The Caribbean Community and the Government of the Republic of Venezuela (hereinafter together
called “the Parties”):
RECALLING the “Principles for a Multilateral Agreement between the Caribbean Community and
Venezuela” which was signed between them at Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis on the 1
day of July,
AWARE of the necessity of accelerating the Caribbean and Latin America integration process and
the significance accorded by the Parties to the various sub-regional integration processes, as a means
of achieving greater international competitiveness of the Region and of facilitating their full
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the different levels of economic development between Venezuela and
the Member States of CARICOM;
CONSIDERING the desirability of developing a more dynamic and balanced commercial and
economic relationship between them;
CONSIDERING the advantage of formulating clear and accurate guidelines that permit their
different economic entities greater involvement in the economic development of Venezuela and the
Member States of CARICOM;
HAVING regard to the rights and obligations of the Member States of the Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) under the Treaty establishing the Caribbean Community and the rights and obligations
of Venezuela in the Cartagena Accord (Andean Group) and the Latin American Integration
Association (ALADI), as well as the rights and obligations of Venezuela and those Member States
of the Caribbean Community which are parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
DECIDING to establish closer trade and investment relations between them;
AGREE to implement the following:
Article 1
The fundamental objective of this Agreement shall be to strengthen the economic and trade relations
between the Parties through:
(a) the promotion and expansion of the sale of goods originating in CARICOM through, inter
alia, one-way duty-free access to the Venezuelan market;
(b) the stimulation of investments aimed at taking advantage of the markets of the Parties and
strengthening their competitiveness in world trade;
(c) the facilitation of the creation and operation of regional joint ventures; and
(d) the encouragement of mechanisms for the promotion and protection of investments by
nationals of the Parties.
Article 2
1. The CARICOM/Venezuela Joint Council on Trade and Investment (The Joint Council)
established by the Principles for a Multilateral Agreement between Venezuela and CARICOM shall
be responsible for the administration of this Agreement.
2. The Joint Council consists of representatives of Venezuela and CARICOM.
3. The functions of the Joint Council shall be:
(a) the ensure compliance by the Parties with the provisions of this Agreement;
(b) to resolve any problems which may arise out of the application of this Agreement;
(c) to keep this Agreement under constant review, evaluate the functioning of this
Agreement and recommend measures it considers suitable to better achieve the
objective of this Agreement;
(d) to carry out any other functions which may be assigned to it by the Parties.
4. The decisions of the Joint Council shall have the status of recommendations to the Parties
to this Agreement.
Article 3
1. The Joint Council shall meet at least annually at such time as may be agreed between the
2. The meetings of the Joint Council shall be chaired jointly by the Parties.
3. Meetings of the Joint Council shall be held alternately in Venezuela and a Member State of
CARICOM or such other place as may be agreed between Venezuela and CARICOM.
4. The Agenda for each meeting of the Joint Council shall be settled by the Parties at least one
month before each proposed meeting.
5. The Council may regulate its own procedures and may establish subsidiary bodies to assist
it in the execution of its functions.
Article 4
1. Venezuela agrees to grant products originating in Member States of the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM) free access to its market by means of the implementation of programmes
of tariff reduction and the elimination of non-tariff barriers. To this end:
A. the CARICOM Exportable Offer will have the following treatment:
(i) immediate duty-free access for products set out in Annex I;
(ii) phased reduction of the duties applicable on products set out in Annex II as
(a) starting 1 January 1993 - 75 per cent of the MFN rate of duty will
(b) starting 1 January 1994 - 50 per cent of the MFN rate of duty will
(c) starting 1 January 1995 - 25 per cent of the MFN rate of duty will
(d) starting 1 January 1996 - duty-free treatment will apply;
(iii) the MFN rate will apply to the products set out in Annex III;
(iv) the Joint Council, at its Meetings may consider and decide on any requests
by the Parties for the modification of the treatment to be accorded to any item
referred to in sub paragraphs (i), (ii), and (iii) above;
B. for products other than those listed in (A) above, the MFN rate will apply unless
otherwise decided by the Joint Council.
2. For the purposes of this Agreement “duty” shall be understood to mean the customs duties
and any other charges of equivalent effect, whether fiscal, monetary, exchange or of any kind, which
are incurred by imports. Not included under this concept are rates and analogous charges when they
represent the cost of the services rendered.
Article 5
The Rules of Origin to be applied under this Agreement shall be those set out in Annex IV.
Article 6
1. The Parties agree that CARICOM will grant most-favoured-nation treatment in the
application of the Customs Tariff in respect of all imports from Venezuela.
2. CARICOM also undertakes to consult with Venezuela in the Joint Council when any charges
in the rate structure of the Customs Tariff are contemplated.
3. CARICOM further undertakes that Member States of CARICOM will not, without prior
consultation with Venezuela, apply any quantitative restrictions, beyond those currently in place or
those authorised under the Treaty establishing the Caribbean Community, with respect to imports
from Venezuela.
Article 7
The Joint Council shall study the technical, industrial, commercial norms and those governing public
health of the Parties and shall recommend the actions which it considers necessary to ensure that
these norms do not constitute an obstacle to trade between the Parties.
Article 8
This Agreement allows the adoption or enforcement by Venezuela or any Member State of
CARICOM of measures such as the following, provided that they are not used as obstacles to trade:
(a) necessary to protect public morals;
(b) necessary for the prevention of disorder or crime;
(c) necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations relating to customs
enforcement, or to the classification, grading or marketing of goods, or to the
operation of monopolies by means of state enterprises or enterprises given exclusive
or special privileges;
(d) necessary to protect industrial property, trademarks, or copyrights or to prevent
deceptive practices;
(e) relating to gold or silver;
(f) relating to the products of prison labour;
(g) imposed for the protection of national treasures of artistic, historic or archaeological
(h) necessary to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs in any exporting Party,
(i) relating to the conservation of exhaustible natural resources.
Article 9
1. The Parties undertake to encourage the promotion and protection of investments by their
nationals through the conclusion of bilateral investment treaties between the individual Member
States of CARICOM and Venezuela, in accordance with national laws and legislation.
2. The Parties agree that the conclusion of the bilateral investment treaties referred to in
paragraph 1 should facilitate inter alia:
S Movement of Capital
S Right of Establishment
S Joint Ventures
S Repatriation of Profits
S Possibility of CARICOM Member States raising loans for establishment of
enterprises in Venezuela through the Caribbean Development Bank.
3. The Parties agree that Venezuela nationals may purchase that part of the equity in
CARICOM enterprises which is owned by individual CARICOM Governments in exchange for debt
owed to the Government of Venezuela by such Member States of CARICOM.
Article 10
The Parties agree to work toward the adoption of double taxation agreements between the Member
States of CARICOM and Venezuela.
Article 11
The Parties agree to establish trade promotion programmes; facilitate the activities of official and
private missions; organise fairs and expositions, continuous exchange of information, market studies
and other activities leading to the maximum utilisation of the preferences of the liberalisation
programme and of the opportunities offered by the procedures agreed on in the area of trade.
Article 12
1. The Joint Council shall keep trade financing under constant review and decide what
mechanisms may be implemented to facilitate the financing of trade between CARICOM Member
States and Venezuela.
2. The Parties, recognising the importance of timely payments for the development of trade,
undertake to ensure that neither Venezuela nor any Member State of CARICOM imposes undue
impediments to the prompt payment for goods traded within the context of this Agreement.
