiny of the application, and if satisfied of the
purpose, for which such consignment is being imported, issue special permit in Form PQ
(iv) The consignments soil, peat or sphagnum moss etc., shall be inspected, fumigated,
disinfected or disinfested by the importer from an agency approved by the Plant Protection
Adviser under the supervision of an officer duly authorized by Plant Protection Adviser.
5. Fees for inspection, fumigation, etc. -The importer of the consignment or his agent shall
pay to the Plant Protection Adviser or any other officer duly authorized by him in this
behalf, the fees prescribed in Schedule-IX towards inspection, fumigation, disinfestation,
disinfection of consignment.
6. Permits required for import of Germplasm, Transgenic or Genetically Modified
Organisms -
(1) No consignment of germplasm/transgenics/Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
shall be imported into India for research/experimental purpose without valid permit issued
by the Director, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi -110012.
(2) Every application for import of plant germplasm/ transgenics/genetically modified
organisms for research/experimental purpose by the public/private organizations will be
made to the Director, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi in form PQ
08 and the permit shall be issued in form PQ 09 in triplicate and a red/green tag in PQ 10
for germplasm and a Red/White tag in PQ 11 for transgenic/Genetically Modified
Organisms. Such permits for import of transgenic/Genetically Modified Organisms shall
be issued subject to the approval of Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM)
set- up by Department of Biotechnology under the provisions of sub-rule (2) of rule 4 of
the Rules for the manufacture, use, import, export and storage of hazardous micro-
organisms, Genetically engineered organisms or cells made under Sections 6, 8 and 25 of
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) and subject to such restrictions and
conditions prescribed thereof.
(3) No imported consignments of plant germplasm/ transgenics/ genetically modified pests
shall be opened at the point of entry and it shall be forwarded to the Director, National
Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi.
7. Permit required for import of live insects and microbial cultures -
(1) No Consignment of live insects, microbial cultures or bio-control agents shall be
permitted into India without valid import permit issued by the Plant Protection Adviser.
(2) Every application for permit to import insects or microbial cultures including algae or bio-
control agents, shall be made in the form PQ12 at least two months in advance to Plant
Protection Adviser along with a fee of Rs. 200/- towards registration in the form of bank
draft issued in favour of the Accounts Officer, Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine
and Storage, Faridabad-121001.
(3) The Plant Protection Adviser shall issue the permit in Form PQ13 in triplicate, if satisfied
of the purpose for which import is made and subject to such conditions imposed thereon.
A yellow-green colour tag or label in the form PQ14 shall be issued which shall be affixed
on the parcel at the time of export.
(4) All the consignments of insects, microbial cultures and bio-control agents shall be
permitted only through specified points of entry. The consignment of beneficial insects
shall be accompanied by a certificate issued by National Plant Protection Organisation at
the country of origin with additional declarations for freedom from specified parasites and
parasitoids and the bio-control agents free from hyper-parasites. The consignment of
beneficial insects/bio-control agents shall be subjected to post-entry quarantine as may be
prescribed by the Plant Protection Adviser.
8. Permit required for import of plants and plant products
(1) No consignment of plants and plant products, if found infested or infected with a quarantine
pest or contaminated with noxious weed species shall be permitted to be imported.
(2) Every vessel carrying out bulk shipment of grains shall be inspected on board by an officer
duly authorized by Plant Protection Adviser before the same accorded permission to off-
load the grain at the notified port of entry. On inspection, if found free from quarantine
pests and noxious weed species, permission shall be accorded to off-load the grain at the
port or order fumigation/treatment of grain on board or immediately upon unloading at the
port, as the case may be, before such permission is granted for movement outside the port
and subject to such conditions as imposed thereon.
(3) The bulk shipment (s) of transgenic plants or plant products or genetically modified
organisms shall be dealt as per the provisions of the Rules for manufacture, use, import,
export and storage of hazardous micro-organisms, Genetically engineered organisms or
cells made under Sections 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of
1986) or under the mechanism established as per the provisions of Biosafety Protocol by the
Ministry of Environment and Forests.
9. Permit for import of timber
(1) No consignment of timber shall be permitted import unless the following conditions and
requirements are met with, namely:-
(a) The timber shall be stripped off its bark, either be squared or rounded and accompanied
by an official statement that the wood has been appropriately fumigated/treated and such
treatment shall be endorsed in the phytosanitary certificate issued at the country of origin
or re-export, as the case may be;
(b) The timber shall be marked ‘kiln-dried’ or with any internationally recognized mark.
(2) All the consignments of timber shall be inspected on board prior to unloading at the port of
arrival by an officer duly authorised by PPA and, if necessary, fumigated/treated on board
before unloading.
Provided that the above conditions shall not apply for containerized cargo, which shall
be inspected by an authorized PQ officer after unloading of the containers from the ship at
the port/container freight station or Inland Container Depots under the jurisdiction of
concerned Plant Quarantine Station.
Special conditions of Import
10. Special conditions for import of plant species
(1) In addition to the general conditions listed above in Chapter-II, the plant species herein after
mentioned in Schedule-V, VI and VII shall not be permitted to be imported except when
specifically authorized or covered under import permit issued by an appropriate issuing
authority and subject to such restrictions and conditions specified in this Chapter.
(2) Every consignment of plant species herein specified in Schedule-V and VI shall be
accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the authorized officer at country of
origin or Phytosanitary Certificatereexport issued by the country of re-export along with
attested copy of original phytosanitary certificate, as the case may be, with the additional
declarations being free from pests mentioned under Schedule-V and VI of this order or that
the pests as specified do not occur in the country or state of origin as supported by
documentary evidence thereof.
(3) General conditions shall apply to all consignments including in respect of those mentioned in
Schedule V, VI and VIII.
Post-entry Quarantine
11. Post-entry Quarantine -
(1) Plants and seeds, which require post-entry quarantine as laid down in Schedule II of this
order, shall be grown in post-entry quarantine facilities duly established by importer at his
cost, approved and certified by the Inspection Authority as per the guidelines prescribed by
the Plant Protection Adviser.
(2) The period for which, and the conditions under which, the plants and seeds shall be grown in
such facilities shall be specified in the permit granted under clause 3.
(3) Nothing contained in Sub-clause (1) shall apply to the import of tissue-cultured plants that
are certified virus-free as per Schedule-V and VI, but such plants, shall be subjected to
inspection at the point of entry to ensure that the phytosanitary requirements are met with.
(4) Every application for certification of post-entry quarantine facilities shall be submitted to the
inspection authority in Form PQ 18. The inspection authority if satisfied after necessary
inspection and verification of facilities shall issue a certificate in Form PQ 19.
(5) At the time of arrival of the consignment, the importer shall produce this certificate before
the Officer-in-Charge of the Quarantine Station at the entry point along with an undertaking
in form PQ 20.
(6) If the Officer-in-Charge of the Quarantine Station, after inspection of the consignment is
satisfied, shall accord quarantine clearance with post-entry quarantine condition on the
production, by an importer, of a certificate from the inspection authority with the stipulation
that the plants shall be grown in such post-entry quarantine facility for the period specified in
the import permit.
(7) After according quarantine clearance with post-entry quarantine conditions to the
consignments of plants and seeds requiring post-entry quarantine, the Officer-in-Charge of
the Quarantine Station at the entry point shall inform the inspection authority, having
jurisdiction over the post-entry quarantine facility, of their arrival at the location where such
plants would be grown by the importer.
(8) It shall be the responsibility of the importer or his agent -
(i) to intimate the inspection authority in advance about the date of planting of the
imported plant or seed.
(ii) not to transfer or part with or dispose the consignment during the pendency of post-
entry quarantine except in accordance with a written approval of inspection authority.
(iii) to permit the inspection authority complete access to the post-entry quarantine facility
at all times and abide by the instructions of such inspection authority.
(iv) to maintain an inspection kit containing all requisite items to facilitate nursery
inspection and ensure proper plant protection and upkeep of nursery records.
(v) to extend necessary facilities to the inspection authority during his visit to the nursery
and arrange destruction of any part or whole of plant population when ordered by him
in the event of infection or infestation by a quarantine pest, in a manner specified by
(9) The inspection authority of concerned area of jurisdiction or any officer authorized by the
Plant Protection Adviser in this behalf, in association with a team of experts shall inspect the
plants grown in the approved post-entry quarantine facility at such intervals as may be
considered necessary in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Plant Protection
Adviser, with a view to detect any pests and advise necessary phytosanitary measures to
contain the pests.
(10) The inspection authority shall permit the release of plants from post-entry quarantine, if they
are found to be free from pests and diseases for the period specified in the permit for
(11) Where the plants in the post-entry quarantine are found to be affected by pests and diseases
during the specified period the inspection authority shall:-
(i) order the destruction of the affected consignment of whole or a part of the plant
population in the post-entry quarantine if the pest or disease is exotic, or
(ii) advise the importer about the curative measures to be taken to the extent necessary, if the
pest or disease is not exotic and permit the release of the affected population from the
post-entry quarantine only after curative measures have been observed to be successful.
Otherwise, the plants shall be ordered to be destroyed.
(12) Where destruction of any plant population is ordered by the inspection authority, the importer
shall destroy the same in the manner as may be directed by the inspection authority and under
his supervision
(13) At the end of final inspection, the inspection authority shall forward a copy of the report of
post-entry quarantine inspection duly signed by him to the Plant Protection Adviser under
intimation to officer-in-charge of concerned plant quarantine station.
(14) The importer shall be liable to pay the prescribed fee for inspection of plants in the Post-entry
Quarantine facility as laid down in Schedule-IX
Appeal and Revision
12. Appeal -
(1) If an importer is aggrieved by the decision of the inspection authority regarding the destruction
of any plant population, he may appeal to the Plant Protection Adviser within 7 days from the
date of communication of the decision giving the grounds of appeal.
(2) It shall be lawful for the Plant Protection Adviser to rely on the observations of the inspection
authority and such other expert opinion, as he may deem necessary, for deciding the appeal.
(3) The memorandum of appeal under sub-clause (1) shall set out the grounds in successive
paragraphs on which the decision is challenged and shall be accompanied by a bank draft in
favour of the Plant Protection Adviser and payable at Faridabad, evidencing the payment of fee
of Rs. 100/-
13. Revision -
The Plant Protection Adviser may, at any time, call for the records relating to any case pending
before the inspection authority for the purpose of satisfying itself as to the legality or propriety
of any decision passed by that authority and may pass such order in relation thereto, as it thinks
Provided that no such order shall be passed after the expiry of three months from the date of
the decision;
Provided further that the Plant Protection Adviser shall not pass any order prejudicial to any
person, without giving him a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
Power of Relaxation
14. Relaxation conditions of Import Permit and Phytosanitary Certificate in certain cases
(1) The Central Government may, in public interest, relax any of the conditions of this Order
relating to the import permit and the phytosanitary certificate in relation to the import of any
consignment. The Joint Secretary in-charge of Plant Protection in the Department of
Agriculture & Cooperation shall be the competent authority for according the relaxation.
(2) In the event of grant of relaxation by competent authority, the consignment shall be released
after charging the fee for import permit and fee for plant quarantine inspection at five times
of normal rates.
(3) The provisions of this Order shall apply without prejudice to the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of
1962) or any other Acts or Order related to imports.
Chapter VII
Repeal and Savings
15. Repeals and Savings -
(1) The following orders and notifications are hereby repealed, namely: -
(i) Rules for regulating the import of insects into India notified under F-
193/40 A dated
(ii) Rules for regulating the import of fungi into India notified under F.16-5(I)/43A dated
(iii) Import of cotton into India Regulations, 1972
(iv) Plants, Fruits & Seeds (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 1989
(2) Not with standing such repeal, an import permit issued by any competent authority, which is
in force immediately before the commencement of this Order and which is consistent with
this Order, shall continue in force and all appointments made and fees levied under the
repealed Rules, Regulations and Orders, and in force immediately before such
commencement shall likewise continue in force and be deemed to be made or levied in
pursuance of this Order until revoked
PQ Form 01
Application for permit to import plants/plant products for consumption or processing
(Issuing Authority)
I/We hereby make an application, in accordance with provisions of clause 3 of the Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003 made under sub-section (1) of section 3 of
the Destructive Insects & Pests Act, 1914 (2 of 1914) for permission to import the following
plants/plant products for consumption/processing:
1. Name & address of Importer 2. Name & address of exporter
3. Country of origin/re-export 4. Foreign port of shipment
5. Approximate date of arrival of shipment
6. Point of entry 7. Means of conveyance
8- Description of plants/plant products
(Common /botanical name)
9. Quantity
10. No of
11. Mode of packing
12. Whether transgenic or not?
14. Purpose of import
15. Particulars of documents, if any
I/We hereby declare that the information furnished above is correct and complete in all respects and undertake to pay to pay to an officer duly
authorized by PPA, the prescribed fees towards inspection, fumigation, treatment or supervision and abide by the instructions/guidelines issued by him.
Date: ___________ ___________________________
Place:___________ (Name & Signature of
Importer or
his authorized Agent)
PQ Form 02
Application for permit to import plants/plant materials for sowing/planting/propagation
(Issuing Authority)
I/We hereby make an application, in accordance with provisions of clause 3 of the Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003 made under Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of
the Destructive Insects & Pests Act, 1914 (2 of 1914) for permission to import following plants/plant
material for sowing/planting/propagation:
1. Name & address of Importer 2. Name & address of exporter
3. Country of origin/re-export 4. Foreign port of shipment
5. Approximate date of arrival of shipment
6. Point of entry 7. Means of conveyance
8- Description of plants/plant
materials (Common /botanical
10. Quantity
11. No of
12.Mode of packing
13. Whether transgenic or not?
14. Name of location of post-entry
quarantine facility, where applicable?
15. Purpose of import
16. Particulars of documents, if any
I/We hereby declare that the information furnished above is correct and complete in all respects and undertake to pay to pay to an officer duly
authorized by PPA, the prescribed fees towards inspection, fumigation, treatment or post-
entry quarantine inspection of the above consignment and abide
by the instructio ns/guidelines issued by him.
Date: ___________ ___________________________
Place:___________ (Name & Signature of
Seal Importer or
PQ Form 03
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
(Department of Agriculture & Cooperation)
Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage,
Permit for Import of Plants/Plant products for Consumption/Processing
Permit No.___________ Date of issue_________________
Valid up to __________________
In accordance with the provisions of clause 3 (6) of the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import
into India) Order, 2003 issued under Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Destructive Insects & Pests
Act, 1914 (2 of 1914) , I hereby grant permission to import the following plants/plant products for
consumption/processing as detailed below:
1. Name and address of importer
2. Name and address of exporter
3. Country of Origin/Re-export 4. Point of entry
5. Description of plant/plant products
(Common/Scientific Name)
6. Quantity
7 No. of
8. Mode of
9.The above permission is granted subject to the following conditions:
(1) The consignment of plants/plant products shall be free from soil, weed species and plants
(2) The consignment shall be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate/Phytosanitary Certificate
re-export issued by an authorized officer in the country of origin/ re-export i.e (.____________)
as the case may be, with an additional declaration for the freedom from:
(b) ________________________________________________________________________
or that above specified pests do not occur in the country or state of origin.
(3) The permit is not transferable and valid for one time import. The permit number shall be quoted
on the phytosanitary certificate issued at the country of origin/re-export, as the case may be.
Seal Name
of Issuing Authority
PQ Form 04
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
(Department of Agriculture & Cooperation)
Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage,
Permit for Import of Plants/Plant materials for Sowing/Planting/Propagation
Permit No.___________ Date of issue_________________
Valid up to __________________
In accordance with the provisions of clause 3 (6) of the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into
India) Order, 2003 issued under sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Destructive Insects & Pests Act, 1914 (2
of 1914), I hereby grant permission to import the following plants/plant materials for
sowing/planting/propagation as detailed below:
1. Name and address of importer
2. Name and address of exporter
3. Country of Origin/Re-export 4. Point of entry
5 Description of Plant species
(Common/botanical name)
6. Variety/hybrid 7. Quantity
8. No. of
9. Mode of
10. The above permission is granted subject to following conditions:-
(1) the consignment of plants/plant materials shall be free from soil, weed species and plant debris.
(2) (i) The consignment shall be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate/Phytosanitary Certificate (re-
export issued by an authorized officer in the country of origin (country of re-export) as the case may be
with additional declaration for the freedom from:
. or that above specified pests do not occur in the country or state of origin.
