Produced by Secretariat,
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Copyright © 2022 by the General Conference Corporation
of Seventh-day
All rights reserved.
The Church Manual is managed by the General Conference Secretariat.
Published by the Review & Herald
Publishing Association
Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts are from the New King James Version.
Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.
All rights reserved.
Texts credited to KJV are from the King James Version.
Printed in U.S.A.
ISBN 978-0-8280-2928-5 hardcover
ISBN 978-0-8280-2929-2 paperback
ISBN 978-0-8127-0534-8 e-book
Table of Contents
Why a Church Manual?............................................................................ 16
Authority and Function of the Church Manual ................................... 17
Making Changes .................................................................................. 18
Where to Get Advice ........................................................................... 19
Terms Used in the Church Manual ...................................................... 19
Church of the Living God ........................................................................ 21
No Wall of Partition ............................................................................. 21
Supreme Object of Christ’s Regard ..................................................... 22
Complete in Christ ............................................................................... 23
Organization and Authority ..................................................................... 25
Biblical Basis for Organization ............................................................ 25
Importance of Organization ................................................................. 26
Missionary Purposes of Organization .................................................. 26
The New Testament Model .................................................................. 28
Church Organization Today ................................................................. 28
Outline of Denominational Organization ............................................. 29
Role of Institutions .............................................................................. 30
Authority in the Early Church ............................................................. 30
General Conference the Highest Authority .......................................... 31
Pastors and Other Church Employees .................................................... 32
A Divinely Appointed Ministry ........................................................... 32
Conference President ................................................................... 32
Conference Departmental Directors ............................................ 32
Ordained Pastors .......................................................................... 33
Licensed Pastors ........................................................................... 34
Bible Instructors ........................................................................... 34
Conference Directs Church Employees ........................................ 34
Credentials and Licenses ..................................................................... 35
Expired Credentials and Licenses ................................................ 35
Retired Employees ........................................................................ 36
Former Pastors Without Credentials ............................................ 36
Organizing, Uniting, and Dissolving Churches and Companies ........... 37
Organizing a Church ............................................................................ 37
Organizing a Company ........................................................................ 38
Uniting Churches ................................................................................. 40
Dissolving or Expelling a Church ........................................................ 40
Care of Members, Records, and Funds ................................................ 42
Making Disciples ....................................................................................... 44
What is a Disciple? .............................................................................. 45
Growth of a Disciple ............................................................................ 45
Practical Steps ...................................................................................... 47
Love, The Defining Mark of a Disciple ............................................... 47
Membership ............................................................................................... 49
Baptism ................................................................................................ 49
A Prerequisite to Membership ...................................................... 49
Mode of Baptism ........................................................................... 50
Thorough Instruction and Public Examination Before Baptism ... 50
Baptismal Vow and Commitment ........................................................ 51
Baptismal Vow .............................................................................. 51
Baptismal Covenant ...................................................................... 52
Voting Acceptance Subject to Baptism ......................................... 54
Receiving Members Who Are Not Known ..................................... 54
Baptismal Preparations ................................................................ 54
Rebaptism ............................................................................................ 55
Individuals From Other Christian Communions .......................... 55
Apostasy and Rebaptism ............................................................... 55
Inappropriate Rebaptism .............................................................. 56
Profession of Faith ............................................................................... 56
Transferring Members ......................................................................... 57
Method of Granting Letters of Transfer ....................................... 57
Clerk to Prepare Letter ................................................................. 58
Letter Valid Six Months ................................................................ 58
Alternative Method for Membership Transfer .............................. 58
Membership During Transfer ....................................................... 58
Receiving Members Under Difficult Conditions ........................... 59
Counted in Statistical Reports ...................................................... 59
If Member Is Not Accepted ........................................................... 59
Letters Granted Only to Those in Regular Standing .................... 59
No Letter Without Member’s Approval ........................................ 59
Church Board Cannot Grant Letters ............................................ 60
Membership in the Conference Church ........................................ 60
Membership Record ...................................................................... 61
Redemptive Membership Review .................................................. 61
Discipline ................................................................................................... 62
General Principles ................................................................................ 62
Dealing With Erring Members ..................................................... 62
God’s Plan .................................................................................... 62
Authority of the Church ................................................................ 64
Church’s Responsibility ................................................................ 64
Unconsecrated Resist Discipline .................................................. 64
Safeguarding Unity of the Church ................................................ 65
Reconciliation of Differences ....................................................... 65
Settlement of Grievances of Members Against the Church ........... 67
Settlement of Grievances of the Church Against Members ........... 67
Reasons for Discipline ......................................................................... 67
Process of Discipline ........................................................................... 68
Discipline by Censure ................................................................... 69
Discipline by Removal From Membership ................................... 69
No Additional Tests of Membership.............................................. 69
Timeliness of Discipline ................................................................ 69
Caution About Judging Character and Motive ............................. 70
At a Properly Called Meeting ....................................................... 70
By Majority Vote ........................................................................... 70
Church Board Cannot Remove Members ..................................... 70
Fundamental Rights of the Members ............................................ 71
Lawyers Not to Represent Members ............................................. 71
Transferring Members Under Censure......................................... 71
Members Not to Be Removed for Nonattendance ......................... 71
Members Moving Away and Not Reporting .................................. 71
Members Not to Be Removed for Pecuniary Reasons................... 72
Removing Members at Their Request ........................................... 72
Notification to Those Removed From Membership ...................... 72
Reinstating Those Previously Removed From Membership ......... 72
Right of Appeal for Reinstatement ................................................ 73
Local Church Officers and Organizations .............................................. 74
General Qualifications ......................................................................... 74
Moral and Religious Fitness ......................................................... 74
Feeding and Guarding the Church ............................................... 75
Respecting Pastors and Officers ................................................... 75
Not Hurried Into Office ................................................................ 75
Those Opposing Unity Not Suitable for Office ............................. 76
Unsafe to Choose Those Refusing to Cooperate........................... 76
Local Membership ........................................................................ 76
Setting Tithing Example ................................................................ 77
Not Delegates Ex Officio .............................................................. 77
Distributing Responsibility ........................................................... 77
Removal and Readmission ............................................................ 77
Term of Office ..................................................................................... 77
Elders ................................................................................................... 77
Religious Leaders of the Church .................................................. 77
Board of Elders ............................................................................. 78
Ordination of Elders ..................................................................... 78
Relationship to the Pastor ............................................................ 79
Work of Elders Is Local ................................................................ 79
Conducting Church Services ........................................................ 80
Baptismal Service ......................................................................... 80
Marriage Ceremony ..................................................................... 80
To Foster Tithing .......................................................................... 80
To Foster Bible Study, Prayer, Nurture, and Spiritual
Growth of Members ............................................................... 80
To Foster All Lines of Work.......................................................... 81
To Cooperate With the Conference .............................................. 81
To Foster Worldwide Work .......................................................... 81
Training and Equipping of Elders ................................................ 81
Free to Work Effectively ............................................................... 81
First Elder .................................................................................... 81
Limitation of Authority ................................................................. 82
Church Leaders .................................................................................... 82
Deacons ............................................................................................... 82
Board of Deacons ......................................................................... 83
Deacons Must Be Ordained .......................................................... 83
Deacons Not Authorized to Preside .............................................. 84
Duties of Deacons ......................................................................... 84
Deaconesses ......................................................................................... 85
Board of Deaconesses .................................................................. 85
Ordination Service for Deaconesses............................................. 85
Deaconesses Not Authorized to Preside ....................................... 85
Duties of Deaconesses .................................................................. 86
Clerk .................................................................................................... 87
No Names Added or Removed Without Vote................................. 87
Transferring Members .................................................................. 87
Corresponding With Members ...................................................... 87
Notice of Delegates for Conference Sessions ............................... 87
Reports to Be Furnished Promptly ............................................... 87
Church Records ............................................................................ 87
Treasurer .............................................................................................. 88
Treasurer the Custodian of All Funds .......................................... 88
Conference Funds ......................................................................... 88
Sabbath School Funds .................................................................. 88
Local Church Funds ..................................................................... 89
Funds of Auxiliary Organizations ................................................ 89
Safeguarding the Purpose of Funds.............................................. 89
Money for Personal Literature Orders ......................................... 90
Proper Method for Payment of Money by Members ..................... 90
Receipts to Members ..................................................................... 90
Proper Method of Remitting Funds to the Conference ................. 90
Preservation of Financial Documents .......................................... 90
Books Should Be Audited .............................................................. 91
Relations With Members Confidential .......................................... 91
Interest Coordinator ............................................................................. 91
Departments and Other Organizations ................................................. 92
Adventist Possibility Ministries ........................................................... 92
The Deaf as a Unique Culture ...................................................... 93
Adventist Possibility Ministries Leader ........................................ 93
Adventist Possibility Ministries Committee .................................. 93
Children’s Ministries ........................................................................... 93
Children’s Ministries Coordinator and Committee ...................... 94
Resources ...................................................................................... 95
Communication.................................................................................... 95
Communication Secretary ............................................................ 95
Communication Committee .......................................................... 95
Central Communication Committee ............................................. 96
Education ............................................................................................. 96
Education Secretary ..................................................................... 96
Home and School Association ...................................................... 96
Church School Board ................................................................... 97
Family Ministries ................................................................................. 98
Family Ministries Leader(s) ......................................................... 99
Family Ministries Committee ....................................................... 99
Resources .................................................................................... 100
Health Ministries ............................................................................... 100
Health Ministries Leader ............................................................ 100
Health Ministries Council........................................................... 100
Health Ministries or Temperance Society .................................. 100
World Health Ministries Sabbath Offering ................................. 100
Resources .................................................................................... 101
Music ................................................................................................. 101
Selecting Musicians .................................................................... 101
Public Affairs and Religious Liberty ................................................. 101
Religious Liberty Leader ............................................................ 102
Religious Liberty Associations ................................................... 102
Resources .................................................................................... 102
Publishing Ministries ......................................................................... 102
Selling Through Literature Evangelists ...................................... 102
Giving Away (Sharing) by Church Members .............................. 102
Publishing Ministries Coordinator ............................................. 102
Publishing Ministries Council .................................................... 103
Resources .................................................................................... 103
Sabbath School and Personal Ministries ............................................ 103
Sabbath School ........................................................................... 103
Officers of the Sabbath School Council ...................................... 103
Sabbath School Superintendent and Other Sabbath
School Officers .................................................................... 104
Sabbath School Division Leaders ............................................... 105
Sabbath School Teachers ............................................................ 105
Sabbath School Offerings ........................................................... 106
Resources .................................................................................... 106
Personal Ministries..................................................................... 106
Personal Ministries Council ....................................................... 106
Personal Ministries Officers ....................................................... 107
Adventist Men ............................................................................. 107
Bible School Coordinator ........................................................... 107
Adventist Community Services Leader or Dorcas
Society Leader ..................................................................... 107
Resources .................................................................................... 108
Spirit of Prophecy Writings ............................................................... 108
Spirit of Prophecy Writings Coordinator ................................... 108
Stewardship Ministries ...................................................................... 108
Stewardship Ministries Leader ................................................... 109
Resources .................................................................................... 109
Women’s Ministries ........................................................................... 109
Women’s Ministries Leader and Committee ............................... 109
Resources .................................................................................... 110
Adventist Youth Ministries ................................................................ 110
Adventist Youth Ministries Committee ........................................ 111
Young Adults Ministries Committee ........................................... 112
Public Campus Ministries........................................................... 112
Public Campus Ministries Leader/Coordinator ......................... 112
Ambassador Ministry .................................................................. 113
Ambassador Committee .............................................................. 113
Pathfinder Club .......................................................................... 113
Pathfinder Committee ................................................................. 113
Adventurer Club ......................................................................... 114
Adventurer Committee ................................................................ 114
AYM Officers .............................................................................. 114
AYM Advisor ............................................................................... 115
Resources .................................................................................... 115
Induction Service ............................................................................... 115
Elections ................................................................................................... 116
Nominating Committee and the Election Process .............................. 116
Quorum ....................................................................................... 116
When and How the Nominating Committee Is Appointed ........... 116
How the Process Works .............................................................. 117
Who Should Be Members of the Nominating Committee ............ 118
Work of the Nominating Committee ........................................... 118
Nominating Committee to Get Consent of Prospective
Officers ................................................................................ 118
Members May Appear Before the Nominating Committee ......... 118
Nominating Committee Discussions Are Confidential................ 119
Reporting to the Church ............................................................. 119
Objections to the Report of the Nominating Committee ............. 119
Filling Vacancies Between Elections .......................................... 120
Delegates to Local Conference Session ............................................. 120
Choosing Delegates .................................................................... 120
Duty of Delegates ....................................................................... 121
Responsibility of Conference Officers ........................................ 121
Conference Executive Committee ............................................... 121
Services and Other Meetings ................................................................. 122
General Principles .............................................................................. 122
Purpose of Services and Meetings .............................................. 122
Reverence for the House of Worship .......................................... 122
Teach Children Reverence .......................................................... 122
Decorum and Quietness in the Place of Worship ....................... 123
Hospitality .................................................................................. 123
Place of Music in Worship ................................................................. 124
Power of Music ........................................................................... 124
Sing With Spirit and Understanding ........................................... 124
Pulpit Not a Forum ............................................................................ 124
Testing New Light ....................................................................... 124
Importance of Maintaining Unity ...................................................... 126
Authorized Speakers ................................................................... 126
Sabbath School and Worship Services .............................................. 127
Sabbath School ........................................................................... 127
Announcements and Departmental Promotions ......................... 127
Worship Service .......................................................................... 127
Skill, Study, and Planning Required ........................................... 128
Form of Service .......................................................................... 128
Church Outreach (Missionary) Service ...................................... 128
Public Prayer .............................................................................. 128
Supplying Literature on Sabbath ................................................ 129
Communion Service .......................................................................... 129
Ordinance of Foot-Washing ....................................................... 129
The Lord’s Supper ...................................................................... 130
Unleavened Bread and Unfermented Wine (Grape Juice) ......... 130
A Memorial of the Crucifixion .................................................... 130
A Proclamation of the Second Coming ....................................... 131
Announcing the Communion Service .......................................... 131
Conducting the Communion Service........................................... 131
Who May Participate .................................................................. 132
Every Member Should Attend ..................................................... 132
Who May Conduct the Communion Service ............................... 133
Communion for Those Who Cannot Attend ................................ 133
Prayer Meeting................................................................................... 133
Prayer Meetings Should Be Interesting ...................................... 133
Business Meetings ............................................................................. 134
Church Board and Its Meetings ......................................................... 134
Definition and Function .............................................................. 134
Spiritual Nurture ........................................................................ 135
Making Disciples ........................................................................ 135
Membership ................................................................................ 136
Officers ....................................................................................... 137
Meetings ..................................................................................... 137
Work of the Board....................................................................... 137
Committees of the Board ............................................................ 138
Finance Committee ............................................................................ 138
School Board Meetings ...................................................................... 139
Home and School Association Meetings ........................................... 139
Youth Meetings ................................................................................. 139
Senior Youth Ministries Meetings (Ambassadors and
Young Adults) ...................................................................... 139
Public Campus Ministries Meetings ........................................... 140
Junior Youth Ministries Meetings (Adventurers and
Pathfinders) ......................................................................... 140
Finance ..................................................................................................... 141
Stewardship ....................................................................................... 142
Tithe ................................................................................................... 142
Systematic Benevolence and Unity ............................................. 143
How Tithe Is to Be Used ............................................................. 143
How Tithe Is Handled ................................................................. 143
Church and Conference Officers to Set Example ....................... 143
Offerings ............................................................................................ 143
Sabbath School Offerings ........................................................... 144
Other Offerings ........................................................................... 144
Special Gifts to Fields ................................................................. 144
Assisting the Poor and Needy ..................................................... 144
Church Budget for Local Expenses ............................................ 145
General Financial Counsel ................................................................. 145
Regulation of Soliciting Funds ................................................... 145
Questionable Methods for Raising Funds .................................. 146
Tithes and Offerings Not a Personal Trust Fund........................ 146
Financing Building Plans ........................................................... 146
Handling and Accounting for Funds .......................................... 147
Auditing ...................................................................................... 147
Standards of Christian Living ............................................................... 148
High Calling of God in Christ Jesus .................................................. 148
Bible Study and Prayer ...................................................................... 149
Community Relationships.................................................................. 149
Sabbathkeeping .................................................................................. 150
Reverence in the Place of Worship .................................................... 151
Health and Temperance ..................................................................... 151
Dress .................................................................................................. 152
Simplicity ........................................................................................... 153
Modern Media ................................................................................... 154
Recreation and Entertainment ............................................................ 155
Music ................................................................................................. 155
Conclusion ......................................................................................... 156
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage ..................................................... 157
Social Relationships ........................................................................... 157
Chaperonage ...................................................................................... 158
Courtship ........................................................................................... 159
Premarital Education/Counseling ...................................................... 160
Marriage ............................................................................................. 160
Divorce .............................................................................................. 163
Church’s Position on Divorce and Remarriage .................................. 163
Local Church Ministry for Families .................................................. 167
Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists .................................. 168
Notes ......................................................................................................... 179
CHAPTER 9 Notes ............................................................................ 179
CHAPTER 10 Notes .......................................................................... 184
CHAPTER 11 Notes .......................................................................... 185
CHAPTER 12 Notes .......................................................................... 190
Abbreviations .......................................................................................... 192
General Index .......................................................................................... 193
Scripture Index ....................................................................................... 221
Index of Sources ...................................................................................... 230
Why a Church Manual?
Why does the Seventh-day Adventist Church have a Church Manual?
God is a God of order as evidenced in His works of creation and redemption.
Consequently, order belongs to the essence of His church. Order is achieved
through principles and regulations that guide the Church in its internal
operations and in the fulfillment of its mission to the world. In order for it to
be a successful ecclesiastical organization at the service of the Lord and
humanity, it needs order, rule, and discipline. Scripture affirms that “all
things be done decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:40).
Ellen G. White pointed out such needs in 1875: “The church of Christ is
in constant peril. Satan is seeking to destroy the people of God, and one man’s
mind, one man’s judgment, is not sufficient to be trusted. Christ would have
His followers brought together in church capacity, observing order, having
rules and discipline, and all subject one to another, esteeming others better
than themselves.”—3T 445.
But Church leaders did not quickly produce a book of rules for Church
governance, even though the General Conference Session met annually
during the Church’s early years and delegates voted on matters of church
order and life. Finally, in 1882, the General Conference Session voted to have
prepared “instructions to church officers, to be printed in the Review and
Herald or in tract form.”—RH, Dec. 26, 1882. This revealed the growing
realization that order was imperative if organization was to function
effectively and that uniformity in order required its guiding principles to be
put into printed form.
However, when the proposal to place the articles in permanent form as a
church manual came before the 1883 General Conference Session, delegates
rejected the idea. They feared a manual might formalize the Church and take
from its pastors their individual freedom to deal with matters of order as they
But this feardoubtless reflecting the opposition that had existed 20
years before to any kind of organizationevidently soon lessened. The
annual General Conference Sessions continued to take actions on matters of
Though the Church officially declined to adopt a manual, leaders from
time to time gathered together in book or booklet-form the generally accepted
rules of church life. Perhaps the most impressive was a 184-page book
published in 1907 by pioneer J. N. Loughborough entitled The Church, Its
Organization, Order and Discipline, which dealt with many of the topics now
covered by this Church Manual.
As the Church worldwide grew rapidly in the early twentieth century, it
increasingly recognized the need for a manual for worldwide use by its
pastors and lay members. In 1931 the General Conference Committee voted
to publish a church manual. J. L. McElhany, later president of the General
Conference, prepared the manuscript, which was published in 1932.
The opening sentence of the preface of that first edition observed that “it
has become increasingly evident that a manual on church government is
needed to set forth and preserve our denominational practices and polity.”
Note the word preserve. This was no attempt to suddenly create and
impose upon the Church a whole pattern of church governance. Rather it was
an endeavor first to preserve all the good actions taken through the years and
then to add rules required by the Church’s increasing growth and complexity.
Authority and Function of the Church Manual
The Church Manual has existed in its current format since 1932. It
describes the operation and functions of local churches and their relationship
to denominational structures in which they hold membership. The Church
Manual also expresses the Church’s understanding of Christian life and
church governance and discipline based on biblical principles and the
authority of duly assembled General Conference Sessions. “God has ordained
that the representatives of His church from all parts of the earth, when
assembled in a General Conference, shall have authority.”9T 261.
The Church Manual is divided into two types of material. The content
of each chapter is of worldwide value and is applicable to every church
organization, congregation, and member. Recognizing the need for variations
in some sections, additional explanatory material, presented as guidance and
examples, appears as notes at the end of the Church Manual. The notes have
subheadings corresponding to chapter subheadings and page numbers of the
main text.
The standards and practices of the Church are based upon the principles
of the Holy Scriptures. These principles, underscored by the Spirit of
Prophecy, are set forth in this Church Manual. They are to be followed in all
matters pertaining to the administration and operation of local churches. The
Church Manual also defines the relationship that exists between the local
congregation and the conference or other entities of Seventh-day Adventist
denominational organization. No attempt should be made to set up standards
of membership or to make, or attempt to enforce, rules or regulations for local
church operations that are contrary to these decisions adopted by the General
Conference in Session and that are set forth in this Church Manual.
Making Changes
The General Conference through the years voted important changes
concerning the Church Manual. Realizing the importance of conducting the
worldwide work of the Church “decently and in order,” the 1946 General
Conference Session voted that “all changes or revisions of policy that are to
be made in the Manual shall be authorized by the General Conference
Session.”—General Conference Report, No. 8, p. 197 (June 14, 1946).
In 1948, recognizing that local conditions sometimes call for special
actions, the General Conference Committee voted that “each division,
including the North American Division of the world field, prepare a
‘Supplement’ to the new Church Manual not in any way modifying it but
containing such additional matter as is applicable to the conditions and
circumstances prevailing in the division; the manuscripts for these
Supplements to be submitted to the General Conference Committee for
endorsement before being printed.”Autumn Council Actions, 1948, p. 19.
The 2000 General Conference Session authorized the reclassification of
some existing Church Manual material into the Notes section as guidance
and examples rather than mandatory material, and approved the process for
making changes. Changes in the Church Manual, except for the notes and
editorial changes, can be made only by action of a General Conference
Session, where delegates of the world church have voice and vote. If a local
church, conference, or union conference/mission wishes to propose a Church
Manual revision, it should submit its proposal to the next constituent level
for counsel and study. If that level approves the proposal, it submits the
suggested revision to the next level for additional evaluation. If the various
levels approve the proposal, it eventually comes before the General
Conference Church Manual Committee, which considers all
recommendations. If the Church Manual Committee approves a revision, it
prepares it for presentation at an Annual Council and/or General Conference
Revision of a note follows the same procedure. The General Conference
Executive Committee may approve changes to the notes at any Annual
The Church Manual Committee reports proposed nonsubstantive
editorial changes to the main content of the Church Manual to an Annual
Council of the General Conference Executive Committee, which may give
final approval. However, in the event the Annual Council determines by one-
third vote that an editorial change substantively alters the meaning of a
passage, the proposed change must go to the General Conference Session.
At the final Annual Council of a quinquennium, the General Conference
Executive Committee reviews all changes to the notes and coordinates the
changes with any proposed amendments to the main content of the Church
A new edition of the Church Manual is published after every General
Conference Session. The most recent edition should always be used. This
edition incorporates amendments made at the postponed 2020 General
Conference Session, which took place in 2022.
Where to Get Advice
Church officers and leaders, pastors, and members should consult with
their conference for advice pertaining to the operating of their congregation
or on questions arising from the Church Manual. If they do not reach mutual
understanding, they should consult with their union conference/mission for
Terms Used in the Church Manual
Church—For editorial and printing economy, “Church,” with a capital
C, in these pages is used in place of the full term “Seventh-day Adventist
Church” and refers to the overall Church organization rather than to a local
church or congregation, with the exception of when it is referred to within a
quotation. References to a local church will also generally apply to a
Conference, mission, section, delegation, field, union of churchesFor
purposes of editorial and printing economy, “conference” in these pages
means “conference, mission, field, section, delegation, or union of churches,”
as the administrative context indicates. Generally, each congregation is a
member of the sisterhood of churches known as a conference, but until the
local organization achieves conference status, under General Conference
Working Policy it may be identified as a mission, section, delegation, or field.
In some world divisions, unions of churches in a particular country function
as a conference for local-church purposes and as a union for other Church
organizational purposes. (See Chapter 3, “Organization and Authority.”)
Pastor and ministerMost areas of the world Church use “pastor” to
identify a member of the clergy, so that term is used in these pages rather than
“minister,” regardless of the responsibilities assigned by the local conference.
Use of the term here is not intended to mandate that usage where the custom
is to use “minister.” Pastors referred to in this manual are those who have
been appointed by the conference to oversee the affairs of the local church or
Abbreviations of Ellen G. White’s books are identified on p. 192.
Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version unless
otherwise indicated, with the exception of when referred to within a Spirit of
Prophecy quotation.
Church of the Living God
Scripture uses various expressions to describe the church, such as “the
church of God” (Acts 20:28), “the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12), and “the
church of the living God” (1 Tim. 3:15).
To belong to the church of God is a unique and soul-satisfying privilege.
It is God’s purpose to gather out a people from the far corners of the earth to
bind them into one body, the body of Christ, of which He is the living head.
All who are children of God in Christ Jesus are members of this body, and in
this relationship they may enjoy fellowship with each other and fellowship
also with their Lord.
The Bible uses the word church in at least two senses: a general sense
applying to the church in all the world (Matt. 16:18; 1 Cor. 12:28) and a
particular sense applying to the church in a city or a province, such as to those
at Rome (Rom. 1:6, 7), Corinth (1 Cor. 1:2), and Thessalonica (1 Thess. 1:1)
and of Galatia (1 Cor. 16:1), Asia (1 Cor. 16:19), and Syria and Cilicia (Acts
Christ, being the head of the church and its living Lord, has a deep love
for the members of His body. In the church He is to be glorified (Eph. 3:21).
Through the church He will reveal the “manifold wisdom of God” (Eph.
3:10). Day by day He nourishes the church (Eph. 5:29), and His longing
desire is to make of it “a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any
such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5:27).
No Wall of Partition
Christ sought by precept and example to teach the truth that with God
there was to be no dividing wall between Israel and other nations
(John 4:4-42; 10:16; Luke 9:51-56; Matt. 15:21-28). The apostle Paul writes,
“The Gentiles should be fellow heirs, of the same body, and partakers of His
promise in Christ through the gospel” (Eph. 3:6).
Nor is there to be among Christ’s followers any preference of caste or
nationality or race or color, for all are of one blood. The elect of God are a
universal body, a new humanity, saved by the blood of Christ, which is
available to all. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor
free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus”
(Gal. 3:28).
“Christ came to this earth with a message of mercy and forgiveness. He
laid the foundation for a religion by which Jew and Gentile, black and white,
free and bond, are linked together in one common brotherhood, recognized
as equal in the sight of God. The Savior has a boundless love for every human
being.”7T 225.
“No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste is recognized by
God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by creation,
and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish every wall of
partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple, that every soul
may have free access to God. . . . In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek,
bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious blood.”— COL 386.
Supreme Object of Christ’s Regard
Those in Christ’s service who are called to leadership are to “take care
of the church(1 Tim. 3:5), to “shepherd the church of God” (Acts 20:28),
and to show “concern for all the churches” (2 Cor. 11:28). (See pp. 32-36.)
“I testify to my brethren and sisters that the church of Christ, enfeebled
and defective as it may be, is the only object on earth on which He bestows
His supreme regard. While He extends to all the world His invitation to come
to Him and be saved, He commissions His angels to render divine help to
every soul that cometh to Him in repentance and contrition, and He comes
personally by His Holy Spirit into the midst of His church.”— TM 15.
As the bride of Christ and the supreme object of His regard, the church
is expected in all its functions to represent the order and the character of the
“At this time the church is to put on her beautiful garments—‘Christ our
righteousness.’ There are clear, decided distinctions to be restored and
exemplified to the world in holding aloft the commandments of God and the
faith of Jesus. The beauty of holiness is to appear in its native luster in
contrast with the deformity and darkness of the disloyal, those who have
revolted from the law of God. Thus we acknowledge God, and recognize His
law, the foundation of His government in heaven and throughout His earthly
dominions. His authority should be kept distinct and plain before the world,
and no laws are to be acknowledged that come in collision with the laws of
Jehovah. If in defiance of God’s arrangements the world be allowed to
influence our decisions or our actions, the purpose of God is defeated.
However specious the pretext, if the church waver here, there is written
against her in the books of heaven a betrayal of the most sacred trusts, and
treachery to the kingdom of Christ. The church is firmly and decidedly to
hold her principles before the whole heavenly universe and the kingdoms of
the world; steadfast fidelity in maintaining the honor and sacredness of the
law of God will attract the notice and admiration of even the world, and many
will, by the good works which they shall behold, be led to glorify our Father
in heaven.”TM 16, 17.
The apostle Peter writes, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the
praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1
Peter 2:9).
Complete in Christ
“The Lord has provided His church with capabilities and blessings, that
they may present to the world an image of His own sufficiency, and that His
church may be complete in Him, a continual representation of another, even
the eternal world, of laws that are higher than earthly laws. His church is to
be a temple built after the divine similitude, and the angelic architect has
brought his golden measuring rod from heaven, that every stone may be
hewed and squared by the divine measurement and polished to shine as an
emblem of heaven, radiating in all directions the bright, clear beams of the
Sun of Righteousness. . . .
“The Lord Jesus is making experiments on human hearts through the
exhibition of His mercy and abundant grace. He is effecting transformations
so amazing that Satan, with all his triumphant boasting, with all his
confederacy of evil united against God and the laws of His government,
stands viewing them as a fortress impregnable to his sophistries and
delusions. They are to him an incomprehensible mystery. The angels of God,
seraphim and cherubim, the powers commissioned to cooperate with human
agencies, look on with astonishment and joy that fallen men, once children
of wrath, are through the training of Christ developing characters after the
divine similitude, to be sons and daughters of God, to act an important part
in the occupations and pleasures of heaven.
“To His church, Christ has given ample facilities, that He may receive a
large revenue of glory from His redeemed, purchased possession. The church,
being endowed with the righteousness of Christ, is His depository, in which
the wealth of His mercy, His love, His grace, is to appear in full and final
display. . . .
“In their untainted purity and spotless perfection, Christ looks upon His
people as the reward of all His suffering, His humiliation, and His love, and
the supplement of His gloryChrist, the great center from which radiates all
glory. ‘Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the
Lamb.’ ”TM 17-19.
The church is committed to the foregoing principles of the spiritual unity
of Christ’s church. By the peace and power which Christ’s righteousness
brings, the church pledges to conquer every barrier that sin has erected
between human beings.
Organization and Authority
Church organization is based on God’s principles. “Never allow
anyone’s ideas to unsettle your faith in regard to the order and harmony which
should exist in the church. . . . The God of heaven is a God of order, and He
requires all His followers to have rules and regulations, and to preserve
order.”5T 274.
Biblical Basis for Organization
When God called the children of Israel out of Egypt and chose them as
His peculiar people, He provided for them an impressive system of
organization to govern their conduct in both civil and religious matters.
“The government of Israel was characterized by the most thorough
organization, wonderful alike for its completeness and its simplicity. The
order so strikingly displayed in the perfection and arrangement of all God’s
created works was manifest in the Hebrew economy. God was the center of
authority and government, the sovereign of Israel. Moses stood as their
visible leader, by God’s appointment, to administer the laws in His name.
From the elders of the tribes a council of seventy was afterward chosen to
assist Moses in the general affairs of the nation. Next came the priests, who
consulted the Lord in the sanctuary. Chiefs, or princes, ruled over the tribes.
Under these were ‘captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, and
captains over fifties, and captains over tens,’ and, lastly, officers who might
be employed for special duties.”PP 374.
The New Testament church showed the same perfection in its
organization. Christ Himself, who formed the church (Matt. 16:18), “set the
members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased(1 Cor. 12:18).
He endowed them with gifts and talents adequate for the functions devolving
upon them and organized them into a living, working body, of which He is
the head.
“For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not
the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and
individually members of one another” (Rom. 12:4, 5). “And He [Christ] is
the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the
dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence” (Col. 1:18).
“There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences
of ministries, but the same Lord” (1 Cor. 12:4, 5). “For as the body is one and
has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are
one body, so also is Christ” (1 Cor. 12:12). “Now you are the body of Christ,
and members individually. And God has appointed these in the church: first
apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of
healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues” (1 Cor. 12:27, 28).
Importance of Organization
Just as there can be no living, active human body unless its members are
organically united and functioning together, so there can be no living,
growing, prospering church unless its members are organized into a united
spiritual body, all performing their God-given duties and functions under the
direction of a divinely constituted authority. Without organization no
institution or movement can prosper. A nation without organized government
would be chaos. A business enterprise without organization would fail. A
church without organization would disintegrate and perish.
For the sake of the Church’s healthy development and for the
accomplishment of its task of carrying the gospel of salvation to all the world,
Christ gave it a simple but effective system of organization. Success in its
endeavors to achieve its mission depends on loyal adherence to this divine
“Some have advanced the thought that as we near the close of time, every
child of God will act independently of any religious organization. But I have
been instructed by the Lord that in this work there is no such thing as every
man’s being independent.”TM 489.
“Oh, how Satan would rejoice if he could succeed in his efforts to get in
among this people and disorganize the work at a time when thorough
organization is essential and will be the greatest power to keep out spurious
uprisings and to refute claims not endorsed by the Word of God! We want to
hold the lines evenly, that there shall be no breaking down of the system of
organization and order that has been built up by wise, careful labor. License
must not be given to disorderly elements that desire to control the work at
this time.”—TM 489.
Missionary Purposes of Organization
Our mission remains unchanged wherever we find ourselves in the
world. The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been organized for the purpose
of mission. However, the way in which we fulfill that mission will of
necessity take a variety of forms due to different cultural and societal norms.
As we seek to share the gospel in cross-cultural contexts, we will encounter
societies where particular religious bodies deem other writings as sacred,
where restrictions to religious freedom sometimes exist, where diverse points
of view and practices occur, as well as other challenges. To fulfill the mission
in such diverse contexts, we rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and
employ a flexible approach to sharing God’s love in a manner that reaches
hearts, while preserving our unique calling and identity as Seventh-day
The conditions Seventh-day Adventists face in sharing the message of
Jesus to people of other religions largely parallel those that the apostles
encountered. How they went about the mission is instructive for us today.
Although they modified their approach in keeping with the audience, they
never deviated from proclaiming the uniqueness of Jesus as the hope of the
world. They never suggested that they had come to help their hearers find a
deeper spiritual experience within their own religions; on the contrary, they
challenged them to turn to the salvation provided in Christ.
Groups should be formed to lead all people into a saving relationship
with Jesus Christ and into fellowship with the remnant church. In forming
such groups, a theologically sound, culturally informed plan of action should
be prayerfully developed and followed to guide these new believers into
membership. These groups should be established and nurtured in
collaboration with local administration and guidelines of the world Church.
Leaders of these groups should seek to lead the people into membership in
the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The church is a missionary community and its organization exists to
fulfill this purpose.
“As our numbers increased, it was evident that without some form of
organization there would be great confusion, and the work would not be
carried forward successfully. To provide for the support of the ministry, for
carrying the work in new fields, for protecting both the churches and the
ministry from unworthy members, for holding church property, for the
publication of the truth through the press, and for many other objects,
organization was indispensable.”TM 26.
“As members of the visible church, and workers in the vineyard of the
Lord, all professed Christians should do their utmost to preserve peace,
harmony, and love in the church. Mark the prayer of Christ: ‘That they all
may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be
one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.’ The unity of the
church is the convincing evidence that God has sent Jesus into the world as
its Redeemer.”—5T 619, 620.
The New Testament Model
The Savior’s commission to the church to carry the gospel to all the
world (Matt. 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15) meant not only preaching the gospel but
ensuring the welfare of those who accepted that message. This involved
shepherding as well as housing the flock, and also meeting relationship
problems. Such a situation called for organization.
At first the apostles constituted a council that directed the activities of
the church from Jerusalem (Acts 6:2; 8:14). When the company there became
so large that the administration of its practical affairs became a problem, the
church appointed deacons to care for its business (Acts 6:2-4).
Later other congregations grew up, not only in Asia but also in Europe,
and this called for further organizational steps. In Asia Minor elders were
ordained “in every church” (Acts 14:23). Extension of the work throughout
the various provinces of the Roman Empire called for organization of
churches into what might be called conferences (Gal. 1:2). Thus, step by step,
organization grew in the early church. As needs arose, God directed the
leaders of His work so that, in counsel with the church, they developed a form
of organization that safeguarded the interests of the work.
Church Organization Today
The Seventh-day Adventist form of governance is representative, which
recognizes that authority rests in the membership and is expressed through
duly elected representatives at each level of organization, with executive
responsibility delegated to representative bodies and officers for the
governing of the Church at each separate level. The Church Manual applies
this principle of representation to the operations of the local congregation.
Issues of representation in organizations with mission status are defined by
operating policies and in organizations with conference status by their
constitution and bylaws. This form of governance recognizes also that
ordination to the ministry is recognized by the Church worldwide.
“Every member of the church has a voice in choosing officers of the
church. The church chooses the officers of the state conferences. Delegates
chosen by the state conferences choose the officers of the union conferences,
and delegates chosen by the union conferences choose the officers of the
General Conference. By this arrangement every conference, every institution,
every church, and every individual, either directly or through representatives,
has a voice in the election of the men who bear the chief responsibilities in
the General Conference.”8T 236, 237.
The present organizational system of the Church resulted from a
developing theological understanding of the mission of the Church,
membership growth, and the Church’s geographic spread. Representatives of
conferences met in 1863 to organize the General Conference of Seventh-day
There are several organizational levels within the Church leading from
the individual believer to the worldwide organization of the work.
Membership units in each of these levels periodically convene formal
business sessions known as constituency meetings or sessions. (The
constituency meeting or session of a local church is generally referred to as a
business meeting.) In Seventh-day Adventist Church structure, no
organization determines its own status, nor does it function as if it had no
obligations to the Church family beyond its boundaries.
Outline of Denominational Organization
1. Local ChurchA group of members in a defined location that has
been granted, by the constituency of a conference in session, official status
as a church.
2. Local ConferenceA group of local churches, within a defined
geographical area, that has been granted, by action of a division executive
committee at midyear, year-end, or division council meeting, official status
as a Seventh-day Adventist local conference/mission/field and subsequently
accepted, at a union constituency meeting, into the sisterhood of
conferences/missions. (See p. 19.)
3. Union of ChurchesA group of churches, within a defined
geographical area, that has been granted, by a General Conference Session,
official status as a union of churches with either conference or mission status.
4. Union Conference/MissionA group of conferences, within a
defined geographical area, that has been granted, by a General Conference
Session, official status as a union conference/mission.
5. General Conference and Its DivisionsThe General Conference
represents the worldwide expression of the Church. Its constituent
membership is defined in its Constitution. To facilitate its worldwide activity,
the General Conference has established regional offices, known as divisions
of the General Conference, which have been assigned, by action of the
General Conference Executive Committee at Annual Councils, general
administrative oversight for designated groups of unions and other Church
units within specific geographical areas.
The Bible is the foundation and source of belief and practice; on this
basis, the General Conference in Session determines the stated Fundamental
Beliefs of the Church. The General Conference in Session also authorizes
establishment of unions and the attachment of field units, revises the Church
Manual, elects General Conference and division leadership, performs other
functions as outlined in its Constitution and Bylaws, and considers items
referred to it by its Executive Committee. The General Conference Executive
Committee between Sessions is empowered by the Constitution and Bylaws
to act on behalf of the constituents. Thus, Church organizations around the
world recognize the General Conference in Session as the voice of the
Role of Institutions
The constituent levels of the Church operate a variety of educational,
health-care, publishing, and other institutions reaching out in the name of
Christ to meet the needs of a distraught world. In Seventh-day Adventist
theology and philosophy these institutions from their inception have been
indispensable instruments for carrying out the Church’s spiritual mission of
serving the whole person and taking the gospel to the world.
No Church organization or institution assumes responsibility for the
liabilities, debts, acts, or omissions of any other Church organization simply
because of its Church affiliation.
Authority in the Early Church
As Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer, Lord and King of all creation, God
alone is the source of authority for the Church. He delegated authority to His
prophets and apostles (2 Cor. 10:8). They, therefore, occupied a crucial and
unique position in the transmission of the Word of God and the edification of
the church (Eph. 2:20).
The early church bore responsibility for purity in doctrine and practice.
The elders (or bishops) held great authority. One of their main functions was
general pastoral care and oversight (Acts 20:17-28; Heb. 13:17;
1 Peter 5:1-3), with special tasks such as giving instruction in sound doctrine
and refuting those who contradicted it (1 Tim. 3:1, 2; Titus 1:5, 9). They were
instructed to “test the spirits, whether they are of God” (1 John 4:1) or, in
Paul’s terms, to “test all things” and “hold fast what is good” (1 Thess. 5:21).
The same was true regarding its exercise of discipline (Matt. 18:15-17),
which ranged from private and caring admonition (cf. Matt. 18:16; Gal. 6:1)
to removal from membership (Matt. 18:18; 1 Cor. 5:11, 13; 2 Cor. 2:5-11).
The Church thus has authority to settle the rules for its own governance.
General Conference the Highest Authority
In the Church today the General Conference Session, and the General
Conference Executive Committee between Sessions, is the highest
ecclesiastical authority in the administration of the Church. The General
Conference Executive Committee is authorized by its Constitution to create
subordinate organizations with authority to carry out their roles. Therefore,
all subordinate organizations and institutions throughout the Church will
recognize the General Conference Session, and the General Conference
Executive Committee between Sessions, as the highest ecclesiastical
authority, under God, among Seventh-day Adventists.
When differences arise in or between churches and conferences or
institutions, matters that are not mutually resolved may be appealed to the
next higher organization. If the matter does not get resolved at this level, the
aggrieved entity may appeal to successively higher levels of organization. An
organization to which an appeal is forwarded may choose not to hear the
matter, in which case the decision of the highest organization involved in the
dispute shall be final. When organizations review decisions of other
organizations, they do not assume responsibility for the liabilities of any other
I have often been instructed by the Lord that no man’s judgment should
be surrendered to the judgment of any other one man. Never should the mind
of one man or the minds of a few men be regarded as sufficient in wisdom
and power to control the work and to say what plans shall be followed. But
when, in a General Conference, the judgment of the brethren assembled from
all parts of the field is exercised, private independence and private judgment
must not be stubbornly maintained, but surrendered. Never should a laborer
regard as a virtue the persistent maintenance of his position of independence,
contrary to the decision of the general body.”
9T 260.
Pastors and Other Church
A Divinely Appointed Ministry
“God has a church, and she has a divinely appointed ministry. ‘And He
gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some,
pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the
ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity
of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto
the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. . . . ’
“Men appointed of God have been chosen to watch with jealous care,
with vigilant perseverance, that the church may not be overthrown by the evil
devices of Satan, but that she shall stand in the world to promote the glory of
God among men.”—TM 52, 53.
Conference PresidentThe conference president should be an
ordained pastor of experience and good report. He stands at the head of the
gospel ministry in the conference and is the chief elder, or overseer, of all the
churches. He works for their spiritual welfare and counsels them regarding
their activities and plans. He has access to all the churches and their services,
business meetings, and boards, without vote unless granted by the church, or
unless he is a member of that congregation. He may, by virtue of his office,
preside over any meeting of any church when necessary. He has access to all
church records.
The conference president does not have authority to set aside the duly
elected officers of the church, but will work in cooperation with them. They
in turn are bound, in recognition of the ties of conference fellowship, to
counsel with him over all that pertains to the welfare of the church. They
should not attempt to exclude him from a proper discharge of his duties.
Conference Departmental DirectorsConference departmental
directors foster important lines of denominational work under the general
direction of the conference executive committee in consultation with the
conference president. In order to successfully carry on the work assigned to
them, these employees must have access to the churches so they can present
and develop their plans. These employees will have sympathetic
consideration for all church plans, even outside their respective departments.
Departmental directors are not vested with administrative or executive
authority, so their relation to local churches is advisory. Their work does not
bear the same relationship to the churches as that of the conference executive
committee or president. In the promotion of their specific kinds of work, they
labor throughout the entire conference. However, they are not expected to
counsel churches regarding elections and other administrative duties or any
other line of service, unless especially requested to do so by the conference
Ordained PastorsOrdained pastors appointed by the conference
executive committee to act as pastors or district leaders do not take the place
of the president in their respective fields. They are not charged with
administrative powers as is the president, but they cooperate with him in
carrying out the plans and policies of the conference.
On assignment to a local church, the ordained pastor is assisted by the
local elders. By virtue of ordination, the pastor is qualified to function in all
rites and ceremonies. The pastor should be the congregation’s spiritual leader
and adviser. Pastors should instruct the officers in their duties and plan with
them for all lines of church work and activity.
The pastor is a member of the church board and serves as its chairperson.
If the pastor desires to be relieved of the responsibility of acting as
chairperson of the board, an elder serves as chairperson in cooperation with
the pastor. (See p. 79.) The pastor, with the assistance of the elders, is
expected to plan for and lead out in all spiritual services, such as Sabbath
morning worship and prayer meeting, and should officiate at the communion
service and baptism. Pastors should not surround themselves with any special
body of counselors of their own choosing, but always cooperate with the
elected officers.
When an evangelist is asked to conduct an evangelistic effort where there
is a church, the conference should invite the pastor to assist the evangelist,
thus giving the pastor an opportunity to become acquainted with prospective
Pastors or assistant pastors are not nominated or elected to such positions
by the church. Their connection with the church is by appointment of the
conference executive committee, and such appointments may be changed at
any time. (See p. 79.)
A pastor may be removed from office by conference executive
committee action without the individual’s church membership being affected.
But when a pastor is removed from church membership and subsequently
restored to membership as a layperson, the pastor’s membership restoration
does not mean restoration to the ministry.
Licensed PastorsTo give individuals an opportunity to demonstrate
their call to the ministry, especially in the area of soul winning, prospective
candidates are granted pastoral licenses by the conference. The granting of
such licenses confers the opportunity to develop the ministerial gift.
Licensed pastors are authorized to preach, to engage in evangelism, to
lead out in outreach (missionary) work, and to assist in all church activities.
There are circumstances, however, where it is necessary for the
conference to appoint a licensed pastor to carry responsibility as a pastor or
assistant pastor of a church or group of churches. In order to open the way
for a licensed pastor to perform certain pastoral functions, the church or group
of churches being served must elect the pastor as a local elder. Then, since
the right to permit the extension of a licensed pastor’s authority rests first
with the division executive committee, it must approve the extension by
specifically and clearly defining the additional functions that that licensed
pastor may perform. The extended functions are limited only to the church or
group of churches where the pastor is assigned and is an elder. After the
division executive committee acts, the conference executive committee may
act. (See p. 79.)
The conference executive committee shall not extend the functions of a
licensed pastor beyond what has been authorized by the division executive
committee. It also shall not authorize a licensed pastor to perform the
extended functions in any church beyond where the licensed pastor is
assigned and is an elder. A conference executive committee action cannot be
substituted for church election or ordination to gospel ministry.
Bible InstructorsThe conference may employ Bible instructors and
assign them to work with evangelistic efforts or with local congregations.
Though the instructors work under the general direction of the conference, an
instructor assigned to an evangelistic effort works under the direction of the
evangelist conducting the campaign, and an instructor assigned to a church
works under the direction of the pastor. An instructor should not, except by
special arrangement with the conference, be asked to carry a church office,
but should be left free to carry on soul-winning work.
