Eau Cla i r e Co u nty ' s 4 - H News letter
Clover Leaves
September 2021
4 - H i s a c o m m u n i t y o f y o u n g p e o p l e a c r o s s A m e r i c a w h o a r e l e a r n i n g l e a d e r s h i p ,
c i t i z e n s h i p , a n d l i f e s k i l l s .
In this issue
Project Information
Leaders Association News
VIP Training
4-H On the Air Schedule
4HOnline Enrollment
Highground Vertans
Discover 4-H
Peace Cranes Origami
Neillsville Rabbit Fun Show
Ag in the Classroom Essay
Cedar Crest Ice Cream 4-H
Flavor Contest
Record Books
Positive Youth Development
Media Collection
4-H Thriving Survey
Virtual Learning Community
Experience Upham Woods
Exploring 4-H for New
Club Minutes
EC County Fair Awards
An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension provides
equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Eau Claire County Extension
227 1st Street West
Altoona, WI 54720
Phone: (715) 839-4712
Fax: (715) 839-6277
Website: eau-
Facebook: facebook.com/
Instagram: eccounty4hambassa-
Snapchat: eccounty4hambassa-
Hello 4-H families!
We are starting a new 4-H year. That means that it is time to re-
enroll in 4Honline. Click Sign In (4honline.com) to enroll. Re-
enroll early so that we can get you information on this years events
and activities. I are looking forward to a new year where we keep
some of the things that we tried out last year like our Discover 4-H
virtual program. (See page 5 for registration.) I am also looking
forward to getting to do more things like we are used to in regular
4-H programming.
I have had several questions about what are the rules for
meeting?The state 4-H office does not have specific guidelines
for us to follow other than to follow current county public health
guidelines. According to the Eau Claire County Public Health
Department website, transmission rates are highand Masks in
indoor public spaces are expected for everyone ages 2+ regardless
of vaccination status.Please keep your 4-H family safe by wearing
a face covering indoors. If you dont want to wear a face covering,
plan outside events.
The Leaders Association and Older Youth Council will begin
planning our recognition banquet for November 13. If you would
like to participate in planning, please send Rachel Hart-Brinson or
Sheila Topper a message. We would welcome your participation.
We will hold an officer training led by OYC on October 4, location
TBD. Officers from clubs across the county will connect, and learn
how to perform their roles so that your club grows and prospers.
Lastly, record books are due to the office on September 14.
Record books help young people set goals, reflect on their project
learning, and learn record-keeping skills. They are also required in
order to receive a scholarship for educational experiences. Forms
and directions can be found here: 4-H Forms/Registration
Extension Eau Claire County (wisc.edu) If you dont do it this year,
plan for next year!
Let the 4-H year begin!!
Page 2
Project Literature
Clover Leaves
Need 4-H publication materials?
EC County 4-Hs Publication Library just grew! In addition to materials for the many
projects we already had, we just received publications on the following project areas:
+ Adult Leadership + Science: Wind Power and Robotics + Health
+ Service Learning + Celebrate Art + Aerospace
+ Scale Models + Photography + Horses
+ Theatre Arts + Sewing + Rabbits
See the full library list here: Project Literature Library”. Come to the Extension Office
to check-out materials for a month, free!
If you are a club officer: we have publications to help you better understand your
duties! Contact the Extension Office to borrow them.
Looking for Cloverbud materials? Contact the Extension Office.
You can always purchase your own items at
Does your club or project group
have a Facebook page?
Let us know about it so Extension can be a fan. Be
sure your club/project likesEC County UWEX—let
us help each other get the word out!
New to 4-H this year?
Be sure to likeEau Claire
County UW-Extension, and the
Expo Center, on Facebook to
stay current of 4-H and Fair info!
Add Extension Rachelto your
Submit the minutes from your last
meeting for admission in the Clover
Leaves so your members can see
the highlights and other clubs can
see your good example!
Email to Andy by the 20th of each
And[email protected]-claire.wi.us
Eau Claire County Extension Office
227 1st Street West
Altoona, WI 54720
Phone: (715) 839-4712
Fax: (715) 839-6277
Website: eauclaire.extension.wisc.edu
Facebook: facebook.com/
Instagram: eccounty4hambassadors
Snapchat: eccounty4hambassadors
Clover Leaves Page 3
Sept 1: Club Financials Due to
Extension office
Sept 14: Record Books due to the
Extension Office
Thursdays October 7-Nov 11:
Discover 4-H
October 4: Officer Training
October 12: Interview Clinic
Nov 1: Club Charter Application Due
Nov 6: Fall Forum (Green Lake)
Nov 13: County Awards Banquet
Leaders Calendar
Volunteer in Preparation Training
Eau Claire County 4-H
Leaders Association
Sep 14, 2021
6:30 PM
Meeting ID: 922 8111 7125
Passcode: 538440
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,92281117125# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,92281117125# US (Chicago)
Agenda Items:
Financial Report
Programming Report
4-H Recruitment
National 4-H Week
Who should take Volunteer in Preparation Training?—Anyone who is planning on being a volunteer
with 4-H! If youre going to be planning events for young people with a 4-H hat on, you need to take
VIP as part of the process to become a certified volunteer.
Please contact Rachel if you want to take this training. Dates will be scheduled on an as-needed
basis. Dates in September are being scheduled, now.
Clover Leaves Page 4
4-H On the Air Schedule
1st Saturday Of The Month
Month Club Contact
Eau Claire Adventurers Amy Hahn
Pleasant Hill Go Geers Jodi Thesing-Rier
Lile Red Cardinals Penny Helwig
Pleasant Valley Heather Iverson
Collaborate with Highground Veterans Memorial
The Highground Veterans Memorial Park in Neillsville, WI will be hosting a WWII Pacific Theater
exhibit December 2021-March 2022. They could use our help, either as a club or an individual
1. Learn about the story of Japanese girl who folded paper cranes that are now a symbol used
throughout the world for peace.Fold Paper Cranes using the instructions on pages 7 and 8.
