Designing Instruction for Student Learning Task 3
Task Requirements
Task 3 Designing Instruction for Student Learning
In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to develop instruction, including
the use of technology, to facilitate student learning.
Standards and Indicators Measured in This Task
The following InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards represent the focus of this task.
The evidence you submit must address and will be scored according to the following.
Standard 1, Indicators a and b
Standard 2, Indicators a, b, c, and f
Standard 3, Indicator e
Standard 4, Indicators e, f, and g
Standard 6, Indicators a, c, d, and g
Standard 7, Indicators a, b, c, d, and f
Standard 8, Indicators a and b
Standard 9, Indicator c
Designing Instruction for Student Learning Task 3
What Do You Have to Do for This Task?
For this task, you must submit the following evidence.
1. Written Commentary of a maximum of 25,500 characters (approximately eight typed pages) that
responds to all parts of the guiding prompts;
references your artifacts to support your written evidence; and
describes, analyzes, and reflects on the evidence
2. Identification of two Focus Students who reflect different learning needs
3. Six different artifacts (maximum of seven pages), including
Number of Pages
representative pages of a lesson plan for the whole class that includes the use of
technology* 2 3.1.1
representative page of a differentiated lesson plan for Focus Student 1 1 3.2.1
representative page of a differentiated lesson plan for Focus Student 2 1 3.2.1
a work sample from any class member other than the two Focus Students 1 3.3.1
a work sample from Focus Student 1 1 3.3.2
a work sample from Focus Student 2 1 3.3.2
* A sample template is provided, but teacher candidates may submit a form of their own (maximum of two pages).
Designing Instruction for Student Learning Task 3
How to Submit Your Evidence (Refer to the Submission System User Guide for details.)
Upload your artifacts into your Library of Artifacts.
Refer to the artifacts in your Written Commentary.
Link the artifacts to your Written Commentary within the appropriate textbox.
How to Compose Your Written Commentary
This task has four steps, each with guiding prompts to help you provide evidence that supports the rubric. Your response needs
to address all parts of each of the guiding prompts.
Step 1: Planning the Lesson
Step 2: The Focus Students
Step 3: Analyzing the Instruction
Step 4: Reflecting
Please read the entire task before responding to any guiding prompts. Use the textboxes located under the guiding
prompts to compose your responses and attach your artifacts.
Designing Instruction for Student Learning Task 3
Contextual Information
This step allows you to provide a picture of your class that will enable the reader to better understand your instruction and
decision-making skills.
Many factors can affect teaching and learning; these could include the community, the district, and/or individual
school/classroom/student factors.
The information you gather about your teaching and learning context and about your individual students will help provide
perspective to the reader who will be scoring your submissions.
This part of your submission will not be scored, but the information you include should have implications regarding your
instructional choices.
Your response must be limited to 1,500 characters (approximately one-half typed page). No artifacts can be attached to the
Contextual Information textbox.
a. Describe your classroom. Include the grade level, content area, subject matter, and number of students. Provide
relevant information about any of your students with special needs.
b. Describe any physical, social, behavioral, or developmental factors that may impact the instruction that occurs in your
classroom. Mention any linguistic, cultural, or health considerations that may also impact teaching and learning in your
c. Describe any factors related to the school and surrounding community that may impact the teaching and learning that
occurs in your classroom.
Type your response in the textbox below.
Designing Instruction for Student Learning Task 3
Step 1: Planning the Lesson
This step allows you to demonstrate your ability to develop an effective lesson plan that facilitates student learning.
Textbox 3.1.1: Standards and Learning Goals
Activity: Planning for Instruction
Develop a lesson plan that you will use with your students in this task. (You may use the template provided.) As you plan, keep
in mind such things as fostering student interactions, using technology, and gathering evidence of student learning. Explain
your planning process as you respond to the guiding prompts below.
Guiding Prompts
a. What learning theory/method will guide your planning process? Provide a brief description of the theory/method. How
will you make use of it?
b. What learning goal(s) and content standards, state and/or national standards, did you identify for the lesson? How will
they guide the planned learning activities?
c. What is the content focus of the lesson? What related content that the students have previously encountered will support
the learning in this lesson?
d. What are some difficulties students might encounter with the content? How will you address the difficulties?
Required artifact for this textbox:
representative pages of your lesson plan for the whole class (maximum of two pages). Make sure your lesson plan
includes the use of technology.
Type your response in the textbox below.
Designing Instruction for Student Learning Task 3
Textbox 3.1.2: Instructional Strategies
Guiding Prompts
a. What different instructional strategies do you plan to use to engage students in the lesson and to enhance their
learning? Provide a rationale for your choice of each strategy.
b. How do the instructional strategies connect to the learning goal(s) to facilitate student learning?
c. What informed your decisions to use individual, small-group, and/or whole-group instruction to facilitate
student learning?