Conference Directs Church EmployeesThe conference president in
counsel with the conference executive committee directs all conference
employees, such as pastors, Bible instructors, and departmental directors,
who receive their credentials from and are responsible to the conference, not
the local church. A church may ask the conference president for the services
or help of conference employees, but appointments in all cases rest with the
conference executive committee. The conference executive committee may
change employee assignments whenever it believes they are needed. The
employee or the church may appeal to the conference executive committee
for a hearing on the decision to remove the employee, and the committee will
carefully consider the appeal in light of the needs of the entire conference. If
the employee refuses to cooperate with the committee and declines to work
in harmony with its decisions, the committee may regard the employee’s
conduct as insubordination and may deal with it accordingly. In no case
should the employee appeal to the church regarding such decisions. If a local
church supports an employee’s refusal to cooperate, it also becomes subject
to conference discipline.
Credentials and Licenses
God’s work is to be jealously safeguarded by responsible leaders from
the local church to the General Conference. Official credentials and licenses
are issued to all authorized full-time Church employees and are granted by
controlling committees for limited periods.
In a local conference, the committee confers authority upon individuals
to represent the Church as pastors and gospel workers. This authority is
represented by the granting of credentials and licenses, which are written
commissions, properly dated and signed by the officers of the conference.
The authority thus conveyed is not personal or inherent in the individual but
is inherent in the granting body, which may recall the credentials for cause at
any time. Credentials and licenses granted employees are not their personal
property and must be returned when employment is terminated or at the
request of the organization that issued them.
No one should be allowed to speak to any congregation unless he/she has
been invited by the church in harmony with guidelines given by the
conference. It is recognized, however, that there are times when
congregations may be addressed by government officials or civic leaders; but
all unauthorized persons shall not be given access to the pulpit. (See pp. 126-
Expired Credentials and LicensesCredentials and licenses are
granted for the duration of the term as provided for by the conference
constitution and bylaws or operating policy and are renewed by a vote of the
conference in session or by the executive committee. Possession of an expired
credential or license gives the person no authority whatsoever.
Retired EmployeesRetired employees deserve honor and
consideration for helping build up God’s church. They may continue to bless
and help the congregations where they hold membership through election to
any office. They also may exercise pastoral functions under the direction of
the conference executive committee.
Former Pastors Without CredentialsIndividuals previously
ordained as pastors but who no longer have valid credentials may be elected
as elders and, if their ordinations have not been invalidated, need not be
ordained as elders. Their services are limited to the functions of a local elder.
Organizing, Uniting, and
Dissolving Churches and
Organizing a Church
A church is organized by an ordained pastor on the recommendation of
the conference executive committee. (For the procedure for organizing a
company, see pp. 38-40.) Since so much is involved in the organization of a
church, the local conference president should be invited to be present.
When a company of baptized believers is prepared to assume the
responsibilities of an organized church, it must consult with the conference
president and obtain approval from the conference executive committee prior
to seeking a date for the organization to take place.
When the baptized believers assemble on the agreed-upon date, the
individual officiating should first present a brief review of the Fundamental
Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists.
Then the one presiding should make a call asking all who are in
agreement with these principles and who desire to unite in church fellowship
to come forward. The name of each person should be recorded. If any are
already members of the conference church or another congregation, the one
officiating should present the letters of transfers they have secured. Those
transferring form the nucleus of the congregation.
If, however, there are no transferring members, then three members
(preferably established Sabbathkeepers among those present) should be
selected as a nucleus. They may be asked these questions: Do you accept
Christ as your personal Savior? Are you in full harmony with the principles
of faith that have just been presented? Have you been baptized by immersion?
Are you in regular standing and enjoying one another’s confidence?
If they answer these questions in the affirmative, the three are declared
the nucleus of the new church. Then one after another the names that were
recorded are called, each person is asked the questions listed in the preceding
paragraph, and the presiding person takes a vote among the nucleus to receive
each individual into church fellowship. Each person thus received becomes a
member of the church and is qualified to vote on the next name. Care should
be taken to see that full fellowship and brotherly love exist among those
received into membership. Should any difficulty arise in any case over a
question either of doctrine or of fellowship, action should be deferred unless
the matter can be adjusted kindly and tactfully.
When the nucleus has voted on all potential members, the church is a
complete entity and ready for election of officers. Members then should
choose a nominating committee, with the officiating pastor serving as
chairperson. The nominating committee brings in nominations to fill the
various church offices. When these have been elected, the elders should be
ordained, unless they have already been ordained as elders. A similar but
shorter service should take place for ordination of deacons and deaconesses.
The church then is fully organized and ready for service.
Before the organizing meeting ends, the members should vote to request
the conference to receive the newly organized church into the sisterhood of
churches at the next conference session.
To maximize success of the new congregation, conference and local
leaders should see that all officers are fully instructed concerning their duties.
The church also should have the materials needed for the communion service,
which, if possible, should be celebrated as part of the organizational meeting.
The treasurer, the clerk, and the other officers should receive all the necessary
records or equipment needed to carry out their responsibilities.
Organizing a Company
Where a number of isolated believers reside near one another or where
they belong to a small group, house church, or church planting core group,
they should consider forming a company of believers for fellowship, worship,
and mission with the objective of growing into an organized church or
multiplying house churches in that geographical area.
Company status is approved by vote of the conference executive
committee, which, should it become necessary, may subsequently dissolve
the company. The division and/or conference should have written guidelines
for organizing companies within its territory.
Church members who are part of small groups or house groups may form
the nucleus of a new company. Membership of all those who want to be part
of a company should be held in either the conference church or a local church
(mother church). If membership for those who want to be part of a company
is to be held in the conference church, the conference executive committee
will vote their membership transfers to the conference church and indicate
that they are part of the new company.
When the conference executive committee approves establishment of a
company, a leadership team should be appointed, including a leader, a clerk,
and a treasurer. The appointment should be carried out by the district pastor,
or other pastor appointed by the conference executive committee, in counsel
with the group being established as a company.
All other company appointments should be made by vote of those who
are part of the group that is forming the company. The district pastor or other
person authorized by the conference executive committee shall preside at
such a meeting. Only members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in
regular standing shall be appointed.
The leader of a company shall not be ordained to that office and does not
have the authority to perform those functions that are vested in an elder of a
church. However, where exceptional circumstances warrant, the conference
executive committee may appoint a person of church experience and
leadership ability to serve as elder of the company.
Since ordination does not take place in companies, deacons and
deaconesses should not be elected, but men and women should be voted in
the local congregation as “company assistants.” Their duties will be similar
to those performed by the deacons and deaconesses of organized churches
where activities do not require ordination. (See pp. 82-86.)
The clerk of the company shall keep record of all activities and meetings
of the company and shall send regular statistical reports to the mother church
or the conference executive secretary. These reports should include statistics
on attendance and activities of the company, including outreach ministries
conducted during the week or on Sabbath.
The treasurer of the company shall keep record of all money received
and disbursed and shall send promptly, at the time established by the
conference, all tithes and offerings, other than funds collected for local
purposes, to the conference treasurer, who also is treasurer of the conference
If the members of an organized company are members of the conference
church, the company does not possess the right to administer discipline or
transfer or receive members. All such matters must be referred to the
conference executive committee, which constitutes the board of the
conference church. The conference president is the elder of the conference
If the conference organizes a company through a neighboring mother
church instead of through the conference church, the functions listed above
(such as reporting and membership) would be cared for by/through the
mother church.
Since a company should want to grow and eventually be recognized as a
church, its leadership should prepare members for church status by promoting
all activities generally carried on by a church.
Uniting Churches
When it is advisable to unite two churches, the conference executive
committee should recommend such a course. In a duly called meeting,
presided over by the conference president or the pastor or other ordained
pastor, each church should vote on the question of union. When favorable
action has been taken by both churches, a joint meeting of the two churches
should be arranged, with the conference president presiding or in his absence
an ordained pastor appointed by the conference.
A carefully written statement of agreement should be prepared setting
forth the reasons for uniting and stating any special matters or conditions
involved, such as the disposal of property and responsibility for financial
obligations. It should provide for the new name of the united church and for
the release from service of all officers of the two churches.
Adoption of the agreement by the united body consummates the union
of the two churches. Members of the new congregation then should choose a
nominating committee to nominate officers to serve for the remainder of the
current year.
A copy of the agreement should then be filed with the conference.
The entire membership of both churches unites in the new organization.
It is not permissible to remove any members by failing to include them in the
membership list at the time of uniting. The united body becomes responsible
for the order and discipline of all members. Members under discipline should
be dealt with as provided elsewhere in this manual.
All records of both churches become a part of the records of the united
body. The local conference should be notified so that it may take suitable
actions at its next session.
Dissolving or Expelling a Church
“Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might
sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might
present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any
such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. . . . For no one
ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does
the church. For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones”
(Eph. 5:25-30).
This spirit should permeate all efforts to help an erring church and all
aspects of any discipline that may be appliedalways to help and save for
the cause of God.
Church status is not necessarily perpetual. A church may be dissolved or
expelled from the sisterhood of churches for the following reasons:
1. Loss of MembersOccasionally, despite efforts to preserve a
church, so many members are lost by moving away or by death or by apostasy
that the existence of the church is threatened. Under such circumstances the
conference executive committee should recommend possible dissolution of
the church.
Before a church takes final action to dissolve, the remaining members
shall be invited to transfer their memberships to other churches.
If enough members remain, the congregation may call a business
meeting, presided over by the conference president or by a pastor designated
by him, to vote to approve letters requesting transfer of all members in regular
standing to unite with other churches. In this way the church dissolves itself
upon recommendation of the conference executive committee, and the way
is opened for the conference executive committee to take action recording
dissolution of the church.
If, in the judgment of the conference executive committee, there are too
few members available to call a business meeting, the conference executive
committee shall have the authority to recommend transfer of members in
regular standing to other churches or to the conference church. In this way
the church is dissolved.
If at the time of dissolution there are members who are under discipline
and therefore cannot be granted letters saying they are in regular standing,
their memberships shall be provisionally held in the conference church while
conference administration ensures that every effort is made as soon as
possible to help such members to a satisfactory Christian experience. If the
efforts are successful, their memberships may then be confirmed in the
conference church or letters granted to them for transfer to other churches. If
they cannot be reclaimed, they should be removed from membership by vote
of the conference executive committee.
2. DisciplineOccasions for expelling a church for disciplinary
reasons are rare because the mission of the church is to seek and to save.
Where serious problems such as apostasy, refusal to operate in harmony with
the Church Manual, or rebellion against the conference persist, earnest efforts
should be made to avert the need for expulsion. The pastor should seek to
deepen the spiritual life of the church through preaching and personal
visitation ministries. The conference should encourage a series of revival
meetings to lead the members to renew their covenant with their Lord. If these
efforts are unsuccessful, the pastor, in cooperation with the conference
executive committee, should counsel with the church and its leadership,
seeking to bring healing and reconciliation and to preserve the church.
Such remedial measures are preferable to permitting the deterioration of
relationships, which could lead to expulsion of the church.
However, if all efforts to preserve the church fail, the conference
executive committee should give careful study to the question of expulsion.
If such action is decided upon, the conference shall follow the following
a. The decision to recommend expulsion, with supporting reasons,
shall be presented to the church itself in a business meeting for its information
and consideration.
b. If the church does not accept the recommendation, it may
respond in one of the following ways:
1) Eliminating the causes for discipline and accepting the
conference specifications, request the conference to rescind the
recommendation to dissolve or expel.
2) Appeal to the union executive committee, or to the division
in case of a union of churches, to arbitrate on behalf of the church.
c. If the church remains in rebellion, the conference executive
committee makes a recommendation to a regular or specially called
constituency meeting that the church be dissolved.
d. If the constituency takes action to expel, the conference shall
enforce the decision.
Care of Members, Records, and Funds
Loyal members of a dissolved or expelled church may desire to retain
their memberships in the Church. To ensure their welfare, their memberships
shall be provisionally held for up to one year in the conference church to
allow opportunity for those who desire to have their memberships in the
conference church confirmed or transferred to another church. Their standing
shall be evaluated by the conference executive committee, and, if
satisfactory, the conference executive committee may recommend them for
membership in the conference church or churches of their choice.
The names of members of a dissolved or expelled church who are under
discipline shall be referred to the conference secretary for early attention by
the conference executive committee as set out in “Loss of Members,” above.
On dissolution or expulsion of a church for loss of members or for
disciplinary reasons, all offerings, financial accounts, and all property real or
personal, whether held in the name of the local church or the conference or
other denominational legal association, are held in trust for the conference.
The conference therefore has the right, the authority, and the duty to
administer, protect, or dispose of such property and funds. All records of the
church are to be held in the custody of the conference secretary and/or
In cases where discipline is not involved, an alternative to dissolving or
expelling a church is to return it to company status. Such a decision will be
made by a majority vote of the conference executive committee, following
consultation with the district pastor and members, and conveyed to the church
by the pastor or conference representative.
At a business meeting (see p. 40), letters of transfer may be voted to all
remaining members in regular standing to the conference church or to other
churches in the cases of any members who wish to transfer. At the same
meeting, the pastor, in counsel with the local members, shall appoint from
the members of the new company a leadership team, including a leader, a
clerk, and a treasurer. For details of other organizational matters relating to a
company, see “Organizing a Company” on pp. 38-40.
Making Disciples
Making disciples is a continuous process by which a person becomes a
disciple of Jesus Christ, matures as His disciple, and makes more disciples.
Baptism is an essential part of the discipleship process, but it is not the end
result of that process.
Seventh-day Adventists accept with honor and humility the command of
Jesus contained in the Gospel Commission to “go therefore and make
disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19). We are to obey this Commission,
as we live in these last days, within the context of the Three Angels’ Messages
(Rev. 14:6-12).
The Gospel Commission’s main emphasis to “make disciples” contains
three parts:
1. “Go therefore and make disciples” is Jesus’ command to fulfill the
mission. Thus, making disciples should be our way of life. We are to go and
make disciples in our homes, our work, our schools, and in our everyday
interactions with others. We are to make disciples of every nation, tribe,
language, and people. The goal of witnessing and evangelism is disciple-
making (Matt. 10:25, Matt. 28:19, 20).
2. “Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit,” is not the end goal but an important part in the process of
discipleship as people acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior,
become part of His church, and commit to making more disciples. Disciples
are baptized into Christ’s body, the church. Their commitment to obey Christ
in making disciples should be demonstrated before baptism.
3. “Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you,”
indicates that teaching is a vital and ongoing experience of maturing in the
experience of discipleship. “Teaching” should take place before and after
Making disciples is a continuous process with its purpose being grown
“in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter
3:18) into Christian maturity and multiplication of disciples.
Growing as a disciple and making disciples to prepare them for the
second coming of Jesus, is not optional; it is the essence of our last-day
commission as Seventh-day Adventists. Genuine discipleship only happens
as a result of the amazing grace of Jesus Christ. We can take comfort that all
authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him, and He promises to
be with us to the end of the world (Matt. 28:18, 20). Further, He promises us
the Holy Spirit as our Teacher, Guide, and Power (John 16:7-16; Luke 24:46-
49; Acts 1:4, 5, 8; 2:37-39).
What is a Disciple?
In Jesus’ time, disciples were followers whose instruction was wholistic
and comprehensive. The disciples of Jesus spent so much time with Him that
they received His teachings and learned valuable lifestyle lessons. A disciple
is one whose choices, decisions, and worldview are being transformed by the
Holy Spirit through the Word of God.
Christian disciples pattern their faith, character, and mission after the
faith, character, and mission of their Teacher, Jesus. A disciple is one who
has made a commitment to follow Christ and bring their life under the
Lordship of Christ.
A disciple is a person who is becoming more like Jesus Christ in every
way (Eph. 4:15). The process of disciple-making is a continuous process. It
also entails teaching new believers how to bring their lives into conformity
with the Word of God through various programs such as mentoring, small
group ministries, Bible studies, service, etc.
1. Thus, discipleship impacts every area of our lives: our beliefs,
character, lifestyle, relationships, work, entertainment, finances, health,
witness, and our burden to see others in God’s kingdom.
2. “Is becoming” indicates that discipleship is an ongoing activity of
following Jesus.
3. “More like Jesus Christ” means that Christ is our Savior and Lord
and the only perfect example for us to follow.
Growth of a Disciple
The discipleship journey starts when one takes the first steps toward
Jesus (see John 1:35-2:2). Abiding in Him daily and following His Word, one
can continue to grow in Christlikeness. Some of the key areas in which
Scripture indicates disciples must mature in personal development, as well as
part of a community of believers, are listed below:
1. Worship/Personal Devotion: “You shall love the LORD your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt. 22:37
ESV). Worship is our response to God’s initiating work in our lives. True
worship is not focused on us but on God (Ps. 150:6; John 4:23; Rev. 14:7).
“We need to cherish and cultivate a spirit of true worship, a spirit of
devotion upon the Lord’s holy, sanctified day. We should assemble together
believing that we shall receive comfort and hope, light and peace from Jesus
Christ.”—FLB 35.
“Personal religion will reveal itself in bearing good fruit, sanctification
is not the work of a day, but a lifetime. . . .There should be in the heart of
everyone grace which can bloom in the garden of God. Selfishness will cut
out every precious likeness of Christ, will expel humility and self-denial and
devotion.” PM 91.
2. Ministry to Others: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”
(Matt. 22:39 ESV). Every disciple is called and gifted by God for the benefit
of the church and to take the gospel message to the world (1 Peter 2:9; 4:10).
“[The disciples’] office was the most important to which human beings
had ever been called, second only to that of Christ Himself. They were to be
workers together with God for the saving of men.”AA 19.
3. Witnessing/Need-Based Evangelism: “Go therefore and make
disciples of all nations . . . .” (Matt. 28:19 ESV). Witness and evangelism
happen best when following Christ’s method of ministry to the whole person.
“Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The
Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His
sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then
He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’”—MH 143.
4. Obedience: “. . . . teaching them to observe all that I have
commanded you” (Matt. 28:20 ESV). A primary indication of true
discipleship is faithfulness to Christ and His Word and submission to Him as
our Lord. Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments”
(John 14:15 ESV).
“Obediencethe service and allegiance of loveis the true sign of
discipleship. Thus, the Scripture says, ‘This is the love of God, that we keep
His commandments’”—SC 60.
A faithful disciple is one who recognizes the Shepherd’s voice and
continually seeks to learn in order to obey more completely. Reflecting
Christ’s character and laboring for the enlargement of His kingdom is to be
our overriding passion. This includes growth in character, stewardship and
service (Eph. 4:13-15; Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:17, 18; 1 John 3:2).
5. Community/Outreach: “. . . . baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19 ESV). True
discipleship only happens within a community that is built on the foundation
of Jesus Christ and His Word, where worship, ministry, evangelism, and
obedience are given the highest priority (Rev. 14:6-12).
“Let small companies assemble in the evening, at noon, or in the early
morning to study the Bible. Let them have a season of prayer, that they may
be strengthened, enlightened, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. This work
Christ wants to have done in the heart of every worker. If you yourselves will
open the door to receive it, a great blessing will come to you. Angels of God
will be in your assembly. You will feed upon the leaves of the tree of life.
What testimonies you may bear of the loving acquaintance made with your
fellow workers in these precious seasons when seeking the blessing of
God.”—7T 195.
Practical Steps
The grace of Jesus Christ is not cheap. It cost Him His life. Anyone who
accepts Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior needs to know that being His
disciple also comes at a cost. “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny
themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34, NIV).
Disciples grow Christlike in character amid the routines of day-to-day
life. Through the intentional practices of daily Bible study, prayer, service,
and mission, we grow ever deeper in our discipleship commitment. A fully
committed disciple continually “walks” with Christ, being with Him,
modeling one’s life after Him, and obeying Him in one’s ordinary daily
The work of making disciples is ongoing. “The Saviour’s commission to
the disciples included all the believers. It includes all believers in Christ to
the end of time.”—DA 822. Therefore, patterning one’s life after Jesus’
example is a personal responsibility as well as a teaching responsibility that
every church member owes to those who are young in the faith. Church
membership and even church activity by themselves are insufficient.
Ongoing personal growth as a disciple is necessary to have an impactful and
lasting relationship with God.
Love, The Defining Mark of a Disciple
Loving others as God loves us, which is intimately connected to unity, is
the ultimate indication of true discipleship. “By this all people will know that
you are my disciples, if you have love one for another” (John 13:35, ESV).
“Christ has given us a pattern in his own example. He would bind his
followers to one another and to himself. Their oneness with Christ makes
them love one another, for love is the sure fruit of unity with Christ. Christ
declared that their love for one another was a sure badge of their
discipleship”—Ms 51, 1894.
True love for Jesus means more than His disciples loving each other;
they must share God’s love with others. If we love God, we will obey his
command to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations. . . . ” (Matt.
God’s love is the defining mark of a disciple because in love all other
characteristics of discipleship are complete. Christ “mentioned only one
condition of discipleship and service. ‘Lovest thou Me?’ He said. This is the
essential qualification”—DA 815. “The love of Christ is not a fitful feeling,
but a living principle, which is to be made manifest as an abiding power in
the heart. . .”RC 345.
The solemn obligations of membership in the body of Christ should be
impressed on everyone desiring Church membership. Only those giving
evidence of having experienced the new birth and enjoying a spiritual
experience in the Lord Jesus are prepared for acceptance into membership.
Pastors must instruct candidates in the fundamental teachings and related
practices of the Church so they will enter the Church on a sound spiritual
basis. While there is no stated age for baptism, it is recommended that very
young children who express a desire to be baptized should be encouraged and
entered into an instruction program that may lead to baptism.
The apostle Paul writes: “Or do you not know that as many of us as were
baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were
buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised
from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in
newness of life” (Rom. 6:3, 4).
Luke also reports: “Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and let every one
of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.’ . . . Then those who gladly
received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls
were added to them” (Acts 2:38-41).
“The members of the church, those whom He has called out of darkness
into His marvelous light, are to show forth His glory. The church is the
repository of the riches of the grace of Christ; and through the church will
eventually be made manifest, even to ‘the principalities and powers in
heavenly places,’ the final and full display of the love of God.”AA 9.
A Prerequisite to Membership—“Christ has made baptism the sign of
entrance to His spiritual kingdom. He has made this a positive condition with
which all must comply who wish to be acknowledged as under the authority
of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. . . .
“Baptism is a most solemn renunciation of the world. Those who are
baptized in the threefold name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, at
the very entrance of their Christian life declare publicly that they have
forsaken the service of Satan and have become members of the royal family,
children of the heavenly King. They have obeyed the command: ‘Come out
from among them, and be ye separate, . . . and touch not the unclean thing.’
And to them is fulfilled the promise: ‘I will receive you, and will be a Father
unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.’
2 Corinthians 6:17, 18.”—6T 91.
Baptism is the avenue of induction into the Church. It is fundamentally
the pledge of entrance into Christ’s saving covenant and should be treated as
a solemn and yet joyful welcome into the family of God.
Membership in the Church is possible only in those churches included in
the sisterhood of churches recognized by a conference.
Mode of BaptismThe Church believes in baptism by immersion and
accepts into membership only those who have been baptized in this manner.
(See Chapter 15, “Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists.”) Those
who acknowledge their lost state as sinners, sincerely repent of their sins, and
experience conversion may, after proper instruction, be accepted as
candidates for baptism and Church membership.
Thorough Instruction and Public Examination Before Baptism
Candidates individually or in a baptismal class should be instructed from the
Scriptures regarding the Church’s Fundamental Beliefs and practices and the
responsibilities of membership. A pastor should satisfy the church by a public
examination that candidates are well instructed, are committed to taking this
important step, and by practice and conduct demonstrate a willing acceptance
of Church doctrines and the principles of conduct which are the outward
expression of those doctrines, for “by their fruits you will know them” (Matt.
If public examination is impractical, then candidates should be examined
by the board or a committee appointed by the board, such as the board of
elders, whose report then should be given to the church before the baptism.
“The test of discipleship is not brought to bear as closely as it should be
upon those who present themselves for baptism. It should be understood
whether they are simply taking the name of Seventh-day Adventists, or
whether they are taking their stand on the Lord’s side, to come out from the
world and be separate, and touch not the unclean thing. Before baptism there
should be a thorough inquiry as to the experience of the candidates. Let this
inquiry be made, not in a cold and distant way, but kindly, tenderly, pointing
the new converts to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.
Bring the requirements of the gospel to bear upon the candidates for
baptism.”—6T 95, 96.
Baptismal Vow and Commitment
Baptismal VowBaptismal candidates and those being received into
fellowship by profession of faith shall affirm their acceptance of the
Fundamental Beliefs in the presence of the local congregation or other
properly appointed body. (See p. 50.)
The pastor or elder should address the following questions to the
candidate(s), whose reply may be by verbal assent, raising the hand, or other
culturally appropriate method.
1. Do you believe there is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a
unity of three coeternal Persons?
2. Do you accept the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary as the atoning
sacrifice for your sins and believe that by God’s grace through faith in His
shed blood you are saved from sin and its penalty?
3. Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior,
believing that God, in Christ, has forgiven your sins and given you a new
heart, and do you renounce the sinful ways of the world?
4. Do you accept by faith the righteousness of Christ, your Intercessor
in the heavenly sanctuary, and accept His promise of transforming grace and
power to live a loving, Christ-centered life in your home and before the
5. Do you believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, the only rule
of faith and practice for the Christian? Do you covenant to spend time
regularly in prayer and Bible study?
6. Do you accept the Ten Commandments as a transcript of the
character of God and a revelation of His will? Is it your purpose by the power
of the indwelling Christ to keep this law, including the fourth commandment,
which requires the observance of the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath
of the Lord and the memorial of Creation?
7. Do you look forward to the soon coming of Jesus and the blessed
hope, when “this mortal shall . . . put on immortality” [1 Cor. 15:54, KJV]?
As you prepare to meet the Lord, will you witness to His loving salvation by
using your talents in personal soul-winning endeavor to help others to be
ready for His glorious appearing?
8. Do you accept the biblical teaching of spiritual gifts and believe that
the gift of prophecy is one of the identifying marks of the remnant church?
9. Do you believe in Church organization? Is it your purpose to
worship God and to support the Church through your tithes and offerings and
by your personal effort and influence?
10. Do you believe that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; and
will you honor God by caring for it, avoiding the use of that which is harmful,
and abstaining from all unclean foods; from the use, manufacture, or sale of
alcoholic beverages; from the use, manufacture, or sale of tobacco in any of
its forms for human consumption; and from the misuse of or trafficking in
narcotics or other drugs?
11. Do you know and understand the fundamental Bible principles as
taught by the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Do you purpose, by the grace
of God, to fulfill His will by ordering your life in harmony with these
12. Do you accept the New Testament teaching of baptism by
immersion and desire to be so baptized as a public expression of faith in
Christ and His forgiveness of your sins?
13. Do you accept and believe that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is
the remnant church of Bible prophecy and that people of every nation, race,
and language are invited and accepted into its fellowship? Do you desire to
be a member of this local congregation of the world Church?
Alternative Vow
1. Do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, and
do you desire to live your life in a saving relationship with Him?
2. Do you accept the teachings of the Bible as expressed in the
Statement of Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and
do you pledge by God’s grace to live your life in harmony with these
3. Do you desire to be baptized as a public expression of your belief in
Jesus Christ, to be accepted into the fellowship of the Seventh-day Adventist
Church, and to support the Church and its mission as a faithful steward by
your personal influence, tithes and offerings, and a life of service?
Baptismal CovenantThe Church has adopted its 28 Fundamental
Beliefs, together with the baptismal vow and Certificate of Baptism and
Commitment, as a baptismal covenant.
A printed copy of this covenant, with the Certificate of Baptism and
Commitment properly completed, should be given to all accepted into
membership by baptism. An appropriate certificate also should be given those
accepted on profession of faith.
The Certificate of Baptism and Commitment contains a space for the new
member to sign as an affirmation of commitment. Following the baptism, the
Certificate of Baptism and Commitment should be presented to the candidate
as a covenant document. The commitment reads as follows:
1. I believe there is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of
three coeternal Persons.
2. I accept the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary as the atoning sacrifice
for my sins and believe that by God’s grace through faith in His shed blood I
am saved from sin and its penalty.
3. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Savior and believe
that God, in Christ, has forgiven my sins and given me a new heart, and I
renounce the sinful ways of the world.
4. I accept by faith the righteousness of Christ, my Intercessor in the
heavenly sanctuary, and accept His promise of transforming grace and power
to live a loving, Christ-centered life in my home and before the world.
5. I believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, the only rule of faith
and practice for the Christian. I covenant to spend time regularly in prayer
and Bible study.
6. I accept the Ten Commandments as a transcript of the character of
God and a revelation of His will. It is my purpose by the power of the
indwelling Christ to keep this law, including the fourth commandment, which
requires the observance of the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath of the
Lord and the memorial of Creation.
7. I look forward to the soon coming of Jesus and the blessed hope,
when “this mortal shall . . . put on immortality” [1 Cor. 15:54, KJV]. As I
prepare to meet the Lord, I will witness to His loving salvation by using my
talents in personal soul-winning endeavor to help others to be ready for His
glorious appearing.
8. I accept the biblical teaching of spiritual gifts and believe that the
gift of prophecy is one of the identifying marks of the remnant church.
9. I believe in Church organization. It is my purpose to worship God
and to support the Church through my tithes and offerings and by my personal
effort and influence.
10. I believe that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; and I will
honor God by caring for it, avoiding the use of that which is harmful, and
abstaining from all unclean foods; from the use, manufacture, or sale of
alcoholic beverages; from the use, manufacture, or sale of tobacco in any of
its forms for human consumption; and from the misuse of or trafficking in
narcotics or other drugs.
11. I know and understand the fundamental Bible principles as taught
by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I purpose, by the grace of God, to
fulfill His will by ordering my life in harmony with these principles.
12. I accept the New Testament teaching of baptism by immersion and
desire to be so baptized as a public expression of faith in Christ and His
forgiveness of my sins.
13. I accept and believe that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is the
remnant church of Bible prophecy and that people of every nation, race, and
language are invited and accepted into its fellowship. I desire to be a member
of this local congregation of the world Church.
Voting Acceptance Subject to BaptismAfter the candidates have,
in the presence of the church membership or other properly appointed body,
answered the questions of the vow in the affirmative, or assurance has been
given to the church that they have already done so, the church should vote on
their acceptance into membership subject to baptism, which should not be
unduly delayed.
Receiving Members Who Are Not KnownIn preparing for the
baptism of converts, an evangelist should invite the pastor or elder to visit the
baptismal class to become acquainted with the candidates. Such contacts will
enable the church to be better prepared to receive the new members.
Baptismal PreparationsAt the baptismal service the deacons
should make necessary preparations and also assist male candidates into and
out of the water. The deaconesses should assist female candidates.
Care should be exercised to see that proper attire is provided for the
candidates, preferably robes of suitable heavy material. If robes are not
available, the candidates should dress in modest attire.
The baptism should be followed by a short welcoming ceremony.
Rebaptism is specifically mentioned only in Acts 19:1-7, where the
apostle Paul endorsed it for a group of believers whose previous baptism of
repentance had been by John. In addition to repentance, Christian baptism is
associated with an understanding of and personal commitment to the gospel
and the teachings of Jesus and a reception of the Holy Spirit. With this
increased understanding and commitment, rebaptism is acceptable.
Individuals From Other Christian CommunionsOn biblical
grounds, individuals from other Christian communions who have embraced
Seventh- day Adventist beliefs and who have previously been baptized by
immersion may request rebaptism.
The following examples, however, suggest that rebaptism may not be
required. Evidently the instance of Acts 19 was a special one, for Apollos is
reported to have received John’s baptism (Acts 18:25), and there is no record
that he was rebaptized. Apparently some of the apostles themselves received
John’s baptism (John 1:35-40), but there is no record they were rebaptized.
If a new believer has accepted significant new truths, Ellen G. White
supports rebaptism as the Spirit leads the new believer to request it. This
follows the developmental pattern of Acts 19. An individual who has
previously experienced baptism by immersion should evaluate his/her new
religious experience and determine whether he/she desires rebaptism. There
is to be no urging.
“This [rebaptism] is a subject which each individual must
conscientiously take his position upon in the fear of God. This subject should
be carefully presented in the spirit of tenderness and love. Then the duty of
urging belongs to no one but God; give God a chance to work with His Holy
Spirit upon the minds, so that the individual will be perfectly convinced and
satisfied in regard to this advanced step.”Ev 373.
Apostasy and RebaptismAlthough apostasy existed in the apostolic
church (Heb. 6:4-6), Scripture does not address the question of rebaptism.
Ellen G. White supports rebaptism when members have apostatized and then
are reconverted and wish to rejoin the Church. (See pp. 72-73, 168.)
“The Lord calls for a decided reformation. And when a soul is truly
reconverted, let him be rebaptized. Let him renew his covenant with God, and
God will renew His covenant with him.”Ev 375.
Inappropriate RebaptismOn the basis of biblical teaching and the
guidance of Ellen G. White, rebaptism should occur only in special
circumstances and should be relatively rare. To administer baptism
repeatedly or on an emotional basis lessens its meaning and represents a
misunderstanding of the gravity and significance that Scripture assigns to it.
A member whose spiritual experience has become cold needs a spirit of
repentance which leads to revival and reformation. This experience will be
followed by participation in the communion service to signify renewed
cleansing and fellowship in the body of Christ, making rebaptism
Profession of Faith
Individuals who have accepted the Fundamental Beliefs of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church and who desire membership in the Church on
profession of faith may be accepted under any of the following four
1. A committed Christian coming from another Christian communion
who has already been baptized by immersion as practiced by the Seventh-day
Adventist Church. (See p. 54.)
2. A member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church who, because of
world conditions, is unable to secure a letter of transfer from his/her home
church. (See p. 59.)
3. A member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church whose request for
membership transfer has received no response from the church where he/she
is a member. In such a case the church shall seek assistance of the conference
or conferences involved.
4. An individual who has been a member, but whose membership has
been misplaced or has been withdrawn because he/she was a missing
member, yet who has remained faithful to his/her Christian commitment.
Great care should be exercised in receiving members if they have
formerly been members of another congregation. When a person applies for
membership on profession of faith, inquiries should be made concerning the
applicant’s former experience. Church officers should seek the advice and
help of the conference president. Sufficient time should be taken to
investigate the facts.
When a person applies for membership on profession of faith and it is
found that he/she still is a member of another congregation, no steps should
be taken to receive that person into membership until the church holding the
membership grants a letter of transfer. If, after the process of transfer is
followed (see p. 57-58), a church refuses to grant a letter of transfer and the
member feels the letter has been unjustly denied, the member may appeal to
the conference executive committee. Following this procedure will result in
a higher appreciation of the sacredness of Church membership and in wrongs
being made right. No church has the right to withhold transfer unless the
person is under discipline.
When an individual whose membership has been removed seeks
readmission to church membership, readmission is normally preceded by
rebaptism. (See pp. 72-73.)
Transferring Members
When members move to a different area, the clerk of the church holding
their membership records should write to the secretary of the relevant
conference requesting that a pastor in the new locality visit them and help
facilitate their membership transfer to the new congregation.
The clerk of the church holding the membership records also should
notify the transferring members of the intention to give their new addresses
to the conference.
Members who move to another locality for longer than six months should
make immediate applications for letters of transfer. Members moving to an
isolated area with no church within a reasonable distance should apply to join
the conference church.
Method of Granting Letters of TransferMembers should apply for
their letters of transfer to the clerk of the church with which the members
desire to unite (the receiving church). That clerk sends the request to the clerk
of the church from which the members desire to transfer (the granting
church). (For alternative method, see p. 58.)
When the clerk of the granting church receives the request, the clerk
brings it to the pastor or elder, who in turn presents it to the board. After due
consideration, the board votes to recommend, favorably or otherwise, to the
church. (See pp. 37-40, 41, 55-61, 71-73, 87.) The pastor or elder then brings
the recommendation to the attention of the church for a first reading. Final
action is taken the following week, when the request is presented to the
church for a vote.
The purpose of the one-week interval is to give members an opportunity
to object to the granting of the letter. Objections ordinarily should not be
publicly stated but be lodged with the pastor or elder, who then refers them
to the board for consideration. The board should give each objector
opportunity to appear to present his/her objection. If the objection is not based
on valid grounds, the person raising objection should be admonished to
withdraw it. If the objection is based on valid grounds, it is the duty of the
board to investigate. Final action on granting the letter is deferred until the
matter has been satisfactorily settled.
If the objection involves personal relationships, every effort should be
made to effect reconciliation. If public offenses are involved, disciplinary
measures may be called for. If there is some spiritual lapse, efforts should be
made to restore the member.
Clerk to Prepare LetterWhen the church has granted the letter of
transfer, the clerk fills out the regular transfer form and forwards it to the
clerk of the receiving church. The clerk of the receiving church then passes
the letter to the pastor or elder, who presents it first to the board for
recommendation, after which the request is presented to the church at its next
regular service. The vote accepting the person into membership usually is
taken at the regular service one week later. The clerk of the receiving church
then adds the member’s name and date of admittance to the membership
record. The clerk also fills out the return portion of the letter of transfer,
certifying that the member has been accepted, and returns it to the clerk of
the granting church. (See p. 87.)
Letter Valid Six MonthsA letter of transfer is valid for six months
from date of issue.
Alternative Method for Membership TransferA division may
approve alternative methods for transferring members between churches
within the division, but when members request transfers to a church in
another division, the above Method of Granting Letters of Transfermust
be followed.
Membership During TransferUnder no circumstances shall the
clerk of the granting church remove a member’s name from the membership
record until the return portion of the transfer letter has been received,
certifying that the member has been voted into the fellowship of the receiving
church. To do so deprives the person of membership during the transfer. The
clerk, the elders, the pastor, and the conference president are all responsible
for seeing that all churches adhere to this procedure.
Receiving Members Under Difficult ConditionsWorld conditions
sometimes prevent communications concerning a membership transfer. In
such situations, the receiving church, in counsel with the conference, should
satisfy itself as to the applicant’s standing and then receive him/her into
membership on profession of faith. If the way later opens to communicate
with the granting church or to the conference where it is located, the receiving
church should send a letter stating what it has done.
Counted in Statistical ReportsWhen quarterly and annual statistical
reports are made, a member to whom a letter has been granted, but whose
return certificate has not been received, is counted as a member of the
granting church. When the return certificate has been received, the name is
then removed from the membership record of the granting church and not
included in subsequent reports.
If Member Is Not AcceptedThe receiving church must receive the
member unless it knows a valid reason it should not extend the privilege of
membership. If a church does not receive the member, the clerk should return
the letter to the granting church with a full explanation of the reasons. The
person’s membership then remains with the granting church, which should
cooperate with the member to resolve the matter.
Letters Granted Only to Those in Regular StandingLetters of
transfer are granted only to members in regular standing, never to a member
under discipline. Qualifying statements are out of order except when the
pastor or board of the granting church has factual or proven knowledge that
the member has been involved as a perpetrator of child abuse. In that case,
for the safety of children, the pastor or elder should provide a confidential
statement alerting the pastor or elder of the congregation to which the
member is transferring.
If a member who has moved to a new location has grown indifferent, the
pastor or elder of the granting church may, to be clear in the matter before the
transfer is granted, take up the question with the pastor or elder of the
receiving church.
No Letter Without Member’s ApprovalIn no case should a church
vote a letter of transfer contrary to the desire of the member, nor should a
church accept a member by a letter granted under such circumstances.
Membership is the personal relationship of an individual to the body of
Christ, and a church should recognize this relationship and avoid any action
that might be construed as arbitrary.
On the other hand, a member is under obligation to recognize the welfare
of the church and to make every effort to relieve the church of problems
incident to absentee members. When a member moves, he/she should
promptly request a letter of transfer.
When a church is expelled from the sisterhood of churches by action of
a conference session, the memberships of all loyal members, except those
who refuse, are considered moved to the conference church on a provisional
basis. The conference church then may issue letters of transfer for loyal
members and deal with other memberships as may be necessary. (See pp. 40-
Church Board Cannot Grant LettersA board has no authority to
vote letters of transfer or to receive members by letter. The board’s authority
is limited to making recommendations to the church. Action on all transfers
of membership, favorable or otherwise, must be taken by the church. (See pp.
57-58.) The clerk has no authority to remove names from or add names to the
membership record except by vote of the church, unless a member requests
in writing to be removed from church membership, in which case the church
board must act on the request. The church may be informed of the member’s
request, but no discussion will take place. Efforts should be made to restore
the individual to the church family. When a member dies, the clerk records
the date of death in the membership record, and no action by the church is
Membership in the Conference ChurchIsolated members should
unite with the conference church, which is a body organized for the benefit
of believers who otherwise would be without church privileges. Aged and
infirmed members who live near a church and conference officers and other
employees, including pastors, should be members of a local church, not the
conference church.
The conference president is the presiding elder of the conference church,
and the work normally carried by the clerk and the treasurer is handled by the
conference secretary and treasurer. Since the church has no board, all
business normally conducted by a local church board is conducted by the
conference executive committee, which also appoints delegates from the
conference church to the conference session.
Membership RecordThe church should have one current, regularly
updated membership record. Names are added or removed only on the vote
of the church, at death, or at the member’s request. (See p. 87.)
Redemptive Membership ReviewMembership records are kept up
to date by the local church. They are subject to review by the next higher
organization. This rule, which also applies to every entity or level of the
organization, provides the maximum privacy of members’ personal
information and shall comply with legal requirements. (See pp. 87-88.)
In the Bible we find the words, “[N]ot forsaking the assembling of
ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and
so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:25). There is
great need to seek for those who are far away. Ellen G. White says, “If the
lost sheep is not brought back to the fold, it wanders until it perishes. And
many souls go down to ruin for want of a hand stretched out to save” (COL
191). It is a most needed ministry to review the membership records and to
approach this exercise in a Christ-like redemptive way.
General Principles
The Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy set forth in clear, unmistakable
language the solemn responsibility that rests upon the people of God to
maintain their purity, integrity, and spiritual fervor. If members grow
indifferent or drift away, the church must seek to reclaim them for the Lord.
Dealing With Erring Members—“Moreover if your brother sins
against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears
you, you have gained your brother. But if he will not hear, take with you one
or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be
established.’ And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he
refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax
collector. Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound
in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matt.
“In dealing with erring church members, God’s people are carefully to
follow the instruction given by the Savior in the eighteenth chapter of
“Human beings are Christ’s property, purchased by Him at an infinite
price, bound to Him by the love that He and His Father have manifested for
them. How careful, then, we should be in our dealing with one another! Men
have no right to surmise evil in regard to their fellow men. Church members
have no right to follow their own impulses and inclinations in dealing with
fellow members who have erred. They should not even express their
prejudices regarding the erring, for thus they place in other minds the leaven
of evil. . . .
“ ‘If thy brother shall trespass against thee,’ Christ declared, ‘go and tell
him his fault between thee and him alone.’ . . . Do not tell others of the wrong.
One person is told, then another, and still another; and continually the report
grows, and the evil increases, till the whole church is made to suffer. Settle
the matter ‘between thee and him alone.’ This is God’s plan.”7T 260.
God’s Plan—“Whatever the character of the offense, this does not
change the plan that God has made for the settlement of misunderstandings
and personal injuries. Speaking alone and in the spirit of Christ to the one
who is in fault will often remove the difficulty. Go to the erring one, with a
heart filled with Christ’s love and sympathy, and seek to adjust the matter.
Reason with him calmly and quietly. Let no angry words escape your lips.
Speak in a way that will appeal to his better judgment. Remember the words:
‘He which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul
from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.’ James 5:20. . . .
“All heaven is interested in the interview between the one who has been
injured and the one who is in error. As the erring one accepts the reproof
offered in the love of Christ, and acknowledges his wrong, asking forgiveness
from God and from his brother, the sunshine of heaven fills his heart. . . . The
Spirit of God binds heart to heart, and there is music in heaven over the union
brought about. . . .
“ ‘But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that
in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’. . .
Take with you those who are spiritually minded, and talk with the one in error
in regard to the wrong. . . . As he sees their agreement in the matter, his mind
may be enlightened.
‘And if he shall neglect to hear them,’ what then shall be done? Shall
a few persons in a board meeting take upon themselves the responsibility of
disfellowshiping the erring one? ‘If he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto
the church.’ . . . Let the church take action in regard to its members.
“ ‘But if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen
man and a publican.’ . . . If he will not heed the voice of the church, if he
refuses all the efforts made to reclaim him, upon the church rests the
responsibility of separating him from fellowship. His name should then be
stricken from the books.
“No church officer should advise, no committee should recommend, nor
should any church vote, that the name of a wrongdoer shall be removed from
the church books, until the instruction given by Christ has been faithfully
followed. When this instruction has been followed, the church has cleared
herself before God. The evil must then be made to appear as it is, and must
be removed, that it may not become more and more widespread. The health
and purity of the church must be preserved, that she may stand before God
unsullied, clad in the robes of Christ’s righteousness. . . .
“ ‘Verily I say unto you,’ Christ continued, ‘whatsoever ye shall bind on
earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall
be loosed in heaven.’ . . .
“This statement holds its force in all ages. On the church has been
conferred the power to act in Christ’s stead. It is God’s instrumentality for
the preservation of order and discipline among His people. To it the Lord has
delegated the power to settle all questions respecting its prosperity, purity,
and order. Upon it rests the responsibility of excluding from its fellowship
those who are unworthy, who by their un-Christlike conduct would bring
dishonor on the truth. Whatever the church does that is in accordance with
the directions given in God’s Word will be ratified in heaven.”—7T 261-263.
Authority of the Church—“The world’s Redeemer has invested great
power with His church. He states the rules to be applied in cases of trial with
its members. After He has given explicit directions as to the course to be
pursued, He says: ‘Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth
shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever [in church discipline] ye shall loose
on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’ Thus even the heavenly authority ratifies
the discipline of the church in regard to its members when the Bible rule has
been followed.
“The Word of God does not give license for one man to set up his
judgment in opposition to the judgment of the church, neither is he allowed
to urge his opinions against the opinions of the church.”—3T 428.
Church’s Responsibility“God holds His people, as a body,
responsible for the sins existing in individuals among them. If the leaders of
the church neglect to diligently search out the sins which bring the displeasure
of God upon the body, they become responsible for these sins.”3T 269.
“If there were no church discipline and government, the church would
go to fragments; it could not hold together as a body.”3T 428.
Unconsecrated Resist Discipline—“There are many who do not have
the discretion of Joshua and who have no special duty to search out wrongs
and to deal promptly with the sins existing among them. Let not such hinder
those who have the burden of this work upon them; let them not stand in the
way of those who have this duty to do. Some make it a point to question and
doubt and find fault because others do the work that God has not laid upon
them. These stand directly in the way to hinder those upon whom God has
laid the burden of reproving and correcting prevailing sins in order that His
frown may be turned away from His people. Should a case like Achan’s be
among us, there are many who would accuse those who might act the part of
Joshua in searching out the wrong, of having a wicked, fault-finding spirit.
God is not to be trifled with and His warnings disregarded with impunity by
a perverse people. . . .
“Those who work in the fear of God to rid the church of hindrances and
to correct grievous wrongs, that the people of God may see the necessity of
abhorring sin and may prosper in purity, and that the name of God may be
glorified, will ever meet with resisting influences from the unconsecrated.”
3T 270, 271.
Safeguarding Unity of the ChurchChristians should make every
effort to avoid tendencies that would divide them and bring dishonor to their
cause. “It is the purpose of God that His children shall blend in unity. Do they
not expect to live together in the same heaven? . . . Those who refuse to work
in harmony greatly dishonor God.”8T 240. The church should discourage
actions that threaten harmony among its members and should consistently
encourage unity.
Although all members have equal rights within the church, no individual
member or group should start a movement or form an organization or seek to
encourage a following for the attainment of any objective or for the teaching
of any doctrine or message not in harmony with the fundamental religious
objectives and teachings of the Church. Such a course would result in the
fostering of a divisive spirit, the fragmenting of the witness of the Church,
and thus in hindering of the Church’s discharge of its obligations to the Lord
and the world.
Reconciliation of DifferencesEvery effort should be made to settle
differences among church members and contain the controversy within the
smallest possible sphere. Reconciliation of differences within the church
should, in most cases, be possible without recourse either to a conciliation
process provided by the Church or to civil litigation.
