Board of Directors Special Meeting
Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 2:00pm
Teleconference Locations for Board and Public Participation [Cal Gov Code § 54953(a)]:
Great Redwood Trail Agency
419 Talmage Rd., Suite M
Ukiah, CA 95482
County of Sonoma Administration Building
County Counsel Conference Room, Room 105A
575 Administration Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Cloverdale City Hall Conference Room
124 N Cloverdale Blvd
Cloverdale, CA 95425
Operating Engineers Local 3 District 80
3920 Lennane Drive
Sacramento, CA 95834
136 Bella Vista Avenue
Belvedere, CA 94920
1521 Fox Farm Road
Trinidad, CA 95570
To attend the meeting via Zoom on a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
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x Enter Meeting ID: 816 5736 4670
x Enter Passcode: 843627
x All participants will be automatically muted except when called on to speak
If you would like to make public comment via Zoom:
x Wait until you hear the board ask for public comment or comment on agenda item
x Raise your hand by clicking on “Reactions” in the meeting controls, then “Raise Hand”
x Wait until you are called on
x Unmute yourself when you’re called on and give your public comment
x When your three-minute time limit is up, return to “Reactions” and “Lower Hand”
To attend the meeting over the phone (audio only):
x Call (669) 444-9171
x Enter Meeting ID: 816 5736 4670
x Enter Passcode: 843627
If you would like to make public comment over the phone:
x Wait until the board chair calls for public comment or comment on agenda item
x Enter *9 to raise your hand
x Wait until you are called on
x Enter *6 to unmute yourself
x You will have three minutes to comment
x Enter *6 to mute yourself after you have given your comment
Comments will be limited to three minutes per person and not more than ten minutes per subject, so that
everyone can be heard and may be further limited at the discretion of the Chairwoman of the Board if the
number of commentors reasonably so requires. “Public comment” time is limited to matters under the
jurisdiction of the Agency that may not have been considered by the Agency previously and are not on the
agenda. No action will be taken. Members of the public may also comment during specific agenda items
when recognized by the Chair.
1. Discussion and Possible Action to approve the City of Ukiah’s Great Redwood Trail Phase
4 Project, consisting of construction of a 1.9-mile rail-with-trail between Commerce
Drive and Plant Road in the City of Ukiah, Mendocino County, and finding the project
exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant CEQA Guidelines
Section 15304
2. Discussion and Possible Action to delegate authority to the Executive Director to enter
into a cooperation and indemnification agreement with the City of Ukiah
3. Discussion and Possible Action to Adopt Resolution 2024-04 to Approve Fiscal Year
2024-2025 Budget
Regular Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, July 18, 2024, 10:30 a.m.
Regular Meeting Location:
Eureka City Council Chambers
531 K Street, 2nd Floor, Eureka
Humboldt County
Teleconference Location:
Healdsburg City Council Chambers
401 Grove Street, Healdsburg CA
Sonoma County
Zoom and phone participation information will be on the next agenda
All items appearing on the agenda are subject to action by the Board of Directors. Staff recommendations are subject to action by
the Board of Directors. Staff recommendations are subject to change by the Board.
To request disability-related modifications or accommodations for accessible locations or meeting materials in alternative formats
(as allowed under Section 12132 of the ADA) please contact us at 707-463-3280 or at least 72-
hours before the meeting.
The Brown Act, Section 54954.2, states that the Board may take action on off-agenda items when: a) a majority vote determines
that an “emergency situation” exists as defined in Section 54956.5, or b) a two-thirds vote of the body, or a unanimous vote of
those present, determines that there is a need to take immediate action and the need for action arose after the agenda was legally
posted, or c) the item was continued from a prior, legally posted meeting not more than five calendar days before this meeting.
Written materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Board of Directors are available for public inspection upon
request by calling the GRTA office at 707-463-3280 with 72-hour notice. Documents maintained for public inspection are
considered draft documents until approved by the Board of Directors. Official records are maintained for public inspection in the
GRTA office.
If agendized, GRTA may adjourn to a closed session to consider litigation or personnel matters. Discussion of litigation or pending
litigation may be held in closed session by authority of Government Code Section 54956.9; discussion of personnel matters by
authority of Government Code Section 54957; to confer with their negotiator regarding real property by authority of Government
Code Section 54956.8.
