Image Hover Add-on
for Fusion Builder
J2-107, Tanish Srushti,
Alandi, Pune, 412105
Image Hover Add-on for Fusion Builder provides 200+ hover styles to use on
your images. You can apply multiple styles on different pages to make them
look more and more beautiful.
We’ve categorized the effects for you. You can choose effects from 35+
different categories.
The Image Hover Add-on plugin is an add-on for Fusion Builder Page Builder
that came free the Avada theme. In order to get this plugin working, you
need to meet the following minimum requirements -
WordPress - 4.5
PHP - 7.0 and above
Avada - 6.0 and above
Fusion Builder - 2.0 and above
1. Download the “Installable WordPress File” from the downloads dropdown on
Codecanyon Downloads page - https://codecanyon.net/downloads
2. Go to your WordPress admin -> Plugins -> Add New plugin page and click on
the “Upload” button near the “Add Plugins” page title.
3. Click on the “Choose File” button and select the downloaded plugin from
Codecanyon. Once the file is selected, click on the “Install Now” button to
install the plugin
4. Once the plugin is installed, click on the “Activate Plugin” link to activate it.
5. Now, go to Fusion Builder -> Settings and see if the element “Image Hover
Add-on” is listed and is checked.
Using Image Hover Element
Please follow these instructions in order to add the Image Hover Add-on to
your website and make use of the 200+ Hover effects.
Create a new page or edit the existing page on your website. You can choose
any version of the builder ( Backend or Frontend ). We prefer you to use the
Frontend version so you can see the live preview of each hover effect.
Click on the “Add Element” button in the Fusion Builder column.
From the Elements popup, search for the Image Hover Add-on and click on it
to insert it into the page.
Once you’ve added the element to the page, you can now begin customizing
the settings. The initial preview will look like this -
Introduction to the settings
Once you see the initial preview in the frontend builder, you can see the
element options on the right-side panel. Let’s see what each option is and how
we can use them.
General Settings
Hover Style
Select the hover style you want to apply. There are more than 200 hover
styles available to choose from. You can see the live preview in the live
The first image option adds an image to be displayed on all devices. You can
also add a retina image with a higher resolution for retina devices.
Retina Image
Retina image preview will only available if you're on the retina device.
Background Color
You can control the hover content background color with this option. You can
choose different background colors for each of the image hover elements on
your page to make them look even more beautiful.
Image Width
Select the css width for the image. Height will change in the proportion of the
width automatically. The image width is in pixel.
Link URL
You can add a link to your images along with the hover effect. You can select
any internal page using the link selector or enter your external url.
Elements Visibility
Choose to show or hide the element on small, medium or large screens. You
can choose more than one at a time. Each of the 3 sizes has a custom width
setting on the Fusion Builder Elements tab in the Theme Options.
CSS Class
Enter your css class name here to style the output as per your requirements
on the frontend.
Enter the CSS ID here that will help you link this image location from
anywhere on the same page or from an external page.
That’s it for the general tab settings. Let’s take a look at the next settings tab.
Title Tab
Options in the title tab apply to the title text on the hover content.
Title Text
This option controls the text being displayed as a title on the hover content.
You can keep it or remove the title entirely from the output; just keep the
field empty and the title will be removed.
Title Tag
You can control your title tag from here. For SEO purposes, we have added
an option for you to choose the title tag being used for this image hover
content title.
Title Font Size
When it comes to the text, the customization opportunities shouldn’t be
limited. We have added an option for you to choose the title font size to
make it look better when the image hover content is displayed.
Title Color
Control the title text color from here. Since the image hover content also has
a background color, you need to choose the text color, in contrast, to make
the text look clear and readable.
Let’s take a look at the final settings tab.
Description Tab
Similarly to the title tab, the description tab controls the options for the
description text on the image hover content.
Description Text
Control the text being displayed for the image description on hover content.
You can describe your image here. If you don’t need the description text,
simply keep the field empty and the description text will be removed from
the output on the frontend.
Description Font Size
Controls the description text font size. By default, the font-size is inherited
from your theme settings.
Description Color
Similarly to the title option, since the image hover content has a background
color, you need to choose a different description text color to make the text
appear clear and readable.
That’s all. You can customize each part of the image hover element output. In
case if any option is missing or you have a great idea, please feel free to submit
a support ticket with your ideas and we will get them implemented.
Plugin Support
If you have a valid license for the plugin, you can get the support from our
support site here - https://infiwebs.freshdesk.com/
In case you are having issues with the support system. You can simply mail us
your queries at -[email protected] with your license key and we will surely
look into it for you.