“If matters of difficulty between brethren were not laid open before
others, but frankly spoken of between themselves in the spirit of Christian
love, how much evil might be prevented! How many roots of bitterness
whereby many are defiled would be destroyed, and how closely and tenderly
might the followers of Christ be united in His love!”TMB 59. (See p. 64.)
“Contentions, strife, and lawsuits between brethren are a disgrace to the
cause of truth. Those who take such a course expose the church to the ridicule
of her enemies and cause the powers of darkness to triumph. They are
piercing the wounds of Christ afresh and putting Him to an open shame. By
ignoring the authority of the church they show contempt for God, who gave
to the church its authority.”5T 242, 243.
Civil litigation is often carried on in a spirit of contention that results
from and reveals human selfishness. It is this kind of adversarial proceedings
that must be discouraged by a church that seeks to exhibit the spirit of Christ.
Christian unselfishness will lead followers of Christ to suffer themselves to
be defrauded (1 Cor. 6:7) rather than to “go to law before the unrighteous,
and not before the saints” (1 Cor. 6:1).
While there are, in the modern world, occasions for seeking decrees of
civil courts, Christians should prefer settlement within the authority of the
Church and should limit the seeking of such decrees to cases that are clearly
within the jurisdiction of the civil courts and not within the authority of the
Church or for which the Church agrees it has no adequate process for orderly
settlement. Such suits before civil courts should never become revengeful
adversary proceedings but should develop out of a desire to seek arbitration
and to settle differences amicably.
Examples of such civil cases may include, but are not limited to, the
settlement of insurance claims, the issuance of decrees affecting the
boundaries and ownership of real property, the deciding of some matters
involving the administration of estates, and the awarding of custody of minor
While the Church should set up procedures within the constraints of legal
practice to avoid the type of litigation referred to in 1 Corinthians 6, it should
constantly be on guard against turning from its gospel mission and taking up
the duties of a civil magistrate. (See Luke 12:13, 14 and 9T 216-218.)
God’s ideal for members of His Church is that they should, as far as
possible, “live peaceably with all men(Rom. 12:18). The Church should use
its readily accessible and reasonably prompt process by which many
differences among members can be settled. Should the Church fail to respond
to a request for help in reconciling a difference, or if the Church
acknowledges that the nature of the case is such that it is not within its
authority, it should be recognized that the member has exhausted the
possibilities of the biblically outlined procedure for the settlement of
differences and that what he/she should do beyond that point is a matter for
his/her conscience. (See The SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 6, p. 698.)
However, when the Church, endeavoring to assist in timely and amicable
settlement of differences among its members, recommends a solution,
members should not summarily reject the recommendation. As 1 Corinthians
6:7 indicates, it is no light matter for a member, outside the orderly processes
of the Church, to litigate a grievance against another member.
Members who demonstrate impatience and selfishness by their
unwillingness to wait for and accept recommendations of the Church in the
settlement of grievances against other church members may properly be
subject to the discipline of the church (See pp. 63-64.) because of the
disruptive effect on the Church and their refusal to recognize properly
constituted Church authority.
Settlement of Grievances of Members Against the ChurchThe
same principles that influence resolution of differences among members
apply to the settlement of grievances of members against Church
organizations and institutions.
Members should not instigate litigation against any Church entity except
under circumstances where the Church has not provided adequate process for
orderly settlement of the grievance or where the nature of the case is such that
it is clearly not within the authority of the Church to settle.
Settlement of Grievances of the Church Against MembersAt
times Church organizations or institutions may have grievances against
members. In such circumstances, Church administrators must, in Christian
forbearance, keep in mind the biblical counsel for settling disputes among
Christians and apply that counsel to the settlement of grievances of the
Church against its members. The Church should, in preference to litigating
matters in a secular court, make every reasonable effort in cooperation with
the member to provide a process by which orderly settlement of the problem
can be accomplished.
The Church recognizes the need of exercising great care to protect the
highest spiritual interests of its members, to ensure fair treatment, and to
safeguard the name of the Church. It cannot afford to deal lightly with such
sins or permit personal considerations to affect its actions, and at the same
time it must strive to reclaim and restore those who err.
“If the erring one repents and submits to Christ’s discipline, he is to be
given another trial. And even if he does not repent, even if he stands outside
the church, God’s servants still have a work to do for him. They are to seek
earnestly to win him to repentance. And, however aggravated may have been
his offense, if he yields to the striving of the Holy Spirit and, by confessing
and forsaking his sin, gives evidence of repentance, he is to be forgiven and
welcomed to the fold again. His brethren are to encourage him in the right
way, treating him as they would wish to be treated were they in his place,
considering themselves lest they also be tempted.”7T 263.
Reasons for Discipline
The reasons for which members shall be subject to discipline are:
1. Denial of faith in the fundamentals of the gospel and in the
Fundamental Beliefs of the Church or teaching doctrines contrary to the
2. Violation of the law of God, such as worship of idols, murder,
stealing, profanity, gambling, Sabbathbreaking, and willful and habitual
3. Violation of the commandment of the law of God, which reads,
“You shall not commit adultery” (Ex. 20:14, Matt. 5:27-28), as it relates to
the marriage institution and the Christian home, biblical standards of moral
conduct, and any act of sexual intimacy outside of a marriage relationship
and/or non-consensual acts of sexual conduct within a marriage, whether
those acts are legal or illegal. Such acts include but are not limited to child
sexual abuse, including abuse of the vulnerable. Marriage is defined as a
public, lawfully binding, monogamous, heterosexual relationship between
one man and one woman.
4. Fornication, which includes among other issues, promiscuity,
homosexual activity, incest, sodomy, and bestiality.
5. The production, use, or distribution of pornographic material.
6. Remarriage of a divorced person, except the spouse who has
remained faithful to the marriage vow in a divorce for adultery or for sexual
7. Physical violence, including violence within the family.
8. Fraud or willful misrepresentation in business.
9. Disorderly conduct which brings reproach upon the church.
10. Adherence to or taking part in a divisive or disloyal movement or
organization. (See pp. 63-64.)
11. Persistent refusal to recognize properly constituted church authority
or to submit to the order and discipline of the church.
12. The use, manufacture, or sale of alcoholic beverages.
13. The use, manufacture, or sale of tobacco in any of its forms for
human consumption.
14. The use or manufacture of illicit drugs or the use, misuse, or sale of
narcotics or drugs without appropriate medical cause and license.
Process of Discipline
When grievous sins are involved, the church has two ways in which
disciplinary measures must be taken:
1. By a vote of censure.
2. By a vote to remove from membership.
Discipline by CensureIn cases where the offense is not considered
by the church to be so serious as to warrant the extreme course of removing
membership, the church may express its disapproval by a vote of censure.
Censure has two purposes: (1) To enable the church to express its
disapproval of a grievous offense that has brought disgrace upon the cause of
God and (2) to impress offending members with the need for a change of life
and reformation of conduct and to give them a period of grace and probation
during which to make those changes.
A vote of censure is for a stated period of from a minimum of one month
to a maximum of 12 months. It terminates an erring member’s election or
appointment to all offices and removes the privilege of election while it is in
effect. Members under censure have no right to participate by voice or by
vote in the affairs of the church or lead church activities, such as teaching a
Sabbath School class. They are not deprived, however, of the privilege of
sharing the blessings of Sabbath School, church worship, or communion.
Membership may not be transferred during the period of censure.
Votes of censure must not carry any provision involving removal of
membership in case of failure to comply with any condition imposed.
Assessment should be made at the expiration of the period of censure to
determine whether the disciplined members have changed course. If their
conduct is satisfactory, they may then be considered in regular standing
without further action and shall be notified that the censure has ended. If their
conduct is not satisfactory, the church again should consider appropriate
discipline. Any return to church office must be by election.
Discipline by Removal From MembershipRemoving individuals
from membership in the church, the body of Christ, is the ultimate discipline
that the church can administer. Only after the instruction given in this chapter
has been followed, after counsel from the pastor or the conference when the
pastor is unavailable, and after all possible efforts have been made to win and
restore them to right paths, should an individual be removed from
No Additional Tests of MembershipThe authority to establish tests
of membership rests with the General Conference Session. Anyone seeking
to apply tests other than those herein set forth does not, therefore, properly
represent the Church. (See 1T 207.)
Timeliness of DisciplineThe church must care for the disciplinary
process within a reasonable time and then communicate its decisions with
kindness and promptness. Delay in administering discipline may increase the
frustration and suffering of the member and the church itself.
Caution About Judging Character and Motive—“Christ has plainly
taught that those who persist in open sin must be separated from the church,
but He has not committed to us the work of judging character and motive. He
knows our nature too well to entrust this work to us. Should we try to uproot
from the church those whom we suppose to be spurious Christians, we should
be sure to make mistakes. Often we regard as hopeless subjects the very ones
whom Christ is drawing to Himself. Were we to deal with these souls
according to our imperfect judgment, it would perhaps extinguish their last
hope. Many who think themselves Christians will at last be found wanting.
Many will be in heaven who their neighbors supposed would never enter
there. Man judges from appearance, but God judges the heart. The tares and
the wheat are to grow together until the harvest; and the harvest is the end of
probationary time. There is in the Savior’s words another lesson, a lesson of
wonderful forbearance and tender love. As the tares have their roots closely
intertwined with those of the good grain, so false brethren in the church may
be closely linked with true disciples. The real character of these pretended
believers is not fully manifested. Were they to be separated from the church,
others might be caused to stumble, who but for this would have remained
steadfast.”—COL 71, 72.
At a Properly Called MeetingMembers may be disciplined for
sufficient cause, but only at a properly called business meeting (see p. 135)
after the church board has reviewed the case. The meeting must be presided
over by an ordained pastor, or licensed pastor who is ordained as a local elder
of the church concerned, or, in the pastor’s absence and in counsel with the
pastor or with the conference president, an elder of the local church.
By Majority VoteMembers may be removed from membership or
otherwise disciplined only by a majority vote of members present and voting
at a duly called meeting. “The majority of the church is a power which should
control its individual members.”5T 107.
Church Board Cannot Remove MembersThe board may
recommend to a business meeting the removal of members, but under no
circumstance does the board have the right to take final action, except to
record removal at death or at the member’s request. (See pp. 61, 72, 87.)
Fundamental Rights of the MembersMembers have a fundamental
right to prior notification of the disciplinary meetings (See p. 134.) and the
right to be heard in their own defense, introduce evidence, and produce
witnesses. No church should vote to discipline a member under
circumstances that deprive the member of these rights. Written notice must
be given at least two weeks before the church board meeting and two weeks
before the business meeting and include the reasons for the disciplinary
Lawyers Not to Represent MembersThe work of the Church in its
administration of order and discipline is an ecclesiastical function that in no
sense has to do with civil or legal procedure. Therefore, the Church does not
recognize the right of members to bring legal counsel to represent them in
any meeting called to administer order or discipline or for the transaction of
any other church business. Members wanting to bring legal counsel into a
meeting should be informed that they will not be given a hearing if they insist
on bringing legal counsel.
The church also should exclude all nonmembers from any church
meeting called for the administration of church order or discipline, except
when they are called as witnesses.
Transferring Members Under CensureNo church shall receive
into membership persons who are under censure of another congregation,
because that would condone the offenses for which the members have been
disciplined. The acceptance into membership of those under discipline is such
a serious violation of Church policy that an offending church may be subject
to discipline by the conference constituency.
Members Not to Be Removed for NonattendanceChurch leaders
should faithfully visit absentee members and encourage them to resume
attendance and to enjoy the blessings of worship with the congregation.
When because of age, infirmity, or other unavoidable cause members
find it impossible to attend worship services regularly, they should keep in
contact with church leaders by letter or other means. However, as long as
members are loyal to the doctrines of the Church, nonattendance shall not be
considered sufficient cause for removal from membership.
Members Moving Away and Not ReportingWhen members move,
they should inform the clerk or elder of their new address. While remaining
members of that church, they should report and send their tithe and offerings
at least quarterly. If, however, members move without leaving a forwarding
address and make no effort to contact or report to the church, and the church
cannot locate them for at least two years, then the church may certify that it
has tried without success to locate the members and the members may be
removed by a vote of the church. The clerk should record in the membership
record: “Whereabouts unknown. Voted to designate as missing.”
Members Not to Be Removed for Pecuniary ReasonsThough
members should support the work of the Church to the extent they are able,
they should never be removed because of their inability or failure to
contribute financially to the Church.
Removing Members at Their RequestGreat care should be
exercised in dealing with members who request to be removed from
The Church recognizes the right of the individual to withdraw
membership. Letters of resignation shall be presented to the board, where the
resignation will be recorded with the effective date according to the
resignation letter. Out of Christian consideration for the individuals involved,
action shall be taken without public discussion. Efforts should be made to
restore the individual to the church family.
Notification to Those Removed From MembershipA church
removing members must notify them in writing of the action taken but with
the assurance of enduring spiritual interest and personal concern. This
communication should, where possible, be delivered in person by the pastor
or by a board designee. The former members should be assured that the
church hopes they will return to the church and that one day there will be
eternal fellowship together in the kingdom of God.
Reinstating Those Previously Removed From Membership
When persons have been removed for discipline, the church should, where
possible, maintain contact and manifest the spirit of friendship and love,
endeavoring to bring them back to the Lord.
Those previously removed may be received again into membership when
confession of wrongs committed is made, evidence is given of real repentance
and change of life, and the life is consistent with Church standards and it is
clear that the member will fully submit to Church order and discipline. Such
reinstatement should preferably be in the church from which the member was
dismissed. However, when this is not possible, the church where the person
is requesting reinstatement must seek information from the former church
about the reasons for which the person was removed from membership.
When dealing with perpetrators of sexual abuse, it should be
remembered that restoration to membership does not remove all
consequences of such a serious violation. While attendance at church
activities may be permissible with properly established guidelines, a person
convicted or disciplined for sexual abuse should not be placed in a role which
could put them in contact with children, youth, and other vulnerable
individuals. Neither shall they be given any position which would encourage
vulnerable individuals to trust them implicitly.
Because removal from membership is the most serious form of
discipline, the period of time before members may be reinstated should be
sufficient to demonstrate that the issues which led to removal from
membership have been resolved beyond reasonable doubt. It is expected that
readmission to membership will be done in connection with rebaptism.
Right of Appeal for ReinstatementWhile it is the right of the
church to administer discipline, this does not set aside the rights of members
to seek fairness. If members believe that they have been treated unfairly by
the local church, or not had the right to be heard fairly, and the church is
unwilling to reconsider the case or if the officers refuse to consider their
applications for reinstatement, the former members have a right to appeal in
writing to the church for a hearing. The church should not neglect or refuse
to grant such hearings. If it does, or if the former members still feel unfairly
treated by the church after the appeal, they have the right to a final appeal for
a hearing to the executive committee of the conference.
If, after a full and impartial hearing, the conference executive committee
is satisfied that an injustice has been inflicted by the church, the committee
may recommend reinstatement to membership. But if membership is still
refused by the church, then the conference executive committee may
recommend membership in some other church. On the other hand, if it finds
good grounds for sustaining the church in refusing to reinstate the former
members, it will so record its decision.
Local Church Officers and
Choosing quality officers is important for the prosperity of the church,
which should exercise the greatest care when calling men and women into
positions of sacred responsibility.
General Qualifications
Moral and Religious Fitness—“Moreover you shall select from all the
people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and
place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of
fifties, and rulers of tens” (Ex. 18:21).
“Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good
reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over
this business” (Acts 6:3).
“Moreover he must have a good testimony among those who are outside,
lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil” (1 Tim. 3:7).
“And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses,
commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”
(2 Tim. 2:2).
“A bishop [elder] then must be blameless, the husband of one wife,
temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; not
given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome,
not covetous; one who rules his own house well, having his children in
submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to rule his
own house, how will he take care of the church of God?); not a novice, lest
being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil.
Moreover he must have a good testimony among those who are outside, lest
he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
“Likewise deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given to
much wine, not greedy for money, holding the mystery of the faith with a
pure conscience. But let these also first be tested; then let them serve as
deacons, being found blameless. Likewise, their wives must be reverent, not
slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things. Let deacons be the husbands of
one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. For those who have
served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great
boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 3:2-13; see also Titus
1:5-11 and 2:1, 7, 8).
“Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in
word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Till I come, give
attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. . . . Take heed to yourself and
to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself
and those who hear you” (1 Tim. 4:12-16).
Feeding and Guarding the ChurchThe apostle Paul called together
“the elders of the church” and counseled them: “Therefore take heed to
yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you
overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own
blood. For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in
among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise
up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.
Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn
everyone night and day with tears” (Acts 20:17, 28-31; see also 1 Peter 5:1-3).
Respecting Pastors and Officers—“And we urge you, brethren, to
recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and
admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake.
Be at peace among yourselves” (1 Thess. 5:12, 13; see also 1 Tim. 5:17 and
Heb. 13:7, 17).
“The Thessalonian believers were greatly annoyed by men coming
among them with fanatical ideas and doctrines. Some were ‘disorderly,
working not at all, but . . . busybodies.’ The church had been properly
organized, and officers had been appointed to act as ministers and deacons.
But there were some, self-willed and impetuous, who refused to be
subordinate to those who held positions of authority in the church. They
claimed not only the right of private judgment, but that of publicly urging
their views upon the church. In view of this, Paul called the attention of the
Thessalonians to the respect and deference due to those who had been chosen
to occupy positions of authority in the church.”AA 261, 262.
“Those who hold responsible positions in the church may have faults in
common with other people and may err in their decisions; but
notwithstanding this, the church of Christ on earth has given to them an
authority that cannot be lightly esteemed.”4T 17.
Not Hurried Into Office—“In many places we meet men who have
been hurried into responsible positions as elders of the church when they are
not qualified for such a position. They have not proper government over
themselves. Their influence is not good. The church is in trouble continually
in consequence of the defective character of the leader. Hands have been laid
too suddenly upon these men.”4T 406, 407. (See also 5T 617 and 1 Tim.
Those Opposing Unity Not Suitable for Office—“There have of late
arisen among us men who profess to be the servants of Christ, but whose
work is opposed to that unity which our Lord established in the church. They
have original plans and methods of labor. They desire to introduce changes
into the church to suit their ideas of progress and imagine that grand results
are thus to be secured. These men need to be learners rather than teachers in
the school of Christ. They are ever restless, aspiring to accomplish some great
work, to do something that will bring honor to themselves. They need to learn
that most profitable of all lessons, humility and faith in Jesus. . . .
“Teachers of the truth, missionaries, officers in the church, can do a good
work for the Master if they will but purify their own souls by obeying the
truth.”—5T 238.
Unsafe to Choose Those Refusing to Cooperate—“God has placed in
the church, as His appointed helpers, men of varied talents, that through the
combined wisdom of many the mind of the Spirit may be met. Men who move
in accordance with their own strong traits of character, refusing to yoke up
with others who have had a long experience in the work of God, will become
blinded by self-confidence, unable to discern between the false and the true.
It is not safe for such ones to be chosen as leaders in the church; for they
would follow their own judgment and plans, regardless of the judgment of
their brethren. It is easy for the enemy to work through those who, themselves
needing counsel at every step, undertake the guardianship of souls in their
own strength, without having learned the lowliness of Christ.”—AA 279.
(See pp. 34, 35, 124-127.)
Local MembershipMembers in regular standing are eligible for
election to leadership positions in the church where they hold membership.
(See pp. 117-121.) Exceptions may be made for the following:
1. Students who are members in regular standing but who, for purposes
of education, live away from home and regularly attend a church in the area
of their temporary residence.
2. A conference employee assigned by the conference as pastor/leader
for two or more congregations. (See pp. 116-120.)
3. An elder who, when necessary and with the recommendation of the
conference executive committee, may be elected to serve in more than one
church within a district. (See p. 79.)
Other exceptions may be considered by the conference executive
Setting Tithing ExampleAll officers shall set an example in the
matter of returning a faithful tithe to the Church. Anyone who fails to set such
an example shall not be elected to church office.
Not Delegates Ex OfficioNo church officer is a delegate ex officio to
a conference session. If the church wants an officer to serve as a delegate, it
must elect that officer as a delegate.
Distributing ResponsibilityThe church should not lay too much
responsibility on a small group of willing officers, while others are
underused. Unless circumstances make it necessary, election of one
individual to several offices should be discouraged.
Removal and ReadmissionWhen an officer is removed from
membership and subsequently readmitted, the readmittance does not reinstate
the individual to the former office.
Term of Office
The term of office for officers of both the church and its auxiliary
organizations shall be one year, except where the church in a business
meeting votes to have elections every two years in order to facilitate
continuity and development of spiritual gifts and eliminate the work involved
in having yearly elections. In exceptional circumstances, and in consultation
with the conference, the term of office may be extended an additional year.
While it is not advisable for one person to serve indefinitely in a
particular position, officers may be elected to a new term of office.
Religious Leaders of the ChurchElders must be recognized by the
church as strong spiritual leaders and must have good reputations both in the
church and community. In the absence of a pastor, elders are the spiritual
leaders of the church and by precept and example must seek to lead the church
into a deeper and fuller Christian experience.
Elders should be able to conduct the services of the church and minister
in both word and doctrine when the assigned pastor is unavailable. However,
elders should not be chosen primarily because of social position or speaking
ability, but because of their consecrated lives and leadership abilities.
Elders may be elected to a new term of office, but it is not advisable for
them to serve indefinitely. The church is under no obligation to elect to a new
term of office and may choose others whenever changes seem advisable.
Upon the election of new elders, the former elders no longer function as
elders but may be elected to other church offices.
Board of EldersWhere a church has a number of elders, it should
organize a board of elders chaired by the pastor or his/her designee and with
the first elder or another elder serving as secretary. Such a body provides a
way to distribute responsibility and coordinate their contributions for the
well-being of the congregation. It also provides a training ground where
elders are instructed in their duties. The board of elders is accountable to the
church board.
Ordination of EldersElection to the office of elder does not in itself
qualify one as an elder. Ordination is required before an elder has authority
to function. When a church in a business meeting votes the election of new
elders, it also authorizes their ordination. Between election and ordination,
the elected elder may function as church leader but not administer the
ordinances of the church.
The ordination service is performed only by an ordained pastor currently
credentialed by the conference. As a courtesy, a visiting ordained pastor may
be invited to assist. However, only on the specific request of conference
officers would a visiting ordained pastor or a retired ordained pastor conduct
the ordination.
The sacred rite of ordination should be simply performed in the presence
of the church and may include a brief outline of the office of elder, the
qualities required, and the principal duties the elder will be authorized to
perform. After the exhortation, the ordained pastor, assisted by other ordained
pastors and/or local elders who are participating in the service, will ordain
the elders by prayer and the laying on of hands. (See p. 37-38.)
Once ordained, elders need not be ordained again if elected to a new term
of office, or upon election as elders of other churches, provided they have
maintained regular membership status. They are also qualified to the
Relationship to the PastorIf the conference executive committee
assigns a pastor or pastors to the congregation, the pastor, or senior pastor if
more than one, should be considered the ranking officer and the local elders
as assistants. Since their work is closely related, they should work together
harmoniously. The pastor should not assume all lines of responsibility but
should share these with the elders and other officers. The pastor regularly
serving the church acts as the chairperson of the board. (See pp. 32, 138.)
There may be circumstances, however, when it would be advisable for an
elder to act as chairperson, with the approval of the pastor or, if the church is
without a pastor, the conference president. The pastoral work of the church
should be shared by the pastor and the elders. In counsel with the pastor, the
elders should visit members, minister to the sick, foster prayer ministries,
arrange or lead out in anointing services and child dedications, encourage the
disheartened, and assist in other pastoral responsibilities. As undershepherds,
elders should exercise constant vigilance over the flock.
If the pastor is a licensed minister, the church or churches served should
elect the pastor as an elder. (See p. 34.)
Because the pastor is appointed to the position in the church by the
conference, the pastor serves the church as a conference employee, is
responsible to the conference executive committee, and maintains a
sympathetic and cooperative relation to and works in harmony with all the
plans and policies of the local church. Elders, who are elected by the church,
are responsible to that body and to its board. (See below.)
Work of Elders Is LocalThe authority and work of elders are
confined to the church in which their election has been made. It is not
permissible for a conference executive committee by vote to confer on an
elder the status that is granted to an ordained pastor to serve other churches
as elder. If that need exists, the conference executive committee may
recommend to the church needing an elder that it invite and elect the elder of
a nearby church to serve. Thus by election one individual may, when
necessary, serve more than one church. Such an arrangement should be made
only in counsel with the conference executive committee. Authority to elect
elders is inherent in the local church and not in the conference executive
committee. The only way one may be qualified for serving the Church at large
is by ordination to the gospel ministry. (See pp. 33-34, 79.)
Conducting Church ServicesUnder the pastor, or in the absence of
the pastor, an elder is responsible for the services of the church and must
either conduct them or arrange for someone to do so. Communion services
must always be conducted by an ordained/commissioned pastor or local
elder. The pastor usually chairs the business meeting. In the absence of the
pastor, and with approval of the pastor or the conference president, an elder
should serve as chairperson.
Baptismal ServiceIn the absence of an ordained pastor, an elder shall
request the conference president to arrange for the baptism of those desiring
to unite with the church. (See pp. 49-54.) An elder should not officiate in the
service without first obtaining permission from the conference president.
Marriage CeremonyIn a marriage ceremony the charge, vows, and
declaration of marriage are given only by an ordained pastor except in those
areas where division executive committees have approved that selected
licensed or commissioned pastors who have been ordained as local elders
may perform the ceremony. (See p. 34.) Local laws may require that persons
conducting marriage ceremonies also hold state licensure/permit to do so. An
ordained pastor, a licensed or commissioned pastor, or an elder may deliver
the sermonette, offer the prayer, and give the blessing. (See Notes, #1, p.
To Foster TithingBy faithfully returning tithe, elders do much to
encourage other members to return a faithful tithe. (See pp. 142-143, 175.)
Elders can foster tithing by public presentation of the scriptural privilege and
responsibility of stewardship and by personal labor with members in a tactful
and helpful manner.
Elders should regard all financial matters pertaining to members as
confidential and shall not give such information to unauthorized persons.
To Foster Bible Study, Prayer, Nurture, and Spiritual Growth of
MembersAs spiritual leaders, elders are responsible for encouraging
members to develop a personal relationship with Jesus by strengthening their
habits of personal Bible study and prayer. Elders should model a commitment
to Bible study and prayer and should support all ministries and promote
programs of the local church and the local conference. They should also be
committed to nurture and to inspire the spiritual growth of church members.
Elders may ask the board to appoint a council to assist in this role of
development and encouragement.
To Foster All Lines of WorkUnder and in cooperation with the
pastor, elders are spiritual leaders of the church and are responsible for
fostering all departments and activities of the work. Elders should maintain a
mutually helpful relationship with other officers.
To Cooperate With the ConferenceThe pastor, elders, and all
officers should cooperate with conference officers and departmental directors
in carrying out approved plans. They should inform the church of all regular
and special offerings, promote all the programs and activities of the church,
and encourage all officers to support conference plans and policies.
Elders should work closely with the treasurer and see that all conference
funds are remitted promptly to the conference treasurer at the time established
by the conference. Elders should see that the clerk’s report is sent promptly
to the conference secretary at the close of each quarter.
Elders should regard all correspondence from the conference office as
important. Letters calling for announcements should be presented at the
proper time.
In the absence of the pastor, the first elder (see p. 120-121) should see
that the church elects delegates to conference sessions and that the clerk sends
the names of delegates to the conference office.
To Foster Worldwide WorkElders also should foster world mission
work by carefully studying the worldwide work and encouraging members to
personally support mission work. Their kindly, tactful attitude will encourage
liberality of members both in church services and Sabbath School.
Training and Equipping of EldersThe Ministerial Association, in
cooperation with the departments, promotes the training and equipping of
elders. However, the pastor has the primary responsibility for training elders.
(See Notes, #2, p. 179.)
Free to Work EffectivelyElders especially should be left free of other
burdens to perform effectively their many duties. It may be advisable in some
cases to ask elders to lead the outreach (missionary) work of the church, but
even this should be avoided if other talent is available.
First ElderIt may be advisable, because of church size, to choose
more than one elder because the burdens of the office are too great for one
person. If the church elects more than one elder, one should be designated
“first elder.” The work should be divided among the elders in harmony with
their experience and ability.
Limitation of AuthorityElders do not have the authority to receive
or remove members. This is done only by vote of the church. Only the board
may recommend that the church vote to receive or remove members. (See pp.
54, 57-61.)
Church Leaders
Occasionally no one possesses the experience and qualifications to serve
as an elder. Under such circumstances the church should elect a person to be
known as “leader.” In the absence of the pastor or a conference-assigned
pastor, the leader is responsible for the services of the church, including
business meetings. The leader must either conduct the church service or
arrange for someone else to do so. If the church leader is unable to lead out
in the business meeting, the conference should be contacted for assistance.
A leader, who is not an ordained elder, may not administer baptism,
conduct the Lord’s Supper, perform the marriage ceremony, or preside at
business meetings when members are disciplined. A request should be made
to the conference president for an ordained pastor to preside at such meetings.
The New Testament identifies the office of deacon with the Greek word
diakonos, from which the English “deacon” is derived. The Greek word is
variously interpreted as “servant, minister, writer, attendant” and in Christian
circles has acquired the specialized meaning now attached to “deacon.”
The men who came to be known as the seven deacons of the apostolic
church were chosen and ordained to attend to the business of the church. (See
Acts 6:1-8.) Their qualifications, slightly less exacting than those of elders,
are listed in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
“The fact that these brethren had been ordained for the special work of
looking after the needs of the poor did not exclude them from teaching the
faith. On the contrary, they were fully qualified to instruct others in the truth,
and they engaged in the work with great earnestness and success.”— AA 90.
“The appointment of the seven to take the oversight of special lines of
work proved a great blessing to the church. These officers gave careful
consideration to individual needs as well as to the general financial interests
of the church, and by their prudent management and their godly example they
were an important aid to their fellow officers in binding together the various
interests of the church into a united whole.AA 89.
Today appointment of deacons through election brings similar blessings
in church administration by relieving pastors, elders, and other officers of
duties that deacons may perform well.
“The time and strength of those who in the providence of God have been
placed in leading positions of responsibility in the church should be spent in
dealing with the weightier matters demanding special wisdom and largeness
of heart. It is not in the order of God that such men should be appealed to for
the adjustment of minor matters that others are well qualified to handle.”
AA 93.
The Ministerial Association, in connection with the departments,
promotes the training and equipping of deacons. However, the pastor, in
conjunction with the elder(s), has the primary responsibility for training the
deacons. (See Notes, #3, p. 179.)
Board of DeaconsWhere a church has a number of deacons, it should
organize a board of deacons chaired by the head deacon and with another
deacon serving as secretary. Such a body provides a way to distribute
responsibility and coordinate their contributions to the well-being of the
congregation. It also provides a training ground where new deacons are
instructed in their duties.
Deacons Must Be OrdainedNewly elected deacons cannot fill their
office until they have been ordained by an ordained pastor currently
credentialed by the conference.
The sacred rite of ordination should be characterized by simplicity and
performed in the presence of the church. The pastor may give a brief outline
of the biblical office of deacon, the qualities required for service, and the
principal duties deacons are authorized to perform. After a short exhortation
to faithfulness in service, the pastor, assisted by an elder where appropriate,
ordains the deacons by prayer and the laying on of hands. (See p. 37-38.)
If they retain church membership, deacons, once ordained, do not have
to be ordained again if they move their memberships to other churches. When
the term for which they were elected expires, they must be elected to a new
term of office if they are to continue to serve as deacons.
Elders subsequently elected as deacons need not be ordained as deacons
because ordination as elder covers this office.
Deacons Not Authorized to Preside Deacons are not authorized to
preside at the Lord’s Supper, baptism, or business meetings and are not
permitted to perform the marriage ceremony or officiate at the reception or
transfer of members.
If a church has no one authorized to perform such duties, the church
leader shall contact the conference for assistance.
Duties of DeaconsThe work of deacons involves a wide range of
services for the church, including:
1. Assistance at Services and MeetingsDeacons are usually
responsible for welcoming members and visitors as they enter the church and
for assisting them, where necessary, to find seats. They also cooperate with
the pastor and elders for smooth functioning of all meetings.
2. Visitation of MembersIn many churches, visitation is arranged by
distributing membership by districts and assigning a deacon to each district
with the expectation that he will visit each home at least once a quarter.
Deacons should also assist members with special needs. It is important
to learn how to effectively communicate with them and where needed church
facilities and transportation should be made accessible. When those with
special needs are not able to attend services, they should be visited in their
3. Preparation for Baptismal ServicesDeacons make necessary
preparations for baptismal services. (See p. 54.)
4. Assistance at Communion Service At the service of foot-washing,
the deacons or deaconesses provide everything needed, such as towels,
basins, water, and buckets. After the service they see that the utensils and
linen are washed and properly stored.
Remaining bread and wine should not be consumed, but disposed of in a
respectful manner by deacons and deaconesses following the Lord’s Supper.
5. Care of the Sick and Aiding the Poor and UnfortunateDeacons and
deaconesses are charged with assisting the sick, poor, and unfortunate and
should keep the church informed of their needs and enlist the support of
members. Money should be provided for this work from the fund for the poor
and needy. The treasurer, on recommendation from the board, will pass over
to the deacons or deaconesses whatever may be needed for use in needy cases.
6. Care and Maintenance of PropertyIn churches where the
responsibility for the care and maintenance of church property is not assigned
to a building committee, deacons and deaconesses have this responsibility.
(See Notes, #4, pp. 179-180.)
Deaconesses were included in the official staff of the early Christian
“I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church
[deaconess] in Cenchrea, that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner
worthy of the saints, and assist her in whatever business she has need of you;
for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also” (Rom. 16:1, 2).
Deaconesses should be chosen for their consecration and other
qualifications that fit them for the duties of the office.
The Ministerial Association, in connection with the departments,
promotes the training and equipping of deaconesses. However, the pastor, in
conjunction with the elder(s), has the primary responsibility for training the
deaconesses. (See Notes, #3, p. 179.)
Board of DeaconessesIf a church elects several deaconesses, it
should organize a board of deaconesses chaired by the head deaconess and
another deaconess serving as secretary. This board is authorized to assign
duties to individual deaconesses and cooperates closely with the board of
deacons, especially in welcoming members and visitors and in home
visitation. (See p. 83.) It also provides a training ground where new
deaconesses are instructed in their duties.
Ordination Service for DeaconessesSuch a service, like the
ordination of deacons, would be carried out by an ordained pastor currently
credentialed by the conference. The ordination service should be
characterized by simplicity and performed in the presence of the church.
If they retain church membership, deaconesses do not have to be
ordained again if they move their memberships to other churches. When the
term for which they were elected expires, they must be elected to a new term
of office if they are to continue to serve as deaconesses.
Elders subsequently elected as deaconesses should not be ordained as
deaconesses because ordination as elder covers this office.
Deaconesses Not Authorized to PresideDeaconesses are not
authorized to preside at any of the services of the church or business meetings
and cannot perform the marriage ceremony or officiate at the reception or
transfer of members.
If a church has no one authorized to perform such duties, the church
leader shall contact the conference for assistance.
Duties of DeaconessesDeaconesses serve the church in a wide
variety of activities, including:
1. Greeting and Visiting Guests and MembersIn many churches,
deaconesses assist in greeting guests and members at meetings and in visiting
members in their homes when they cannot attend services.
2. Visitation of MembersIn many churches, visitation is arranged by
distributing membership by districts and assigning a deaconess to each
district with the expectation that she will visit each home at least once a
Deaconesses should also assist members with special needs. It is
important to learn how to effectively communicate with them and where
needed church facilities and transportation should be made accessible. When
those with special needs are not able to attend services, they should be visited
in their homes.
3. Assistance at BaptismsDeaconesses ensure that female candidates
are cared for both before and after the ceremony. They also give such counsel
and help as may be necessary regarding suitable garments for baptism. Robes
of suitable material should be provided. Where robes are used, the
deaconesses should see that they are laundered and carefully stored. (See p.
4. Arrangements for the Communion ServiceDeaconesses and
deacons arrange for everything needed for this service and see that everything
used is cared for afterward. (See pp. 131-132.)
Before the communion service begins, deaconesses set the communion
table, including preparing the bread and wine, pouring the wine, placing the
plates of unleavened bread, and covering the table with the linen provided for
that purpose.
Deaconesses assist in the service of foot-washing, giving special aid to
women visitors and new members.
5. The Care of the Sick and the PoorDeaconesses assist deacons in
caring for the sick, needy, and unfortunate. (See p. 84.)
6. Care and Maintenance of PropertyIn churches where the
responsibility for the care and maintenance of church property is not assigned
to a building committee, deacons and deaconesses have this responsibility.
(See Notes, #4, pp. 179-180.)
Much of the efficient functioning of the church depends on the work of
the clerk. Because of the important and specialized functions of this office, it
is wise to choose one who can be elected to a new term of office to provide
continuity in record keeping and reporting. Large churches may elect
assistant clerks as needed. When the clerk, as secretary, cannot attend a
business meeting, the clerk should arrange for an assistant to be present to
take the minutes. (See Notes, #5, p. 180.)
No Names Added or Removed Without VoteThe clerk has no
authority to add names to or remove names from the membership record
without a vote of the church, which must always vote to add or remove a
name, except in the case of the death of a member, or when a member requests
in writing to be removed from membership. When a member dies, the clerk
will record the date of the death in the membership record. (See p. 61.)
When a member submits a written request to the church board to be
removed from membership, the clerk will record the action of the board. (See
p. 72.)
Transferring MembersThe clerk handles correspondence between
members and churches in the transferring of memberships. (See pp. 57-61.)
Corresponding With MembersThe clerk should try to keep in touch
with absent members. (See Notes, #6, p. 180.)
Notice of Delegates for Conference SessionsThe clerk, on
authorization of the board, promptly notifies the conference of delegates
elected to represent the church at a conference session, using blanks or forms
provided by the conference. (See pp. 120-121.)
Reports to Be Furnished PromptlyThe clerk must promptly furnish
reports requested by the conference. Some are quarterly, others annual. It is
essential that reports be sent to the conference secretary within the time
specified because they are important for the accuracy of reports prepared by
other organizations of the world Church. The clerk collects information for
these reports from the other officers and department leaders.
Church RecordsThe clerk keeps church records, which should be
carefully preserved. All records and account books of all officers are the
property of the church and are to be surrendered to the newly elected clerk at
the expiration of the term of office of the previous clerk, or to the church at
any time during the term on request of the pastor or elders. Church records,
within the privacy limitations of local law, are subject to review by the next
higher organization. (See p. 61.)
Because of the important functions of the treasurer, it is wise to choose
one who can be elected to a new term of office to provide continuity in record
keeping and reporting. Large churches may elect assistant treasurers as
The treasurer can greatly encourage faithfulness in the returning of tithe
and deepen the spirit of liberality on the part of the members. A word of
counsel given in the spirit of the Master will help members to render faithfully
to God His own in tithes and offerings, even in a time of financial stringency.
Treasurer the Custodian of All FundsThe treasurer is the custodian
of all church funds. These include (1) conference funds, (2) local church
funds, and (3) funds belonging to auxiliary organizations of the local church.
All funds (conference, local church, and local church auxiliary) are
deposited by the treasurer in a bank or financial institution account in the
name of the church, unless the local conference authorizes another system.
Surplus church funds may be deposited in savings accounts upon
authorization of the board. Where large balances are carried for building or
special projects, the board may authorize separate bank accounts. Such
accounts, however, shall be operated by the treasurer and reported to the
church along with all other church funds.
All church bank accounts are exclusively for church funds and are never
to be combined with any personal account or funds.
Conference FundsConference funds, which include tithe, all regular
mission funds, and all funds for special conference projects and institutions,
are trust funds. At the close of each month, or more often if requested by the
conference, the treasurer shall send to the conference treasurer the entire
amount of conference funds received during that period of time. The church
may not borrow, use, or withhold such conference funds for any purpose.
Sabbath School FundsAll Sabbath School offerings are to be passed
over weekly to the treasurer by the Sabbath School secretary-treasurer, the
treasurer keeping a careful record of all such offerings. These mission funds
are transmitted to the conference office as outlined in the previous paragraph.
Sabbath School expense funds are held in trust, subject to the orders of the
Sabbath School council (See pp. 103-104.), to meet the routine expenses of
the Sabbath School.
Local Church FundsLocal church funds include church expense,
building and repair funds, and the fund for the poor and needy. These funds
belong to the local church and are disbursed by the treasurer only by
authorization of the board or business meeting. However, the treasurer shall
pay from the expense funds all bills for local expense that have been
authorized by the board.
Funds of Auxiliary OrganizationsAuxiliary organization funds
include such funds as church outreach programs, family life, Adventist Youth
Ministries, Adventist Community Services or Dorcas Society, Sabbath
School expense, and that portion of the health ministries funds belonging to
the church, and may include church school funds. All money received by and
for these organizations is turned over promptly to the church treasurer by the
secretary of the organization, the deacons, or whoever has received the funds.
These funds belong to the auxiliary organizations of the church. They may be
disbursed only by order of the auxiliary organization to which they belong.
The treasurer shall give receipts for all funds received. On receiving
money from the treasurer, the secretary of the auxiliary organization shall
give a proper receipt to the treasurer.
Safeguarding the Purpose of FundsWhen an offering is taken for
worldwide missions or for any general or local enterprise, all money placed
in the offering plate (unless otherwise indicated by the donor) shall be
counted as part of that particular offering. All offerings and gifts contributed
by individuals for a specific fund or purpose must be used for that purpose.
Neither the treasurer nor the board has the authority to divert any funds from
the objective for which they were given.
The funds of auxiliary organizations, often donations given for specific
purposes, are raised for that special part of the church’s work for which the
auxiliary organization is established. Such funds are held in trust by the
treasurer, and they too may not be borrowed or in any way diverted by the
treasurer or the board from the objective for which they were raised.
When an auxiliary organization is discontinued, the church in a regular
business meeting may take action indicating the disposition of any balance of
funds in the account of the organization.
Money for Personal Literature OrdersMoney for personal orders
of literature, books, pamphlets, magazines, and subscriptions for periodicals
is cared for by the treasurer in areas where a local Adventist Book Center
does not exist. (See Notes, #7, p. 180.)
Proper Method for Payment of Money by MembersThe treasurer
should urge that all money paid in by members, other than the regular church
collection, be placed in tithe and offering envelopes, unless an alternative
method approved by the conference, such as electronic payments, has been
implemented. Members should list the various items and amounts on the
envelope as indicated and to make sure that the money enclosed equals the
total shown. They should also sign their names and give their addresses, and
place the envelopes in the offering plate or hand them to the treasurer, who
should preserve the envelopes to serve as vouchers until all accounts are
checked by the conference auditor.
Members who return their tithes and offerings by check or postal notes
should, where legally possible, make such checks or notes payable to the
church, rather than to any individual.
Receipts to MembersReceipts should be issued promptly for all
money received from members, no matter how small the amount, and a strict
account of all receipts and payments should be kept by the treasurer. All
general offerings not in envelopes should be counted by the treasurer in the
presence of another officer, preferably a deacon or deaconess, and a receipt
given to such officer.
Proper Method of Remitting Funds to the ConferenceIn sending
remittances to the conference treasurer, all checks, bank drafts, or money
orders should be made payable to the organization wherever legally possible
and not to any individual. A copy of the treasurer’s records for the period
should be enclosed with the remittance. Remittance blanks are furnished by
the conference. (See pp. 142-143.)
Preservation of Financial DocumentsFinancial documents,
vouchers, or receipted bills should be secured for all funds received and
disbursed in accordance with the system authorized by the local conference.
Books Should Be AuditedThe conference treasurer, or other
individual appointed by the conference executive committee, audits the
church financial records, usually each year.
The treasurer’s books and other financial records relating to the work of
the treasurer, the church school treasurer, and the treasurer of any other
organization may be called for and inspected at any time by the conference
auditor or by the pastor, district leader, first elder, or by any others authorized
by the church board, but should not be made available to unauthorized
persons. (See p. 147.)
Reports of all funds received and disbursed should be presented at the
regular business meetings of the church. A copy of these reports should be
given to the leading officers.
When the number of individuals returning tithe in the church is reported,
the spouse and minor children who are non-wage earners but members of the
church should be counted in this group, in addition to the wage earner of the
Relations With Members ConfidentialThe treasurer should always
remember that relations with individual members are strictly confidential.
The treasurer should never comment on the tithe returned by any member or
on the income or anything concerning it, except to those who share the
responsibility of the work. Great harm may be caused by failure to observe
this rule.
Interest Coordinator
An interest coordinator should be elected to make sure that interests
developed through the church’s missionary outreach are cared for promptly.
This person is a member of the board and the personal ministries council and
works directly with the pastor and chairperson of that council.
Duties of this office include:
1. Keeping an organized list of all interests received by the church.
2. Assisting the pastor and chairperson of the personal ministries
council in enlisting and recruiting qualified members for follow-up service.
3. Presenting to the board a monthly report on the number of interests
received and followed up. When an interest is sufficiently developed, it
should be shared with the pastor.
Departments and Other Organizations
Church structure, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, is vital for the
spiritual growth of members and for the fulfillment of the Church’s mission.
It is the skeleton of the ecclesiastical body. And “the whole body, joined and
knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working
by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying
of itself in love” (Eph. 4:16).
The most important elements of structure and organization are the
officers (See pp. 77-91.) and the departments and other organizations. This
section describes their objectives, leadership, and functions.
The work of the departments and auxiliary organizations is closely tied
to the work of the pastor because all are equally engaged in gospel outreach.
The pastor serves as a counselor to these organizations, and they in turn assist
in the overall church outreach programs. In case of emergency, or where
circumstances require, the pastor may call a meeting of any committee or
Every church should utilize the services of the departments and
organizations to nurture its members and accomplish the mission given by
Christ (see Matt. 28:19; Rev. 10:11; 14:6).
Adventist Possibility Ministries
The Adventist Possibility Ministries initiative was established to extend
the compassionate and inclusive ministry of Jesus and seeks to inspire, equip,
and mobilize those with special needs and those who are deaf. These
opportunities are defined as deafness, blindness, physical mobility
limitations, and mental/social development. It also includes ministry for
orphans and vulnerable children, widows and widowers, and caregivers. The
goal is to foster understanding with the exploration of ministry possibilities
for those with special needs and the Deaf.
All are in search of wholeness. All are gifted, needed, and treasured. All
are created in the image of God with an inherent dignity regardless of any
limitation they may have. This global initiative encompasses a ministry for
those with special needs and the Deaf, along with seeking opportunities to
minister with them. While some disadvantages may be present, greater
emphasis is placed upon their possibilities. This educational mission of the
Church strategically gives focus to three main values: awareness of needs;
acceptance of the individuals who are deaf or who have special needs; and
the development of specific action plans to be implemented to provide
opportunities for these individuals to find purpose and fulfillment in life and
The following statement by Ellen G. White underscores the importance
of this work, “I saw that it is in the providence of God that widows and
orphans, the blind, the Deaf, the lame, and persons afflicted in a variety of
ways, have been placed in close Christian relationship to His church; it is to
prove His people and develop their true character. Angels of God are
watching to see how we treat these persons who need our sympathy, love,
and disinterested benevolence. This is God’s test of our character.”3T 511.
The Deaf as a Unique CultureThe Deaf are internationally
recognized as having their own set of social beliefs, behaviors, art, history,
literary traditions, values, and languages just as other cultures. While they are
often considered as having “special needs,” the Church recognizes their
deafness as more of a cultural characteristic than of a disability.
Adventist Possibility Ministries LeaderIt is recommended that the
board appoint a local possibility ministries leader. While it is preferable for
the leader to have direct experience or education with possibility ministries,
it is not mandatory. It is best if the leadership for this ministry is chosen from
within the groups they represent. While working together with other leaders,
it is critical that planning be done by the groups themselves. This is done so
they may serve God and community as expressed in the mission statement of
the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is imperative for the leader to be
compassionate, and to serve with an approach that fosters empowerment and
Adventist Possibility Ministries CommitteeThe church board
should establish a committee for possibility ministries to encourage members
with special needs and to learn how to effectively communicate with them. It
should create witnessing programs, recommend how to make church facilities
more accessible, help solve transportation problems, and recommend ways to
assist in the discovery of roles or ministries that bring a sense of meaning and
fulfillment. The committee is chaired by the possibility ministries leader(s).
