Wichita Municipal Court
WICHITA KS 67202-1681
1. Submit Motion for Reduction or Waiver of Reinstatement Fees, Fines,
and or Court Costs & Financial Affidavit
2. Only cases with Wichita Municipal Court currently/actively
suspending the Drivers License will be considered.
3. Driver’s license status at Revoked will not be reviewed until the end
of the revocation period. A letter will be sent advising of the
Revoked status and asking for a resubmission at the appropriate
4. Active court bench warrants with Wichita Municipal Court must be
resolved/cleared prior to review for Motion and Financial Affidavit.
5. In person hearings are scheduled for Fridays at 1pm except for first
Fridays of each month.
6. Judge’s orders will be mailed out. The results can be varied.
a. No Action/No reduction or waiver
b. Fines can remain the same, be reduced or waived
c. Court Costs can remain the same, be reduced, waived and/or
authorized for community service to minimize out of pocket.
d. Reinstatement fees can remain the same, be reduced, waived
and/or authorized to be paid prior to any remaining fines and/or
court costs. If reinstatement fees are reduced to zero, the court
will automatically send electronic notice to KDOR for reinstatement
on that specific case.
7. Please contact Wichita Municipal Court customer service with any
questions: 316.268.4611.
CITY OF WICHITA, Case No.________________________
Comes now, ________________________________, the Defendant and moves the court for an order pursuant to Wichita
Municipal Code Section 1.0470 to waive or reduce the amount of reinstatement fees, fines and court costs in the above
captioned cases. The Defendant presents the following to the Court in support of this motion:
[Initial the statements below that apply to you.]
_____ 1. The Defendant satisfied, through payment or community service, all fines in the case(s) in which relief is
_____ 2. The Defendant has engaged in a payment plan for all Court Costs not yet satisfied in the cases(s) in which relief
is requested.
_____ 3. The Defendant has completed and attached the required financial affidavit.
_____ 4. The Defendant states that satisfying the fines and engaging in a payment plan for court costs and reinstatement
fees creates a manifest hardship to the Defendant and/or the Defendant’s family.
_____ 5. The Defendant presents the following statement as evidence of the manifest hardship.
[Write a statement in this section you may attach additional pages and documentation as necessary.]
_____ 6. The Defendant requests a formal hearing in front of a judge to make argument in person.
_____ 6. The Defendant does not request a formal hearing and acknowledges a judge will make a decision based on the
submitted documents in this case.
I certify under the penalty of perjury that the preceding statements are true and correct.
Signature of the Defendant
Financial Affidavit
Notice To Affiant
Notice to Defendant:
1. The information on this affidavit is NOT confidential.
2. Any information provided may be verified by the Judge and municipal court.
3. The information in this affidavit is provided under oath and under the penalties of perjury. False statements may
lead to criminal prosecution and conviction.
4. You may be required to testify about any information provided on this form.
5. You may be required to provide documentation to verify the information you provide on this form.
6. By signing below, you authorize the City of Wichita, Kansas to verify the information provided and specifically
grant authority for the City to obtain those records.
Amount that can be paid toward the balance owed now. [Write none if no amount can be paid at this time]
Section One: Defendant and Household information
Your Full Name: __________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________
Address: _______________________________________ Home Telephone: _________________________
Work Telephone: _______________________________ Mobile Telephone: _________________________
Name of Spouse: ____________________________________ [If you are not married write N/A.]
Name(s) of Persons who live in the same home as you AND provide income to the household:
____________________________What is/are their relationship to you? _______________________________
[Write ‘none’ if no persons other than your children live with you.]
