CORP-M01 [09/23]
Money Service Business Application
For Currency Exchange
Texas Department of Banking
Table of Contents
NOTICE TO APPLICANTS ..................................................................................................................... i
MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION ............................................................... 1
REQUIRED EXHIBITS TO APPLICATION ......................................................................................... 6
EXHIBIT A BUSINESS PLAN ........................................................................................................ 6
EXHIBIT B FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ....................................................................................... 6
EXHIBIT C SUPPLEMENTAL FORMS ......................................................................................... 7
EXHIBIT E CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING ..................................................................... 7
EXHIBIT F ASSUMED NAME FILINGS ....................................................................................... 7
EXHIBIT G SECURITY ................................................................................................................... 8
EXHIBIT H CLEARING ACCOUNTS ............................................................................................ 9
EXHIBIT I ACH FORM ................................................................................................................... 9
EXHIBIT J CERTIFICATION OF REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ............................................ 9
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................ 12
APPENDIX A REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTAL FORMS .............................................................. 13
FINGERPRINT INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................. 14
SEARCH FIRM REPORT INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................... 14
STATEMENT OF PERSONAL HISTORY .............................................................................. 15
AUTHORITY TO RELEASE INFORMATION ...................................................................... 19
PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ................................................................................. 20
APPENDIX C SECURITY FORMS ............................................................................................... 26
MONEY SERVICES BOND ....................................................................................................... 27
DEPOSIT IN LIEU OF SURETY BOND .................................................................................. 29
APPENDIX D - ACH FORM............................................................................................................. 33
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Texas Finance Code, Chapter 152 (Chapter 152), generally requires a person or business to have
a license to engage in the money services business in Texas. There are two types of Money
Services Business licenses and separate applications for each type. A person or business that
engages only in the currency exchange business must have a currency exchange license. Please
note that the application for a money transmission license is a separate application form.
Certain requirements for a money transmission license are different from the requirements for a
currency exchange license. Please read Chapter 152 to determine if you are engaged in a
business that requires a license and what kind of license you need. Refer particularly to Sections
152.003 (definitions), 152.004 (exemptions), and 152.101 (money transmission license required)
of the Code. Licenses do not expire.
The filing of an Application for a Money Services Business (Application) for a new license, or
requesting an Application or otherwise corresponding with the Texas Department of Banking
about the need for a license or about your Application, does not authorize you to engage in
business activities that require a license under Chapter 152. If you are operating without the
required license, you are violating Chapter 152 and you are subject to enforcement action and
To apply for a Money Services Business license, you must file an Application with the Texas
Department of Banking. The Application for a currency exchange license consists of the forms,
schedules, exhibits and attachments that are attached to or follow this Notice.
The filing fee of $5,000 must accompany your application. Your check should be made payable
to the Texas Department of Banking. The filing fee is non-refundable. In addition, the
Department may charge investigations fees for processing applications that take longer than
normal or where an onsite investigation is necessary. You will be notified before any
investigation fees are imposed.
If you do not submit the filing fee at the same time you submit your application, your
application will be returned.
The Application must be fully completed and all of the required information must be provided.
You must respond to each question, even if the answer is “None” or Not Applicable”. Be sure
1. Provide complete addresses, including zip codes.
2. Sign each form where required.
3. Have signatures notarized as required.
4. Cross-check the information BEFORE you submit the Application to insure accuracy
and consistency in the information provided.
In accordance with the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 and the Department of Treasury’s Title 31
CFR Chapter X, pertaining to anti-money laundering programs for the Money Services
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Businesses, each applicant must be aware of the requirements of the law and its implementation
deadlines. Money services businesses currently established must be in compliance with these
requirements, including a current registration with Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(FinCEN), a division of the U.S. Department of Treasury, as a money services
Please direct any questions regarding a Money Services Business Application or a proposed new
license to the Texas Department of Banking, Corporate Activities Division, at (512) 475-1342 or
SECURITY: Security is the term used in Chapter 152 to describe the surety bond or deposit
required under §§152.353 for a currency exchange license. The required security for a currency
exchange license is $2,500 if the license conducts business with person located in this state
exclusively at one or more physical locations through in-person, contemporaneous transactions.
Otherwise, the security required for a currency exchange license is the greater of $2,500 or one
percent of the licensee’s total dollar volume of currency exchange business in this state for the
preceding year not to exceed the maximum security of $1 million.
Please carefully review §152.353 and §152.354 for details about the security requirements.
NET WORTH: An Applicant that intends to engage only in the currency exchange business
and that applies for a Currency Exchange License must submit a current financial statement that
demonstrates the Applicant’s solvency. The financial statement must be certified to by a
responsible officer. The required financial statements must be in English and denominated in
U.S. Dollars.
BACKGROUND CHECKS: Extensive background checks are conducted on each Applicant as
well as each person in control of the Applicant “Control Personand Key Individuals. See
§152.003 for definitions and Appendix A-Supplemental Forms for clarification. These checks
include law enforcement agencies, credit reports, and other regulators.
Control Persons and Key Individuals who have resided outside the U.S. at any time in the
preceding 10 years, must have an investigative background report prepared by an acceptable
search firm. The investigation report must be submitted directly to the Department with a
copy of the report provided at the time of submission of the application. Refer to Search
Firm Report instructions in Appendix A. Contact the Corporate Activities Division for additional
CONFIDENTIALITY: Review Chapter 152 of the Texas Finance Code thoroughly prior to
completing the application form. If you have any questions please contact the Corporate
Activities Division at (512) 475-1294. Completed application forms should be mailed to:
Texas Department of Banking
Corporate Activities Division
2601 North Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78705-4294
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Information submitted in connection with the application may be subject to disclosure under the
Open Records Act and Chapter 152 of the Code. Confidential information should be clearly
marked when submitted.
