Laurette Anderson’s Brief
One of the people of British Columbia
I, Laurette Anderson, one of the people of British Columbia, have full capacity to make medical decisions
and am in good health and have not been exposed to anyone with COVID-19. Please be advised that I
do not consent to a COVID test nor quarantine directed by Canadian Border Services or any other agent.
I have the right to refuse the medical procedures of COVID testing and quarantine. Specifically, the right
to life, liberty and security of person protects from violations, of my physiological and psychological
autonomy, by denying the right to choose medical procedures on the basis of it being in violation of the
Quarantine Act, Section 14 and informed consent.
Section 14 of the Quarantine Act expressly states:
“Screening technology
14 (1) Any qualified person authorized by the Minister may, to determine whether a traveller
has a communicable disease or symptoms of one, use any screening technology authorized by
the Minister that does not involve the entry into the traveller’s body of any instrument or other
foreign body.”
Furthermore, Bill S-201 and the federal Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, both prohibit and prevent
genetic discrimination making it a criminal offence in Canada to use a genetic test to discriminate.
The right to give express informed consent was developed over 2 centuries of common law and was
confirmed by the Nuremberg Principles and the International Covenant of Human Rights for which
Canada was a signatory and is upheld in section 1. The Canadian Bill of Rights. The Canadian Bill of Rights
is still valid law after the Charter came into place which can be confirmed in the preamble of the
Emergency Act 1988, which still commits the Federal government to respect the rights in the Canadian
Bill of Rights even in the event of a national emergency.
The Federal Government is in violation of section 2 of the Canadian Bill of Rights if they pass laws,
policies or procedures that deny fundamental rights without an Act of Federal Parliament, which
indicates expressly that rights will be denied. No such Act of Federal Parliament exists. Therefore forced
medical procedures such as PCR testing, quarantine and vaccine are unlawful.
The Canadian Bill of Rights applies to Federal matters. The Criminal Code of Canada is a Federal
matter. It regulates all Law Enforcement. It also regulates other categories like bylaw, conservation,
public health and any others required by law to enforce the law - private person, peace officer, by-law
officer, in aid of a police officer or public officer is he acts on justified grounds, and they can use force.
So Public Health and all designees are agents of the government and under the criminal code. Therefore
are also covered by the Canadian Bill of Rights. Public Health is requiring their policy enforcers commit
criminal acts - violating peoples rights, acting as agents of the Federal Government. One can’t be forced
to commit a criminal offence. Criminal Code Section 25(1).
The Emergency Act says that the Government cannot abridge your rights even in the instance of a
national emergency - refer to the Charter and the Bill of Rights and the international civil and political
We were not admitted entry to the USA and turned around as instructed by the US Border officials. It
follows we were not travellers re-entering Canada after travelling in the USA. The Canadian border
officials chose tyrannically, to enforce quarantine and testing anyway obviously not motivated by
“science” and public health and safety as we hadn’t even stepped on US soil, nor exited our
Laurette Anderson’s Brief
One of the people of British Columbia
automobile- but rather by the desire to exercise their power and authority and to silence us in the
process. We objected to the need to do the “Arrive Can” protocols but under duress, we were coerced
into being assigned test kits and warned we had to quarantine for 14 days. This is the face of tyranny,
allowed and encouraged by Public Health officials. All unlawful, trampling over my God-given rights. You
cannot have it both ways. We were not allowed to enter the USA and so we cannot be construed as
having come back from a trip travelling in the USA. Only a bully would enforce this, detain us and
interrogate us for no other reason than to trample our rights and freedoms and control our movements
for the next two weeks. We are free? Will our passports be flagged? We don’t know. Destabilize the
public this is what communist countries do to propagate the fear destabilize so you just don’t know
how far they will go. There is no due process in this. There is no justice in this. This is tyranny.
Allow me to educate(the word used by your Arrive Can official that day) your department on its over-
reach. The Canadian Bill of Rights which “Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate
and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:” Part 1 states clearly “ (a) the right of the
individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property and the right not to be
deprived thereof except by due process of law;” It goes on to say in section “2. Every law of Canada
shall, unless it is expressly declared by an Act of the Parliament of Canada that it shall operate
notwithstanding the Canadian Bill of Rights, be so construed and applied as not to abrogate, abridge
or infringe or to authorize the abrogation, abridgment or infringement of any of the rights or
freedoms herein recognized and declared …” As a further protection of my God given rights and
freedoms the Bill of Rights in Part II states “Nothing in Part 1 shall be construed to abrogate or abridge
any human right or fundamental freedom not enumerated therein that may have existed in Canada at
the commencement of this Act.” This is good to know because we have many fundamental freedoms
and rights that are inalienable and God given, in fact none of them are “Government granted”. My
rights come from God. Your responsibility is to protect those rights not to diminish them in any way.
