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Conversations (v2 Display): Review Fonts
1. Review Titles
2. Section Header
3. Section Header Controls
4. Review Text
Affects font family but does not always affect
font sizing.
5. Review Dates
6. Reviewer Name
7. Links
8. Buttons - Primary
Hover color of sort and filter dropdown text
can be modified in Buttons - Primary.
9. Default Filters
Reviews display example
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Conversations (v2 Display): Regional Review Fonts
1. Section Header
2. Review Dates
Regional reviews display example
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Conversations (v2 Display): Comments Display and Submission
1. Form Fieldset Label
2. Section Header
3. Review Text
4. Review Dates
5. Reviewer Name
6. Field Placeholder Text
7. Links*
Note: Font-weight, font-style, text
decoration from Review Text styling.
Font-size, font-transform, font-family,
color from Links styling.
8. Links
9. Buttons - Primary
9. Section Header Controls
10. Content Header
Comments Display
Comments Submission
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Conversations (v2 Display): Review Icons
16. Review Stars
For the v2 display, the Icon Size of review stars is not exact in
pixels. To calculate the Review Stars’ size, the Icon Size value in
the Icons menu is multiplied by 0.75 to determine the final size
of the stars. For example, a font size value of 16px would result
in a star width and height of 12px (16 * 0.75 = 12).
‘Full’ color changes outlines and fill of display submission stars
under “Review this Product”
‘Empty’ state affects empty star backgrounds in submission
form stars.
18. Bars
The badge icon colors can be configured from Icons: Bars: Full.
19. Buttons Primary
The “button” option sets the color of the Helpfulness
voting icons.
Reviews display example
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Conversations (v2 Display): Q&A Fonts
1. Review Titles
2. Section Header
3. Review Text
4. Review Dates
5. Reviewer Name
6. Links
7. Buttons - Primary
8. Buttons Secondary
9. Default Filters
Questions & Answers display example
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Conversations (v2 Display): Submission (main section)
1. Form Fieldset Label
2. Section Header
3. Section Header Controls
4. Labels
5. Dimension Values
Note: The default setting has a transparent
background, with the font and border color being
the same as the applied color. When a pill is
selected, the colors invert, resulting in the
background taking on the applied color while the
font color changes to a default white.
6. Links
7. Buttons - Primary
8. Buttons - Secondary
9. Review Stars
‘Full’ color changes outlines and fill of full submission
‘Empty’ color affects empty star backgrounds in
submission stars.
10. Buttons - Primary
Any changes outside of the list above cannot be done.
Submission form example
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Conversations (v2 Display): Submission (other sections)
1. Form Fieldset Label
2. Section Header
3. Section Header Controls
4. Labels
5. Dimension Values
Note: The default setting has a transparent
background, with the font and border color being
the same as the applied color. When a pill is
selected, the colors invert, resulting in the
background taking on the applied color while the
font color changes to a default white.
6. Links
7. Buttons - Primary
8. Buttons - Secondary
9. Review Stars
‘Full’ color changes outlines and fill of full submission
‘Empty’ color affects empty star backgrounds in
submission stars.
10. Buttons - Primary
11. Buttons Secondary
Any changes outside of the list above cannot be done.
Submission form examples
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Conversations (v2 Display): Content Coach
1. Form Fieldset Label
2. Section Header
Note: If Section Header is set to transparent, then
background color will be set as #F2F2F2.
3. Section Header Controls
4. Labels
5. Review Text
6. Dimension Values
7. Links
8. Buttons - Primary
Any changes outside of the list above cannot be
Content Coach example
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Conversations (v2 Display): Q&A Submission
1. Section Header
2. Form Fieldset Label
3. Review Text
4. Links
Note: Outline of the focused inputs use the Links color.
5. Buttons Primary
6. Labels
7. Primary Button
Affects the background color of submission form
buttons, which will have 50% opacity until form
sections are completed.
Note for Cancel button: The Cancel button uses Fonts:
Buttons - Primary as its font family, Backgrounds:
Primary Button as the button color and border color and
a transparent color as the background color.
8. Lightbox
9. Primary Button
Any changes outside of the list above cannot be done.