Article 13
1. The Parties recognise the importance of trade in services for the development of their
2. The Parties further recognise that it will be opportune and necessary to develop co-operation
in this sector when the outcome of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations in the
GATT is known. To this end, the Parties will negotiate amendments or further elaboration of this
Agreement to take account of and to take advantage of the outcome of these negotiations.
Article 14
1. The Parties recognise the importance of improving transportation services as a means of
facilitating trade between the Member States of CARICOM and Venezuela.
2. The Joint Council shall keep the provisions of this Article under review and identify
measures including the negotiation of agreements on air and maritime transportation between the
Member States of CARICOM and Venezuela, whereby transportation services may be improved.
3. The Parties further undertake to explore the possibility of creating joint enterprises in the
area of transport and promote the establishment of centres for the consolidation of freight.
Article 15
1. Venezuela should apply temporary safeguard measures when:
(a) importation of products originating in any of the Member States of CARICOM in
quantities such that they cause serious damage to national production of similar or
directly competing goods;
(b) it might be necessary to correct dis-equilibrium in the Balance of Payments or protect
the external financial position of Venezuela.
2. With reference to sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 1, the corrective measures should consist
of the total or partial suspension of the obligations contracted with respect to the said products.
3. When Venezuela applies restrictions in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 1,
the corrective measures may consist of the reduction of volumes or of the value of the merchandise
imported, without exceeding the limits necessary for avoiding a serious reduction of monetary
reserves, for halting the reduction or increasing the international monetary reserves, as the case may
4. When Venezuela proposes to adopt the above-mentioned measures, it shall provide prior
notification to:
(a) the Joint Council, so that the Joint Council within a period no longer than 15
calendar days dating from the date of receipt of such notification shall decide
whether safeguard action is appropriate in the particular case;
(b) the Parties which may have a substantial interest as exporters of the product in
question, by means of the Joint Council, to give them the opportunity for the
examination of the measures which are proposed for adoption.
5. The decision taken by the Joint Council shall be on the basis of the evidence provided by the
Parties. In the case that the decision is in the affirmative, the Joint Council shall authorise the
application of the restrictive measures.
6. The safeguard measures shall be applied only during the period necessary for repairing the
grave damage. For that purpose they shall have no more than one year’s duration.
Article 16
In the case that these should arise in the trade between the Parties, situations of dumping as well as
distortions arising from the application of subsidies to exports or of domestic subsidies equivalent
in nature, the affected Party is empowered to apply the appropriate measures in conformity with its
domestic legislation where it exists, which shall in any case be in conformity with the provisions of
the GATT.
Article 17
1. The Joint Council is the body responsible for the resolution of disputes which may arise with
regard to the interpretation, application, execution or failure to comply with the provisions of this
2. In the implementation of its powers under this Article, the Joint Council shall define
guidelines and mechanisms for the settlement of disputes not later than six months after the entry
into force of this Agreement.
Such mechanisms may include negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation and arbitration.
Article 18
The Joint Council shall carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of this
Agreement and of the accomplishment of its objective, not later than four years after its entry into
force. On the basis of this evaluation, the Joint Council shall recommend measures which it
considers necessary to improve trade relations between the Parties on a mutual basis.
Article 19
1. This Agreement remains open to adherence of the other ALADI Member Countries, subject
to prior negotiations among the Parties and those countries which demonstrate their intention to
become members, in accordance with the provision in paragraph (a) of Article 9 of the Treaty of
Montevideo of 1980.
2. The negotiations shall take into account that this Agreement establishes preferential
treatment granted by Venezuela to the Member States of the Caribbean Community by reason of
their lesser degree of relative development.
Article 20
Venezuela shall proceed to implement with immediate effect the necessary procedures for
formalising the Agreement with ALADI in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty of
Montevideo of 1980 and the Resolutions of the Council of Ministers.
Article 21
The Annexes to this Agreement shall form an integral part thereof.
Article 22
1. Either Party to this Agreement may give notice to terminate by giving written notice of
termination to the other Party. Termination shall take effect six (6) months after such notice is
received by the other Party.
2. The rights acquired and the obligations contracted under this Agreement shall cease on the
effective date of termination, except with regard to those relating to obligations undertaken with
respect to importation of products, which shall continue in force for a further period of one year
unless the Parties agree to a longer period.
Article 23
This Agreement shall enter into force once the Parties have notified each other through diplomatic
channels, indicating that all internal legal procedures have been completed. In any event, such legal
procedures shall be completed on or before January 1, 1993.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly authorised, have affixed
their signatures to his Agreement.
DONE AT Palacio de Miraflores in Caracas, Venezuela in the English and Spanish languages, both
texts being equally authentic, the 13
day of October, 1992.
SIGNED: Patrick Manning
for the Caribbean Community.
