CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration
Revision 4
November 29, 2023
IT Security Procedural Guide:
External Information System
CIO-IT Security-19-101
DocuSign Envelope ID: E43D0B5B-A6FF-475C-BF37-A314F33F8777
CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration
Reason for Change
Number of
Initial Release October 22, 2019
New guide created
Guide needed to monitor external
information systems.
Revision 1 March 11, 2020
Updated ISSO Checklist due dates,
clarified deliverable
review/acceptance process, and
added usage of Archer for ISSO
checklists. Updated process workflow
Update to reflect current GSA
guidance and clarify deliverable
review/acceptance process.
Revision 2 January 25, 2023
Revisions include:
Aligned due dates to support due
dates in the FY23 Management
Implementation Plan.
Identified which annual
deliverables are due in March and
Added deliverable requirements
regarding Supply Chain Risk
Updated to the latest guide format
and style.
Periodic update and alignment to
GSA policies and guidance.
Revision 3 March 31, 2020
Corrected due date in Section 4.1.
Added due dates to Biennial
deliverables in Table 6-1.
Correction of due date.
Section 4.1,
Table 6.1
Revision 4 November 29, 2023
Updated due dates to align with
FY24 IT Security Program
Management Implementation
- Added Red Team exercise
- Added SA-11(1) Static Code
analysis requirement.
Edited and formatted to current
Periodic update.
DocuSign Envelope ID: E43D0B5B-A6FF-475C-BF37-A314F33F8777
CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration
IT Security Procedural Guide: External Information System Monitoring, CIO-IT Security-19-101,
Revision 4, is hereby approved for distribution.
Bo Berlas
GSA Chief Information Security Officer
Contact: GSA Office of the Chief Information Security Officer (OCISO), Policy and
Compliance Division (ISP), at ispcomp[email protected].
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration i
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 References .................................................................................................................. 1
2 Roles and Responsibilities............................................................................................... 2
2.1 GSA Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) ............................................................ 2
2.2 Authorizing Officials (AO) ............................................................................................. 2
2.3 Office of CISO Division Directors (OCISO) .................................................................. 2
2.4 Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM) ............................................................ 3
2.5 Information System Security Officer (ISSO) ................................................................. 3
2.6 System Owner ............................................................................................................. 3
2.7 Contracting Officer/Contracting Officer Representative (CO/COR) .............................. 3
3 Deliverable Requirements ................................................................................................ 3
3.1 Quarterly Deliverables ................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Annual Deliverables ..................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Biennial Frequency Deliverables .................................................................................. 5
4 Deliverable Submission and Review Timelines .............................................................. 5
4.1 Vendor Submissions .................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Review Process ........................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Tracking and Monitoring Reviews ................................................................................ 7
5 External Information System Monitoring Process .......................................................... 7
5.1 Vendor Requirements .................................................................................................. 8
5.2 CO/COR Requirements ............................................................................................... 9
5.3 ISSO Requirements ..................................................................................................... 9
5.4 ISSM Requirements ..................................................................................................... 9
5.5 System Management ................................................................................................... 9
6 Storage of A&A Artifacts .................................................................................................10
Appendix A Related Artifacts ..............................................................................................12
Figure 5-1: Workflow for External System Monitoring Process ............................................ 8
Table 6-1: Deliverable Locations and Frequencies ...............................................................10
Hyperlinks in running text will be provided if they link to a location within this document
(i.e., a different section). Hyperlinks will be provided for external sources unless the
hyperlink is to a web page or document listed in Section 1.3. For example, Google
Forms, Google Docs, and websites will have links.
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 1
1 Introduction
Many of the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Information Technology (IT) systems are
external information systems. While GSA does not have day-to-day operational responsibility for
securing these systems, Public Law 113-283, Federal Information Security Modernization Act
of 2014, (FISMA) places ultimate responsibility for security with GSA. This requires developing
processes to ensure adequate oversight, including having the correct contracting language
outlined in CIO-IT Security-09-48: Security and Privacy Requirements for IT Acquisition Efforts
and ensuring deliverables are provided in a timely manner and meet requirements outlined
within this document.