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This application must be completed for entities seeking to engage in the business of
currency exchange. Refer to Chapter 152 of the Texas Finance Code (TFC)
1. Full legal name of the Applicant and Federal Taxpayer Identification number.
2. a) Indicate the form of the Applicant’s legal organization, e.g. corporation, LLC,
limited partnership, sole proprietorship. _______________________________
b) If the Applicant is not a sole proprietorship, and is owned 25% or more by any
corporate entity, provide a chart detailing the structure of the organization.
3. Any DBA or assumed name to be used in Texas, if applicable.
4. Primary Business Location (street address, city, state, zip code).
5. Mailing address of Applicant:
_____________________________ ______________________________
Street Address P.O. Box
_____________________________ ______________________________
City, State, Zip Code City, State, Zip Code
6. Individual who is to serve as primary contact for questions on the application.
Name: ________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________
Telephone Number: ______________________________
Email Address: __________________________________
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7. Anticipated number of locations to be established in Texas by the Applicant during the
first year of operations _____. Service is to be provided through (indicate the number of
all that apply):
____Company Owned Outlets ____Subsidiaries or Affiliates
____Authorized Delegate ____Internet
____Other (explain)
8. a) Products or services to be offered directly to Texas citizens under this license:
____Currency Exchange
b) Products or services to be offered as an authorized delegate (mark all that apply):
Product or Service
Name of Licensee
Money Transmission
Travelers Checks
Bill Pay
Currency Transportation
Money Orders
Prepaid Access Products
Gift Cards
Other (explain)
9. Identify all websites operated by the Applicant.
10. Provide the name, title, telephone number, and email addresses for each of the following
a) President
Name: ________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________
Telephone Number: ______________________________
Facsimile Number: _______________________________
Email Address: __________________________________
b) Chief Financial Officer
Name: ________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________
Telephone Number: ______________________________
Email Address: __________________________________
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c) Chief Compliance Officer
Name: ________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________
Telephone Number: ______________________________
Email Address: __________________________________
d) Individual who is to serve as primary regulatory contact with the Department if the license is
Name: ________________________________________
Title: _________________________________________
Telephone Number: ______________________________
Email Address: __________________________________
11. Identify shareholders who own or control 10% or more of the Applicant. Include the name,
address, shares owned or controlled, number and percent of outstanding. If the Applicant is a
limited partnership, provide information on the general partner, directors, managers, control
shareholders, executive officers or responsible individuals of the general partner.
12. List all individuals who serve on the Board of Directors or Board of Managers or otherwise
control or direct the activities of the Applicant.
13. List the names and title of all Key Individuals (not already included in number 10 above). See
§152.003(17) for definition of Key Individual which include executive officers, managers,
directors, or trustees.
14. Attach evidence of current registration with Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
as an MSB. Forms can be found at the FinCENs website,
15. Describe in detail any pending or any outstanding enforcement actions taken by a regulatory
agency against the Applicant, its affiliates, and any principals of the Applicant, and any
judgments outstanding against the Applicant.
16. Does the Applicant owe the department a delinquent fee, assessment, administrative penalty or
other amount imposed under Chapter 152 or a rule or Order issued under Chapter 152?
17. Is the applicant currently transacting business in Texas and/or with Texas customers?
(a) Indicate how long the Applicant has been conducting business in Texas and
(a) Provide the volume of business in Texas in dollars and number of transactions per year.
18. If the Applicant has been operating in Texas as an agent for another licensee, indicate how long
the Applicant has been an agent, and provide a copy of the contract with that licensee.
19. Provide a listing of all the states in which you are currently operating.
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20. Provide a listing of the other states or jurisdictions in which a license or similar authorization is
sought, has been granted, or denied to the Applicant or its affiliates, to engage in the money
services business. Include:
(a) The state, year licensed, type of license held, the agency issuing the license, the name,
phone number and email address of the primary regulatory contact and date of last exam.
(a) Indicate the volume of business conducted in each jurisdiction in dollars and in number
of transactions.
(a) List any license revocations, suspension, or disciplinary action taken against the applicant
in any other state.
I hereby certify that:
1. I am authorized to file this application, and that all information submitted to the Commissioner in
connection with this application including the forms, schedules, exhibits, attachments and any
related correspondence is true, and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
2. On behalf of the Applicant, I certify that the Applicant and each principal of, person in control
of, and proposed responsible individual of the Applicant: (1) is familiar with and agrees to fully
comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to the applicant’s
proposed money services business, including TFC Chapters 152 and 271, relevant provisions of
the Bank Secrecy Act, and the USA PATRIOT ACT; (2) has not within the preceding three years
knowingly failed to file or evaded the obligation to file a report, including a currency transaction
or suspicious activity report required by the Bank Secrecy Act, the USA PATRIOT ACT, or
Chapter 271; and (3) has not knowingly accepted money for transmission or exchange in which a
portion of the money was derived from an illegal transaction or activity.
3. The Applicant is not indebted to any local, state, or federal government or political subdivision
of the government for delinquent taxes, fines, penalties or fees.
4. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information necessary for the Commissioner to make
an informed decision is contained herein. In addition, I agree to notify the Commissioner if the
facts described in the filing materials change prior to issuance of the license.
A person commits a felony offense if the person intentionally makes an untrue statement of
material fact in this application.
