Victorian Purchasing Guide
ACM Animal Care and Management Training
Release 6.0
August 2022
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Victorian Purchasing Guide - Release History
Note: RTOs should refer to the National Register for the detail of changes in each Release.
Date VPG
Release 6.0
28 August
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects the changes made to the
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package Release 6
which includes:
Four (4) updated qualifications:
ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care Services
ACM40122 Certificate IV in Animal Regulation and
ACM40222 Certificate IV in Animal Facility Management
ACM40322 Certificate IV in Animal Behaviour and Training
Units of competency:
12 new
1 revised
Release 5.0 5 April
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects the changes made to the
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package Release 5.0:
One (1) new qualification:
ACM40921 Certificate IV in Equine Care
Five (5) revised qualifications related to horse care
ACM20221 Certificate II in Horse Care
ACM30821 Certificate III in Horse Care
ACM30921 Certificate III in Equine Hoof Care
ACM50421 Diploma of Equine Management
ACM50521 Diploma of Equine Allied Health
Units of competency:
9 new
41 revised
6 deleted
Release 4.0 1 June
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects the changes made to the
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package Release 4
which includes:
Seven (7) revised qualifications:
ACM10121 Certificate I in Animal Care Industries Pathway
ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care
ACM30121 Certificate III in Animal Care Services
ACM30321 Certificate III in Wildlife and Exhibited Animal Care
ACM40121 Certificate IV in Animal Regulation and
ACM40221 Certificate IV in Animal Facility Management
ACM40321 Certificate IV in Animal Behaviour and Training
One (1) deleted qualification:
Date VPG
ACM40617 Certificate IV in Pet Styling
Units of competency:
18 new
68 revised
1 (minor update)
5 deleted
Release 3.0
26 August
Nominal hours amendment to correct transcription error between ACM
VPG V2 (April 4, 2019) and ACM VPG V3 (16 October 2019) for 19
ACMVET units and 3 ACMWHS units.
No other changes have occurred.
Release 3.0
3 June
Nominal hours for the unit ACMFAR305 Perform welding tasks using a
forge have been updated to correct an error.
No other changes have occurred.
Release 3.0
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects the changes made to the
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package Release 3
which includes:
Three (3) revised qualifications:
ACM30219 Certificate III in Animal Technology
ACM50119 Diploma of Animal Technology
ACM50219 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing
Three (3) superseded qualifications moved to the RGR Racing and
Breeding Training Package:
ACM30717 Certificate III in Horse Breeding
ACM40717 Certificate IV in Horse Breeding
ACM50317 Diploma of Horse Stud Management
Units of competency:
20 new
7 revised
Nineteen (19) Horse Breeding units of competency moved to the RGR
Racing and Breeding Training Package.
Release 2.0
4 April
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects the changes made to the
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package Release 2
which includes:
One (1) new qualification:
ACM30918 Certificate III in Equine Hoof Care
Two (2) revised qualifications:
ACM41418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing
ACM40818 Certificate IV in Farriery
Date VPG
Units of competency:
19 new
36 revised
Release 1.0
24 April
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects the changes made to the
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package Release 1
which includes:
Five (5) new qualifications:
ACM20217 Certificate II in Horse Care
ACM30717 Certificate III in Horse Breeding
ACM30817 Certificate III in Performance Horse
ACM50317 Diploma of Horse Stud Management
ACM50417 Diploma of Performance Horse Management
One (1) revised qualification:
ACM40517 Certificate IV Equine Dentistry
Units of competency:
50 new
139 revised
Victorian Purchasing Guide
ACM Animal Care and Management Release 6.0
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1
What is a Victorian Purchasing Guide? .................................................................................................. 1
Registration ............................................................................................................................................. 1
Transition ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Qualifications ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Units of Competency and Nominal Hours ............................................................................................. 3
Contacts and Links ................................................................................................................................ 15
Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Victorian Purchasing Guide
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What is a Victorian Purchasing Guide?
The Victorian Purchasing Guide provides information for use by Registered Training Organisations
(RTOs) in the provision of Victorian government subsidised training.
Specifically, the Victorian Purchasing Guide provides the following information related to the delivery of
nationally endorsed Training Packages in Victoria:
The maximum and minimum payable hours available for each qualification.