for the Government of the Republic of Venezuela
0602.10.00.10 0602.004 Slips and Cuttings of Citrus Plants 5,6
0602.10.00.20 0602.009 Slips and Cuttings of Ornamental Plants 5,6
0602.10.00.90 0602.009 Other Slips and Cuttings 5,6
0602.20.00 0602.009 Trees, Shrubs and Plants of Edible Fruits 5,6
0602.30.00 0602.009 Rhododendrons and Azaleas 5,6
0602.40.00 0602.009 Rose Bushes 5,6
0602.91.00 0602.009 White Mushrooms 5,6
0602.99.00.10 0602.009 Live Orchid Plants 5,6
0602.99.00.20 0602.004 Live Citrus Plants 5,6
0602.99.00.30 0602.009 Live Coffee Plants 5,6
0602.99.00.90 0602.009 Other Live Plants 5,6
0603.10.00 0603 Flowers and Buds, Fresh 5,6
0604.10.00 0604.10
Mosses and Lichens, Fresh or Dried
0604.91.00 0604.00 Foliage and Other Parts of Plants, Fresh 5,6
0604.99.00 0604.00 Other Foliage, Leaves, Branches, Dried, Bleached or Dyed 5,6
0802.40.00 0802.40 Chestnuts, Fresh or Dry 5
0810.90.00 0810.009 Other Fresh Fruits 5,6
0902.10.00 0902.00 Green Tea in Containers of less than 3 kgs 5,6
0902.20.00.10 0902.00 Green Tea, Ground or in containers of more than 5 kgs 5,6
0902.20.00.90 0902.00
Other Green Tea in other Forms
0902.30.00 0902.00 Black Tea in Containers less than 3 kgs 3,5,6
0902.40.00.10 0902.00 Black Tea, ground or in containers of over 5 kg 3,5,6
0902.40.00.90 0902.00 Other black tea in other forms 3,5,6
0904.11.00 0904.11 Pepper, neither crushed nor ground 5,6
0904.12.00 0904.12 Pepper, crushed or ground 5,6
0906.10.00 0906.10 Cinnamon, neither crushed nor ground 5,6
0906.20.00 0906.20 Cinnamon, crushed or ground 5,6
0907.00.00 0907.00 Cloves 5,6
0908.10.00 0908.10 Nutmeg 5,6
0908.20.00 0908.20 Mace 5,6
0910.10.00 0910.10 Ginger 5,6
0910.20.00 0910.20 Saffron 5,6
0910.40.00 0910.40 Tumeric Bay leaves 5,6
0910.50.00 0910.50 Curry 5,6
0910.99.00 1910.99 Other spices 5,6
1209.91.00 1209.00 Vegetable Seeds 5,6
1515.90.00 1515.90 Others (nutmeg oil) 5
1704.10.00 1704.10 Chewing gum 5
1704.90.10 1704.90 Other sweets, Confectionery 5
1704.90.90.10 1704.90 Nougats 5
1905.00.00 1905. Bakery Products, pastry or biscuits 5
2007.99.30 2007.995 Jelly and Jam, of Nutmeg 5
2102.30.00 2102.30 Artificial Yeasts (Baking Powder) 5
2103.90.20 2103.909 Condiments and Seasonings, mixed 5
2104.10.20 2104.10 Soups, Vegetable Soups or Broths, prepared 5
2105.00.00 2105.00 Ice Cream and Similar Products 5
2106.90.20 2106.003 Non-Alcoholic Mixtures for the Preparation of Beverages 5
2106.90.90 2106.009 Other Food Preparations 5
2711.12.00 2711.12 Propane -
2711.13.00 2711.13 Butane -
2711.19.00 2711.19 Other Gaseous Hydrocarbons -
2804.29.00 2804.29 Other Gases (Gases Nobles) -
2818.20.00 2818.20 Aluminium Oxide -
3003.31.00 3003.31 Medicaments Containing Insulin not Packaged for Retail Sale 3
3004.31.00 3004.31 Medicaments Containing Insulin Packaged for Retail Sale 3
3301.29.90 3301.109 Others (Essential Oils) -
3303.00.00 3303.00 Perfumes and Toilet Water 3
3304.10.00 3304.10 Preparation for Lip make-up 3
3304.20.00 3304.20 Preparation for eye make-up 3
3304.30.00 3304.30 Preparations for Pedicure or Manicure 3
3304.91.00 3304.90 Powders, Including Compacts 3
3304.99.00 3304.90 Other Preparations for the skin care 3
3305.10.00 3305.10 Shampoos 3
3305.20.00 3305.20 Preparations for Permanent Waving or Straightening 3
3305.30.00 3305.30 Hair Lacquers 3
3307.10.00 3307.10 Shaving Preparations 3
3307.20.00 3307.20 Deodorants 3
3307.30.00 3307.30 Perfumed Salts and Other Bath Preparations 3
3307.41.00 3307.41 Agarbatti and Other Perfumed Preparations 3
3503.00.20 3503.00 Fish Glue, Other Glues of Animal Origin 6
4105.11.00 4105 Sheepskin (hairless), Prepared with Vegetable Tanning -
4105.12.00 4105 Sheepskin (hairless), Otherwise Tanned -
6913.10.00 6913.00 Statuettes and Other Ornamental Articles made of Porcelain -
6913.90.00 6913.00 Other Ornamental Articles, Ceramics -
7203.10.00 7203.10 Ferrous Products Obtained by Direct Reduction of Iron Ore -
7203.90.00 7203.90 Other Products of Sponge, Iron in Lumps or Similar Forms -
7207.11.00 7207.101 Square or Rectangular Blooms, and Billets or non-alloy Steel
with Carbon Content Lower than 0.25% by weight
7207.12.00 7207.202 Other Semi-finished Iron or Steel Products of Rectangular
Traverse Section
7207.19.00 7207.202 Other By-Products of Iron or Steel -
7207.20.00 7207.202 Other iron and steel by-products with carbon content greater
than or equal to 0.25% by weight
7209.11.00 7209.309 Sheets of non-alloy iron or steel, of thickness greater than or
equal to 3mm and with a minimum elasticity limit of 355
7209.21.00 7209.909 Other sheets of non-alloy iron or steel, of thickness greater
than or equal to 3mm
7213.31.00 7213.009 Wire less than 14mm with carbon content below 0.25% by
weight (only with sulphur content of 0.025% and phosphorus
below 0.025%) for use exclusively in the production of
7213.39.00 7213.009 Other wire of non-alloyed iron or steel -
7213.49.00 7213.009 Other wire of non-alloyed iron or steel with carbon content
between 0.25% and 0.6% by weight
7214.30.00 7214.003 Steel bars of simple fabrication -
7226.20.00 7226.20 Flat rolled products of high alloy steel with width lower than
7228.10.00 7228.10 High speed steel bars -
7228.20.00 7228.20 Bars of silico-manganese steel -
7228.30.00 7228.30 Other bars not further worked or hot extruded -
7228.40.00 7228.40 Other bars simply forged -
7228.50.00 7228.50 Other bars simply obtained or cold finished -
7228.60.00 7228.60 Other bars of alloyed steel -
7228.70.00 7228.70 Angles, shapes and sections of alloyed steel -
7228.80.00 7228.80 Hollow bars for drilling -
7312.10.00.10 7312 Cables for reinforcing tyres of Iron or Steel -
7314.11.00 7314.109 Metallic netting of stainless steel -
7326.20.00.10 7326.20 Tubular grid for wells, of iron or steel -
7419.99.10 7419.90 Copper containers with capacity of greater than 300 litres
except for compressed or liquified gases
8409.10.00 8409.10 Parts for use solely with aircraft engines -
8409.91.10 8409.91 Blocks and cylinder heads, for piston engines -
8409.91.30 8409.91 Connecting rods for piston engines -
8409.91.50 8409.91 Rings for piston engines -
8409.91.60 8409.91 Carburettors and parts thereof piston engines -
8409.91.80 8409.91 Crank cases for piston engines -
8409.91.90 8409.91 Other parts suitable for use with spark-ignition engines -
8409.99.20 8409.99 Other rings -
8409.99.30 8409.99 Injectors and other parts for combustible systems -
8409.99.90 8409.99 Other parts for engines under headings 84.07 or 84.08 -