The deliverables identified throughout this guide are monitored via Information Systems Security
Officer (ISSO) Checklists generated from GSA’s Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) tool
implementation. The due dates in this guide have been set to enable the due dates specified in
CIO-IT Security-08-39: FY24 IT Security Program Management Implementation Plan, and the
ISSO Checklists aligned to those dates, to be met. For example, the due dates in this guide
provide time for reviewing, updating as necessary, and accepting/approving deliverables.
1.1 Purpose
This procedural guide defines the processes and procedures that will be used to ensure that
external information systems are monitored, and that required deliverables are provided timely
and meet GSA security requirements.
1.2 Scope
The requirements outlined within this guide apply to and must be followed by all GSA Federal
employees, contractors, and vendors who oversee/protect GSA information systems and data.
The guide provides GSA Federal employees, contractors, and vendors as identified in GSA
Order CIO 2100.1, GSA Information Technology (IT) Security Policy, and other IT personnel
involved in the oversight of external information systems, with the specific processes to follow
for properly accomplishing oversight of external information systems under their purview.
1.3 References
Note: GSA updates its IT security policies and procedural guides on independent cycles (at a
minimum every 3 years) which may introduce conflicting guidance until revised guides are
developed. In addition, many of the references listed are updated by external organizations
which can lead to inconsistencies with GSA policies and guides. When conflicts or
inconsistencies are noticed, please contact for guidance.
Federal Laws, Standards, Regulations, and Publications:
Public Law 113-283, Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014
GSA Guidance Policies, Procedures, Guidance:
The GSA policy listed below is available on the Directives Library webpage.
GSA Order CIO 2100.1, GSA Information Technology (IT) Security Policy
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 2
The GSA CIO-IT Security Procedural Guides listed below are available on the IT
Security Procedural Guides webpage.
CIO-IT Security-08-39, FY24 IT Security Program Management Implementation Plan
CIO-IT Security-09-44, Plan of Actions and Milestones (POA&M)
CIO-IT Security-09-48, Security and Privacy Requirements for IT Acquisition Efforts
2 Roles and Responsibilities
There are many roles associated with external information system monitoring. The roles and
responsibilities in this section have been extracted or paraphrased from CIO 2100.1 or
summarized from GSA and Federal guidance. CIO 2100.1 contains a complete listing of roles
and responsibilities for GSA management officials and roles with significant IT Security
2.1 GSA Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
Responsibilities include:
Implementing and overseeing GSA’s IT Security Program by developing and publishing
security policies and IT security procedural guides.
Establishing reporting deadlines for IT Security related issues requiring an agency
response affecting the GSA IT Security Program.
Establishing and maintaining a process for planning, implementing, evaluating, and
documenting remedial action to address any deficiencies in the information security
policies, procedures, and practices of the agency.
Supporting the GSA CIO in reporting to the GSA Administrator on the effectiveness of
the agency information security program, including progress of remedial actions.
2.2 Authorizing Officials (AO)
Responsibilities include:
Reviewing and approving security safeguards of information systems and issuing ATO
approvals for each information system under their purview based on the acceptability of
the security safeguards of the system (risk-management approach).
Providing support to the Information Systems Security Managers (ISSMs) and ISSOs
appointed by the GSA CISO for GSA systems under their purview.
2.3 Office of CISO Division Directors (OCISO)
Responsibilities include:
Monitoring adherence and proper implementation of GSA’s IT Security Policy and
reporting the results to the CISO.
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 3
2.4 Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM)
Responsibilities include:
Ensuring Assessment and Authorization (A&A) support documentation is developed and
maintained for the life of the system, including the usage of GSA’s implementation of its
current Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) solution;
Reviewing and approving ISSO checklists submitted in GSA’s current GRC solution and
coordinating with ISSOs, as necessary, for systems under their purview.
Ensuring adherence and proper implementation of GSA’s IT Security Policy.
2.5 Information System Security Officer (ISSO)
Responsibilities include:
Ensuring the system is operated, used, maintained, and disposed of in accordance with
documented security policies and procedures.
Completing the recurring activities in ISSO checklists, completing the checklists in GSA’s
current GRC solution, and submitting the checklists when completed.
