4126 Technology Way, Suite 300 Carson City, Nevada 89706
775-684-4400 ● Fax 775-684-4455 dcfs.nv.gov
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Joe Lombardo
Richard Whitley, MS
Helping people. It’s who we are and what we do.
Marla McDade
Williams, MPA
DATE: Wednesday, February 14, 2024
TIME: 10:00 am 12:00 pm (or until adjournment)
Microsoft Teams meeting
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This will be a virtual only meeting as authorized pursuant to AB253 (2021) and NRS 241.023.
Members of the public may hear and observe the meeting and participate in the meeting by video or phone. Members of the
public may also provide live public comment during the public comment sections of the agenda. If members of the public
desire to provide a pre-recorded public comment for a meeting, it must first be authorized before the meeting by the public
body. Contact April Stahl at [email protected]v in order to provide a pre-recorded public comment prior to the meeting.
Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that all attendees/public can hear or observe the members of the body, so it is
recommended that members keep their cameras on through the meeting, unless there are technical difficulties, or a member
can only appear by phone during the meeting.
As required by Open Meeting Law, this public meeting contains this agenda, the meeting will be recorded, and minutes will
be completed following the meeting.
Supporting materials may be obtained online at https://dcfs.nv.gov/Programs/CWS/CPS/2024MeetingsandAgendas
Items may be taken out of order, may be combined for consideration by the public body, and/or may be pulled or
removed from the agenda at any time to accomplish business in the most efficient manner.
4126 Technology Way, Suite 300 Carson City, Nevada 89706
775-684-4400 ● Fax 775-684-4455 dcfs.nv.gov
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“For Information” items are informal in nature and may include discussion and ideas.
“For Possible Action” items may be voted on or approved by members of the commission.
1. Call to Order Melinda Rhoades, Co-Chair
2. For Information Only: Roll Call April Stahl, DCFS
3. For Information Only: Initial Public Comment (Discussion only: Action may not be taken on any matter
brought up under this agenda item until scheduled on an agenda for action at a later meeting) Melinda
Rhoades, Co-Chair
To provide public comment, please unmute your microphone before speaking, or you can call in to this meeting
by using the number 775-321-6111, with passcode number 64886010#. Persons making comment will be asked
to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name.
4. For Information Only: Purpose of the Executive Committee to Review the Death of Children-Denise Tyre,
a. Provide an overview of the Executive Committee to Review the Death of Children
5. For Possible Action: Approval of last meeting minutes - Melinda Rhoades, Co-Chair
a. Discussion and possible approval of the November 15, 2023, meeting minutes.
Public Comment will be allowed during discussion of this action item before a vote is taken
6. For Possible Action: Recommendation to remove member from the Committee-Melinda Rhoades-Co-Chair
a. Consideration, discussion, and vote to approve the recommendation of the removal of committee member,
Brian Shoaf.
Public Comment will be allowed during discussion of this action item before a vote is taken
7. For Possible Action: Approval of proposed meeting dates for future Executive Committee to Review the Death of
Children Meetings-Beverly Brown, DCFS
a. Discussion and approval to change future Executive Committee to Review the Death of Children meeting
dates to be the 3
Wednesday of each month.
o May 15, 2024
o August 21, 2024
o November 20, 2024
Public Comment will be allowed during discussion of this action item before a vote is taken
8. For Possible Action: Committee review and approval of the 2021 Annual Statewide Death Report Denise Tyre-
a. Consideration, discussion, and possible approval of the 2021 Annual Statewide Death Report.
Public Comment will be allowed during discussion of this action item before a vote is taken
9. For Possible Action: Next steps for the below recommendations- Melinda Rhodes, Co-Chair
4126 Technology Way, Suite 300 Carson City, Nevada 89706
775-684-4400 ● Fax 775-684-4455 dcfs.nv.gov
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a. Consideration and discussion to determine if previous recommendations need further discussion, or if the
item can be considered closed.
2021 Quarter 2: Washoe County Child Death Review Team recommendation for fentanyl
becoming a part of standard hospital drug testing panels.