_____________________________ by ____________________________________
(Applicant) (Signature)
(Printed or Typed Name)
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STATE OF __________________
COUNTY OF ________________
On this _______ day of __________, 20___, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County,
of said State, personally appeared: _____________________________________
known to me to be the person named in, and who executed the foregoing form and made oath
that the statements and representations set forth therein are true to the best of his/her knowledge
and belief.
(Notary Public)
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The following exhibits are REQUIRED of every Applicant. Exhibits must be clearly marked.
All information requested in each exhibit should be provided to ensure timely processing of
the application.
Attach a copy of the business plan or a detailed summary of the business plan. The business plan
must describe in detail the following:
1. Method and types of operations including activities and types.
2. Location of operations and outlets, number and type, at the end of each of the first two
years of operation in Texas.
3. Projections for the first two years showing the anticipated growth in volume and in
number of transactions during each of the first two years of operations in Texas.
1. Include the most recent current fiscal year-end financial statement certified by a
responsible officer which may be prepared by an auditor or other qualified personnel in
accordance with (a), (b), and (c), and which demonstrates solvency. Such statement must
also contain certification language such as: “I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that
the information contained in this confidential financial report, including supplemental
schedules, has been carefully examined by me and is correct and complete and further
acknowledge that there are no misrepresentation or omissions of material facts.”
a) Constructed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
b) Including:
(1) Balance Sheet.
(2) Statement of Income and Retained Earnings.
c) If the Applicant’s fiscal year ends 120 or more days prior to the date of
application, then the Applicant must forward the aforementioned certified
financial statements covering the most recent fiscal year; and, the interim
financial statements covering the most recent accounting period within 90 days of
the date of application. The interim financial statement must also be prepared by
the auditor or other qualified party, and certified by a responsible officer.
2. Publicly Traded Entities:
If the applicant is a publicly traded corporation, upload a copy of the most recent
report (10-K or 10-Q) filed with the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission under Section 13, Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C.
Section 78m).
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If the applicant is a wholly owned subsidiary of a corporation publicly traded in
the United States, a copy of audited financial statements for the parent corporation
for the most recent fiscal year or a copy of the parent corporation’s most recent
report filed (10-K or 10-Q) under Section 13, Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(15 U.S.C. Section 78m).
A number of forms are considered supplemental forms and must also be included with the
application. Refer to Appendix A of this application to determine which forms must be completed
and by whom.
1. Provide a brief description of the structure or organization of the applicant, including any
parent entity or subsidiary of the applicant, and whether any parent entity or subsidiary is
publicly traded.
2. Provide a list of any criminal convictions and material litigation in which a person in
control of the applicant that is not an individual has been involved in the 10-year period
preceding the submission of the application.
3. Provide a copy of the filed Applicant’s Certificate of Formation or other organizing
documents, as well as those of any other entity that controls the Applicant, and evidence
of registration with the Texas Secretary of State, if the Applicant is not a Texas entity.
*NOTE TO CORPORATIONS: If the Applicant is applying as a Texas corporation, limited
liability company or limited partnership, or if the Applicant is a foreign corporation (e.g., a
corporation not incorporated in Texas) seeking to register to do business in Texas, contact:
Texas Secretary of State
Corporations Section
P.O. Box 13697
Austin, Texas 78711-3697
4. Does the applicant have a registered agent? If yes, provide the name and address of the
applicants registered agent.
A Certificate of Good Standing in the state or country of incorporation and a Franchise Tax
Account Status from the Texas Office of Comptroller of Public Accounts, if the Applicant is a
corporation. See Appendix B for NOTICE TO ALL CORPORATIONS.
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Copies of the assumed name filings, as applicable, filed with the Secretary of State and with the
clerk of court in the counties where the Applicant proposes to do business, if a name other than
the legal name of the Applicant is to be used in Texas.
Acceptable security may be in the form of a surety bond issued by a company authorized to do
business in Texas or deposit in lieu of bond by an acceptable financial institution in the amount
required by § 152.353. The original document must be submitted with the application. Refer to
appendix C of this application for forms.
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Provide a letter from the bank’s compliance officer, for each clearing account to be utilized in
the business, indicating that the bank is aware that the applicant accounts are being used to
facilitate the operation of a money services business. The letter should also indicate if there are
any restrictions/conditions placed on this account by the Bank before they allow the applicant to
use it for money services business activity (i.e. .license granted, etc.).
The letter must also include the following information:
Name of Financial Institution
Street Address
Contact Person
Phone and fax numbers
Account type
Account number
This form must be submitted at the time of application and must be signed by the applicant.
Refer to Appendix D of this application for ACH form. Please note annual license fees and
assessment fees owed to the Department pursuant to §33.27 of the Texas Administrative Code
may only be paid via ACH debit. No other method of payment is accepted by the Department
A signed Certification of Regulatory Compliance (below) with all required attachments
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As evidenced by our signatures, we duly appointed principals of (name of
applicant)__________________________________________, do hereby certify the
1. Applicant and each principal of, person in control of, and proposed responsible individual
of the Applicant is familiar with and agrees to fully comply with all applicable state and
federal laws and regulations pertaining to the applicant’s proposed money services
business, including Chapters 152, and 271 of the Texas Finance Code, Chapter 33 of the
Texas Administrative Code and relevant provisions of the Bank Secrecy Act, and the
2. The applicant will have in a place a formally adopted and fully implemented written anti-
money laundering program that complies with Title 31 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) Chapter 1022.210. Such program shall include a risk assessment and procedures
employed to “Know your customer”. [A copy of the written anti-money laundering
program and risk assessment must be submitted with this exhibit and marked as
Exhibit J-1]
3. The applicant will ensure that the methods to be utilized to inform customers about their
rights to file a complaint with the Texas Department of Banking will comply with the
requirements of Texas Administrative Code Section 33.51. [A copy of the consumer
complaint notice be submitted with this exhibit and marked as Exhibit J-2]
4. The applicant will prepare and maintain records and reports in accordance with the
requirements of Texas Finance Code Sections 152.202 and 152.207, and Section 33.31
Texas Administrative Code.