8413.91.10 8413.919 Parts of other pumps under sub-heading 8413.11.00 -
8413.91.20 8413.911 Parts of other pumps under sub-heading 8413.30.10 -
8413.91.30 8413.911 Parts of other pumps under sub-heading 8413.30.21 to
8413.91.40 8413.919 Parts of other pumps under 8413.60.00 -
8413.91.90.90 8413.919 Parts of other pumps -
8413.92.00 8413.92 Parts of liquid elevators -
8414.10.00 8414.10 Vacuum Pumps -
8415.82.90.10 8415.82 Air conditioning Units up to 240.000 BTU/H -
8431.41.00 8431.41 Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips -
8431.42.00 8431.42 Blades for bulldozers or angledozers -
8431.31.43.00 8431.43 Parts of machinery or apparatus for drilling or boring of sub-
heading 8430.41 or 8430.49
8466.93.00 8466 Parts for other machinery for drilling, boring, milling or
threading metals (from sub-heading 8466.93.30 to sub-
heading 8466.93.60)
8479.30.00 8479.30 Presses for the manufacture of particle boards of wood fibre -
8479.40.00 8479.40 Rope or cable making machines -
8479.81.00 8479.81 Machinery and apparatus for working metal, including
electric wire coil winders
8479.89.10 8479.89 Machinery and apparatus for the soap industry -
8479.89.20 8479.89 Humidifiers and dehumidifiers -
8479.89.40 8479.89 Machinery and apparatus for the care and conservation of oil
pipelines and similar products
8479.89.50 8479.89 Windscreen wipers with motor -
8480.49.00 8480.009 Other moulding boxes for metal foundry -
8524.21.10 8524.20 Magnetic tapes for teaching of width of 4mm or less -
8524.22.10 8524.20 Magnetic tapes for teaching (of width greater than 4mm but
less than or equal to 6.5mm)
8524.23.10 8524.20 Magnetic tapes for teaching of width greater than 6.5mm -
8528.10.00.10 8528.10 Colour Video monitors -
8536.10.10 8536.10 Automobile fuses -
8539.10.00 8539.10 Headlamps or sealed beam units -
8540.11.00 8540.001 Cathode tubes for colour television sets -
8540.12.00 8540.001 Cathode tubes for black and white television sets or other
8540.20.00 8540.009 Tubes for television cameras -
8540.30.00 8540.009 Other Cathode tubes -
8540.41.00 8540.41 Magnetrones -
8540.42.00 8540.42 Klistrones -
8540.49.00 8540.009 Other high frequency tubes -
8540.81.00 8540.009 Receptor tubes or amplifiers -
8541.10.00 8541.001 Diodes, except photodiodes and light producing diodes -
8542.80.00 8542.009 Cathodes, valves and tubes diodes, electronic micro
8544.70.00 8544.70 Fibre optic cables -
8803.10.20 8803.10 Parts of aircraft of sub-heading 8802.20.10 and 8802.30.10
(propellers and rotors)
8803.20.10 8803.20 Parts of aircraft of sub-headings 8802.20.10 and 8802.30.10,
(under carriages and parts thereof)
8803.30.10 8803.30 Parts of aircraft of sub-headings 8802.20.10 and 8802.30.10
(other parts of aircraft and helicopters)
8803.90.10 8803.90
Parts of balloons and dirigibles
9010.10.00 9010.10 Apparatus and material for automatically developing
photographic film
9206.00.00 9206.00 Percussion musical instrument -
9506.29.00 9506 Other articles for water sports -
9506.51.00 9506 Tennis rackets, strung or otherwise -
9506.62.00 9506 Inflatable balloons -
9506.91.00 9506 Articles and materials for gymnastics or athletics -
9602.00.90 9602.009 Other mineral or vegetable material for carving and
manufacture of these materials
3 - permit issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance
5 - Sanitary Certificate issued by the Country of Origin
6 - Sanitary Certificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
0106.00.90.90 0106 Other Live Animals 10 5,6
0301.90.10 0301.901 Other Live Fish for Breeding or Industrial
0302.00.00.90 0302. Flying fish, strip bellied fish, bonito, snapper,
(roncador) fresh or chilled
20 3,5
0303.00.00.90 0303. Stripe bellied fish, bonito, snapper, (roncador),
Trout and Shark
20 3,5
0304.20.00.90 0304.20 Fillets of Fish, Frozen 20 3,5
0304.90.00.90 0304.90 Fish meat, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen 20 3,5
0305.40.00.90 0305.401 Other Fish, Smoked 20 3,5
0305.51.00.90 0305.402 Other Fish, Dry 20 3,5
0305.69.00.90 0305. Other Fish, Salted 20 3,5
0306.13.90 0306.00 Shrimp, Prawns, Frozen 20 3,5
0306.19.00 0306 Other Crustacea, Frozen 20 3,5
0307.00.00.19 0307. Other Molluscs, Frozen 20 3,5
0702.00.00 0702.00 Tomatoes, Fresh or Chilled 15 5,6
0703.20.00 0703.20 Garlic, Fresh or Chilled 15 5,6
0707.00.00 0707.001 Cucumbers, Fresh 15 5,6
0708.10.00 0708.001 Peas or Beans, Fresh or Chilled 15 5,6
0709.60.00 0709.004 Hot peppers of the Capsicum or Pimento
varieties, Fresh or Chilled
15 5,6
0709.90.00.90 0709.004 Christophenes, Ochroes, Sorrel, Pumpkin, Fresh
or Chilled
15 5,6
0713.30.10.10 0713.004 Black Beans for Sowing 15 5,6
0713.30.90.90 0713.002 Other Beans, except for sowing 15 5,6
0714.90.00 0714.90 Other roots and tubers, Fresh or Dry 15 5,6
0801.10.00 0801.102 Coconuts, Dry or Fresh 15 5,6
0801.20.00 0801. Brazil nuts, Fresh or Dry 15 5,6
0801.30.00 0801 Cashew Nuts, Fresh or Dry 15 5,6
0803.90.00 0803.00 Bananas or Plantains, Fresh or Dry 15 5,6
0804.30.00 0804.30 Pineapples, Fresh or Dry 15 5,6
0804.40.00 0804.40 Avocadoes, Fresh 15 5,6
0804.50.00 0804.50 Guavas and Mangoes, Fresh or Dry 15 5,6
0805.10.00 0805.10 Oranges, Fresh 15 5,6
0805.20.10 0805.209 Mandarines, Fresh 15 5,6
0805.30.20 0805. Sour limes, Fresh 15 5,6
0805.40.00 0805.140 Grapefruits, Fresh or Dry 15 5,6
0807.10.00 0807.10 Melons, Water Melons, Fresh 15 5,6
0808.10.00 0808. Apples, Fresh 15 5,6
0809.40.00 0809.00 Plums, Fresh 15 5,6
0810.90.00 0810.00 Tamarind, Sapodilla, Passion Fruit, Soursop,
Fresh or Dry
15 5,6
1104.30.00.90 1104.30 Wheat Germ 20 5
1106.10.00 1106.20 Flour and Semolina of other Vegetables under
Heading 07.13
20 5
1517.10.00 1517.10 Margarine, except liquid Margarine 20 3,5
1517.90.00 1517.901 Other Margarines 20 3,5
1601.00.00 1601.001 Sausages of the ‘Vienna’ type and Pepperoni 20 5,6
1602.50.90 1602 Tinned Meat 20 5,6
1602.41.00 1602.401 Ham 20 2,5,6
1602.49.90 1602.402 Bacon 20 2,5,6
1803.10.00 1803 Cocoa Butter, fat not removed 15 5
1802.20.00 1803. Cocoa Butter, fat entirely or partially removed 15 5
1805.00.00 1805. Cocoa Powder 20 5
1806.31.00 1806.002 Chocolate Bars, filled 20 5
1806.32.00 1806.002 Chocolate Bars, not filled 20 5
1902.19.00 1902. Other Food Products of Cocoa and other Pastes 20 5
1904.90.00 1904. Other Cereal-based products, obtained by
blowing or toasted
20 5
2006.00.00 2006.009 Processed Fruits, with sugar 20 5
2007.99.30 2007.993 Jellies and Jams of Guava 20 5
2008.19.90 2008. Other Fruits with Rind or Skin, processed or
