Southwestern Washington
Prairies: using GIS to find
rare plant habitat in
historic prairies
Prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service Region 1, Section 6 funding
Prepared by
Florence Caplow and Janice Miller
December 2004
Natural Heritage
Report 2004-02
Southwestern Washington Prairies:
using GIS to find remnant prairies and
rare plant habitat
Prepared by
Florence Caplow
Janice Miller
Washington Natural Heritage Program
Department of Natural Resources
Olympia, Washington
December 2004
Prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
through Endangered Species Act Section 6 funding
Grant Agreement E-2, Segment 35
Executive Summary
More than 99% of the grasslands of southwestern Washington (Clark, Lewis, and Cowlitz
Counties) have been converted to agriculture and other uses. Remnant grasslands of
southwestern Washington support, or did support, four federally listed species and two
federal Species of Concern: Nelson's checker-mallow (Sidalcea nelsoniana), Bradshaw's
lomatium (Lomatium bradshawii), Kincaid's lupine (Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii),
golden paintbrush (Castilleja levisecta), pale larkspur (Delphinium leucophaeum), and
thin-leaved peavine (Lathyrus holochlorus). These grassland areas (“prairies”) also
support 12 other species of plants that are considered rare in Washington State.
GIS analysis for inventory and possible re-introduction sites was done using available
GIS data layers: soils data derived from the Private Forest Land Grading system (PFLG),
USGS GNIS names containing "prairie" or "plain", the oak/grasslands layer developed by
Chris Chappell of WNHP, elevation (below 1500 feet), georeferenced General Land
Office (GLO) TIFF files of historical survey cadastral surveys, and digitized delineated
prairie areas from the cadastral survey maps.
The identified prairie areas were used as a basis for reconnaissance fieldwork in the
summer of 2004. We performed an initial reconnaissance in thirty-two separate prairie
areas in Lewis, Cowlitz, and Clark counties. Bicycle surveys were used in portions of the
area. Nine prairies supported no visible native prairie vegetation. Twenty-three prairies
had at least some remnant prairie species, generally along the roadsides. Ten populations
of five rare species were found in the course of the survey, including two new
populations of Kincaid’s lupine. Most of the populations were found on roadsides or
along fencerows.
In addition, the maps produced through GIS analysis were used to identify potential
habitat for rare grassland butterflies (results not included in this report), and will be used
in 2005 and 2006 as a basis for further rare plant inventory.
Chris Chappell, plant ecologist for the WNHP, participated in the project development,
visited the Lewis and Clark prairie, and provided a very helpful review of the report.
Nathan Reynolds of Washington State University demonstrated this particular GIS
methodology, which he has used in his research on historical prairies in Clark County.
Ann Potter and Robin Woodin, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, helped to
field-check maps and orient me to Lewis County. Rachael Holler and Rebecca Rothwell
volunteered in the field, and Peter Morrison of Pacific Biodiversity Institute, Phil Gaddis
of Clark County, and Keith Karoly of Reed College provided valuable leads. All of your
efforts are appreciated!
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... 1
2. MAP DEVELOPMENT AND FIELD METHODS............................................... 2
2.1. DEVELOPMENT OF GIS MAPS............................................................................... 2
2.2. DRIVING RECONNAISSANCE ................................................................................. 4
2.3. SURVEY BY BICYCLE............................................................................................ 5
2.4. OTHER SURVEYS .................................................................................................. 5
3. RESULTS OF FIELDWORK ................................................................................. 5
3.1. IDENTIFICATION OF EXTANT PRAIRIE REMNANTS ................................................. 5
3.2. HISTORICAL PRAIRIES WITH REMNANT PRAIRIE SPECIES ...................................... 8
3.2.1. Lewis and Clark State Park, Lewis County ................................................ 8
3.2.2. Lacamas and Cowlitz Prairies, Lewis County............................................ 8
3.2.3. Drews Prairie, Lewis County...................................................................... 9
3.2.4. Lacamas Prairie, Clark County................................................................ 10
3.2.5. Boistfort Prairie, Lewis County................................................................ 11
3.2.6. Halfway Creek Meadows, Lewis County.................................................. 12
3.2.7. Jackson Prairie, Lewis County ................................................................. 12
3.3. RARE PLANTS FOUND IN 2004 SURVEYS............................................................. 13
3.3.1. Kincaid’s lupine........................................................................................ 13
3.3.2. Bolander’s peavine ................................................................................... 14
3.3.3. Thin-leaved peavine.................................................................................. 14
3.3.4. Checker-mallow........................................................................................ 15
3.3.5. Great polemonium .................................................................................... 15
4. APPLICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................... 15
4.1. APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................... 15
4.2. ADDITIONAL SURVEYS....................................................................................... 16
5. REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 17
List of Tables
Table 1. Potential rare plant species of prairies …………… 2
Table 2. Data sets used for GIS project …………………… 3
Table 3. Prairies of Southwestern Washington. …………… 6
Table 4. Rare plant populations found in 2004 ……………. 13
List of Figures
Figure 1. Study area ………………………………………… 2
Figure 2. A prairie area on a GLO Cadastral Survey Map …. 3
Figure 3. An example of a township field map …………….. 4
Figure 4. Prairie map of Lewis County *……...........link to 1.7 mB pdf
Figure 5. Prairie map of Clark and Cowlitz counties *. link to 1.7 mB pdf
Figures 4 and 5 are also available as pdf documents on cd. If interested, contact WNHP.