Drop them off at the Extension office by Nov 1. They will be displayed throughout the exhibit in
the traditional strings of 40 birds. Donating groups will be credited. (We have 40 to donate from
camp, but I would love to send more.)
2. Create a fact sheet or poster display on the following: The experiences of the Japanese that
were in America at the time of WWII ( the Japanese internment camps that were in the U.S.),
Japanese civilians that were affected by the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; U.S. military
personnel that fought in the Pacific Theater (maybe someone from their hometowns). These
would be displayed and would be a great way to connect with the Highgrounds visitors and learn
more about this unique part of our history.
*If you need origami paper, please contact me. I have some in the office.
Enrollment and re-enrollment is open at 4HOnline! Returning 4-Hers have
until November 1 to enroll for the 2021-2022 4-H Year. Go to Sign In
(4honline.com) to do so. You can also sign up for new projects and drop
any in which you do not wish to participate this year. (You have until May 1
to do so.)
Enroll now so you will continue to get all newsletters and other 4-H
If you dont remember your password, scroll down a bit on the front page and click on Reset password?
This is also the time for new 4-H members to sign up, so tell your friends!
4HOnline Enrollment & Re-enrollment Open!
Clover Leaves Page 5
Do you have friends who may be interested in 4-H? Be sure
to share this with them!
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Clover Leaves Page 8
2021 Neillsville Rabbit Fun Show
October 2, 2021
Clark County Fairgrounds,
1121 E. Division St,
Neillsville, WI 54456
Registration by 8:30 a.m.
Show starts at 9 a.m.
15 and under $.50 per rabbit
16 and up $1.00 per rabbit
Costume contest is $2.00
All Ages Welcome. All Breeds Welcome
Awards will be given.
50/50 raffle and silent auction
Clover Leaves Page 9
Ag in the Classroom Essay Contest
2021-2022 Essay Contest Information
Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom offers an annual essay contest
for fourth and fifth-grade students. Each year the topic has spe-
cific lesson plans, activities and other resources that teachers,
volunteers and homeschool parents can use to teach about
Wisconsin agriculture. The topic is selected after the Book of
the Year is picked. The 2022 Book of the Year is "Popcorn
Country" by Wisconsin author and dairy farmer, Cris Peterson.
You can order the book here.
This years essay contest topic is, Whats Popping in Wiscon-
sin? The value of corn to our economy!
Essay submissions must be 100- to 300-words in length and will
be judged on content, grammar, spelling and neatness. This
year students must make three references to Wisconsin agricul-
ture and a new essay grading rubric was developed. The essay
contest rules, lesson plans and sample classroom activities are located below. Essays are due
April 1, 2022.
The contest is sponsored by We Energies, Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board, Wisconsin Corn
and the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation.
Nine district winners will be selected with one being chosen as the state winner in May. Each dis-
trict winner will receive a classroom presentation for his or her class. Last year, more than 1,400
students participated in the contest.
Questions about the book or essay contest can be directed to Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom Co-
ordinator Darlene Arneson at [email protected].
Go to Essay Contest | Wisconsin Ag In The Classroom (wisagclassroom.org) for the 2022 Essay
Contest Flyer Packet
Club Leaders, Cindi Syverson would be glad to come to your clubs meeting to present this to your
4-Hers! Contact her at csyve[email protected]
Clover Leaves Page 10
4-H Clubs to Create Newest Cedar Crest Ice Cream Flavor:
Entries Now Being Accepted
Madison, WI [August 1, 2020] — Cedar Crest Ice Cream, Cedarburg, Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin
4-H Foundation have teamed up again to present the Cedar Crest Ice Cream 4-H Flavor Contest
for Wisconsin 4-H clubs. More than 1600 clubs are eligible to create and submit a flavor recipewith
the top clubs named as finalists, and the top flavor produced for summer 2022.
According to Brenda Scheider, Executive Director of the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation, the contest is a
great opportunity for 4-H youth to work together to develop and name their flavor. The most
exciting part of the contest is the winning flavor will be available through Cedar Crest beginning next
July.” The annual contest has already yielded popular flavors including Deep Woods, created by the
Baraboo Valley 4-H Club and Wisconsin Campfire Smores, created by the Springbrook 4-H Club of
New Richmond. This years winning flavor was Tractor Tracks, created by the Country Clover 4-H
Club in Green Lake County.
A panel of ice cream experts chosen by Cedar Crest judges the entries. The company
manufacturers more than 80 flavors of ice cream, along with frozen custard, sherbet and sorbet at its
Manitowoc, Wisconsin, plant, and distributes products in five states. Many of the flavors now
produced by Cedar Crest, including Wisconsin Campfire Smores and Big Muddy, are a result of the
More information and the entry form are available at www.cedarcresticecream.com. Entries are due
by November 12, 2021. The winner will be announced in December 2021.
Winners of the 2020 Cedar Crest Ice Cream naming contest:
Country Clover 4-H Club in Green Lake County
Clover Leaves Page 11
Record Books
Record books will be due to your club leaders in August!
Historically, an achieving 4-H member:
1. Attended at least four club meetings
2. Presented a public demonstration
3. Presented a public exhibit
Submitted a completed record book
The Leaders Association met in June and has voted to waive the requirements of achievement except sum-
mitting a completed record book. For the 2020-2021 4-H Year, the number of meetings, a public demonstra-
tion, and public exhibit requirements are waived.
To be an achieving 4-H member in 2020-2021:
1. Attended at least four club meetings
2. Presented a public demonstration
3. Presented a public exhibit
Submitted a completed record book
Club leaders are to turn record books to UW Extension by Tuesday, September 14 for county level nomina-
tions and 3rd through 5th grade and 6th through 8th grade record book awards. A nomination form should be
in each submitted record book.
Record book forms can be found at https://eauclaire.extension.wisc.edu/4-h-forms-documents/
Clover Leaves Page 12
Borrow Resources from the PYD Media Collection
The Positive Youth Development (PYD) Media Collection is a library of educational tools that
can be borrowed from anywhere in the state. The collection has a new home and a new
checkout system.