To: GRTA Board of Directors
From: Agency Staff
Date: June 17, 2024
Subject: Agenda Item E1 Discussion and Possible Action to approve the City of Ukiah’s
Great Redwood Trail Phase 4 Project, consisting of construction of a 1.9-mile rail-
with-trail between Commerce Drive and Plant Road in the City of Ukiah,
Mendocino County, and finding the project exempt from the California
Environmental Quality Act pursuant CEQA Guidelines Section 15304
The City of Ukiah seeks permission from Great Redwood Trail Agency to construct a 1.9-mile
segment of Class I trail from Commerce Drive to Plant Road within the GRTA right-of-way,
adjacent to existing railroad trackage. This item seeks Board of Directors determination as to
whether to approve the trail construction under the existing license agreement between the City of
Ukiah and GRTA, consistent with the City’s independent adoption of a Notice of Exemption on
April 18, 2022.
The City of Ukiah has planned for the installation of 1.9 miles of class I trail from Commerce
Drive to Plant Road within the GRTA right-of-way (the “Project”). In 2021, City of Ukiah and
GRTA entered into a revision of their 2014 License Agreement under which the City already
operates a segment of trail, the terms of which amendment require GRTA to approve any proposed
trail improvements prior to construction. In furtherance of this Project, the City has acquired grant
funding and allocated local funds for the planning and construction of the segment, and has
contracted with Granite Construction to complete the improvements, pursuant to the City’s April
2022 approval of the Project. Installation of this 1.9-mile trail would improve access and safety
for pedestrian and bicycle users as well as create opportunities for nature study and recreation. The
trail would include at-grade crossings, lighting, signage, benches, landscaping, and other features
related to public access. The trail would provide a connection between the southern and the
northern parts of the City, and it will be accessible to all of the residents that live and work in
Ukiah, becoming a part of the network of existing and expected segments of the Great Redwood
Trail. The trail segment was designed pursuant to the previously adopted rail-with-trail policy of
the former North Coast Railroad Authority and thus can be constructed and operated adjacent to
the existing railroad tracks without necessitating the abandonment or railbanking of the subject
property prior to approval. For safety purposes, a fence a minimum of 42-inches in height would
be constructed between the railroad and the trail. The trail would be a minimum of ten feet from
the railroad to meet the design standards adopted in the exiting rails-with-trails plan. Although it
is anticipated that the Project will connect with the greater trail vision for GRTA, which is currently
under review and development via GRTA’s Draft Master Plan process, the segment has
independent utility for the City of Ukiah and its residents and visitors.
The California Environmental Quality Act:
Consistent with its own CEQA obligations, the City of Ukiah filed a Notice of CEQA Exemption
on April 19, 2022 after determining the proposed project qualified for a categorical exemption
pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15304, Minor Alterations to Land, Class 4. Staff
recommends the GRTA Board discuss the proposed project and find that the Project is exempt.
To: GRTA Board of Directors
From: Agency Staff
Date: June 17, 2024
Subject: Agenda Item E2 - Discussion and Possible Action to delegate authority to the
Executive Director to enter into a cooperation and indemnification agreement
with the City of Ukiah
The City of Ukiah (City) desires to construct a 1.9-mile segment of Class I trail from Commerce
Drive to Plant Road within the GRTA right-of-way, adjacent to existing railroad trackage (the
“Trail Project”). A license agreement between GRTA and the City executed in 2014 and amended
in 2021 to include the location of the proposed trail segment permits City to construct, operate,
and maintain a trail upon the review and approval by GRTA of any planned trail construction. The
City seeks permission of GRTA to proceed to construction of the Trail Project upon a time frame
of review shorter than that specified in the License Agreement in order to comply with City’s
construction timeline. Staff has submitted the approval of the Trail Project to the Board of
Directors for its consideration at the June 19, 2024 Special Meeting as Item E1. If the Board acts
to approve the Trail Project, GRTA Staff recommends GRTA enter into a Cooperation and
Indemnification Agreement with the City to describe the process for additional review by GRTA,
to confirm certain engineering related details meet GRTA’s operational and contractual needs, and
to allocate responsibility to the City of Ukiah for any associated risk of loss.
