2015 Examination
Prep Guide
The Global Standard of Excellence in Treasury
Certified Treasury Professional
Certified Treasury Professional
AFP, Association for Financial Professionals, the AFP logo, CTP, Certified Treasury Professional, the CTP logo, AFP Learning System: Treasury and the Essentials of Treasury
Management are registered trademarks of the Association for Financial Professionals. © 4/15
This edition of the CTP
Examination Preparation Guide
supersedes all previous editions.
Revised © 2015
Copyright © 2015, Association
for Financial Professionals, Inc.,
Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
All rights reserved.
These materials are protected
by United States Copyright Law,
International Copyright Laws and
International Treaty Provisions.
The CTP examination has been
developed in collaboration
with Pearson VUE of
Bloomington, MN.
Section Title
For additional information please visit www.CTPcert.org or call +1.301.907.2862
between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday.
Testing Windows
Offered in 60-day testing windows for greater flexibility and convenience to candidates!
Testing Window Early Deadline* Final Deadline**
June/July 2015 March 20, 2015 April 24, 2015
December 2015/January 2016 September 25, 2015 November 6, 2015
* Submit your application by this date and save $100 on the final deadline fee. Only for new applications.
**Applications received after the final deadline will automatically be deferred to the next available testing window.
For eligibility requirements and an application, please see the 2015 CTP Certification Candidate Guide.
Study Strategies and Test Taking Tips
Examination .......................................................................... 2
Study Plan Development ........................................................... 2
Study Strategies ............................................................................ 2
Test Taking Tips ............................................................................. 3
Test Specifications ................................................................... 4–5
Preparing for the Examination
Essentials of Treasury Management
, Fourth Edition ........6
The Preferred Resource for Preparing
for the CTP Examination ............................................................6
AFP Additional Examination Study Aids and Services .....6
CTP Exam Study Network .................................................6
AFP/TMA Regional Associations .......................................6
Study Tips Blog ......................................................................6
CTP Exam Q&A ......................................................................6
Exam Question Format
Common Types of Multiple-Choice Questions ................... 7
Sample CTP Examination Questions
Sample CTP Examination Questions ............................... 8-20
Sample Test Answer Key ...........................................................21
Contact Information:
Association for Financial Professionals
Certification Department
4520 East-West Highway
Suite 750
Bethesda, Maryland 20814, USA
Phone: +1.301.907.2862
Fax: +1.301.907.2864
Email: CTP@AFPonline.org
Online: www.AFPonline.org
Revised 5/2015 2014 – 2016 Examination Preparation Guide
Table of Contents
CTP Examination
The CTP examination is made up of 170 multiple-choice
questions and is based on the concepts and experiences
basic to cash/treasury management. The topics are derived
from the body of knowledge, Essentials of Treasury
Management®, Fourth Edition (Essentials) and are grouped
into content areas (see CTP Test Specifications on page
4-5). The number of questions in each area is included
in the listing, and are distributed randomly through the
Given that the body of knowledge is designed to reflect
industry standards, the CTP examination is also designed
to assess your knowledge of industry standards.
Your total seat time is 4 hours. You will have exactly 3.5
hours to take the exam. There is a 20-minute tutorial
designed to familiarize you with taking the computer-
based exam and how to use the navigation features. The
tutorial will also familiarize you with the type of exam
questions as outlined on page 7. It is to your advantage
to complete the tutorial quickly, as no additional time
beyond 3.5 hours will be allotted to taking the exam.
After the exam, you will be asked to complete a 10-minute
post exam survey.
Recommended Study
Plan Development
Allow a sufficient period for studying. Complete a
cursory reading of the body of knowledge (found
in Essentials or AFP Treasury Learning System
) to
determine how familiar you are with the content.
The CTP examination is documented to Essentials of
Treasury Management
, Fourth Edition. It is important
to know the information in Essentials or the AFP
Treasury Learning System
, as the examination is
based on general practice and not specific to any
organization’s practices.
Identify your “knowledge gaps.” This means that
you need to identify what you do not know. If you
are using the AFP Treasury Learning System
take the
Pre-test to identify content areas on which you need
to focus extra study time. With career, family, and
other demands, you may find that your study time is
limited. While a thorough review of the exam content
is beneficial, you will need to devote attention to
areas that are less familiar to you.
Recommended Study Strategies
Determine a study location that will allow you
uninterrupted study periods.
Create flash cards or recordings to review exam
material. This will reinforce your learning.
Arrange your study time by the number of test
questions from each content area (see chart on page 4)
and the amount of information you already know.
Develop and share test questions with other candidates
to challenge your knowledge. This will help you
drill down” into the material and acquire a greater
understanding of some concepts.
Try to closely simulate an exam experience. For
example, attempt to complete the sample test
questions within a 3.5 hour period, or use the timing
feature of the AFP Treasury Learning System
test to gauge proper pace. We strongly encourage
candidates to test themselves in half the time. By
doing so, you will allow yourself enough time to go
back and review questions and answers.
Familiarize yourself with the way the exam questions
are structured, e.g., closed question, open question,
and item sets.
The following strategies and test taking tips are provided to help you better prepare for the CTP
exam. However, we encourage you to seek other independent resources.
Please refer to the 2015 CTP
Certification Candidate Guide and the Exam Rules and Regulations on
the CTP website (www.CTPcert.org/rulesregs) for important information on scheduling
your exam and what to expect once you arrive at the test center. Regardless of how well you study
for the exam, your efforts will go unrewarded if you do not fully comply with exam scheduling and
test center admission requirements.
The Association for Financial Professionals
(AFP) wishes you the best in your efforts to prepare for
the exam and looks forward to adding your name to the active list of Certified Treasury Professionals.
Certified Treasury Professional Revised 5/2015
Study Strategies and Test Taking Tips
Test Taking Tips
Upon entering the testing room immediately agree
to the onscreen non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
Failure to do so within five (5) minutes of entering the
testing room will cause your exam to lock and you
will forfeit your eligibility for this window. To take the
exam during the next window, you will need to submit
a re-examination form and pay the re-examination
registration fee.
If you are unsure about how to use the computer, or
if you have any questions about the procedures for the
exam, ask the testing center administrator before the
exam begins.
Programmable calculators, phones and smartphones
are not allowed. An on-screen calculator similar to
those available on all PCs will be provided on the
testing computer. You may toggle between a basic
four-function calculator and a scientific version.
Each question on the examination contains the correct
answer and either two or three incorrect options.
There is no penalty for incorrect answers, so plan
to answer every question. You are not penalized for
After you have agreed to the NDA and the exam
has begun, write difficult-to-remember formulas and
concepts on your white board for later use.
Remember the “31-Second Rule.” The CTP exam
contains 170 questions, which you need to answer
within 3.5 hours. That means you have about 74
seconds per question, on average. But, you really
should try to make your first pass through all the
questions in 90 minutes. That way, you will move
quickly through easy-to-answer questions, and save
yourself plenty of time to return to
the harder questions.
Answer questions that are obvious to you first. Mark
difficult questions to come back to later. Every question,
whether it is a simple definition or a complicated
calculation, is worth the same number of points. Make
your best selection and/or mark it for later review and
move on to the next question.
Do not go too fast, and never skim questions or
answers. You may end-up making careless mistakes.
Let your original answer stand unless you are
completely sure about the new answer.
Do not let your work experience dictate how you
answer a question. The exam is testing your
knowledge of industry standards.
Ignore the other test-takers. Their anxiety can be
Relax the night before the test and get a good night’s
sleep. You have studied well in advance, so the night
before the test is time to relax.
Make sure you know exactly where the test center is
located. If possible, drive to the center the day before
the exam. Be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to
get there on exam day.
Revised 5/2015 2014 – 2016 Examination Preparation Guide
Study Strategies and Test Taking Tips (continued)
Certified Treasury Professional Revised 5/2015
Test Specifications
2014-2016 CTP Test Specifications
Essentials of Treasury Management, Fourth Edition
Content Areas Number of questions
Domain 1. The Corporate Treasury Function ..........28-32
A. Role of Treasury Management ........................... 3-5
B. Treasury Organizational Structure ....................2-4
C. Financial and Regulatory Environment ............ 5-7
D. Relationship Management ................................. 4-6
E. Financial Accounting and Reporting ................. 3-5
F. Corporate Governance ..........................................3-5
G. Risk Management .................................................. 3-5
Domain 2. Cash and Liquidity Management.........36-40
A. Cash Management and Forecasting ...............19-21
B. Payment and Collection Systems ................... 17-19
Domain 3. Working Capital Management ............... 33-37
A. Working Capital Philosophy and Tools ........14-16
B. Short-term Investing and Borrowing .............11-13
C. Financial Supply Chain ......................................... 5-7
D. Market Effects on Working Capital ....................1-3
Content Areas Number of questions
Domain 4. Capital Markets and Funding ................ 21-25
A. Capital Structure and Dividend Policy .............2-4
B. Sources of Capital .................................................. 5-7
C. Capital Market Investments ............................... 5-7
D. Financing Decisions and Management ............7-9
Domain 5. Treasury Operations and Controls ........ 22-26
A. Treasury Systems ................................................... 5-7
B. Operational Risk Management ....................... 9-11
C. Treasury Policies and Procedures....................... 5-7
D. Ethics and Accountability .....................................1-3
Unscored Questions.........................................................20*
3337% of the questions test knowledge of basic facts
and terms.
3842% of the questions test an understanding of
concepts and principles.
2327% of the questions test the higher thinking ability
to apply concepts and principles to a specific situation.
1015% of the questions will require mathematical
The Essentials of Treasury Management, Fourth Edition is the Body of Knowledge for the 2014-2016 CTP exams.