If not serving as the chairperson, the pastor should be an ex officio member.
ResourcesFor possibility ministries resources, see Notes #9, p. 181.
Children’s Ministries
Children’s ministries develops the faith of children from birth through
age 14, leading them into union with the Church. It seeks to provide multiple
ministries that will lead children to Jesus and disciple them in their daily walk
with Him. It cooperates with the Sabbath School and other departments to
provide religious education to children and fulfills its mission by developing
a variety of grace-oriented ministries for children that are inclusive, service-
oriented, leadership-building, safe, and evangelistic.
“Too much importance cannot be placed on the early training of children.
The lessons that the child learns during the first seven years of life have more
to do with forming his character than all that it learns in future years.”CG
“It is still true that children are the most susceptible to the teachings of
the gospel; their hearts are open to divine influences, and strong to retain the
lessons received. The little children may be Christians, having an experience
in accordance with their years. They need to be educated in spiritual things,
and parents should give them every advantage, that they may form characters
after the similitude of the character of Christ.”DA 515.
“Children of eight, ten, or twelve years are old enough to be addressed
on the subject of personal religion. . . . If properly instructed, very young
children may have correct views of their state as sinners and of the way of
salvation through Christ.”—1T 400.
“When Jesus told the disciples not to forbid the children to come to Him,
He was speaking to His followers in all agesto officers of the church, to
ministers, helpers, and all Christians. Jesus is drawing the children, and He
bids us, Suffer them to come; as if He would say, They will come if you do
not hinder them.”—DA 517.
Children’s Ministries Coordinator and CommitteeThe church
elects a children’s ministries coordinator to develop ministries that nurture
the faith of children. The coordinator should have leadership ability as well
as experience and passion for working with children.
The children’s ministries coordinator works with the pastor and board to
establish a children’s ministries committee to provide ministries for children.
The committee should consist of individuals with interest and experience in
working with children. Ordinarily the members include Sabbath School
division leaders, Vacation Bible School leader, Junior Youth Ministries
leaders, and two to three others who have a passion for ministry to children.
If the church has a children’s ministries department, Vacation Bible
Schools, children’s branch Sabbath Schools, Neighborhood Bible Clubs, and
Story Hours, they will come under the direction of children’s ministries.
Everyone involved in work with children must meet Church and legal
standards and requirements, such as background checks or certification.
Local church leaders should consult with the conference, which will ascertain
and advise as to what background checks and certifications are available
and/or required. (See Notes, #8, pp. 180-181.)
Resources—For children’s ministries resources, see Notes, #10, p. 181.
Communication ministry calls for the support of every layperson,
Church employee, and Church institution. The communication department
promotes the use of a sound program of public relations and all contemporary
communication techniques, sustainable technologies, and media in the
promulgation of the gospel. The church should elect a communication
secretary and, where needed, a communication committee.
“We must take every justifiable means of bringing the light before the
people. Let the press be utilized, and let every advertising agency be
employed that will call attention to the work.”6T 36.
“Means will be devised to reach hearts. Some of the methods used in this
work will be different from the methods used in the work in the past.”Ev
Communication SecretaryThe communication secretary should
have the ability to meet people and rightly represent the Church, sound
judgment, good organization, effective writing skills, and a willingness to
carry out assignments.
The secretary gathers and disseminates news to local media, cooperates
with the conference communication director, and presents periodic reports to
the business meeting. The conference communication department provides
appropriate instruction and help to communication secretaries.
The pastor, who is primarily responsible for the communication program
of the church, will work closely in an advisory capacity with the
communication secretary or committee.
Any department or organization may appoint an individual to provide
the communication secretary or committee with information about
newsworthy events.
Communication CommitteeIn a large church a communication
committee may more adequately handle the many facets of the public
relations and communication program. The church elects the committee, and
the communication secretary serves as chairperson. Members of the
committee may be assigned specific communication responsibilities, such as
working with the press, media producers and online personnel, and internal
church media. If there is a nearby Church institution, a member of its public
relations or communication staff should be invited to sit with the committee.
Central Communication CommitteeIf several churches in an area
arrange for a central communication committee, the communication secretary
of each church should be a member and should work in harmony with any
general plan that will better coordinate the handling of news and other media
activities for the cooperating churches. The establishment of this committee
would be initiated by the conference communication director. Meetings of
the central committee would be called and presided over by a chairperson
selected by the group.
Church entities operate schools from kindergarten through university
levels for the purpose of transmitting to students the Church’s ideals, beliefs,
attitudes, values, habits, and customs. The source, the means, and the aim of
Adventist education are a true knowledge of God, fellowship and
companionship with Him in study and service, and likeness to Him in
character development.
Education SecretaryThe church elects an education secretary to
promote and generate support for Christian education. The secretary is a
member of the Home and School Association executive committee and works
in cooperation with the association.
Home and School AssociationA church with a school shall establish
a Home and School Association, the purpose of which is to provide parent
education and unite the home, the school, and the church in endeavors to
provide Christian education for the children. Parents of students, school
patrons, and church members should be encouraged to be active members of
the association.
Home and School Association officers shall be a leader, assistant leader,
secretary-treasurer, librarian, and the educational secretary. (See p. 185.) To
give continuity, some of the officers should be elected for second terms. All
shall be members of the church.
The leader of the association shall be a member with success in training
children, whose mind is open to new ideas, and who believes in the
importance of Christian education.
The secretary-treasurer keeps the records of the association and reports
to the director of the conference education department at the beginning and
end of each school year. Association funds are channeled through the
church/school treasurer, kept as a separate account, and audited under
denominational policy.
The principal is an ex officio member of the Home and School
Association committee.
Church School BoardThe administrative body of every elementary
(primary) school and junior academy (partial high school) operated by one
church shall be a church school board elected by the church or a school
committee appointed by the church board. Thus this body may be a separate
school board, the church board, or a school committee of the church board
appointed for this purpose. Division working policies explain the functions
of school boards.
School board members should be chosen for their consecration, their
belief in and loyalty to the principles of Christian education, their good
judgment and tact, their experience in school matters, and their financial
judgment and ability. They should believe in and be willing to follow
denominational educational policies and recommendations.
If two or more churches jointly operate what is known as a
multiconstituent school, the administrative body shall be drawn from the
constituent churches.
One or more members of the school board should be chosen from among
the members of the church board, so that the school board may be closely
related to the church board.
The pastor should be a member of the school board. If the school is
operated by more than one church, generally the pastors of the participating
churches concerned are members of the board.
In junior academies and elementary schools, the principal or head teacher
should be a member of the board.
Some members of the board may be parents of children attending the
school, so the board may profit from parental viewpoints and counsel
resulting from close observation and experience.
The school board officers shall be a chairperson and a secretary. If the
school is operated by one church, the church elects the chairperson.
In multiconstituent school boards, additional officers shall include a
treasurer, a vice chairperson, and an assistant secretary. At its first meeting
after its election, a multiconstituent school board elects its own chairperson
from among its members. In the event that agreement between the churches
is not possible, the appointment will be made by the conference board of
education or the conference executive committee. The principal of the school
generally is appointed secretary of the board.
Any action of a multiconstituent school board that involves the
supporting churches in financial obligations must be submitted to their
respective boards for approval.
Where a separate school board is elected, one of two plans may be
followed to establish time of election and term of office: (1) all the members
may be elected at the close of the calendar or fiscal year and function for one
year; (2) the members of the first board may be chosen for terms of one, two,
and three years, respectively, with replacement members being chosen each
succeeding year for a term of three years. The purpose of this plan is to have
a nucleus of experienced members on the board to ensure a continuity of
policy. When a midterm vacancy is filled, the new member serves the
remainder of the original term.
The school board or school committee should meet at a regular time and
place at least once each month during the school year.
The school board chairperson calls meetings, presides, sees that the
actions of the board are carried out, and countersigns all financial orders
issued by the secretary. The chairperson is a member ex officio of the
elementary school and junior academy inspection committee, which surveys
and evaluates the school and its work.
The secretary keeps a permanent record of meetings, issues orders for
money to pay accounts or obligations, and carries on correspondence for the
Where one church operates a school, the work of the treasurer is usually
carried by the church treasurer or an assistant church treasurer, who receives
tuition and other money, pays out money on the order of the secretary
(countersigned by the chairperson), keeps a careful account of all transfers,
and at each monthly meeting gives a detailed report to the board. In a
multiconstituent board, a treasurer is appointed by the union board.
Family Ministries
The objective of family ministries is to strengthen marriage and the
family. The family was established by divine creation with marriage at its
As the primary setting in which values are learned and the capacity for
close relationships with God and others is developed, its health is vital to the
Church’s disciple-making mission.
Family ministries upholds the biblical teaching related to the family and
lifts up God’s ideals for family living. At the same time, it brings an
understanding of the brokenness experienced by individuals and families in
a fallen world. The department facilitates understanding, unity, and love at
home and in the family of God. It fosters reconciliation between the
generations promised in the Elijah message of Malachi 4:5, 6 and extends
hope and support to those who have been hurt by abuse, family dysfunction,
and broken relationships. Relational growth opportunities are provided
through family life education and enrichment. Individuals, married couples,
and families are helped to avail themselves of professional counseling when
Ministry to families in the local church focuses on premarital guidance
for couples, marriage strengthening programs, and the education of parents.
Ministry to families also gives attention to the special needs of single parents
and stepfamilies and provides instruction in family-to-family evangelism.
“Our work for Christ is to begin with the family, in the home. . . . There
is no missionary field more important than this. . . . By many this home field
has been shamefully neglected, and it is time that divine resources and
remedies were presented, that this state of evil may be corrected.” AH 35.
“God designs that the families of earth shall be a symbol of the family in
heaven. Christian homes, established and conducted in accordance with
God’s plan, are among His most effective agencies for the formation of
Christian character and for the advancement of His work.”6T 430.
“The mission of the home extends beyond its own members. . . . Far more
powerful than any sermon that can be preached is the influence of a true home
upon human hearts and lives.”—MH 352.
Family Ministries Leader(s)An individual or married couple (See
pp. 160-162 for the Church’s definition of marriage.) may be elected to serve
as family ministries leader(s). They should model strong and growing family
relationships and exhibit a sincere interest in fostering the well-being of all
families. In order to be effective, the family ministries leader(s) must have an
understanding of God’s redemptive plan for dealing with the brokenness in
relationships that sin has brought. The leader(s) also must maintain
appropriate confidentiality and know when and how to encourage individuals
in critical situations to seek professional counseling.
Family Ministries CommitteeThe board may establish a family
ministries committee chaired by the family ministries leader(s).
ResourcesFor family ministries resources, see Notes, #11, pp. 181-
Health Ministries
The Church believes its responsibility to make Christ known to the world
includes a moral obligation to preserve human dignity by promoting optimal
levels of physical, mental, and spiritual health.
In addition to ministering to those who are ill, this responsibility extends
to the prevention of disease through effective health education and leadership
in promoting optimum health, free of tobacco, alcohol, other drugs, and
unclean foods. Where possible, members shall be encouraged to follow a
primarily vegetarian diet.
Health Ministries LeaderFor planning and implementing an
efficient program, the church elects a health ministries leader and, if needed,
an associate leader. The leader should be health-oriented and interested in
promoting the Church’s standards in healthful living among members and in
the community through church-operated health ministries programs. The
leader should be able to screen programs and information that are
representative of the ideals and philosophy of the Church and to integrate
them into an effective spiritual and physical witness.
Health Ministries CouncilWhere practical, a church may appoint a
health ministries council to provide leadership to both members and
community in the field of healthful living and to assist in cooperative soul-
saving activities through a viable program of health and temperance and
spiritual emphasis. The council, in collaboration with the personal ministries
council, shall lead out in developing a schedule of health ministries activities
that include such programs as stop-smoking plans, cooking schools, health
classes, stress-control programs, and related endeavors. If not serving as
chairperson, the pastor should be an ex officio member.
Health Ministries or Temperance SocietyIn some areas a health
ministries or temperance society may be established as a separate entity
distinct from Church organizations. The conference health ministries director
should be involved in establishing such an entity.
World Health Ministries Sabbath OfferingThe entire World
Health Ministries Sabbath Offering is sent to the conference to be distributed
according to policy. Upon the church’s request to the conference, up to 25
percent of the offering received in the church may revert to the church for
health ministries programs.
ResourcesFor health ministries resources, see Notes, #12, p. 182.
Selecting Music CoordinatorsThe church should take great care in
selecting music leaders, choosing only those who are thoroughly consecrated
and provide appropriate music for all church worship services and meetings.
Secular music or that of a questionable nature should never be introduced into
our services.
Music leaders should work closely with the pastor or elders in order that
musical selections harmonize with the sermon theme. The music leader is
under the direction of the pastor or elders and does not work independently.
The music leader should counsel with them about the music to be rendered
and the selection of singers and musicians.
Selecting MusiciansSacred music is an important part of public
worship. The church must exercise care in selecting choir members and other
musicians who will rightly represent Church principles. They should be
members of the church, the Sabbath School, or the Adventist Youth
Ministries. Because they occupy a conspicuous place in church services, they
should be examples of modesty and decorum in their appearance and dress.
Choir robes are optional.
Churches may have multiple choirs. A children’s choir is a means of
spiritual nurture, bonding to the church family, and outreach.
Public Affairs and Religious Liberty
The Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL) department promotes
and maintains religious liberty, with particular emphasis upon liberty of
conscience. Religious liberty includes the human right to have or adopt the
religion of one’s choice, to change religious belief according to conscience,
to manifest one’s religion individually or in community with fellow believers,
in worship, observance, practice, witness, and teaching, subject to respect for
the equivalent rights of others.
Religious Liberty LeaderThe elected religious liberty leader
cooperates with both the pastor and the conference or union PARL
department. The leader should be of positive spiritual influence, able to meet
the general public, interested in public affairs, proficient as a correspondent,
and concerned with the preservation of liberty for God’s people.
Religious Liberty AssociationsEach church is considered an
informal religious liberty association, and every church member is considered
a member of the association. The pastor or an elder is the chairperson.
ResourcesFor Public Affairs and Religious Liberty resources, see
Notes, #13, p. 182.
Publishing Ministries
Publishing ministries coordinates and promotes literature evangelism
under supervision of the publishing ministries council and the appropriate
publishing organization for the territory. It assists other departments in the
promotion, sale, and distribution of subscription magazines and other
missionary literature. The department works with the pastor and other
departments in planning for systematic ways to involve members in
publishing ministries.
“There are many places in which the voice of the minister cannot be
heard, places which can be reached only by our publicationsthe books,
papers, and tracts filled with the Bible truths that the people need.”CM 4.
The mission of publishing ministries is evangelism and the nurture of
church members. Ellen G. White encouraged members to “sell or to give
away our literature.”—CM 91.
Selling Through Literature Evangelists—“God calls for workers
from every church among us to enter His service as canvasser evangelists
[literature evangelists].”—CM 20.
Giving Away (Sharing) by Church Members—“Let every believer
scatter broadcast tracts and leaflets and books containing the message for this
time.”—CM 21.
Publishing Ministries CoordinatorThe church elects a publishing
ministries coordinator to provide leadership in literature evangelism
Publishing Ministries CouncilThe board appoints the publishing
ministries council, which works under the board’s direction. The publishing
ministries coordinator chairs the council. The pastor, personal ministries
leader, and personal ministries secretary serve as ex officio members.
Members should have interest and experience in literature evangelism.
ResourcesFor publishing ministries resources, see Notes, #14,
p. 182.
Sabbath School and Personal Ministries
Sabbath School
The Sabbath School, the primary religious education program of the
Church, has four purposes: study of the Scripture, fellowship, community
outreach, and world mission emphasis. The General Conference Sabbath
School and Personal Ministries Department distributes the Sabbath School
Bible study guide for all age levels, provides designs for Sabbath School
programming within the context of the various world division cultures,
provides resources and training systems for Sabbath School teachers, and
promotes world mission Sabbath School offerings.
“The Sabbath school is an important branch of the missionary work, not
only because it gives to young and old a knowledge of God’s Word, but
because it awakens in them a love for its sacred truths, and a desire to study
them for themselves; above all, it teaches them to regulate their lives by its
holy teachings.”—CSW 10, 11.
“The Sabbath school, if rightly conducted, is one of God’s great
instrumentalities to bring souls to a knowledge of the truth.”CSW 115.
Officers of the Sabbath School CouncilThe church elects Sabbath
School officers and members of the Sabbath School council. Officers include
the superintendent and any assistant superintendents; secretary and any
assistant secretaries; a leader for each division, including adult and extension
divisions; children’s ministries coordinator and/or Vacation Bible School
director; and Investment secretary.
The officers, teachers, and all Sabbath School members should cooperate
with other departments in all outreach (missionary) work, as well as carrying
on Sabbath School evangelism by means of regular Sabbath School classes
and such activities as Decision Days, pastors’ Bible classes, Community
Guest Days, Vacation Bible Schools, and branch Sabbath Schools, including
Neighborhood Bible Clubs and Story Hours.
The Sabbath School council is the administrative body of the Sabbath
School. It consists of the superintendent (who serves as chairperson), any
assistant superintendents, secretary (who serves as secretary), any assistant
secretaries, division leaders, Investment secretary, personal ministries leader,
children’s ministries coordinator and/or Vacation Bible School director, an
elder (appointed by the board or by the board of elders), and the pastor.
As soon as possible after the officers are elected, the superintendent
should call a council meeting to appoint, as needed for the various divisions,
other officers who do not serve as members of the council. These may include
assistant division leaders, division secretaries, music directors, pianists
and/or organists, and greeters.
In addition to the appointed officers listed above, the council studies the
need of all divisions and groups and appoints teachers whose names are
submitted to the board for approval. To maintain both the integrity of the
Sabbath School lesson curriculum and the quality of teaching, the council
should exercise great care in choosing teachers. Particularly when selecting
teachers for the children’s divisions, the council should consult with division
leaders. All teachers shall be members of the church in regular standing.
The council is responsible for the successful operation of the entire
Sabbath School through the superintendent. The council should meet
regularly as needed. The council should ensure that program helps and
materials, including the Sabbath School Bible study guide prepared by the
General Conference, are supplied in sufficient quantities.
Sabbath School Superintendent and Other Sabbath School
OfficersThe superintendent is the leading officer of the Sabbath School
and should begin planning for its smooth and effective operation as soon as
elected. The superintendent should support the plans and emphases of the
conference Sabbath School department and should implement decisions of
the Sabbath School council concerning the operation of the Sabbath School.
The church may elect one or more assistant superintendents.
The secretary should complete the quarterly report on the appropriate
form immediately after the last Sabbath of the quarter and mail it before the
deadline to the conference Sabbath School and personal ministries directors.
The secretary also should place a copy in the secretary’s permanent file, give
copies to the superintendent and the pastor, and present it at the business
The Investment secretary promotes the Investment plan for mission
support in all Sabbath School divisions and keeps all members informed as
the program progresses.
The Vacation Bible School (VBS) director leads in organizing,
promoting, and launching community evangelism through the annual VBS.
The church may assign this responsibility to the children’s ministries
The council may appoint a music director for the Sabbath School in
consultation with division leaders. As an expression of worship, music should
glorify God. Singers and other musicians should be as carefully selected as
are the leaders for other parts of the Sabbath School service and should be
measured by the same standards. (See pp. 101, 155, 157.) The council also
may appoint pianists and organists for the divisions.
Sabbath School Division LeadersThe church board elects a leader
for each division. The Sabbath School council may appoint assistant division
leaders as needed. The Sabbath School Handbook, available from the
Adventist Book Center or the conference Sabbath School department,
contains information about all divisions, from beginners through adult and
the extension division, which cares for those unable to attend Sabbath School.
Sabbath School TeachersThe Sabbath School council chooses and
the church board approves Sabbath School teachers. They should have an
aptitude for teaching and be willing to study ways to improve their teaching
abilities. They should be diligent in preparation, regular and punctual in
attendance, and examples in the daily study of the Sabbath School Bible study
The council should make special effort to select teachers for children and
youth who have an interest in those age levels and ability to meet their needs.
Everyone involved in work with the children’s divisions must meet Church
and legal standards and requirements, such as background checks or
certification. Local church leaders should consult with the conference, which
will ascertain and advise as to what background checks and certifications are
available and/or required. (See Notes, #8, p. 183.) All teachers should be
encouraged to participate in the teacher training courses available through the
conference Sabbath School department.
Every Sabbath School should have a weekly teachers’ meeting.
Realizing that “none but those who have fortified the mind with the truths
of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict” (GC 593, 594), Sabbath
School leaders should strongly encourage regular systematic study of the
Word. The Sabbath School Bible study guide is designed to encourage daily
feasting on the Word, a practice that has done much to maintain unity
throughout the Church. Every member should have access to the appropriate
age-level Sabbath School Bible study guide published by the General
Conference and/or division. Similarly, every leader and teacher should have
access to the helps produced for the various Sabbath School divisions by the
General Conference and/or division.
Teachers should have at least 30 minutes during which to teach their
Sabbath School OfferingsThe Sabbath School secretary should
accurately record Sabbath School offerings and pass them on to the treasurer
as soon as possible. Extension division offerings should be added to the
regular Sabbath School offerings. Many Sabbath Schools take offerings for
Sabbath School expense. With the exception of that expense fund, all Sabbath
School offerings are for the support of the mission fields and are to be passed
on in their entirety by the treasurer to the conference. These funds include the
regular weekly Sabbath School offering, the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering,
Sabbath School Investment, and Birthday-Thank Offering. Each is to be
identified as a separate fund in the financial system of the church. Mission
funds are distributed according to policy. No mission funds may be retained
by the church or conference.
The Sabbath School expense offering and the mission offering, where
the calendar of offerings is being used, shall not be taken as one offering and
divided according to an agreed-upon formula or percentage. The offerings
may be taken as combined offering where the church is operating under a
division-approved combined offering plan.
ResourcesFor Sabbath School and personal ministries resources, see
Notes, #15, pp. 182-183.
Personal Ministries
Personal ministries provides resources and trains members to unite their
efforts with those of the pastor and officers in soul-winning service. It also
has primary responsibility for programs assisting those in need.
Personal Ministries CouncilThe personal ministries council guides
the outreach (missionary) efforts of the church and works under the direction
of the board. The council should meet at least once each month and should
consist of the pastor, an elder, the treasurer, and leaders of the other
departments and auxiliary services functioning in that congregation. The
personal ministries council may assign subcommittees for specialized tasks.
All subcommittees report to the personal ministries council. The personal
ministries council and leader are responsible for organizing small group
Personal Ministries OfficersThe church elects the personal
ministries officers, including the leader, assistants (as needed), and the
The leader trains and directs members in outreach (missionary) service
and chairs the personal ministries council. The leader reports in the monthly
church outreach (missionary) Sabbath service and business meetings about
total outreach (missionary) activities of the congregation. Assistants may be
assigned to coordinate the Bible correspondence school, Bible evangelism,
literature distribution, Ingathering (or equivalent appeals), small group
ministries, member training, and other soul-winning programs.
The secretary serves as representative of the Adventist Book Center for
all departments of the church and works with the leader in developing the
outreach (missionary) programs of the church.
Adventist MenAdventist Men is a subsidiary of the personal
ministries department. It includes lay preaching efforts, prison ministry, and
Community Services.
Bible School CoordinatorThe Bible school coordinator organizes
and coordinates the church’s Bible school outreach ministry to the
community. The coordinator should work closely with the pastor, the interest
coordinator, and the personal ministries leader.
Adventist Community Services Leader or Dorcas Society Leader
The church elects the Adventist Community Services leader or Dorcas
Society leader, assistant leaders (as needed), and secretary-treasurer of
Adventist Community Services, which in some areas is known as the Dorcas
Society. (See Notes, #16, p. 183.) This organization gathers and prepares
clothing, food and other supplies for those in need and works closely with the
Adventist Men, deacons, deaconesses, and other church departments in
community outreach. Adventist Community Services or Dorcas Society
ministry, however, includes more than giving material aid. It focuses on
identifying needs and responding with services based on these specific needs.
Examples are educational seminars, community development, visiting,
counseling, and other services relevant to the community.
The Adventist Community Services Leader or Dorcas Society Leader is
a member of the Personal Ministries Council and the church board. If the
church operates a Community Services center, the personal ministries council
is its governing committee. The Council appoints the director of the center,
who is a member of the Council as well as the church board.
ResourcesFor Sabbath School and personal ministries resources, see
Notes, #15, pp. 182-183.
Spirit of Prophecy Writings
The Scriptures testify that one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy.
This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and we believe it was
manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. Her writings speak with
prophetic authority and provide comfort, guidance, instruction, and
correction to the Church. They also make clear that the Bible is the standard
by which all teaching and experience must be tested. (Num. 12:6; 2 Chron.
20:20; Amos 3:7; Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 2:14-21; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Heb. 1:1-3;
Rev. 12:17; 19:10; 22:8, 9.)
Spirit of Prophecy Writings CoordinatorThe church elects a Spirit
of Prophecy writings coordinator with the responsibility of promoting the
importance and right use of the Spirit of Prophecy writings, in collaboration
with the publishing ministries coordinator.
Stewardship Ministries
Stewardship ministries encourages members to respond to God’s grace
by dedicating all they have to Him. Stewardship responsibility involves more
than just money. It includes, but is not limited to, the proper care and use of
the body, mind, time, abilities, spiritual gifts, relationships, influence,
language, the environment, and material possessions. The department assists
members in their partnership with God in completing His mission through
the proper utilization of all of His gifts and resources.
When the Spirit of God takes possession of the life, “those whose hearts
are filled with the love of Christ will follow the example of Him who for our
sake became poor, that through His poverty we might be made rich. Money,
time, influence—all the gifts they have received from God’s hand, they will
value only as a means of advancing the work of the gospel.” AA 71.
Stewardship Ministries LeaderThe stewardship ministries leader
should practice the principles of Christian stewardship and should have an
understanding of the spiritual and financial ministry of the Church. The leader
will work in cooperation with the conference stewardship ministries director,
the pastor, and the board. The leader acts as a liaison between the conference
stewardship ministries department and the congregation.
ResourcesFor stewardship ministries resources, see Notes, #17,
p. 183.
Women’s Ministries
Women’s ministries upholds, encourages, and challenges women in their
daily walk as disciples of Jesus Christ and as members of His church.
Its objectives are to foster spiritual growth and renewal; affirm that
women are of immeasurable worth by virtue of their creation and redemption,
equip them for service, and offer women’s perspectives on church issues;
minister to the broad spectrum of women’s needs, with regard for
multicultural and multiethnic perspectives; cooperate with other departments
to facilitate ministry to women and of women; build good will among women
to encourage mutual support and creative exchange of ideas; mentor and
encourage women and create paths for their involvement in the church; and
find ways and means to challenge each woman to use her gifts to further
global mission.
Women’s Ministries Leader and Committee—The elected women’s
ministries leader develops specific ministries to nurture women and equip
them for service. She serves as chairperson of the women’s ministries
committee and encourages ideas and plans that maximize women’s
contributions to the mission of the Church.
The leader assists the board with integrating activities and programs for
women into the larger church program. She keeps the church informed of the
contribution of women’s ministries to church life. The leader’s liaison for
training and resource material is the conference women’s ministries director.
The women’s ministries leader should be a sensitive, caring woman with
a burden for women’s ministry and concerns, a balance in her perspectives,
an ability to encourage other women to cultivate their spiritual gifts, and an
ability to work well with women in the church, the pastor, and the board.
The women’s ministries committee fosters ministry to women in the
church. This committee should be composed of those interested in the broad
spectrum of women’s needs and services and those with varied talents and
Resources—For women’s ministries resources, see Notes, #18, pp. 183-
Adventist Youth Ministries
The various youth organizations of the church should work closely with
the youth ministries department of the conference. The church works for and
with its youth through Adventist Youth Ministries (AYM). Under the AYM,
youth are to work together, in cooperation with the wider church community,
towards the development of a strong youth ministry that includes spiritual,
mental, and physical development of each individual, Christian social
interaction, and an active witnessing program that supports the general soul-
winning plans of the church. In the quest for discipleship, the goal of AYM
should be to bring all youth to a saving relationship with Christ, build them
up in His Word to reflect a Christ-like character, train them how to serve the
church and communities using their spiritual gifts, and send them out to reach
the communities in the power of the Holy Spirit.
AYM MissionTo lead young people into a saving relationship with
Jesus Christ and help them embrace His call to discipleship.
AYM MottoThe love of Christ compels us.
AYM AimThe Advent Message to all the world in my generation.
The youth ministries program of the church comprises three broad
categories, namely: Junior Youth (Adventurers: ages 4-9 and Pathfinders:
ages 10-15), Senior Youth (Ambassadors: ages 16-21 and Young Adults:
ages 22-30), and Public Campus Students: ages 16-30+.
God said to Moses, “And these words which I command you today shall
be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall
talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when
you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your
hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them
on the doorposts of your house and on your gates” (Deut. 6:6-9).
The apostle Paul added, “Let no one despise your youth, but be an
example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in
purity” (1 Tim. 4:12).
“We have an army of youth today who can do much if they are properly
directed and encouraged. . . . We want them to be blessed of God. We want
them to act a part in well-organized plans for helping other youth.” GCB,
Jan. 29, 30, 1893, p. 24.
“When the youth give their hearts to God, our responsibility for them
does not cease. They must be interested in the Lord’s work, and led to see
that He expects them to do something to advance His cause. It is not enough
to show how much needs to be done, and to urge the youth to act a part. They
must be taught how to labor for the Master. They must be trained, disciplined,
drilled, in the best methods of winning souls to Christ. Teach them to try in a
quiet, unpretending way to help their young companions. Let different
branches of missionary effort be systematically laid out, in which they may
take part, and let them be given instruction and help. Thus they will learn to
work for God.”GW 210.
“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might
furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior
might be carried to the whole world!”MYP 196.
While there is to be an active Adventist Youth Ministries (AYM) in
every church, it is important that the youth program not be isolated from the
rest of the church. In addition to their AYM participation, youth should be
integrated into responsible leadership and in all lines of church work. As
young elders, deacons, and deaconesses, for example, they can work with and
learn from experienced officers.
“In order that the work may go forward in all its branches, God calls for
youthful vigor, zeal, and courage. He has chosen the youth to aid in the
advancement of His cause. To plan with clear mind and execute with
courageous hand demands fresh, uncrippled energies. Young men and
women are invited to give God the strength of their youth, that through the
exercise of their powers, through keen thought and vigorous action, they may
bring glory to Him and salvation to their fellow men.”GW 67.
Adventist Youth Ministries CommitteeThe Adventist Youth
Ministries (AYM) Committee is the umbrella organization in the church for
the general planning of the youth ministry program. (See pp. 139-140.) The
AYM Committee includes the following church-elected officers: Young
Adults leader, Public Campus Ministries leader/coordinator, Ambassador
leader, Pathfinder director, Adventurer director, plus the personal ministries
leader, youth Sabbath School division leader, children’s ministries leader,
health ministries leader, principal of the school, the AYM advisor, and the
pastor. The Young Adults leader, Ambassador leader, Pathfinder director,
Adventurer director, and Public Campus Ministries leader are members of
the church board.
If there are no distinct Ambassador ministry or young adults ministries
established in the church, or until such time as they are established, the AYM
Committee will plan for the senior youth ministry to include both age groups.
In parts of the world where there is no Pathfinder or Adventurer ministry,
or until such time as they are organized, the AYM Committee will plan for
appropriate activities for the junior youth.
The Young Adults leader may chair the AYM Committee. The
committee should meet as necessary to develop short- and long-range goals
and plans for a successful ministry. (See Notes, #19, p. 184.)
Young Adults Ministries CommitteeThe Young Adults Ministries
Committee is responsible for Young Adult activities and works in
coordination with the Adventist Youth Ministries (AYM) Committee.
The church elects the following Young Adults Ministries officers:
leader, associate leader, secretary-treasurer, and music director. This group
forms the nucleus for the Young Adults Ministries Committee, which
appoints other officers for the respective activities.
Public Campus MinistriesStrengthening the Youth Ministries of the
church, Public Campus Ministries (PCM), in collaboration with the Adventist
Ministry to College and University Students (AMiCUS), provides vision and
strategic planning for ministry to and support for Seventh-day Adventist
students (ages 16-30+) who attend college or university institutions not
operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Public Campus Ministries Leader/CoordinatorThe church may
appoint a Public Campus Ministries leader/coordinator to develop an
intentional ministry with the purpose of caring for the special needs of college
or university students in institutions not operated by the Seventh-day
Adventist Church, in consultation with and support of the Adventist Youth
Ministries Committee.
Ambassador MinistryThe Ambassador Ministry provides a
specialized program to meet the needs of youth, ages 16 to 21. It offers young
people in this age group organization and structure, and promotes their active
involvement in the church, locally and globally. The ministry is designed to
strengthen the current senior youth ministry of the Church. It challenges them
to experience and share a personal relationship with Christ, helps them
develop a lifestyle that is consistent with the Seventh-day Adventist belief
system, provides training in diverse vocational interests, and provides them
with a safe environment for the wholesome development of lifelong
friendships. Its activities are to be carried out in accordance with conference
policies and in coordination with the AYM Committee of the local church.
Ambassador CommitteeThe Ambassador Committee is responsible
for Ambassador activities and works in coordination with the Adventist
Youth Ministries (AYM) Committee.
The church elects the following Ambassador officers: leader, associate
leader, secretary-treasurer, assistant secretary-treasurer, and music director.
This group forms the Ambassador Committee which appoints other officers
for the respective activities.
Pathfinder ClubThe Pathfinder Club provides a church-centered
outlet for the spirit of adventure and exploration, in the context of spiritual
development and soul-winning, for ages 10 to 15. Activities are carefully
tailored to include outdoor living, nature exploration, crafts, hobbies, or
Pathfinder CommitteeThe Pathfinder Club director and deputy
directors are elected by the church. (See pp. 111-112, 184-185.) If two deputy
directors are elected, there should be one male and one female. One of the
deputy directors may also serve as club secretary and treasurer.
Additional Pathfinder staff may include instructors of craft and nature
classes and counselors who are each responsible for a unit of six to eight
Resource materials are available from the conference youth ministries
Everyone involved in work with minor children must meet Church and
legal standards and requirements, such as background checks or certification.
Local church leaders should consult with the conference, which will ascertain
and advise as to what background checks and certifications are available
and/or required. (See Notes, #8, pp. 180-181.)
Adventurer ClubThe Adventurer Club provides home and church
programs for parents with 4- to 9-year-old children. It is designed to stimulate
the children’s curiosity and includes age-specific activities that involve both
parents and child in recreational activities, simple crafts, appreciation of
God’s creation, and other activities that are of interest to that age. All is
carried out with a spiritual focus, setting the stage for participation in the
church as a Pathfinder.
Adventurer CommitteeThe church elects the club director and
associates. (See pp. 111-112, 184-185.) Additional staff members are
selected by the administrative staff of the club.
Resource materials are available from the conference youth ministries
Everyone involved in work with minor children must meet Church and
legal standards and requirements, such as background checks or certification.
Local church leaders should consult with the conference, which will ascertain
and advise as to what background checks and certifications are available
and/or required. (See Notes, #8, pp. 180-181.)
AYM OfficersThe leaders/directors of the five youth ministry entities
must exemplify Christlike graces and have a burden for soul winning and
contagious enthusiasm. The five leaders/directors are members of the church
board. In helping motivate youth to work together and take responsibilities,
the leaders/directors will be in the background guiding, counseling, and
encouraging youth, helping them gain experience and the joys of
achievement. The leaders/directors should study the youth profile of the
church and seek to involve every eligible youth in the Adventist Youth
Ministries (AYM).
The leaders/directors will keep in touch with the pastor, advisor, and the
conference youth ministries director, taking advantage of opportunities for
in-service training and leading their respective ministry into a cooperative
relationship with the church and the conference.
The associate leaders/deputy directors (if needed) will assist the
leaders/directors and perform leadership duties when the leaders/directors are
absent. The respective committees may assign additional responsibilities to
the associate leaders/directors.
The secretary-treasurers will keep a record of the activities of their
respective ministries, submit monthly reports on forms provided to the
conference youth ministries director, and encourage youth to report their
witnessing activities during the ten-minute personal ministries period.
The respective assistant secretary-treasurers (if needed) assist with the
secretary- treasurers work as assigned.
AYM AdvisorThe Adventist Youth Ministries (AYM) advisor may be
an elder or other person on the board who understands the objectives of the
AYM, is sympathetic with youth and their involvement in the church’s
ministries, and will serve as a valued counselor to the youth. The advisor
serves as a guide or counselor to AYM officers and joins them regularly in
AYM Committee meetings.
The ministry leader should become acquainted with the conference youth
ministries director and keep the director informed of changes in officer
personnel and other AYM matters. Along with AYM leaders, the advisor
should attend conference youth training institutes to keep informed about
developments in youth ministry.
For the sake of continuity, the advisor, if possible, should serve multiple
Everyone involved in work with minor children must meet Church and
legal standards and requirements, such as background checks or certification.
Local church leaders should consult with the conference, which will ascertain
and advise as to what background checks and certifications are available
and/or required. (See Notes, #8, pp. 180-181.)
ResourcesFor youth ministries resources, see Notes, #20, p. 184.
Induction Service
All newly elected officers of the local church may be included in an
induction service conducted by a pastor holding a current license or
credential. If no pastor is available, an elder of the church may conduct the
service for officers other than elders, deacons, and deaconesses. If the church
holds an induction service for newly elected officers, it should include leaders
of all departments and other organizations.
The election of church officers who will perform their duties prayerfully,
seriously, and competently is an important work. This chapter outlines the
election procedure, from appointment of the nominating committee to filling
vacancies between annual elections.
Nominating Committee and the Election Process
Officers are elected every one or two years (See p. 77.) through an
appointed nominating committee. In exceptional circumstances, and in
consultation with the conference, the term of office may be extended an
additional year. This committee brings its report to the church, which then
votes on the names presented. This procedure enables the church to give
careful study to each name prior to election and avoids the competitive
element that may arise when nominations are made from the floor.
The nominating committee shall study the needs of the church and
inquire into the fitness of members to serve in the different offices. This is
another reason officers shall not be nominated from the floor or by general
The church may decide based on its needs that it would be best served
with a standing nominating committee. As such, it may appoint such a
committee which would function year-round to make nominations for
vacancies or to fill regular positions identified in the Church Manual.
The size of the nominating committee will range from five members in
a small church to a larger number in a large church. The number to be chosen
is left to the discretion of each church and should be studied by the board. A
suitable recommendation then will be brought to the church, using a
minimum of time in the Sabbath worship hour.
QuorumThe quorum for the nominating committee may be
determined by the church at the same time the committee is elected. (See pp.
134, 137.)
When and How the Nominating Committee Is AppointedThe
nominating committee should be appointed early in the closing quarter of the
election term and should report at least three weeks before the final Sabbath
of the election term, except in the case of a standing nominating committee,
which functions year-round.
The pastor or district leader or, in the absence of the pastor or district
leader, the elder should bring the matter to the attention of the church. The
church shall then appoint an organizing committee responsible to nominate
the nominating committee. This organizing committee may be chosen in one
of two ways:
1. By nominations, verbal or written, from the floor. If verbal
nominations are made, no member may nominate more than one person. The
effort of one individual or a small group to dictate to the entire membership
is disapproved. Every effort should be made to ensure fair representation in
the composition of the organizing committee. Everything of a political nature
should be avoided. The pastor or district leader shall serve as chairperson of
this organizing committee. If a pastor or district leader has not yet been
appointed to serve as church leader, the chairperson of this organizing
committee shall be appointed by the board from among the members of the
organizing committee. The size of the organizing committee should be five
to seven more than the number of board members.
2. By the church authorizing the board, together with five to seven
additional persons chosen by the church (see preceding paragraph), to
function as the organizing committee. If this method is adopted, the
chairperson of the board normally serves as chairperson of the organizing
committee. (See pp. 33-34.)
In the case of a standing nominating committee, the board may fill any
vacancies in their membership, or the organizing committee may choose to
nominate a new list of members for the nominating committee for election
by the church in business session.
How the Process WorksThe steps of the nominating process are:
1. The church appoints by vote an organizing committee by one of the
two methods listed above.
2. The organizing committee recommends names to the church for the
nominating committee, with a recommendation for secretary. Every effort
should be made to ensure fair representation in the composition of the
nominating committee representing a range of age groups and both genders
and limiting representation to no more than two members from the same
immediate family.
3. By vote, the church appoints the nominating committee and the
4. The pastor or district leader is an ex officio member and serves as
chairperson of the nominating committee. Should the pastor or district leader
choose not to serve as chairperson, or if a pastor or district leader has not been
appointed to the church, the organizing committee shall recommend the name
from the proposed nominating committee to serve as chairperson.
5. The nominating committee meets to prepare the list of officers that
it will present to the church for approval.
6. By vote, the church appoints its officers for the ensuing year(s) who
continue to serve until their resignation, replacement, or the beginning of the
new election term.
Who Should Be Members of the Nominating CommitteeOnly
members in regular standing should be chosen to serve on the nominating
committee. They should be persons of good judgment who have the welfare
and prosperity of the church at heart.
Work of the Nominating CommitteeThe chairperson should call a
meeting of the committee as soon as possible after its election. With earnest
prayer the committee should begin preparing a list of nominees for all offices.
Nominees must be members in regular standing of the church making the
appointments. The list of nominees will be presented to the church at a
Sabbath service or at a specially called business meeting. In making their
selections, the committee may counsel with others who are well informed.
This committee does not nominate either the pastor or the assistant pastor(s),
who are appointed by the conference.
The list of officers to be considered by the nominating committee may
vary with size of membership. A larger church may determine it needs more
officers. A smaller church may have fewer. The committee deals with all
leadership positions except Sabbath School teachers, who are recommended
by the Sabbath School council and approved by the board. See Notes, #1, pp.
184-185, for a list of possible officers.
Nominating Committee to Get Consent of Prospective Officers
Having nominated persons who are faithful, loyal members of the local
church, except when the conference has approved an exception (See p. 79,
“Work of Elders Is Local.), the appropriate members of the committee
should inform them of their nominations and secure their consent to serve.
Members May Appear Before the Nominating Committee
Members desiring to appear before the committee to make suggestions or
objections should be given opportunity to do so. After they have addressed
the committee and retired from the room, the committee should consider their
comments and then make its report to the church.
Nominating Committee Discussions Are ConfidentialAll
inquiries and discussions of the committee are confidential. It is a violation
of Christian ethics and the spirit of the golden rule for a member of the
committee to repeat outside of the committee any personal or sensitive
information discussed. To offend in this regard is reason for excluding the
committee member from future participation in the work of a nominating
committee. Should the necessity arise for inquiries to be made outside the
committee, the chairperson should make them.
Reporting to the Church—The nominating committee’s report is
presented to the church as a whole and not to the church board, which has no
jurisdiction in the process. The report may be presented at a Sabbath service
or at a specially called business meeting.
When the nominating committee is ready to report, the chairperson
should make appropriate remarks to the church. A copy of the report should
be placed in the hands of members or read aloud by the secretary of the
committee. The chairperson should announce that the church will vote on the
report one or two weeks later.
Every member should vote in the election of officers. Election is by
majority vote of those present and voting.
Objections to the Report of the Nominating CommitteeMembers
may object to the nominating committee’s report and should present their
objections in person to the committee before the second reading of the report
by making an appointment through the chairperson or pastor. Or, at the time
of the second reading of the report, a member may request that the whole
report be referred without discussion to the committee for further
consideration. It is the usual procedure for the chairperson to accept the
referral. However, if the request becomes a motion, it is nondebatable and is
decided by majority vote.
The chairperson should announce when and where the committee will
meet to hear objections. At that time members making objections, or any
other member who desires to do so, should appear before the committee. If
the election is deferred because of objections, it would be a serious matter for
those raising objections to fail to appear before the committee.
After giving due consideration to the objections presented, the
committee will exercise its judgment as to whether or not any change is
warranted in the committee’s recommendation to the church business
meeting. When the report is again presented, the church proceeds to vote on
the report of the committee.
Trivial or groundless objections to any name should never be made, but
if there are serious reasons that any nomination should be changed, these
reasons should be stated to the nominating committee.
Filling Vacancies Between ElectionsIf an office of the church
becomes vacant during the term of office because of death, removal,
resignation, or any other reason, and there is no standing nominating
committee to fill the nominations, the board may nominate a successor to fill
the vacancy for the remainder of the term of office and submit the nomination
to the church for election.
Delegates to Local Conference Session
Administrative authority in a conference originates with its constituency.
The churches of a conference elect delegates to the conference session to
represent them in the councils of the conference. The conference session
elects conference personnel, grants credentials and licenses (unless the
conference constitution gives its executive committee this responsibility),
amends its constitution and bylaws if necessary, and transacts other business.
One of its most important acts is the election of the executive committee,
which functions for the constituency between sessions. In this committee is
vested the delegated power and authority of all the churches of the
Choosing Delegates—It is God’s plan that members chosen to be
delegates be trustworthy, tried, and proved, “able to reason from cause to
effect,” because they are to “lay the plans that shall be followed in the
advancement of the work.”9T 262.
The number of delegates from each church to a conference session is
determined by the conference constitution. When the time comes to select
delegates, the pastor, or the first elder in cooperation with the pastor, brings
the matter before the church. A committee may be appointed to nominate
delegates, or the board may be asked to nominate them. Nothing of a political
nature should be allowed to come into this work. Men and women of known
piety and loyalty and who are able to attend the session should be nominated
as delegates. (See p. 87.)
When the committee or board has completed its work, it reports its
nominees to the church. The church then votes on the nominations. No church
officer is a delegate ex officio. After the election, the clerk fills out the
delegates’ credential blanks and returns them to the secretary of the
conference. The delegates become the representatives of the church, to unite
with the delegates of other churches to transact all business coming before
the conference session.
Delegates to a union conference/mission session are chosen by the
conference, not by the churches. The delegates to a General Conference
Session are chosen by the divisions and the union conferences/missions.
Duty of DelegatesDelegates to a conference session are not chosen
to represent merely the church or conference. They should view the work as
a whole, remembering their responsibility for the welfare of the worldwide
work of the Church. It is not permissible for church or conference delegations
to organize or attempt to direct their votes as a unit. Nor is it permissible for
the delegates from a large church or the conference to claim preeminence in
directing affairs in a conference session. Each delegate should be susceptible
to the direction of the Holy Spirit and vote according to personal convictions.
Any church or conference officer or leader attempting to control the votes of
a group of delegates would be considered disqualified for holding office.
Responsibility of Conference OfficersThe local church has no
authority outside its own body. It unites with other churches in the conference
in delegating authority and responsibility to the conference officers and
executive committee to carry on the work of the conference between sessions.
Conference officers are answerable to the conference as a whole and not to
any one church.
Conference Executive CommitteeConference executive committee
members are elected to represent the work in the entire conference, not that
of one church, district, or institution. Each member should foster all interests
of the work in all parts of the field and make decisions only after prayerful
and careful study. Decisions of the committee are not to be controlled or
influenced by any church, group, or individual.
Services and Other Meetings
General Principles
The apostle John declared that “true worshipers will worship the Father
in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him” (John 4:23).
“Although God dwells not in temples made with hands, yet He honors
with His presence the assemblies of His people. He has promised that when
they come together to seek Him, to acknowledge their sins, and to pray for
one another, He will meet with them by His Spirit. But those who assemble
to worship Him should put away every evil thing. Unless they worship Him
in spirit and truth and in the beauty of holiness, their coming together will be
of no avail.”PK 50.
Purpose of Services and MeetingsThe purpose of all services and
meetings is to worship God for His creative work and for the benefits of His
salvation; to understand His Word, His teachings, and His purposes; to
fellowship in faith and love; to witness about our personal faith in Christ’s
atoning sacrifice at the cross; and to learn how to fulfill the gospel
commission of making disciples in all the world (Matt. 28:19, 20).