Question submission form example
Answer submission form example
© Bazaarvoice, 2024 11
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Conversations: Fonts and Icons Menu Options
Fonts Menu Options
Font Family: Limited to what is displayed in the drop down
Font Color: Select from palette or enter the desired hex code.
Font Size: In pixels
Line Height: In pixels
Character Style: Limited to Bold, Underline, Italic
Capitalization: Limited to Default, Capitalize Words, ALL CAPS,
Link States
All: Changes will be applied to all link states.
Link: Changes will be applied to default link state only.
Active: Changes will be applied to the active link state only.
Hover: Changes will be applied to the hover link state only.
Visited: Changes will be applied to the visited link state only.
Button States
All: Changes will be applied to all button states.
Button: Changes will be applied to default button state only.
Active: Changes will be applied to the active button state only.
Hover: Changes will be applied to the hover button state only.
Custom Fonts
To use custom fonts, they can either be detected from your site’s
stylesheet using the Style Detector or added using the
Manage Styles palette.
Icons Menu Options
Stars and Bars
Icon Color: Hex code can be specified for full and empty stars if
not already in the palette.
Icon Image: Limited to 1 of 2 options, rounded stars or sharp
Icon Size: In pixels.
Any changes outside of the list above cannot be done.
Fonts menu: Default Fonts menu: Links
Fonts menu: Buttons
Icons menu: Stars and Bars
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Conversations: Background and Border Menu Options
Backgrounds Menu Options
Background Color: Select a background color from the palette
or enter the hex code of the desired color.
Gradient: Adds a gradient from Gradient Color to Background
Color. Select whether the gradient should start at the Top or
Gradient Color: Select a color from the palette or enter the hex
code of the desired color.
Gradient Opacity: Set the opacity for the gradient.
Form Fieldset States
All: Changes will be applied to all form fieldset states
Normal: Changes will be applied to default form fieldset state
Selected: Changes will be applied to the active form fieldset
state only.
Button States
All: Changes will be applied to all button states.
Button: Changes will be applied to default button state only.
Hover: Changes will be applied to the hover button state only.
Borders Menu Options
Select borders to edit: Specify and enable/disable the top,
bottom, left and/or right borders.
Color: Select a border color from the palette or enter the hex
code of the desired color.
Width: Select a border width in pixels.
Style: Select a border style from the dropdown: None, Hidden,
Dotted, Dashed, Solid, Double, Groove, Ridge or Inset.
Border Radius: Specify a border radius in pixels to add rounded
corners to an object. Each corner can have different settings, or
one setting can be applied for all corners.
Any changes outside of the list above cannot be done.
Backgrounds menu Backgrounds menu: Form Fieldset
Backgrounds menu: Buttons
Borders menu
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Conversations (v2 Display): Review Backgrounds and Borders
19. Rating Summary
20. Section Header
21. Section Header Controls
22. Content Item
23. Content Header
24. Content Summary
25. Buttons - Primary
The “button” option sets the color of the Helpfulness voting icons.
26. Default Filters
The filter and sort menu buttons both take background colors from
this. The selected option also uses the Default Filters background.
The hover option inverts the Default Filters background and Default
Filters font colors.
31. Content Header
32. Content Summary
35. Section Header
Reviews display example
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Conversations (v2 Display): Q&A Backgrounds and Borders
1. Section Header
2. Section Header Controls
3. Buttons - Primary
4. Buttons Secondary
5. Default Filters
6. Content Header
7. Content Summary
8. Primary Button
9. Secondary Button
Questions & Answers v2 display example
© Bazaarvoice, 2024 15
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Conversations (v2 Display): Review Margins and Padding
Margins and Padding
To style the background settings for margin and padding:
Expand the Margin & Padding section of the style editor to
customize how margins and paddings are displayed for rating
summaries and content elements.
Select the element you want to customize from the drop-down
Enable Uniform margins or Uniform padding to automatically
apply the latest value you enter into a margin or padding field to
the remaining fields.
Specify the top, bottom, left, and right margin and padding
values (in pixels) within the appropriate field.
36. Rating Summary
37. Content Item
38. Content Header
39. Content Summary
Reviews display example
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Conversations (v2 Display): Q&A Margins and Padding
Margins and Padding
To style the background settings for margin and padding:
Expand the Margin & Padding section of the style editor to
customize how margins and paddings are displayed for rating
summaries and content elements.