“Prairies,” i.e., native grasslands on gentle topography and deep soils, are a little-known
component of the pre-settlement vegetation of western Washington and Oregon. These
grasslands were underlain by a variety of soil types, from the hydric soils in the wet
prairies of the Willamette Valley and Clark County to the very gravelly soils in the
southern Puget Sound area. They were historically maintained by frequent fires ignited
by Native Americans (Norton 1979). Native grasslands are imperiled ecosystems in
western Washington and have declined to less than 3% of the their pre-settlement extent
(Crawford and Hall 1997, Chappell et al. 2001).
Earlier studies of native grasslands of southwestern Washington, in Clark, Cowlitz, and
Lewis counties, found fairly large areas of prairie soil, but no extant untilled grasslands
larger than five acres (Chappell et al. 2001). This suggests a greater than 99% loss of
native grasslands (prairies) in southwestern Washington. The soils of southwestern
Washington prairies range from wetland soil types to deep, well-drained soils, but
gravelly soils are uncommon. This contributed to their early conversion to agricultural
There is, however, a strong correlation between historical prairies and historical or
current rare plant populations. Remnant grasslands of southwestern Washington support,
or historically supported, four federally listed species: Nelson's checker-mallow (Sidalcea
nelsoniana), Bradshaw's lomatium (Lomatium bradshawii), Kincaid's lupine (Lupinus
sulphureus ssp. kincaidii), and golden paintbrush (Castilleja levisecta), and two federal
Species of Concern: pale larkspur (Delphinium leucophaeum) and thin-leaved peavine
(Lathyrus holochlorus). These prairies also support or did support 12 other species of
plants that are considered rare in Washington State, most of which are state Threatened or
Endangered (Table 1).
In many cases, there are only one or two extant populations known for these very rare
species, and many of the populations are on private land, along roadsides, or are too small
to be viable. Several are disjunct by more than 100 miles from the nearest known
population, and so may preserve unique alleles or other genetic differences from the main
range of the species. Finding more populations, viable or not, can help bolster the
populations that we have.
This project was undertaken by the Washington Natural Heritage Program (WNHP), with
Section 6 funding from Region 1 of the USFWS. The intention of this project was to
develop a GIS based map of historical prairies for southwestern Washington, and then to
perform a reconnaissance to test the predictive power of the various map layers used in
the project. If the reconnaissance showed that the map layers were useful for predicting
either remnant prairie vegetation or rare plant populations, then the maps could be used
within WNHP and by other agencies to identify potential rare plant habitat, potential
restoration areas, potential rare butterfly habitat, and other uses.
Table 1. Potential rare plant species of Lewis/Cowlitz/Clark County Prairies
Species common name Bloom time State/fed status
Aster curtus white-topped aster late S
Aster hallii Hall’s aster late T
Balsamorhiza deltoidea Puget balsamroot mid R1
Cardamine penduliflora Willamette Valley bittercress early T
Castilleja levisecta golden paintbrush mid E/T
Delphinium leucophaeum pale larkspur mid E/SC
Eryngium petiolatum Oregon coyote thistle late T
Lathryus holochlorus thin leaved peavine mid E/SC
Lathryus vestitus ssp. bolanderi Bolander’s pea mid E
Lomatium bradshawii Bradshaw’s lomatium early E/E
Lupinus suphureus ssp. kincaidii Kincaid’s lupine mid E/T
Polemonium carneum Great polemonium late T
Perideridia oregana Oregon yampah late R1
Scutellaria antirrhinoides Snap-dragon skullcap ? X
Sidalcea hirtipes hairy-stemmed checker-mallow mid E
Sidalcea malviflora var. virgata rose checker mallow mid E
Sidalcea nelsoniana Nelson’s checker-mallow mid E/E
2.1. Development of GIS maps
Lewis, Cowlitz, and Clark counties, and very small portions of Thurston County and
Skamania County were the boundaries of the study area (Figure 1). The study area was
further refined by selecting 1) appropriate soil types from DNR soils data, 2) elevations
less than 1500 feet and under from USGS 10-Meter DEM data, and 3) GNIS prairie
names. This resulted in 25 target townships.
Figure. 1. Study area (in orange)
The next step was to digitize prairie areas from GLO Cadastral Survey maps that were
drawn in the late 1800s. These are available online (
An example of a prairie area on the GLO Cadastral Survey maps is shown in Figure 2.
The maps were georeferenced using DNR’s cadastral survey data and “georeference”
tools in ArcGIS ArcMap.