2021 Quarter 4: Washoe County Child Death Review Team recommendation that a Public Service
Announcement and community education be developed regarding minors operating all-terrain
2022 Quarter 4: Clark County Child Death Review Team recommendation regarding hot tub safety
for hot tubs manufactured prior to 2007.
Public Comment will be allowed during discussion of this action item before a vote is taken
10. For Possible Action: Review & respond to 2023 Quarter 4 Regional Child Death Review Team
recommendations. Melinda Rhoades, Co-Chair
a. Consideration and discussion of fatality prevention recommendations provided by regional Child Death
Review teams and possible action by the Executive Committee to make these formal recommendations.
2023 Quarter 4:
o Clark County:
This team recommends financial support in the recruitment, hiring, placement,
and retention of a pediatric abuse specialist in a hospital or clinic in Clark
o Rural Counties: These teams recommend the following:
Enhancing gun safety awareness, suicide, and resources to assist these efforts, i.e.
lock boxes.
Providing education related to safe sleep.
Large-scale public service announcements including “if you see something, say
something” if there is a concern of abuse/neglect happening. This may help with
reporting practices from family members and/or bystanders. This
recommendation suggests that this message be done through social media,
billboards, and ads on local media.
Regarding the topic of post-partum depression May is post-partum depression
month and can be part of large-scale public service announcements including
targeted interventions with on-going conversations about post-partum depression,
possible red-flags and what to do. Continue training medical professionals about
the correlation between post-partum depression and child safety, being aware and
sensitive of cultural and gender views and stigmas about mental health. Include
press-releases and brochures in doctor’s offices and in community resource
settings discussing post-partum depression for both men and women.
Regarding home construction/renovations Request that the local fire department
partner with the Washoe Tribe regarding fire prevention strategies. Provide the
community with education around the risks of making home improvements
without trained professionals.
o Washoe County:
No recommendations.
Public Comment will be allowed during discussion of this action item before a vote is taken
4126 Technology Way, Suite 300 Carson City, Nevada 89706
775-684-4400 ● Fax 775-684-4455 dcfs.nv.gov
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11. For Information Only: U.S. Department of Education New Resource for School Administrators on Importance
of Safe and Secure Firearm Storage-April Stahl, DCFS
a. Discuss new safe and secure firearm resource released by the U.S. Department of Education.
12. For Information Only: Citizen Review Panel Subcommittee update-April Stahl, DCFS
a. Provide update on the status of the Citizen Review Panel Subcommittee and next steps.
13. Final Public Comment and Discussion: (Action may not be taken on any matter brought up under this
agenda item until scheduled on an agenda for a later meeting)- Denise Tyre, Co-Chair
To provide public comment, please unmute your microphone before speaking, or you can call in to this meeting
by using the number 775-321-6111, with passcode number 64886010#. Persons making comment will be asked
to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name.
14. Adjournment- Denise Tyre, Co-Chair
We are pleased to provide special accommodation assistance to persons with disabilities who wish to attend.
Notify Bruce Cole by writing at 4126 Technology Way, 1
Floor, Carson City, NV 89706 or by calling (775)
684-7941 no later than three (3) business days prior to the meeting date. Supporting materials, including
documents may be obtained in writing at the above address, by emailing [email protected], or by visiting
2024MeetingsAndAgendas (nv.gov).
This notice and Agenda have been sent to be posted at the following locations, in accordance with NRS
Chapter 241:
State of Nevada- Division of Child and Family Services Website- 2024MeetingsAndAgendas (nv.gov)
State of Nevada Website - https://notice.nv.gov/
1. Division of Child and Family Services, 6171 W. Charleston Blvd. Bldg. 8, Las Vegas, NV 89146
2. Division of Child and Family Services, 1780 E. Basin Avenue, Suite 2, Pahrump, NV 89060
3. Division of Child and Family Services, 1010 Ruby Vista Dr. Suite 101, Elko, NV 89801
4. Division of Child and Family Services, 4126 Technology Way, Suite 101, Carson City, NV 89706
5. Washoe County Human Services Agency, 350 S. Center St. Reno 89501