Dependents Children or people who you are financially responsible to support
Relationship to You
City of Wichita, Plaintiff
Section Two: Household Employment and Income Information
Defendant: (Check all that Apply and complete the section for the option that applies to you):
_____ Employed.
Employer Name _______________________________________ (if self-employed write self and what type of work you
How often are you paid? _______________________
Average amount of take home pay that you receive per paycheck? _______________________
_____ Un-Employed.
How long have you been Unemployed? ___________________
Amount of unemployment benefits: ______________________
If you do not receive unemployment benefits explain why. _______________________________________
Are you seeking employment? ___________________________________
If Yes then attach a list of the businesses where you have submitted an application for employment during the last six
months to this affidavit.
If No then attach an explanation on a separate sheet to this affidavit.
______ Retired
Include retirement income if any - in the Other Income section below
______ Disabled
Include disability income if any - in the Other Income section below.
______ Other
Explain: _____________________________________________________________
Spouse: (Check all that Apply and complete the section for the option that applies to your spouse):
_____ Employed.
Employer Name _______________________________________ (if self-employed write self and what type of work they
How often are they paid? _______________________
Average amount of take home that they receive per paycheck? _______________________
_____ Un-Employed.
How long have they been Unemployed? ___________________
Amount of unemployment benefits: ______________________
If they do not receive unemployment benefits explain why. _______________________________________
Are they seeking employment? ___________________________________
If Yes then attach a list of the businesses where they have submitted an application for employment during the last six
months to this affidavit.
If No then attach an explanation on a separate sheet to this affidavit.
______ Retired
Include retirement income in the Other Income section below
______ Disabled
Include disability income in the Other Income section below.
______ Other
Explain: _____________________________________________________________
Persons who you live with you who provide Income to the Household.
How much money do they provide to the household per month? _________________________________
Section Three: Other Income
(Write “None” in the monthly income column if no income from that source.)
Monthly Income
Monthly Income
Public Assistance:
Including but not limited
Supplemental Security
Income (SSI),
Social Security Disability
Insurance (SSDI),
Temporary Assistance
For Needy Families
(TANF), VA Disability
Benefits, Food Assistance
(Vision Card).
Social Security and/or
retirement Income.
Rental Property and/or
Business Income
(If Self-Employed was
checked in section two
above and income
information was included
in that section do not
include it again here.)
and/or Child Support
paid to your household.
Other (Describe source of
Other (Describe Source of
Section Four: Assets
(Write “None” in the Value or Amount Column if you do not have that asset.)
Value or Amount of Asset
Amount Owed Against Asset
Vehicle(s) Including but not limited
to Car, Truck Motorcycle, Camper,
Provide Year, Make and Model for
each vehicle.
House/Land (Describe)
Accounts at financial institutions,
including, but not limited to: banks,
savings and loans, credit unions
and investment companies.
Provide the name of the financial
institution(s) and the type of
Any asset transferred (given or
sold) to another after the date of the
filing of this motion. (Describe)
Other Assets (Describe)
Section Five: Monthly Expenses
Write “None” If you have no expense for the Type Listed. If more room is needed attach a separate sheet.
Type of Monthly Expense
Payment Amount
Rent or House Payment
Food/Household Goods (If a vision card benefit is
listed in section three write the amount spent above the
amount of the vision card benefit)
(Including but not limited to Water, Electric, Phone,
Internet, Trash Service)
Spousal Support/Alimony
Child Support (Amount Not taken out by employer)
Installment Payments (Including but not limited to
vehicle loans, credit cards and other debt. Amounts
Not already taken out of a paycheck due to
Payments for other cases: List Court, Case numbers
and Total Amount Owed as well as the monthly
payment made in each case.
Medical Debt List total amount owed and amount
paid each month.
Monthly Medical Expenses (Including, but not limited
to health insurance premiums above the amount
withheld from income, medication, co-pays)
Transportation Gas, Bus Passes, Insurance
Other (Describe)
Other (Describe)
Total Expenses
I certify under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. By signing below, I authorize the CITY OF
WICHITA, KANSAS to verify my past and present employment earnings, records, bank accounts, stock holdings, and
any other asset balances.
Executed this ______ day _______________, 20____
Signature of Affiant _______________________________