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IT Change Management Policy
TEC 14.0
Office of Information Technology
Institutional Type: Operational
Applies to: Office of Information Technology Staff Members
Issued: 12/4/2019
Revised Last: 2/23/2024
Edited by: Tina Stuchell
Reviewed: 2/23/2024
This policy establishes the requirements and processes that the Office of Information Technology uses to identify,
document and authorize changes to within the Information Technology environment. It minimizes the likelihood of
disruptions, unauthorized alterations and errors.
Change Management
Change Management
Log Report
Change Authority
Change Control
Change History
Refers to a formal process for making changes to IT systems. A process for recording changes in IT
Information Technology
Log that is maintained by IT Staff Members related to changes in the IT Environment.
The addition, modification or removal of approved, supported or baseline hardware, network, software,
application, environment, system.
The person or group authorizing a change.
The procedure to ensure that all changes are controlled, including the submission, analysis, decision
making, approval, implementation and post implementation of the change.
Information of changes for historical purposes, for example, what was done, when it was done, by whom
and why.
Policy Details
This policy formalizes the requirements for changes within the Information Technology environment. The change
procedures are designed with the size and complexity of the environment in mind. The change process includes
provisions that whenever system changes are implemented, the associated documentation and procedures are updated
Change management generally includes the following steps:
Planning: Plan the change, including the implementation design, schedule, communication plan, test plan, and
roll back plan.
Evaluation: Evaluate the change, including determining the risk based in priority level of service and the nature of
the proposed change, determining the change type and the change process to use.
Review: Review change plan with peers and/or appropriate change authority as determined by the type of
Communication: Communicate about changes with the appropriate parties (targeted or campus wide).
Implementation: Implement the change.
Documentation: Document the change and any review and approval information.
IT Change Management Policy
TEC 14.0
Office of Information Technology
Applies to: Information Technology Staff Members
University of Mount Union Page 2 of 4
Post-change review: Review the change with an eye to future improvements.
This policy applies to all changes to architectures, tools and IT services provided by the Office of Information Technology.
Modifications made to non-production systems (such as testing environments with no impact on production IT Services)
are outside the scope of this policy.
Staff maintaining systems and network systems are required to document changes. The Office of Information Technology
staff will record changes for the following categories of the IT Environment:
Telephony/Teams environments (including audio codes)
Network equipment (including Wireless Access Points (WAP))
Servers, including new installation and patches
Administrative and Academic Systems
Mobile Apps
Liquidation/Destruction of Hard Drives
PCI Network
Cash Registers
NOC Access
Internal Risk Assessment
Penetration Network Tests
Network monitoring/BitLyft
This list is not all inclusive but list the main categories that should be covered with regard to change management.
All changes to IT services must follow a structured process to ensure appropriate planning and execution.
Types of Changes:
There are three types of changes: (a) a standard change, (b) a normal change (of low, medium, or high risk), and (c) an
Emergency Change.
Standard A repeatable change that has been pre-authorized by the Change Authority by means of a documented
procedure that controls risk and has predictable outcomes.
Normal a change that is not an emergency change or a standard change. Normal changes follow the defined steps of
the change management process. Low, Medium, or High priority is determined by the Change Authority, IT or delegates
according to the Risk Assessment Instrument included below.
a. Normal Low Changes must be reviewed and approved by the change authority.
b. Normal Medium Changes must be reviewed and approved by the Change Authority and unit director or system
c. Normal High Changes must be approved by the IT Executive Team as Change Authority.
Emergency Change A change that must be introduced as soon as possible due to likely negative service impacts.
There may be fewer people involved in the change management process review, and the change assessment may
involve fewer steps due to the urgent nature of the issue; however, any Emergency Change must still be authorized by a
IT Executive.
Risk Assessment Instrument: Risk and Change Type Matrix for Normal and Emergency Changes.
Determine the impact of the change to the service.
Then assess the urgency of the proposed change (low can generally wait, Medium, cannot, and high needs to be
done ASAP)
The matrix shows whether the type of change is then a Normal Low, Normal Medium, Normal High, or an
Emergency Change (Note: A Standard change does not need to use this matrix because risk is controlled by a
pre-approved standardized process)
IT Change Management Policy
TEC 14.0
Office of Information Technology
Applies to: Information Technology Staff Members
University of Mount Union Page 3 of 4
Low Urgency
Medium Urgency
High Urgency
Impact Organization
Change affects more than
2,000 individuals
Normal Medium
Normal High
Impact Area
Changes affects
approximately 1,000 or
less individuals
Normal Medium
Normal High
Normal High
Impact Department
Change affects
approximately 100 or less
Normal Medium
Normal Medium
Normal High
Impact User
Change affects
approximately 10 or less
Normal Low
Normal Low
Normal Medium
Changes to production systems are made only by authorized individuals in a controlled manner.
Cloud hosted/SaaS Software
Mount Union has many systems that are SaaS based. Regular upgrades to those systems are completed by the vendor
on a regular schedule and communicated to Mount Union IT staff. If an emergency upgrade or patch is needed to be
installed for SaaS software, the vendor completes those updates and will notify Mount Union IT staff.
It is important to record changes communicated to IT staff by vendor. The following information should be included:
Date the change was implemented.
Who made the change?
Who authorized the change?
What new functionality is available as a result of the change?
What was the reason for the change?
Was the change tested before implementation?
Record version level
Mount Union on prem hosted systems.
For in house systems where possible a process for rolling back to the previous version should be identified. It is also
important to document what changes have been made. The Change Management Log Report should be updated
accordingly. It is important to include the following information when recording changes:
Date the change was implemented.
Who made the change?
Who authorized the change? If multiple people, please record.
What new functionality is available as a result of the change.
What technical elements were affected by the change?
Was the change tested before implementation?
If software or firmware upgrades, record version level.
The Change Management Log Report is available for each IT Environment/System and is kept current by the manager
and director of each area.
Position or Office
Office of Information
Technology (Technical
Services, Director of IT)
IT Change Management Policy
TEC 14.0
Office of Information Technology
Applies to: Information Technology Staff Members
University of Mount Union Page 4 of 4
Position or Office
Office of Information Technology
This policy was established in 2019 part of GLBA compliancy.
All changes must be listed sequentially, including edits and reviews. Note when the policy name or number changes.
Issued: 12/11/19
Revised: 2/23/2024
Edited by: Tina Stuchell
Reviewed: 2/23/2024