All the CSS available in this Document
can be added to the Custom CSS section
inside Edwiser RemUI general settings.
Note: The CSS mentioned below in this article are exclusively for version Edwiser
RemUI 3.3.x and above until Edwiser RemUI 3.5.11, Edwiser RemUI 3.6.7 and
Edwiser RemUI 3.7.4
For Newer version i.e Edwiser RemUI 3.7.5 and above the CSS are added at the
end of this page.
1. Slider element: Change the font size of Slider heading and description.
1.1 For Slider Header
#page-site-index .home-sections .slider-heading {
font-size: 50px !important;
1.2 For Slider description
#page-site-index .home-sections .slider-text {
font-size: 25px !important;
2. HTML element : Configure HTML block with a button (call-to-action)
<h1 class="vc_custom_heading" style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size:
24pt;"><strong><span style="color: #56509f;">Enroll Your Child To One of Our Classes
<div class="w-p100 text-center my-50"><a class="btn btn-warning" style="background:red;"
href="" target="_blank">LEARN MORE</a></div>
3. About Us element: Add pop-up animation for the blocks in About Us section.
#page-site-index section[data-sectionname="aboutus"] div.row div.col-lg-12:last-child > div.row
> div > div {
transition : all .25s ease;
#page-site-index section[data-sectionname="aboutus"] div.row div.col-lg-12:last-child > div.row
> div > div:hover {
transform: scale(1.1);
4. Team element: Change the font size of Member name and Member quote.
4.1 For Member name
#page-site-index section[data-sectionname="team"] div.row:nth-child(2) h5 {
font-size: 20px !important;
4.2 For Member quote
#page-site-index section[data-sectionname="team"] div.row:nth-child(2) p {
font-size: 14px !important;
5. CSS hack to hide Footer area
5.1 To hide site Footer from Site Home.
#page-site-index .site-footer {
display: none;
5.2 To hide site Footer from all pages.
.site-footer {
display: none;
6. CSS hack to change background color of Left Navigation
background-color: green!important;
7. CSS hack to change text color in Left Navigation
.site-menubar .site-menu>.site-menu-item>a {
color: white!important;
8. CSS hack to change Active Link background color and Text color in Left
.site-menubar-light .site-menu>>a{
color: black!important;
background-color: yellow!important;
9. CSS code to change the hover color in Left Sidebar
.site-menu>.site-menu-item:hover {
background: coral !important;
10. CSS code to change the color of the 4 buttons in the Left bottom region in
Left Navigation
10.1 Background for left bottom region
.site-menubar-footer > a {
background: coral !important;
10.2 Background on hover
.site-menubar-footer > a:hover {
background: #d05a2f !important;
10.3 Icons color
.site-menubar-footer > a > .fa {
color: white !important;
Refer next page for CSS suitable for Edwiser RemUI 3.7.5 and above
CSS for Edwiser RemUI 3.7.5 and higher versions:
1. CSS hack to hide Footer area
a. To hide site Footer from Site Home
#page-site-index #page-footer {
b. To hide site Footer from all pages.
#page-footer {
2. CSS hack to change background color of Left Navigation
#nav-drawer {
background-color : green;
#nav-drawer a.list-group-item {
background-color : green;
3. CSS hack to change text color in Left Navigation
#nav-drawer a.list-group-item {
color: white;
4. CSS hack to change Active Link background color and Text color in Left
#nav-drawer {
background-color: blue;
color: coral;
5. CSS code to change the hover color in Left Sidebar
#nav-drawer a.list-group-item:hover {
background-color: blue;