20 5
2008.99.99 2008.004 Mangoes, processed or preserved 20 5
2009.80.19 2009 Tropical Fruit Juices 20 5
2103.20.00 2103.210 Tomato Sauce(Ketchup) 20 5
2103.90.90 2103.901 Pepper Sauce and other prepared sauces 20 5
2202.90.00 2202.90 Non-alcoholic beverages except fruit and
vegetable juices
20 5
2203.00.00 2203.00 Malta 20 5
2208.10.00 2208. Mixed alcoholic preparations of the type used for
beverage making
2208.40.00 2208.40 Rum and Sugar Cane Spirits 20 5
2402.20.20 2402.20 Cigarettes made from Virginia Tobacco 20 5
34.01 34.01 Soap; organic surface-active products and
preparations for use as soap, in form of bars,
cakes, moulded pieces or shapes, wadding; felt
and non-wovens, impregnated coated or covered
with soap or detergent
20 *
3406.00.00 3406. Candles 15 -
41.04 41.04 Hides and Skins of cattle and horses, hairless,
processed, except those under Headings 41.08 or
* -
4202.91.90 4202.20 School bags with outer surface of natural,
artificial or recycled leather
20 -
4202.92.00 4202.20 School bags with outer surface of plastic or fabric 20 -
CHAPTER 44 CHAPTER 44 Lumber, charcoal and wood manufactured
* -
4601.99.00 4601.20 Table mats of plaited material 20 -
4602.10.00 4602.009 Baskets of vegetable materials 20 -
4707.90.00 4707.00 Other Waste Paper and Cardboard 5 -
CHAPTER 48 CHAPTER 48 Paper and Cardboard, Products
manufacturedfrom cellulose paste, paper or
* -
5607.50.00 5607.00 Cords and twines of other synthetic fibres 15 -
CHAPTER 57 CHAPTER 57 Carpets and other floor coverings of textile
20 -
5905.00.00 5905.00 Other decorative items (coverings of textile
20 -
CHAPTER 61 CHAPTER 61 Garments and accessories knitted or crocheted 20 -
CHAPTER 62 CHAPTER 62 Garments and accessories not
knitted or crocheted
20 -
CHAPTER 63 CHAPTER 63 Other made-up textile articles; in sets or assorted
used clothing and rags
20 *
CHAPTER 64 CHAPTER 64 Footwear, garters, boots and similar items; parts
CHAPTER 65 CHAPTER 65 Articles for millinery and parts thereof * -
6904.10.00 6904.10 Ceramic building bricks 15 -
6905.10.00 6905.10 Ceramic Roofing tiles 15 -
6907.90.00 6907.001 Unglazed tiles and stones 15 -
6912.00.00 6912.001 Ceramic household articles 20 -
7113.11.00 7113.11 Jeweller’s articles of silver plated or not, or clad 20 -
7113.19.00 7113. Jeweller’s articles of gold whether plated or not
or clad
20 -
7204.10.00 7204. Waste and scrap metal 5 -
72.09 72.09 Sheets and plates of non-alloy iron or steel rolled
but not further worked of width greater than or
equal to 600mm, cold rolled, neither plated nor
coated (only sub-headings 7209.14.00,
7209.24.00, 7209.31.00, 7209.34.00, 7209.41.00,
* -
7210.12.00 7210 Sheets and plates of non-alloy iron or steel of
width greater than or equal to 600mm and of a
thickness of less than or equal to 0.5mm
10 -
7210.20.00 7210. Sheets and plates of non-alloy iron or steel rolled
but not further of width greater than or equal to
600mm plated or coated
10 -
7210.31.00 7210. Sheets and plates of non-alloy steel of thickness
of less than 3mm and with minimum limit of
elasticity of 275 MPA or of thickness greater than
or equal to 3mm and with a minimum of
elasticity of 355 MPA
10 -
7210.39.00 7210. Other sheets and plates of non-alloy iron or steel
galvanised electrolytically
10 -
7210.41.00 7210. Other sheets and plates of non-alloy iron or steel
corrugated and otherwise galvanised
10 -
7210.49.00 7210. Other sheets and plates of non-alloy iron and
steel otherwise galvanised
10 -
7210.50.00 7210. Sheets and plates of non-alloy iron or steel coated
with Chromium oxide or Chromium and
Chromium Oxide
10 -
7210.60.00 7210. Sheets and plates of non-alloy iron and steel,
coated with aluminium
10 -
7210.70.00 7210. Sheets and plates of non-alloy iron and steel,
painted, varnished or coated with plastic
10 -
7210.90.00 7210. Other sheets and plates of non-alloy iron or steel
of width greater than or equal to 600mm
10 -
72.12 72.12 Sheets and plates of non-alloy iron or steel of
width less than or equal to 600mm plated or
10 -
7214.60.00 7214 Other iron bars of non-alloy iron or steel, hot
extruded with a Carbon content greater than or
equal to 0.6% by weight
* -
72.15 72.15 Other bars of non-alloy iron or steel * -
72.16 72.16 Angles, shapes and sections of non-alloy iron or
10 -
72.17 72.17 Wire of non-alloy iron or steel 15 -
7308.90.90.90 7308. Structures and Parts of structures NES of iron or
steel except prefabricated structures under
Heading 94.06
15 -
73.09 73.09 Tank, casks, drums and similar containers for
smelting iron or steel with capacity of over 300
litres without mechanical or heating fittings
including coated interiors or heat resistant
15 -
73.10 73.10 Tanks, casks, drums and similar containers for
smelting iron or steel, with capacity less than or
equal to 300 litres without mechanical fittings or
heating including those with coated interiors or
heat resistant
15 -
7312.10.00.90 7312. Other cables of iron or steel not insulated for
electrical use
15 -
7312.90.00 7312. Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands, slings
and the like, of iron or steel, not electrically
15 -
7313.00.10 7313. Barbed wire 15 -
7313.00.90 7313. Other wire for fencing of iron and steel 15 -
73.14 73.14 Wire Mesh and fencing of iron and steel wire
sheets or wide bands of iron or steel (excluding
sub-heading 7314.11.00 included in the Free
Access List)
* -
7317.00.00.99 7317.002 Other nails and similar articles of iron or steel 15 -
7321.11.90 7321.10 Gas Stoves 20 -
7326.90.00 7326 Other products of iron or steel (excluding sub-
item 7326.20.00.10 included in the Free Access
10 -
74.07 74.07 Copper bars, rods, profiles 10 -
7419.99.90 7419. Other copper products * -
7602.00.00 7602.00 Aluminium Waste and Scrap 5 -
7610.90.00 7610 Other Structures and parts of structures of
Aluminium, except prefabricated structures
falling under heading 94.06
15 -
8305.20.00 8305.20 Office Staples 15 -
8309.10.00 8309.10 Crown Corks of base metal 15 -
8311.20.00 8311. Welding Rods 15 -
8409.91.20 8409. Crank cases for use with internal combustion
15 -
8409.91.40 8409. Pistons for engines falling under headings 84.07
or 84.08
15 -
8409.91.70 8409. Pistons for engines falling under headings 84.07
or 84.08
15 -
8409.99.10 8409 Other Pistons except those for internal
combustion engines
15 -
84.13 84.13 Pumps for Liquids, including those with
measuring devices liquid elevators, (except
products of items 8413.91.10, 8413.91.20,