* These questions are unscored and do not count towards the final score. The questions may be from any domain. The specific questions on the
exam that are unscored are determined before the start of the testing window.
Test Specification Task Statements
Within each of the domains above are tasks commonly performed by Certified Treasury Professionals. Successful
performance of the tasks listed below requires specific knowledge, which is what will be tested.
Domain 1. The Corporate Treasury Function
1. Manage the treasury function per
internal company policies and procedures
and regulatory requirements to ensure
compliance and mitigate risk
2. Benchmark performance against external
sources to ensure best practices (e.g.,
industry benchmark materials, borrowing
costs, accounting metrics, key performance
indicators, banking fees comparative analysis)
3. Identify, negotiate, and select relationships
and operating agreements with external
service providers (e.g., financial, technological,
investment/retirement advisor) to ensure best
practices and competitive pricing
4. Conduct analytical reviews and feasibility studies
of external service providers (e.g., financial,
technological, SSAE16) to mitigate risk
5. Monitor, evaluate, and/or maintain relationships
and operating agreements with external service
providers (e.g., financial, technological) to provide
ongoing service availability
Revised 5/2015 2014 – 2016 Examination Preparation Guide
Test Specifications (continued)
6. Reengineer treasury operations following
change (e.g., mergers and acquisitions, initial
public offering, economic conditions, corporate
reorganization, regulatory changes)
7. Develop, implement, and/or manage banking
structures (e.g., number, purpose, and location of
accounts) to ensure best practices and compliance
with legal and organizational policies
8. Identify, measure, analyze, and/or mitigate risk
(e.g., financial, market, operational, reputational)
9. Maintain corporate governance relationships (e.g.,
auditing, analysts, rating and regulatory agencies)
Domain 2. Cash and Liquidity Management
1. Manage receipts and disbursements instruments
strategically using geographic standards and
2. Develop, implement, and/or manage receipt
collection methods
3. Develop, implement, and/or manage
paymentdisbursement methods
4. Develop and monitor cash flow forecasts to
manage liquidity and identify associated risk
5. Calculate and manage cash position
6. Develop, implement, and/or manage cash
concentration structures
7. Review cash balances and reconcile transaction
activity to ensure accuracy
8. Process and execute foreign exchange
9. Manage merchant services programs (e.g.,
fees, risk, controls, PCI compliance, retention
10. Develop, implement, and/or generate cash and
liquidity management reports
Domain 3. Working Capital Management
1. Research and evaluate market conditions
(e.g., spreads, interest rates, terms, credit rating)
2. Manage portfolio risk based on market conditions
and internal guidelines
3. Evaluate and manage counter-party risk (e.g.,
supply chain, banks, brokers, dealers)
4. Develop and implement short-term borrowing
strategies and procedures, including alternative
financing methods (e.g., letters of credit,
factoring, discounting, netting)
5. Develop and implement short-term investment
strategies and procedures
6. Execute and report short-term borrowing
7. Execute and report short-term investment
8. Calculate, analyze, and evaluate financial ratios to
optimize financial decision making
Domain 4. Capital Markets and Funding
1. Develop, implement, and/or manage long-term
borrowing strategies
2. Develop, implement, and/or manage long-term
investment strategies
3. Evaluate current market conditions as it relates
to long term borrowing strategies (e.g., credit
availability, spreads, interest rates, terms, risk)
4. Evaluate current market conditions as it relates
to long term investment strategies (e.g., spreads,
interest rates, terms, risk, credit rating, ratio
5. Execute and report long-term borrowing activities
(e.g., rating agencies, governmental reporting, SEC)
6. Execute and report long-term investment
activities (e.g., financial statement reporting)
7. Propose and arrange the financing and
capitalization for operations and projects
8. Manage organizational capital structure (e.g.,
debt, equity, dividend)
Domain 5. Treasury Operations and Controls
1. Analyze and evaluate cash/treasury management
products, services, and systems (e.g., services and
fees from financial service providers)
2. Implement and administer cash/treasury
management functions, strategies, and systems
(e.g., outsourcing, consolidation, payments)
3. Develop, maintain, and test business continuity
plans (e.g., bank balance reporting process, funds
transfer capabilities)
4. Identify, implement, and/or monitor operational
risk prevention measures (e.g., fraud preventive
tools, internal controls and procedures)
5. Maintain documentation (e.g., bank account,
service agreements, resolutions, archiving
6. Monitor compliance with debt and investment
policies, covenants, guidelines, and other legal
7. Prepare and report treasury data to stakeholders
(e.g., board of directors, financial services
providers, accounting, operations, audit requests)
The Essentials of Treasury
The Essentials of Treasury Management®, Fourth Edition is
the reference text for the 2014 – 2016 CTP examinations.
Essentials is developed from the test specifications and
all questions are documented to it.
The Preferred Resource for Preparing
for the CTP Examination
The AFP Treasury Learning System course provides a
rich, interactive learning experience and the opportunity
for you to measure learning outcomes, making it the
preferred resource to prepare for the CTP exam.
The AFP Treasury Learning System course provides users
with the CTP body of knowledge, Essentials of Treasury
Management®, Fourth Edition, in seven print-based
text modules. More than 900 online questions and 50
calculation exercises emulate the look and feel of the
questions on the computer-based CTP exam.
Web-based components include:
Pre-test covering all areas in the CTP body of
Module-specific tests providing immediate feedback
and answer rationale
Calculation exercises with immediate feedback
Comprehensive post-test, with questions distributed
proportionately to those on the CTP exam
Printable flash cards of key glossary terms and
Detailed reporting to track learner progress and
learning gained
A test timing feature to learn the pace necessary to
complete the CTP exam on time
Increase your chances to earn the CTP credential. Order
the AFP Treasury Learning System course as your exam
preparation resource. Visit www.AFPLearningSystem.com
to learn more or to purchase today.
Additional Examination
Study Aids and Services
To further assist candidates in preparing for the CTP
examination, the following services are available:
CTP Exam Study Network – AFP offers an online
study network so you can identify other CTP exam
candidates in your local area. Names and contact
information are listed on a designated area of the
AFP Web site so candidates may contact each other.
A participation form is provided on our Web site at
www.CTPcert.org. Click on Preparation then click on
More Resources.
AFP/TMA Regional Associations – Contact your local
regional association to locate study groups or CTP
examination preparation courses independent of AFP.
A listing of regional associations by geographic location
can be found on our Web site at www.AFPonline.
org. Click on Membership, then click on Regional
Study Tips Blog – Read study tips posted weekly by
a CTP instructor. Go to www.CTPcert.org and click on
CTP Exam Q&A – Request any explanation or
clarification on content from the Essentials. Written
inquiries are submitted to subject matter experts
and a response is provided to the candidates within
3–5 business days. Please note, however, that
volunteers are not in a position to provide a detailed
tutorial in a topic area. Submit your questions to
Certified Treasury Professional Revised 5/2015
Preparing for the Examination
1. Closed Question
A complete question followed by
four (4) optional answers, only
ONE of which is correct. Often the
word “What” is included in the
What is the usual color for stop
(A) Red
(B) Yellow
(C) Green
(D) Purple
A complete question that
includes the phrase “Which of
the following” when there is
more than one correct answer to
a question, but only one of the
correct answers is offered in the
Which of the following colors is a
combination of two primary colors?
(A) Red
(B) Purple
(C) Yellow
(D) Blue
2. Open Question
An incomplete sentence with four
(4) optional completions, only ONE
of which is correct.
A period of time of 60 minutes is
called a(n):
(A) Hour
(B) Week
(C) Month
(D) Year
3. Except
A format used when three (3)
of the options are correct and
only one option is incorrect. The
incorrect option is actually the
correct answer in this case.
All of the following statements about
ice cream are true EXCEPT:
(A) It should be stored in the freezer.
(B) It has very few calories.
(C) It comes in many flavors.
(D) It is a popular snack food.
4. Item Sets
A set of questions based on
information contained in the
preceding paragraph.
Questions 1 and 2 are based on the
following information:
There are 365 days in a year, 7 days in
a week and 12 months in a year.
1. How many weeks are there in a year?
(A) 50.00
(B) 52.00
(C) 54.00
(D) 55.14
2. What is the average number of days in
a month?
(A) 29.50
(B) 30.00
(C) 30.42
(D) 32.39
Common Types of Multiple-Choice Questions
The following are samples of question formats which may be used on the CTP examination.
The CTP Credential
Increase Your Competitive Edge
and Professional Excellence
Revised 5/2015 2014 – 2016 Examination Preparation Guide
Exam Question Format
1. Company ABC has a concentrated
investor base consisting primarily of
large institutional shareholders. It
would like to increase its number of
smaller shareholders using the most
cost effective method of raising capital
available. What should Company ABC do
to accomplish this goal?
(A) Issue preferred stock.
(B) Implement a dividend
reinvestment plan.
(C) Issue warrants.
(D) Implement a stock repurchase plan.
2. A cash manager at a retailer forecasts a
positive collected cash position for the
end of the current day. The company
has an overdraft facility at 10%, a
separate investment account earning 8%
before taxes, an earnings credit rate of
8% and an outstanding single payment
note at 9.5% maturing in 1 week. This
month’s bank service fees are expected
to exceed the earnings credit. Which of
the following intra-day options would
be the MOST economically positive for
the company?
(A) Leave the funds in the account.
(B) Redeem the single payment note.
(C) Prepay administrative expenses.
(D) Transfer funds to the
investment account.
3. Which of the following BEST describes
an advantage of a company going
(A) Increased management control
(B) Increased public disclosure
(C) Increased managerial flexibility
(D) Increased liquidity
4. When a short-term loan is paid with a
lump sum payment and the payment
includes both interest and principal, the
loan is often referred to as a:
(A) single payment note.