Visit the PYD Media Collection website to see what is available. You will find displays,
skillathons, learning lab kits, interactive CD ROMs, DVDs, and more. Project materials
currently include horse, dairy, livestock, small animal, and some arts. We have kept the most
used and current materials. Most outdated materials have been removed.
There is no cost to order materials for Extension-sponsored programs. Non-Extension user
groups must pay for outbound and return postage plus a $10 handling fee.
To learn more about the PYD Media Collection, see lists of materials by project area, and
find out how to request materials, visit the website. Contact Monica Lobenstein, Learning
Resources Specialist, monica.lobenstein@wisc.edu or 715-896-0377, with questions.
Positive Youth Development Media Collection
Clover Leaves Page 13
4-H Thriving Survey
4-H Thriving Survey Coming your way!
This fall, Wisconsin 4-H will be inviting members (ages 13-18) to complete a survey about their 4-H
experience. The survey was developed by National 4-H Leaders (https://helping-youth-
thrive.extension.org/) and will help Wisconsin 4-H to learn about the quality of our programs. The
information will help to show how 4-H helps young people to learn new things, develop leadership
skills, manage goals, set high personal standards, create positive academic attitudes, and other
skills that lead to long-term success in life.
The survey will be sent to all Wisconsin 4-H members by e-mail in the first week of October. Youth
who complete the survey will be entered into a raffle to receive gift cards, scholarships to 4-H
events, and other prizes. The answers from the survey will help us to figure out where our program
is doing well and where we could grow, plus provide a way to tell the 4-H story in Wisconsin and let
everyone know HOW GREAT 4-H is! We want to tell you about this now, so that you'll know why
you're going to get an e-mail with the survey.
For more information on the 4-H Thriving Model and some of the results from the 2019-2020 4-H
Thriving Study in Wisconsin, visit 4-H Thriving Model – Wisconsin 4-H.
Please keep an eye out for messages and more information about this important survey.
Clover Leaves Page 14
*Virtual Learning Community Opportunity to Teach and Lead in 2021
Across the Division of Extension we have been learning and improving our transition to virtual spaces. You
havent heard from the Virtual Learning Community since our Summer Virtual Learning Community, but Posi-
tive Youth Development in virtual spaces has continued to grow and develop. Since summer weve been
building out virtual opportunities and had over 500 people registered for our first ever Virtual Fall Forum AND
hundreds of volunteers registered and participated in our Virtual Annual Leader Trainings. In order to contin-
ue building out a community of learning around the state, we need Youth Leaders and Adult Volunteers!
Below are some commonly asked questions:
Why are we inviting YOU?
provide high, quality virtual opportunities for youth and families across the state, Kindergarten-
Grades and Adults
involve YOUTH and adult leaders, staff and community partners in facilitating planned activities
provide additional promotion for programs that are being offered across the state
What type of content are you looking for?
We are looking for project area content, leadership trainings and open spaces for youth to engage and con-
nect around other topics/areas of interest. If you have an interest or passion and are willing to share it with
others, well help make it work in a virtual space.
Does the session need to be new?
Nope. We know that many participants were just getting to know the calendar and as they did never attended
all the sessions that might have interested them. Also, if youre like us, youve been learning and tweaking. If
you have a program that you have already offered and are willing to offer it again, please do!
Can I submit more than one session?
Absolutely! We all know that virtual programs are most effective in 40 minutes, so if you have too much con-
tent for one session, a series is great. Weve also learned from our evaluation that participants enjoy seeing
each other more than once and recognizing faces and names.
Is there a deadline to submit?
Nope. Programs are needed ongoing! Submission dates are weekly. After you submit, sessions will be re-
viewed by a committee of youth leaders, volunteers and staff using our Positive Youth Development learning
review process adapted for virtual learning.
I would like a little more information about Virtual Learning Community before I submit. Where can I
Fair enough. With the lessons learned, we have a new submission process, facilitator support resources, a
uniform registration process, evaluation process and a plan for promotion and marketing. Our website can be
found at https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/virtual-learning-community/.
Continued on next page
Virtual Learning Community Opportunities to Teach & Lead
Clover Leaves Page 15
Virtual Learning—Continued from pervious page
Okay! Im convinced. Where do I submit?
Submissions can be made at: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2idXsm8tPCVGILz.
With the easy to use back button, you can explore the submission form to learn a little more about the types
of sessions and content.
What happens after I submit?
Our committee will respond to submissions with a follow up e-mail or call to the primary contact within a
The Virtual Learning Community knows how important supportive relationships within youth development
spaces are to creating community, valuing youth voice and empowering action in our communities. We are
committed to ensuring that anyone who wants to find an engaging, educational, and FUN online connection
will be able to do so easily. We hope you will help us make it happen.
In closing, as we wrap up 2020, we want to celebrate so many of you for being a part of our programming.
It has not been an easy year, but we appreciate all of you continuing to engage and learn by doing.
Looking forward to connecting with even more of you in 2021!!
Clover Leaves Page 16
Experience Upham Woods!
If you or your club enjoys being outside and wants an experience a
little further from Eau Claire, you could consider traveling to Upham
Check out some of the things other clubs and groups have been
doing in the August 2021 newsletter: http://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/
There are links for registration for other experience days. Let Rachel Hart-Brinson know if
you have questions or want more information before you register.
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Page 19
Clover Leaves
Club Minutes
August 2021 Meeting Minutes
Pleasant Valley Clovers
The meeting was called to order by Allison and pledges
were said. There were no birthdays in August. Roll call
was taken by saying your favorite ice cream flavor. The motion to accept the secretarys report was made by
Emma and seconded by Connor. There was no treasurer's report.