(ii) Certified that the plants/plant materials as described above obtained from mother crop/stock which
were inspected on regular intervals by an appropriate authority in the country of origin and found free
(3) The consignment shall be grown in an approved post-entry quarantine facility established by the
importer at _______________________ (name of location of PEQ facility) under the supervision of
__________________________________________ for a period of (days/months) _____________
(Name & Address of Inspection Authority)
(4) The permit is not transferable and valid for one-time import. The permit number shall be quoted on the
phytosanitary certificate issued at the country of origin or re-export as the case may be.
Date: ______________
Designation of Issuing Authority
PQ Form 05
Face of Tag
Permit No.___________________ Valid up
This package contains perishable plants/plant materials.
Rush and deliver
Plant Quarantine and Fumigation Station
Airport/Seaport/Land custom station
Reverse of Tag
Directions for sending plants/planting materials
Under this tag only materials covered under above Permit should be booked
Any other material may be confiscated
Place inside the package the importer’s name and address, Invoice and official phytosanitary certificate
issued by authorized officers in the country of origin.
In case of imports by Sea, rush all documents to consignee by aid
Attach Tag securely to consignment
PQ Form 06
Application for Permit to Import soil/peat or Sphagnum moss or other growing media
The Plant Protection Adviser
to the Government of India,
Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine &
NH-IV, Faridabad, (Haryana)-121001.
I/We hereby make an application in accordance with provisions of clause 4 (ii) of the Plant
Quarantine (Regulations of Import into India) Order, 2003 issued under Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of
the Destructive Insects & Pests, 1914 (2 of 1914) for permission to import soil/peat or Sphagnum moss or
other growing media of plant origin as detailed below:
1. Name & Address of the importer
2. Name and address of exporter
3. Country of origin
4. Foreign port of shipment
5. Approximate date of import
6. Point of entry
7. Means of conveyance
8. Description of growing media
(soil/peat or Sphagnum-moss etc.)
9. Quantity
10 .No of
11. Mode of packing
12 Specific purpose of import
I/We hereby undertake to pay to an officer duly authorized by the Plant Protection Adviser the
prescribed fees towards inspection, fumigation or treatment of the consignment and abide by the
instructions/guidelines issued by him.
(Signature & Name of the
Importer or his authorized agent)
PQ Form 07
Government of India
Ministry Agriculture
Department of Agriculture & Co-operation,
Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage,
NH-IV, Faridabad (Haryana) - 121001.
Permit for import of soil/peat or Sphagnum moss/other growing media of plant origin
Permit No.__________________ Date of issue________________
Valid up to ________________
In accordance with provisions of clause 4 of the Plant Quarantine (Regulations of Import into
India) Order, 2003 issued under Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Destructive Insects & Pests Act,
1914 (2 of 1914), I hereby grant permission to import the following consignment of
soil/peat/Sphagnum moss/other growing media of plant origin as detailed below:
1. Name and address of importer
2. Name and address of exporter
3. Country of origin 4. Point of entry
5. Description of consignment 6. Quantity 7. No of Packages 8. Mode of
9.The above permission is granted subject to the following conditions:
(1) The imported consignment shall be accompanied by an official certificate issued by an authorized
officer in the country of origin stating that
(2) Permit is valid for one-time import and not transferable.
(3) The imported consignment of soil/effluents shall be disposed after laboratory investigation in a
manner prescribed by an officer duly authorized by the Plant Protection Adviser in this regard..
Name &
Stamp of Issuing
PQ Form 08
Application For Permit To Import Germplasm/Transgenics/Genetically Modified Organisms
(GMO’s) For Research Purpose.
The Director,
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources,
Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012
I hereby apply for a permit in accordance with provisions of clause 6 (2) of the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import
into India) Order, 2003 issued under the Sub-section (1) of Section (3) of the Destructive Insects & Pests Act, 1914 (2 of
1914), authorizing the import of plants/planting materials for research purposes as per details given below:
1. Name and address of the applicant
2. Exact description of Seeds/Planting Material s to be
(a) Common and botanical name:
(b) Germplasm/variety/hybrid/composite/synthetic
(c) Form of material required (seed/rooted plants/
scions/ tubers/cuttings/bulbs in vitro cultures
(d) Parentage, if known
Place of collection/origin of material to be imported
4 Whether transgenic/GMO or not?
[If yes, attach the approval letter issued by RCGM
(DBT) in original]
5. Name and address of the organization/ institution
producing the material
6. Number of samples to be imported
7. Quantity to be imported (separately
for each accession/variety/.hybrid/transgenic/GMO)
8. Suggested source of availability of material
including published reference, if known.
9. (a) Whether the aforesaid germplasm/variety/hybrid
was imported by you earlier? If so, details thereof
(year, quantity, source, etc.)
(b) Was the material shared with other
scientists/National Gene Bank at NBPGR?
10. Expected date and arrival in India
11. Mode of shipment (Airmail/Air freight/accompanied
12. Place where imported seeds/planting material will be
grown and scientists under whose supervision
the seeds/planting material will be grow
I hereby declare that the germplasm under import has no commercial value/exclusive ownership and may be shared
freely for research purposes.
Date: Signature of the Applicant & Address
For further information contact Tel.No.91/11/5783697, 5732375) or Fax. 91-11/5731495 or E Mail -
[email protected], and Web Address-
PQ Form 09
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (ICAR)
New Delhi 110012
Permit For Import Of Germplasm /Transgenic/GeneticallyModified Organisms For Research
Permit No.___________________ Date of issue____________________
Valid up to _____________________
In accordance with the provisions of clause 6 (2) of the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into
India) Order 2003 issued under Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Destructive Insects & Pests Act,1914,
I hereby grant permission to import of germplasm/transgenic/genetically modified organisms herein
1. Name and address of importer
2. Name and address of exporter
3. Country of origin Point of Entry
4. Description of germplasm/
transgenic/Genetically modified
organism (Botanical name)
5. Variety to
be imported
6. Quantity
7. No of
8. Mode of
9.The above permission is granted subject to following conditions:-
(1) The consignment of germplasm/transgenic shall be free from soil, weed species and plant debris.
(2) (i) The consignment shall be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate/Phytosanitary Certificate
(re-export issued by an authorized officer in the country of origin /country of re-export) as the case
may be with additional declaration for the freedom from:
or that the above specified pests do not occur in the country or state of origin.
(ii) Certified that the germplasm/transgenic as described above obtained from mother crop/stock
which were inspected on regular intervals by an appropriate authority in the country of origin and
found free from:
(3) The consignment shall be grown in an approved post-entry quarantine facility established by the
importer at _______________________ (name of location of PEQ facility) under the supervision
of___________ ______________________________________________ for a period of
(days/months) ______________ (Name & Address of Inspection Authority)
(4) The permit is not transferable and valid for one-time import. The permit number shall be quoted on
the phytosanitary certificate issued at the country of origin or re-export as the case may be.
Place: New Delhi
National Bureau of Plant Genetics Resources
PQ Form 10
Face of the Tag or Label
Permit No.___________________
Valid upto___________________
This package contains germplasm, which is highly perishable. Do not open the
Rush And Deliver
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
NEW DELHI –110012
Reverse of the Tag or Label
Directions for Sending/Mailing germplasm
The consignments of germplasm shall be addressed only to the Director
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi-110012.
Under this tag or label only permitted material shall be booked and any other material denied entry and
shall be confiscated and destroyed.
Place inside the package the importer’s name and address, Invoice and Phytosanitary Certificate.
Attach the Tag or paste the Label securely to the package.
PQ Form 11
Face of Label
Red/White Label
Permit no.:__________________
Valid up to:__________________
This package contains:
Transgenic lines of plants/genetically engineered microorganisms.
Do not open except at the bio-safety laboratory of the National Bureau of Plant Genetic
Resources in the presence of Research Scientist and Plant Quarantine Authority.
Rush And Deliver
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
NEW DELHI –110012
Reverse of the Label
Directions for mailing transgenic lines of plants/genetically engineered or modifid
Under this label only material covered under the Permit should only be shipped and any other material
shall be confiscated and destroyed. The packaging should be confirmed with bio-safety regulations.
The inner container should carry name and description of the transgenic line or microorganism and
should be hermetically sealed. The outer container shall carry the Consignee’s name and address and
the Invoice and placed inside secured package. Paste Red/White label on the face of each package.
Do not write any thing on the label. Do not place any delivery address outside package. Write the
foreign shippers' name on outside of package and full postage.
PQ Form 12
Application for Permit to import live insects/mites/nematodes/microbial cultures including
algae/bio-control agents
The Plant Protection Adviser to the
Government of India,
Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine &
NMV-IV, Faridabad (Haryana)-121001)
I/We hereby make an application, in accordance with provisions of Clause 7 of Plant Quarantine
Regulation of Import Order, 2003, made under Sub-section (1) of the Section 3 of the Destructive
Insects & Pests Act, 1914 (2 of 1914) for a permission to import of following Insects/ mites/
nematodes/ microbial cultures/ biocontrol agents for research/experimental purpose as detailed
1. Description of insects/mites/nematodes/
microbial cultures/ biocontrol agents intended to
import (common /scientific names)
2. Taxon (Class/order/family/ sub-family tribe/
races or strains)
3. Stages of the organism
4. Number of specimens or units
5. Host species, if any
(Common/Scientific Name)
6. Mode of packing & no. of packages and
distinguishing marks, if any
7. Country of origin & foreign port of shipment
8. Mode of shipment & point of entry
9. Name and address of importer
10. Name & address of exporter
11. Approximate date of import
12. Purpose of import
I/We hereby undertake to abide by the instructions/guidelines issued by the Plant Protection
Adviser to the Govt. of India from time to time in this regard.
Date:________ ______
(Seal) (Signature of Applicant)
PQ Form 13
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage
NH-IV, Faridabad (Haryana-121001)
Permit for import of live insects/mites/nematodes/microbial cultures including algae/bio-
control agents
Permit No.__________________ Date of
Valid up
In accordance with provision of clause 7 (3) of the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into
India) Order, 2003 issued under Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Destructive Insects & Pests Act,
1914 (2 of 1914), I hereby grant permission for import of following insects/mites/nematodes/microbial
cultures/ biocontrol agents as detailed below:
1. Name & Address of Importer 2. Name & Address of Exporter
3. Country of origin 3. Point of Entry
5. Description of organism
6. Taxon
order etc.)
7. Stage of
organism, host
species, if any
8. No. of
9. Mode of packing
and distinguishing
marks, if any
10. The above permission is granted subject to the following conditions:
(1) No substitute is permitted for the kind or organism permitted for import under this permit.
(2) The consignment shall be accompanied by an official certificate issued by an appropriate authority
in the country of origin for freedom from:
(a) _______________________________________________________________________________
(b) _______________________________________________________________________________
(3) The consignment of bio-control agents shall be held under post-entry quarantine at
___________________________ ____________________________(Name of
Institute/Organisation) for a period of________________ before release for field trials.
(4) The permittee shall intimate the Plant Protection Adviser of any change of address and comply with
his instructions.
Date: ______________
Name &
(Signature of issuing authority)
Stamp of Organization
Form PQ 14
Face of label
Permit No. ___________________ Valid up to __________________________
This package contains:
Live insects/mites/nematodes/microbial Cultures/bio-control agents.
Do not open except in the presence of plant quarantine authority
Plant Quarantine Station
Reverse of the Label
Directions for mailing live insects/mites/nematodes/microbial cultures including
algae/bio/control agents
Under this label only material covered under this Permit should be shipped and any
other material be denied entry.
Place within the package the Consignee’s name and address and Invoice.
Paste securely the Blue/Violet label on the face of each package.
Do not write anything on this label.
Do not place any delivery address outside package.
Place on outside of package name and address of foreign shipper.
PQ Form 15
Application For Quarantine Inspection And Clearance Of Imported Plants/Plant Products and
Others (Cargo).
For PQ Office’s use:
Receipt No. Registration No.
Date of Receipt Date of Registration.
In accordance with the provisions of Clause 3 (18) of the Plant Quarantine Regulations of
Import into India) Order, 2003 issued under Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1914 (2 of 1914),
I/We, file herewith an application for Plant Quarantine inspection/treatment and clearance of the
imported plants/ plant products and others as described below:
Description of Consignment:
1. Name & address of importer
2. Name & address of Exporter
3. Consignment
(Common/botanical name)
4. Quantity (Wt./vol.)
5. No. of pieces/ packages/
6. Distinguishing marks
6. Nature of packing material
8. Country of origin & port of
Means of conveyance & date of
10. Point of entry
[] Import Permit
No: ______ dt_____________
[] Phytosanitary Certificate
No: ______dt_____________
[] Fumigation Certificate, if any
[] Certificate of origin, if any
[] Bill of Entry
No: ________dt___________
[] Shipping/Airway bill
[] Invoice/packing list
N.B.: Tick out the documents
11. Date and place of inspection
12. Shipping/Airway Bill No.
& Date
For PQ Office Use:
The above documents submitted
to this office have been
scrutinised and found in
order/not in order
13. Value of the Commodity
14. Purpose of import
Sowing/ planting/
Signature of PQ staff
1) I/we hereby declare that to the best of the knowledge and belief, the particular given above are true
and correct.
(2) I/We abide by the provisions of the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order,
2002 and the instructions issued by the officer authorized by Plant Protection Adviser
Place:______________ (Signature of
Importer/Authorised Agent)
N.B: Application should be submitted by the importer/his authorised agent in duplicate duly filled and completed.;
Duplicate copy to be returned to the importer/his authorised agent after endorsing the quarantine order and receipt of
payment; Payments should be made by bank draft or pay order drawn in favour of the concerned Pay & Accounts Officer.
PQ Form 15
For P Q Office Use:
Assessment of fees: Receipt of payment:
Wt. (Kg)/
No. of pieces
Particulars of fees
(in Rs)
1. PEQ fees:
2. Inspection:
3. Others:
Received from M/s._______________________
an amount of Rs. _________________________
(in words)
by cash /DD /BC /PO /T.R.No.
__________________ Dt: __________________
drawn on ____________________________
(Name of the bank & branch)
towards inspection fees.
(In words)
Date: Assessed by Checked
by ____________ _____________
Sign. of staff Sign. of S/O
___________ ___________
Sign. of Cashier Sign. of DDO/
Quarantine Order
(1) The goods listed on this Plant Quarantine Entry form are ordered into Quarantine and are to be
forwarded to this office under escort by Customs for inspection/treatment and further orders.
(2) The importer/authorized agent of the importer is hereby directed to present the
goods/containers/vessel lying at _________________________________ for
inspection/sampling on _______________ and at __________________ by the following
designated staff/officers viz. ___________________________________ and arrange necessary
facilities for the above purpose.
(3) The importer/authorized agent of the importer is advised to produce original copy of IP/PSC on or
before _____________ to this office for record.
(4) The importer/authorized agent of importer is advised to contact this office after
_____________________ day(s) for further orders.
Date: _______________________
Place:_______________________ (Sign. and Designation of Authority)
PQ Form 16
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage
Ref. No.______________________ Date of issue______________________
In accordance with provisions of Clause 3 (16) of the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into
India) Order, 2003, issued under Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Destructive Insects & Pests Act
1914 (2 of 1914), the following consignment of plants/plant products referred to this station has been
inspected/fumigated or treated and the same has been accorded quarantine clearance/ provisional
quarantine clearance* for growing in an approved post entry quarantine facility, as detailed below:
Description of Consignment
1. Name of the consignment
(Common/botanical name)
2. Quantity (Wt./nos.)
3. Number of packages/containers
and mode of packing
4. Country of origin/re-export
and foreign port of shipment
5. Distinguishing marks
6. Means of conveyance & date of arrival
7. Point of entry
7. Name and address of importer
9. Bill of entry no./shipping or airway
bill no. and date
10.Date of sampling/inspection/
fumigation or treatment
(PQ authority)
Copy to:
(i) Collector of Customs:_____________________________________________________________
(ii) Inspection Authority___________________________________ __________________________
*Strike out not applicable
PQ Form 17
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation
Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage
No.____________________ Dated__________________________
In accordance with the provisions of Clause 3 (16) of the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of
Import into India) Order, 2003 issued under the Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Destructive
Insects & Pests Act, 1914 (2 of 1914), the following consignment of plants/plant products has been
ordered for deportation/ destruction as the same was imported in violation of the provisions of the
above said Order. The details are as under:
Description of Consignment
1. Name of the Commodity
(Common/botanical name)
2. Quantity (Wt../nos.)
3. Number of packages/containers
4. Country of origin
& foreign port of shipment
5. Distinguishing marks, if any
6. Means of conveyance & date of arrival
7. Point of entry
8. Bill of entry no./shipping or airway bill
no. & date
9 Date of sampling/inspection/
fumigation or treatment
Nature of Non-Compliance
( ) Consignment has been imported without valid Import Permit or Phytosanitary Certificate (Clause
3 (1)/3 (20) of the PQ Order, 2002 or both.
