3208 Goni Road, Building I-181 Carson City, Nevada 89706
775-687-4210 ● Fax 775-687-1574 adsd.nv.gov
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Joe Lombardo
Whitley, MS
Helping people. It’s who we are and what we do.
Dena Schmidt
Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease (TFAD)
Date and Time of Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Meeting: 10:00AM
Place of Meeting: Microsoft Teams meeting
1. Roll Call, Opening Statement:
Members and Alternates: LeeAnn Mandarino, Dr. Dylan Wint, Gini
Cunningham, Dolores Ward Cox, Dr. Jennifer Carson, Senator Marilyn
Dondero Loop, Dr. Peter Reed, Ben Challinor, Phil Kalsman, Susan Hirsch,
Cheyenne Pasquale
Staff and Guest: Carole Hanley, Antonia Capparelli-Twait, Sabrina Schnur,
Autumn Blattman, Samantha D’Ambrosio-Garcia, CJ Johnson, Shauna
Brennan, Cory Lutz, Caroline Baumis, Bels & Case Government Affairs by
Rewatch, Guest name unknown
2. Public Comment:
No public comment made.
3. For Possible Action: Approval of TFAD’s March 12, 2024, Meeting Minutes:
Ben Challinor motioned to approve as written,
Senator Loop seconded the motion,
All approved.
4. For Possible Action: Chair and Vice Chair Elections:
Ben Challinor self-nominated for Chair, Dr. Carson asked if LeeAnn
Mandarino would like the position. LeeAnn turned down the Chair position,
no other nominations were made.
Senator Loop motioned to approve Benn Challinor as Chair,
Jennifer Carson second the motion,
All approved.
LeeAnn Mandarino self-nominated for Vice-Chair,
3208 Goni Road, Building I-181 Carson City, Nevada 89706
775-687-4210 ● Fax 775-687-1574 adsd.nv.gov
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Senator Loop motioned to approve LeeAnn as Vice-Chair
Dr. Carson second the motion
All approved
5. Presentation and Discussion: Presentation from the Alzheimer’s Association on
the New Facts and Figures:
Alzheimer’s and dementia are the 5
cause of death across the country.
The state prevalence is 10.6% with Clark County at 10.9% and Washoe
with 9.70%.
84,000 caregivers provide $2.3 billion in unpaid care.
A 312% increase in Alzheimer’s death from 2000-2021.
A dementia survey was done with key items such as navigating support.
More information can be found in the Facts and Figures presentation
42% of nurses and 35% of social workers are care team members.
3 out of 5 caregivers say the quality of life for persons with Alzheimer’s
improves with a health care navigator.
6 in 10 healthcare workers believe the healthcare system is effective.
4 out of 5 say their organizations do not have clear processes.
3 in 4 say a lack of community-based resources are a barrier.
9 out of 10 say developing an alternative pay module is needed.
75% of caregivers have no formal dementia care training.
6. Presentation and Discussion: Dementia Care Specialist Program (DCS):
A three-year grant from Aging Disability Service Division (ADSD) initiative
lead pilot program.
Three project goals are: developing specialized community-based support,
expanding the Nevada dementia toolbox, and strengthening dementia-
friendly Nevada (see complete descriptions in presentation).
One-on one crisis response, memory screenings, family resources and
service navigator support, training, and education, expand community-
based support and promote the Nevada Dementia Support Toolbox.
DCS will provide one on one crisis response and stabilization to individuals
living with dementia.
DCS will provide education and training to community providers and
families with individuals living with dementia.
It is not yet known what service area the DCS will be assigned.
The pilot program will focus on three priority areas that are supporting
Dementia Friendly Nevada efforts.
Open Minds through Art (OMA) is an evidence-based intervention. Partner
organizations will be selected to facility the program and promote other
toolbox programs. View the short OMA video.
7. Presentation and Discussion: Developing Community Awareness Around
Increased Brain Health Literacy: https://vimeo.com/938745639?share=copy
View video presentation
3208 Goni Road, Building I-181 Carson City, Nevada 89706
775-687-4210 ● Fax 775-687-1574 adsd.nv.gov
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The workshop is based off six pillars of brain health, exercise, nutrition, risk
factors, sleep, relaxation, mental fitness, and social connection.
The brain drives and controls emotions, to see an overview of how lifestyles
impact the brain visit the healthy brains website.
8. For Possible Action: Review, Discuss and Possible Approval of Revised wording
on the Recommendation’s Grouping (see recommendation list in meeting materials):
9. For Possible Action: Recommendation Assignments and Due Dates:
LeeAnn Mandarino, Vice Chair
10. For Possible Action: Tentative Agenda Topics for July 9, 2024, meeting:
Annual Report and Recommendations review
Update from HCQC on Survey Tags and new dementia training,
Proposals for new recommendations,
Legislative Subcommittee goals, purpose, and objectives.
11. Public Comment:
No public comment made,
12. Adjournment: 12:21
Supporting documents referenced above in the “for possible action” items may be
requested from Carole Hanley Task Force Administrative Support, ADSD
at [email protected].gov and is/will be available at the meeting locations and the Task
Force on Alzheimer’s Disease page.
Notice of this meeting was posted at the following Aging and Disability Services Office at
3208 Goni Road, Building I, Suite 181, Carson City, NV. 89706. Notice of this meeting was
posted on the Internet through the Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division website
at https://adsd.nv.gov and Nevada Public Notices website at https://notice.nv.gov