5. The applicant acknowledges that each authorized delegate must prominently display a
notice that indicates that the person is an authorized delegate of the applicant in
accordance with Texas Administrative Code Section 33.51(f). [A copy of the authorized
delegate affiliation notice must be submitted with this exhibit and marked as
Exhibit J-3]
6. The contract utilized in the business with authorized delegates will conform to the
requirements of Texas Finance Code Section 152.252(d). A copy of the authorized
delegate agreement must be submitted with this exhibit and marked as Exhibit J-4]
7. The applicant will take all measures to ensure that customer information is protected and
will have in place procedures to adhere to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Right to
Financial Privacy Act).
8. The applicant will adopt and implement procedures pertaining to Office of Foreign Asset
Control (OFAC) to ensure compliance with regulations prohibiting transactions with
persons or entities on the OFAC Specially Designated Nationals List.
9. The applicant will have in place procedures to ensure compliance with state
recordkeeping requirements including Texas Administrative Code Sections 33.31 and
33.33 federal recordkeeping requirements including 31 CFR §1022.410.
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10. The applicant shall ensure that receipts provided in connection with the currency
exchange activity are in compliance with Texas Administrative Code Section 33.33. [A
sample copy of the currency exchange receipt must be submitted with this exhibit
and marked as Exhibit J-5]
11. The applicant will have in place an information system which is suitable to the type of
business in which the applicant will engage and the security hardware, software, and
procedures will be sufficient to protect the applicant from unauthorized tampering or
access; and as appropriate, will be integrated with the anti-money laundering program
and compliance procedures.
12. If the person in control of the applicant is not an individual, the person in control of the
applicant has not had any criminal convictions and has not been involved in any material
litigation withing the 10-year period preceding the submission of the application. [If any
of this statement is false, submit a list of convictions and material litigation with this
exhibit marked as Exhibit J-6]
At a minimum, this certification must be signed by the President, Chief Financial
Officer, and the Chief Compliance Officer.
We, the undersigned principals of ___________________________________(applicant) do
hereby acknowledge that we have received and read this Certificate of Regulatory Compliance
and further acknowledge that it is not inclusive of regulatory requirements and/or best business
_____________________________ Title_____________________________
(Printed Name)
_____________________________ Title_____________________________
(Printed Name)
_____________________________ Title_____________________________
(Printed Name)
(use additional pages if needed)
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The attached forms and instructions are part of the application. The forms must be
completed as indicated and included in the application as part of the exhibits indicated
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Refer to the instructions below to determine which of these supplemental forms must be completed. Unless
indicated to the contrary, all requirements for supplemental forms apply only to individuals.
Key Individuals
The definition of Key Individual per Texas Finance Code Section 152.003(17) includes an individual who is
ultimately responsible for establishing or directing policies and procedures of a money services licensee,
including an executive officer, manager, director, or trustee. Each Key Individual must submit:
1. Authority to Release Information
2. Statement of Personal History
3. Fingerprints – (See Fingerprint Instructions below)
4. Search Firm Report (See Search Firm Report Instructions below)
Control Persons and Legal Entities
Control Persons - A “Control Person” is any person who has control of the applicant. See Section
152.003(8) of the Code for definitions of control and Section 152.061 of the Code for definition of
presumption of control. Control Persons must submit:
1. Authority to Release Information
2. Statement of Personal History
3. Personal Financial Statement**
4. Fingerprints – (See Fingerprint Instructions below)
5. Search Firm Report (See Search Firm Report Instructions below)
Spouse – Applicants who are individuals or wholly owned directly or indirectly by a single individual
must have spouses of the controlling owners also submit fingerprints, authority to release information
and statement of personal history.
Legal Entities directly or indirectly controlling 50% or more of the applicant must submit a current
certified financial statement.
**Personal Financial Statements, whether required only for an individual or for an individual and spouse, may
include joint financial information for both spouses. Joint financial statements must be signed by both spouses.
Complex Organizational Structures
Supplemental form requirements for complex organizational structures will be evaluated on a case-by-case
basis. Pre-submission of the organizational chart and proposed structure may be necessary to determine the
applicability of various forms.
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The collecting and submitting of fingerprints to the FBI is handled through the Texas Department of Public
Safety (DPS). They use an exclusive vendor, IdentoGo by MorphoTrust USA to gather the fingerprints.
Fingerprints, electronic or physical cards, should not be submitted to MorphoTrust prior to the Department
acknowledging receipt of your application (for new applicants) or receipt of an authority to release information
form (for current supervised, licensed or registered entities). Upon receipt of a new application the Department
will provide you with a Texas Fingerprint Service Code Form and detailed instructions so you may begin the
fingerprinting process. Please note that you may be required to resubmit fingerprints if you begin the
process with MorphoTrust prior to the Department’s acknowledgment of receipt of a new application or
authority to release information form.