(B) material payment note.
(C) balloon payment note.
(D) commercial note.
5. The Company J portfolio consists of two
stocks, 65% of Stock A with a return
of 7.63% and 35% of Stock B with a
return of 3.89%. What is the Company J
portfolio return?
(A) 1.86%
(B) 5.10%
(C) 6.32%
(D) 18.57%
6. What does a company with a restrictive
current asset investment strategy
typically have?
(A) High financing costs
(B) Low accounts receivable balances
(C) High inventory levels
(D) Low tax liabilities
7. Which of the following is a ratio that
is often used by commercial banks to
measure a company’s leverage and does
not include the effect of assets that
are difficult to value or are NOT easily
converted to cash?
(A) Long-term debt to capital
(B) Debt to tangible net worth
(C) Total liabilities to total assets
(D) Cash flow to total debt
8. Which of the following can be
considered key responsibilities of daily
cash management?
I. Overseeing compensation for bank
II. Management of short-term
borrowing and investing
III. Projecting future cash shortages
and surpluses
(A) I only
(B) I and II only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II, and III
9. Senior management at ABC Company
plans to make a large capital
expenditure to bolster its infrastructure
exactly one year from now. Their
primary concern is to preserve the
current capital position until the
expected cash outlay. The majority of
the cash at ABC Company is held in
treasury notes, but management would
like to also invest some of the money
into corporate bonds and money market
funds. Which investment objective
BEST suits the needs of ABC Company?
(A) Exposure Horizon
(B) Diversification
(C) Liquidity
(D) Safety
10. Earnings Credit calculation:
Assumptions – Average
ledger balance
Deposit Float $250,000.00
Reserve Requirement 10%
Earnings Credit Rate 45 bps
Service Charges for the
Days in the Month 30
What is the earnings credit the
company is receiving for this month?
(A) $416.10
(B) $4,160.96
(C) $449.38
(D) $457.71
11. Using the information provided for
question 10, what would the earnings
credit change to if the company
negotiated a 50% decrease in deposit
float ?
(A) $4,577.05
(B) $457.71
(C) $449.38
(D) $503.48
12. The treasurer of a corporation is
negotiating with one of his/her suppliers
to allow the corporation to have 30
days to pay the supplier’s invoices. The
treasurer is arranging:
(A) short-term financing.
(B) revolving credit agreement.
(C) factoring of receivables.
(D) uncommitted line of credit.
The following questions are similar to those on the CTP examination. By reviewing them, you can
familiarize yourself with the types of questions on the examination. These sample questions do not
necessarily reflect the composition of the actual examination in terms of topic area emphasis, the
mixture of calculations, definitions and application type questions or the level of difficulty of actual
exam questions. The Answer Key is on page 19.
Certified Treasury Professional Revised 5/2015
Sample CTP Examination Questions
13. When using the Internet to access
auction markets, companies may use
certificate authorities to reduce their
exposure to which of the following
types of risk?
(A) Credit
(B) Valuation
(C) Counterparty
(D) Foreign exchange
14. A company can pay their supplier by
check or by electronic transfer. If the
difference between the value date
of the payment methods is 4 days
from the company’s perspective, what
discount should the supplier offer
them to get the company to pay on
the same day as they did when they
paid by check (rounded to the nearest
100th percent)? Assume no difference
in the cost of the payment method,
an opportunity cost of 8%, and float
(A) 2.00%
(B) 0.09%
(C) 0.87%
(D) 0.02%
15. Which of the following is a tool that
companies use to obtain a quantitative
rating of a financial institutions level of
(A) Relationship review
(B) Score card
(C) Service agreement
(D) CAMELS rating
16. An airline wants to lock in the price
of the jet fuel it needs to purchase to
satisfy the peak in-season demand for
travel. The airline wants to manage its
exposure to fluctuations in fuel prices.
What type of exposure is this?
(A) Translation
(B) Delivery
(C) Commodity
(D) Speculative
17. A French exporter sells goods to a
foreign buyer in euros and wants to
guarantee that payment is made by the
buyer. The exporter would MOST LIKELY
require a(n):
(A) bankers’ acceptance.
(B) documentary collection.
(C) letter of credit.
(D) open account.
18. The right of stockholders to purchase,
on a pro-rata basis, any new shares
issued by the company is referred to as:
(A) preemptive right.
(B) right of first refusal.
(C) existing ownership right.
(D) prevention of dilution right.
19. After a recent review of its insurance
policies, a petroleum products company
determines it needs to re-evaluate its
risk exposure to potentially reduce its
insurance premiums. The company has
operated in two locations for 20 years
but only produces and stores petroleum
at one location. In doing so, the risk
manager determine the following
The number of employee workers
compensation claims due to injuries
while loading trucks has increased
25% in the past 12 months.
The primary tank used for petroleum
storage is 13 years old and standard
life of tanks of this model is 20 years.
There is only one road into the
current petroleum storage facility.
Given the above information, if the
risk manager constructs a second
road into the petroleum storage
facility, what risk management
strategy is being used?
(A) Risk avoidance
(B) Transference of risk
(C) Risk mitigation
(D) Keep the risk
20. Which of the following contributes
MOST to the marketability of a security?
(A) An investment-grade rating
(B) An irrevocable letter of
credit guarantee
(C) A return at or above the yield curve
(D) A large, active secondary market
21. A large, mature, diversified and publicly
traded company sells the smallest of
its business segments to a strategic
buyer for cash. It uses the proceeds to
pay off all bank debt and subordinated
debenture debt on its books. The
company believes the stock is trading
at a reasonable price and continues
to pay a regular, steady dividend to
shareholders. Management’s strategy is
to embark on an aggressive growth plan
including a major acquisition.
Based on the above information, if the
company uses the trade-off theory in
considering its WACC, how will it finance
its growth?
(A) By using long-term debt
(B) By issuing Class A stock
(C) By using retained earnings
(D) By issuing Class B stock
22. The treasury manager of a privately
held company is looking to finance new
equipment that has a useful life of 5
years. What type of financing would
the Treasury Manager MOST LIKELY
employ to finance the equipment?
(A) Equity shares
(B) Long-term bond
(C) High-yield bond
(D) Installment term loan
23. A retail brokerage firm is MOST like
which one of the following types of
financial institutions?
(A) Captive finance companies
(B) Factoring companies
(C) Investment banks
(D) Insurance companies
24. A U.S. company has a secured
committed line of credit of $5.5 million
and has an available balance of $4
million. The company successfully
transmitted a $5.5 million wire transfer
instruction out to the bank via SWIFT.
The bank contacted the company and
informed it that the wire transfer
would not be processed. What is the
MOST LIKELY reason the bank gave the
(A) Wires exceeding $5 million
cannot be transmitted using SWIFT.
(B) The bank imposed a guidance
line of credit on the account.
(C) The company exceeded
its balance requirement.
(D) The bank refused funding on
the company’s discretionary
line of credit.
Revised 5/2015 2014 – 2016 Examination Preparation Guide
Sample CTP Examination Questions
25. A large retailer is preparing to accept
credit cards and anticipates monthly
credit card sales of $1,000,000. If the
terms with the acquiring bank include
bundled allocated fees of 6% and the
retailer wishes to delay fee payment
as long as possible, what should the
retailer do?
(A) Accept gross settlement.
(B) Place a hold on
consumer credit limits.
(C) Receive net settlement.
(D) Delay funds transfer
to card-issuing banks.
26. Examples of traditional factors used in
making a credit decision include which
of the following?
I. Capacity
II. Capital
III. Compliance
IV. Character
(A) IV only
(B) I and III only
(C) I, II, and IV only
(D) I, II, III, and IV
27. A company has decided to manage its
short-term investment portfolio in-
house. It is looking for enhanced capital
gains as well as the ability to sell the
instruments on the secondary market
at a premium. The investment manager
has forecasted the interest rates shown
Month Short-term
January 0.25% 0.27%
February 0.28% 0.30%
March 0.26% 0.29%
April 0.24% 0.27%
May 0.25% 0.28%
June 0.26% 0.29%
Which investment strategy should be
employed by the company?
(A) Passive strategy
(B) Matching strategy
(C) Tax-based strategy
(D) Total-return strategy
28. Brazilian corporation purchases finished
products from a German subsidiary and
sells raw materials to the subsidiary
several times in one month. To minimize
foreign exchange transaction costs, the
Brazilian corporation’s cash manager
would MOST LIKELY use:
(A) bilateral netting.
(B) multilateral netting.
(C) forward options.
(D) pooling.
29. Optimal dividend policy is one that does
all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) maintain adequate retained
earnings for future growth.
(B) maximize shareholder value.
(C) distribute corporate
income to investors.
(D) balance tax shield benefits
against agency costs.
30. ABC Company, a leading provider
of office supplies, has successfully
implemented EDI based on a request
from one of its customers. ABC will not
only benefit from the strategic alliance
that will result, but as more of ABC’s
customers adopt the program, ABC will
also experience a positive impact on its:
(A) EFT costs.
(B) C2C levels.
(C) value added networks.
(D) inventory levels.
31. A company has asked its marketing,
payroll and sales teams to collaborate in
finding a solution that could augment
its customer base, reduce payroll cost
and increase sales. The solution has
to be market ready. Which of the
following will serve all 3 purposes?
(A) Ghost cards
(B) Smart cards
(C) PIN based cards
(D) Stored value card
32. A portfolio manager purchases a
floating rate mortgage backed security
that would currently provide a 4% yield
to the company. Since mortgage rates
have been fluctuating significantly
over the past month, the manager is
thinking about entering into an interest
rate swap to hedge against the rate
movements. Although the manager
would remove most of the price
sensitivity of the asset by executing
the swap, it would also lower the total
yield on the investment due to swap
costs. What objective in the company
investment policy is guiding the
portfolio managers decision?