Recommended Action:
Delegate authority to the Executive Director to enter into a cooperation and indemnification
agreement with the City of Ukiah, in a form approved by General Counsel.
To: GRTA Board of Directors
Elaine Hogan, Executive Director
June 17, 2024
Agenda Item E3 Discussion and Possible Action to Adopt Resolution 2024-04 to
Approve Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget
Below are descriptions of income and expenses anticipated during fiscal year 2024-2025, beginning July 1,
2024, and ending June 30, 2025. A detailed budget spreadsheet is also included. The budget is based upon
prior adopted budgets. It aims to fulfill current agency needs and build capacity for future growth. An
overall budget expense increase of approximately $200,000 is expected for FY 24-25, due to the hiring of
operations staff, and the dedication of funds to property management and infrastructure maintenance as we
grow the GRTA.
Income = $1,717,000
x Revenue generated from the lease of real property, application fees for encroachment permits and
the sale of boxcars and scrap steel.
Expenses = $1,259,000
x Staffing = $341,000
o Salaries, benefits, unfunded pension liability, travel, training, worker’s comp insurance,
professional association membership
x Operations = $250,000
o Vegetation and property management, infrastructure maintenance
x Professional Services & Fees = $609,300
o Legal counsel, accountant, engineer, surveying, title research, audits, appraisals and other
consultant fees, legal judgements & settlements
x Operating Expenses = $58,650
o Software, phone, venue rental, storage, utilities, printing, postage, office supplies,
computer equipment, insurance
Recommended Action:
Approve Resolution 2024-04 to adopt the FY 24-25 budget
44101 · Rents Real Estate $200,000
47003 · Gain on Asset Disposal $1,500,000
45301 · Application Fees $17,000
Staffing: $341,000
50101 · Labor-Perm Positions $230,000
50201 · CalPERS Retirement $18,000
50205 · FICA Retirement $17,500
50301 · Health Insurance $24,000
50752 · County Retirement - Local Board $20,000
50808 · Workers Comp Insurance $1,500
51601 · Training & Conference Expenses $10,000
51602 · Travel $10,000
51605 · Private Car Expenses $7,500
52091 · Membership Expense $2,500
Operations: $250,000
51071 · Maintenance - Bldg & Improve $150,000
51072 · Weed Abatement $100,000
Professional Services & Fees: $609,300
51206 · Audit / Accounting Fees $41,000
51207 · Fiscal Accounting Fees $35,000
51211 · County Counsel - Legal Fees $175,000
51212 · Outside Counsel-Legal Services $200,000
51213 · Contract Service Fees $90,000
51244 · Permits and Fees $4,000
51249 · Professional Fees $15,000
51251 · Data Processing Fees $500
51801 · Property Management $17,500
51934 · ERP System Charges - Sonoma Cou $300
52101 · Misc. Expense $1,050
53201 · Judgments and Settlements $30,000
Operating Expenses: $58,650
52111 · Office Expenses $5,000
52114 · Postage and Delivery $150
52118 · Printing Services $4,500
52143 · Software Expense $8,000
52191 · Utilities Expense $3,000
51421 · Rent - Facilities $3,000
51021 · Telephone / Communication $5,000
51041 · Insurance Other $30,000
Total Income $1,717,000
Total Expense $1,259,000
Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget
of the
Board of Directors
of the
Resolution No. 2024-04
WHEREAS, GREAT REDWOOD TRAIL AGENCY (“GRTA”) has prepared and reviewed a
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Agency Budget;
1. The Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Agency Budget attached as “Exhibit A” and incorporated
herein by this reference, is adopted by GRTA as its 2024-2025 Budget for the Agency
Introduced and adopted this ______ day of June 2024, at a Special Board Meeting of the Board
of Directors of Great Redwood Trail Agency by the following vote:
GRTA Executive Director GRTA Board of Directors Chair
Elaine Hogan
Resolution No. 2024-04
Approving Fiscal Year
2024-25 Agency Budget