( ) Consignment on inspection found to be infested/infected with a quarantine pest notified under
Schedule-V and VI, viz.______________
( )Consignment on inspection found to be contaminated with quarantine weed species specified in
ScheduleVIII, viz.______________________________________________________________
( ) Consignment is prohibited entry as per item no._________________ of Schedule -IV.
( ) Consignment found to be substantially contaminated with soil.
( ) Consignment found packed with objectionable package material
( ) Any other reason (specify):_______________________________________________________
Note: Tick-out, which ever applicable.
Action to be taken by the importer or his authorized Agent
The above stated consignment/container shall be deported within ________ days from the
date of issue of this order for which the importer or his authorised agent shall submit the re-shipping
bills for necessary endorsement failing which the same shall be arranged for destruction at his own
cost in manner prescribed by plant quarantine authority.
Date: _________________
Place: _________________
(PQ authority)
Name &
Copy to:
1. Commissioner of __________________________________________________
(Address of Commisionerate of Customs)
2. Port Trust Authority/Airport Authority of ________________________________________
PQ Form 18
Application for Certificate of approval of post-entry quarantine facility
(Inspection Authority)
I/We hereby make an application, in accordance with provisions of Clause11(4) of the Plant
Quarantine (Regulations of Import into India) Order, 2003, issued under Subsection (1) of Section 3
of the Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1914 (2 of 1914) for certification of following post-entry
quarantine facility established by me for growing imported propagative plant material as described
Description of Consignment
1. Name & Address of the Importer
2. Location of PEQ facility
(i.e. City/Village/Taluka/Distt.)
3. Type & description of facility
(Diagrammatic sketch to be attached)
4. No. of units & size
5.Total capacity of the PEQ facility
(No. of propagating units/potting space)
6. Type of imported planting material
to be grown
7. Particulars of Registration of nursery
with State Deptt. of
8. Additional information, if any
(i) I/We hereby declare that the information furnished above is correct to the best of my/our
knowledge and belief.
(ii) I/we shall abide by the instructions and guidelines issued by the Plant Protection Adviser of any
Inspection Authority duly notified for this purpose from time to time.
(iii) I/We hereby undertake to provide necessary facilities during inspection of the facility or growing
plants under post-entry quarantine to any of the Inspection Authority or any officer duly
authorised by Plant Protection Adviser
(Signature of importer)
PQ Form 19
(Name of Organisatio)
Certificate Of Approval Of Post Entry Quarantine Facility.
No.____________________ Date of Issue___________________
Valid up to_______________
In accordance with the provisions of Clause 11 (4) of the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of
import into India) Order, 2003 issued under Sub-section (1) of the Section 3 of the Destructive
Insects & Pests Act, 1914, I hereby certify that the following post-entry quarantine facility has been
inspected and approved for growing of imported consignment of plants/planting materials as
described below, under post-entry quarantine, in accordance with guidelines/standards prescribed in
this regard.
1. Name & address of the importer
2. Location (City/Village/Taluk) of PEQ
3. Type of facility, structure &
4. No. of units & size of each
5. Total capacity (no. of propagating
Units/potting space)
6. Name of plant species intended to be
7. Any other facility available
Seal of Inspecting Authority
PQ Form 20
Undertaking To Grow Imported Plants In An Approved Post-Entry Quarantine Facility Under
The Supervision Of Inspection Authority
From: _____________________________ To: __________________________________
______________________________ __________________________________
_____________________________ __________________________________
I/We M/s_________________________________________________________________________
furnish the following undertaking in respect of a consignment of ______________________________
to be imported vide IP No._____________ dt.______________ through___________________ to
grow in an approved post-entry quarantine facility under the supervision of inspection authority/officer
duly authorised by the Plant Protection Adviser. I/ we also undertake that:
(1) I/we shall grow the entire consignment of imported plant material (as described above) in an
approved post-entry quarantine facility/isolated nursery located at the village _____________ of
taluk _____________ of Dist. _____________________of___________________________State.
(2) To intimate the inspection authority/officerof plant quarantine about the date of sowing/planting of
seeds/propagating plant material, percentage of germination, seedling mortality and plant
protection measures if adopted etc., within one month of sowing/planting and thereafter at regular
(3) To provide all the facilities to inspection authority/officers of plant quarantine for undertaking
post-entry quarantine inspection of seedlings/plants.
(4) To maintain the nursery records/registers relating to the receipt of seed/plant material,
germination/planting records, plant protection measures undertaken, etc. and produce the same
before inspecting team for necessary scrutiny.
(5) To undertake necessary plant protection measures as advised by the inspecting team from time to
(6) Not to give/donate/distribute any part of consignment without the written clearance from the
inspection authority/ officer duly authorised by him in this behalf.
(7) To abide by the decision of inspection authority/officers of plant quarantine to destroy whole or
part of consignment or any seedlings/plant material, found infected/infested or contaminated by a
quarantine pest/pathogen. In an appropriate manner measures for decontamination of tools and
garden equipment, soil, etc., thereof on emergency basis.
(8) To bear the cost of destruction of affected plant material under the supervision of inspection
authority/officers of plant quarantine.
(9) To maintain basic inspection tools like hand lance field lance or illuminated magnified, surgical
spirit, dissection box, absorbent cotton, screw caped glass vials, labels, etc., for the purpose of
carrying out inspection.
(10) To abide the decision of inspection authority/ officer of the PQ about destruction etc.
(11) Not to lie any liability with inspection authority/officers of plant quarantine towards loss/damage
caused to any material/destruction of the same in the event of infection/infestation by a quarantine
Place:__________________ Name & Signature of Importer/Agent)
N.B. The importer/agent is required to submit the above undertaking in duplicate, the duplicate copy which will be
forwarded to respective Inspection Authority (IA):
PQ Form 21
(To be typed or printed in block letters)
Plant Protection Organisation
Plant Protection orrganisation(s)
Description Of Consignment
Name and address of exporter
Declared name and address of consignee
Number and description of packages
Distinguishing marks
Place of Origin
Declared means of conveyance
Declared point of entry
Name of produce and quantity declared
Botanical name of plants
This is to certify that the plants or plant products described above have been inspected according to
appropriate procedures and are considered to be free from quarantine pests and practically free from
the injurious pests and that they are considered to conform to the current phytosanitary regulations
at the importing country
Desinfestation and/ or Disinfection Treatment
Chemical (active ingredient)______________________
Concentration _________________________________
Additional declarations :
Place of issue:
Date of issue
Stamp of
Name &
Signature of authorized officer
No financial liability with respect to this certificate shall attach to……… (Name of Plant Protection
Organisation) ……… or to any of its officers or representatives*.*Optional clause
PQ Form 22
Plant Protection Organisation
(Country of import)
To: Plant Protection Organisation(s)
(Country(ies) of re-export)
Description of Consignment
Name and address of exporter
Declared name and address of consignee
Number and description of packages
Distinguishing marks
Place of Origin
Declared means of conveyance
Declared point of entry
Name of produce and quantity declared
Botanical name of plants
This is to certify that the plants or plant products described above were imported into………(country
of re-export)..…. from (country of origin)…covered by Phytosanitary Certificate no__________
*Original [ ] certified true copy [ ] of which is attached to this Certificate. That they are* packed { }
repacked [ ] in original [ ] new [ ] container, that based on the original Phytosanitary Certificate [ ]
and additional ;inspection [ ], they are considered to conform with the current phytosanitary
regulations of the importing country, and that during storage in………(country of re-
export)………..the consignment has not been subjected to the risk of infestation or infection.
*Insert tick in appropriate boxes
Desinfestation and/or Disinfection Treatment
Chemical active
ingredients _____________________
Duration and temperature________________________
Concentration _________________________________
Additional declarations:
Place of issue__________
Date of issue___________
(Stamp of
Name &
Ssignature of authorized officer
No financial liability with respect to this certificate shall attach to……… (Name of Plant Protection
Organisation) ……… Or to any of its officers or representatives*.
* Optional clause
[See clauses 2 (xxi), 3 (13) and 3 (14)
Points of Entry for Import of plants/plant materials and other Articles
Seaports Airports Land Frontier Stations
1 Alleppey (Kerala)* 1. Amritsar (Punjab) 1. Agartala (Tripura)
2. Bhavnagar (Gujarat) 2. Bangalore (Karnataka) 2. Amritsar Rly. Stn. (Punjab)
3. Kolkata (West Bengal) 3. Kolkata (WB) 3. Attari Rly. Stn.(Punjab)
4. Calicut (Kerala) 4. Chennai (TN) 4. Attari Wagha Border
Check post (Punjab)
5. Chennai (Tamil Nadu) 5. Cochin (Kerala) 5. Bongaon (WB)
6. Cochin (Kerala) 6. Hyderabad (AP) 6. Gede Road Rly. Stn. (WB)
7. Cuddalore (TN)* 7. Mumbai (Maharashtra) 7. Karimganj (Assam)
8. Goa* (Goa) 8. Palam (New Delhi) 8. Kishanganj (WB)
9. Gopalpur (Orissa)* 9. Patna (Bihar) 9. Moreh (Manipur)
10. Haldia (WB)* 10. Tiruchirapalli (TN) 10. Panitanki (WB)
11. Jamnagar (Gujarat)* 11. Trivandrum (Kerala) 11.
Raxual (Bihar)
12. Beypore (Kerala)* 12. Varanasi (UP) 12. Rupehiya (UP)
13. Kakinada (AP) 13. Sonauli
14. Kandla (Gujarat)
15. Karwar (Karnataka)*
16. Krishnapatnam (AP)*
17. Machlipatnam (AP)*
18. Mandvi (Gujarat)*
19. Mangalore (Karnataka)*
20. Mumbai (Maharashtra)
21. Mundra (Gujarat)*
22. Nagapatnam (TN)*
23. Nova Shiva
24. Navlakhi (Gujarat)*
25. Okha (Gujarat)*
26. Paradeep (Orissa)*
27. Pondicherry*
28. Porbander (Gujarat)*
29. Rameshwram ((TN)
30. Tiruvananthapuram
31. Tuticorin (TN)
32. Veraval (Gujarat)*
33. Visakhapatnam (AP)
34. Vizhinjam (Kerala)*
* For import of food grains and timber only
[See clause 2 (xxi)]
List of Inland Container Depots and Container Freight Stations for Import of Plants
and Plant Products.
Place State Status Jurisdiction of PQ Station
1. Tughlakabad Delhi ICD National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
2. Patparganj Delhi CFS National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
3. Ballabhgarh Haryana CFS National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
4. Gurgaon Haryana CFS National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
5. Rewari Haryana CFS National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
6. Panipat Haryana ICD Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
7. Jallandhar Punjab CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
8. Amritsar Punjab CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
9. Bhatinda Punjab CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
10. Ludhiana
(Dhandari Kalan)
Punjab ICD Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
11. Moradabad Uttar
ICD National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
12. Kanpur Uttar
ICD National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
13. Rudarpur Uttar
CFS National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
14.Agra Uttar
ICD National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
15. Dadri (G.Noida) Uttar
ICD National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
16. Sharanpur Uttar
CFS National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
17. Varanasi Uttar
CFS Plant Quarantine Station, Varanasi
18. Meerut Uttar
CFS National Plant Quarantine Station,
Rangpuri (Delhi)
19. Sabarmati
Gujarat ICD Plant Quarantine Station, Kandla
20. Ahmedabad Gujarat CFS Plant Quarantine Station, Kandla
21. Surat Gujarat ICD RPQS, Mumbai
22. Kandla Gujarat ICD Plant Quarantine Station, Kandla
23. Jodhpur Rajasthan CFS Plant Quarantine Station, Kandla
24. Jaipur Rajasthan CFS Plant Quarantine Station, Kandla
25.Bhiwari Rajasthan CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
26. Kota Rajasthan CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
27.Sanath Ngar
ICD Plant Quarantine Station,
28. Guntur Andhra
ICD Plant Quarantine Station,
29. Chirala Andhra
ICD Plant Quarantine Station,
30. Anaparti Andhra
ICD Plant Quarantine Station,
31. Kakinada Andhra
ICD Plant Quarantine Station,
32. Vishakhapattanam Andhra
ICD Plant Quarantine Station,
33. Wadibunder
Maharashtra ICD Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
34. Chinchwad (Pune) Maharashtra ICD Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
35. Bhandup (Mumbai) Maharashtra CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
36. J.N.Port (Mumbai) Maharashtra CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
37. Mulamd (Mumbai) Maharashtra ICD Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
38. Nava Seva
Maharashtra CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
39. Jalgaon Maharashtra CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
40. Aurangabad Maharashtra CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
41. Nagpur Maharashtra ICD Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
42. Dronagiri Maharashtra CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
43. Miraj Maharashtra ICD Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
Karnatka ICD Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
45. Coimbatore Tamilnadu ICD Plant Quarantine Station, Tiruchi
46. Minjur (Chennai) Tamilnadu CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
Tamilnadu CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
48. Numbal (Chennai) Tamilnadu CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
49. Tiruvottiyur Tamilnadu CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
(Chennai) Chennai
50. Manali (Chennai) Tamilnadu CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
51. Tirupur Tamilnadu CFS Plant Quarantine Station, Tiruchi
52. Tuticorin Tamilnadu CFS Plant Quarantine Station, Tuticorin
53. Salem Tamilnadu CFS Plant Quarantine Station, Tiruchi
54. Singanallur Tamilnadu CFS Plant Quarantine Station, Tiruchi
55. Kolkata West
ICD Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
56. Siliguri West
CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
57. Malanpur (Gwaliar) Madhya
CFS National Plant Quarantine station,
Rangapuri (Delhi)
58. Indore Madhya
CFS Regional Plant Quarantine Station,
59. Cochin Kerala CFS Plant Quarantine Station, Cochin
60. Raxaul Bihar CFS Plant Quarantine Station, Patna
List of Foreign Post Offices for Import of Plants and Plant Products.
S.No. Place Status Jurisdiction PQ Station
1 New Delhi*
Foreign Post Office National Plant Quarantine
Station, Rangpuri (Delhi)
2 Mumbai*
Foreign Post Office Regional Plant Quarantine
Station, Mumbai
3 Chennai*
(Tamil Nadu)
Foreign Post Office Regional Plant Quarantine
Station, Chennai
4 Kolkata*
(West Bengal)
Foreign Post Office Regional Plant Quarantine
Station, Kolkata
5 Cochin (Kerala) Foreign Post Office Plant Quarantine Station
6 Ahmedabad
Sub Foreign Post
Plant Quarantine Station,
7 Bangalore
Sub Foreign Post
Regional Plant Quarantine
Station, Chennai
8 Jaipur
Sub Foreign Post
National Plant Quarantine
Station, Rangpuri (Delhi)
9 Ludhiana
Sub Foreign Post
Regional Plant Quarantine
Station, Amritsar
10 Agra (U.P) Sub Foreign Post
National Plant Quarantine
Station, Rangpuri (Delhi)
11 Guwahati
Sub Foreign Post
Regional Plant Quarantine
Station, Kolkata
Note:*Authorised for import of seeds/plants for sowing/planting/propagation.
[See clause 3 (2)]
List of plants/planting materials and countries from where import is prohibited along with justifications
S. No.
Plant species/variety Categories of
plant material
Prohibited from
the countries
Justification for Prohibition
1. Banana, Plantain and Abaca
(Musa spp.)
Central & South America,
Hawaii, Philippines and
Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as Moko wilt (Burkholderia
solanacearum) race 2 and Cameroon
marbling (phytoplasmas)
2. Cassava or tapioca
(Manihot esculenta)
Seed/Stem cuttings Africa & South America Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as: Super elongation (Sphaceloma
manihoticola), Cassava bacterial blight
(Xanthomonas campestris pv.
manihotis) - American strains, Cassava
witches’ broom (phytoplasma) and
several cassava viruses.
3. Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) and
plants species belong to
Sterculiaceae, Bombacaceae
and Tiliaceae.
Fresh beans)/Pods/
Bud wood/ Grafts
Root stock/Saplings
West Africa, Tropical America
and Sri Lanka.
Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as: Swollen shoot virus and related
virus strains of cocoa, Witches’ broom
(Crinipellis ( Marasmius) perniciosa
Watery pod rot ( Monilia
(Moniliopthora) roreri)
Mealy pod (Trachysphaera fructigena)
Mirids (Sahlbergia singularis &
Distantiella theobroma), Cocoa moth
(Acorocercops cramerella), Cocoa
capsid (Sahlbergiella theobroma),
Cocoa beetle (Steirastoma brevi),
Seedling damping-off (Phytophthora
cactorum), Chestnut downy mildew
(Phytophthora katsurae) and Black pod
of cocoa (Phytophthora megakarya).