Non-Texas residents and Texas residents located outside of IdentoGo’s service areas may submit physical
fingerprint cards to MorphoTrust USA’s office for electronic processing. You may have these individuals
fingerprinted by a local Law Enforcement Agency, such as a local police station, sheriff’s office or county
police department, or a private company with an expertise in fingerprinting before you submit your application
or authority to release information forms. However, these physical cards should not be submitted to
MorphoTrust until you are instructed to do so by the Department. In addition, fingerprint cards should
not be submitted directly to the Department.
Please be aware that some law enforcement agencies charge a fee for taking fingerprints. In addition, please
note the Department does not provide fingerprint cards. You must obtain your own FBI fingerprint cards.
Control Persons and Key Individuals who have resided outside the U.S. at any time in the preceding 10 years,
must have an investigative background report prepared by an acceptable search firm. The search firm report
must be prepared by an independent search firm and both the search firm and the search firm report must meet
the requirements of Section 152.105(c) of the Code. The report must be submitted directly to the Department by
the search firm.
If an individual has had such a report, which meets the specifications listed above, prepared for another
licensing agency within the past 12 months, the individual may have the investigating agency submit a copy of
that report to us. In addition to the documentation generally required, the individual would need to submit a
statement of no material change.
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Must be submitted by each Control Person, Key Individual, spouse of applicants who are individuals, and spouse
of individuals who wholly own the applicant directly or indirectly.
APPLICANT NAME: _______________________________________________________________________
Print or type all answers. If more space is needed, use the “Remarks” section and attach additional sheets if necessary.
Clearly identify each response.
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
(Last) (First) (Middle)
Aliases, Nicknames, and Previous Names: _____________________________________________________
Residence Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip Code
Business Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip Code
Residence Telephone: ________________________ Business Telephone: ________________________
Marital Status: ___________ If married, full name of spouse: _______________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Are you a U.S. Citizen? Yes___ No___. If you were not born in the U.S. provide a copy of your naturalization
certificate or passport. If the answer is “No,” furnish complete details on a separate sheet. Include copies of documents
that will support your alien status. Include passport number, Home Country ID No., and Immigration File No., if
Date of Birth: ___________________________ Place of Birth: _____________________________
Driver’s License Number & State of Issue: ______________________________________________________
Social Security Number: _______________________ Federal Tax ID Number: _________________
Check your position and job responsibilities with Applicant (Indicate all that apply):
Director General Partner Trustee
Manager Person in Control Responsible Individual
Executive Officer – Title: _________________________
Other (Describe): ___________________________________________________________________________
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B. EDUCATION: (Account for all schools attended beyond 12
Name and Address of School
Grade Completed
C. EMPLOYMENT: (List all employment for the past 10 years in chronological order.)
From: To:
Name and Address of Employer
(Include Street, City, State and Zip)
For Leaving
D. RESIDENCES: (Show all residences for the past 10 years in chronological order)
From: To:
Street and Number, City, State, and Zip
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E. List all your occupational or professional licenses, including those surrendered, which have been issued by an agency
of ANY state, the U.S. federal government, or the government of any other country.
Type of License
Name/Address of Licensing Agency
Original Issuance Date
Expiration Date
F. List all your occupational or professional licenses that have been refused, denied, revoked, or suspended by an agency
of ANY state, the U.S. federal government, or the government of any other country.
Type of License
Name/Address of Licensing Agency
Type of Action
Date of Action
G. Have you ever been detained, held, arrested, indicted, or summoned into court as a defendant in a criminal
proceeding, or convicted, fined, imprisoned, or placed on probation, or ordered to deposit bail or collateral for the
violation of any law, ordinance, police regulation, or military regulation other than for a misdemeanor? Yes_____
No_____. If the answer is “Yes,” complete the following.
Location of Offense
H. Have you ever been granted any security clearance in connection with any employment? Yes_____ No_____. If
“Yes,” provide details. _______________________________________________________
I. Have you ever been refused bond or had a bond cancelled or revoked? Yes_____ No_____. If “Yes,” provide
details. ______________________________________________________________________
J. Have you ever been in a position which required a fidelity bond? Yes_____ No_____. If any claims were
made on the bond, give details. _____________________________________________________
K. Has an order, injunction or judgement, whether or not final, been entered against you in a civil action on account
of fraud, misrepresentation or deceit? Yes_____ No_____. If “Yes,” provide details on a separate sheet.
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L. Have you been sued in a civil action within the last 10 years? Yes_____ No_____. If “Yes,” provide details on a
separate sheet.
M. Have you filed bankruptcy or served as a principal of an entity that filed bankruptcy within the last 10 years?
Yes_____ No_____. If “Yes,” provide details on a separate sheet.
N. Are you currently the subject of an administrative action or order issued by an administrative agency of this state,
the federal government, or any other state or territory of the United States, or the government of any other
country? Yes_____ No_____. If “Yes,” provide details on a separate sheet.
O. Do you owe delinquent taxes to any local, state, or federal government or political subdivision of the government?
Yes_____ No_____. If “Yes,” provide details on a separate sheet.
P. Do you owe the Department or any state any delinquent fees, assessments, administrative penalty, or other
amount imposed by state or federal court order? Yes_____ No_____. If “Yes,” provide details on a separate
Q. Have you been convicted of a felony criminal offense under state or federal law, or a similar law of a foreign
country, related to deception, dishonesty, or defalcation? Yes_____ No_____. If “Yes,” provide details on a
separate sheet.
R. Have you been convicted of a felony criminal offense under state or federal law, or a similar law of a foreign
country, related to money transmission or other money services, including a reporting, recordkeeping or
registration requirement of the Bank Secrecy Act, the USA PATRIOT ACT or Chapter 271? Yes_____
No_____. If “Yes,” provide details on a separate sheet.