For old business, reports were given on County Fair and Wisconsin State Fair. We talked about Cleghorn
Park Memorial Garden Maintenance and Harvest Fest which will be September 11-12. Park clean-up will be
at 7:00 am Saturday and Sunday mornings and 5:00 pm Sunday. The parade is at 12:30 on Saturday and our
theme will be Join our Herdand will hand out string cheese. Kids games are Saturday from 1-3 pm and we
will serve pie and ice cream 1-6 pm on Saturday as well. Please sign up to help. We talked about the Rock
Swap concessions (August 28-29). We need one family to sign up for each shift. There was no other old
For new business, we said congratulations to our graduates Teresa and Sam. We also discussed our
September New Member Meeting Plans. We will be having a potluck at Wathkes on the 19th at 4pm. We will
also do a hayride and smores. The motion for the club to buy supplies for s'mores was made by Emma and
seconded by Duane. We also talked about ideas for next 4-H year. Members are encouraged to help
Pleasant Valley 4-H club with staining picnic tables at Cleghorn Part on Thursday, Aug. 19th at 7 pm. There
was no other new business.
For youth leaders' reports the next meeting will be August 30 at 6:30 pm. For the adult leaders report we
were reminded about the Charter Renewal. The next County Adult Leaders meeting is Sept. 14 and record
books and historian books are due for county awards. Adults are needed to serve on the Executive
Committee. Let Wendy know if you are interested.
We then had our officer elections. Our president will be Allison Duerkop, Vice president will be Lindsay
Duerkop, Secretary will be Camryn Kortbein, Historian will be Emma Wathke, and Rosie Reck and Colin
Staads will be co-song and game leaders. We had a tie for Treasurer between Cierra and Hannah so we will
revote in September.
Colin then had a demonstration on his Lego racecar and the motion to adjourn the meeting for record books
and the garden cleanup and games was made by Emma and seconded by Hannah.
Respectfully submitted by Lindsay Duerkop
Where are your clubs minutes? Why arent they here? They can
Email them to Andy at Andy[email protected]-claire.wi.us by the
end of the month to have them included in the Clover Leaves!
Clover Leaves Page 20
August 2021 Minutes – Eau Claire Clovers 4-H Club
The Eau Claire Clovers 4-H Club July meeting was held at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, on August 22
at 4:00 P.M.
The energizer was led by Beth and was a game called Never have I ever”.
Beth then called the meeting to order and pledges were said. There were no birthdays this month.
Members were sent the secretary's report from July before meeting to review. The secretarys report was
motioned by Miles and seconded by Marshall. The treasurers report was read by Josie and was motioned by
Maddie and seconded by Kaitlyn.
The spirit cup was given this month to Julia and Hannah for helping our with the setup for the meeting.
In old business, everyone was thanked for making record book pages for the Club record book. Patricia will check
the record book and let anyone know if there are any missing that still need to be done. We discussed the fair.
Marshall shared that he loved the Fair Olympics and Beth spoke about working at the OYC food stand and
enjoying having face to face judging again. Old business was motioned by Marshall and Seconded by Miles.
In New Business, the parents were reviewing record books. It was announced that if you didnt bring your record
book in, you need to return yours by Friday. You can drop it at Cindi or Kaylas house. Kayla and Cindi will work
with Francine to formally review the record books to be sent on to the 4-H leaders for nomination for scholarships
Sign ups for monthly meetings, demonstrations were passed around. Beth mentioned that there is an OYC
meeting scheduled for August 31 and is open to all members 7
grade and up.
The Club will have a fundraising opportunity at Culvers on Golf Road on September 27. We need to have 250
people come and say they are present for our club to be counted for 250. Beth will check to confirm this. A sign
up sheet for this was also passed around.
Fall Forum is on November 6 at Green Lake Conference Center. Cindi, Kendall and Beth encouraged everyone to
go to the conference as its a really great time and you learn a lot and about other 4-H members across the state.
County Awards Banquet is on November 13 at the Pleasant Valley Community Center.
We talked about Fundraising. We need to find some kind of fundraising opportunity that will help fund the club.
Sarah will investigate how the fundraising program through Savers works and Kayla will investigate fundraising by
selling Kringles.
Members that were interested in serving as an officer came up and told everyone the position they were interested
in and a little about themselves. In a couple of days, ballots in the form of google form will be sent out to the
membership. The votes will be tallied and everyone will be notified of the new executive.
The new business was motioned by Maddie and seconded by Miles.
The leaders report was sent out through Facebook. Francine reiterated that she will need some more parental
help this year, due to the need for helping with her father in Jamaica. The Leaders report was motioned by
Marshall and seconded by Miles.
The meeting was adjourned and after, we made fleece blankets for cats to be delivered to Eau Claire County
Humane Association. Thanks to Sara for taking the blankets.