(A) Risk analysis
(B) Risk/return trade off
(C) Preservation of principal
(D) Performance measurement
33. MCA, Inc. upgraded the treasury
workstation that had been in place
for two years and used data from that
24-month period to develop a new
short-term forecast. A trend factor was
applied to controlled disbursements of
97% on a month-by-month basis and
the variance to actual disbursements
is less than 1%. Which of the following
model validation techniques was
(A) In-sample validation
(B) Documentation validation
(C) Ongoing validation
(D) Comparison validation
34. A manufacturing company is working
to improve its cash conversion cycle.
Factory production has increased over
the last year to increase inventory
levels. They have an inventory turnover
of 3.1 and asset turnover of 5.0. The
company has a days’ payable of 30 and
a days’ receivable of 60. It has started
enforcing its net 30 terms and placed
customers with balances outstanding
more than 45 days on credit hold.
As a result, the company collected
receivables quicker but it suffered a 10%
loss in sales. What can the company do
to reduce its cash conversion cycle?
(A) Pay vendors in advance.
(B) Decrease the days’ payable.
(C) Extend payables deferral period.
(D) Revise credit policyto be
more lenient.
35. A company plans to issue additional
equity within the next 12 months but
needs to issue debt at a low interest
rate now. Which of the following
instruments would BEST meet this
(A) Convertible bonds
(B) Private placement issue
(C) Preferred stock
(D) Subordinated debentures
36. ABC Company offers a discount of 2/10,
net 30 to its customers. ABC factored
its accounts receivables with an
outside vendor, under a “with recourse”
arrangement. What impact might this
have on the company?
(A) Increase days sales outstanding.
(B) Improve cash conversion cycle.
(C) Reduce bad debt expense.
(D) More customers may
take the discount.
Certified Treasury Professional Revised 5/2015
Sample CTP Examination Questions (continued)
37. The treasury manager of a chain of
clothing stores wants to develop a
medium-term forecast. Management
plans to open two new stores, and
anticipates same-store sales to increase
by 15%. Which of the following items
can be predicted with the highest
degree of certainty?
(A) Taxes on stock options
(B) New product sales
(C) Fixed bond interest payment
(D) Refranchising proceeds
38. A large mature company with limited
growth opportunities (positive
NPV projects) achieved abnormally
high profits this year. After paying
mandatory principal, interest, and taxes,
the company has $200 million in surplus
cash on hand. Assuming its investor
base is most concerned with capital
appreciation, which of the following is
the BEST option for the company?
(A) Declare a special dividend.
(B) Reinvest cash into the company.
(C) Declare a cash dividend.
(D) Repurchase shares of
outstanding stock.
39. The yield curve is inverted. A
creditworthy firm considering
alternative debt maturities would MOST
(A) enter into a short-term
floating rate agreement.
(B) obtain long-term
fixed interest rate debt.
(C) roll-over short-term
debt at each maturity.
(D) obtain a long-term
floating rate agreement.
40. A $100,000 T-bill currently sells for
$98,600 and matures in 90 days. What
is the 365 day basis yield for this
(A) 5.76%
(B) 5.68%
(C) 5.48%
(D) 5.37%
41. A U.S. firm acquires a large U.K.
manufacturer that generates high levels
of cash flow in its local currency. The
purchase is denominated in British
pounds and is financed through the
issuance of 10-year, 7.5% U.S. dollar
bonds. The U.S. firm will rely entirely
on the U.K. manufacturer’s cash flows
to fund the interest payments on the
bonds. What derivative instrument
would help the U.S. firm manage its FX
(A) Currency forward
(B) Currency swap
(C) Interest-rate swap
(D) Currency future
42. Which of the following is a source of
short-term financing?
(A) Bond issuance
(B) Factoring of accounts receivable
(C) Issuance of common stock
(D) Retaining profits
43. Company XYZ is aggressively expanding
globally. It is evaluating four markets:
Latin America, Europe, Asia and Middle
Latin America: Risk adjusted discount
rate: 15%, Payback period=7 years,
Europe: Risk adjusted discount rate:
8%, NPV=$20M
Middle East: Risk adjusted discount
rate: 11%, IRR=12%, NPV=$5M
Asia: WACC: 9%, Payback=2 yrs,
Based on the information, which two
markets will company XYZ MOST
LIKELY pursue?
(A) Europe and Asia
(B) Asia and Latin America
(C) Europe and Middle East
(D) Middle East and Latin America
44. Company A regularly modifies its
capital structure by repurchasing stock.
Which one of the following is a true
(A) Investors may feel
that management is
manipulating the stock price.
(B) Stock repurchases are
not an attractive alternative
to dividend payments.
(C) Partial disclosure to the regulators
is required for repurchases.
(D) Stock repurchases do not offer tax
deferral advantages over dividends.
45. In evaluating alternative capital
investments, a company should consider
qualitative factors such as:
(A) projected cash flows.
(B) estimated economic returns.
(C) corporate strategy.
(D) estimated costs.
46. A company is experiencing the following
long-term trend on a month-over-
month basis:
Sales are increasing by $100,000,
a 15% increase.
Accounts receivable are increasing
by $5,000, a 1% increase.
Accounts payable are increasing by
$20,000, a 4% increase.
Labor expenses are increasing by
$40,000, a 3% increase.
With all other income, expenses,
long-term assets and liabilities
remaining stable, this trend would
MOST LIKELY prompt what action by
the company?
(A) Financing working
capital requirements
(B) Repaying short-term debt
(C) Reducing labor costs
(D) Factoring accounts receivable
47. Company S wants to issue
$25,000,000.00 of commercial paper
at a discount of 35 bps and a maturity
of 27 days. The dealer fee is 10 bps
annually and the bank assesses a
backup L/C fee of 20 bps. What is
the approximate annual interest rate
the company pays for this issue of
commercial paper?
(A) 3.85%
(B) 2.48%
(C) 1.57%
(D) 0.66%
48. The stock of a manufacturing company
is priced so that its expected rate of
return is below its required rate, as
calculated by the Capital Asset Pricing
Model (CAPM). Which of the following
will occur in an efficient capital market?
(A) Buying pressure for the firm’s
stock will drive the price up.
(B) Buying pressure for the firms
stock will drive the price down.
(C) Selling pressure for the firm’s
stock will drive the price up.
(D) Selling pressure for the firm’s
stock will drive the price down.
Revised 5/2015 2014 – 2016 Examination Preparation Guide
Sample CTP Examination Questions (continued)
49. An intern was hired by the Vice
President of Accounts Payables to
process the electronic payments that
come through the bank. The intern is
responsible for manually entering payee
information into the system at each
step of the process. The VP directed
the intern to enter the information as
fast as possible without mistakes to
optimize the number of transactions
that could be processed. Instead of
manually entering information the VP
should have utilized:
(A) large value transfer system.
(B) straight-through processing.
(C) continuous linked settlement.
(D) enterprise resource planning system.
50. XYZ Company has a well established
commercial paper (CP) program that
they use to fund operations. The
company is expanding by purchasing a
new factory. The CFO is worried about
the time and expense needed to issue
long-term debt and decides to use the
funds they raise in the CP market to pay
for the purchase of the factory. This
strategy will be successful if:
(A) an interest rate swap is used.
(B) a credit default swap is employed.
(C) a commodities future is purchased.
(D) the yield curve remains
upward sloping.
51. A properly designed concentration
system will potentially achieve which of
the following results?
I. Increased authority to field offices
II. Increased investment income
III. Improved ability to take discounts
IV. Reduced dependence on third-party
concentration vendors
(A) IV only
(B) I and II only
(C) II and III only
(D) II, III, and IV only
52. In an organization with personnel
limitations, which of the following
strategies should be considered to
mitigate cash management system risk?
(A) Outsourcing
(B) Verification
(C) Matching
(D) Hedging
53. Company X, a Singapore based multi-
national, is exploring the option of
locating a subsidiary in another country
where there has been some historical
risk of expropriation of local assets
of foreign corporations. Therefore, as
part of the risk assessment process the
company must specifically quantify the:
(A) political risk.
(B) physical security risk.
(C) financial institution risk.
(D) property risk.
54. Company XYZ is now required to make
electronic payments by its suppliers.
To prevent an increase in costs, the
company should:
(A) negotiate a change in payment
timing with its suppliers.
(B) institute a just-in-time
inventory system.
(C) negotiate a change
in cash disbursement with
its concentration bank.
(D) institute a modified RSA
system for its inventory.
55. As an internal control tool, what does
the matching of an invoice to the
original purchase confirm?
(A) The placement of the order
(B) The fulfillment of the order
(C) The execution of the order
(D) The payment of the order
56. Loss exposures related to treasury
management may include which of the
(A) Excessive product recalls
(B) PBGC violations
(C) Deterioration of
investment principal
(D) Bank consolidations
57. The key parties involved in a disaster
recovery plan are generally classified
as internal resources or external
counterparties. When evaluating the
risks of both parties, which of the
following can be assumed?
(A) The review of internal resources
takes greater importance.
(B) The infrastructure
linking the parties’
systems must be considered.
(C) The disaster recovery
sites of both parties must
be in the same location.
(D) The systems used by both
parties must be compatible.
58. A publicly traded company is looking
to fund its next project with the
issuance of stock. The company’s stock
is primarily held by a small group of
investors. The company is concerned
that issuing stock may upset these
investors because it would dilute their
holdings. Which of the following
strategies would help address the
investors’ concern?
(A) Grant the investors
cumulative voting rights.
(B) Grant the investors pre-emptive
rights to the new issue.