S. Have you been convicted of a felony offense under state or federal law, or a similar law of a foreign country,
related to money laundering, structuring, or a related financial crime, drug trafficking or terrorist funding?
Yes_____ No_____. If “Yes,” provide details on a separate sheet.
T. Have you or your spouse been convicted of a similar criminal offense to that referenced in Q – S under a similar
law of a foreign country? Yes_____ No_____. If “Yes,” provide details on a separate sheet.
U. Do you owe the Department a delinquent fee, assessment, administrative penalty or other amount imposed by
Chapter 152 or a rule or order issued under Chapter 152? Yes_____ No_____. If “Yes,” provide details on a
separate sheet.
I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am acting on my behalf, and that the foregoing statements are true and
Date: _______________________ Signature: ___________________________________________
Typed or Printed Name: ____________________________________
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 19
Please print or type all information.
Full Name:
Alias or DBA:
Residence: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address City State Zip Code
Business: __________________________________________________________
Street Address City State Zip Code
Telephone Number (Include Area Code)
Fax Number (Including Area Code)
Social Security Number or Federal Tax ID Number
Driver’s License Number/State
Date of Birth
DPS Number
FBI Number
* If DPS and/or FBI numbers are not known, please give the following physical description.
Hair Color
Eye Color
This release constitutes my consent and authority for The Texas Department of Banking to examine
and obtain copies of records, statements, credit ratings and information regarding my background. I
hereby specifically authorize the release of records to The Texas Department of Banking pertaining to
the following:
Any local, state, federal, or international governmental records
Employment Information
Past experience with a regulated entity
Credit Information
Tax Records, Federal or other jurisdictions
Police and Criminal Records
This authorization is given in connection with my application filed with the Texas
Department of Banking.
(Signature) (Date)
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 20
Name ____________________________________
Applicant __________________________________
Statement of Financial Condition as of ___________________, 20_____ for the period
______________, ______ to ______________, ______
Cash on Hand & in Banks (Schedule 1)
Notes Payable to Banks-Secured
& Unsecured (Schedule 6)
U.S. Government Securities
Notes Payable to Relatives (Schedule 6)
Accounts, Loans, &
Notes Receivable (Sch 2)
Accounts & Notes Payable to Others (Schedule 6)
Marketable Stocks
& Bonds (Schedule 3)*
Rents & Interest Due
Real Estate (Schedule 4)
Real Estate Taxes Due (Schedule 4)
Automobiles - Number ( )
Liens on Real Estate (Schedule 4)
Proprietary Interests (Schedule 5)**
Other Taxes Due
Other Assets (Itemize)***
Other Liabilities (Itemize)
As Endorser or Co-Maker
Bonus & Commissions
On Leases or Contracts
Dividends & Interest
Legal Claims
Real Estate Income
Provision for Federal Income Tax
Other Income (Itemize)
Other Special Debt (Itemize)
Assets pledged or hypothecated valued at $______________ are pledged to secure notes or obligations aggregating $_________________.
I have additionally endorsed, guaranteed or am contingently liable for debts of others amounting to $__________________.
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 21
I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this confidential
financial report, including supplemental schedules, has been carefully examined by me and is
correct and compete and further acknowledge that there are no misrepresentation or omissions of
material facts.
Dated and signed this _____ day of ___________________, 20____.
(Typed or Printed Name)
* Marketable securities are generally only those which are listed on the NY, American Stock
Exchanges and NASDAQ.
** If the stock of a company amounts to 25% or more of an individual’s net worth, financial
statements, including balance sheet, profit and loss, cash flow statements of the company
must be provided for the past year.
*** If total reflected on this line represents 10% or more of your net worth, a schedule must be
provided listing each item separately and providing a complete description, including
financial information, if appropriate.
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 22
Schedule 1. Banking Relations. (List all bank accounts)
Name of Financial Institution
Type of
Schedule 2. Accounts, Loans, & Notes Receivable.
Name and Address of Debtor
Description or
Nature of Debt
Description of
Security Held
Schedule 3. Marketable Stock and Bonds.
Face Value Bonds
No. Stock Shares
of Security
Registered in
Name of
Income Received
Last Year
If Pledged,
State to Whom
Market Value
Schedule 4. Real Estate. The legal and equitable title to all the real estate listed in this schedule is solely
in the name of the signer, except if noted below:
Location or Street No.
& Description
or Liens
Due Dates &
Payment Amount
Unpaid Taxes
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 23
(Schedule 5)
Provide the following information regarding all business enterprises in which you hold a beneficial interest. The term
"business enterprise" includes any corporation, association, partnership, business trust, sole proprietorship or other
business which shares are not listed on a securities exchange or otherwise regularly traded. Under the heading "Form
of Business", state the legal form of the business. Under "Nature of Business and Percentage of Ownership", explain
what the business enterprise does and percentage of your ownership interest. Submit year-end financial statements,
including profit and loss and cash flow statements, for the last year for each business interest in which you have an
interest equal to 25% or more of your net worth.
Name and Address of Business
Legal Form of
Nature of
Business and % of
Date Acquired
Schedule 6. Notes or Accounts Payable.
Name of Lender
Lender's Address
Due Dates
and Payments
Security or
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 24
Provide the following information regarding sources and uses of cash during the last two years,
the current year, and a projected year.