Reverence for the House of Worship—“To the humble, believing
soul, the house of God on earth is the gate of heaven. The song of praise, the
prayer, the words spoken by Christ’s representatives, are God’s appointed
agencies to prepare a people for the church above, for that loftier worship into
which there can enter nothing that defileth.
“From the sacredness which was attached to the earthly sanctuary,
Christians may learn how they should regard the place where the Lord meets
with His people. . . . God Himself gave the order of His service, exalting it
high above everything of a temporal nature.
“The house is the sanctuary for the family, and the closet or the grove
the most retired place for individual worship; but the church is the sanctuary
for the congregation. There should be rules in regard to the time, the place,
and the manner of worshiping. Nothing that is sacred, nothing that pertains
to the worship of God, should be treated with carelessness or indifference.”—
5T 491.
Teach Children Reverence—“Parents, elevate the standard of
Christianity in the minds of your children; help them to weave Jesus into their
experience; teach them to have the highest reverence for the house of God
and to understand that when they enter the Lord’s house it should be with
hearts that are softened and subdued by such thoughts as these: ‘God is here;
this is His house. I must have pure thoughts and the holiest motives. I must
have no pride, envy, jealousy, evil surmising, hatred, or deception in my
heart, for I am coming into the presence of the holy God. This is the place
where God meets with and blesses His people. The high and holy One who
inhabiteth eternity looks upon me, searches my heart, and reads the most
secret thoughts and acts of my life.’ ”5T 494.
Decorum and Quietness in the Place of Worship—“When the
worshipers enter the place of meeting, they should do so with decorum,
passing quietly to their seats. . . . Common talking, whispering, and laughing
should not be permitted in the house of worship, either before or after the
service. Ardent, active piety should characterize the worshipers.
“If some have to wait a few minutes before the meeting begins, let them
maintain a true spirit of devotion by silent meditation, keeping the heart
uplifted to God in prayer that the service may be of special benefit to their
own hearts and lead to the conviction and conversion of other souls. They
should remember that heavenly messengers are in the house. . . . If when the
people come into the house of worship, they have genuine reverence for the
Lord and bear in mind that they are in His presence, there will be a sweet
eloquence in silence. The whispering and laughing and talking which might
be without sin in a common business place should find no sanction in the
house where God is worshiped. The mind should be prepared to hear the
Word of God, that it may have due weight and suitably impress the heart.”
5T 492.
Hospitality“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some
have unwittingly entertained angels” (Heb. 13:2). Every church should
cultivate a spirit of hospitality, an essential element of Christian life and
experience. Nothing is so deadening to the spiritual life of a church as a cold,
formal atmosphere that drives out hospitality and Christian fellowship.
Especially selected greeters should cordially welcome visitors, who also may
be welcomed at the time of the worship service.
Place of Music in Worship
Power of Music—“Music can be a great power for good, yet we do not
make the most of this branch of worship. The singing is generally done from
impulse or to meet special cases, and at other times those who sing are left to
blunder along, and the music loses its proper effect upon the minds of those
present. Music should have beauty, pathos, and power. Let the voices be lifted
in songs of praise and devotion. Call to your aid, if practicable, instrumental
music, and let the glorious harmony ascend to God, an acceptable
offering.”4T 71.
Sing With Spirit and Understanding—“In their efforts to reach the
people, the Lord’s messengers are not to follow the ways of the world. In the
meetings that are held, they are not to depend on worldly singers and
theatrical display to awaken an interest. How can those who have no interest
in the Word of God, who have never read His Word with a sincere desire to
understand its truths, be expected to sing with the spirit and the
understanding? . . . How can the heavenly choir join in music that is only a
form? . . . “The singing is not always to be done by a few. As often as possible,
let the entire congregation join.”9T 143, 144.
Pulpit Not a Forum
The Church confers no right to any pastor, elder, or other person to make
the pulpit a forum for advocating disputed points of doctrine or church
Testing New LightMembers who think they have new light contrary
to the established views of the Church should seek counsel from responsible
“There are a thousand temptations in disguise prepared for those who
have the light of truth; and the only safety for any of us is in receiving no new
doctrine, no new interpretation of the Scriptures, without first submitting it
to brethren of experience. Lay it before them in a humble, teachable spirit,
with earnest prayer; and if they see no light in it, yield to their judgment; for
‘in the multitude of counselors there is safety.’ 5T 293. (See also Acts
This plan was followed in the early church. When a difference of opinion
arose at Antioch over an important question, the believers sent
representatives to Jerusalem to submit the question to the apostles and elders.
The believers in Antioch joyfully accepted the decision of the Jerusalem
Council, thus preserving unity and brotherly love.
The counsel to test new light must not be regarded as deterring anyone
from diligently studying the Scriptures, but rather as a protection against the
infiltration of false theories and erroneous doctrines into the Church. God
wants His children faithfully to search His Word for light and truth, but He
does not want them to be led astray by false teachings.
“We have seen only the glimmering of divine glory and of the infinitude
of knowledge and wisdom; we have, as it were, been working on the surface
of the mine, when rich golden ore is beneath the surface, to reward the one
who will dig for it. The shaft must be sunk deeper and yet deeper in the mine,
and the result will be glorious treasure. Through a correct faith, divine
knowledge will become human knowledge.”COL 113.
“New light will ever be revealed on the Word of God to him who is in
living connection with the Sun of Righteousness. Let no one come to the
conclusion that there is no more truth to be revealed. The diligent, prayerful
seeker for truth will find precious rays of light yet to shine forth from the
Word of God. Many gems are yet scattered that are to be gathered together
to become the property of the remnant people of God.”CSW 34.
When new light shines forth from the sacred page to reward the earnest
seeker after truth, it does not make void the old. Instead it merges with the
old, causing it to grow brighter with added luster. Therefore, “the path of the
just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day”
(Prov. 4:18).
Although the child of God must stand ready to accept advancing light,
one must never give heed to any voice, however pious and plausible, that
would lead away from the fundamental doctrines of the Bible.
“We are not to receive the words of those who come with a message that
contradicts the special points of our faith. They gather together a mass of
Scripture, and pile it as proof around their asserted theories. This has been
done over and over again during the past fifty years. And while the Scriptures
are God’s Word, and are to be respected, the application of them, if such
application moves one pillar from the foundation that God has sustained these
fifty years, is a great mistake. He who makes such an application knows not
the wonderful demonstration of the Holy Spirit that gave power and force to
the past messages that have come to the people of God.”CW 32.
Importance of Maintaining Unity
It is important that we maintain “the unity of the faith” (Eph. 4:13), and
just as important that we seek to “keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of
peace” (verse 3). Such unity requires caution and counsel with church
“God is leading a people out from the world upon the exalted platform
of eternal truth, the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. He will
discipline and fit up His people. They will not be at variance, one believing
one thing and another having faith and views entirely opposite, each moving
independently of the body. Through the diversity of the gifts and
governments that He has placed in the church, they will all come to the unity
of the faith. If one man takes his views of Bible truth without regard to the
opinion of his brethren, and justifies his course, alleging that he has a right to
his own peculiar views, and then presses them upon others, how can he be
fulfilling the prayer of Christ? . . .
“Though we have an individual work and an individual responsibility
before God, we are not to follow our own independent judgment, regardless
of the opinions and feelings of our brethren; for this course would lead to
disorder in the church. It is the duty of ministers to respect the judgment of
their brethren; but their relations to one another, as well as the doctrines they
teach, should be brought to the test of the law and the testimony; then, if
hearts are teachable, there will be no divisions among us. Some are inclined
to be disorderly, and are drifting away from the great landmarks of the faith;
but God is moving upon His ministers to be one in doctrine and in spirit.”
TM 29, 30.
In view of these considerations, it is evident that the pulpit must be
reserved for the preaching of the truths of the Divine Word and the
presentation of denominational plans and policies for the advancement of the
work of God, not personal views and opinions. (See pp. 34, 124-125.)
Authorized SpeakersOnly speakers worthy of confidence will be
invited to the pulpit by the local church pastor, in harmony with guidelines
given by the conference. (See “Terms Used in the Church Manual,” pp. 19-
20.) The local elders or church board may also invite speakers, in consultation
with the pastor, and in harmony with conference guidelines. Individuals who
are no longer members, or who are under discipline, should not be given
access to the pulpit.
At times it is acceptable for government officials or civic leaders to
address a congregation, but all others should be excluded from the pulpit
unless permission is granted by the conference. Every pastor, elder, and
conference president must enforce this rule. (See pp. 34, 124-125.)
Sabbath School and Worship Services
Sabbath SchoolThe Sabbath School, one of our most important
services, is the church at study. Every Sabbath our members and thousands
of interested friends meet in Sabbath School to study God’s Word
systematically. All members of the church should be encouraged to attend
Sabbath School and bring visitors.
Each Sabbath School should endeavor to provide appropriate age-level
programs. Materials and resources are available from the conference, union,
and division.
Sabbath School should promote local and worldwide mission activities,
the mission offering, and significant time for Bible study. (See Notes, #1,
pp. 185-186.)
Announcements and Departmental PromotionsThoughtful
consideration should be given to the length and character of the
announcements and departmental promotions during Sabbath services. If
they deal with matters not specifically related to Sabbath worship or the work
of the church, pastors and officers should exclude them, maintaining even in
this respect a proper spirit of worship and Sabbath observance.
Many churches issue printed bulletins giving the order of service and
also the announcements for the week. Where this is done, there is little or no
need for oral announcements. Where no such printed provision is made, many
churches make the announcements before the worship service begins. (See
Notes, #2, p. 186.)
Proper consideration also should be given for the various departments to
promote their programs, but great care should be exercised to safeguard the
time needed for studying and preaching the Word of God.
Worship ServiceThe Sabbath worship service is the most important
church meeting. Here members gather weekly to unite in worshipping God
in a spirit of praise and thanksgiving, to hear the Word of God, to gather
strength and grace to fight the battles of life, and to learn God’s will for them
in soul-winning service. Reverence, simplicity, and promptness should
characterize the service.
Skill, Study, and Planning Required—“Is it not your duty to put some
skill and study and planning into the matter of conducting religious
meetingshow they shall be conducted so as to do the greatest amount of
good, and leave the very best impression upon all who attend?”—RH,
Apr. 14, 1885.
“Our God is a tender, merciful Father. His service should not be looked
upon as a heart-saddening, distressing exercise. It should be a pleasure to
worship the Lord and to take part in His work. . . . Christ and Him crucified
should be the theme of contemplation, of conversation, and of our most joyful
emotion. . . . As we express our gratitude we are approximating to the worship
of the heavenly hosts. ‘Whoso offereth praise glorifieth’ God. Psalm 50:23.
Let us with reverent joy come before our Creator, with ‘thanksgiving, and the
voice of melody.’ Isaiah 51:3.”SC 103, 104.
Form of ServiceThe Sabbath morning service has two main
divisions: the congregational response in praise and adoration, expressed in
song, prayer, and gifts, and the message from the Word of God. (See Notes,
#3, pp. 186-187.)
There is no set form or order for public worship. A short order of service
is usually better suited to the real spirit of worship. Long preliminaries should
be avoided. The opening exercises should not consume time required for the
preaching of the Word of God. (For suggested forms of service, see Notes,
#2, p. 186.)
Church Outreach (Missionary) ServiceThe first Sabbath of each
month is the Church Outreach (Missionary) Sabbath. This worship service
focuses on lay evangelism and may feature plans and activities of various
departments. “God has committed to our hands a most sacred work, and we
need to meet together to receive instruction, that we may be fitted to perform
this work.”6T 32. (See Notes, #4, pp. 187-198.)
Public Prayer—“Christ impressed upon His disciples the idea that their
prayers should be short, expressing just what they wanted, and no more. . . .
One or two minutes is long enough for any ordinary prayer.”2T 581.
“Let those who pray and those who speak pronounce their words
properly and speak in clear, distinct, even tones. Prayer, if properly offered,
is a power for good. It is one of the means used by the Lord to communicate
to the people the precious treasures of truth. . . . Let God’s people learn how
to speak and pray in a way that will properly represent the great truths they
possess. Let the testimonies borne and the prayers offered be clear and
distinct. Thus God will be glorified.”6T 382.
Supplying Literature on SabbathGenerally Sabbath is the
opportune time for the personal ministries secretary to place literature in the
hands of members. Objectionable methods that divert the attention from true
worship and reverence should be avoided.
Communion Service
The communion service customarily is celebrated once per quarter. The
service includes the ordinance of foot-washing followed by the Lord’s
Supper. It should be a most sacred and joyous occasion to the congregation,
pastor, and elders. The service usually takes place during the worship service
but may be scheduled at other times.
Ordinance of Foot-Washing—“Now, having washed the disciples’
feet, He said, ‘I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done
to you.’ In these words Christ was not merely enjoining the practice of
hospitality. More was meant than the washing of the feet of guests to remove
the dust of travel. Christ was here instituting a religious service. By the act of
our Lord this . . . ceremony was made a consecrated ordinance. It was to be
observed by the disciples, that they might ever keep in mind His lessons of
humility and service.
“This ordinance is Christ’s appointed preparation for the sacramental
service. While pride, variance, and strife for supremacy are cherished, the
heart cannot enter into fellowship with Christ. We are not prepared to receive
the communion of His body and His blood. Therefore it was that Jesus
appointed the memorial of His humiliation to be first observed.”—DA 650.
In the act of washing the disciples’ feet, Christ performed a deeper
cleansing, that of washing from the heart the stain of sin. The communicants
sense an unworthiness to accept the sacred emblems before experiencing the
cleansing that makes them “completely clean” (John 13:10). Jesus desired to
wash away “alienation, jealousy, and pride from their hearts. . . . Pride and
self-seeking create dissension and hatred, but all this Jesus washed away. . . .
Looking upon them, Jesus could say, ‘Ye are clean.’ ”DA 646.
The spiritual experience that lies at the heart of foot-washing lifts it from
being a common custom to being a sacred ordinance. It conveys a message
of forgiveness, acceptance, assurance, and solidarity, primarily from Christ
to the believer, but also between the believers themselves. This message is
expressed in an atmosphere of humility.
The Lord’s SupperAngels declare that Jesus, the Redeemer of this
world, is holy. Likewise, the symbols representing His body and His blood
are holy. Since the Lord Himself selected the deeply meaningful symbols of
the unleavened bread and unfermented fruit of the vine and used the simplest
of means for washing the disciples’ feet, there should be great reluctance to
introduce alternative symbols and means, except under emergency
conditions, lest the original significance of the service be lost. Likewise in
the order of service and the traditional roles played by the pastor, elders,
deacons, and deaconesses, there should be caution lest substitution and
innovation tend to make common that which is sacred.
The service of the Lord’s Supper is just as holy today as it was when
instituted by Jesus Christ. Jesus is still present when this sacred ordinance is
celebrated. “It is at these, His own appointments, that Christ meets His
people, and energizes them by His presence.”DA 656.
Unleavened Bread and Unfermented Wine (Grape Juice)—“Christ
is still at the table on which the paschal supper has been spread. The
unleavened cakes used at the Passover season are before Him. The Passover
wine, untouched by fermentation, is on the table. These emblems Christ
employs to represent His own unblemished sacrifice. Nothing corrupted by
fermentation, the symbol of sin and death, could represent the ‘Lamb without
blemish and without spot.’ 1 Peter 1:19.”DA 653.
Neither the wine nor the bread contained elements of fermentation
because on the evening of the first day of the Hebrew Passover all leaven, or
fermentation, had been removed from their dwellings (Ex. 12:15, 19; 13:7).
Therefore, only unfermented grape juice and unleavened bread are
appropriate for use in the communion service, and great care must be
exercised in providing these elements. In isolated areas where grape or raisin
juice or concentrate is unavailable, the conference office will advise or assist.
A Memorial of the Crucifixion“As we receive the bread and wine
symbolizing Christ’s broken body and spilled blood, we in imagination join
in the scene of Communion in the upper chamber. We seem to be passing
through the garden consecrated by the agony of Him who bore the sins of the
world. We witness the struggle by which our reconciliation with God was
obtained. Christ is set forth crucified among us.”DA 661.
A Proclamation of the Second Coming—“The Communion service
points to Christ’s second coming. It was designed to keep this hope vivid in
the minds of the disciples. Whenever they met together to commemorate His
death, they recounted how ‘he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to
them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of the new testament,
which is shed for many for the remission of sins. But I say unto you, I will
not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it
new with you in my Father’s kingdom.’ In their tribulation they found
comfort in the hope of their Lord’s return. Unspeakably precious to them was
the thought, ‘As often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the
Lord’s death till he come.’ 1 Cor. 11:26.”DA 659.
Announcing the Communion ServiceThe communion service may
appropriately be included as part of any Christian worship service. However,
to give proper emphasis and make communion available to the greatest
number of members, usually it is part of the worship service on the next to
the last Sabbath of each quarter.
On the preceding Sabbath an announcement should be made of the
service calling attention to the importance of the forthcoming communion, so
that all members may prepare their hearts and put aright any unresolved
differences they have with one another. When they come to the table of the
Lord the following Sabbath, they then can receive the intended blessing.
Those absent for the announcement also should be invited to attend.
Conducting the Communion ServiceLength of ServiceTime is
not the most significant factor in the communion service. However,
attendance can be improved and the spiritual impact increased by
(1) eliminating extraneous items from the worship service on this high day,
(2) avoiding delays before and after foot-washing, and (3) having the
deaconesses arrange the emblems on the communion table well beforehand.
PreliminariesThe introductory portion of the service should be brief,
including only short announcements, a hymn, prayer, offering, and a short
sermon before separating for the foot-washing and returning for the Lord’s
Foot-WashingEach church should have a plan for meeting the needs
of its members for the foot-washing service. (See Notes, #5, p. 188.)
Bread and WineFollowing the foot-washing, the congregation comes
together once again to partake of the bread and the wine. (See Notes, #6,
pp. 188-189.)
CelebrationCommunion should always be a solemn, never somber,
experience. Wrongs have been righted, sins have been forgiven, and faith has
been reaffirmed. It is a time for celebration. Let the music be bright and
joyous. The service should end on a high note, such as with a musical feature
or congregational singing, followed by dismissal.
An offering for the poor is often taken as the congregation leaves.
After the service the deacons and deaconesses clear the table, collect the
utensils, and respectfully dispose of any remaining emblems. In no case
should these emblems be consumed or returned to common use.
Who May ParticipateThe Church practices open communion. All
who have committed their lives to the Savior may participate. Children learn
the significance of the service by observing others participating. After
receiving formal instruction in baptismal classes and making their
commitment to Jesus in baptism, they are thereby prepared to partake in the
service themselves.
“Christ’s example forbids exclusiveness at the Lord’s Supper. It is true
that open sin excludes the guilty. This the Holy Spirit plainly teaches. 1 Cor.
5:11. But beyond this none are to pass judgment. God has not left it with men
to say who shall present themselves on these occasions. For who can read the
heart? Who can distinguish the tares from the wheat? ‘Let a man examine
himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.’ For
‘whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily,
shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.’ He that eateth and drinketh
unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the
Lord’s body.’ 1 Cor. 11:28, 27, 29. . . . There may come into the company
persons who are not in heart servants of truth and holiness, but who may wish
to take part in the service. They should not be forbidden. There are witnesses
present who were present when Jesus washed the feet of the disciples and of
Judas. More than human eyes beheld the scene.”DA 656.
Every Member Should Attend—“None should exclude themselves
from the Communion because some who are unworthy may be present. Every
disciple is called upon to participate publicly, and thus bear witness that he
accepts Christ as a personal Savior. It is at these, His own appointments, that
Christ meets His people, and energizes them by His presence. Hearts and
hands that are unworthy may even administer the ordinance, yet Christ is
there to minister to His children. All who come with their faith fixed upon
Him will be greatly blessed. All who neglect these seasons of divine privilege
will suffer loss. Of them it may appropriately be said, ‘Ye are not all clean.’
”—DA 656.
Who May Conduct the Communion ServiceThe communion
service is to be conducted by an ordained/commissioned pastor or an
ordained elder. Deacons or deaconesses are not permitted to conduct the
Communion for Those Who Cannot AttendIf members are ill or
cannot for other reasons attend the communion service, the pastor or elder,
possibly accompanied and assisted by a deacon or deaconess, may conduct a
special service in their homes.
Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meetings Should Be Interesting—“The prayer meetings
should be the most interesting gatherings that are held, but these are
frequently poorly managed. Many attend preaching, but neglect the prayer
meeting. Here, again, thought is required. Wisdom should be sought of God,
and plans should be laid to conduct the meetings so that they will be
interesting and attractive. The people hunger for the bread of life. If they find
it at the prayer meeting they will go there to receive it.
“Long, prosy talks and prayers are out of place anywhere, and especially
in the social [prayer] meeting. Those who are forward and ever ready to speak
are allowed to crowd out the testimony of the timid and retiring. Those who
are most superficial generally have the most to say. Their prayers are long
and mechanical. They weary the angels and the people who listen to them.
Our prayers should be short and right to the point. Let the long, tiresome
petitions be left for the closet, if any have such to offer. Let the Spirit of God
into your hearts, and it will sweep away all dry formality.”4T 70, 71.
More than ordinary efforts should be made to assure the success of the
prayer meeting. The meeting should begin on time, even if only two or three
persons are present. There should be a short, 15- to 20-minute Scripture study
or presentation from the Spirit of Prophecy, followed by prayer, testimonies,
and a benediction.
Vary the plan of the service from week to week.
If members are unable to assemble at the usual place for prayer meeting,
home meetings may be of great benefit.
Business Meetings
The local church operates within defined roles in Seventh-day Adventist
Church structure. Within the context of those roles, the business meeting is
the constituency meeting of the local church. (See pp. 28-29.) Members in
regular standing are encouraged to attend and are entitled to vote. A member
under censure has no right to participate by voice or vote.
Business meetings shall be held at least once a year. The pastor, or the
board in consultation with and support of the pastor, calls the meeting.
Business meetings should be announced a week or two in advance at the
regular Sabbath worship service, with detail as to time and place. The pastor,
an elder chosen by the pastor, or, in some cases, the conference president, or
his designee, serves as chairperson of the business meeting.
Each church decides what the quorum will be for future meetings.
Votes by proxy or letter are not permitted.
Major items should be decided at a regular or specially called business
The business meeting has authority over the board and may delegate
responsibilities to the board in addition to those already assigned by the
Church Manual. (See pp. 134-138.)
The business meeting agenda should include reports about the work of
the church. At least once a year the agenda should include reports covering
church activities. Based on those reports, a proposed plan of action for the
next year, including an annual budget, should be presented for approval.
When possible, reports and plans for the next year should be presented in
writing. (See Notes, #7, pp. 189-190.)
In order to maintain a spirit of cooperation between the church and
conference, the church shall secure counsel from conference officers on all
major matters.
Conference and union officers (president, secretary, treasurer) or their
designee may attend without vote (unless granted by the church) any business
meeting of any church in their territory. An action to allow voting is not
required if the officer is currently a member of that congregation.
Church Board and Its Meetings
Definition and FunctionEvery church must have a functioning
board whose members have been elected during a church business meeting.
Its chief concern is having an active discipleship plan in place, which includes
both the spiritual nurture of the church and the work of planning and fostering
Included in church board responsibilities are:
1. An active discipleship plan.
2. Evangelism in all of its phases.
3. Spiritual nurturing and mentoring of members.
4. Maintenance of doctrinal purity.
5. Upholding of Christian standards.
6. Recommending changes in church membership.
7. Oversight of church finances.
8. Protection and care of church properties.
9. Coordination of church departments.
The gospel commission of Jesus tells us that making disciples, which
includes baptizing and teaching, is the primary function of the church
(Matt. 28:18-20). It is, therefore, also the primary function of the board,
which serves as the chief committee of the church. When the board devotes
its first interests and highest energies to involving every member in
proclaiming the good news and making disciples, most problems are
alleviated or prevented, and a strong, positive influence is felt in the spiritual
life and growth of members.
Spiritual Nurture—Christ’s love for the Church needs to be
manifested within the Church by His followers. True discipleship entails not
only Biblical teaching (Matt. 28:20), but also a passionate commitment to
loving our fellow believers unconditionally. This was the heart of Christ’s
message to His disciples as He faced the cross (John 15:9-13). Christ’s
command to them applies to us: that we “love one another.” Ellen G. White’s
powerful insight into this historical scene is still vital for us: “This love is the
evidence of their discipleship.”DA 677, 678.
Therefore, it is one of the primary functions of the board to ensure that
members are nurtured and mentored in a personal, dynamic relationship with
Jesus Christ.
Making DisciplesThe mission of the Church is to make disciples of
Jesus Christ, who live as His loving witnesses and proclaim to all people the
everlasting gospel of the Three Angels’ Messages in preparation for His soon
return (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Rev. 14:6-12). The purpose of the Church
as the body of Christ is to intentionally make disciples so that they continue
in an active and fruitful relationship with Christ and His Church.
Disciple-making is based on an ongoing, lifelong relationship with Jesus.
The believer commits to “abiding in Christ” (John 15:8), to being trained for
fruitful discipleship by sharing Jesus with others, as well as to leading other
members to also be faithful disciples.
The Church, individually and collectively, shares responsibility for
ensuring that every church member remains part of the body of Christ.
MembershipThe board is elected by the members at the time of the
regular election officers. (See pp. 76-77.) In addition to conference-appointed
pastors, the church should elect a representative board that includes the
following officers:
Head deacon
Head deaconess
Interest coordinator
Adventist Community Services leader or Dorcas Society leader
Adventist Men’s coordinator
Adventist Possibility Ministries leader
Adventist Youth Ministries
Adventurer Club director
Ambassador Club leader
Pathfinder Club director
Public Campus Ministries leader/coordinator
Young Adults leader
Bible school coordinator
Children’s ministries leader
Church music coordinator
Communication committee chairperson or communication secretary
Education secretary/church school principal or head teacher
Family ministries leader
Health ministries leader
Home and School Association leader
Personal ministries leader and secretary
Publishing ministries coordinator
Religious liberty leader
Sabbath School superintendent
Stewardship ministries leader
Women’s ministries leader
In some cases, depending on the size of the membership, the board may
not include all of this list or may add additional members. The pastor
appointed by the conference to serve the church always is a member of the
OfficersThe chairperson of the board is the conference-appointed
pastor. If the pastor prefers not to act in this capacity or is unable to be
present, he/she may arrange for an elder to preside as chairperson.
The clerk serves as secretary of the board and is responsible for
recording, presenting, and preserving the minutes of the meetings.
MeetingsBecause the work of the board is vital to the life, health, and
growth of the church, it is recommended that it meet at least once each month,
more frequently if needed. It is well to fix the monthly meeting time for the
same week and the same day each month.
The board meeting is announced at the regular Sabbath worship service,
and all board members are urged to attend.
Each church should determine at a business meeting the number of board
members who must be present to constitute a quorum at future meetings.
Where allowed by local law, board members may participate in meetings by
means of an electronic conference or similar communication by which all
persons participating can communicate with each other at the same time, and
participation by such means shall constitute presence in person at such a
Votes by proxy or letter are not permitted.
Work of the BoardThe board is responsible to: 1. Ensure that there
is an active, ongoing discipleship plan in place, which includes both spiritual
nurture and outreach ministries. This is the most important item for the
board’s attention.
2. Study membership lists and initiate plans for reconnecting
(reclaiming) members who have separated from the church.
3. Train local church leadership in how to encourage intentional
spiritual growth in themselves and others.
4. Evangelize the outreach (missionary) territory of the church. Once
each quarter an entire meeting should be devoted to plans for evangelism.
The board will study conference recommendations for evangelistic programs
and methods and how they can be implemented locally. The pastor and the
board will initiate and develop plans for public evangelistic meetings.
5. Coordinate outreach programs for all church departments, although
each department develops its plans for outreach within its own sphere. To
avoid conflict in timing, competition in securing volunteers, and to achieve
maximum beneficial results, coordination is essential. Before completing and
announcing plans for any program, each department should submit its plans
to the board for approval. The departments also report to the board on the
progress and results of their outreach programs. The board may suggest how
departmental programs can contribute to the preparation, conduct, and
follow-up of a public evangelistic campaign.
6. Encourage the personal ministries department to enlist all members
and children in some form of personal outreach (missionary) service.
Training classes should be conducted in various lines of outreach ministry.
7. Encourage the interest coordinator to ensure that every interest is
personally and promptly followed up by assigned laypersons.
8. Encourage each department to report at least quarterly to the board
and to members at business meetings or in Sabbath meetings in regards to
spiritual nurture and evangelism.
9. Receive regular reports. The board should consider details of church
business and receive regular reports of the treasurer on the church’s finances.
The board should study the membership record and inquire into the spiritual
standing of all members and provide for visits to sick, discouraged, or
backslidden members. Other officers should periodically report.
10. Promote Adventist education.
Committees of the BoardThe board should permit no other business
to interfere with planning for evangelism. Should other business be too time-
consuming, the board should appoint committees to care for specific areas of
church business, such as finance or church building projects. Such
committees will then make recommendations to the board. (See Notes, #8, p.
Finance Committee
Each church should have a mission-driven, broadly-based
consultative financial planning and budgeting process with a committee
structure that can give detailed review to the ongoing financial planning and
budgeting. In some cases, this may take the form of a finance committee. In
other cases, in smaller churches, this process may be handled directly by the
church board. If the church establishes a separate committee for this purpose,
the responsibilities should include reviewing budget requests and the review
of the annual operating budget as well as a review of the financial position of
the church as reflected in the financial statements. The approval of the budget
and the review of the financial statement shall then be recommended to the
church board and onward to the business meeting of the church for action.
School Board Meetings
The church school is usually supervised by a church school board. The
church elects a chairperson to preside over meetings and a secretary to keep
records of meetings and actions. This board should meet at regular times.
Special meetings may be called by the chairperson. Some churches prefer to
have the church board, or a subcommittee of the church board, also serve as
the school board. (See also pp. 97-98.)
Home and School Association Meetings
The Home and School Association should meet monthly and coordinate
the activities of home, school, and church. Attention should be given to the
education of parents, as well as to assisting the school to obtain needed
resources, such as room parents, books, teaching materials, and equipment.
Materials to assist Home and School leaders are available through the
conference education department. (See also pp. 96-97.)
Youth Meetings
Leaders of the church’s various youth groups should schedule regular
meetings that involve the church’s young people in meaningful activities that
will tie them closer to the church and train them for useful service. (See also
pp. 110-115.)
Senior Youth Ministries Meetings (Ambassadors and Young
Adults)Senior Youth Ministries meetings should convene on a regular
schedule and focus on developing the spiritual, mental, emotional, and
physical characteristics of the church’s youth. Meetings also provide
Christian social interaction and witnessing programs supporting the soul-
winning plans of the church. For resources, see Notes #9, p. 190.
Public Campus Ministries MeetingsWhere the church has
appointed a Public Campus Ministries director/coordinator, meetings should
be organized to care for the special needs of public college/university
students in consultation with and support of the Adventist Youth Ministries
Junior Youth Ministries Meetings (Adventurers and
Pathfinders)Junior Youth Ministries meetings are similar in purpose to
Senior Youth Ministries, but involve junior youth. Adventurer Club meetings
provide specialized programs for primary/early school-age children designed
to complement and strengthen parental involvement in early childhood
development, while Pathfinder Club meetings provide specialized indoor and
outdoor activities for the holistic development of children from 10 to 15 years
old. Meetings and other activities are to be carried out according to
conference policies as outlined in the club manuals and in coordination with
other youth-related and family-related organizations of the church.
The biblical plan for the support of the work of God is by the tithes and
offerings of His people. The Lord says, “Bring all the tithes into the
storehouse, that there may be food in My house” (Mal. 3:10). The Church has
followed this plan from its earliest days.
“The system of tithes and offerings was intended to impress the minds
of men with a great truththat God is the source of every blessing to His
creatures, and that to Him man’s gratitude is due for the good gifts of His
providence.”PP 525.
“Tithes and offerings for God are an acknowledgment of His claim on
us by creation, and they are also an acknowledgment of His claim by
redemption. Because all our power is derived from Christ, these offerings are
to flow from us to God. They are to keep ever before us the claim of
redemption, the greatest of all claims, and the one that involves every
other.”—6T 479.
“The tithe is sacred, reserved by God for Himself. It is to be brought into
His treasury to be used to sustain the gospel laborers in their work.”
9T 249.
“He has given His people a plan for raising sums sufficient to make the
enterprise self-sustaining. God’s plan in the tithing system is beautiful in its
simplicity and equality. All may take hold of it in faith and courage, for it is
divine in its origin. In it are combined simplicity and utility. . . . Every man,
woman, and youth may become a treasurer for the Lord and may be an agent
to meet the demands upon the treasury. Says the apostle: ‘Let every one of
you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him.’ ”—3T 388, 389.
“God has made the proclamation of the gospel dependent upon the labors
and the gifts of His people. Voluntary offerings and the tithe constitute the
revenue of the Lord’s work. Of the means entrusted to man, God claims a
certain portionthe tenth. He leaves all free to say whether or not they will
give more than this.”—AA 74.
“God has given special direction as to the use of the tithe. He does not
design that His work shall be crippled for want of means. . . . The portion that
God has reserved for Himself is not to be diverted to any other purpose than
that which He has specified. Let none feel at liberty to retain their tithe, to
use according to their own judgment. They are not to use it for themselves in
an emergency, nor to apply it as they see fit, even in what they may regard as
the Lord’s work.”—9T 247.
Christians are God’s stewards, entrusted with His goods and, as His
partners, responsible to manage them in harmony with His guidelines and
principles. The divine counsel is that as His stewards, we are to “be found
faithful” (1 Cor. 4:2). Though the question of stewardship covers many
aspects of Christian life and experience, without doubt the stewardship of our
means is vitally important. It concerns the entire Church family and involves
our recognition of the sovereignty of God, His ownership of all things, and
the bestowal of His grace upon our hearts.
While this aspect of Christian stewardship concerns our material
possessions, it nevertheless reacts upon our Christian experience. The Lord
requires certain things of us, in order that He may do certain things for us.
Our yielding obedience to what our heavenly Father requires places this
phase of stewardship upon a high spiritual plane. He does not arbitrarily
demand either that we serve Him or that we recognize Him with our gifts.
But He has so arranged that when we work in harmony with Him in these
things there will flow to our own hearts great spiritual blessings.
“God desires all His stewards to be exact in following divine
arrangements. They are not to offset the Lord’s plans by performing some
deed of charity or giving some gift or some offering when or how they, the
human agents, shall see fit. It is a very poor policy for men to seek to improve
on God’s plan, and invent a makeshift, averaging up their good impulses on
this and that occasion, and offsetting them against God’s requirements. God
calls upon all to give their influence to His own arrangement.”9T 248.
In recognition of the biblical plan and the solemn privilege and
responsibility that rest upon members as children of God and members of His
body, the Church, all are encouraged to faithfully return a tithe, one tenth of
their increase or personal income, into the denomination’s treasury.
Tithe shall not be used in any way by the local church, but held in trust
and remitted to the conference treasurer. Thus tithe from all the churches
flows into the conference treasury, and percentages are forwarded to the next-
higher level in accordance with General Conference and division working
policies to meet the expenses of conducting the work of God in their
respective spheres of responsibility and activity.
These policies have been developed for the gathering and disbursing of
funds in all the world and for the conducting of the business affairs of the
cause. The financial and business aspects of the work are of great importance.
They cannot be separated from the proclamation of the message of salvation.
They are indeed an integral part of it.
Systematic Benevolence and UnityThe financial plan of the Church
serves a larger purpose than appears in its financial and statistical reports.
The system of sharing the funds with the world fields, as outlined by General
Conference Working Policy, serves a wonderful purpose of unifying the
Church’s spiritual work throughout the world.
How Tithe Is to Be UsedTithe is held sacred for the work of the
ministry, for Bible teaching, and for the support of conference administration
in the care of the churches and of field outreach (missionary) endeavors. Tithe
shall not be spent on other work, on paying church or institutional debts, or
on building programs, except as approved under General Conference
Working Policy. For more information on the use of tithe, see Notes, #1, p.
“A very plain, definite message has been given to me for our people. I
am bidden to tell them that they are making a mistake in applying the tithe to
various objects which, though good in themselves, are not the object to which
the Lord has said that the tithe should be applied. Those who make this use
of the tithe are departing from the Lord’s arrangement. God will judge for
these things.”9T 248.
How Tithe Is Handled—Tithe is the Lord’s and is to be brought as an
act of worship to the conference treasury through the church in which the
person’s membership is held. Where unusual circumstances exist, members
should consult with conference officers.
Church and Conference Officers to Set ExampleElders and other
officers, as well as the pastor and conference and institutional employees, are
expected to set good leadership examples by returning tithe. No one shall be
continued as either a church officer or conference employee who does not
conform to this standard of leadership.
In addition to the tithe, Scripture emphasizes our obligation to bring
offerings to the Lord. The withholding of offerings is classed with
withholding tithe and is called robbery (Mal. 3:8). Since the Church’s earliest
days, members have given liberal offerings that have blessed and prospered
God’s work.
In addition to the traditional calendar of offerings program, where each
offering taken is for a specific purpose, the General Conference has approved
the combined offering system and the personal giving plan. The division
executive committee is authorized to determine which plan(s) will be used in
its territory.
Sabbath School Offerings—The Church’s most widely used and
successful method of regular systematic giving is through Sabbath School
offerings, which are devoted to world mission work.
Other OfferingsOther offerings are taken from time to time for world
mission work and for general and local projects. When any offering is taken,
all money collected, unless otherwise indicated by the donor, shall be counted
as part of that particular offering.
Special Gifts to FieldsThe financial support of the worldwide work
of the Church is based on the budget system. Appropriations are made to the
various fields on the basis of budgeted needs. This is a fair and equitable
method of distributing the funds.
Where special gifts outside the regular budget plan are made to a
particular field, a disparity is created to the disadvantage of other fields. If
such gifts are given for the purpose of starting new work, the work thus
started may languish when the special gift is used up, or it may have to be
included in the budget for its future support. Thus other fields, with perhaps
greater needs but without the opportunity of making them known, would be
deprived of their equitable part of general funds that would be diverted to the
work started by special gifts.
History has proved the wisdom of having members generously and
loyally give their offerings and gifts through the accepted channels and
knowing that every field shares in the benefits of their giving.
Assisting the Poor and NeedyOfferings for the poor and needy are
taken to assist the members who require help. A reserve fund should be kept
for such emergency cases. In addition, the church should take a benevolent
attitude toward all in need, and the board may make appropriations from this
fund to assist the church’s health and welfare work for families in the
Church Budget for Local ExpensesThe most satisfactory method of
providing for church expenses is the budget plan. Before the beginning of the
new budget year, the board should prepare a budget of expenses for church
activities during the next year. The budget should include all income and
expenses, including those related to all departments. It should provide for
such projected costs as utilities, insurance, maintenance, janitor service,
funds for the poor and needy, and church school expense. (See Notes, #2,
p. 191, for sample budget.)
The budget should be presented to the church for its study and adoption,
and for plans to assure that funds shall be provided to balance the budget
during the coming year. Funds to meet the church expense budget may be
raised by offerings or subscriptions. Members should be urged to support
their local church in proportion to their financial circumstances.
General Financial Counsel
Regulation of Soliciting FundsThe following are regulations for
soliciting funds:
1. No conference, church, or institution, without special counsel and
arrangement, shall plan work requiring solicitation of funds from outside its
territory. Any solicitation within its territory shall be in harmony with local,
union, division, and General Conference policies. No authority is granted to
denominational employees representing special interests in one part of the
field to solicit help in any other part of the field or in any other conference
without arrangement with and written authorization from conference officers
where the fund-raising would take place.
2. The following principles protect churches from unauthorized,
fraudulent, and undenominational solicitation:
a. Pastors and officers shall not grant the privilege of the pulpit to
persons for fund-raising who have not been recognized or recommended by
the conference. (See pp. 126-127.) No permission shall be granted to solicit
funds either publicly or privately without such recognition.
b. All funds contributed for any cause in response to appeals shall
be passed through regular church channels.
c. Conference and church officers shall take such steps as may be
necessary to prevent unauthorized or illegal public solicitation.
3. No campaign other than the Annual Appeal (Ingathering or
equivalent appeal), which involves using Appeal literature and containers
with authorized Appeal labels, shall be conducted for the solicitation of
money for either home or overseas mission work. Unions and conferences
should prevent violations of this regulation.
4. Interdivision employees visiting their home churches or otherwise
communicating with their home bases are asked to solicit funds only for
enterprises included in the budget of appropriations, working in cooperation
with churches and conferences to raise the funds required to meet the
appropriations on which our world mission work depends. All such funds
shall be passed through regular channels.
Questionable Methods for Raising FundsThe local church should
take a strong stand against questionable methods for raising money.
“When money is raised for religious purposes, to what means do many
churches resort? To bazaars, suppers, fancy fairs, even to lotteries and like
devices. Often the place set apart for God’s worship is desecrated by feasting
and drinking, buying, selling, and merrymaking. Respect for the house of
God and reverence for His worship are lessened in the minds of the youth.
The barriers of self-restraint are weakened. Selfishness, appetite, the love of
display, are appealed to, and they strengthen as they are indulged.”9T 91.
“As God’s work extends, calls for help will come more and more
frequently. . . . If professing Christians would faithfully bring to God their
tithes and offerings, His treasury would be full. There would then be no
occasion to resort to fairs, lotteries, or parties of pleasure to secure funds for
the support of the gospel.”AA 338.
Tithes and Offerings Not a Personal Trust FundTithes and
offerings donated by members to the Church do not create a trust fund for the
future benefit of the givers. These funds shall be used for the current purposes
for which they are given.
Financing Building PlansChurches considering the purchase or
erection of church or other buildings, or incurring debt of any kind, should
counsel with conference officers before undertaking such financial
obligations. In the purchase or building of church properties, in no case shall
commitments be made or building operations begun until approval has been
given by the conference and union committees. These committees will
approve only after they have assured themselves that the financial
arrangements conform to established policies. In giving financial counsel, the
conference executive committee should consider the size of the congregation,
its financial strength, and the location of the building.
Handling and Accounting for FundsThe gathering and handling of
funds for the Lord’s work is a sacred responsibility. The proper channel
through which these funds flow is first from members to the local church,
where the treasurer receives the funds. (See pp. 88-91.) The treasurer
disburses funds intended for local church purposes. The treasurer holds in
trust and passes on to the conference treasurer funds intended for conference
or general purposes. The treasurer of the local church works under the
direction of the board. Treasurers of any level (local church, conference,
union, or division/General Conference) do not act independently. They
disburse funds only by action or authority of responsible committees.
AuditingEvery set of accounting records, from those of the local
church to those of the General Conference, are subject to audit by auditors
appointed for the purpose. This rule, which also applies to every
denominationally affiliated institution, provides the maximum of safety in the
handling of funds. (See p. 91.)
Standards of Christian Living
High Calling of God in Christ Jesus
The Christian’s life is not a slight modification or improvement, but a
complete transformation of nature. This means a death to self and sin and a
resurrection to a new life as a new person in Christ Jesus.
The heart of the Christian becomes the dwelling place of Christ by faith.
This is brought about by “the contemplation of Christ, beholding Christ, ever
cherishing the dear Savior as our very best and honored Friend, so that we
would not in any action grieve and offend Him”—TM 387. Thus Christians
“have the companionship of the divine presence,” and as we realize that
presence, “our thoughts are brought into captivity to Jesus Christ” (TM 388)
and our habits made to conform to the divine standard.
We should bear in mind that “as a shield from temptation and an
inspiration to purity and truth, no other influence can equal the sense of God’s
presence.”Ed 255.
“No part of our conduct escapes observation. We cannot hide our ways
from the Most High. . . . Every act, every word, every thought, is as distinctly
marked as though there were only one person in the whole world, and the
attention of heaven were centered upon him.”PP 217, 218.
God’s love extends to everyone, and to His children in particular. His ear
is ever open to the appeals of His people, those who have turned from the
world and given themselves to Him. Out of this sacred relationship grows a
respect and a reverence that is manifested every day and everywhere.
As Christians we are members of the royal family, children of the
heavenly King. Therefore, we should say no word and perform no act that
would bring dishonor upon “that noble name by which you are called” (James
2:7). We are reformers. In every phase of life we should “study carefully the
divine-human character and constantly inquire, ‘What would Jesus do were
He in my place?’ This should be the measurement of our duty.”MH 491.
Through the remnant Church God will demonstrate to the entire universe
the adequacy of the gospel to save men and women from the power of sin.
As members of that Church we should emphasize again the great Bible
standards and renew allegiance to these God-given principles. We should
come up to the high standards of the Christian life and be separated from the
world. To this end we would heed the Lord’s admonition: “Do not love the
world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the
Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15).
Bible Study and Prayer
Spiritual life is maintained by spiritual food. We must maintain the habit
of devotional Bible study and prayer if we are to perfect holiness. In a time
when a flood of communication pours forth from the printed page, radio,
television, the Internet, and other modern mass media, when thousands of
voices plead for a hearing, we must close our eyes and our ears to much that
seeks entrance to our minds and devote ourselves to God’s Book, the Book
of all books, the Book of lifethe Bible. If we cease to be the people of the
Book, we are lost, and our mission has failed. Only as we daily talk to God
in prayer and listen to His voice can we hope to live the life that is “hidden
with Christ in God” (Col. 3:3) and finish His work.
Prayer is a two-way conversation in which we listen to and talk to God.
“Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend.”—SC 93. “Through
sincere prayer we are brought into connection with the mind of the Infinite,”
and “without unceasing prayer and diligent watching we are in danger of
growing careless and of deviating from the right path.”SC 97, 95.
The home is the cornerstone of the Church. A Christian home is a house
of prayer. “Fathers and mothers, however pressing your business, do not fail
to gather your family around God’s altar. . . . Those who would live patient,
loving, cheerful lives must pray.”—MH 393.
Community Relationships
While our “citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for
the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:20), we are yet in the world as an
integral part of human society and must share with our fellow citizens certain
responsibilities in the common problems of life. Wherever we live, as
children of God we should be recognized as outstanding citizens in our
Christian integrity and in working for the common good.
While our highest responsibility is to the Church and the gospel
commission, we should support by our service and our means, as far as
possible and consistent with our beliefs, efforts for social order and
betterment. Even though we must stand apart from political and social strife,
we should always, quietly and firmly, maintain an uncompromising stand for
justice and right in civic affairs, along with full adherence to our religious
convictions. It is our sacred responsibility to be loyal citizens of the nations
to which we belong, rendering “to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to
God the things that are God’s” (Matt. 22:21).
The Sabbath is a token of God’s love to humanity. It is a memorial of
God’s power in the original creation and also a sign of His power to re-create
and sanctify our lives (Eze. 20:12), and its observance is an evidence of our
loyalty to Him and of our fellowship with Him.
The Sabbath holds a special place in our lives. The seventh day of the
week, from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday (Lev. 23:32), is a gift from God,
a sign of His grace in time. It is a privilege, a special appointment with the
One who loves us and whom we love, a sacred time set aside by God’s eternal
law, a day of delight for worshipping God and sharing with others (Isa.
58:13). We welcome the Sabbath with joy and gratitude.
“The Sabbath—oh!make it the sweetest, the most blessed day of the
whole week.”FLB 36.
“The Sabbath . . . is God’s time, not ours; when we trespass upon it we
are stealing from God. . . . God has given us the whole of six days in which
to do our work, and has reserved only one to Himself. This should be a day
of blessing to usa day when we should lay aside all our secular matters and
center our thoughts upon God and heaven. . . .
“We are not to teach our children that they must not be happy on the
Sabbath, that it is wrong to walk out of doors. Oh, no. Christ led His disciples
out by the lakeside on the Sabbath day and taught them. His sermons on the
Sabbath were not always preached within enclosed walls.”HP 152.
“God’s love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He
places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family
opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.”
Ed 251.
The Sabbath hours belong to God and are to be used for Him alone.