(C) Allow the investors to cast
their votes by proxy at the
next shareowners meeting.
(D) Offer to stagger the
election of directors.
59. Company Q has average daily credit
sales of $15,875.00. The daily cash sales
are $8,750.00. The AR ending balance
for June 30 is $387,500.00. What is the
average days’ sales outstanding for
Company Q?
(A) 24.41
(B) 0.04
(C) 15.74
(D) .06
60. Which of the following is subject to
transaction exposure?
(A) A U.S. companys foreign
subsidiary in Japan has a
receivable denominated in Yen.
(B) A Japanese company’s foreign
subsidiary in the U.S. has a
receivable denominated in Yen.
(C) A U.S. company’s foreign
subsidiary in Japan has a
payable denominated in Yen.
(D) A Japanese company’s foreign
subsidiary in the U.S. has a
payable denominated in dollars.
61. A put option on a companys stock has
an exercise price of $20. On the delivery
date, the stock is trading at $24 per
share. What should the investor who
has paid $2 for the option do?
(A) Not exercise the option and lose $2.
(B) Not exercise the option and lose $6.
(C) Exercise the option and gain $2.
(D) Exercise the option and gain $4.
Certified Treasury Professional Revised 5/2015
Sample CTP Examination Questions (continued)
62. Making payments through electronic
payments networks can be a part
of a treasury management systems
functionality, but it is subject to
numerous constraints. Which of the
following is a true statement of those
(A) The process is easy for the
payee but very intensive
manually for the payor.
(B) Negotiation of trade
terms is required, but float
terms are excluded.
(C) Remittance detail, whether a lot
or a little, can be easily included
with all payment forms.
(D) Collecting payment-routing details,
and populating these into the
software, is a significant task.
63. A main characteristic of a company
with regional offices using a centralized
treasury function is:
(A) high level of control.
(B) increased borrowing costs.
(C) centrally determined
depository accounts.
(D) increased operating costs.
64. Treasury management systems and ERP
systems allow companies to do all of
the following EXCEPT:
(A) reduce cash processing costs.
(B) migrate external data
into G/L infrastructure.
(C) increase productivity through
seamless exchange of data.
(D) reduce redundant data entry errors.
65. One reason for using a sale and lease-
back arrangement in lease financing is
(A) create an infusion of
cash into the company.
(B) benefit from tax advantages
from depreciation.
(C) account for income or
costs in one period.
(D) eliminate off-balance sheet debt.
66. An equity management company’s
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer are
evaluating their corporate investments
and decide that they need to diversify
their stock holdings to include personal
care products companies. Based on their
analysis, publicly-traded companies A
and B stand out as choices. Company A
has a beta value of 0.65 while company
B has a beta value of 1.10. They decide to
invest in Company A. What objective of
their investment policy did they use to
make their decision?
(A) Safety
(B) Liquidity
(C) Exposure horizon
(D) Risk/return trade-off
67. A merchant presents 2 different
batches of credit card transactions for
processing, each batch has the same
dollar value and number of transactions,
but the fees are different. Which of the
following explains why?
(A) Use of a different terminal
(B) Goods or services sold
(C) Type of card accepted
(D) Time of batch closure
68. An international company would
establish a re-invoicing center for which
of the following reasons?
(A) To reduce its international
balance reporting charges
(B) To manage the foreign exchange
exposure of its foreign subsidiaries
(C) To take advantage of interest-
bearing demand deposits
(D) To bring transaction exposures
more closely in line with
economic exposures
69. XYZ Company has decided to purchase
a close competitor. This acquisition
would make XYZ Company the 4th
largest in its industry allowing it
better purchasing power and greater
distribution channels. After completing
the M&A analysis, it is determined
that the combined companies would
produce a 40% increase in revenue,
reduce manufacturing costs by 30%, but
would increase current liabilities by 27%.
Which of the following would keep the
acquisition from happening?
(A) Increased weighted
average cost of capital
(B) Low return on investment
(C) Negative net present value
(D) Restrictive bond covenants
70. Amalgamated Binding Consolidators
takes 20 days to convert its raw
materials to finished goods, 5 days to
sell it, and 15 days to collect its credit
sales. What is the company’s days
receivable period?
(A) 5 days
(B) 15 days
(C) 20 days
(D) 40 days
71. Netting is used by which of the
following as a cross-border payment
(A) European giro providers
(B) Foreign subsidiaries of a company
(C) Counterparties in a letter
of credit transaction
(D) TARGET participants
72. In which of the following international
cash management methods is title for
goods transferred for intercompany
(A) Pooling
(B) Internal factoring
(C) Multilateral netting
(D) Re-invoicing
73. Which of the following is NOT a key area
to consider when establishing treasury
(A) Equity method investments
(B) Medium-term financing
(C) Management reporting
(D) Foreign currency management
74. Establishing the authority to open bank
accounts is the responsibility of:
(A) the board of directors.
(B) the CFO.
(C) the treasurer.
(D) the board of governors.
75. A daily short-term forecast and variance
analysis for LMN, Inc. is updated with
relevant trends and actual data every
Monday. Upon review, the treasurer
assessed that sales were higher than
forecasted, inventory was up and yields
being earned on excess cash were lower.
The MOST important reason for this
cash forecast process is:
(A) financial control
(B) managing costs.
(C) capital budgeting.
(D) liquidity management.
Revised 5/2015 2014 – 2016 Examination Preparation Guide
Sample CTP Examination Questions (continued)
76. A company is interested in lowering its
overall banking costs, managing netting,
pooling, re-invoicing, and centralizing FX
exposure at headquarters. Which of the
following options will accomplish this?
(A) In-house banking
(B) Shared service center
(C) Company processing center
(D) Automated clearing house
77. Money market funds are able to obtain
very competitive trading terms because:
(A) there is no diversification.
(B) of the economies of scale.
(C) invested funds are locked in
for a specific period of time.
(D) the investment manager only
purchases high yielding instruments.
78. Convertible securities consist of
preferred stock and:
(A) treasury stock.
(B) common stock.
(C) bonds.
(D) tracking stock.
79. Securities sold by companies in an initial
public offering (IPO) are:
(A) a specific type of security sold by a
public company for the first time.
(B) debt securities sold on
the open market.
(C) public securities sold by a private
company for the first time.
(D) securities sold by a private company
to a limited number of investors.
80. A company has grown quickly in the
euro zone market. It wants to maximize
its excess cash. Which would be the
BEST method of concentrating funds?
(A) Bank Overlay
(B) Notional Pooling
(C) Physical Pooling
(D) Scheduled Transfer
81. Which of the following global cash
concentration methods would be MOST
appropriate for a single company
with operations in the United States,
Germany, Mexico, and Japan looking to
minimize expenses?
(A) Multilateral netting
(B) Bank overlay structure
(C) Shared service center
(D) Physical pooling
82. Financing decisions in a budget are used
to construct all of the following pro
forma financial statement components
(A) debt.
(B) interest expense.
(C) shareholder’s equity.
(D) inventory.
83. ABC Company is a national retail
company and uses XYZ Bank for its
collections and payroll services. XYZ
has recently experienced financial
problems; what is the greatest risk to
ABC Company?
(A) Damage to their working
(B) Deterioration of service quality
(C) Increase in service fees
(D) Loss of assets
84. The rate of interest commercial banks
charge their best credit rated customers
is called the:
(A) discount rate.
(B) call rate.
(C) prime rate.
(D) real interest rate.
85. A wholesale foods supplier receives
an order from ABC Foods located in
Minnesota. The supplier’s policy is to
bill upon fulfillment of the order and
not at delivery. ABC Foods pays upon
receipt of goods. A blizzard has closed
the manufacturing facility and roads;
delivery will be delayed by two days.
Which type of float occurs between
the receipt of an invoice by ABC Foods,
including the credit period, and the time
ABC Burgers’ account is debited?
(A) Payment
(B) Invoicing
(C) Collection
(D) Disbursement
86. Company ABC experienced a loss in the
past when an employee in the treasury
department was able to transfer $1.5
million to a personal account offshore.
The company is working with a security
agent to prevent this from happening
in the future. ABC also accepts a large
number of checks as payment. The
agent has suggested upgrades to ABC’s
payment process. What step should be
taken to help mitigate this type of risk
in the future?
(A) Securely store check stock.
(B) Set up international bank security.
(C) Implement dual approval.
(D) Implement data security standards.
87. A company wants to gather daily
balance reporting from its international
subsidiaries’ bank accounts. Which of
the following systems would allow the
company’s bank to gather the balance
positions from the local banks?
(C) Giros
88. Treasury policies should be approved
by the:
(A) audit committee.
(B) controller.
(C) board of directors.
(D) external auditors.
89. The company currently calculates
its Days’ Receivables at 42 days, its
Days’ Payables at 31 days, and its Days
Inventory at 58 days. What is the cash
conversion cycle for the company?
(A) 131 days
(B) 15 days
(C) 69 days
(D) 47 days
90. Using the above information, what is
the cash turnover for the company?
(A) 5.3 times
(B) 7.7 times
(C) 24.3 times
(D) 2.7 times
91. In order to be defined as independent, a
corporate director:
(A) cannot have owned preferred
stock shares in the company.
(B) cannot have a material
relationship with the company.
(C) cannot meet regularly with
executive management
outside of board meetings.
(D) cannot have been an employee
with the company during
the past three years.
92. After several internal discussions about
treasury management systems (TMSes),
ABC Company has determined that it
has no need for customization but that
it does want a backup for high priority
capabilities. The company needs access
to knowledgeable IT support resources
but wants to reduce overall IT costs.
These parameters will MOST LIKELY
result in what kind of TMS?