Nominal hours for each unit of competency within the Training Package.
RTOs must be registered by either the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) or the
Australian Skills Qualification Authority (ASQA) regulatory body to be eligible to issue qualifications and
Statements of Attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
The VRQA is the regulatory authority in Victoria responsible for the registration of Vocational Education
and Training (VET) providers who offer courses to domestic students in Victoria only.
ASQA is the regulatory authority responsible for the registration of VET providers who offer training in
Victoria, nationally and / or internationally.
The relationship between new units and any superseded or replaced units from the previous version of
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package Release 6.0 is provided in the Training Package
Companion Volume Implementation Guide. (See for more information).
Information regarding transition arrangements can be obtained from the state or national VET
Regulatory Authority (see Contacts and Links section).
RTOs must ensure that all training and assessment leading to issuance of qualifications or Statements
of Attainment from the ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package Release 6.0 is conducted
against the Training Package units of competency and complies with the assessment requirements.
Victorian Purchasing Guide
ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package Release 6.0
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ACM10121 Certificate I in Animal Care Industry Pathways 180 190
ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care 410
ACM20221 Certificate II in Horse Care 689
ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care Services 760
ACM30219 Certificate III in Animal Technology 570
ACM30321 Certificate III in Wildlife and Exhibited Animal Care 780
ACM30821 Certificate III in Horse Care 1015
ACM30921 Certificate III in Equine Hoof Care 955
ACM40122 Certificate IV in Animal Regulation and Management 790
ACM40222 Certificate IV in Animal Facility Management 830
ACM40322 Certificate IV in Animal Behaviour and Training 1083
ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing 1270
ACM40818 Certificate IV in Farriery 1180
ACM40921 Certificate IV in Equine Care 1188
ACM50119 Diploma of Animal Technology 1065
ACM50219 Diploma of Veterinary Nursing 710
ACM50421 Diploma of Equine Management 1178
ACM50521 Diploma of Equine Allied Health 1216
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Units of Competency and Nominal Hours
Unit Code
Unit Title
Manage animals and facilitate human-animal interaction in animal-
assisted services
ACMAAS402 Apply disability awareness to animal-assisted services 60
ACMADT301 Select appropriate equipment for an assistance dog and handler
ACMADT401 Assess prospective handler's suitability for an assistance dog 80
ACMADT402 Instruct handlers with disability to train assistance dogs 80
ACMADT403 Train dogs using operant and classical conditioning techniques 70
Plan and conduct assistance dog training in specific and complex
ACMAIM201 Contribute to safety at incidents involving large animals 20
ACMAIM202 Participate in an incident involving large animals 30
ACMAIM203 Assist at wildlife events 30
ACMAIM204 Participate in companion animal rescue 30
ACMAIM301 Use manual techniques to safely move large animals 30
ACMAIM302 Perform technical large animal rescue 50
ACMAIM303 Move large animals to new locations 40
ACMAIM304 Transport injured large animals 50
ACMAIM306 Lead a team responding to a large animal incident 60
ACMAIM307 Participate in large whale disentanglement operations 60
ACMAIM308 Respond to marine wildlife stranding 60
ACMAIM309 Respond to marine wildlife welfare 40
ACMAIM310 Participate in marine wildlife pollution event 60
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Unit Code
Unit Title
Communicate with companion animal owners about incident
management processes
ACMAIM312 Perform companion animal rescue 50
ACMAIM313 Carry out casualty and post-rescue management of animals 40
ACMAIM401 Coordinate large animal movement and evacuation 60
ACMAIM402 Develop a large animal incident response plan for an organisation 60
ACMAIM403 Undertake complex operations at incidents involving large animals 80
Collaborate in planning sedation and anaesthesia of large animals
in emergency field situations
Determine database information requirements for companion
animal evacuation processes and facilities