4. Cocoyam or Dasheen or Taro
(Arvi) (Colocasia esculenta)
and other edible aeroids
Cook Islands, Papua New
Guinea, Solomon Islands and
South Pacific countries
Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as Alomae land Bobone (Rhabdo
viruses), Dasheen mosaic virus (South
Pacific strains) and Bacterial blight
(Xanthomonas campestric pv.
5. Coconut (Cocos nucifera) and
related species of Cocoideae
Seed nuts/Seedlings
cultures etc.
Africa (Cameroon, Ghana,
Nigeria, Togo and Tanzania),
North America (Florida in USA,
Mexico); Central America and
Caribbean (Cayman Islands,
Bahmas, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, Haiti, Jamaica)
Philippines and Gaum
Brazil (Atlantic Coast), Trinidad,
Tobago, Greneda, St. Vincent,
Barbados, Belize, Honduras,
Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Panama, Columbia, Venezuela
and Ecuador
Surinam (Dutch Guyana)
Sri Lanka.
Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as: Palm lethal yellowing
(phytoplasma) and related strains,
Cadang cadang & Tinangaja (viroid),
Lethal boll rot (Marasmiellus coco-
philus), Red ring (Rhadinaphelenchus
cocophilus (palmarum), South
American Palm weevil (Rhyncophorus
palmarum), Leaf minor (Promecotheca
cumingi) and Palm kernel borer
(Pachymerus spp).
6. Coffee (Coffea spp.) and
related species of Rubiaceae
Beans (seeds) /
Berries (freshly
harvested)/ Grafts/
Bud wood/
Rooted cuttings etc.
Africa and
South America
Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as American leaf spot (Mycena
citricolor, syn. Omphalia flavida),
Coffee berry disease (Colletotrichum
coffeanum var. virulens),
Tracheomycosis (Gibberella xylariodes,
syn Fusarium xylarioids), Powdery rust
(Hemeleia coffeicola), Phloem necrosis
(Phytomonas leptovasorum) and Coffee
viruses (coffee ring spot, leaf rugosity,
leaf curl, leaf crinkle and mosaic
viruses), Coffee berry borer
(Hypothenemus hampei, Sophronica
ventralis) and Coffee thrips
(Diarthrothrips coffeae).
7. Date palm (Phoenix
Algeria and Morocco
USA (Florida)
Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as: Bayood (Fusarium oysporum
f.sp. albedinis) and Palm lethal
yellowing (Phytoplasmas)
Forest plant species:
(i) Chestnut (Castanea spp.)
(ii) Elm (Ulmus spp.)
(iii) Oak (Quercus spp.)
(iv) Pine (Pinus spp.) and other
coniferous species
(i) Seeds/ Fruits/
Grafts and other
planting material
(ii) Plants/ planting
(iii) Seeds/ Root
(iv) (a) Seeds/
North America (USA and
North America (USA and
Canada) and Europe and Russia
United States of America
North America (Canada, USA
and Mexico).
Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as: Chestnut blight or canker
(Cryphonectria (Endothia) parasitica)-
American strain.
Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as: Dutch elm disease
(Ceratocystis ulmi) - American and
European strains, Elm mottle virus, Elm
bark beetles (Scolytidae), Elm phloem
necrosis (Phytoplasmas) and White -
banded elm leaf hopper (Scaphoidous
luteolus) -vector of Elm phloem
Due to incidence of destructive Oak wilt
(Ceratocystis fagacearum) and Oak bark
beetles (Pseudopityophthorus spp.)
Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as Pine rusts [Stalactiform blister
rust(Cronartium coleosporioides),
Comandra blister rust (C. comandrae),
(iv) (b) Logs with
bark or wood (sawn
or round), wood
chips or saw dust.
North America (Canada &
USA), Asia (China, Hong Kong,
Japan, Korea, Republic of
sweet fern blister rust (C. comptoniae),
Southern fusiform rust (C. fusiforme),
Western gall rust (Endocronartium
harknessii), Brown spot needle blight
(Mycosphaerella dearnesii, syn.
Scirrhia acicola), Seedling die-back and
pitch canker (Fusarium moniliforme
f.sp. subglutinans) and Needle cast
(Lophodermium spp.)
Due to destructive Pine wood nematode
(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)
9. Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis)
and related species
seed sprouts
Philippines and Guam Due to incidence of Cadang cadang &
Tinangaja (viroid)
10. Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
and other tuber bearing species
of Solanaceae
Tubers and other
planting material
South America Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as Potato smut [Thecaphora
(Angiosorus) solani],
Potato purple-top wilt & stolbur
(phytoplasmas), Potato viruses viz.
Andean potato latent, Andean potato
mottle, Arracacha B virus, Potato
deforming mosaic, Potato T (capillo
virus), Potato yellow dwarf, Potato
yellow vein, Potato calico strain of
Tobacco ring spot virus, Potato strain of
Tobacco streak virus and Andean potato
weevil (Premnotrypes spp.)
11. Rubber (Hevea spp.) seeds/plants/
budwood and any
other plant material
Tropical America (Area
extending 231/2 degrees North
land 231/2 degrees South of the
equator (Tropics of Capricorn
and Cancer) and includes
Due to incidence of destructive South
American Leaf Blight of Rubber
(Microcyclus ulei)
adjacent islands and longitude 30
degree West land 120 degrees
East including part of Mexico,
North of the Tropic of Cancer)
12. Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) Cuttings or setts of
Fiji, Papua New Guinea,
Australia, Philippines and
Due to incidence of destructive Fiji
13. Sweet potato (Ipomoea spp.) Stem (Vine)
cuttings rooted or
South Africa, East Africa, New
Zealand, Nigeria, USA,
Argentina and Israel.
Due to incidence of destructive pests
such as: Scab (Elsinoe batatas), Scurf
(Moniliochaetes infuscans), Foot rot
(Plenodomus destruens), Soil rot
(Streptomyces ipomoeae), Bacteria wilt
(Pseudomonas batatae), Sweet potato
viruses viz. Russet crack; feathery
mottle; internal cork; chlorotic leaf spot;
vein mosaic; mild mottle and yellow
dwarf, vein clearing; chlorotic stunt;
Sheffied’s virus A and B etc., Sweet
potato witches’ broom (phytoplasmas)
and seed bruchid (Mimosestes mimosae)
14 Yam (Dioscorea spp.) Tubers for planting
or propagation
West Africa and Caribbean
Due to incidence of destructive Yam
mosaic virus/ green banding virus
[See clause 3 (3)(6) and 10 and 11 (3)]
List of plants and plant materials restricted import only by authorized institutions with additional declarations and special conditions
Plant species/
Category of
plants & plant
Additional declarations
required to be incorporated
into PSC
Special conditions of
Authorized to
1. Banana, Plantain
and Abaca (Musa
(i) Rhizomes/
Freedom from:
(a) Moko wilt (Burkholderia
solanacearum Race-2)
(b) Black leaf streak
(Mycosphaerella fijiensis
var. difformis)
(c) Cameroon marbling
(d) Rhizome rot (Erwinia
chrysanthemi pv.
(e) Banana weevil (Hawaii)
(Cosmopolites pruinosus),
(f) Cane weevil (West Indies)
(Metamasius hemipterus),
(g) Banana weevil (East
African), (Temnoschoita
(i) Growing of imported
consignment under
post-entry quarantine
for a period of 9-12
(ii) Hot water treatment of
rhizomes at 54
C for
10 min before
Shall only be
imported by
Director, National
Research Center on
Banana, Tiruchi
(Tamil Nadu).
(ii) Tissue
cultured plants
Certified that the tissue culture
plants tested and found free from
viruses and phytoplasmas
affecting banana.
The above conditions
shall not apply.
imports subject to
prior approval of
2. Cassava or
tapioca (Manihot
(i) Stem Cuttings
Freedom from:
(a) Super elongation
(Sphaceloma manihoticola)
(i) Post-entry quarantine
for a period of one
Shall only be
imported by
Director, Central
(ii) Seeds
(iii) Tissue
(b) Bacterial leaf spot
campestris.pv. cassavae)
(c) Cassava bacterial blight
(Xanthomonas campestris
pv. manihotis) - American
(d) Cassava viruses (viz.
common mosaic, brown
streak, leaf vein mosaic, red
mottle and yellow vein
(e) Cassava witches’ broom
(f) Shoot fly (Carpolonchaea
(g) Mite (Mononychellus spp.)
(h) Thrip (Frankliniella
As stated above at (b) and (c)
Certified that the tissue cultured
plants tested and found virus-
(ii) Hot water dipping of
cuttings at 50
C for
30 min. before
The above conditions
shall not apply.
Same as above.
Tuber Crops
Research Institute,
Same as above.
Same as above.
3. Citrus spp.
(lemon, lime,
orange, grape
fruit, mandarins
etc.) and other
Rutaceous hosts
(i) Grafts/ Bud
Freedom from:
(a) Mal secco (Deuterophoma
(b) Stubborn or little leaf
(Spiroplasma citri)
(c) Cancrosis B (Xanthomonas
campestris pv. aurantifolii)
(d) Citrus tatter leaf (Capillo
Post-entry quarantine for
a period of one year.
Shall only be
imported by
Director, National
Research Centre on
Citrus, Nagpur,
(ii) Seeds for
(iii) Tissue
cultured plants
(e) Citrus witche’s broom
(f) Satsuma dwarf virus
(g) Sweet orange scab (Elsinoe
australis) and Tryon’s scab
(Sphaceloma fawcettii var.
(h) Citrus burrowing nematode
(Radopholus citrophilus)
(i) Florida red scale
(Chrysomphalus aonidium)
(j) Citrus bud mite (Eriophyes
(k) Citrus rust mite
(Phyllocoptruta oleivora)
As stated above at ©
Certified that the tissue-cultured
plants are obtained from mother-
stock indexed or tested and
maintained virus-free.
The above condition shall
not apply.
Same as above.
Same as above.
imports permitted
subject to prior
approval of DAC.
4. Cocoa
cacao) and
related species.
Freedom from
(a) Swollen shoot virus and
related strains
(b) Witches’ broom
Crinipellis ( Marasmius)
(c) Watery pod rot ( Monilia
(Moniliopthora) roreri)
(d) Mealy pod
Post-entry quarantine for
a period of one year
Shall only be
imported by the
Director, CPCRI,
Kasaragod, Kerala
(ii) Tissue-
cultured plants
(e) Mirids (Sahlbergia
singularis & Distantiella
(f) Cocoa moth
(g) Cocoa capsid
(h) Cocoa beetle
(Steirastoma brevi)
(i) seedling damping-off
(Phytophthora cactorum)
(j) Chestnut downy mildew
(Phytophthora katsurae)
(k) Black pod of cocoa
Certified that the tissue
cultured plants are produced
in vitro are obtained from
mother stock tested and
maintained free from cocoa
viruses by appropriate
authority at the country of
The above conditions
shall not apply
5. Coconut (Cocos
nucifera) &
related species of
Seed nuts/ Seed
Freedom from:
a) Palm lethal yellowing
(phytoplasma) and
related strains
b) Cadang cadang &
Tinangaja (viroid)
c) Lethal boll rot
(i) The Seed nuts shall be
fumigated with methyl
bromide @ 16 gm/cu m
for 12 hrs at 20 C under
NAP at the port of entry
or any other fumigant/
substance in the manner
Shall only be
imported by
Director, CPCRI,
Kasaragod, Kerala
(ii) Embryo-
(Marasmiellus coco
d) Red ring
cocophilus (palmarum)
e) South American Palm
weevil (Rhyncophorus
f) Leaf minor
(Promecotheca cumingi)
g) Palm kernel borer
(Pachymerus spp)
Certified that the embryo
cultures are obtained from seed
nuts collected from mother trees
tested and found free from
approved by Plant
Protection Adviser.
(ii) Post-entry quarantine
in offshore island facility
at Andaman & Nicobar
Islands for one
reproductive cycle or five
years period.
The above conditions
shall not apply.
Same as above.
6.. Coffee (Coffea
spp.) and related
species of
Seeds (beans)&
berries (freshly
harvested)/ Grafts
/ Bud wood /
Seedlings/ Rooted
Freedom from:
(a) American leaf spot (Mycena
citricolor, syn. Omphalia
(b) Coffee berry disease
(Colletotrichum coffeanum
var. virulens)
(c) Tracheomycosis (Gibberella
xylariodes, syn Fusarium
(d) Powdery rust (Hemeleia
(e) Halo blight (Pseudomonas
syringae pv. garcae)
(f) Leaf spot (Pseudomonas
Post entry quarantine for
oneyear period.
Shall only be
imported by the
Director, Central
Coffee Research
(ii) Tissue
cultured plants
(g) Phloem necrosis
(Phytomonas leptovasorum)
(h) Coffee viruses (coffee
ringspot, leaf rugosity, leaf
curl, leaf crinkle and mosaic
(i) Coffee berry borers
(Hypothenemus hampei,
Sophronica ventralis)
(j) Coffee thrips (Diarthrothrips
Certified that the tissue cultured
plants tested virus -free
The above condition shall
not apply.
Same as above.
7. Cotton
(Gossypium spp.)
Seeds for sowing
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Witches’ broom
(Collectotrichum gossypii
var. cephalosporioides)
(b) Bacterial blight
(Xanthomonas campestris
pv. malvacearum (African
(c) (Anthonomus grandis &
other Anthonomus spp.)
(d) Seed bruchids (Amblycerus
spp.,Megacerus spp.,
Spermophagus spp.)
(i) The seed shall be given
acid delinting treatment at
the country of origin prior
to shipment
(ii) The seed shall be
fumigated with suitable
fumigant at the country of
origin and treatment to be
endorsed on phytosanitary
Shall be imported
by Director, Central
Cotton Research
Institute, Nagpur,
8. Forest plant
(i) Chestnut
(Castanea spp.)
(i) Seeds/ Fruits/
Grafts and other
planting material
Freedom from:
Chestnut blight or canker
(Cryphonectria (Endothia)
Post-entry quarantine for
a period of one year.
Shall be imported
by Director, Forest
Research Institute,
parasitica)-American strain
Dehradun or any
other research
institute under
Indian Council of
Forestry Research
and Education.
(ii) Elm (Ulmus
(i) Seeds/Plants Freedom from:
(a) Dutch elm disease
(Ceratocystis ulmi) -
American and European
(b) Elm mottle virus,
(c) Elm bark beetles
(d) White -banded elm leaf
hopper (Scaphoidous
luteolus) -Vector of Elm
phloem necrosis
(e) Seed Bruchid (Bruchidius
(i) Post-entry quarantine
for a period of one year.
(ii) Fumigation of
planting material prior to
dispatch at the country of
origin and the treatment
shall be endorsed on the
phytosanitary certificate.
Shall be imported
by Director, Forest
Research Institute,
Dehradun or any
other research
institute under
Indian Council of
Forestry Research
and Education
(iii) Oak
(Quercus spp.)
(i) Seeds/ Plants
Freedom from:
(a) Oak wilt (Ceratocystis
(b) Oak bark beetles
(Pseudopityophthorus spp.)
(c) Seed Bruchids (Bruchidius
(i) Post-entry quarantine
for a period of one year
(ii) Fumigation of
planting material prior to
dispatch at the country of
origin and the treatment
shall be endorsed on the
phytosanitary certificate
Shall be imported
by Director, Forest
Research Institute,
Dehradun or any
other research
institute under
Indian Council of
Forestry Research
and Education
(iv) Pine (Pinus
spp.) and other
(i) Seeds/ Plants (i) Freedom from:
(a) Pine rusts (Stalactiform
blister rust(Cronartium
coleosporioides), Comandra
(h) Post-entry quarantine
for a period of one
Shall be imported
by Director, Forest
Research Institute,
Dehradun or any
blister rust (C. comandrae),
sweet fern blister rust (C.
comptoniae); Southern
fusiform rust (C. fusiforme))
(b) Western gall rust
(Endocronartium harknessii)
(c) Brown spot needle blight
(Mycosphaerella dearnesii,
syn. Scirrhia acicola)
(d) Seedling die-back and pitch
canker (Fusarium
moniliforme f.sp.