2.6 System Owner
Responsibilities include:
Consulting with the ISSM and ISSO and receiving the approval of the AO when selecting
the mix of controls, technologies, and procedures that best fit the risk profile of the
Participating in activities related to the A&A of the system to include security planning,
risk assessments, security and incident response testing, configuration management,
and contingency planning and testing.
Supporting the security measures and goals established by the CISO.
2.7 Contracting Officer/Contracting Officer Representative (CO/COR)
Responsibilities include:
Coordinating with the CISO or other appropriate official as required, ensuring that all
agency contracts and procurements are compliant with the agency’s information security
policy and include appropriate security contracting language and security requirements
in each contract.
Ensuring new solicitations for all GSA IT systems include the security contract language
from GSA CIO-IT Security-09-48.
3 Deliverable Requirements
There are three types of deliverables in monitoring external information systems at GSA,
categorized by frequency: Quarterly, Annual, and Biennial. Unless specified otherwise within
this guide, the creation, management, and reporting of each deliverable type is the same.
Deliverables that can be attested to by the vendor of the external information system are
identified with an “*” in the following sections.
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 4
In addition to the periodic requirements listed in the following sections, per Binding Operational
Directive (BOD) 22-01, Reducing the Significant Risk of Known Exploitable Vulnerabilities
(KEV), vendors must provide an email, within 7 days of the KEV remediation requirement, to the
ISSO/ISSM or COR certifying remediation consistent with the BOD 22-01 KEV requirement
supported with clean authenticated scan reports.
Federal mandates may be issued regarding Federal Information Systems requiring vendors to
provide data regarding any such systems they operate, administer, manage, or maintain.
Vendors will be required to provide data in accordance with any such mandate. Per 40 U.S.C
[United States Code], Subtitle III, Chapter 113, Section 11331, Definitions, “The term 'Federal
information system' means an information system used or operated by an executive agency, by
a contractor of an executive agency, or by another organization on behalf of an executive
3.1 Quarterly Deliverables
The following deliverables will be submitted on a quarterly basis. Quarterly deliverables are due
one month prior to the end of each quarter.
Operating System Vulnerability scan Reports
Web Application Vulnerability scan Reports
Plan of Action & Milestones (POA&M) Update
Static Code analysis was performed, as necessary
FISMA Quarterly Metrics data, as necessary
Update vulnerability management procedures, as necessary, to address:
o Subscribing to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) KEV
Catalog for automated updates.
o Remediating vulnerabilities identified in the KEV within 14 days of addition.
o Providing within 7 days from the required remediation date an email to the
ISSO/ISSM or Contracting Officer Representative (COR) certifying remediation
consistent with BOD 22-01 requirements supported with clean authenticated scan
3.2 Annual Deliverables
The following deliverables will be submitted on an annual basis. As identified below some
annual deliverables are due in March and others are due in July. In addition, an annual High
Value Asset (HVA) data call will be due in August. If a Self-Attestation Letter is used, it is due on
the same schedule as the deliverable being attested to.
Vendors with an annual security deliverable schedule and due dates which do not align with the
due dates listed, may follow the contract schedule until a contract modification is issued.
Vendors are encouraged to align with the FY24 due dates where possible.
Due February 25
Annual FISMA Self-Assessment, if applicable
System Security Privacy Plan (SSPP)
Contingency Plan
Contingency Plan Test Report
Incident Response (IR) Test Report
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 5
User Certification/Authorization Review Documents
*Separation of Duties Document/Matrix
Due June 25
Penetration Test Report, if applicable
Red Team Exercise Results Report, if applicable
*Information Security Awareness and Training Records
*System(s) Baseline Configuration Standard Document
Information Exchange Agreements (IEAs)/Interconnection Security Agreements
(ISAs)/Memorandum of Agreements (MOAs), if applicable
*Rules of Behavior
Configuration Management Plan
*Personnel Screening and Security (background investigations)
System Configuration Settings Verification (e.g., scans)
Privacy Threshold Assessment/Privacy Impact Assessment, if applicable (i.e., an update
is required)
*Supply Chain Risk Management Plan (associated with SR-2 control)
Due August 29
HVA Data Call, if applicable
*Attestation acceptable in a Vendor Attestation Statement (Annual).
