Fares effective 01 June 2023
13726 | www.iww.co.za | jp
Summary of Fares
Train Products
Train Products may be used at any time of the day and any day of the week.
To register for Gautrain service updates SMS the word ALERT’ to 44181 at a once-off cost of R1.
For queries, complaints or compliments please visit www.gautrain.co.za and send us your feedback via the Contact Us Page.
The minimum available value on a Gautrain Card is R34. The maximum Pay-As-You-Go value that can be loaded
onto a Gautrain Card is R3200. Simply load your preferred Pay-As-You-Go value onto your Gautrain Card and the
correct fare will be automatically deducted from your Card when tagging out.
PEAK fares indicated in orange below are applied when you access the Gautrain system between 06h00
and 08h30, between 15h00 and 18h30 on weekdays and all day on weekends and public holidays.
OFF-PEAK fares indicated in green below are applied when you access the Gautrain system before
06h00, between 08h30 and 15h00 or after 18h30 on weekdays.
Comfort Key
Applicable weekdays only
Note: Consider the Comfort Key
when deciding on the time to travel.
Note: Valid between 06h00 and 08h30 and between 15h00 and 18h30 on weekdays, based on time of entry. These fares also apply on weekends and public holidays.
Pay-As-You-Go Single Train Fares
Hatfield R34 R44 R70 R82 R87 R93 R100 R93 R234
Pretoria R34 R39 R56 R76 R82 R87 R93 R87 R234
Centurion R44 R39 R45 R56 R72 R75 R82 R80 R234
Midrand R70 R56 R45 R39 R45 R52 R56 R53 R217
Marlboro R82 R76 R56 R39 R34 R38 R45 R39 R206
Sandton R87 R82 R72 R45 R34 R34 R38 R50 R206
Rosebank R93 R87 R75 R52 R38 R34 R34 R53 R217
Park R100 R93 R82 R56 R45 R38 R34 R56 R217
Rhodesfield R93 R87 R80 R53 R39 R50 R53 R56 206
OR Tambo R234 R234 R234 R217 R206 R206 R217 R217 R206
Hatfield Pretoria Centurion Midrand Marlboro Sandton Rosebank Park Rhodesfield OR Tambo
Note: Valid between opening time and 06h00, between 08h30 and 15h00 and between 18h30 and closing time on weekdays, based on time of entry.
Pay-As-You-Go Single Train Fares (+/- 20% Saving on Peak Fares)
Hatfield R27 R35 R56 R66 R70 R74 R80 R74 R234
Pretoria R27 R31 R45 R61 R66 R70 R74 R70 R234
Centurion R35 R31 R36 R45 R58 R60 R66 R64 R234
Midrand R56 R45 R36 R31 R36 R42 R45 R42 R217
Marlboro R66 R61 R45 R31 R27 R30 R36 R31 R206
Sandton R70 R66 R58 R36 R27 R27 R30 R40 R206
Rosebank R74 R70 R60 R42 R30 R27 R27 R42 R217
Park R80 R74 R66 R45 R36 R30 R27 R45 R217
Rhodesfield R74 R70 R64 R42 R31 R40 R42 R45 R206
OR Tambo R234 R234 R234 R217 R206 R206 R217 R217 R206
Hatfield Pretoria Centurion Midrand Marlboro Sandton Rosebank Park Rhodesfield OR Tambo
Save up to
Weekly Train Product
(10 train trips valid for 10 days)
Hatfield R315 R407 R648 R759 R805 R861 R925 R861
Pretoria R315 R361 R518 R703 R759 R805 R861 R805
Centurion R407 R361 R417 R518 R666 R694 R759 R740
Midrand R648 R518 R417 R361 R417 R481 R518 R491
Marlboro R759 R703 R518 R361 R315 R352 R417 R361
Sandton R805 R759 R666 R417 R315 R315 R352 R463
Rosebank R861 R805 R694 R481 R352 R315 R315 R491
Park R925 R861 R759 R518 R417 R352 R315 R518
Rhodesfield R861 R805 R740 R491 R361 R463 R491 R518
Hatfield Pretoria Centurion Midrand Marlboro Sandton Rosebank Park Rhodesfield
Save up to
Monthly Train Product
(44 train trips valid for 44 days)
Hatfield R1 272 R1 646 R2 618 R3 067 R3 254 R3 479 R3 740 R3 479
Pretoria R1 272 R1 459 R2 095 R2 843 R3 067 R3254 R3 479 R3 254
Centurion R1 646 R1 459 R1 683 R2 095 R2 693 R2 805 R3 067 R2 992
Midrand R2 618 R2 095 R1 683 R1 459 R1 683 R1 945 R2 095 R1 983
Marlboro R3 067 R2 843 R2 095 R1 459 R1 272 R1 422 R1 683 R1 459
Sandton R3 254 R3 067 R2 693 R1 683 R1 272 R1 272 R1 422 R1 870
Rosebank R3 479 R3 254 R2 805 R1 945 R1 422 R1 272 R1 272 R1 983
Park R3 740 R3 479 R3 067 R2 095 R1 683 R1 422 R1 272 R2 095
Rhodesfield R3 479 R3 254 R2 992 R1 983 R1 459 R1 870 R1 983 R2 095
Hatfield Pretoria Centurion Midrand Marlboro Sandton Rosebank Park Rhodesfield
Note: Single and Return Train
Trip Products are recommended
if travelling during peak period.