(e) Needle cast (Lophodermium
(f) Pine wood nematode
(g) Seed chalcid (Eurytoma
(h) Seed Bruchids (Bruchidius
(ii) Fumigation of
planting material prior to
dispatch at the country of
origin and the treatment
shall be endorsed on the
phytosanitary certificate.
other research
institute under
Indian Council of
Forestry Research
and Education
(v) Poplar
Populus spp.)
(i) Stem cuttings/
Freedom from:
(a) Hypoxylon canker
(Hypoxylon mammatum)
(b) Poplar rust (Melampsora
(c) Septoria canker of poplar
(Mycosphaerella populorum,
syn. Septoria musiva)
(d) Gummosis (Euitypa
(e) Poplar mosaic virus
Post-entry quarantine for
a period of one year.
Shall be imported
by Director, Forest
Research Institute,
Dehradun or any
other research
institute under
Indian Council of
Forestry Research
and Education
(vi) Walnut
(Juglans spp.
(i) Seeds (nuts)/
Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial blight
(Xanthomonas juglandis)
(b) Bark canker (Erwinia
(c) Gummosis (Euitypa
(d) Codling moth (Carpocapsa
Post-entry quarantine for
a period of one year
Shall be imported
by Director, Forest
Research Institute,
Dehradun or any
other research
institute under
Indian Council of
Forestry Research
and Education.
9. Groundnut
(Arachis spp.)
Seeds/ Stem
Free from
(a) Scab (Sphaceloma arachidis)
(b) Bacterial wilt (Burkholderia
solanacearum) (African
(c) Peanut stripe virus
(d) Peanut stunt virus
(e) Tobacco streak virus
(f) Seed Bruchid (Stator
(g) Testa Nematode
(Aphelenchoides arachidis)
(i) Post-entry quarantine
for a period of 6
(ii) Permitted to import
only as decorticated
Shall only be
imported by
Director National
Research Center on
Junagadh, Gujarat
State and Director
International Crops
Research Institute
for Semi-Aried
Patancheru, Andhra
Pradesh State.
10. Potato (Solanum
tuberosum) and
other tuber
bearing species of
(i) Tubers and
other planting
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Potato tuber nematode
(Ditylenchus destructor)
(b) Stem and bulb nematode
(Ditylenchus dipsaci )
(c) Potato cyst nematodes
[Globodera (Heterodera)
rostochiensis & Globodera
(d) Gangrene (Phoma exigua
var. foveata)
Post-entry quarantine for
a period of two growth
Shall only be
imported by
Director, Central
Potato Research
Institute, Simla,
Himachal Pradesh.
(e) Potato wart (Synchytrium
(f) Potato smut [Thecaphora
(Angiosorus) solani]
(g) Bacterial ring rot
(Clavibacter michiganensis
subsp. sepedonicus)
(h) Potato purple-top wilt &
stolbur phytoplasmas
(i) Potato viruses viz. Andean
potato latent, Andean potato
mottle, Arracacha B virus,
Potato deforming mosaic,
Potato T (capillo virus),
Potato yellow dwarf, Potato
yellow vein, Potato calico
strain of Tobacco ring spot
virus, Potato strain of
Tobacco streak virus
(j) Colarado potato beetle
(Leptinotarsa decemlineata)
(k) Andean potato weevil
(Premnotrypes spp.)
(ii) True
seed/micro tubers
(in vitro) of
cultured plants
The true seed/micro-tubers (in
vitro) of potato are obtained
from plants tested and certified
free from viruses and viroids of
potato and other tuber bearing
Solanaceous plant species.
The above condition shall
not apply.
Same as above. The
commercial import
subject to the
approval of DAC
and subject to the
conditions specified
there of.
11. Rice (Oryza
(i) Seeds for
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Granary weevil
(Sitophilus granarius)
(b) White tip nematode
(Aphelenchoides besseyi)
(c) Leaf streak
(Pseudomonas avenae)
(d) Sheath brown rot
(e) Seedling rot
(Pseudomonas glumae)
(f) Bacterial halo blight
(Pseudomonas syringae
pv. oryzae
Seed soaking overnight
and hot water treatment at
52 deg C for 10 min.
Shall only be
imported by
Director, NBPGR,
Directorate of Rice
12. Rubber (Hevea
Seed/ Saplings/
Bud wood.
(i) Freedom from:
(a) South American leaf blight
(SALB) (Microcyclus ulei
syn. Dothidella ulei)
(b) Shot hole borer (Xyleborus
(i) Post-entry quarantine
for a period of one year.
(ii) The consignment of
seed and other planting
material shall be treated
with suitable systemic
fungicide prior to dispatch
of the consignment at the
country of origin and the
treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
Shall only be
permitted import by
the Director,
Rubber Institute,
Kottayam, (Kerala).
13. Sugarcane
(Saccharum spp.)
(i) Cuttings of
setts for planting
Freedom from:
(a) Fiji virus of sugarcane
(b) Gummosis (Xanthomonas
(c) Sugarcane white leaf
(d) Sereh
(i) Growing of
consignment under
post-entry quarantine
for a period of one
(ii) Hot water treatment of
dormant sets at 52
Shall only be
imported by
Director, Sugarcane
Breeding Institute,
Coimbatore (Tamil
(e) Sugarcane downy mildew
(f) Mottled stripe (Pseudomonas
(g) Sugarcane viruses viz.
bacilliform, mild mosaic,
mosaic & streak
(h) American sugarcane borer
(Diatraea saccharalis)
for 20 min. followed
by dipping in systemic
fungicide solutions
viz. Benlate at 0.2%
just prior to planting.
(iii) All packages and
packing material shall
be disposed off by
(ii) True seed or
As stated above at (b) and (e) (iv) Hot water treatment
of fuzz at 58
C for 5
min. in water with 50
ppm Tween-20 followed
by a short dip in a 10 ppm
solution of suitable
fungicide just before
As above
(iii) Tissue
cultured plants
Certified that the tissue cultured
plants tested and found virus-
The above conditions (i)
to (iv) shall not apply
As above.
14. Sweet potato
(Ipomoea spp.)
(i) Stem (vine)
cuttings rooted or
un-rooted/ tubers
Freedom from:
(a) Scab (Elsinoe batatas)
(b) Scurf (Moniliochaetes
(c) Foot rot (Plenodomus
(d) Soil rot (Streptomyces
(e) Bacteria wilt (Pseudomonas
(f) Sweet potato viruses viz.
Russet crack; feathery
mottle; internal cork;
(i) Post-entry quarantine
for one growth season.
(ii) Freedom from soil.
Shall only be
imported by
Director, Central
Tuber Crops
Research Institute,
chlorotic leaf spot; vein
mosaic; mild mottle and
yellow dwarf, vein clearing;
chlorotic stunt; Sheffied’s
virus A and B etc.
(g) Sweet potato witches’ broom
(h) Seed bruchid (Mimosestes
(ii) True seed/
Certified that the true seed /
tissue-cultured plants are
obtained from mother stock
indexed or tested and maintained
free from viruses and viroids of
potato and other tuber bearing
Solanaceous plant species.
The above conditions
shall not apply.
Same as above.
15. Tobacco
(Nicotiana spp.)
(i) Seed for
Freedom from:
(a) Blue mould (Peronospora
(b) Broomrape (Orobanche
(c) Tobacco cyst nematode
(Heterodera tabacum)
Post-entry consignment
for a period of one growth
Shall be imported
by Central Tobacco
Research Institute,
Rajahmundry (AP)
16. Wheat
(Triticum spp.)
(i) Seeds for
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Dwarf bunt (Tilletia
(b) Ergot (Claviceps purpurea)
(c) Spike rot (Pseudomonas
(d) Granary weevil (Sitophilus
Post-entry quarantine for
one growth season.
Shall only be
imported by the
Director, National
Bureau of Plant
Genetic Resources,
New Delhi.
17. Yam (Dioscorea
(i) Tubers for
planting or
(i)Freedom from:
(a) Yam mosaic virus/ green
(i) Growing of
consignment under post-
Shall only be
imported by
propagation banding virus
(b) Crown gall ( Agrobacterium
(c) Weevil (Palaeopus spp.)
entry quarantine for one
growth season.
(ii) Hot water treatment of
tubers at 52oC for 30
minutes followed by
chemical dip in
fensulphathion at 0.125%
for 10-15 min. before
Director, Central
Tuber Crops
Research Institute,
(ii) Tissue
cultured plants
(ii) Certified that the tissue
cultured plants produced from
virus-free mother stock.
The above conditions
shall not apply.
Same as above.
[See Clause 3 (3) (6), 10 and 11 (3)]
List of plants/plant materials permitted import with additional declarations and special conditions
Plant species Category of plant
Additional declarations required to be
incorporated into Phytosanitary Certificate
Special conditions of import
1. Allium species
(onion, garlic,
leek, shallot,
(i) Seeds/bulbs for
sowing or planting
Freedom from:
(a) Smut (Urocystis cepulae)
(b) Slippery skin (Pseudomonas cepacia)
(c) Marginal necrosis (Pseudomonas
marginalis pv. marginalis)
(d) Pod and stem blight (Phomopsis
(e) Onion yellow dwarf virus - poty virus
(f) Stem and bulbs nematode (Ditylenchus
(g) Onion maggot (Hylemia antiqua)
Freedom from soil.
(ii) Bulbs for
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Smut (Urocystis cepulae)
(b) Stem bulb nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci)
(c) Onion maggot (Hylemia antiqua)
Fumigation by methyl bromide
@ 16 gms/cu.m for 12hrs at 28
C and above under NAP and
the treatment shall be endorsed
on phytosanitary certificate or
by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.
2. Anthurium
spp.) & other
(i) Cuttings/saplings
for planting
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis
pv. dieffenbachiae)
(b) Dasheen mosaic virus
Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 45-60 days.
(ii) Tissue cultured
(ii) Certified that the tissue cultured plants
produced from stock tested and maintained
The above conditions shall not
(iii) Cut flowers
(Anthrium spp.)
Freedom from:
Bacterial blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.
Same as above.
3. Barley
(Hordeum spp.)
(i) Seeds for sowing
(ii) Grains for
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Glume rot (Pseudomonas syringe pv.
(b) Barley viruses viz. Stripe mosaic
(Hordeivirus), yellow dwarf (Luteovirus),
yellow mosaic (Bymovirus), yellow striate
mosaic (Cytorhabdovirus)
(c) Ergot (Claviceps purpurea)
(d) Granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius)
(ii) As at © and (d) above
(i) Commercial import of seed
for sowing subject to prior
approval of DAC.
(ii) Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 32 gm/cu. m at @
28 C and above under NAP
and the treatment to be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.
4. Beans (Vigna
(i) Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
(a) Scab (Elsinoe phaseoli)
(b) Downy mildew of lima bean
(Phytophthora phaseoli)
(c) Pod and stem blight (Phomopsis
(d) Bacterial wilt (Curtobacterium
flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens)
(e) Faba bean necrotic yellows virus
(f) Bean bruchid (Acanthoscelides obtectus)
(ii) Seeds for
consumption or
Freedom from:
Bean bruchid (Acanthoscelides obtectus)
Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @32 gm/cu m for 24
hrs at 28 C and above under
NAP and the treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.
5. Beet Root (Beta
Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
(a) Downy mildew (Peronospora farinosa)
(b) Silvering disease (Curtobacterium
flaccumfaciens pv. betae)
(c) Bacterial blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv.
(d) Beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtti)
(e) Beetroot rust (Uromyces spp.)
(f) Beet yellows necrotic virus (rhizomania).
Freedom from soil.
6. Berseem
alexandrium) &
Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
(a) Northern anthracnose (Kabatiella
(b) Stem and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus
(c) Black stem, leaf spot (Phoma medicaginis
var. pinodella)
(d) Sclerotinia wilt (Sclerotinia trifoliorum)
(i) Commercial import subject
to prior approval of DAC.
(ii) Freedom from soil.
7. Broad bean
(Vicia faba) &
Vetches (V.
(i) Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
(a) Leaf & pod spot (Ascochyta fabae)
(b) Soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera
(c) Stem and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus
(d) Broad bean viruses viz. mottle, necrosis,
strain (Comovirus), true mosaic, wilt virus
l & 2 (Fabavirus)
(ii) Seeds for
consumption or
Freedom from:
(a) Stem & bulb nematode (Ditylenchus
(b) Soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera
Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 32 gm/cu. m at @
28 C and above under NAP
and the treatment to be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.
8. Cacti Plants for propagation Freedom from:
(a) Cactus cyst nematode (Cactodera cactii)
(b) Cactus virus X. & 2 (Carlavirus)
(i) The plants shall be grown in
post-entry quarantine facility
for a period of 45-60 days.
(ii) Freedom from soil.
9. Carnation
(Dianthus spp)
(i) Cuttings/Saplings
for sowing/
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial wilt and stem cracking
(Burkholderia caryophilli)
(b) Slow wilt (Erwinia chrysanthemi pv.
(c) Rust (Uromyces dianthi)
(d) Smut (Sorosporium spaonariae)
(e) Downy mildew (Peronospora dianthi, P.
(f) Carnation viruses viz. Cryptic virus 1 & 2,
Post-entry quarantine facility
for a period of 45-60 days.
(ii) Seeds/ Cut flowers
Italian ring spot, latent, mottle, necrotic,
stunt, yellow stripe.
As above at ©, (d) and (e).
Above conditions shall not
(ii) Tissue cultured
Certified that the tissue-cultured plants
obtained from mother stock tested and
maintained free from all viruses affecting
The above conditions shall not
10. Carrot (Daucus
Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial blight (Xanthomonas hortorum
pv. carotae)
(b) Carrot viruses (mottle dwarf, red leaf &
yellow leaf).
11. Chicory &
Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial blight (Pseudomonas cichorii)
(b) Bidens mottle virus,
(c) Chicory yellow mottle virus
(d) Anthracnose (Marssonina panottoniana)
Commercial import subject to
prior approval of DAC.
12. Chrysanthemu
m spp.)
(i) Cuttings (rooted/
un-rooted) for
Freedom from:
(a) Fasciation (Rhodococcus fascians)
(b) Foliar nematodes (Aphelenchoides
fragariae, A. ritzemabosi)
(c) Stem and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus
(d) South American leaf miner (Liriomyza
(e) Burdock leaf miner (Amauromyza
(f) White rust (Puccinia horiana)
(g) Ray blight & stem canker (Didymella
(i) Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 45-60 days.
(ii) Free from soil
ligulicoa, syn. Ascochyta chrysanthemi)
(h) Chrysanthemum viruses viz. chlorotic
mottle, stunt, vein chlorosis, virus B.
(ii) Tissue-cultured
Certified that the tissue-cultured plants
obtained from mother stock tested and
maintained free from all viruses as stated
above at (h).
The above conditions shall not
13. Citrus spp
(lemon, lime,
mandarins, etc.
and other
Fresh fruits for
Country specific
(i) Australia
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Bactrocera aquilonis
(c) Bactrocera jarvisi
(d) Bactrocera neohumeralis
(e) Bactrocera tryoni (Queensland fruit fly)
(f) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(g) Epiphyas postvittana (light brown apple
(h) Guignardia citricarpa (citrus black spot)
(i) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(j) Unaspis citri (citrus snow scale)
(ii) Canada
(a) Metcalfa pruinosa (frosted moth bug)
(b) Pseudococcus comstocki (Comstock
(c) Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi (Jack
Beardsley mealybug)
(iii) Chile
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(c) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(d) Selenaspidus articulatus (West Indian red
(e) Unaspis citri (citrus snow scale)
(iv) China
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Bactrocera tsuneonis (Japanese orange fly)
(c) Ceroplastes japonicus (tortoise wax scale)
(d) Guignardia citricarpa (citrus black spot)
(e) Oraesia excavata (fruit piercing moth)
(f) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(g) Pseudococcus comstocki (Comstock
(h) Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi (Jack
Beardsley mealybug)
(i) Unaspis citri (Citrus snow scale)
(j) Unaspis yanonensis (arrowhead scale)
(v) France
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(c) Ceroplastes japonicus (tortoise wax scale)
(d) Metcalfa pruinosa (frosted moth)
(e) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(f) Unaspis yanonensis (arrowhead scale)
(vi) Iran
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(vii) Italy
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(c) Ceroplastes japonicus (tortoise wax scale)
(d) Metcalfa pruinosa (frosted moth bug)
(e) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(viii) New Zealand
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Epiphyas postvittana (light brown apple
(c) Guignardia citricarpa (citrus black spot)
(d) Panonychus citri (citrus red mite)
(e) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(f) Unaspis citri (citrus snow scale)
(ix) South Africa
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(c) Ceratitis rosa (Natal fruitfly)
(d) Cryptophlebia leucotreta (false codling
(e) Guignardia citricarpa (citrus black spot)
(f) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(x) USA
(a) Anastrepha fraterculus (South American
(b) Anastrepha ludens (Mexican fruit fly)
(c) Anastrepha serpentina (sapodilla fruit fly)
(d) Anastrepha striata (guava fruit fly)
(e) Anastrepha suspensa (caribbean fruit fly)
(f) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(g) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(h) Epiphyas postvittana (light brown apple
(i) Metcalfa pruinosa (frosted moth bug)
(j) Panonychus citri (citrus red mite)
(k) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(l) Pseudococcus comstocki (Comstock
(m) Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi (Jack
Beardsley mealybug)
(n) Selenaspidus articulatus (West Indian red
(o) Unaspis citri (citrus snow scale)
14. Cocoa
Beans (fermented &
dried) for processing
or industrial use
Freedom from:
(a) Chocolate moth (Ephestia elutella)
(b) Mediterranean flour moth (Ephestia
(c) Tropical nut borer (Hypothenemus
(d) Black pod of cocoa (Phytophthora
(e) Chestnut downy mildew (Phytophthora
The consignment shall be
fumigated with Methyl
bromide @ 16g/m3 for 24 h at
C and above at NAP and
the treatment shall be endorsed
on phytosanitary certificate or
by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.