Select the element you want to customize from the drop-down
Enable Uniform margins or Uniform padding to automatically
apply the latest value you enter into a margin or padding field to
the remaining fields.
Specify the top, bottom, left, and right margin and padding
values (in pixels) within the appropriate field.
36. Rating Summary
37. Content Item
38. Content Header
39. Content Summary
Any changes outside of the list above cannot be done.
Questions & Answers display example
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Conversations: Multi-Product Submission
40. Review Stars
Full: The full star fill color, used for both product ratings and
secondary ratings, is measured against the app background of
#FFF (white).
Empty: The star empty color is measured against the star fill and
app background colors.
41. Links
Link color is measured against the app background color.
42. Buttons Primary
43. Buttons - Primary
This color is the background of the OK button as well as the border
and font color of the Cancel button.
Main ratings page
Terms and conditions agreement
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Conversations: Multi-Product Submission
42. Buttons - Primary
This color is used for the text color for the buttons on the form,
such as the “Finish” button shown.
43. Buttons - Primary
This color is used in many different places.
It is used as the active question number color.
It is used for the Slider handle as well as the tooltip border.
It is also used for the Submit button background.
Form page
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Conversations: Multi-Product Submission
43. Buttons - Primary
This color is used in many different places.
It is used as the text color for the message to either add text to
your rating or to finish editing.
It is used for the active border color for text inputs.
It is more importantly used as the brand color, so most styles
default to whatever is provided in this field. This includes the
other question types, such as the single and multi-select.
It is also used for the CTA button at the bottom of the page.
Add text to your rating
Active border color for text inputs
Multi-select inactive border, text and active background colors
Bottom of page CTA button text color and border color
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Conversations: In-Mail Submission Email Template
44. Review Stars
Full: The full star fill color is measured against the email background.
For the stars next to the radio buttons, a slightly lighter version of the
full star color is used on the filled stars. On hover and click, the filled
stars are full color. For the clickable stars in the “Rate your other
purchases” section, the full star color is used for stars when hovered
over and clicked on.
Note: To meet accessibility standards and accommodate a broader range of brand colors,
we allow a low contrast ratio (1.2:1) for the review stars full color. If the contrast ratio is
lower than 1.2:1, or if an element is transparent, the fallback color #444 (dark gray) is used.
Empty: The empty star color is used for the star color outline in the
stars next to the radio buttons. The empty star outline color is also
used in the “Rate your other purchases” section.
Note: To meet accessibility standards and accommodate a broader range of brand colors,
we allow a low contrast ratio (1.2:1) for the review stars outline color. This helps prevent
white-on-white and transparency issues while still accepting common, low-contrast color
combinations if desired. If the contrast ratio is lower than 1.2:1, or if an element is
transparent, the fallback color #CCC (light gray) is used.
45. Review Text
This color is used for the main text colors in the email.
A slightly lighter version of this color is used for the following text.
“Can’t enter text?” message under “Your review.”
“Quality insights are...” text under the review text field.
“If you are unable to submit...” text under the Submit button.
“Start rating” text under the clickable stars.
Non-linked text in the footer.
46. Links
Link: This color is used for the link colors in the email.
Note: To avoid color combinations that do not meet accessibility standards, we allow for a
contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for all elements. If the contrast ratio is lower than 4.5:1, or if an element
is transparent, the fallback color #0066B4 (blue) is used.
47. Buttons - Primary
Primary Button: This color is used for the text color of the buttons. For
example, the “WRITE A REVIEW” button.
Note: To avoid color combinations that do not meet accessibility standards, we allow for a
contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for all elements. If the contrast ratio is lower than 4.5:1, or if an element
is transparent, the fallback color #fff (very light gray) is used.
47. Buttons - Primary
This color is used for the button backgrounds.
On some iOS devices, a disabled button is indicated using a slightly
lighter background color based on the primary button color.
49. Primary Button
The top left border radius determines the border radius of the buttons.
In-Mail Submission Email Template
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Conversations: Review Highlights
50. Review Highlight Stars
51. Links
52. Application Title
53. Review Title
54. Pro/Con Container Title
55. Review/Highlight Text
56. Highlight Title
Review Highlights examples