Figure 2. A prairie area on a GLO Cadastral Survey Map
For Clark County we utilized shapefiles
provided by Douglas Wilson, the
archaeologist for the Vancouver
National Historical Reserve. These are
digitized boundaries of prairies and open
wetlands from GLO Cadastral maps (see
above). The layers were digitized as
part of the Clark County archaeological
predictive model project (Ellis and
Wilson 1995; Updated by Wilson 2001)
which the County converted to
Washington State Plane South, NAD 83.
Table 2. Data sets used for GIS project to identify historical prairie areas
Historical prairie areas identified on:
Cadastral survey maps showing prairies or open wetlands
GNIS place names containing ‘prairie’ or ‘plain’
Prairie soil series
1500 feet maximum elevation, using USGS DEM data
Existing vegetation layer:
Oak/Grasslands layer developed by Chris Chappell of WNHP
The prairie soils layer was assembled from those soil series reported in the county soil
surveys to have historically supported grassy vegetation (Fowler and Ness 1954, McGee
1972, Call 1974). These did not include wetland prairies which were not well
documented in the soil surveys.
The final maps for field use included prairie soils layers, GNIS prairie names, prairies
(and historical mapped open wetlands in Clark County) identified on GLO Cadastral
Survey maps, an oak/grassland layer developed by WNHP (Chappell et al. 1999), major
and minor highways and roads, active and abandoned railroads, Natural Heritage Element
Occurrence data, and Major Public Lands ownership. The most relevant layers for
predicting historical prairies are in Table 2.
The maps were printed in color at one township per 11” X 14” page. This was an ideal
size for fieldwork (Figure 3). Although some orthophotos were printed, they were not
particularly helpful in the identification of remnant prairie vegetation, since pastures
dominated by non-native grasses and remnant prairie could not be differentiated on the
2.2. Driving reconnaissance
Figure 3. An example of a township field map
We took the GIS maps into the
field in 2004 and checked for
remnant prairie species, through
driving and examining roadside
vegetation and adjacent fields.
Two people were needed: one to
drive and one to scan the roadside
and fields. Binoculars and spotting
scope were also used. When
remnant vegetation was seen, we
stopped and examined the roadside
more carefully.
The reconnaissance was focused in
areas that were identified as
potential historical prairie, but
included other areas between as well. There were two reconnaissance periods: one in late
April through early May, and one in late May through early June.
The early season reconnaissance (late April and early May) was focused on camas
(Camassia spp.) as an indicator of remnant prairie vegetation. The bright blue color of
camas and its capacity to withstand considerable disturbance and grazing make it a good
indicator of the potential for other prairie species. This assumption was born out by the
2004 fieldwork.
The later season (mid May through mid June) reconnaissance was focused on the
possible rare species, most of which, with the exception of Cardamine penduliflora and
Lomatium bradshawii, bloom later in the season. Delphinium nuttallii was also a good
indicator for other prairie species during the later season reconnaissance, due to its bright
blue color, tolerance for disturbance, and relatively tall growth form.
We drove over 224 miles during the driving reconnaissance, most of which was focused
on Lewis County. Figures 9 and 10 show driving reconnaissance routes.
2.3. Survey by bicycle
In considering the logistical aspects of this project, we felt that a bicycle might be an
ideal tool for more detailed survey work. Many county roads have limited shoulders for
parking, and driving speeds are too fast to identify more than the most obvious species.
Bicyclists also draw little attention in rural areas, while idling vehicles can be cause for
Bicycle reconnaissance was very successful. Potentially significant prairie areas were
identified during the driving reconnaissance. We then transported bicycles to the area
and rode as a team of two along roads in the area. Approximately 10 miles were ridden
and surveyed in this way, and several rare plant populations were found through bicycle
2.4. Other surveys
Although the 2004 fieldwork was focused on reconnaissance and experimentation with
road-based field methods, there were a few opportunities to work on foot on public lands
and private lands when there was some willingness from the landowner. Lewis and Clark
State Park, Matilda Jackson County Park, and two parcels west of Boistfort were
surveyed for rare species on foot. We found rare plant populations through walking
surveys as well, and hope to expand this method in 2005 and 2006, especially on private
lands with willing landowners.
3.1. Identification of extant prairie remnants
Sixty-six areas of prairie soil and/or mapped historical prairie were identified through
GIS within the study area (Table 3 and Figures 9 and 10), totaling 46,531 acres.