(A) An ERP module TMS
(B) An integrated TMS
(C) A hosted ASP TMS
(D) Development of its own TMS
Certified Treasury Professional Revised 5/2015
Sample CTP Examination Questions (continued)
93. Which of the following trade payment
methods virtually eliminates the seller’s
credit risk?
(A) Bankers’ acceptance
(B) Cash before delivery
(C) Countertrade
(D) Consignment
94. Company A has $1,375,000.00 that it
plans to invest for three years at an
interest rate of 4%, with all interest paid
at maturity. How much interest will the
company receive at the end of the third
(A) $16,566.09 (C) $55,000
(B) $165,000 (D) $171,688
95. ABC Company’s treasury department
outsourced its overnight investment
duties to XYZ Money Management.
XYZ placed the funds received from
ABC into corporate commercial paper,
which has recently gone into default
after numerous ratings downgrades.
The investment policy of ABC Company
states that all investments must be in
investment grade commercial paper;
however, the agreement gives XYZ
the ability to make exceptions with
the approval of the treasurer of ABC
Company. The treasurer was never
notified of the ratings downgrades.
What role or responsibility, if any, was
violated with regards to the investment
(A) Exposure horizon monitoring
(B) Valuation of investment vehicles
(C) Policy approvals and
exception management
(D) No violation occurred
96. Company XYZ is a manufacturer of
industrial equipment and has enjoyed
a large percentage increase in profits
from a small increase in revenues.
Sales recently plummeted resulting in
steep decline in profitability. Which of
the following BEST describes the cost
structure of the company?
(A) Low contribution margin
(B) High financial leverage
(C) Low variable costs
(D) High operating leverage
97. A company hires an investment firm to
fully underwrite a new stock issuance.
Which of the parties carries the MOST
(A) The public
(B) The company
(C) The company’s bond holders
(D) The investment firm
98. Which of the following is a KEY
operational advantage of short-term
(A) It can be arranged
quickly and easily.
(B) It improves the current
ratio for debt covenant and
compliance purposes.
(C) It reduces the risk of interest
rate fluctuation and lowers
interest expense.
(D) It improves the overall liquidity
position and reduces risk.
99. In a typical swap transaction, two
parties agree to exchange:
(A) notional principal amounts.
(B) amortization schedules.
(C) maturity dates of obligations
(D) cash flows at future points in time.
100. Company R has an AR balance pattern
of 8% in the current month, 47% in the
first month, 30% in the second month,
10% in the third month, and 5% in the
fourth month. If AR for July is $598,000,
what amount of cash do they expect to
collect in October?
(A) $281,060
(B) $59,800
(C) $179,400
(D) $47,840
101. Which two of the following are optimal
uses for short-term excess cash?
I. Pay down credit lines.
II. Make overnight investments.
III. Repurchase stock.
IV. Make capital expenditures.
(A) I and II
(B) I and III
(C) II and III
(D) II and IV
102. Over the past 3 years XYZ Company
has expanded into multiple countries
and significantly grown its banking
relationships. The company now incurs
significant expenses related to payment
transaction costs and maintaining
multiple bank connections. What should
the company use to combat these rising
(A) SWIFT network
(B) ACH network
(C) CHIPS network
(D) Treasury workstation
103. Company ABC needs external capital to
finance a new product line. Its operating
leverage is high, and its revolving credit
agreement contains a ratings trigger.
What will Company ABC MOST LIKELY
do to finance its new product line?
(A) Issue convertible debentures.
(B) Issue long-term notes.
(C) Issue common stock.
(D) Use retained earnings.
104. The risk-free rate of return is 2.15% and
the historical stock market average rate
of return is 6%. If Company M has a
beta of 1.36, what is their required rate
of return for capital asset pricing?
(A) 8.083% (C) 0.42%
(B) 7.39% (D) 0.04%
105. Which of the following is an example of
a Eurobond?
(A) A bond that is denominated
in euros, issued in France
by a French company
(B) A bond that is denominated
in pounds, issued in the
U.K. by a U.S. company
(C) A bond that is denominated
in Japanese Yen, issued in the
U.K. by a U.S. company
(D) A bond that is denominated
in euros, issued in a European
market by a U.S. company
106. A treasury manager has $5 million
that is not needed for 6 months. The
treasury manager has decided to invest
the funds in a liquid instrument, using
the current portion of a 5-year AA rated
corporate bond that is subject to U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) regulations. In what market would
the treasury manager purchase this
(A) IPO Market
(B) Private Market
(C) Primary Market
(D) Secondary Market
107. A company with high operating leverage
reduces its average cost per unit by 20%
as its sales volume increases by 40%
annually. This is an example of:
(A) low fixed costs.
(B) low variable costs.
(C) economies of scale.
(D) equal distribution of fixed and
variable costs per item.
Revised 5/2015 2014 – 2016 Examination Preparation Guide
Sample CTP Examination Questions (continued)
108. Banks often control information flow,
records and assets, therefore it is critical
that banks have:
(A) backup systems and disaster
recovery procedures.
(B) controlled disbursement procedures
(C) standard formats for
electronic submission.
(D) timetables for service
109. The yield on any short-term investment
instrument is a function of the maturity
or holding period, the amount paid and:
(A) the cash flows received.
(B) the money market yield.
(C) the after-tax yield.
(D) the issuing price.
110. A treasurer decides to use notional
pooling across wholly-owned multiple
legal entities instead of wiring money
between entity accounts. What specific
section in the companys policy allowed
the treasurer to make this decision?
(A) Regulatory and legal considerations
(B) Liquidity strategy
(C) Collection strategy
(D) Concentration practices
and strategies
111. Company T pays $12.00 for a wire and
$2.00 for an ACH transaction. They
receive a wire one day sooner than they
do an ACH and they earn 1.75% on the
funds. What is the break-even amount
for a wire instead of an ACH?
(A) $246,114.29 (C) $2,085.71
(B) $208,571.43 (D) $20,857.14
112. Company XYZ is a high technology
company. It is planning on acquiring
another company in the high technology
sector. Company XYZ does not have
enough cash to acquire the company
and is planning on financing the
acquisition through a bond offering.
Which of the following measures is
company XYZ MOST LIKELY to use in its
analysis of operating profits considering
it is a high debt transaction?
(A) Long-term debt to capital
(B) EBITDA margin
(C) Net profit margin
(D) Return on equity
113. A company enters into a cash
flow hedge to offset fluctuations
in the value of foreign currency
transactions occurring in two years.
How should the company record
the gains and/or losses on the cash
flow hedge in the current year?
(A) The hedged gains and losses are
reported in comprehensive income.
(B) The hedged gains and losses are
reported in current period income.
(C) The hedged gains and losses are
reported in current period income
together with the offsetting gains
and losses of the foreign currency.
(D) The hedged gains and losses are
reported in comprehensive income
together with the offsetting gains
and losses of the foreign currency.
114. Which of the following is a characteristic
of giro systems used in countries
throughout Europe?
(A) They operate through
postal systems.
(B) They are primarily used for
company-to-company payments.
(C) They do not replace checks
for the payment of bills.
(D) They do not allow the use of
direct debits and credits.
115. The CFO asks the treasurer to create
a new collections and concentration
policy for their company. Following
implementation of the policy, the
company finds that reporting of
receivables values is taking 10% longer,
with no improvement in the company’s
cash flow or liquidity. What step in
developing the policy could have been
executed to reduce this risk?
(A) Delegation of authority
(B) Clarify roles and responsibilities
(C) Procedure implementation
(D) Identify issues and conduct analysis
116. A company is evaluating its employee
healthcare expense and payroll
applications. If the company wishes to
provide maximum convenience to its
employees, which payment method is
the BEST choice?
(A) Purchasing cards
(B) Checks
(C) Travel cards
(D) Stored value cards
117. XYZ Holdco has multiple credit facilities
with a bank under a borrowing
agreement that includes certain
covenants. A fire has destroyed the
manufacturing plant owned by ABC, one
of the XYZ subsidiaries that is part of
the credit facilities. All loans, including
the ABC loan, are up to date and being
repaid as required. However, after the
fire, the bank notified XYZ that it was
in default. Which one of the following
covenants is MOST LIKELY a term of the
borrowing agreement?
(A) Technical default
(B) Cross-default provisions
(C) Material adverse change
(D) Total liabilities to assets
ratio default
118. An internal auditor discovers that
employees can enter and approve
their own wire transfers. This practice
violates what internal control?
(A) Adequate segregation of duties
(B) Accurate reporting of
cash transactions
(C) Appropriate monitoring of
covenant compliance
(D) Proper authorization of
investment transactions
119. EML Inc., which has $600 million in
outstanding debt, is preparing to issue
commercial paper in excess of $100
million within the next six months. The
new assistant treasurer has recently
spent time getting to know the issuing
and paying agent, the rating agency
analyst, and the legal counsel, and has
been following the financial markets.
What is this is an example of?
(A) Benchmarking with peers
(B) External collaboration
(C) Decentralized control
(D) Risk transfer
120. Which of the following is NOT true for
both bankers’ acceptances and trade
(A) They are both used to finance
the shipment of goods.
(B) They both may be sold to
an investor at a discount
prior to maturity.
(C) They are both less expensive
forms of financing than loans.
(D) They both transfer the buyer’s
credit risk to a third party.
Certified Treasury Professional Revised 5/2015
Sample CTP Examination Questions (continued)
121. Company ABC, with a current debt
rating of BBB- from Standard &
Poor’s, is negotiating a new revolving
credit agreement with its lenders.
The company anticipates closing
on a small acquisition within a year
of executing this new agreement
and would like maximum flexibility
to determine its capital structure.
The company is MOST concerned
about the lenders’ inclusion of a:
(A) ratings trigger.