ACMAIM406 Conduct a companion animal incident awareness campaign 50
Develop a plan for the rescue of companion animals during major
ACMAIM502 Prepare plans to set up a companion animal evacuation facility
ACMARM301 Support veterinary activities in remote communities 50
ACMARM401 Administer animal management and regulatory requirements 60
ACMARM402 Assess and impound animals 60
Identify and respond to animal behaviour in animal management
and regulation environment
Manage conflict situations in an animal regulation and
management environment
ACMARM405 Assist with the euthanasia of animals 20
ACMARM406 Carry out animal holding facility procedures 30
ACMARM407 Conduct community awareness programs 60
ACMARM408 Coordinate seizure of animals 30
ACMARM409 Plan and monitor remote community animal management activities 60
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Unit Code
Unit Title
ACMARM410 Develop and implement animal management initiatives 70
ACMATE306 Follow containment and exclusion procedures in animal facilities 40
ACMATE307 Work within an animal technology facility 40
ACMATE401 Prepare for and monitor anaesthesia in animals 60
ACMATE402 Conduct euthanasia of research animals 30
ACMATE403 Conduct non-surgical procedures on animals 60
ACMATE404 Prepare for and assist with aseptic animal surgery 80
ACMATE501 Manage compliance in animal technology 30
ACMATE502 Manage and maintain the health of research animals 80
Administer anaesthesia and perform surgery on animals for
scientific purposes
ACMATE505 Carry out advanced breeding procedures 40
ACMATE506 Assist to collect and transfer embryos of mice 80
Monitor and maintain containment and exclusion procedures in
animal facilities
ACMATE509 Perform caesarean procedures on mice or rats 40
Review and monitor research proposals for an Animal Ethics
ACMATE511 Carry out post-mortem examination of a research animal 80
ACMBEH301 Identify behaviours and interact safely with animals 60
ACMBEH302 Provide enrichment for animals 40
ACMBEH401 Develop, monitor and review behavioural husbandry strategies 40
ACMBEH402 Develop, implement and monitor enrichment strategies for animals 50
ACMBEH403 Evaluate animal conditioning methodology and program design 70
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Unit Code
Unit Title
ACMBEH404 Condition animal behaviour 60
Provide individual advice on animal behaviour management and
ACMBEH406 Conduct group training classes for animal owners or carers 100
ACMBEH407 Conduct animal behavioural assessments 80
ACMBEH501 Work collaboratively to manage complex animal behaviour 60
Relate equine masticatory system to oral function, conditions and
their health impacts
Conduct assessment of equine masticatory system and plan dental
Perform equine dental treatment and oral care using appropriate
ACMEQU212 Handle horses safely 100
ACMEQU213 Follow safe work practices in equine industries 40
ACMEQU214 Prepare to work safely around horses 60
ACMEQU215 Provide daily care for horses 60
ACMEQU216 Check and treat horses 40
ACMEQU217 Load and unload horses 30
ACMEQU218 Perform horse riding skills at walk, trot and canter 80
ACMEQU219 Develop riding skills for exercising horses 60
ACMEQU220 Lunge educated horses 50
ACMEQU221 Manage personal health and fitness for working with horses 30
ACMEQU304 Apply horse identification techniques 20
ACMEQU305 Implement a horse health program 60
ACMEQU306 Provide routine care for horses 70
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Unit Code
Unit Title
ACMEQU307 Introduce horses to lunge exercise 70
ACMEQU308 Transport horses using a road vehicle 45
ACMEQU309 Carry out basic hoof care procedures 50
ACMEQU310 Exercise and school horses 50
ACMEQU311 Prepare horses for presentation at an event 70
ACMEQU312 Prepare and care for horses to perform at events 70
ACMEQU313 Work safely in equine workplaces 50
ACMEQU314 Provide non-riding exercise to horses 60
ACMEQU407 Educate horses in initial handling 100
ACMEQU408 Educate horses to be ridden 160
ACMEQU409 Educate horses to be driven 80
ACMEQU410 Educate pack horses 50
ACMEQU411 Evaluate horse education methodologies and individual programs 50
ACMEQU412 Interpret and address horse behaviour and welfare 60
ACMEQU413 Work safely in providing equine services as a contractor 60
ACMEQU414 Manage horses to meet sport event requirements 90
Relate musculoskeletal system to horse conformation and
ACMEQU416 Manage presentation of horses for sale or show 80
ACMEQU417 Advise on horse nutritional needs 60