Township Range County Date Date #2
date Rare species Return? Comments
Adna Prairie 13N 3W Lewis 5/17 No All agriculture
Alpha Prairies 13N 1E Lewis 4/26 Moderate Some Thermopsis
Battle ground wetlands 4N 2E Clark
Bear Prairie 2N 5E Clark 5/5 High Thermopsis. Looks like a good place for Sidalcea
Beaver Creek Prairie 13N 4W Lewis 5/17 No Not much there
Berwick Creek Prairie 13N 2W Lewis 4/26 Moderate Prairie, oaks, snowberry
Boistfort Prairie 12N 4W Lewis 5/17 6/2
Kincaid's lupine,
thin leaved
peavine, pale
larkspur High Many rare species
Brush Prairie 3N 2E Clark
Bunker Creek Prairie 13N 3W Lewis 5/17 No All agriculture
Burnt Ridge Road Prairies 13N 1E Lewis
Calvin Road Prairie 13N 2E Lewis
Camp Bonneville 2N 3E Clark
Centralia Prairie 14N 2W Lewis
Ceres Hill Road Prairie 13N 4W Lewis 5/17 Moderate Lots of manroot
Chehalis Prairie 14N 2W Lewis
Chelatchie Prairie 5N 4E Clark
Cinebar Prairie 13N 2E Lewis
Claquato Prairie 13N 3W Lewis
Cowlitz Prairie 12N 1W Lewis 4/29 5/21 High Camas, also balsamroot and camas at east end
Cowlitz River Prairie 12N 1E Lewis 5/21 Bolander's peavine Moderate
Peavine and other dry forest species, no prairie species
seen…more by bike perhaps.
Curtis Prairie 13N 4W Lewis 5/17 High Not really looked at. Manroot and camas north of Curtis
Doty Prairie 13N 5W Lewis
Doty Prairie 13N 5W Lewis
Drews Prairie 11N 2W Lewis 5/18 6/3
Kincaid's lupine,
hairy stemmed
High if can
access land Camas, delphinium, oregon ash, wet prairie
Fern Hill Prairie 13N 2W Lewis 4/26 Low
Mostly converted, oak in cemetery, interesting field at
Labric (no camas)
Fern Prairie 2N 3E Clark 5/5 High Camas, delphinium
Fords Prairie 14N 2W Lewis 4/26 Low Some camas, native veg.
Frost Prairie 15N 1W Thurston 6/2 Bolander's peavine Moderate Dry forest species, some prairie species at north end
Gore Rd Prairies 12N 1E Lewis 5/21 No No prairie species seen
Grand Prairie 11N 2W Lewis 4/29 Low
Oaks, dry woodland species, checked twice, camas on
Ross rd.
Halfway Creek meadows 12N 4W Lewis 6/4
hairy stemmed
great polemonium High
Small meadows in otherwise forested habitat, but high
potential for more Nelson's checkermallow
Jackson Prairie 12N 1W Lewis 5/17 6/16 6/17 Bolander's peavine Low Camas, columbine. Well examined by bike.
Jorgensen Road Prairie 12N 1E Lewis 5/21 No No prairie species seen
Kennedy Rd. Prairie 12N 1E Lewis
King Corner wetlands 4N 2E Clark
Klaber Prairie 12N 4W Lewis 5/17 Low Plowed on one side of road, lots of manroot on other.
Kruger Prairie 13N 1W Lewis 4/26 Moderate
Native dry forest species, interesting spot at MP 6, also in
S20. Thermopsis montana
Table 3. Prairies of southwestern Washington
Township Range County Date Date #2
date Rare species Return? Comments
Lacamas Prairie 2N 3E Clark 5/5 Many High Need to check roadsides and properties in vicinity - bike.
Lacamas Prairie 12N 1W Lewis 4/29 6/3
Kincaid's lupine,
hairy stemmed
(taxonomic issues)
Camas, lots of wet areas, lead on Frost Road for
Eryngium, oregon ash/oak on frost Rd, wet prairie
Layton Prairie 11N 1W Lewis 5/18 Low Tiny bit of lupine and camas - mostly hayfields
Lewis and Clark Prairie 12N 1W Lewis 4/29 6/16 Bolander's peavine Low
Camas, Danthonia californica, Fragaria, Lupinus
polyphyllus, other natives. Well searched by me and
Peter Morrison.
Lewisville wetlands 4N 2E Clark
Longview Prairie 8N 2W Cowlitz
Lucas Valley Prairie 13N 1W Lewis 4/26 Low Converted to ag to roadside
Middle Fork Road Prairie 13N 1E Lewis
Mill Plain 1N 2E Clark
Mossyrock Prairie 12N 2E Lewis
Mud Creek 3N 2E Clark
Napavine Prairie 12N 2W Lewis No Nothing left, ag, mowed.