Sources of Cash
Salaries, Wages,
Commissions, Bonuses,
or Other Income from
Employment (Net of
Cash Received from
Individual Business,
Partnership, or Joint
Real Estate
Total Cash
Uses of Cash
Personal Expenses
(Management, Rent and
Household, Etc.)
Bank Loan Principal
and Interest
Others Loans Principal
and Interest
Insurance Payments
Income Taxes Not
Covered by
Total Cash
Cash Flow
If current year is reported for less than a full fiscal or annual period, please provide the dates for the period reported.
**Itemize any items amounting to 10% or more of total income on separate page.
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 25
An applicant for a money service business license under Chapter 152, Texas Finance Code,
must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Texas Banking Commissioner that the
corporation does not owe any delinquent franchise or other taxes to this state.
A Franchise Tax Account Status must be submitted with all new applications submitted by
corporations, limited liability companies, S corporations, professional corporations, and
Edge Act Corporations. The Franchise Tax Account Status states whether a taxable
entity’s right to transact business in Texas is intact at the time the query is made.
If an Applicant cannot provide a Franchise Tax Account Status, then its application must
include evidence and a statement of legal counsel satisfactory to the Department that the
Applicant does not owe any delinquent franchise or other taxes to this state.
You may contact the Texas Office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts at the numbers
listed below to request information for obtaining a Franchise Tax Account Status.
Franchise Tax Help
Toll Free: 1-800-252-1386
Austin Telephone: 512-463-4600
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 26
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 27
Policy Number _______________________
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that ________________________________
(Name and Business Address of Applicant)
of the City of ____________________ County of ____________________ and State of
____________________ as principal (the “principal” or “license holder”) and
________________________________ of the City of ____________________ County of
____________________ and State and zip code of ____________________ as surety, are held
and firmly bound unto the Texas Banking Commissioner (the “Commissioner”) and any customer
of the license holder for the use and benefit of the Commissioner and the Texas Department of
Banking (the “Department”) and any such customer of the license holder for any liability incurred
with respect to any currency exchange or money transmission business conducted by the license
holder under, subject to, or by virtue of the provisions of the Texas Finance Code, Chapter 152
(the “Code”), including without limitation any delinquent fee, assessment, cost, penalty, or other
amount imposed on and owed by the license holder to the Commissioner or the Department, in the
penal sum of _________________________________ Dollars, ($____________), for the
payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors,
administrators, successors and assigns jointly and severally by these presents.
WHEREAS, the aforesaid principal has applied for a license under the provisions of the aforesaid
Code, and,
WHEREAS, the aforesaid Code provides, and includes as a precedent to the issuance of a license,
that the principal shall furnish a bond in accordance with and that satisfies the requirements of
§152.353 of the Code.
NOW THEREFORE, if the license holder will faithfully conform to and abide by the provisions
of this Code and will honestly and faithfully apply all funds received and perform all obligations
and undertakings in connection with any currency exchange or money transmission business under
the Code and will pay to the Commissioner and the Department and to any customer or recipient
designated by a customer all money that becomes due and owing to the Commissioner and the
Department or to such person under the provisions of the Code because of any such business by
the license holder under and by virtue of the provisions of the Code, then this obligation will be
void; otherwise will remain in full force and effect.
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, in no event shall all aggregate liability of the surety under this bond
for any and all claims to one or more claimants exceed the penal sum of this bond.
PROVIDED FURTHER, that the bond is conditioned that the principal will not violate the Code
or a rule adopted pursuant to the Code, as long as the principal holds a license issued by the
Department for activities conducted subject to the Code.
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 28
The bond shall remain in effect for the entire term of the license in connection with which it is
being issued, unless sooner revoked by thirty (30) or more days written notice to the
If the surety herein shall so elect, this bond may be conditionally cancelled at any time by the
surety herein by filing with the Commissioner a thirty (30) days written notice of such conditional
cancellation, but said surety so filing said notice shall not be discharged from any liability accrued
under this bond or which shall accrue herein before the expiration of said thirty (30) day period.
The bond shall automatically renew for any succeeding renewals of the license without need of
any action or notice by any party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have duly executed the foregoing obligation this ______ day of
____________, 20___, to be effective on the ______ day of ____________, 20___.
Principal ______________________________
By __________________________________
(Print or Type Name)
Signature _____________________________
Title _________________________________
Surety ___________________________
By __________________________________
(Print or Type Name)
Signature _____________________________
Title _________________________________
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 29
THIS CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT is entered into in triplicate on
_______________, 20____, between
_________________________________________________ (the "License Holder"), a(n)
__________________________ organized under the laws of the State of ____________ and
doing business in the State of Texas, and the Commissioner of the Texas Department of Banking
(the "Commissioner");
The License Holder is subject to the Texas Finance Code, Chapter 152 (the "Code"),
entitled “Money Services Modernization Act” regulating the business of currency exchange and
money transmission. Instead of furnishing all or part of the surety bond required by the Code,
the License Holder is permitted to deposit with the Commissioner an aggregate amount (the
"Security"), including cash, certificates of deposit and interest-bearing securities that equals the
total amount of the required bond or the remaining part of the bond. The License Holder may
deposit the Security with any financial institution possessing trust powers that is authorized to
conduct a trust business in the State of Texas acceptable to the Commissioner.
The Commissioner finds that ____________________________________________ (the
"Custodian"), a(n) _____________________, located in _______________________, is
authorized to conduct trust business in the State of Texas, and is an acceptable Custodian for the
License Holder's deposit.
The License Holder deposits with Custodian the following Security and all renewals,
substitutions and replacements thereof:
It is agreed between the parties:
1. Subject to the provisions of the Agreement, the Security is deposited for the
benefit of the State of Texas and any creditor of the License Holder for any
liability incurred by the License Holder under and by virtue of the Code.