Type your response in the textbox below.
Textbox 3.1.3: Learning Activities
Guiding Prompts
a. What learning activities do you plan to implement in this lesson? Provide a rationale for your choices.
b. How will these learning activities address students' strengths and needs?
c. How did your class demographics inform the design of the learning activities you chose?
Type your response in the textbox below.
Designing Instruction for Student Learning Task 3
Textbox 3.1.4: Materials, Resources, and Technology
Guiding Prompts
a. What materials and resources will you use to support your instruction and student learning? Provide a rationale to
support your choices.
b. What types of technology do you plan to use in your instruction?
c. How will your chosen technology enhance your instruction and student learning in the lesson?
Type your response in the textbox below.
Step 2: The Focus Students
This step allows you to demonstrate your ability to differentiate instruction for individual students.
Textbox 3.2.1: Understanding Each of the Two Focus Students and Differentiating Instruction
Activity: Differentiating Instruction
From the whole class, select two students who reflect different learning needs. Refer to them as Focus Student 1 and Focus
Student 2. Then respond to the guiding prompts below.
Guiding Prompts
Focus Student 1:
a. Identify Focus Student 1’s learning strengths and challenges related to the learning goal(s) of the lesson.
b. Describe how you will differentiate specific parts of your lesson plan to help Focus Student 1 meet the learning goal(s) of
the lesson. Provide a rationale.
c. What evidence will you collect to show the progress Focus Student 1 makes toward the learning goal(s)?
Designing Instruction for Student Learning Task 3
Focus Student 2:
a. Identify Focus Student 2’s learning strengths and challenges related to the learning goal(s) of the lesson.
b. Describe how you will differentiate specific parts of your lesson plan to help Focus Student 2 meet the learning goal(s) of
the lesson. Provide a rationale.
c. What evidence will you collect to show the progress Focus Student 2 makes toward the learning goal(s)?
Required artifacts for this textbox:
a differentiated lesson plan for Focus Student 1 (maximum of one page)
a differentiated lesson plan for Focus Student 2 (maximum of one page)
Type your response in the textbox below.
Step 3: Analyzing the Instruction
This step allows you to demonstrate your ability to analyze a lesson and evidence of student learning.
Textbox 3.3.1: Analyzing the Instruction for the Whole Class
Activity: Analyzing the Instruction
After you have implemented the lesson, respond to the guiding prompts below.
Guiding Prompts
a. To what extent did the lesson, including instructional strategies, learning activities, materials, resources, and
technology, help to facilitate student learning? How does the evidence you collected support this finding?
b. How did the students use the content presented to demonstrate meaningful learning? Provide specific examples from the
lesson and from the student work to support your analysis.
Designing Instruction for Student Learning Task 3
c. While you were teaching, what adjustments to the lesson did you implement for the whole class to better support
student engagement and learning? Provide examples to support your decisions.
d. What steps did you take to foster teacher-to-student and student-to-student interactions? How did they impact student
engagement and learning?
e. What feedback did you provide during the lesson to facilitate student learning? What impact did the feedback have on
student learning? Provide specific examples.
Required artifact for this textbox:
a student work sample from any member of the class other than the two Focus Students (maximum of one page)
Type your response in the textbox below.
Textbox 3.3.2: Analyzing the Differentiated Instruction for Each of the Two Focus Students
Guiding Prompts
a. To what extent did each of the two Focus Students achieve the learning goal(s) of the lesson? Cite examples to support
your analysis.
b. How did your differentiation of specific parts of the lesson help each of the two Focus Students meet the learning
goal(s)? Cite examples to support your analysis.
Designing Instruction for Student Learning Task 3
Required artifacts for this textbox:
a student work sample from Focus Student 1 (maximum of one page)
a student work sample from Focus Student 2 (maximum of one page)
Type your response in the textbox below.
Step 4: Reflecting
This step allows you to reflect on the strengths of your lesson as well as on components of your lesson that need improvement.
Textbox 3.4.1: Reflecting on the Lesson for the Whole Class
Activity: Reflecting After Instruction
Think about your lesson plan, the lesson you taught, and evidence of student learning. Then respond to the guiding prompts
Guiding Prompts
a. What specific instructional strategies, learning activities, materials, resources, and technology will you use to help
students who did not achieve the learning goal(s)? Describe how these lesson components will help the students achieve
the learning goal(s).
b. How will you use your analysis of the lesson and the evidence of student learning to guide your planning of future
lessons for the whole class? Provide specific examples.
Type your response in the textbox below.
Designing Instruction for Student Learning Task 3
Textbox 3.4.2: Reflecting on the Differentiated Instruction for Each of the Two Focus Students
Guiding Prompts
a. How will you use your analysis of the lesson and evidence of student learning to guide your planning of future lessons
for each of the two Focus Students? Provide specific examples.
Type your response in the textbox below.
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