Newaukum Prairie 13N 1W Lewis 4/26 High Cursory
Onalaska Prairie 13N 1E Lewis
Oppelt Road Prairie 13N 1E Lewis 4/26 Moderate Some Thermopsis
Orchards Prairie 2N 2E Clark
Pe Ell Prairie 13N 5W Lewis
Pe Ell Prairie 13N 5W Lewis
Pleasant Valley Road Prairie 13N 3W Lewis 5/17 No All agriculture
Salkum Prairie 12N 1E Lewis 5/21 No No prairie species seen
Salmon Creek 3N 1E Clark
Salzer Valley Road Prairie 14N 2W Lewis
Silver Lake Prairies 10N 1W Cowlitz No Forest
Stearns Creek Prairie 13N 3W Lewis
Stillman Prairie 12N 4W Lewis
Toutle Prairie 10N 1W Cowlitz
Twin Oaks Prairie 13N 3W Lewis
Waunch Prairie 15N 2W Lewis
Yacolt Prairie 4N 3E Clark
Some portion of thirty-two of these areas (48%) were visited in the course of the
reconnaissance, and of those, twenty-three had some remnant prairie species. Nine were
entirely converted to cropland or may have been mis-mapped. Nine supported at least
one, and often several, rare plant species. No large areas of prairie vegetation were
found, with the exception of several acres within Lewis and Clark State Park (described
The mapping and reconnaissance were quite successful in differentiating completely
converted prairie areas from those that still supported some remnant vegetation and had
some potential for rare species. In some cases the entire former prairie area could be seen
from the road, and in other cases there may still be remnant prairie vegetation on private
land that was not visible from the road.
Table 3. Prairies of southwestern Washington
The maps were also quite accurate in predicting the presence of remnant prairie
vegetation. In many cases, the mapped boundary corresponded to the edge of the camas
or larkspur populations. The Lewis and Clark State Park area was the only prairie area
seen in the course of the reconnaissance that was not predicted from the maps.
Most surprising was the incidence of rare species even in remnant prairie areas that had
been nearly entirely converted to agricultural uses. Nearly all of the rare plant
populations found in the course of the survey were found along fencerows, and in most
cases the vegetation on either side of the fence was dominated by non-native species.
Some rare plants were seen in fields that were completely dominated by non-native
species. No rare plants were found outside the boundaries of mapped historical prairies
and/or historical prairie soils, despite reconnaissance work in these areas.
3.2. Historical prairies with remnant prairie species
3.2.1. Lewis and Clark State Park, Lewis County
The remnant prairie in the open, southwestern portion of the state park (which
was not mapped as prairie on either GLO maps or soils maps) supported
Danthonia californica, Fragaria virginiana, Potentilla gracilis, Solidago
canadensis, Ranunculus flammula, Lupinus polyphyllus, Camassia quamash,
Plagiobothrys figuratus, and Eriophyllum lanatum, all of which are associated
with wet and/or dry prairie. There are large ditches in several areas, and plowed
strips that do not support native vegetation. Most of the area appears to have been
plowed and/or ditched and its surface is unnaturally uneven as a result, with linear
strips of higher and lower ground. It seems likely that this portion of the state park
was once wet or at least mesic prairie, but the area has been extensively altered
and invaded by non-native grasses and forbs, including Holcus lanatus and
presumably non-native Festuca rubra. It may have once been contiguous with
the very large Lacamas Prairie.
The entire area is about 50 acres, but the total area with some native vegetation at
this point is probably less than 3 acres. Nonetheless, this is the largest known
area of public land in Lewis County that supports a suite of native prairie species,
and it would be an excellent area for restoration. No rare species were found,
although other, drier forest-edge areas in the park support Lathyrus vestitus spp.
3.2.2. Lacamas and Cowlitz Prairies, Lewis County
The Lacamas and Cowlitz Prairies are north of the Cowlitz River, near the
present-day town of Toledo. Portions of Lacamas Prairie are on the floodplain of
Lacamas Creek. The areas of prairie soil and GLO prairie comprise more than
5,000 acres, but the mosaic of wet prairie, dry prairie, Oregon ash wetland, and
oak woodland may have been much larger, and may have been as large as 10,000
Both prairies are named on USGS maps. At one time there may have been two
prairie areas separated by a more forested area, but at this point it would be
difficult to identify boundaries between the two prairies. The area is nearly
entirely privately owned, with the exception of the Toledo Girls Softball Field
(owned by the Toledo School District). Access is limited in many areas.
There are large areas of Camassia quamash var. maxima scattered throughout the
former Lacamas and Cowlitz Prairies, most notably on the low flood plains, and
generally in pastures that are otherwise nearly dominated by non-native grasses.
Other prairie species that were seen on the Lacamas and Cowlitz Prairies included
Lupinus polyphyllus, Plagiobothrys figuratus, Iris tenax, Eriophyllum lanatum,
and Balsamorhiza spp.. Although most of the area has been converted to
agriculture, other, less disturbed portions of the wet prairie are rapidly becoming
dominated by shrubs and Oregon ash.
A population of Kincaid’s lupine, Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and a
population of a Sidalcea that may be S. hirtipes (see discussion in Section 3.3.4)
were found on Lacamas Prairie. There are also older occurrences of S. hirtipes
from Lacamas Prairie. A number of other native wet prairie species from a parcel
on Lacamas Prairie on Frost Road: Downingia spp., Helenium autumnale,
Sisyrhinchium spp., and the rare Eryngium petiolatum (S. Erickson, pers. comm..
These former prairies should be the focus of more survey and inventory in future
years. It seems likely that further work will reveal other rare plant populations,
and perhaps larger remnants of wet or dry prairie and/or Oregon ash wetlands.
