Theresa Haar, Special Assistant Attorney General
Organization: Advisory Council for Prosecuting Attorneys
Date and Time of Meeting: June 28, 2021 11:00 a.m.
Place of Meeting: Telephonic Conference Call
Number: 605-313-5111
Access code: 468822
Please Note: The Advisory Council for Prosecuting Attorneys may: 1) take agenda items out of
order; 2) combine two or more items for consideration; or 3) remove an item from the agenda or
delay discussion related to an item at any time. Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and
accommodate physically handicapped persons who wish to attend this meeting. Please contact
Theresa Haar, Special Assistant Attorney General, at (702) 486-3792 or [email protected] in
advance, so that arrangements can be made.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call.
2. Public Comment.
For discussion only. Public comment shall be limited to five (5) minutes per person.
Action may not be taken on any matter brought up under this agenda item, until
scheduled on the agenda of a future meeting for possible action.
3. Approval of minutes of March 25, 2021 meeting. (For possible action). Attachment
1 – Minutes from March 25, 2021 Meeting.
4. Discussion of 2021 Legislative session. (For discussion).
For discussion only. Members of the Board to recap the Legislative session and discuss
bills that passed this session related to prosecutors, law enforcement, and criminal justice
5. Public Comment.
For discussion Only. Action may not be taken on any matter brought up Public comment
shall be limited to five (5) minutes per person. Action may not be taken on any matter
brought up under this agenda item, until scheduled on the agenda of a future meeting for
possible action
6. Adjournment.
In accordance with NRS 241.020, this agenda was posted on or before June 23, 2021 online at
www.nvpac.nv.gov and at the following locations:
Office of the Attorney General, 100 N. Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89701
Office of the Attorney General, 5450 Kietzke Lane, Suite 202, Reno, NV 89511
Office of the Attorney General, Grant Sawyer Building, 555 E. Washington Ave., Las
Vegas, NV 89101
Legislative Building, 401 N. Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89701
Nevada State Capitol Building, 101 N. Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89701
Nevada State Library, 100 N. Stewart Street, Carson City, NV 89701
Meeting materials may be requested from Theresa Haar, Special Assistant Attorney General, at
(702) 486-3792 or [email protected] in, and obtained from the Office of the Attorney General at
any of the first three (3) locations listed above.
Advisory Council for Prosecuting Attorneys
June 28, 2021
Draft Minutes to March 25, 2021 Meeting
Theresa M. Haar, Special Assistant Attorney General
Organization: Advisory Council for Prosecuting Attorneys
Date and Time of Meeting: March 25, 2021 2:30 p.m.
Place of Meeting: Telephonic Conference Call
Number: 605-313-5111
Access code: 468822
1. Call to Order and Roll Call.
2. Public Comment.
3. Approval of minutes of December 15, 2020 meeting.
Motion to approve the minutes by Christopher Hicks and second by Art Mallory.
4. Discussion of 2021 Legislative session.
AG Ford states that there were 14 Bills that were submitted and 11 have passed out of their
respective communities, a few have passed out of their respective houses. The few that are
remaining are two from the Bureau of Consumer Protection and one relates to Anti-Trust
and the other relates to price gouging during an emergency. Those are still being worked
on and it is anticipated that they will be passing out of committee next week. Another one
Members Present:
Aaron D. Ford, Attorney General, Chair
Theresa Haar, Special Assistant Attorney General,
Executive Directo
Christopher Hicks, Washoe County District Attorney
Karl Hall, Reno City Attorney
Art Mallory, Churchill District Attorney
Steve Wolfson, Clark County District Attorney
Guests Present:
Anela Kaheaku, Attorney General’s Office
Jenny Noble, Washoe County District Attorney
that is pending is tobacco that needs to align with Federal Law bringing up the purchase
age to 21 and that should be forthcoming as well. AG Ford would like to offer his
appreciation to this Association for the work done together on at least two bills that were
of particular importance. The first was related to no-knock warrants and police operations,
the second was what the AGO refers to Patterns and Practices Investigations. AG Ford
states that he is happy that through the Association and with help from Jenny and John they
were able to get both of those bills into a form that were both unanimously accepted by
every member of the committee in both the senate for the no-knock warrant bill and the
assembly for the patterns and practices bill. AG Ford states that there was no way that it
could have been done without everyone’s assistance and wanted to thank everyone for
their assistance with those.
Ms. Haar wanted to go thru some of the other bills that are related to prosecutors and
criminal justice reform. BD 251 Juvenile Interrogation, SB 246 Surveillance Data
Protection; and AB 201 Informants. There are concerns about AB 201 and if this relates to
jail-house informants or all criminal informants on a broader scale. This will need to be
cleaned up. SB 228 Death Penalty Repeal; AB 243 Blind Charging; and AB 42 City of
Henderson that relates to misdemeanors trial as it relates to domestic battery. She asks the
committee if there are any other bills or concerns or comments on any of the bills.
AG Ford asks Ms. Nobel if she has any input or questions/concerns.
Ms. Nobel states that one of the concerns she has is with the jail house informant’s bill.
The concerns she has with this bill is that there are other times that they have cooperation
from other incarcerated persons, and they are able to verify that information thru other
means so that testimony from the incarcerated person is not needed. The blind charging
bill is another concern. There are two bills and one bill is written that is receiving heavy
fiscal notes from both Clark and Washoe, justifiably so, because it requires them to do a
two-step process without software that would allow them to do that along with hand
redaction on each of the documents which will take time and slow down processes. Those
are some of the bills that they are working on.
AG Ford appreciates the information.
Mr. Hicks states that one bill that is a hot topic is the death penalty bill. He knows that
there are two of them now. For this committee’s information he states that the District
Attorney Association of Nevada had a meeting last week and they unanimously agreed to
oppose that bill for multiple reasons.
Mr. Mallory adds that as far as the rural counties are concerned, they would be against
abolishing the death penalty, its just a general consensus of the population. Also, for
informational purposes on legislature, they are getting a lot of feedback from people who
are upset that they are not able to go and watch in person, the legislature sessions.
AG Ford states that he has no intentions of giving an opinion on the death penalty at this
time from an official AG office perspective. He may be asked his opinion, but he thinks
that its common knowledge that he will enforce the death penalty as part of his duties as
AG. From a personal perspective he opposes the death penalty. He has no intention to go
over there and give his opinion on the matter.
AG Ford states that as far as the legislative building being open for the public, there are
people in the building have gotten COVID and some have died from COVID and there are
those people with compromised health conditions. So, there are concerns to opening up to
the public and many people not wearing masks. It was a legislative decision to keep the
building closed to the public. They intend to open up the building later this month.
5. Public Comment.
6. Adjournment.
Motion to adjourn by Mr. Mallory and seconded by Mr. Hicks.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Anela Kaheaku, Legal Secretary II