ACMEQU418 Select horses based on analysis of pedigree 60
ACMEQU419 Evaluate saddlery and gear fit for horse and rider combination 60
ACMEQU420 Fit and adjust bits and bridles 80
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Unit Code
Unit Title
ACMEQU421 Provide saddle fitting and adjustment services 180
ACMEQU422 Maintain and monitor horse health 80
ACMEQU423 Manage selection of horse for handler, rider or driver 60
ACMEQU424 Evaluate equine service or therapy provision 50
ACMEQU425 Provide horse clipping services 60
ACMEQU501 Manage horse nutrition and feeding plans 80
ACMEQU502 Manage horse health care 80
ACMEQU503 Manage international opportunities for horses 30
ACMEQU504 Manage horse pastures 100
ACMEQU505 Manage fitness in horses 50
Manage legal, insurance and business aspects of horse
ACMEQU507 Work within an equine allied health provider framework 60
Relate equine anatomical and physiological features to equine
health care requirements
ACMEQU509 Conduct assessment for equine massage therapy 120
ACMEQU510 Provide equine massage therapy services 120
ACMEQU511 Develop and implement an equine rehabilitation program 200
ACMEQU512 Manage safe work practices in a horse establishment 130
ACMEXH301 Work within a zoological facility 60
ACMEXH302 Support species population planning and management 40
ACMEXH303 Prepare and maintain animal habitats 50
ACMEXH304 Assist with capturing, restraining and moving animals 40
ACMEXH305 Monitor animal reproduction 40
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Unit Code
Unit Title
ACMEXH306 Rehabilitate native wildlife 40
ACMEXH307 Release native wildlife to the natural environment 30
ACMEXH308 Develop husbandry guidelines 20
ACMEXH309 Contribute to exhibit design and renovation planning 50
ACMEXH401 Implement species population planning and management 80
ACMEXH402 Oversee enclosure or exhibit operations 70
ACMEXH403 Design and evaluate interpretive and learning programs 50
Assist in establishing and maintaining a zoological plantation or
plant production system
ACMFAR305 Perform welding tasks using a forge 20
ACMFAR307 Make standard shoes for a range of equines 80
ACMFAR313 Trim equine hooves 80
ACMFAR314 Perform routine welding techniques for farriery activities 60
Use and maintain hand and power tools for farriery or hoof care
ACMFAR316 Select and fit hoof boots to meet individual equine need 20
ACMFAR317 Replace equine shoes as an emergency measure 40
ACMFAR318 Repair and manufacture hand tools used in farriery 60
ACMFAR319 Handle equines safely during farriery or hoof care services 20
Apply knowledge of equine musculoskeletal system, biomechanics
and pathology for effective hoof care
Fit shoes to alleviate moderate abnormalities and defects in
ACMFAR403 Fit shoes to alleviate severe abnormalities and defects in equines 100
ACMFAR404 Use farriery techniques to meet special needs of equines 100
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Unit Code
Unit Title
ACMFAR405 Coordinate day-to-day equine service operations 20
ACMFAR406 Work effectively in the farriery industry 20
ACMFAR407 Respond to emergencies and apply first aid to equines 50
ACMFAR408 Determine hoof care and hoof protection plans for equines 80
ACMFAR409 Select and fit shoes for normal healthy equines 100
ACMGAS202 Participate in workplace communications 20
ACMGEN101 Explore job opportunities in animal care and related industries 10
ACMGEN102 Approach and handle a range of calm animals 40
ACMGEN103 Assist in the care of animals 40
ACMGEN201 Work in the animal care industry 30
ACMGEN202 Complete animal care hygiene routines 30
ACMGEN203 Feed and water animals 40
ACMGEN204 Assist in health care of animals 40
ACMGEN205 Source and provide information for animal care needs 40
ACMGEN301 Prepare and present information to the public 40
ACMGEN302 Care for young animals 40
ACMGEN303 Assess the welfare status of an animal 60
Promote positive wellbeing in self and others in animal care
ACMGEN305 Provide advice on companion animal selection and general care 50
ACMGEN306 Provide advice on aquatic animal selection and general care 40
ACMGEN307 Maintain aquariums and/or aquascapes and aquatic animals 30
ACMGEN308 Walk and exercise dogs 40
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Unit Code
Unit Title
ACMGEN309 Provide basic animal first aid 40
ACMGEN310 Provide reception services for an animal care facility 30
ACMGEN311 Maintain and monitor animal health and wellbeing 50
ACMGEN312 Provide nutritional requirements for animals 60