15. Chick Pea
(i) Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
Pod & stem blight (Phomopsis longicolla)
Commercial import of seeds
for sowing subject to prior
approval of Department of
Agriculture & Cooperation.
(ii) Seeds for
Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 32 gm/cu. m at @
C and above under NAP
and the treatment to be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.
16. Coffee (Coffea
spp.) and
related species
of Rubiaceae
Coffee beans for
consumption or
Freedom from:
Coffee Berry Borers (Hypothenemus hampei,
Sophranica ventralis).
Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 32 gm/cu. m at @
C and above under NAP
and the treatment to be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.
17. Cotton
Raw cotton bales for
industrial use.
(g) Freedom from:
Cotton boll weevils (Anthonomus grandis, A.
peninsularis and A. vestitus)
Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 24 gm/cu. m for 24
h at 28
C and above under
NAP at the port of entry or by
any other fumigant/substance
in the manner approved by the
Plant Protection Adviser.
18. Cowpea (Vigna (i) Seed for sowing Freedom from: Commercial import of seeds
spp.) (a) Bruchids (Bruchidium spp., Stator spp.)
(b) Cowpea seed-borne viruses (bromo virus,
poty virus, comovirus, carmovirus)
for sowing subject to prior
approval of Department of
Agriculture & Cooperation.
(ii) Seed for
Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 32 gm/cu. m at 28
C and above under NAP and
the treatment to be endorsed on
phytosanitary certificate or by
any other fumigant/substance
in the manner approved by the
Plant Protection Adviser.
19. Cucumber
sativus) &
related species
Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
(a) Angular leaf spot (Pseudomonas syringae
pv. lachrymans)
(b) Fusarial wilts (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.
cucumerinum, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.
(c) Black spot (Phomopsis sclerotoides)
(d) Septoria leaf spot (Septoria cucurbitarum)
(e) Cucumber seed-borne viruses viz. yellow,
necrotic stunt, soil-borne mosaic, leaf spot,
green mottle mosaic, cryptic virus.
20. Date palm
(h) Suckers for
Freedom from:
(a) Bayood (Fusarium oysporum f.sp.
(b) Palm lethal yellowing (Phytoplasmas)
(c) Texas root rot (Phymatotrichum
(d) American palm weevil (Rhyncophorus
(i) Commercial import subject
to prior approval of
Department of Agriculture
& Cooperation.
(ii) Post-entry quarantine for a
period of one year.
(ii) Tissue cultured
plants for propagation
(iii) Fresh/dry fruits
for consumption
Freedom from:
Palm kernel borer (Pachymerus lacerdae)
The above condition at (ii)
shall not be applicable.
Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 16 gm/cu m for 24
hrs at 28
C and above under
NAP and the treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.
21. Flower bulbs:
(a) Dahlia spp.
Tubers for planting or
Freedom from:
Dahlia mosaic & other viruses affecting Dhalia
(i) Post-entry quarantine for
one growth season.
(ii) Freedom from soil
(b) Calla lilly
(i) Corms for
propagation or
(ii) Tissue-cultured
Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial leaf spot (Xanthomonas
campestris pv. zantedeschiae)
(b) Zantadeschia mosaic virus
Certified that tissue-cultured plants tested and
found free from Zantadeschia mosaic virus.
Same as above.
The above conditions shall not
(c) Gladiolus
Corms/ Corm lets for
planting or
Freedom from:
(a)Smut (Urocystis gladiolicola)
(b)Rusts (Uromyces gladioli & U.
(c) Corm rot (F. oxysporum f.sp. gladioli)
(d) Hard rot (Septoria gladioli)
(e) Scab & neck rot (Burkholderia marginalis)
(e) Base rot (Burkholderia gladioli pv.
Same as above
(d) Heliconia
Rhizomes for
Freedom from:
(a) Moko wilt (Burkholderia solanacearum
Race 2)
Same as above.
(e) Hyacinthus
Bulbs for propagation
or planting
Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial blight or yellow slime
(Xanthomonas hyacinthi)
(b) Hyacinth mosaic virus (Poty virus)
(c) Stem & bulb nematode (Ditylenchus
Same as above.
(f) Iris spp.
(bulbous and
(i) Bulbs/ rhizomes for
planting or
Freedom from:
(a) Fusarial rot (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.
(b) Stem and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus
(c) Sclerotinia rot (Sclerotinia bulborum)
(d) Iris virus (Potyvirus)
Same as above.
(g) Lilly
(Lillium spp.)
(j) Bulbs for planting
(ii) Tissue-cultured
Freedom from:
(a) Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.
(b) Anthracnose (Colletotrichum lilii)
© Bacterial leaf spot (Burkholderia gladioli
pv. gladioli)
(d) Lilly viruses (lilly rosette, lilly symptom
less, tulip breaking and lilly curl stripe)
Certified that tissue-cultured plants are tested
and found virus-free.
Same as above.
The above condition shall not
(h) Narcissus Bulbs for planting Freedom from: (i) Post-entry quarantine for
(Narcissus spp.) (a) Basal rot (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
(b) Stem and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus
© Narcissus fire (Botryotinia polyblastis)
(e) Leaf scorch (Stagnospora curtissi)
(f) Narcissus bulb flies (Merodona equesteris,
Eumerus strigatus & E, tubuculatus)
(g) Narcissus viruses
one growth season
(iv) Freedom from soil
(v) Hot-water treatment of
bulbs at 48.9
C for 30 min
followed by suitable
fungicidal treatment and
the treatment shall be
endorsed on the
phytosanitary certificate.
(h) Tulipa spp. Bulbs for planting or
Freedom from:
(a) Bulb and stem nematode (Ditylenchus
(b) Yellow pustule & hellfire (Curtobacterium
flaccumfaciens pv. oortii)
(c) Tulipa viruses viz. band breaking, chlorotic
blotch, virus x and other seed borne viruses.
Same as above.
(j) Ornamental
Rhizomes for
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Leaf blight ((Xanthomonas campestris pv.
(i) Post-entry quarantine for
one growth season.
(ii) Freedom from soil.
22. Grapevine
(Vitis spp.)
Rooted stock/ Bud
wood (Stem cuttings)
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Grapevine Phylloxera or vine louse (Viteus
vitifoliae, syn. Daktulosphaira vitifoliae)
(b) Rust (Phakopsora vitis)
(c) Dead arm (Cryptosporella viticola syn.
Phomopsis viticola)
(d) Cown gall (Agrobacterium vitis)
(e) Gummosis (Pantoea agglomerans)
(f) Hairy root (Agrobacterium rhizogenes)
(g) Pierce’s disease (Xylella fastidiosa)
(h) Bacterial necrosis (Xylophilus ampelinus)
(i) Grapevine viruses: Luteovirus, Nepovirus,
Closterovirus, Trichovirus, Potyvirus.
(j) Post-entry quarantine for a
period of one year.
(ii) Commercial imports
subject to prior approval of
Department of Agriculture &
Grape Fresh fruits for
Country specific Quarantine pests:
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Bactrocera tryoni (Queensland fruit fly)
(c) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(d) Epiphyas postvittana (light brown apple
(e) Frankliniella occidentalis (Westeran
flower thrips)
(f) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet mealy
(a) Frankliniella occidentalis (Westeran
flower thrips)
(b) Peridroma saucia (pearly underwing moth)
(c) Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm)
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(c) Frankliniella occidentalis (western flower
(d) Peridroma saucia (pearly underwing moth)
(e) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(f) Selenaspidus articulatus (West Indian red
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Peridroma saucia (pearly underwing moth)
(c) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(c) Frankliniella occidentalis (Western flower
(d) Peridroma saucia (pearly underwing moth)
(e) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(vi) Iran
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(vii) Italy
(a) Arabic mosaic virus (hop barebine)
(b) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(c) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(d) Frankliniella occidentalis (Western flower
(e) Peridroma saucia (pearly underwing moth)
(f) Phytonemus pallidus (strawberry mite)
(g) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(viii) New Zealand
(a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(b) Calepitrimerus vitis (mite, grape leaf rust)
(c) Epiphyas postvittana (light brown apple
(d) Frankliniella occidentalis (Western flower
(e) Panonychus citri (citrus red mite)
(f) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(g) Pseudococcus longispinus (long-tailed
(ix) South Africa
(a) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(b) Ceratitis rosa (Natal fruitfly)
(c) Frankliniella occidentalis (western flower
(d) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(e) Scirtothrips aurantii (South African citrus
(x) U.S.A.
(a) Anastrepha fraterculus (South American
fruit fly)
(b) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale)
(c) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruitfly)
(d) Epiphyas postvittana (light brown apple
(e) Frankliniella occidentalis (Western flower
(f) Panonychus citri (citrus red mite)
(g) Peridroma saucia (pearly underwing moth)
(h) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(i) Seelaspidus articulatus (West Indies red
(ii) Raisins (dried
grapes) for
Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 16 gms /cu. m for
24 hrs at 28
C and above at
NAP and treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.for this
23. Hops (Humulus
(i) Cuttings (rooted/
Freedom from:
(a) Downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora
(b) Hops cyst nematode (Heterodera humuli)
(c) Hop viruses
(i) Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 6 months.
(ii) Freedom from soil.
(ii) Dried flower cones
(hops) in bales
for industrial
As above at (b). Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 16 gms /cu. m for
24 hrs at 28
C and above at
NAP and treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.
24. Lucerne or Alfa
alfa (Medicago
Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
(a) Yellow leaf blotch (Pyrenopeziza
(b) Sclerotinia wilt (Sclerotinia trifoliorum)
(c) Bacterial wilt (Corynebacterium
Commercial import subject to
prior approval of Department
of Agriculture & Cooperation.
michiganense pv. insidiosum)
(d) Alfalfa cryptic virus, alfalfa mosaic virus.
25. Maize (Corn)
(Zea mays)
(i) Seeds for sowing. Freedom from:
(a) Stewart’s wilt (Pantoea stewartii sub sp.
(b) Nebraska wilt (Clavibacter michiganensis
sub sp. nebraskensis)
(c) Southern corn blight (Drechslera maydis
Race T)
(d) Ergot (Claviceps gigantea)
(e) Tropical rust (Physopella zeae)
(f) Anthracnose (Kabatiella zeae)
(g) Larger grain borer (Prostophonus
(h) Maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais)
(i) Maize viruses
(i) Commercial import shall be
subject to prior approval of
Department of Agriculture &
(ii) Grain for
consumption or
Freedom from:
(a) Ergot (Claviceps gigantea)
b) Larger grain borer (Prostophonus
© Maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais)
(i) The above condition shall
not apply.
(ii) Fumigation with methyl
bromide @ 32g/cu. m for 24
hrs., at 28
C and above under
NAP and the treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.
Oil palm (Elaeis
guineensis) and
related species
(i) Seeds/ Pollen/ Seed
(i) Freedom from
(a) Vascular wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.
(b) Freckle (Cercospora elaedis)
(c) Red ring (Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus)
(i)Commercial import of seeds
(nuts) /seed sprouts subject to
prior approval of Department
of Agriculture & Cooperation.
and its vector Rhyncophorus palmarum
(d) Lethal bud rot or sudden wilt [Marchites
sorpresiva (phytoplasmas)]
(e) Fatal wilt or hart rot (Phytomonas staheli)
(f) Leaf mottle virus
(g) Cadang cadang and related viroids
(h) Palm kernel borer (Caryobruchus spp. and
Pachymerus spp.)
(ii) Consignment will be grown
under post-entry quarantine for
a period of 10-12 months.
27. Orchids:
Vanda, Vanila
(i) Saplings
(ii) Tissue-cultured
Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial leaf spots (Burkholderia gladioli
pv. gladioli & Erwinia chrysanthemi)
(b) Blossom blights (Colletotrichum coccodes
& Phyllostica capitalensis)
© Orchid viruses such as cymbidium mosaic,
vanilla mosaic & necrosis, Odontoglosum ring
spot and orchid fleck etc.
Certified that the tissue-cultured plants are
obtained from mother stock tested and
maintained virus-free.
Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 45-60 days.
The above condition shall not
28. Ornamental
Palm species:
a, Carypha,
Seeds/ Seed sprouts (i) Freedom from:
(a) Bactrial blight (Acidovorax avenae sub sp.
avenae)- For Carypha spp only
(b) Mosaic (Poty virus)- For Washingtonia spp
© Red ring nematode (Rhadinaphelenchus
(ii) Certified that the seeds/seed sprouts
collected from mother palms free from Cadang
Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 10-12 months.
Sabal, Syogrus,
cadang (viroids)
29. Pea (Pisum spp) (i) Seeds for sowing
Freedom from:
(a) Pod and stem blight (Phomopsis logicolla)
(b) Stem and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus
(c) Pea cyst nematode (Heterodera
(d) Bruchids (Bruchidius spp. Specularis
(e) Pea viruses viz. early-browning, enation
mosaic, green mottle, mild mosaic, seed-borne
mosaic (Potyvirus)
(j) Freedom from soil.
(ii) Seed shall be appropriately
treated with suitable
fungicide and treatment
shall be endorsed on the
phytosanitary certificate.
(ii) Seeds for
consumption or
As above at (b), (c) and (d). Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 32 gm/cu. m at @
28 C and above under NAP
and the treatment to be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.for this
30. Pelargonium
Saplings for planting
or propagation
Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial spot (Xanthomonas campestris
pv. pellargonii)
(b) Pelargonium viruses viz. flower break
virus, leaf curl virus, vein clearing virus
and zonate spot virus.
Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 45-60 days.
31. Pepper/ Chillies Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
(Capscium spp.)
(a) Bacterial scab (Xanthomonas campestris
pv. vesicatoria)
(b) Pepper viruses viz. mild mosaic, mild
mottle, ring spot, severe mosaic and veinal
32. Pome Fruits:
(Apple, Pear
(Pyrus spp.)
(Cydonia spp.)
and Nectarine
(i) Cuttings/ Saplings/
Bud wood for planting
or propagation
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Fire blight (Erwinia amylovora)
(b) Crown gall (Agrobacterium tumefaciens)
(c) Hairy root (A.. rhizogenes)
(d) Apple and pear rusts (Gymnosporangium
spp) non asiatic
(e) Apple chlorotic leaf spot, apple mosaic,
apple scar skin, apple stem grooving
(f) Seed chalcid (Megastigmus
(g) Viruses/phytoplasmas affecting Pomidae.
(i) Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 1-2 years.
(ii) Commercial imports
subject to prior approval of
Department of Agriculture
& Cooperation (Ministry of
(ii) Tissue cultured
Certified that the planting material is obtained
from mother stock indexed/tested and
maintained free from viruses and phytoplasmas
affecting Pomidae.
The above condition at (i) shall
not apply.