3.2.3. Drews Prairie, Lewis County
Drews Prairie is mostly west of Lacamas Creek and is bisected by Coon Creek,
which runs parallel to Lacamas Creek before joining it to the south. A number of
tributaries to Coon Creek also flowed through the prairie, and the topography,
hydrology, and current vegetation suggest that at least the central and northern
portions of Drews Prairie would have been wet prairie. Drews Prairie is now
bisected by Interstate 5, and there is remnant prairie vegetation on both sides of
the freeway.
The mapped GLO prairie was approximately 900 acres, but the USGS map
suggests that the prairie may have continued to the south beyond its mapped
boundary. Portions of Drews Prairie are farmed, but Drews Prairie has more non-
farmed grassland and shrubland than most of the historical prairies. There is also
a large Oregon ash wetland at the north end of the former prairie, that probably
developed after fire suppression. Drews Prairie is entirely private, and access is
limited. The northern portion of the Drews Prairie is for sale, and development
seems likely.
A number of wet and dry prairie (but primarily dry prairie) species were seen on
Drews Prairie: Camassia quamash var. maxima, Delphinium nuttallii (relatively
large numbers in fencerows on both sides of the freeway), Eriophyllum lanatum,
Aquilegia formosa, and Lupinus bicolor. Two rare species occur in very low
numbers on Drews Prairie: one plant of Kincaid’s lupine (Lupinus sulphureus ssp.
kincaidii) and approximately 5 plants of a Sidalcea that may be S. hirtipes.
Drews Prairie still supports significant undeveloped areas of former prairie,
remnant prairie species, and possibly other, larger populations of rare species. No
additional road surveys are necessary (given the limited access), but it is an area
that could benefit from further inventory away from road edges on private land
and possible acquisition for conservation.
3.2.4. Lacamas Prairie, Clark County
Lacamas Prairie in Clark County lay within and east of the present-day town of
Orchards, within the floodplain of Lacamas Creek. The GLO maps show a large
area of prairie comprising nearly 3,400 acres, west of Proebstel. However, based
on current vegetation, we know that the prairie continued to the east along the
floodplain at least as far as the northwest end of present-day Lacamas Lake,
where the floodplain began to narrow. This would increase the size of the
historical prairie to at least 4,600 acres. Based on current vegetation, at least the
southern portion of the prairie was wet prairie.
Lacamas Prairie is currently considered the only example of an intact remnant wet
prairie in Washington. It is the only prairie in the study area that supports an
element occurrence of a wet prairie community type: 11 acres of the tufted
hairgrass-California oatgrass community.
Lacamas Prairie also supports three rare prairie species: Bradshaw’s lomatium
(Lomatium bradshawii), hairy-stemmed checkermallow (Sidalcea hirtipes), and
Oregon coyote-thistle (Eryngium petiolatum).
The southern portion of Lacamas Prairie has been extensively inventoried in the
last decade, and was not a focus in this study. However, other areas on Lacamas
Prairie could be more carefully examined for rare species or other prairie
3.2.5. Boistfort Prairie, Lewis County
Boistfort Prairie in Lewis County was in the Boistfort Valley, to the west of the
South Fork of the Chehalis River. There is a description of Boistfort Prairie from
1859 by J.G. Cooper (Anderson 1994). It was described as being 2 ½ miles long
by 1 mile wide, and “one of the most beautiful of the little prairies we meet”. The
GLO maps and prairie soil polygons suggest that the prairie may have been
approximately 1,200 acres of deep, generally well drained soil, with scattered wet
Nearly all of the Boistfort Valley is now farmed, and was converted to
agricultural use from the 1850s to the 1880s. Cathy Maxwell, a local botanist, has
been exploring the Boistfort Valley since the late 1980s, and made many of the
significant finds in the valley.
The most significant feature of the Boistfort Valley is a conical mound about 50
feet high that was used as a pioneer cemetery from the 1850’s, and was never
plowed. This mound, a few roadsides, and one pasture, are the only accessible
areas that still support some remnant prairie vegetation.
The Boistfort Cemetery mound supports a remarkable diversity of native prairie
species in a matrix of exotic grasses, including tall oatgrass. The native species
include Festuca roehmeri, Apocynum androsaemifolium, Aster subspicatus,
Brodiaea coronaria, Camassia leichtlinii, Eriophyllum lanatum, Ranunculus
occidentalis, Lupinus bicolor, Viola adunca, and Ligusticum apiifolium. A small
swale to the south of the mound also supports a few native wet prairie species,
including Plagiobothrys figuratus and Mimulus guttatus.
Remnants within Boistfort Prairie support known populations of the following
rare species: Kincaid’s lupine (Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii), pale larkspur
(Delphinium leucophaeum), and thin-leaved peavine (Lathyrus holochlorus). An
additional population of thin-leaved peavine was found during 2004 bicycle
surveys of the valley.