(B) growth rate covenant.
(C) change in control covenant.
(D) limit on internal financing.
122. An arrangement in which a borrower
makes periodic payments to a separate
custodial account that is used to repay
debt is known as a:
(A) sinking fund.
(B) balloon payment.
(C) mortgage.
(D) zero-coupon bond.
123. The MOST common way that companies
structure their treasury operations is as
(A) cost center.
(B) profit center.
(C) shared service center.
(D) in-house bank.
124. Why would a company establish a
short-term credit facility?
(A) Short-term interest rates
are expected to rise.
(B) The company would like to
improve bank relationships.
(C) Cash shortages are being
forecasted due to seasonality.
(D) There is an anticipated failure of the
company’s main depository bank.
125. EDI infrastructure includes which of the
following four PRIMARY components?
(A) Communication networks and
standards, computer hardware, EDI
software, and standard formats
(B) Business-to-business banking
services, EDI e-commerce,
EDI software, and electronic
payments networks
(C) Authentication devices, evaluated
receipts settlement, firewalls, and
single sourcing arrangements
(D) File transfer protocol, hypertext
transfer protocol, uniform
resource locator, and Extensible
Markup Language (XML)
126. Which of the following is true when a
company purchases goods using trade
credit from suppliers?
(A) The buyer incurs no added
cost if it pays on time.
(B) The supplier will charge
interest to the buyer.
(C) The buyer should record this
as a long-term liability.
(D) The supplier places a lien on the
goods sold until payment.
127. A furniture company maintains a large
inventory during the summer sales
season. One of the PRIMARY benefits
of this approach is that the company
avoids which of the following costs?
(A) Holding
(B) Opportunity
(C) Order
(D) Stock-out
128. In order to increase liquidity, ABC
Motor Company bundled its customers’
installment payments and resold them
to other investors. This is known as:
(A) factoring.
(B) securitization.
(C) reclassification.
(D) secondary distribution.
129. A $100,000 T-bill currently sells for
$98,600 and matures in 90 days. What
is the discount rate for this investment?
(A) 5.51%
(B) 5.57%
(C) 5.60%
(D) 5.68%
130. RAL Industries is a manufacturing
company that currently has locations in
Canada and Latin America and has just
completed an acquisition of a company
located in Europe. As a result of the
acquisition, they have a large number of
financial service providers. In an effort
to reduce the number of providers and
services used globally, RAL has decided
to develop a formal selection process
to consolidate its many global banking
services. In order to reduce the amount
of time the selection process takes,
determine which services providers
can offer, and the number of providers
involved in the process, what should
RAL Industries issue?
(A) Request for Quote
(B) Request for Proposal
(C) Request for Information
(D) Request for Participation
131. To arrive at today’s projected closing
cash position, a cash manager starts
(A) the opening bank available balance.
(B) yesterday’s projected
closing cash position.
(C) the general ledger cash balance.
(D) today’s expected settlements.
132. An analyst for a landscaping company
wants to adjust her cash-flow
forecast to account for the seasonality
of outflows. How can this be
(A) Simple moving average
(B) Regression analysis
(C) Accounts receivable balance pattern
(D) Contingency forecasting
133. Two months after a government
overthrow, the new Minister of Industry
and Culture took over the countrys
largest steel company and compensated
the owners at 50% of book value. What
is the government’s action called?
(A) Consolidation
(B) Deregulation
(C) Expropriation
(D) Nationalization
134. Today’s modern cash management
systems would include which of the
(A) Full integration to ERP systems
(B) Performance management
systems and support
(C) Remote check disbursement
(D) Full customer relationship
management (CRM) capability
135. A treasurer has been advised that his
privately held company has just lost
its largest customer, which will have
a significant impact on earnings. The
treasurer applies an aggressive working
capital strategy. Presently, the yield
curve is upward sloping. Given this
information, the treasurer should ensure
that the company has:
(A) short-term non-committed lines.
(B) short-term committed lines.
(C) long-term non-committed lines.
(D) long-term committed lines.
Revised 5/2015 2014 – 2016 Examination Preparation Guide
Sample CTP Examination Questions (continued)
136. All of the following are advantages of
using traditional financial ratios for
analysis EXCEPT:
(A) they can easily be computed from
the information found in publicly
available financial reports.
(B) they usually reflect accounting
rather than economic values.
(C) they can be used to view historical
trends and availability over time.
(D) they allow comparisons to be
made between like companies.
137. Which of the following are important
uses of variance analysis in comparing
actual cash flows with projected cash
I. Identifying unanticipated changes
in inventory
II. Enhancing short-term investment
III. Validating a capital budget
IV. Identifying delays in accounts
receivable collections
(A) I and II only (C) II and IV only
(B) I and IV only (D) I, II, III, and IV
138. A multinational company (MNC) that
operates a shared service center charges
its foreign subsidiaries a management fee.
This management fee may need to be:
(A) manipulated to locate profits
in low-tax countries.
(B) paid through a third-
party intermediary.
(C) negotiated with the
host government.
(D) significantly taxed by the
host government.
139. Upon entering into an interest rate swap
with a notional principal of $10,000,000,
what is the initial amount of money the
counterparties must exchange at the
beginning of the swap?
(A) $0
(B) $5,000,000
(C) The future value of $10,000,000
(D) $10,000,000 discounted
140. Which of the following is NOT a drawback
to using ROI as a performance measure?
(A) It may be misleading when
cash flows are not evenly
distributed over time.
(B) It does not consider the profit
generated by a project.
(C) It does not include a charge
for cost of capital.
(D) It may lead to rejection of
a positive NPV project.
Revenue $18,000,000
Less: COGS $9,750,000
Gross Profit $8,250,000
Less: Operating Expenses $5,900,000
EBITDA $2,350,000
Less: Depreciation & Amort $200,000
EBIT (Operating Income) $2,150,000
Less: Interest Expense $300,000
Net Profit before Taxes $1,850,000
Less: Provision for Taxes $850,000
Net Income $1,000,000
Net Income $1,000,000
Adj to reconcile Net Income to Cash:
Depreciation/Amort $200,000
Increase in A/R ($650,000)
Increase in Inv ($500,000)
Increase in A/P $375,000
Net Cash from Operations $425,000
Capital Expenditures ($900,000)
Decrease in Short Term Inv $200,000
Cash used in Investments ($700,000)
Short Term Notes Pay $500,000
Issuance of Long Term Debt $400,000
Dividends Paid ($250,000)
Cash from Financing $650,000
Net Cash Inc/(Dec) $375,000
Cash at Beginning of Year $1,000,000
Cash at End of Year $1,375,000
141. What is the ROI for the company
represented in the Income Statement
above if the Long Term Debt & Equity
for the period was $11,875,000.00?
(A) 7.75 %
(B) 8.03%
(C) 8.42%
(D) 8.97%
142. Based on the information provided
above, what is the free cash flow for the
period this company?
(A) ($1,000,000.00)
(B) ($475,000.00)
(C) $475,000.00
(D) $1,000,000.00
143. Company XYZ is conservative when
investing in their short-term portfolio.
XYZ is looking to add the following
money market instruments in their
own country: a reverse re-purchase
agreement, a floating-rate note, and a
negotiable certificate of deposit. What
types of investment risks are associated
with these instruments?
(A) Default and reinvestment risk
(B) Liquidity and price risk
(C) Credit and liquidity risk
(D) Default and payment risk
144. A company is based in the United States
and has an operating subsidiary in
Germany. With a stable U.S. dollar and
a depreciating euro, the company’s cash
manager may elect to:
(A) pool excess funds in the United
States to offset German deficits.
(B) implement a dollar-based
multilateral netting system.
(C) start leading receivables from
the German subsidiary.
(D) establish a multicurrency
account in the United States.
145. A company is looking for a way to
finance their inventory. What is the
BEST funding match?
(A) Long-term private placement
(B) Short-term debt
(C) Equity issuance
(D) Stock split
146. Which one of the following ties a user’s
private key to a user’s public key?
(A) A digital signature
(B) A digital certificate
(C) A digitized signature
(D) A digital token
147. A treasury professional is deciding
between two investment opportunities.
The first is a taxable security in the
amount of $2,000,000 with a yield
of 3.6%. The second is a tax-exempt
security for the same amount with a
yield of 2.85%. Both securities have the
same maturity and a similar risk profile.
The marginal income tax rate is 35%.
What is the taxable equivalent yield for
the tax exempt security?
(A) 5.54% (C) 1.15%
(B) 4.38% (D) 4.15%
Certified Treasury Professional Revised 5/2015
Sample CTP Examination Questions (continued)
148. The accounting requirement that a
product’s selling costs be recorded in the
same period as the product’s revenue is
recorded, regardless of when the cash is
paid, is an example of the:
(A) full disclosure principle.
(B) historical cost principle.
(C) matching principle.
(D) revenue recognition principle.
149. A UK based manufacturer has
a subsidiary in Belgium and a
manufacturing plant in Italy. The
subsidiary wants to sell its products
in Sweden. How would the UK parent
best structure the movement of funds
within the organization to optimize
management of working capital while
ensuring recourse?
(A) Internal factoring
(B) Re-invoicing
(C) Export financing
(D) Multilateral netting
150. XYZ Company is a U.S. based company
that has just issued some euro-
denominated bonds in London. The
bonds have a duration of 10 years at
a rate of 3.5% with a par value of EUR
50 million. An FX swap contract was
created on the date of the issuance in
EUR/USD, with a spot rate of 1.2908 and
a forward rate of 1.1102. This bond is
subject to what type of risk?
(A) Interest rate
(B) Currency
(C) Floating rate
(D) Duration
151. The goal of a successful investor
relations program is to ensure:
(A) achievement of the company’s
earnings-per-share objective.