ACMGEN313 Carry out simple breeding procedures 40
ACMGEN314 Identify animal anatomy and physiology for animal care work 100
ACMGEN315 Communicate effectively with clients and team members 30
ACMGEN401 Develop animal diets 40
ACMGEN402 Advise on animal industry compliance and practices 70
ACMGEN403 Manage and maintain avian housing 50
ACMGEN404 Design, construct and maintain aquascapes 80
ACMGEN405 Manage companion animal breeding 80
ACMGRM201 Bath, dry and brush domestic dogs 30
ACMGRM303 Provide sanitary and hygiene grooms for companion animals 60
ACMGRM304 Perform grooms on cross breed dogs 90
ACMGRM305 Groom dogs to meet breed style and coat requirements 70
ACMGRM401 Carry out advanced grooming to dog breed standards 100
ACMGRM402 Groom cats of different breeds and coat types 50
ACMGRM403 Enhance companion animal coat and skin condition 50
Take responsibility for the health and welfare of animals in own
Handle companion animals safely and follow infection control
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Unit Code
Unit Title
Comply with infection control policies and procedures in animal
care work
ACMINF302 Follow equine biosecurity and infection control procedures 60
Implement infection control in the handling and care of native
Promote environmental health and safety for companion animals in
remote communities
Oversee site biosecurity and infection controls working with
Develop organisational infection control guidelines for animal care
ACMINF502 Manage equine biosecurity and infection control 120
ACMMIC401 Implant microchip in cats and dogs 20
ACMSPE313 Provide general care of amphibians 40
ACMSPE314 Provide general care of birds 40
ACMSPE315 Provide general care of common native mammals 40
ACMSPE316 Provide general care of domestic dogs 40
ACMSPE317 Provide general care of domestic cats 40
ACMSPE318 Provide general care of fish 40
ACMSPE319 Provide general care of invertebrates 40
ACMSPE320 Provide general care of mammals 40
ACMSPE321 Provide general care of non-venomous reptiles 40
ACMSPE322 Provide general care of rodents or rabbits 40
ACMSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices 20
ACMSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices 40
ACMVET201 Assist with veterinary nursing reception duties 40
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Unit Code
Unit Title
ACMVET202 Carry out daily practice routines 40
ACMVET203 Assist with surgery preparation 40
ACMVET401 Coordinate veterinary reception duties 70
ACMVET402 Apply imaging routines 90
ACMVET403 Perform clinical pathology procedures 70
ACMVET404 Perform practice office procedures 40
ACMVET405 Coordinate and perform surgical nursing routines 120
ACMVET406 Nurse animals 80
ACMVET407 Carry out medical nursing routines 70
ACMVET408 Provide nutritional advice and support for animals 90
ACMVET409 Provide specific animal care advice 90
ACMVET410 Carry out veterinary dental nursing procedures 40
ACMVET411 Prepare, deliver and review animal care education programs 50
ACMVET412 Coordinate practice promotional activities 50
Prepare for anaesthesia and monitor animal anaesthesia and
ACMVET414 Nurse foals 40
ACMVET415 Provide intensive foal care and nursing 60
ACMVET416 Assist with the preparation of veterinary drugs and poisons 60
ACMVET501 Manage nursing requirements for specialised surgical procedures 180
ACMVET502 Carry out post-operative nursing routines 60
ACMVET503 Produce veterinary dental oral cavity images 30
Provide veterinary dental nursing support for advanced veterinary
dental surgery
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Unit Code
Unit Title
ACMVET505 Prepare for veterinary emergency response 20
ACMVET506 Perform emergency procedures to sustain life 100
ACMVET507 Provide nursing support for critical care surgery 100
Support veterinary practice communication and professional
ACMVET509 Manage veterinary nursing procedures 150
ACMVET510 Apply veterinary nursing pathophysiology 180
ACMVET511 Apply principles of animal behaviour 100
ACMVET512 Develop and implement specific practice policies 50
ACMWHS201 Participate in workplace health and safety processes 40
ACMWHS301 Contribute to workplace health and safety processes 50
ACMWHS401 Maintain workplace health and safety processes 80
ACMWHS501 Manage workplace health and safety processes 80
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Contacts and Links
Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM) Service
Primary Industries
The CMM Service is provided on behalf of Higher Education and Skills.