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 30
2. The Security deposited may be exchanged from time to time for other Security of
an equal par value that qualifies under the provisions of the law relating to this
deposit, such substituted Security to be with joint written approval of the
Commissioner, License Holder, and Custodian.
3. All interest or dividends on all Security deposited will be payable to or in
accordance with the instructions of the License Holder, unless the Commissioner
gives contrary notice in writing to the Custodian. The Commissioner's notice will
be effective two business days after the Custodian actually receives the notice.
4. The original principal amount of the Security deposited under the terms of this
Agreement (plus interest accruing after the effective date of any notice given in
accordance with paragraph 3 above) will be controlled exclusively by the
Commissioner, who has the right from time to time to withdraw it. However, any
withdrawal request from the Commissioner must be either:
(A) in writing and supported by a certified copy of an order of a court
of competent jurisdiction; or
(B) by an original or certified copy of a written order of the
Commissioner containing the Commissioner's signature.
Withdrawals by the Commissioner must satisfy any liability the Custodian has to
the Commissioner and will relieve the Custodian of all liability to License Holder
for the amounts withdrawn.
5. If the License Holder will:
(A) faithfully conform to and abide by the provisions of the Code;
(B) honestly and faithfully apply all funds received and perform all
obligations and undertakings for exchange issued and sold under the Code; and
(C) pay to the State and to any person all money that becomes due and
owing to the State or to such person under and by virtue of the provisions of the
then the Commissioner will have no further right in or claim to the Security
covered by his Agreement, and must, by written order containing the signature of
the Commissioner, notify the Custodian of the termination of the Commissioner’s
rights in the Security. Unless the Custodian receives an original or a certified
copy of a written order from the Commissioner containing the signature of the
Commissioner or an order from a court of competent jurisdiction terminating the
Commissioner’s rights in the Security, Custodian may assume that this
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 31
Agreement remains in effect and that the rights of the Commissioner in the
Security remain in existence.
6. The Custodian may rely on any and all certified notices or certified orders of the
Commissioner submitted from the Commissioner to the Custodian under this
Agreement, purporting to bear the signature of the Commissioner, without further
inquiry into the authenticity of the signature or the authority or entitlement of the
Commissioner to issue such certified notices or orders.
7. All notices or orders to Custodian must be delivered by certified mail, return
receipt requested or by overnight or local delivery courier. All notices or orders
provided for under this Agreement will be deemed to be received when actually
received by the addressee. All parties must promptly notify all other parties of an
address change. Notices and orders to the Custodian must be addressed as
(Custodian's Name and Address)
8. Nothing in this Agreement requires Custodian to violate any applicable laws, any
court order or the instructions of any bankruptcy trustee.
9. The Security is subject to Custodian’s terms and conditions of deposit accounts
now in existence and as they may be modified in the future, except to the extent
that the terms and conditions are specifically inconsistent with this Agreement.
10. Custodian is not liable for any indirect damages, lost profits, special, punitive or
consequential damages that arise out of or in connection with the obligations
contemplated by this Agreement. The provisions of this paragraph will survive
termination of this Agreement.
11. This Agreement is executed in triplicate originals, one to be kept by each of the parties
hereto, and one to be kept by the Custodian.
SIGNED AND DELIVERED in triplicate this _______ day of ______________, 20____.
(License Holder)
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 32
By: __________________________________________
(Printed Name)
Banking Commissioner of Texas
______, Custodian, hereby acknowledges receipt of the Security described in the foregoing
agreement, and covenants and agrees that the same will be held by it for the purposes and subject
to the terms and conditions of this agreement, but reserves the right to resign as Custodian by
giving 30 days written notice to the signers of the Agreement at the addresses specified below.
_____________________________ Banking Commissioner of Texas
_____________________________ 2601 North Lamar Blvd.
_____________________________ Austin, Texas 78705
(License Holder's Name and Address)
Custodian will become bound by the terms of this Agreement only after it receives an original
counterpart fully executed by all parties.
(Custodian's Name)
By: _________________________________________
(Printed Name)
DATED: __________________
CORP-M01 [09/23] Texas Department of Banking Page 33
I hereby authorize the Texas Department of Banking (the “DOB”) and/or the Texas Comptroller of Public
Accounts, on behalf of the DOB, to initiate debit entries to the deposit account (the “account”) indicated
below at the depository financial institution (the “Depository”) indicated below, and to debit the same to
the account. I understand that debit entries will be initiated from the account to pay annual license and
assessment fees owed the DOB pursuant to §33.27 of the Texas Administrative Code and that I will be
given at least 15 days notice prior to the debit entry. I acknowledge that the entries must comply with the
provisions of U.S. law.
This authorization will remain in effect unless terminated because of a corporate reorganization. The
account information will remain effective unless modified because of a change in the account to which
debits are authorized. I understand that written notice of a termination or modification must be provided
to the DOB at least 30 days in advance of a scheduled debit.
Name of License Holder ____________________________________________________________
License Number ______________ Date _______________________________________________
Signature _____________________________ Title _______________________________________
Printed Name _____________________________________________________________________
Bank Name _____________________________________________________________________
Branch ___________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________________ State ______ Zip _________________
Bank Contact Name __________________________________________________________
Bank Contact Phone Number _________________________________________________________
ACH/Routing Number (9 digit number) _________________________________________________
Account Number ___________________________________________________________________
Type of Account ____ Checking ____ Savings