(B) accurate preparation of
financial statements.
(C) on-time filing of reports.
(D) effective two-way communication
between a company, the
financial community, and
other constituencies.
152. Capital budgeting is defined as the:
(A) determination of the optimal
level of debt versus equity.
(B) process of evaluating alternative
investment projects.
(C) provision of sufficient
borrowing facilities to meet
transaction requirements.
(D) addition of capital to the firm
which results in a cash inflow.
153. The treasurer for XYZ Manufacturing,
Inc. recently exchanged a portion of
its euro holdings into U.S. dollars to
purchase gas futures contracts. This
was done in anticipation of an assumed
rise in gas prices due to the continued
weakening of the U.S. dollar. Which
of the following types of risk is being
(A) Sovereign
(B) Operational
(C) Commodity price
(D) Foreign exchange
154. A U.S.-based electronics company
that buys components from one of its
foreign subsidiaries at a price above
market is likely to:
(A) be paid large dividends
by the subsidiary.
(B) be sheltering profits in
a low-tax country.
(C) need tax consultants to
act as intermediaries.
(D) make payment with an
intracompany loan.
155. An increasing number of multinational
companies have adopted formal
multilateral netting systems for which
of the following reasons?
(A) To facilitate management of
foreign exchange exposure
(B) To improve check clearing times
(C) To standardize payment routes
and banking channels
(D) To eliminate duplicate
payments to vendors
156. XYZ Bank would like to conduct some
foreign exchange transactions with
JKL Bank. JKL isn’t the most liquid and
could have some credit risk. XYZ Bank
should suggest which of the following in
order to eliminate risk?
(A) Pre-authorized draft
(B) Straight-through processing
(C) Forward rate contract
(D) Continuous Linked Settlement
157. A company in the market to purchase
a treasury management system (TMS)
has issued a request for proposal to
evaluate various vendors. One of the
evaluation factors focuses on the
long-term viability of the vendor. The
company may have to choose between
an untested new vendor with a superior
product and an established vendor
with an incomplete product suite. This
dimension of the RFP is measuring what
type of risk?
(A) Reputational risk
(B) Supplier risk
(C) Technology risk
(D) Financial risk
158. Buying a security with the intent of
selling it prior to its maturity date to
increase the return is an example of:
(A) active investment strategy.
(B) matching investment strategy.
(C) an interest rate future.
(D) a diversification program.
159. Company ABC is a restaurant chain that
has enjoyed a surge in customers’ dining
with not much of a profitability increase
in the last couple of years. Following a
bad restaurant review, customer traffic
deteriorated with not much change in
profitability. Which of the following
BEST describes the cost structure of the
(A) Low variable costs
(B) Economies of scale
(C) Low financial leverage
(D) Low operating leverage
160. Company R has a $50,000,000.00 line of
credit with a 5% compensating balance.
They have outstanding borrowings of
$37,000,000.00. The fee on the unused
portion of the line of credit is 25 bps
and the interest rate on the borrowings
is LIBOR of 28 bps plus 3.25%. What is
the annual interest rate for the line of
(A) 0.46%
(B) 3.64%
(C) 3.73%
(D) 3.81%
Revised 5/2015 2014 – 2016 Examination Preparation Guide
Sample CTP Examination Questions (continued)
161. Examples of fixed assets include which
of the following?
I. Inventory
II. Treasury bills
III. Forklift
IV. Goodwill
(A) III only
(B) I and III only
(C) I, II, and IV only
(D) I, III, and IV only
162. XYZ Company has incurred a financially
devastating event because of a typhoon
at its offshore manufacturing plant
where the majority of its products
are developed. Due to the impact on
liquidity, the company may not be able
to survive. What should the Treasurer
have done in order to assess the risk
associated with this type of event?
(A) Evaluated insurance
coverage amounts
(B) Negotiated back-up lines of credit
(C) Developed a contingency
funding plan
(D) Increased reserves
163. When a subsidiary borrows money, the
parent, sister subsidiary, or other entity
is often used in order to:
(A) diversify the risk of the investment.
(B) guarantee the obligations
of the borrower.
(C) increase the return of a security.
(D) prevent a covenant violation.
164. Some treasury management systems
are capable of initiating investment
purchases and loan drawdowns
automatically. The automating of these
transactions is related to which of
the following treasury management
(A) Payment management
(B) Liquidity management
(C) International trade management
(D) Capital budget management
165. When a buyer receives goods, but
payment is not due to the supplier until
some later date, this is defined as:
(A) factoring.
(B) bank credit.
(C) trade credit.
(D) intercompany loan.
Annual Revenue $158,000.00
Annual Cost of
Goods Sold
Cash Flow from
Ending Inventory $23,600.00
Ending Accounts
Ending Accounts
166. Using the chart above what is the Day’s
Inventory (DI)?
(A) $446.32 (C) $93.23
(B) $1,429.07 (D) $508.20
167. Using the chart above what is the Days’
Receivables (DR)?
(A) $2,988.08 (C) $44.59
(B) $298.50 (D) $76.24
168. Using the chart above what is the Days’
Payables (DP)?
(A) $262.15 (C) $39.16
(B) $93.23 (D) $66.96
169. Due to a loss of proprietary information
held for clients, ABC Company has been
named in a billion dollar lawsuit. It was
determined that the loss of information
was due to a breach in its computer
system firewalls by outside parties.
When the lawsuit became public, the
company experienced a steep drop in its
stock price. This scenario is an example
of what kind of risk?
(A) Internal technology
(B) Compliance
(C) External theft/fraud
(D) Market
170. Kahuna Boards Co. has just experienced
a very profitable year and wants to
share the success with its shareholders.
In order to pay dividends, a sequence
of events must occur. Which of the
following chronological sequence of
events is correct?
1. Stock is sold without the
upcoming dividend attached
2. Dividend is paid.
3. Board of directors announces
the dividend.
4. Holders of record are specified.
(A) 3, 4, 1, 2
(B) 3, 4, 2, 1
(C) 4, 3, 2, 1
(D) 4, 3, 1, 2
Certified Treasury Professional Revised 5/2015
Sample CTP Examination Questions (continued)
Q A Domain
1 B 4.B
2 A 2.A
3 D 4.C
4 A 3.B
5 C 4.D
6 B 3.A
7 B 3.A
8 D 1.A
9 D 5.C
10 A 1.D
11 B 1.D
12 A 2.B
13 C 5.B
14 B 2.A
15 B 1.D
16 C 5.B
17 C 4.B
18 A 1.F
19 C 5.B
20 D 3.B
21 A 4.A
22 D 4.B
23 C 1.D
24 B 3.B
25 A 2.B
26 C 3.C
27 D 3.B
28 A 2.A
29 D 4.A
30 D 5.A
31 D 2.B
32 B 1.G
33 A 2.A
34 C 3.A
Q A Domain
35 A 4.B
36 B 3.B
37 C 2.A
38 D 1.F
39 B 3.B
40 A 3.B
41 B 1.G
42 B 3.B
43 C 4.D
44 A 4.D
45 C 4.D
46 B 3.B
47 D 3.B
48 D 4.C
49 B 2.B
50 D 4.B
51 C 2.A
52 A 5.B
53 A 1.C
54 A 3.A
55 A 3.A
56 C 1.A
57 B 5.B
58 B 1.F
59 A 4.D
60 B 4.D
61 A 1.G
62 D 5.A
63 A 1.B
64 A 5.A
65 A 4.D
66 A 5.C
67 C 2.B
68 B 2.B
Q A Domain
69 D 4.B
70 B 3.A
71 B 3.C
72 D 2.B
73 A 5.C
74 A 1.A
75 D 2.A
76 A 2.A
77 B 3.B
78 C 4.B.
79 C 2.B
80 C 2.A
81 B 2.A
82 D 4.D
83 D 1.D
84 C 1.D
85 A 3.A
86 C 5.B
87 A 2.B
88 C 5.C
89 C 3.A
90 A 3.A
91 B 1.A
92 C 5.A
93 B 3.A
94 D 3.B
95 C 5.C
96 D 3.A
97 D 4.B
98 A 3.B
99 D 1.G
100 B 2.A
101 A 2.A
102 A 2.B
Q A Domain
103 C 4.A
104 B 4.D
105 C 4.C
106 D 4.B
107 C 4.D
108 A 5.B
109 A 3.B
110 D 2.A
111 B 2.A
112 B 4.D
113 A 1.E
114 A 2.B
115 D 2.B
116 D 2.B
117 C 4.D
118 A 5.C
119 B 1.A
120 D 2.B
121 A 4.D
122 A 4.D
123 A 1.B
124 C 2.A
125 A 5.A
126 A 4.B
127 D 2.A
128 B 2.B
129 C 3.B
130 C 1.D
131 A 2.A
132 B 2.A
133 C 1.C
134 A 5.A
135 B 2.B
136 B 3.A
Q A Domain
137 B 2.A
138 C 4.D
139 A 4.D
140 B 4.D
141 C 4.D
142 B 4.D
143 C 3.B
144 C 3.C
145 B 3.B
146 B 5.A
147 B 3.B
148 C 1.E
149 A 3.A
150 A 4.D
151 D 1.B
152 B 1.B
153 C 5.B
154 B 4.D
155 A 2.A
156 D 2.B
157 B 5.B
158 A 4.C
159 D 3.A
160 D 3.B
161 A 1.E
162 C 5.B
163 B 4.B
164 B 5.A
165 C 2.B
166 C 4.D
167 C 4.D
168 D 4.D
169 C 5.B
170 A 4.A
Revised 5/2015 2014 – 2016 Examination Preparation Guide
Sample Test Answer Key
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