8413.91.30, 8413.91.40, 8413.91.90.90 and
8413.92.00 included in the Free Access List)
* -
84.15 84.15 Air-conditioned units with mechanically operated
fan and fittings for modifying temperature and
humidity whether or not they separately regulate
the atmospheric pressure (except products falling
under sub-item 8415.82.90.10, included in the
Free Access List)
* -
84.18 84.18 Refrigerators, Freezers and other material,
machines and apparatus for cooling, electrical or
otherwise, heat pumps, except air condition units
falling under heading 84.15
* -
8419.11.00.10 8419. Solar Water Heaters for domestic use 20 -
8412.23.00 8421.23 Oil Filters for internal combustion engines or for
15 -
84.33 84.33 Machines and appliances for harvesting or
threshing, including presses for straw or fodder,
grass cutters and lawn mowers; machines for
cleaning or grading eggs, fruits, or other
agricultural products, except those falling under
heading 84.37
* -
84.79 84.79 Machines and mechanical appliances with
specific functions not set out or included in other
sections of this Chapter (except products falling
under Items 8479.30.00, 8479.40.00, 8479.81.00,
8479.89.10, 8479.89.20, 8479.89.40 and
8479.89.50 included in the Free Access List)
* -
8480.10.00 8480 Moulding boxes for metal foundry 5 -
8480.41.00 8480. Moulding boxes for moulding by injection or
compression of metals
10 -
8484.10.00 8484.00 Gaskets (of metal and plastic) 15 -
8484.90.00 8484. Other sets or assortments of gaskets of different
materials, in bags, envelopes or similar packaging
15 -
85.04 8504 Electrical transformers, static converters and
* -
85.07 85.07 Electrical Accumulators including separators
(whether square or rectangular)
* -
8509.40.10 8509.801 Blenders 20 -
8509.40.90 8509.80 Other food grinders and mixers, Fruit and
Vegetable Juicers
20 -
8516.79.00 8516.60 Other electro-thermal appliances for domestic use 20 -
85.24 85.24 Records, tapes and other accessories for sound
recording and similar processes, pre-recorded
including galvanic moulds for making records
except products falling under Chapter 37
* -
85.36 85.36 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting
electrical circuits, or for making connections to or
in electrical circuits (for example, switches,
relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets,
lamp- holders, junction boxes) for a voltage not
exceeding 1000 volts (except sub-heading
8536.10.10 included in the Free Access List)
* -
8537.10.00 8537.00 Circuit Boards for tensions less than 1000 volts 15 -
8537.20.00 8537.00 Circuit Boards for tensions above 1000 volts 15 -
8538.10.00 8538. Circuit Boards, panels, consoles and other
accessories falling under heading 85.37 without
the appliances
15 -
8708.92.00 8708. Silencers for motor vehicles 15 -
9021.21.00 9021.20 Artificial Teeth 5 -
9401.80.00 9401. Other Seats 20 -
9403.10.00 9403.10 Metal Office Furniture 20 -
9403.30.00 9403. Wooden Office Furniture 20 -
9403.40.00 9403. Wooden Kitchen Furniture 20 -
9403.50.00 9403. Wooden Bedroom Furniture 20 -
9403.60.00 9403. Other Wooden Furniture 20 -
9404.90.00 9404. Pillows 20 -
9405.10.90 9405.10 Other Electric light fittings for ceilings and walls 20 -
9405.50.90 9405.10 Chandeliers 20 -
9405.90.90 9405. Other parts for electric light fittings 15 -
9603.10.00 9603. Brooms and brushes of branches or other
vegetable material tied into bunches, including
those with sticks/handles
20 -
9603.21.00 9603.003 Tooth Brushes 20 -
9603.99.00 9603. Other Brushes 20 -
(*) Refer to the Venezuelan Customs Tariff
(2) Importation reserved for the National Government
(3) Permit from the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance
(5) Health Certificate issued by the Country of Origin
(6) Health Certificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
0201.10.00 0201. Beef, fresh or chilled, entire carcasses or halves
0201.20.00 0201. Beef, fresh or chilled in cuts not deboned
0201.30.00 0201. Beef, fresh or chilled, boneless
0202.10.00 0202. Beef, frozen, entire carcasses or halves
0202.20.00 0202. Beef, frozen in cuts, not deboned
0202.30.00 0202. Beef, frozen, boneless
0402.21.00.20 0402. Whole milk with a minimum fat content of 26%
0402.29.00.10 0402. Cream, sweetened
0402.99.10 0402.991 Condensed Milk
0403.10.00 0403.10 Yoghurt
0901.11.00 0901. Coffee beans, not roasted, not decaffeinated
0901.21.10 0901. Coffee beans, roasted, not decaffeinated
1006.30.00 1006. White Rice
1006.40.00 1006. Rice, broken
1101.00.00 1101.00 Wheat flour
1103.11.00 1103. Semolina
1203.00.00 1203.00 Copra
1508.10.00 1508. Peanut oil in crude form
1508.90.00 1508. Other groundnut oils
1511.10.00 1511. Palm oil, crude
1511.90.00 1511. Other Palm oils
1513.11.00 1513.11 Coconut oil, crude
1513.19.00 1513. Other Coconut oils
1515.29.00 1515.20 Corn oil refined, excluding nutmeg oil (1515.90.00) included in the
Free Access List
1516.20.00 1516. Other vegetable fats
1701.11.90 1701.11 Other cane sugar, crude, neither flavoured nor coloured
1703.10.00 1703. Molasses (of sugar cane)
1801.00.10 1801. Cocoa beans, raw
1801.00.20 1801. Cocoa beans, roasted
1904.90.00 1904. Rice, pre-cooked
2009.11.00 2009. Orange Juice, frozen
2009.19.00 2009. Other Orange Juices
2304.00.00 2304.00 Cake and other solid residues from the extraction of soya bean oil
2305.00.00 2305.00 Cake and other solid residues from the extraction of peanut oil
2523.21.00.10 2523.20 White Portland Cement
2523.21.00.20 2523. Grey Cement
Chapter 27 Chapter 27 Mineral Fuels, mineral oils and products distilled therefrom,
Bituminous materials, mineral waxes except propane (2711.12.00),
Botane (2711.13.00) and other gaseous hydrocarbons (2711.19.00)
included in the Free Access List
2804.40.00 2804. Oxygen
2811.21.00 2811.291 Carbon Dioxide
2811.29.20 2811.21 Nitrous Oxide
2814.10.00 2814.10 Anhydrous Ammonia
2833.22.00 2833.001 Aluminium Sulphate
2905.11.00 2905.001 Methanol
2915.90.90.99 2915.009 Other Carboxylic Acids
30.03 30.03 Medicaments constituted by a mixture of products prepared for
therapeutic or prophylactic use, not packaged in doses nor packaged
for rental sale. Except medicaments containing insulin not packaged
for retail sale (3003.31.000 included in the Free Access List).
30.04 30.04 Medicaments constituted by a mixture of products prepared for
therapeutic or prophylactic use, packaged in doses or packaged for
retail sale, except medicaments containing insulin packaged for
retain sale (3004.31.00) included in the Free Access List.