3.3 Biennial Frequency Deliverables
The following deliverables will be submitted on a biennial basis. The deliverables listed, or a
Self-Attestation Letter, if used, is due on June 25
in even numbered years.
*System Maintenance (MA) Policy and Procedures
*System and Information Integrity (SI) Policy and Procedures
*System and Communication Protection Policy and Procedures
*Security Awareness and Training Policy and Procedures
*Incident Response (IR) Policy and Procedures
*Access Control (AC) Policy and Procedures
*Audit and Accountability (A&A) Policy and Procedures
*Identification and Authentication (IA) Policy and Procedures
*Key Management Policy
*Media Protection (MP) Policy and Procedures
*Personnel Security Policy and Procedures
*Physical and Environmental Policy and Procedures
*Supply Chain Risk Management Policy and Procedures
*Attestation acceptable in Vendor Attestation Statement (Biennial)
4 Deliverable Submission and Review Timelines
As noted in previous sections, submission due dates are used to ensure adequate time is
allowed for deliverable creation, review, corrective action, and reporting. Submission dates are
aligned to allow reporting based on the Federal Fiscal Year (FY) (October 1
September 30
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 6
The FY quarters end on the last day of December, March, June, and September. The FY ends
on the last day of September, and Biennial deliverables are aligned with even number FYs (e.g.,
2020, 2022).
4.1 Vendor Submissions
The Vendor Security Deliverable Quality Checklist is used to ensure all supporting artifacts meet
GSA requirements, including documents identified in vendor attestation statements. The vendor
is encouraged to use the quality checklist to verify that their deliverables meet GSA’s
requirements. The GSA ISSO uses the quality checklist to validate that the deliverables are
acceptable. Deliverable submissions are due as indicated below.
Quarterly Artifacts/Deliverables are due 1 month prior to the completion of each quarter.
Due dates are the last workday of the months listed:
o Quarter 1 November
o Quarter 2 February
o Quarter 3 May
o Quarter 4 August
Annual Deliverables and Vendor Attestation Statements with supporting artifacts are due
by either February 23
, June 25
, or August 29
, as identified in Section 3.2.
Biennial Vendor Attestation Statements are due June 25
in even numbered years.
4.2 Review Process
The deliverables submission and review process is depicted in Figure 5.1 and summarized in
the steps below.
Step 1A and 1B. The vendor produces the required deliverables, including vendor attestation
letters, as appropriate. The deliverables are then delivered to GSA.
Step 2A and 2B. The GSA ISSO and Contracting Officer/Contracting Officer Representative
(CO/COR) review the deliverables and, based on contractual requirements and the Vendor
Security Deliverable Quality Checklist, determine their acceptability.
Step 2C. The GSA ISSO and ISSM use the Contractor ISSO Checklists implemented in GSA’s
GRC tool to document reviews and actions based on those reviews.
Steps 3, 4A, and 4B. If there are issues with the deliverables, the ISSO coordinates with the
vendor to correct minor issues. Major issues are coordinated between the ISSO and ISSM. Any
issues resulting in non-compliance (checklist and attestation letter) will be handled through the
POA&M process as defined in CIO-IT Security-09-44.
Step 4A and 5. The ISSM reviews deliverables and coordinates with the vendor/ISSO to correct
any minor issues Major issues that cannot be resolved are handled via the system’s POA&M.
Step 6. GSA’s GRC tool is used to report on status and is also used by ISSMs and others to
analyze checklist data for possible process improvements.
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 7
4.3 Tracking and Monitoring Reviews
Quarterly, Annual, and Biennial Contractor ISSO Checklists have been implemented in GSA’s
GRC tool for vendor deliverables. These checklists are used by ISSOs to document deliverable
reviews and actions taken based on those reviews. Checklist campaigns are created based on
the frequency of the deliverables and assigned to ISSOs who receive an email notification.