Thank you for members that signed up for volunteer work at fair and Farm Tech Days, but more are still needed. A
reminder that plat books are for sale. And Beth talked about her experience geocaching at the last meeting. The
old business was motioned by Maddie and seconded by Neveya. In the new business, members should start their
record books. The silent auction basket has been completed. Members have a chance to win a basket or other
prizes during the fair. Fair tags were sent out to members. And the reminder to all competing members we wish
you luck at this years fair. Are you interested in becoming an officer? Please send an officers letter of interest to
Francine to be considered for next years officers. reminder to please complete your demo if you haven't completed
one yet. The new business was motioned by Neveya and seconded by Kendell. Kendell motioned the adjournment
of the meeting and Neveya seconded it. Beth then adjourned the meeting. Cupcakes were given to members at the
end of the meeting to celebrate graduates. (Thanks btw ;))
Clover Leaves Page 21
Champion Market Steer Brian and Traci Martinson Cullen Schlewitz
Reserve Champion Market Steer
Blain's Farm & Fleet - Chippewa
Falls Brian Zimmerman
Champion Cow-Calf Steinke's Four D Angus Laurie Zimmerman
Reserve Champion Cow-Calf Brian and Traci Martinson Brian Zimmerman
Champion Feeder Steer Equity Cooperative Livestock Elizabeth Zimmerman
Champion Bred and Owned Zimmerman Farms Brian Zimmerman
Reserve Champion Bred and Owned Gable Crest Farm Bethany Strauch
Champion Heifer Brian and Traci Martinson Bethany Strauch
Reserve Champion Heifer Zimmerman Farms Hayden Erdman
Champion Best Fitted Breeding Animal Memory of Warren Honadel Bethany Strauch
Reserve Champion Best Fitted Breeding Animal Boettcher's Brookview Acres Kevin Kitchen
Champion Market Steer Rate of Gain Brent and Debbie Dickinsen Emma Johnson
Reserve Champion Market Steer Rate of Gain Terry & Karlyn Etheridge Jesse Gorell
Champion Market Steer Carcass Evaluation Smith Farms Luke Geist
Reserve Champion Market Steer Carcass Evalua-
tion Kyle & Christine Wathke Tyler Wathke
Champion Market Steer Ultrasound Evaluation Merchants Bank - Eau Claire Laney OBrien
Reserve Champion Market Steer Ultrasound Evalu-
ation Merchants Bank - Eau Claire Teresa Miller-Watke
Champion Market Steer Total Performance Brent and Debbie Dickinsen Cullen Schlewitz
Reserve Champion Market Steer Total Performance Equity Cooperative Livestock Luke Geist
Champion Beginner Beef Showman Brian and Traci Martinson Bennett Sandburg
Champion Intermediate Beef Showman Windy Ridge Acres Elizabeth Zimmerman
Champion Senior Beef Showman Kyle & Christine Wathke Kevin Kitchen
Reserve Champion Beginner Beef Showman Southard Insurance Agency Hayden Erdman
Reserve Champion Intermediate Beef Showman Smith Farms Lindsay Strauch
Reserve Champion Senior Beef Showman Windy Ridge Acres Heidi Strey
Champion Beginner Beef Showman Airtec Sports Bennett Sandburg
Champion Intermediate Beef Showman Merchants Bank - Eau Claire Elizabeth Zimmerman
Champion Senior Beef Showman Zimmerman Farms Kevin Kitchen
Reserve Champion Beginner Beef Showman Russell Corner Badgers 4-H Club Hayden Edman
Reserve Champion Intermediate Beef Showman Russell Corner Badgers 4-H Club Lindsay Strauch
Reserve Champion Senior Beef Showman Russell Corner Badgers 4-H Club Heidi Strey
Best Fitted Beef Breeding Animal Kyle & Christine Wathke Bethany Strauch
Reserve Best Fitted Beef Breeding Animal Merchants Bank - Eau Claire Kevin Kitchen
Halters for showmanship exhibitors Rock Falls Veterinary Care All Exhibitors
Halters for showmanship exhibitors Cleghorn Lion's Club All Exhibitors
Champion Market Steer Augusta FFA Cullen Schlewitz
Reserve Champion Market Steer Augusta FFA Brian Zimmerman
Champion Market Steer Deaton Family Cullen Schlewitz
Reserve Champion Steer Deaton Family Brian Zimmerman
Clover Leaves Page 22
Buyer of Champion Market Steer Smith Farms Big Mikes Meats
Buyer of Reserve Champion Market Steer Rodell Busy Bees 4-H Club Unity Bank
Blain's Farm & Fleet - Chippewa
Falls Kevin Kitchen
Junior Hereford Showmanship Award Paige Anderson
Intermediate Hereford Showmanship Award Case Bergman
Senior Hereford Showmanship Award Kevin Kitchen
Supreme Champion Market Hog
Blain's Farm & Fleet - Chippewa
Falls Nathan Stanek
Reserve Supreme Champion Market Hog Top Tier Excavation, LLC Hayden Erdman
Champion Market Gilt Top Tier Excavation, LLC Nathan Stanek
Reserve Champion Market Gilt Profiles Show Supply Hayden Erdman
Champion Market Barrow Cleghorn Lions Club Hayden Erdman
Reserve Champion Market Barrow Zimmerman Farms Sophia Schultz
Champion Market Hog Pen Class Equity Cooperative Livestock Hayden Erdman
Reserve Champion Market Hog Pen Class Merchants Bank - Eau Claire Lindsay Strauch
Champion Market Hog Carcass Evaluation Sandstone Ridge Red Angus Abby Wahl
Reserve Champion Market Hog Carcass Evaluation Southard Insurance Agency Lincoln Gessner
Champion Market Hog Ultrasound Evaluation
Otter Creek Seed Sales & Service
LLC Haylee Bauer