Honor God by “not going your own way and not doing as you please or
speaking idle words” on the Sabbath day (Isa. 58:13 NIV). Let us gather in
the family circle at sunset and welcome the Sabbath with prayer and song,
and let us close the day with prayer and expressions of gratitude for His
wondrous love. The Sabbath is a special day for worship in our homes and
churches, a day of joy to ourselves and our children, a day in which we can
learn more of God through the Bible and the great lesson book of nature. It is
a time we can visit the sick and work for the salvation of souls. We should
lay aside the ordinary affairs of the six working days and perform no
unnecessary work. We should not let secular media occupy our time on God’s
holy day.
“The Sabbath is not intended to be a period of useless inactivity. The law
forbids secular labor on the rest day of the Lord; the toil that gains a livelihood
must cease; no labor for worldly pleasure or profit is lawful upon that day;
but as God ceased His labor of creating, and rested upon the Sabbath and
blessed it, so man is to leave the occupations of his daily life, and devote
those sacred hours to healthful rest, to worship, and to holy deeds.”DA
A program of activities in harmony with the spirit of true Sabbathkeeping
will make this blessed day the happiest and best of all the week for ourselves
and for our childrena veritable foretaste of our heavenly rest.
Reverence in the Place of Worship
Christians who appreciate God’s omnipotence, His holiness, and His
love will always manifest a spirit of deep reverence for God, His Word, and
His worship. “Humility and reverence should characterize the deportment of
all who come into the presence of God.”PP 252. We will recognize that
“the hour and place of prayer are sacred, because God is there.” GW 178.
We will come to the house of worship, not carelessly, but in the spirit of
meditation and prayer, and will avoid unnecessary conversation.
As parents we should reverently instruct our children how they should
behave in “the house of God” (1 Tim. 3:15). Faithful instruction and
discipline of youth at home, Sabbath School, and church regarding reverence
for God and His worship will go far in holding their loyalty in afteryears.
Pastors who sense the sacredness of God’s service will, by example,
instruction, and conduct in the pulpit, foster reverence, simplicity, good
order, and decorum in the church.
Health and Temperance
Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19). “Both mental
and spiritual vigor are in great degree dependent upon physical strength and
activity; whatever promotes physical health promotes the development of a
strong mind and a well-balanced character.”Ed 195.
For this reason, we live intelligently in accordance with health principles
of physical exercise, respiration, sunshine, pure air, use of water, sleep, and
rest. By conviction we choose to eat healthfully, wear suitable clothing,
practice cleanliness, engage in proper recreation, and freely choose to follow
the principles of health, self-control, and wholesome diet. Therefore we
abstain from all forms of alcohol, tobacco, and addictive drugs. We strive to
preserve our physical and psychological balance by avoiding any excess.
Health reform and the teaching of health and temperance are inseparable
parts of the Church’s message. Instruction came to us through the Lord’s
messenger “that those who are keeping His commandments must be brought
into sacred relationship to Himself, and that by temperance in eating and
drinking they must keep mind and body in the most favorable condition for
service.”—CH 132. Also, “it is the Lord’s design that the restoring influence
of health reform shall be a part of the last great effort to proclaim the gospel
message.”—MM 259.
We belong to God, body, soul, and spirit. It is therefore our religious
duty to observe the laws of health, both for our own well-being and happiness
and for more efficient service to God and society. We must keep our appetites
under control. God has furnished us with a liberal variety of foods sufficient
to satisfy every dietary need. “Fruits, grains, and vegetables, prepared in a
simple way, . . . make, with milk or cream, the most healthful diet.”CD 92.
When we practice the principles of healthful living, we will not feel the
need for stimulants. Nature’s law forbids our use of intoxicants and narcotics
of any kind. From the early days of this movement abstinence from the use
of liquor and tobacco has been a condition of membership. (See pp. 50, 52,
67-68, 100, 175-176.)
God has given us great light on the principles of health, and modern
scientific research has abundantly verified these principles.
As Seventh-day Adventist Christians we have been called out from the
world. Our religion must have a molding influence on all our activities. Our
habits must stem from principle and not from the example of the world.
Customs and fashions may change, but principles of right conduct remain the
same. Early in our history Ellen G. White wrote that the purpose of Christian
dress is “to protect the people of God from the corrupting influence of the
world, as well as to promote physical and moral health.”4T 634. She also
counsels that we should avoid gaudy display and profuse ornamentation, fads
and extreme fashions, particularly those transgressing the laws of modesty,
and that our clothing should be, when possible, “of good quality, of becoming
colors, and suited for service” “rather than display.” Our attire should be
characterized by modesty, “beauty,” “grace,” and “appropriateness of natural
simplicity.”—MYP 351, 352.
The people of God should always be found among the conservatives in
dress, and will not let “the dress question fill the mind.”Ev 273.
“To dress plainly, abstaining from display of jewelry and ornaments of
every kind, is in keeping with our faith.3T 366. It is clearly taught in the
Scriptures that the wearing of jewelry is contrary to the will of God. The
apostle Paul admonishes us to dress ourselves “in modest apparel, with
propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly
clothing” (1 Tim. 2:9). The wearing of ornaments of jewelry is a bid for
attention not in keeping with Christian self-forgetfulness.
In some countries and cultures the custom of wearing the wedding ring
is considered imperative, having become, in the minds of the people, a
criterion of virtue, and hence it is not regarded as an ornament. Under such
circumstances we do not condemn the practice.
Let us remember that it is not outward adornment that expresses true
Christian character, but “the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible
beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God”
(1 Peter 3:3, 4). We should avoid the use of cosmetics not in keeping with
good taste and the principles of Christian modesty.
We should observe cleanliness and Christlike deportment as we seek at
all times to please and rightly represent Christ our Lord. Christian parents by
example, instruction, and authority should lead their sons and daughters to
attire themselves modestly, and thus win the respect and confidence of those
who know them. Let us consider ourselves well dressed only when we meet
the demands of modesty by wearing tasteful, conservative clothing.
Simplicity has been a fundamental feature of the Church from its
beginning. We must continue to be a people called to live a simple life.
Increase of pomp in religion always parallels a decline in spiritual power. As
“the life of Jesus presented a marked contrast” to the display and ostentation
of His time (Ed 77), so the simplicity and power of our message must be in
marked contrast to the worldly display of our day. The Lord condemns
“needless, extravagant expenditure of money to gratify pride and love of
display.”—TM 179. In harmony with these principles, simplicity and
economy should characterize our graduating exercises, our weddings, and all
other church services.
Modern Media
Like our bodies, our inner beings need wholesome nourishment for
renewal and strengthening (2 Cor. 4:6). Our minds are the measure of our
persons. Food for our minds is of the utmost importance in developing
character and in carrying out our life’s purposes. For this reason we should
carefully evaluate our mental habits. What we choose to read, hear, and
watch, whether by book or magazine, radio or television, the Internet, or other
modern media shapes and impacts our character.
Books and other literature are among the most valuable means of
education and culture, but these must be well chosen and rightly used. There
is a wealth of good literature, but equally there is a flood of literature, often
in most attractive guise, that damages minds and morals. The tales of wild
adventure and of moral laxness, whether fact or fiction, however presented,
are unfit for Christians of any age.
“Those who indulge the habit of racing through an exciting story are
simply crippling their mental strength and disqualifying their minds for
vigorous thought and research.”—CT 135. Along with other evil results from
the habit of reading fiction, we are told that “it unfits the soul to contemplate
the great problems of duty and destiny” and “creates a distaste for life’s
practical duties.”CT 383.
Radio, television, and the Internet have changed the whole atmosphere
of our modern world and have brought us within easy contact with the life,
thought, and activities of the entire globe. They can be great educational
agencies through which we can enlarge our knowledge of world events and
enjoy important discussions and the best in music.
Unfortunately, however, modern mass media also can bring to their
audiences almost continuous theatrical and other performances with
influences that are neither wholesome nor uplifting. If we are not
discriminating, they will bring sordid programs right into our homes.
Safety for ourselves and our children is found in a determination, by
God’s help, to follow the admonition of the apostle Paul: “Finally . . .
whatever things are true . . . noble . . . just . . . pure . . . lovely . . . of good
report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthymeditate
on these things” (Phil. 4:8).
Recreation and Entertainment
Recreation is a purposeful refreshing of the powers of body and mind. A
vigorous, wholesome mind will not require worldly amusement but will find
a renewal of strength in good recreation.
“Many of the amusements popular in the world today, even with those
who claim to be Christians, tend to the same end as did those of the heathen.
There are indeed few among them that Satan does not turn to account in
destroying souls. Through the drama he has worked for ages to excite passion
and glorify vice. The opera, with its fascinating display and bewildering
music, the masquerade, the dance, the card table, Satan employs to break
down the barriers of principle and open the door to sensual indulgence. In
every gathering for pleasure where pride is fostered or appetite indulged,
where one is led to forget God and lose sight of eternal interests, there Satan
is binding his chains about the soul.”PP 459, 460. (See p. 175-176.)
We must avoid anything that dramatizes, graphically presents, or
suggests the sins and crimes of humanitymurder, adultery, robbery, and
similar evils, which to a large degree are responsible for the breakdown of
morality. Instead, we should find delight in God’s great world of nature and
in the romance of human agencies and divine workings.
Social dancing is another form of amusement with an evil influence.
“The amusement of dancing . . . is a school of depravity, a fearful curse to
society.”—MYP 399. (See 2 Cor. 6:15-18; 1 John 2:15-17; James 4:4; 2 Tim.
2:19-22; Eph. 5:8-11; Col. 3:5-10.)
Recreation is essential. But instead of joining the multitudes who are
“lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” (2 Tim. 3:4), we should
endeavor to make our friendships and recreations both Christ-centered and
“Music was made to serve a holy purpose, to lift the thoughts to that
which is pure, noble, and elevating, and to awaken in the soul devotion and
gratitude to God.”—PP 594. Jesus “held communion with heaven in song.”
DA 73.
Music is one of the highest arts. Good music not only gives us pleasure
but elevates our minds and cultivates our finest qualities. God often has used
spiritual songs to touch the hearts of sinners and lead to repentance. On the
contrary, debased music breaks down morality and draws us away from our
relationship with God.
We should exercise great care in the choice of music in our homes, social
gatherings, schools, and churches. Any melody partaking of the nature of
jazz, rock, or related hybrid forms, or any language expressing foolish or
trivial sentiments, will be shunned. (See pp. 101, 104-105, 155.)
Standing amid the perils of the last days, bearing the responsibility of
speedily carrying the last offer of salvation to the world, and facing a
judgment that will culminate in the establishment of universal righteousness,
let us consecrate ourselves body, soul, and spirit to God, determining to
maintain the high standards of living that must characterize those who wait
for the return of their Lord.
Marriage, Divorce, and
Social Relationships
God gives us the social instinct for our pleasure and benefit. “By mutual
contact minds receive polish and refinement; by social intercourse,
acquaintances are formed and friendships contracted which result in a unity
of heart and an atmosphere of love which is pleasing in the sight of
heaven.”6T 172.
Proper association of the sexes is beneficial to both. Such association
should be conducted upon a high plane and with regard for the social
conventions that have been prescribed for our protection. It is the purpose of
Satan to pervert every good thing, and the perversion of the best often leads
to that which is worst.
Today the ideals that make these social relationships safe and happy are
breaking down to an alarming degree. Under the influence of passion
unrestrained by moral and religious principle, the association of the sexes has
to a large extent degenerated into freedom and license, sexual perversions,
incest, and sexual abuse of children.
Millions have abandoned biblical standards of conduct and are bartering
the sacred experiences of marriage and parenthood for the bitter, remorseful
fruits of sin. Not only are these evils damaging the familial structure of
society, but the breakdown of the family in turn fosters and breeds these and
other evils. The results in distorted lives of children and youth are distressing.
The effects on society are both disastrous and cumulative.
These evils have become more open and threatening to the ideals and
purposes of the Christian home. Adultery, pornography, abuse of any kind
(including sexual abuse of spouses, children, and the elderly), incest, and
homosexual and lesbian practices are among the perversions of God’s
original plan and illustrate the brokenness of humanity. As the intent of clear
passages of Scripture (see Ex. 20:14; Lev. 18:22, 29; 20:13; 1 Cor. 6:9; 1
Tim. 1:10; Rom. 1:20-32) is denied and as their warnings are rejected in
exchange for human opinions, much uncertainty and confusion prevail. Since
ancient times and civilizations Satan’s plan always has been to cause people
to forget that God is their Creator and that when He created humankind in
His own image, He created both “male and female” (Gen. 1:27).
Though God’s Word alerts us to the degrading results of the world’s
obsession with sex and the pursuit of sensual pleasure, Christ came to destroy
the works of Satan and reestablish the relationship of humans with their
Creator. Though fallen in Adam and captive to sin, when we are in Christ we
receive full pardon and the right to choose anew the better way to complete
renewal. By means of the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit, we all may
be freed from the grip of sinful practices as we are restored to the image of
our Creator.
As parents and spiritual guides of youth, we must gain a sympathetic
understanding of their problems, seek to provide for them a Christian social
environment, and spiritually draw near to them so we can impart the ideals,
inspiration, and power of Christianity.
Whatever may be the mistakes of our parents or peers, it is our
responsibility and privilege to know and to hold the highest ideals of
Christian manhood and womanhood. We can build Christian character that
will buttress us against evil and make us uplifting influences in society by
reverent Bible study, a deep acquaintance with the works of nature, rigorous
guarding of the sacred powers of the body, earnest purpose, constancy in
prayer, and sincere, unselfish ministry to others.
Social gatherings for both young and old should be occasions for happy
fellowship and improvement of the powers of mind and soul, not for light and
trifling amusement. Good music, elevating conversation, good recitations,
suitable still or motion pictures, games carefully selected for educational
value, and, above all, the making and using of plans for outreach (missionary)
effort will bless and strengthen the lives of all. The Youth Ministries
Department of the General Conference has published helpful information and
practical suggestions for the conduct of social gatherings and for guidance in
other social relations.
Our homes are by far the best places for social gatherings. In large
centers where it is impossible to hold such gatherings in homes and where
there is no social center of our own, we should secure a place free from
influences destructive of Christian standards, rather than a place ordinarily
used for commercial amusements and sports, such as social halls and skating
rinks, which can suggest an atmosphere contrary to Christian standards.
Chaperonage, the happy and cordial association of those older in years
with young people, is one of the most wholesome influences in the lives of
children and youth. “There is danger that both parents and teachers . . . fail to
come sufficiently into social relation with their children or scholars.” CT
76. It is the duty of our homes, schools, and other institutions to care for the
morals and reputation of those placed in our charge. As parents we should
strongly support the regulations of the institutions serving our youth and
children, and we should institute equal safeguards in our homes. To make this
possible, we must learn how to be welcome companions of our children. But
it rests chiefly upon the young people themselves to make chaperonage an
honored and happy relationship.
Courtship is recognized as a preparatory period during which a man and
a woman, already mutually attracted, become more thoroughly acquainted
with each other in preparation for intended marriage.
“Let those who are contemplating marriage weigh every sentiment and
watch every development of character in the one with whom they think to
unite their life destiny. Let every step toward a marriage alliance be
characterized by modesty, simplicity, sincerity, and an earnest purpose to
please and honor God. Marriage affects the afterlife both in this world and in
the world to come. A sincere Christian will make no plans that God cannot
approve.”MH 359.
Failure to follow these principles in Christian courtship may lead to
tragedy. Unity of husband and wife in ideals and purposes is a requisite to a
happy and successful home. Differences of partners regarding religion are
likely to mar the happiness of the home and lead to confusion, perplexity, and
failure in child rearing. The Bible advises, “Do not be unequally yoked
together with unbelievers” (2 Cor. 6:14).
“The family tie is the closest, the most tender and sacred, of any on earth.
It was designed to be a blessing to mankind. And it is a blessing wherever the
marriage covenant is entered into intelligently, in the fear of God, and with
due consideration for its responsibilities.”AH 18.
Worship of God, Sabbathkeeping, recreation, association, use of
financial resources, and training of children are components of happy family
relationships. Because differences in these areas can often lead to a
deterioration of these relationships, to discouragement, and even to complete
loss of Christian experience, an adequate preparation for marriage should
include premarital pastoral counseling in these areas.
“‘Can two walk together, except they be agreed?’ Amos 3:3. The
happiness and prosperity of the marriage relation depends upon the unity of
the parties; but between the believer and the unbeliever there is a radical
difference of tastes, inclinations, and purposes. They are serving two masters,
between whom there can be no concord. However pure and correct one’s
principles may be, the influence of an unbelieving companion will have a
tendency to lead away from God.”PP 174.
The Spirit of Prophecy consistently counsels against marriage between
“the believer and the unbeliever” and further cautions against uniting with
fellow Christians who have “not accepted the truth for this time.”5T 364.
Marriages are more likely to endure, and family life to fulfill the divine plan,
if husband and wife are united and are bound together by common spiritual
values and lifestyles. For these reasons the Church strongly discourages
marriage between a Seventh-day Adventist and a member of another religion
and strongly urges its pastors not to perform such marriages.
The Church recognizes that it is the prerogative of each individual
member to make the final decision relative to the choice of a marriage partner.
However, it is the hope of the Church that if the member chooses a partner
who is not a member of the Church, the couple will realize and appreciate
that the Seventh-day Adventist pastor, who has covenanted to uphold the
principles outlined above, should not be expected to perform the marriage.
If a member does enter into such a marriage, the church is to demonstrate
love and concern with the purpose of encouraging the couple toward
complete unity in Christ.
Premarital Education/Counseling
Considering that marriage is the most important and challenging of all
relationships, premarital education/counseling is designed to help couples
planning to marry to be better prepared for this important step in their lives.
The main purpose of premarital education/counseling is to prepare couples
for the challenges they will encounter in married life. Premarital
education/counseling is also to strengthen and improve the future happiness
of married couples and reduce the potential rate of divorce. Premarital
education/counseling should be offered by a professional counselor or
specifically trained individuals, including specifically trained spiritual
leaders. (For more detailed information regarding premarital
education/counseling see the Elder’s Handbook.)
Marriage is a divine institution established by God Himself before the
Fall, when everything, including marriage, was “very good” (Gen. 1:31).
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,
and they shall become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). “God celebrated the first
marriage. Thus the institution has for its originator the Creator of the
universe. ‘Marriage is honourable’; it was one of the first gifts of God to man,
and it is one of the two institutions that, after the fall, Adam brought with him
beyond the gates of Paradise.”—AH 25, 26.
God intended the marriage of Adam and Eve to be the pattern for all
future marriages, and Christ endorsed this original concept: “Have you not
read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’
and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be
joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no
longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man
separate” (Matt. 19:4-6). Marriage, thus instituted by God, is a monogamous,
heterosexual relationship between one male and one female.
As such, marriage is a public, lawfully binding lifelong commitment of
a man and a woman to each other and between the couple and God
(Mark 10:2-9; Rom. 7:2). Paul indicates that the commitment that Christ has
for the church is a model of the relationship between husband and wife (Eph.
5:31, 32). God intended marriage to be as permanent as Christ’s relationship
with the church.
Sexual intimacy within marriage is a sacred gift from God to the human
family. It is an integral part of marriage, reserved for marriage only
(Gen. 2:24; Prov. 5:5-20). Such intimacy, designed to be shared exclusively
between husband and wife, promotes ever-increasing closeness, happiness,
and security, and provides for the perpetuation of the human race.
Unity in marriage is achieved by mutual respect and love. No one is
superior (Eph. 5:21-28). “Marriage, a union for life, is a symbol of the union
between Christ and His church. The spirit that Christ manifests toward the
church is the spirit that husband and wife are to manifest toward each
other.”—7T 46. God’s Word condemns violence in personal relationships
(Gen. 6:11, 13; Ps. 11:5; Isa. 58:4, 5; Rom. 13:10; Gal. 5:19-21). It is the
spirit of Christ to love and accept, to seek to affirm and build others up, rather
than to abuse or demean them (Rom. 12:10; 14:19; Eph. 4:26; 5:28, 29; Col.
3:8-14; 1 Thess. 5:11). There is no room among Christ’s followers for
tyrannical control and the abuse of power (Matt. 20:25-28; Eph. 6:4).
Violence in the setting of marriage and family is abhorrent (see AH 343).
“Neither husband nor wife is to make a plea for rulership. The Lord has
laid down the principle that is to guide in this matter. The husband is to
cherish his wife as Christ cherishes the church. And the wife is to respect and
love her husband. Both are to cultivate the spirit of kindness, being
determined never to grieve or injure the other.”7T 47.
The entrance of sin adversely affected marriage. When Adam and Eve
sinned, they lost the oneness that they had known with God and with each
other (Gen. 3:6-24). Their relationship became marked with guilt, shame,
blame, and pain. Wherever sin reigns, its sad effects on marriage include
alienation, unfaithfulness, neglect, abuse, sexual perversion, domination of
one partner by the other, violence, separation, desertion, and divorce.
Marriages involving more than one husband and one wife are also an
expression of the effects of sin on the institution of marriage. Such marriages,
though practiced in Old Testament times, are not in harmony with the divine
design. God’s plan for marriage requires His people to transcend the mores
of popular culture that conflict with the biblical view.
The Christian concept of marriage includes the following:
1. Divine Ideal to Be Restored in ChristIn redeeming the world from
sin and its consequences, God seeks to restore marriage to its original ideal.
This is envisioned for the lives of those who have been born again into
Christ’s kingdom, those whose hearts are being sanctified by the Holy Spirit
and who have as their primary purpose the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
(See also 1 Peter 3:7; TMB 64.)
2. Oneness and Equality to Be Restored in ChristThe gospel
emphasizes the love and submission of husband and wife to one another
(1 Cor. 7:3, 4; Eph. 5:21). The model for the husband’s leadership is the self-
sacrificial love and service that Christ gives to the Church (Eph. 5:24, 25).
Both Peter and Paul speak about the need for respect in the marriage
relationship (1 Peter 3:7; Eph. 5:22, 23).
3. Grace Available for AllGod seeks to restore to wholeness and
reconcile to Himself all who have failed to attain the divine standard
(2 Cor. 5:19). This includes those who have experienced broken marriage
4. Role of the ChurchMoses in the Old Testament and Paul in the
New Testament dealt with the problems caused by broken marriages
(Deut. 24:1-5; 1 Cor. 7:11). Both, while upholding and affirming the ideal,
worked constructively and redemptively with those who had fallen short of
the divine standard. Similarly, the Church today is called to uphold and affirm
God’s ideal for marriage and, at the same time, to be a forgiving, reconciling,
healing community, showing understanding and compassion when
brokenness occurs.
Divorce is contrary to God’s original purpose in creating marriage (Matt.
19:3-8; Mark 10:2-9), but the Bible is not silent about it. Because divorce
occurred as part of the fallen human experience, biblical legislation was given
to limit the damage it caused (Deut. 24:1-4). The Bible consistently seeks to
elevate marriage and to discourage divorce by describing the joys of married
love and faithfulness (Prov. 5:18-20; Song of Sol. 2:16; 4:9-5:1), by referring
to the marriage-like relationship of God with His people (Isa. 54:5; Jer. 3:1),
by focusing on the possibilities of forgiveness and marital renewal (Hosea
3:1-3), and by indicating God’s abhorrence of divorce and the misery it
causes (Mal. 2:15, 16). Jesus restored the creation view of marriage as a
lifelong commitment between a man and a woman and between the couple
and God (Matt. 19:4-6; Mark 10:6-9). Much biblical instruction affirms
marriage and seeks to correct problems that tend to weaken or destroy the
foundation of marriage (Eph. 5:21-33; Heb. 13:4; 1 Peter 3:7).
Marriage rests on principles of love, loyalty, exclusiveness, trust, and
support upheld by both partners in obedience to God (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:6;
1 Cor. 13; Eph. 5:21-29; 1 Thess. 4:1-7). When these principles are violated,
Scripture acknowledges that tragic circumstances can destroy marriage.
Divine grace is the only remedy for the brokenness of divorce. When
marriage fails, former partners should be encouraged to examine their
experience and to seek God’s will for their lives. God provides comfort to
those who have been wounded. God also accepts the repentance of
individuals who commit the most destructive sins, even those that carry with
them irreparable consequences (2 Sam. 11; 12; Ps. 34:18; 86:5; Joel 2:12, 13;
John 8:2-11; 1 John 1:9).
Scripture recognizes adultery and fornication (Matt. 5:32) and
abandonment by an unbelieving partner (1 Cor. 7:10-15) as grounds for
There is no direct teaching in Scripture regarding remarriage after
divorce. However, there is a strong implication in Jesus’ words in
Matthew 19:9 that would allow the remarriage of one who has remained
faithful but whose spouse has been unfaithful to the marriage vow.
Church’s Position on Divorce and Remarriage
Acknowledging the biblical teachings on marriage, the Church is aware
that marriage relationships are less than ideal in many cases. The problem of
divorce and remarriage can be seen in its true light only as it is viewed from
Heaven’s viewpoint and against the background of the Garden of Eden.
Central to God’s holy plan for our world was the creation of beings made
in His image who would multiply and replenish the earth and live together in
purity, harmony, and happiness. He brought forth Eve from the side of Adam
and gave her to Adam as his wife. Thus was marriage institutedGod the
author of the institution and the officiator at the first marriage. After the Lord
had revealed to Adam that Eve was verily bone of his bone and flesh of his
flesh, there could never arise a doubt in his mind that the two of them were
one flesh. Nor could ever a doubt arise in the mind of either of the holy pair
that God intended that their home should endure forever.
The Church adheres to this view of marriage and the home without
reservation, believing that any lowering of this high view is to that extent a
lowering of the heavenly ideal. The belief that marriage is a divine institution
rests upon the Holy Scriptures. Accordingly, all thinking and reasoning in the
perplexing field of divorce and remarriage must constantly be harmonized
with that holy ideal revealed in Eden.
The Church believes in the law of God and also in the forgiving mercy
of God. It believes that victory and salvation can as surely be found by those
who have transgressed in the matter of divorce and remarriage as by those
who have failed in any other of God’s holy standards.
Nothing presented here is intended to minimize the mercy of God or the
forgiveness of God. In the fear of the Lord, the Church here sets forth the
principles and practices that should apply in this matter of marriage, divorce,
and remarriage.
Though marriage was first performed by God alone, it is recognized that
people now live under civil governments; therefore, marriage has both divine
and civil aspects. The divine aspect is governed by the laws of God, the civil
by the laws of the state.
In harmony with these teachings, the following statements set forth the
position of the Church:
1. When Jesus said, “Let not man put asunder,” He established a rule
of conduct for the Church, under the dispensation of grace, that must
transcend all civil enactments that would go beyond His interpretation of the
divine law governing the marriage relation. Here He gives a rule to which His
followers should adhere even if the state or prevailing custom allows larger
liberty. “In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus declared plainly that there could
be no dissolution of the marriage tie, except for unfaithfulness to the marriage
vow.”—TMB 63. (Also see Matt. 5:32; 19:9.)
2. Unfaithfulness to the marriage vow has generally been seen to mean
adultery or fornication. However, the New Testament word for fornication
includes certain other sexual irregularities (1 Cor. 6:9; 1 Tim. 1:9, 10; Rom.
1:24-27). Therefore, sexual perversions, including incest, child sexual abuse,
and homosexual practices, are also recognized as a misuse of sexual powers
and a violation of the divine intention in marriage. As such they are just cause
for separation or divorce.
Even though the Scriptures allow divorce for the reasons mentioned
above, as well as for abandonment by an unbelieving spouse
(1 Cor. 7:10-15), the church and those concerned should make earnest
endeavors to effect a reconciliation, urging the spouses to manifest toward
each other a Christlike spirit of forgiveness and restoration. The church is
urged to relate lovingly and redemptively toward the couple in order to assist
in the reconciliation process.
3. In the event that reconciliation is not effected, the spouse who has
remained faithful to the spouse who violated the marriage vow has the
biblical right to secure a divorce and also to remarry.
4. A spouse who has violated the marriage vow (see sections 1 and 2
above) shall be subject to discipline by the local church. (See pp. 67-73.) If
genuinely repentant, the spouse may be placed under censure for a stated
period of time rather than removed from church membership. A spouse who
gives no evidence of full and sincere repentance shall be removed from
membership. In case the violation has brought public reproach on the cause
of God, the church, in order to maintain its high standards and good name,
may remove the individual from membership.
Any of these forms of discipline shall be applied by the church in a
manner that would seek to attain the two objectives of disciplineto correct
and redeem. In the gospel of Christ, the redemptive side of discipline is
always tied to an authentic transformation of the sinner into a new creature in
Jesus Christ.
5. A spouse who has violated the marriage vow and who is divorced
does not have the moral right to marry another while the spouse who has been
faithful to the marriage vow still lives and remains unmarried and chaste. The
person who does so shall be removed from membership. The person whom
he/she marries, if a member, also shall be removed from membership.
6. It is recognized that sometimes marriage relations deteriorate to the
point where it is better for a husband and wife to separate. “Now to the
married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her
husband. But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be
reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife”
(1 Cor. 7:10, 11). In many such cases, the custody of children, the adjustment
of property rights, or even personal protection may necessitate a change in
marital status. In such cases it may be permissible in some countries to secure
what is known as a legal separation. However, in some jurisdictions such a
separation can be secured only by divorce.
A separation or divorce that results from factors such as physical
violence or in which “unfaithfulness to the marriage vow (see sections 1 and
2 above) is not involved does not give either one the scriptural right to
remarry, unless in the meantime the other party has remarried, committed
adultery or fornication, or died. Should a member who has been thus divorced
remarry without these biblical grounds, he/she shall be removed from
membership, and the one whom he/she marries, if a member, also shall be
removed from membership. (See pp. 67-73.)
7. A spouse who has violated the marriage vow and has been divorced
and removed from membership and who has remarried, or a person who has
been divorced on other than the grounds set forth in sections 1 and 2 above
and has remarried, and who has been removed from membership, shall be
considered ineligible for membership except as provided below.
8. The marriage contract is not only sacred but also possibly more
complex when, for example, it involves children. Hence, in a request for
readmittance to membership, the options available to the repentant may be
severely limited. Before final action is taken by the church, the request for
readmittance shall be brought by the church through the pastor or district
leader to the conference executive committee for counsel and
recommendation of steps the repentant one, or ones, may take to secure
9. Readmittance to membership of those who have been removed for
reasons given in the foregoing sections shall normally be on the basis of
rebaptism. (See pp. 55, 72-73.)
10. When a person who has been removed from membership is
readmitted to membership, as provided in section 8, every care should be
exercised to safeguard the unity and harmony of the church by not giving that
person responsibility as a leader, especially in an office that requires the rite
of ordination, unless by very careful counsel with conference administration.
11. No pastor has the right to officiate at the remarriage of any person
who, under the stipulation of the preceding paragraphs, has no scriptural right
to remarry.
Local Church Ministry for Families
The Church as a redemptive agency of Christ is to minister to its
members in all of their needs and to nurture everyone so that all may grow
into a mature Christian experience. This is particularly true when members
face lifelong decisions such as marriage and distressful experiences such as
divorce. When a couple’s marriage is in danger of breaking down, every
effort should be made by the partners and those in the church or family who
minister to them to bring about their reconciliation in harmony with divine
principles for restoring wounded relationships (Hosea 3:1-3; 1 Cor. 7:10, 11;
13:4-7; Gal. 6:1).
Resources that can be of assistance to members in the development of a
strong Christian home are available through the church or other church
organizations. These resources include: (1) programs of orientation for
couples engaged to be married, (2) programs of instruction for married
couples with their families, and (3) programs of support for broken families
and divorced individuals.
Pastoral support is vital in the area of instruction and orientation in the
case of marriage, and healing and restoration in the case of divorce. The
pastoral function in the latter case is both disciplinary and supportive. That
function includes the sharing of relevant information, some of which may be
sensitive and must be handled with great discretion. However, this ethical
concern alone should not be the grounds for avoiding disciplinary actions
established in sections 1-11 above.
Just as God forgives, members are called to forgive and to accept those
who have failed (Isa. 54:5-8; Matt. 6:14, 15; Eph. 4:32). The Bible urges
patience, compassion, and forgiveness in the Christian care of those who have
erred (Matt. 18:10-20; Gal. 6:1, 2). While individuals are under discipline,
either by censure or by being removed from membership, the church, as an
instrument of God’s mission, shall make every effort to maintain caring and
spiritually nurturing contact with them.
Fundamental Beliefs of
Seventh-day Adventists
Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold
certain Fundamental Beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. These
beliefs, as set forth here, constitute the church’s understanding and expression
of the teaching of Scripture. Revision of these statements may be expected at
a General Conference Session when the church is led by the Holy Spirit to a
fuller understanding of Bible truth or finds better language in which to
express the teachings of God’s Holy Word.
1. The Holy Scriptures
The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, are the written Word of
God, given by divine inspiration. The inspired authors spoke and wrote as
they were moved by the Holy Spirit. In this Word, God has committed to
humanity the knowledge necessary for salvation. The Holy Scriptures are the
supreme, authoritative, and the infallible revelation of His will. They are the
standard of character, the test of experience, the definitive revealer of
doctrines, and the trustworthy record of God’s acts in history. (Ps. 119:105;
Prov 30:5, 6; Isa. 8:20; John 17:17; 1 Thess. 2:13; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Heb. 4:12;
2 Peter 1:20, 21.)
2. The Trinity
There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three coeternal
Persons. God is immortal, all-powerful, all-knowing, above all, and ever
present. He is infinite and beyond human comprehension, yet known through
His self-revelation. God, who is love, is forever worthy of worship, adoration,
and service by the whole creation. (Gen. 1:26; Deut. 6:4; Isa. 6:8; Matt.
28:19; John 3:16; 2 Cor. 1:21, 22; 13:14; Eph. 4:4-6; 1 Peter 1:2.)
3. The Father
God the eternal Father is the Creator, Source, Sustainer, and Sovereign
of all creation. He is just and holy, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and
abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. The qualities and powers
exhibited in the Son and the Holy Spirit are also those of the Father.
(Gen. 1:1; Deut. 4:35; Ps. 110:1, 4; John 3:16; 14:9; 1 Cor. 15:28;
1 Tim. 1:17; 1 John 4:8; Rev. 4:11.)
4. The Son
God the eternal Son became incarnate in Jesus Christ. Through Him all
things were created, the character of God is revealed, the salvation of
humanity is accomplished, and the world is judged. Forever truly God, He
became also truly human, Jesus the Christ. He was conceived of the Holy
Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived and experienced temptation as a
human being, but perfectly exemplified the righteousness and love of God.
By His miracles He manifested God’s power and was attested as God’s
promised Messiah. He suffered and died voluntarily on the cross for our sins
and in our place, was raised from the dead, and ascended to heaven to minister
in the heavenly sanctuary in our behalf. He will come again in glory for the
final deliverance of His people and the restoration of all things. (Isa. 53:4-6;
Dan. 9:25-27; Luke 1:35; John 1:1-3, 14; 5:22; 10:30; 14:1-3, 9, 13; Rom.
6:23; 1 Cor. 15:3, 4; 2 Cor. 3:18; 5:17-19; Phil. 2:5-11; Col. 1:15-19; Heb.
2:9-18; 8:1, 2.)
5. The Holy Spirit
God the eternal Spirit was active with the Father and the Son in Creation,
incarnation, and redemption. He is as much a person as are the Father and the
Son. He inspired the writers of Scripture. He filled Christ’s life with power.
He draws and convicts human beings; and those who respond He renews and
transforms into the image of God. Sent by the Father and the Son to be always
with His children, He extends spiritual gifts to the church, empowers it to
bear witness to Christ, and in harmony with the Scriptures leads it into all
truth. (Gen. 1:1, 2; 2 Sam. 23:2; Ps. 51:11; Isa. 61:1; Luke 1:35; 4:18; John
14:16-18, 26; 15:26; 16:7-13; Acts 1:8; 5:3; 10:38; Rom. 5:5; 1 Cor. 12:7-11;
2 Cor. 3:18; 2 Peter 1:21.)
6. Creation
God has revealed in Scripture the authentic and historical account of His
creative activity. He created the universe, and in a recent six-day creation the
Lord made “the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them” and
rested on the seventh day. Thus He established the Sabbath as a perpetual
memorial of the work He performed and completed during six literal days
that together with the Sabbath constituted the same unit of time that we call
a week today. The first man and woman were made in the image of God as
the crowning work of Creation, given dominion over the world, and charged
with responsibility to care for it. When the world was finished it was “very
good,” declaring the glory of God. (Gen. 1-2; 5; 11; Ex. 20:8-11; Ps. 19:1-6;
33:6, 9; 104; Isa. 45:12, 18; Acts 17:24; Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:2; 11:3; Rev. 10:6;
7. The Nature of Humanity
Man and woman were made in the image of God with individuality, the
power and freedom to think and to do. Though created free beings, each is an
indivisible unity of body, mind, and spirit, dependent upon God for life and
breath and all else. When our first parents disobeyed God, they denied their
dependence upon Him and fell from their high position. The image of God in
them was marred and they became subject to death. Their descendants share
this fallen nature and its consequences. They are born with weaknesses and
tendencies to evil. But God in Christ reconciled the world to Himself and by
His Spirit restores in penitent mortals the image of their Maker. Created for
the glory of God, they are called to love Him and one another, and to care for
their environment. (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7, 15; 3; Ps. 8:4-8; 51:5, 10; 58:3; Jer.
17:9; Acts 17:24-28; Rom. 5:12-17; 2 Cor. 5:19, 20; Eph. 2:3; 1 Thess. 5:23;
1 John 3:4; 4:7, 8, 11, 20.)
8. The Great Controversy
All humanity is now involved in a great controversy between Christ and
Satan regarding the character of God, His law, and His sovereignty over the
universe. This conflict originated in heaven when a created being, endowed
with freedom of choice, in self-exaltation became Satan, God’s adversary,
and led into rebellion a portion of the angels. He introduced the spirit of
rebellion into this world when he led Adam and Eve into sin. This human sin
resulted in the distortion of the image of God in humanity, the disordering of
the created world, and its eventual devastation at the time of the global flood,
as presented in the historical account of Genesis 1-11. Observed by the whole
creation, this world became the arena of the universal conflict, out of which
the God of love will ultimately be vindicated. To assist His people in this
controversy, Christ sends the Holy Spirit and the loyal angels to guide,
protect, and sustain them in the way of salvation. (Gen. 3; 6-8; Job 1:6-12;
Isa. 14:12-14; Ezek. 28:12-18; Rom. 1:19-32; 3:4; 5:12-21; 8:19-22; 1 Cor.
4:9; Heb. 1:14; 1 Peter 5:8; 2 Peter 3:6; Rev. 12:4-9.)
9. The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ
In Christ’s life of perfect obedience to God’s will, His suffering, death,
and resurrection, God provided the only means of atonement for human sin,
so that those who by faith accept this atonement may have eternal life, and
the whole creation may better understand the infinite and holy love of the
Creator. This perfect atonement vindicates the righteousness of God’s law
and the graciousness of His character; for it both condemns our sin and
provides for our forgiveness. The death of Christ is substitutionary and
expiatory, reconciling and transforming. The bodily resurrection of Christ
proclaims God’s triumph over the forces of evil, and for those who accept the
atonement assures their final victory over sin and death. It declares the
Lordship of Jesus Christ, before whom every knee in heaven and on earth
will bow. (Gen. 3:15; Ps. 22:1; Isa. 53; John 3:16; 14:30; Rom. 1:4; 3:25;
4:25; 8:3, 4; 1 Cor. 15:3, 4, 20-22; 2 Cor. 5:14, 15, 19-21; Phil. 2:6-11;
Col. 2:15; 1 Peter 2:21, 22; 1 John 2:2; 4:10.)
10. The Experience of Salvation
In infinite love and mercy God made Christ, who knew no sin, to be sin
for us, so that in Him we might be made the righteousness of God. Led by the
Holy Spirit we sense our need, acknowledge our sinfulness, repent of our
transgressions, and exercise faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord, Substitute and
Example. This saving faith comes through the divine power of the Word and
is the gift of God’s grace. Through Christ we are justified, adopted as God’s
sons and daughters, and delivered from the lordship of sin. Through the Spirit
we are born again and sanctified; the Spirit renews our minds, writes God’s
law of love in our hearts, and we are given the power to live a holy life.
Abiding in Him we become partakers of the divine nature and have the
assurance of salvation now and in the judgment. (Gen. 3:15; Isa. 45:22; 53;
Jer. 31:31-34; Ezek. 33:11; 36:25-27; Hab. 2:4; Mark 9:23, 24; John 3:3-8,
16; 16:8; Rom. 3:21-26; 5:6-10; 8:1-4, 14-17; 10:17; 12:2; 2 Cor. 5:17-21;
Gal. 1:4; 3:13, 14, 26; 4:4-7; Eph. 2:4-10; Col. 1:13, 14; Titus 3:3-7;
Heb. 8:7-12; 1 Peter 1:23; 2:21, 22; 2 Peter 1:3, 4; Rev. 13:8.)
11. Growing in Christ
By His death on the cross Jesus triumphed over the forces of evil. He
who subjugated the demonic spirits during His earthly ministry has broken
their power and made certain their ultimate doom. Jesus’ victory gives us
victory over the evil forces that still seek to control us, as we walk with Him
in peace, joy, and assurance of His love. Now the Holy Spirit dwells within
us and empowers us. Continually committed to Jesus as our Saviour and
Lord, we are set free from the burden of our past deeds. No longer do we live
in the darkness, fear of evil powers, ignorance, and meaninglessness of our
former way of life. In this new freedom in Jesus, we are called to grow into
the likeness of His character, communing with Him daily in prayer, feeding
on His Word, meditating on it and on His providence, singing His praises,
gathering together for worship, and participating in the mission of the
Church. We are also called to follow Christ’s example by compassionately
ministering to the physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of
humanity. As we give ourselves in loving service to those around us and in
witnessing to His salvation, His constant presence with us through the Spirit
transforms every moment and every task into a spiritual experience. (1 Chron.
29:11; Ps. 1:1, 2; 23:4; 77:11, 12; Matt. 20:25-28; 25:31-46; Luke 10:17-20;
John 20:21; Rom. 8:38, 39; 2 Cor. 3:17, 18; Gal. 5:22-25; Eph. 5:19, 20; 6:12-
18; Phil. 3:7-14; Col. 1:13, 14; 2:6, 14, 15; 1 Thess. 5:16-18, 23; Heb. 10:25;
James 1:27; 2 Peter 2:9; 3:18; 1 John 4:4.)
12. The Church
The church is the community of believers who confess Jesus Christ as
Lord and Saviour. In continuity with the people of God in Old Testament
times, we are called out from the world; and we join together for worship, for
fellowship, for instruction in the Word, for the celebration of the Lord’s
Supper, for service to humanity, and for the worldwide proclamation of the
gospel. The church derives its authority from Christ, who is the incarnate
Word revealed in the Scriptures. The church is God’s family; adopted by Him
as children, its members live on the basis of the new covenant. The church is
the body of Christ, a community of faith of which Christ Himself is the Head.
The church is the bride for whom Christ died that He might sanctify and
cleanse her. At His return in triumph, He will present her to Himself a
glorious church, the faithful of all the ages, the purchase of His blood, not
having spot or wrinkle, but holy and without blemish. (Gen. 12:1-3; Exod.
19:3-7; Matt. 16:13-20; 18:18; 28:19, 20; Acts 2:38-42; 7:38; 1 Cor. 1:2; Eph.
1:22, 23; 2:19-22; 3:8-11; 5:23-27; Col. 1:17, 18; 1 Peter 2:9.)
13. The Remnant and Its Mission
The universal church is composed of all who truly believe in Christ, but
in the last days, a time of widespread apostasy, a remnant has been called out
to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. This remnant
announces the arrival of the judgment hour, proclaims salvation through
Christ, and heralds the approach of His second advent. This proclamation is
symbolized by the three angels of Revelation 14; it coincides with the work
of judgment in heaven and results in a work of repentance and reform on
earth. Every believer is called to have a personal part in this worldwide
witness. (Dan. 7:9-14; Isa. 1:9; 11:11; Jer. 23:3; Mic. 2:12; 2 Cor. 5:10;
1 Peter 1:16-19; 4:17; 2 Peter 3:10-14; Jude 3, 14; Rev. 12:17; 14:6-12; 18:1-
14. Unity in the Body of Christ
The church is one body with many members, called from every nation,
kindred, tongue, and people. In Christ we are a new creation; distinctions of
race, culture, learning, and nationality, and differences between high and low,
rich and poor, male and female, must not be divisive among us. We are all
equal in Christ, who by one Spirit has bonded us into one fellowship with
Him and with one another; we are to serve and be served without partiality
or reservation. Through the revelation of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures we
share the same faith and hope, and reach out in one witness to all. This unity
has its source in the oneness of the triune God, who has adopted us as His
children. (Ps. 133:1; Matt. 28:19, 20; John 17:20-23; Acts 17:26, 27; Rom.
12:4, 5; 1 Cor. 12:12-14; 2 Cor. 5:16, 17; Gal. 3:27-29; Eph. 2:13-16; 4:3-6,
11-16; Col. 3:10-15.)
15. Baptism
By baptism we confess our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ, and testify of our death to sin and of our purpose to walk in newness
of life. Thus we acknowledge Christ as Lord and Saviour, become His people,
and are received as members by His church. Baptism is a symbol of our union
with Christ, the forgiveness of our sins, and our reception of the Holy Spirit.
It is by immersion in water and is contingent on an affirmation of faith in
Jesus and evidence of repentance of sin. It follows instruction in the Holy
Scriptures and acceptance of their teachings. (Matt. 28:19, 20; Acts 2:38;
16:30-33; 22:16; Rom. 6:1-6; Gal. 3:27; Col. 2:12, 13.)
16. The Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper is a participation in the emblems of the body and
blood of Jesus as an expression of faith in Him, our Lord and Saviour. In this
experience of communion Christ is present to meet and strengthen His
people. As we partake, we joyfully proclaim the Lords death until He comes
again. Preparation for the Supper includes self-examination, repentance, and
confession. The Master ordained the service of foot-washing to signify
renewed cleansing, to express a willingness to serve one another in Christlike
humility, and to unite our hearts in love. The communion service is open to
all believing Christians. (Matt. 26:17-30; John 6:48-63; 13:1-17; 1 Cor.
10:16, 17; 11:23-30; Rev. 3:20.)
17. Spiritual Gifts and Ministries
God bestows upon all members of His church in every age spiritual gifts
that each member is to employ in loving ministry for the common good of
the church and of humanity. Given by the agency of the Holy Spirit, who
apportions to each member as He wills, the gifts provide all abilities and
ministries needed by the church to fulfill its divinely ordained functions.
According to the Scriptures, these gifts include such ministries as faith,
healing, prophecy, proclamation, teaching, administration, reconciliation,
compassion, and self-sacrificing service and charity for the help and
encouragement of people. Some members are called of God and endowed by
the Spirit for functions recognized by the church in pastoral, evangelistic, and
teaching ministries particularly needed to equip the members for service, to
build up the church to spiritual maturity, and to foster unity of the faith and
knowledge of God. When members employ these spiritual gifts as faithful
stewards of God’s varied grace, the church is protected from the destructive
influence of false doctrine, grows with a growth that is from God, and is built
up in faith and love. (Acts 6:1-7; Rom. 12:4-8; 1 Cor. 12:7-11, 27, 28; Eph.
4:8, 11-16; 1 Tim. 3:1-13; 1 Peter 4:10, 11.)
18. The Gift of Prophecy
The Scriptures testify that one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy.
This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and we believe it was
manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. Her writings speak with
prophetic authority and provide comfort, guidance, instruction, and
correction to the church. They also make clear that the Bible is the standard
by which all teaching and experience must be tested. (Num. 12:6; 2 Chron.
20:20; Amos 3:7; Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 2:14-21; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Heb. 1:1-3;
Rev. 12:17; 19:10; 22:8, 9.)