A butterfly survey in 2004 found the following unusual species at the Boistfort
Cemetery: Arctic skipper, which is uncommon in lowland southwestern
Washington, and Ranchman’s tiger moth, which is declining and almost entirely
restricted to wetland prairie environments (Ross 2004).
It is unlikely that further survey work along roads in the Boistfort Prairie area will
identify other rare plant populations, although there may be rare plant populations
on private land in the valley. A multi-agency group is working on developing a
conservation plan for the Boistfort Prairie, in an effort led by the Washington
Natural Heritage Program.
3.2.6. Halfway Creek Meadows, Lewis County
The Halfway Creek meadows are on several private parcels along the Pe-Ell-
McDonald Road, west of the Boistfort Valley. None of these areas were
identified through GLO maps or prairie soils polygons, but must have been
historically open, since they support one known population of the federally listed
Nelson’s checkermallow (Sidalcea nelsoniana) and one population found in 2004
of a Sidalcea that may be S. hirtipes. These meadows were probably always
small openings associated with creek bottoms or burned areas. We suspect that
there could be additional populations of both species on other properties.
3.2.7. Jackson Prairie, Lewis County
Jackson Prairie is just north of the present-day Lewis and Clark State Park. It was
settled in 1845 by one of the earliest settlers in Washington, and was known as
Highland Prairie at that time (perhaps to distinguish it from the lower and wetter
Lacamas Prairie nearby). GLO maps and prairie soils suggest that the prairie was
about 1,000 acres. Most of the Jackson Prairie area is now dry second-growth
coniferous forest, pasture, or hayfields
A number of prairie species persist on roadside or in pastures in Jackson Prairie,
including Camassia spp., Aquilegia formosa, Delphinium nuttallii, Lilium
columbianum, Fragaria virginiana, and Eriophyllum lanatum.
One rare species was found on Jackson Prairie: Bolander’s peavine (Lathyrus
vestitus ssp. bolanderi). Several clusters of this rhizomatous species were found
along roadsides in otherwise forested habitats.
The roadsides of Jackson Prairie and Matilda Jackson County Park have been
surveyed by bicycle and on foot. There may be small prairie remnants or other
populations of rare species on private land on Jackson Prairie.
3.3. Rare plants found in 2004 surveys
Ten populations of five rare plant species were found on historical prairies during the
2004 reconnaissance surveys (Table 2). Each is described in detail below.
Table 4. Rare plant populations found in 2004
Scientific name Common name
New populations found
Lupinus sulphureus
ssp. kincaidii Kincaid’s lupine Endangered Endangered
Drews Prairie (1). Lacamas Prairie
Lathyrus vestitus
ssp. bolanderi Bolander’s peavine N/A Endangered
Cowlitz River Prairie (1), Lewis
and Clark State Park, (1), Jackson
Prairie (1).
Lathyrus holochlorus Thin-leaved peavine
Species of
Boistfort Prairie (1)
Sidalcea sp. Checker-mallow N/A N/A
Drews Prairie (1),Lacamas
Prairie (1), Halfway Creek
Meadows (1)
Polemonium carneum Great polemonium N/A Threatened
Halfway Creek Meadows (1)
3.3.1. Kincaid’s lupine
Kincaid’s lupine (Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii) is
federally endangered and Washington State Endangered. Its
range is primarily in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, and in
Oregon it is the host plant for Fender’s Blue butterfly, a
federally endangered species. Prior to this work it was known
by the WNHP from one site on Boistfort Prairie, more than
100 miles north of its primary range.
Two small populations were found in Lewis County historical
prairies in 2004: one on Drew’s Prairie and one on the Lacamas Prairie. Only
one plant was seen on Drew’s Prairie, but a population of more than 40 plants
was found in a fencerow on Lacamas Prairie. Both populations are extremely
vulnerable to management activities, particularly herbicide use to maintain the
fenceline. We hope to find more plants in the vicinity of this population in
2005. These additional populations may provide seed and greater genetic
diversity for a potential reintroduction project for Kincaid’s lupine in
southwestern Washington.
3.3.2. Bolander’s peavine
Bolander’s peavine (Lathyrus vestitus ssp. bolanderi) is a
Washington State Endangered species. Its historical range was from
King County south to central California (Broich 1987). Prior to
2004 it was only known from Washington from one extant site in
Thurston County and several historical collection sites that no longer
support populations. Its habitat is dry, open to wooded sites, and the
Thurston County population was known from an historical prairie.
The Thurston County population was relocated and three other
populations were found in or near historical prairie areas during the
2004 surveys: one on the Cowlitz River Prairie, one on Jackson
Prairie, and one within Lewis and Clark State Park. In all cases, populations were
found along roadsides or other edges (river bluffs, forest edges) of otherwise dry,
wooded habitats, and plants did not continue into more heavily forested habitats.
The number of plants is difficult to ascertain, since the species is rhizomatous, but
all populations had hundreds of stems and the populations seemed robust.