Reserve Champion Market Hog Ultrasound Evalua-
tion Sandstone Ridge Red Angus Sophia Schultz
Champion Market Hog Total Performance Terry & Karlyn Etheridge Nathan Stanek
Reserve Champion Market Hog Total Performance Top Tier Excavation, LLC Rheanna Steinke
Champion Beginner Swine Showman Karow Farms Jaeger Smidt
Champion Intermediate Swine Showman Airtec Sports Madison Myers
Champion Senior Swine Showman Four D Angus Farms Kevin Kitchen
Reserve Champion Beginner Swine Showman Marlin and Dorothy Plank Laney OBrien
Reserve Champion Intermediate Swine Showman Karow Farms Mason Bruesewitz
Reserve Champion Senior Swine Showman Windy Ridge Acres Heidi Strey
Champion Beginner Swine Showman Zimmerman Farms Jaeger Smidt
Champion Intermediate Swine Showman Smith Farms Madison Myers
Champion Senior Swine Showman Osseo-Augusta Veterinary Clinic Kevin Kitchen
Reserve Champion Beginner Swine Showman Augusta Lions Club Laney OBrien
Reserve Champion Intermediate Swine Showman Augusta Lions Club Mason Bruesewitz
Reserve Champion Senior Swine Showman Augusta Lions Club Heidi Strey
Brushes for showmanship exhibitors In Memory of Mahlon Peterson All Exhibitors
Brushes for showmanship exhibitors Cleghorn Lions Club All Exhibitors
Brushes for showmanship exhibitors Augusta Lions Club All Exhibitors
Supreme Champion Market Hog Augusta FFA Nathan Stanek
Reserve Supreme Champion Market Hog Augusta FFA Hayden Erdman
Supreme Champion Market Hog Deaton Family Nathan Stanek
Reserve Supreme Champion Market Hog Deaton Family Hayden Erdman
Clover Leaves Page 23
Buyer of Supreme Champion Market Hog Top Tier Excavation, LLC Gups Drive In
Buyer of Reserve Supreme Champion Market Hog Southard Insurance Agency Tom & Celia Bethke
Blain's Farm & Fleet - Chippewa
Falls Sophia Schultz
Champion Market Goat Windy Ridge Acres Bethany Strauch
Reserve Champion Market Goat Blain's Farm & Fleet-Chippewa Falls Jillain Schlewitz
Champion Female Dairy Breeds Southard Insurance Agency Ava Wozney
Reserve Champion Female Dairy Breeds Giggling Goat Girl Ava Wozney
Champion Female Meat Breeds Windy Ridge Acres Jillian Schlewitz
Champion Pet/Pleasure Goat Terry & Karlyn Etheridge Madison Myers
Champion Goat Buck Windy Ridge Acres Jillian Schlewitz
Champion Market Goat Rate of Gain Giggling Goat Girl Jillian Schlewitz
Champion Market Goat Ultrasound Evaluation Cleghorn Lions Club Jillian Schlewitz
Champion Market Goat Total Performance
Darren & Tammy Schlewitz in
Memory of Jim Volbrecht Jillian Schlewitz
Champion Beginner Goat Showman Merchants Bank - Eau Claire Conner Thompson
Champion Intermediate Goat Showman Windy Ridge Acres Madison Myers
Champion Senior Goat Showman Windy Ridge Acres Bethany Strauch
Reserve Champion Senior Goat Showman Cleghorn Lions Club Valerie Strauch
Champion Beginner Goat Showman Southard Insurance Agency Conner Thompson
Champion Intermediate Goat Showman Airtec Sports Madison Myers
Champion Senior Goat Showman Merchants Bank - Eau Claire Bethany Strauch
Reserve Champion Senior Goat Showman Russell Corner Badgers 4-H Club Valerie Strauch
Halters for goat showmanship exhibitors Profiles Show Supply All Exhibitors
Champion Market Goat Augusta FFA Bethany Strauch
Reserve Champion Market Goat Augusta FFA Jillian Schlewitz
Champion Market Goat Deaton Family Bethany Strauch
Reserve Champion Market Goat Deaton Family Jillian Schlewitz
Buyer of Supreme Champion Market Goat Giggling Goat Girl Zimmerman Farms
Blain's Farm & Fleet - Chippewa
Falls Valerie Strauch
Clover Leaves Page 24
Champion Market Lamb
Blain's Farm & Fleet - Chippewa
Falls Health Sandburg
Reserve Champion Market Lamb Equity Cooperative Livestock Audra Sandburg
Champion Ram Southard Insurance Agency Kevin Kitchen
Champion Breeding Ewe Rita Houser Audra Sandburg
Reserve Champion Breeding Ewe Equity Cooperative Livestock Kevin Kitchen
Best Fitted Breeding Animal Wooly Rose Sheep Kevin Kitchen
Champion Market Lamb Rate of Gain Gable Crest Farm Maisy Flanders
Reserve Champion Market Lamb Rate of Gain Farmer Ed Karmen Paulus
Champion Market Lamb Ultrasound Evaluation Cleghorn Lions Club Maisy Flanders
Reserve Champion Market Lamb Ultrasound Evalua-
tion Merchants Bank - Eau Claire Kayla McLain
Champion Market Lamb Carcass Evaluation Lambalot Acres Karmen Paulus
Reserve Champion Market Lamb Carcass Evaluation Farmer Ed Justa Flanders
Champion Total Performance Market Lamb Synergy Cooperative Maisy Flanders
Reserve Champion Market Lamb Total Performance Farmer Ed Kayla McLain
Champion Beginner Sheep Showman Profiles Show Supply Maisy Flanders
Champion Senior Sheep Showman Profiles Show Supply Kevin Kitchen
Reserve Champion Beginner Sheep Showman Eau Claire Energy Cooperative Justa Flanders
Reserve Champion Senior Sheep Showman Eau Claire Energy Cooperative Tyson Flottmeier
Champion Beginner Sheep Showman Terry & Karlyn Etheridge Maisy Flanders
Champion Senior Sheep Showman Osseo-Augusta Veterinary Clinic Kevin Kitchen
Reserve Beginner Sheep Showman Eau Claire Energy Cooperative Justa Flanders
Reserve Senior Champion Sheep Showman Eau Claire Energy Cooperative Tyson Flottmeier