19. The Law of God
The great principles of God’s law are embodied in the Ten
Commandments and exemplified in the life of Christ. They express God’s
love, will, and purposes concerning human conduct and relationships and are
binding upon all people in every age. These precepts are the basis of God’s
covenant with His people and the standard in God’s judgment. Through the
agency of the Holy Spirit they point out sin and awaken a sense of need for a
Saviour. Salvation is all of grace and not of works, and its fruit is obedience
to the Commandments. This obedience develops Christian character and
results in a sense of well-being. It is an evidence of our love for the Lord and
our concern for our fellow human beings. The obedience of faith
demonstrates the power of Christ to transform lives, and therefore strengthens
Christian witness. (Exod. 20:1-17; Deut. 28:1-14; Ps. 19:7-14; 40:7, 8; Matt.
5:17-20; 22:36-40; John 14:15; 15:7-10; Rom. 8:3, 4; Eph. 2:8-10; Heb. 8:8-
10; 1 John 2:3; 5:3; Rev. 12:17; 14:12.)
20. The Sabbath
The gracious Creator, after the six days of Creation, rested on the seventh
day and instituted the Sabbath for all people as a memorial of Creation. The
fourth commandment of God’s unchangeable law requires the observance of
this seventh-day Sabbath as the day of rest, worship, and ministry in harmony
with the teaching and practice of Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath. The Sabbath
is a day of delightful communion with God and one another. It is a symbol of
our redemption in Christ, a sign of our sanctification, a token of our
allegiance, and a foretaste of our eternal future in God’s kingdom. The
Sabbath is God’s perpetual sign of His eternal covenant between Him and
His people. Joyful observance of this holy time from evening to evening,
sunset to sunset, is a celebration of God’s creative and redemptive acts. (Gen.
2:1-3; Exod. 20:8-11; 31:13-17; Lev. 23:32; Deut. 5:12-15; Isa. 56:5, 6;
58:13, 14; Ezek. 20:12, 20; Matt. 12:1-12; Mark 1:32; Luke 4:16; Heb. 4:1-
21. Stewardship
We are God’s stewards, entrusted by Him with time and opportunities,
abilities and possessions, and the blessings of the earth and its resources. We
are responsible to Him for their proper use. We acknowledge God’s
ownership by faithful service to Him and our fellow human beings, and by
returning tithe and giving offerings for the proclamation of His gospel and
the support and growth of His church. Stewardship is a privilege given to us
by God for nurture in love and the victory over selfishness and covetousness.
Stewards rejoice in the blessings that come to others as a result of their
faithfulness. (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:15; 1 Chron. 29:14; Haggai 1:3-11; Mal. 3:8-
12; Matt. 23:23; Rom. 15:26, 27; 1 Cor. 9:9-14; 2 Cor. 8:1-15; 9:7.)
22. Christian Behavior
We are called to be a godly people who think, feel, and act in harmony
with biblical principles in all aspects of personal and social life. For the Spirit
to recreate in us the character of our Lord we involve ourselves only in those
things that will produce Christlike purity, health, and joy in our lives. This
means that our amusement and entertainment should meet the highest
standards of Christian taste and beauty. While recognizing cultural
differences, our dress is to be simple, modest, and neat, befitting those whose
true beauty does not consist of outward adornment but in the imperishable
ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit. It also means that because our bodies
are the temples of the Holy Spirit, we are to care for them intelligently. Along
with adequate exercise and rest, we are to adopt the most healthful diet
possible and abstain from the unclean foods identified in the Scriptures. Since
alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and the irresponsible use of drugs and narcotics
are harmful to our bodies, we are to abstain from them as well. Instead, we
are to engage in whatever brings our thoughts and bodies into the discipline
of Christ, who desires our wholesomeness, joy, and goodness. (Gen. 7:2;
Exod. 20:15; Lev. 11:1-47; Ps. 106:3; Rom. 12:1, 2; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20; 10:31;
2 Cor. 6:14-7:1; 10:5; Eph. 5:1-21; Phil. 2:4; 4:8; 1 Tim. 2:9, 10;
Titus 2:11, 12; 1 Peter 3:1-4; 1 John 2:6; 3 John 2.)
23. Marriage and the Family
Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Jesus to be a
lifelong union between a man and a woman in loving companionship. For the
Christian a marriage commitment is to God as well as to the spouse, and
should be entered into only between a man and a woman who share a
common faith. Mutual love, honor, respect, and responsibility are the fabric
of this relationship, which is to reflect the love, sanctity, closeness, and
permanence of the relationship between Christ and His church. Regarding
divorce, Jesus taught that the person who divorces a spouse, except for
fornication, and marries another, commits adultery. Although some family
relationships may fall short of the ideal, a man and a woman who fully
commit themselves to each other in Christ through marriage may achieve
loving unity through the guidance of the Spirit and the nurture of the church.
God blesses the family and intends that its members shall assist each other
toward complete maturity. Increasing family closeness is one of the earmarks
of the final gospel message. Parents are to bring up their children to love and
obey the Lord. By their example and their words they are to teach them that
Christ is a loving, tender, and caring guide who wants them to become
members of His body, the family of God which embraces both single and
married persons. (Gen. 2:18-25; Exod. 20:12; Deut. 6:5-9; Prov. 22:6; Mal.
4:5, 6; Matt. 5:31, 32; 19:3-9, 12; Mark 10:11, 12; John 2:1-11; 1 Cor. 7:7,
10, 11; 2 Cor. 6:14; Eph. 5:21-33; 6:1-4.)
24. Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
There is a sanctuary in heaven, the true tabernacle that the Lord set up
and not humans. In it Christ ministers on our behalf, making available to
believers the benefits of His atoning sacrifice offered once for all on the cross.
At His ascension, He was inaugurated as our great High Priest and, began His
intercessory ministry, which was typified by the work of the high priest in the
holy place of the earthly sanctuary. In 1844, at the end of the prophetic period
of 2300 days, He entered the second and last phase of His atoning ministry,
which was typified by the work of the high priest in the most holy place of
the earthly sanctuary. It is a work of investigative judgment which is part of
the ultimate disposition of all sin, typified by the cleansing of the ancient
Hebrew sanctuary on the Day of Atonement. In that typical service the
sanctuary was cleansed with the blood of animal sacrifices, but the heavenly
things are purified with the perfect sacrifice of the blood of Jesus. The
investigative judgment reveals to heavenly intelligences who among the dead
are asleep in Christ and therefore, in Him, are deemed worthy to have part in
the first resurrection. It also makes manifest who among the living are abiding
in Christ, keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, and in
Him, therefore, are ready for translation into His everlasting kingdom. This
judgment vindicates the justice of God in saving those who believe in Jesus.
It declares that those who have remained loyal to God shall receive the
kingdom. The completion of this ministry of Christ will mark the close of
human probation before the Second Advent. (Lev. 16; Num. 14:34;
Ezek. 4:6; Dan. 7:9-27; 8:13, 14; 9:24-27; Heb. 1:3; 2:16, 17; 4:14-16; 8:1-5;
9:11-28; 10:19-22; Rev. 8:3-5; 11:19; 14:6, 7, 12; 20:12; 22:11, 12.)
25. The Second Coming of Christ
The second coming of Christ is the blessed hope of the church, the
grand climax of the gospel. The Saviour’s coming will be literal, personal,
visible, and worldwide. When He returns, the righteous dead will be
resurrected, and together with the righteous living will be glorified and taken
to heaven, but the unrighteous will die. The almost complete fulfillment of
most lines of prophecy, together with the present condition of the world,
indicates that Christ’s coming is near. The time of that event has not been
revealed, and we are therefore exhorted to be ready at all times. (Matt. 24;
Mark 13; Luke 21; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; 1 Thess. 4:13-
18; 5:1-6; 2 Thess. 1:7-10; 2:8; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Titus 2:13; Heb. 9:28; Rev. 1:7;
14:14-20; 19:11-21.)
26. Death and Resurrection
The wages of sin is death. But God, who alone is immortal, will grant
eternal life to His redeemed. Until that day death is an unconscious state for
all people. When Christ, who is our life, appears, the resurrected righteous
and the living righteous will be glorified and caught up to meet their Lord.
The second resurrection, the resurrection of the unrighteous, will take place
a thousand years later. (Job 19:25-27; Ps. 146:3, 4; Eccl. 9:5, 6, 10; Dan. 12:2,
13; Isa. 25:8; John 5:28, 29; 11:11-14; Rom. 6:23; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; Col. 3:4;
1 Thess. 4:13-17; 1 Tim. 6:15, 16; Rev. 20:1-10.)
27. The Millennium and the End of Sin
The millennium is the thousand-year reign of Christ with His saints in
heaven between the first and second resurrections. During this time the
wicked dead will be judged; the earth will be utterly desolate, without living
human inhabitants, but occupied by Satan and his angels. At its close Christ
with His saints and the Holy City will descend from heaven to earth. The
unrighteous dead will then be resurrected, and with Satan and his angels will
surround the city; but fire from God will consume them and cleanse the earth.
The universe will thus be freed of sin and sinners forever. (Jer. 4:23-26; Ezek.
28:18, 19; Mal. 4:1; 1 Cor. 6:2, 3; Rev. 20; 21:1-5.)
28. The New Earth
On the new earth, in which righteousness dwells, God will provide
an eternal home for the redeemed and a perfect environment for everlasting
life, love, joy, and learning in His presence. For here God Himself will dwell
with His people, and suffering and death will have passed away. The great
controversy will be ended, and sin will be no more. All things, animate and
inanimate, will declare that God is love; and He shall reign forever. Amen.
(Isa. 35; 65:17-25; Matt. 5:5; 2 Peter 3:13; Rev. 11:15; 21:1-7; 22:1-5.)
These notes contain explanatory material regarding how a church may
proceed in a particular matter. A church may adopt alternative ways of
handling such items. Such alternative methods should be in harmony with
generally accepted principles of Church organization and operation.
1. Marriage Ceremony (see p. 80)In some countries or states a
pastor must be legally appointed and registered in order to conduct the
marriage service. In many lands the pastor may perform the ceremony in the
church, but the marriage contract is legally signed by the district registrar,
who usually sits in the vestry and listens to the approved form of marriage
declaration. In still other lands the pastor cannot perform the ceremony at all
because it is recognized as a state responsibility and is looked upon as a civil
contract. In such cases members usually retire to the home or place of
worship, where a pastor conducts a special service to seek the blessing of the
Lord upon the couple. (See pp. 159-166.)
2. Training and Equipping of Elders (see p. 81)While the pastor
has the primary responsibility for training elders, the Ministerial Association
of the conference, in cooperation with the departments, is encouraged to
schedule periodic meetings for their training. In order to support a pastor-
elder team relationship, pastors also should attend the training meetings.
Leaders of companies who function in the place of elders also should be
3. Training and Equipping of Deacons and Deaconesses (see
pp. 82-84, 85-86)While the pastor has the primary responsibility for the
training of deacons and deaconesses, the Ministerial Association of the
conference is encouraged to schedule periodic meetings for the training of
the deacons and deaconesses.
4. Care and Maintenance of Church Property (see pp. 84, 86)
Deacons and deaconesses must see that the church building is kept clean and
in repair and that the grounds are kept clean and attractive. This also includes
ensuring that janitorial work is done. In large churches where it is necessary
to employ a janitor, the deacons should recommend a suitable person to the
board, which votes to employ such help, or the board may authorize the
deacons to employ a janitor. Board authorization should be obtained for all
major repair expenses. All bills for repairs, as well as for recurring expenses,
such as water, electricity, and, fuel, are referred to the treasurer for payment.
5. Clerk Keeps Records (see p. 87)Board minutes should be
recorded in the church record book, or in another appropriate record system
adopted by the church, giving the time and date of meeting, number
attending, and a report of all actions taken. The clerk should also make a list
of committees appointed at the meeting, giving to the chairperson a list of the
members of each committee, together with its terms of reference and an
outline of work it is asked to do. The church record book may be secured
from the Adventist Book Center or, in some countries, from the publishing
The church record book contains a place for recording membership,
including columns showing how and when members are received or
removed. This record must be kept chronologically, and supporting data for
each entry also should be recorded in the section where minutes of
membership actions are kept. The membership record must be accurately and
currently maintained in order to show the official standing of the
6. Corresponding With Members (see p. 87)The clerk should
correspond frequently with absent members and should pass on to them news
of church progress, encouraging them, in turn, to report their Christian
activities each quarter.
7. Money for Personal Literature Orders (see p. 90)Where a
local Adventist Book Center does not exist, members may place money for
personal orders of literature, books, pamphlets, magazines, and subscriptions
for periodicals in an envelope, with the order form properly filled out, and
hand it to the personal ministries secretary. The treasurer then remits both
order and payment for all such literature to the Adventist Book Center or to
the publishing house, according to the system adopted by the conference. At
the close of each quarter the personal ministries secretary will report to the
church, at its quarterly business meeting, about the standing of its account
with the Adventist Book Center and/or publishing house and shall provide a
copy for the treasurer. (See p. 107.)
8. Safeguarding ChildrenChurch should be a safe place to bring
our children. Everyone involved with children who are minors must meet all
Church and legal standards and requirements. In order to safeguard our
children, churches are encouraged to adopt policies that would provide a
measure of safety and protection for children. Such policies should include
the following:
a. Two-Adult Policy—Have two adults present in children’s
classrooms or activities.
b. Open DoorDiscourage private or one-on-one contact and
encourage an open-door policy in all situations. Where an open door is not
possible, station a second adult at the door.
c. Volunteer ScreeningHave all volunteers complete a
volunteer information form, check their references, and, if required by law,
do a police background check.
d. Six-Month PolicyRequire a waiting period of six months for
newly baptized or transferring members who have indicated a willingness to
work with children.
e. TrainingProvide regular training for teachers and volunteers
to help them understand and protect children and how to nurture their faith.
Local church leaders should consult with the conference in order to
ascertain conference procedures and requirements, including local legal
requirements for individuals working with children.
Additional resources are available from Adventist Risk Management at
9. Adventist Possibility Ministries Resources (see pp. 92-93)For
further information regarding the seven categories of this ministry or to
access resources, visit www.possibilityministries.org.
10. Children’s Ministries Resources (see pp. 93-95)The Children’s
Ministries Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide for Children’s Leaders Around
the World (2005); The Children’s Ministries Coordinator: A Step-by-Step
Guide for Organizing Children’s Ministries in the Local Church (2005); and
Pastor’s and Elder’s Handbook for Children’s Ministries (2005). Silver
Spring, Md.: Children’s Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day
Adventists. For further information, contact your local conference children’s
ministries director and children.adventist.org.
11. Family Ministries Resources (see pp. 98-100)Caring for
Families Today: A Guide for Family Ministries (2009). Silver Spring, Md.:
Family Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. For
further information, contact your local conference family ministries director
and family.adventist.org.
12. Health Ministries Resources (See pp. 100-101)
CELEBRATIONS (a 12-program outline of the essential health ministry
presentations, includes scripts and PowerPoints), CHARTERS (a series of
lectures with PowerPoint for presentation to lay audiences), Foundations for
Health Ministry (84 lectures on basic health for health ministry leaders),
Breathe Free (stop-smoking curriculum), Youth Alive (a program to build
resiliency in our youth), Vegetarian Cuisine Instructor’s Course (a
comprehensive how-to manual), Birthing Companions (to support young
pregnant women in their pregnancy), Regeneration (a 12-step program for
recovery in addiction), and My Vegetarian Food Pyramid (posters large or
13. Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Resources (see pp. 101-
102)For further information, contact your local conference Public Affairs
and Religious Liberty director or visit www.adventistliberty.org and
14. Publishing Ministries Resources (see pp. 102-103)Literature
Ministry Training Manual (volumes 1-3 with PowerPoint presentations); The
Publishing Ministry and the Church (booklet); Student Literature
Evangelism Manual; Miracles of Grace (a book of 365 testimonies of
literature evangelists around the world); The Literature Evangelist (a
quarterly magazine of General Conference Publishing Ministries). For more
information, contact your local conference or union publishing director. You
can also go to www.adventistpublishing.org.
15. Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Resources (see
pp. 103-108)Sabbath School Bible Study Guides for various ages (Adult,
InVerse, Cornerstone Connections, Real-Time Faith, PowerPoints, Primary,
Kindergarten, and Beginner); In Step with Jesus (a four-quarter Sabbath
School Bible Study Guide for new members); Sabbath School Handbook;
Personal Ministries Handbook; Keys for Sabbath School and Personal
Ministries Leaders (a series of leaflets); Reaching and Winning (a series of
booklets for personal ministries to peoples of various faith systems and other
target groups); Keys to Adventist Community Services (a leaflet/handbook);
The Sharing (departmental newsletter); and Community Services and Urban
Ministry Certification Program (www.sabbathschoolpersonalministries.org/
acs_iicd). For further information, contact the local conference Sabbath
School and personal ministries director. Other resources may be found at
www.sabbathschoolpersonalministries.org, GraceLink.net, JuniorPowerPoints.org,
RealTimeFaith.net, CornerstoneConnections.net, InVerseBible.org,
SabbathSchoolPersonalMinistries.org, InStepWithJesus.org, or the Sabbath
School app can be downloaded on a mobile device.
16. Adventist Community Services (see pp. 107-108)Some
territories continue to have an active Dorcas Society and Adventist Men, or
have alternate names for social ministry out of the local church that have been
officially approved by regional church administrative units. In such cases, the
church should elect an Adventist Community Services coordinator (not a
director) to coordinate all community services conducted by the local church
departments, services, and deacons/deaconesses, which have their individual
Leaders of Dorcas, Adventist Men, other officially approved local
church social ministries organizations, and Adventist Community Services
coordinators at the local level participate as members of the Personal
Ministries Council under the umbrella of the Personal Ministries Department
as stated in this Church Manual.
When community services work is newly organized in a territory, it is
recommended to follow the Adventist Community Services model, which
involves all church members, in a wide array of community services based
on identified needs. For more information go to
www.sabbathschoolpersonalministries.org and click on the Adventist
Community Services tab.
17. Stewardship Ministries Resources (see pp. 108-109)Steps to
Discipleship (2009). Silver Spring, Md.: Stewardship Ministries, General
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. For further information, contact your
local conference, union, or division stewardship ministries department or
visit stewardship.adventist.org.
18. Women’s Ministries Resources (see pp. 109-110)Leadership
certification levels 1-4; resource materials for Day of Prayer, Women’s
Emphasis Day, and Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day; Pastor’s and Elder’s
Handbook for Women’s Ministries. For further information, contact your
local conference women’s ministries director and visit women.adventist.org.
19. Adventist Youth Ministries Organizational Plan (see pp. 111-
112)Detailed information regarding the Adventist Youth Ministries
organizational plan is available from the conference youth ministries director.
Each church should study its own youth and family profile, resources,
personnel, facilities, and school relationships, developing the best youth
ministry in keeping with these factors.
Different terms such as “club,” “society,” “fellowship,” or “action,” may
be selected, but the name “Adventist Youth” should always be used to clearly
identify the organization.
20. Adventist Youth Ministries Resources (see p. 110-115)Local
church officers should first contact their respective conference/mission,
union, and division for resources. In addition, the General Conference Youth
Ministries website also provides support for all levels of youth ministry at
CHAPTER 10 Notes
1. Sample List of Church Leaders (see p. 118). The nominating
committee selects members to serve as officers in a variety of positions. A
small church may have a short list of officers. A large church may have a
long list of officers. Here is a list that may be considered:
Treasurer and assistant(s)
Interest coordinator
Church board
Church school board
Adventist Community Services leader or Dorcas Society leader
Adventist Community Services secretary-treasurer or Dorcas Society
Adventist Possibility Ministries leader
Adventist Youth Ministries
Adventist Youth Ministries music leader
Adventist Youth ministries pianist or organist
Adventist Youth Ministries secretary/treasurer and assistant
Adventurer Club director
Ambassador Club leader
Pathfinder Club director and deputy director
Public Campus Ministries leader/coordinator
Young Adults leader
Bible school coordinator
Children’s ministries coordinator
Church chorister or song leader or music coordinator
Church organist or pianist
Communication secretary or communication committee
Education secretary/church school principal or head teacher
Family ministries leader(s)
Health ministries leader
Personal ministries leader
Personal ministries secretary
Prayer ministries director
Publishing ministries coordinator
Religious liberty leader
Sabbath School superintendent(s) and assistant(s)
Sabbath School secretary and assistant(s)
Sabbath School division leaders, including leaders for the adult and
extension divisions
Sabbath School Investment secretary
Spirit of Prophecy writings coordinator
Stewardship ministries leader
Vacation Bible School director
Women’s ministries leader
Additional personnel considered necessary
Home and School Association officers (leader and secretary-treasurer):
If only one church supports a school, the church nominating committee
makes recommendations to the school board, which then makes the
appointments. If more than one church supports a school, the school board
conducts the whole process. (See pp. 97, 98.)
CHAPTER 11 Notes
1. Sabbath School (see p. 127)The usual length of time for Sabbath
School is one hour and ten minutes. This, however, does not prevent a
conference from adopting a longer or shorter period, though it is important to
have sufficient time to regularly promote the missionary activities and
responsibilities of the world church, along with the mission offering, plus at
least thirty minutes for Bible study.
2. Forms of Service (see p. 127-128)Forms of service vary from
country to country and culture to culture. Following are two suggested forms:
Longer Order of Worship
Musical prelude
Service participants enter
Invocation (prayer)
Scripture reading
Hymn of praise
Anthem or special music
Hymn of consecration
Congregation standing or seated for a few moments of silent prayer
Musical postlude
Shorter Order of Worship
Hymn or special music
Congregation standing or seated for silent prayer
3. Form of Service (see p. 128)As the participants enter and kneel,
the congregation should, with bowed heads, implore the presence and
blessing of God. A worshipful hush prepares the way for the exercises that
The two main divisions of the worship service are:
a. The congregational response in praise and adoration, expressed
in song, prayer, and gifts.
b. The message from the Word of God.
The one leading the worshipers into the presence of God with the pastoral
prayer should do so with a sense of awe, realizing its importance. Customarily
the person praying kneels facing the congregation, and the congregation, as
far as practicable kneeling, in turn faces the individual praying. The prayer
should be brief but should include adoration, thanks, and mention of the
personal needs of worshippers, as well as of the world field.
The offering is a vital part of the worship hour. While we are counseled
to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,” we are also exhorted to “bring
an offering, and come into His courts” (Ps. 96:9, 8). So the presentation of
our gifts to God quite naturally finds its place as a part of the worship service.
Special music or a devotional hymn is appropriate.
Then comes what should be one of the most important parts of the
worship hourthe spiritual feeding of the flock of God. Blessed results to
the glory of God always follow when a congregation is truly fed and feels
that “God has visited His people” (Luke 7:16). The one who brings the
message should fully sense the sacredness of this work and should be
thoroughly prepared.
The elder collaborates with the church pastor in planning the order of the
service. If the church has no regular pastor, the elder is in charge of the service
and should either conduct it or arrange for someone to do so. From time to
time a meeting for testimony and praise may be conducted, or the time may
be given to certain members to relate their experiences in outreach
(missionary) work.
4. Times of Meetings (see p. 128)In order to strengthen and
develop the outreach (missionary) spirit among our members, auxiliary
personal ministries meetings might be conducted in one or more of the
following ways: a. The ten-minute weekly personal ministries meeting held
each Sabbath, usually following the close of the Sabbath School and
preceding the preaching service.
b. A midweek meeting combined with the weekly prayer meeting.
On this occasion, the first part of the service may be given to a devotional
message, followed by a season of prayer, remembering that worship is vital
in spiritual growth and preparation for service. The remainder of the time may
be devoted to training for lay evangelistic service. Instruction in soul-winning
methods is presented, and the members are given opportunity to present and
discuss problems they have met in lay evangelism.
Personal ministries meetings should meet at times suited to local
conditions. The personal ministries council should carefully plan to make the
personal ministries services of the church occasions for spiritual revival and
practical training, and see that they are conducted with the same regularity
and continuity as other meetings of the church.
5. Foot-Washing (see p. 131)Men and women should be provided
separate areas for foot-washing. Where stairs or distance is a problem, special
arrangements should be made for those with disabilities. In places where it is
socially acceptable and where clothing is such that there would be no
immodesty, separate arrangements may be made for husband and wife or
parents and baptized children to share with each other in the foot-washing
ceremony. To encourage shy or sensitive people who may view the selecting
of a foot-washing partner as an embarrassing experience, church leaders
should be designated to help such persons find partners.
All should thoroughly wash their hands before returning to participate in
the Lord’s Supper. Those leading out in the service should do this publicly
for hygienic purposes.
6. Bread and Wine (see p. 131)A hymn may be sung during the
reassembly of the congregation as the officiating pastors or elders take their
places near the bread and wine (unfermented grape juice) and the deacons
and deaconesses take their places.
The covering over the bread is removed.
A suitable passage of Scripture may be read, such as
1 Corinthians 11:23, 24; Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22; or Luke 22:19; or a
brief sermon may be given at this point in the service rather than earlier. This
can be especially effective if the sermon emphasizes the meaning of the bread
and wine so its message is still fresh in the minds of participants as the
emblems are being distributed.
Those officiating normally kneel while the blessing is asked on the
bread. The congregation may kneel or remain seated.
Usually most of the bread to be served is broken ahead of time, with a
small portion left on each plate for the elders and/or pastors to break. (All
handling the bread must wash their hands thoroughly before returning for the
communion service.) The pastors and elders hand the plates containing the
bread to the deacons, who then serve the congregation, though in small
congregations the pastor or elders may serve all participants.
During this time there may be a choice of special music, testimonies, a
summary of the sermon, selected readings, congregational singing, or
meditative music.
Participants should retain their portions of the bread until the officiating
pastors or elders have been served. When everyone has been seated, the
leader invites all to partake of the bread together. Silent prayers are offered
as the bread is eaten.
The pastor then reads a suitable passage, such as
1 Corinthians 11:25, 26; Matthew 26:27-29; Mark 14:23-25; or Luke 22:20.
Leaders kneel as the prayer is given over the wine. Again, deacons serve the
congregation. Activities such as those suggested during the passing of the
bread may be continued at this time. After the officiating pastors or elders
have been served, all worshippers partake of the wine together.
An optional method is for the bread to be blessed and broken; then the
bread and wine are placed on the same tray and passed to the congregation.
The worshipper takes both from the tray at the same time. The bread is eaten,
followed by silent prayer. Then after prayer over the wine, it is taken,
followed by silent prayer. Where pews or seats are equipped with racks to
hold the wine glasses, the collection of glasses is unnecessary until after the
7. Business Meetings (see pp. 134)Reports may comprise the
following activities:
a. A report from the clerk showing the present membership of the
church and the number of members received and those transferred to other
churches. Note also should be made, giving the number but not necessarily
the names of those who were removed from fellowship during the year, as
well as those who have died. A brief statement of the decisions of the church
board in its meetings may interest members.
b. A report from the personal ministries leader giving a statement
of outreach (missionary) activities, including Community Services activities,
together with plans for future work. This should be followed by a report from
the personal ministries secretary.
c. A report from the treasurer showing the amount of tithe
received and sent to the conference, a statement of mission offerings received
and forwarded, and a statement showing local church funds received and
d. A report from the deacons and deaconesses concerning visits to
members, their activities in behalf of the poor, and their other nurturing work.
e. A report from the secretary of the young people’s society
outlining the activities in outreach (missionary) and other lines by the youth
of the church.
f. A report from the Sabbath School secretary giving the
membership and other matters pertaining to the Sabbath School.
g. A report from the treasurer about the financial status of the
church school, with details as to its needs in equipment and other matters.
h. A report from the principal or teacher of the church school
covering such matters as enrollment, the educational progress of the school,
baptisms among the schoolchildren, and the results of the children’s efforts
in denominational endeavors.
i. A report from the Home and School Association leader
covering the activities and needs of that organization.
j. A report from the communication secretary covering press,
radio, television, and other communication activities involving church and
com- munity.
8. Other Committees of the Board (see p. 138)Leaders of other
board-appointed committees should periodically report. For example, in a
large church, the board may appoint a committee for evangelistic planning
composed of the heads of the church outreach departments, with an elder as
chairperson. This committee will report to the board and will also assume the
task of department coordination of outreach programs.
9. Adventist Youth Ministries Resources (see p. 139)Resource
materials to help Adventist Youth Ministries leadership are available from
the division, union, and conference youth ministries departments. Included in
these resource materials is Youth Ministry Accent, a quarterly journal
published by General Conference Youth Ministries. Available leaflets
covering a broad spectrum of topics to help in youth ministry may be secured
from the conference youth ministries department and the Adventist Book
CHAPTER 12 Notes
1. Stewardship Ministries Resources (see p. 143)Steps to
Discipleship (2009). Silver Spring, Md.: Stewardship Ministries, General
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. For further information, contact your
local conference, union, or division stewardship ministries department or
visit stewardship.adventist.org.
2. Sample Annual Budget* (see p. 145).
Church Proposed Operating Budget
Estimated Receipts
Sabbath School Expense Collections $ 1,500.00
Church Fund for the Needy 375.00
Combined (Church) Budget Giving 27,055.00
Welfare Fund 300.00
Total Receipts $29,230.00
Estimated Expenses
Repairs and Painting Church Building $ 2,250.00
Fuel 2,350.00
Janitor and Supplies 1,475.00
Insurance on Building and Furnishings 750.00
Church Fund for the Needy 1,450.00
Sabbath School Supplies 1,250.00
Emergency Expense 2,000.00
Light 3,220.00
Water 360.00
Gas 550.00
Stationery and Supplies 500.00
Laundry 75.00
Church School Subsidy 8,000.00
Welfare Expense 1,000.00
Evangelism and Church Planting 4,000.00
Total Proposed Expenses $29,230.00
Balance 00,000.00
*Additional columns (such as Last Year’s Budget and Last Year’s
Actual) should be included for comparison, but have been left out of this
sample because of space constraints.
AA The Acts of the Apostles
AH The Adventist Home
CD Counsels on Diet and Foods
CG Child Guidance
CH Counsels on Health
CM Colporteur Ministry
COL Christ’s Object Lessons
CSW Counsels on Sabbath School Work
CT Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
CW Counsels to Writers and Editors
DA The Desire of Ages
Ed Education
Ev Evangelism
FLB The Faith I Live By
GC The Great Controversy
GCB General Conference Bulletin
GW Gospel Workers
HP In Heavenly Places
MH The Ministry of Healing
MM Medical Ministry
Ms Manuscript, E G White
MYP Messages to Young People
PK Prophets and Kings
PM The Publishing Ministry
PP Patriarchs and Prophets
RC Reflecting Christ
RH Review and Herald
SC Steps to Christ
T Testimonies for the Church
TM Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
TMB Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing
General Index
Notes: (1) The terms listed in
this index refer to the local level
(church, company, or field),
unless indicated otherwise; (2)
Page references followed by an
italicized n and number indicate
an end note.
Abandonment by spouse, 163,
Absentee members
clerk to contact, 87, 180n6
communion to, 133
membership and, 59, 71
Abuse. See Child abuse; Elder
abuse; Power, abuse of; Sexual
abuse; Spouse abuse; Violent
Accounting policies, 147
biblical concepts on, 162
church discipline and, 68
divorce and, 163-166
societal effect of, 157
Adventist Book Center
literature orders when no, 90,
personal ministries and, 107
resources from, 105, 180n5,
Adventist Community Services
center for, 107-108
coordinator versus director,
funds, 89
leader, 107-108
model for, 183n16
under personal ministries,
Adventist Men, 107, 183n16
Adventist Ministry to College
and University Students
(GC-AMiCUS), 112
Adventist Possibility Ministries
about, 92-93
leader, 93, 136, 184n1
committee, 93
resources, 181n9
Adventist Risk Management
(ARM), Inc., 180-181n8
Adventist Youth Ministries
about, 110-111
committee for local programs of,
funds, 89
officers/sponsor of, 114-115
plan/name for, 184n19
report, 190n7
required safety policies for, 115,
resources, 184n20, 190n9
subsidiary ministries of, 110-112,
Adventurer Club
about, 110, 114
AYM committee and, 111-112
meetings of, 140
if none, 112
for baptism, 49
for each category of AYM, 110
SS programs according to, 127
Aged. See Elderly
Agreements, between two
uniting churches, 40
Alcohol usage
baptismal vows on, 52, 54
Christian lifestyle and, 151-152
church discipline on, 68
Ambassador Ministry
about, 112, 113
AYM committee and, 113
meetings of, 139
if none, 112
Ambassador Committee, 113
Amusements, 155
Announcements on Sabbath,
127, 137
Annual Appeal. See Ingathering
Annual Council (GC)
on Church Manual, 18-19
in organizational structure, 29
Anointing service, by elders, 79
church discipline and, 67
rebaptism after reconversion
from, 55
status of church and, 41-42
See also Insubordination;
Appeal, right of
conference employee and, 35
expulsion of church and, 42
for letter of transfer denial, 57
for membership reinstatement, 73
in organizational structure, 31
Appointment of officer/leader
by company of members, 38-39,
by conference executive
of all conference
employees, 34-35
of pastor, 20, 33, 34, 79
by councils (see Councils, local
discipline and, 68
by nominating committee (see
Nominating committee, church)
See also Election of
solicitation within budget of, 146
special gifts versus, 144
Attendance, church,
membership and, 59, 71
Audit of financial records
of home and school association,
of local church records, 91
required for all church entities,
tithe/offering envelopes in, 90
of local church, 120
of the Church as a whole
civil cases outside, 65-66
principles on, 64
of church board, 60, 82
of church business meeting, 134
of church employees
listed, 32-35
for special fund-raising,
for work of conference, 121
of Church Manual, 17-18
of clerk, 87
of conference executive
committee, 120-121
credentials/licenses and, 35-36
of deacon/deaconess, 84, 86
in Early Church, 30-31
of elder, 77-78, 82
to establish tests of membership,
failure to recognize proper (see
to grant letters of transfer, 41, 60
hierarchy of, 29-30
of leader of company, 38-39
in organizational structure, 26-27
originates with constituency, 119
of parents on Christian lifestyle,
of treasurers at any level, 147
Auxiliary organizations
funds, 89
pastor as counselor to, 92
AYM. See Adventist Youth
Background check, criminal
for anyone working with minors,
children’s ministries and, 94-95
children’s SS leaders and, 105
youth ministries’ leaders and,
Baptism and Commitment,
Certificate of, 52-53
Baptism into church
about, 49-54
children and, 49
in conference-recognized church,
fundamental belief on, 173
inappropriate, 56
instruction/examination before,
mode of (by immersion), 50
from other Christian
communions, 55
as prerequisite, 49-50
if reconverted, 55
of unknown candidates, 54
voting acceptance of, 54
See also Profession of faith;
Baptismal service
assistance with, 54, 84, 86
attire for, 54, 86
covenant document for, 52-54
physical preparations for, 54, 86
public vows for, 51-52
responsibility for, 33, 80
welcome after, 54
Bestiality, 68
Bible correspondence school,
Bible evangelism, 107
Bible instructor, 34, 35
Bible school coordinator, 107
Bible study
Christian living and, 45, 149
elders to foster/model, 80-81
at prayer meeting, 133
SS to promote, 127
See also Sabbath School Bible
Study Guide and helps
Birthday/Thank Offering, 106
Board, church
authority limitations of, 60
AYM advisor from, 115
chairpersons of, 33, 79
church business meeting versus,
committees of
about, 138, 190n8
for baptism examination,
50, 51, 54
for school administration,
meetings of, 134-135
electronic attendance, 137
membership/officers of, 136-137
minutes of, 137, 180n5
reports to, 138
listed, 134-135, 137-138
approve SS teachers, 118
conference session
delegates, 120-121
disbursement of funds, 147
in discipline process, 70
filling officer vacancies,
janitorial service hire,
in letter of transfer process,
in membership process, 70,
on organizing committee,
provide aid funds, 84
regarding baptismal
candidates, 50
Board, church school
duties of, 97-98
election/term of office/vacancy
in, 98
meetings of, 98
members/officers of, 97-98
of multi-constituent school, 97
Board of deaconesses, 85
Board of deacons, 83
Board of elders, 50, 98, 104
Book Center, Adventist
literature orders when no, 90,
personal ministries and, 107
resources from, 105, 180n5,
Books, choice of, 154
Bread, unleavened
biblical concepts on, 130
in communion service, 131,
Budgeting process/plan
church board on, 134
finance committee and, 138-139
for local church expenses, 145
sample budget for, 191n2
solicitation within, 145-146
special gifts outside, 144
Building plans/operations, 146
Bulletins of
service/announcements, 127
Business meeting of church
about, 134
assistance with, 80
as constituency meeting, 29, 134
for disciplinary action, 70, 71
on discontinued funds, 90
during dissolution process, 41-43
if leader unable to conduct, 82
reports to
listed, 189-190n7
communication, 95
financial, 91, 138
on work of church, 134
responsibility for, 82
amendments to, 120
organizational structure and, 30
representation and, 28
Calendar of offerings plan, 144
Cards, playing of, 155
Censure, discipline by
about, 69
transferring members under, 71
violation of marriage vow and,
Certificate of Baptism and
Commitment, 52-53
Chaperonage, 158-159
Child abuse
church discipline and, 68
divorce and, 165
family ministries and, 99
reinstatement after, 73
societal effect of, 157
transfer of membership and, 59
Child dedications, by elders, 79
Children (minors)
baptism and, 49
communion service and, 132
custody of, 66, 166
foot-washing and, 188n5
outreach and, 138
safety/protection of
known abuser and, 59, 73
media and, 154
policies for, 94-95, 105,
113-115, 180-181n8
society affecting, 157-158
SS leaders/teachers for, 105-106
teaching to
dress standards, 152-153
reverence, 122, 151
sabbathkeeping, 150-151
tithe reports and, 91
Children’s choir, 101
Children’s ministries
about, 93-94
AYM committee and, 112
committee, 94-95
coordinator, 94-95
required safety policies for,
94-95, 180-181n8
resources, 181n10
Choir, church, 101
Christ Jesus
elders to foster relationship with,
Fundamental Beliefs on
church as body of, 172-173
growing in, 171-172
heavenly ministry of,
life/death/resurrection of,
second coming of, 177-178
as Son in Trinity, 168
as Son incarnate, 169
high calling in, 148
Christian living
fundamental belief on, 175-176
principles on, 148
Church (in general), the
authority/responsibility of, 64
biblical concepts of, 21
defined, 19
fundamental belief on, 172, 173
nondiscrimination in, 21-22
regard for/purpose of, 22-24
to uphold marriage ideal, 162
Church, local
authority of, 120
board (see Board)
budget (see Budgeting
committees (see Committees)
company of members and, 38, 39
conference employee and, 32-33,
conference-recognized, 50
dissolution of, 40-43
finances (see Finances)
funds (see Funds)
newly organized, 37-38
officers/leaders (see Leaders;
organizational status of, 37-38,
in organizational structure, 29
property (see Property)
as religious liberty association,
school (see School)
structure of, 92
uniting with another church, 40
See also Company of members;
Conference church; Union of
Church Manual
authority/function of, 17-18
changes/supplements to, 18-19
clarification of, 19
history of, 16-17
terms used in, 19-20
Church Manual Committee,
Church member. See Members,
Church membership. See
Membership, church
Church Outreach Sabbath, 128
Church plant, into company
status, 38-40
Church record book, 180n5
Church service. See Worship
service of church
Citizenship, responsible, 149
Civic affairs involvement, 149
Civic leaders, speaking in pulpit,
35, 126-127
in dress, 153
foot-washing and, 188n5
in health habits, 151
Clergy. See Pastor, church
Clerk, church
authority limitations of, 58, 59,
of company members, 38-39, 43
listed, 87-88
church record book for,
in conference delegate
process, 121
to contact absent members,
87, 180n6
elders to oversee, 81
in letter of transfer process,
57-58, 59, 72
membership records, 59,
60, 61, 71-72, 189-190n7
reports, 87, 189-190n7
as secretary of board, 137
of newly organized church, 38
credentials only granted by,
treasurers under authority
of, 147
See also Executive
Committee, General
Conference; Executive
local church
of the board, 138, 190n8
of children’s ministries, 94
for church finances,
for church school
inspections, 98
clerk to keep details/list of,
of communications, 96
of family ministries, 99
of junior youth ministries,
of personal ministries
council, 106-107
as school board, 97-98, 139
of senior youth ministries,
111-112, 113
of women’s ministry,
See also Nominating
committee, church
Communication ministry
committees for, local/central,
conference director of, 96
local church ministry of, 95
report, 190n7
secretary of, 95-96
Communion service
conducting (who/how), 131-132,
emblems of, 129-130, 132
frequency of, 129
fundamental belief on, 173
in lieu of rebaptism, 56
non-attendance versus,
open, 132
parts of, 129-130
place/time of, 129
preparation for, 84, 86
responsibility for, 33, 80
scheduling/announcing, 131
Community development
Adventist Community Services
and, 107-108
See also Outreach ministry,
Community Guest Days,
Community relationships, 149
Community Services, Adventist
center for, 107-108
coordinator versus director,
funds, 89
leader, 107-108
model for, 183n16
under personal ministries,
Company of members
from dissolved church, 42-43
leader of, 38-39, 43, 179n2
missionary purposes, 26-27
to organized church, 37-38
organizing new, 38-40
Conduct, behavioral
biblical standards of, 157-158
church discipline and, 68
employee’s, conference on,
fundamental belief on, 175-176
in place of worship, 123, 151
See also Decorum
Conference, local
Bible instructor and, 34
elders to cooperate with plans of,
in organizational structure, 28-29
remittance of funds to, 90
representation to/of, 28-29
terms used for, 19
training by, 81, 83, 85, 179n2,
on use of Ingathering materials,
See also Conference session;
Departments; Executive
committees; Officers, elected
Conference church
from dissolved church, 41,
42-43, 60
membership in, 57, 60
officers of, 39, 60
to organized church status, 37
to organized company status,
Conference executive
committee. See Executive
Conference session
on credentials renewal, 35-36
delegates to (see Delegates)
on dissolution of church, 41-42
on organizing new church, 38
on uniting two churches, 40
family counseling matters, 99
letter of transfer qualifiers, 59
members’ finances, 80, 91
nominating committee
discussions, 119
Conflict resolution. See
Constituency meetings
authority originates with, 120
representation and, 29
See also Business meeting of
church; Conference session;
General Conference Session;
Union conference session
amendments to, 120
organizational structure and, 29
representation and, 28
Cooking schools, 100
Cooperation, spirit of
at business meeting of church,
officers and, 76
Councils, local church
biblical concepts on, 25-26, 28,
health ministries, 100
personal ministries
about, 106-107
community services under,
107, 182-183n15
interest coordinator on, 91
on meetings/services of,
publishing ministries, 103
Sabbath School, 89, 103-106,
spiritual nurture, 80
See also Annual Council (GC)
Counsel, administrative
to AYM officers, 114
to business meeting of church,
on church building plans, 146
in discipline of church, 41-42
pastor and, 33
for electing to a new term of
office recently reinstated, 166
testing “new light,” 124-125
for unity of church, 126
Adventist Community Services
and, 108
family ministries and, 99
premarital, 159
Courtship, 159-160
Creation, fundamental belief on,
conference session to grant, 120
expired, 35-36
issuing/recalling, 35
Criminal behavior. See Abuse;
Background check, criminal;
Crucifixion, memorial of, 130
Dancing, 155
authority limitations of, 84, 133
biblical history of, 82-83
duties of
listed, 84
in baptismal service, 54
care of church property,
in communion service, 130,
132, 133
in Community Services,
monitor loose offering
count, 90
report on, 189n7
election/ordination of, 38, 39, 83
training of, 83, 179n3
authority limitations of, 85
biblical history of, 85
duties of
listed, 86
in baptismal service, 54
care of church property,
in communion service, 130,
132, 133
in Community Services,
monitor loose offering
count, 90
report on, 189n7
election/ordination of, 38, 39, 85
training of, 85, 179n3
Death, fundamental belief on,
Death of church member
membership records and, 60, 61,
70, 87
report, 189n7
Debt, incurring, 30, 146
Decision Days, 103
of musicians, 101
in pulpit, 151
in worship, 123
See also Conduct, behavioral
conference session
choosing, 28, 120-121
clerk to notify conference
of, 87
from conference church, 60
duties/responsibilities of,
elders to oversee election
of, 81
officers not ex officio, 77,
See also Conference
GC Session, 30, 121
union conference session, 29,
Delegation, terms used for, 19
about, 92
Adventist Possibilities
Ministries, 92-93
children’s ministries, 93-95
church board and, 135, 138
communication ministry,
education, 96-98
family ministries, 98-100
health ministries, 100-101
music, 101
personal ministries,
publishing ministries,
religious liberty, 101-102
Sabbath School, 103-106
Stewardship ministries,
women’s ministries,
youth ministries, 110-115
directors as employees of,
elders to cooperate with, 81
ministry/authority of, 32-33
training by, 81, 83, 85,
179n2, 179n3
baptismal vows on, 52, 54
Christian lifestyle and, 151
Disabilities, see Special needs
Adventist Youth Ministries and,
church board and, 135-136, 137
making disciples, 44-48
about, 44-45
definition, 45
growth of/practical steps
for, 45-47
Discipline, church
biblical/SOP principles on, 62-67
conference executive committee
for all church employees,
for company of members,
dissolution of church due to,
letter of transfer process and,
57-58, 71
process of
by censure, 69
reinstatement after, 72-73
by removal from
membership, 69
requirements for, 70-71
timeliness of, 69-70
reasons for, 67-68, 165-166
resistance to, 64-65
Dissolution of local church
overview, 40-42
members/records/funds after,
42-43, 59
reasons for, 41-42
District pastor, 19-20, 33
Division of the General
alternative transfer method by,
in organizational structure, 29
representation (delegates) of, 121
See also Constituency meetings;
Executive committees
biblical concepts on, 163
church discipline and, 68
family ministries and, 99, 167
remarriage after, 165-166
Doctrinal beliefs. See
Fundamental Beliefs of church
Donations, special, 144
Dorcas Society
funds, 89
leader, 107-108
under personal ministries,
Drama glorifying evil, 154
for baptism, 54, 86
Christian lifestyle and, 152-153
foot-washing and, 188n5
health and, 151
of musicians, 101
Drug usage (harmful)
baptismal vows on, 52, 54
Christian lifestyle and, 151-152
church discipline on, 68
Economy in lifestyle, 153
Education, Adventist
church board to promote, 138
in local church, 96-98
Education Department,
conference, 96
Education secretary of local
church, 96
Elder, church
authority limitations of, 79, 82
lead or “first,” 81-82
licensed pastor as, 34, 79
ordination of, 78-79
pastor and, 33, 79, 179n2
about, 77-82
as AYM advisor, 115
in baptismal service, 51, 80
on church board, 33, 79,
in church business meeting,
82, 134
in communion service, 133
conference session
delegates, 120
counseling music
coordinators, 101
in discipline process, 70
fostering spiritual habits,
induction service for
officers, 115
as leader of company, 39
in letter of transfer process,
57-58, 59, 70, 71
location of membership
and, 78-79
in marriage ceremony, 80
to model tithing, 143
in newly organized church,
in nominating committee,
regarding other
leaders/work, 80-81
in religious liberty
association, 102
as spiritual leader, 77-78
use of pulpit, 124-127
in worship service, 80,
training of, 81, 179n2
uncredentialed pastor as, 36
workload of, 81
See also Board of elders;
Officers, elected
Elder abuse, 99, 157. See also
Violent behavior
Elderly, membership of, 60, 71
Election of officer/leader
administration level
electing delegates for, 82,
representation and, 28-29,
conference executive committee
action versus, 33-34
discipline affecting, 69
election to new term of office
continuity and, 77, 78, 87,
88, 96, 98, 115
ordination and, 78-79, 83
of recently reinstated, 77,
filling vacancies between, 120
local church level
sample list of positions for,
church board, 137
clerk, 87
secretary/committee, 95
community services leader,
deacons/deaconesses, 83,
education secretary, 96
elders, 77-78
family ministries leader, 99
health ministries leader,
interest coordinator, 91
of newly organized church,
personal ministries officers,
publishing ministries
coordinator, 102
religious liberty leader, 102
school board, 97-98
SS officers/council,
Spirit of Prophecy Writings
Coordinator, 108
Stewardship ministries, 109
treasurer/s, 88
women’s ministries
director, 109-110
youth ministries leaders,
nominating committee for,
process for, 117-120
retired employee and, 36
tithing condition for, 77, 143
See also Appointment of
Ellen G. White
abbreviations of books by, 192
fundamental belief on, 174
studying writings of, 135
Employee (IDE), interdivision,
solicitation of funds by, 146
Employee, conference
conference directs, 34-35, 79
credentialing/authority of, 35-36
membership location of, 76
ministry/authority of, 32-33
to model tithing, 143
special fund-raising by, 145
See also Pastor, church
Encouragement, by elders, 80
Engaged couples. See Premarital
Entertainment, 155
Envelopes, tithe/offering, 90
Equality in marriage, 162
Equipment, for newly organized
church, 38
Bible school, 107
church board to foster, 135,
Bible instructor and, 34
church pastor and, 33
to introduce baptismal
candidates, 54
Executive Committee, General
authority of, 31
on Church Manual, 18-19
in organizational structure, 29-30
Executive committees
administrative relationships
of, 121
appointment of pastors by,
authority delegated to,
as church board of
conference church, 60
on church building plans,
credentialing/licensing by,
on departmental directors,
on dissolution of church,
on elder’s authorized
service area, 79, 81
election of, 120
licensed pastors and, 34
on membership appeals, 73
on organizing new church,
on organizing new
company, 38-40
over all conference
employees (incl. pastors),
34-35, 79
on retired employees, 36
on uniting two churches, 40
on calendar of offerings,
on commissioned pastor,
on dissolution of union of
churches, 42
on licensed pastors, 34
on church building plans,
on dissolution of church, 42
Exercise, 151
Expulsion. See Dissolution of
local church
foot-washing with, 188n5
fundamental belief on, 176
Family ministries
about, 98-100, 167
committee, 99
leader/s, 99
resources, 181-182n11
Fellowship, tests of, see
Field. See Mission/field, local
Finance committee, church,
Finances, church
church board to oversee, 135,
principles on, 141
sample budget for, 191n2
See also Funds, church
Financial records
finance committee and, 138-139
preservation/audit of, 90-91, 147
Foods, unclean, 49, 50, 52, 54,
100, 176
Foot-washing, ordinance of
meeting needs for, 131, 188n5
principles on, 129-130
biblical concepts on, 163,
church discipline and, 68
Fraud, 68, 145
Fundamental Beliefs of
Seventh-day Adventists
baptismal class to study, 50
baptismal vow to accept, 51-52
certificate of commitment to,
determination of, 30
discipline for denying, 67
in organizing new church, 37
profession of faith accepting, 56
statements of, 168-178
Fund-raising methods, 146
Funds, church
accountability for, 147
after dissolution of church, 42-43
banking of, 88
proper methods of giving to,
remittance of, to conference, 90
reports of, to members, 90
safeguarding purpose of, 89-90
solicitation of, 145-146
treasurer custodian of, 88
types of, 88
See also Financial records
General Conference of SDAs
organizational system, 28-29
General Conference Session
authority of, 30
Church Manual changes by,
to establish tests of membership,
Fundamental Beliefs revised at,
representation to, 28, 121
circumstances, transfer of
membership in difficult, 56, 59
Gift of Prophecy, fundamental
belief on, 174
Gifts, special, 144
Giving, proper methods for, 90
God the Father, fundamental
belief on, 168
Gospel commission. See
Mission of Church
Governance, representative
form of, 28-29, 117-118
Government officials, speaking
in pulpit, 35, 126-127
Grace availability, 162
Graduation exercises, 153
Grape juice in communion
biblical concepts on, 130
in communion service, 131,
Great controversy (concept),
fundamental belief on, 170
Greeting attendees
by deacons/deaconesses, 84, 86
for Sabbath School, 104
for worship service, 123
Grievances, settlement of, 67
Guests, church. See Visitors
Healing. See Reconciliation
baptismal vows on, 52, 54
Christian lifestyle and, 151-152
classes on, 100
Health ministries
about, 100
AYM committee and, 112
council, 100
funds, 89
leader, 100
resources, 182n12
as temperance society, 100
world offering for, 100-101
Hearing. See Appeal, right of
Holy Spirit, Fundamental
Beliefs on, 168, 169
family ministries and, 167
music in, 156
social gatherings in, 158
society affecting, 157-158
spiritual nurture in, 149
Home and School Association
about, 96-97
meetings of, 139
report, 190n7
Home meetings, 133
Homosexual practice, 68, 157,
Hospitality. See Greeting
House church into company
status, 38
Humanity, nature of, 170
Incest, 68, 157, 165
Indifference. See Spiritual lapse
Induction service for officers,
Ingathering, 107, 145
Inspection committee for
schools, 98
Institutions in organizational
structure, 30
conference executive committee
on, 35
discipline and, 68
See also Apostasy; Rebellion
Interest coordinator
about, 91
Bible school coordinator and,
church board to encourage, 138
Internet, use of, 154
Investment, Sabbath School,
105, 106
Janitorial work/service,
Jesus Christ. See Christ Jesus
Jewelry, 153
Judging character/motive, 70
Junior youth programs, 94,
110, 112, 140
Justice, efforts for social, 149
Law of God
fundamental belief on, 174-175
violation of, 68
Laws of jurisdictions
children/youth leaders and,
94-95, 105, 113, 180-181n8
legal marital separation and, 166
marriage and, 164
marriage ceremony and, 80,
Lawsuits. See Litigation
Lawyers. See Legal
Leader (non-ordained)
of company members, 39-40, 43
limitations of, 82
training of, 137, 179n2
Leaders (in general), church
sample list of, 184-185n1
caution/counsel by, for unity,
elders as, 77-78
elders to foster work of all, 81
if membership reinstated, 77, 166
regard of church by, 22
to model tithing, 77, 143
nominating committee and,
See also Elder, church; Officers,
elected; Pastor, church
Legal association/corporation,
church property and, 43
Legal counsel/review in church
discipline process, 71
Liability, responsibility for, 30,
31, 147
conference session to grant, 120
expired, 35-36
issuing/recalling, 35
for marriage ceremony, 80
Literature choice, Christian
lifestyle and, 154
Literature evangelism,
personal ministries and, 107
publishing ministries and, 102
Literature orders by members
handling on Sabbath, 129
if no Adventist Book Center, 90,
responsibility for, 107
outside authority of church, 67
versus reconciliation, 65-67
Lord’s Supper, 173. See also
Communion service
Loughborough, J. N., 16-17
Magazines, choice of, Christian
lifestyle and, 154
Maintenance of church
property, 84, 86, 179-180n4
Making disciples, see
Christian concept of, 162
definition of, 160-162
effects of sin on, 162
family ministries and, 99, 167
fundamental belief on, 176
to more than one spouse, 162
with unbeliever, 160
Marriage ceremony, 80, 179n1
Masquerades, 155
McElhany, J. L., 17
Christian lifestyle and, 154, 158
communication ministry and,
Meetings. See Services/meetings
Members, church
clerk to contact, 87, 180n6
communion to, 132-133
membership and, 60, 71
addition/removal of (see
Membership record)
dissolution of church due to loss
of, 41
as members of religious liberty
assoc., 102
if missing, 56, 72
if moving to different locality,
57, 60, 71-72
rights of
to appear before
nominating committee,
vote/voice of, 28
when disciplined, 71
See also Appeal, right of
visitation/care of (incl.