ISSOs complete a checklist and submit it in the GRC tool, which generates an email to ISSMs
indicating a checklist has been submitted for their review and approval. ISSMs approve or reject
submitted checklists. ISSOs review rejected checklists and coordinate with the ISSM and the
vendor to address any issues until a checklist is able to be resubmitted and approved.
5 External Information System Monitoring Process
Figure 5-1 depicts the workflow associated with the external information system monitoring
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 8
Figure 5-1: Workflow for External System Monitoring Process
5.1 Vendor Requirements
The vendor is responsible for providing all deliverables/artifacts that meet or exceed the
checklist criteria on or before the submission date. Any questions or concerns should be
discussed with the ISSO and/or CO/COR.
The vendor should submit the documents to both the CO/COR and the ISSO and if sent by
email the artifacts should be encrypted.
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 9
5.2 CO/COR Requirements
The CO/COR is responsible for reviewing the contractor submissions as it deems fit. The
CISO’s office will not prescribe a checklist for the CO/COR.
The CO/COR is required to notify the ISSO with their acceptance or rejection of the
submissions, so their information is included for the ISSM review.
5.3 ISSO Requirements
The ISSO is responsible for ensuring timely submission by the vendor as well as ensuring that
the submission meets the requirements identified in the checklist.
The ISSO will identify any issues with the submissions and will work with the vendor and
CO/COR to adjust the submissions prior to the end of the ISSO review period. If adjustments
are made, the ISSO checklists should be updated and the adjusted submissions should be
stored on the Team Drive.
Prior to the ISSO finalizing their review, they need confirmation from the CO/COR that a review
was performed. If any issues were observed, the ISSO must report that information to the ISSM.
The ISSO can, at any time, elevate items or issues. The ISSO should initially attempt to elevate
items to the ISSM, but they may also, as necessary, include the System Owner, Authorizing
Official, or CISO.
The ISSO is responsible for disseminating checklists to the vendor POCs.
5.4 ISSM Requirements
The ISSM will perform a quality assurance check on the ISSM checklist items and review the
submissions for additional security concerns. For each submission period, the ISSM will
evaluate the system for risk based on the submissions and prior issues, to include POA&M
items. If the ISSM does not find any significant issues, they will approve the checklist for that
The ISSM is responsible for ensuring the ISSO has access to the latest checklists and
recommending updates to the checklists and overall process.
When issues are observed, the ISSM will take action appropriate for the risk. Any issues
resulting in non-compliance (checklist and attestation letter) will be handled through the POA&M
process as defined in CIO-IT Security-09-44.
5.5 System Management
System Management (including Authorizing Official and System Owner) will typically be
involved on a periodic basis throughout the reporting process for status and lower risk issues.
System management will also be involved on an ad hoc basis as higher risk issues arise.
Minimally, reporting will be quarterly and yearly, unless a more frequent reporting frequency is
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 10
Ad hoc issues will usually be reported from the ISSO to the ISSM. The ISSM will report to the
office of the CISO. Depending on the nature of the issue, one or more of the following roles will
likely be brought in to assist in resolving the issue: Authorizing Official, System Owner,
CO/COR, ISSM, ISSO, or vendor staff.
6 Storage of A&A Artifacts
A&A artifacts must be stored in the location and per the frequency identified below.
Table 6-1: Deliverable Locations and Frequencies
Google Drive
Google Drive
Google Drive
Google Drive
Google Drive
Google Drive
Google Drive
Google Drive
Google Drive
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 11
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
GRC Tool
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CIO-IT Security-19-101, Revision 4 External Information System Monitoring
U.S. General Services Administration 12
Appendix A Related Artifacts
Below are documents that are maintained separate from this procedural guide:
Stakeholder list by system. This Google Sheet identifies the ISSM, ISSO, System Owner,
Authorizing Official, Contracting Officer, and Contracting Officer Representative for GSA
external information systems. Please contact the system’s ISSO or ISSM if access to the
Google Sheet or information from it is needed.
The following forms/templates are available on the IT Security Form and Aids webpage.
Vendor Security Deliverable Quality Checklist (Quarterly)
Vendor Attestation Statement (Annual)
Vendor Attestation Statement (Biennial)
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