If travelling during o-peak
periods, we recommend that you
use Pay-As-You-Go as the fare
will be lower.
Parking Fares - Rhodesfield and Hatfield
Parking Period Rail-User Non-Rail User
0 - 45min Free Free
45min - 1hr R18 R18
1hr - 24hr R22 R126
Two days R60 R252
Three days R93 R378
Four days R126 R504
Five days R159 R630
Six Days R192 R756
Seven Days R225 R882
Eight days R258 R1 008
Nine Days R291 R1 134
Ten Days R324 R1 260
After 10 days
R324 plus R126
for every extra day
R1260 plus R126
for every extra day
Parking Fares (Pretoria, Centurion, Midrand, Marlboro, Sandton, Rosebank and Park stations)
Parking Period Rail-User Non-Rail User
0 - 15min Free Free
15min - 1hr R18 R18
1hr - 24hr R22 R126
Two days R60 R252
Three days R93 R378
Four days R126 R504
Five days R159 R630
Six days R192 R756
Seven days R225 R882
Eight days R258 R1 008
Nine days R291 R1 134
Ten days R324 R1 260
After 10 days
R324 plus R126 for every extra
R1260 plus R126 for every
extra day
Penalty Fees
Penalty If Paid < 30 days
Level 1 R480 R240
Level 2 R600 R300
Level 3 R840 R420
Single Trip Product
(Fares charged at Peak Period Rates)
Hatfield R34 R44 R70 R82 R87 R93 R100 R93 R234
Pretoria R34 R39 R56 R76 R82 R87 R93 R87 R234
Centurion R44 R39 R45 R56 R72 R75 R82 R80 R234
Midrand R70 R56 R45 R39 R45 R52 R56 R53 R217
Marlboro R82 R76 R56 R39 R34 R38 R45 R39 R206
Sandton R87 R82 R72 R45 R34 R34 R38 R50 R206
Rosebank R93 R87 R75 R52 R38 R34 R34 R53 R217
Park R100 R93 R82 R56 R45 R38 R34 R56 R217
Rhodesfield R93 R87 R80 R53 R39 R50 R53 R56 R206
OR Tambo R234 R234 R234 R217 R206 R206 R217 R217 R206
Hatfield Pretoria Centurion Midrand Marlboro Sandton Rosebank Park Rhodesfield OR Tambo
Return Trip Product
Fares charged at Peak Period Rates
Hatfield R68 R88 R140 R164 R174 R186 R200 R186 R468
Pretoria R68 R78 R112 R152 R164 R174 R186 R174 R468
Centurion R88 R78 R90 R112 R144 R150 R164 R160 R468
Midrand R140 R112 R90 R78 R90 R104 R112 R106 R434
Marlboro R164 R152 R112 R78 R68 R76 R90 R78 R412
Sandton R174 R164 R144 R90 R68 R68 R76 R100 R412
Rosebank R186 R174 R150 R104 R76 R68 R68 R106 R434
Park R200 R186 R164 R112 R90 R76 R68 R112 R434
Rhodesfield R186 R174 R160 R106 R78 R100 R106 R112 R412
OR Tambo R468 R468 R468 R434 R412 R412 R434 R434 R412
Hatfield Pretoria Centurion Midrand Marlboro Sandton Rosebank Park Rhodesfield OR Tambo
Note: Peak bus times are between 06h00 and 08h30 and between 15h00 and 18h30.
Bus Fares
Rail User - Peak
Rail User - Off-Peak
Non-Rail User - Peak
Non-Rail User - Off-Peak
Note: We may re-introduce a refund fee should the need arise.
Other Fees
Gautrain Card Cost R20
Refund Fee R0
Minimum Card Balance R34
High Peak
High Peak
Pay-As-You-Go Single Train Fares
For a trial period, High Peak Fares (Red Fares) have been suspended when travelling in the high peak period. While the High Peak Fares no longer apply, expect more
congested trains, platforms and stations. For your comfort, we recommend that you travel off-peak.
Depending on capacity constraints, we may re-introduce the high-peak fares at a later date.