CMM Service Executive Officers can assist with questions on payable and nominal hours.
Anne Wiltshire
Melbourne Polytechnic, Epping Campus, ED116A
Corner Cooper St & Dalton Rd, Epping 3076
0438 322 376
Service Skills Organisation (SSO) – Skills Impact
Skills Impact is responsible for developing the ACM Animal Care and Management Training Package
and can be contacted for further information.
Level 1,165 Bouverie Street (PO Box 466), Carlton 3053
(03) 9321 3526
National Register of VET in Australia - (TGA)
TGA is the Australian government’s official National Register of information on Training Packages,
qualifications, courses, units of competency and RTOs. See for more information.
Australian Government - Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
The Commonwealth Department is responsible for national policies and programmes that help
Australians access quality vocational education and training. See Skills and Training - DEWR for more
State Government - Department of Education and Training (DET)
DET is the State Training Authority responsible for supporting implementation of Vocational Education
and Training (VET) in Victoria. See for more information. (03) 9637 2000
National VET Regulatory Authority - Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
ASQA is the national regulator for Australia’s VET sector. Info line: 1300 701 801 See for
more information.
State VET Regulatory Authority - Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
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The VRQA is a statutory authority responsible for the registration and regulation of Victorian RTOs and
for the regulation of apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria. (03) 9637 2806 See
Industry Regulatory Bodies
WorkSafe Victoria
The industry Regulatory body can provide advice on licensing, legislative or regulatory requirements
which may impact on the delivery of training or the issuance of qualifications in this Training Package.
WorkSafe needs to provide written verification before high risk work units can be added to an RTO’s
scope of registration. See for further information.
222 Exhibition Street, Melbourne 3000
(03) 9641 1444 or 1800 136 089 (toll free)
Agriculture Victoria
Agriculture Victoria is part of the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR), and covers
agriculture, pets and fisheries industries. Regulates primary production and animal welfare. Can
provide advice on licensing, legislative or regulatory requirements, which may affect the delivery of
training or the issuance of qualifications in this Training Package. See for further
Agriculture Victoria - Animal Welfare Victoria
Animal Welfare Victoria sits within Agriculture Victoria regulating the private keeping and registration of
cats and dogs, prevention of cruelty to animals and the public display of exhibition animals. See Animal
Welfare Victoria for further information.
Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment
and water
Regulates zoological facility assessments, live animals for zoo/exhibition purposes and wildlife trade.
See for further information.
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) regulates wildlife control through
licences and permits, including research permits. See for further information.
Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty against Animals - RSPCA (Vic)
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Victoria) is a non-government, community-
based charity that works to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection.
See for further information.
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator
Provides administrative support to the Gene Technology Regulator in the performance of the functions
under the Gene Technology Act 2000.
See for further information.
Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia
The Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia is a professional membership association for Veterinary
Nurses. VNCA administers an Australian Veterinary Nurse and Technician (AVNAT) Registration
Scheme. See for further information.
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Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria
The Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board is the statutory body that regulates veterinary
practitioners in Victoria. See for further information.
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Code Nationally endorsed Training Package qualification code.
Title Nationally endorsed Training Package qualification title.
Unit Code Nationally endorsed Training Package unit code.
Unit Title Nationally endorsed Training Package unit title.
Maximum Payable Hours The maximum number of hours the Victorian Government will subsidise
under Skills First funding for the achievement of the minimum realistic
vocational outcome of the qualification, as determined by the
qualification packaging rules. The Maximum Payable Hours do not cover
every possible combination of core and elective units available for a
specific qualification.
Minimum payable hours reflect a calculated minimum number of hours
that could deliver a minimum realistic vocational outcome, based on
efficiencies of contextualisation and integration.
Scope of Registration Scope of registration specifies the AQF qualifications and/or units of
competency the training organisation is registered to issue and the
industry training and/or assessment services it is registered to provide.
Nominal Hours Nominal hours reflect the anticipated time taken to deliver and assess
the outcomes of a unit of competency excluding unsupervised delivery or
the time taken for repeated practical application of skills. Nominal hours
are determined by the Victorian State Training Authority (DET) and are
primarily developed for funding purposes in Victoria.