Halters for sheep showmanship exhibitors Eau Claire Energy Cooperative All Exhibitors
Champion Market Lamb Augusta FFA Heath Sandburg
Reserve Champion Market Lamb Augusta FFA Audra Sandburg
Champion Market Lamb Deaton Family Health Sandburg
Reserve Champion Market Lamb Deaton Family Audra Sandburg
Buyer of Champion Market Lamb Farmer Ed ALCIVIA
Buyer of Reserve Champion Market Lamb
Otter Creek Seed Sales & Service
LLC Woodmans
Blain's Farm & Fleet - Chippewa
Falls Heath Sandburg
SAWDUST FOR SHOW TENT Rodell Busy Bees 4-H Club
UPDATED 8.9.2021
Clover Leaves Page 25
Champion Bantam Poultry Osseo-Augusta Veterinary Clinic Mason Antczek
Champion Non-Recognized Breed Country Cousin's 4-H Club Adelle Antczek
Champion Standard Poultry Anonymous Ava Wozney
Champion Poultry Beg. Showman Anonymous Adelle Antczek
Champion Poultry Inter. Showman Anonymous Lillian Reck
Champion Poultry Sr. Showman Anonymous Mason Antczek
Champion Turkey Mac's Seat Cover Center, Inc. Lyle Montzing
Best Market Class - Egg Production Gable Crest Farm Adelle Antczek
Best Duck Cleghorn Lions Club Kayla McLain
Champion All Other Standard Breeds Class Russell Corner Badgers 4-H Club Mason Antczek
Judy Preston Memorial Best of Show in
Poultry Mac's Seat Cover Center, Inc. Ava Wozney
Poultry Best of Show Country Cousin's 4-H Club Ava Wozney
Champion Poultry Beginner Showman Unity Bank Adelle Antczek
Champion Poultry Intermediate Showman Unity Bank Lillian Reck
Champion Poultry Senior Showman Unity Bank Mason Antczak
Grand Champion Rabbit Showman Willson-Broyles Family Ava Risler
Reserve Champion Rabbit Showman Willson-Broyles Family Evan Risler
Reserve Champion Rabbit Showman Willson-Broyles Family Jordan Gerike
Grand Champion Rabbit Showman Willson-Broyles Family Ava Risler
Reserve Champion Rabbit Showman Willson-Broyles Family Evan Risler
Reserve Champion Rabbit Showman Willson-Broyles Family Jordan Gerike
Champion Beginner Rabbit Showman
Blain's Farm & Fleet - Chippewa
Falls Evan Risler
Champion Intermediate Rabbit Showman Sandstone Ridge Red Angus Ava Risler
Champion Senior Rabbit Showman Osseo-Augusta Veterinary Clinic Jordan Gerike
Champion Rabbit Sandstone Ridge Red Angus August Niendorf
Reserve Champion Rabbit Cleghorn Lions Club Delana Marsh
Champion Fur Class Cleghorn Lions Club Anna Wahl
Reserve Champion Fur Cleghorn Lions Club Ava Wozney
High Point Gymkhana:
10-13 First Place MaryRose Pederson
6-9 First Place Jaidynn Sarauer
3-5 First Place Morgan Titel
Clover Leaves Page 26
High Point Awards:
Grades 10-13 1
Place: Allisa Hansen
Place: Melodie Berlin
Grades 6-9 1
Place: Madison Myers
Place: Maddie Halverson
Maezee Schulner
Grades 3-5 1
Place: Malayan Menard
Place Novice – Alana Gasser
Champion Cat Rodell Busy Bees 4-H Club
Alissa Andero
Reserve Champion Cat Northside Pet Hospital
Emma Hart-Brinson
Champion Small Pet Northside Pet Hospital
Anna Wahl
Reserve Champion Small Pet Northside Pet Hospital
Wayde Chichester
Champion Robotics Pleasant Hill Go Getters 4-H Club
Evan Hendrickson
Champion Mechanical Science Jacob Medford
Anna Skutley
Champion Modular Construction Jacob Medford
Lyle Motzing
Champion Aerospace Andy Heren
Rachel Anderson
Champion Model Pleasant Hill Go Getters 4-H Club
Garrett Dimmitt
Champion Model - Scale- Any other
from a kit Augusta Lions Club
Wyatt Flanders
Champion Knitting & Crocheting Pleasant Valley 4-H Club
Rachel Anderson
Champion Home Furnishings Pleasant Valley Clovers 4-H Club
Bennett Sandberg
Reserve Champion Quilting Sugarbush 4-H Club
Allison Duerkop
Champion Quilting Sugarbush 4-H Club
Lindsay Berg
Champion Family Living Pleasant Valley Clovers 4-H Club
Justa Flanders
Clover Leaves Page 27
Champion Foods & Nutrition Grades 3-5 Rachel Hart-Brinson
Caden Karow
Champion Foods & Nutrition Grades 6-8 Sugarbush 4-H Club
Lindsay Duerkop
Champion Foods & Nutrition Grades 9 & up Rachel Hart-Brinson
Allison Duerkop
Grand Champion Foods & Nutrition Darlene Honadel
Kylee Lund
Best Yeast Bread (Will need 12 Thank yous) Friends of the Fair
Yeast Exhibitors
Cake Decorating - People's Choice Unity Bank
Abby Hendrickson
Champion Cake Decorating Grades 3-5 Rachel Hart-Brinson
Lillian Reck
Champion Cake Decorating Grades 6-8 Cleghorn Lions Club
Rachel Anderson
Champion Cake Decorating Grades 9 & up
Beef River Pacesetters 4-H
Connie Thompson
Champion Computers Augusta Lions Club
Kayla McLain
Champion Video Project Pleasant Valley 4-H Club
Heidi Strey
Champion Communications & Creative
Writing Pleasant Valley Clovers 4-H Club
Elizabeth Berger
Champion Music Melvin Flanders Family
Annalyse Preston
Champion Natural Science Rodell Busy Bees 4-H Club
Keyton Boettcher
Champion Recycling Cleghorn Lions Club
Isabelle Topper
Champion Recycling grade 3-5 Melvin Flanders Family
Wyatt Flanders
Champion Photography 1-2 years in
project Russell Corner Badgers 4-H Club
Evan Risler
Champion Photography 3-4 years in
project Pleasant Hill Go Getters 4-H Club
Rheanna Steinke
Champion Photography 5 or more yrs
in project Augusta Lions Club
Sydney Iverson
Champion Photography - Enlargement Cleghorn Lions Club Rylie Garnett