. Pome fruits
(Apple, Pear
Fresh fruits for
Country specific Quarantine Pests
(i) Australia
(a) Bactrocera tryoni
(Queensland fruit fly)
(b) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(c) Cydia pomonella (codling moth)
(d) Epiphyas postvittana (light brown apple
(e) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(ii) Canada
(a) Cydia molesta (oriental fruit moth)
(b) Erwinia amylovora (fireblight)
(c) Pandemis heparana (apple brown tortrix)
(d) Peridroma saucia (pearly under wing
(e) Pseudococcus comstocki (Comstock mealy
(f) Rhagoletis pomonella (apple maggot)
(iii) Chile
(a) Ceratitis capitata
(Mediterranean fruit fly)
(iv) China
(a) Adoxophyes orana (summer fruit tortrix)
(b) Cydia funebrana (red plum maggot)
(c) Cydia inopinata (Manchurian fruitmoth)
(d) Cydia molesta (Oriental fruit moth)
(e) Cydia pomenalla (Codling moth)
(f) Pandemis cerasana (Common twist moth)
(g) Pandemis heparana (apple brown tortrix)
(h) Peridroma saucia (Pearly underwing moth)
(v) France
(a) Adoxophyes orana (summer fruit tortrix)
(b) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(c) Cydia funebrana (red plum maggot)
(d) Cydia molesta (oriental fruit moth)
(e) Cydia pomonella (codling moth)
(f) Erwinia amylovora (fire blight)
(g) Pandemis heparana (apple browntortrix)
(h) Peridroma saucia (pearly underwing moth)
(i) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet
(vi) Iran
(a) Cydia pomonella (codling moth)
(vii) New Zealand
(a) Cydia molesta (oriental fruit moth)
(b) Cydia pomonella (Codling moth)
(c) Epiphyas postvittana (light brown apple
(d) Erwinia amylovora (fire blight)
(e) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet mealy
(viii) South Africa
(a) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(b) Ceratitis rosa (Natal fruit fly)
(c) Cydia molesta (Oriental fruit moth)
(d) Cydia pomenella (Codling moth)
(e) Erwinia amylovora (fire blight)
(f) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet mealy
(ix) U.S.A.
(a) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(b) Cydia pomonella (codling moth)
(c) Epiphyas postvittana (light brown apple
(d) Erwinia amylovora (firteblight)
(e) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet mealy
(f) Pseudococcus comstocki (Comstock mealy
(g) Rhagoletis omonella (apple maggot)
(x) Italy
(a) Adoxophyes orana (summer fruit tortrix)
(b) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly)
(c) Cydia funebrana (red plum maggot)
(d) Cydia molesta (oriental fruit moth)
(e) Erwinia amylovora (fireblight)
(f) Pandemis cerasana (common twist moth)
(g) Pandemis heparana (apple brown tortrix)
(h) Peridroma saucia (pearly underwing
(i) Pseudococcus calceolariae (scarlet mealy
33. Rape/Mustard
(Brassica spp)
(i) Seeds for sowing
(ii) Seeds for
Freedom from:
(a) Light leaf spot (Gloeosporium
(b) Raphanus leaf spot (Xanthomonas
campestris pv. raphanai)
(c) Bacterial leaf spot (Pseudomonas syringae
pv. maculicola)
Commercial import of seeds
for sowing subject to prior
approval of Department of
Agriculture & cooperation.
consumption (j) The above condition shall
not apply.
(ii) Devitalization of seed just
prior to export and the
treatment to be endorsed on
phytosanitary certificate
34. Rice (Oryza
(ii) Grain for
Freedom from:
(a) Granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius)
Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 32 gm/cu. m at @
28 C and above under NAP
and the treatment to be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser.for this
35. Rose (Rosa
Rooted cuttings/
Grafts/ Bud
wood/Saplings for
Freedom from:
(a) Crown gall (Agrobacterium tumefaciens)
(b) Hairy root (A. rhizogenes)
(c) Brand canker (Coniothyrium wernsdorfiae)
(d) Brown canker (Cryptosporella umbrina)
(e) Downy mildew (Peronospora sparsa)
(f) Rust (Phragmidium spp.)
(g) Rose streak virus
(h) Rose wilt virus
(i) Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 18 months and
buddings for 90 days.
(ii) Freedom from soil for
rooted cuttings.
36 Small fruit plant
(a) Blue berry
& Cranberry
(i) Cuttings
(rooted/unrooted /
wood/Saplings for
Freedom from:
(a) Leaf rust (Pucciniastrum myrtili)
(b) Red leaf (Exobasidium vaccinii)
(c) Red gall (Synchytrium vaccinii)
(d) Witches’broom (Pucciniastrum
(e) Straw berry weevils (Anthonomus signatus
(i) Commercial imports are
subject to prior approval of
Department of Agriculture &
(ii) Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 9-12 months;
(ii) Seeds for
(iii) Tissue-cultured
& A. bisignifer)
(f) Blue berry viruses viz., blue berry mosaic,
shoe-string, red (necrotic) ring spot, leaf
mottle, peach rosette and tomato ring spot
(g) Phytoplasmas (blueberry stunt,
witches’broom and cranberry false
Freedom from:
(a) Mummy berry (Monilia vacciniicorymbasi)
(b viruses affecting blueberry & cranberry as
per item (f) above.
Certified that the tissue-cultured plants are
obtained from mother stock tested/indexed and
maintained virus-free.
(v) Freedom from soil
(vi) Dormant cuttings shall be
appropriately treated or
fumigated at the country of
origin prior to shipment
and the treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
As per conditions (i) and (ii)
stated above.
As per condition (i) stated
(b) Gooseberry
(Ribes spp)
(i) Cuttings
Freedom from:
(a) American (gooseberry) mildew
(Sphaerotheca mors-u-vae)
(b) European (gooseberry) mildew
(Microsphaeria grassulariae)
(c) Leaf spot (Anthracnose) (Pseudopeziza
(d) Cluster cup rust (Puccinia pringsheimiana)
(e) Black pustule (Plowrightia ribesia)
(f) Cane blight (Botryosphaeria ribris)
(g) Viruses viz., black current reversion,
gooseberry vein banding, raspberry ring
spot, arabis mosaic, and strawberry latent
ring spot.
(i) Commercial imports subject
to prior approval of
Department of Agriculture &
(ii) Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 9-12 months.
(iii) Freedom from soil
(iv) Dormant cuttings shall be
appropriately fumigated or
treated at the country of origin
and the treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
(ii) Seed for sowing
(iii) Tissue-cultured
Freedom from seed-borne viruses such as
raspberry ring spot, arabis mosaic and
strawberry latent ring spot.
Certified that the tissue-cultured plants are
obtained from mother stock tested/indexed and
maintained virus-free.
As per condition (i) and (ii).
As per condition (i).
© Raspberry
(Rubus spp.)
(i) Cuttings
rooted)/Bud wood /
(ii) Seeds for sowing
(iii) Tissue-cultured
Freedom from:
(a) Crown gall (Agrobacterium tumaefaciens)
(b) Hairy root (A. rhizogenes)
© Rusts (Gymnoconia nitens, Kuehneola
uredinalis, Phragmedium bulbosum, P. rubi-
idaeli, P. violacearum & Pucciniastrum
(d) Downy mildew (Peronospora rubi)
(e) Straw berry weevils (Anthonomus signatus
& A. bisignifer)
(f) Viruses such as raspberry ring spot, leaf
mottle, leaf spot, bushy dwarf, leaf curl,
raspberry (black) necrosis, vein chlorosis &
yellow dwarf, arabis mosaic and straw berry
Freedom from seed-borne viruses such as
raspberry ring spot, arabis mosaic and straw
berry latent ring spot.
Certified that the tissue-cultured plants are
obtained from mother stock tested/indexed and
maintained virus-free.
(i) Commercial imports subject
to prior approval of
Department of Agriculture &
(ii) Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 9-12 months.
(iii) Freedom from soil
(iv) Dormant cuttings shall be
appropriately fumigated or
treated at the country of origin
and the treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
As per condition (i) and (ii).
As per condition (i).
(a) Straw berry
(Fragaria spp.)
Stem (runner) cuttings
(rooted/un-rooted) for
(ii) Seeds for sowing
(ii) Tissue-cultured
plants for planting.
Freedom from:
(a) Phomopsis blight (Phomopsis obscurens)
(h) Red stele (Phytophthora fragariae)
(i) Crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum)
(j) Angular leaf spot (Xanthomonas fragariae)
(k) American dagger nematode (Xiphinema
(l) Leaf blotch (Gnomonia fragariae)
(m) Straw berry weevils (Anthonomus signatus
& A. bisignifer)
(n) Straw berry viruses viz., mottle, vein
banding, crinkle leaf (rhabdovirus), mild
yellow edge, latent ring spot (nepovirus),
latent C, and raspberry ring spot (tomato
black ring spot virus).
(o) Aster yellows, straw berry green petal,
phyllody & yellows (phytoplasmas).
Freedom from seed-borne viruses such as
arabis mosaic, raspberry ring spot & straw
berry latent ring spot.
Certified that tissue-cultured plants are
obtained from mother stock indexed/tested and
maintained virus-free.
(i) Commercial imports subject
to prior approval of
Department of Agriculture &
(iv) Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 9-12 months.
(v) Freedom from soil
(vi) Dormant cuttings shall be
appropriately fumigated or
treated at the country of
origin and the treatment
shall be endorsed on
phytosanitary certificate.
The above condition at (i) and
The above condition at (i)
37. Sorghum
(Sorghum spp.)
Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial blight (Burkholderia
(b) Bacterial leaf streak (Xanthomonas
vasicola pv. holcicola)
(c) Milo disease (Periconia circinata)
Commercial import of seeds
for sowing subject to prior
approval of Department of
Agriculture & Cooperation
(d) Striga weed (Striga harmonthica)
(e) Sorghum viruses viz. chlorotic spot,
38. Soybean
(Glycine spp.)
(i) Seed for sowing
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Downy mildew (Peronospora manshurica)
(b) Stem canker (Diaporthe phaseolorum var.
(c) Root and stem rot (Phytophthora
megasperma var. sojae)
(d) Pod and stem blight (Phomopsis
(e) Soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera
(f) Bacterial wilt (Curtobacterium
flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens),
(g) Soybean viruses viz. mosaic, dwarf, crinkle
leaf, chlorotic mottle,cucumber mosaic,
stunt, poty, tobacco ring spot, tobacco
streak, tobacco black ring.
(h) Bruchids (Bruchidius spp.)
(i) Commercial import of seeds
for sowing subject to prior
approval of Department of
Agriculture & Coperation
(ii) Freedom from soil.
(ii) Seeds for
Devitalisation of seed at the country of origin
just prior to export and the particulars of
treatment to be endorsed on PSC.
39. Stone fruits
(Prunus spp.)
such as plum,
peach, cherry,
apricot, almond
(i) Stones (Seeds)/
Grafts/ Bud
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Crown gall (Agrobacterium tumefaciens)
(b) Hairy root (A. rhizogenes)
(c) Bacterial die back of peach (Pseudomonas
syringae pv. persicae syn. P.
(d) Black knot (Dibotryan morbosum)
(e) Gummosis (Euitypa armeniaceae)
(f) Brown rot (Monilinia fructicola)
(i) Post-entry quarantine for a
period of 1-2 years
(ii) Commercial imports are
subject to prior approval of
Department of Agriculture
& Cooperation.
(iii) Plants cuttings shall be
appropriately fumigated or
treated against insect
(American strain_)
(g) Blossom blight & fruit rot (M. laxa)
(h) Scab (Venturia cerasi, V. carpophila)
(i) Cherry leaf spot (Blumeriella jaapii)
(j) Plum weevil (Conotrachelus menuphar)
Stone viruses viz. Prunus necrotic ring spot,
Prunus virus S
infestation prior to dispatch
at the country of origin and
the treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
The stones (seeds) shall be
treated with suitable fungicide
(ii) Tissue cultured
Certified that the tissue-cultured plants
obtained from mother stock indexed/tested and
maintained virus-free
The above conditions shall not
apply except the condition at
(iii) Fresh fruits for
(iv) Dry fruits for
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Oriental fruit moth (Cydia molesta)
(b) Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar)
(c) Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata)
(d) Manchurian fruit moth (Cydia inopinata)
(e) Cherry fruitworm (C. packardi)
(f) Plum moth (C. prunivora)
(g) Mexican fruitflies (Rhagoletis spp.)
(h) Peach fruit moth (Carposina niponenosis)
Freedom from:
(a) Mediterranean flour moth (Ephestia
(b) Apricot chalcid
Fumigation with Methyl
bromide@ 16gm/cu. m for
24hrs at 28
C and above
under NAP and the treatment
shall be endorsed on the
phytosanitary certificate or by
any other fumigant/substance
in the manner approved by the
Plant Protection Adviser.for
this purpose
40. Sunflower
(i) Seeds for sowing
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii)
(b) Leaf spot (Septoria helianthi)
(c) Broomrape (Orobanche cumana)
(d) Sunflower viruses viz. crinkle, mosaic,
yellow blotch
(e) Bruchid (Bruchidius spp.)
(f) Larger Dermestid beetle (Trogoderma
(i) Commercial import of seeds
for sowing subject to prior
approval of Department of
Agricultue & Cooperation.
(ii) Seed treatment with
metalaxyl @ 2% at the country
of origin prior to shipment and
the treatment shall be endorsed
on phytosanitary certificate.
(ii) Seeds for
consumption or
(i) The above conditions shall
not apply.
(ii) Devitalisation of seed at the
country of origin prior to
export and the particulars of
treatment to be endorsed on
phytosanitary certificate.
41. Timber logs
(i) Chest nut
(Castanea spp)
Logs with bark
Freedom from:
(a) Chest nut blight (Cryphonectria
parasitica)-American strain
The timber shall be fumigated
with Methyl bromide @ 32
gm/cu. m at 28
C and above
under NAP or kiln drying as
the case may be at the country
of origin and treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
(ii) Elm (Ulmus
(iii) Oak
(Quercus spp)
(iv) Pine wood
(Pinus spp)
Freedom from:
(a) Dutch elm disease (Ceratocystis ulmi)-
American & European strains
(p) Elm bark beetle (Scolytidae)
Freedom from:
(a) Oak wilt (Ceratocystis fagacearum)
(q) Oak bark beetles (Pseudopityopthorus spp)
Freedom from:
(a) Branch and trunk cankers (Atropellis
piniphila, A. pinicola)
(b) Pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus
(c) Cerambicid vector (Monochamus spp.)
(d) Pine beetles (Scolytidae) and pine weevils
(Pissodes spp.)
(e) Sirex wasp (Sirex spp)
Protection Adviser for this
Same as above.
Same as above.
Same as above.
42. Tobacco
Leaves (un-
manufactured) in bales
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Chocolate moth (Ephestia elutella)
(b) Blue mould (Peronospora hyoscyami f.sp.
Fumigation with ALP
(Phosphine) @ 3 tablets per
tonne for 5-7 days.
43. Tomato
Seeds for sowing Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial canker (Clavibacter
michiganensis sub sp. michiganensis)
(r) Bacterial leaf spot (Pseudomonas syringae
pv. tomato)
(s) Bacterial pustule (Pseudomonas syringae
pv. punctulens)
(d) Potato spindle tuber (viroid)
44. Watermelon
(i) Seeds for sowing
(ii) Seeds for
Freedom from:
(a) Bacterial fruit blotch (Acidovorax avenae
subsp. citrulli)
(b) Angular leaf spot (Pseudomonas syringae
pv. lachrymans)
(c) Soft rot (Xanthomonas melonis)
(d) Watermelon viruses viz. chlorotic stunt,
curly mottle, mosaic virus 2.
Commercial import subject to
prior approval of Department
of Agriculture & Cooperation.
(j) The above condition shall
not apply.
(ii) Devitalized by heat
treatment at the country of
origin and the treatment shall
be endorsed on phytosanitary
45. Wheat
(Triticum spp.)