3102.10.00 3102.10 Urea
32.08 32.08 Paints and varnishes based on modified synthetic or natural
polymers, dissolved in a non-aqueous medium
32.09 32.09 Paints and varnishes based on modified synthetic or natural
polymers, dissolved in an aqueous medium
3210.00.20 3210. Water pigments of the type used for leather finishes
34.02 34.02 Organic surface-active agents (other than soap) surface-active
preparations, washing preparations (including auxiliary washing
preparations) and cleaning preparations whether or not containing
soap, other than those of Heading 34.01 included in the Phased
Reduction List
3808.10.10 3808. Insecticides in containers for retail sale
3808.10.20 3808. Insecticides in other forms
3808.40.10 3808. Disinfectants in containers for retail sale
3808.40.90 3808. Disinfectants in other forms
3819.00.00 3819.00 Fluids for hydraulics brakes and other liquid preparations for
hydraulic transmissions, not containing petroleum oils or bituminous
3823.40.00 3823 Prepared additives for cement, mortars or concrete
3823.90.99.90 3823 Residual products of the chemical or related industries, not set out or
included under other headings
3907.30.00 3907.00 Epoxide Resins in simple forms
39.15 3915.00 Waste, parings and scrap of plastic
3917.23.00 3917.201 PVC pipes
39.20 39.20 Other plates, sheets, films, bands of non cellular plastic, neither
reinforced, stratified, nor combines in similar form with other
39.23 39.23 Articles for transport and packaging of plastic, covers, lids, caps and
other covers of plastic
39.24 39.24 Crockery and other articles for domestic use and articles for sanitary
use of plastic
3925.10.00 3925.10 Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers with capacity of over
300 litres of plastic
39.26 39.26 Other items of plastic and products of other materials under headings
39.01 to 39.14
6810.91.00 6810 Prefabricated cement or concrete structures for construction
7010.90.00.90 7010 Other bottles, flasks, pots and other containers for transport or
packaging of glass
7209.12.00 7209.301 Sheets of thickness of more that 1mm but less than 3mm of Iron or
Steel, cold finished
7209.13.00 7209.23 Sheets of iron or steel of thickness greater than or equal to 0.5mm,
but less than or equal to 1mm, cold finished
7209.22.00 7209.401 Sheets of iron or steel of thickness greater than or equal to 1mm, but
less than or equal to 3mm, cold rolled
7209.23.00 7209.901 Sheets of iron or steel of thickness greater than or equal to 0.5mm
but less than or equal to 1mm, cold rolled
7209.32.00 7209. Flat rolled products of non-alloy iron or steel, cold rolled, of
thickness greater than 1mm but less than 3mm
7209.33.00 7209. Flat rolled products of non-alloy iron or steel, cold finished, of
thickness greater than or equal to 0.5mm but less than or equal to
7209.42.00 7209. Other flat rolled products of iron or steel, cold rolled of thickness
greater than 1mm but less than 3mm not rolled up
7209.43.00 7209. Other flat rolled products of iron or steel, cold finished of thickness
greater than or equal to 0.5mm, but less than or equal to 1mm, not
rolled up
7209.90.00 7209. Other flat rolled products of non-alloy iron or steel of width greater
than or equal to 600mm, cold rolled
7213.10.00 7213.001 Wire rods of non-alloy iron or steel with grooves
7213.20.00 7213.009 Wire rod of steels of simple fabrication
7213.31.00 7213.009 Wire rod of iron or steel with circular section and diameter less than
14mm, except wire rod of less than 14mm, with carbon content of
less than 25% by weight (only with sulphur content of less than
0.025% and phosphorous less than 0.025%) for use exclusively in
the production of electrodes, included in the Free Access List
7213.41.00 7213.009 Wire rod of iron or steel or circular section and diameter of less than
14mm, with Carbon content of more than 0.25% by weight
7213.50.00 7213. Other wire rod of iron or steel with Carbon content greater than or
equal to 0.6% by weight
7214.10.00 7214.001 Bars of non-alloy iron or steel, simply forged
7214.20.00 7214.003 Bars of non-alloy iron or steel, with grooves, bands, holes or raised
marking, hot extruded
7214.40.00 7214.009 Other bars of non-alloy iron or steel with Carbon content of less than
0.25% by weight
7214.50.00 7214.50 Other bars of non-alloy iron or steel, hot extruded, with Carbon
content greater than or equal to 0.25% but less than 0.6% by weight
8528.20.00.90 8528.20 Other black and white television sets and other monochromes
9502.10.00 9502.10 Dolls, dressed or otherwise
Article 1
For the purposes of the Qualification of Origin of the products which Venezuela will exempt from
imports duties and restrictions, according to Article 5 of the Trade and Investment Agreement
between the Government of the Republic of Venezuela and the Caribbean Community, the following
shall be considered as originating in CARICOM Member Countries:
(a) Items included in the tariff sub-headings indicated in Appendix I, for the sole reason of being
produced in its territory. To this end, the following items are considered as produced:
S Mineral, vegetable and animal products (including those from hunting and fishing)
extracted, harvested or gathered, born in its territory or territorial waters and
exclusive economic zones; and
S Products of the sea extracted beyond its territorial waters and exclusive economic
zones, by ships of its own flag or leased by enterprises which are legally established
in its territory.
(b) Items wholly produced in the territories of CARICOM Member Countries, when such items
are exclusively produced with materials from any of said Countries.
(c) Items manufactured using materials from third countries provided that they result from a
process of substantial transformation, carried out in the territory of CARICOM Member
Countries, which creates a different product characterised by the fact of being classified
within the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System in a heading different
from that of such materials.
(d) Items that are the result of assembly operations which constitute a process of substantial
transformation, carried out in the territory of a CARICOM Member Country and in the
production of which materials from such countries, from Venezuela and from third countries
are used, when the destination port c.i.f. value or the maritime port c.i.f. value of the
materials from third countries does not exceed 50 per cent of the f.o.b. export value of such
(e) Items that, besides being produced in the territories of CARICOM Member Countries,
comply with the specific origin requirements established in Appendix 2, attached to these
Article 2
The specific origin requirements shall take precedence over the general criteria of the present Rules.
The Joint Council may establish by means of amending protocols specific origin requirements in
Trade and Investment Agreement between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the
Government of the Republic of Venezuela. In like manner, the Joint Council may amend the
requirements previously agreed upon.
Article 3
The following will not be considered as processes of substantial transformation:
(a) operations to ensure the preservation of goods during transportation or storage, such as
refrigeration, addition of preservatives, removal of damaged parts and the like;
(b) operations such as dust removal, sifting, shelling, winnowing, maceration, drying, sorting,
classification, selection, crushing, washing, painting and cutting-up;
(c) the simple formation of sets of products;
(d) simple packing, placing in containers or repackaging;
(e) the simple dividing up of assembly of packages;
(f) the affixing of brands, labels, or other similar distinctive signs;
(g) simple mixture of materials if the characteristics of the product obtained are not essentially
different from the characteristics of the materials which have been mixed;
(h) the slaughter of animals;
(i) the simple gathering or assembly of imported parts.
Article 4
For the purpose of the present Rules:
(a) the term “territory” includes the duty-free zones located within the geographic boundaries
of any of the CARICOM Member Countries;
(b) the term “materials” applies to the raw materials, the intermediate products, parts and spare
parts, used in the production of merchandise.
Article 5
For the purposes of the fulfilment of the Rules of Origin established in the Chapter and in Appendix
2, the materials from the territory of one of the CARICOM Member Countries and from Venezuela
used by another Member Country in the production of a particular merchandise, shall be considered
as originating in the territory of the latter country.
Article 6
In order to enjoy the benefits of preferential treatment, originating merchandise must be directly
delivered from the exporting country to the importing country.
For this purpose, the following shall be considered as direct consignment:
(a) Products transported without going through third country territories.
(b) Products transported in transit through one or more non-participating countries, with or
without transhipment, or temporary storage under the surveillance of customs authorities of
such countries, provided that:
(i) they are not designed for trade or use in the transit country; and
(ii) they do not undergo during transportation or storage, any operation other than
loading or unloading or operations to keep them in good condition and ensure their
Article 7
In order for the products to benefit from the preferential treatment contemplated under Article 4 of
the Trade and Investment Agreement between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the
Government of the Republic of Venezuela, a declaration certifying the fulfilment of the origin
requirements described in Chapter I, in the format adopted by ALADI (Latin American Integration
Association), set out in Appendix 3, must be included in the export document. To this end,
Venezuela undertakes to notify the CARICOM Secretariat of any modification to the form adopted
Such declaration may be issued by the final producer or by the exporter of the merchandise
concerned, and must in any case be certified by an official body.
Origin certificates issued for the purpose of complying with the exemption regime, will be valid for
a period of 180 days from the date of certification by the appropriate body or entity of the exporting
Article 8
CARICOM Member Countries will transmit to the Venezuelan Foreign Trade Institute the approved
list of official bodies authorised to issue the certification mentioned in the previous Article, along
with a list of signatories and facsimiles of the authorised signatures.