However, 90% of the populations were along roadsides, and therefore vulnerable
to roadside management activities. There may be more populations in
southwestern Washington in similar habitats.
3.3.3. Thin-leaved peavine
Thin-leaved peavine (Lathyrus holochlorus) is
a Washington State Endangered species and a
federal Species of Concern. It is endemic to
the Willamette Valley and southwestern
Washington, and is also considered to be
declining in Oregon. The species grows
mostly along roadsides or fencerows, in
grasslands, in partially cleared land, or
climbing in low scrubby vegetation. The “roadside or fencerow” description may
reflect the destruction of its more characteristic prairie edge habitat. Prior to this
work it was known by the WNHP from one site on Boistfort Prairie, more than
100 miles north of its primary range.
One small population was found on Boistfort Prairie in a roadside fencerow,
approximately one mile north of the known population. The land on the other
side of the fencerow was plowed. This population is vulnerable to roadside
maintenance and fencerow maintenance, and is probably too small to be viable.
Seed should be collected from it for seed-banking. Other populations may be
found in Lewis County.
3.3.4. Checker-mallow
Until the 2004 surveys, 9 small populations of what was
believed to be hairy-stemmed checker-mallow (Sidalcea
hirtipes) were known from Washington. Most were known
from Lewis County historical prairies.
None of the previously known populations were relocated in
2004, but three new populations were found in Lewis County
during the 2004 reconnaissance: one on Drews Prairie, one on
Lacamas Prairie, and one in the Halfway Creek Meadows.
Collections were sent to Steve Gisler of the Institute for Applied
Ecology. He felt that they did not have the characteristics of S. hirtipes, but could
not assign them with assurance to any other taxon. Given their close proximity to
known populations of what has been considered S. hirtipes by the WNHP, it casts
some doubt on the identification of the other Washington populations. However,
all of the species of Sidalcea that occur in the prairies of the Willamette Valley
and western Washington have some degree of rarity, so we assume that this
entity is also rare. We plan to make more collections in 2005, and to send them to
the author of Sidalcea for the Flora of North America.
3.3.5. Great polemonium
Great polemonium (Polemonium carneum) is a Washington
State Threatened species. Its range is from western
Washington to central California. In Washington it is known
entirely from coastal or southwestern counties. Its habitat is
prairies and woodlands from low to moderate elevation.
One population of great polemonium was found on private
land in the Halfway Creek Meadows, along the edge of a
meadow and second growth forest.
4.1. Applications
The 2004 reconnaissance showed that the GLO maps, combined with prairie soils maps,
can be a powerful tool for identifying rare prairie plant populations. There is a suite of
rare animals also associated with prairies, and these maps may be helpful in identifying
remnant populations of prairie-dependent butterflies and other animals. The Boistfort
Prairie remnant supported two uncommon Lepidoptera species, despite its small size
(Ross 2004).
The GLO maps and soil layers can also be used by agencies and conservation districts
working with private landowners. By identifying areas that may have once supported
prairie vegetation, and/or being aware of the possibility of prairie remnants within
historical prairie areas on private land, conservation districts may be able to help
landowners conserve or restore prairie vegetation on their land.
Although no large prairie remnants were found during the 2004 reconnaissance, it is
possible that there may be significant prairie remnants in southwestern Washington. If
found, these areas would be a high priority for conservation and/or acquisition. The
reconnaissance showed that the combination of GLO maps and prairie soils layers are
good predictors of remnant prairie vegetation.
4.2. Additional surveys
The prairie maps generated through this project will be used for USFWS funded rare
plant surveys in 2005 and 2006, and may also be used by WDFW for rare butterfly
4.3. Significance of findings and conservation recommendations
Prior to 2004, several rare prairie species (Kincaid’s lupine, Bolander’s peavine, thin-
leaved peavine) were only known from one extant population in Washington. Although
the populations that were found during the reconnaissance were small, they are
significant by what they suggest about the former range of these species. We now know,
for instance, that Kincaid’s lupine probably occurred on at least three prairies, rather than
on one, isolated prairie far from other populations.
None of the populations found during the reconnaissance are, when considered
separately, highly viable populations. All of them are small, occur in a fragmented,
degraded landscape, and are vulnerable to management and road maintenance activities.
However, the seed from these populations could be critical for future reintroduction of
these rare species to one or more viable, more intensively managed and protected sites.
Conservation recommendations from this project include:
Collect seed for seed banking from all roadside rare plant populations. Given the
low viability of the populations, seed collection could be at a higher level than is
generally recommended.
Contact and work with landowners where rare plants occur on or near private
Contact and work with State Parks and the Toledo School District to explore
restoration and maintenance of prairie remnants.
Share maps, this report, and rare plant fact sheets with conservation district and
WDFW biologists, who may be working on private land in southwestern
Continue surveys for remnant prairies and rare plant populations in historical
prairie areas.
Contact and work with county road crews to prevent spraying in the vicinity of
rare plant populations.
Consider conservation possibilities at Drews Prairie, Lacamas Prairie, Boistfort
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