Grains for
consumption or
(i) Freedom from:
(a) Granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius)
(b) Confused flour beetle (Tribolium
(c) Ergot (Claviceps purpurea)
(d) Dwarf bunt (Tilletia contraversa)
Fumigation with Methyl
bromide @ 32 gm/cu. m at @
C and above under NAP
and the treatment shall be
endorsed on phytosanitary
certificate or by any other
fumigant/substance in the
manner approved by the Plant
Protection Adviser for this
[See Clause 3 (3), (6), (7) and 10 (2) (3)]
List of Plants/planting materials, where imports are permissible on the basis of
phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting country, the inspection conducted
by inspection authority and fumigation, if required including all other general
S.No. Plants/plant material S. No. Plants/plant materials
A. Spices and Condiments 41. Soap nut
1. Black pepper (Piper niagrum) 42. Paneer dodi
2. Caraway (Carum caraway) 43. Black cumin
3. Chinese cassia (Cassia cinnnamomum) 44. Howbar
4. Cloves 45. Ratton jot
5. Cinnamom (Cinnamomum cinnamomum) 46. Banaba
6. Garcinia (Garcinia combojia) 47. Gandh Roots
7. Popy seed (Papavera somnifera) 48. Griffonia simplifolia
8. Small cardamom (Eliteria cardamomum) 49. Rhodiola
9. Large cardamom (Amomum subulatum) 50. Willow bark
10. Dry Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) Narcotics & Bevarages
11. Long Pepper (Piper longum) 51. Betel nut (Areca catechu)
12. Staraniseed 52. Tea (including green tea)
13. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) 53. Tea Seed Powder
14. Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) 54. Roasted Coffee beans
15 Celary (Apium graviolens) 55. Cocoa powder
16. Spearmint 56. Betel nut (Areca catechu)
17. Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum- graekam) Timber logs & Timber Products
18. Fennel 57. Agar wood
19. Bay leaf 58. Ash logs
20. Oreganum 59. Beech logs
21. Laurel 60. Rubber wood
22. All Spice (Pumento sp) 61. Bamboo sticks
B. Dry fruits & Nuts 62. Rattan (Cane)
23. Pistachio 63. Gurjan logs
24.. Cashew nuts (Raw) 64. Keruing logs
25 Figs (dried) 65. Merbau logs
C. Medicinal Herbs 66. Padauk logs
26. Gall nuts 67. Maple logs
27. Cubebs (Piper cubeba) 68. Selaganbatu logs
28. Gallangal Roots 69. Sal logs
29. Kachura 70. Pyinkado logs
30. Kava Roots 71. Teak Logs
31. Kola nuts 72. Veneer & Plywood
32. Rosemary Miscellaneous Plant Products
33. Thyme 73. Copra (dried kernel of coconut)
34. Liquorice 74. Animal feeds
35. Neem 75. Hop pellets
36. Nutmeg & Mace (Mrystica aravens) 76. Hemp fibres
37. Pacific yew 77. Spanish moss
38. Guggal 78. Sisal fibres
39. Mulati 79. Jute fibres
40. Korean Gensing roots 80. Dry plant material
[See Clause 3 (12) and 8 (1)]
List of Quarantine Weed Species
1. Abutilon theophrasti
2. Agrostemma githago
3. Alectra sp.
4. Allium vineale
5 Ambrosia artemisiifolia
6. Ambrosia maritima
7. Ambrosia psilostachya
8. Ambrosia trifida
9. Ammi visnaga
10, Apera-spica-venti
11. Arceuthobiumoxycedri
12. Avena sterilis
13. Baccharis halimifolia
14. Bromus diandrus
15. Bromus rigidus
16. Bromus secalinus
17. Cardus pycnocephalus
18. Cenchrus tribuloides
19.Centaurea diffusa
20. C. maculosa
21. C. melitensis
22. C. solstitialis
23. Chondrilla juncea
24. Cichorium endivia
25. C. pumilum
26. C. spinosum
27. Cordia curassavica
28. Cuscuta australis
29. Cynoglossum officinale
30. Desmodium tortuosum
31. Echinochloa crus-pavonis
32. Echium plantagineum
33. Emex australis
34. Emex spinosa
35. Froelichia floridana
36. Helianthus californicus
37. H. ciliaris
38. H. petiolaris
39. H. scaberrimus
40. Heliotropium amplexicaule
41. Ipomoea coccinea
42. Leersia japonica
43. Lolium rigidum
44. Matricaria perforatum
45. Mimosa pigra
46. Orobanche cumana
47. Phalaris paradoxa
48. Polygonum cuspidatum
49. P. perfoliatum
50. Proboscidea lovisianica
51. Raphanus raphanistrum
52. Rumex crispus
53. Salsola vermiculata
54. Senecio jacobaea
55. Solanum carolinense
56. Striga hermonthica
57. Thesium australe
58. T.humiale
59. Vicia villosa
60. Viola arvensis
61. Xanthium spinosum
Schedule IX
[See clause 5]
A-Inspection Fees
S. No.
Particular of import
Nos./ Weight/ Volume
1. Plants / planting materials
including cuttings, saplings,
budwood, tissue culture of plant
origin etc., requiring Post Entry
(i) Upto 10 nos.
(ii) Above 10 nos.
Rs. 250/-
Rs. 250/- plus @ Rs. 1.60 per
2. Plants / planting materials
including bulbs, tubers, corms,
rhizomes, etc., requiring Post
Entry Quarantine.
(i) Upto 100 nos.
(ii) Above 100 nos.
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 100/- plus @ Rs. 0.40 per
3. Mushroom spawn culture/corm
lets of ornamentals bulbs, size up
to 2.5 cm diameter requiring
Post-entry Quarantine and seeds
for sowing.
(i) Up to 1 kg
(ii) Above 1 kg up to
100 kg
(iii)Above 100 kg up to
500 kg
(iv) Above 500 kg
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 100/- plus Rs. 50/- per
additional kg
Rs. 5050/-plus Rs. 15/- per
additional kg
Rs. 11050/-plus Rs. 5/- per
additional kg
6. Plant material such as
seeds/fruits/nuts for consumption
Note: Fraction of Kg/Tonne may
be rounded off to the nearest
(i) Up to 2 kg.
(ii) Above 2 kg up to
100 kg.
(iii) Above 100 kg up
to 1000 kg.
(iv) Above 1000 kg
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 50/- plus Rs. 5/- per
additional kg.
Rs. 550/- plus Rs. 2/- per
additional kg.
Rs. 2500/- plus Rs.75/- per
additional tonne except in
case of pulses;
Rs. 2500/- plus Rs. 50/- per
additional tonne in case of
1. 2. 3. 4.
(A) On volume basis
(i) Upto 5 cu.m
(ii) Above 5 cu.m
Rs. 600/-
Rs. 600/- plus Rs. 300/- per
additional 5 cu.m or part thereof.
1. Plants / Planting materials/
Planting products/Dry
fruits/ Fresh fruits/
Vegetables/ Seeds/ soil/
(B) On container basis
(i) 20’ container
(33 cu.m)
(ii) 40’ Container
(66 cu.m)
Rs. 2400/-
Rs. 4500/-
[See Clause 2(xii) and Clause 3(3)]
List of Permit Issuing Authorities for Import of Seeds, Plants and Plant Products and other
S. No.
Issuing Authority
Authorized to issue permits for
1. Plant Protection Adviser to
the Government of India,
Ministry of Agriculture,
Directorate of Plant
Protection, Quarantine &
Storage, NH-IV, Faridabad,
All notified points of
All kinds of plants/plant
materials and other items as:
soil, peat, insects, microbial
cultures, biocontrol agents etc.
2. Director, National Bureau of
Plant Genetic Resources,
PUSA Campus, New Delhi-
New Delhi All kinds of import of plant
germplasm for public/private
sectors Institutions/ in the
3. Joint Director (PP)
Plant Quarantine Division,
Directorate of Plant
Protection, Quarantine and
Storage, NH-IV, Faridabad-
121001, Haryana.
All notified points of
All kinds of plants/plant
4. Deputy Director (PP/Ent.),
National Plant Quarantine
Station, Rangpuri
New Delhi-110037.
(i) New Delhi Airport
(ii) All Notified points
of entry in Northern
Zone in the States of
Delhi, Haryana,
Himachal Pradesh, J&K,
Rajasthan, U.P. and
Import of all kind of plants/
plant materials for sowing,
planting propagation and
5. Deputy Director(PP/Ent.),
Regional Plant Quarantine
Station, Ajnala Road, Near
Airforce Station, Raja Sansi
Airport, Amritsar-143101
(i) Amritsar Airport
(ii) All notified points of
entry bordering
Pakistan in the
States of Punjab &
UT Chandigarh
Import of all kind of plants/
plant materials for sowing,
planting, propagation and
6. Deputy Director (PP/Ent.),
Regional Plant Quarantine
Station ,GST Road,
near Trident Hotel,
Meenambakam, Chennai-21
(ii)All notified points of
entry in Southern Zone
in the States of Andhra
Pradesh, Karnataka,
Kerala, Tamil Nadu,
UTs A&N Islands,
Lakshadeep and
. Import of all kind of plants/
plant materials for sowing,
planting, propagation and
7. Deputy Director (PP/Ent.), (i)Mumbai Import of all kind of plants/ plant
Regional Plant Quarantine
Station, Haji Bunder Road,
Sewri, Mumbai-400 014
(ii)All points of entry
notified in Western
Zone in the States of
Goa, Gujarat, M.P.,
Chhatisgarh, Maharastra
and UT Dadra & Nagar
Haveli, Daman & Diu.
materials for sowing, planting,
propagation and consumption.
8. Deputy Director (PP/Ent.),
RegionalPlant Quarantine
Station,F.B.Block Sector III,
Salt Lake City,Kolkata-24
(i) Kolkata
(ii) All notified points of
entry in Eastern
Zone in the States of
Arunachal Pradesh,
Assam, Bihar,
Manipur, Nagaland,
Orissa, Sikkim,
Tripura, West
Bengal and
Import of all kind of plants/ plant
materials for sowing, planting,
propagation and consumption.
9. Plant Protection officer
(E/PP) Plant Quarantine
Station, 24 Paraganas,
Bongaon (W.B)
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
10. Plant Protection Officer
(PP/E), Plant Quarantine
Station, 25-A Hariyala Plot,
Down Area Bhavnagar-
364001/ Kandla
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
11. Plant Protection Officer
(E/PP), Plant Quarantine
Station, Willingdon Island,
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
12. Plant Protection Officer
(E/PP), Plant Quarantine
Station, Panitanki-Naxalbari,
Rath Khola, P.O. Naxalbari,
Distt. Darjeeling (W.B.)
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
13. Plant Protection Officer
(PP/E), Plant Quarantine
Station, Gede Road, Nadiad
(W.B.) – 741 503
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
14. Plant Protection Officer Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
(PP/E) Plant Quarantine
355, Beach Road,
Tuticorin 628 001(T.N.)
materials for consumption only.
15. Plant Protection Officer
(PP/E), Plant Quarantine
T.C. No. 28/419,
Krishanmurari Road, Kaitha
Mukku P.O.,
Thiruananthpuram – 695 024
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
16. Plant Protection Officer
(PP/E) Plant Quarantine
Station, Harbour,
Vishakhapatnam –35
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
17. Senior Plant Pathologist
Plant Quarantine Station,
Cargo Air Terminal Complex,
Begampet, Hyderabad –16
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
18. Deputy Director (E),Central
Integrated Pest Management
Centre, Kormangla Road,
White field, Bangalore – 70
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
Plant Protection Officer (E),
Central Integrated Pest
Management Centre,
16-Professor colony,
Bhanwar Kua Main Road,
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
20. Plant Protection Officer (E),
Central Integrated Pest
Management Centre
B-16,Mahanagar Extension
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
21. Plant Protection Officer (E),
Central Integrated Pest
Management Centre, New
Punai Chowk Near Dr. Dutta
House, Patna 800 023
Concerned Port of Entry Import of Plants and Plant
materials for consumption only.
[See clause 2 (xi)]
List of Inspection Authorities for Certification of Post entry quarantine facilities and inspection
of growing plants
S. No.
State/Union Territory
Designated Inspection Authorities.
1. Andaman & Nicobar
Entire Union
Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
Research Complex, Port Blair.
2. Andhra Pradesh Entire State Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University,
3. Arunachal Pradesh Entire State Joint Director,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
Research Complex for North-Eastern Hill
Arunachal Pradesh Center,
Basar, Arunachal Pradesh.
4. Assam Entire State Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat.
5. Bihar Except North and
South Chota
Nagpur, Santhal
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Rajendra Agricultural University,
Pusa, Bihar.
6. Bihar North and South
Chota Nagpur,
Santhal Region.
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Bisra Agricultural University,
Ranchi, Bihar.
7. Chandigarh Entire Union
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Punjab Agricultural Universitgy, Ludhiana..
8. Daman & Diu Entire Union
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Gujarat Agricultural Universitty,
9. Delhi Entire Union
Head, Division of Plant Pathology and
Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi –110012.
10. Goa Entire State Officer-in-charge,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
Research Complex for Goa, Ele
Farm, Ele, Old Goa-403 402.
11. Gujarat Entire State Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Gujarat Agricultural University, Dantiwada.
12. Haryana Entire State Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar.
13. Himachal Pradesh Entire
Dead, Division of Plant Pathology,
Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishva Vidyalaya,
14. Himachal Pradesh Entire State
(Horticulture and
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture
and Forestry, Solan.
15. Jammu & Kashmir Entire State Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Sher-e-Kashmir Agricultural University of
Science and Technology,
16. Karnataka, Shimoga,
Chitterdurga, South
Kolar, Bangalore,
Hassan, Coorg,
Mandya, Mysore
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
University of Agricultural Sciences,
Bangalore 560067.
17. Karnataka Belgaon, Bellary,
Bidar, Bijapur,
Dharwar, Gulbarga,
Raichur and Uttar
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Dharwar University of Agricultural
18. Kerala Entire State Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Kerala Agricultural University, Trichur.
19. Laskshadweep Entire Union
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Kerala Agricultural University, Trichur.
20. Madhya Pradesh All districts of state
except Raipur,
Durg, Rajnandgaon,
Bilaspur, Rajgarh,
Surguja and Bastar
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi Vishva Vidyala,
21. Madhra Pradesh Raipur, Durg,
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishva Vidyalaya,
Bilaspur, Rajgarh,
Surguja and Bastar
22. Maharashtra Konkan and
Revenue Division
of Bombay
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli.
23. Maharashtra Revenue Division
of Pune and Nasik
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Mahatma Phule Agricultural University,
24. Maharashtra Revenue Division
of Aurangabad
(7 districts)
Head Division of Plant Pathology,
Marathwada Agricultural University,
25. Maharashtra Revenue Division
of Nagpur and
Head Division of Plant Pathology,
Punjab Rao Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola.
26. Manipur Entire State Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
Research Complex for North-Eastern Hill
Manipur Center, Lamphelpat, Manipur.
27. Meghalaya entire State Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
Research Complex, Meghalaya.
28. Mizoram Entire State Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
Research Complex for North-Eastern Hill
Region, Mizoram Center, Kelasib,
29. Nagaland Entire State Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
Research Complex for North-Eastern Hill
Region, Nagaland Center, Jharnapani,
30. Orissa Entire State Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Orissa University of Agriculture and
Technology, Bhubaneswar.
31. Pondicherry Entire Union
Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
32. Punjab Entire State Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Punjab Agricultural University,
33. Rajasthan Entire State Head Division of Plant Pathology,
Rajasthan Agricultural University,
34. Sikkim Entire State Head, Indian Council of Agricultural
Research, Research Complex for North-
Eastern Hill Region, Sikkim Center,
Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim.
35. Tamil Nadu Entire State Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
36. Tripura Entire State Officer-in-charge, Indian Council of
Agricultural Research, Research Complex,
Agartala, Tripura.
37. Uttar Pradesh Lucknow, Jhansi,
Agra and Allahabad
Head Division of Plant Pathology,
Chandrasekhar Azad University of
Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur.
38. Uttar Pradesh Kumaon, Garhwal,
Rohilkhand, Meerut
Head Division of Plant Pathology,
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and
Technology, Pantnagar.
39 Uttar Pradesh Faizabad,
Gorakhpur and
Varanasi Division
Head Division of Plant Pathology,
Narender Dev University of Agriculture
and Technology, Faizabad.
40. West Bengal Entire State Head, Division of Plant Pathology,
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishva Vidyalaya,
Kalyani, Mohanpur, Nadia (West Bengal).
41 Karnataka Entire State Head, Division of Plant Pathology, IIHR,
Hessarghata, Bangalore, Karnataka.
[See clause 3 (4)]
Quantities of seeds permitted for trial purpose/accession to gene bank of National
Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources.
To gene bank
1. Black gram
3.0 6.0 14.0 20.0 700
2. Castor
3.0. 6.0 9.0 15.0 500
3. Chick pea
15.0 30.0 70.0 100.0 1000
4. Cowpea
5.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 400
5. Green gram
3.0 6.0 14.0 20.0 120
6. Lentil
5.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 60
7. Linseed
5.0 10.0 15.0 25.0 15
8. Maize
5.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 900
9. Minor millet
2.0 4.0 6.0 10.0 15
10. Niger
2.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 15
11. Pearl millet
1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 25
12. Peas
15.0 30.0 70.0 100.0 900
13. Pigeon pea
3.0 6.0 14.0 20.0 300
14. Rajmah
15.0 20.0 30.0 50.0 1000
15. Rape/ Mustard 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10
16. Safflower
2.0 4.0 6.0 10.0 90
17. Sesamum
1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7
18. Sorghum
2.0 4.0 6.0 10.0 90
19. Soybean 10.0 20.0 55.0 75.0 500
[F.No. 8-2/2002-PP-I]