Article 9
The Venezuelan Foreign Trade Institute will keep an updated record of official bodies authorised
by CARICOM Member Countries to issue origin certificates. Any changes requested by these
countries will take effect within 30 days after receipt of the communication from the country.
Article 10
The functions and obligations of official bodies authorised by CARICOM Member Countries to
carry out origin certification, will be, inter alia, the following:
(a) to verify the accuracy of the declaration presented to them by the producer or the
exporter by way of systems or procedures which ensure the accuracy of the data.
(b) to provide to the Venezuelan Foreign Trade Institute the administrative co-operation
required for the control of documentary proof or origin.
Article 11
The Venezuelan Foreign Trade Institute may request the official bodies authorised by CARICOM
Member Countries to issue certificates of origin to carry out control of this document when:
(a) There are grounds for doubts regarding the authenticity of the document;
(b) There are grounds for doubts in regard to the accuracy of the data contained therein;
(c) For random checks.
Article 12
The requests for control procedures will be made within a period of one year from the date of the
customs declaration in the importing country. In like manner, such requests shall be answered no
later than three months after the date of the request.
Article 13
When the Venezuelan agencies arrive at the conclusion that the origin certificates do not comply
with the provisions of the present regime, they will transmit their opinion to the exporting country
in order for that country to take the necessary action to achieve a solution to the problems described.
In no case shall the Venezuelan authorities interrupt an import procedure of the products covered
by the certificates mentioned in the above Article. However, the Venezuelan authorities, in addition
to requesting the appropriate additional information from the Governmental authorities of the
exporting countries, shall adopt the actions they deem necessary to safeguard the fiscal interests.
0106.00.90.90 0106 Other Live Animals
0301.10.00 0301 Ornamental Fish
0301.90.10 0301 Other Live Fish for Breeding
0301.90.90 0301 Other Live Fish, Except for Breeding
0302.00.00.90 0302 Other Fish, Fresh or Chilled
0303.00.00.90 0303 Other Frozen Fish
0304.10.00.90 0304 Other Fillets of Fish, Fresh or Chilled
0304.20.00.90 0304 Other Fillets of Fish, Frozen
0304.90.00.90 0304 Other Fish Meat, Fresh, Chilled or Frozen
0305.30.00.90 0305 Other Fillets of Fish, Dried, Salted or in Brine, not Smoked
0305.40.00.90 0305 Other Smoked Fish including Fillets
0305.51.00.90 0305 Other Dried Fish
0305.69.00.90 0305 Other Salted Fish
0306.13.10 0306 Prawns, Frozen
0306.13.90 0306 Shrimp and Prawns, Frozen
0307.00.00.19 0307 Other Frozen Molluscs
0602.10.00.10 0602 Slips and Cuttings of Citrus Plants
0602.10.00.20 0602 Slips and Cuttings of Ornamental Plants
0602.10.00.90 0602 Other Slips and Cuttings of Live Plants
0602.20.00 0602 Trees, Shrubs and Plants of Edible Fruits
0602.30.00 0602 Rhododendrons and Azaleas (Live)
0602.40.00 0602 Rose Bushes
0602.91.00 0602 White Mushrooms
0602.99.00.10 0602 Live Orchid Plants
0602.99.00.20 0602 Live Citrus Plants
0602.99.00.30 0602 Live Coffee Plants
0602.99.00.90 0602 Other Live Plants
0603.10.00 0603 Flowers and Buds, Fresh
0604.10.00 0604 Mosses and Lichens, Fresh or Dried, Bleached, Dyed, Impregnated or
otherwise prepared
0604.91.00 0604 Foliage, Other Parts of Plants, Fresh
0604.99.00 0604 Other Foliage, Leaves, Branches and Other Parts of Plants
0702.00.00 0702 Tomatoes, Fresh or Chilled
0703.20.00 0703 Garlic, Fresh or Chilled
0707.00.00 0707 Fresh Cucumbers
0708.10.00 0708 Peas, Beans, Fresh or Chilled
0709.60.00 0709 Peppers of the Capsicum Variety or of General Pimento Type
0709.90.00.90 0709 Other Vegetables, Fresh or Chilled
0713.10.10 0713 Peas or Beans for Planting
0713.10.90 0713 Other Peas or Beans
0713.30.10.10 0713 Black Beans for Planting
0713.30.90.10 0713 Other Black Beans
0713.30.90.90 0713 Other Beans
0714.90.00 0714 Other Roots and Tubers, Fresh or Dry
0801.10.00 0801 Coconuts, Dry or Fresh
0801.20.00 0801 Brazil Nuts, Fresh or Dry
0801.30.00 0801 Cashew Nuts, Fresh or Dry
0802.40.00 0802 Chestnuts, Fresh or Dry
0803.00.00 0803 Bananas or Plantains, Fresh or Dry
0804.30.00 0804 Pineapples, Fresh or Dry
0804.40.00 0804 Avocadoes, Fresh
0804.50.00 0804 Guavas and Mangoes, Fresh
0805.10.00 0805 Fresh Oranges
0805.20.10 0805 Mandarins, Fresh
0805.30.20 0805 Sour Limes, Fresh
0805.40.00 0805 Grapefruits, Fresh or Dry
0807.10.00 0807 Fresh Melons
0808.10.00 0808 Fresh Apples
0809.20.00 0809 Fresh Cherries
0810.90.00 0810 Other Fresh Fruits
0901.11.00 0901 Coffee, not Decaffeinated
0902.10.00 0902 Tea in Containers of 3 kgs or less
0902.20.00.10 0902 Tea, Ground or in Containers of more than 5 kgs
0902.20.00.90 0902 Other Green Tea in other forms
0902.30.00 0902 Black Tea in containers of 3 kgs or less
0902.40.00.10 0902 Black Tea, Ground or in containers of over 5 kgs
0902.40.00.90 0902 Other Black Tea in Other Forms
0904.11.00 0904 Pepper, neither Crushed nor Ground
0904.12.00 0904 Pepper, Crushed or Ground
0906.10.00 0906 Cinnamon, neither Crushed nor Ground
0906.20.00 0906 Cinnamon. Crushed or Ground
0907.00.00 0907 Cloves
0908.10.00 0908 Nutmeg
0908.20.00 0908 Mace
0910.10.00 0910 Ginger, Fresh or Dry
0910.50.00 0910 Curry
0910.20.00 0910 Saffron
0910.40.00 0910 Bay leaves
0910.99.00 0910 Other Spices
4403.00.90 4403 Other Wood in the Rough
ARTICLE 1. Items included in Chapters 61, 62 and 63, manufactured using materials from third
countries, will be considered as originating in CARICOM Member Countries, provided that:
(a) the materials from third countries must be classified in headings different from the
headings of Chapters 61, 62 and 63;
(b) their production includes materials originating in the CARICOM Member Countries;
(c) the c.i.f. value of the materials from third countries does not exceed 40% of the f.o.b.
export value of such products.
ARTICLE 2. Items included in Chapter 64, manufactured using materials from third countries, will
be considered as originating in CARICOM Member Countries, provided that:
(a) a change to headings 64.01-64.06 from any headings except from the headings of
Chapter 64.
(b) their production includes materials originating in the CARICOM Member Countries;
(c) the c.i.f. value of the materials from third countries does not exceed 40% of the f.o.b.
export value of such products.