Champion Dog Photography Blain's Farm & Fleet - Chippewa Falls Alison Wahl
Champion Horse Photography Cleghorn Lions Club Maezee Schulner
Grand Champion Photography Pleasant Valley Clovers 4-H Club
Rheanna Steinke
Champion Garden Display Blain's Farm & Fleet - Chippewa Falls Hannah Klesmit
Champion Vegetable
Eau Claire Area Master Gardner's
Brooke Berg
Champion Garden Division Karow Farms Caden Karow
Champion Farm Crops Division Karoe Farms Jesse Gorell
Reserve Champion Farm Crops Divi-
sion Otter Creek Seed Sales & Service LLC
Hayden Erdman
Champion Woodworking Grades 3-5 Rachel Hart-Brinson Ayden Hestekin
Champion Woodworking Sugarbush 4-H Club Drew Paulus
Champion Woodworking Grades 9 &
Up Blain's Farm & Fleet - Chippewa Falls
Rachel Anderson
Champion Electricity Sugarbush 4-H Club Rachel Anderson
Clover Leaves Page 28
Champion Youth Leadership - Beginning Rachel Kohn June Reck
Champion Youth Leadership - Apprentice Rachel Kohn Lindsey Duerkop
Champion Youth Leadership - Teen Leader Rodell Busy Bees 4-H Club Lily Schwartz
Champion Self Determined Project Sugarbush 4-H Club Kayla McLain
Champion Health Science Sugarbush 4-H Club Sophie Hays
Champion Animal & Vet Science Roger and Joanne Henning Rachel Stewart
Champion Dog Poster Northside Pet Hospital Rachel Stewart
Champion Cultural Arts - Grades 3-5 Cleghorn Lions Club Paige Anderson
Champion Cultural Arts - Grades 6-8 Augusta Lions Club Ada Reck
Champion Cultural Arts - Grades 9 & up
Pleasant Valley Clovers 4-H
Patricia Clark
Champion Ceramics - Grades 3-5
Whispering Pines Ceramics -
Kim and Vickie Nimmo
Emma Wathke
Champion Ceramics - Grades 6-8
Whispering Pines Ceramics -
Kim and Vickie Nimmo
Katelyn Geyen
Champion Ceramics- Grades 9 & up
Whispering Pines Ceramics -
Kim and Vickie Nimmo
Rachel Anderson
Champion Scrapbooking 4-H Older Youth Council Keyton Boettcher
Champion Scrapbooking grade 3-5 Lot 9
Completed Trip Melvin Flanders Family
Maisy Flanders
Champion Scrapbooking - No Photos Pleasant Valley 4-H Club Cierra Kortbein
Champion Embossing (10 Cards - Same Design) -
Grade 3-5
Melvin Flanders Family
Justa Flanders
Champion Clothing Grades 3-5
Pleasant Valley Clovers 4-H
June Reck
Champion Clothing Grades 6-8
Darlene Honadel
Lindsay Berg
Champion Clothing Grades 9 & up
Darlene Honadel
Brooke Berg
Grand Champion Clothing Rachel Hart-Brinson Brooke Berg
Champion Flowers & Houseplants - Best of
Pleasant Hill Go Getters 4-H
Kendall Keith
Champion Flower Exhibit
Pleasant Valley Clovers 4-H
Karmen Paulus
Champion Houseplant Exhibit
Eau Claire Area Master
Gardner Association
Rachel Anderson
Champion Food Preservation Rachel Hart-Brinson
Conner Thompson
Champion Cloverbuds Mark & Kathy Gehrke
Bryce Larson
Reserve Champion Cloverbuds Mark & Kathy Gehrke
Beckett Bohlinger
Champion Exploring Mark & Kathy Gehrke
Emma Bolden
Reserve Champion Exploring Mark & Kathy Gehrke
Marshall Meeks
Clover Leaves Page 29
Grand Champion Holstein Dean Solie
Madison Loonstra
Reserve Grand Champion Holstein Darlene Honadel
Benjamin Skuttley
Senior Champion Holstein Darlene Honadel
Madison Loonstra
Reserve Senior Champion Holstein Cleghorn Lions Club
Benjamin Skuttley
Junior Champion Holstein Darlene Honadel
Drew Paulus
Reserve Junior Champion Holstein Synergy Cooperative
Allison Duerkop
Junior Champion Jersey Karow Farms
Caden Karow
Reserve Junior Champion Jersey Security Financial Bank
Hannah Klesmitt
Grand Champion Brown Swiss Security Financial Bank
Kylee Lund
Reserve Grand Champion Brown Swiss Augusta Lions Club
Kylee Lund
Senior Champion Brown Swiss Security Financial Bank
Kylee Lund
Junior Chmpion Brown Swiss
Fall Creek Mutual Insurance
Kylee Lund
Reserve Junior Champion Brown Swiss Security Financial Bank
Kylee Lund
Any Other Breed Junior Champion Security Financial Bank
Isabella Steinke
Champion Beginner Showman Karow Farms
Emma Wathke
Champion Beginner Showman Osseo-Augusta Veterinary Clinic Emma Wathke
Reserve Champion Beginner Showman
Fall Creek Mutual Insurance
Caden Karow
Reserve Champion Beginner Showman Karl Rindal
Caden Karow
Champion Intermediate Showman Rodell Busy Bees 4-H Club
Benjamin Skutley
Champion Intermediate Showman Pleasant Valley Clovers 4-H Club
Benjamin Skutley
Reserve Champion Intermediate Show-
man Kyle & Christine Wathke
Anna Loonstra
Reserve Champion Intermediate Show-
man Karl Rindal
Anna Loonstra
Champion Senior Showman Darlene Honadel
Teresa Miller-
Champion Senior Showman Trophy Security Financial Bank
Teresa Miller-
Reserve Champion Senior Showman Pleasant Valley Clovers 4-H Club
Madison Loonstra
Reserve Champion Senior Showman Karl Rindal
Madison Loonstra
Supreme Champion Dairy Deaton Family
Madison Loonstra
Reserve Supreme Champion Dairy Deaton Family
Kylee Lund
Supreme Champion Dairy Augusta FFA
Madison Loonstra
Reserve Supreme Champion Dairy Augusta FFA
Kylee Lund
Best Fitted Dairy Award Kyle & Christine Wathke
Madison Loonstra
Halters for Dairy Showmanship Exhibitors Advance Dairy
All Exhibitors
Halters for Dairy Showmanship Exhibitors Unity Bank
All Exhibitors
UPDATED 8.9.2021