sick/poor), 79, 84, 86
Membership, church
baptism prerequisite to, 49-50
church board on, 135
conference-recognized church
and, 50
in different circumstances
after dissolution of church,
41, 42-43, 60
if misplaced/missing, 56,
in newly organized church,
in newly organized
company, 38-40
from other Christian
communions, 55, 56
on profession of faith,
if unjustly denied, 56-57
location of
eldership and, 76-77, 78-79
nominating committee and,
officers/leaders and, 76-77
pastorship and, 33-34
as personal relationship, 59-60
reinstatement after removal of
former office after, 77, 166
pastorship and, 34
rebaptism for, 55-56, 57,
right of appeal for, 73
removal of
for disciplinary reasons, 68,
by request, 72, 87
for violation of marriage
vow, 165-166
representation and, 28-29
tests of, 69
transfer of (see Transfer of
voting acceptance of (see
Membership record
adding/removing names from
due to death of member,
60, 61, 70, 87
in letter of transfer process,
by majority vote only, 60,
61, 70, 82, 87
church board to study, 138
church record book for, 180n5
clerk responsible for, 87-88
if misplaced/missing, 56
to only have one current, 61
recording missing member in, 72
redemptive, 61
report, 189n7
Men, Adventist, 107, 183n16
Millennium, fundamental belief
on, 178
Minister. See Pastor, church
Ministerial Association
training (conference), 81, 83,
85, 179n3
Minutes of church board, 137,
Missing members, 56, 72
Mission of Church
church board on, 135-136
departments to promote, 92
elders to foster worldwide, 81
fundamental belief on, 172
pulpit for plans/policies on, 126
SS to promote, 127
Mission offerings
Sabbath School to promote, 103,
SS Investment plan for, 105, 106
SS offerings for, 106, 144
treasurer custodian of, 88
See also Offerings
Missionary Sabbath. See
Church Outreach Sabbath
Mission/field, local
representation and, 29
special gifts to, 144
terms used for, 19
Christian lifestyle and, 154,
in worship, 124
in worship service, 187n3
Music coordinators, 101
Musicians, selection/appearance
of, 101, 105
Nature, Sabbathkeeping in, 150
Needy. See Poor, aiding; Sick,
care of
Neighborhood Bible Clubs, 94,
New Earth, fundamental belief
on, 178
“New light,” testing, 124-125
Nominating committee, church
appointment of, 116-117
for delegates to conference
session, 120-121
members/size of, 116-118
need for/work of, 116, 118
of newly organized church, 38
report, 119-120
sample list of leaders for,
objections to report of, 119-120
Nominating process steps,
Non-attendance. See Absentee
Non-discrimination, 21-22
Non-members in church
discipline process, 71
principles for, 143-144
calendar of, 144
envelopes for, 90
not for personal trust fund, 146
not in envelopes, 90
for poor/needy, 132, 144
receipts for, 90
remittance of, to conference, 90
safeguarding purpose of, 89-90,
special, outside budget plan, 144
treasurer custodian of, 88
for world health ministries,
in worship service, 187n3
See also Mission offerings
Officers, elected
administration level
administrative relationships
of, 120
appointed employees
versus, 34-35
church business meeting
and, 134
departmental directors
versus, 33
president and other, 32
representation and, 28-29,
discipline of, 69
elders to foster work of all, 81
local church level
sample list of, 184-185n1
on church board, 136-137
consent to serve by, 118
financial reports to, 91
induction service for, 115
membership location of,
in newly organized church,
qualifications for, 74-77
respect for, 75
term of office for, 77, 116
if membership reinstated, 77, 166
to model tithing, 77, 143
to monitor use of pulpit,
126-127, 145
See also Election of
officer/leader; Term of office;
specific offices
Omissions and errors liability.
See Liability
Open-door policy, 181n8
Opera, 155
Operating policies,
representation and, 28
after reinstatement of
membership, 34, 166
conference executive committee
action versus, 34-35
as deacon/deaconess
in newly organized church,
requirement of, 83, 85
as elder of local church
licensed pastor (implied),
in newly organized church,
requirement of, 79
uncredentialed pastor, 36
in companies, 38-39
to gospel ministry
conference president and,
at large (worldwide), 28, 79
pastor and, 33
without valid credentials,
Ordination service
for deaconesses, 38, 85
for deacons, 38, 83
for elders, 38, 78-79
Organization, denominational
authority in, 31
governance in, 28-29
outline of (levels), 29-30
rationale for, 25-27
Organizing committee, 117-118
Outreach ministry, community
Adventist Community Services
and, 107
church board to foster, 137, 138
departments to assist, 92
interest coordinator and, 91
meetings, 187-188n4
monthly Sabbath service on, 128
personal ministries and, 106-107,
report, 189n7
worship service and, 187n3
Parent education, 96, 99
on school board, 97
single, 99
as teachers (see Children
Pastor, church
Bible instructor and, 34
as conference employee
administrative relationships
of, 33-34, 34-5, 79
company of members and,
39, 43
not nominated by church,
defined, 19-20
elder and, 33, 79-80, 179n2
if reinstated member, 34
respect for, 75
baptismal candidates, 50,
51, 54
in Bible school ministry,
on church board, 33, 79,
in church business meeting,
79, 134
church departments and, 92
communication program,
conference session
delegates, 120
in discipline process, 69,
in family ministries, 167
to foster reverence, 151
on health ministries
council, 100
induction service for
officers, 115
in letter of transfer process,
57-58, 59
marriage ceremony, 80,
to model tithing, 143
music coordinators and,
nominating committee and,
premarital counseling, 160
in religious liberty
association, 102
remarriage ceremony and,
on school board, 97
training, 81, 83, 85, 179n2,
use of pulpit, 126-129, 145
in worship service, 80,
See also District pastor
Pastor, commissioned, 80
Pastor, licensed
in discipline process, 70
marriage ceremony by, 80
ministry/authority of, 34
as ordained local elder, 34, 79
Pastor, ordained
communion service by, 80, 133
in discipline process, 69
to fill in for non-ordained leader,
former, without credentials, 36
marriage ceremony by, 80
ministry/authority of, 33-34
ordination of officers by, 78, 83,
in organizing new church, 37-38
president as chief, 32
status of, versus elder, 79
in uniting two churches, 40
Pastor’s Bible class, 103
Pathfinder Club
about, 110-111, 113
AYM committee and, 111-112
meetings of, 140
if none, 112
Pathfinder Committee, 113
Payment of money, methods
for, 90
Personal ministries
about, 106
AYM committee and, 112
church board to encourage, 138
meetings, 187-188n4
officers/duties, 107, 180n7
report, 189n7
resources, 182-183n15
subsidiary ministries of, 107-108
supplying literature, 129
Personal ministries council
about, 106-107
community services under,
107-108, 182-183n15
interest coordinator on, 91
meeting plans by, 187n4
Policies. See Operating policies
Political involvement, 149
Political strife. See
Geopolitical/social circumstances
Polygamy, 162
Poor, aiding
by deacons/deaconesses, 84, 86
offerings for, 132, 144
report on, 189n7
Pornography, 68, 157
Power, abuse of, 161
Christian living and, 149
elders to foster/model, 80
guidelines for public, 128-129,
at prayer meeting, 133
Prayer meeting, 133, 187-188n4
Prayer ministries, elders to
foster, 80
Premarital guidance, 99, 159,
160, 167
President, conference
ministry/authority of
overview, 32
department directors
versus, 32-33
on elder officiating at
baptism, 80
over all conference
employees, 34-35
in church business meeting,
80, 134
in discipline process, 70
in dissolution process, 41
as elder of conference
church, 39, 60
on letter of transfer process,
to monitor use of pulpit,
127, 146
in organizing new church,
in profession of faith
process, 56
to provide pastor for
services, 82
in uniting two churches, 40
Press. See Media
Principal, school
on AYM committee, 112
in Home and School Association,
on school board, 97
Profession of faith into church
process for, 56-57
under difficult conditions, 56, 59
Promiscuity, 68
methods/materials, 127
Property, church
after dissolution of church, 43
care/maintenance of, 84, 86,
protection of, 135
Protection. See Safety/protection
Public Affairs/Religious
Liberty Department (PARL),
101-102, 182n13
Public Campus Ministries
(PCM), 110, 112, 140
Publishing ministries
about, 102
coordinator/council, 102, 103
resources, 182n14
authorized use of, 35, 124-127,
decorum in, 151
Quietness in place of worship,
for church board, 137
for church business meeting, 134
Radio and listening habits, 154
Reading, choice of, 154
about, 55-56
after membership removal, 57,
73, 166
rebaptism after reconversion
from, 55-56
status of church and, 41-42
See also Apostasy;
versus civil litigation, 65-66
in discipline of church, 42
family ministries and, 99, 167
in letter of transfer objection,
in marriage relationship, 162,
between members and church,
Records management
after dissolution of church, 43
church record book for, 180n5
clerk responsible for, 87
of membership, 57, 58, 59, 72
of newly organized church, 38
of newly organized company, 39
of newly united churches, 40
See also Financial records;
Membership record
Recreation, 151, 155
community, 149
marriage, 160-162
social, 157-158
Religious liberty
leader/association, 102, 182n13
church discipline and, 68
divorce and, 163-166
Remnant, fundamental belief on,
Repairs, church, 179-180n4
on Adventist Book Center
account, 180n7
to business meeting, 134,
to church board, 138
clerk responsible for, 87
on communication program, 95
on Home and School
Association, 97
on letter of transfers, 59
of newly organized company, 39
of nominating committee,
on number of interests, 91
quarterly Sabbath School, 104
of school board, 98
treasurer responsible for, 91
Representation, 28-29, 117
Resignation, letter of
membership, 72
Adventist Youth Ministries
(AYM), 184n20, 190n9
children’s ministries, 181n10
family ministries, 181-182n11
health ministries, 182n12
personal ministries, 182-183n15
Public Affairs/Religious Liberty
Department (PARL), 182n13
publishing ministries, 182n14
Sabbath School, 182n15
stewardship ministries, 183n17,
women’s ministries, 183n18
Restoration in Christ, 162
Resurrection, fundamental
belief on, 177-178
Retired employees, role/status
of, 36
Reverence, 122-123, 127, 151
Risk Management (ARM), Inc.,
Adventist, 181n8
Sabbath, fundamental belief on,
Sabbath School
branch, 94, 104
children’s ministries and, 94
Investment plan, 105, 106
lesson quarterlies (see Sabbath
School Bible Study Guide)
on AYM committee, 112
on children’s ministries
committee, 94
duties, 104-105
election of, 105
superintendent, 104-105
purposes for, 103, 127
report, 190n7
required safety policies for, 105,
resources, 182-183n15
about, 105-106
selection of, 118
training of, 103
weekly meeting for, 105
time allotted for, 185n1
Sabbath School Bible Study
Guide and helps, 103, 104,
105-106, 182-183n15
Sabbath School council
election/work of, 103-105
to recommend SS teachers, 118
Sabbath School Handbook, 105
Sabbath School offerings
listed, 106
for missions, 144
promoting, 103, 127
treasurer custodian of, 88-89
Sabbathkeeping, 150-151
from abusive spouse, 166
of children
known abuser and, 59, 73
media and, 154
policies for, 94-95, 105,
113-115, 180-181n8
Salvation, fundamental belief
on, 171
Sanctuary, fundamental belief
on, 176-177
School, church
about, 96
board for, 97-98, 139
education secretary for, 96
funds, 89
Home and School Association
for, 96-97
inspection committee on, 98
multi-constituent, 98
report, 190n7
treasurer for, 98
Scriptures, fundamental belief
on Holy, 168
testing “new light” on, 124-125
Second coming of Christ
communion service and, 131
fundamental belief on, 177
Secretary (officer), conference
as clerk of conference church, 60
company reports to, 39
delegates’ credential blanks to,
dissolved church records to, 43
in letter of transfer process, 57
Section, terms used for, 19
Seminars, educational, 108
Senior youth programs, 110,
113, 139
Separation, marital, 162, 165,
general principles for, 122
skill/study/planning for, 128
See also Baptismal service;
Business meeting of church;
Communion service; Ordination
service; Prayer meeting; Worship
service of church; specific
boards; specific
Sexual abuse
family ministries and, 99
reinstatement after, 73
separation/divorce and, 165
societal effect of, 157
Sexual intimacy, 68, 161
Sexual perversions
discipline and, 68
divorce and, 162, 165
societal effect of, 157
Sick, care of
by deaconesses, 86
by deacons, 84
by elders, 79
Simplicity in lifestyle, 153
Sin, fundamental belief on end
of, 178
communion service, 189n6
in worship service, 124, 187n3
Six-month policy, 181n8
Small group
into company status, 38
for home prayer meeting, 133
Small group ministries, 107
Smoking cessation plans, 100
Social gatherings, 156, 158
Social ministries organizations,
Solicitation of funds, 145-146
Speaking in pulpit
authorized, 35, 124-127, 145
decorum/sacredness of, 151,
Special needs, ministry to
people with
Adventist Possibilities
Ministries, 92-93
church attendance and, 71, 84, 86
foot-washing and, 84, 86, 188n5
Spirit of Prophecy books
abbreviations of, 192
studying, at prayer meeting, 133
See also Gift of Prophecy
Spirit of Prophecy writings
about, 108
coordinator, 108, 185n1
Spiritual gifts, fundamental
belief on, 173-174
Spiritual lapse (indifference),
letter of transfer process and, 58,
Spiritual nurture
church board to foster, 134-135,
council for fostering, 80
elders to encourage, 80
of those under discipline, 167
Spouse abuse, 99, 157, 161-162.
See also Violent behavior
Standards, Christian
baptismal vows on, 52, 54
church board to uphold, 135
principles for, 148
in social relationships, 157-158
Statistical reports
during letter of transfer process,
of newly organized company, 39
Step-families, 99
Stewardship (concept), 142,
Stewardship ministries
about, 108-109
resources, 183n17, 190n1
Story Hours, 94, 104
Stress-control programs, 100
Students, membership location
of, 76
Systematic benevolence, 143
Teaching. See Children
(minors); Education, Adventist;
Sabbath School
Television and viewing habits,
baptismal vows on, 52, 54
Christian lifestyle and, 151-152
Temperance society, 100
Ten Commandments,
fundamental belief on, 174-175
Term of office
standard, 77, 116
filling vacancies between, 98,
election to a new term of office,
for continuity, 77, 78, 87, 88
on school board, 98
at prayer meeting, 133
in worship service, 187n3
Tests of membership, 69
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering,
Tithe funds
not personal trust fund, 146
proper methods of giving to, 90
remittance of, to conference, 90,
142, 143
treasurer custodian of, 88
use of, 143
Tithe sharing plan, 142-143
condition of
election/employment, 80, 143
confidentiality of reports on, 91
envelopes for, 90
members and, 142
officers to foster/model, 77
Tobacco usage
baptismal vows on, 52, 54
Christian lifestyle and, 151-152
church discipline on, 68
on children’s safety policies,
of deacons/deaconesses, 83, 85,
of elders, 81, 179n2
of leadership by board, 137
of newly organized church
officers, 38
for personal ministries, 106, 107
of Sabbath School teachers, 103
of youth, institutes for, 115
Transfer of membership
process for, 57-61
to conference church
because of isolation, 57, 60
from dissolved church, 41,
42, 43, 60
from conference church
to newly organized church,
to other churches, 41
letter of
requesting/granting, 57-58
if not granted, 57-58
authority to grant, 60
clerk’s duties in, 58, 87
if qualifiers, 59
receiving/accepting, 58, 71
if not accepted, 59
if unable to secure, 56, 59
member’s approval for,
membership during, 58
report/record of, 59, 61
provision for alternative method
for, 58
authority limitations of any, 147
company of members, 38-39, 43
also of conference church,
39, 60
church treasurer and, 147
dissolved church records
to, 43
elders to work with, 81
local church
on aid funds, 84
confidentiality by, 91
as custodian of all funds,
88, 147
on funds to conference, 90
on literature orders
payments, 90, 180n7
on loose offering, 90
to maintain financial
records, 90
if newly organized, 38
on payment receipts, 90
report of, to conference,
as school board treasurer,
term of office for, 88
See also Officers, elected
Trinity, fundamental belief on,
Trust funds, tithes and offerings
not for, 146
Two-adult policy, 181n8
Union conference
in organizational structure, 29
on use of Ingathering materials,
See also Executive committees;
Officers, elected
Union conference session, 28,
Union of churches
dissolution/expulsion of, 42
in organizational structure, 29
terms used for, 19
Multi-constituent school board,
Unity of Church
commitment to, 24
fundamental belief on, 173
leaders to caution/counsel for,
officers and, 76
safeguarding, 65
systematic benevolence and, 143
Utilities, church, 179-180n4
Vacancies, filling
between elections, 120
on school board, 98
See also Term of office
Vacation Bible School
children’s ministries and, 94
director, 103-104
Sabbath School council on, 104
Violent behavior
church discipline and, 68
in marriage, 161-162
societal effect of, 157
Visitation of
Adventist Community Services
and, 107
for communion, 133
by deacons/deaconesses, 84, 86
by elders, 79
deacons/deaconesses to
welcome, 84, 86
greeters to welcome, 104, 123
Voice and vote, election and, 28
Volunteer screening, 181n8
at business meeting, 134
at church board, 137
Church Manual changes by,
conference president and, 32
credentials renewal by, 35-36
disciplinary action by, 63, 68-69,
election of officers by, 116,
117-118, 119
on entities changing status, 40,
on membership
additions/removals, 54, 60,
70, 71, 82, 87
transfers, 41, 43, 57-58, 60
on/by newly organized entities,
nominating committee members
by, 117-118, 119
on/by session delegates, 120, 121
on status of elder, 79
on term of office, 77
Wedding ring, 153
Weddings, 153
White, Ellen G.
abbreviations of books by, 192
fundamental belief on, 174
studying writings of, 133
Wine, unfermented
biblical concepts on, 130
in communion service, 131,
Women’s ministries/committee,
109-110, 183n18
World conditions. See
Geopolitical/social circumstances
World Health Ministries
Sabbath Offering, 100-101
Worship service of church
announcements during, 127
assistance with, 84
bulletin/program (printed) of,
form/order of, 128, 186n2,
if leader unable to conduct, 82
purpose/planning for, 128
responsibility for, 33, 80
reverence in place of, 122-123,
127, 151
Young adult programs
about, 110, 112
AYM committee and, 111-112
meetings of, 139-140
Youth, social relationships and,
Youth Ministries (GC), 158
Youth ministries of local
church. See Adventist Youth
Ministries (AYM)
Scripture Index
1 ....................................... 169
1:1 .................................... 168
1:1, 2 ................................ 169
1:26 .................................. 168
1:26-28 ..................... 170, 175
1:27 .................................. 157
1:31 .................................. 160
1-11 .................................. 170
2 ....................................... 169
2:1-3 ................................. 175
2:7, 15 .............................. 170
2:18-25 ............................. 176
2:24 ................... 160, 161, 163
3 ....................................... 170
3:6-24 ............................... 162
3:15 .................................. 171
5 ....................................... 169
6-8 .................................... 170
6:11,13 ............................. 161
7:2 .................................... 176
11 ..................................... 169
12:1-3 ............................... 172
12:15, 19 .......................... 130
13:7 .................................. 130
18:21 .................................. 74
19:3-7 ............................... 172
20:1-17 ............................. 174
20:8-11 ..................... 169, 175
20:12 ................................ 176
20:14 .......................... 68, 157
20:15 ................................ 176
11:1-47 ............................. 176
16 ..................................... 177
18:22, 29 .......................... 157
20:13 ................................ 157
23:32 ........................ 150, 175
12:6 .......................... 108, 174
14:34 ................................ 177
4:35 .................................. 168
5:12-15 ............................. 175
6:4 .................................... 168
6:5-9 ................................. 176
6:6-9 ................................. 111
24:1-4 ............................... 163
24:1-5 ............................... 162
28:1-14 ............................. 174
2 Samuel
11, 12 ............................... 163
23:2 .................................. 169
1 Chronicles
29:11 ................................ 172
29:14 ................................ 175
2 Chronicles
20:20 ........................ 108, 174
1:6-12 ............................... 170
19:25-27 ........................... 178
1:1, 2 ................................ 172
8:4-8 ................................. 170
11:5 .................................. 161
19:1-6 ............................... 169
19:7-14 ............................. 174
22:1 .................................. 171
23:4 .................................. 172
33:6, 9 .............................. 169
34:18 ................................ 163
40:7, 8 .............................. 174
50:23 ................................ 128
51:5, 10 ............................ 170
51:11 ................................ 169
58:3 .................................. 170
77:11, 12 .......................... 172
86:5 .................................. 163
96:8, 9 .............................. 187
104 ................................... 169
106:3 ................................ 176
110:1, 4 ............................ 168
119:105 ............................ 168
133:1 ................................ 173
146:3, 4 ............................ 178
150:6 .................................. 45
4:18 .................................. 125
5:5-20 ............................... 161
5:18-20 ............................. 163
22:6 .................................. 176
30:5, 6 .............................. 168
9:5-6, 10 ........................... 178
Song of Solomon
2:16 .................................. 163
4:9-5:1 .............................. 163
1:9 .................................... 172
6:8 .................................... 168
8:20 .................................. 168
11:11 ................................ 172
14:12-14 ........................... 170
25:8 .................................. 178
35 ..................................... 178
45:12, 18 .......................... 169
45:22 ................................ 171
51:3 .................................. 128
53 ..................................... 171
53:4-6 ............................... 169
54:5 .................................. 163
54:5-8 ............................... 167
56:5, 6 .............................. 175
58:4, 5 .............................. 161
58:13 ........................ 150, 175
58:14 ................................ 175
61:1 .................................. 169
65:17-25 ........................... 178
3:1 .................................... 163
4:23-26 ............................. 178
17:9 .................................. 170
23:3 .................................. 172
31:31-34 ........................... 171
4:6 .................................... 177
20:12 ........................ 150, 175
20:20 ................................ 175
28:12-18 ........................... 170
33:11 ................................ 171
36:25-27 ........................... 171
7:9-14 ............................... 172
7:9-27 ............................... 177
8:13, 14 ............................ 177
9:24-27 ............................. 177
9:25-27 ............................. 169
12:2, 13 ............................ 178
3:1-3 ......................... 163, 167
2:12, 13 ............................ 163
2:28, 29 .................... 108, 174
3:3 .................................... 159
3:7 ............................ 108, 174
1:3-11 ............................... 175
2:4 .................................... 171
2:15, 16 ............................ 163
3:8 .................................... 143
3:8-12 ............................... 175
3:10 .................................. 141
4:1 .................................... 178
4:5, 6 .......................... 99, 176
5:5 .................................... 178
5:17-20 ...................... 174-175
5:27-28 ............................... 68
5:31, 32 ............................ 176
5:32 .......................... 163, 164
6:14, 15 ............................ 167
7:20 .................................... 50
10:25 .................................. 44
12:1-12 ............................. 175
15:21-28 ............................. 21
16:13-20 ........................... 172
16:18 ............................ 21, 25
18:10-20 ........................... 167
18:15-17 ............................. 31
18:15-18 ............................. 62
18:16 .................................. 31
18:18 .......................... 31, 172
19:3-8 ............................... 163
19:3-9, 12 ......................... 176
19:4-6 ....................... 161, 163
19:6 .................................. 163
19:9 .......................... 163, 164
20:25-28 ................... 161, 172
22:21 ................................ 149
22:36-40 .................... 174-175
22:37 .................................. 45
22:39 .................................. 46
23:23 ................................ 175
24 ..................................... 177
25:31-46 ........................... 172
26:17-30 ........................... 173
26:26 ................................ 188
26:27-29 ........................... 189
28:18 .................................. 44
28:18-20 ........................... 135
28:19 ........ 44, 46, 48, 92, 168
28:19, 20 ...............................
..............28, 44, 122, 172, 173
28:20 .......................... 46, 135
1:32 .................................. 175
8:34 .................................... 47
9:23, 24 ............................ 171
10:2-9 ....................... 161, 163
10:6-9 ............................... 163
10:11, 12 .......................... 176
13 ..................................... 177
14:22 ................................ 188
14:23-25 ........................... 189
16:15 .................................. 28
1:35 .................................. 169
4:16 .................................. 175
4:18 .................................. 169
7:16 .................................. 187
9:51-56 ............................... 21
10:17-20 ........................... 172
12:13, 14 ............................ 66
21 ..................................... 177
22:19 ................................ 188
22:20 ................................ 189
24:46-49 ............................. 45
1:1-3, 14 ........................... 169
1:35-40 ............................... 55
1:35-2:2 .............................. 45
2:1-11 ............................... 176
3:3-8 ................................. 171
3:16 .......................... 168, 171
4:4-42 ................................. 21
4:23 ............................ 45, 122
5:22 .................................. 169
5:28, 29 ............................ 178
6:48-63 ............................. 173
8:2-11 ............................... 163
10:16 .................................. 21
10:30 ................................ 169
11:11-14 ........................... 178
13:1-17 ............................. 173
13:10 ................................ 129
13:35 .................................. 47
14:1-3 ....................... 169, 177
14:9, 13, 14 ...................... 169
14:15 .......................... 46, 175
14:16-18, 26 ..................... 169
14:30 ................................ 171
15:7-10 ............................. 175
15:8 .................................. 136
15:9-13 ............................. 135
15:26 ................................ 169
16:7-13 ............................. 169
16:7-16 ............................... 45
16:8 .................................. 171
17:17 ................................ 168
17:20-23 ........................... 173
20:21 ................................ 172
1:4, 5 .................................. 45
1:8 ...................... 45, 135, 169
1:9-11 ............................... 177
2:14-21 ..................... 108, 174
2:37-39 ............................... 45
2:38 .................................. 173
2:38-41 ............................... 49
2:38-42 ............................. 172
5:3 .................................... 169
6:1-7 ................................. 174
6:1-8 ................................... 82
6:2 ...................................... 28
6:2-4 ................................... 28
6:3 ...................................... 74
7:38 .................................. 172
8:14 .................................... 28
10:38 ................................ 169
14:23 .................................. 28
15:1-32 ............................. 124
15:41 .................................. 21
16:30-33 ........................... 173
17:24 ................................ 169
17:24-28 ........................... 170
17:26, 27 .......................... 173
18:25 .................................. 55
19 ....................................... 55
19:1-7 ................................. 55
20:17 .................................. 75
20:17-28 ............................. 30
20:28 ............................ 21, 22
20:28-31 ............................. 75
22:16 ................................ 173
1:4 .................................... 171
1:6, 7 .................................. 21
1:19-32 ............................. 170
1:20-32 ............................. 157
1:24-27 ............................. 165
3:4 .................................... 170
3:21-26 ............................. 171
3:25 .................................. 171
4:25 .................................. 171
5:5 .................................... 169
5:6-10 ............................... 171
5:12-17 ............................. 170
5:12-21 ............................. 170
6:1-6 ................................. 173
6:3, 4 .................................. 49
6:23 .......................... 169, 178
7:2 .................................... 161
8:1-4 ................................. 171
8:3, 4 ........................ 171, 175
8:14-17 ............................. 171
8:19-22 ............................. 170
8:29 .................................... 46
8:38, 39 ............................ 172
10:17 ................................ 171
12:1, 2 .............................. 176
12:2 .................................. 171
12:4, 5 ........................ 25, 173
12:4-8 ............................... 174
12:10 ................................ 161
12:18 .................................. 66
13:10 ................................ 161
14:19 ................................ 161
15:26, 27 .......................... 175
16:1, 2 ................................ 85
1 Corinthians
1:2 .............................. 21, 172
4:2 .................................... 142
4:9 .................................... 170
5:11 ............................ 31, 132
5:13 .................................... 31
6 ......................................... 66
6:1 ...................................... 66
6:2, 3 ................................ 178
6:7 ...................................... 66
6:9 ............................ 157, 165
6:19 ............................ 21, 151
6:19, 20 ............................ 176
7:3, 4 ................................ 162
7:7 .................................... 176
7:10, 11 .... 162, 166, 167, 176
7:10-15 ..................... 163, 165
9:9-14 ............................... 175
10:16, 17 .......................... 173
10:31 ................................ 176
11:23, 24 .......................... 188
11:23-30 ........................... 173
11:25 ................................ 189
11:26 ........................ 131, 189
11:27, 28, 29 .................... 132
12:4, 5 ................................ 25
12:7-11 ..................... 169, 174
12:12 .................................. 26
12:12-14 ........................... 173
12:18 .................................. 25
12:27 .......................... 26, 174
12:28 .................... 21, 26, 174
13 ..................................... 163
13:4-7 ............................... 167
14:40 .................................. 16
15:3, 4 ...................... 169, 171
15:20-22 ........................... 171
15:28 ................................ 168
15:51-54 ................... 177, 178
15:54 ............................ 51, 53
16:1, 19 .............................. 21
2 Corinthians
1:21, 22 ............................ 168
2:5-11 ................................. 31
3:17, 18 ...................... 46, 172
3:18 .................................. 169
4:6 .................................... 154
5:10 .................................. 172
5:14, 15, 19-21 ................. 171
5:16, 17 ............................ 173
5:17-19 ............................. 169
5:17-21 ............................. 171
5:19 .................................. 162
5:19, 20 ............................ 170
6:14 .......................... 159, 176
6:14 - 7:1 .......................... 176
6:15-18 ............................. 155
6:17, 18 .............................. 50
8:1-15 ............................... 175
9:7 .................................... 175
10:5 .................................. 176
10:8 .................................... 30
11:28 .................................. 22
13:14 ................................ 168
1:2 ...................................... 28
1:4 .................................... 171
3:13, 14, 26 ...................... 171
3:27 .................................. 173
3:27-29 ............................. 173
3:28 .................................... 21
4:4-7 ................................. 171
5:19-21 ............................. 161
5:22-25 ............................. 172
6:1 .............................. 31, 167
6:2 .................................... 167
1:22, 23 ............................ 172
2:3 .................................... 170
2:4-10 ............................... 171
2:8-10 ............................... 175
2:13-16 ............................. 173
2:19-22 ............................. 172
2:20 .................................... 30
3:6 ...................................... 21
3:8-11 ............................... 172
3:10 .................................... 21
3:21 .................................... 21
4:3-6 ................................. 173
4:4-6 ................................. 168
4:8 .................................... 174
4:11-16 ..................... 173, 174
4:12 .................................... 21
4:13 .................................. 126
4:13-15 ............................... 46
4:15 .................................... 45
4:16 .................................... 92
4:26 .................................. 161
4:32 .................................. 167
5:1-21 ............................... 176
5:8-11 ............................... 155
5:19, 20 ............................ 172
5:21 .................................. 162
5:21-28 ............................. 161
5:21-29 ............................. 163
5:21-33 ..................... 163, 176
5:22, 23 ............................ 162
5:23-27 ............................. 172
5:24, 25 ............................ 162
5:25-30 ............................... 41
5:27 .................................... 21
5:28 .................................. 161
5:29 ............................ 21, 161
5:31, 32 ............................ 161
6:1-4 ................................. 176
6:4 .................................... 161
6:12-18 ............................. 172
2:4 .................................... 176
2:5-11 ............................... 169
2:6-11 ............................... 171
3:7-14 ............................... 172
3:20 .................................. 149
4:8 ............................ 154, 176
1:13, 14 .................... 171, 172
1:15-19 ............................. 169
1:16 .................................. 169
1:17 .................................. 172
1:18 ............................ 25, 172
2:6, 14, 15 ........................ 172
2:12, 13 ............................ 173
2:15 .................................. 171
3:3 .................................... 149
3:4 .................................... 178
3:5-10 ............................... 155
3:8-14 ............................... 161
3:10-15 ............................. 173
1 Thessalonians
1:1 ...................................... 21
2:13 .................................. 168
4:1-7 ................................. 163
4:13-17 ............................. 178
4:13-18 ............................. 177
5:1-6 ................................. 177
5:11 .................................. 161
5:12, 13 .............................. 75
5:16-18 ............................. 172
5:21 .................................... 30
5:23 .......................... 170, 172
2 Thessalonians
1:7-10 ............................... 177
2:8 .................................... 177
1 Timothy
1:9, 10 .............................. 165
1:10 .................................. 157
1:17 .................................. 168
2:9 .................................... 153
2:9, 10 .............................. 176
3:1, 2 .................................. 30
3:1-13 ............................... 174
3:2-13 ................................. 75
3:5 ...................................... 22
3:7 ...................................... 74
3:8-13 ................................. 82
3:15 ............................ 21, 151
4:12 .................................. 111
4:12-16 ............................... 75
5:17 .................................... 75
5:22 .................................... 76
6:15, 16 ............................ 178
2 Timothy
2:2 ...................................... 74
2:19-22 ............................. 155
3:1-5 ................................. 177
3:4 .................................... 155
3:16, 17 ............ 108, 168, 174
1:5, 9 .................................. 30
1:5-11 ................................. 75
2:1, 7, 8 .............................. 75
2:11, 12 ............................ 176
2:13 .................................. 177
3:3-7 ................................. 171
1:1-3 ......................... 108, 174
1:2 .................................... 169
1:3 .................................... 177
1:14 .................................. 170
2:9-18 ............................... 169
2:16, 17 ............................ 177
4:1-11 ............................... 175
4:12 .................................. 168
4:14-16 ............................. 177
6:4-6 ................................... 55
8:1, 2 ................................ 169
8:1-5 ................................. 177
8:7-12 ............................... 171
8:8-10 ............................... 175
9:11-28 ............................. 177
9:28 .................................. 177
10:19-22 ........................... 177
10:25 .......................... 61, 172
11:3 .................................. 169
13:2 .................................. 123
13:4 .................................. 163
13:7, 17 .............................. 75
13:17 .................................. 30
1:27 .................................. 172
2:7 .................................... 148
4:4 .................................... 155
5:20 .................................... 63
1 Peter
1:2 .................................... 168
1:16-19 ............................. 172
1:19 .................................. 130
1:23 .................................. 171
2:9 .........................23, 46, 172
2:21, 22 ............................ 171
3:1-4 ................................. 176
3:3, 4 ................................ 153
3:7 ............................ 162, 163
4:10 .................................... 46
4:10, 11 ............................ 174
4:17 .................................. 172
5:1-3 ............................. 30, 75
5:8 .................................... 170
2 Peter
1:3, 4 ................................ 171
1:20, 21 ............................ 168
1:21 .................................. 169
2:9 .................................... 172
3:6 .................................... 170
3:10-14 ............................. 172
3:13 .................................. 178
3:18 ............................ 44, 172
1 John
1:9 .................................... 163
2:2 .................................... 171
2:3 .................................... 175
2:6 .................................... 176
2:15 .................................. 148
2:15-17 ............................. 155
3:2 ...................................... 46
3:4 .................................... 170
4:1 ...................................... 30
4:4 .................................... 172
4:7, 11, 20 ........................ 170
4:8 ............................ 168, 170
4:10 .................................. 171
5:3 .................................... 175
3 John
2 ....................................... 176
3 ....................................... 172
14 ..................................... 172
1:7 .................................... 177
3:20 .................................. 173
4:11 .................................. 168
8:3-5 ................................. 177
10:6 .................................. 169
10:11 .................................. 92
11:15 ................................ 178
11:19 ................................ 177
12:4-9 ............................... 170
12:17 ......... 108, 172, 174, 175
13:8 .................................. 171
14 ..................................... 172
14:6 ............................ 92, 177
14:6-12 .......... 44, 46, 135, 172
14:7 .....................45, 169, 177
14:12 ........................ 175, 177
14:14-20 ........................... 177
18:1-4 ............................... 172
19:10 ........................ 108, 174
19:11-21 ........................... 177
20 ..................................... 178
20:1-10 ............................. 178
20:12 ................................ 177
21:1-5 ............................... 178
21:1-7 ............................... 178
22:1-5 ............................... 178
22:8, 9 ...................... 108, 174
22:11, 12 .......................... 177
Index of Sources
AAThe Acts of the Apostles
9 ......................................... 49
19 ....................................... 46
71 ..................................... 109
74 ..................................... 141
89 ....................................... 83
90 ....................................... 82
93 ....................................... 83
261, 262 ............................. 75
279 ..................................... 76
338 ................................... 146
AHThe Adventist Home
18 ..................................... 159
25, 26 ............................... 161
35 ....................................... 99
343 ................................... 161
Autumn Council Actions
1948, p. 19 ......................... 18
CGChild Guidance
193 ..................................... 94
COL—Christ’s Object Lessons
71, 72 ................................. 70
113 ................................... 125
191 ..................................... 61
386 ..................................... 22
CMColporteur Ministry
4 ....................................... 102
20 ..................................... 102
21 ..................................... 102
91 ..................................... 102
CDCounsels on Diet and
92 ..................................... 152
CHCounsels on Health
132 ................................... 152
CSWCounsels on Sabbath
School Work
10, 11 ............................... 103
34 ..................................... 125
115 ................................... 103
CTCounsels to Parents,
Teachers, and Students
76 ..................................... 159
135 ................................... 154
383 ................................... 154
CWCounsels to Writers and
32 ..................................... 125
DAThe Desire of Ages
73 ..................................... 155
207 ................................... 151
515 ..................................... 94
517 ..................................... 94
646 ................................... 129
650 ................................... 129
653 ................................... 130
656 ................... 130, 132, 133
659 ................................... 131
661 ................................... 130
677, 678 ........................... 135
815 ..................................... 48
822 ..................................... 47
77 ..................................... 153
195 ................................... 151
251 ................................... 150
255 ................................... 148
105 ..................................... 95
273 ................................... 153
373 ..................................... 55
375 ..................................... 55
FLBThe Faith I Live By
35 ....................................... 46
36 ..................................... 150
GCBGeneral Conference
Jan. 29, 30, 1893, p. 24 .... 111
General Conference Report
No. 8, p. 197....................... 18
GWGospel Workers
67 ..................................... 111
178 ................................... 151
210 ................................... 111
GCThe Great Controversy
593, 594 ........................... 105
HPIn Heavenly Places
152 ................................... 150
MsManuscript, E G White
Ms 51, 1894 ....................... 47
MMMedical Ministry
259 ................................... 152
MYPMessages to Young
196 ................................... 111
351, 352 ........................... 152
399 ................................... 155
MHThe Ministry of Healing
143 ..................................... 46
352 ..................................... 99
359 ................................... 159
393 ................................... 149
491 ................................... 148
PPPatriarchs and Prophets
174 ................................... 160
217, 218 ........................... 148
252 ................................... 151
374 ..................................... 25
459, 460 ........................... 155
525 ................................... 141
594 ................................... 155
PKProphets and Kings
50 ..................................... 122
PMThe Publishing Ministry
91 ....................................... 46
RCReflecting Christ
345 ..................................... 48
RHReview and Herald
Apr. 14, 1885 ................... 128
Dec. 26, 1882 ..................... 16
The SDA Bible Commentary
Vol. 6, p. 698 ..................... 66
SCSteps to Christ
60 ....................................... 46
93 ..................................... 149
97, 95 ............................... 149
103, 104 ........................... 128
TTestimonies for the
Volume 1
207 ..................................... 69
400 ..................................... 94
Volume 2
581 ................................... 128
Volume 3
269 ..................................... 64
270, 271 ............................. 65
366 ................................... 153
388, 389 ........................... 141
428 ..................................... 64
445 ..................................... 16
511 ..................................... 93
Volume 4
17 ....................................... 75
70, 71 ............................... 133
71 ..................................... 124
406, 407 ............................. 76
634 ................................... 152
Volume 5
107 ..................................... 70
238 ..................................... 76
242, 243 ............................. 65
274 ..................................... 25
293 ................................... 124
364 ................................... 160
491 ................................... 122
492 ................................... 123
494 ................................... 123
617 ..................................... 76
619, 620 ............................. 27
Volume 6
32 ..................................... 128
36 ....................................... 95
91 ....................................... 50
95, 96 ................................. 50
172 ................................... 157
382 ................................... 129
430 ..................................... 99
479 ................................... 141
Volume 7
46 ..................................... 161
47 ..................................... 162
195 ..................................... 47
225 ..................................... 22
260 ..................................... 62
261-263 .............................. 64
263 ..................................... 67
Volume 8
236, 237 ............................. 28
240 ..................................... 65
Volume 9
91 ..................................... 146
143, 144 ........................... 124
216-218 .............................. 66
247 ................................... 141
248 ........................... 142, 143
249 ................................... 141
260 ..................................... 31
261 ..................................... 17
262 ................................... 120
TMTestimonies to Ministers
and Gospel Workers
15 ....................................... 22
16, 17 ................................. 23
17-19 .................................. 23
26 ....................................... 27
29, 30 ............................... 126
52, 53 ................................. 32
179 ................................... 153
387 ................................... 148
388 ................................... 148
489 ..................................... 26
TMBThoughts from the
Mount of Blessing
59 ....................................... 65
63 ..................................... 164
64 ..................................... 162