There is an old Maxim that states “no harm, no foul”. I have committed no harm. But your enforcers are
harming me, and my family, to abrogate and deny my right to freedom, happiness, security and
movement through Canada. The Border guard could see I was NOT granted entry to the US and yet
because the rubber tires touched the border, he arbitrarily and frivolously declared that a visit to the US
and that Arrive Can must be contacted, tests and quarantine enforced. This is tyranny; malfeasance of
an Officer and an abuse of power by both of these enforcers of policy - the letter and not the law -
according to his ego and his mood and desire for power and control. These officials and enforcers need
to answer for the crimes of tyrannical nonsensical enforcement, which come under the Criminal Code of
Canada which IS AT ALL TIMES subject to The Canadian Bill of Rights. Enforcement is modified by my
inalienable rights and freedoms. You are a criminal should you attempt to enforce this illegal and
unlawful infringement of several of my God given rights and I will pursue this vigorously, as will many
other Canadians.
Back when the pandemic was proclaimed I took a different approach to gaining the information I
needed to understand the threat of this pandemic alert. Fear mongering I heard on mainstream stations
raised a red flag. I looked at the statistics for deaths overall in British Columbia. December 14
2020, I
printed out the statistics for the last five years. I am sending the second page of each set of stats as
there is a word limitation here. The second has the totals. I didn’t need CBC to fear monger me after
recognizing the lack of a pandemic health emergency. A new virus or disease? Perhaps, but not one that
caused ANY EXCESS deaths. It was admitted that most deaths occurred in either hospitals or old age
homes. Average age of a “covid” death was over 80. Seems to me that the problem lies in the old age
homes and hospitals. Not in the restaurants or gyms or small businesses of BC that are trying to add
value to their communities and make a living. I’ve attached copies of these. Show me the pandemic in
those statistics. These don’t lie. But CBC does when they are appeasing the WEF influenced federal
government which obviously has abused its power. The opposition are equally guilty in their apathetic
Laurette Anderson’s Brief
One of the people of British Columbia
response, their lack of opposition to tyrannical lockdowns and masking, their complicity, their collusion
became obvious when the Truckers for Freedom Rally took place and not one could bring himself to face
the music of a united Canada calling for justice, peace and the end to tyranny. No all parliamentarians
were complicit in this TREASON, this VILLAINY, colluding for control and power over a NATURALLY, GOD-
SANCTIONED FREE POPULATION. Canada set aside its differences, it’s little disputes and wrinkles and
called for justice. We are all witness to the collusion, the malfeasance of our own government as they
allowed foreign mercenaries to trample and intimidate and force and ticket and tow AND INFILTRATE
WITH PERPETRATORS AND FOREIGN ACTORS to disparage the purest, kindest and most patient
When in our history have you ever seen so many Canadians come out of their homes and stand next
to the highways where truckers passed enroute to Ottawa in sub-zero temperatures and blizzards
waving flags and honking and yelling and supporting the movement across the country? It was only a
small percentage the rest of them rallied them on watching them on youtube or rumble or gettr or
one of the other more truthful platforms as it turns out.
I have grandchildren in Ontario. I have elderly parents in Ontario. They are in their 90’s and in a home
which will not grant me entry. How dare the government of Canada impose a tyrannical, communist
regime upon the public, ignorant of it as most are due to issues with propagandist media, it is putting
the noose around all of our necks and has been steadily tightening tyrannical stranglehold and with less
and less common sense by the day.
Sincerely and Without Prejudice,
Laurette Anderson
Note on the STATS provided: Only page 2 limits imposed. Also, Dec 14 means two weeks are missing.
Logic tells us that each year was roughly the same. There were no major announcements of high death
rates in the last two weeks of December 2020.
Laurette Anderson’s Brief
One of the people of British Columbia
Laurette Anderson’s Brief
One of the people of British Columbia